#huggingtentacles lore
huggingtentacles · 3 months
I love being average height because I have a thing for size difference BOTH WAYS. I love being taller and I love being shorter. So I get the best of both worlds
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eldenturtle · 29 days
Elden Ring isn’t about Winning. Elden Ring is about getting weirdly obsessed with the backstory and lore of the game and then having your sister ask you why something is the way it is while watching you play it and so you launch into the back story of the symbolism behind serpents and why they’re seen as blasphemous and she says “oh cool. Does the game explain it to you later?” And you go “no. My friends eldenringslut and huggingtentacles on tumblr explained it to me and then I watched some YouTube videos about it. But it’s not explicitly said in-game.” And she looks at you like you’ve unlocked the davinci code or something but in fact the ADHD in you has synced your hyperfixations up with theirs so you love hearing about it and they love talking about it.
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Idk why ppl get mad at you for defending Radahn when it’s clear you just like the character and also you are married to HuggingTentacles, who is arguably one of the biggest Malenia simps in the er fandom. If that’s not proof that the two sides can coexist idk what is.
Oh, thank you, anon.
I mean I understand where some are coming from. I'm very stubborn in my defence and I tend to not analyze themes of stories. I like piecing the lore together on a surface level, without deep analysis. I can get quite annoying and nitpicky in my arguments.
Additionally, some may think that by liking Radahn I support irl warmongers and some conservative ideologies. I don't, I simply enjoy him in the vacuum of ER's story. But that may serve to create a wrong impression.
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clyde-wy · 11 months
@huggingtentacles is this the lore i heard of
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majorasnightmare · 2 years
For the Soulsborn ask: 19, 20, and I'm assuming you have an OC so tell us about them?
19. Do you play PvP? 
i do not! i always suck at pvp, even back in my destiny 1 crucible grind days. i just dont have the reaction time for it unu
20. What are your thoughts on PvP?
as an eternal co op-er i am very very used to moving through an area trying to make progress before getting jumpscared by an invader named shit like Godslayer The Death Bringer or Billithan Mayhughes before both of them whip out dual rivers of blood and shred my healthbar before i can find them
for the longest time, invasion felt extremely meanspirited to me, especially when there was almost always an opt in dueling system, but @huggingtentacles posts about invasions, the appeal of it, and where the fun is has started to warm me up to it and im eventually going to use their invasion guides for my ng+ build!
besides elden ring, the invasion mechanics in ds1 always intrigued me a good deal, especially gravelording
As for ocs, i actually only have the one! i tend to get so wrapped up in the lore and mythology and grand overarching narratives of fromsoft games that i end up spending all my time dissecting that instead of making characters to fit into those worlds (usually because they tend to be a bit vaguer) with elden ring being the exception, something i attribute to so many npcs having intertwining questlines with both each other and the world at large (ds3 questlines, by comparison, instead felt very personal to the npc, and rarely felt like they intersected each other)
my current tarnished character is valda! a tarnished of no renown, who began my playthrough as a wretch on the advice of a youtuber who considered it one of the more enjoyable ways to spend your first ER playthru (an opinion i agree with)
Shes a strength/faith build with a specialty in hammers (both one handed and colossal varieties) and a love of dragon communion, who i played alongside @dantemoore0 's tarnished oc Siegferth (STR/INT build)
i ended up making a lot of backstory and fleshing out concepts for her ending, and also made attempts translating her into dnd lmao
thank u for the ask!! appreciate it and also u 🥺 💜
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maranull · 2 years
Hi, I'm curious about your answers to 14, 16 and 19 questions from the soulsborne quiz.
Hi! Sorry for taking so long, I fell (on my bed) and couldn't get up (I was asleep). :P
14. Which game was your introduction to the series?
The original Dark Souls was free with the Xbox pass, back in... I want to say 2014? Maybe earlier? I didn't really use the internet much so I didn't know what it was about, then finished a playthrough and went ham on any and all lore videos I could find, while also pushing all the way through NG+7 just to say to myself that I beat DSI at the highest difficulty.
16. What are your favourite areas?
Majula, hands down. I think it's the best hub area we got. It just feels so calm and relaxing, you know?
I also really like Dragon Aerie. And Archdragon Peak as well. I like dragons, basically.
19. Do you play PvP?
I sworn off PvP after lots of dueling in DSII and DSIII, but seeing @ huggingtentacles have so much fun with it in ER, I got the itch and I just recently finished making a RL90 invasion build. Have yet to invade more than thrice, but it feels much more fun than the dueling I used to do.
So to actually answer the question, yeah, I'm slowly starting to get into it.
Thank you for the ask! I never realized how long ago I first got into the series until I wrote it today. Jeez, it's been a while...
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huggingtentacles · 8 months
I hate cops for many reasons but even when I was very young playing Gmod with my brother on some roleplay server, I hated cops so much. Like people would just log onto the server to roleplay police violence and search people on the streets.
I remember I played as a doctor and I set up my own shop where I healed people for free.
And then cops showed up and apparently the mayor made some rule about how cops get a cut from businesses? I told them that I don't earn any money I just heal people for free. They didn't believe me and started harassing me, I told them I have a whole bunch of people who would testify in court that I did not require any money from them. And then they fucking shot me for "resisting arrest" or some bullshit made up reason. And I couldn't do anything because these shits get no accountability for their bullshit.
What's funny looking back on it is that I was 14 and those guys straight up sounded like they're 20-30 years old. Like man did you just log on online to roleplay police violence with a 14 year old girl? Get a fucking life
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huggingtentacles · 4 months
Genuinely hate when I get angry. Not just because it sucks, but because I get SO mean to people even if I love them and care for them. And then I cool off and apologize and they go "I'm sorry I had it coming" NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!😭😭😭 You deserve more respect than that, even if you fucked up somewhere I had to take a hold of myself, it was my responsibility!!
I just straight up become evil when I'm upset. I try to give myself time to cool off and 90% of the time I can recognise that I'm being a dipshit and stop. But sometimes ppl catch me in the wrong at the wrong time and it just sucks for everyone.
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huggingtentacles · 3 months
Question for my followers. There is no wrong answer.
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
Reblog this and try to guess a piece of huggingtentacles lore and I might tell you if it's true or not
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huggingtentacles · 3 months
A bus driver has never ever gotten my change wrong. I've been alive for 20 years and this hasn't happened once. I'm pretty sure The Bus Driver is some kind of lesser deity.
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
Public transport is so fucking good!!! I love public transport :3
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huggingtentacles · 3 months
I don't think I'll ever be a good person in my own eyes. Not because I hate myself or anything, but because "a good person" is something I can only see myself as in retrospect. "I did the right thing when it mattered so that was pretty cool of me"
But right now? Dude, under wrong enough circumstances I have the capacity to be absolutely dogshit unless I make a conscious effort not to be. Under certain pressures, emotions or temptations (especially temptations) I know I could do bad things.
I think it's just one of the ways my brain keeps me in check. I don't get to feel good about myself untill I earn it
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huggingtentacles · 1 year
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Meet Snack (Above) and Dinner (Below)
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
brain: die trash nobody likes you
me: *goes outside*
brain: eat shit
me: *has a good walk*
brain: what are you doing
me: *comes back home with some food, starts cooking*
brain: stop
me: *makes a healthy meal and some tea*
brain: wait
me: *takes a shower, does the house chores, talks to a friend, plays some videogames*
brain: what the fuck are you doing.
me: *literally starts cleaning*
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
100%ed one of my favourite childhood games, Swordigo. No ads, no energy, no pay to win, just a simple free game with a cool story and in some places pretty challenging gameplay.
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Although there isn't such a thing as a "build" in this game, you certainly can stick to some variety of playstyles. I think my magic-centered playstyle synergized well with my melee energy drain ability.
Also, no difficulty settings. Perhaps, this is the game that led my tiny 10-year-old self to become the masochistic fromsoft PvP tryhard I am now :D
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