ithilienns · 4 months
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Name Etymologies of Middle-Earth: Gandalf
“Yes, yes, my dear sir—and I do know your name, Mr. Bilbo Baggins. And you do know my name, though you don’t remember that I belong to it. I am Gandalf, and Gandalf means me!”
― The Hobbit, Chapter I: An Unexpected Party
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wilwarin-wilwa · 9 months
in reference to this post:
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admittedly i'm not the right person to make this meme since i'm not really well-versed in the lore lol
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indigoneaway · 5 months
Fun fact:
"Dog" in Middle Quenya is "huan" (glossed as such in 1930's Etymologies).
Which means, you guessed it, Tyelkormo Feanarion, son of a renowned labengolmo, named his magical, given by a Vala dog "Dog". And, quite frankly, should be recognized for that
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camille-lachenille · 7 months
My toxic trait is that when I encounter the ‘Fëanorian lisp’ in a fanfiction I’ll go check the root of the word to make sure it was originally written with a Þ and it is not a linguistic abomination. For example: Þauron is correct since the archaic form is Thaurond, but saying Þilmaril would send Fëanor in a fiery fit of anger.
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nevui-penim-miruvorrr · 3 months
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10$-ONE character CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
15$ ONE character WAIST UP with color
20$ TWO  characters CHEST UP with color( every fandom, oc’s, etc)
25$ TWO characters WAIST UP with COLOR
50$-TWO characters  FULL BODY   with COLOR
60$-i don’t want put the word with nsxx or i will be flagged lol  + COLOR + FULL BODY  
i don’t do, mechas,background or armors too complicated
*only paypal
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 months
Maglor Erestor has Quenya epessës for his grandchildren Lord's children.
Elladan is Fëatano - spirit of Man. Erestor can sense he leans more toward the Mannish side of his heritage. His nickname reflects that.
Elrohir is Hundendro - thunder heart. Out of the three, Elrohir has the fiercest, quickest temper. He reminds Erestor of his own younger brothers.
Arwen is Lérë - free. Erestor knows how she's struggled under Lúthien's shadow. It's his way of reminding her she's her own person.
(Celebrían is Manyanís - blessed woman. He laughed himself into hysterical sobbing after he heard she was missing.)
(Elrond is Þindafindo - gray haired. Not that Elrond has gray hair. It came about after Elladan and Elrohir abducted Erestor from his luxurious seaside cave, and Elrond mentioned the three of them would give him gray hairs.)
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mascula-sappho · 2 months
Quenya names sound so beautiful you almost forget what they mean: "hair" in every configuration they can think of.
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Hc in my au:
Thranduil doesn’t speak Quenya, but he does speak Primitive Quendian bc he was literally there when that was still the language used, so while he doesn’t understand exactly what people are saying when they speak in quenya, he does get the gist of it using context clues.
The thing is, no one realizes it, so sometimes some noldor elves are talking in quenya, talking shit in front of him, thinking he can’t understand them, but he can. He’s been wanting to drop that little tit bit of information forever, but he can only do it once, so it has to have the largest impact as possible.
Naturally, he replys to something galadriel said in quenya in sindarin, knowing exactly what the conversation was about, in the middle of a banquet, and he could see half the elves present go through the 5 stages of grief right then and there as galadriel reboots her systems.
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gender-neutral terms for gendered quenya words (and a little sindarin)
So when it comes to patronymics, such as Fëanárion or Ñolofinwiel, and general language, such as √yon and √yel, one pattern emerges: it's pretty gendered. So here's my attempt at changing some of that.
√yat - the root for a gender-neutral term for child.
-iat - gender-neutral replacement for -iel or -ion. ex. Lómiat (Lómion), Altária (Altáriel)
anat, yada - all alternatives for a gender-neutral version of child, as in anel and anon, yeldë and yondo (selda already exists for seldë and seldo)
súyat - nibling, an alternative for súyel and súyon
-ta - like -ndo or -llë, gender suffix for names. ex. Itarita (Itarillë), Caliota (Caliondo)
-ima - like -issë (iþþë) or -o, gender suffix for names. ex. Fëanárima, Írima (Írissë)
For Sindarin, the √yat could also be used. It's worth mentioning that in Sindarin, if a word ended in t, it would often be softened to d. So:
-iad - gender-neutral alternative to -ion and -iel. ex. Tinúviad (Tinúviel), Ingloriad (Inglorion)
-ad - gender-neutral alternative to Sindarin -il and -on. ex. Daerad (Daeron), Thuringwethad (Thuringwethil)
I'm not quite sure if this all fits, but there's no coincidental other meanings to any of these. It's just something I've been thinking of for a while, and that took me time to narrow down. I hope it can be useful.
(One of the ways to use this is if, for example, you made a character nonbinary - let's say Fëanáro - and his name may then be Fëanárima Þerindiat)
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edennill · 3 months
See, I cannot understand why the Noldor didn't just switch to Vanyarin Quenya after Thingol banned their language which leads me to the only possible conclusion that it was because it preserves the "th" and they found their inter-clan squabbles more important.
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arashikohedervary · 1 month
I'm not your average LotR fan who watches the movies every weekend, speaks Elvish, have read the Silmarillion multiple times and knows Lord Elrond's family tree by heart.
Because I speak Dwarvish.
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winds-of-zephyr416 · 3 months
so you know how in the movies legolas says “a balrog of morgoth?”
well “morgoth” is fëanorian quenya, coined by fëanor himself. (in most texts i think? the proper sindarin version of this would be bauglir).
so either a, legs wanted to sound smart and used the archaic old stabby boy version, orrrrrr b, he learnt it from elrond. and then wanted to sound smart and used the stabby boy version.
edit: this is actually wrong! someone smarter than me explains it here
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beleriandy · 10 days
AYOO??? Who was going to tell me that Elvish was an official language in Minecraft???
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Like hello??? Have I just been living under a rock???? I probably have-
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snailpaste · 5 months
"Astarion" Name Meaning in Elvish (Quenya)
The meaning of "Astarion" in Elvish according to Tolkein's Quenya. See bottom for Notes. Top lists potential components, bottom provides interpretations/meanings.
1. Astar: Noun meaning “Faith”, “Loyalty”. (Roots: as’tāră > astor [astāra] > [astār])
2. -ion: Masculine patronymic suffix meaning “son of"
Examples of this can be seen in the names: “Aldarion”, a compound of “aldar” (trees) + “ion” (son of) meaning Son of [the] Trees; “Anárion”, a compound of “Anar” (sun) + “ion” (son of), meaning Son of the Sun; and “Aranwion”, a compound of “Aranwe” (Quenya male name) + “ion”, meaning Son of Aranwe.
3. -tar-: Affix denoting nobility or highness eg: King/Queen/Prince/High/Lord (basically any noble/royal title can be inserted, pick what you fancy as its largely subjective).
Examples of this can be seen in the Quenya names: “Annatar”, a compound of “anna” (gift) + “tar”, meaning “Lord of Gifts”; “Sorontar”, compound “soron” (eagle) + “tar”, meaning “King of Eagles”; “Tarmenel”, a compound of “tar” and “Menel” (Heavens) meaning  “High Heaven”.
4. Ar: Noun meaning "day”, “sunlight" (abbr. of árë).
Seen in the Quenya name “Arien” (of which Arion is the exact masculine translation) compound of “árë” (sunlight) and the feminine patronymic suffix “-ien”, meaning “Maiden of the Sun”, “Day-bearer”, “Sun-maiden”.
5. Ar-: Prefix denoting nobility or highness eg: King, Lord, Master, Queen, High, Great, Royal, Noble (again, basically any noble/royal title can be inserted).
6. Asto: Noun meaning “dust” (pl. Aist).
1. Astar + -ion
Son of Astar. Son of Loyalty/Faith. Loyal/Faithful Son.
2. Asto + ar + -ion
“ar” as a noun
Son of [the] Dust and Day/Sun. Day/Sun Son of Dust. Bearer of Day/Sun & Dust. Son of Astoaron. Son of the man of Dust & Sun. 
3. Asto + ar- + -ion
“ar-” as a prefix to “-ion”
Royal/High/Noble Son of Dust. Prince of Dust.
4. Astar + ar + -ion
“ar” as a noun
Son of [a] Faithful/Loyal Day/Sun. Faithful/Loyal Son of [the] Day/Sun/Warmth. Son of Faithful/Loyal Warmth [of the sun]. Son of Astaron.
5. Astar + ar- + -ion
“ar-” as a prefix to “-ion”
Royal/High/Noble Son of Loyalty/Faith. Loyal/Faithful Noble/High Son. Son/Prince of Faith/Loyalty.
6. Asto + -tar + -ion
“tar” as a suffix to “Asto”
Son of High/Noble/Royal Dust. Son of the King of Dust.
7. Asto + tar- + -ion
“tar” as a prefix to “-ion”
Royal/High/Noble Son of Dust. Prince of Dust.
Regarding above names using “ar-” prefix: The use of “ar-” in this context could potentially be incorrect, resulting in a different meaning. Take “Pelargir”, a sindarin word meaning "Garth of (the) Royal Ships", for example; Pelargir is composed of either the “pel-” (encircle, go around), or “pêl” (fenced field), and the prefix “ar-” (noble/royal) and “cîr” (ships). If I interpreted the names with the “ar-” prefix in the same manner as “Pelargir”, they would end up meaning “light/heat/warmth/sun/dust of a noble son/boy”. With that being said “Arion” does mean High/Noble/Royal son, and follows the grammatical rules, so I would say it’s polysemous.
“Arion” is a poetic version of “Prince” (son of royalty, royal son)
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 4 days
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Today I learned that it's Mach-tan.
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