#hunnysenpaii fanfic
Just read your fic in one go and AH! *chef kiss* ~\(≧▽≦)/~ I'm exicited to see what happens next!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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lol thank you!! I’m excited for Peter’s point of view to answer everyone’s questions from last chapter. Chapter 8 is going to be a roller coaster!
I doodled you a quick sketch of him! Please let me know how you like it!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
I love 2p russia so much! If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd marry him lol when will the next chapter be updated?
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hunnysenpaii · 3 years
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Everyday I’m loving my colouring style more and more...
This is Clefia from YamiBaki’s The CEO, The Priest, and The Helpless Puppy Fanfic on AO3
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I read your status on Quotev!! You're finally writing for Technically husbands?? HunnySenpaii, are you making sure he's gonna do it? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE MAKE HIM UPDATE
Hunny: it's true! I'm going to make sure he updates the upcoming chapters and make sure he continues with the fanfic! I want to know what happens next, and I'll be helping him however I can!
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God, reading your YB story made me immediately fall in love with Goth Peter! God, I just want him and Y/N to just finally meet, but Y/N has to grow another half of a braincell first. Love your story and your art!
Thank you! And yeah lol everyone is excited for them to finally meet properly! But first I want to torture them and make Peter as obsessive and possessive as possible. I want him to be creepy, and the only people who find him creepy are y/n, TK, and Sarah. I made art for the next chapter! I hope you like it!
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I’m making more art that’ll only be exclusive to my patreons! Soon I’ll have a monthly tier where every month everyone decides in a poll what art pieces will be made into pins to be distributed to everyone!
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Gonna be honest: just being hinted at that you have a nightmare slasher!au makes me not okay IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE.
I really like the idea of Peter being a nightmare fueled fear eating dream demon that fell in love with an Insomnic YN.
I can’t wait until I post the fic!!!
I did a quick doodle of a scene from the fic that’s around the beginning of the 4 th chapter. I won’t post the fic until I’m done with All Of Your Colours.
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where can we find your goth peter fanfic at?
It's on my Ao3 account! (Archiveofourown.com) under Hunnysenpaii.
The name of the fic is called All of Your Colours.
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Is there a link we could get to your fanfic?? I wanna read it!
Here it is! It's called All Of Your Colours, I'm just about done with chapter 7 and ready to post soon!
Please let me know what you think! I love everyone's input.
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I'm writing a fanfic!
Hey guys! I'm drawing and answering everyone's asks!
BTW Thank you so much for all of the asks!
I haven't been on as much because I'm currently writing a Male!Reader x Goth Peter High School AU! I wanted to show you guys a quick snippit of the fic while I'm almost done with the chapters!
Unfortunately until A03 gets back to me with an invitation it won't be posted for a while. Still! Read below and tell me what you think! This is just a snippit of the fanfic through Peter's eyes!
For some reason, Peter's eyes kept trying to search for that short teen he'd seen on his first day back, but the little guy was really slippery. He would see him from the corner of his eyes down the halls or by a locker, but by the time he turned around to catch him, he was gone. If it weren't for the fact that his sister had also seen the short teen he had stopped in front of that day, he was sure he had finally gone crazy. What was it about this guy that drove Peter crazy? There was just no explaining it.
It eventually got to the point where Peter was roaming the halls, repeatedly skipping his classes all In search of this one specific teen.
Sarah had gotten annoyed with his antics, it was bad enough they had to share the same classes, but now she had to deal with her brother sort of losing his mind over one student? What made this one student special? Was it his attire? Did Peter not know about the many goth chicks and guys who were willing to go down on their knees and worship the very ground he walked on? Hell, she had seen and heard some of them actually asking Peter if they could blow him. Now, she knew her brother was never really one for that sort of thing, and it was kind of depressing, but it was also rather impressive how many people were willing to do whatever he wanted just for a minute of his attention and he couldn't seem to care.
And yet his attention went to the one person who seem to be avoiding him as though he were the Black Plague.
It was finally the end of the school day and Peter was still losing his mind after a month of trying to find this one specific kid. As they walk down the hall making their way towards their lockers, Sarah couldn't help but roll her eyes at her brother just glancing back and forth at each and every single student in an attempt to pinpoint and figure out where that kid was.
"Will you stop that?!" Sarah hissed, she was just about ready to punch him in the gut if he continued. "I mean if you think about it, I don't blame the kid for avoiding you!"
"The fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Peter retaliated, his eyes were wide and crazy looking just about ready to fight her with no remorse. "Are you hiding shit from me?! You know where he is don't you!?"
"Fuck you! I don't know! Why would I?! What do you want with the poor kid?!" Sarah screams back, before rolling her eyes and just decided not to deal with it. If Peter wanted to be a crazy piece of crap, she was going to let him be a crazy piece of crap. The one thing Sarah hated, however, was the way the entire student body seemed to think that Peter was searching for someone, in particular, to beat up. They even started making rumours about it. It was no wonder Peter couldn't find this kid, he probably heard the rumours and decided it would be best to hide.
"Stupid fucking idiots," Sarah grumbled under her breath. "Making my life miserable."
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Sneak Peek at All Of Your Colours Chapter 7!
As a thank you for all of your support, I posted chapter 6 today and I'm currently working on chapter 7! So, here's a little preview of chapter 7! It's not much but I want everyone's reactions to it before they read it!
"Stop that! Can't you see you're scaring him, you dumbass!" Sarah scolded, gritting her teeth in annoyance, but Mad Dog simply ignored her and continued to stare down at y/n and TK. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" She asked, but it was obvious that he wasn’t.
"Move," was all Mad Dog said, his voice practically dripping in hatred. Y/n kept his eyes to the ground, he had heard rumors about what had happened to those who looked into Mad Dog's eyes and he wasn't up for trying to prove those rumors right. Some of them were stupid like, Mad Dog could take your soul from looking at him, and some of them are more realistic like getting kicked in the teeth so hard you swallow them. But whichever one it was, y/n didn't want to risk it and just kept his head down. TK outstretched their arm in a protective manner and glared back up at Mad Dog.
"I said..." Mad Dog continued, pushing Sarah aside and taking one step closer towards TK. "MOVE."
"No," TK responded, not being afraid of the Mad Dog and standing their ground to keep their friend safe. They knew that Mad Dog wanted to speak with y/n since the two of them were soulmates, but they still refused to let him forcefully make his way towards their injured friend. "I don't think I will..."
Soulmate or not, that didn’t allow you to become such an asshole.
So basically, Peter has a small, very small stare-down with TK...
I'll post a doodle on here soon! Love you guys!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
Yami: lol sure! Once Hunny gets the chance Al will show you his new shirt lol also the next chapter will be up this coming Tuesday the 18th!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
Who's drawing the doodles, Yami or hunny? Can you draw Oliver fpr me!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
Question of the Day! #2
Hey guys! Here’s the second question of the day!
Who is your least favourite Hetalia 2P/1P Animatronic?
Hunny: Mine so far, is Xiao and Lutz, Yami keeps writing them as assholes
Yami: I don’t mean too! But yeah, Lutz is kind of a dick... So for me it’s Lutz. I made him too much of a douche.
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survivingthenight · 3 years
If you had to pick a different au for the story what would it be?
Yami: I have thought about it, and I’ve started writing it. Therefore, it will be the one game I love more than anything in this world. I feel like the 2Ps as Deviants is a great image!!!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
Question of the Day #6!
These... Aren’t consistent, are they? Lol
Which character do you think deserves more fluff scenes with [y/n]? 
Hunny: Personally? James. And maybe Kuro? I’d like to see Viktor have some time with [y/n] too!
Yami: I’m trying to get everyone their own fluff time... Oliver is just so natural to write fluff with that beautiful pink, fluffy boy!!
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survivingthenight · 3 years
I noticed that Hunny's art changes a lot... Is she the one drawing or are both of you guys drawing?
Hunny: I’m the one drawing lol I’m the kind of person who tries to find their art style but along the way I gather all different sorts of art styles and now I can’t find my own. On the bright side, at least it’s always a surprise to see what art style will come out as soon as I start drawing!
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