duchess1269 · 4 days
What would you think if they were parents 🤔
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CG and CD
Bamsaegi and Undochi
Juldarami and Geumsaegi
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sah-crescentmoon · 1 month
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Ice cream
Just wanted to draw clothes that are not militaristic
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Guard 1: One of us speaks nothing but the truth.
Guard 2: The other speaks nothing but lies.
Bamsaegi: Oh, I know this puzzle! We have to ask-
Mulmangcho: *shoots the first guard*
Bamsaegi: What the hell?
Mulmangcho: Is he dead?
Guard 2: No.
Mulmangcho: That’s the liar.
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sadviko-off · 9 days
✨Redesing trend✨
Arts ^ ^~❤
is anyone interested in taking a look at the speedpoints of how I suffered while working with drawings? :")
The best redesign of Bamsaegi turned out in my opinion :"3
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sahbeetle3 · 1 month
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rei-does-stuff · 22 days
The events of the first episode with Uncle Bear probably traumatized Geumsaegi more than he’s willing to admit since it effects his whole world view and also shapes Flower Hill as a whole which in turn fuels how Geum sees things.
It’s why he doesn’t trust easily, and why he expects Bamsaegi to do the same. “You know how I got hurt and I don’t want the same to happen to you” obviously this mindset is flawed but when you’re proven right over and over again it becomes difficult to change
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paratisu · 12 days
Show me your kin list so I can judge you propperly
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ceiling-karasu · 3 months
New Chapter of Lily Bell in the Thorn Thicket
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sah-headcanons · 16 minutes
I need all your Bamsaegi thoughts :)
This is a dangerous thing you ask of me. All of my Bamsaegi thoughts that I can currently think of include…
He’s probably autistic. There is nothing about him that screams neurotypical.
I think he’s probably a young adult, since that’s how he’s typically depicted in the show. (Old enough to have served in the military and gotten an internship.)
We can agree that Geum and Jul raised him, right?
He is a smol. Geum will always see him as his baby.
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Bamsaegi from squirrel and hedgehog is a lesboy!
Bamsaegi from Squirrel and Hedgehog is a lesboy!
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enzogabriella · 1 year
*Azulin bumps into Geumsaegi*
Azulin: excuse me bra!
Geumsaegi: your excused…
Gordi and Bamsaegi: :0
Geumsaegi: and I’m not your bra
Azulin and Geumsaegi: *death glares*
Gordi: 😰
Bamsaegi: 😶
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duchess1269 · 17 days
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It's just a theory of thought
(Please reblog it and make it a mature like conversation)
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kervl-klear · 2 years
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Geumsaegi: Would you punch a kid for $500,000?
Assistant Jogjebi: Shit, I’d do it for $10.
Aekku: I’ll give you $10 to punch a kid.
Bamsaegi: We shouldn’t be punching kids you guys.
Mulmangcho: Looks like we found the kid you’ll all be punching.
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sadviko-off · 4 days
What would think if Bamsaegi and Undochi if they were parents and kid would be named Jit-eun it means taupe
BTW I think that name is like a girl's name
I bet you might draw her
I think they would have had a son or two twins at once, both a boy and a girl 🤔
I saw you and Rei discussing this topic and it seemed sweet to me :3
by the way, the name is very beautiful ^ ^✨
I mostly don't draw fan children, but maybe I will draw with the end of the session
p.s: I like to draw male children more, but here I would most likely say that they would have two children at once, they would be very good and sweet parents! ^ ^~
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“Excuse me, sir?”
Mulmangcho turned. Behind him was a nurse, who was shifting nervously side to side. Clipboard in her hands. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Are you Mulmangcho?” She waited for his nod. Her ear flicked nervously as she continued to explain. “W-we have someone in the infirmary. A refugee from Flower Hill. And…he’s asking for you.”
Mulmangcho blinked. A refugee…? “I don’t know anyone from Flower Hill,” he said. Unless you count Special Aide, but I haven’t seen him since-
“Be that as it may,” the nurse said softly. “He’s asking for you. And, well…I think it’d be best if you talk to him. The poor child is so scared…”
Child? Now Mulmangcho was more confused than ever. He didn’t really know any children. Much less one from the enemy side. Nonetheless, the look in the nurse’s eyes made him sigh and nod. If it would stop her from looking at him like that…
“Good. This way.”
Mulmangcho followed her.
The infirmary was about as clean as it it ever got in the cave that was their base. The walls and ceiling were still made of rock, of course, but the floors were smooth linoleum tile. Rows upon rows of hospital cots, filled with soldiers lying on them and cursing their lot in life. (Sick, if they were lucky, injured if not.) It didn’t take long to locate the one patient who was smaller than the rest of them. A little brown squirrel, Mulmangcho realized, face still overflowing with tears.
“That one?” He waited for the nurse to nod. “Okay.” He walked over to the patients bedside, pulling up a chair. The squirrel looked over.
“A-are you Mulmangcho?” He barely had time to nod before the boy had grabbed him by his uniform. “You gotta help! P-please! They’re just gonna let him die! You have to help him escape! You have to!”
“Woah, kid? Calm down.” Mulmangcho pulled the boy’s hands off. “I’m going to ask a few questions, and then I’ll see if I can help you. Okay?” He waited for a nod. “Okay. First question. Who the f-“ Don’t use the f-word in front of the school boy, Cho… “-ffffreak are you?”
Another sniffle. “M-my name is Bamsaegi,” the boy said.
“Bamsaegi. Okay.” He set the boy’s - Bamsaegi’s - arms by his side. “And how did you know about me?”
Bamsaegi wiped away a few stray tears. “My hyeong told me all about you,” he admitted. “He said you’re really, really smart.”
“Your hyeong?”
Bamsaegi nodded. “His name is Geumsaegi, but…you probably know him as the Special Aide.”
Special Aide…? Mulmangcho was starting to piece things together. Bamsaegi had said something about an escape, the Special Aide had been missing for a few months now, and his little brother was here…so, Flower Hill had him? “I see. Is he the one that needs help?” Another nod. “Hm…I was under the impression he was a loyal scout. Why would they-”
“He was loyal!” Bamsaegi scowled. “It’s stupid! They’re stupid! They locked my hyeong up for stupid, stupid reasons!”
“I’m sure it was stupid.” This is Flower Hill we’re talking about… “But may I ask what those reasons are?”
Bamsaegi flushed. He pulled his knees to his chest and mumbled something.
“Kid? I can’t-”
“He has hanahaki!”
Mulmangcho blinked. “Hanahaki…? But…who…?”
“I don’t know who for! A-all I know is that it’s an enemy scout and they locked him and me up b-because they thought it made him a traitor!” He looked at Mulmangcho. “He’s not a traitor! He’s not he’s not he’s not!”
“Shhh, hey, I believe you,” Mulmangcho assured him, patting his head. “Don’t worry, I believe you.”
Bamsaegi sniffled. “I-it’s really bad,” Bamsaegi said. “H-he was coughing blood when I left. A-and he got me out but he couldn’t get out…and…and they’re just gonna let him die! Please! You’re smart! Hyeong told me you’re the smartest person he knows! You can help him! You can save him! Please, I need you to save him!”
Mulmangcho was not pushing down fear. Not brushing aside concern. Because he wasn’t worried. Not about him. No. “Kid-”
Bamsaegi stared up at him with large watery eyes.
“I…I’m a soldier here. I have things to do, and if things are that bad…I can’t promise that I’ll save him.”
Bamsaegi sniffled.
“But I will try,” Mulmangcho assured him. “I’ll try my best to get him out. I promise.”
Bamsaegi gave a thin, watery smile. “Thank you.”
“No problem, kid. Get some rest.” Now, question was, how the hell was he going to keep that promise…?
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