#huening kai agere
lullabytaeyong · 10 months
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hyuka is just a sleep little puppy 🐕
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kitty-agere-fics · 15 days
hello can i please request a little reader txt ot5 cg where reader is upset and stressed because of rude family members? thank you so much and i hope youre doing well 🤎
Ta-da! It's about time I got this typed up 😆
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!OT5, Little!Reader
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
A crash can be heard from the Iiving room. "Was that froma Y/N 's room?"
Soobin looks up as crying immedistely follows the crash. "I think so."
Yeonjun sighs soflly, "We should prob-" he stops as he sees Taehyun enter. carrying you out to the living room. Beomgyu and Kai are scrolling through your phone.
"What was the crash" Yeonjun asks.
"They threw their phone," Taehyun replies You pout and look up at Taehyun. "Said sorries!"
"I know, Cutie." Taehyun soothes "I was just telling Baba and Dada what happend." You look up and see that you've been brought out to the living room.
"Dada, wan Dada" You speak softly, reaching to Soobin Taehyun hands you to Soobin who kisses your head gently and wipes your tears.
"Hey Little Royalty." Yeonjun reaches out and brushes your hair fcom your face, "Can you tell us what happened?"
"Mean messages. " you whisper, pointing to your phone, Beomgyu hands you your phone
"Can we see the messages, Bunny," Soobin puts his hand on your phone. You nod and let him take it. Sooban and Yeonjun scroll through the messages. You bury your head into Soobin's shoulder.
"Oh Baby," Soobin whispers, hugging you tightly. He gently kisses your head.
"I see why they hate their parents," Yeonjun mutters, barely loud enough to be heard. He sets the phone down on the coffee table before gently rubbing your back.
"Do you want to play a game Y/N?" Kai suggests trying to distract you. Beomgyu jumps on the suggestion. "Yeah, we could all play a game! Doesn't that sound like fun?"
You shake your head "Cuddle, wan cuddle" you pout, "an a movie?"
"We can watch a movie," Yeonjun agrees. Everyone else agrees as well. You watch as Beomgyu opens Disney+.
"What movie, Bear?" He asks.
You think for a moment. "Toy Story?" You look after around the room. "But we gotta wait for Baba an Appa an Papa"
Both Beomgyu and Soobin laugh "Alright Bunny, we can wait," Soobin smiles.
Kai and Taehyun come back first. Their arms are filled with blankets from all around the dorm. They also have a few other items, clearly from your room. You smile as you see your favorite blanket and plushie. Taehyun also gives you your paci. "We're not starting yet" Kai questions. "Waitin for Baba" Your pout. Your ears perk up as you hear popping. You eagerly slide off of Soobin's lap and run nto the kitchen. "Popcorn," You squeal excitedly, your paci falling out of your mouth. Yeonjun quickly moves to catch it and puts it back in your mouth. he laughs "Yeah, popcorn. Can you help me carry it?"
"Uh-huh," You say and Yeonjun hands you a small bowl and you go back to the living room. You put the bowl the coffee table and sit back on Soobin's lap. Yeonjun follows with the other bowl and your sippy cup, filled with juice. Soobin takes the sippy and hands it to you before gently wrapping your blanket around you.
Now, it's finally time to start the movie!
"Daddy, now can start"
"Oh so I have permission now, Your Majesty" Beomgyu smiles clearly teasing 'Yeah! start now, please," the movie starts and you smile happily. Suddenly your phone buzzes. Your eyes light up as you see 5 messages. One from each caregiver 5 messages about how amazing you are. 5 messages about how loved you are. You look around the room with a smile They all pretend to be watching the movie but are all watching you of the corner of their
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littletxt · 2 years
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Wc: 2.6k+
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo @pastel-princess-please
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A Day with Daddy
Work had been taking up all of his time. Not just some, all of it. For weeks Kai had been missing quality time with his little one and it was showing. He was drained and his heart was aching. Kai hated the way he let his emotions affect his work, but how could he help it? The only thing more important to him than his career was his baby.
So, the moment he got word of his upcoming weekend off, he started planning. He didn't just want to spend time with you, he wanted his little one. Being the youngest of the group was great most times, being spoiled and all that. But Kai loved to feel needed by you and he needed to be your Daddy. Often, at the most inconvenient times, he'd find himself lost in his head, thinking of his small, little baby, you seated comfy in his lap, your hands intertwined so nicely, as if they were made for each other. Then he was at his happiest, loving and caring for you. So, one little date wasn't enough, he wanted an entire day with his baby. Daddy-little time was essential.
When the day finally came, Kai woke you early in the morning, his arms already circled around your waist, squeezing tighter as he pressed good morning-kisses all over your face as you faced him. Giggling at the way your squirmed, not wanting to be woken quite yet, he eased up. But his eagerness was something he couldn’t hide, even if he wanted to.
"Wahhh! Baby doesn't wanna have breakfast with Daddy?", he cooed with you in his arms, rubbing his nose against yours. Ears perking up at the words "Breakfast" and "Daddy", you slowly opened one of your eyes, squinting at the yellowy beams of the spring sunrise shining through your bedroom window, making his skin glow so prettily. His eyes glimmered like deep pools of honey or melted chocolate, the kind you'd accidentally let melt in the humid summer heat just to be all the more sweeter somehow. But neither were as sweet as him.
"Nnn...", opening both your heavy eyelids, you smiled and pulled your arm from your cozy nest of blankies and plushies, shared by the both of you, to wipe the sleepy from your eyes.
"Ohhh, my sleepy sleepy babyy.", he sighed, his voice soft, and pulled you back to his chest for a big hug before leaning back to look at you again, "Do you want Daddy to come get you when breakfast is ready??", he kissed both your eyelids ever so softly, allowing them to flutter closed again, heavy with drowsiness so you could slumber just a bit more.
After a closed-eyed nod, you already letting yourself doze off again, he tucked you back under the covers with his Molangie snuggled into your arms both to replace your Daddy and for safe keeping. Once he finished washing up, he made his way to the kitchen to make his special pancakes.
Taehyun would laugh at him, really, pancakes being one of very few things Kai could actually cook, but you didn't mind. It was special to you. Not more than thirty minutes later, your joyous sleep was again interrupted by another comforting voice, deep and soothing, almost lulling you away further into dreamland.
"y/n... your Daddy made breakfast~ Time to wake up~", Soobin giggled, seeing you stir and pull the covers over your head, still very much sleepy, "Baby girl~", he cooed sweetly, knowing exactly how to wake you, "Don't you want Daddy's yummy pancakes and syrup... And strawberries??"
That was all it took for you to smile big and throw your covers down, letting Uncle Soobie in his day-off-sweats, help you out of bed, holding your hand in his large one as he guided you, the sleepy baby, down the hall for breakfast.
"Look at my baby so cute in your jammies.", Kai grinned as he transferred another golden pancake from the frying pan to the stack next to him on a plate, watching you waddle up to the kitchen island, Soobin picking you up to sit in the tall chair.
When everyone finished up breakfast and started bickering over who's turn it was to load the dish washer, Kai took you back to your room to get you ready for your day out together.
"Where are we goin', Daddy??", you asked after your head popped out of the shirt he was placing over your head, helping you put your arms into the sleeves and grabbing the green and yellow polka-dotted socks he'd picked out, maybe a little biased, for your little feetsies.
"Hmm... I'll give you a hint. One place we're going has lots of Daddies!", he teased and did a little waddled before kneeling again to tie your shoe laces. It took you a moment and you tilted your head, deep in thought.
"Do you think he told her yet?", Beomgyu turned to Taehyun, plopping down on the living room sofa after he'd unenthusiastically finished loading the dishwasher, having lost rock-paper-scissors three times in a row to the other.
"DADDY ARE WE GONNA SEE PENGUINS??!", rang through the dorm along with Kai's deep chuckle as he led you from he bedroom.
"Safe to say 'yes'.", Taehyun smirked, not looking up from his phone.
Grabbing his car keys, Kai let everyone say their goodbyes, engaging with their littlest baby and wishing you good luck on your adventure.
Once you were buckled in safely, your journey began. Your Daddy played your favorite songs on the car radio, laughing and singing along with you even though your music taste was quite a bit different from his, especially when you were small.
The first destination wasn't quite what you were expecting, a place where you and Daddy and even Uncle Soobie had been before on numerous occasions; the movie theatre. Reaching over after taking off his seatbelt, he unfastened yours and got out of the car to fetch his baby.
"Got your (plushie name)?", he smiled down at the friend you kept tucked safely in your arms as he reached for one of your hands to help you from the car. Nodding with a faint blush dusting over your cheeks, you thought and thought on what movie you could possibly be seeing.
"PAW PATROL?!", you squealed as quietly as possible into your Daddy's back as he spoke to the man at the counter. He held back his giggle, bringing you around to stand in front of him so you could make your selection of concessions but you were far too afraid of strangers to speak to the man yourself. Knowingly he leaned down a little so you could whisper in his ear like you always did. After you'd decided his eyebrows shot up with a bit of concern.
"Are you sure, baby girl? Daddy doesn't want you to miss your movie because we have to take you potty in the middle of it."
"I won't!! I promise!!", you whined, poking out your bottom lip and tugging on his sleeve, giving your best attempt at puppy eyes. His expression melted as easy as ever and you knew you'd won as you often did. (Uncle Tyunnie would bug him about the spoiling later.)
"Can we get two large drinks and a large tub of popcorn??", Kai's voice shifted to his usual tone of speaking with others, not nearly as gentle and sugary as the one he used with you. Tugging on his sleeve again until you were satisfied, the corner of his lip twitched into the smallest of smiles, "And some sour patch kids and swedish fish."
Pulling you in front of him again, he waddled coward with you, toward the end of the counter so the group behind you could go next, "Sorry babygirl, Daddy nearly forgot.", he grinned.
“Can we get cheese powder??"
"On all this?? what are you making??", he chuckles but agrees because he's curious as well "Hmm. White cheese powder??"
You nodded and he takes the shaker from the concessions "Tell me when, princess."
After more than a couple shakes he glanced at your wide eyed stare as you watched the powder fall onto the candy and warm buttery popcorn.
“More?”, he laughed unsurely, lightening the pressure of the shakes as you decided.
“More!!”, you giggled, holding out your finger under the shaker to taste some of the powder, squeaking as it touched your tongue. It was definitely stronger than you’d expected.
“Is that good, little one?”, he cackled loudly at your reaction, halting the shaker. Nodding enthusiastically you waddled off toward the big hall that led to the viewing rooms.
“I’ll take that as enough.”, he smirked, setting it down and raising an eyebrow at the powder covered kernels, shaking it as he followed.
After the movie and your fill of popcorn, Kai having to eat the rest when your tummy got full (to his surprise it was much tastier than he’d thought it’d be.) the two of you greeted the staff again. Confused you followed along, habitually chewing on your straw with your plushie tucked in your arm as he spoke to the man at the concessions.
“Thank you so much.”, he bowed to the man and held out his hand for hours so you could finally leave. Once he’d buckled you in, he pulled out two lollis, unwrapped the first, placing it in your mouth before enjoying his own.
“No more biting your straw, you know it’s bad for those precious little teethies.”, he smiled.
“Tank oo, Daddy!!”, giggling you agreed and settled comfort in your seat as he started the car.
Before you’d even arrived at the aquarium, you’d succeed in chewing up your lolli, another bad habit of yours, and munched on the paper stick until it lost its flavor in your mouth. When he noticed you’d already finished, he pulled his from his lips and popped it in yours, with a giggle.
“Nn?”, you asked, holding out your hands with the little chewed up paper stick for Daddy to discard.
“This doesn’t feel like a fair trade.”, he snickered.
Once Kai purchased your tickets, the guide, sporting a pelican hat waved the two of you over. Watching intently, the way Kai interacted with you, the man tilted his head curiously.
“Come on over and I can get your bracelets secured for you!”, he spoke sweetly, in a gentle and friendly voice but you were unsure.
“He’s gotta put your bracelet on! It’s okay, baby.”, Kai assured you, nudging his head in the direction of the guide’s outreached hand. Slowly you held your wrist out, wishing you hadn’t left your trusty plushie in the car so you’d have something to squeeze tightly other than your Daddy’s hand.
“What are you here to see today??”, the man’s voice hushed just slightly as his tone changed as though he was speaking to a child while fastening your bracelet. Looking up at the man, then at your Daddy, you pressed your lips firm until you received another reassuring nod.
“Daddy bringin’ me to see the penguins…”, you spoke shyly.
“Oh, really?”, the guide gasped, “I talked to the penguins just this morning! They’re really looking forward to your visit! Say ‘hi’ to them for me!”, he winked with a grin, letting you pass to help the next person.
Walking through the aquarium you pointed at every shiny colorful creature that caught your eyes, spending far too long at the touch tank. Kai guided your hand to touch things you were a little too frightened to touch without Daddy’s help. He couldn’t help but find it cute how both you and the little creature flinched at each other’s touch.
Taking your hand again, Kai led you through the aquarium until you reached a long hall painted with pictures of fish swimming under the ice. When you saw the sign for the penguins you squealed loudly and waddled ahead, dragging you chuckling Daddy along with you until the walls turned to glass and you were greeted by sleek white and black coats and creatures who waddled just like you. Only the tiniest of gasps left your lips as you placed your hands on the glass, unblinking as you watched the shiny aquatic birds hop around and communicate with each other.
Letting you have your moment, Kai took the time to enjoy one of his favorite animals as well, stroking your hair as the two of you watched. It was a breathtaking moment if the silence wasn’t a tell. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen penguins of course, but he wondered if it was your first time small, seeing these things. It was your first time there together, of course.
After spending ample time with the penguins, you ended up in front of the aquariums biggest ocean tank, holding a wide assortment of colorful fish, sharks and creatures you’d never seen before. Leaning against the bars, Kai right behind you, his hands found their favorite home on your tummy as you watched, dreamy eyed as the fish swam leisurely through the waters. In awe, you drank up the vivid blues water and vibrant colorful corals, the lights reflecting off many fish’s scales as a they swam in an elegant dance with one another. A larger creature made its way around the front of the tank, making your eyes practically pop out of your head as you pushed off the bar, jumping and pointing at this new exciting creature you’d surely attach yourself too.
"Actually, baby girl, that's a whale shark.", he pulled you back down into his arms as you giggled,"haha ask me how Daddy knows that."
"Unca Tyunnie??", you grinned, knowingly.
"Yup, Unca Tyunnie.", Kai laughed, partially in agreement but partially because of how cute and precious you sounded. Your baby talk was something he loved and lived for and all the guys agreed it was something they adored.
"Unca tyunnie is smart but Daddy is smarter!!", you babbled, attention now back on him now that the whale shark had swam a little further out of sight.
"Awww you little flatterer.”, he lifted you to the tips of your toes, swinging you a bit in his arms, “I dont know where you get it from", he chuckled as if he didn’t know you, in fact, had gotten it from him.
It’d been a lovely afternoon with your Daddy and he had let you linger at each spot as long as he could but once the aquarium visitors began to empty out, it was time for you to go. There was nothing better to bandage your sad heart as you bid farewell to your new aquatic friends than a final stop at the gift shop.
Thankfully, you’d gotten quite used to Kai’s open wallet, getting past the phase of overbuying and content getting just enough of you’d have bought the whole shop. And he might have let you. After some wandering around and teasing as your Daddy made each of the plushies that caught his attention give your their fair share of tickles, you settled on two new friends. A new penguin (as if Kai didn’t have enough of these at home) and a whale shark, which you’d added at the top of your favorite animals list after a very memorable date with your Daddy.
Returning home with three plushie friends instead of one was the perfect ending to the perfect day.
"Is this Daddy?”, Kai pinched th e little penguins hand as he buckled in his worn out baby for the final time, “and you’re my baby shark??"
It was in that moment that Huening Kai Kamal experience a rare realization, regretting his decision to open his mouth.
Defeat. If you didn’t hassle your Daddy every so often, where would you be? So, he trudged to his seat, started the car and went through his Spotify until he found it. One of his least favorite songs to finish off his favorite day. At least it matched the theme.
"AAAGHHH! I just got it out of my head!”
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🧸Endnote: So sorry non-ningdungies. We have ANOTHER mega self serving fic. Squealingggg. God this one had my heart fluttering in every moment. SOOBIN AAAA. KAI. My heart really beats for these boys 🥲. I worked really hard on this and I think this is one of my longest fics hehe. I’d love any sort of feedback. I’m really happy to be giving some love to my TXT boys again💕💕
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lullabytaeyong · 7 months
Sleepyhead- R!🐧
Song referenced at the end is down there 👇 it’s a classic so most of you probably know it but just incase i’ve got right here for you :)
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Kai stared down at his meal with a permanent pout and poked it around with a single chopstick. He didn’t have the energy to eat. With a whine, he lolled his head to the side and let it fall against Soobin’s shoulder. All he got was a little pat on his thigh. Kai knew the gesture was meant to be loving and sweet, but it felt dismissive and soured his mood. So, like grumpy toddler he felt like, he lifted his hand and dropped it into his bowl of over cooked rice, purposefully letting it clank sideways to make a mess.
“What was that for?” Yeonjun asked across the table. Kai scowled and dragged his hand limply out of the bowl and over the table, pulling grains of rice with it. Some fell into his lap and others onto the floor they sat on.
“Hey. Knock that off.” Soobin scolded bluntly, stopping Kai’s hand while he fixed the bowl and focused back on eating.
“I’m tired.” The youngest complained with a very apparent childlike tone.
“We all are, I promise. We’re going home when we finish eating.” Soobin tried to explain. Kai didn’t like his response. He wanted to go home now!
In a moment of weakness, Kai forgo all social etiquette and let out a long whining sound that trailed off into overtired tears, slumping back to lay on the floor. He kicked out his legs, knocking into Yeonjun’s knees, and cried. If he wasn’t so tired he would hit the floor ground and scream; throwing a full blown tantrum. His arms were so heavy that he didn’t bother. All he did was whine and weep.
“Oh, Hyuka…” One of their managers sighed, familiar to the sight of his theatrics. Soobin held back a tempting eye roll. He was equally as tired as Kai, so he didn’t have the mental energy to talk him through his problems and guide him out of his headspace.
“Kai, please eat some dinner. Come here, Hyung will feed you, okay?” He successfully convinced him and got him situated, sitting upright and tucked against his side.
“Look, we have chicken. Open so you can taste how yummy it is.” Soobin coddled. Kai sniveled, but complied. He did end up feeling better after a few bites of protein.
“There. All done. I’m all done, too. So, we can go home and get ready for bed.”
What was initially a very simple bedtime routine, turned into a battle against a 6ft tall boy with an even taller hyung. Kai was cranky and bratty. He didn’t want to do anything himself, but fussed when Soobin took over. If it was as easy as just throwing him into his bed, they’d be done by now. Most of the time that would be how they put themselves to sleep after working. Tonight however, Kai needed a bath, his medicine, and to brush his teeth. Yeonjun suggested to skip the bath, but they all stank after the day they had.
Kai enjoyed bath time when he was little. He got to play with small floaty animals, tub crayons and cups he used as boats. That night he was too tired for any of the fun stuff. In their big bath tub, while the others rinsed off in the other bathroom, Soobin sat behind Kai in the soapy water and washed his hair for him. He stayed put in the back corner of the triangular shaped tub and took care of himself, too. The special lavender bubble bath didn’t help Kai stay alert or awake. He ended up using the edge of the bath as a pillow while Soobin washed his back for him. It was relaxing until it came to getting out.
“C’mon, it’s only cold for a second.” Soobin tried to explain, holding up a fluffy towel ready to wrap Kai in. Kai sulked down at the water and hunched his shoulders. He was getting cold just with his upper half exposed.
“Too cold!”
“Honey, I already dried your hair and shoulders. You need to get out. The water is going to get colder and colder until you’re left shivering all by yourself.” Soobin said convincingly. He would never leave Kai alone for longer than five minutes during a bath, but it didn’t stop him from trying to change his mind.
“No!” Kai blurted in a bratty tone.
Extra man power ended up needing to be used. With Taehyun’s help, Kai was pulled out of the bath and stood up on both feet. Soobin made quick work of drying him and even used a second bigger dry towel to wrap him up in when he was done. Kai shed some crocodile tears through the process of brushing his teeth, but settled down after getting changed into his jammie’s. They were light blue with clouds on the pants and a little sun on the shirt pocket.
“There you go. Do you want to be carried to the kitchen or walk by yourself?” Soobin asked patiently, as he pulled a comb through their hair.
“Up.” Kai mewled softly. His emotions were all over the place, like a puzzle thrown up into the air and scattered on the floor. Part of him felt guilty for putting his friends through this, but another was sad and grumpy for no reason. He really wanted to cry.
Soobin set aside his frustrations and smiled reassuringly at his baby boy. He brought Kai to the kitchen for his medicine that helped him sleep and sat him down on the cold counter top. Kai’s legs dangled in front of him, so he kicked one foot up to thump against the lower cabinet. Soobin didn’t scold him. The older took Kai’s favorite light blue sippy cup that had a Winnie the pooh graphic on it, and poured some milk in that he heated up separately in a mug. Then he got one dose of Kai’s medicine and brought it over to him.
“Here you go, honey.” Soobin said, placing the small pill in Kai’s waiting palm. He didn’t have enough energy to throw a fit or refuse to take it so, down it went.
“Good job! Let’s go wind down for the night.”
Kai slid off the counter and gnawed on the spout of his cup as he trailed behind Soobin on the way to his room. It looked like everyone else had already gone to bed. Most of the lights were off, the tv too, and no one was talking or bickering. Kai wanted to say goodnight to the others, but it was too late. He blinked back tears and rushed past Soobin to get to his bed before he entered the room. Kai burrowed into the bedding and pillows of Soobin’s bed and made sure his face wasn’t visible.
“Baby, you don’t have to hide. What’s going on? You can tell me.” Soobin said as lovingly as ever. Kai whined when he also climbed into the bed, lifting up the pillow that covered his face.
“Why’re you crying, sweetie?”
Kai couldn’t hold it in. He sobbed, the sippy cups spout still between his teeth. So many things had been irritating him that day, but he couldn’t remember what. All that was left was the leftover emotions that came with it all. Everything made him upset and he didn’t know why. He wanted to scream, but also wanted to be coddled and taken care of. He was so confused.
“Shhh, you can cry it out, it’s alright.” Came Soobin’s soft voice from above him, his hand running through his damp hair.
“M’sad a-and tireddd!!” Kai hiccuped. He heard Soobin coo and glanced up at him.
“You had a long day. It’s okay to feel bad, I understand. I’m very tired, too.”
Kai cried for a few more minutes, eventually latching onto his cup and taking a drink, effectively calming him down. He shimmied closer to Soobin and pulled him down for a cuddle. His arms were familiar and secure, strong enough to keep him safe throughout the night. Soobin got comfortable with Kai and picked up the small music box on his nightstand. He rotated the tiny handle and out came a little tune that sounded like fairy dust.
It was one of little Kai’s favorite things. Although the song never changed, he loved to hear it play, especially at night. The box was wooden and had a lid that could be lifted to show the mechanism inside. The miniature tines being plucked by the bumpy cylinder that moved from the crank twisting the little gears that connected it all, fascinated him no matter how long he watched it. The song, a rendition of Edelweiss, sounded lovely and sweet to his ears.
“Again…” Kai whispered when the song finished. His eyes closed halfway through the short 45 seconds of music, but he didn’t realize. He heard Soobin chuckle and felt him rub his cheek.
“I think you’re ready to sleep, baby.”
“Again. Just one. Please.” Kai murmured, his eyes remaining shut. Soobin didn’t have the heart to deny him.
“Alright, but only because it’s for you.”
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 months
hiii 🥰 can i request a beomgyu and hueningkai cg, and little reader, please? can the plot be where they go to the mall after reader is upset all day? thank you sm and i love your writing 🫶
Here you go! I'm glad you like my writing! Hope you like this one!
The Mall
(Little!Reader, CG!Hueningkai, CG!Beomgyu)
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
A/N: posting on mobile since I wrote this on my phone. Sorry for the weird formatting
You lay curled up on your bed and trying to calm down since you've been kind of upset all day. You're bedroom door opens and Kai walks in, "Come on, Darling. Lets go" Kai smiles as he takes your hand, leading you out to the living room where Beomgyu is waiting for you.
"Papa!" You run over to Beomgyu and hug him.
"Hey, Darling. Ready to go?"
"Go? Go where?" You look at Beomgyu, confused.
"It's a surprise, Bear!" Beomgyu laughs softly. Kai grabs your bag from where it lays by the couch as Beomgyu takes you to the car. You spend the entire car ride trying to get Beomgyu and Kai to tell you where you are going.
Eventually, you give up and just stare out the window, watching everything go by. The car stops in a parking lot, and Kai and Beomgyu get out before Kai comes over to help you out. Kai covers your eyes, "Guess where," he laughs.
"Hm... Ice cream!" You guess softly.
"Better than ice cream. Kai uncover their eyes!" Kai moves his hands and you gasp excitedly, jumping up and down as you see where you are.
"MALL!" You squeal excitedly. "Come on, come on, come on!" You try to run towards the entrance, but Kai and Beomgyu each hold one of your hands, laughing.
"Wait for us, Bear!" Kai laughs.
"You're too little to go by yourself," Beomgyu adds.
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lullabytaeyong · 5 months
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soft and pink ~ 🍥🌸
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lullabytaeyong · 10 months
Creepy Crawlies - R!Kai
(Tw: Spiders) And I know they aren’t technically bugs but I still call them that in this lol
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Kai giggled contently in the bathtub, a red bath crayon in his hand and bubbles surrounding him. He dragged the crayon in crazy scribbles all over one of his drawings since he knew it had to be rinsed away soon. Soobin watched him with amused smirk on his face while he waited for the water to drain. Once it did he used the shower head to wash away the left over bubbles on Kai's skin and the artwork he made. He wrapped him up in a fluffy towel and ruffled his hair wildly with it to make him laugh.
"Okay, jammie time. Arms up!" Soobin said brightly after drying him off completely. He knelt down and helped him with his pants and dinosaur socks.
"There you go. Do you want to watch a movie be-"
"Ahhhh!!" Kai suddenly cried in Soobin's face, pointing over his shoulder. "Spider!"
Kai burst into tears and tried to climb on to Soobin's lap in a panic. He hated bugs! They scared him to death when he was little. Soobin stood up quickly and sat Kai back on the floor. He spun around frantically, searching for something to get rid of it with. He snatched a tissue box and spotted the spider on the floor.
"Nooo!! Don't kill it!" Kai wailed, flailing his arms.
"What do you mean? I thought you wanted it gone?"
"Gone gone! Don' hurt him! Will feel bad!"
"Okay, okay" Soobin said semi calmly over the loud cries. He dropped the tissue box and turned around, leaving to get a cup and piece of paper.
Huening kai couldn't help but stare down the vile creature. He hated it! He was so scared! But, if he didn't keep an eye on it he could lose it and it could come back to terrorize him. Tears kept falling down his pink cheeks, as he waited for Soobin's return. The spider crawled an inch in Kai's direction and he shrieked loudly. He pushed him self harder against the tiled wall, as if it could swallow him whole and keep him safe from the little beast.
Soobin sprinted back into the bathroom and immediately trapped the spider under a white cup. He approached Kai before actually catching it to calm him down. The boy was in hysterics, sobbing and squirming. Soobin hushed him and pulled him into his arms while he sat on the floor.
"It's okay, baby. Shhh, I'm taking care of it."
Sometimes the boys forgot how intense Kai's phobia of spiders truly was. He was usually alright with tiny ones, just some shivers and whining here and there, but there were specific ones that had a specific look to them that sent him into a fit of tears. Apparently, one of those kinds of spiders decided to tour their bathroom today.
"It's under a cup right now, so it won't get to you. I promise. It's alright, sweetheart." Kai had his eyes tightly squeezed shut and didn't dare to take a peek. His anxiety was pouring intrusive thoughts into his head about being covered with the bugs. He cried harder into Soobin's chest and begged him to get him out of there. He knew it was still close, the cup being over it didn't make it disappear; he knew that.
"Wan' go to Junnie! Want Papa! Please!" He hiccuped. Soobin acted instantly and carried Kai swiftly out of the bathroom and across the hall to Yeonjun's room. The eldest wasn't actually there, he was in some other room with headphones on, so Soobin texted him.
"Okay, you sit here all nice and comfy and I'll go get rid of the 'you know what' while you wait for your Papa. Okay?" Soobin said after plopping Kai on the mattress.
The youngest nodded hesitantly and watched Soobin re-enter the bathroom. Soobin crouched down to the floor and carefully slid the paper under the cup. Then he slowly picked it up, keeping the spider trapped inside and made his way to the door. Yeonjun skidded past him and ran up to Kai, nearly tackling him in a hug.
"How dare that stupid spider scare my baby Kai like that! I'll beat him up! Don't worry, I won't let him get you." Yeonjun said dramatically, wrapping Huening Kai up in a blanket like a sushi roll.
Kai used the blanket to wipe away the snot and tears covering his face and whimpered against Yeonjun. He felt two strong arms adjust him, so he was on Yeonjun's lap facing him comfortably. The eldests shoulder was a safe place to cry on.
"Hate em. This is our house not theirs!" He pouted.
"I know. They scare you quite a bit, yet you insist that we don't just kill them." Yeonjun replied, holding back a chuckle at how cute Kai was.
"Mh- But they dunno! Don't wanna em to hurt. It's not fair."
"Each day I am more convinced that you are secretly an angel, huening kai." Yeonjun smiled brightly and kissed his baby's head.
"Mission accomplished! Extermination complete." Soobin popped up in the door with a proud smile.
"How's he doing?" He asked, quiet enough for just Yeonjun to hear.
"We're getting there, expressing our hatred for spiders, questioning our morality. He'll be okay in a few." Yeonjun chuckled, rubbing Kai's back comfortingly.
Soobin nodded and moved into the room to take a seat next to them on the bed. Kai curiously lifted his head and looked at Soobin. Although glossy, his eyes were warm with innocence, like hot chocolate. He sniffled his last sniffle and wiggled to get off Yeonjun. They watched him stand up nervously, inspecting the floor and scanning the walls and ceiling with his eyes. He didn't move much, just the occasional random step.
"What're you doing, angel?" Soobin asked.
"Jus' making sure." Huening kai almost whispered. "I wanna go to bed but had to check for spiders"
"Ohh, okay. I don't see anything and if I do I'll take it outside immediately. Come lay down." Yeonjun said, hoping his words would soothe the little's worries.
"We can have a sleepover tonight." He added. Kai giggled and crawled back on Yeonjun's bed, nestling himself into the blankets and pillows.
"I'll go get Goguma, hang tight." Yeonjun said before getting up and leaving.
Kai pulled on Soobin's arm to get him to lay down and cuddled up to his side like a little kitten. He loved the warmth that came with close cuddles. Soobin pat his hair and used his phone to play the little ones lullaby playlist. The familiarity and somewhat nostalgic melodie's always soothed the boys and helped them sleep. Yeonjun returned with Kai's beloved bunny plush and made the toy give him kisses before laying down. He left on a small lamp, so it wasn't too dark, and let Kai get comfortable between him and Soobin.
"Promise no more buggies..." Kai asked softly with round eyes.
"Promise! We'll protect you, baby."
They both hooked their pinkies on each of Kai's and give them a kiss to seal the promise. Finally, the boy was able to fully relax and drift off to sleep.
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lullabytaeyong · 7 months
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mischievous litte hyuka coloring all over his hyungs shirt. this is why they have to keep the markers out of sight, or else their wardrobe would be covered in rainbow scribbles 🍯
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kitty-agere-fics · 3 days
little!ot5 with caregiver reader where hueningkai is a headspace on 2-3 while the other boys are 4 and up but hueningkai refuses to except this and tries to act older but ultimately hurts himself in someway so reader and ot4 have show him that it’s ok to be younger
Here! Enjoy! ~ KITTY
It's Okay
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
CG!Reader, Little!OT5
(Reader is called CeeGee as a nickname for CareGiver)
TW: blood (only mentioned)
"I wanna too!" Kai whines as he see the craft the others are working on. He crosses his arms and pouts. "Pwease?"
"Kai-Kai, you can't," Yeonjun looks at the maknae, "CeeGee said not let you because you to small today."
"Can color with us! Here!" Taehyun smiles and hands Kai some paper and crayons.
Kai pouts, but accepts the paper and crayons. He colors for a bit, but the bright colored handles of the scissors catch his attention. When the other boys go into the kitchen, where you're preparing a snack, Kai is momentarily left alone.
All of the other boys are clamoring to show you what they mad. You laugh at their energy.
"Set them on the table and go clean up real fast, okay? Then you can have your snack."
They all agree and run back to the living room. A moment of quiet. And it doesn't last long.
You run into the living room as you hear Beomgyu shout. You see the boys having started to clean up except Yeonjun and Kai. Yeonjun is holding a pair of kids scissors in his hand. Kai has a cut on his arm.
"What happened?" You frown, highly doubting that any of the boys would have done this to Kai, but preparing for anything.
"Kai-Kai had da scissors when we came out!" Taehyun replies, "Junnie told him you say no, but he didn't listen!"
You nod. That sounded right. You sigh, "Give me the scissors, Junnie."
Yeonjun carefully hands you the scissors and you go to put them on the kitchen. You come back to the living room.
"Finish cleaning up. Be careful," you instruct. The boys nod. You gently half drag, half lead Kai down the hall into the bathroom to clean up the cut.
"Why were you playing with the scissors, Kiddo?" You frown.
"Wanna do da craft too!" Kai pouts and looks down at his lap. "No mean to cut myself."
"You can't use the scissors by yourself when you're this little, Kai. If you'd have asked me, I would've come and helped you do the craft after I was finished getting the snack ready."
"Da others get to do it alone!" He tries to cross his arms but can't since you have a grip on his wrist.
"Don't move. This will take longer if you move," I caution. "And the others get to do it alone because they aren't as little as you are."
"I not little! I big!"
I bandage his hand and shake my head. "Sweetheart, you're acting really little right now."
"I'm not," he pouts stubbornly. He crosses his arms across his chest and tries to get up to leave the room. "Wanna go play, CeeGee."
"Go play, then, Kiddo." You watch him run out of the room.
Kai goes out to play with the other boys and asks to play with them.
"Can't play, Kai-Kai. I sorry." Tahyun gives Kai a sympathetic look, but the younger just pouts.
Kai runs off, closing his door while crying. You enter the room right at that point.
"Boys…" You sigh.
"He's too small for the game CeeGee." Soobin explains with a small pout. "Didn't wanna make him cry."
"I know you didn't. He's just having a hard day." Your voice is gentle. You want them to know what's going on, but you don't want to upset any of the boys.
"Will paci and pushie help?" Beomgyu looks up at you.
You think a moment. "You can try, but he might not like that."
Beomgyu nods and runs off. When you here more crying, you instruct the other boys to stay put.
You go down the hall and hear Kai vehemently denying that he's "that little," you sigh and enter the room. You go over to Kai and Beomgyu.
"Whats wrong, you two?"
"Gyu-Gyu think I in babyspace!" Kai pouts.
"Kai, Gyu just wants to help you. Come here." You gently coax him into a hug. He nuzzles into you.
"It's okay if you're in babyspace Kai."
Beomgyu chimes in, trying to help, "Uh huh! I do babyspace sometimes! An CeeGee an Junnie an Binnie an Tyunnie an you all fine wit it!"
"Not in babyspace! I kidspace!" He puts his thumb into his mouth as he pouts.
You gently pull his thumb from his mouth. "Don't do that. You don't wanna hurt yourself on accident."
He pouts, but let's you put the paci in his mouth. He cuddles into you. Beomgyu hugs Kai.
"We can play different game so you can play, Kai-Kai!"
Kai nods after a bit and let's Beomgyu pull him out of the room to go convince the others to play a simpler game. You follow and watch the other boys all fussing over Kai, not wanting him to be sad.
The other boys all spend the rest of the day playing with Kai and encouraging him to ask you for help when he needs it. Each time you see this, it causes you to smile.
Towards the end of the day, Kai comes up to you.
"Hm, what's up?"
"CeeGee, I sorry. I bein difficult today," he pouts a bit.
You shake your head and embrace him. "You don't need to say sorry for that, Kai. You just need to remember that it's okay if you aren't as big as the other boys are. Okay? Oh, and you need to be careful. No more accidents because you're trying to act older than you are."
"I know, CeeGee. I will."
"Good. That's good." You smile. "C'mon, let's go get you ready for bed."
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lullabytaeyong · 10 months
Pretty Boy - R!Kai
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Tw: Angst, Insecurities, Crying
All by himself, lonely in the dark, Huening Kai sat on the bathroom floor with his knees pulled up. He was spiraling again, which usually led to him feeling small. After forcing himself to appear in a livestream on a day where his confidence was low, he was wrapped up in leftover insecurities. He saw some comments whiz by about the length of his hair looking weird, and how he looked too pale and sickly. They contradicted the strict beauty standard of their country. How could he look too pale when they layered filters upon filters on photos to change their complexions to that very tone?
No matter what, Kai felt like he stuck out like a sore thumb compared to those around him. He had a unique combination of European and Eastern Asian genetics that gave him his thinner eyes, but prominent nose. He carried his weight differently than his members did and felt like his face was too squared. There wasn’t anything to really be insecure about. He was called beautiful by their fans all the time. They compared him to magical entities that only existed in fairytales, gods and goddesses, royalty, and cute animals. On good days he could see what they meant with certain photos, but on bad days, his internal dialogue instantly denied it. He didn’t look like a princess.
So, waking up uncomfortable in his own skin and reading unkind comments brought him to where he was. Kai didn’t want to wake Taehyun with his dramatics, so he chose to cry in the bathroom over their bedroom. The bathmat was his seat and the toilet paper his tissues. He wasn’t crying because he thought he was ugly, he was crying because what if the millions of people staring at him all day did. The thought of so many people having their own opinions on his appearance churned his stomach. It wasn’t in his control to make them think he’s good looking, or convince them of so. He couldn’t fit into every beauty at the same time. He couldn’t be perfect.
Fat frustrated tears rolled down his round cheeks and plopped on his knees. He took unsteady breaths through his mouth to keep his sniffling down to a minimum. The art of silent crying, he liked to call it. Although, he usually did that when he didn’t want to be found out. When he needed space to just feel. Right now, he didn’t want to be alone. He didn’t want to suffer in silence. His anxieties kept him stuck to the ground, because what if no one wanted to comfort him? What if he annoyed them?
Kai whimpered in the back of his throat and hugged his legs tighter. He couldn’t calm down. The anguish continued pouring out of him like a volcanic eruption blew up inside his head. It was never ending. With all the negative emotions consuming him, Kai’s subconscious started taking over. It was too much and he couldn’t take it anymore. Without his realizing, Kai’s thinking patterns shifted. His vocabulary simplified, and all he could comprehend was that he felt ugly. He didn’t want to be ugly.
“Wanna be pretty…!” He whined into a partial sob. People called him pretty when he had makeup and glitter on. He can still make himself pretty.
Kai scrambled to his feet and turned on the dimmest light in the bathroom before starting to rummage through the cabinet and drawers underneath the sink. They kept some makeup in a plain bag that their stylists left with them in case they needed it to cover up blemishes before going out. Yeonjun even had a single eyeshadow palette that Kai had seen him play around with in the past. It was pink and had a dozen different shades ranging from nudes to peachy pinks and oranges. Kai’s hands fumbled with a box of qtips and he finally found it.
In a rush, he dumped everything out on the floor and flipped over different products to see what they were. He took the eyeshadow first, then an old lip gloss, and some blush. Then he shot up and stared at his reflection in the mirror. His lip trembled and he put down his things to wipe at his eyes. He was crying harder, now, facing the onslaught of insecure thoughts head on.
“Pretty. Gonna be pretty.” Kai mumbled to himself, sniffing his runny nose loudly and opening the eyeshadow. He looked down at the mess he made for a brush, but they didn’t have one. Why didn’t they have one?!
Kai wanted to scream, but instead, he took his finger and rubbed it into the shimmery light pink pigment and smeared it across his eyelid. Hopeful that he would like what he saw, Kai quickly did the other eye and looked at his work. It didn’t do anything. His eyes were still red and puffy, filled with tears that burned. He didn’t look elegant or happy, like the color was supposed to make him feel. An uncontrolled cry slipped past his lips and he went for another color. Kai was reminded of the comment about his skin tone when he smudged a peachy color over the pink and saw his cheeks.
All the bumping around, whining and murmuring created a noticeable commotion that reached Soobin and Beomgyu’s ears. They were both awake, going down a youtube rabbit hole of obscure documentaries together in bed. Kai wasn’t trying to be quiet anymore, but he also wasn’t aware of all the noise he was making.
“What’s all that about?” Beomgyu muttered, pressing the spacebar to pause the video playing on his laptop.
“Cause I’d obviously know sitting right next to you.” Soobin teased and rolled his eyes.
“Shut up you big dummy.” Beomgyu retorted, sliding out of bed to investigate. He wandered out of the room and heard Soobin get up to follow him. Together they followed the sound down the hall and stopped outside the bathroom door when they heard a clatter against the tiles. It was followed by Kai’s distinct whimpering hiccup noises that he made when he cried.
“Kai?” Beomgyu called quietly, tapping the door with his knuckles. Nothing, just more whimpering.
“Should we open the door?” Soobin whispered, concerned for the maknae. Beomgyu moved out of the way and offered up his spot, as if to say, “it’s your problem if it goes wrong, not mine.”
Another clattering sound, this time louder like something had been thrown, and Soobin swung open the door without a second thought. Kai was leaning over the sink, like he was about to fall through the mirror, rubbing something on his wet cheeks. He didn’t acknowledge the now open door and wept at his reflection, mixing his tears with the blush on his fingertips. There was a scattered mess of small black and clear containers by his feet that they recognized as makeup. Soobin and Beomgyu tilted their heads at each other.
“Kai-ah, what are you doing?” Beomgyu asked. He kept his tone unaccusatory and cautiously took a step into the bathroom.
“Jus’ wanna be pretty!” Kai sobbed. His pain radiated off of him in an aura that hit Soobin and Beomgyu like a truck. Kai was a deeply emotional person. Whatever he felt showed, even if he didn’t mean for it to. His words added to the sudden drop in mood in Soobin and Beomgyu’s hearts.
“Sweetheart…” Soobin said softly. He watched Kai pull his hands away from his cheeks and judge his reflection, dropping to the floor in a puddle of tears when he still didn’t see anything he liked.
“Hey, come here. Shhhh, it’s okay.” Beomgyu soothed lovingly, crouching and wrapping his arms around him. Kai clung to his shirt and wept into his chest. He was overwhelmed by so many emotions that he couldn’t even begin to explain why they found him the way they did.
Soobin chewed his lip and decided to grab a washcloth to run under some running water. He mixed a gentle makeup remover into it and knelt down next to the pair. Kai was close to working himself up into hysterics at this point. He had to intervene in order to help calm him down.
“Baby, can I wash your face for you? We don’t want you getting anything in your eyes.” Soobin asked, rubbing Kai’s back with his empty hand. Kai hated the idea, but turned around anyway, because deep down he knew that leaving the mess on his face would have its consequences.
“Oh, my sweet boy.” Soobin cooed, as he carefully rubbed the makeup off Kai’s eyes. “You’re just as pretty without makeup, as you are with makeup. You’re such a pretty boy. There���s no need to worry.”
“Uglyy!” Kai sobbed into the cloth. Soobin cupped his pink covered cheek and pouted, rubbing away some of the color.
“That’s not true.” He reassured. It was always hard to see Kai unsatisfied with his appearance, because there wasn’t a magic button he could push to make it all go away. Soobin also understood that in time Kai’s self esteem would build back up. He was just having a moment.
“Why didn’t you come get us when you started feeling down?” Beomgyu asked, pulling Kai into his lap.
“D-Didn’t want Dada to hate me.” Kai almost whispered, blinking out another tear.
“Baby, I love you so, so much! I want you to come to me when you’re sad or angry. Especially, when you feel little. I didn’t know you were until you said ‘Dada.’” Soobin said.
“Beomie loves you, Taehyunnie loves you, and Yeonjunnie hyung loves you. We know it’s hard and scary, but you can trust us.“ He continued on. Kai nodded sadly. He was listening to Soobin’s words, but he was distracted by the thought of all the pretty glitter being gone from his eyes. He knew he was loved, he appreciated the reminder, but he was fixated on his appearance.
“Let’s get something to drink and go hangout on the couch, hm?” Beomgyu suggested after waiting awhile for Kai to respond, but realizing he was spacing out.
Soobin and Beomgyu managed to convince Kai to settle down in the living room and got him his favorite sippy cup filled with cold water, and a small snack. The plastic felt familiar in his hands. It chilled his hands and face when he nuzzled it, magically calming his nervous system. His tears finally stopped and he stayed silently cuddled up to Beomgyu’s side, tracing the stars printed on his pajama pants. Soobin doted on him by combing his knotted hair, humming quietly, and praising him for drinking his water. It sent him deeper into his headspace, the softer side of it he felt safer in.
“You’re being such a good boy for me. I’m almost done.” Soobin cooed after successfully detangling a snarl in his hair.
“Beomie…Ponyo, please.” Kai requested timidly, poking his thigh. Beomgyu smiled down at him and nodded.
Of course he was going to watch Ponyo with baby Kai. It was one of the maknaes favorites to put on when he was feeling small. He enjoyed having it play on the tv while he dressed up his Julie doll, or painted with watercolors. Yeonjun appreciated it more than little Beomgyu’s favorite, Frozen. Those songs drove him mad.
“Dada watch.” Kai said, batting at Soobin’s hands by the side of his head. He heard him chuckle and felt an exaggerated smooch get planted on the crown of his head.
“I’m watching, baby.”
The movie played out, the long opening credits feeling like a lifetime. When Ponyo showed up on screen in her underwater world, Kai giggled to himself and grinned. She was his favorite character. He thought she was cute and funny, and always filled the room with laughter when she was turning human and looked like a weird chicken.
“Pretty.” Kai pointed at the tv, watching Ponyo float up on a jellyfish. Soobin shared a glance with Beomgyu and nuzzled his nose into Kai’s hair.
“You’re our pretty boy, sweetheart.” He smiled. Kai blushed and did a little wiggle, hiding his face briefly in Beomgyu’s shirt.
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lullabytaeyong · 9 months
Apple Picking R!🐻🐧
✦✧✦✧ Ageretober Day 5 (Injury) ✦✧✦✧
Summary: Beomgyu takes a big tumble while out and about with Soobin, Yeonjun and Kai.
Word Count: 2,590
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Beomgyu was all smiles and laughter as he stared up a the two horses pulling a hay ride at the apple orchard. They were both beautiful. One was a shiny chestnut brown, and the other a sandy color with lighter speckles that covered her back and neck. He was in a small line waiting to pet one with Soobin before they would get on the long cart waiting to take them. When it was finally their turn, Beomgyu held back his shrill giddy noises and stepped carefully closer to the first horse. He stood quietly but full of awe and excitement.
“Hi, baby.” He said sweetly, slowly raising his hand up to the side of the horses face, watching her reaction incase she didn’t want to be pet anymore.
The horse didn’t flinch. She was clearly very socialized. Still, Beomgyu took his time and moved cautiously. He couldn’t stop smiling as he stroked the bridge of the horse’s big nose, eventually going further down near her nose. Soobin was a little nervous to get too close, so he stood a couple feet back, recording Beomgyu’s precious encounter.
“You’re so pretty. Do you know that? So cute and friendly!” Beomgyu cooed to the animal. He would’ve stayed there all day if there wasn’t another person waiting for him to finish. He wanted to braid flowers into the horses long mane, feed her treats, take her home…
“Okay, I have to go now. Bye, horsey.” Beomgyu said very quietly to his friend. (She was his friend now)
He looked back at Soobin with a big grin and giggled out of how happy he felt. The horse on the other side was getting some of its gear adjusted, so he couldn’t say hello to both of them. Soobin took a quick picture of the horse and rejoined the others with Beomgyu. Yeonjun had an undisclosed fear of horses, so he stayed back with Kai, who was too shy to greet the horse in front of everyone else. Besides, there were rocks in the wide dirt path for him to inspect.
“We lived, hyung.” Soobin commented sarcastically.
“I can see that. From here it looked like Gyu was telepathically communicating with the horse.” Yeonjun chuckled. Beomgyu ran up to him and squealed, grabbing both of his hands and bouncing.
“I got so close! She was so pretty! Go pet her, she’s not scary!” He pointed back in the direction of the horse enthusiastically. Everyone needed to meet that horse.
“I’m all set. Looks like the last group his saying hi to her now. We should get on.” Yeonjun said. He was correct. When Beomgyu turned his head to make sure what he was saying was true, a few people were petting horse.
“Okayy…C’mon Kai!”
Beomgyu hopped over to where Kai was still crouched near the ground and grabbed his hand, pulling him up and towards the hayride. He was taken aback by the sudden grab and whined at Beomgyu.
“Gentle Beomgyu, he doesn’t like being rough.” Yeonjun chided, as he followed them up the three wooden steps onto the wagon.
Beomgyu plopped down with Kai on a free hay bale and directed Soobin and Yeonjun to sit on either side of them. Kai snuggled up to Yeonjun’s arm when he sat down and observed the people around them, the cat ears on his cream colored hat poking Yeonjun’s throat. There weren’t too many, and since they were in such a small town, in the middle of nowhere america, the likelihood of getting recognized was slim. That was why they were in such an obscure state they had never heard of. It gave them some more freedom. No one really paid any attention to them, only when they noticed how they were speaking a different language. That also had its perks. It meant that he and Beomgyu could talk however they wanted and no one would know how childish it really was.
“Are you having fun?” Yeonjun asked, already knowing the answer. Kai nodded with a smile.
A couple minutes later and they were moving. The ride down the road that passed the sections of trees that weren’t available to be picked from was bumpy. Kai held on extra tight to Yeonjun and turned his head to look out behind them at what they were passing. Beomgyu was thrilled to bits. Soobin had to keep his arm around his waist to prevent him from getting to excited and moving around so much that he fell out. That wasn’t out of the realm of possibility when it came to Beomgyu. The ride was short and they were slowing down before they knew it. Everyone got off and headed out in different directions with their friends and family to whatever apples they preferred.
The wooden signs were placed at the end of each long row of trees, but the writing was very worn and hard to read. Soobin unfolded a little map he was given when they laid for the bags and quirked his head. The names of the sections were very peculiar. He had no idea that there were so many kinds of apples.
“I want sweet ones.” Came Kai’s small voice next to his shoulder.
“I know the yellow ones are sweet and they’re further down from here…These red ones might be sweet? I’m not sure what these names are.” Soobin rambled partially to himself.
“Let’s just taste ‘em!” Beomgyu blurted out, listening in on what he had been mumbling.
“If you taste one you don’t like, then what?” Yeonjun asked.
“You eat it for me?” Beomgyu said hopefully. Yeonjun couldn’t deny, it was endearing to hear. He gave him an unsure response and handed him his own bag to collect apples in.
“Let’s go look for yellow apples.”
Yeonjun and Beomgyu took the lead down the dusty gravel path, while Kai waddled along beside Soobin. They found them quickly and stepped into the long row of trees that held plenty of fruit. Beomgyu skipped ahead and ducked underneath some lower branches and popped back up, his head poking through some leaves. He found a good looking apple and did what the sign’s at the entrance said, “Twist and pull!” Pop! The apple easily came off the branch.
“Hyungie! I got one!” Beomgyu announced, barely visible.
“Nice job!” Yeonjun called back, as he was helping Kai unfold his bag.
When he looked up, Kai had an apple covered in dirt and grass up to his mouth. Before Yeonjun could react, he mindlessly took a bite.
"Hey! Spit that out!" Soobin scolded, knocking the apple from his hand and holding his chin. "Kai, that's yucky. Spit it out."
Kai whined and spat out the chewed up mush. Soobin stepped back in relief and shook his head.
“Okay, here you go, baby. Look there’s some right here!” He said like a teacher to Kai, strategically redirecting him before he got upset. He pointed to a branch on the tree closest to their right where three apples were ready to pick, encouraging the shy boy along.
Kai scratched his head and unsurely touched one of the apples. It looked yummy. He tried to pull, but it stayed attached to the branch that rustles when it moved. Kai looked back at Yeonjun for help, but he was taking selfies with Soobin. He noticed Beomgyu’s burgundy long sleeve through the leaves of the trees on the other side of the row, and shuffle his way.
“Beomie ‘elp.” Kai said innocently. His voice clearly wasn’t loud enough to reach Beomgyu’s ears, because he started looking up through the tree branches and turned in towards the trunk.
Beomgyu had a plan. There was a cluster of apples way up high that he wanted to reach. They were big and bright from soaking in all the extra sunlight they were exposed to. The branches of the tree seemed strong enough to hold him, so he held on to one above his head and climbed onto another below it. Kai shoved himself through the leaves to see why Beomgyu didn’t answer him. He swatted away the leaves that cling to his hat and quirked his head at what he saw.
“Where’you going?” Kai questioned. Beomgyu glanced down at him and hoisted himself up another two feet.
“To get the best apples you’ve ever seen.” Beomgyu said, focusing on his next move, as bark sprinkled down from his shoes scraping the beaches.
Kai silently watched him go higher and higher. In reality, Beomgyu was about eight feet above the ground, but it felt like a lot more to both him and Kai. There were still plenty of height to the tree, but Beomgyu was at a good spot where he was high enough to get to the apples. He inches away from the tree trunk and held another branch to keep his balance. With his free hand he reached out and…his fingertips didn’t even brush the skin of the apples. He tried again, grunting from stretching his arm so far and managed to tap the top of it for second before retracting back. Beomgyu sighed. This was much harder than he expected.
He looked at the rest of the branch in front of him and decided not to move his feet any closer because the branch looked too thin to hold him past a certain point. All he could do was try to reach out even further than before. Beomgyu scrunched up his facial muscles with determination and stretched out as far as he could, feeling the strain in his shoulder. He shut one eye and felt his fingers graze one of the apples. He nearly had it! All he had to do was move a little closer and-
Beomgyu’s foot slipped, and the weight of his upper body leaning forward caused him to crash to the ground. The smaller branches scratched his cheeks and neck going down, and made loud crrshhh shhhss noises. The air knocked out of his chest when he landed face first, a fallen apple on the ground jamming into his thigh. Kai gasped and yelped, watching the scene play out in a split second. He froze.
“Boys?! Beomgyu? Kai?” Yeonjun’s voice called out to them after hearing the alarming sound of a thud. Soobin turned frantically, trying to locate either of them, but there were so many dense trees all around.
Beomgyu neurons snapped out of the state of shock and he wheezed in a short, painful breath that made him choke. The adrenaline rush surged rapidly through his body as he processed what had just happened. He coughed and wheezed a second time, trying to hold up his head and chest from the ground, only to slip back down.
“There!” Yeonjun pointed to the ears of Kai’s hat peeking through some leaves. He and Soobin rushed forward and held branches out of the way to see what happened.
“Kai! Honey, what happened?!”
“Eh!” Kai whimpered with watery eyes, pointing ahead where Beomgyu laid on the ground.
“Oh my god!” Yeonjun and Soobin gasped simultaneously. They maneuvered through the leaves and branches to reach Beomgyu and knelt down.
“Did you fall? Beomgyu, what happened?”
“Are you hurt?”
Beomgyu made a tiny shrill sound and inhaled another thin, shaky breath. It hurt to breathe, now that he regained feeling in his body. Soobin manually rolled him over and looked over him in a panic, moving the hair out of his face and cupping the back of his head. He was covered in small scratches and trembling beneath them.
“It’s okay, we’ve got you. Tell us what happened, baby.” Yeonjun tried to reassure him, although he didn’t know what happened to have Beomgyu end up in the state he was in.
The younger coughed on his tears and started sobbing, his brain and body finally reconnecting in entirety. He could feel each scratch stinging his face, and a hot, pulsing, pain in his thigh. Plus, the shock of losing his balance so high up left him an emotional mess. Soobin carefully helped Beomgyu upright and sat behind him so he could lay back on his chest. He didn’t make any complaints of pain, which meant he was probably okay for the most part.
“Shh shh shhhhh. Breathe, sweetheart.” Soobin soothed gently, dragging his fingers through his hair to get rid of the leaves stuck in it. Beomgyu hiccuped in and out a few steadier breaths until he could inhaled properly between each cry.
“A-Appaaa!” He wailed. Yeonjun hushed him softly and held his face in his hands.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m right here. It’s okay. Let’s try to calm down a little bit.”
After consoling him for a few minutes and being joined by a tearfully worried Kai, Beomgyu was able to somewhat explain what happened. He didn't tell them that in the back of his head he knew what he did was a bad idea, but he did tell them that he fell. When they asked why he was so high up in one of the trees, he simply pointed up to where they could see the cluster of apples hanging far above their heads. Soobin and Yeonjun shared a disappointed yet amused look once they understood.
"I see. I think you learned your lesson, so I won't lecture you. Can you show me where you're hurting, please?" Soobin asked.
"Here, and all over here." Beomgyu mumbled, pointing to his thigh and gesturing around his face in a circle.
"You got pretty scratched up on your face. Let's see the damage here, though."
Soobin rolled up the left leg of Beomgyu's plain gym shorts and took a look at it. It was highly unlikely that he broke any bones from the way he fell, since none of his limbs took the majority of the impact. All that was there was a off colored, redish splotch on his thigh.
"I think it's just a bad bruise, or it will be by tomorrow. You must've landed on a rock."
"Or an apple." Yeonjun added, since they were surrounded by them under the tree.
Either way, it would leave a mark. They decided to go back to the house immediately after crawling out from the trees they were sitting under. Soobin carried Beomgyu, who was still shaking some, all the way back to the car. When they got home and came inside with only eleven apples, Taehyun, who stayed back due to allergies, was very underwhelmed.
"Is this it?" He asked, eyeing the empty bag Kai was still holding. "Did he even get any?"
"Long story short, taking Beomgyu to a field of climbable trees was a bad idea. We looked away for two minutes and he was up and down again on his stomach." Yeonjun explained bluntly, sighing at how absurd it sounded.
"He fell?!"
"Yeah...he's fine, though. I think Kai is more upset about it than he is at this point. It knocked the wind out of him and he has a bruise and some scratches, but that's it. No broken bones."
"Oh my god..." Taehyun stared at him. "Where is he?"
"Nurse Soobin is patching him up." Yeonjun said, pulling the hat off Kai's head when he appeared beside him and headbutted his shoulder.
Kai saw the bag of apples and grabbed one to bring to Beomgyu.
"No doctors." He murmured to the others, taking a bite to test the flavor before scampering off.
"At least that one wasn't on the ground." The eldest sighed.
"Did he-?"
"Yes. Yes he did."
I had so much fun writing this one! Please reblog and interact to get my work to more people who enjoy similar content. Thank you! <3
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
Little Huening Kai!
Makes water color paintings
Definitely watches baby animal videos
Gets into nail polish and paints every finger a different color, sometimes rainbow order
Plays pretend with his plushies
Some of them are doctors, zoo keepers, chefs, etc
Loves bath time because he has a lot of colorful toys that he gets to play with in the suds
Gets very very very upset if he can’t find something
Needs to stick to routines
Generally well behaved, but bratty if he’s over tired
His sweet demeanor just drops and he’s all whiny, pouty and grumpy cause he’s just so sleepy!
The only one to use paci’s
Sneaks into his cgs bed at night for cuddles
Drew on the wall a little bit to see what he could get away with…did not get away with it
Has a sticker charts for hygiene or chores because it helps him keep track when he spaces out
Gets super excited to to put the stickers on
If he’s feeling older he plays minecraft, webkinz, or other sandbox games on his computer
Slips easily when he’s frustrated
Makes ‘nyum’ sounds when he eats for gets fed
Plays with Soobin’s hair a lot and tries to style it but just turns it into a mess
Happily squeals and shrieks when someone tickles him or blows raspberries on his tummy
Randomly rolls up in blanket burritos on the floor
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kitty-agere-fics · 2 months
hi kitty!! can i please request a headcanon where reader is little but non verbal and txt has to take care of reader? i just need some fluff!! i love ur writing never stop!!!
Happy you like the writing! Sorry it took so long😔 ~Kitty
Also i just realized you asked for headcanon but I wrote a fic sooo🤷‍♀️
Making Music
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Yeonjun = Baba, Soobin = Dada, Beomgyu = Daddy, Taehyun = Appa, Hyuka = Papa
Yeonjun walks in and sees you sitting on your bedroom floor. "Hello, my Little Royalty!" He picks you up and you smile and wave happily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
He laughs and kisses the top of your head. "You're so silly, Little Royalty. Come on, let's go see the others."
You nod excitedly and smile. Yeonjun takes you into the living room where Taehyun and Soobin are getting some of your toys out.
"Look what Dada and Appa are doing. They got out your toys for you!"
You clap your hands a bit, then make your grabbing hands at Soobin and Taehyun. Yepnjun sets you on the floor and leaves the room.
"Did Baba bring you out to play with me and Appa, Bunny?" You nod happily.
Taehyun smiles at you as you nod, "Pick a toy to play with, Cutie."
You look at the toys for a minute, then point at your toy piano. When Taehyun hands it to you, you clap your hands excitedly before playing with it While you play, Beomgyu sneaks up behind you and presses on the piano keys. You giggle a a bit and push Beomgyus hands away. Beomgyu gasps playfully, "You don't wanna play with Daddy?"
You shake your head, pointing to yourself.
"You think you can do better than me, is that it?"
You nod and press on the keys again.
"I think they're right. They play the music well!"
You giggle and clap your hands again.
Kai comes into the room, about to complain about the annoying piano when he sees its you. He smiles slightly. "Are you playing music, Baby?" When you nod, he continues, "Well, you're doing so good!"
You nod excitedly.
"Do you like playing with the piano?" Taehyun smiles at you.
When you nod, Beomgyu laughs.
"Is that why you won't share?"
You stick your tongueout at Beomgyu.
He gasps, "You can't do that, Silly Bear! I think I'm just gonna...." he slowly pulls the piano away
You pout and reach for your toy.
Kai smacks Beomgyu, "You're so mean to them!"
"Just let them have their toy!" Soobin takes the toy from Beomgyu and gives it back to you.
You smile and start to play again until you start to fall asleep. You start to rub your eyes sleepily.
"Are you getting sleepy, Baby?"
You shake your head, wanting to play more.
"Are you sure? You look sleepy." Kai strokes your arm gently.
You nod, making soft, sleepy noises. The boys give in, letting you play until you end up half awake as you play.
Beomgyu picks you up.
"Come on, Little Bear. Nap time."
You pout and whine softly.
"You need to take a nap. I'm not giving you a choice." You don't respond to this second comment and Beomgyu looks down at you in his arms, realizing you've fallen asleep.
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lullabytaeyong · 2 months
Txt Agere-tober 2023! Masterlist 🎃
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Day 1: Pumpkin Patch - R!🦊🐻🐧
Day 2: Fireplace - R!🐿️🐧
Day 3: Decorating - R!🐰🐧
Day 4: Black out - R!🐿️
Day 5: Injured - R!🐻🐧
Day 6: Scary Movie - R!🦊
Day 8: Magic - R!🐰
Day 10: Leaves - R!🐿️
Day 15: Spiders - R!🐧
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lullabytaeyong · 9 months
Txt Agere Series Part 5
🍭 Sweet Tooth
🎁 No Tw
Summary: Kai has a hard time while filming a festive episode of todo and can’t keep himself above the surface when things start to go wrong.
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Christmas time held the brightest, warmest memories of Hyuka’ childhood. Making cookies with his sisters, writing poorly written letters to santa, decorating the tree with twinkling lights, and so much more. As he got older the magic faded, even though he swore it never would. Christmas became a little sad for a few years of his adolescence, but he eventually regained the same excitement and joy he longed for. As a regressor, Christmas made him buzz with energy that he had to hide until meeting his members.
Kai didn’t get to regress all that often, always too busy or too tired. Every other month or so, he found himself shrinking inside, his thoughts becoming simpler, and his impulsivity tripling. He didn’t have the same social skills when he felt small, so he tended to just say whatever was on his mind or do what he wanted. It was usually very sweet. Kai would waddle over to Soobin in the kitchen and wrap his arms around his middle, smelling his shirt or nibbling on it. Sometimes he babbled contently to himself while eating or playing. On occasion, it became an issue.
In public settings, surrounded by staff and cameras, it wasn’t ideal to have Kai sticking his fingers in his mouth, or whining and stomping his foot because he didn’t get his way. But, despite that they managed.
With the upcoming holiday, their todo production team came up with a two part special to release. They would be making gingerbread houses and playing a game with mystery presents. It sounded laid back and fun. Most them had no experience building houses out of cookies, so it was sure to be something interesting. The day of filming arrived and Kai was feeling a little on edge. He hadn’t regressed much the last couple months, and felt the need to building up. Driving down the street, walking through the rented vacation house and settling down in the filming room didn’t make it any easier with all the cheerful decorations put up.
Kai willed the sinking in his stomach away and rubbed the tension out of his face. He tried listening in on the grown ups- he means staff’s conversation, hoping to join into a mature topic. That would keep him from slipping. Unfortunately, all he heard was filming jargon and present talk. He sighed and tapped his knees. Sitting next to Yeonjun was a good thing, at least. He was able to spot Kai regressing from an ocean away.
Kai knew that if he really needed to, he could skip out on filming for the day, but that would ruin everything. The entire thing was already planned out, all the staff were there to work, and he would make moa worry if he was absent. There wasn’t much else to do but stay grounded. He managed to stay afloat while they had a snack, but grew antsy while everyone picked presents. He couldn’t remember what he wrote down about a members habit on a sheet of paper, so he couldn’t get them to do it. It made him accidentally zone out for a couple minutes.
Stealing the lego set from Yeonjun brought his spirits back up. When they were presented with trays of candy to decorate their little houses with, Kai’s eyes instantly lit up. His teeth showed with his smile and he couldn’t help but giggle to himself, feeling much lighter inside. Without a second thought, he grabbed a piece of candy and ate it. Then another, and maybe one more. He was already getting lightheartedly teased for having a sweet tooth.
He continued to play around with his cookie house pieces while chewing on a marshmallow. The others conversed naturally, figuring out that the houses didn’t need a floor. Kai missed that direction. Still unfocused and in between headspaces, he looked at what he had to work with and started using the icing like glue on the sides of the cookies. He figured they needed a base to connect to at the bottom, but when he looked to his left he realized no one else had done that. His cheeks pinked up with embarrassment.
Kai didn’t show it, but his stomach was doing anxious flips because he was going to stand out for his mistake, rather than his creativity. The comments were sure to point it out, too. He did his best to ignore the laughter around him, and quietly took it all apart. Had they been at home, with no cameras in sight, Kai would’ve snapped at them to stop. A few minutes passed and he didn’t make much progress. How could he focus on building when there were so many colorful yummy sweets right in front of him! Even the icing was tasty.
Yeonjun pointed out his snacking multiple times, which he didn’t appreciate but tried to smile off. He knew the eldest was just messing with him because he stole the present he wanted, but it still stung a little bit. Kai stayed in his own little world and eventually reached the point where he could put the roof on his house. He took both pieces and held his breath, as he lowered them.
And just like that, the messy house caved in on itself. A symphony of gasps and oh no’s bounced around the room, Soobin’s genuinely upset tone snapping the last thread he had holding himself together. Kai stared down at his pitiful mess of cookies and froze up. He was slipping quickly with nothing to catch himself. Multiple voices were speaking towards him, but he barely registered them, too overwhelmed by the fact that he was being recorded in exquisite resolution that would catch his tears. He lip trembled where the staff couldn’t see it with his head down, but Beomgyu and Yeonjun could.
“Kai-ah? Hey, it’s alright. It’s just a silly project.” The eldest tried to reassure. He didn’t understand that it wasn’t just a silly project to Kai.
It was an activity he wanted to participate in because he thought he could float between headspace’s while he did it. Everyone else found it easy-peasy, but it was much more challenging for Kai than he initially predicted. His hands weren’t anymore cooperative than his mind. He looked like an idiot by missing directions and getting distracted by candy and ribbons. He was so, so embarrassed.
Kai curled up into a ball and hid his face in his knees. The tears weren’t going to disappear until they ran down his cheeks and dried up. His body language was a clear enough sign to everyone that they needed to pause filming. The cameramen hit stop and the sound technician halted the recording of their mics. Kai wept, feeling the eyes on him from every direction. He felt a hand rubbing circles on his back and whimpered.
“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Yeonjun whispered.
“Don’t be sad, Kai. I had a hard time, too.” Beomgyu flat out lied, getting an unimpressed glare from the eldest. He was just trying to make him feel better.
“Wanna go home!” Kai mewled sadly, quiet enough for only Yeonjun to hear. He heard him sigh and let him tug him closer to his side for a hug.
“Are you little, sweetheart?” Yeonjun asked almost silently by his ear. Kai didn’t respond right away. Did he want to admit that to him?
“Mm.” He grunted instead.
“Well, let’s go wash your hands, yeah? You’re covered in icing.” Yeonjun suggested, chuckling towards the end of his sentence. Kai agreed and let Yeonjun lead him out of the room, trying to hide his tears with his messy hands.
“Alright, let’s try to wipe them off first…” Yeonjun said mostly to himself when they entered the bathroom. He snatched a small wad of paper towels and used them to remove the thick globs of sugar on Kai’s hands.
“That’s better. Now, water and soap.”
Kai liked it when Yeonjun narrated his actions around him. It kept him present and aware. He found it easy to space out to a somewhat unsettling degree, to the point of borderline dissociation, which sent him into a panic. They learned through experience that Kai needed the extra attention, unlike Beomgyu, who was pretty independent. As he slowly rubbed his hands together in the warm stream of water, Yeonjun took it upon himself to help Kai with his runny nose and damp cheeks. He blotted his face with a tissue going, “Bloop bloop bloop.” When they exited the bathroom, Kai held on to Yeonjun’s arm and hid behind his back. He didn’t feel safe in such an unfamiliar environment. There weren’t any stuffies or sippy cups around, his blankets were at home, and he didn’t like the pants stuck to his legs.
“Hmmnn!” Kai whined, attempting to pull Yeonjun down to the ground with him as he lowered himself. He landed on his butt with a huff and hugged the eldest’s legs to anchor him to the spot.
“Kai, no. C’mon, walk with hyung.” Yeonjun said gently, offering his hand out to the boy. He felt him rub his face against the side of his thigh and whimper.
“How’s it going?” They both looked up to see Beomgyu who had come to check on them. He had a sour ribbon candy hanging from his lips like a strange tongue.
“Uh, fine. Kai’s not exactly in the best position to be filmed right now, obviously.” Yeonjun sighed, gesturing to the body wrapped around his legs. Beomgyu chuckled and crouched down to Kai’s level.
“Me and Tyunnie put your house back together. Let’s go decorate it.” Beomgyu said happily. He certainly didn’t expect Kai to detach himself from Yeonjun’s legs and to start crawling away.
“Hey!” Yeonjun hissed, trying to keep Kai’s state under the radar. He grabbed the end of his sweater to stop him from getting away.
Kai whined grumpily and tried to keep going, but stopped when he felt the collar of his top tighten around his neck. Without any words left on his tongue to communicate, Kai pointed and whined in the direction of the large living room where two big couches lived.
“I guess it’s nap time. I didn’t know he was little.” Beomgyu commented, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning back to peek into the room they were waiting to resume filming in.
“Yeah, I don’t know why, though. Can you take him out there and I’ll go ask if we can take a break?” Yeonjun asked, helping Kai back to his feet.
“Sure. Follow me, pumpkin.” Beomgyu took Kai’s hand and lead him down the hall to the living room.
Kai took it upon himself to climb onto one of the couches and moved the decorative pillows around to make more room. Then he clumsily tugged a handmade knitted blanket down from where it lived on the back of the sofa and hid underneath it. He looked like a mound of vanilla ice cream with socked feet poking out. Beomgyu turned down the bright lights and joined Kai on the couch. He didn’t bother him, he knew Kai would come out after he self soothed for a little while.
Under the blanket, Kai stuck his two middle fingers in his mouth and thought about that stupid ginger bread house. He was mad it. The inanimate object ruined his day! Now he was grumpy like grumpy bear and wanted to take a nap. Beomgyu listened to him huff and babble to himself beneath the blanket. It was endearing and amusing to witness the maknae when he had a little fit. They couldn’t help it. His pouty lips and furrowed brows were too cute, and he always talked to himself, mumbling about whatever upset him. Yeonjun once said he acted like a grouchy gnome, whatever that meant.
So, when Kai pulled the blanket off his head he saw Beomgyu smiling away at nothing in particular. He whined and scooted closer to the other, in order to initiate cuddle time. Beomgyu laid back and let Kai lay on top of him like a wet towel. He held him close with one hand on his middle back and the other resting on his head. No words were exchanged for several minutes until the other boys wandered out to the living room.
“Ningie, we have something for you ~” Soobin sang, carrying a tray with small dishes of candy and chocolates, followed by Taehyun who had the (now put together) ginger bread house that Kai abandoned.
The icing had ample time to dry and work as glue to hold the structure together. They were positive it would be sturdy enough to withstand a little ones clumsy, sometimes heavy, hand. Kai watched them put everything down in the coffee table, but didn’t say anything. He had a love hate relationship forming with the cookies. Alas, the little boy in his heart took control and he slid off the sofa to sit criss-cross at the short table. The others joined him and waited for his next move.
Kai inspected the house for a moment and picked up a peppermint. He grunted once, pointing at the icing bag to ask for help. It had to stick on somehow. He wanted it to be a clock. Now, clocks didn’t usually go on the outside of buildings unless it was a church, library or town hall, but he didn’t care. The mint looked like a clock, so a clock it would be. Beomgyu picked up the baggie and squeezed a small blob onto the back of the candy and chuckled when Kai stuck it on the roof.
“Do you want to use these?” Yeonjun offered him some marshmallows. Kai took them and shoved them right into his mouth.
“Or eat them…” The eldest murmured, everyone else laughing quietly.
Kai took his time creating his ginger bread house, adding snow aka frosting blobs, some chocolate chips to line the top of the roof, and smooshed some sprinkles into different patches of icing all over the house. By the time he was done, he was covered in sugar all over again. He mischievously licked his fingers, giggling like a maniac and wiggling into Beomgyu’s side.
“Careful! You’re all messy.” He yelped, trying to avoid getting sticky sugar all over his sweater.
“Mhm…messy!” Kai grinned. He liked how that word felt in his mouth. “Messy, messy.”
“Baby, can Papa take your picture with your ginger bread house?” Yeonjun asked sweetly, already holding his phone up. Kai nodded and posed by poking his cheek and tilting his head sideways.
“So cute ~” The eldest cooed.
Kai giggled to himself for the millionth time and admired his cookie house and it’s beauty. He only whined when Soobin flew in with a baby wipe to clean up his hands and…forehead. Only Kai could accomplish that, he thought. He hushed Kai’s annoyed mewls and finished getting him nice and clean. After lining up all their decorated houses on the table and taking another picture, Kai was needing a real nap.
The boy pouted when he was sleepy and held up his arms to be carried. Soobin took it upon himself to lift him up and brought him to the closest spare bedroom on the first floor. He laid him down on the plush bed and lifted up his shirt to blow a raspberry on his tummy. Kai shrieked and burst into a fit of squealing laughter. Soobin gave him another and smiled warmly, laying down with him. Kai’s laughs toned down into drowsy giggles, as he settled down and stared to relax. He and Soobin laid on their sides facing each other silently for a little while.
“Try to go nigh-night, baby. Appa will be right here.” Soobin said softly, running his fingers through Kai’s hair and cupping the side of his face.
“Okay…promise?” Kai asked, already noticing the heaviness within his body and eyelids. It was warm and welcoming, like room full of pillows and blankets.
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
my favorite clip rn! (⌒▽⌒) 🫧
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