#hugh laurie i wanna kiss you on the mouth for this one
iimr3 · 2 years
watching house 5x4 rn & literally feel ill this is so. the way house gets whenever he's around his parents makes me literally insane !!!!! not to mention the hilson of it all
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lovelystoriesaj · 28 days
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word count: 1036
"jesus christ." i mumble as i pull up to the house. making my way in, dressed as laurie strode with the gas mask from my bloody valentine.
"and who are you?" stu asks with a smile. i yank the mask off my face, letting the blonde streaks fall free. "seriously?"
"mhm. it was either this or michael myers, and i wanted to be more original." waving the mask around before slipping it back on. "i've got my shit in the car. tatum and sid will be here in a few."
"ok, i'll go get it. go find randy or something." he nods to my car before walking off. i walk over to randy who was already in the living room.
"guess who." i laugh, covering his eyes.
"lemme guess, laurie strode?" he jokes, grabbing my waist and pulling me into his chest.
"with a twist of hardy warden." he laughs loudly, pulling the mask off my face so he could plant a kiss on my lips.
"i wanna dance, let's dance!" i smile, getting into a rhythm he could copy.
we dance for a while until stu calls me into the kitchen with a beer funnel.
"oh hell yes!" i walk over, grabbing the tube, sticking it in my mouth, sucking down the alcohol as stu pours it into the funnel. "stu, why the fuck is that priss reporter here?" i notice the top story van and dewey's car outside.
"i don't know!" he drops the funnel, watching dewey and gale weathers talking outside.
"stuart macher, you are a total fucking dumbass! why the hell would you let the deputy and some annoying reporter in here!" i yell, walking into the living room.
"know what, it's not a biggie, let's go hang." we plop down onto the couch where randy was taking tally for the movie to watch.
"how come jamie lee curtis is in all of these movies?" sid mumbles, flipping through the tapes.
"because she's the scream queen." randy smiles.
"with a set of lungs like that, she should be!" stu remarks.
"tits. see?" tatum says.
the door opens, which redirects mine and stu's eyes to the deputy and reporter.
"i'm gonna get them to leave." he jumps over the back of the couch, almost tripping over his hugh hefner robe. "hey tate. grab another beer, would ya? there's more beer in the garage."
"what am i, the beer wench?" she hops up, and walks into the garage.
"i'm gonna run to the restroom." i mumble to sidney and randy before shooting up the stairs into stu's bedroom. i change my shoes, from heels to converse, before grabbing my other stuff and putting it in an easy access spot.
i walk back downstairs, grabbing randy's hand before dragging him into one of the guest rooms.
"what's got you all worked up?" he smiles.
"nothing. i'm just in a good mood."
"then jamie lee me already baby." i lean back into the mattress, pulling him into me.
tatum slips into the garage, clicking on the light while opening the garage door and shutting it again. she skips over to the fridge, pulling out five bottles.
a loud crash makes her whip around.
a cat runs out of the garage through the dog flap.
"tatum, it's ok." she goes to open the door, but finds it locked. "shit." then the lights click off. she knocks on the door in an attempt to get one of the dimwits to let her back inside. "hey shitheads! hello?"
she opens the garage again, almost walking out when it stops and closes, turning around to be met with ghost face.
"is that you, randy?"
they shake their head no.
"cute. what movie is this from, i spit on your garage?" she jokes, walking over to the door. "lose the outfit, if sidney sees it, she'll flip."
they block the door, shaking their head no.
"oh! you wanna play psycho killer? can i be the helpless victim? okay, let's see, no, please don't kill me mr. ghost face, i wanna be in the sequel!" she tries to get around them, but gets stopped again. "cut casper! that's a wrap!"
they grab her, making the bottles fall from her arms.
"randy, what the hell are you doing?"
a knife appears in their hand before cutting her arm open. she starts backing up, grasping her arm tightly to stop the blood flow. she runs to the freezer, hitting them in the face before she runs to open the garage door, picking up some of the unbroken bottles to throw at the person.
she runs over to the dog flap, trying to crawl through when the garage door begins to open.
i hop out of the bed, randy following in pursuit so we could meet back with the others.
"i'm gonna go grab something." i smile, kissing his cheek before walking up the stairs again. this time, i shove my pistol into my pants waistband. at this time, some people were leaving. i walk down the stairs as billy pops his head i to the door, scaring sidney. he shoots stu the look before looking back at sid.
"leave the girl alone, b!" i shoot a nerf bullet at his head that i found in stu's room.
"hey, that's mine!" stu whines. i toss him the toy gun once i get to the bottom of the stairs.
"oh, billy, hey."
"billy, hm. what are you doin' here?" stu says with a smile.
"i was hoping i could talk to sid alone." billy shoots me the look to go get ready, which i immediately take, and start up the stairs.
"you know, if tatum sees you here, she'll draw blood."
"i'll tell you what. why don't you go up to my parents room? you know, you guys can talk, whatever."
i fake gag from the top of the staircase, which the boys notice.
"subtlety, stu. you should look it up." billy shoots back.
"no, it's ok. we do need to talk." as he walks into the house, he nails stu right in the gut.
it's gonna be a long night.
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athena1138 · 5 years
i did another ask list bc i’m at a crossroads with my drawing
Single or dating?
single pringle
What do you look for in a person?
So much but also not much? I just wanna be with someone who gets me. Someone who can make me laugh and blush and who treats me nice and respects my boundaries and isn’t afraid to tell me about their boundaries. Someone who won’t manipulate me and cheat on me and then gaslight me because they don’t want to stop it. I just. I just wanna be loved, like really loved and cherished, yknow? 
Zodiac sign?
scorpio :3
What Hogwarts house are you in?
What shirt are you wearing right now?
I’m not, I’m wearing a little grey dress 
Do you have any pets?
Me personally, yes, 1 1/2 cats (custody of my first son is in debate between me and my mother.) In my house? 2 cats and 4 dogs
Netflix or Hulu?
Netflix bc the Hulu subscrip I’m leeching off of uses ads (which is totally fine, I mean I’m not paying for it (I do intend to get off of it soon, ker, don’t let momma freak out about it. Mom’s talking about getting her own.))
Best self care tip?
Honestly? It’s cheesy but, look in a mirror, like really look for a good 2 or 3 minutes. Find 10 things about your face/body that you can say you don’t totally hate. And then when you’re done, smile at your reflection and tell yourself you’re beautiful. If you do it enough, eventually you’ll begin to believe yourself. 
Any odd skills?
Idk what “odd” means. Um. I guess I remember certain things really well? Like, you wanna hear an exact conversation I had 13 years ago? Cool settle down. You wanna hear a list of 30 random and completely useless facts I’ve involuntarily collected over the years? I gotchu. 
Favorite color?
Teal and mulberry
Did you play sports growing up?
I tried softball, made it through half the season before I rage quit. That was it though. I was a band kid instead. (But fam, if I had known what water polo was, you best believe I’d have been on all the teams.) 
Eye color?
Hair color?
Any tattoos or piercings?
answered in my last list (8 earrings and a nose ring, used to have another set of lobes and an eyebrow ring, 3 tattoos)
First kiss?
I was like 11 and it was bad. Like really bad. We tried to eat jolly ranchers to make it better but it was just so bad. 
Are you learning any new skills?
Digital art :3 
Early bird or night owl?
night owl
Sunrises or sunsets?
Sunrises, but only if I’m already up. I’m not getting out of bed for that shit. 
*pick 2 foods and make me choose*
My top 2 favorite foods are pork 包子(big fluffy Chinese dumplings) and chili. I’d choose bao every day of my life :) 
Super power of choice?
Shapeshifting. But not just like into other people, more like I’d like the ability to give myself mutations. Catch me disappearing into the ocean for 50 years to go be a mermaid then catch me coming back out to be a fuckin tree or something until I’ve decided I’m ready to reintegrate into society. 
Do you want to get married?
I may or may not have at least 3 dream weddings planned out in scary detail.
Do you want kids?
fuck that noise
Any siblings?
A brother 10 years older than me who I’ve disowned, and a sister 8 years older than me. 
Do you drive?
Long or short hair?
On me? I don’t care. Usually long until I have a mental breakdown and chop it all off. On other people? I especially don’t care
Oldest, youngest, or middle child?
First 3 songs from a shuffle?
The Weed Smoker’s Dreams from Hugh Laurie, Smells Like Teen Spirit from Nirvana, Money from Ivy Levan. 
Marvel or DC?
MCU but DC’s villains. 
Any pet peeves?
Being rude to people, chewing with your mouth open, driving without your lights on. 
Are you named after anyone?
No, but my middle name came from my mom’s best friend growing up. (Though my dad was married to a Rebecca before my mom which I think is really fucking weird that I’m named Rebecca, too? Mom swears there’s no correlation but come on.) 
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Pfft, who, me?
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Depends on where I’m going. Max an hour and that’s if I need to shower and put eyeliner on. 
Have you ever been in an airplane?
How about a helicopter?
What time is it right now where you live?
Have you ever been out of your home country?
What was the reason for your last breakup?
He left me for a minor. 
What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung galaxy s7
Who is the last person you texted?
My mommy
Would you consider your name unique?
My name is Rebecca. Let that be an answer. 
Do you prefer swimming in the ocean or a pool?
They both have perks. Probably a pool, I guess. I can get scared of water I can’t see through, but I do love the ocean.
Are you right or left handed?
Do you wear pajamas? If so, what kind?
Nope. I either fall asleep in my clothes or I’m sleeping in a tank top and underwear (unless I’m home alone then it’s just underwear.) 
What is the temperature right now?
80, and i have a blanket on.
Are you a picky eater?
Nope. I just have one thing I absolutely cannot eat and that’s anything on a bone. Oh, and ham & bean soup, gravy of any kind, and anything that comes out of the water. 
Do you fear thunder/lightning?
Hell no I love that shit
Do you get homesick?
I can, but increasingly less as time goes on. 
Do you wear a ring?
Nah. I have fat fingers and don’t like things on my hands. That’s part of the reason I don’t want an engagement ring is because I’d be too scared to lose it and then I’d never wear it and I’d still somehow lose it. (I wanna get the One Ring’s inscription tattooed around my ring finger.) 
Favorite soda?
Cherry vanilla coke
Are both of your biological parents still in your life?
No. Dad died 9 years ago
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