reasonsforhope · 2 months
"Sunlight dapples the once-denuded forest floor as saplings spread their branches and leaves overhead, slowly forming a lush canopy.
Beside each young tree, a sign notes its species. Lupuna, says one, the colloquial Peruvian term, and below that its scientific name, Ceiba pentandra — in other words, a kapok tree, known for its cotton-like fibers. Huito, says another sign, or Geinpa americana, which produces edible gray berries.
Each sapling is distinct, a reflection of the Amazon's stunning biodiversity, with so many different species that you might go acres without finding a repeat.
Yet this young forest did not spring up naturally. It has been carefully recreated by humans in an area that was, until just three years ago, a heavily contaminated moonscape.
This land was stripped of its dense vegetation by miners scouring the subsoil for tiny specks of gold, using mercury to separate the gold from the sediment. Many thought that a healthy forest would never thrive in impoverished, mercury-laden topsoil and that the piles of sandy tailings, the residue from the gold mining effort, and the pools of wastewater were irremediable...
"It feels good to see the forest grow back," says Pedro Ynfantes, 66, the miner whose legal mining concession of 1,110 acres includes this 10-acre patch of land where this young forest is located. "We don't want to deforest. When we had the opportunity to let the forest grow back, we took it. It's much better this way."
The opportunity he refers to came via U.S. nonprofit Pure Earth, which works with communities across the Global Southto remediate environmental problems left behind by mining, much of it illegal. Their biggest targets are mercury and lead contamination...
Security forces have launched anti-mining operations down the years, even blowing up the miners' equipment deep in the jungle. But most local politicians, including Madre de Dios' members of Peru's national congress, broadly support the miners, who are a powerful constituency in the relatively sparsely populated jungle region.
Restoring the forest
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Pictured: France Cabanillas works for the nonprofit group Pure Earth, which is spearheading an effort to plant saplings in areas of the Peruvian Amazon that were devastated by illegal gold mining.
Now there's an effort to address the damage. Initially working with the region's legal miners, most of whom were here before the 2009 gold rush kicked off, the nonprofit group Pure Earth is using this patch of Ynfantes' land as a pilot project to show how the rainforest can be regenerated after the last traces of gold have been plucked from the soil.
It took a sustained outreach effort. Many miners are wary of or even downright hostile to foreign NGOs, which have repeatedly called for gold mining to be banned or severely curbed in the Peruvian Amazon — steps they say would cost them their livelihood.
"I am feeling optimistic," says France Cabanillas, Pure Earth's local coordinator, who has been appealing to the frustration of many miners at the heavy toll they have taken on the jungle and their desire to minimize their environmental footprint for the next generation.
"We still have a lot to do but this pilot is going well. Down the years, the miners have been getting a lot of stick but not much carrot when it comes to their environmental impacts," says Cabanillas. "We are offering them a carrot, allowing them to remediate their own impacts. Many of the miners do not want to be destroying the rainforest."
Before the miners plant the carefully-selected mix of tree species, they had to prepare the earth. Most of the topsoil had been washed away by the miners' heavy use of hoses.
That preparation involved adding biochar (burnt organic material) and even molasses, which contain fixed carbon and minerals, along with various other nutrients. The miners also had to dig tiny moats around the saplings to prevent all of this new planting from being washed away. Now, after three years, the forest is visibly coming back.
The rejuvenated rainforest also mitigates the impact of the mercury used by many of the illegal miners.
Research done by Pure Earth shows that the barren, sandy soil emits mercury. But in a rainforest, the ecosystem actually absorbs some of the metal, boosting public health."
-via NPR, April 2, 2024
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dabid-motozalea · 2 months
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Pues a por otros 3 meses...
De pequeño era Ritalin..
Mejor esto que una patada en los huitos ya es..
3 meses sin tomar ni un triste RedBull (ya caerá alguno, ya) ni una triste cervecica..
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444names · 1 year
spanish surnames BUT excluding "a"
Becino Belis Belles Bequendego Berentetto Berguedo Beriero Bermerodes Beroez Berogro Beros Berostres Berrech Berron Beyri Bibiegotez Blescortes Bojos Bonimilles Bonsueno Borros Brecin Briguer Brimino Brino Briolino Buero Buerrez Buierro Bungozono Burermuroz Burquedo Burrechido Bustrez Ceboss Cegue Ceity Celes Cellez Cenez Cenitente Cepin Cerces Ceros Cescos Chedo Chero Cheros Chigui Chiquin Choyo Chuerondo Ciedon Cingodo Ciodros Cires Colmez Colvos Comez Comon Conez Conredo Consolino Conte Contez Cordo Coredo Cores Corpite Corro Corte Cortore Covorte Crinez Crujo Crusque Cuero Cueroy Cuerrice Cuezo Curcovijos Curisteliu Dejos Deles Dellejo Delles Dello Derdillo Derio Derrequi Desillos Dionqui Dolino Dompos Dosquis Doycordo Duedo Eclez Edondo Eguez Eleno Ellen Endino Endrigue Equelez Ereres Espes Espiego Espuste Esquelecto Esqui Estenues Estiloy Estojilles Estom Eyeste Felos Ferez Feribejo Fermez Ferol Fillez Findillon Fines Finez Fiont Flortero Florth Folquerido Freco Frendinto Fuero Futines Geros Geroso Gimiero Gompo Gorno Gorte Gresqui Guelinez Guietez Guijo Guinez Guinoyco Guite Gulugudio Gungo Helez Herdo Heros Hesco Hiderres Himez Hipro Hiren Huelo Huencon Huesos Huitos Huizo Icereno Illontiro Iquez Irinez Isnes Izurs Jillo Jorth Julomon Jundo Lemuriz Lences Lencuelles Lesco Letts Limedilez Lindo Llerris Llerro Llicio Lobozo Lomerencho Lomin Loncos Lonto Losegon Losos Lucedo Ludes Luencos Luner Medecio Medez Medront Medrostojon Meleyeron Mencon Mendo Menel Menerisbo Menguedech Menosturuz Menoz Menozo Menro Menzu Meristez Meros Meroz Mertren Mestun Miero Millorgo Millos Miquez Miquihuenzo Mirel Mireson Mireyros Mirio Mirizo Mocero Molos Monderro Mondo Mones Monez Monich Monio Monson Montel Morced Mordendo Mordo Morequi Mores Morespino Morestru Morez Morio Morpis Morquil Morrenzo Morres Mortinconse Morto Mosid Mosil Mosso Mucol Mugiros Mures Murio Muste Nibel Nintez Niquierrez Nueig Nuendielo Nuerres Oconguez Ocordorevel Odonteles Ogores Ojillo Olinto Olley Olveros Orego Orengirio Oreno Orero Orreguillor Orrio Orrontortes Osillopio Ostos Otoso Pedez Pente Percinepo Perermez Perez Perneodildo Peroboro Perodo Perros Piceuez Piegeros Pineo Pinges Pinte Podrez Polents Polino Pomijo Ponez Poreno Porzon Prerrono Prios Pumbre Pumeno Pureque Purivello Pusor Pérem Quedo Quedon Quenco Quiez Quijoroz Quilles Quirrillos Recedielo Recedo Remedo Rentu Requi Ridemuz Rieguez Rillersue Rinego Riquer Riteno Roces Rodills Rojoses Rolis Romones Roncio Rontro Rubioli Rubiso Ruinemes Rujites Rujos Rumbez Secho Selloso Semigorro Sench Sentescon Serre Seves Sevregui Siezguez Siferdo Sifon Sigosegos Sillorez Sispicuez Sobedo Solostel Solques Sonzu Sorgo Soromire Sotejo Soyturrio Spedosotor Spiso Suendoy Sueno Sulino Sumen Sustrisno Tegros Tiero Tierrez Tilles Tillo Tindo Tiviegui Tordo Tordurigue Torez Tortunivez Tosobrio Toyoquez Trubio Tucio Turiz Tustes Umerlo Urdierrio Urembleono Urieblez Urino Uroqui Urtemes Urubin Urueter Usolicto Vedez Vediel Vellegue Vello Vellos Venolo Verdes Veres Verte Veruloro Vices Viellupez Viero Viete Vigui Vilerdez Viles Villedo Villeo Villes Villestigos Villez Villis Villiz Villo Villosp Vines Viredo Viristegue Virrez Vitoreliz Xienos Xiquenreno Xiquero Ycorte Ygomin Ygues Ynozo Yordo Ypiencios Ysolos Ysquermon Ysquez Ysqui Yturituste Yuevelles Zericor Zeros Zuedo
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nievesmorena · 2 years
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Mano tatuada de una sacerdotisa de la cultura Chancay:
Esta mano tatuada le pertenece a una mujer de la élite, probablemente una sacerdotisa de la cultura Chancay (1200 d.C - 1470 d.C). El fruto utilizado para el tatuaje se llama "Huito", proveniente de la selva amazónica y el diseño tatuado representa un Sol. En el antiguo Perú, los tatuajes solo los llevaban personas de la élite o los que ocupaban un cargo muy importante en su sociedad, al ser tatuadas representarían su poder, en algunos casos mágico - ritual como la momias tatuadas encontradas de las culturas Mochica (Costa Norte) y Nasca (Costa Sur).
Imagen: Castillo de Chancay
Fuente : Peru conocelo
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kamenstrikerace · 2 months
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ウィトクロース・デメテル Huitocloth Demeter
Note: ウィト seems to refer to Huito, a name for the Genipa Americana. ‘cuz I’m not finding much else.
Demeter is the Greek Goddess of Agriculture.
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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💥 El Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica junto a la Embajada de Francia en Lima, el Instituto de Cine Francés, la Filmoteca PUCP, la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación PUCP, y la Especialidad de Comunicación Audiovisual PUCP, en el marco de “Educando para la Igualdad”, presentan este ciclo conmemorando las festividades por el Día Internacional de la Mujer.🎞🍿😎
© Producción: PUCP.
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🎬 DIVERTIMENTO 📢 Dirección: Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar (Francia)
🎬 TÓTEM 📢 Dirección: Lila Avilés (México)
🎬 CÓMO TENER SEXO 📢 Dirección: Molly Manning Walker (Reino Unido)
🎬 CANCIÓN SIN NOMBRE 📢 Dirección: Melina León (Perú)
🎬 20.000 ESPECIES DE ABEJAS 📢 Dirección: Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren (España)
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📆 Del 01 al 17 de marzo
🏪 Sala Azul del Centro Cultural PUCP (av. Camino Real 1075 - San Isidro)
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🎟 Adultos: S/.15
🎫 Estudiantes y Jubilados: S/.12
🎯 Lunes Cinéfilo: S/.10
🖱 Reservas: www.CCPUCPencasa.com
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culturaindigenatikuna · 10 months
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A su vez resulta provechoso resaltar que los Tikuna tienen la costumbre de pintarse el cuerpo de negro con un tinte natural proveniente del árbol de la genipa, huito. De esta tradición es que se desglosa el significado de Tikuna, donde “taco” refiere a hombre y “una” a negro.
Los rituales ancestrales que ha caracterizado a la comunidad Tikuna giran en torno a temáticas como la infancia, el embarazo y la pubertad de las jóvenes. El ritual más característico es el referente a la pubertad, en este evento se aparta a la joven en aislamiento durante varios meses, durante los cuales su familia se encarga de reunir provisiones y elaborar la emblemática bebida 'masato'. La celebración tradicional abarca elementos como música, ornamentación y aplicación de pintura corporal de huito en la joven, además de bailes y el consumo de alimentos y bebidas por parte de los participantes. En el ritual referente al embarazo, las mujeres se curven el cuerpo con el tinte de huito, debido a que ellos conciben a este tinte como un símbolo de protección ante los peligros del ambiente.
Los integrantes de este grupo indígena –ubicado en la Amazonia entre Colombia, Brasil y Perú– usan verbos para describir si un objeto o persona es, por ejemplo, “grande”, “rojo”, “azul”, “bonito” o “pequeño”. De esta manera, si se aproximara al español, en tikuna se diría “mi zapato que negrea” para describir “mi zapato es negro”, “la novia que bonitea” para decir que “la novia es bonita”. (Agencia de Noticias. UNAL. 2017)
La población de los Tikuna opta por sustentarse a base de diferentes actividades como la recolección de frutos silvestres, pesca artesanal, comercio de artesanías y manualidades, pero en menor cuantía. Además, estas comunidades practican la roza como método de recolección de estos cultivos y la quema de chagras, el cual refiere a la preservación de  la cultura, y la soberanía alimentaria de los pueblos indígenas amazónicos.
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mariequien · 1 year
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Nuevo Paraiso
I am sitting in a Maloka in the Commune Nuevo Paraiso with the indigenous Tikuna family Winkerman, Monica, Fransisca.
Smoke cleanses the sacred place, crickets chirp, mosquitoes chase, I braid a necklace with 'Wairuru' seeds and 'Ojo de mariposa' fruit.
Earlier in the Refugio I basically just put my luggage in the room and went straight back to Dani on the small boat, excited to immerse myself in the wilderness and culture of the Amazon.
I'm learning, about the culture, family life, clan origins, spiritual rituals, healing plants - with my broken Spanish.
The jungle shines in an infinite number of shades of green, various exotic fruits are simply lying around on the ground.
I am quick at braiding remarked Monica appreciatively.
Winkerman draws a tattoo on my arm. The black ink lasts 10 days and is also used to dye hair, it comes from the 'Huito arbol' tree.
Winkerman leads me through the jungle to a gigantic tree, 350 years old.
Later back in the commune, Monica shows me photos of her traditional costumes and dances, representing the Amazon region in Bogota, and is very enthusiastic. She loves dancing and laughs a lot.
The younger children dance happily in front of the house, the boys play football by the river.
Francisca mows the lawn with a machete.
We taste the orange zapote fruit.
At dusk we slide down the river, Monica, her father and I.
I feel very fulfilled, deeply touched and grateful that I can experience this.
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polistini · 4 years
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please send huito your best wishes they have so much to fuss about with this messy tanuki 
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createdbyconnie · 5 years
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Hello! 👋 I'm just popping in to say: I think I've cracked my @jaguaink paste recipe to the exact consistency I like! Just waiting out this stain test now 🤗😘 . #createdbyconnie #bodyart #jaguablue #jaguablueblackstain #GenipaAmericana #huito #jaguafruit #jaguaink #jaguafruitink #bradfordtattoos #bradfordtattootrial #bradfordtattootrial #bradfordtemporarytattoos #leedstattoo #leedstattootrial #allnaturaljagua #faketattoo #queen #highrisksmudgezone (at Created By Connie) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsrUAovlyty/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4smgjg8u2pq
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444names · 11 months
list of assassinations from wikipedia
Abduccon Abogalan Achenry Achill Afranano Afrats Afren Ailbándo Allairano Allassal Alvarnuez Amaudic Amemed Aminted Ampaber Ampin Andge Androp Anial Anisturc Aposval Arcat Aremoked Armacar Arthe Ashappos Asquer Assed Assen Assing Assorks Audadome Autiarma Bandefe Barlea Barponec Baríos Basanders Bauste Behelle Beraza Berce Beriano Berske Berunce Berzón Bgaza Binso Birks Blarron Bleas Blicey Blionala Blono Bornán Botbay Bouspiers Bovinerna Boyanivil Brial Briandon Brátip Bucorgins Budah Buques Burbendon Burnal Buromen Burotices Butindies Cabduent Caleccie Callacy Caloarry Cante Canuez Caraçao Carcharío Cardint Carrition Cassing Cassio Casurp Catlato Caure Caused Ceroinvo Chams Charchel Charra Chican Chiro Chmende Chonacy Chooked Ciameded Cielgay Cipab Clars Clata Clavst Clion Cobers Colfor Coluct Colvinas Commikist Coothnd Corter Cournty Coutaske Coute Covalis Coydo Crest Cures Cusio Dancenas Danie Dation Datted Deaurd Defral Delle Demormema Demón Dence Dennice Dersoria Disted Dociad Docome Drist Duadow Duclémed Duell Durro Dyguizels Dykider Eatio Eccia Ecker Ectra Elfor Elibuiza Elies Ellatchas Entaig Esiga Exectoos Exerez Fabes Facatioa Faelown Faillarot Farks Fasto Feshal Fither Flonent Formak Formez Foudana Fralidl Franiast Frark Gaouckne Gared Garrion Gentel Genty Geory Gesser Goelotiza Greaccor Gregen Guart Guitt Guiver Gunden Guyada Haidnal Hakly Hance Hançoi Harbio Harcal Hardo Hatice Havill Heike Heliths Herly Herudi Hilly Himul Hiong Hipliney Huito Hurgilab Hécemón Icelhães Imoln Incinni Inder Inewherl Ingabez Inito Inotona Intilles Intlated Istme Jainney Jameng Janez Jarce Jefoorps Jefucummy Joang Joeta Jostow Juard Juatter Juday Judion Jultiniz Jultucies Justriman Kente Kerondo Kneettler Ladia Lartín Leckell Lendovil Lente Ligos Lingingo Linhuez Lithivall Litie Liver Lizingert Lockishic Lopkie Lorga Louda Lutor Mague Maker Manciance Maridna Marlaro Matiews Maxice Melist Mellyn Mennes Menthe Mentú Mertaings Midela Miesia Milbán Milland Minforn Mirds Mitark Monhoy Monor Morcidina Morgue Morkinsas Morlyn Mothen Moversked Muent Muevals Negovern Neleavé Nescia Nespeon Nests Niken Nikovarty Nisting Nuelic Nuerando Nóbrage Ochard Ockly Offic Offred Oketruom Operez Orled Osance Ougia Paily Papaila Papts Parfor Pator Pecuby Pencerzón Pentest Pents Petinte Piesticen Pinvey Pitionary Pleseprod Polont Polvelo Polás Ponse Posaccoly Possiana Postarpo Pread Predratt Preza Priction Proseres Puric Racuba Raile Ranaró Rance Raticted Ratingaid Rearanen Reccial Reiro Rendoz Rewspat Riald Ricaven Ricetent Riessam Riones Rionity Risted Rolian Romened Rooths Runde Sagentatt Saigna Saliro Sapatia Sator Sching Searevald Semarce Sencted Sendie Sepred Sested Sever Shatcher Shella Shillí Shirigun Sialvir Siedellar Sigubly Sitis Smurugst Smushos Socratown Soisiona Soundo Soutist Spere Spited Spled Squitt Stres Suent Suilly Suitello Sulik Sulion Sulte Suseran Suspers Sylayn Syledurnt Sylved Tacel Tassado Tavisting Tegez Tempta Terre Tersey Thdate Thold Tivia Tonion Tornmanec Tracked Trety Trucoubly Tunkvd Tuproleze Tusen Twora Unkvd Unsulia Urunser Vancita Velíst Ventú Veran Verro Verse Vespares Vicer Vickan Vimejes Vissan Vista Vitic Vitiose Wairo Walbecto Walvarl Werria Whict Whillos Whower Wikee Willio Willomán Winarderv Witachael Xoción Yortigunt Yospers Óscaufe Şarcapers Şaria
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r3v3rsid3 · 4 years
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[•] memoriales _ #pinhole.series valparaíso ~ derrumbe ~ 9.20 —- A más de un año del derrumbe de la casona de calle Huito con Aldunate, que cobró la vida de 6 porteñxs, paulatinamente va emergiendo otro caso de animismo de la ciudad. Cartas, velas, juguetes y fotografías, entre otros objetos, van resignificando el lugar y recordándonos ese cierto estado de inminencia tan propio del Puerto. —— #fotografiaestenopeica on #papernegative #instarevelat #valparaisoestenopeico (en Valparaíso, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF79RqyHOWO/?igshid=2vd2fhfxnnct
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iboromir · 4 years
Cours d'anglais avec Huito: Some et Any
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gamachado · 4 years
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One of the primary tourist attractions in Iquitos is the Bora Indians who live near San Andrés Village on the Nanay River. During our volunteer program you can visit them and see them dance. Bora people wear traditional bark cloth, made by pounding the bark of a palm tree. The bark clothes have a coarse, inflexible look and are colored with natural dyes obtained from ginger plants and green fruits of the huito tree. #volunteerinperu #volunteerabroad #gooverseas # volunteerincusco #volunteeriniquitos #travelandhelp (at Iquitos, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NUCr-A-Xl/?igshid=1p4qcudaa0qxn
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tipstrucossalud · 7 years
El huito es un árbol que crece en la amazonía de norte y sudamerica. Su nombre científico es genipa americana. se cultiva por su fruta comestible, y para bebidas, mermeladas, helados, polvos azucarados.
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cm-videografo-blog · 7 years
Cuando tomar el bus equivocado sirve para ver lugares hermosos. #gopro #goprochile #herosession #goproworld #calbuco #loslagos #huito (en Calbuco, Los Lagos)
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