#hyuka agere
lullabytaeyong · 1 year
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hyuka is just a sleep little puppy 🐕
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littletxt · 2 years
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Wc: 2.6k+
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo @pastel-princess-please
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A Day with Daddy
Work had been taking up all of his time. Not just some, all of it. For weeks Kai had been missing quality time with his little one and it was showing. He was drained and his heart was aching. Kai hated the way he let his emotions affect his work, but how could he help it? The only thing more important to him than his career was his baby.
So, the moment he got word of his upcoming weekend off, he started planning. He didn't just want to spend time with you, he wanted his little one. Being the youngest of the group was great most times, being spoiled and all that. But Kai loved to feel needed by you and he needed to be your Daddy. Often, at the most inconvenient times, he'd find himself lost in his head, thinking of his small, little baby, you seated comfy in his lap, your hands intertwined so nicely, as if they were made for each other. Then he was at his happiest, loving and caring for you. So, one little date wasn't enough, he wanted an entire day with his baby. Daddy-little time was essential.
When the day finally came, Kai woke you early in the morning, his arms already circled around your waist, squeezing tighter as he pressed good morning-kisses all over your face as you faced him. Giggling at the way your squirmed, not wanting to be woken quite yet, he eased up. But his eagerness was something he couldn’t hide, even if he wanted to.
"Wahhh! Baby doesn't wanna have breakfast with Daddy?", he cooed with you in his arms, rubbing his nose against yours. Ears perking up at the words "Breakfast" and "Daddy", you slowly opened one of your eyes, squinting at the yellowy beams of the spring sunrise shining through your bedroom window, making his skin glow so prettily. His eyes glimmered like deep pools of honey or melted chocolate, the kind you'd accidentally let melt in the humid summer heat just to be all the more sweeter somehow. But neither were as sweet as him.
"Nnn...", opening both your heavy eyelids, you smiled and pulled your arm from your cozy nest of blankies and plushies, shared by the both of you, to wipe the sleepy from your eyes.
"Ohhh, my sleepy sleepy babyy.", he sighed, his voice soft, and pulled you back to his chest for a big hug before leaning back to look at you again, "Do you want Daddy to come get you when breakfast is ready??", he kissed both your eyelids ever so softly, allowing them to flutter closed again, heavy with drowsiness so you could slumber just a bit more.
After a closed-eyed nod, you already letting yourself doze off again, he tucked you back under the covers with his Molangie snuggled into your arms both to replace your Daddy and for safe keeping. Once he finished washing up, he made his way to the kitchen to make his special pancakes.
Taehyun would laugh at him, really, pancakes being one of very few things Kai could actually cook, but you didn't mind. It was special to you. Not more than thirty minutes later, your joyous sleep was again interrupted by another comforting voice, deep and soothing, almost lulling you away further into dreamland.
"y/n... your Daddy made breakfast~ Time to wake up~", Soobin giggled, seeing you stir and pull the covers over your head, still very much sleepy, "Baby girl~", he cooed sweetly, knowing exactly how to wake you, "Don't you want Daddy's yummy pancakes and syrup... And strawberries??"
That was all it took for you to smile big and throw your covers down, letting Uncle Soobie in his day-off-sweats, help you out of bed, holding your hand in his large one as he guided you, the sleepy baby, down the hall for breakfast.
"Look at my baby so cute in your jammies.", Kai grinned as he transferred another golden pancake from the frying pan to the stack next to him on a plate, watching you waddle up to the kitchen island, Soobin picking you up to sit in the tall chair.
When everyone finished up breakfast and started bickering over who's turn it was to load the dish washer, Kai took you back to your room to get you ready for your day out together.
"Where are we goin', Daddy??", you asked after your head popped out of the shirt he was placing over your head, helping you put your arms into the sleeves and grabbing the green and yellow polka-dotted socks he'd picked out, maybe a little biased, for your little feetsies.
"Hmm... I'll give you a hint. One place we're going has lots of Daddies!", he teased and did a little waddled before kneeling again to tie your shoe laces. It took you a moment and you tilted your head, deep in thought.
"Do you think he told her yet?", Beomgyu turned to Taehyun, plopping down on the living room sofa after he'd unenthusiastically finished loading the dishwasher, having lost rock-paper-scissors three times in a row to the other.
"DADDY ARE WE GONNA SEE PENGUINS??!", rang through the dorm along with Kai's deep chuckle as he led you from he bedroom.
"Safe to say 'yes'.", Taehyun smirked, not looking up from his phone.
Grabbing his car keys, Kai let everyone say their goodbyes, engaging with their littlest baby and wishing you good luck on your adventure.
Once you were buckled in safely, your journey began. Your Daddy played your favorite songs on the car radio, laughing and singing along with you even though your music taste was quite a bit different from his, especially when you were small.
The first destination wasn't quite what you were expecting, a place where you and Daddy and even Uncle Soobie had been before on numerous occasions; the movie theatre. Reaching over after taking off his seatbelt, he unfastened yours and got out of the car to fetch his baby.
"Got your (plushie name)?", he smiled down at the friend you kept tucked safely in your arms as he reached for one of your hands to help you from the car. Nodding with a faint blush dusting over your cheeks, you thought and thought on what movie you could possibly be seeing.
"PAW PATROL?!", you squealed as quietly as possible into your Daddy's back as he spoke to the man at the counter. He held back his giggle, bringing you around to stand in front of him so you could make your selection of concessions but you were far too afraid of strangers to speak to the man yourself. Knowingly he leaned down a little so you could whisper in his ear like you always did. After you'd decided his eyebrows shot up with a bit of concern.
"Are you sure, baby girl? Daddy doesn't want you to miss your movie because we have to take you potty in the middle of it."
"I won't!! I promise!!", you whined, poking out your bottom lip and tugging on his sleeve, giving your best attempt at puppy eyes. His expression melted as easy as ever and you knew you'd won as you often did. (Uncle Tyunnie would bug him about the spoiling later.)
"Can we get two large drinks and a large tub of popcorn??", Kai's voice shifted to his usual tone of speaking with others, not nearly as gentle and sugary as the one he used with you. Tugging on his sleeve again until you were satisfied, the corner of his lip twitched into the smallest of smiles, "And some sour patch kids and swedish fish."
Pulling you in front of him again, he waddled coward with you, toward the end of the counter so the group behind you could go next, "Sorry babygirl, Daddy nearly forgot.", he grinned.
“Can we get cheese powder??"
"On all this?? what are you making??", he chuckles but agrees because he's curious as well "Hmm. White cheese powder??"
You nodded and he takes the shaker from the concessions "Tell me when, princess."
After more than a couple shakes he glanced at your wide eyed stare as you watched the powder fall onto the candy and warm buttery popcorn.
“More?”, he laughed unsurely, lightening the pressure of the shakes as you decided.
“More!!”, you giggled, holding out your finger under the shaker to taste some of the powder, squeaking as it touched your tongue. It was definitely stronger than you’d expected.
“Is that good, little one?”, he cackled loudly at your reaction, halting the shaker. Nodding enthusiastically you waddled off toward the big hall that led to the viewing rooms.
“I’ll take that as enough.”, he smirked, setting it down and raising an eyebrow at the powder covered kernels, shaking it as he followed.
After the movie and your fill of popcorn, Kai having to eat the rest when your tummy got full (to his surprise it was much tastier than he’d thought it’d be.) the two of you greeted the staff again. Confused you followed along, habitually chewing on your straw with your plushie tucked in your arm as he spoke to the man at the concessions.
“Thank you so much.”, he bowed to the man and held out his hand for hours so you could finally leave. Once he’d buckled you in, he pulled out two lollis, unwrapped the first, placing it in your mouth before enjoying his own.
“No more biting your straw, you know it’s bad for those precious little teethies.”, he smiled.
“Tank oo, Daddy!!”, giggling you agreed and settled comfort in your seat as he started the car.
Before you’d even arrived at the aquarium, you’d succeed in chewing up your lolli, another bad habit of yours, and munched on the paper stick until it lost its flavor in your mouth. When he noticed you’d already finished, he pulled his from his lips and popped it in yours, with a giggle.
“Nn?”, you asked, holding out your hands with the little chewed up paper stick for Daddy to discard.
“This doesn’t feel like a fair trade.”, he snickered.
Once Kai purchased your tickets, the guide, sporting a pelican hat waved the two of you over. Watching intently, the way Kai interacted with you, the man tilted his head curiously.
“Come on over and I can get your bracelets secured for you!”, he spoke sweetly, in a gentle and friendly voice but you were unsure.
“He’s gotta put your bracelet on! It’s okay, baby.”, Kai assured you, nudging his head in the direction of the guide’s outreached hand. Slowly you held your wrist out, wishing you hadn’t left your trusty plushie in the car so you’d have something to squeeze tightly other than your Daddy’s hand.
“What are you here to see today??”, the man’s voice hushed just slightly as his tone changed as though he was speaking to a child while fastening your bracelet. Looking up at the man, then at your Daddy, you pressed your lips firm until you received another reassuring nod.
“Daddy bringin’ me to see the penguins…”, you spoke shyly.
“Oh, really?”, the guide gasped, “I talked to the penguins just this morning! They’re really looking forward to your visit! Say ‘hi’ to them for me!”, he winked with a grin, letting you pass to help the next person.
Walking through the aquarium you pointed at every shiny colorful creature that caught your eyes, spending far too long at the touch tank. Kai guided your hand to touch things you were a little too frightened to touch without Daddy’s help. He couldn’t help but find it cute how both you and the little creature flinched at each other’s touch.
Taking your hand again, Kai led you through the aquarium until you reached a long hall painted with pictures of fish swimming under the ice. When you saw the sign for the penguins you squealed loudly and waddled ahead, dragging you chuckling Daddy along with you until the walls turned to glass and you were greeted by sleek white and black coats and creatures who waddled just like you. Only the tiniest of gasps left your lips as you placed your hands on the glass, unblinking as you watched the shiny aquatic birds hop around and communicate with each other.
Letting you have your moment, Kai took the time to enjoy one of his favorite animals as well, stroking your hair as the two of you watched. It was a breathtaking moment if the silence wasn’t a tell. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen penguins of course, but he wondered if it was your first time small, seeing these things. It was your first time there together, of course.
After spending ample time with the penguins, you ended up in front of the aquariums biggest ocean tank, holding a wide assortment of colorful fish, sharks and creatures you’d never seen before. Leaning against the bars, Kai right behind you, his hands found their favorite home on your tummy as you watched, dreamy eyed as the fish swam leisurely through the waters. In awe, you drank up the vivid blues water and vibrant colorful corals, the lights reflecting off many fish’s scales as a they swam in an elegant dance with one another. A larger creature made its way around the front of the tank, making your eyes practically pop out of your head as you pushed off the bar, jumping and pointing at this new exciting creature you’d surely attach yourself too.
"Actually, baby girl, that's a whale shark.", he pulled you back down into his arms as you giggled,"haha ask me how Daddy knows that."
"Unca Tyunnie??", you grinned, knowingly.
"Yup, Unca Tyunnie.", Kai laughed, partially in agreement but partially because of how cute and precious you sounded. Your baby talk was something he loved and lived for and all the guys agreed it was something they adored.
"Unca tyunnie is smart but Daddy is smarter!!", you babbled, attention now back on him now that the whale shark had swam a little further out of sight.
"Awww you little flatterer.”, he lifted you to the tips of your toes, swinging you a bit in his arms, “I dont know where you get it from", he chuckled as if he didn’t know you, in fact, had gotten it from him.
It’d been a lovely afternoon with your Daddy and he had let you linger at each spot as long as he could but once the aquarium visitors began to empty out, it was time for you to go. There was nothing better to bandage your sad heart as you bid farewell to your new aquatic friends than a final stop at the gift shop.
Thankfully, you’d gotten quite used to Kai’s open wallet, getting past the phase of overbuying and content getting just enough of you’d have bought the whole shop. And he might have let you. After some wandering around and teasing as your Daddy made each of the plushies that caught his attention give your their fair share of tickles, you settled on two new friends. A new penguin (as if Kai didn’t have enough of these at home) and a whale shark, which you’d added at the top of your favorite animals list after a very memorable date with your Daddy.
Returning home with three plushie friends instead of one was the perfect ending to the perfect day.
"Is this Daddy?”, Kai pinched th e little penguins hand as he buckled in his worn out baby for the final time, “and you’re my baby shark??"
It was in that moment that Huening Kai Kamal experience a rare realization, regretting his decision to open his mouth.
Defeat. If you didn’t hassle your Daddy every so often, where would you be? So, he trudged to his seat, started the car and went through his Spotify until he found it. One of his least favorite songs to finish off his favorite day. At least it matched the theme.
"AAAGHHH! I just got it out of my head!”
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🧸Endnote: So sorry non-ningdungies. We have ANOTHER mega self serving fic. Squealingggg. God this one had my heart fluttering in every moment. SOOBIN AAAA. KAI. My heart really beats for these boys 🥲. I worked really hard on this and I think this is one of my longest fics hehe. I’d love any sort of feedback. I’m really happy to be giving some love to my TXT boys again💕💕
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babybearcookie · 3 years
omg i looooved your txt fic 🥺 soobing is the cutest little ever! does he have any sibbies????
thank you so much!! i really love yeonbin, and it's even better if it's with baby soobin <3
hmm.. i'd like to think that the two bighit babies (soobin and jungkook) would be sibbies but i don't think that would be realistic. being somewhat famous, the group have to keep it quiet, so it's not like they can just go online and say 'hey! i age regress', so i'm thinking it would be someone in their circle of friends, same year and stuff.
maybe soobin had talked a bit with hyunjin and they've come to the conclusion that soobin and someone from skz should have play dates (changbin!!!), or maybe yeonjun had let it slip that he's a cg when he was talking with wooyoung (ateez) one late night and woo would say that mingi and san would love to have another agere friend, if soobin was looking for something like that.
or maybe they find out one day that hyuka also regresses and from there it's two babies in txt
there's so many things to choose from!!! let me know if you want something written for any of these ideas :]
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
Txt Agere Series Part 5
🍭 Sweet Tooth
🎁 No Tw
Summary: Kai has a hard time while filming a festive episode of todo and can’t keep himself above the surface when things start to go wrong.
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Christmas time held the brightest, warmest memories of Hyuka’ childhood. Making cookies with his sisters, writing poorly written letters to santa, decorating the tree with twinkling lights, and so much more. As he got older the magic faded, even though he swore it never would. Christmas became a little sad for a few years of his adolescence, but he eventually regained the same excitement and joy he longed for. As a regressor, Christmas made him buzz with energy that he had to hide until meeting his members.
Kai didn’t get to regress all that often, always too busy or too tired. Every other month or so, he found himself shrinking inside, his thoughts becoming simpler, and his impulsivity tripling. He didn’t have the same social skills when he felt small, so he tended to just say whatever was on his mind or do what he wanted. It was usually very sweet. Kai would waddle over to Soobin in the kitchen and wrap his arms around his middle, smelling his shirt or nibbling on it. Sometimes he babbled contently to himself while eating or playing. On occasion, it became an issue.
In public settings, surrounded by staff and cameras, it wasn’t ideal to have Kai sticking his fingers in his mouth, or whining and stomping his foot because he didn’t get his way. But, despite that they managed.
With the upcoming holiday, their todo production team came up with a two part special to release. They would be making gingerbread houses and playing a game with mystery presents. It sounded laid back and fun. Most them had no experience building houses out of cookies, so it was sure to be something interesting. The day of filming arrived and Kai was feeling a little on edge. He hadn’t regressed much the last couple months, and felt the need to building up. Driving down the street, walking through the rented vacation house and settling down in the filming room didn’t make it any easier with all the cheerful decorations put up.
Kai willed the sinking in his stomach away and rubbed the tension out of his face. He tried listening in on the grown ups- he means staff’s conversation, hoping to join into a mature topic. That would keep him from slipping. Unfortunately, all he heard was filming jargon and present talk. He sighed and tapped his knees. Sitting next to Yeonjun was a good thing, at least. He was able to spot Kai regressing from an ocean away.
Kai knew that if he really needed to, he could skip out on filming for the day, but that would ruin everything. The entire thing was already planned out, all the staff were there to work, and he would make moa worry if he was absent. There wasn’t much else to do but stay grounded. He managed to stay afloat while they had a snack, but grew antsy while everyone picked presents. He couldn’t remember what he wrote down about a members habit on a sheet of paper, so he couldn’t get them to do it. It made him accidentally zone out for a couple minutes.
Stealing the lego set from Yeonjun brought his spirits back up. When they were presented with trays of candy to decorate their little houses with, Kai’s eyes instantly lit up. His teeth showed with his smile and he couldn’t help but giggle to himself, feeling much lighter inside. Without a second thought, he grabbed a piece of candy and ate it. Then another, and maybe one more. He was already getting lightheartedly teased for having a sweet tooth.
He continued to play around with his cookie house pieces while chewing on a marshmallow. The others conversed naturally, figuring out that the houses didn’t need a floor. Kai missed that direction. Still unfocused and in between headspaces, he looked at what he had to work with and started using the icing like glue on the sides of the cookies. He figured they needed a base to connect to at the bottom, but when he looked to his left he realized no one else had done that. His cheeks pinked up with embarrassment.
Kai didn’t show it, but his stomach was doing anxious flips because he was going to stand out for his mistake, rather than his creativity. The comments were sure to point it out, too. He did his best to ignore the laughter around him, and quietly took it all apart. Had they been at home, with no cameras in sight, Kai would’ve snapped at them to stop. A few minutes passed and he didn’t make much progress. How could he focus on building when there were so many colorful yummy sweets right in front of him! Even the icing was tasty.
Yeonjun pointed out his snacking multiple times, which he didn’t appreciate but tried to smile off. He knew the eldest was just messing with him because he stole the present he wanted, but it still stung a little bit. Kai stayed in his own little world and eventually reached the point where he could put the roof on his house. He took both pieces and held his breath, as he lowered them.
And just like that, the messy house caved in on itself. A symphony of gasps and oh no’s bounced around the room, Soobin’s genuinely upset tone snapping the last thread he had holding himself together. Kai stared down at his pitiful mess of cookies and froze up. He was slipping quickly with nothing to catch himself. Multiple voices were speaking towards him, but he barely registered them, too overwhelmed by the fact that he was being recorded in exquisite resolution that would catch his tears. He lip trembled where the staff couldn’t see it with his head down, but Beomgyu and Yeonjun could.
“Kai-ah? Hey, it’s alright. It’s just a silly project.” The eldest tried to reassure. He didn’t understand that it wasn’t just a silly project to Kai.
It was an activity he wanted to participate in because he thought he could float between headspace’s while he did it. Everyone else found it easy-peasy, but it was much more challenging for Kai than he initially predicted. His hands weren’t anymore cooperative than his mind. He looked like an idiot by missing directions and getting distracted by candy and ribbons. He was so, so embarrassed.
Kai curled up into a ball and hid his face in his knees. The tears weren’t going to disappear until they ran down his cheeks and dried up. His body language was a clear enough sign to everyone that they needed to pause filming. The cameramen hit stop and the sound technician halted the recording of their mics. Kai wept, feeling the eyes on him from every direction. He felt a hand rubbing circles on his back and whimpered.
“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Yeonjun whispered.
“Don’t be sad, Kai. I had a hard time, too.” Beomgyu flat out lied, getting an unimpressed glare from the eldest. He was just trying to make him feel better.
“Wanna go home!” Kai mewled sadly, quiet enough for only Yeonjun to hear. He heard him sigh and let him tug him closer to his side for a hug.
“Are you little, sweetheart?” Yeonjun asked almost silently by his ear. Kai didn’t respond right away. Did he want to admit that to him?
“Mm.” He grunted instead.
“Well, let’s go wash your hands, yeah? You’re covered in icing.” Yeonjun suggested, chuckling towards the end of his sentence. Kai agreed and let Yeonjun lead him out of the room, trying to hide his tears with his messy hands.
“Alright, let’s try to wipe them off first…” Yeonjun said mostly to himself when they entered the bathroom. He snatched a small wad of paper towels and used them to remove the thick globs of sugar on Kai’s hands.
“That’s better. Now, water and soap.”
Kai liked it when Yeonjun narrated his actions around him. It kept him present and aware. He found it easy to space out to a somewhat unsettling degree, to the point of borderline dissociation, which sent him into a panic. They learned through experience that Kai needed the extra attention, unlike Beomgyu, who was pretty independent. As he slowly rubbed his hands together in the warm stream of water, Yeonjun took it upon himself to help Kai with his runny nose and damp cheeks. He blotted his face with a tissue going, “Bloop bloop bloop.” When they exited the bathroom, Kai held on to Yeonjun’s arm and hid behind his back. He didn’t feel safe in such an unfamiliar environment. There weren’t any stuffies or sippy cups around, his blankets were at home, and he didn’t like the pants stuck to his legs.
“Hmmnn!” Kai whined, attempting to pull Yeonjun down to the ground with him as he lowered himself. He landed on his butt with a huff and hugged the eldest’s legs to anchor him to the spot.
“Kai, no. C’mon, walk with hyung.” Yeonjun said gently, offering his hand out to the boy. He felt him rub his face against the side of his thigh and whimper.
“How’s it going?” They both looked up to see Beomgyu who had come to check on them. He had a sour ribbon candy hanging from his lips like a strange tongue.
“Uh, fine. Kai’s not exactly in the best position to be filmed right now, obviously.” Yeonjun sighed, gesturing to the body wrapped around his legs. Beomgyu chuckled and crouched down to Kai’s level.
“Me and Tyunnie put your house back together. Let’s go decorate it.” Beomgyu said happily. He certainly didn’t expect Kai to detach himself from Yeonjun’s legs and to start crawling away.
“Hey!” Yeonjun hissed, trying to keep Kai’s state under the radar. He grabbed the end of his sweater to stop him from getting away.
Kai whined grumpily and tried to keep going, but stopped when he felt the collar of his top tighten around his neck. Without any words left on his tongue to communicate, Kai pointed and whined in the direction of the large living room where two big couches lived.
“I guess it’s nap time. I didn’t know he was little.” Beomgyu commented, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning back to peek into the room they were waiting to resume filming in.
“Yeah, I don’t know why, though. Can you take him out there and I’ll go ask if we can take a break?” Yeonjun asked, helping Kai back to his feet.
“Sure. Follow me, pumpkin.” Beomgyu took Kai’s hand and lead him down the hall to the living room.
Kai took it upon himself to climb onto one of the couches and moved the decorative pillows around to make more room. Then he clumsily tugged a handmade knitted blanket down from where it lived on the back of the sofa and hid underneath it. He looked like a mound of vanilla ice cream with socked feet poking out. Beomgyu turned down the bright lights and joined Kai on the couch. He didn’t bother him, he knew Kai would come out after he self soothed for a little while.
Under the blanket, Kai stuck his two middle fingers in his mouth and thought about that stupid ginger bread house. He was mad it. The inanimate object ruined his day! Now he was grumpy like grumpy bear and wanted to take a nap. Beomgyu listened to him huff and babble to himself beneath the blanket. It was endearing and amusing to witness the maknae when he had a little fit. They couldn’t help it. His pouty lips and furrowed brows were too cute, and he always talked to himself, mumbling about whatever upset him. Yeonjun once said he acted like a grouchy gnome, whatever that meant.
So, when Kai pulled the blanket off his head he saw Beomgyu smiling away at nothing in particular. He whined and scooted closer to the other, in order to initiate cuddle time. Beomgyu laid back and let Kai lay on top of him like a wet towel. He held him close with one hand on his middle back and the other resting on his head. No words were exchanged for several minutes until the other boys wandered out to the living room.
“Ningie, we have something for you ~” Soobin sang, carrying a tray with small dishes of candy and chocolates, followed by Taehyun who had the (now put together) ginger bread house that Kai abandoned.
The icing had ample time to dry and work as glue to hold the structure together. They were positive it would be sturdy enough to withstand a little ones clumsy, sometimes heavy, hand. Kai watched them put everything down in the coffee table, but didn’t say anything. He had a love hate relationship forming with the cookies. Alas, the little boy in his heart took control and he slid off the sofa to sit criss-cross at the short table. The others joined him and waited for his next move.
Kai inspected the house for a moment and picked up a peppermint. He grunted once, pointing at the icing bag to ask for help. It had to stick on somehow. He wanted it to be a clock. Now, clocks didn’t usually go on the outside of buildings unless it was a church, library or town hall, but he didn’t care. The mint looked like a clock, so a clock it would be. Beomgyu picked up the baggie and squeezed a small blob onto the back of the candy and chuckled when Kai stuck it on the roof.
“Do you want to use these?” Yeonjun offered him some marshmallows. Kai took them and shoved them right into his mouth.
“Or eat them…” The eldest murmured, everyone else laughing quietly.
Kai took his time creating his ginger bread house, adding snow aka frosting blobs, some chocolate chips to line the top of the roof, and smooshed some sprinkles into different patches of icing all over the house. By the time he was done, he was covered in sugar all over again. He mischievously licked his fingers, giggling like a maniac and wiggling into Beomgyu’s side.
“Careful! You’re all messy.” He yelped, trying to avoid getting sticky sugar all over his sweater.
“Mhm…messy!” Kai grinned. He liked how that word felt in his mouth. “Messy, messy.”
“Baby, can Papa take your picture with your ginger bread house?” Yeonjun asked sweetly, already holding his phone up. Kai nodded and posed by poking his cheek and tilting his head sideways.
“So cute ~” The eldest cooed.
Kai giggled to himself for the millionth time and admired his cookie house and it’s beauty. He only whined when Soobin flew in with a baby wipe to clean up his hands and…forehead. Only Kai could accomplish that, he thought. He hushed Kai’s annoyed mewls and finished getting him nice and clean. After lining up all their decorated houses on the table and taking another picture, Kai was needing a real nap.
The boy pouted when he was sleepy and held up his arms to be carried. Soobin took it upon himself to lift him up and brought him to the closest spare bedroom on the first floor. He laid him down on the plush bed and lifted up his shirt to blow a raspberry on his tummy. Kai shrieked and burst into a fit of squealing laughter. Soobin gave him another and smiled warmly, laying down with him. Kai’s laughs toned down into drowsy giggles, as he settled down and stared to relax. He and Soobin laid on their sides facing each other silently for a little while.
“Try to go nigh-night, baby. Appa will be right here.” Soobin said softly, running his fingers through Kai’s hair and cupping the side of his face.
“Okay…promise?” Kai asked, already noticing the heaviness within his body and eyelids. It was warm and welcoming, like room full of pillows and blankets.
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littletxt · 2 years
hii can u write one where little!kai keeps having accidents and mommy!reader has to put him in diapers/pull ups and he’s become very fussy/upset over it? bonus if little!beomgyu (or another member) teases him for it and they get disciplined for it
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GENDER-NEUTRAL | Diapers/Accidents
Wc: 2.2k+
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo @pastel-princess-please
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They’re Pull-Ups!
Hueningkai had always had a problem. Wherever he went, whoever he met; being told he was pure, innocent, childlike even was never uncommon. And though some thought it would, it hadn’t stopped once he became an adult. Like most people in the industry, he was forced grow up much faster than he should have. The stress didn’t seem to be as much as people made it sound. It was easy. Shut down, cry in the bathroom. It was fine.
No matter how fast they pressed on his inner child, part of him still held on. It manifested in bits after their debut. Finally, he was allowed a little freedom, space to breathe. The small collection of plushies he kept, the only bit of his innocence they allowed to be left behind, it grew astronomically. And though part of him had died, still he was called pure, cute, innocent. Childlike.
And so he embraced it. It was part of his brand, who he was as an idol. But after long, the cutesy childlike act didn’t feel like an act anymore. The perfect escape. He learned he could get away with acting as childish and as immature as he wanted sometimes, being babied by his Hyungs as long as he did his best. Self-soothing turned heavenly escape. Sometimes it would come on stronger than others, feeling hazy and spaced out, those times were the best if he was just with his Hyungs. They’d tease sometimes but all the time they’d give love to their baby Hueka.
It wasn’t until after he met you he learned what it was. Everything made sense once you’d expanded his vocabulary with Age Dreaming and Age Regression. You helped him tap into it further, he didn’t always remember those first few times he unlocked babyspace but when he became more conscious again he felt like he was floating. Thankfully he was less at risk of fully regressing since he learned to control his age dreaming so much, becoming his neutral, his normal, but that didn’t always mean he was responsible or immune to the teetering. That carefreeness became a problem when he leaned older, becoming cocky and forming a habit of ignoring his bladder until it was too late. Accidents from not making it to the potty in time, even bed wetting, everything was getting out of hand. Why would today be any different?
The urge came again when he was playing one of his favorite video games with little Beomie who was fully regressed. The others felt confident stepping away if they needed to because Kai could only regress with the help of someone else and preferred his age dreaming anyways. If they needed help, Kai would call.
It began as a little tickle, shooting from his tummy to his groin. But he was so close to winning, he decided to shake it off, slamming his thumbs down on the buttons. He played ruthlessness against baby Beomie who was none the wiser, having fun regardless. It was the only time he could beat his gaming-god-Hyung. Two rounds later and it had already been an hour.
The squirming increased greatly by now. Muttering to himself about that extra sippy cup of apple juice he’d had, Hyuka took his Molang and squished it between his thighs, hoping the pressure would help. But it only got worse. To the point that baby Gyuie noticed his younger counterpart, losing the game with his controller clenched tightly in his hand as he rocked back and forth, unknowingly assuring his impending doom.
“Hyuka…”, Beomie noticed the signs, the accidents had become a big talk around the dorm, even his Appa had talked about him diapers as a precaution. Growing alarmed, Beomie called out, “APPA!!!”
“Nonononono”, whining Hyuka shook his head rapidly, not wanting to get in trouble.
Yeonjun stepped into the living room unsuspectingly wondering what was going on, though his baby bear being loud was nothing new. Once he spotted Kai’s current state, his eyes bulged out of his head before an exasperated sigh slipped his lips. It had gotten to that point.
“Hyuka…Y/n, you’d better come here.”, peeking over his shoulder, you weren’t far behind carrying a laundry basket containing freshly dried sheets from this very issue. Dropping the basket right on Yeonjun’s feet, unleashing an overdramatic yowl from his throat while you scampered to Hyuka’s side.
“Ningie, baby. Take a deep breath and stand up slowly okay??”, holding out your hands you spoke to him cautiously, trying to get him to settle his movements.
“Can’t!”, shaking his head even more violently, his eyes filled like puddles, rain threatening to flood them over.
“Firstly, stop moving. You’re pushing on your tummy and it’s gonna make you go.”
Immediately he froze, legs still twitching as he panted, trying to control his bladder.
Nodding your praise, you pulled his plushy slowly from him, placing it on the couch so you could offer your hands again.
Hovering nearby like the good uncle he was, Yeonjun was a millisecond from launching Hyuka over his shoulder and carrying him to the bathroom himself. Not far himself, Beomie watched in amusement. It was Kai-ya’s fault, of course.
Whimpering as your stern eye demanded his attention, he let you pull him to his feet. Stumbling like a baby dawn, Hyuka could hardly take a step, squeezing his tights together tightly in fear of wetting his favorite shorts.
“Oh for f***’s sake.”, Yeonjun stomped over, but just as he began to squat ready to throw the 4-year-old [trapped in a 6'0 tall man’s body] over his shoulder. Hyuka made an awful noise. Some Frankenstein of a gasp and a yelp ripped through his throat as he burst, flooding his shorts in an instant, leaking down his legs onto the carpeted floor.
“Eww!! Hyuka no!!”, Beomie crawled away hurriedly and you could only sigh, your eyes falling shut.
Tears finally pooling down his cheeks, Kai looked at you apologetically, fearing your anger more than the perpetual embarrassment he would feel later on.
“I’ll get Taehyun. I’m not cleaning this up alone again.”, huffing, Yeonjun retreated down the hall to fetch his band mate.
“Sorry, sorry.”, forcing himself to be big, he used the back of his hands to wipe his tears, his wet legs trembling now that they’d gone cold. Beomie had one thing right. These accidents were at least a little bit on Hyuka and if he was going to have accidents and not go potty like a baby, he would be treated as such.
Stepping from from the icky, soggy, wet spots on the carpet, he followed you to the bathroom, eyes glued to the floor, rubbing his hands together ashamedly.
Helping him peel his clothes off you got him in the bath, you stepped away to start the laundry as well as grab him some new clothes and a little something extra for your little baby Ningning.
Once he was clean and sulky as he let you dry him off, he glanced to the pile of clothes on the bathroom counter. Spotting one of his favorite green onesies he absolutely twinkled, wiggling his toes until he saw what lay atop it. He knew that pattern. You’d bought them as a precaution for his age sliding but he couldn’t stand them. Hyuka wasn’t that much of a baby! He was a big boy and he didn’t need diapies anymore!!
But before he could whine or fuss further, you shut him down. There was no way you could let him go diaperless around the dorm while he age dreamed if these accidents were going to keep happening.
“I’m not changing my mind, Hyuka.”, you spoke sternly, picking it up from the counter, you’d been so soft on him and it hadn’t seemed to be working. Throwing himself on the floor with a wail he kicked himself away from you until his back hit the back of the tub. An act you’d never witnessed from your little one. Mischievous and occasionally whiny sure, but bratty was never a word you’d used to describe him.
“Kai Kamal-“, you whispered, nearly snapping then. Taking a deep breath you spoke slowly, “You keep having accidents, baby… you know we gotta do this. At least until you can stay dry.”
“Noooo!! I can do it by myself!”, he cried. Everyone would know he was in these stupid diapers, it was bad enough that he couldn’t hold it in front of his Hyungs, but the diapers again? Watching you kneel to caress his cheek, he relaxed a bit, feeling your sincerity.
“I just gotta stay dry??”, he asked, letting you wipe his tears.
“If you can go on the potty and stay dry in your diapies until you go back to work on Monday, no more diapies. I promise.”, you held out your pinky. Gratified, he locked his with yours he leaned into your hug, accepting his fate.
Finally allowing you to dress him, pull-up diaper and all, he was allowed back in the living room where Taehyun had just finished power cleaning that spot on the floor.
“No one here until it dries. Thank god the manager made us buy this.”, Taehyun grunted as he lifted up the carpet cleaner and carried it to a closet.
All seemed well until Beomie noticed the way that Kai sheepishly waddled much more than normal, the puffiness of his bottom and the little crinkling noises. Nearly keeling over into a fit of laughter, he reached to poke at Hyuka’s bottom.
"Hyuka is just a dumb baby!! Even I can go to the potty!!"
"Gyuie, baby.", your voice drops, a warning tone in each syllable of your words.
"But he has to wear diapers!!", he defended.
"They're pull ups..", pouting Hyuka, hugged himself tightly and drifted to the edge of the room, wanting to disappear into himself. It was just as he thought.
Placing yourself in front of Beomie who was seated comfortably on the couch, you kneeled to his level, waiting for him to hold eye contact with you.
“You saw how upset Ningie was when he had an accident, didn’t you?”, you questioned. Nodding, his brows twitched once then twice as he thought about the words you were saying.
“Do we like it when your bubby is sad??”, spoke calmly, letting your question sink in. Empathy was a a very important skill for babies to have. And though Beomgyu was very empathetic, sometimes when he regressed, that playful part of him seemed to ignore that all together.
Shaking his head, his hair fluffed around as he pressed his lips together in a frown. He never wanted bubby Ningie to be sad.
“Then why are we saying mean words?? You’ve had accidents, haven’t you, Gyuie.”
Looking away, he couldn’t seem to meet your eyes, knowing he must be feeling just as embarrassed as Hyuka was.
“I don’t think that Gyuie would be very happy in Diapers, would you?”, you raised.
“Nuh!”, he exclaimed, sitting up straight in his seat.
“Well, I think your Appa would also agree that Beomie should also spend the night in a diapie just to make it fair. That way you can understand what our Ningie is going through.”, you ruffled his hair, it messing down over his eyes as he pouted, peaking through to look for his Appa. Yeonjun had appeared from the hallway and stood with his arm around Hyuka, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Come on, little man.”
The decision to put Beomie in diapers seemed to backfire on Yeonjun. Starting off nice with him refusing to put pants on, insisting he show off the pink shiny material along with the cutest teddy bear pattern he’d ever seen. Now Gyuie didn’t always like ‘girly’ things, but it was pink! His favorite! And it had little bears just like him! And the crinkle noise, Beomie finally found a new way to irritate his Appa and he was having the time of his life, forgetting about his game and wreaking havoc on the dorm and all of his Hyungs instead. So, Hyuka was short a gaming buddy, settling instead for some after cuddles and his favorite movie.
"Are you still dry baby??", you asked two hours later from your spot cuddled up against his back, after he’d finished another sippy of apple juice. Nodding against you he nuzzled your arm and squeezed his molangie to his chest. After dinner, though, you decided it was time for a potty break. Despite the instant denies from your little one saying he really didn’t need to go, and as embarrassing as it was, he went along with you anyways. After sitting for a few minutes he mumbled something, picking at his nails.
“What, baby?”, you set your phone down and leaned against the wall across from him.
“I know, sweetheart. You just gotta start going potty when you need to go, baby.”, you offered a reassuring smile, appreciating that he really was sitting here with you try to get control of his bladder again. Smiling he nodded, and finally went on the potty.
“Hey! Look at that! Good boy!”, you grabbed up his flustered face and pressed a kiss to his head before poking your head out the bathroom door.
“Hyuka went on the potty!!”, you yelled down the hall. After the week everyone had had with their accident prone HueningKai, it was a miracle.
Cheers and shouts of ‘good job Hueningie!’ came from both directions, but Kai only pouted and blushed, frustrated.
“Why’d you tell we everyone?!”, he whined again, your whiny baby. Why would you?
“Because I’m proud.”, and you knew, this little family of yours, they were all proud of him too.
“I hear you finally went, Hueningie?”, Soobin poked his head in the door. It was nothing he hadn’t seen before.
“Hyung!!!”, Hyuka moved to try to cover whatever he could but he didn’t know whether to cover his face or his body so he just curled up on himself and tried to get his pull-up on not-so-gracefully.
“The wolf finally emerges from the den after all the chaos?? You missed dinner.”, you chuckled, standing and helping Hyuka wash his hands like he liked you to.
“It’s been a long week! I was catching up on sleep. I’m sorry my Hueningie. Do you forgive Hyung?”, Soobin pouted, definitely getting defensive. But Kai was glad to be minus one extra pair of eyes for another incident. Once you dried his hands, he pouted right back at his Hyung.
“Awww. Come here my GumNing.”, Soobin held out his arms lowering himself and hugging his gum tighter than he might like.
“Hyungggg!!”, Hyuka groaned, squirming around.
“I like your diaper.”, Soobin giggled lowly letting him escape.
“They’re not diapies! They’re pull-ups!”
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🧸End note: sorry for the wait! this turned out long 💀 It’s nice to finally be getting to these requests after so long (months 🥲) hello to my new followers and thank you for staying with me to my old. This is my first time writing little!txt in diapers and going further in depth with accidents. I’d love to get some feedback on this. 💕
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littletxt · 2 years
I don’t who this could be but I’m just soft and sad and sick 🥺😂
But when I get sad I often start to disassociate and honestly could be for a really short time or a really really long time and honestly I think I do it sometimes to stop from regressing cause I’m scared 👉👈
The point is I can just imagine cg!txt helping you to regress because they know how badly you need it and they just want to take care of their little one/their angel/their baby etc etc
And when you finally regress with them, their hearts will be filled with so much love because you trust them enough to do that and feel comfortable with them
BRB gonna sob over cg txt 😭😭
~ princess🐰
I seriously feel you on the disassociating! But I couldn’t choose just one so I decided to do a short hc as a sort of extension of my txt as caregivers!! 💕💕💕
They’d all have their different ways of getting you to regress:
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Soobin 💙
💙 I stand by what I said before. Soobin would be the softest caregiver. 
💙 Lazy loves and cuddles always so sweet with you. 
"Daddy wants to hold you, Angel."
 💙 When you really need it he will step up and give you a whole speech on how well you're doing and how proud of you he is.
 💙 His soothing voice so comforting in your ears for so long would make you so relaxed and sleepy you'd easily slip.
💙 And if not, he'd just pull you into his arms and do what he does best. he'd lay your head on his chest and sing to you, holding you in the gentlest embrace
 💙 He's the best leader but he'd be an even better caregiver.
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Yeonjun 💜
💜Yeonie would be such an aggressive loving caregiver (in the best way) 
💜think play fights and wrestling and a million kisses "MWAHMWAHMWAH"
 💜 he'd always be pulling you into his arms and squeeze-squeeze-squeezing you. 
💜 Honestly I can see him getting very butthurt (as well as Beomgyu) if you try to be stubborn and not regress. 
*GASP* "Do you not love Daddy??"
💜 Of course it would all be a play to get you to be small
💜He'd praise you until your cheeks turned red
"Who's Daddy’s pretty baby/princess/prince??"
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Beomgyu 💖
💖 Clingy. So clingy and loving.
💖 If his little one is being especially bratty and trying to fight being small; "But... Daddy has special kisses. Special kisses only go to my special little baby. Where's my baby??" "You don't want special kisses from Daddy??"
"Daddy's gonna do some coloring. Do you wanna color with me, baby?"
💖 he would make you think it was your idea
💖 Silly. So carefree and happy. Tickles and kisses placed all over your face...That's how it would be with him. Until it's not, because it can't always be right? 
💖 He's so emotionally intelligent he'd know exactly what to do for his baby when you're feeling down or needing him. He'd be there to tell you it's okay. Or that it's not. Because it's okay to not be okay sometimes.
"Daddy's got you. I'm here, baby."
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Taehyun 💛
💛Such a sweetie and a smarty pants.
 💛He would be the best at whatever you needed him to be, he'd make sure of it. If you needed a distraction, or grounding. Or to be his little baby. 
💛 He'd probably have a specific routine to get you to regress that only he would know about. It might be subtle. Or not. But he'd help you in any way you need.
💛 An example of that might be little points of physical contact, comforting you and slightly changing the way he speaks to you, maybe so slightly that you wouldn't even notice. He'd get you your favorite plushy, not pushing it on you, just having it nearby. Then he'd get you your favorite drink/snack and play your favorite movie. 
"Look, baby!! Daddy put on your favorite movie?" "Do you want your sippy, little one??"
💛 He knows that it can be hard to let yourself slip into such a vulnerable state, so he’ll help you feel needed
“Let me help you, baby. Daddy needs his little baby, right now…” “Daddy misses his little pumpkin…”
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Kai 💚
💚 I think Kai might just be really soft and give lots of tummy rubs and tell you how much he loves you. You truly couldn't help but regress.
"Daddy loves you so so so so so so much. Can you guess how much??" "This much!!!"
💚 He’d stretch his arms dramatically and uncomfortably, as far as they would go waiting to hear your giggles
“I think Daddy needs longer arms!”
💚 I truly think he's an empath and would just know what you need before you do honestly.
"Is my baby feeling sleepy??" "Lets go get you some nummies. Okay, little one??"
💚 Let's say you fight it. "I'm not sleepy/hungry"
"Not hungry?? What's that?? I think i heard a little tummy rumbling."
💚 he'd put his ear to your tummy just to blow on it or tickle you hehe
"Not sleepy huh? can Daddy at least get some cuddles then?"
💚 pulling you into his arms, he already knows which movies and which gestures put you to sleep so you'd be putty in his hands
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🧸End note: sighhhh. Kai’s ended up longer but are we surprised? T^T I love my sooninggyu T^T 💕
Taglist: @kuroppiz @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin
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littletxt · 3 years
hii um will you write a headcanon on each member as caregivers if their s/o was a little ? <3
Hey there! Not sure if it’ll be any good but let’s get to it! God this made me so soft I had to take a break multiple times🥺😭💕I hope these fit ok
@i9802s helped me with Yeonjun’s part. Thank you for requesting this❣️
Txt as caregivers💕
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Nicknames for his baby: kitten, baby girl/boy
💜To daddy Junnie, you’re his whole world and while he may be a little cold to the rest of the world he’d do anything for you and practically let you get away with murder just for his little baby to be happy. Which is how you end up dressing him up in a tutu and fairy wings and lots of messy lipstick and blush. Because all it takes to melt his heart is two seconds of puppy eyes and he’s in the palm of your little (sometimes devious) hands.
💜But don’t let him make you believe he hates it, he’s definitely pretending to be a fairy and chasing you around whilst you giggle and try to running away ! Before you get to far he’s grabbing you up into a hug while you scream and giggle. No amount of “stop it, daddy”’s can cease the endless tickles you’ll receive once he catches you🥺 your smile makes him smile and you’ll both have the dopiest grins on your faces during playtime.
💜Is often babying you even when you’re not regressing. Doesn’t matter where. He loves to show off his kitten to his friends. He’ll make sure you’re comfy with them, when he first introduce them to little you. This is a big step because his members are very important to him and he wants to see you all interact and be able to baby his kitten freely in front of them.
💜Being your caregiver feels like his whole life. Everything reminds him of you. When he sees children and their parents, toys at a store or cartoon advertisements, seeing your favorite color(s). He will immediately text you no matter where he is to check up on his kitten. This is how you accumulate more toys, coloring materials and stuffies than you have space for.
💜When you’ve broken rules he’s very lenient and lets you explain first which only sometimes gets you out of punishments like extra chores or if it the rule was important enough possibly a couple swats on your bottom immediately followed by lots of aftercare for the both of you because it would hurt him more than it hurt you. But the dynamic between the two of you is very important to him so it must be done.
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nicknames for his baby: angel, baby, angel baby (inspired by him singing angel baby because I’m absolutely obsessed with it and he makes me soft)
💙Soobin would be one of the softest daddies in the world. Maybe you’d think you could take advantage of that to do what you want? No way. He’s so sweet and soft with you, you couldn’t even think of being bratty. Always caring pats on the head, holding your hand everywhere you go. Always reminding you to eat and is there to help you care for yourself. He would easily fall deep into daddy space the moment you call for him. Wanting nothing more than to love and care for you.
💙Loves to feed you even when you’re capable of feeding yourself. He also loves to squish your cheeks and so your lips puff out and you look so adorable to him! Lots of squishy faced kisses from daddy 😌💕 this leads to a ritual of the two of you squishing each other’s cheeks to give kisses 😭 <3
💙He makes you feel so tiny all the time, reminding you you’re too little (him being a giant certainly helps) will make a point of reaching for things that are on high shelves for you. Always makes sure he has a sippy cup with your favorite juice ready for you.
💙He likes to bake to bake and will help you mix things up (leave the grownup stuff to daddy) but you’ll likely end up with batter or frosting all over which he’s definitely going to snap a pic of and use as his wallpaper because he finds it so cute. His angel is little they got all messy while helping him bake 💙 But messy baby means bath time!
💙Loves to play with your hair and tie it up in cute little pigtails. Obviously he can’t help himself and it constantly giving you apple hair just to be able to coo at his adorable angel.
💙Number one baby talker:
“Who’s my precious wittle angel?”
“Awe is my wittle angel sweepy? Is it ni-ni time?”
“Does my wittle baby want nummie snackies?”
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nicknames for his baby: darling, jagiya, sunshine, every possible sweet name under the sun
💖He’s your daddy bear and the place you can run whenever you need him. He’s the comfiest safe place. Always whispering comforting words and reassurance to his little, making sure you always feel his love and protection no matter how far you are from him. Another member that strongly falls into daddy space, needing to protect and care for you even in the smallest ways.
💖He’ll never wanna part from you physically. No matter what the two of you are doing he’s got you on his lap. If he can wrap his arms around you, they’re stuck there unmoving, giving you an occasional squeeze and pulling you closer. If he can’t, he’s got a hand on your head, stroking your head and playing gently with your hair. No one can tell which of you is more clingy.
💖If you get a booboo he will kiss it a million times even after you tell him it’s all better. His little one got an ouchy! Of course he would react this way! Kisses are immediately followed by the cutest bandaids with your favorite characters that he keeps on hand for his clumsy baby.
💖Reads you lots of bedtime stories and is always weak and finds it hard to say no when you say “one more story? Pleeeaaase daddy?”
(I can’t stop imagining him giving you kisses on your paci and it’s so cute )
💖Loves having coloring sessions with you and will put all the things you draw on the refrigerator and take at least one in his wallet everywhere he goes <3
💖He will desperately try to carry you everywhere insisting you’re far to little to walk anywhere on your own.
💖Always referring to himself in third person which makes you soft:
“Daddy’s heart would just break if you fell and got a booboo! Daddy would have to give you so so many kisses! Hmm…why doesn’t daddy show just how many.. mwahmwahmwahmwahmwah”
“Daddy loves you so much, sunshine.”
“Does daddy get a kissie??”
“Shhh… daddy’s got you, little one.”
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nicknames for his baby: sweetheart, pumpkin
💛Appa or Dada for sure 💕 I’m feeling overprotective vibes for Taehyunnie. Watching over you, making sure you’re safe. He’s soft for you. But at the same time he wouldn’t be afraid to discipline you if you’re breaking rules (he takes those very seriously). Especially in public. Look forward to no cartoons for the evening if he hears a swear come from your mouth. You get one warning. But after any punishment you’d get all of the love and reassurance. He loves his baby! Definitely expect your face to be peppered with kisses while he holds you in his lap and tells you that you’ll always be his good girl/boy.
“That’s my good girl/boy”
💛He knows exactly how attached to his voice you are. He’s always sending you voice messages when you’re apart telling you he loves you and checking up on you to make sure you’re being a good girl/boy. He often sings you to sleep especially his baby is cranky and in need of a nap.
💛He’s also a planner. He plans your little days out for you so you don’t have to stress. Starting from wake up where he helps you take a bubble bath and lovingly watches over you as you play with your bath toys. He pretends your in trouble for splashing him but you’re having fun and he wouldn’t have it any other way. He plans your outfit, helps you cook (babies can’t touch knives or the stove), and picks out movies to watch and lets you choose what stuffies you’ll hold while he watches them with you.
💛He always has an emergency bag on him when the two of your are out containing the following; pacifier, sippy cup, water bottle that will make you feel small but is appropriate in public, a small stuffy, extra clothes in case of an accident, a small set of crayons and a little coloring book and fidget toys.
💛Would be the one to have a “talkies corner” and make sure to go over rules often, making sure you’re happy and to talk about anything the two of you need to talk about.
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nicknames for his baby: princess/prince, little one💕
💚I feel like Kai would definitely be very Daddy-like. He doesn’t show his real emotions much on the outside but he’d drop his walls for you. You’re his weakness and his strength. He can relieve his stress being able to care for and baby you. He’s normally treated as the baby so he loves that you’re his little and that you feel safe with him. It makes him feel stronger.
💚 He’s an empath so if you go nonverbal, all he needs is a few noises and one little *grabby hands* and he knows exactly what you need. His daddy space is so pure he literally looks at you like :🥺
💚He’ll definitely wanna hold you all the time and would be the kind of daddy to play with you and be just as excited taking you to get stuffies and taking you to theme parks.
💚 He would also 100% help you name all of your stuffies and remember all of their names and personalities. He’ll even have conversations with them and include them in all of your playtimes and day to day. He loves introducing his stuffies and your stuffies to each other and talking out the dynamics of their friendships!
💚Makes sure you have your favorite little snacks and drinks (can’t promise he isn’t gonna tease you and steal some but he’ll always make sure you have more until your tummy is perfectly happy)
💚Bathtime with daddy Kai is the best! He spoils you with lots of bubbles, bath toys and bath crayons. He likes to often take baths with you so he can hold you, spike up your hair into funny styles and help you draw on the bath walls with your bath crayons.
💚Both of you love Disney movies and playing cute games so lots of time spent watching princess movies and playing animal crossing and other switch games while between his legs, his chest pressed against your back. (This makes me so soft)
P.s. it’s a fact that he gives the best hugs and tummy rubs. Period cramps for afab littles be gone! Will 100% blow bubbles on your tummy though so be ready for that to lead to the tickle monster coming out to play because Kai is definitely a devious and playful daddy as well.
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💌End note: if there’s any scenario with a specific member you’d like me to elaborate on, just send an ask and I’ll get to it as soon as I can!💖
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littletxt · 2 years
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Wc:432 TW|Blood sucking/Vampire au
Taglist: @yuckiqr @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie
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Baby Vampire
"Uh-uh, baby. It's not feeding time.", you pulled your wrist away from the disappointed puppy and turned to wash your hands in the kitchen sink. Whining, Hyuka followed you and nuzzled against your arm, sensing the warm blood pumping through your veins. After drying your hands on your apron you grabbed a shiny red apple from the decorative, porcelain bowl on the counter and held it to his lips until he opened his mouth so you could press it against his little fangs.
"Here, bite this.", you smiled at your big baby vampire, ruffling his dark hair that he hadn't bothered to brush, and went back to cleaning the kitchen.
"But it doesn't taste good, Momma!", Hyuka pouted after prying the sweet fruit from his fangs. While he could eat human food, Momma's blood was always sweeter and he was hungry! While it wasn't time for him to eat yet, it was getting close, his little tummy rumbling.
Finally concluding that you were taking Sunday chores seriously, he toddled off to the living room, where the curtains were drawn, to curl up on the sofa with his apple and his switch. Once you'd finished the chores and washed your hands, you peaked into the dimly lit room where your vampy baby played animal crossing, hanging his head upside-down off the couch with his hair falling every which way.
"Are you still hungry, sweetie??", another smile spread over your lips as you signaled him to make room on the couch. Sitting next to him, he crawled into your lap as he always did, happily nuzzling your neck.
"Go ahead, little one.", you gently scratched his scalp as he sank his teeth into your neck and contently drank some of your blood, doing his best to be a good boy and not drink too much. 
"Momma??", Hyuka asked, nudging your cheek  with his nose when he at last pulled off, tummy satisfied.
"Hmm? All done?", you were a little dizzy but nonetheless you pulled a gauze packet from your pocket and pressed it to your neck to stop the bleeding. Noticing he may he may have drank too much, Hyuka stood from your lap, blood smeared on his lips and cheek, and waddled away, returning with a juice box and a cookie. It wasn't the first time and he knew just what to do to help his Momma.
"You're such a good boy. Thank you, baby.", accepting the cookie, you bit into it right away before setting it down and taking another piece of gauze in your free hand, "Let Mommy clean you up.”
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🧸End note: It’s my first time writing something like this which is probably why it came out so short but I think I’ll do other vampire!txt or other mystical/fictiony type things in the future!! haha vampy baby hyuka is literally the cutest💕
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littletxt · 2 years
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Wc: 1k+
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie @kiki-woo @pastel-princess-please
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HueningKai Day
On the morning of his birthday, the moment the sun kissed the sky, you sprawled out on top of your Daddy and gave him a hundred kisses as well. After a couple groans he opened his eyes and managed a lopsided smile to match your giddy grin.
“HAPPY BIRFDAY, DADDYYYYY!!”, you exclaimed before showering him with kisses, grabbing his favorite plushie and making it give him kisses as well.
“Five more minuuuutes.”, he laughed and pulled you tight against his chest before rolling over and trapping you beneath him.
Squirming and squealing was useless and only entertained him further so you pouted until he turned his head to be nose to nose with you.
“Yes, baby?”, he asked, pressing a good morning kiss to your nose.
“You gotta get ready so we can go out today!!!”, you kicked your legs beneath him. Frowning a little he laid his head back down, deciding that definitely wasn’t a good enough reason to move.
“I thought you knew that Daddy wanted to stay home today, just us, little one…”
“You can’t stay home on your birthday!!! We gotta go do lots of fun stuff the whooooooole day!!! Today is special!!”, you whined. But he whined back.
“But Daddy wants to stay home with his angel baby princess the whoooooooooole day.”, squirmed on top of you, matching your energy and succeeded at knocking the air from your lungs.
Finally rolling off if you he sighed at the determined look on your face. The only person that was more stubborn than him in his eyes, was his baby.
That was how you ended up at an arcade with him winning the both of you a mountain of plushies. It was stop number three, the first being a dog café and the second had been a anime cafe that sold figurines for your secret otaku boyfriend. Next up, you wanted to take a hundred pictures of your birthday date with Daddy in a photo booth with one of your many knew stuffed friends. You were having a blast and that put an unmoving smile on his face as well.
After taking probably far too many silly Polaroids, one for each of your favorite uncles and an extra for Soobie, your final stop was pizza. Bouncing you on his lap he fed you bites of the pizza slice you were sharing while you watched your favorite show on his phone. Usually you weren’t so conscious of being little in public, feeling especially safe when Daddy was with you but a lot of people were staring. You began to realize it wasn’t normal for even little kids to sit on their Daddy’s laps. Looking down at the table, you felt ashamed. The world around you becoming clearer, you could feel yours falling out of your happy place; no more fuzzy, happy baby.
Though you hadn’t moved, Kai could feel the shift, his heart twinging with anxiety as he rushed to comfort you. Wiping his greasy hand on his pants like they were day old napkins, he turned you sideways in his lap.
“Baby, what’s wrong?”, he soothed you, he’d stay in Daddy mode until he was sure you came out of it on your own.
“Can we go home?”, you stood, never feeling more embarrassed and began to collect your things. Maybe a day at home would had been better, it’s what your boyfriend had wanted in the first place.
He knew that was the final word and you wouldn’t change your mind so he gathered your things leaving a few bills on the table to pay for the meal and followed you to the car. It was silent; the car ride home, each step toward your doorway, slipping of your shoes and landing on the couch with your knees pulled to your chest and you face sunk between them.
“Baby…”, after removing his own shoes he sat beside you, pulling you into his arms, though you didn’t go willingly.
“Oh, baby. Come on, now.”, he frowned, pressing his lips into a thin line and turning your face to look at him.
“You usually don’t let other people bother you like this… what’s going on, baby??”, he cupped your cheek, pressing his forehead to yours as he patiently awaited an answer, struggling to cope with the tears threatening to spill from your eyes.
“I dunno… I’m sorry.”, you whimpered, dropping your head to his chest in deep apology.
Dumbfounded he stroked your head, feeling his shirt becoming wet with your tears.
“What are you sorry for, baby??”, he asked, thinking of how happy you were not even an hour ago and hating that anything could make you feel this way.
“We should have just stayed home like you wanted. But I forced you to go out and dragged you around while I acted like a big baby. I’m sorry…”, your voice was muffled against his chest, coming out between sobs.
Gazing at you with the softest, most loving expression when he sat you up, he kissed your tears and smiled.
“So what you’re telling me-“, he wiped away your tears, “-is that I got to spend my birthday having fun and making MY big baby happy, making you smile and seeing you laugh without a care in the world?? How dare you apologize for that.”
Gigging a little at the way you averted your eyes, feeling shy under the trickle of affection and praise you knew would soon turn into a waterfall, he sat you in his lap, facing him before he continued. Soon you were lying on his chest, showered in his deep affection while he rubbed your back and spoke against your cheek.
“I can’t think of a better way to spend my birthday, a better gift to receive than that, Angel…”
The rest of the evening on Hueningkai day was even better, as he got to spend it just the way he’d wanted to. With you in his arms as he watched his favorite shows and fed you snacks once you finally let yourself fall back into little space.
“Feeling better, little one??”
“Hehe, yap!”, you nuzzled into his neck before receiving another of your favorite snack.
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🧸Endnote: this is quite late >< sorry hubby! Sorry everyone! It’s not my best work but I really wanted to do something for my love. Happy Hyuka Day (late :’)) 💕
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littletxt · 3 years
Can I make a request where fem reader and Beomgyu and Taehyun are all littles while the other 3 are the cgs. The 3 littles wake up little, y/n wakes up first and wake the other two up and they end up playing and watching movies and a spider comes along and they all scream causing the 3 cgs to wake up and come to the rescue🥺
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Wc: 1.4k+
Taglist: @kuroppiz @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin
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"Hyunnie!!", you whispered loudly as you shook the sleepy, dark-haired boy's shoulder, your other little friend sleep-mumbling things like "Appa", "Toto" and "tteokbokki" behind you.
"Hyunnie, I can't sleep!", you whined, making him jump out of his precious sleep and cover his eyes with both his sleepy arms.
"(nickname)?", he spoke softly, still half asleep as he brought his hands down to rub his eyes and sit up.
"Play with me!!"
"Mm...I'll play with you...", Beomie sat up in his sleeping bag, using one arm to support himself, also rubbing his eyes.
Victoriously, you crawled out of your sleeping bag while whisper chanting. It was around 3 am and you couldn't sleep any longer, boredom taking over. Taehyunnie, Beomie, and you were holding a sleepover in the living room and your daddies, Soobin and Kai, were fast asleep and out of sight. Turning on the television with the volume on low, Beomie giggled madly, excited to be awake so late at night.
"Shh!", Hyunnie yawned and tossed a couch pillow at Beomie's head, only making him laugh louder. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for Beomie to be deprived of sleep.
"Beomieee!, you gonna get us in twouble!!! Dada will be mad!!!", you laid on top of him and his hoard of plushies, trying to silence his giggling, Soobin being the most likely to wake from it and you did NOT wanna get in trouble. You were Daddy's precious, most well behaved angel, but you knew better than anyone that he could be especially strict if he needed to be.
"You guysss!! Daddies will be mad, we should go back to bed!", Hyunnie laid face down, groaning into his remaining yellow pillow.
"Aw, Hyunnie... Come onnnn.", you whined and rolled over onto your back, effectively crushing and elbowing Beomie, triggering even harder laughter somehow.
"Okay!! Okay!! Off! I have an idea...", he caught his breath and discarded his sleeping bag, waddling off in his pink nightie to the kitchen and returning with a big bag of sour gummy worms. With a loud gasp, Hyunnie sat straight up. he wanted to be the voice of reason, being the eldest little, but the candy was too enticing.
Practically inhaling the gummy worms, Beomie took it upon himself to return the pillow earlier thrown at him right into Hyunnie's face while he was absorbed in his three-in-the-morning treat.
"Gyuuiee!", Hyunnie pouted, mouth full of candy. Giggling you grabbed another pillow and threw yourself at the manically laughing brunette who was already grabbing couch pillows, refilling his ammo. Swatting at each other with the cushiony pillows, you chased each other, whisper yelling around the living room while Hyunnie shoveled more candy into his mouth.
When you were finally out of breath and Hyunnie had filled his tummy with the sweets, the three of your gathered up the pillows and snuggled back into your sleeping bags to watch a movie. A black spec crossed your vision over the white pillow lying at your feet. Next to you, Hyunnie also noticed the little spec, little legs moving slowly across the fabric. Screaming, you scrambled from your sleeping bag, startling both of the boys.
"What is that??", Beomie leaned in closer, earning Hyunnie fully attentive as well. 
"Spi-", Hyunnie was cut off by Beomie's screaming once he realized what it was, plushies being scattered as he followed you to the couch, jumping quickly on top of it. 
Finding a piece of paper and folding it up, Hyunnie crouched low next to the little spider, curiously poking at the unmoving dot with many legs. When it did move, he jerked away, "Nn!", heart pounding out of his chest. Being the oldest little he felt a responsibility to help, seeing you clinging to Beomie, crying as you stood on the couch. He knew your Daddy, Soobin, would be the only one who could calm you.
"Don worry, y/n, Gyuie, I'll get daddies!!", Running toward the hallway, he crashed into Kai's chest, Soobin and Yeonjun not far behind after hearing their angels screaming in the middle of the night. Fears of the worst flew around their heads when they rushed out of bed.
"Soobin Papa, there's a- a spider!!!", anxiously he stuttered over his words. Soobin immediately crossed the room in barely a moment after hearing, knowing you were terrified of spiders, he picked you up off the couch into his arms. 
"Hey, now. Daddy's here, angel.", he cooed and walked you to the edge of the living room to observe, joined by a distressed Hyunnie and Daddy Kai rubbing his back. Beomie had already calmed a bit, watching as his Appa, Yeonjun squatted down next to the accused. 
"This is the spider??", Yeonjun tried not to roll his eyes thinking, 'we woke up for this?'. Coming up with an easy solution, he squashed it with his thumb, feeling accomplished when his baby bear squealed happily, being saved from the tiniest of spiders. 
"It's dead??", you asked, petrified and soon bursting into tears, Hyunnie's little whimpers also filling the room. Yes you were scared, but now the poor thing was dead! Stabbing glares were thrown at Yeonjun by two Daddies on damage control.
"What???", Yeonjun stammered defensively, sitting on the floor and pulling Beomie into his lap, noticing the nearly empty bag of candy on the floor. What were these babies up to?? But it could wait for tomorrow, the crying little ones were of the utmost importance. Also sitting on the floor in his place, Soobin sat you in his lap, his legs crossed, shushing you sweetly.
"I know, sweetie. That was awful mean of Uncle Yeonie, wasn't it?? How about tomorrow night, we draw some pictures for Mr. Spider to send him off?? We could even make some treats!", he wiped away your tears, squishing your cheek a little before kissing your forehead. That seemed to calm you a bit.
"We'll make Uncle Yeonie go buy anything you want, baby.", Kai whispered, leaning over from where he kneeled, scratching Hyunnie's head to relax him, to kiss you on the cheek. 
"I heard that!", Yeonjun remarked as he had Beomie help him clean up the living room so everyone could get back to sleep as soon as possible. Once calmed, everyone set down to watch a movie, winding down from the eventfulness of the early morning hours. Squished between Soobin and Kai on the floor, Hyunnie and you held hands, still soft from all of your crying as you watched the movie. Soft circles were drawn on your tummy by Kai's hand that reached over Hyunnie, knowing you needed it the most. Sweet kisses pressed to the top of your head every so often by Soobin as a way of checking up on his angel. 
Kai and Hyunnie were the first to drift off in each other’s arms. You rolled over into Soobin's arms, nuzzling against his chest, falling asleep yourself when you heard-
"Oh, I'm y/n! A sCaRy SpIdEr!! It's gonna eat meee!", Beomie whispered, mockingly, throwing up his hands as if he were scared.
"Shhh, go to sleep.", a dozing Yeonjun reached around to cover his mouth where he sat up a little still watching the movie, only to get licked.
"Hey! Ah! why would you do that? Come here you little gremlin.", Yeonjun pulled the devilish little one into his arms, making him lie down. Wriggling around, Beomie tried to escape.
"Goodnight, everyone.", Soobin called out, silencing Beomie's squirming, but you were doing squirming of your own now. rolling back and forth in your Daddy's arms, Beomie had reminded you of the spider. The creepy crawly spider with its many legs and maybe many friends.
"Angel... what's the matter??", he stopped your turning, having you face him, your foreheads pressed together.
"Beomie was talking about the spider, Daddy... what if dere are more??", you whispered, your legs kicking a little, uncomfortably as you imagined. 
"Babygirl, tomorrow Daddy will call a special spider mover to relocate any of Mr. Spider's family. You'll be safe and sound. That's a new word for you, angel. R-E-L-O-C-A-T-E. Relocate. It means to move them to a new place. Can you say it for me?", his plan to distract you easily worked as you were already half asleep just listening to his soothing, hushed words.
"Rewocate?", you mumbled, snuggling down to press your face sleepily into his neck.
"That's right, angel. Rewocate.", he gave a breathy chuckle, holding you tightly.
 All that was heard after was the last of the pecks and forehead kisses being given out before soft snores and Beomie mumbles filled the room and dreamland took them all.
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🧸End note: Eeeeee I loved this. To further explain the plot of this one, the reader is kinda in a relationship with Soobin, Kai, and Taehyun? They don't all need to be dating in your mind but based on my series there's SooKaiTae and YeonGyu, but even in poly relationships, not everyone has to date. (the SooKai bits may have been a little self-indulging) The Soobie stuff is a little toward then end but I hope you find some comfort in this, sweetie. Soobin is my whole world.this honestly had my heart absolutely weak. EVERYONE KEEP REQUESTING CG SOOBIN BECAUSE HES MY COMFORT AND I LOVE HIM (don’t tell Kai) BYE THANKQ THAT IS ALL 💕
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littletxt · 3 years
Caregiver HueningKai with Period Cramps
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Gn + no cg name
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> Firstly, I've noticed that in South Korea, things aren't so hush-hush and all on the AFAB humans when they have their period. It's actually quite common for menstruation hygiene products to have couples on the packaging unlike in some other countries, particularly in the western world. So living there a good chunk of his life I feel Kai would be much more understanding/helpful during this time of the month than some guys would be. He’s absolutely the sweetest and softest, loving caregiver.
> When you find out you're on your period, Kai, as your caregiver, makes sure to help you take a bath with lots of bubbles to clean up and relax your aches.
> He'll pick out some comfy clothes for his little sweetie to spend the worst of your period in after rubbing lots of soothing lavender or oatmeal baby lotion over your little arms and legs.
> Coaxing you into little space so you don't have to think about it and helps you with the hurties
> Kai is just understanding in general so he's gonna be right there with you through your mood swings, comforting you and giving you anything you might need even if you're yelling at him for snackies or something, he understands.
> While your rice bag is heating up he rubs your tummy to try to ease your cramps, giving you the best snuggles and Hyuka tummy rubs™ he can offer.
"I know it hurts, little one. I've got you.."
> Picking your safest shows to watch with you and you favorite stuffies and a sippy cup of juice or milk (no caffeine cuz it'll hurt your little tummy more)
> He'll try to control himself so he doesn't make you giggle too much when it hurts. But when it doesn't, prepare to get all the tickles and giggle material.
> Lots of  "I love you"s, "my cutest-cutie-tiny-little-one" and "you're so strong, my baby."
> you’d think he was a cat instead of a puppy, rubbing his face all over you, he can’t get close enough to his precious baby. He’s heart broken he can’t do more about your pain. (We love an empath ☹️)
> He'll make sure his baby gets lots of rest wherever it may be. Tucked safely in bed, or on the couch, half using him as a mattress hehe maybe even drooling on his chest. But he's happy. Relieved your pain has ceased enough for you to drift off in his arms.
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🧸End note: Since I’m a Ningdungie human, currently experiencing period cramps… (SUPER SELF INDULGENT). I sincerely want this more than anything 💔💔💔 ugh this gif series T^T bottom line I’m in love with himmm💕
Taglist: @kuroppiz @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin
🧸End note: Since I’m a Ningdungie humanhuman currently experiencing period cramps…this gif series… I’ll cry
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littletxt · 3 years
8:50 a.m. Soft Little Hyuka Thoughts☁️💚
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> Imagining taking care of a feverish little Hyuka, needy and sniffling. Poor thing. Feeding him medicine and soup and letting him sleep in your lap.
> The once giggly, full of energy baby, sleepy in your arms, all his energy is being used to fight off the sickness.
> Putting on his fav shows for him (maybe anime like Pokémon) and waiting it out with him. Poor little Hyuka.
> He’s a strong boy, he can handle it, but he doesn’t have to be because he has you to take care of him.
> Reminding him to cough into his elbow and making him tea for his throat and keeping him hydrated ☹️
> He’ll show he’s grateful by snuggling into you and rubbing your tummy before falling asleep on your chest, making sure he has a plushy to cuddle as well.
> Singing to him to lull him to sleep so he gets some much needed rest
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🧸End note: For my baby penguin. Wishing you get well soon <3 it’s heartbreaking I can’t be the one to care for you right now 💕
Taglist: @kuroppiz @pinkheadflowers @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin
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littletxt · 3 years
Caregiver TXT Valentine’s Day Headcanons
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Littletxt x @i9802s
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💜 it’s valentines day and what better way to spend the day than to have a lovely picnic in the park with his little one ?
💜 expect daddy yeonjun to pack so many yummy treats, sandwiches, fruit salad, cupcakes, heart shaped cookies, and of course chocolate-covered strawberries.
💜 those chocolate strawberries he packed ? he’s going to feed his little one them “say aah baby” “aaaaah” “good, little one.” he says with a smile, watching you happily eat up the delicious strawberry he just fed you.
💜 what’s the point of going to a park if you aren’t going to play some games of tag or hide and seek ?? yeonjun will definitely give his little the time of their life, letting them run around like crazy, not caring about the couple of stares they get given.
💜 tickle fights are a must ! not long after finishing off the last of your sandwich, your daddy is stretching his arms out (at least so you thought), he quickly swipes you up and onto his lap, tickling your sides until you can’t stop giggling. “please stop daddy” you say squealing, chuckling at how cute you are he lets you go, not expecting you to jump back on top of him and tickling his sides.
As the day went on morning turned to evening, you were running around the park when you came across a wishing well. you had never seen one in real life before, only heard about them in stories or seen them in movies, staring in awe at the stone well you hadn’t noticed your daddy catch up to you. “hey baby what are you looking at ?” “Its a wishing well” you said excitedly, turning around to face him. “Oh is that so? i guess we should make a wish then” searching his pockets he pulled out a gold coin, “good thing i have this with me”, showing you the shiny coin. He brought the coin up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss “for extra good luck” he said, winking at you, before passing it down to you “for extra good luck” you repeated back whilst winking, giving the coin a kiss just the way your daddy showed you. throwing the gold into the well you closed your eyes tightly shut, hands held together to your chin, you wished to the well. “what did you wish for, darling?” Yeonjun asked, poking your side. “I can’t tell you that !!” you expressed back dramatically, “okay okay” he laughed a little, “come on, the suns about to set”. Walking back to your picnic spot, yeonjun laid down on the blanket, tapping a spot next to him for you to join him. Resting your head on his chest, you look to the sky to see bright blue turning to pinks, oranges, yellows. And as evening turned to night, the sunset disappeared, deep blue almost black painted the sky, stars filling every crevice. Patting your head, yeonjun whispered into your hair “happy Valentine’s Day, my little one”, then planting a kiss there, as you quietly snored away.
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💙 Valentine’s Day with soobin include baking tasty treats.
💙 specifically, red velvet cake pops with pink white chocolate coating and lots of sprinkles. you also make red velvet cupcakes and cookies shaped as hearts !
💙 You get to squish the cake and frosting together with daddy in a bowl with your hands, it gets a little messy.
💙 cake mix on your nose, cheeks and clothes, even some in your mouth as you can’t stop yourself from ‘sneaking’ a taste.
💙 “Oh! My messy little angel. That’s okay, we’ll just have to take a fun bubble bath later, won't we?”
💙 dipping the cake pops into the coating gets messy too, with soobin also getting frosting on himself as he tries to help you.
💙 Soobin is very patient with you, getting you both cleaned up in the bath.
💙 After getting cleaned up, soobin puts the cakes and cookies into the oven for 25 minutes to cook.
Whilst baking was incredibly fun, waiting was a terrible curse. “Appa ? are they ready yet?” You questioned whilst looking at the oven he had just moments ago put the treats in. Chucking soobin replies “no bub, i just put them in. They need time too cook”. “hmm okay.” getting up from the spot you were crouched at, you started hopping around the edge of the table that was placed in the centre of your kitchen. Once making it back around to the spot you started at, you couldn’t help but ask again “Are they cooked yet, Appa?” “no angel, its only been 2 minutes since you last asked.” “hmmph. this is so boring” at that soobin looked up from the book he was reading on the couch in your living room, “how about we play a game to pass the time?” “Oooh can we play mario kart ?? Please pleaseee”. Soobin gave you a grin and nodded, knowing how much you loved playing mario kart with him, “yes of course, baby”. Setting up the game, you both chose your usual avatars, soobin as princess daisy (chosen for him by you ofc) and you as yoshi ! Playing away at the racing game with your daddy made time go by so fast. While on your last match, you were catching up to soobin who was leading the race. Aiming your last red shell item you just picked up, you shot at soobin, PERFECTLY hitting his racer and taking over his place as first, you finished the race off winning!! An overall score of 5 to 1, yes you being the 5. Getting up from your place on the couch you did a happy dance, shaking your whole body, not noticing your daddy had also got up. “Hey champ, the cakes are done! Would the little champion like one?” “OHMYGOSH YESSS” you squealed back excitedly, running over to your daddy im the kitchen and wrapping your arms around his waist, today had been such a good day. Looking upward at the tall man, you opened your mouth expectedly, he broke off some of the cupcake and feed it to you. “Mmmm datss yummy” you said through a mouthful. “Im glad you think so, angel”, wiping off the icing with his thumb that somehow managed to get on your chin.
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💖 Valentine’s Day with Beomgyu would be a relaxing at home doing self-care
💖You’d paint each other's fingernails (both matching pink obvi)
💖Daddy would choose between paper face masks or mud masks, eventually settling on paper since mud masks could get messy and he found the cutest kitty face mask for you!
💖He’d pick out different colored bathbombs with different scents to make mermaid water In your relaxing bath
💖Apple hair with ribbons and accessories (for daddy and you)
💖“Come on baby, today daddy is going to take care of you”?
💖He’d shower you with all of the love and affection; forehead kisses and huggies are most important.
💖Daddy orders out so neither of you have to cook and you can focus on each other and have a Disney movie marathon!
Daddy Gyu placed the order for takeout and settled back against the couch where you sat, tying up some of his hair on the top of his head and adding pink clips and a bow for taste. Disney’s Tangled played in the background, so you sang along to the words of Rapunzel singing about her day-to-day life. He chuckled as you used one of your “curling iron” fingers to “curl” his hair. With the finishing touches added, you set your favorite tiara atop his head. “There! Ppperrrfect!!”, you declared, Daddy should feel lucky he was allowed to wear your favorite tiara, but it was Valentine’s Day after all. “My turn! My turn! My tuuuurn!! Up Daddy!!!”, you playfully tugged at his arm to get him to stand. “Heyyy! Okay, Daddy’s getting up, honey pie.”, he grinned, standing from the floor and taking a seat on the couch so you could lay your head in his lap. Your hair fanned out and Beomgyu took his time braiding it gently so he didn’t pull your hair, just as he had learned from you before. The sound coming from tv seems to drown out as he hums along to the song near the end where Rapunzel and Eugene finally see each other. Of course, your Daddy knew a little of it by now, you’ve had him watch this movie with you a thousand times. Not too long later, he realized you had fallen asleep. With a soft smile and an even softer laugh, and lays your head down from his lap to the couch, grabbing the fluffy pink throw blanket from the arm of it and draping it over your body snuggly. “Happy Valentine’s Day, baby bear.”, he pressed a loving kiss to your forehead and turned off the television so you could sleep soundly, as long as your little heart desires.
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💛 Your day starts off with breakfast in bed and a million kisses
💛He sings a special song he wrote just for you on this special day and teaches you the words so you can sing it together
💛Expect a lot of sweets; caramels, chocolates, STRAWBERRIES. He’ll feed them to you while you help him with dinner since you’re far too impatient to wait until after
💛“Hey, you can’t eat them ALL, Pumkin! You still have to eat dinner!”
💛He’ll let you stir while he handles the grown up parts of cooking, blowing on the spoon to cool the food before feeding you.
💛You’re his precious taste tester!
After eating the special dinner you two made together, it's time to relax and unwind. So you clean up and follow Taehyunnie to the living room, plopping down on the couch. Daddy connects his phone to Bluetooth speakers in your living room and music starts playing. Pulling you up from your seat on the couch, he spun you around with one hand, dancing along to the upbeat song that was playing, singing a few phrases to make you giggle. "Hehe, Daddy is so silly.". The next song that played was rather slow and you weren't sure how to dance to it. "Come here, little one.", he smiles softly, taking your hands and putting them around his neck so he can pull you on his feet. You let out a little scream, afraid you might fall but he held you tightly. "Daddy's got you. Don't worry, I won't let you fall, baby.", he chuckled, tightening his hold around you so you'd feel secure. He took a step with you letting you get a feel for it before he moved slowly around the living room, swaying with you in his arms. Humming softly along with the music, you could hear it reverberating in his chest. It was comforting to you, his voice could nearly make you fall asleep. But the song ended and was replaced by one of your favorite Disney songs. When he started singing along you stepped off his feet and looked at him, pleasantly surprised. "Daddy?", you asked but your Daddy just shushed you with more of his beautiful voice. He must have learned it just for you. So you joined in, giggling and singing, "Your voice sounds so pretty, pumpkin!", he cooed, placing a peck on your nose. The rest of the evening was spent dancing around the living room (disturbing the neighbors) to both of your favorite songs (mainly TWICE and Disney).
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💚 On Valentine’s day with daddy kai, you will make lots of fun crafts !!
💚 Diy valentines cards, heart wreaths, paintings, you name it !
💚 Kai is so calm, that is how he would be with you as his babie.
💚 he won't ever get mad at you, and lets you be as silly and as messy you'd like!
💚 When you start putting sticky finger painted hearts on him and glitter all over him he just giggles at how silly you are.
💚 Happy to be his baby's canvas.
💚 A day of fun craft making, ends up with you two being super hungry.
💚 Kai would order you your favourite foods to be delivered (that way you can keep making a mess AND fill your hungry tummies), chicken nuggies will most definitely be on that order !
💚 He would take the card you made that day, to work with him and show everyone because it’s just so special to him.
💚 Afterwards, you have a bath together to clean up the big mess you created.
"Babyyy.... How did you get so much glitter in your hair?? Gosh, it's probably In Daddy's hair too isn't it?", he teased as he scrubbed shampoo into your hair. Thoroughly, he scrubbed your hair and skin to get rid of the glitter but it was proving to be quite the chore. You only giggled, relaxing against his busy fingers in your hair, a little worn out from chasing Daddy around with colorful glitters and glue wanting to make him even prettier than he already was. "Ahhh! No! Not the blue glitter!! my baby's gonna get me!", He had gasped, pretending to be frightened of you and your weaponized craft materials as he ran around the table that was by now covered in three different colored glitters and paint splotches. There would be a lot of cleaning up to do later on. But for now, it was bath time. "Daddy... you have... hehe", Kai looked at you, puzzled as you burst with laughter. "Hmm?", he stood and looked at his reflection in the mirror before also letting out a loud laugh, almost reaching to cover his face with his soap covered hands."I guess Daddy will be joining you in taking a bath then, won't he?" "Daddy... you have... hehe", he looked at you, puzzled as you burst with laughter. "Hmm?", he stood and looked at his reflection in the mirror before also letting out a loud laugh, almost reaching to cover his face with his soap covered hands. "I guess Daddy will be joining you in taking a bath then, won't he?". After both of you finished washing up, and you were wrapped snug in a fluffy yellow towel, you turned to look at the bath water and let out a shrill squeal. "Daddy!! Look at the mermaid water!!", you stared into the pretty swirls of pink, purple and glitter. The glitter was still everywhere, in the water, on the edge of the tub, on the floor and a few specs could still be seen on both your hair and skin and Kai's. "All right sweetie, we are gonna need the vacuum and lots of paper towels.", he sighed as he stared at the horrid mess the two of you made in the kitchen. Even after cleaning up the crayons and stray stickers, there was pink, yellow, purple and blue paint messes scattered on the floor and table. Luckily, it wasn't as bad as he thought, since he took most of the mess on his clothes and skin. The glitter was another thing altogether. He knew letting you play in the glitter would lead to the sparkly specs making an appearance for months to come. Shiny flecks of all different colors covered everything, the paint on the table glimmered. It hadn't started out glitter paint, but you made sure your special card for daddy was the sparkliest, shiniest, prettiest card your Daddy would ever see!! After a good thirty minutes of cleanup it was determined, you'd probably be taking another bath after all.
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A/N: this was a collab between me and @kuroppiz Elfie!! I really enjoyed working on this with you, Elfie <3 I think you can really see the difference in our writing styles hehe
Let’s work together a lot more in the future, love! <3
Personal favorites: Soobin’s drabble (idea by me|written by Elfie) and the nuggies with Kai hehe thank you, Elfie!!
P.s. I don’t know how Kai’s drabble ended up so long 😅 whoops it’s not like he’s my bias or anything 👀👀
Taglist: @pinkheadflowers
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littletxt · 3 years
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Blog started January 2022
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masterlist ♡ | request guidelines ♡ | about ♡
> This blog is for hc of Tomorrow x Together if they were age regressors and/or caregivers.
> This blog is purely for entertainment/comfort and I am not at all implying that the members are age regressors or anything (if I ship them with each other).
> When requests are open, I write both for Caregiver txt and little txt (x readers) I mostly write for fem and gn but if you specify I’ll write for male readers too!
> asks always open <333 I love my anonies sm (even on hiatus) REBLOG IF YOU CAN! Tumblr is based on reblogs!!
-> new feedback form
ATTENTION MOACARATS!!! -> @little-svt
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Age regression is not sexual whatsoever and if you sexualize it do not interact with me. Read more about age regression here and HERE.
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Song of the week:
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Last week’s song:
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littletxt · 3 years
hi!! can i request a little kai or beomgyu super upset that he lost his fav pacifier and can’t sleep without it :3
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It took me a while but I hope you like it! I chose Kai because I’ve done A LOT of little Beomgyu already <3
Taglist: @i9802s
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Baby Insomnia
Lately, Kai's schedule had been anything but calm waters. Simultaneously, he'd been needier than ever, wanting to cling to you and be babied 24/7 when there was just no time. So when he had the opportunity to invite you to share a hotel room with him when he had to travel for a concert, he jumped on it immediately. In the week leading up to when you'd leave for the hotel, everything went by agonizingly slow. More rehearsals, less time together, more needy baby once he finally got a minute alone with you.
Finally, the day came for you to pack up your things into one shared bag and make your way to the hotel. The boys invited you to come out to dinner with them the night before the concert. Nothing fancy just some bonding time. While everyone ate and joked around it was hard not to notice Kai's unusual behavior of chewing on his straw more than he was joining in on the conversation. After a moment you brushed your foot against his leg, feeling that he was kicking his feet lightly under the table.
"How are you feeling, baby?", you leaned over, whispering in his ear. He seemed a bit startled, jumping slightly like he hadn't quite been there in the moment.
"What? Oh, yeah. I'm good.", he smiled and listened in on the conversation for a moment to find a spot to jump in. He didn't seem quite "good" to you. Was he nervous about tomorrow? Kai's behavior bordered on anxious and floaty the entire dinner and on the way back to the hotel. Half the time he was fidgeting and picking at his skin, the other half, everything anyone said was going right in one ear and out the other like he couldn't hear you at all.
Once the two of you were safe in your hotel room, it didn't take long for your baby to lean on you, telling you everything that was going through his mind.
"My throat feels a little scratchy. What if my voice cracks on stage tomorrow?", he paced in front of you, talking with his hands while you sat on the edge of the king-size bed.
"You'll do great. You've practiced so many times, it's muscle memory. Even if you messed up, your fans would still love your performance regardless. You're only human, baby.", you pulled him into your lap. He whined at being pulled but settled happily on your thighs as you let him lean back against you. But he was still fidgety, picking at his fingers. Wishing you had realized how stressed he was, you rubbed his back in comforting patterns.
"We should get to sleep soon, baby. You need your rest.", you pressed your forehead against his back. You could almost see him pouting in front of you as he squirmed but he agreed and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, with you not far behind.
After lying down in bed, you could feel him wiggling around, kicking his feet every once in a while. Turning, unable to get comfortable. You hushed him and rubbed his back, hoping to soothe him to sleep. An hour passed and you heard another whine followed by a huff.
"You still can't sleep, Babe?", You rubbed your weary eyes, puzzled by why he was unable to sleep. He had been on a regular schedule lately. If he was even teetering he'd normally go down very easily. If he was teetering...
You almost cursed under your breath, whipping the covers off of you and scrambling to your bag, digging through it looking for the worst possible thing you could have forgotten. After five minutes of digging and even dumping everything out onto the edge of the bed and turning the lamp on, you realized you messed up. You couldn't remember packing it at all. How could you forget his paci?
Kai leaned against the headboard of the bed, hugging his Molangie tightly, as he watched you anxiously. Looking up at him, you were thinking of other ways to get him to sleep. It was nearly impossible for him to sleep without it when he was even teetering. The poor exhausted baby whined once again, realizing what you were looking for, and pressed his face into his plushie.
Sighing to yourself, you rubbed your temples and walked around to his side of the bed.
"Come, Ningie. Let's go take a bath, sweet boy.", you lowered the blanket, taking his hand and waiting for him to set his plushy down on the bed. He let you hold his hand but without his plushy, his other hand balled tightly into a fist once on his feet, rolling his ankles. When he was little like this, he couldn't hide his emotions to save him. His eyebrows stayed knitted together even as you helped him relax into the warm bath water, washing him gently.
It wasn't that he needed a bath, he had showered before bed. You were begging the universe, for his sake, that the warmth of the bath would help lull him to sleep. It seemed to be working, so you thought. At least until he started crying.
"Baby?? Hey, no. What's the matter?",  your voice came out far more panicked than you meant, which only upset him more. He wasn't answering you, only leaning his head against you as your arms went around him.
"Momma...", he sniffled, head heavy against you. Your angel was utterly spent. Cooing, you ran more warm water into the tub, but it was a useless effort. While he was getting more drowsy, it only made him more stressed, fussy, and sensitive. He broke down crying when you dried him off, shivering from the temperature change.
"Baby, I know, I know. You gotta calm down. Shhh.", speedily, you dressed him in his jammies so you could hold him in bed, putting on his favorite movie as background noise and rocking him gently.
3 am came around quickly and you were just as panicked as him, though he’d had gone completely nonverbal at this point. If he didn't get sleep soon, he'd be dead on his feet tomorrow and he couldn't afford that.
"Come here, baby." you hold him, turning him away from you to be the little spoon and put your arm around him hold your hand in front of his mouth.
"do you wanna try sucking on mommy's thumb?" he hesitates for a moment but takes your thumb into his mouth anyway, giving it an experimental suck. The warmth of your thumb, your whole body, is comforting to him and he immediately relaxes.
"Good boy..", you coo and kiss the back of his head and he melts against your body, even more, breathing becoming deeper. within five minutes he's out like a light. Doing your best to be silent, you're almost screaming praise to whatever being is out there, you finally got him to sleep. Why didn't you think of that sooner?
He managed to get enough sleep to be ready to perform diligently for his fans the next day. Proud as ever, you cheered him on throughout the concert enjoying every moment being his number one ningdungie.
Things weren't exactly the same after that. Whenever Kai got stressed he'd wiggle his way into your arms and grab ahold of your hand just so he could suck on his thumb to relax. More than often, he preferred your thumb over that "stinky binky" as he called it nowadays. You were a little worried he'd never go back to the paci, but as long as you were together (which was always and forever) you had no problem being his comfort.
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🧸End note: I’ve been a little slow on requests the past few days but I’m gonna get back to it as soon as I can 💕
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littletxt · 2 years
A Little Mixed Up Pt.13
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Taglist: @yuckiqr @pinkheadflowers @hopelix @sweetiehyuka @woonie-muffin @desatando-me @ethie @djdudjdjkw @chariottie
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Disciplinary Action
Our two caregivers and oldest members decided to pitch in to buy a new plushie for their two littlest littles. Never showing much interest in stuffed animals, they figured little Taehyunnie wouldn't want one. While they were right to think so, there was still a problem. Hyunnie had plastered a permanent from on his face the moment Beomie and Ningie had received their gifts. Where was his? Why didn't Dada get him one, too? His torn gaze settled on the pretty, tan teddy bear with a yellow bowtie that Beomie held in his arms. Yellow was his favorite color. Did dada give his toy to Beomie? 
"Mine!!", Hyunnie grabbed onto the bear's arm and pulled on it, but it wasn't giving. Beomie held on tightly yelling for his Appa who had just left the room to change into a more comfortable outfit after he'd been out all day. Ripping the toy from Beomie's arms with all of his strength, Hyunnie landed on his bottom with a thud. Startled by the scene before him, Ningie had already started crying, his Daddy, though he had just gone to the kitchen for sippy refills, was nowhere to be seen. 
"Gimme!!", crawling across the floor toward Hyunnie, Beomie screeched distraughtly. But Hyunnie was faster on his big boy feet, retreating to the corner of the room with both arms wrapped tightly around the plushie. No one was gonna take his toy.
Soobin was on the scene first, his shirt stained with purple juice after he'd spilled it, jumping at the sound of Beomie's screaming. The boys had never fought like that before, so he was faced with a shock upon turning around to see his little Hyuka wailing, Beomie close to it and Hyunnie huffing in the corner of the room with the plushie that clearly wasn't his.
"Taehyun. Give Beomie back his bear. Now."
Frightened by strict tone of his Dada's voice, Hyunnie didn't  move a muscle. Soobin rarely used such a tone with them, if ever, but he felt he had no choice. The disappointment in his voice was apparent as he repeated himself to no avail. 
Hyunnie's eyes jolted from the floor to his Dada's stern expression. Hugging onto the bear even tighter, his jaw was clenched, his face hot. Why did he have to give it back? Why was Dada so mad?? 
Soobin would never raise his voice at his babies in anger but being ignored this way was new to him, the whole situation was new to him and frustration was heating up his face.
"Three. If Dada gets to five, Hyunnie is going to be punished. Do you understand me?", clearing the room in mere seconds, Soobin stopped, standing face to face with the anxious little. But the promise of a punishment only upset Hyunnie more, making him huff in response.
"Okay. Let's go,", fed up with his defiance, Soobin lifted Taehyun over his shoulder and carried him to his bedroom as to not disturb the fraught littles any further. Sitting on the mattress, he laid Taehyun over his knee, giving him two swift spankings on his bottom. Taehyun gasped at the first impact, his tears formed and fell the moment the second landed. Not because it hurt, but because Dada spanked him and because he was a bad boy. 
Letting him stand on his own, Soobin worked to calm his own aching heart. The act of punishing his little baby that way had torn through him and nausea was creeping in.
 Gasps and sobs left Hyunnie's mouth, his hands balling into fists as he covered his eyes.
"Baby...", tears of his own began to pool as Soobin pulled his little on into his arms, doing his best to calm him. Their hearts were beating to the same anguished tune.
"Now.  We are gonna talk about this. I know you were upset, baby, but we can't take things from our friends. And you know better than to not listen to Dada... now why is my Hyunnie so upset today??", sighing with the utmost concern in his voice, Soobin squeezed his sniffling Tyunnie to his chest and rocked him slowly,  just as he liked. After a few more deep breaths, just like his Daddies taught him Hyunnie was ready to talk.
"Ningie and Beomie both got plushies from Daddies...", he mumbled into Soobin's tear-soaked shoulder and another sigh fell from Soobin's lips. It felt like his first big failure as a caregiver and it was weighing heavily. 
"Dada is sorry, baby.", his embrace tightened again all his regret in one deep hug, "I- Dada thought you wouldn't like one because you like to play with big boy toys. But my big boy can have  plushie too. Is that what you want, baby?"
Nodding, little Tae snuggled further against his Dada's shoulder, "Can I hab a nap?".
"Oh, of course, baby."
Crawling out of Soobin's arms he laid on the bed and pressed his face in his Dada's pillow, sinking into the comforting scent.
"Dada has to go help our Ningie now. Okay, baby? I'll come check on you in a little bit.", pressing a kiss to his temple after a tiny "uh-huh", Soobin pulled the covers over Hyunnie's head since he liked to curl in a ball under his blankies. 
"Just like a kitten.", he whispered and took his leave to find his little angel baby that had been left behind, along with another crying little in the hands of a very panicked oldest member.
"Hyunnie and Daddy okay now?", little Kai sat on the couch tucked into Yeonjun's right side with Beomie on the left. Squeezing his biggest Molangie plushie tightly, half of Hyuka's face was hidden behind it. 
"That was probably pretty scary. Huh, angel?", taking a seat next to him, Soobin opened his arms so both little boys could come snuggle against him. Yeonjun couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh.
Stumbling from Soobin's bedroom, still a bit weary, Taehyun made his way the refrigerator to grab a drink, cracking it open and chugging it immediately.
"Wow. Thirsty, hmm?", a set of arms wrapped around his middle and a much taller figure pressed a kiss to the top of his head.
"Mmm.. yes. Ningie or Kai.", wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Taehyun turned around, those same arms still around his waist to press a kiss to Soobin's lips.
"Thank you.", Soobin pressed a second his to his nose, "Kai and Beomgyu are playing on the PS5. I think we should talk.
Closing the bedroom door behind them, they crawled under the covers. Both on their sides, facing each other, Soobin pulled Taehyun to his chest and took a deep breath.
"I spanked you without us discussing if that was an okay form of punishment and I feel really bad about it. That's something I shouldn't have done..."
Taehyun already knew this was coming. He'd laid in bed upon waking, thinking about everything that had happened before he had fallen asleep. Feelings of that sadness still lurked, but mainly, he was embarrassed. That hurt he felt, he knew Soobin would being feeling it tenfold. That's just how he was.
"Thank you for apologizing. I agree we should have talked about it, but it's okay.", pausing for a moment he raised his head and waited for Soobin to look down and meet his eyes, their noses almost touching, " I think it was appropriate..." 
"God, Taehyun. No.", in disbelief, Soobin brought his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes, "Please don't comfort me. If anything I should be comforting you. I did wrong. I should be the one to repent."
"Hey..", Taehyun pushed Soobin's hand away from his face and pulled him in for a hug, "Daddies need comfort too..."
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🧸End note: hehe did you notice I gave you a spoiler of my own in spirit of spoiler week? Feel free to hit up my asks and freak out about txt’s first set of concept photos because I’m right there with you and they are freak out worthy. I mean… HUENING FREAKING KAI💕
Pt.1|Pt.14|series masterlist
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