lured-into-wonderland · 2 months
“you see everything so clearly, don't you?” Sarcasm drips from the prince's tongue as he gives her a brief, but condescending once over. “...It must be nice — being wrong but still getting what you want.”
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“Getting all I want, Your Highness?” – yes, she does feel inclined to use a proper title, and give him a proper curtsy (perhaps slightly too deep). But her voice is laced with irony. Perhaps not so open as his, but it’s there. After all, it’s now their game: a cat and a mouse. But who’s who: that’s not entirely clear for Nunnally – “So, what is it that you gave me that I wanted?” – after all, you’re still not polite. Well, perhaps now you’re not so openly rude, but you’re still lacking the chivalry I would expect. From anyone of your status.
Nunnally looks different now; different than the last time they met. She’s much more of a lady now. Long expensive court dress; moderately adorned with jewels. Her hair neatly done. A gentle make-up to emphasis her natural beauty. She is the princess; there is no way anyone could deny it. And yet, Huin still chooses to see that girl from the beach in her. Barefoot and in casual dress. Does he want the uncensored version of her? She’s ready to entertain his wish.
She’ll put up a play for him if he really wished to see one. Nunnally’s a good actress: she needs to be. After all, all that men want is their imagination of a person woman, and not who she really is. That’s the lesson she was given back there, where she is coming from. It seems it’s just the same h e r e with this p r i n c e. She furrows her brows. Slightly, but enough for Huin to notice it. Her blue eyes now turning stormy; her voice is clear and polite, though: --
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“So, what have you given me that I wanted, Your Highness?” – the demon girl repeats her question.
“I am your prisoner. Restricted to do as I please. Observed and scrutinized in whatever I do.” – Nunnally shrugs – “Do you think a dress and a maid would make it up to me for losing my freedom?” – she takes a step towards Huin invading his personal space; not too much but enough so that the pair is close to each another: --
“If you truly think so, you are so very wrong here.”
“Your Highness.” – she bows – “Do I have your permission to leave?”
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bitterfates · 3 months
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hugothomasagreste · 3 months
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Hugo played video games with his parents marinette and Adrien agreste
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parabelllvm · 8 months
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He watched her — with his own eyes — trudge out of the sea bordering the Black Sand Beach. In most cases, he wouldn't even bat an eye at a being rising out from the waters and making their way to the shore. Many Niphuline dwelled in the realm and so, that much was a given sometimes. They usually had a specific manner and area in which they came to the surface… but a few citizens preferred to resurface in different areas of the realm. That was fine.
This being, on the other hand… was not Pheric. The farthest thing from it, if his senses were correct.
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“…Stop.” he orders, as soon as the young woman's foot visibly touches the damp sand. “…Stop where you are.”
mini-starter | @lured-into-wonderland
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your-neighbours-cat · 8 months
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Alizeh ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。🫧💗✨🍒🥀🍷💌🥤‧₊˚🖇️
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soulsxng · 1 year
Nia, which of your siblings is your favorite?
@desiderium-eden (mentions some of @sansloii's muses) | Relationships | Accepting!
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"Oooh! Oh, I got it, I got it! Um...my fravrite's Oooori, an' Hyuuun, an' Rara, an' Sassy, an' Lolos, an' Tati! An' den also my Mora papa an' my Oro papa an' my mama, an' my auntie Asi! Tha's the whole of my famuhly! But Dayday an' Mimi an' Zoza are sorta also my famuhly too! An' all the Time famuhly's my famuhly! Da's Riri, an' Gilly, an'--"
...They've lost track of the question. Don't mind the baby dragon. They're pretty much just listing off their entire friends and family now.
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blushbunny-design · 2 years
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Start off with some late Halloween content! 
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yehuserdumbhai · 2 years
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careersoldier · 2 years
A different darkness PT 3
“Time is strange here. The wheel turned faster than upon the Source. For what reason is still up for debate but that is another topic and thus, another thought for another time.” Watching for a moment, she saw him move towards a chest that was there. How odd. Did she allow this item here in the vision? Or could it be something else? That connection is already serving them. Already allowing the exchange. Her nose wrinkled up for a moment as she turned her head, and thoughts, away from him. Casting her eyes out upon the turbulence sky of the Void.
Annable tensed for a single moment as she heard the sword slip free from its resting place. Though she knew herself safe, for she controlled this moment, she could not help the reaction. Years of watching ones back caused her to be cautious. Made her always remain on her toes. Even while ‘safe.’
Her vision turned down to the swords. Towards the crest mark that was carefully crafted into it. Knowing instantly it being the crest of a Ishgardian High House. Though which... took her a few moments longer. Digging into those useless facts she retained. Of houses that came and gone. Houses that rose to power and of those that sunk below the waves of change. But this one...
“House D’woulfe... with its trouble making Lord.” Carefully, she lifted her hand. Allowing her index finger to trace along the crest surface. “A house that is trying to remain strong in these times, but no heirs left when the Lord vanished, they are struggling under the tide of the other great houses.”
“My my... so you went to the void? Rumors had it you vanished into the night, with your dragon, to find treasure and monsters... or a whore to please you. Depending upon which rumor you listen too.” A soft chuckle left her, her hand being pulled back from the sword and thus its crest. “A bargain such as this a fool I would be to pass up. A chance at a dragon as well? A dream so many have yet so few can even dare achieve. I add conditions to this, before I agree. You do no harm to me nor any of the coven that I aim to create. You do not lash out with violence when made angry. If you wish to restore your house it will take... grace as well as steel. Now,” She turned herself towards him. Staring up at the towering man before her.
Her familiar. Her partner. Her equal. Her greatest weapon.
“I accept your terms of the bargain. I will get you out of this hell, as I have done once before for myself. I will never discard you like a broken thing. I will never send you back here to this hell. I will never see you as anything less than my equal. In turn, I will learn from you about dragons and the art your house is so grand at. And you, dear knight, will never harm me or my coven. You will never harm, maim, or murder without true reason. You will learn to work the great houses with words... Not just steel.... Agree to these terms?”
His ears twitched at the words, the runes upon the sword gleamed brightly, each word she spoke seemed to wake the sword. Surging power slipping around them, the aether was in the air, even here in her dream… In her world the power raged, his eyes gleamed before listening to her words listening to her terms. He could not help but chuckle for a few minutes. “It is good to know they believe me to be fucking whores… It will keep the wolves at bay so long as they believe I will return… Men and women of the High Houses…always seek to destroy one another. Yet, if they think I am off creating bastards…” He grinned at such thoughts, his head shaking for a moment.
"Abraxas…. I wonder if he misses me… Before entering the void… I made a pact with him, wait no more than two years’ time… Then he was to be free. Abraxas…The terror of the skies… Even still the Ishgardian High Houses know not to fuck with me when I have him by my side… His size… is beyond intimidating, the pure white scales gleaming no matter what light hits him. His grace in the air… The way that he breaths fire upon those who seek to destroy us…” that light in his eyes gleamed for a moment, it was clear this was something he found great joy in.
He looked toward her for another long moment, the talk of her being a fool… yet then came her terms. They were acceptable for the most part, his purple haze staring deep at her for a long moment before shaking his head in her direction. “First and foremost, I do not kill simply to kill…I am not some senseless Void beast who needs to draw upon another’s aether… You do not have to worry about such things… I will work with all except for Lord Silverheart.  He is a stain upon his mothers cunt…. A true worthless worm that deserves the death coming to him. Yet, the rest of your terms I accept.”
They were to be equals…Partners… Riders... He had not trained another, not since his brother.
He took a breath, his hand reached out to the blade, the sharp steel vibrated as his hand moved over the runes. His fingers gripped the blade as the sharp steel sliced into his palm, not a single noise left the knight’s lips, no discomfort was shown before dripping five drops down the length of the blade. With each drop of blood, a ringing of power echoed through them, that sword hummed as his words spoke.  “I will never harm you or any within your chosen coven so long as they do not attempt harm upon myself or my house.”
He paused for a moment before staring at the sword. “I will not kill senselessly… As that is beyond pointless… I will always have reason should I maim or harm another…. I will do my best to use words so long as a blade is not needed…These are the terms I accept… Should either of us break these terms, then we shall lose any protection from the other and accept what ever fate deems punishment.” The sword flashed as the unbreakable oath was formed, the final drop of blood falling upon his family’s crest, igniting the ward that sat around it.
Carefully she watched him speak and the body language he displayed. Seeing the shift in his demeaner when he spoke of his partner, his dragon Abraxas, almost made him seem more alive. An emotion not often seen here in the void, that of joy. Hinting that he was not a total beast of this world. But one of her own. That he had retained some part of him while in this hell.
Much like herself.
“A bargain struck then. With words, magic, aether, and blood.” A glance down to the blade. One of the more sacred offerings, and not something she would give willingly out. It was an unbreakable oath that, should it be broken, meant death or worse. Anna turned her eyes away from the sword, from him, and looked out towards the sky. Watching the lightning as it cracked across the sky angrily.
“I swear to never discard you. I swear to never send you back to this place. I swear to see you as an equal and not a toy or tool.” Her gaze returned to him. While her left hand drew out a thin, delicate bladed knife from her waist band. With blade in hand, she carefully moved the sharpened tip along the palm of her right hand. Flinching at the biting touch. For unlike him, she was not used to this pain. “You will learn to discover what your own destiny is in the Source and how to obtain it." With the blood in her hand, and those words spoke, she held it out over the blade. Allowing that precious resource of hers to drop out. Splatting along that rune and bloody blade of his.
She felt the surge of power as those bonds snapped into place with force. Feeling the connection in every part of her body as they became linked. United by bonds unseen. At the same time, she felt the pulse of his own power beat alongside her own. Fire to Fire. The heat was almost overbearing but strangely welcoming. Like nothing she had felt before in another.
How they would control the world if they so wished it.
“Now then...” A sly smile turned her lips as she stared at him. “For the first order of business. Breaking you out of this hell. Fortunately for you, I have an easy solution for this matter. As you are now anchored to one in the Source, yours truly, you are not bonded to these lands nor world any longer. All you need to do is follow the bond between us. Stay true to that path and find your way out.” She lifted her blood hand, something she had clearly forgotten about now, and tapped her chin with her index finger. “In theory it should work. As the laws of this star and the Source are the same regarding familiars.”
Silence overtook him as he watched her swear her oath, he had not expected another to do the same as he did… Such oaths were not easily given, even more so they were not without consequences. Should one break their word… death would be the kindest method of disposal. The magic of old when dealing with blood magic and bonds is not one to easily be trifled with. He felt that bond surge between them, that growing path igniting as he stared at her clearly.
There was the tug, the feeling of the anchor she spoke of his eyes looked toward her as he nodded his head. “I feel it, you are right…It should be easy enough to follow…Go now, I shall follow shortly.” He would wait several minutes allowing her the time she needed to return from this world of hers, her own personal space within the Void…. As she slipped further away, he felt that surge leading him toward her, his mind following the path with relative ease. Yet as all things within this domain…nothing would happen without cause for worry.
He felt the surge of the Void Lord… The one seeking to enslave him… He felt that power rushing toward him, not wanting to let him go lest he had to. Lysander’s eyes closed; his mind flared as the power surged through him propelling him along the path. One moment closer, he felt the presence of her, he felt her power… He felt their bond. He let out a deep slowed breath. His hand extended out; he could feel the void leaving.  Yet that sound… that blood curdling sound of the Void Lord raged out, the beast claws extending as it struck out toward the man.
The piercing claws sliced through the metal, biting into flesh as blood splattered the darkness around, yet in that instance he was gone… The void was no more, the world around him changed with color…with sun… It was bright, it was different…It was warm... He took in that breath, the air hit him… It was familiar, his eyes opened as he looked around. It was there he saw the crags, the moors, and the mountains… It was home…He was in Dravania. 
He moved to stand, moved to quickly get to the clear water that sat only just a few ilums away. His hands splashed it in his face, splashed it there. He grinned wide, a jovial laugh leaving his lips. His dark plated armor gleamed in the light, showing the years of use from the void. Should she be close, she would also notice the claw marks that had ripped open his back. Blood flowed down the alabaster skin that was evident in the plated armor. Yet, he didn’t care… He didn’t seem othered… Pain was relevant…. To the situation, and in this case he felt none.
It was then he felt that same surge of power…That burst that caused him to flip around almost reaching for his sword.  It was then he saw her, the void did her no justice… Those purple eyes stopping to stare at her as he tilted his head… “Mi’lady…” He moved to one knee bowing before her, though his eyes never left her, never slipped away.
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“Good... follow it then, my knight, and I will see you where the sun shines and the wind smell sweet.” With a bob of her head and the edges that had been flickering in the image collapsed around her. Cutting the gifted vision off. Placing her back into the Source. Back in Dravania.
Anna took a deep breath and turned her face upward. Happy to feel the warmth of the day on her face. Even in vision, the Void was cold and unwelcoming. A place she prayed she never had to go again. And why should she now? She had what she wanted. A familiar unlike any the coven here had ever seen. He was hers and with the bond they created with magic and blood... she was his.
Which would put a mark on their backs should a certain person find out. If they discovered what she had done, what could be done, what was stopping them from killing her and taking him? Anger flared in her chest at the thought. At the events of the last month in her ‘home’. That place.. .Was anything but home now. The people within anything but family.
It was time.
The surge of power followed by the flicker of pain down the bond brought her from her fuming thoughts. He was here. Her knight. Good. He had followed the tether between them. But at a cost? Turning on her booted feet she followed that link until she discovered him by the waters. Seemingly enjoying himself now. And why should he? Freedom was his. Though his back...
Something had not wanted him to go.
Anna arched a single brow up as he went to a knee before her. The corners of her lips tugged upward in a grin as he addressed her in such a formal manner. “Are you proposing to me? I know I just saved you from that hell but marriage? I will have to think on that one.” A soft chuckle ran out afterwards. Her left-hand gesturing for him to rise. “I am no highborn lady either. So, such gestures are wasted on the common birthed bastards.”
Her eyes roamed over him carefully. Looking for signs of the void – be it a beast that latched on or a trace of something else. The last thing this star needed was more unwanted guests destroying it. “Call me Annable, or Anna for short if you so wish. Now then, let me tend those wounds on your back.” A step was taken towards them, then another, and another. Until she was standing nearly breast to breast. Or more aerate, her head to his chest. Gods she was short. “Remove your armor and let me tend to it. We have time, but my shield will only mask you so long from unwanted eyes.”
0 notes
ji-jii-visha · 1 year
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I love Taylor's "Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?" BUT these are ✨ DIVINE✨"hothon se chu lo tum, mera geet amar kar do, ban jao preet meri, meri jeet amar kar do" touch my soul (me) with your lips, make my song immortal, become my love, make my victory immortal and "bin puche mera naam aur pata, rasmon ko rakh ke pare, char kadam bas char kadam, chaldo na saath mere" without asking me my name or my address, keeping the customs and traditions away, four steps, just four steps, walk with me please and "janam janam janam saath chalna yuhi, kasam tumhe kasam aake milna yahin, ek jaan hai bhale do badan ho juda, meri hoke hamesha hi rehna, kabhi na kehna alvida" lives, all my lives, walk with me like this, give me your promise to come and meet me like this, there's one soul among us even if our bodies are apart, stay mine forever, don't ever say goodbye and "barkha, bijli, baadal jhoothe, jhoothi phoolon ki saugatein, sacchi tu hai, sachha main huin, sacchi apne dil ki baatein" the rain, the thunder, the clouds are all liars, there are lies in the gifts of all the flowers, only you are true, and so are the conversations of our hearts
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Hindi is the language of love and promise (2)
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weaselfactoryex · 6 days
Yall liked the Jogjebi and Huin I did so here's the Squirrel trio aaaaa
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bitterfates · 3 months
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hugothomasagreste · 3 months
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Ladybug and cat noir holding toddler hugo and toddler Huin because he leaving Paris today.
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parabelllvm · 6 months
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☺for Huin because I need to see it!
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“Full of surprises, that one...” ...and he says nothing else. That “compliment” alone looks as though it took a lot out of him to say already.
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free compliments | @lured-into-wonderland
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outofangband · 5 months
Elven word of the day, 141
Huinë from Quenya
Meaning “deep shadow, nightshade”
Note: was originally huin
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vorrentis · 1 year
Nayeon x Reader x Tzuyu - Something Worth Fighting For (Part 3)
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Hope you enjoy it!
Revised this one quite a bit.
Words: 6212
Students were walking past you as you stood watching, waiting for both of your friends, well, lesser friends it would seem as of it yesterday when learned of what you've done.
You didn't try to give any effort to make physical contact with them yesterday, you attempted multiple texts and calls, but no response from either.
So here you are at school, hoping to talk with them there in the morning, but they weren't talking to you obviously.
No talking, no contact, no looking, nothing...it hurt.
You saw their expressions, they were both clearly distraught with Tzuyu depressed and Nayeon being upset.
And speaking of Nayeon...
Here she was approaching the parking lot as you waited by their car, head down with a frown.
"Nayeon," you called out as her head looked up and instantly a scowl appeared, "Nayeon-"
"Move," She ordered.
She unlocked her car as you stood by the driver's door.
"Nayeon, I know what I did was idiotic, but it wasn't life-threatening as they said."
"Neither of us asked you to do something so stupid (YN)! Your damn life (YN)...you risked your f'ing life for nothing!" She yelled and that got some of the students to look at you two as you shook your head.
"Nothing? I got you into the agency," you reasoned as Nayeon scoffed.
"Yeah, that's the ONLY reason why we got in. I think that Mr. Huin didn't even want us, that he was forced to come to see us because of what you did." She poked your torso as you shook your head.
"N-no, that's not true Nayeon. He loved your talent and-"
"I mean we've only been doing this for years now and all of a sudden he wants to see us? A day after what you did! If we were so talented then explain that!?"
"..." You were thinking of a comeback but nothing valid could be thought of.
"See...we were pitied and for you to be such a dumbass into harming yourself. You know how much that killed us...we didn't ask you for that (YN)."
As those words sunk in, your eyes averted from Nayeon to Tzuyu who was walking towards the two of you behind Nayeon, looking down as well after spotting you both.
"Tzuyu," you called but no answer, no eye contact, "Tzu please, it wasn't your fault," you repeated as she avoided your gaze and went to the passenger's seat of Nayeon's car, "Tzu, please I-I didn't mean what I said yesterday."
She opened the door and closed it just as fast as you felt encumbered.
While you were diverted to Tzuyu's side, Nayeon got into her car as you called her out.
"Nayeon, Nayeon?"
"Tzu, Nay, I'm sorry, I am..." You said through the windows as neither gave another look to you and without much effort after, they reversed and drove off as you felt no energy to give another word or step, "...fuck,"
It's been three days since they knew what you've done.
You sent a text and called both girls probably every hour since then, except the night and school hours but neither was responding.
You've seen both at school as well, but both ignored you, but you kept trying to make contact, but neither bothered to raise their heads to you.
And you caused it.
The one promise you made to yourself, keeping them upbeat and happy, supporting them and you broke it.
Thinking about it now, they were right to be upset at you, you risked your life just for them to be trainees.
You weren't thinking straight back when you made your stand, but now...yeah you almost killed yourself...you could have frozen to death, but you didn't, you just got sick.
That's no excuse still for what you committed.
There was no positive to what you did, it wasn't smart of you but it wasn't like you would die in the rain right?
Worse could have been a bad cold.
Plus there were staff and trainees there, so it wasn't like you were left off, you just wanted to make a point and stand.
But besides harming yourself, you could see how Nayeon and Tzuyu would think that they don't deserve the spots...god you made it worse.
You made them lose their trust in themselves.
In you.
You lost them.
'What can I do...'
"(YN)?" You heard your mom's voice through the door.
"Yeah?" You said uninterested as the door opened.
"I'm going to leave for a couple of hours for errands. Dad is here." She explained as her head was at the slight opening of the door.
"Alright," you said again uninterested as you didn't look at her.
Your mom stayed for a second and opened the door more.
"Honey, are you okay? The past few days I've noticed you seem, upset?"
"Yeah, I'm okay, I'm just...school's been hard on me, but I'm good mom." You feint a smile at her, but moms know best.
"...is it regarding Nayeon and Tzuyu? Did you three have a fight or something?"
'You have no idea,'
"No, no they're just...busy," you excused as your mom gave a few seconds to think about that.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I know you three are close so it can't be easy for you. I know they're working hard, but you can go with them too you know. I'm sure the agency won't mind if you tag along."
"...sure, I'll ask." You lied going with her story.
"And you know the two need your support." She kept going as you nodded.
"Yeah mom, next time I'll go with them." You said with no energy whatsoever as your mom sighed.
"...(YN) is everything really alright?" She sounded concerned for you.
You looked at your mom with a feint smile once more.
"Yes mom, everything is alright." You lied once more.
"...okay. Just if anything is wrong (YN), you can talk to me or dad."
"I know mom, thank you." You hated that you were lying to her, but you didn't want her to be upset either.
"Okay, I'll be back soon."
"Bye mom, love you."
"Love you too." And with that...
Your eyes widened at and quickly checked the ID of your phone, hoping it was either of the two, but the caller surprised you.
"What does he-"
You answered it and held it to your ear.
"Mr. Huin?"
"Good afternoon (YN)."
"Uh, good afternoon?"
"Sorry for disturbing you, I need to talk about Nayeon and Tzuyu. I'm calling because I have yet to get their forms back. I haven't been able to contact them since I don't have their information, I would contact their guardians, but I don't have their contacts either. But I have yours, so I called you. (YN) have they changed their mind? Did they not like NV?"
"No, they uh, it's stupid, but they figured out what I did outside of your agency and it's been a block for them," you explained to him.
"Oh, well, I'm sorry about that,"
You closed your eyes.
"It's not your agency or anything...it's my stupid fault, all mine. We haven't spoken since we left the agency, a few sentences, but that's it."
"Well don't worry (YN). They're just upset, it'll go away."
"I hope so..." then you thought of what Nayeon said to you, "Mr. Huin? Can I ask you something, I know you are busy, but there's something that both of them are thinking that involves you."
"Go ahead,"
"When you accepted to see them at the concert, did you go because of what I showed you or because of what I did?" You asked.
"I get it, they think they aren't good enough and I was forced to go see and accept them."
"Well no, I wasn't forced to do anything, I saw what you showed me (YN). I'm serious."
You took released a breath.
At least that was answered.
"Listen to me (YN), everything will be alright, don't worry. I saw how close you three were during the tour, that's something that's not going away. You did go to the extreme to get them here, of course, they are to be naturally upset at you being your best friends. But, you were doing it for them. That's something that they'll learn in time. Just give them space and allow them to think about it. It's occasionally the best way to deal with it."
"Don't worry about it much (YN), now sorry for the cut, but I need their contact information."
"Yeah...yeah. Um, I'll text the numbers to you."
"Thank you...now I have to go, but don't worry. Thank you (YN), goodbye."
"Goodbye, Mr. Huin."
And with that, the call ended and you stared up at the ceiling.
'But for how long...'
Nayeon was sitting at her desk doing homework, well as best as she could.
Her thoughts were just filled with you.
The past few days have been bad.
She was still angry at you, not as much as the first day, but it's still there.
Tzuyu wasn't fairing better, she was quiet now.
Not to mention NV, she hasn't told her parents about what happened. 
She lied to them about them calling her back for further instructions, even though they were allowed to be there now with just some signed forms that they have given them.
Tzuyu neither, she said she didn't tell them about what happened either.
Nayeon tapped on her phone to see her, Tzuyu, and you on her wallpaper, smiling at the camera while posing or winking at the screen.
She saw the smiles of the three and their closeness and now it felt all gone.
'Everything just went wrong...' She thought, 'one minute we were just about to sign as trainees, next, I was slapping (YN) and both of us just ran out of the building...(YN)...what on earth drove you to do such a thing? Then s/he tried to hide it from us? How could s/he hide such a thing?'
Suddenly her phone's screen changed and saw Tzuyu on ID, picking it up with haste.
"Hey,you okay?" Nayeon asked.
"Mr. Huin is here with us. On the call."
"Hello, Nayeon." 
Nayeon recognized that voice and her eyes widened.
"Mr. Huin? Oh...I'm sorry. It's been busy and-"
"No worries, that's actually why I'm calling you both right now. Tzuyu was kind enough to put this on a multi-call. I wanted to ask you. I already asked Tzuyu: have changed your mind about NV right?"
"No I haven't sir," Nayeon said, "It's...issues occurred that we couldn't really discuss yet."
"Issues with (YN) right."
Nayeon jolted.
"He knows Nayeon," Tzuyu said on her end.
"Before I called Tzuyu, I called (YN). I know what he did was stupid, but  s/he s/he did so anyway because he cared for you two...how much do you know exactly?"
"Just that s/he did that..." Tzuyu spoke.
"Guess you don't know the whole story then?"
"Does it matter?" Nayeon spoke up.
"It does."
Nayeon was confused, baffled actually.
"...Mr. Huin, no offense, but why do you care about this?" Nayeon asked the NV boss.
"Because it's my job to take care of my trainees and staff."
"But we're not-"
"Not yet. Now I won't force you to listen to the story, but either way we need to talk about you two about being at NV...do you two really want to be here?"
"Yes." "Yes."
Both girls agreed simultaneously.
"Are you sure? Because from what (YN) told me. You two have doubts now."
"..." "..."
"When (YN) and I talked, s/he told me about you two: how much you poured your time, energy and heart into training, singing, dancing, performing, and yet failing, and almost giving up. But you didn't...you didn't give up and you gave a hell of a performance that can match up to idols, but now you girls have doubt about whether I really wanted you both. Yes, NV would love to take you two girls in. I wasn't forced to take you both in. But I'll admit, I didn't know either of you two before (YN) arrived, that's my fault and something that I would have a stern talking with my scouts, but I didn't take you because of what (YN) did. I took you two in because of what (YN) showed me. You two have the talent that NV would be lucky to have and grow with. Yes I did feel bad for (YN), but I still have a label to run as well and I saw two idols in the making that I had to sign before anyone else does.Yes, s/he could have waited for an appointment, yes s/he could have shown me another time, but with your concert the next day, I'm sure s/he knew that you two would perform the absolute best in front of a frenzied crowd rather than a stuffy room with myself and four others. And I'm sure s/he didn't tell you girls about me just so that you two wouldn't be as focused knowing that a label company was watching you at that instance."
Nayeon and Tzuyu remembered the day before the concert. 
What you showed them about the pics and the other idols failing about them not giving up, it was all your plan.
"I know you two are something special and can become something big. And if s/he was willing to go that far then s/he knows that as well. I can't tell you to just come together and hug it out, but just know that (YN) only has you two at his mind and heart."
Both girls took in his words.
"...Mr. Huin...how long can you wait?" Nayeon asked.
"Take as long as you need. If you change your mind, I won't argue. Now unless you have any questions, I must be off."
"Okay then, hopefully, I'll see you two soon here. Have a nice day."
And with that, Mr. Huin hung up, leaving Tzuyu and Nayeon to their thoughts and themselves.
"What do you think?" Tzuyu asked Nayeon.
"...he's right...I know s/he is...(YN) has done a lot for us, but this time...he just went too far. But I think s/he thought that s/he had to go that far, when we told him about-"
"Us giving up?" Tzuyu spoke up causing Nayeon to stop, "I felt awful Nayeon, guilty that I couldn't see his face knowing that s/he hurt himself for us...' 
"I know Tzuyu. And I was angry at him, so angry that I didn't even think about him just helping us. I was angry for the same."
"...Nayeon...I want to talk to (YN),"
Nayeon heard her partner's question.
"...not yet. There's something I need to check first."
"What else could s/he be lying about, what else is s/he keeping from us? If we go to him now. We know s/he won't confess. Probably even lie to us just to keep us calm. And I can't...I can't be calm knowing that he's doing other things like this behind our back." Nayeon said.
"...Then what do we do?"
"...Can you come over? I have an idea."
"I'll meet you there." And with that Tzuyu hung up.
Nayeon sighed and stood up from her desk, leaving her room and went to find her mom.
Luckily she didn't need her.
She found what she was looking for on the couch in the living room.
Her mom's phone.
Nayeon then picked her phone up, turned it on, and went to her contacts.
She then got her own phone and went to her phone app and found what she was looking for and typed it on her phone, closing the contacts app and placed her mom's phone back where it was and hurried up the stairs back to her room.
"I wonder what's really going on," your mom thought while she was heading to the market.
She was thinking about you on the way and knew something was up and was quite sad you weren't telling her what was going on.
The past few days you were silent and bored, you were never like that and it started when you came back from the tour with them, not telling her what happened that day either.
Something had to have happened with you, Nayeon, and Tzuyu.
Maybe you had a bad fight or something or maybe it was like she said they were busy at NV and you all alone.
They were your only two friends, best friends, sometimes she wonders more than-
Her phone started to ring and she looked at the ID on the dashboard of an unkown number.
She answered it anyway by pressing call on her wheel.
"Ms. (LN), it's Nayeon."
Your mom directed her look at the dashboard, as if Nayeon was there.
"We need to talk Ms. (LN), about (YN)."
Your mom's eyes kept her staring at the dashboard and back at the roads quickly as a car turned into her lane.
"I-is everything okay?" 
"Do you know where (location) is at? By (###) street?"
"Yeah, but-"
"Can we meet you there?"
"Nayeon you're scaring me sweetie."
"I know and I'm sorry, but Tzuyu and I need your help."
"...Fine. I'll be there in ten minutes," 
"Thank you, we'll explain everything." And with that Nayeon hung up as your mom was getting scared.
'(YN), what's going on.' She thought.
Your mom just parked in a parking lot of a tea shop and got out of her car and entered the building.
"Hello~ Would you like a table or is this a to-go?" A girl at the register said as your mom looked at her.
"I'm with a couple of others," Your mom replied back and started to look around and noticed a table with two occupants that contacted her, "I'm with them," she told the staff member and she nodded back.
"Okay, you can go sit with them, someone will be there in a minute."
Your mom nodded and walked towards them and they saw her approaching.
"Nayeon, tell me what's imp-" She asked, but she stopped midway as she saw up close the emotionless looks on their faces, "what's going on?" She asked immediately as Nayeon turned to her.
"Ms. (LN), we need your help."
'The number you have dialed is not-"
"Yeah yeah I know..." You said as you hung up the call.
You called Tzuyu and she didn't pick up as you were about to send a text to Nayeon when...
You looked at the door while on your bed with your phone.
The door opened to reveal your mom.
"Hey, mom." You said as normally as you can without showing any signs of sadness, "done with errands already?"
"(YN), we need to talk." Your mom demanded as she walked in.
"Okay...is everything all right?"
Your mom then walked in and closed the door behind her, the crestfallen look still on her face as she kept her gaze on you as she sat on the bed next to you.
"Mom?" You asked again with more concern.
Her face still remained and she didn't answer.
It was giving you scary thoughts, did something happen?
Are Tzuyu and Nayeon okay?!
A shocked looked overcame you as you thought of the two.
"A-Are Tzuyu and Nayeon okay?"
Your mom's expression changed from a down to a surprised look.
"Yes (YN), they are fine." She said to reassure you, "but I've learned of what you've done to get the two into the agency."
Your shoulders dropped.
You swallowed some saliva as it cleansed the dryness from your throat.
"You could have frozen to death!"
You jumped at her volume.
"(YN)! How could you be so stupid!"
"God and you lied to me as well...what in the hell is wrong with you! I didn't raise my son to act this way! Why are you going to the extent of helping the two out!"
"...T-They're my friends."
"Friends?! Friends share food, they laugh together, they hang out...friends don't die for each other!"
Your body shrank in itself as your mom sighed in disbelief.
"...(YN)...please tell me. Have you done anything like this before-"
"No no no, this was the only time."
"Don't lie (YN)!" She instantly stood up and felt frightened at her shout.
"I'm not. I swear to god I'm not lying. I talked to other agencies, but I haven't done anything like that for them."
Your mom saw the frightened look in your eyes.
"You...you've been talking to agencies?"
You nodded.
"Yeah, yeah on my laptop, you can check, but I swear I didn't do anything like that for them. Please believe me."
She saw your eyes looking right at hers.
Your mom then sighed.
Your frightened emotions were going down.
"But tell me (YN), why go that far...no lies, no bullshit...tell me why!?"
"They gave up." You said suddenly and quickly.
"...What do you mean?"
She knew what they did, they told her...they told her everything.
It was rough hearing all that...she didn't believe it, but they were telling the truth.
It was heartbreaking for her.
And she was furious as well.
She knew but she wanted to hear your explanation. 
You took a deep breath and looked down.
"They were giving up. Tzuyu was just frustrated after the recently failed audition, and when I talked to her, we got in a fight. I was telling her about how she should keep going, but she just couldn't face it, she kept saying how pathetic they were, and...it was just hurting me. The same with Nayeon. She was just...lost and defeated and whatever I said to her, it would just bounce back to me, like nothing mattered to her...it hurt just the same."
Your mom took in what you were saying.
"I couldn't stand to see or hear them like that or to see them just give up for that matter...so I did what I had to do...I lied to you and went to that agency by myself...I'm sorry,"
"Sorry? No (YN), I learned that you sat out in their building in the damn rain, you could have gotten hypothermia?! W-Why do you need to go through that?! I get that they're your friends, but (YN), it's ludicrous for you to do so!" She barked back as you took another breath.
"Cause they kicked me out without even hearing what I had to say first and I couldn't leave. My plan was for NV to see them perform live in front of an audience at the fundraiser concert. So I just sat there. I didn't know what else to do. I didn't want to leave the place and admit defeat like they did or for them to go through that pain again, defeat again."
"So sitting in the freezing weather, going through a hunger strike? You had a terrible condition when you arrived here. What if you had stayed longer in the rain...what if they didn't let you in...what if you didn't came back!? Why go through all that!?" Your mom started to pick up her tone.
"I love them." You said suddenly as you were getting emotional, "I...I love them mom. That's why I'm doing all this, I couldn't let the two down, I didn't want to let them down and I-I didn't want to see them defeated mom. To see them smile and be happy, it's something worth fighting for. That's why I made the stand. I couldn't just come home with nothing for the two."
"...yeah, I got sick, but it was worth it to see them all happy and finally getting the step in their dream. They got in an agency mom, they finally got in."
Your mom opened her mouth to yell more...but nothing came out as you were trying your best to control your emotions and took a breath as well to calm herself down.
Your mom was just listening to you...
She should be mad, she should after what she learned.
But hearing your tone and seeing your face...it was making her feel...everything else.
"When you say 'love', do you mean..."
"Yeah...genuine love, not freindship, genuine." You answered as your mom sighed.
"Then tell them that (YN)...god you don't have to hurt yourself for them..."
"I can't."
"No mom, I can't...their life dream is being an idol and I don't want to be an obstacle between that."
"Obst-(YN) that's ridiculous?! You don't decide that on your own!? What about them? Do their choice not matter on this?" She argued back.
"...it's clear what they want." You responded.
"How would you know?"
"I've been with them almost my life mom. An idol is something that they are striving to become. That's the only thing I've ever heard or even talk about amongst them, hearing and seeing them talk about new singles, tours, pics, shows...every day they talk about how they'll be like that one day...and whenever they practice, they put everything in it. Dating is just a minor thing compared to all that. And I don't even know if they like me back, either one of them. But it doesn't matter, they should focus on their career rather than me...besides I'm happy just being friends with them."
"...(YN). You're sacrificing your time, your effort, your health and-and your love for them. I'm sorry, but that's not being happy (YN)...that's torture."
You thought about what she said...she was right...it was...but you stood by your belief.
You looked up at her...
"...Like I said...for them to be happy...it's worth it..."
Your mom gasped softly.
You were hurting and she knew it and immediately hugged you.
"I'm sorry..." You said in her shoulder as she patted your back.
"It's okay (YN)...I'm sorry...just let it out..."
And with that, the dam broke and you started to cry as your mom comforted you.
Six Minutes Later
Your mom closed your door as you were back to lying on your bed after your mom said that you'll talk later on, to which you agreed to.
But she let you have some time alone.
She walked to her room slowly, headed inside, and sat on the edge of her bed.
"I can't believe it..."
"...Us neither..."
Your mom heard and she took her phone from her sweater pocket and unpressed the speaker and held it to her ear.
"...we'll talk to him now. We're heading there."
And with Nayeon hung up on her side as your mom just sighed and fell backward onto the bed.
Yes, that was the plan.
Nayeon and Tzuyu heard everything with her phone on speaker inside her pocket.
She thought it was ridiculous when Nayeon suggested it and countered by just telling them to come along with her, but they didn't want to risk you seeing them.
Plus they needed to think with whatever you said.
Now it's up to the girls.
"All this time (YN)..."
You were sitting on the edge of your bed.
Not lying, not on your phone.
Just sitting there with your hands folded together.
Your mom said that you both will talk with dad later.
That was it, you were never leaving the house again.
She gave you sympathy and comfort, but that was now.
Later would be the punishment and strictness.
You wondered how she knew, was it the two that told her, Mr.Huin?
Either way, you had to accept it, it was inevitable for her to know.
Was it worth it?
Not at all.
Neither didn't accept NV.
Nayeon hated you.
Tzuyu avoids you.
Your parents are now on your case 24/7.
Everything is crap.
You heard your name but didn't raise your head.
You looked up slowly to the door and sat up instantly.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
There they were.
Tzuyu and Nayeon at the doorway.
You stood up immediately.
The pair at you and you at them were staring.
Nayeon then stepped in and Tzuyu closed the door behind her.
"W-why are you here?"
"We came to talk, and don't lie to us." Nayeon started, "tell us the truth, have you done anything like that before?"
You shook your head immediately.
"No, no, I swear this was the only time and will be the only time." You spoke up truthfully.
You saw them each exhale and nodded.
Nayeon then looked at Tzuyu as Tzuyu nodded.
"(YN)...do you really have feelings for us?"
You felt a pit in you.
"Do you have feelings for us?" Nayeon asked once more.
Your heart was beating crazy.
'How?!...How the fu-did mom-'
"Answer the question (YN)?" Nayeon furthured as your eyes lingered on each girl for about a couple of seconds.
If she did tell them, then there was no point in lying, plus you didn't want to make things worse.
You took a breath in and out as you looked at them...and nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Nayeon asked softly.
You gave an exaggerated laugh.
You didn't know what one of those was taking over your body.
"Mom told you then," they nodded, "then you should know already know then, a relationship is just a hindrance to what you both have been working on."
"(YN) t-that doesn't matter okay, just enough with idols, what matters is us right here, right now." Nayeon was the voice for the two.
"And that's exactly why I didn't tell you. What you said Nayeon is why I didn't tell you. You both are working day and night, 24/7 and I know, I've been with you two every step of the way. I kept quiet because I didn't want to ruin the passion you two had for this. Even if one of us were to date, it just puts a wedge between the three of us and your work and I didn't want that."
"Plus," your sight dropped along with your tone, "now that you two are in NV, it's just going to be tougher from here on out and I don't want to be a distraction to either of you."
Both Tzuyu and Nayeon hated that you were thinking this way.
They didn't know whether to be furious about your way of thinking or ecstatic that you cared for them.
But they heard your tone, it was anguish as you kept on explaining why you just be a hindrance rather than being something with them.
It was hurting them as much as it was hurting you.
"Besides, once you girls get to higher agencies...dating bans are included and-"
You stopped as a pair of feet approached you and you looked up to see Tzuyu right in front of you.
"Enough (YN)...you think we'll ever think of you like that? How could you think of us like that (YN)?" Her tone was hushed, like it hurt her to say these words, "yes, we do care for being idols, but we both care about you too!" And then she brought her arms out and grasped your shoulders while leaning forward.
The pain was overshadowed by guilt as you saw her face, her eyes; hollow and red as her tears created a small river-like shape down her cheeks.
It was hurting you a lot more knowing that you were at fault again.
"We wouldn't be here without you...you have done everything for us, you set up everything, supported us on everything...and we are so, so lucky to have you at our side...." Tzuyu was holding herself in check so as to not choke on her emotions, "I need you. Nayeon needs you. We don't give a damn about rules or hindrance or negativity or-or anything (YN)...we want you to be with us."
You didn't say anything and whenever you blinked, you felt the water in your eyes.
"You sacrificed for us." Nayeon spoke up this time as your watering eyes averted to her approaching on the side, she too was getting emotional, "...and then you hurt yourself for us...it hurt us (YN)...it hurt that the one we love was hurting himself because of us."
You very...very slowly realized what she just said.
"W-what did you-"
"Yes (YN)...we love you. Tzuyu and I...we love you like you love us."
Your eyes averted to Tzuyu and she was nodding as well.
"Tzuyu's right, you've always supported us, picked us up when we were down, do everything and anything possible for us to keep going. We honestly wouldn't be where we are without you. And," Nayeon continued, "the biggest reason, is that when we look at you...I feel-we feel at ease, relaxed, comfortable." Tzuyu nodded with her. "That's how we feel," Tzuyu admitted, "and when you gave us that motivational speech...I felt so...happy that you were there to pick me up again and again. Whenever you're around, we get happy knowing that you're there to support us, and when I see you in the crowd whenever we perform. We feel relaxed and like we can do anything knowing you're there to support us. And about us getting frustrated and avoiding you..." Nayeon continued, "we talked with Mr. Huin...he called us after you and explained. Yes, what you did was so stupid, and yes we were frustrated, angry, and disappointed at you, but after our talk with him, we thought about what he said and then we heard everything you said about us (YN). With your mom."
You guessed mom told them about your feelings, but...but everything?!
"If we just kept on fighting...instead of giving up, none of this would have happened," Nayeon said as her fist clenched on itself, "and hearing what you said, I'm sorry that we made you feel like this for however long..." Nayeon ended as Tzuyu nodded.
"I-it wasn't-"
"God just stop (YN). You're never gonna blame us, but it was. We even said what we said to you that night." Tzuyu lionized the fact, "The three of us did stupid acts, and...it just created all this...we just want to start all over," Nayeon nodded with what Tzuyu said, "and talk about us three, because..."
Tzuyu stopped as she leaned herself to you and you froze as Tzuyu's lips were on yours.
Time stopped for you as you felt her soft lips mesh with yours.
The feeling of Tzuyu kissing you right now...was just pure.
Just pure...you expected fireworks, music, or something like that, but nothing of the sort as silence was just around.
Soft and gentle was the definition of it as Tzuyu deepened herself into you.
No tongue, no heated make-out session. 
Just simple and clean.
She didn't force any action as she just let her lips planted onto yours and her hands were gently pressing your face as her fingers were pressing into your head.
Your right hand grasped hers tightly as you wanted to bring her closer to you, but the sensation was gone as she pulled away and you could faintly hear her lips being parted with a small pop sound.
She softly smiled at you.
"Because we want us to start over with us being as one." She explained as you gulped.
Just as you were about to talk, a hand softly grabbed your neck and forced you to turn to Nayeon.
Without another word, she too leaned in and planted her lips on yours and you had the same reaction as Tzuyu.
Frozen as you looked at Nayeon's face with her eyes closed.
Nayeon's lips were just laying on yours, sort of like a peck, but laid there.
It felt perfect, like Tzuyu's, but only for a short time as she pulled away after about five seconds while giving a smile.
"We're as much to blame (YN), and I want us three to start fresh as a new relationship." you nodded with her, "but promise us (YN). No more hiding your feelings, no more going behind our backs and no more hurting yourself...please (YN)." Nayeon said as she said in a sincere and begging tone.
You nodded once more.
"I promise you both. Nay, Tzu, I promise, no more. From here on out I'll never do something as stupid as to tell you two about what's going on." You said sincerely as the two were taken deep breaths to calm themselves as they heard your words, "but you're serious about us being...together?" You asked as they nodded.
"Well we did kiss you so..." Nayeon said as you smiled, "but yes, we would like to be with you as you want to be with us. I don't see any difference than us normally but more, intimate stuff." She explained as Tzuyu nodded with you agreeing, but your insides were jumping around at the thought of going out with not just one, but both girls...both girls...both...you just relaized...
"W-wait...s-so I'm gonna date, both of you?"
"Yes dummy, we're going out. What part of 'we love you' did you not understand?" Nayeon said afterward.
"I mean, we've done a lot together up till now. It's not that weird right?" Tzuyu added as Nayeon agreed.
You just closed your eyes and smiled.
"No...no I guess not."
You took initiate and went forward and hugged the two as they returned it.
"I'll repeat it, I promise not to do anything as stupid as I did. I really am sorry girls."
"We know (YN), we know and we promise to not give up either, just like you, we'll keep on fighting, no matter what," Nayeon said as she kept a hold on you.
"And we won't give up on you either (YN). If NV says otherwise then we'll leave, we don't care," Tzuyu said, "you're worth fighting for too (YN)."
You softly smiled as she said that.
All three were having the same thought right now as they held each other.
Tzuyu and Nayeon needed you...just as much as you needed them and then you leaned your head back.
"So, you're going to say yes to NV then?" You asked as they nodded.
"We will," "Yes,"
"And we're going to do our best there no matter what," Nayeon added as you nodded.
"That's great, right now then?" 
"Of course and after, let's go on a date." Tzuyu said as you and Nayeon looked at her, "what? We should start our relationship right?" 
You and Nayeon smiled and nodded.
"Yeah," "Of course," 
"Alright then," you nudged your head, "shall we," the girls nodded and Nayeon grabbed your left hand and Tzuyu right as you three went out the room.
The three didn't know what was to come for them, but one thing was for sure, if anyone were to try to fight or break them up, they weren't going to back down from it.
Their love for one another is really worth fighting for.
A lot of you wanted Part 3 and here it is, hope it served you all well.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. 
Vote/Comment if you want. And thanks again.
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