#hunter Hearst Helmsley x reader
salemshotspot · 3 months
I just *know* Shawn and Hunter are talking you through it while the other fucks you, like Shawn is fucking you? Hunter is by your ear telling you how well you’re taking Shawn; Hunter is eating you out trying to prep you for his cock? Shawn is gently biting the top of your ear telling you how pretty you look under the both of them
Anyway I have a fic to go write
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
triple h x mcmahon!reader x shawn where reader betrays her family to join DX?
Not your little girl anymore || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Hunter has been nagging you about joining DX for weeks. You decide it's time.
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The tension had been building for weeks. Triple H had been relentless, cornering you whenever he could, whispering in your ear, planting seeds of doubt and intrigue. The question of loyalty weighed heavily on your mind, as you were caught in the crossfire of a family feud unlike any other.
For generations, the McMahons had been a dynasty, a legacy in the wrestling world. Vince McMahon, your father, had built an empire. But now, D-Generation X was pulling you away, beckoning you to the rebellious side of the ring. It was an offer you couldn't ignore any longer.
Tonight, the standoff reached its climax in the center of the ring. Your father, Vince, stood on one side, the embodiment of tradition and authority, and Triple H, with his sly smile and leather jacket, represented the defiance of DX on the other.
You watched from the middle, torn between family and a different kind of family. The crowd roared, fully aware that your decision could change the landscape of WWF forever.
Finally, you made your choice. You turned your back on your father, on the legacy you had been born into, and joined Triple H and DX. The moment was electric. The cheers and boos from the crowd were deafening.
Hunter was pleased, his plan had worked. He reached out, pulling you closer to him, and you felt a shiver run down your spine. It was done; you were now part of DX, and Triple H wasn't shy about marking his territory.
As the two of you started to walk away from the ring, leaving your father seething in the center, Hunter's hand slipped into the back pocket of your jeans. He stopped suddenly, pausing the two of you at the top of the ramp.
With a wicked grin, he leaned in and claimed your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. It wasn't just about your newfound alliance; it was a declaration of possession. You were no longer Vince McMahon's little girl. You were Triple H's woman now, and he made sure your father knew it.
The crowd erupted in a mix of cheers and jeers as the kiss continued, a symbol of the changing of the guard, and the beginning of a new era in your wrestling career and personal life. You couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement mixed with trepidation as you embarked on this new path with Triple H and DX.
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take-taker-taken · 11 months
Heya! I was wondering if you could write that the reader goes with Shawn and Hunter to an amusement park? It's a fluff fic if that's ok :)
I certainly can write that! Sorry it’s taken me a little while - here you go:
Perfect Day
“Only three more miles!” You point excitedly at the road sign and try to refrain from pressing your foot harder on the accelerator.
“Alton Towers… doesn’t really sound like the name of a theme park,” Hunter comments from the passenger seat.
“Oh, and Six Flags does?” You retort, rolling your eyes.
“You should see the place, Hunter!” Shawn pipes up from the back. “I went online to look and it’s like a real castle!”
“Stately home,” you reply with a smile. “It was a country estate back in the 1800s.”
“How can you build a theme park inside a ‘stately home’?” Hunter asks, putting air quotes around the words.
“On the land around it, dummy - not actually in the castle part.”
“I think you’ll both love it,” You chip in before an argument starts and then the two men quiet down as you join the line of cars heading into the car park.
After some initial jumping around and high-fiving as you announce you got front-of-the-line passes, you’re leading the way right to the edge of the park, to the Forbidden Valley. On the way you agree that anyone gets to sit out anything at all, no reasons given, no questions asked, no teasing allowed. As soon as Galactica comes into view Shawn cheers and picks up the pace - it’s the ride he’s been desperate to go on.
“We’re gonna fly!” He says excitedly as you take your seats and pull the over-shoulder restraints down into place. You grin back and then the ride tips you all forward into a prone position.
“Whoah, pretty cool.” Hunter comments and then you’re taxiing out of the station and climbing the track to start the run. The speed picks up and you all yell as you rush past trees, staring down at the ground beneath.
“Awesome!” Shawn cries as the track twists, rotating you all to look up at the sky as you whizz along.
You all laugh and scream as the ride plays out and then all make the same ‘whoah’ sound after you round the final corner and the brakes are applied. Shawn giggles like a little boy as the cars crawl back into the station and then you’re all bundling out and getting steady on your feet.
“Again?” He asks, his eyes huge with excitement as you’re directed out via the gift shop and you laugh.
“Not yet!” You say. “We do everyone’s first pick, then second. After that, we can start doing stuff over, OK?”
“Good plan,” Hunter replies as he picks up a blue, Galactica-themed blue plush toy and dances it in your face and then in Shawn’s. “Besides, we have the passes so not like we’re gonna have to wait long.”
“That’s true,” Shawn agrees and then grabs your hand. “OK, your pick - where now?”
“Right next door,” You answer, leading the way out of the store and across the open space.
“OK, that looks pretty serious.” Hunter says, surveying the ride’s set and folding his arms as one of the cars thunders by with the occupants screaming themselves hoarse.
“Nemesis.” You reply. “They’re gonna close it soon and change it, so I have to go on at least one last time before they do that.”
“Anyone wanna sit out?” Shawn asks, eyeing Hunter and you can tell he’s anxious that everyone should enjoy the day. Relief passes over his face when the larger man looks at you both with a grin.
“Let’s do it!”
You bounce excitedly in your seat as it climbs and then it launches and you scream giddily as you’re thrown into the first corkscrew. As the ride throws you into a zero-G roll and you hear both the guys scream, too.
“This is best ride everrrrrr!” You yell as scenery flashes by in a blur.
“I think I left one of my internal organs back there!” Hunter yells back and you laugh and squeeze the restraint’s handles as it completes a vertical loop and then a final corkscrew before there’s the hiss of the brakes and you trundle back to the station.
“That was crazy,” Shawn says as you wait for the restraints to unlock and gives his head a little shake.
“I can’t wait to see how they’re going to improve on it,” You comment as you amble through the store to the exit.
“Where to next?” Shawn asks once you’re outside. “It’s your pick, Hunt.”
“Gotta be Oblivion,” The big man says. “I thought it looked pretty cool.”
“That means we get to go past the actual Towers,” You reply with a smile. “C’mon - we’ll walk through the gardens.”
As you approach the next ride you’re grateful that you thought to get the line passes as the wait time would be pretty long, otherwise. The three of you make your way through the system and before long it’s nearly your turn.
“Would it better if we were right in front?” Shawn says, eyeing the separate line.
“It’s up to you guys,” You reply. “The way the cars are set up, the second row is raised up a bit on purpose, see?”
“I think it would be cooler to be right in front,” Hunter says and so the three of you join that line.
Once you’re seated, the ride trundles out of the station and starts the slow climb up the lift hill. The views out over the park are amazing, but everyone’s attention is very quickly returned to the task at hand as the car approaches the drop.
It slows, slows some more… you’re practically leaning right over the tipping point… and then it stops.
“Uhh,” Shawn starts to say something and then out of nowhere comes a foreboding voice.
“Don’t… look… down!”
The final word is barely spoken when the car just drops and everyone on board screams themselves stupid as it plummets, dropping through a hole in the ground and rushing around a corner in the tunnel before shuddering to a halt.
You all climb out, laughing giddily and clinging to each other for support.
“That was… I don’t even know what that was!” Hunter says, breathing hard.
“It’s a good one,” You agree and then pick up the same plush toy they’d had at Galactica, but this one’s in Oblivion colours. “Don’t. Look. Downnn!” You stage whisper, holding the character as though it’s speaking into Hunter’s ear.
“I wonder where the heck else they think anyone’s gonna look by that point?” Shawn muses to himself as he runs his fingers down a row of key rings, making them jangle.
“Where to now?” You ask and Shawn points back the way you came earlier.
“What about that ride in the castle?”
“Yeah, I wanna get inside there!” Hunter chips in.
“Sure - I’ll sit it out, though.” You reply, wondering whether they might ask questions but they both rigidly stick to the rules you all set. “Might go on it later,” You say and then add, “I’m not going to tell you why I’m sitting it out, because it would be a spoiler.”
You walk back down the path with them both until you reach Hex; Legend of The Towers and the guys both give you a hug and then head inside while you find a seat outside to wait on them. You watch people coming and going, listen to the snatches of conversation and just smile to yourself at the day you’re all having, even though you’re only three rides in.
After five minutes or so you see Shawn and Hunter making their way back over to you and so you stand up.
“Everything OK?” You say, looking from one to the other.
“That thing is sneaky,” Shawn says and Hunter nods.
“It was cool, though. I get why you didn’t tell us - hard to say anything about that one without spoilers.”
You step up close and stand on tiptoes, encouraging him to lean down for a soft kiss before turning and sharing another with Shawn.
“Hex makes me feel queasy sometimes - only sometimes, but I never know when it will so I always leave it until later in the day,” You explain. You pull the park map from Shawn’s pocket and spread it out. “Let’s figure out where to go next.”
The rest of the day is like a dream with many more rides, laughter and impromptu kisses and cuddles.
“How about the river rapids now?” Shawn says and you marvel at how he still has so much energy left. Probably something to do with the candy bar he’s munching on.
“We’ll get soaked,” You warn, looking down at him. You’re looking down because Hunter is giving you a piggy back ride after you complained that your feet were getting tired.
Shawn gives a careless wave of his hand. “Nah, it’ll be OK - we’ll dry out.”
“We will, but don’t forget we have a two hour drive.”
“More like two minutes,” Hunter says and he and Shawn share a conspiratorial grin.
“How’d you make that out?” You ask suspiciously and when he doesn’t answer you dip your head and nip his shoulder.
“Hey, brat! I’ll drop you,” He scolds playfully.
“So tell me what you mean, then.”
“We don’t have to leave today,” He says, continuing to walk as Shawn comes up alongside and takes one of your hands. “I got us a room here.”
“In the hotel?” You gasp. You’ve always wanted to stay on site!
“Not the park hotel, exactly.” Hunter replies. “It’s one of their tree houses.”
You wriggle urgently until he lets you down and then fly at him with an enormous tackle hug. So great is your enthusiasm that it nearly knocks him over despite the size difference between you and Shawn laughs.
“We’re coming back tomorrow,” He says around another mouthful of candy. “Hunt got the room and when he told me, I got tickets - and passes - for tomorrow.” You stare in disbelief and it’s Hunter’s turn to laugh. “You think you’re the only one with planning skills, babe?”
You grab both of them into a hug, loving how they make you feel so small and safe. “This is the best day ever; thank you, guys.”
You all just stand there for a few moments in the group hug and then when you separate Shawn stuffs the empty candy wrapper into his pocket.
“So… river rapids?”
You and Hunter look at each other and then to Shawn as you say in unison,
“River rapids!”
Grabbing each of their hands, you take off laughing down the path.
Some notes (if you care). I’m UK-based and have hardly any experience of USA theme parks - I’ve only ever been to Universal Studios Hollywood and quite frankly it felt like a let down. That’s why this fic is based around Alton Towers, which is absolutely my favourite theme park in the UK. It’s beautiful and has some amazing rides. Galactica used to be called Air and it’s the ride I like best, BUT there are a few there now that I haven’t actually been on yet because it’s been YEARS since I went there. I was miffed to find out that they got rid of the Log Flume as it was lovely and quiet and went all around the back of the park and they used to space the boats out really well so you usually felt like you were the only people on it.
Plan to return to Alton Towers next year - front of the line passes included (but sadly no Shawn or Trips).
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rawiswhore · 3 months
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Attention Whore"
I apologize as to why I didn't post any fanfics at the end of June and beginning of July---I was in a different town and wasn't using the Internet then because I don't have a laptop, iPad or iPhone.
This fanfiction may be similar to the last fanfic I posted, but whatever.
From 1996 to the beginning of 1998, you always stood by Hunter Hearst Helmsley's/Triple H's side, always leading him to the ring, cheering for him and even doing photoshoots with him.
You never would've cheated on him or left for someone else.
However, at the end of 1997, when the Attitude era was coming about and women were beginning to dress more provocatively, you showed up on a "Monday Night Raw" episode dressed in nothing but a very short towel wrapped around your naked body with matching open toed high heels.
You walked past these male wrestlers lined up, where you were beginning to turn their heads sideways and smiles formed on their faces as they saw you.
Those male wrestlers lined up who looked at you and gave you lots of attention were Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn, Brian Pillman and Jeff Hardy.
Some of the sexiest wrestlers in the WWF.
Triple H, Shawn and Billy had their long hair hanging down.
You, too, had a smile on your face as you walked in that towel.
Those male wrestlers gave you attention in that towel.
Considering you were linked to Triple H and you were his manager when DX started off as Shawn and HHH, he didn't mind you being surrounded by other male wrestlers, especially Shawn.
Although, Triple H may as well be angry at those other male wrestlers giving you attention and you dressing like that for attention.
As those male wrestlers crowded around you with smiles on their faces, you giggled in a high pitched voice while you spoke in a rather high pitched voice different from your other voice.
"There's 5 of you and one of me" you mentioned. "So maybe you should go get a couple more guys"
Your eyes looked at Shawn Michaels while your elbow nudged him.
There are other male wrestlers you wish had been in the WWF so you could catch their attention, such as Rob Van Dam (who did almost join the WWF in 1997), Nova from ECW, Chris Jericho, Scott Hall, Tommy Rogers of the Fantastics, Al Snow/Leif Cassidy (if he shaved his moustache off) and some future WWF stars like Christian Cage and Val Venis, but unfortunately, those wrestlers are in other companies.
This entire moment was modeled after an infamous "Three's Company" episode where Janet puts on a blond wig and changes her personality along with it, even one of the things you said was a reference from that episode.
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rainchyna · 2 years
triple h smut where he sees reader and shawn michaels spending a lot of time together recently and he just gets super jealous over it
you put that here and i can't stop thinking about it.
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warnings! [ jealousy, anger, cheating accusation ? smut, dom!hunter, sub!reader, fem!reader, degradation, hair pulling, begging, sir kink, possessiveness, pet names, one singular spank, hunter leaving hickeys, dacryphilia, bulging kink, orgasm denial, language, fluffy ending ?? def not in that order bc do u know who's writing u're reading ?? minors dni.]
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hunter wasn't sure what it was at first that began pissing him him off. shawn was your bestfriend, he was your friend before him and hunter even met, and he understood that you two would hang out from time to time ‒ but this was too much.
It started with you hanging out normally, just like every time you'd hang out in a public space or at either of your houses. Then you began hanging out without hunter and spending more and more time together. Now, at first hunter wasn't upset about it, he was just envious, his girlfriend and his bestfriend and having fun without him, okay - no problem. Then he noticed that you and shawn would be talking, chatting have a normal conversation, but the second he'd approach you but of you either get awkward or one would leave. What if you were hiding something from him?
You and hunter have always had a very trusting relationship. you were open with each other and always spoke your minds if either of you did something that made the other uncomfortable. You and shawn spending that much time together did start getting under his skin a little, but he kept repeating to himself, 'y/n and shawn wouldn't do that', 'they're just really good friends, that's all', 'they wouldn't do that to me', 'y/n would never do that'. He kept it in the back of his head, until he overheard you and shawn talking.
"do you think he knows?"
"I know it's still early, but he'll probably find out. hunter isn't stupid"
"we'll have to be more careful, I've never done this before"
"don't worry about it. if he starts suspecting anything, I'll cover for us"
And boy was he pissed. Now way you and shawn were ... No! Even the thought of it doesn't make sense. But the conversation he heard ... No, the closest people to him wouldn't do him like that, but that maddening little voice in his head was getting a little too loud.
y/n is cheating, accept it.
she wouldn't cheat, she loves me.
shawn would do it.
shawn is my bestfriend, he wouldn't.
confront them.
Maybe he should, this has been going on for a little too long. And here you were, doing your make-up in his lap. You see his eyes' reflection on the Chanel eye shadow palette's mirror, you can tell he was angry, or upset about something. You were about to say something, but his large hand began rubbing on your thigh, slowly inching upwards with every stroke. "You know that I love you, right?" he began, you nod slowly, "and that I wouldn't hide anything from you, right?" he added, you nod again. His hand moved up towards your stomach, then your chest and neck. He wrapped his fingers around your neck with a little tightness causing you to gasp lightly.
"what's going on with you and shawn, hm?"
oh, shit.
"you're not messing around with him, are you?" he said, voice dropping in pitch, you can't tell him. You spent this much time keeping this whole thing a secret, thinking he wouldn't catch on. But, oh well.
"c-can't say" you stutter. "you sure you can't say, baby?" he says, his other hand dove into your pajama shorts, gently grazing your clit. you fell back into his chest, this shouldn't be turning you on. He was literally accusing you of cheating on him. "'Cause i got a real nice way that'll make you say everything" he grunted. His fingers began rubbing on your clit in circular motions, your eyes shut and you tried to inhale, but having his hand around your neck like that wasn't helping. you lose your grip on the palette and the brush causing them to clash against the floor, the powdery cosmetic getting everywhere. you looked down at it, as the loud noise startled you. A part of you was upset that your Chanel palette was broken, but the other part was too horny to comprehend the sadness.
"say the truth, and I'll get you a share in the company" he offered. And as great as that sounded, you still weren't budging.
Alright then.
His fingers swiftly found their way towards your now wet slit, pushing them inside you. A loud moan escapes your lips, you grip on his thigh but he immediately says, "don't touch." you needed something to hold on to as you felt yourself fall apart in his touch. you held on his hand that was still around your neck, "didn't i just say don't touch? do you like being a fuck brat, you slut?" he says. you let out an airy laugh.
"fucking me and my bestfriend, literal whore."
he let go of your neck and pulled out his fingers from your soaking pussy, causing you to whine. He picked you up and walked to your shared bed. he put you down, and it felt like you couldn't look into his eyes. "look at me" he softly says, you physically couldn't even lift your head up, "I said, look at me, babygirl" he demanded. you still can't look at him. He grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking your head backwards, forcing you to make eye contact with him. You wore a v-neck shirt, which left your neck exposed to him. he leaned in, and you did as well. He delivered a harsh kiss to your lips, tongue dancing with yours. you were about to wrap your arms around his neck, but he held your hands behind your back. His lips moved onto your neck, his beard and moustache tickling you a little. he was kissing, sucking and leaving small deep red marks on your neck. As many as he can, anywhere he can. "p-please" you whimper.
Well, if he can't fuck the truth out of you, he'll fuck some common sense into you.
He pushes you back on to the bed and climbed on top of you, he pulled off your shorts, and he attacked you neck again. by now there was barely and skin that wasn't bruised or bitten. especially on your collarbones. he pulled himself away from you, taking off his shirt revealing his toned body. you were convinced this is what gods were built like.
"do something" you whine, a pout resting on your lips. "oh, i fucking will" he mumbles. he pulls of his pants as impatience was taking over him, he took off his boxers as well and his cock slapped against his abdomen, "on your stomach, now." he demanded and you immediately obeyed. as you laid comfortably onto the soft sheets, hunter pulled your hips up towards his, he raised his hand, then proceeded to spank you so harshly that his handprint was on your ass cheek, "fuck, please, just please do something" you cry. you didn't even finish your complaining before he was pushing his cock inside you, making you moan loudly. you'll never get used to his size.
his hips pushed and pulled against yours, cock slamming in and out of you. both of you were moaning loudly, you were so wet, so good for him. and him only, his dick felt like heaven as it rammed against your walls, he grabbed as fistful of your hair and pulled up on your knees and hands. "you think shawn can fuck you like this? hm?" he groaned before delivering on deep, fast thrust that had your head spinning and body shaking. "h-hunter" you whimper, "only i can fuck you like this." one of his hands held you up because you both knew that if he lets you go you'll immediately collapse back onto the bed. his other hand was now buried between your legs, rubbing your clit. he slowed down feeling his orgasm approaching, deep, slow thrusts replaced his fast paced ones, and at this rhythm and this position you could swear you felt him in your lungs. the hand that was holding you in place moved down towards your abdomen, his long fingers tracing the outline of his cock inside you.
"do you feel this, y/n?" he grabbed one of your hands and made you touch were his cock's imprint was, "so tight, for me only. you're mine. mine and mine only" he groans. his deep voice rang through your ears and sent goosebumps across the surface of your skin, his picked up a pace again, your words were merging in one blob of incoherencies, "gonna cum, h-hunt, p-please" you beg, " y-you don-t get to cum" he moaned, "you'll cum when i say you can" he says. his grip on you gets tighter and hips began stuttering, he was so close, so close he could taste it.
"p-please, sir?" you whined in the neediest tone. "please, l-let me cum, i-i'll do anything for y-you, please, ple-ease sir" you said, tears began flowing down your cheeks. hearing you beg for him like that did something to him, you? crying and begging him, being such a desperate slut for him to let you cum, like that?
that last one sent him over the edge, his cum coated your walls, hot and sticky, as he collapsed on top of you. seeing the state of pure euphoria that he was in made you wish you had told him what happened before you got here. "if you're not cumming on my dick, you're not cumming on anyone else's , you understand?"
"yes sir"
"good girl"
"can you get off of me, you're a little heavy.." you mumble. he rolls of to the other side of the bed, and lays there contemplating whether or not he should ask you again, because no way something wasn't taking place behind his back. "this is the last time, and be honest with me y/n, what are doing with him?" he asked. you exhaled loudly before reaching over to your nightstand. you opened the last drawer and pulled out a medium-small sized, square box. it was covered with a navy blue velvety material and a pearly white ribbon had it shut. "open it".
he looked into your eyes, hunter saw love and sincerity. he knew he never should've doubted you. he tugged off the ribbon and open the box revealing a golden Rolex that was dazzled with diamonds. A little note was tucked under it, he placed the box to the side and held the note, the silver text on the white background read:
Even pure gold and diamond will not be enough to thank those with hearts that are worth more than them. we love you the most, Y/n and Shawn.
hunter exhaled and covered his face with his hands, "wow, i feel like an asshole" he said, "an asshole whose birthday is next week, we wanted to do something special for you. me and shawn might be close, but we'd never do ... whatever you had in mind" you said, a slight smile played with your lips. he put everything back into the box and placed it aside. he pulled you onto his chest, giving you sweetest, most passionate kiss you've had in a while. he moved, readjusting your position so that now you were under him. he began placing kisses all over your face, making you giggle. "what are you doing?" you laugh.
"making up for what i fucked up"
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kamabrahr · 3 years
have any sfw/nsfw birthday-themed headcanons for the birthday boy? (HHH)
Hmm. Let me see what I can do!
Triple H x GN!Reader Birthday Headcanons
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Fun, feckery (I can say "fuck", I just like to say "feck" more), and somewhat cute fluff below the cut!
Contrary to popular belief, Hunter doesn't really like celebrating his birthdays. It's a reminder that he's getting older every year, and he swears he hears the Undertaker sharpening his scythe every time the b-day rolls around.
So it's up to you to make something that won't make him too uncomfortable, like avoiding those birthday balloons for his age number (you tried once - he immediately stomped over them before going on like nothing happened), and making sure the cake, while as fancy and packed with as many good ol' calories as it can get for it's technically his cheat day, has no clear indication of what it's for. For this year, you honor the DX by making the cake black and neon green.
...to which Shawn, who you invited among a few others immediately tries to dive in. You had to remind him what occasion it was with the cake knife, which was an actual blade you just took off a display in the house to improvise. Hunter wouldn't mind. Would he?
Alcohol everywhere. Somewhere among the whiskey and Finn playing bartender you spot Hunter grabbing a drink. Dressed with a simple white shirt and slacks you were tempted to go over and get a hug, until the Deadman himself stood in the way.
You braced for your death, until he said: "This microphone isn't working."
You then remember that you set up a karaoke spot, and, of all the people to do a duet together, Seth Rollins and Steve Austin were there doing their rendition of Don't Go Breaking My Heart. Do you even want to know what The Undertaker wanted to sing?
Adamant to make this party the damned best for Hunter, you even got lights in his favorite color and managed to get everyone dressed in a coherent palette, damn it, you didn't touch the drinks, going over to guest by guest and making sure they're having a great time, while sneaking glances at your beau.
He was smiling wide and laughing and just having the time of his life with his loved ones around him along with horrid karaoke music (you finally found out what The Undertaker wanted to sing and wished you hadn't), and that's all you needed to see, happily sighing to yourself.
Hunter even accepted the gifts well - you make a mental note to tell people to stop buying him swords though; the collection was getting ridiculous.
At one point, Hunter had finally managed to get over to you, slipping his hands from the back to embrace you and kissed you on the cheek, before asking you for a dance.
Dua Lipa wasn't exactly the most romantic of music, and you cursed the fact that you allowed the guests to put in whatever they want on the Spotify party playlist. Hunter played along, though. Disco wasn't really your forte, but looking up at him as you tried to follow his equally bad moves, disco...dancing in general wasn't really his forte either, for a moment, captured in your matching grins and twinkles in your eyes, everything was alright.
...the carnage of the party after it was over, though, not as much, and scooping a few bodies off the floor to settle on couches instead, you reached over to start cleaning up and prepare the hangover antidotes for the morning.
"Nope, get over here, you," the gruffy voice you had grown so familiar to carried you up his arms. You protested against Hunter, who else was going to take care of the mess if not you?
"You spent days...and my credit cards on this all. I appreciate it. I think you need to take a breath before you burst a vessel," he murmured between pecks, settling you by the balcony before sitting next to you.
"If I burst a vessel, will you still think I'm beautiful?" You joke, but sobered when you see his more demure face.
"...Y/n, thank you. Really. I don't really have good memories with birthdays, but since you got around, things changed. I changed. All thanks to you, and I never want it to change..."
He shifted his hand, going into his pocket...
You weren't ready for this. Right now? Or all times, right now? He's proposing right now?
"Oh, Hunter Hearst Helm..."
Your voice dropped to a groan as he produced a pair of nylon stockings and a little leather collar with his name on it. "...We were having a moment."
"What moment?" The man snickered, smooching your forehead. "Come on, it's my birthday, cut me some slack. What's a good birthday without some nice birthday sex?"
"You hate your birthdays," you mumbled, holding your arms out. Hunter took the cue immediately and carried you up in his arms, doing a dramatic spin as he made his way back inside with you.
"But I like parties. And sex." You rolled your eyes at this unbelievable man.
"And you, Y/n."
Unbelievable. "Happy birthday, Hunter."
"Happy birthday to me, indeed," he grinned, kicking the bedroom door open.
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salemshotspot · 7 days
I *cannot* ever take my own mental illness seriously because tell me why I opened my notes app trying to find a password and I opened my notes and found just a massiveee like vent essay about my fp and when I read the words 'for a Godless man I find myself constantly at his feet begging to understand the sacrifice of martyrdom' instead of thinking 'huh maybe I should actually get fucking medicated' I instantly went, LIKE IM SAYING THIS WAS MY FIRST AND ONLY THOUGHT, 'haha Shawn/Hunter fic in the making, there's so many different pairings actually like Steve Austin/Brian Pillman' LIKE?? SOMEONE FORCEFULLY MEDICATE ME ATP /lh
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Triple H x fem! michaels! reader where he meets her and falls for her?
Love at first sight || Triple H x Reader
Summary: Your brother introduces you to his fellow stablemates in D-Generation X. You take a particular liking to Hunter.
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It was a chilly evening, and the neon lights of a crowded bar cast a warm, inviting glow onto the pavement outside. You stood there, adjusting the collar of your leather jacket and trying to calm the fluttering in your chest. Your brother Shawn had finally convinced you to meet his friends from D-Generation X, a group of legendary wrestlers. You had always been close to Shawn, and the thought of meeting his friends was both exciting and nerve-wracking.
As you walked into the bar, you were immediately greeted by a cacophony of laughter, cheers, and familiar faces. Shawn's friends, the members of DX, were gathered around a table, beers in hand. Shawn waved you over, and you joined the group.
"Everyone, this is my little sister," Shawn announced with a grin, placing a protective arm around your shoulder. "Y/N, meet the DX crew."
You exchanged polite greetings and handshakes with the various members of the group, your eyes scanning the faces. Then you locked eyes with a man who introduced himself as Hunter, but Shawn affectionately called him "Triple H."
Hunter was a commanding presence, with rugged good looks and a charismatic smile that could melt anyone's heart. He extended his hand to you, and as you shook it, a jolt of electricity seemed to pass between you. There was an immediate connection, a sense that you had known each other for far longer than a few seconds.
Throughout the evening, you found yourself drawn to Hunter. You chatted effortlessly, sharing stories and laughter as if you'd been friends forever. It was as if the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you in your own little bubble of existence.
As the night wore on, Shawn and the others gradually faded into the background, their conversations becoming nothing more than a distant hum. You and Hunter found a quiet corner, away from the hustle and bustle of the bar. The conversation grew more intimate, the air charged with an undeniable attraction.
"Y/N," Hunter said, his voice low and husky, "I have to admit, meeting you tonight has been the best part of my day."
A shiver ran down your spine as he leaned in closer. Without hesitation, you met him halfway, your lips finding his in a passionate kiss. The world seemed to vanish around you, leaving only the two of you entangled in each other's embrace.
When you finally pulled away, your heart raced, and you couldn't help but smile. Hunter's eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, and he whispered, "I've never believed in love at first sight until now."
You chuckled softly. "Me neither, but there's something about you, Hunter."
And just like that, as quickly as you'd met, you both fell headlong into a whirlwind romance. In the midst of the chaotic world of professional wrestling, you and Triple H had found something rare and beautiful – a love that transcended the spotlight and the ring, a love that would endure the test of time.
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Lots to Make Up (Triple H) SMUT
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Prompts:  7 “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.” & 30“Were you dreaming about me again?”
Warnings: Smut ahead
The gym was quiet as it could be in the late hours of the Friday evening. The only other person who had been in the gym was your big burly boss, Hunter. Most of the roster was out and about at the bars, celebrating a hard week but you had declined the offers from the girls.
Knowing that Drew McIntyre was going to be at the bar, you wanted nothing to do with that man. He’d taken you on a date after Monday Night Raw, his Scottish voice wooing you as he you’d sat down in a small pizza joint. He was sweet, he was funny. He was bad in bed. You shuddered at the reminisce of the night, lost in thought as you faced the mirror.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring at Hunter until he dropped the weights clasped in his hands and paced over to you, beads of sweat rolling down his chest in the process. “Y/L/N,” he called, leaning against the arm of your treadmill and tugging the earbud from your ear.
“Huh?” you breathed out, tripping and losing your footing. He clamped onto your arm to steady you, the red emergency stop magnet pulled bring the machine to a halt. You tried to catch your breath and glanced up at his large frame, touch igniting a fire on your arm.
“I said, were you dreaming about me again?” he chuckled at his own joke though the your absentminded expression made him unearthed . “What’s going on with you?” he asked tone serious now as he crossed his broad arms over his sweaty chest. You glanced down at your sneakers and sighed.
“I’m just tired Hunter, I’m actually going to head to bed,” you mumbled before you picked up your phone and your hoodie to step off the machine. Hunter reached out to hold your hand gingerly, playing with your fingertips.
“Talk to me,” he asked, “Please. I saw you backstage today, you were out of it. What’s going on?” Another sigh left you as you grasped his hand.
“Drew McIntyre,” you took the silence to observe your connected hands. Hunter’s eyebrows knotted. He pulled you to sit down next to him on a bench. “We just-, We slept together? If you can call it that.”
“Did he hurt you?” Hunter asked, face softening.
“He uh...he’s just not very giving,” you blurted out, suddenly looking everywhere except for your boss. How were you even having this conversation with him? Fingertips brushed along your jawline as you glanced up into Hunter’s warm eyes.
“You deserve more than that,” Hunter’s voice was husky as his hand traveled over the soft skin of your flushed cheek, “Let me show you how you should be treated.” He moved toward you, cautiously pressing his lips to yours as you hummed into his mouth. Your arm wrapped around the back of his neck as he slid you onto his thick lap. His hands pawed at your waist, climbing beneath your tank top you light your skin on fire.
You rolled your hips against his bulge, barely straining in his workout shorts. Your fingernails dug into the skin of his chest as his lips trailed down your jaw to your shoulder, sinking his teeth in and drawing out a moan from you. “I’m going to show you what a really fucking is,” he groaned against your skin, punctuating each word with his hips. Your hips began to move faster as he bucked up against you, sending electric currents up your spine. He lifted you up, swiftly pushing his shorts off his hips to his ankles, he tugged yours down to follow. His cock was thick, standing at attention as he pressed his lips to yours again.
Sitting back down on the bench, he rubbed his cock against you, spreading the wetness that had pooled up there. He pulled at the hem of your top, yanking it along with your bra off. His large hand pinched at your left breast as he slid inside you. Your hips began to move against one another, only sounds filling the gym were your moans and Hunter’s grunts as your hips slapped against one another’s.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” Hunter nibbled on your earlobe, “Riding my cock.” He hand grazed the small of your back as you rolled your hips on top of him. You began to shudder, forehead pressed against his shoulder as you came. That didn’t stop Hunter though. He pulled out of you and sat you in front of him, spreading your shaky legs. You whined lightly as your head lazily leaned back against him.
Thick fingers dug into your cunt as he licked his other hand. Whimpers spilled out of your mouth as fingers pumped you through your first orgasm. The heel of his palm pressed up against your wet clit, sending you over the edge to your second one. You cried out and wiggled against his touch.
Lips pressed against your shoulder blade, the scratching of his beard against your skin gave you goosebumps. “How was that darlin?” he asked, rubbing your thighs as you calmed down.
“So fucking good,” you whispered back, pressing a lazy kiss to his cheek. “But what about you? You didn’t finish.”
He chuckled, “I figured we could head upstairs, I’ve got a lot of shitheads to make up for.”
Taglist! Want to join? Let me know!
@sakurashortstack @jenapad @xfirespritex 
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aewhore · 4 years
So can you do a Triple H x fem!reader. (WWF days).Where the reader and Triple H have been together for the past like three years,but Vince wants reader in a storyline with Eddie Guerrero (I actually love Eddie so could you make it where Eddie is kind of a good guy).And Triple H in a storyline with Stephanie.So after a few mouths,It’s time for wrestlemania and The two are put in a indergender match against each other.But Triple H has a different plan and the reader ends up battling Stephanie before Triple H proposes to her in the ring,exposing their relationship.
You’re the one for me ~ Triple H x Reader (request by the wonderfully beautiful @mrsbaszler ) Hope you like it!! 
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Flying from arena to arena to perform as a wrestler felt like a dream come true no matter how many times you had done it. You had just touched down in North Carolina and were checking into your hotel room. It was nearly midnight and Monday night raw was tomorrow so as you made your way up to your room, your mind was racing with the storylines and matches you will have in the coming week. You throw your bags down once you enter the room but you don’t even get to settle in before your phone rings, You pick it up expecting it to be Trish to talk about your champion match tomorrow. You’re pleasantly surprised to see it’s Hunter Hearst Helmsley himself.   
“Hello beautiful.” the smooth voice of Triple H brings a smile to your face. “Fancy hearing from you so late hot stuff” You hear him chuckle through the phone. “Oh, I’m the hot stuff now? Do you know how hard it is to see you looking so beautiful walking through the hotel lobby and have to hold myself back from grabbing a piece?” You and trips had been dating for nearly three years now but had never gone public with it as you both knew it would have negative repercussions on both your careers. “Why don’t you come down here and grab a piece right now?” There was silence as Hunter contemplated your proposition. “Listen. Baby, I’m in room 234. I’m heading for a shower if you’d like to join me.” You know you now have him in the palm of your hand. “Jesus, Y/N you sure don’t make it easy for me do you? … Fuck it! I’m on my way.” You break out into a sly grin as Hunter hangs up the phone. You’re quick to strip off your clothes and wrap yourself in a towel as you enter the bathroom to turn on the shower to get the temperature just right. You hear a heavy knock on the door as the water warms up. You damn near run to the door in excitement to see your man.  
You take a breath at the door before opening it to see Hunter in a tight black t-shirt that shows off his wide muscular chest and broad shoulders as well as blue jeans that barely contain his thick thighs. “Oh hello there gorgeous stranger” You sexily remark as you move aside to allow him into the hotel room. He closes the door behind him as you walk towards the bathroom. “Come on, cutie, this way” you tease when you realize you’ve reached the bathroom and Hunter has barely entered the room. To entice him, even more, yourself so he can only see your face past the door of the bathroom as you take off the towel and throw it at Hunter’s chest. “Oh, now you’re in for it now” You hear Hunter growl as you get into the shower finally.  
Existing the shower and getting dried off after You and Hunter’s escapade proved difficult on shaky legs. “Need a hand there, sweetheart.” Hunter jokes as you feel him pick you up bridal style to walk you towards the king bed in the center of the room. “Oh thank you, my knight, in shining armor!” you laugh into Hunter’s neck before he sets you down onto the soft cotton sheets of the bed.  He throws a shirt and pants towards you as he dresses before Hunter sits on the edge of the bed beside your legs. Your hands roam up Hunter’s biceps to his traps and then roam back down his muscular back. Hunter visibly relaxes under your touch as he releases all the tension that was previously being held in his shoulders. “Penny for your thoughts Champ” You speak quietly, Hunter turns towards you, deep hazel eyes meeting your own. “Listen, gorgeous, Vince called me earlier about a potential storyline for me” You’re confused at Hunter’s serious tone, he’s the world champion of course he’s going to have storylines. You nod at him to continue. He releases a deep sign before continuing. “It's a romance storyline doll… with Stephanie” You’re taken aback by this. Is he serious? Of all people, it just had to be Stephanie! You and Stephanie had never gotten along, ever since you joined WWF but you both did your best to stay professional by pretending the other doesn’t exist.  
“Oh Okay. So is this a definite thing? Like when does it start?” You’re hopeful that the storyline is still in the idea stage and not the final plan. However, the look on Hunter’s face tells you that your hopes are about to be dashed. “I’m sorry doll, it’s starting tomorrow. You know you have nothing to worry about with me, doll. So don’t look so sad” You give Hunter a small smile before you speak again. “Hunter, It’s not you that I worry about getting notions from this storyline.” You don’t have to say it but the look on Hunter’s face shows that he understands what you’re implying. You know Hunter and Stephanie had a fling together before you came onto the scene, you knew that Hunter loved you dearly but you just couldn’t trust the younger McMahon. “I know that, doll. I’m just trying my best here to put that pretty little head at rest.” You can’t help but laugh at Hunter’s confession. “Listen, baby. You know I’ll be okay. It’s just a storyline after all. I love you.” Hunter kisses your forehead once you finish speaking. “Exactly baby, it’s just a storyline. Nothing more. I love you” You couldn’t stop yourself from melting into Hunter as his hand comes to hold your jaw to maintain eye contact. “I love you too baby, do you want to stay here tonight?” fatigue was setting into your bones so you were itching to go to sleep. “You know I’d love to stay doll, but I have to get back to my room. I’m going to the gym with Michaels in the morning. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, beautiful. Gimme a kiss before I leave.” He brings his other hand up to enclose your jaw between his hands as you both lean into each other. When your lips crash against Hunter’s the passion from your lover takes your breath away. It’s only quick but you adore having these brief displays of affection. Hunter is standing and moving towards the door before you can even blink. Hunter stops at the door to turn back briefly. “Goodnight doll.” he winks at you as you reply. “Goodnight Hotstuff” Once you hear the door click closed, you tuck yourself into bed, trying your best to forget about this new storyline as you fall asleep. 
Monday night Raw is always hectic backstage, the hustle and bustle of it being too much for some people but you loved it because it meant there was always something new to be excited about. However not everything new is good, this applied to right now. You sat gobsmacked into the writer’s room. You were being told what storylines you were going to be involved in and it must be the season of love because you were now being written into a romance storyline with your good friend Eddie Guerrero. You weren’t happy to be in a romance storyline but you couldn’t be mad at who you were involved with. Eddie was always respectful and like an older brother to you with how he would help you train and prepare for matches. “ Ay Chiquita, You feeling okay?” You smile at how good of a friend Eddie is to you. “I’m okay Ed, it’s just a storyline. Let’s go out there and kill it, yeah?”  You give him the biggest smile you can muster up. “That’s what I’m talking about Chica! I’ll see you later for our segment!” Eddie returns with his signature million-watt smile before turning to leave. You lift the script that’s in your hand and roll your eyes at the cliché romance scenarios the creative team has written you and Eddie into.  
The time ticks by as you prepare for your segment with Eddie and your title defense against Trish later on. You’re lost in thought as you make your way through the halls in the arena. You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel someone grab your arm and drag you towards a more subdued part of the backstage area. You’re prepared to scream and start throwing punches before you realize it’s Hunter. “Jesus Hunter, a warning would be lovely.” you hiss at your lover. “Sorry doll, I just needed to see you before your bug match later on” You roll your eyes at Hunter before you break out into a smile. “I’ve been meaning to catch you. I just came from a writer’s meeting and I have a new storyline, me and Eddie. It’s not what I’d love to be doing but it doesn’t look that bad in the script anyway.” You calmly explain to Hunter. “Oh great.” Hunter sounds less than impressed which shocks you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Hunter rolled his eyes as if you were supposed to know the answer already. “Eddie’s my number one contender Y/N, and I have good money to say he’ll be my mania match. I just don’t want you to be in his corner if he is my mania match, you know?” Hunter spoke gently as you could his worry about seeing you in his opponent’s corner in his eyes. You smile at Hunter as a nervous, softer side to him you don’t see very often comes out. “Don’t worry Hunter, I doubt this will last longer than 4 weeks.”  
Oh, how naïve you were. You greatly underestimated that since you and Eddie were both fan favourites, that people would fall in love with the storyline of the two of you being in love. So Vince decided to keep the storyline going for as long as possible as well as continuing Stephanie and Hunters partnership as they were creating nuclear levels of heat together. Mania season was upon you and the tension between Hunter and Eddie was building and building as their inevitable clash for Hunter’s title came closer and closer by the day. You don’t have time to worry about the guys since Stephanie is your number one contender for the women’s championship despite her not being a full-time wrestler Vince wanted her and Hunter to be the power couple but you and Eddie weren’t going to let that happen, even if you did selfishly want Hunter to keep his title because damn he looked good with it. 
It was time for Monday night raw two weeks ahead of Wrestle mania. Hunter and Eddie had a contract signing to make the match official. You would be escorting Eddie out to the ring since Hunter would have Stephanie in his corner. It was all going to plan before Stephanie slapped Eddie out of nowhere, Before Hunter could hold her back you had launched yourself at her in defense of your (storyline) man. You feel Eddie try to drag you away but Hunter attacks him leaving the signing in complete chaos. You see the officials run out to attempt to pull the brawls apart. They successfully pull apart you and Stephanie but you see Hunter and Eddie still going at it. You feel your eyes bug out of your head when you see blood flowing freely down Hunter’s face from his nose much to the chagrin of the audience getting to see an early glimpse of comeuppance on Hunter. You see the locker room empty as they try and succeed to pull Eddie and Hunter apart. You assume this will be the end of it but then you hear Vince’s music hit. Oh no! You’re in trouble now. “That’s it! I’ve had it! At WrestleMania, this ends once and for all! In the main event of WrestleMania, all of you will face off in an intergender match where the winner takes all! Yes, that means whoever wins will walk away with their genders respective title.”  You’re completely shocked as your eyes dart from Eddie to Hunter to Stephanie and back again.   
Preparing for your WrestleMania match was difficult since you didn’t get alone time with Hunter at all and your stress levels were on overdrive. However, the adrenaline kicked in immediately as you and Eddie made your entrance together. Looking down the ramp as you strutted down the ramp with Eddie by your side and your title firmly around your waist. You couldn’t let yourself become distracted by the fact Hunter was in the match. As you enter the ring you glare at Stephanie before looking to Hunter to catch him sending you a quick wink. You roll your eyes before turning towards your corner to take off your title and prepare for the square up before the bell. The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the four of you stood off against each other before you all decided to allow the men to start the match. Watching your on-screen partner fight your actual partner had your heart in your throat as you cheered for Eddie but you couldn’t shake the worry festering in the pit of your stomach. Seeing your men go hell for leather against each other entertained you and stressed you out to no end so you had your hand stretched out for Eddie to tag you in as soon as possible to end your suffering.  
Feeling Eddie’s hand slap against sent a bolt of pure lightning through your veins as you charge against Stephanie with the sole goal to end this match on the spot as your heart can’t take this match anymore. Your plan wasn’t going to plan as Stephanie put up a heck of a fight. However, you tried to run the ropes to clothesline her but she rolled out under the bottom rope on the opposite side of the ring to her own. You follow her without leaving the ring, you can hear the crowd erupt in roars as Stephanie smiles up at you before motioning for you to look behind you. Fear fills your body as you brace yourself for an attack from behind. However, upon turning around you don’t see your impending doom but instead, you see Hunter down on one knee in the centre of the ring in front of you. “Y/N I love you to the moon and back, Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” Once you lock eyes with Hunter’s it’s like the entire arena fades away and it's just the two of you, this is your moment and you couldn’t be happier. You don’t even have to think about it before you're nodding your head and saying yes what feels like a thousand times. Hunter slides the ring onto your finger before standing up to pull you into the most passionate and loving kiss you’ve ever experienced in your life.
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adampage · 7 years
The Game, Part 3
Characters: Triple H, Reader, Sami Zayn
Word Count: 2,990
Warnings: swearing of course. mild mention of nudity, mature content. alcohol mention.
Before You Read: Part 1 and Part 2 requested by @deanammbrose
Author’s Note: Wow, part 3! I can’t even believe it tbh. Tag list at the bottom.
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Every time I stare into the sun
Tryin’ to find a reason to go on
All I ever get is burned and blind
Until the sky bleeds the pouring rain... (x)
You woke up in a place that wasn’t yours and the unrelenting pain of a throbbing headache.
Where am I? You thought. Emma’s apartment? Sasha’s condo? It was hard to tell.
The curtains were closed across the wide balcony doors, and you were thankful for whomever had thought to close them. The Florida sun was unforgiving, but it couldn't do much in the way of drapes or blankets of clouds.
There was a digital alarm clock on the wooden nightstand. It was eleven o'clock in the morning. 11:13, to be exact.
A beeping sound. The sizzling of meat. What meat, you didn't know. But damn if it didn't smell amazing. The sound of clattering pots and pans as someone fished for a specific size. The beeping came to a stop, the sound of a microwave opening and closing.
You peered through the open doorway, holding your head in agony. You couldn't see anyone from there; the kitchen seemed to be behind the nearest wall.
“Bex?” You called hesitantly, still unsure whose apartment you were in. No answer.
“Alexa?” You tried, to the sound of silence.
You thought about it for a minute. It wasn't any of the others, that was for certain. You’d been to Bayley’s loft before, and Charlotte lived in a small but luxurious house gifted to her by her father, and Emma’s apartment was smaller than this one.
Surely, you thought, as the gears clicked in your mind. Surely not…?
“Good morning, [Y/N]. How’d you sleep?”
The wide frame of Hunter Hearst Helmsley appeared from the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his hand. He was dressed in a casual way you’d never seen him in before, a black tee that hugged his frame and loose fitting, plaid pajama pants. Waiting for an answer, he held out the coffee mug, eyes telling you to take it.
“...Awful, thanks for asking.” You took a sip of the dark substance, pursing your lips at the bitter taste. It was black. No sugar.
“Oh, I apologize, I didn't put anything in it. Wasn’t sure how much sugar you took in your coffee.” He passed you the ceramic jar of sugar and handed you a teaspoon, then turned back to what looked like strips of bacon sizzling on the stove behind him, as well as scrambled eggs on the neighboring stove top.
“Thank you. You didn’t even have to make me coffee.” You hastily dropped six spoonfuls of sugar into the steaming cup while he wasn't looking, stirring anxiously.
This was insane. You were in Hunter’s apartment. Hunter. Your boss. What the fuck were you doing here?
You thought back, trying to shuffle through the memories of last night: Hunter had asked the women of NXT out for drinks to celebrate how well all of you were doing. You recalled Becky flirting with Ed, Sasha playing with Charlotte, Bayley’s wide eyes and embarrassed smile at being called upon to be Becky’s wing woman. Emma, chatting along with Alexa.
And Hunter…you remembered talking to him alone.
Shit...you didn’t? No...no fucking way.
You bit your lip, contemplating it all. After extensive thinking, you figured the best thing to do was to burn your esophagus with coffee and be done with it, so you took another huge sip of coffee.
“[Y/N]?” Hunter was facing you now, concerned. “You all right?”
You struggled to speak as you fanned your seared tongue, panting violently. Of course this would happen to you.
But then of course, you were asking for it.
“Uhhh…” you started, a lisp faintly recognizable as your tongue began to swell, and you squeezed your eyes shut in embarrassment. Why were you like this?
His lips curled up suddenly, for a brief moment, before his expression became serious again. He found your current condition amusing, you realized.
“Whath tho gothdamn funny?” You blurted out angrily. You gave yourself a mental kick in the ass for sounding so fucking stupid. The lisp was doing nothing to help your humorless inquiry.
“Nothing.” He responded quickly, turning away from you so that you wouldn’t see the smirk had reappeared on his face.
“Oh, you fuckin’ athhole,” your eyes narrowed at him. But just as you were about to unleash the floodgates of your fury, you felt a sharp pang on the side of your head, stopping you.
“Jeethuth fuck,” you sighed breathlessly, fingers probing at your forehead gingerly as you winced, “my brain.”
Hunter turned off the stove, grabbing the spatula and setting the bacon on a plate with a paper towel on top to soak up the excess grease. Guess that explained that, then. He looked good because he still took care of himself.
When he finished up with that, he grabbed two more plates, serving the both of you ample amounts of scrambled eggs. He poured you a glass of orange juice for good measure, and set a bottle of ibuprofen down next to your plate.
“For the headache,” he explained. “Take one or two once you’ve eaten your fill.”
The next few minutes were spent in silence as you picked at your food like a small six year old child, while he scarfed his eggs and bacon down like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. You stared at him, mortified, but dropped your gaze back down at your plate when he caught you.
And then...you frowned as you pinched the clothing covering your chest. An extra large black DX T-shirt that hardly covered your ass as you sat on the freezing cold stool. Just black panties underneath. Which means someone took off your dress...and your bra, last night.
You froze, feeling the intensity of his gaze on you, though you couldn't see it. You swallowed nervously, picking up your fork and beginning to dig in with more enthusiasm as a million thoughts ran through your mind about the man in front of you.
You tried to remember it...how you got there. You took a sip of the orange juice, shunning the coffee to the edge of the island counter as far away from you as possible. With a bit of difficulty, you managed to pop open the bottle of pills and pour out two of them, tactfully keeping your eyes from his own. You placed the two pills on your tongue, and drank them with the orange juice.
Your stifled, hiccoughing laughter echoed across the stairs. Your jacket was slung over his shoulder, and you were in Hunter’s arms, your arms dangling, hooked loosely around his thick neck. One of his hands wrapped around your back, fingers lightly pressing against your right breast, while the other hand held your legs close. They burned your bare skin, but your drunkenness didn’t seem to mind it at all.
“You carried me up here?”
He cleared his throat, nodding. “You were wasted, and no one knew where you lived.”
You cocked your head. “I could've gone to Sasha’s or Bayley’s.”
“You could’ve. But I didn't want them to have to take care of you, not when they had training to do in the early morning.”
Your mouth gaped open in understanding. “Oh, right. Completely forgot about that.” You glanced over at the clock on the microwave door behind him. It was 11:55.
“Shit,” you stood up quickly, the stool scratching on the floor with a squeal. “My training class is at one. I gotta get home.” Flustered, you headed back into his bedroom, stopping at the doorframe when you realized this was his room and you had no right to barge into it. You looked back at him, silently asking for permission.
His arms were draped across the kitchen island looking as relaxed as any man could be, and he nodded in response.
You hopped into his room, tip-toeing around softly. Though you’d already been given approval, it still made you feel awkward. You observed there were no clothes on the floor, what he’d worn last night was thrown in a hamper in a corner of the room. Scanning further, you noticed an olive green chair beside the window, your dress and your bra draped over it delicately. You pulled the DX shirt up and over your head and picked up the bra to put it on.
In the other room, Hunter shifted on his feet, wondering to himself. Chances are, she’s going to think I helped her with her clothing. He tilted his head all the way back, eyes squinting at the ceiling, hoping to come up with some sort of story, in case you asked. I did, but she doesn’t need to know that. You didn’t know that when you came across the threshold of his Florida home and he set you down on his silk sheets that you called back out to him, begging him to help you pull down the zipper of your sequined dress. You didn’t know that he walked back, sighing exasperatedly and sat next to you on the bed and did as you pleaded. You didn’t know that you fumbled at the clips of your bra and proceeded to whine until he unclipped it for you. You didn’t know that he swallowed nervously, shying away from gazing at your beautiful body as his broad hands touched your soft, bare back fleetingly. That he went into his dresser drawer and grabbed the first shirt he found to cover your breasts from his view. That you giggled as he handed it to you, when you dropped it, “oops, butterfingers!” That he draped the shirt over your shoulders blindly, walking quickly out of his own bedroom to catch his fucking breath.
That he had to beat one out in the shower as you slept deeply not one room away.
He was at the door to his bedroom knocking before you even realized it, causing you to jump in fright, whipping around to see if he had caught a view of your ass before you’d put his shirt back on.
“Hey, didn’t mean to scare you.” You couldn’t see him. He was politely waiting at the edge of the doorframe, his back against the outer wall. “I was just going to ask you if you wanted me to call you a cab.” His head turned towards you just a bit, in order to hear your reply.
“Um, yes please. That’d be great.” You picked up your jacket, fishing through the pockets for your phone. When you pulled it out, you were only mildly surprised to find it out of battery. “Typical,” you muttered.
With your jacket tied around your waist to hide the fact that you weren’t exactly wearing pants, you stepped out of the towne car, shielding your eyes from the blaring light of the sun. The sunshine state had most definitely earned its sobriquet, and you’d only been here a couple weeks. You opened the gate to the apartments, enjoying the cooling shade of the wide trees in the courtyard. Some other day, you would have stopped there, sat on the bench below the shade and read a book you’d been meaning to catch up on. But today was a different matter. You needed to get to the performance center in twenty goddamn minutes.
You practically glided up the stairs, taking them two by two as you ascended to the second floor. Panting, you bent down, resting your hands on your knees as you took a deep breath. Maybe you shouldn’t have done that so quickly after eating, especially without warming up. Fuck, maybe your hangover wasn't entirely gone, after all.
“Hey, [Y/N].” The soft, unassuming voice called out to you. Oh, no. Normally such a welcome would have made you smile. But all it did was make your stomach churn even more miserably. You looked up.
The most adorable ginger puppy to ever exist was sitting on your doorstep, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“Sami?” your heart leapt into your throat. “W-what are you doing here?”
“I - uh, I just got back. From Canada.” He pulled you into a hug, holding it for a moment despite your obvious tension. Pulling away, his eyes roamed down to your legs, where he noticed them bare as day beneath the DX shirt you were wearing, and he rubbed at the back of his neck, a sign that he was uncomfortable. “Why are you half naked? Why is your dress in your hand?”
You scrounged for your keys, hoping to not have to deal with this conversation any longer. You didn't like the idea of him finding out you’d been at Hunter’s. He’d end up putting two and two together and come to the wrong conclusion, because as far as you knew, you and Hunter hadn't actually done a thing. So you changed the subject as you unlocked the door.
“I thought you weren't going to be back for another week.” You said it like a question, hoping he’d take the bait and forget about why you were taking a walk of shame back to your apartment at almost one in the afternoon. Shuffling through your apartment, you dropped your keys off on the kitchen counter, passing through it to the living and then down the small hallway to your bedroom. You sensed Sami stop at the hallway as you burst through your room in a flurry, looking for your training bag and a set of gym clothes.
“Figured I’d been gone long enough. I visited my family, Kevin’s. Saw your mom. Everyone’s good.” He seemed to be edging closer, now leaning on the door frame to your room.
“You saw my mom?” You asked astonishedly, banging every dresser drawer in sight looking for the clothes you needed.
“Yeah, I did. Looked pretty happy to see me, actually. I don't think I’ve seen her for, what, two years? Since I got signed to NXT.”
“She always did love you best. More than Kevin.” Finding the shirt and pants you were looking for, you pulled off the DX shirt and threw it onto the bed. God, why was this so stressful?
Sami blushed, but you couldn’t tell if it was because of your body or because of the compliment. He shook his head, turning away as he sat down at the foot of your bed. “What? No. No way.” Suddenly, his face brightened immensely, and he walked out of your bedroom for a few moments, before he came back in with a wrapped package. “I almost forgot. Your mom asked me to bring this back for you, to save on postage. It’s beavertails.”
“God, I’ve been craving those for weeks! Merci, Sami.”
“Bienvenue, sweetheart.” Your heart skipped at his tender reply.
You caught his hand slowly gripping into a fist as he grasped the fabric of the DX shirt in his palm. Fuck, you thought. He sure had you on your toes, with all the feelings you’d felt from the moment you found him on your doorstep. He’s going to ask again.
“I’ve never seen you wear this shirt before.”
You swallowed the bile rising in your throat so irritatingly slowly. “Uh, yeah, it’s - it’s new.” You slipped on your pants, grabbing your training bag and slipping past Sami back into the living room, but of course he followed.
“Seems kinda big for you.” A pause. “You went out last night, dancing.”
A statement. An inquiry? Hard to tell. But you were so keen on making sure that he didn’t find out who you went with, that you didn’t stop to think exactly how the hell he knew about that.
“It’s for sleeping in; I like them big. And yeah, I did. With the girls. That’s why the dress.” It wasn’t a lie. You opened the door to the fridge to pull out a bottle of water and place it in your bag. “What’s it matter?”
A look of hurt flashed on Sami’s face briefly, though you weren't sure why. You were on your way out the door when you realized he was still inside. You turned back, waiting on him to come out as well. His eyebrows were still riddled with concern, as if there was something there that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Something you were hiding. Something he knew you were hiding.
“Nothing. By any chance, did you check your phone this morning?”
“Oh, shit.” You ran back into your apartment, looking for the charger. Thank God he reminded you about your phone, or else it would have stayed dead till you got home at the end of the day. When you came back with it, Sami was standing there - eyes on the ground, a pensive, somber look on his face. “I’ll charge it when I get there. You coming with me to the PC?” you asked politely, still extremely unsure where the both of you stood.
You wanted it to go back to the way it was, but you’d have to find the right time to speak with him, when you weren’t running late for training. Not to mention the fact that he had caught you off guard and you hadn't really rehearsed what you had planned to say to him yet. You needed to talk to Kevin again, for sure.
“Yeah, I’ll go with you. Want me to drive? That way I can drop you off so you can head to training and I’ll deal with parking.”
You flashed him a faint smile, throwing him the keys. “Sounds good, ginger. Now let’s go, before the sunshine blinds me to death.”
For what you’d expected when you found him, your first conversation with the man wasn’t that bad. In all sincerity, you’d expected a whole. Lot. Worse. It seemed to the both of you, that your friendship counted for something. Maybe...it wasn’t totally destroyed. You only hoped that you weren't pushing him away too much. This wasn’t going to be an easy fix. You were toeing a fine line, and it killed you to do it.
Last Note: oh god wha t the actual fuck am i doing
Part 4
Tag List: @mewsburger / @llowkeys / @unabashedwwesmut / @briankendrick / @lip-sync / @heelturn-timesten / @theprestigious0ne / @chasingeverybreakingwave / @baronesscorbin / @athoughtfulmindwrites / @kingslayers-angel / @wrestlewriting / @wrasslin-x / @we-work-hard / @alexahood21 / @squirrel666 / @meghanannexx / @wwetrashqueen / @reigns420 / @the-geekgoddes / @leteverythingexist / @thephenomenonalkingofthebrogues / @toosweetme / @wrestlingbabe / @birthday-prinxess / @welshwitch5 / @mylittlepartofthegalaxy / @therealfivefeetoffuckingfury / @kaitlynwwefan / @monsteramongmen-tamer / @crowleysqueenofhell / @lunaticfringe216 / @sjwrites22 / @straight-outta-the-asylum / @idekwhatthisis / @bbmbabe / @thehardyboyz / @moneypowergloryfameliquorlove / @omegaliciousss / @omegaweaponx / @heelsamizayn / @selinamasri / @abschaffer2 / @anglophilestymie / @dorkyvillain / @p0tat0catofwesteros
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rawiswhore · 14 days
Hunter Hearst Helmsley x Fem Reader- "Underwear As Outerwear"
At a WWF house show in 1997, you helped escort Hunter Hearst Helmsley to the ring.
As you walked Hunter to the ring, you were wearing a brownish colored teddy that was a replica of a teddy Adrienne Barbeau wore on an episode of "Maude" back in the 1970's.
This was the teddy you as well as Adrienne wore:
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Male fans were whistling and catcalling you as you walked Hunter to the ring.
Teddies used to be something women wore underneath their clothes.
Most women---including women in the WWE/WWF who were stripped down to their bra & panties---would be embarassed to be in public wearing their underwear.
Not you.
You wore that teddy all throughout Hunter's match.
The reason you wore this teddy at a house show because you were worried what fans watching on television would think of this teddy, you were afraid fans would find the teddy you were wearing unsexy and outdated.
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rainchyna · 3 years
triple h kinks 🥺
we're whores 🥺
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warnings! [smutty, language, gn!reader]
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[sir + public sex]
as a man who's historically called himself daddy several times, you'd expect the daddy kink to be obvious,,, but dawg, i just know he likes being called sir. oof, can you imagine, you're at work, minding your own business and you're talking to him and you accidentally call him sir and he's like "y/n, i swear to god-" "i didn't mean it like that! you're the one who thought of it like that!". teasing him with it is so much fun, "here's the paper work you asker for, sir" "seriously? in my office? what if i fuck you right here, right now? do you want everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for me y/n, huh?" he wants everyone to know that you are only his, even if it means them walking into you getting your guts rearranged. he's convinced you to go at it in public several times, the thought of someone hearing you or potentially catching you is hella intriguing to him.
[degradation + praise]
depends on his mood and how you've been acting. if he's in a good mood, and you've been a pretty angel who listens to what they're told then expect a lot of "good job, baby" "you're doing so well for me" "so good, you're so good for me" "so pretty, you deserve everything" "you just say, there's nothing that i wouldn't do for you" "my pretty baby", but if he's in a bad mood and you've been a menace, well shit. "since you wanted to be slut, i'll fuck you like one" "good for nothing but being used" "look at yourself, a fuckin' whore" "do you like being a brat? huh, answer my question you slut" "look at you, like a bitch in heat, you love when i'm rough with you, don't you?"
[brat tamer]
nothing that hunter loves more than putting you in your place and reminding you that you belong to him, he's the authority. can tell when you're being bratty on purpose, just to have him get all angry, and overtime he's learned that the only way to have you behave is by (i.) giving you the cold shoulder, ignoring you for the whole day, he just leaves you hanging there all needy and whiney, begging for him to touch after you've disobeyed him, and even if you touch yourself it'll just get worse for you. or, (ii.) immediately taking action, literally putting you in your place, punishments are common here. "look at you, if you hadn't been such a fuckin' brat, good god, if you had kept that fuckin' smart ass mouth shut, you wouldn't have been here. slut"
literally dizzy
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south-of-heaven · 1 month
Triple H Masterlist
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Not your little girl anymore
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salemshotspot · 2 months
Has anyone seen that segment where dx are trying to find the undertaker the Monday after Kane sets his casket on fire and dx open a hearse and loads of women jump out and then hunter and shawn get in the hearse with them?? Follow up question am I going to write a fic about that? [absolutely]
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Triple H Masterlist
a - angst. s - smut. f - fluff. etl - enemies to lovers.
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Love at first sight (f)
Not your little girl anymore (f)
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