#huhu why i chose this path
khalisahmy · 1 year
Day 2: Dating start!
(that not even start yet)
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This is super late!! I got this whole idea of the storyline. I hope you guys will look forward to it. I hope I have the strength to complete these 💀✌️.
Day 1 <- -> Day 3
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h0estar · 4 years
what an absolutely sickening, yet chaotically beautiful chapter, i don't even know what to feel. (Probs one of Isayama's best works so far. The graphic details of the rumbling made me wanna throw up ngl).
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Today's AoT scene(s) that broke my heart and almost made me cry: Eren apologizing for being (worse than) a rotten piece of shit, and for becoming an absolute monster. (even though, the rumbling didn't happen yet, he knows it's coming. and there's no stopping it.)
And that question he asked Mikasa on chapter 123? That was his desperate, and last attempt to cling to hope... hope that maybe, just maybe, the future could be changed. That was the last time Eren ever allowed himself to become vulnerable. After hearing Mikasa's dissappointing response, that was it. He gathered all his willpower and decided to push through with this absolutely morbid act.
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Damn, RIP Fez Kid.What a horrific sight.
For people saying that Eren is a cold-blooded murderer, think again. He knew the stakes, he knew what he was getting himself into, he knew it was inhumane, he knew it was monstrous,. Hell, the boy is miserable and fucked up. He is disgusted with himself, and he's suffering just as much! but did he really have a choice?
Actually, yes he did. And he chose to chase after the freedom he always dreamed/obsessed as a child (thus, "the scenery" being viewed in child Eren's eyes). Bringing me back to Kenny's words: "Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep pushing on."
And for Eren haters out there, you better wait in line because no one will be able to hate Eren more than he already he hates himself.
Eren has basically hated himself ever since he kissed Historia's hand.
But this scene tho:
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am i the only one who found this creepy????? child Eren smiling vs massacre. This mix brought chills down my spine. Creepy asf. 
Was this really the freedom you've always wanted? Huh, Eren?
I do not hate Eren. If anything, this chapter made me love his character even more. (The way he's written is top-notch. Isayama 🔥) I just feel really sorry for the boy. Suffocated by the thought of "there was no other way" and "everything was set in stone from the start." I think all his monologues about how he "chose" this path, is just him desperately trying to convince himself.
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This scene broke what’s left of my already shattered heart. I can't help but think how lonely Eren must have felt all this time. Being stuck with your thoughts, knowing the horrible future, and being absolutely powerless about it. I'm pretty sure there were times where he just felt like giving up and crying and wishing his mother was there to comfort him.
Armin and Annie's conversation huhu. Idk if it was Bertholdt's memories influencing Armin, but it was still a really cute moment. I loved it.
I love how Eren's view of freedom contrasts with Armin's despite them dreaming about the same thing since they were little kids. My heart aches for the two of them. That scene in the paths where Armin was looking at child Eren? That broke my heart. Those two were best friends. Hell, Armin was Eren’s only friend before Mikasa, and it really hurts that it had to come to this. (it showed how Eren actually never changed, meanwhile Armin grew up.)
Also, why the fuck could that Fez kid see Ymir????????? Is she somehow witnessing the rumbling instead of Eren???? Idk. I mean, this could be her finally getting her revenge (it's completely understandable, but still). But also, why is Eren asleep??????? And where exactly is his body?????????? wtf.
i have never felt terror, disgust, angst, heartache, and sympathy all at once from reading just one chapter. But this? Damn.
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lerrryyyyy · 6 years
Were you ever planning on doing more with your Naruto VIXX AU? Could you tell us more about it, even if you weren't? :)
Hi! I’m sorry for the late reply. I only found the time to sit down and write this huhu QuQ But, to answer your question, I actually do have a plot for it. To be honest, this all stemmed from a small TaekBin plot I thought of, and it kind of just spiralled into giving everyone roles haha. Idk if you’ll be interested in that though (I can tell you about that too if you want haha), but I can definitely tell a bit about all the characters.
Okay so let’s start with Hakyeon. Hakyeon originally came from an ordinary civilian village. He never really considered being a shinobi until a group of them came to his village and fought off rogues that tried to wreak havoc there. Since then, Hakyeon became determined to learn to protect people just like them. He chooses to go to Konoha because it’s where the shinobis that protected them came from. Although he starts training later than the expected age for aspiring ninjas to start, Hakyeon’s hard work eventually pays off and he becomes one of the most respected shinobis around. In the current storyline, he’s a jounin with his own genin team. [Also, I’ve always thought of the Land of Fire as a pretty big territory, so it would probably have a lot of civilian villages. I feel like Hakyeon comes from one of those, so it’s only logical that he chooses Konoha to go to - especially coz it one of the renowned hidden villages].
I’m gonna just go by age so next is Taekwoon. Taekwoon comes from a clan known for the use of ninja felines as companions, much like the Inuzuka clan. Each one has a partner that can grow to the size of lions (though they’re still basically cats – just large sized). Taekwoon’s partner is a black fluffy cat named Leo (I’m very creative) who he dotes on a lot. Taekwoon had always known that he was going to follow the path expected of him, which is to be a shinobi. He climbs the ranks pretty quickly and eventually gains reputation for being one of the most skilled shinobis around. In the current storyline, he’s ANBU; his mask is a cat. [I don’t have a specific reason as to why I chose Konoha for Taekwoon except that it’s the village I pictured him in and I just really wanted him there haha… also I wanted his clan to be one of the renowned in the village alongside the other clans].
Next is Jaehwan. Although he currently lives in Konoha, he originally lived in Kumogakure. Jaehwan isn’t a medic-nin, but he is versed in some medical jutsus because of his affinity with using poisons. Jaehwan has extensive knowledge about plant life that makes him adept in using them. However, gathering diverse plants is so exhausting in a place like Kumo due to the climate and the location of their village. That’s why, on a mission that leads them to Konoha, Jaehwan basically falls in love with the climate and the number of plants he can use there, so he asks special permission to stay. He’s currently a chuunin but is actually skilled enough to become a jounin. However, Jaehwan is pretty content about his rank so he doesn’t really bother trying to be promoted. [I mostly chose Kumo for Jaehwan because the elemental jutsus associated with it - lightning, water, air - are the ones I can imagine Jaehwan specialising in]
Then there’s Wonshik. Wonshik is one of the shinobis in charge of Suna’s borders. He’s one of the Kazekage’s most trusted people and one of the best in keeping watch of the borders. Many think Wonshik became in charge of the borders due to his strength, but, unbeknownst to them, Wonshik actually has a clever mind when it comes to strategizing the best way to keep the village safe. Ever since he was assigned there, Suna has become a lot harder to infiltrate. He is currently a jounin and practically leads the teams that are in charge of Suna’s protection. [I always thought that being in charge of a village’s border patrol would suit Wonshik a lot, so I placed him in Suna - the village with one of the best fortifications around.]
Next is Hongbin. Hongbin lives a kind of sheltered life in Takigakure - having only a few opportunities to actually leave the village for missions. He learns most of what happens outside through reports and books. He possesses a bloodline that gives him the ability to have an understanding with different animals - which is rather useful for both tracking and actual battles. He is also quite versed with some medical jutsus but he is not trained to specifically be a medic-nin. Although Hongbin’s skills may be considered on the level of a jounin, he doesn’t get much opportunity to show his strength to its fullest, which is why he’s still a chuunin. [Takigakure isn’t one of the renowned hidden villages, but they’re known to produce strong jonin and they’ve never been successfully invaded. I feel like that reflected Hongbin in some way - he may not seem like a strong shinobi, but he actually hides a formidable strength.]
And lastly, Sanghyuk. Sanghyuk is from Konoha. Although he isn’t from any esteemed clans he is actually considered a prodigy. It doesn’t show during his younger years though as he didn’t have much drive to actually pursue being a shinobi. However, anyone that had the opportunity to assess him always noticed Sanghyuk’s ability to pick up skills and knowledge so quickly and execute them with relative ease. It is said that if he had been more serious when he was younger, he would’ve already made jounin at the age of thirteen. Sanghyuk eventually becomes more serious about his career as a shinobi after witnessing something horrendous during a mission. He is currently a part of ANBU; his mask is a fox. [Although Sanghyuk could probably be placed in other villages, I just honestly think that Konoha is the best choice for him.]
That’s some of the basic info I did for them so far OvO
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meghernandez · 7 years
5 Tips in Pursuing Your Medical Career
   It’s official, I’m off the hook of the chains of acads! I’m getting my BS Human Biology degree this July 7 and I’m already enrolled in a well-established medical school, Far Eastern University- NRMF. 
    Just a little background: I got 64 on my first NMAT and 82 on the second one. I passed a good amount of medical schools, I’m not going to deny that. I passed the NMAT cut-off score of UERM, CEU, HSI, and more. But why did I chose FEU-NRMF? Its because I think that I’ll be a competent doctor. They are well-known for their consistency in the top medical schools in terms of Physician Licensure Exams for so many years already. Although, I wish I grabbed a slot on UERM, and I also wish that FEU-NRMF would have the state of the art facilities of DLS-HSI. Nonetheless, I think I’m in the right path. I’m so glad my parents support my dreams of becoming a medical doctor, I know it’ll be a really long ride but I know that everything will be worth it in the end. I love what I’m doing, I love to study, and I love to become a part of something greater, part of my patients’ lives. Anyway, enough about me! 
     I think I’m experienced enough to give out some tips if you’re really passionate about pursuing the MD at the end of your name. Here are 5 tips:
1. Confront yourself and your parents about going to med school. 
 Thus, after 4 years in premed and as an incoming med school freshman, these are the things that you’ve really got to invest in: 
First, you MUST be mentally and emotionally ready. There are a lot of things that you have to sacrifice as you pursue med. Prioritizing your med career is crucial– it’s got to be above everything else. I know, its not all about the brains in med, but it is one of the main ingredient. So if you think you’re not smart enough, please please don’t let that stop you. All you need to consistency to work and study hard and be open to knowledge that might save people in the future. I repeat, becoming a doctor does not happen through dreaming, you’d have to work your asses off just to wear that white coat. 
Second, tell your parents about this ambition of yours. They should also be ready and supportive about this. My tuition fee this incoming acad year costs about 260,000 pesos, excluding the books, place I’d live in, allowance, and uniforms. And it will increase as the years go by, especially in the 3rd and 4th years. I’m not here to discourage anyone. I’m just going to say the unspeakable truth which is: Doctors are made out of knowledge and money. BUT scholarships are open to people who deserves them, so work *clap*, work *clap* , work *clap* HARD.
Lastly, plan your future ahead of you. Really. Don’t be a happy-go-lucky, life doesn’t work that easily.  
Becoming a doctor does not only mean that you want to be one, you also have to be aware on how driven you are. I’ve met a lot of people in my premed, and I don’t think that dreaming that you want to become a doctor is good enough. They use their laziness as an excuse that they didn’t study for quizzes, but they kept on saying that they want to become a doctor. Is that right? Dreams are not made out of words, its founded and built on great efforts.
2. Think about the med school you want to be in and then try to start from there.
     One of the things I regret the most is not choosing a school with a med school. If I could redo everything again, I’d stop caring if I can be called a La Sallian or not, I’d focus on how my premed can act as a jumpstart to my future med school. I wish I took my premed course in UE, or UST, or anywhere that has a good medical school reputation. Thus, I don’t want to this to happen to you guys. Here are a list of schools (in Manila) that prioritizes their alumni students.
University of the East with UERMMMC located in Sta. Mesa. One of the best med schools in the Philippines. If you’re a foreigner, I’d recommend going to this medical school. I would go to this school if I only passed my applications ahead of time *cries*. 
Far Eastern University with FEU-NRMF located in Fairview. Also one of the best with a consistent high rate of passers. Although, its a blood bath in this school because you really have to fight for your position to stay.
De La Salle University- Dasmarinas with De La Salle - Health Sciences Institute. Amazing med school in terms of facilities. The technology is up-to-date, the library is a sanctuary where you can sleep, and of course the only green med school in the PH. One of my choices!
These are the only med schools that I’ve researched about and highly recommend these schools if you’re going to pursue med. Another thing you should consider is applying to their premed courses, UERMMMC, FEU-NRMF, and DLS-HSI offer premed courses.
3. Consider the pre-medical courses you’re going to take*.
     I recommend taking courses with licensure exams because some med schools offer scholarships to those passers that belongs to the top 10, I’m not sure but what I’m confident about is FEU-NRMF offering scholarships depending on your placement on the boards. 
    Would I recommend BS Biology as a premed course? Maybe, because you’d have a strong foundation in terms of theoretical knowledge. Maybe not, because you’d have literally ZERO experience in terms of clinical practice and whatnot. If i were you, choose BS Med Tech or Nursing grad because you’re going to have the basic skills and knowledge that a doctor should have even before entering med school.
  *especially if you’re half-hearted about going to med school.
4. NMAT dictates everything (and your GPA)
     The National Medical Admission Test, the only thing that stopped me from really achieving my goal which is to study in St. Luke’s Medical Center (that has an NMAT cut-off of 90, just 22 points short from my score huhu). Study hard for NMAT, this is no joke. It will literally chose what options you’ll have for med. 40 is the passing NMAT score and 99+ is the highest. Check out this blog (Melatonen: First Phase) post for more info for your NMAT score goal.
     I applied to an NMAT review school over the summer of last year, and I think its effective. But you can study on your own, but having your own learning materials is hard. Try enrolling at Learnfast Review Center! They’d teach you the techniques and basics to 99+ (even though I didn’t get that score haha)
    NMAT score is not the only thing that you should consider when applying to a good medical school. Some requires a GPA cut-off as well, and some do not tolerate failing marks. So, I’m going to repeat, work your asses off in premed! It’s necessary!
5. Your time management skills should be like a masterchef contestant
(I’m watching MasterChef S7 right now, sorry for the irrelevant pun hahaha) 
    I think I knew the secrets to managing your time well despite the mountain-pile amount of things to do. One of them is knowing what to prioritize first. In med school, I’m sure that this would give you the advantage. And I surely hope that this skill of mine would do me good. My friends always ask me how can I balance everything? Going on dates, watching series, reading books, and studying my brain out. I think the key is being driven on finishing your tasks ahead of time. Try reading this old post of mine: Surviving college: tips and hacks. 
** Last tip: Never ever give up on your med dreams and yourself. You may encounter a lot of failures in premed but don’t let that become an obstruction into seeing yourself in that white lab coat and an MD at the end of your name. Its going to be a helluva tough ride but all you’ve got to do is try your best to become that person that you’ve always want to become. There are no shortcuts in med (unless you’re taking an intarmed in UP or Med Bio in DLSUD), you’ve got to climb each step of the stairs until you reach the top. 
***Cheers to a new tag in my blog which is “medschool101″
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goodnightsweetie · 6 years
Today was all about giggling and a whole lot of re-learning.
5/7/2018. Today was the first session of my summer CET review with Academic Gateway Taft. It was around 9:45 when I arrived earlier than Andre’ (as expected) and found Izy answering his manual inside McDonald’s. Andre’ was an hour late tapos we had to wait for 10 minutes to hail a bus. During the ride to Manila, I was stuck between two boys talking about Infinity War. Geez, my uncultured ass cannot relate with all the Marvel Cinematic Universe (something I heard earlier) chitchats. Plus, the vehicle smelled awful, like a stoner smoked weeds inside right before we went in. I was covering my nose the whole trip’s duration. Idk, but I feel like I’m maarte  extra sensitive to my surrounding because of my period. Finally we went down na sa may Quirino? Basta the Jollibee branch where I met up with them for LANY. From there, we rode the LRT to Vito Cruz, which was one station away and a total waste of precious pennies. But since we didn’t wanna be broiled alive inside a jeepney, we chose to take the train anyway. Also, Izy and I bought Beep cards! Hah! We were so proud about it, hehe. Parang ewan lang. Though, that was a ultra-mini defining moment for me. I’m starting the Manila life with friends! 
So ayun, we arrived at Torre Lorenzo around 12:20 na. We decided to eat muna at a nearby All Day convenience store. Man, food in Manila is like 20-40% pricier than Dasma. With a hundred pesos, all you’d get is a mediocre meal. That would have been a premium one na, if you ate at DLSUD’s Pama’s. I bought beef caldereta na di masarap. Thankfully, Andre’ let me bite some of his baon na spam. It tasted better than my food huhu, lowkey jelly right there. 
Through AG’s assistant student leaders, we were able to settle down in our classroom. The path going there was weird; first we went out the building, then went in again, then rode the elevator to the 20th floor tapos we had to climb the stairs to the 21st floor yata. Wala, weird lang. 
Man, the faces in Manila is really different than the ones in Dasma. I mean, not that I’m denigrating my own kind, pero it’s really different talaga. Let’s put it this way, the unusual in my hometown is usual sa Manila. But meh, Irdc anyway. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary kaya... saks lang for me. 
When the classes started, I immediately noticed Sir Gill looked like my kind Perdev teacher, Sir Manlapit. Sir Gill taught us Math, you know, just the usual stuff. I wasn’t really keen on listening but I had to. Math’s not my strong area. I need it to be, for the exams. Come the end of the Math sesh, Izy and Andre’ were able to answer Sir’s question sooo a prize waits for them. Hehe I’m proudie of mi friends.
Sir Ron came in afterwards. At first we thought he wore some kinda microphone. His voice was loud but clean. It was nice to the ears. Dude, hands down to him. Sobrang intensive ng review, like, he really goes into the details of which is which, why is this wrong, and such. The man’s funny too, so i really enjoyed the Science session. We scored competitively on the practice set that we answered on the spot! Panes, hehe.
Nitatamad na ako magkwento about the uwian but it was fun kaya here we gooooo...
I ordered cheeseburger plus shake shake fries sa McDo. Tapos, ang skeri because a mendicant ran to Andre’ and begged for the coke he was holding. After nun, we rode na LRT na ulit to Central station. We stood in line for a good 20 minutes siguro haha. Andre’ said it felt good to sit in a class uli with old classmates. I realized, oo nga no. It’s been a year na pala, since we all sat in our last Science class with sir Batuto, or our last recitation with sir Rosales. Naisip ko lang, during the last days of our class, nobody had an idea that some of those periods would be the last we would ever have as 10-Galileo. Like, nobody thought this boring and unsuspecting Tuesday morning was our final MAPEH class with Sir Bombie. Gives me goosies. I miss Gali though we kinda sucked sometimes.
On the ride home naman, all we did was hold back laughter and all Andre’ did was tell me, Pia ang lakas. Ehhh, I can’t control my voice eh hehe joke that’s not an excuse. I’m just really loud. 
I wish I can narrate this day in great detail, and in proper grammar and writing, but I’m really, really sleepy right now. Seventh of May was a very nice day, indeed. 
P.S. When I went home, I was shocked to find Tita Ness sitting sa dining area. I’ve been hiding my pixie hair for the longest time already, only to be exposed just. like. that??? 
P.P.S. My gown looked lovely. I think it looks good on me. But not the tiara. Throw the damn tiara away
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bangtan-spells · 8 years
Seokjin Scenario: High On You.
Request:  Hello~ I hope this scenario gets chosen huhu.. A scenario where Y/n gets drunk because of a rumor that Jin is dating a famous actress when’s he’s actually dating y/n, a student he met in his university who is in the same dept as him. Y/n’s friends call him up because y/n won’t stop drinking and Jin ends up coming and bringing you home and gets surprised when y/n pours out all her insecurities. Please and thank you ^^
Genre: Fluff / Drama
Looking at the empty glass in front of you, you frowned, never would’ve thought that that could feel so offending. So you poured yourself another drink ignoring the look you friends were giving you because that was the least of the things you cared about in that single moment. Your insides twisted a little bit more again with the thought of why you were trying to drown every single one of your senses with alcohol.
You downed another shot, this one felt stronger than what plain vodka should be, and too much to be even considered just one shot. It was ridiculous, was what it was. You couldn’t put any other label to your situation, to your behavior, to what was going on.
–You know what’s really… really bad about this? – you asked with a sad smile, your words being a little slurred by now. You giggled sarcastically and shook your head, snatching away the bottle before your best friend could take it from you. –She’s gorgeous… I can’t even blame him if he’s going out with her now–
You still remembered the picture of Jin and that woman, the title announcing that apparently they were dating and how much it made sense since they moved in the same world while you were just average, without a big name or fame on your shoulders unlike her, she was so pretty you were sure men turned their heads to look at her, and you never felt less or plain until this happened, until you were faced with the reality of your situation and differences with Jin.
Maybe he now wanted someone who could fully understand the weight of being famous, someone who could represent him because she too was loved and fawned over. You blew some air in frustration, what if he just got bored and decided to move on from you? You could feel the tears stinging in your eyes and you refused to let them fall because you were too proud for crying with defeat in front of your friends, instead you chose to feel enraged and drink some more.
What if they looked good together? That was just a shitty reason for people to be together, and to hell if she was adored and worshipped, you had done good things in your life too, you were successful at your own way, in university, standing out among the other students of your major, the same where you met your boyfriend who was apparently dating someone else at the same time than you.
You placed the glass down harder than needed, pressing your lips together to concentrate in the bartender to ask him for another bottle, you needed something stronger if you wanted the hangover to be worth all this crap.
–Don’t you think you’ve had a lot already? – your friend asked, you recognized the little furrow of her brows and that expression, she was trying to coax you into drinking a glass of water just so you would stop drinking alcohol. –Maybe you should take a little break, I can take you outside so you can have some air Y/N –
–I’ll go with you too, we should all take some air – you looked to your left carefully moving your head because you’d already reached that point in which your eyes moved faster than your mind and it was a little confusing. But even so, you knew what they were trying to do, you loved your friends dearly, but this was just not the moment.
–I’ll drink the water alright? – you took the glass she was offering and drank it but didn’t move form your seat, continuing with your own drink. You were being stubborn and difficult and you shouldn’t treat them badly, you knew it, so you simply decided to stay quiet and say nothing for the rest of the night, the lump in your throat was getting bigger by the second and there was so little you could do to remain calm and controlled.
The place was getting too hot and you undid the first three buttons of your blouse, a pretty burgundy piece with a line of little gold buttons up to the base of your neck that you felt completely unnecessary at that moment because you were like baking inside it. You were feeling like you needed to go to the bathroom but you’d also worn high heels that day just because and now you doubted you could walk in them because your hands were trembling and most probably your legs were going to do just the same.
That fact only served to make you feel worse and you bit your lower lip, this was frustrating and discouraging, you let your head fall on your hands and started to take shallow breaths because it was hurting and the bar was spinning as fast as your rushed thoughts. Jin couldn’t have done this to you, he wasn’t that type of man was he? You starting falling forward until your forehead was pressed against the wooden counter and you were sure that if your friend didn’t hold you, you would have fallen from the stool you were sitting on. The more you thought about it, the more confused and hurt you felt and if there was something you absolutely hated, was to feel that way, so you took another shot with the remaining strength you had and fell down on the counter again with all your world spinning and crumbling and your mind not quite functioning like it should.
Seokjin made his way past that crowded bar half relieved there were too many people to pay attention to a new comer, and half worried for that same reason since someone could recognize him, but he simply couldn’t get back and leave you there if you were really drinking like there was no tomorrow.
When you friends first called him, he couldn’t believe it, not because you didn’t drink or something like that, but because you usually knew your limits and never got past the happy stage with alcohol, he knew it, so why were you doing it? They seemed a little hesitant to tell him what made you want to drink the whole bar by yourself so he couldn’t help but feel a little unease
The first person he saw was your best friend, she was hovering over someone else, trying to hold that person in place and Jin noticed it was you, so he rushed to your side and took her place instead holding you up.
–Y/N, Y/N babe hold on – you were trying to stand up but it was obvious that you couldn’t do it alone. To the sound of his voice you looked at him with surprise and then tried to get away from him while shaking your head, but only for a moment because the movement seemed to make it everything worse and you had to hold onto Jin’s arms for support.
–Let go, don’t… – it seemed like you didn’t want to be close to him by the moment but you couldn’t let go of him either, so Jin only held you firmer and looked worried at your friends who tried to explain everything you’d been drinking and how they couldn’t stop you from doing so because you were too stubborn. Jin of course knew how stubborn you could get, but he’d never seen you in this state and when he tried to take you away from the bar you only complained.
–Y/N it’s better if we go – Jin was holding you against his body and your head eventually fell on his shoulder.
–I don’t want to, you… let me – you tried to get back to your stool but tripped and thankfully Jin caught you on time.  –Why are you here? – your voice was pitched higher than normal and your words a little slurred so it was hard for Jin to understand you at first.
–I came for you – you laughed at his words so hard and loud, denying with your hand and shoving him on the shoulder way harder than you would do playfully, he winced a little and then noticed how you were trying to hold back your sobs.
–Why are you here? You make me weak – you covered your face with your hands and he knew he had to take you out there, so he didn’t listen to your complains anymore and made you stand up, carrying you was going to drag too much attention so he just made sure to hold you properly and made you walk with him.
–Because I won’t leave you alone like this – he whispered softly and your head fell on his shoulder again. –I’ll take you home alright? Just lean on me – you nodded weakly and your friends helped getting your purse and making sure you didn’t leave anything behind.
Seokjin thanked them after you reached the car and opened the passenger door to get you in, he had to struggle a little making sure you didn’t hit your head in the process or fell, he took off your heels and tied your seatbelt so you could stay sitting.
–You have always been so touchy – you giggled a little while his hands were fixing the seatbelt on you and that made him smile, shaking his head. Jin shoved away the hair falling on your face and placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
–What happened to you? You’re always so thoughtful… – you raised your hand towards Jin’s face with a lot of effort and squeezed his cheeks.
–You happened, and she happened – he saw how your expression changed, he didn’t know which girl you were talking about but you were just about to cry, so he rushed to get inside the car as well.
Through the path of reaching your apartment you cried twice and fell asleep mumbling incoherent things, the only he could make out of all your babbling was that you had seen something about him on the news.
–Babe… Y/N? – Jin called you softly, debating on whether waking you up or not, he decided not to do it and searched for your keys on your purse to get in.          He picked you up on his arms the best he could and was surprised when you clung to him by instinct.
When he could finally get you to your bed, you woke up, blinking up at him in confusion and then bringing your hand to your forehead.
–Don’t leave me – you held his arm when Jin tried to walk away from the bed, at least you seemed a little more on your right mind again.
–I’ll be right back – it took him a few minutes to fetch everything he was looking for. –Are you feeling sick? – he asked worried when he saw you holding a hand in front of your mouth, and pulled your hair up into a ponytail.
You denied with your head and looked at him with glassy eyes, your nose was red and your mascara was starting to stain your eyelids, he knew you hated that so he took a makeup wipe and started to take your makeup off carefully while you surrounded his neck with your arms.
–Do you still like me Jin? – his hand stopped halfway on your chin and he nodded with a smile.
–Of course I do Y/N – he left your lipstick by last and when he was done, he caressed your cheek and held your face since you were having trouble to keep it up. – Are you doubting that now? –
–Are you tired of me? Do I need to look like an actress now? –
Jin was honestly getting more and more confused, he quickly took off your clothes and let you down on the mattress. –Why are you asking that? You’re not boring babe and I love how you look –
–But she’s so pretty…– you trailed off a little and he froze. –And I’m just… average, and I’m not famous or have fans –
–Who are you talking about Y/N? –
It took you a while to answer, to focus your eyes back on him. –Jiyeon, the one you’re dating – your eyes were watered down once again and you shrugged. –But she’s not your girlfriend, I’m your girlfriend Jin –
You got up looking for something with a frown and when you noticed your purse by the corner of the bed you went for it, struggling to take out your phone and holding it with unsteady hands. You were crying more now and Jin took a sit on the bed next to you.
–It’s here, I saw it! – you were mad and smashed the phone on the mattress, Jin caught it before it made it to the floor and started to go through it to find what you were looking for. He understood everything when he saw the news and a picture of him talking with the actress you’d been talking about.
–Do you like her? Is she better than me? – you covered your face with your hands and Jin pulled you closer, trying to soothe you. –She’s not, you know? – you high cupped and held onto his shirt.
–I know babe –
–We studied together, and laughed together… nobody laughs at your jokes the way I do – you were holding his shirt strongly and burying your face on the crook of his neck, so Jin ran his hands up and down your back. –And she doesn’t know how you like to sleep, or eat your breakfast –
Jin laughed because you were undeniably cute but never really accepted it, and you noticed so many things about him, always showed him how observant you were of him, how much you cared, and at the end of the day you were right, nobody knew him like you did.
–I don’t wanna lose you to her… I can’t –
–Shhh, Y/N, look at me – you refused to look up so it was him the one cupping your cheeks for you to do it. You’d crawled your way to his lap and he thought you might be feeling a little cold without your pajamas so he pulled up the sheets and surrounded you with it. –You’re not losing me to her –
You looked unsure, biting on your lower lip and most probably wondering about how real his words were, so Jin pulled your face close and started to press little kisses along your face.
–I just met her for an upcoming project, there’s nothing else going on between us – he placed a kiss on the tip of your nose and you closed your eyes. –She can’t compare anyway –
–To me? – Jin nodded to answer your question and then kissed your lips slowly, gingerly; he noticed how you were trembling slightly so he hugged you tighter.
–Nobody really can, so don’t put yourself down for this, is just a rumor while you and me… we’re the real thing here – at least you seemed to understand that because you nodded and he smiled, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs.
It only took a little more reassuring whispered for you to agree on sleeping, Jin kept his arms around you and you were tucked tightly against him. You’d already complained of the room spinning so he told you he was going to hold you until it passed. Seokjin caressed your hair and looked at the ceiling, maybe he would have to talk with you about this tomorrow again, he didn’t know you felt like you were just an average girl because for him you were much more than that, and he never thought for once that you lacked something in comparison to the usual girls he said in the crazy idol world, the fact that you were away from all that was refreshing and he loved everything about being with you.
–I knew it – you said suddenly, kissing tenderly the base of his neck and yawning, whispering the words ever so softly. –You love me…–
Jin looked down at you lying on him, with your sleepy smile and your arms surrounding him and he nodded silently, moving a little to kiss the top of your head. Yeah, he loved you, he loved you high or sober and just the way you were, so he wasn’t going to let you fall asleep any day doubting that.
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lil-stingyy · 4 years
the turns have tabled on my life
last year, same day today, April 1st, I recieved a confirmation that i actually passed the entrance exam of the most prestigious school in our country. great, yes, but the take is that. i never actually imagined to. so i moved on the moment i finished the exam knowing i was hopeless and applied on other colleges. i made it to one,without any tuition fee, along with my friends and actually planned my future on that university. i got my life planned and im happy and contented with ,my decisions
last year happened and upcat results happened and my once planned future suddenly vanished and i was filled with confusion and bombarded with self-doubt and other negative thoughts- I broke down.
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This is me that day, looking like shit because i dont know what to do. risk???
University of the Philippines (which i know, has really high standards because of my sister’s experience and the feels it gave during its entrance exam and just the fucking name itself. ITS THE COUNTRY’S TOP FUCKING UNIVERSITY!!!) or Carlos Hilado Memorial State College (uhm, not as scented as UP of course, but still, it’s a state university and i passed my dream course and the institution;s not that bad actually, it actually got a name on national levels too, but still,,,, how do you compare that to Up???)
Also, everyine’s congratulating me while i dont even know how to respoind and how to silence the voices in my kind.
also, my parents of course said that they will support me whichever ill choose but im not dumb enough to not know that they are secretely wishing for me to choose UP because well. you know the reasons, and also because of my sister;s experiences on that prestige school.
it was really a huge risk for someone like me who’s not competitive and didnt took her high school education seriously, you know, that student that barely gets by but still manage to pass. actually not just pass. but i managed to make it ot the top. DONT BE FOOLED. hasha im smart, but not that smart, our school’s just not hard enough for students to fail and not strict enough for students to actually pay attention and i hated it because i was turned into this chill kid not caring what will happen because of bring confident to pass whatever happens.
and taht is not the qualifications of a UP student.
(and i got a feeling, i can just continue with that negative attitude and still get a degree on chmsc with my dream course, but just, not in UP)
thats why im hella scared because im not prepared for bigger things to happen. im angry because my perfectly planned life was ruined by something i dont know what to do about and i really hate not knowing and i was so FUCKING CONFUSED I LITERALLY CRIED MY FUCKING BROWN EYES OUT. i cried for hours and days asking god for guidance what to do with my miserable life but in the end 
i actually chose to risk my comfort zone for world-class education.
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This is me. A year later the turns have tabled in my life.
this bitch.
(admit it, i actually got prettier hahahahha jk)
but anyway this is me now. stil a strong independent woman BUT now more nationalistic, a critical thinker, more awakened citizen of the country, now calling out the evr incompetence of the government.
dont get me wrong. i already love the Philippines before i got into UP. and im firm with my ideologies. i HATED THE CURRENT GOVERNEMNT EVEN WHEN I WAS JUST 16, until now. And I did nothing about it. thats how useless i am back then.
UP did not brainwashed me into hating the government and fighting for it, in any ways possible. IT MADE ME REALIZE MORE. sure there are political orgs trying to recruit you and make you yell and raise placards with foul words against the government and social issues. BUT YOU DONT NEED TO JOIN THOSE MOBS TO ACTUALLY SHOW THAT YOU TOO HAVE BEEN AWAKENED TO THE TRUTH THAT THERE MUST BE A VOICE THAT SHOULD START THE BATTLECRY OF THE OPPRESSED. THE CRY OF THE MASS AND THOSE BEING TRAMPLED ON BY THE CAPITALIST GOVERNMENT. 
now you see how the turns have tabled. this post started as a personal reminder of the decisoins ive done and turned out to be a political rant and i cant blame you (my dear reader) to actually hate me for it (HASHAHAHAHAHAH bold of me to assume that there are actually people whi’s going to read lomg posts of insignificant people like me),
but ok. what im trying to say is i that im actually happy that i risked my perfectly planned future for an unknown path. And now, i deadass learned a lot from the pretige school. Academically, especialy because i honestly got pressured to do so much more than my limit and work hard on everything, do things on my own, trust only the right people, having only 2 real friends and fucking failing despite all the hardworks youve done. and also being a good citizen :-) something i probably dont give a damn about if i stayed with the same poeple ive been around with, if im still dependent on my parents, if i did not explore the new world alone, and did not get educated about the needs of other people,
the bottom line is 
maybe e should actually choose to be more and consider the greater things we could do if we step out of our comfort zone???
yah, thats what im trying to imply.
with the 2 attached photos, i could say that i had my glow up, yass gurl. you sparkling, but thankfully i actually did grow up ;-)
and now im stuck in quarantine with all these pandemic lockdowns without knowing what to do next in school because all types of classes has been suspended and im so stupid i did not study the whole quarantine perios lawrd help.
lawrd help us to overcome this pandemic, uhuhuu, im so priviledged that i just sit here typing aggressively  on my bed, in our house, with my family, with a month supply of food and there are people outside that cant actually quarantine themselves because, well they dont have a home,huhu, please help them make it through lord. please make the local leaders realize that they need extra help that those who are fortunate enough (uhm, the leaders themselves?) and also the politicians lord, local and national level CAN THEY NOT EXPLOIT THIS DISASTER FOR THEIR OWN GAINS oh lord please plesae please help the poor and make the rich realize their privileges. also give more power to those on on tyhe workfore, help tyhe medical experts and the volunyeers lord. heheheheheheh
and now it ended with a motherfucking prayer.\
-unproductive queen, young and sweet, stuck in quarantine
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
What in the World? (Akaashi Keiji x Reader) pt.11
a/n: this nothing but pure self indulgent fluff :3 hope ya’ll like it <3 also apologies if its a bit late xD i just woke up since we don’t have work today!
Akaashi’s lineup: @alluring-akaashi @oikawalmart-hq @extrasugafree @bbykiyoomi @apricotjihyo @awings​ @simpformiya​ @sayakaaaaaa​ @colorseeingchick​ @demursv1ogs​ @chrisrue15​ @something-that-idk (i have no idea why i can’t tag some of you :( huhu )
links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 12
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“Bokuto-san!” Akaashi set the ball towards the beefy boy. It had already been a few minutes and he was sure Bokuto was already riled up and ready to redeem himself. None of them were expecting him to unleash his emo mode during practice time. “It’s all yours.”
With such excellent form, Bokuto cross spiked the ball and won his side of the court a set. The three man block across from him nodded and cheered for him. Behind his back, Akaashi gave the signal to Konoha, Washio, and Haruki to further lighten his mood. That had to be the most half assed ‘Hey Hey Hey’ you’ve heard in a while.
It had been a very good four months since the kiss. Your relationship with Akaashi was still kept lowkey, but both of you chose that path. Some of the members were starting to doubt while the two managers still had to break your defense. None of them succeeded. It reached the point that things were beginning to become an inside joke. Who among the team would break the wall and finally get the answers they wanted?
Handing his water bottle, Akaashi brushed his finger against yours. Lingering his gaze with yours for a few seconds, your breath still hitches when he sets his eyes on you. With each player now sipping on bottles and wiping their sweat, you sat down beside your man and silently activated your quirk.
His body was hot from the rigid training but he somehow developed the sense of when you would use your quirk on him. Feeling the heat being pulled away, he let out a long sigh and felt his energy levels rising up. The others began to wonder whether or not the both of you were doing outside club activities that decreased his recovery time.
Now that practice was over, all of you now bid goodbyes and walked your way back home. Hand in hand, Akaashi and you went over the day's events.
“You’ve been getting better at your sets, Akaashi~”
“It still needs a bit more timing. Bokuto-san’s sets are getting better but I still have to adjust a bit more for Washio-san.” You had also taken note just how harsh he was on himself. Reminding him that he always did a great job, he squeezed your hand and pulled you closer.
As for your quirk, you always took note of its presence. Despite kissing him as often as you could, being more touchy, and intimate, it was still at 35%. Though, you were using it less and less as the days passed by. Most of the time, you would use it on Akaashi to let him recover more. It amazed you that on days you let him recover on his own, there were no changes and almost as if his body adjusted to your quirks constant use.
By now, you were used to living in this dimension. Adjustments were quick and you even found time to hang out with Asami and Akiko. O-mother now held on to a great piece of your heart and you even began to exchange ‘Love you’s every now and then.
Life is peaceful. That’s what you told yourself.
The only stress you got were during games but it was all worth it when you saw just how well your boys cooperated.
“Lost in thought again?” Akaashi cut your nostalgic trip. “Is everything okay?”
“Better than okay.” Hopping a bit to kiss his cheek, you adored how his cheeks slowly formed a blush. He really is beautiful. And that small smile that only you saw? Swoon. “Akaashi?”
“Are we…” You knew you would sound desperate but it was something you needed to know and be sure of. “Are we dating?”
“Do you need verbal assurance?” He stopped walking and held your shoulders. Making you speechless was as easy as ever. It was your turn to blush and he loved it. “Be my hero?”
“Akaashiii~” You playfully punched his chest earning a small chuckle.
“Alright. Be mine, (y/n)?” He held cupped both cheeks till your lips were now pouting. “Though I know it’s four months too late to ask…”
Nodding happily at the assurance, you held his hands and happily accepted his lips. It was a short peck but still enough to send the butterflies in your stomach to rave. When he let go of your face, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he around your waist. Lifting you up, he began to walk as you giggled in the crook of his neck, your legs swaying side to side.
Arriving at your houses, Akaashi now opened the door for you and still chose not to let go of your hand. A minuscule pout was visible and that made your heart melt.
“Akaashi~ You’ll see me tomorrow.” Taking a step forward, you felt his fingers lacing with yours. “We can still exchange paper airplanes before we sleep, okay?”
“Fine.” Leaning down to kiss your cheeks, Akaashi made sure to kiss your knuckles as well. “See you later, (y/n).”
Never in your life did you hear your name sound like such a guilty pleasure. Losing your balance a bit, Akaashi was ready to catch you but you regained composure and cleared your throat. This man knew you were weak and took advantage of it. Of course, you didn’t mind.
“I’ll see you later, Keiji~” Whooh even saying his name made you turn into a tomato.
Squeezing your hand before letting go, he still bowed before taking his leave. When the door lock clicked, you buried your face in your palms and let out an inhumane noise that caught the attention of your o-mother.
“I’m assuming ya’ll are dating?” She slapped your back harshly. A cheeky grin resting on her face. “Don’t deny it honey. Your face says it all. C’mon, into the dining room you go.”
Dragging you by the arm, you were now seated with a tub of ice cream. Imaginary flowers floating behind her as she began to shower you with questions.
“Are you guys dating? I heard you two calling each other by your names.”
“Yeah~” You shoved a spoonful of ice cream. Brainfreeze meant nothing to you with your quirk.
“Since now?”
“I guess four months ago.”
“AHH!!” She slammed her palm on the table. “WHEN HE DROPPED YOU OFF FROM CAMP AND I CRACKED THAT PROTECTION JOKE! Young lady you better have used protection!”
“Ma! We didn’t do anything okay!” Which was true except for the continuous makeout session that followed.
“It’s fine. I mean we are in the new age. And, you're in the age of curiosity so I might as well encourage safety. Unless you want to be on the pill, then we can schedule a doctors appointment to see if you’re safe to take it.”
If that was your real mother, she would choke on the first sentence. There was no way possible for your family to talk about sex ed like that. Not sure how to respond, you gave an awkward smile, nod, and took another spoonful of ice cream.
“Besides, Akaashi-kun is a nice guy. I would be surprised if you didn’t develop feelings for such a gentleman. Both of you did a great job at hiding it though. Four months under the radar? Amazing.” She pinched your cheek and kissed it after. “Clean up when your finished~”
Now that you were finished with everything, you were now preparing pieces of bond paper. The window meetings you two shared was also one of those times you used your quirk. Akaashi always questioned how you managed to send that paper airplane the first time, when he knew about your quirk, he nodded to himself.
Preparing your chair, you watched as he opened his window and waved at you. Preparing to send a plane, you used your quirk and watched as the plane glided through the air and landed on your palm.
‘Coach said there’s no saturday practice.’ He wrote.
Taking your pen, you scribbled down your reply and sent the plane back to him.
‘Are you asking me out, neighbor?’
“If that’s alright with you.” Akaashi said out loud.
What you’d give to go over to his house. Recalling the distance, it was around five meters. Too far to jump and the angle of your windows made things difficult. The boy watched as your eyes began to wander around the environment. When you stared at your palms, he tilted his head, curious to see what you were about to do.
“Do you want me to come over?” Your voice not too loud for the other members of each house to hear.
“Through the front door…?” There was only one possibility his quirkless mind could think of. The scenario of you manipulating the air around you and floating all the way to his window or vice versa. Knowing the nature of your quirk, other things were possible but he still couldn’t comprehend just what you could do.
“Lemme just look up something real quick.” Grabbing your phone, you searched for possible invisible materials or something similar at least. When you landed on one article, you searched for its components and went back to the window. With the lesser amount of usage on your quirk, you were pretty confident that creating something from scratch would be possible. Of course, you’re not Momo but if you tried hard enough, you could make small things.
Akaashi observed as your palms began to glow the brightest he’d ever seen. Squinting his eyes, he could see how the area around your hand was beginning to distort.
“What exactly are you doing, (y/n)?”
“Hush, Keiji.” You were almost done. “You can’t rush perfection… and safety.”
When the glow stopped, you put on a little weight on the small invisible bridge you made. Checking its sturdiness, you concluded that it would hold at most 100kg. Making sure that it wasn’t as narrow, your fingertips felt the invisible floor. One meter was alright.
Climbing out your window, you scanned the houses across and made sure their curtains were drawn. Seeing that things were clear, you began to walk. Akaashi’s face was full of questions. Reaching out his window, he felt something solid but his eyes couldn’t see. Looking closer, he could see how the edges seemed to be reflecting light.
Extending a hand, Akaashi helped you enter his room.
“I did not really think this through.” You looked at the things in his room. His bed,which you only saw from afar, had black and white sheets. Books were sprawled out on his desk and a volleyball resting underneath. His jersey, which you presumed was newly laundered, was hung on his wall. “Anything PG you wanna do?”
“Nothing comes to mind.” His eyes went back to his window. “Aren’t people going to see that?”
“They won’t. Well if they squint real hard, they might be able to see how the light is being reflected and there’s barely any shadow in a particular area. But, it’s like the Indiana Bones movie? You can see it if you look at it from a particular angle.”
Taking your hand, Akaashi led you to his bed and sat down. He may be calm but his mind was running.
“Did you date anybody in your dimension?” Might as well be blunt about it, he thought.
“It’s rather difficult to date in my world.” You scooted closer and leaned on his shoulder. “Or maybe it was just for my class. A lot of bat shit crazy things happened to my class. We did have crushes tho~”
“Ah.” He remembers. “Hawks? What quirk did he have?”
“Hawks had wings. Like legit red wings that he uses to fly around.” You facepalmed at the memories with the cheeky bird child man. “Hawks was a pro hero and ranked #2.”
“Pro hero?”
“Mhmm. A committee decided that having hero rankings would help heighten security. To be honest, it only amped the competition between heroes. Not the best move on their part.” Glancing at his desk, you saw how he taped the first paperplane you sent to him on his wall. Resting your chin on his shoulder, your faces were now inches apart. From this angle, you saw how his gunmetal eyes bore silver and blue hues. “Can’t help but wonder, what kind of quirk would you have if you lived in my dimension…”
“Those dreams you mentioned a while back,” He inched his face closer. “Were those real?”
“They were.” The tips of your noses were now touching. “Now, tell me. Why is your face impossibly close to mine, Keiji?”
He smirked. Your breath hitched.
“A certain someone initiated something.” His lips brushed yours gently. Staring into your eyes once more, he slowly licked his lips and met yours with his. It was only a peck. A very short one. One that would make you want more, he was sure of it. “You did use a good amount of your quirk right, (y/n)?”
Imitating his action, you clashed your lips with his. Biting on his lower lip before releasing it.
“I did.” Feeling his hands wrap around your waist, you allowed yourself to be pulled by him. Sitting on his lap, you wrapped your arms around his neck and traced his jawline. “My quirk’s been drained real good.”
“I think I can help.” Both of his thumbs now traced small circles on your thighs. Shifting your positions, you saw the world turn into a blur as Akaashi managed to place your body onto his bed. Your head now resting on his pillow that smelled just like him. “Is this okay with you?”
Not bothering to answer, you tangled your fingers through his hair and pulled him in to meet your lips. The whole sensation of having THE prettiest human you’ve ever seen was out of this world, quite literally. Carefully putting his weight on you, Akaashi’s kiss became much deeper. Untangling your fingers from his hair, you found yourself tracing lines on his very toned back. Feeling his muscles flexing, chills ran down your spine when his fingers began to slowly brush your bare waist.
Letting out a shaky breath, you let out a soft moan when his tongue entered your mouth. With your hands now turning numb, you balled your fists and held on to his shirt. What you’d give to take his shirt off but you still had the decency to think he might not like it.
Biting and sucking on your tongue, Akaashi prepped himself on his elbow and saw just how much of a mess you were. Red cheeks, eyes that showed him you wanted more, and labored breathing made him smirk before sofly tracing your jaw. Leaning back down, he admired how you squirmed underneath him when he began to kiss your neck.
“How’s your quirk?” He asked in between kisses.
“Let me check.” You smirked when he rested on his elbows to see what you were about to do. Twirling your finger, you heard the faint click of the locks. “I think it’s charged pretty good.”
Lifting his body, you observed as he reached for your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Bending a bit to kiss your knuckles, Akaashi smiled and let go of your hand. Your eyes widened when he pulled his shirt off.
“Holy smokes…” Clenching your fists, you tried to control the glow your palms were emitting. How does your quirk manage to expose your feelings when you're flustered but not when you're scared to death when you're fighting villains? Tracing the cuts of his body with your eyes, you sent out a silent prayer to the meat gods for the sight. When he leaned back in, just inches away from your face, you bit your lip.
“It was getting hot.” Akaashi kissed your cheek. “You okay, (y/n)?”
“I mean… a very pretty setter is on top of me, and shirtless too, my quirk is exposing me, we’re having a make out session, and I’m in your room?” You pinched his cheek. “Nothing can top this~”
Turning to his side, you were now resting your head on his arm as he draped his other one on your waist. Yawning, you hugged him and the both of you tangled your legs.
“Are you getting sleepy?” Akaashi whispered.
“A bit.” Your eyes were getting heavier. Just as you were about to sit up, you were pulled back into his arms.
“You can stay, you know. You can cross the bridge of shame in the morning.” Kissing your forehead, you let out a small and contented hum. Watching how you raised your arm and snapped your finger, he had to admire how easy everyday things were if you had a quirk. Amused at your little stunt, he felt giddy when you hugged him once more. “What was that for?”
“I turned my lights off.”
“Think you can turn off mine?” It didn’t even take a second. His lights were now off. Closing his eyes, Akaashi felt content being able to sleep beside you. Just as he was about to doze off, his eyes shot back open. Nudging you a bit, he gave out a small warning. “Bokuto-san might call in the middle of the night. Just don’t mind it if my voice is too loud. It usually lasts 2 to 3 minutes max.”
Nodding, Akaashi finally relaxed and went to sleep.
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a/n: told ya’ll its pure fluff xD i hope yall are liking the chapters :) if you have any questions, clarifications, or anything you wanna tell me, feel free to ask :) and yes, Akaashi’s lineup is open as always :)
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