bloody-arty-myths · 11 months
The amount of people who ship Kuai x Bi-Han and tag it as „SubScorp“ is ASTOUNDING. I blocked 3-4 users already
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besedar · 2 months
beseda dne: srepeti
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dashalbrundezimmer · 1 year
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streetart // wien spittelberg & neubau & laimgrube
in vienna, you can discover street art on every corner. small as well as large. hidden as well as obvious. it's fun to walk through the streets and alleys and discover new things again and again.
breite gasse / chinagirl tile
breite gasse / artists ndzwism & anton_hudo
siebensterngasse / artist unknown
siebensterngasse / artist aiko
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Fujin & Fujin :3
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vudansmarue · 9 months
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Vienne, 2023
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panafrocore · 6 months
A 19th Century Fulani Chief's House in Fouta Djallon Region, Guinea
The traditional nomadic Fula people are known for their unique domed houses, called bukkaru or suudu hudo, which translates to “grass house”. These hemisphere-shaped dwellings are supported by sturdy millet stalk pillars during the dry season, and by reed mats that are fastened against wooden poles during the wet or rainy season. This design ensures adaptability to the changing seasons, a…
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kandygrlsworld · 10 months
This reading scared the fucking shit out of me
I was bored the Jan 12 2023 getting ready for school. I usually just listen to to tarot for entertainment and I usually get extremely accurate answers that in extremely resonate with
On the channel esotarot (always accurate) and roseology which both tell me what I need to hear and I have been able to work on myself and internal conflicts and low self esteem because of it. I’ve been able to heal because of them and I am so grateful I found these two channel cause they help and resonate so much
Anyways that day I was like whatever I don’t really care about my inner child has to say IMM just put this on as backup noise as I get ready for school
First of all I already was scared cause I picked the crystal that was pitch black and sparkly and dark then the first thing she said I that my inner child felt suffocated and was judged for everything she Identified and resonated/connected with and that she wanted to run away and grow up fast to get out of my conservative high expectation ass family and turning away from my family’s plan was just like insane
Which off the fucking bat I resonated with but I didn’t want I guess because it talked about running away at a young age which I want to do currently and have learned low key been planning it because of those reasons mentioned and switched to a different deck but that one didn’t resonated at all so then I went back the the first one I picked
Then the FIRST FUCKING CARD pulled was THE DEVIL. At this point I was scared as fuck like I always when I try to look at quizzes or personality or things that will reveal who I am they show the most dark almost devilish just dark energy. And I just remember being like “why do I always get the dark spooky shit???” Because when I was a child I resonated with those things naturally but was extremely rejected by my family for it and created @candygrlsworld that persona because it was still me just a part of me people accepted more where as this persona @kandygrlsworld is who I was from the beginning the me that was rejected that my inner child wants to see me be again
Anyways the other shock was the FIRST thing said about that devil card was that I come from a bloodline of witches. And intuitively I feel this is my Puerto Rican side because I know I FOR SURE have brujas in my family on that side. It may be my black side but I do not resonate with hudo for some reason I feel it is because I am Afro Latina idk I just in my gut I feel that.
Then even more strangely and specifically enough they said my inenr child/me always loved supernatural things growing up outcast type characters (the villan characters) and also the main big one I love horror movies and as a child I thought I was weird because the scary spooky dark things like Halloween and Jason, chucky michael or monsters under the bed or ghosts never scared me (I ever this very clearly) my dad was OBSESSED with Halloween. (And true from which I did not like because it involved hurting people, i am very empathetic as wel) but yea I thought it wa because of Miesha and him liked those things but no. I was never scared of the body man. In fact I liked those things and was intrigued by them and I removed I used to just always laugh at the things that usually made others kids uncomfortable or scared another things I have always been DRAWN to witch craft (I’ve tried several times to do it) and weirdly I’m JUST NOW getting this memory and Kelis was like “you’ve always liked witch stuff” and I looked at her like this because I didn’t want to accept that part of me🤨 ( I
Also another memory popping up. I remember I was watching a eso tarot reading last month and it said accept and be both parts of yourself the dark and the light don’t only praise the light side. Which I though don’t only focus on your positive personality traits (being loving sweet and caring) also accept and be (don’t push down and suppress) the negative toxic traits I have (selfish materialistic lustful hot headed cocky etc.) which I think it did mean that but I think it literally meant this dark part of myself I’ve hidden that is me. And that’s why in that same reason don’t think of those parts as aesthetics. I think that’s why I got this message on Jan 12 2023 because it was clarifying that messages yes it was talking about toxic behaviors but it was also talking about who I am, my interests the things I connect to etc.
Anyways back to the point I had also got in a total DIFFERENT reading that I come from a bloodline of witches before but I ignored it cause I was scared and didn’t want to be associated with that.
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Which is interesting because they are saying this witch that is in my blood line was “vilified” for being a witch. And me being born was a way for my ancestors to finally be free enough to finally express themselves and their gifts and their voice thru me. Because they were the black sheep of their community and family, because of what they believed in and connected and it was done I secret. And the same thing happened with me. And that some of my family members now have gifts (which is true my mom burns incense my aunt has visions in her dream and my mom is very connected of the dead)
And she said I have always been drawn to withes supernatural fake spooky things that make people scared or uncomfortable and liking the villains of the story not cause I’m evil and relate to them but because I’m not intimidated by it I want to learn more about intrigued and I respect them like hey that’s what they believe etc. connected to these gifts from a young. I was scared of it myself and my family had those things seem evil and believe in gin them makes me a bad person so I literally suppressed it for so long because I’ve had to be @candygrlsworld for so long to get to be accepted into society
And in middle school I kept telling my self and others “be yourself” and “love everyone (not matter how different they are form u)” and to like duality (light and dark) and up until yesterday it was weird because I had no idea where those messages came from I wasn’t mimicking anyone my parents sure as hell didn’t tell me that etc. and it just came from within. Those ideas were beat down. But I think it was my ancestors talking to me and thru me
People saying my gifts are evil is basically saying My left arm is evil like it’s a part of me
Also because my ancestors were also “outcasted” idk if that’s the right word. For their beliefs a lot of what they wanted to say is now coming thru me.
This is why my inner child is hurt cause she was never able to be herself. She doesn’t like commitment she likes change
Heart chakra and sacral chakra
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precej-okej-coprnik · 10 months
oh, kako je to hudo, ko urok ne gre v glavó,
dosti imam, ne bom več bral, rajši igrice bi igral.
zame več kot pamet vsa stardu veli le velja :(
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bloody-arty-myths · 8 months
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Woe, Owl Raiden be upon ye!
Base under cut
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besedar · 6 months
denial is not just a river in egypt -> silaže nimajo rade samo krave
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ofbloodandfaith · 1 year
Welsh words
Witch: dewines, gwiddon
Witchcraft/witchery: dewiniaeth
will-o-the-wisp: jacolantern, cannwyll gorff, peth di-ddal
vamp: n. uchafed (esgid), n. gwraig hudolus, v. trwsio, v. cyweirio, v. cyfeilio difyfyr, v. hudo, ymelwa ar.
Vampire: sugnwr gwaed (cllyll chwedlonol)
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My beloveds💕
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srdjl · 2 years
Respiratorni virusi
(objavljeno 6. decembra 2022.)
Sedem različnih virusov smo ugotovili v samo enem tednu (bila sta še SARS-CoV-2 in RSV, vendar teh dveh nisem poslikal). Večinoma ne povzročajo hudo klinično sliko, ampak pri kroničnih bolnikih lahko privedejo do hospitalizacije. Če ste bolani nosite masko v družbi drugih ljudi. 
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gtaradi · 1 month
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melnoor · 2 months
kad je hudo mislilo da je sasvim dovoljno da ti čuje glas...
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sozitje · 2 months
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Nekoč sem imel glede napak zanimiv dialog;
Biu je moder mož, res čisto navaden mož, ki je "napakam"
čast, ki jim pripada. "Kako naj se učim in naučim, če nimam
negativne izkušnje."
Razlika je nekaj imeti za napako kar v resnici ni napaka, tj.
(učiti se v okviru Božje volje tudi na napakah) kar je res
ali pa se svojevoljno podati izven teh okvirov in pri sebi ali
pri drugih tolerirati take napake, iz katerih nastanejo velike
krivice, samo zato, da bi se mi učili na napakah.
Velikokrat se ne gre samo za to, ampak za resnično
prevzetno prevzvišenost pred Bogom, ko zahtevamo, da bi
mi edini imeli pravico imeti to, kar ne dovoli nobenemu,
je v vsej resnici škodljivo izvornemu življenju.
Tako nekako je z napakami, če jih odstranimo zna
biti, da nam bo življenje postalo hudo dolgočasno.
Neokrnjeni duši ni prav nič dolgočasno brez napak in ni
nikomur niti sebi v zlo.
Težav problemov v življenju in vsega tega ji pa tudi ne manjka.
Vsem prisrčen prijazen pozdrav.
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