How To Treat Infectious Diseases: OZONE
Wondering how you can treat and even prevent communicable diseases? 
Today’s medicine you should always have in your cabinet is: Ozone.
If you knew of a molecular compound that was anti-inflammatory, an anti-oxidant, an antitbiotic, boosts the immune system, boosts the gut microbiome, boosts the metabolism, aids proper circulation of the blood, increases cognitive function, increases stem cell production and tissue reparation, provides food/energy for every cell in the body, repairs the endocrine system, heals nearly all infections, heals a variety of illnesses, relieves a variety of ailments, and more...would you use it? Most notably in today’s topic at hand, it is scientifically proven to be an extremely efficacious treatment against all bacterias, fungi, viruses, yeasts, and protozoas, including antibiotic resistant infections. 
This compound is O3 (a compound of three oxygen molecules,) or ozone. We usually find oxygen compounds with just one or two oxygen molecules like carbon monoxide, CO, and hydrogen dioxide, H2O, because O3 is incredibly unstable and readily parts with its extra oxygen molecule, eliminating free radicals as it absorbs into the bloodstream. This means ozone is a highly reactive and extremely fast acting medicine. Ozone therapies available for your medicine cabinet come in two methods of delivery: ozonated oils and ozonated water. (There are more ways for administering ozone therapy but if you want to look into them, make sure you have a quality medical provider on board with your journey and the advanced therapy’s administration.) Using ozone is easy, affordable, safe, and error proof, without the laundry list of side effects and unavoidable mutations that pharmaceuticals cause. If you’re only able to afford one tool in your medicine cabinet, this is The One.
“Starting from the demonstrated evidence that our immune system produces O3 by antibodies to dispatch their bactericidal activity, it is clear the importance of its anti-pathogen role against bacteria (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative), fungi, virus, yeast and protozoa. In bacteria, O3 disrupts the integrity of the bacterial cell wall through oxidation of phospholipids and lipoproteins. As this occurs, the stability of the bacterial cell envelope is attenuated. In fungi, O3 inhibits their growth interacting in the same way as bacteria. In viruses, O3 damages the viral capsid and breaks the reproductive cycle by disrupting the contact between the virus and the cell through the process of peroxidation. The cells vulnerable to the invasion of viruses are coated with weak enzymes, susceptible to oxidation and can be eliminated from the body when interacting with O3.” 
This excerpt is from a great study that was just published a few days ago, I highly recommend you read it for a full overview of what all ozone does.
Ozonated water is arguably the best form of delivery for most treatments. You can buy an affordable, quality, small machine online. Our ozone generator has supplied my family with years of medicine and clean water/air for less than $75. Get one! Making the water is as simple as plugging the machine in, putting the diffuser stone into a glass or jug of cold water, and selecting the time setting needed. (For my generator) two minutes will get you a glass of ozonated water, thirty will get you a gallon. You can then drink this water, apply it to or soak a target area, clean and sterilize objects, apply it to burns and cuts, treat plants with it, treat animals with it, use it on your hair, soak your produce in it, and more.
I have this ozone generator.
Ozonated water alone is sufficient to kill almost all pathogens after 30 seconds. In a world of constantly developing infectious diseases, noninfectious diseases, antibiotic resistant infections, and antimicrobial resistant infections, ozone is an irreplaceable tool. What is more accepted and utilized in the body than water and oxygen? Utilizing O3 in the body is the natural aid for reparations. There are nearly no known side effects from use of ozonated water and it does not damage most anything else that isn’t damaged by water, either. 
Putting this in a real life perspective: when you go to the doctor for a Staph or MRSA infection, they will prescribe you an antibiotic to take for 30 days. The CDC recommends antibiotics that in over a handful of options, no more than 87% efficacy is expected. These antibiotics also have a long list of side effects and are perpetuating the issue of Antibiotic Resistant Threats. When I got a staph infection, the doctor prescribed me a bottle of pills for me to take one a day for the next 30 days, and if it didn’t work, I should come back and get more. Ozonated water is clinically proven to heal staph infections in 60 seconds. I was camping at the time and used ozonated oil. Ozonated oil is clinically proven to heal staph infections in 15 minutes. My large infection in several different areas was entirely cleared up in 3 days of bi-daily ozonated olive oil application, maybe a total of 1/2 teaspoon used and my skin looked better than before I got the infection even.
Ozonated oils are good to keep on hand in cases such as camping and on-the-go when you don’t want to (or can’t) prepare ozonated water. Yes, there are machines that you could buy to ozonate your own oil but quality machines cost several thousands of dollars and until you’re fully familiar with this medicine, its probably easiest to just buy a jar of ozonated oil from a quality supplier. Smaller machines (like the one I have) are technically able to ozonate oil but in order to get the concentration we’re seeking, they would be heavily overworked even just to get close. I can’t emphasize enough how important sourcing integrity is for ozonated oils - you don’t want to be paying for diluted ozone masking as miracle products (ozone is a superior product in itself, additives cheapen it) and you don’t want to be paying for unsaturated/partially ozonated oils (a red flag for this poor quality is when a company lists how long their oils are ozonated for.) A good company to avoid is Ozoned Organics. 
I use this ozonated olive oil, ozonated coconut oil, ozonated castor oil, and ozonated hemp oil. 
The different oils used do make a difference in how saturated the ozone is, so sensitivities should be taken into consideration when using different strengths. Ozonated hempseed oil has the highest level of saturation/strength so I like to consider it for use as a very specific as need basis. Ozonated coconut oil has the lowest level of saturation/strength so I like to consider it great for nearly anything, especially with small children/babies, the elderly, and sensitive parts like the genitals - keep in mind coconut oil is also the most agreeable flavor for oral use or ingestion. Ozonated olive oil is a good “medium” level of saturation/strength so I like to consider it my basic go-to and you’ll find our family using it daily, which is great because a 2oz jar still always lasts us longer than a month. You can also use specific oils for their individual benefits, such as castor oil is great for hair and jojoba oil is great for skin.
A couple of things to pay attention to when you’re first using ozone internally is that you may experience parasite die-off, which is never fun for anyone. Thankfully, parasite die-off from ozonated water is generally very brief and lasts about 15-30 minutes after your first glass of water and doesn’t happen again. So actually this is a great option, in my opinion, and I would recommend using ozonated water to boost any other parasite cleanse treatment! The parasite die-off from ozonated oil is different and the headaches in particular can last longer and continue with continued use until the parasites in your body are entirely dead/removed. After your initial use, you’ll notice fairly immediate effects of die-off if you are going to have them. Your reaction will correspond with the location of the parasites; if you have parasites in your intestines, you will vomit; if you have parasites in your colon, you will have diaherria, if you have parasites in your brain, you will have a headache. Again, these are usually mild and brief, but its still good to be aware of so you can properly prepare and have some time set aside in a comfortable place before the first time you ingest ozone. 
Another note is that yes, this ozone is the same as what is surrounding our planet and yes, it is not safe for us to breathe as a gas. When you’re using a machine, you want to set it up in a room that you can leave while the machine is running. The escaping gases will clean the air in your room, so this is particularly beneficial for those of us with sensitive respiratory systems. I like to have a more permanent ozonation station setup in the bathroom but also an easy station to setup in every room - ozone is way better at making a room fresh than aerosol sprays, wax melts, essential oils, and the like. 
On the other hand, ozonated oil is extremely beneficial to breathe. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by applying ozone along and into the nostrils. A quick swirl around and into the nostrils will instantly aid with most breathing related stresses. You might have ozone boogers for a while, which is just a sign that you’re receiving residual benefits. As an asthmatic, I use this to help stop wheezing and whenever there is wildfire smoke or poor air quality where I am. We also apply this to our noses anytime we’re feeling in the slightest bit sick as well as whenever we know our breathing could use a little boost, like when its particularly cold out or if we’re adventuring in higher elevations. Its also really fantastic to put on before exercising, stretching, or meditating. 
I like to oil pull with ozonated oil and brush my teeth with ozonated water (making sure to spit it out afterwards so all of the inactivated gunk goes down the drain instead of into your body, and into the trash can if using oil so it doesn’t clog up the drains.) I like to soak my produce in ozonated water for 30 minutes to remove any residues, kill any pathogens, and better preserve the produce so they last longer before going bad. I like to clean with ozonated water, and am constantly amazed at how ozonated water will lift stains like a fake commercial. I like to use ozonated oil on wood products that require oil treatments like cutting boards, wooden utensils, and handmade goodies. I like to pour ozonated water in my hair during a shower and use ozonated oil as a regular treatment on all hair (including my pits!) I like to use ozonated water as a genital rinse for adults/children for any sort of funk going on down under, and ozonated oil is a great diaper rash or genital ointment for any use. I like to fill up a sprayer with ozonated water and spray down plants just once right before they transition from the vegetative state to the fruiting/flowering state to ensure the plants are healthy and able to easily achieve maximum production. I like to soak my medical equipment (i.e. my nebulizer parts) in ozonated water for 30 minutes. I like to apply ozonated oil onto any cuts or scars I have to watch them disappear after a handful of applications (this includes stretch marks!) I have gotten chronic stress rashes since I was a child that have never been treatable for me but now I like to use ozonated oil any time I have any sort of rash and it is always cleared up within a few days - its actually recommended to use ozonated oil to treat adverse reactions from pharmaceuticals even.
Whenever I hear of an ailment, my first thought is “does ozone help that?” Most of the time, it does, and it is always the answer when considering any of the communicable diseases. You can know, with confidence based on published and peer reviewed unbiased science, that any of the fad diseases projected by the media or the CDC are treatable with ozone. You can assume that after 1 minute under ozonated water a target area will be disinfected - shoot for a 30 minute soak and you’re invoking some of the most the powerful self care possible. You can assume that after 30 minutes under ozonated oil a target area will be disinfected - shoot for applying a thin layer of ozonated oil two or three times a day (or anytime a target area feels dried, itchy, or uncomfortable) until all signs of infection are gone. Pay attention! You will likely be able to see this stuff working before your eyes. I kid you not that you can be bleeding, apply this stuff, and watch yourself not only stop bleeding but the red blood cells get reabsorbed into your circulating bloodstream. This is scientifically demonstrated! Its phenomenal and you can rest assured your family’s health is protected as long as you have ozone on hand.
We also drink ozonated water daily, anywhere from a glass to a gallon or more per person depending on how we’re feeling and what’s going on with us. The most exciting part of drinking ozonated water is the burps as you can literally feel your body breathing from the inside out, almost like a fish, as the extra oxygen is expressed through your lungs. You’ll enjoy knowing your immune system has an extra strength booster that is entirely beneficial for your body. Ozone is safe for you, safe for your children, safe for your pets, safe for your neighbors. It’d be a shame for the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry to lose all the money they make off the general public from all of their drug sales but give yourself the power of your health back and start using ozonated water and ozonated oils. You can easily achieve medical independency regarding infectious diseases and much more.
Don’t take my word for it! I do have anecdotal experience to share my own personal experiences that myself, my family, and my friends have had but I am not a doctor and I cannot legally provide you medical advice. Check out these published medical studies, learn up on the subject until you have a good understanding of the full concept of ozone, and then do further independent research of your own. I’d love to hear what you think if you do try ozonated water and/or oil out, what your experiences have been if you already use it, if you have any questions before you try it out, and if you have anything at all to add to this discussion! 
Until next time, find me in the moon, fellow time traveler.
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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20802424  “Antimicrobial activity of ozonated water”  Białoszewski D, Bocian E, Bukowska B, Czajkowska M, Sokół-Leszczyńska B, Tyski S.  Med Sci Monit. 2010 September
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31986325  “Topical Ozone Therapy Restores Microbiome Diversity in Atopic Dermatitis” Zeng J, Dou J, Gao L, Xiang Y, Huang J, Ding S, Chen J, Zeng Q, Luo Z, Tan W, Lu J. Int Immunopharmacol. 2020 March
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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23579036 “Topical ozonated oil versus hyaluronic gel for the treatment of partial- to full-thickness second-degree burns: A prospective, comparative, single-blind, nonrandomized, control clinical trial.” Campanati A, De Blasio S, Giuliano A, Ganzetti G, Giuliodori K, Pecora T, Consales V, Minnetti I, Offidani A. Burns. 2013 September
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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32024131  “Spraying Ozonated Water on Bobal Grapevines: Effect on Wine Quality” Campayo A, Serrano de la Hoz K, García-Martínez MM, Salinas MR, Alonso GL. Biomolecules. 2020 February
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