#hufflepuff rowan
domaslut · 2 years
Felix is so done with Mc’s shit.
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caw4brandon · 1 year
The Magic of Potterverse Games
As a child who grew up watching the Harry Potter films. There's always this interest in wanting to be a part of the Potterverse. Something about the whimsical world that entrances us all to one day, join the hallowed halls and leave a mark on the universe and on Hogwarts itself.
So, with that said. Let's explore a more immersive side to the franchise that allows one to coexist in the universe with familiar faces to guide us as we navigate the world of Muggles and Wizardkind.
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- There Once Was a Boy -
Destined to be a Star ~
Back when the movies came out, game developers tackled the interesting concept of doing magic like Harry Potter through the Harry Potter film-based games.
To make it short, see [Flatlife's - Evolution of Harry Potter Games] The games were made in a variety of ways. You play as Harry Potter, traversing around the grounds of Hogwarts. Solving puzzles, going to classes, and combat various foes.
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Despite the fact that the graphics are simple and often seen as horrendous. The games as a whole, were considered a success. It laid the foundation for the desire to learn the skills of a wizard/witch and explore the school grounds. Applying the lessons in combat and winning the day as Harry Potter. But that left the question;
What if, instead of playing as Harry Potter. We play as our own self-insert character?
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The good news is, becoming a Hogwarts student seems a lot more accessible with the mobile game <Harry Potter: Magic Awakened>
Of course, this isn't the first attempt in the Potterverse's history of self-insert games. In 2018, another mobile game <Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery> was released to the public as well as the highly anticipated console game <Hogwarts Legacy> released in 2023.
I think it's worth mentioning, regardless of your opinion towards JKR's views. The lasting effect of this franchise has raised a generation of fans and their love for magic.
- Welcome to the Dueling Room! -
As a film-only based fan of the franchise, I find that; NetEase, Avalanche, and Jam City managed to capture the wonders of using magic and being in Hogwarts. Due to the nature of the universe's magic system, the games used several ways to tackle the issue of using magic.
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In Magic Awakened, the game uses a mana-point system that limits spell casting. The game also uses a Card Game base in which players can mix and match card types and upgrade for significant effects.
The cards come in a variety of references. From summons of popular magical creatures, famous props, and the spells themselves.
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In Hogwarts Legacy, your spells are limited to what I like to call, a Hotkey Shortcut. By limiting the slots to four different abilities. Players can combine a limited set of spells in combat to deal with the more fast-paced nature of the game.
The game emphasizes the importance of using potions for that quick boost and custom clothes as additional cover. Because the game has a special condition/ finishers called "Ancient Magic" the player is encouraged to travel around and find unique upgrades to improve and build resilience. It's simple, quick, and also the most fun game to use magic.
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In Hogwarts Mystery, the combat style is a lot slower and has a two-punch effect. The first part of the duel is decided by Aggressive, Defensive, and Sneaky moves. Similar to the Rock, Paper, and Scissors game. Which when won, allows the first strike.
After that, the player is given a list of spells with various effects. The spells can sometimes cause massive damage and sometimes even stun/skip opponents for one turn. Because Hogwarts Mystery is a decision-making game, it's often regarded as the weakest attempt at magic.
- Do you Like My Scarf? -
Magic spells aside, The game's respective story is awfully predictable and bland. From the little that I personally played and hear from the folks of the community. The three games did the safe thing by doing the <Fantastic Beasts> route.
They distance themselves to different eras of the Wizarding world's history. By the game's own description, Hogwarts Legacy is set decades before Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts. Following a special witch/wizard who enrolled at Hogwarts as a fifth year.
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Hogwarts Mystery is set roughly a generation before Harry Potter. Making them seniors who just graduated when Harry just entered. Meanwhile, Magic Awakened is set after Harry Potter. Close to around the time when Harry, Ron, and Hermione's kids started their year at Hogwarts.
Each year deals with its own type danger. From a dark magic rebellion to a cursed student of a deranged sibling to whatever Magic Awakened was trying to do. (I'm a bit slow to that game)
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My issue with these games is, there seems to be this tendency to make the MC a center piece to the story. While it is, after all surrounding the MC's life. I couldn't help but feel that as far as developments go. Nothing is interesting about the MC's canonical story.
The games are also wasted with issues of telling via dialogue but not showing via action. The drama of the story didn't feel as impactful. While the player's decisions can sometimes change the outcome. It is far from being as big of an influence as I thought it would.
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As far as playing the game itself goes, I only played Hogwarts Mystery till year 4 and stopped out of boredom.
I am enjoying Magic Awakened so far since it doesn't make the MC take center stage but rather uses the side characters to put weight to the story and to the playable cards. Granted, I'm not as active.
That said, I am still looking at a lot of its interesting parts from an outside perspective. So I would very much like to hear a rebuttal.
- Return to Hogwarts, Join My Dorm! -
Back when I was still playing the game, I came across a few users who interact on social media as their own MCs. They would use screenshots of their characters and write a treasure trove's worth of lore and developments. Discuss their favorite crushes and build more lore upon their OCs.
Seeing the encouragement and love between users and their OCs, got me to start uprooting my HPHM character; Sadie mac Lir and interact with quite a few names in this community outside of the games.
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But after realizing that the story is just not as rich as I'd imagine, Sadie transferred into the world of <Murder The Crow> following Hector Dagger, the story's original character, and was later added with Jamie Robyn who is now a placeholder in Magic Awakened.
In spite of the situation with JKR and some of the whispers of this fandom's dark side. The fandom is still going strong as ever. While I have distanced myself, I still linger with the friends I made along the way. Most come from an artistic perspective with their OCs and art in general. Some of them are just good conversationalists.
It felt like being in school again. To learn from one another, socialize among fellow housemates and discuss plans for the future and have fun little interactions. Being in cliques and enjoying the other bit of magic that is not in the games, friendship.
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In conclusion, I think it's been a wonderful journey for Harry Potter's gaming side of the fandom. The games went from being Harry to becoming your own Harry. To forge your own path in a world that is rich with possibilities and build friendships in-game and out of the game that might last lifetimes.
For a fandom as big and equally as problematic as Harry Potter. The Potterverse games have proven that it truly is not our abilities that show who we truly are. But rather, it's our choices that make the significant change.
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Thanks for Reading
- Caw4B -
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sca3a · 2 months
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The four characters in my Hogwarts Legacy fanfic; In the Shadows.
Ada Crowley, Draven Eldritch, Rowan Nox and Roan Haywood.
Note: I do NOT support the hate towards the transgender or LGBTQIA+ community. JKR has made her stance very clear, and I could not disagree or be disgusted with her more. These pictures, as well as future ones and fics will pertain to the character(s) from Hogwarts Legacy, and as far as I've been able to gather, JKR has had no hand in it. I was gifted the game, but if you're still mad or disgusted that I play the game/write fics, please, just continue to scroll. Thank you.
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citruswriter · 2 months
Hogwarts Cast + Fancasting + Other Characters - Pt 4
❤ = Original Actor
🩵 = Fan Cast
💘 = Original Character
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Cedric Diggory ❤ Lucas Blackwell 💘
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Ernie Macmillan 🩵💘 Anthony Bitterwood 💘
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Susan Bones 🩵 Aura Silverthorn 💘
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
"Please tell me you brought food," Luca said again.
"Is that why you came? Rowan promised you snacks?"
"I'm a growing boy."
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centaurudesngc4258 · 5 months
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I hope he is okay. I'm worrying him
Chapter: 1
Room: Great Hall
Location: Lower-floor West
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 years
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Well... let's do it 🤺
Something for @hphm-z !!!
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Sorry for the bad quality, accidentally I used a BIG canvas and high resolution(bad idea) ... my laptop was lagging a lot so I had to take a screenshot x"D but still I tried jsjs hope you like it ^^
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ofeliathepuffskein · 2 years
El fandom de hphm con el Talbott "canon" 🤨😒
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okamiwolf · 2 years
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I started the game again and might do some vid of the story 
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niceness6of9gemini · 10 months
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Isaac: How is it going so far?
Chiara: Not good. I’ve heard of petrification due to a monster hidden in something called ‘The Chamber of Secrets’. But never in this caliber where the person is turned to straight stone.
Isaac: Let me know if you find out something. I’m remotely curious about it as well.
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Rowan: Come join me soon, Isaac.
Isaac: Let me catch up with Charlie and I’ll be over.
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Only time you’ll catch us studying is when we make our illegal potions.
By us we mean penny😁
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domaslut · 2 years
just another ordinary day in the slytherin common room.
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the-candy-store-cat · 2 years
it's so good to see you
We met before
but nice to meet you
Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like…”
People I Don’t Like - UPSAHL
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It’s no fun being the “mean” hufflepuff. Bunny knows this better than anyone else.
(Click for better quality <333)
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chaoscrewhl · 9 months
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Name: Rowan Wade Relationship: Taken Age: 17 House: Hufflepuff Wand: (fill in later) Patronus: Height: 5'4 Sexuality: Straight Gender: Female Origins: Wicklow, Ireland
Rowan is a sweet Hufflepuff that you don't want to get angry. She doesn't hold back and protects her own. She is in love with Arden but he keeps her at a distance from their shenanigans.
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immagrosscandy · 10 months
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i wanted to practice some character design last week while i was doing some work! it's been a while since i craved to draw every single female character of the game and here it is :D! hope i didnt forget anyone
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i also added some hcs like ravenclaw!rowan and hufflepuff!skye (they share the respective house of my mcs)
dont ask me for a male one i dont feel confident enough to draw male bodies 😭
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no-face-n7 · 6 months
Heeeyy!! I'm trying to find a place in the HPMA community (`・ω・´)ノ I, alongside some friends, made an AU with OCs about HPMA and we would like to share art, writings and memes about our kiddos and so far, X/Twitter has not showed great results so imma try here~
This is my baby Rowan Müller, he's half reptile (long story, weird powerfull spell thanks to his half brother) and he's very weird in the most cute and funny way possible (?) ☆ミ
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His Hufflepuff roomies are also very interesting kids worth knowing, one of them is his half bother! His story in Hogwarts is about self discovery, acceptance and love; having been a little lizard for his first years of existence, it's quite hard for him to understand how do normal people work ["Feelings are ... Hard to understand ( •́ •̀ )"] but he'll make his way in~
Rowan loves magical creatures, his roomies and trying to get to know more students in Hogwarts! But nothing is more important for him than his writing and his time alone in the library ... And maybe someone else who secretly wanders in the library too /cofcof/ COLBY FREY /cofcof/
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BARE WITH ME PLEASE I barely know how this site works LSHDKBEKDHD but I would really like to find a space were I can share the art and scribbles we make (*^^)v
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