theperplexedpoet · 2 months
the hues down in Hueville (the reds and the blues)
the reds and the blues cultivating their cults for votes from their hues for the desired results the hues in Hueville were down in their classes hoping a new bill would stop the trespasses that they saw coming such foundational sins projects of cunning fundamentalist hymns casting for lessers in true hand-me-down ways stacking the pressers disinformation daze Hueville's been remade by those who'd incite it serving up Kool-Aid knowing that they've spiked it the reds and the blues cultivating their cults following old cues
for the same old results while the Hueville hues keep rallying for change but those that come through are posed by the deranged blue and red state stars with sponsors behind 'em yes, the inmates are running the asylum we pick our poison from both lots allowed us letting their noise in and letting it cloud us Hueville has been played which is how they like it drinking the Kool-Aid knowing that they've spiked it the reds and the blues cultivating their cults the privileged few are paying for results while those in Hueville are all lashed down with strings those with no clue will keep perpetuating the slights and the sins nothing more on offer than these tainted trends born of our forefathers we vote the lesser and then pray for the best believe it's better so we trust this process Hueville's been remade by those who'd incite it serving up Kool-Aid knowing that we'll buy it the reds and the blues cultivating their cults for votes from their hues for the desired results limited voices the illusion of will binary choices for the king of the hill eroding our trust with the weight of their thumbs because that is just how it's always been done so the Hueville hues have learned to accept it though in our purview is means to correct it Hueville has been played which is how they like it drinking the Kool-Aid knowing that they've spiked it the reds and the blues injuries and insults they do what they do cultivating their cults (7/19/24)
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randombloops · 1 year
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Gonna just start posting these types of images with my ocs here
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karmaduck1 · 1 year
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🎶Caminito de la escuela
Apurandose a llegar
Con el libro bajo el brazo
Va todo el reino huevil🎶
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randomblart · 2 years
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Propaganda!! Prop- Prop- Propaganda!!!
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ask-penny-and-cloud · 3 years
Hello. Im pretty sure this isn't canon but im bored so here. Have this i guess :P
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hueville · 7 years
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So, I design Clip Art now! I toyed around with the idea of not even announcing this here and starting a new blog for my illustration endeavors.  Then I realized I have the most common name in the world and after several years using the handle hueville, people just know me as that.  So I’m going to embrace that and talk about things like this here, even though it has very little do do with coloring.
I am in fact doing very little comic book coloring these days.  I still do some work for Boom on occasion, other than that I’m just coloring for our company Last Ember Press.  I’m currently coloring, The Last Ember, The Wylde, Pneumatic Cases, and Celestial Falcon for LEP. 
The Clip Art is a fun side project I have going on.  I’ve wanted to do something like it for years now.  I just didn’t have the confidence in my skills to actually make the jump and do it.  I am learning so much with each set of clip art I release and people seem to be responding very well to it.  I most certainly lean toward a more cartoon/cute style.  Always have, always will.   Another thing I’m just embracing these days. lol  If you're interested in seeing some more of my work you can check out my website keepinitkawaii.com.  I might also start posting some work-in-progress/update posts about my illustrations here.
I’ve got some fairly major changes coming up in my work life and I want to start posting more about it here.  So stick around, you're about to start hearing a lot more from me!
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kflemhealth · 6 years
Natural insecticides are proven yet again to be more effective than toxic synthetics
(Natural News) Why use commercial pesticides that are harmful to human health and the environment when there are safe and more effective natural ones are available? A study published in the journal Industrial Crops and Products discovered that plants native in Chile, such as canelo (Drimys winteri), tabaco del diablo (Lobelia tupa), huevil (Vestia foetida),...
from NaturalNews.com https://ift.tt/2xO6KsF via IFTTT
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raytoons · 7 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/raytoons
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dandoguerra · 7 years
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Ying Yang huevil.
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risaslocas-com · 7 years
Nuevo articulo publicado en Risaslocas
En este nuevo artículo publicado hoy en http://risaslocas.com/662731/ying-yang-huevil
Ying Yang huevil.
Ying Yang huevil.
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kitchmotherfucker · 7 years
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Ying Yang huevil.
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randombloops · 2 years
I love you trusting again I love you failed talent shows I love you shows of vulnerability I love you joyous whimsy I love you letting yourself get taken care of I love you helping each other I love you found family I love you hugs and promises I love you I love you I love you I love you,,,
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theescapingspectre · 9 years
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Is OFFICIALLY on the Huedhaut train to HueVille.
Now excuse me while I break down in tears at this wonderful man (I mean God).
*Again apologize for posting twice my tumblr has serious issues and it doesn’t upload my posts when I do*
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randomblart · 3 years
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Things went wrong
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randombloops · 16 days
I haven’t oc posted in like forever but remaining chat:
How do we feel about me realizing I made one of the most immortal beings I’ve ever made have a kid. A mortal kid. I didn’t realize how tragic it was until like I doodled them. It’s crazy.
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randombloops · 2 years
So like realizing i should probably like have somewhere else to post hueville(like sites I WORDED IT SO VAUGELY SBDN) out of just @randomhueville so like idk if anyone has any reccomendations of places where I can post it can be left here <3
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