#huh. I don’t feel that bad considering he’s kind of a righteous idiot
curiosity-killed · 2 years
Why! Do people in movies always fling their scabbards away like fools do u not remember that the sheath is the greater treasure
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
La Red: Part 13
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Plagg knew what he is doing is dangerous. Not only for himself but also for the holder of the Cat Miraculous. Using cataclysm in this weakened state makes it dangerous for everyone around. It becomes more chaotic and unpredictable. The weaker the user has become, the harder it is for them to control it and with Plagg purposely making harder for the kid to use it, that only makes it just as worse.
Nothing mattered anymore. He already failed this kitten.
Fu watched as Marinette left his shop with a deep frown etched onto his face. He and Marinette had a long talk about Chat Noir’s change behavior and health. Even though Marinette wanted to talk to him about Chat’s behavior, his health came first. It was becoming increasingly obvious that something is wrong and Chat Noir is doing his best to ignore it.
“Do you believe Plagg is giving up on Adrien?” Wyazz asked as he flew over to Fu.
“No… He already has given up on him, I’m afraid.” Fu couldn’t help how tired he felt at that instant. He should have seen it coming from several miles away. With how Chat Noir kept putting his own emotions ahead of everyone. The insistence need to get Ladybug’s love and approval have blinded him massively. This would not be the first time a Chat Noir has done this, and there were so few times they were able to get out of the gutter before things become irreparable.
“That was what I was afraid of that could be happening…” Wyazz sighed, he flew over and sat on Fu’s shoulder. He looked just as tired as his holder. “What are we going to do?”
“Ladybug is still worried about him, but is at her wits ends with his behavior.” Wu tiredly said, he made his way back into the shop to look through his things. He has been packing everything to move to a new location and right now, he needed to finish it soon. “I wanted to believe so much in Adrien Agreste that I allowed it to cloud my mind when it has become increasingly clear his behavior is doing more bad than good.”
“What are you going to do?”
“I need to speak to him… I will then decide if he’s too far gone or if there’s a chance of redemption.”
“If there’s no chance of redemption?”
“…I will follow Ladybug’s plan accordingly.”
Felix Lachance knew the day he would have to face Adrien Agreste once more after the last time they had faced each other. Which would now make it around… two years? Give or take. Either way, Felix never wants to deal with Agreste anytime soon. That idiot still hasn’t learned a single thing from the last time he tried to protect a liar.
Let’s just say, that time around, Felix decided his highroad included ruining someone’s reputation forever. The memory alone brings him warmth even on the coldest of nights. It was just too bad that Adrien has a successful and rich father to protect his dreadful public image. Typical really. Using daddy’s money to get him out of trouble and to continue on with his delusions of reality.
“Excuse me?”
Felix paused mid-stride, he turned around to see an old man carrying a map and looking completely lost. He turned to fully face the older gentlemen, giving him his complete attention. “Sir?”
“I’m sorry to ask… you wouldn’t happen to know where…” The old man asked, laughing awkwardly while handing Felix his map. “I moved to a different shop, but I had gotten lost getting there. If you could be so kind…?”
Felix took the map and made a note of their current location to see what is the best direction to the old man’s new shop. He made sure that he did not head into heavy traffic or any place that would give him trouble. “Take this route.”
Felix held the map to the old man and told him the general directions to his designated location. “You’re not that far from there. Perhaps a fifteen-minute walk?”
“Oh? That’s not far!” The old man chuckled, seeing that he didn’t get lost after all. “Thank you! Perhaps I will get there soon before the movers do. Thank you, young man.”
Felix gave him a courteous nod while handing him back the map. “Get there safely.”
“Thank you.”
Felix watched as the old man crossed a street before disappearing after taking a left. He swore had seen the same old before, but cannon put a finger on it. Oh well, not his problem anymore. Right now, he needs to go to the library to work on a school project. Yes… school, what a way to keep in distracted from him.
“Felix? It’s been a while, huh?”
‘If there is a god up there…shoot me.’ Felix turned around to see Adrien now standing awkwardly in front of him. Giving him a glance over, Felix couldn’t hide his snort at the other blonde’s appearance. Even if Adrien did not show it, he could tell that something is off about him. It reminded him as the last time the idiot tried to… well, let’s not dwell on the past. “Agreste… How’s life? Considering your feeble mind insists on repeating history.”
For his own part, Adrien tried to smile but it looked strained. It was clear that Felix hit a nerve within him. Even so, he did his best to make the best of the situation. “How have you been? I heard you stopped modeling?”
“I now mainly act nowadays.” There’s no point in hiding it and instead of modeling, Felix has grown to enjoy acting. Even more so considering his girlfriend is also part of the industry. Felix gave Adrien a raised eyebrow which caused the other blonde to stammer over his words. “You still haven’t answered my question, Agreste.”
“I don’t know what you mean by that.” Adrien responded, he tightly gripped on the strap of his book bag.
“I’m Kagami’s new fencing partner… and a close friend of hers.” Felix deadpanned, taking inner joy when he saw Adrien’s expression immediately drop at the mention of Kagami before paling massively. He took inner joy seeing this side of Adrien. “I’m surprised you are defending another liar? Didn’t you learn your listen previously?”
“Felix, could we not?” Adrien physically pleaded with him. He kept looking around, expecting something or something to just appear out of nowhere. “Lila is different.”
“Of course she is different! She is dragging you with her this time, congratulations.” Felix let out a quick laugh that left him with a sharp smirk that taunted Adrien to no end. “Your former friends, Marinette and Nino, have informed Kagami and myself what has been occurring in that school of yours… and I have to say, I am extremely disappointed in you Adrien.”
“Marinette and Nino are my friends.” Adrien defended but deep within himself, he couldn’t help that small voice that continually agreed with Felix’s words. Squashing that voice in the back of his mind when something clicked. “You talked to them?”
“That’s beside the point.” Felix said impassively. “What you need to worry about is what is going to happen to that Rossi girl you are so intent in protecting. She is a manipulative liar that is going what she could to destroy everyone around her, and you are protecting her.”
“She could change. Lila just needs time to understand that she doesn’t need to lie to make friends. All she needs is a friend…” Adrien prattled on with his excuse that Lila just needed a friend and so on. Felix wasn’t really having it as he did his best to drown out Adrien’s poor attempt of an excuse to pardon Lila Rossi’s behavior. Even more so when Adrien attempted to manipulate him into believing his words. The problem with that is that Felix already learned his lesson from the last time, that he should allow Adrien to sway him that easily anymore.
“How unbelievably ignorant and self-righteous you are! You forced your friend to take the high road. Which said friend has been relentlessly bullied due to all the lies which you are doing your best to cover it up.” Felix finally exploded, eyes narrowed and his entire posture tense with controlled rage. He took a step back, taking in a deep breath while fixing his tie. “Not everyone shares your form of reality.”
Chat Noir does not know what is wrong with him, it has been becoming increasingly difficult to maintain his transformation. Even more so after using his special attack. Falling to his knees on a random rooftop in an attempt to catch his breath, Chat clutched his chest as exhaustion overwhelmed him once more.
The last beep from his ring rung out and he had become Adrien Agreste once more. He looked up to see Plagg had plopped himself in front of him and he looked just as miserable as himself. “Plagg? Are you okay?”
Plagg slowly turned to give Adrien a look of complete disinterest before looking away again. “Yeah, just tired.”
Adrien reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of camembert out for Plagg. “Here, we have to meet up with Ladybug soon. She says it’s important.”
Plagg turned to look at the cheese and wondered if he should eat it. He doesn’t want to eat it, but if Ladybug needs to talk to him… perhaps this is his chance. “Alright kid. Give me the cheese! Let’s go see what she wants.”
“Ugh… when will he get here?”
“He should be here already!”
“Damn, Cat!”
Carapace tried his best to ignore her. He really did, but Bumblebee has been making it rather hard. Bumblebee, formerly known as Queen Bee, paced around the Eiffel tower waiting for Ladybug to talk to Chat Noir. They had been asked to stick around mainly to take care of any pesky akuma’s decide to interrupt Ladybug and Chat Noir’s important conversation.
Looking over at Bumblebee, Carapace took in her new hero’s costume. Bumblebee’s hair is pulled back with a honeycomb bun pin, her blonde hair has black streaks that is nearly reminiscent of a bee. She has a beige fur collar that gives it an appearance of a mane, including having matching fur on her forearms and half of her lower legs. She looks great. For Chloe.
“He’ll get here when he gets here.” Carapace said lightheartedly, which only earned him a glare. “It’s either being here or patrol.”
“Ugh…” Bumblebee rolled her eyes, she turned her attention towards the city. “He better get her soon.”
“He’s here.” Carapace deadpanned when he saw Chat Noir arriving at the tower and landed near Ladybug. From where he stood, he could tell the cat themed hero is worse for wear. No wonder Ladybug wanted to talk to him, Chat looks like a dead man walking. “Do you still want to go on pa-”
“Shhh~ I’m trying to listen.” Bumblebee hushed him and did her best to listen to the conversation down below. Too bad that it was a windy day and it just made things harder to hear. Her brows furrowed as she tried her best to figure what is being said, but it was been becoming increasingly clear that Ladybug is worried about Chat’s health. Can’t blame her for asking that, Chat has turned into a liability. Which was the reason she and Carapace became full time Miraculous Holders, along with Ryuko and Viperion who became part-time holders. “Hm…”
“Is he really flirting with her?” Carapace huffed out, annoyed with Chat’s ever need to flirt with Ladybug.
“Don’t remind me. It’s either him acting like a massive baby or flirting with her none stop.” Bumblebee growled out. “She wants to talk about his health and he’s doing his best to convince her to go on a… oh?”
“Did… Did he just stick up for Lila?”
“He did and Ladybug isn’t having it.”
“…Should we intervene?” Carapace asked, wincing at Chat Noir’s poor attempt to convince Ladybug to go on a date with him.
“No, he’s leaving.” Bumblebee glared at Chat at his sudden departure. “His time get shorter and shorter. At this rate, we might have to use plan C.”
“Nah, better off we use plan F. Lila was brought up and Ladybug will probably want to clear things up on that end before making her final decision.” Carapace sighed, not really knowing what their future will look like at this point in time. “Come on, Ladybug looks like she’s about to blow a gasket.”
‘Of course he refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong.’ Ladybug paced around her spot, and glaring at the direction Chat Noir had run off to. ‘He refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong with his flirting, decline in health and… how dare he defend Lila! How dare he force me not to intervene!’
“Ladybug, how did it go?” Bumblebee asked as she and Carapace ran up to her.
“I know you two eavesdropped.” Ladybug said, obviously annoyed.
“Hey, you could have needed our help dealing with him.” Bumblebee replied with an uncaring shrug.
“In all seriousness, Ladybug. How did it go?” Carapace asked, taking a tentative step toward Ladybug.
“To sum it up… Chat Noir is refusing to acknowledge he’s doing anything wrong. Claiming that if I saw things in his perspective, I would see he is right. Especially with his romantic feelings towards me and… his need to defend Lila.” Ladybug’s nose scrunched up in mild disgust. “He wanted me to take the high road when it came to Lila’s lies. Can you guys believe it?”
Carapace and Bumblebee glanced at each other, knowing fully well that there is no return for Chat.
“I need to talk to the guardian…” Ladybug said to herself, as she took out her yo-yo. “Could you two patrol? I need to talk to someone…”
“Keep in contact?”
“Keep in contact.”
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The surprise coming from Seifer was palpable. It set Squall’s mind on another path of querying why he was shocked and what part of his short sentences caused it. …Or maybe he leant in something putrid and hadn’t noticed? Eh. Whatever. Patience holding strong, he waited for the man to pass over the device he requested, having it pressed into his palm a heartbeat later. Turning back to rest both elbows on the table, he directly ignored the way it tickled when fingertips brushed his hand. Why yes, he did blank the way his heart skipped a beat at the strange, almost gentle demeanour his former rival had taken tonight. He was more than willing to forever discount the clenching of his stomach as he continued to overthink every minor detail.
…I’m never drinking again. I swear to Hyne.
When the backlight illuminated in his face, Squall squinted at the offending brightness, mouth down-turning in vague displeasure. Curiosity still loitering like a bad smell, the instant a missed message notification popped up, he automatically pressed on it to open. Revealed to him was a string of messages from one ‘Kerryboy’ with an emoji heart after. Allegedly, the man demanded to know Seifer’s whereabouts because some blockhead was interested. A picture came up as he scrolled a little, brow arching at the display.
Psh, why would Seifer take this guy out? Why did he care? …S’not that great looking. Reiterating, why does he care?
“I don’t,” he muttered aloud, moodily. Scrolling nosily to the end, he picked out the fact these people were at ‘Diamond Dust’—whatever that was—and waiting for the blond to make a grand appearance. Some obscure notion in the back of his mind barrelled forward and demanded attention. Obviously unable to ignore it in his reasonable state of mind, he found himself inclined to… tag along. Seifer didn’t appear to be sick of his company yet and he was feeling far too lucid considering he’d wanted to waste the night away, literally. With a miffed snort, he guided himself through the phone to contacts and efficiently added his own to the list under ‘Squall’.
“Not going home,” he announced when done, switching the phone back to standby and passing it back to its owner. Sitting upright and making his appearance seem less dishevelled and tipsy, he glanced the man right in the eye and exclaimed, “Goin’ with you. So, let’s mosey.”
Let’s mosey? Seriously, shut up.
For once he didn’t feel guilty over leaving food, but just in case, he shifted a little awkwardly until he was able to reach into the back pocket of his jeans and retrieve his wallet. Flipping the leather case open, he fished out (possibly) too many bills and plopped them eloquently on an empty platter dish, secured in place by the semi-empty bottle. “Should cover it,” he explained amiably, then shifting closer to Seifer on the seat to get out—despite being able to exit the other side.
“Move,” he ordered, but impatience set in and a newfound, puzzling sense of daring bolstered him on. He’d show those idiot friends who was ‘worth it’. Careless of who was watching, or any consequences caused, he climbed over Seifer to reach his target of freedom. Petulant defiance guided him and he wiggled his way, quite gracelessly, over, noting absently that Seifer’s lap too was very warm and the dancer before had the right idea of sitting on it. Finally over, he managed to get his feet out first instead of faceplanting off the end and used the backrest as support to stand.
Once he was up and ready, he glanced back at Seifer over a shoulder expectantly. “Well, c’mon, you’re showin’ me the way.”
Being busy with catching the waitresses eye, Seifer did not register the over-curious brunet sticking his nose into business it didn't belong in, namely his text messages, only looking at him with brows lifted in an inquiring manner when the man murmured "I don't" to no one in particular. "Huh? Whad'ya mean?", newly infused rum slurring his language just so. Frowning and shaking his head in confusion, the blond finally found himself able to wave the waitress over so he could let her know they wanted to pay. She sauntered away again to fetch their bill and her purse.
Irritated by how long Squall was taking to type in his number, his fingers started thrumming on the tabletop, thoughts not once brushing the idea that the man could be filing through his stuff. Frankly, he wouldn't expect the guy to be interested in his shit anyway.
But then as it turned out, nothing seemed to be really how he expected Squall to be, for suddenly he appeared to have changed his mind when he handed the phone back to him, announcing he was, in fact, not returning to his hotel. "Err... okay?", the tall blond retorted, a bit sheepishly maybe, still confused at the 180 Squall was apparently able to pull. With the notifications on his phone gone, Seifer simply stored it in the pocket of his pants, watching how slim fingers started brushing and pulling at the unruly brown hair as if to make himself look more presentable. What in Hyne's name.....?
"What? Where?" Thoughts now racing, he was simply too confused to follow the turnings of the SeeD's mind. Did... he want to come back to his home? But... why? All signs had seemed to reassure him that Squall did not want any of the closeness they somehow had ended up in for a few moments, why did he want to come with him now? He was even too perplexed to tease the choice of rather weird words. "You lost me somewhere here.", he muttered as Squall now dropped a more than sufficient amount of bills on the table, clearly not even wanting to wait for the barmaid to come over and finish the payment properly.
And the weirdness kept on giving when the lithe figure suddenly made to climb over his lap. Blinking, breath short from the sudden proximity of the other, all he found himself able to do was lift his hands to steady the brunet on his way by placing them gently on his hips. Okay, whatever was happening right now, he really didn't want to complain one bit about it, but Six, he hadn't been this flummoxed in... never? Also, the wiggling really didn't help here and the blond had to stifle some very improper sounds by biting on his lower lip. This was some kind of fever dream. He drank too much and had probably simply faceplanted into the dishes before him, was imagining things. There was simply no way that Squall Leonhart had just wiggled his hyne-bedamned way over his lap.
But yet he did, now looking down at him with impatience and, thanks to the state of mind he found himself in now again, with a look over his shoulder that was to die for. Shit, fuck, damn.
"Help me out here, where exactly are we going?", he demanded again, figuring it was pointless to keep sitting and thus pushing himself up from the bench, grabbing his coat in one go. He hated not knowing what was going on and Squall seemed to... - hold on. Frowning at the smaller man, he retrieved his phone once more, sliding his thumb over it to unlock it and navigate to his messages. Aha! Squinting an accusing look over the device to the brunet pest, he shook his head. "You read my messages?" The fact itself being so atypical for the other man, he couldn't feel the righteous anger he should but instead found himself amused, more so when he read what exactly it was the other had snooped in. Chuckling, he sat to move, still shaking his head. This was going to be interesting.
"What, you wan’ the guy they're trying to hook me up with for y'self?", he teased as he made his way to the door, holding it up for Squall and following him outside. The poor idiot had no idea what he was getting himself into right now. The 'Diamont Dust' was one of the cities biggest strip clubs, an establishment far from any tasteless bar around a corner. Here there was expensive alcohol, even more expensive company for booking and the entire building was more palace than a club. Seifer and his 'band of brothers' would usually take their more openminded dates there for some exquisite fun that could also be had inside, in special areas. He was already looking forward to the face the brunet would make. Slightly shivering when he stepped into the alley, he was about to pull on his coat when he noticed Squall, the clever leader that he was, had no jacket with him. "Here," he said flatly, shoving the Kingsglaive coat into the brunet's arms.
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