#human boggo
thebekashow · 9 months
drew boggo and boe from land of boggs :3
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i'll be drawing more of the characters
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boggospetfood · 2 years
The Canine Connection: How Dogs Help Us Forge Deeper Human Relationships
Dogs have long been known as "man's best friend," but their role in our lives goes far beyond mere companionship. In fact, research has shown that dogs can help us forge deeper human relationships, both with other people and with ourselves. In this blog post, we'll explore the many ways in which dogs can help us connect with others and strengthen our emotional bonds.
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Dogs promote social interaction
Dogs are social animals, and their presence can encourage us to be more social too. People are often more likely to stop and talk to someone with a dog, which can lead to more frequent and positive social interactions. For people who struggle with social anxiety, having a dog can be especially beneficial, as the dog can serve as a social bridge and help to ease social interactions.
Dogs help us express empathy and compassion
Caring for a dog can help us develop empathy and compassion for others. Dogs are highly attuned to our emotions and can help us recognize and respond to the emotional needs of others. In caring for our dogs, we learn to recognize their needs and respond with kindness and compassion. This can carry over into our relationships with other people, helping us to be more understanding and empathetic. Buy BSFL-based dog food for all breeds at boggos.
Dogs provide a sense of emotional security
Dogs can provide a sense of emotional security, which can help us feel more confident and secure in our relationships with others. For people who struggle with anxiety or insecurity, having a dog can provide a sense of comfort and stability. This emotional security can also help us be more open and vulnerable with others, which can strengthen our emotional connections.
Dogs promote physical touch and affection
Physical touch and affection are important components of emotional bonding, and dogs can help us to increase these interactions. Petting, hugging, and playing with our dogs can all help to release oxytocin, the "bonding hormone," which can promote feelings of love and affection. This physical contact can also help us feel more connected to our dogs and to the people around us.
Dogs teach us about responsibility and commitment
Caring for a dog is a big responsibility and requires a high level of commitment. In caring for our dogs, we learn about responsibility and the importance of sticking to commitments. This can carry over into our relationships with others, helping us to be more dependable and committed to the people in our lives.
In conclusion, dogs are not just our best friends - they are also valuable emotional allies. They can help us to connect with others, express empathy and compassion, provide emotional security, promote physical touch and affection, and teach us about responsibility and commitment. If you are looking to strengthen your emotional connections with others, consider bringing a dog into your life. The love and companionship they provide can help you forge deeper, more meaningful relationships that will last a lifetime. Read more pet and dog-related blogs on Boggos dog blogs.
Image source: Shutterstock.com
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bogleech · 2 years
Boggo do you ever find a monster you design to be sexy?
I've found that if I try to design something to be sexy it just doesn't work on me! Even if it were a human character that's exactly my taste I just never feel that way about my own things. Maybe creating something means knowing it so well it just isn't exciting to my brain? I have no idea why it works the way it does.
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charlottecarterbcu · 4 years
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Critical Thinking Lecture - Smart Textiles
In today’s critical thinking lecture we looked into innovations that already exist and are being developed for the future of the fashion and textile industries. These innovations include innovative technology, innovative design and innovative smart textiles which will be discussed by a guest speaker Dr Dilusha Rajapakse. There have been three previous industrial revolutions from electric power to information technology, and we are currently going through the fourth with new innovations across the physical, digital and biological worlds.
Smart textiles are textiles that have been developed to improve the everyday life of humans, to benefit health care, the industry, or the environment. Smart textiles are then split again into aesthetic smart textiles and performance enhancing textiles. Aesthetic smart textiles have contributed to the integration of fashion and technology with wearable technology. Mylo is an aesthetic smart textile that is a new leather made from mycelium which is the underground roots of mushrooms. As well as began and not harming animals, Mylo also has a low impact on the environment with a fast growth period and it uses less water and produces less greenhouse gases than traditional animal leather. Products made from Mylo will be available from adidas, Lululemon and Stella McCartney this year.
Performance enhancing textiles include self-healing fabrics, modified cotton and dissolvable materials. As a group we have discussed self-healing fabrics and plan to include them within our next steps and future development of our brand when we become a more circular design focused brand as this is always the overall goal for a fully sustainable brand.
Two forms of smart material techniques are biomimicry and biodesign. Biomimicry is where materials have been created to be the solution to challenges by imitating the strategies of nature. For example, programmable knitting has been created that has been developed to be able to react to dryness and humidity through the imitation of a pinecone, looking forward this type of smart material could be used to develop sportswear. The overall aim of circular design and circular economy is to be able to replicate all of nature’s patterns and strategies through imitation, this would relieve the ever-diminishing natural resources being used within the fashion industry (Biomimicry 2020).
Biodesign is recognising and using the potential of nature and organisms and how they are adaptable to their surrounding ecosystems. In light of the pandemic there is a higher demand and need for fabrics with defensive qualities. One of WGSN’s forecasted trends for S/S 22 is peak performance that will focus on modular design with integrated accessories and detachable masks. This trend also focuses on biodesign materials that have antimicrobial and pathogen resistant powers. J Boggo+ is a Brazilian brand that have developed antiviral clothing that has a protective outer layer that destroys Covid-19. There is also the resistance runner that is a bio-formulated shoe that has been designed to protect its wearer from antibiotic resistant bacteria. The shoe is covered in living bacteria that acts as a defensive layer against super bugs. The shoes have to be charged with the nutrient broth every week to keep them effective (Lindsay Ann Hanson, 2017).
Fig.43 Mylo (n.d.) Meet Mylo.
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triviafaithblog · 5 years
My love and devotion
New Post has been published on https://gramsavers.com/my-love-and-devotion/
My love and devotion
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View this post on Instagram
Feel the strength of Boggo's love 💕🌈
A post shared by The Land Of Boggs (@thelandofboggs) on Dec 20, 2019 at 9:01am PST
Another beautiful cartoon my love and devotion animation created by @thelandofboggs. This animation is so funny you could feel the strength of Boggo’s love. I must say I relate to this when I was still a young handsome boy.
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Ghosts in the Land of Oz, Halloween 2018
For this Very Special Episode of Murder in the Land of Oz, the girls take you on an auditory tour of some of Australia’s most haunted locations. From the isolated cells of the Separate Prison in Tasmania’s Port Arthur to a row of poinciana trees in Darwin where a wraith waits to devour the guts of men (mood), we’re going around this great southern land to hear the spookiest tales of those who remain on Earth after death.
We talk about death a lot on this show, but for some, death is just a footnote in the story of their time on Earth. Australia is full of places where humans have suffered terribly at the hands of their fellow man, and their impression can be felt. Whether it’s supernatural in nature or just human empathy depends on what you believe.
PODCASTER’S NOTE – Hi guys, Ellen here. As mentioned in the episode, I emailed renowned paranormal investigator and historian Allen Tiller to fact check a few spurious claims that were presented in some blogs I read and that I repeated in the episode, and to my unbelievable surprise he responded – but not until after we recorded the episode.
There is no record of any large-scale mining accident in Kapunda, and the body racks are a zesty but untrue tale put forward by a blogger eager for clicks. I would also like to clear the name of Dr Matthew Blood, who I can confirm never experimented on his patients, but Allen informed me he has indeed been sighted at the Kapunda Hotel on at least one occasion.
Due to the incredibly large but incredibly low quality number of sources used for this episode, I’m just going to link one fairly non-spurious article per location. Further research is encouraged. I would like to also note that we drastically lowered our journalistic standards for this episode. Where you usually find books and case files, be warned: here be blogs.
QUEENSLAND: Boggo Road Gaol
NEW SOUTH WALES: Monte Cristo Homestead
VICTORIA: Beechworth Asylum
TASMANIA: Port Arthur
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: North Kapunda Hotel
WESTERN AUSTRALIA: The Shipwreck of the Alkimos
Find us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM or EMAIL us on [email protected]
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bogleech · 7 years
Hi Boggo, I'm making a cartoony story that features characters that are insects and I'm having a problem designing their faces. Many insects have very oddly structured faces so its hard giving them faces that are expressive since most of them don't have traditional mouths or eyes. I want to avoid the dreaded human-faced bug design but I honestly don't know what to do. Do you have any suggestions?
I think “inaccurate” facial features can look great on cartoon insects honestly, as long as they're stylish and cool.
A great example:
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A nightmare example:
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Really though, you don’t need flexible mouths at all for character expression. Eyes and body language can do anything a complete face can, and in some cases, so can body language alone....even in a body that isn’t at all humanoid:
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