#hurry up december
diana-andraste · 10 months
... and it rains steadily in the pond like white puppy eyes. The pond is waiting for its skin. the pond is waiting for its leather. The pond is waiting for December and its Novocain.
Anne Sexton, Hurry Up Please It's Time
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1296-very-good-year · 2 years
So anyway while I'm waiting impatiently for Anduin to come back to the story for his long awaited spriest arc, I'm stoked to meet the villain for the new dragon age show, Rezaren!
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“Born to privilege and plagued by tragedy, Rezaren sees himself as a good man in a wicked world. Intelligent and charismatic, Rezaren is determined to build a better future for everyone in Tevinter, no matter the cost.” 
Uses creepy blood magic AND voiced by Josh Keaton to boot... If I can’t have Andy yet I’ll take this little mage in the meantime tyvm
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anothermonikan · 1 month
August is both flying by and taking too fucking long somehow
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parme-san · 3 months
do you think it's ever going to be okay again. i don't think so
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7oranges · 11 months
i need to turn 20 stat. this shit is getting Embarassing.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 8 months
I'm inactive on every platform and that's because winter is absolutely destroying me
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ozo · 1 year
my fixation on hsr has died and now I cannot play
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emosoul · 2 years
someone just fall in love w me already
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hollowwish · 2 years
Mcc is fucking 8 days away. The teams got announced barley 10 hours ago and my thoughts have been consumed by Cerulean Candy Canes. What the fuck.
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smallvillecrows · 1 year
The way I would be kissing you if we were in the same room 😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💕❤️💕💕❤️💕❤️
PLEASE 😔💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
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missp4st3lmonster · 2 years
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Dear readers
A lot has happened in only a few days. But what has shaken me most was the wreck. I’m fine, my rats were in my car and they’re fine, my car is also fine, but I’ve never felt more helpless. I realized how much I hated helplessness. After thirty minutes police and such arrived but I didn’t need them by then. An officer helped me move my vehicle and check for any damage. She also kept insisting that I was intoxicated which peeved me off. I was nothing more than scared!
Anywho. I was a Little peeved my bf never came and stayed in his room playing games. After all I am the most important thing in his life! He needs to be sure I’m safe!
What had happened is I was taking a really sharp turn on an entrance ramp and the roads were slick. I remember Radio by Lana Adel Ray was playing and I was cheerily humming along. Suddenly my wheel snapped to the right and I started hydroplaning while spinning in circles. After maybe three spins I was launched backwards off the road and nearly missed the tree line. The first person I called was my beloved aunt but she was out of town. Luckily there is no need for insurance involvement.
Anyways, I am going to have a refresh day this evening to prepare for my college final exams. A movie, a warm shower, a face mask, and more.
My breakfast this morning? Nicotine and caffeine🫶🏻
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tinkishhell · 2 years
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I get an anime sleeve done in December and I can’t wait have my faves on my arm permanently ✨ there’s so many more to add but I’m excited 😆
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taruruchi · 11 months
Me when I have to wait for December for chapter 7 and masterchef
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90sbee · 1 year
something so precious abt my mom and i videochatting and talking about the moon and 'you can also see it? you got a clear sky there too?' and just feeling soft bc we may be miles apart but we both look up at the same moon
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spencereidluver · 2 months
L is for Lover Boy
december 14, 2008
summary:  After you have to drive back to your apartment for the third time in two days to get stuff, Spencer clears out two drawers in his dresser for you while you're gone and can't wait to show you.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: just lots of fluff and spence being a good bf
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“No, don’t go,” Spencer says as he gently claws at your hips trying to pull you back into him. You were cuddled up with him on the sofa in his living room watching some documentary he’d put on. This was your third day at Spencer’s house, having come over Friday after work and spending the night, then being begged not to leave, so after paying a quick visit to your home in order to get a toothbrush, clothes, and anything else your heart desired, you returned to Spencer’s apartment for a second night. 
“Spencer, baby, I have to,” you try to pry his hands from your hips, though he is a lot stronger than he looks. He gets a hold of you, pulling you onto his lap. He starts to tickle your ribs, making you hunch over him. You try to push his hands away, but ultimately fail as you yell his name between giggles.
“Stay and I’ll stop,” he smiles into your neck. 
“One more night,” you say and grab his wrists in order to calm his movements. “But I have to go home and get work clothes, so let me go.”
He pouts, but obliges. It’s so hard to tell such a sweet boy no, plus falling asleep in his arms every night is something you could see yourself getting used to.
“Fine, but hurry. I want to cuddle,” he sighs.
You lean down, planting a kiss on his forehead and fluffing his hair with your fingers. “I love you, Spencie,” you say. “I love you.”
You trudge to the door of his apartment, slipping your shoes and coat on and grabbing your keys. “I’ll be back,” you call out to Spencer before you exit the apartment and make your way to the stairs and out to your car.
At your apartment, you grabbed the one clean work outfit you still had and tossed it over your shoulder. You’d been at Spencer’s place so much recently you hadn’t done laundry in weeks. He was gonna be sad when you broke the news that tonight was the last night. For now anyways. You loved staying with Spencer… The only issue was all your stuff was at your house. 
You studied the walls of your apartment. How was it that a place you’d been so comfortable in for so long had become barren? How was it that Spencer’s presence is truly what made you feel at home? You neared the entryway of your unit, letting your fingers track on the surface of the wooden table to the side of the door. You brought your hand up to your eye level: Dust. Your apartment had sat empty for so long that even the most communal surfaces had become neglected. Normally you’d stop to wipe the dust clean, but right now, all that was filling your consciousness was returning to Spencer. You grabbed the pack of gum off the dust-covered table and clenched your keys in your fist. You rush out the door of your apartment and head straight for the elevator. 
You’re practically tripping over your own feet as you rush back into Spencer’s apartment complex. You take the stairs as you don’t see waiting on the elevator as time efficient since you’re only going up to the second floor. As you approach his unit, you slow your steps, careful not to alarm any of the tenets. You reach his door, shuffling the items in your hands in order to knock. Two hits of your fist on the wood and the golden number “twenty-three” is replaced by a smiling Spencer Reid. 
“Hey Spence,” you say, handing over the bag in your arms as he’d grabbed the strap, signaling he wanted to take it from you. He was always chivalrous: opening doors, wrapping you in his sweaters, buying you flowers, and this was another example of such. He always carried your bag for you, even if he had his own. If there was anything Spencer could do to make your day the slightest bit simpler, he was jumping to it. His world revolved around making you happy. And he did a damn good job of it. 
“Hi, how was your apartment?” He asked as he stepped aside so you could enter his. He followed you, shutting the door and turning the lock behind him. 
“It was alright,” you said. “Just how I left it.” You watched as he placed your bag gently on the counter. He was always extremely gentle with your things, even if he didn’t need to be. He cared as much for your things as he did for you, and treated all things, great or small, as if they were as delicate as his love for you. 
“That’s good, I’m glad no one had intruded in your absence.” He turned his attention away from the direction of the counter and toward you. His eyes focused on your face, studying you. “Hey, I want to show you something,” he said as he brought his hand up to meet your waist. He pulled you into a hug, letting his hands linger on you after you’d pulled back. He stared at you for a moment before pulling you back into him, his lips crashing into yours. The kiss was rough- like getting hit by a bus. A very pleasant bus, but a bus nonetheless. His hands gripped on your waist, surely leaving marks, as his lips moved feverishly into yours. 
You giggled into his kiss, pushing him away gently by his chest. He gives a small pout which makes you feel a bit bad, so you lean to give him one last small peck. He smiles. 
“Sorry,” he says, his cheeks forming a light blush, “I just love you.” His hands fall from your waist. He shuffles to the front of you, grabbing your hand and pulling you behind him as he leads you to his bedroom. 
“I love you, Spence,” you say while trailing behind him. “So much. Now, what are you showing me?” He drops your hand as you enter his room, moving it to the small of your back and giving you a slight shove in the direction of one of his closet.
Spencer’s closet was a small room jutting out of the wall adjacent to the door. In it was a six drawer chest, a floor mirror, and a horizontal rod that harbored his polo shirts, sweaters, and suit jackets. In front of the mirror sat his three pairs of shoes- his black converse, his brown leather dress shoes, and his black suede dress shoes. Typically, his converse were just thrown in front, as they were his most common choice and he didn’t see the effort to put them back nicely every single time was worth it. You took notice of the fact that they were set up nicely like the two pairs of dress shoes, him even having tied them to make it more visually appealing. You also noticed the knickknacks he had atop his dresser had been rearranged, and some books had been relocated from somewhere. 
“You cleaned your closet!” you said, reaching out to fondle the Curta calculator that was placed on the edge of the dresser. 
“I did,” he responded, still having ahold of your back. “Open the bottom drawers.” 
You were a bit confused. Why was he giving you a closet tour? What could possibly be so intriguing about the contents of these drawers that he had to give you the rundown? You obliged nonetheless, partially because you were curious, but mostly because you could sense his excitement and knew this was a big thing for him. 
Leaning down to grab the parallel knobs on the very bottom drawer, you braced for something slightly heavy, a wooden drawer filled with clothing, but were taken aback when the drawer practically flew open. It was empty. You were confused. Was he getting a head start on spring cleaning? Maybe you just opened the wrong drawer. You silently opened the next drawer up, it being empty as well.
You stood and faced Spencer who had a big goofy grin on his face. You furrowed your brows at him, softening your voice to say, “I’m confused.”
“It's for you,” he said, still with his dorky smile. “I just thought, since you’ve been staying here so often, and I really hate to have you traveling to and from your apartment for five minutes every other day, maybe you could store some of your clothes and things here.”
“Spencer, I-”
You must’ve had a passive tone because his smile faded as the words fell out your mouth.
“I-if you don’t want to then I understand, I know we really just started dating and rushing things is statistically bad for relationships, and I’m n-not saying you should move in with me, I just-”
“Spencer,” you interrupted him, desperate to save him from his pointless embarrassment. His eyes are wide as he looks down at you, almost as if he’s pleading. “Spence, this is so sweet,” you say, “it’s perfect.”
His smile, though more calm this time, returns. “Really?” he asks.
“Really. Such a good idea too.” You ruffle his hair. “I love you.”
His smile widens, his eyes squinting from the contortion of his cheeks. 
He can barely spit out an “I love you too,” before his expression changes to one of remembrance. 
“Oh!” he exclaims, “I also took my books out of this nightstand, you can put stuff in there too.” He gestured to the nightstand on the closet side- the right side- your side- of the bed.
‘That’s where those books on the dresser came from,’ you thought to yourself. You glance at the bed, noticing that he’d not only done your laundry, but also folded your clothes and separated them by outfits for you. 
“Wow,” you say as your hand grazes the fabric of the folded clothing, “you really didn’t have to do all this, Spencer.”
“I know,” he said, “but I wanted to.” He picks up one of the stacks of your clothing off the bed and carries it the few steps to the closet. “You want to go ahead and put these in here?” He gestures toward the dresser.
“Sure, these can be my ‘Spencer’ clothes!” 
He giggles at your little pun. That was something you loved about Spencer; no matter how bad a joke you made was, he always laughed. Maybe he was just being nice, but it made you feel good, so you weren’t complaining.
You awoke before Spencer for the first time since you’ve been staying over. 
‘Doing all that rearranging last night must’ve really knocked him out,’ you thought.
You lied still in his embrace, careful not to move a muscle. He was lying on his back, left arm tucked underneath you, right draped across your waist. You lied on your stomach, left leg wrapped around his hips, the other down parallel to his. Your head rested on his chest allowing you to hear every breath taken by him. You were worried if you moved even a tiny bit it would stir him awake and this would end. You were far too comfortable in his arms and with your thoughts to do such a thing. 
Unintentionally, you found yourself matching his breathing patterns. You found yourself unintentionally matching a lot of Spencer’s mannerisms as of recently. Granted, you spent almost all your time with him, but you could never have ‘too much’ Spencer Reid. You thought about what he said last night: “I know we really just started dating.” While technically he was correct, it had only been three months since your first date, and a little over two since you guys had become official, it felt like a lifetime with him. Maybe this was because you were just as close before, the only difference now being that you kiss. Sometimes you have to remind yourself this is his first relationship. You’d be lying if you didn’t say you were weary to begin the relationship at first, though now you’re more than happy you did. Spencer has been the best decision of your life. Turning him from your nerdy best friend to the love of your life has been the best decision. He was perfect. 
Spencer stirred beneath you, rolling over and burying his face in the crook of your neck. You reached your hand up, tangling it in his hair, and gently ran your nails through his scalp. He brought his knees up toward his chest, now lying in a loose fetal position with his legs tucked into the gap yours left. He was like a baby. Your baby. 
You could hear his breath getting caught in his throat as his body fought to stay asleep. 
“Hey,” you whispered softly into his ear as you let your hand trace down his hairline to cup his jaw. He gave you a small groan in response, being awake but not yet conscious. 
“Spence baby,” you hummed. You tilted his face up toward you while rubbing your thumb back and forth on his sharp jawline. You pressed several small kisses on his forehead. From the way he was leaning into you, it was obvious he was awake. You looked down at him, his eyes still shut.
“G’morning,” Spencer mumbled as his eyes fluttered open and met yours. 
“How’d you sleep?” You brushed a stray piece of hair from in front of his eyes.
“Pretty good. I uh, I had a dream about you.” 
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. We were just reading. You know, actually they say when you dream of your partner it means you’re wanting to spend more time with them, which is strange because aside from when you went home for an hour last night we’ve been together for the past 56 hours with no cases as a distraction. That’s the longest time we’ve been together.”
Only Spencer could wake up and immediately start sharing facts.
“Maybe it means you enjoyed the last 56 hours and wish for them to continue, rather than for them to come into existence since they already have.”
He smiles at you, in awe. “That- that’s a really good point.” “You’re not the only smart one, Dr. Reid.” You boop his nose to acknowledge that you’re teasing him. Spencer sometimes struggles with social cues; it doesn’t take a genius to know that. You always try your hardest to do something to let him know you’re just teasing. 
He’s still smiling. “Y/n, you never fail to amaze me.” 
His eyes sparkle in the light. More than usual. A tear falls from his left eye. He’s crying.
You wipe the tear away and grab his chin, lifting up toward you. 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” You ask, using your soft voice again. Another set of tears falls from his eyes.
“Nothing, nothing’s wrong,” he said, “I just…” His voice hitched. Tears stream down his face seemingly uncontrollably. “I just love you so much, Y/n.”
“I love you, Spencer.” You say earnestly, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss on his salty, tear soaked, lips. He melted into the kiss instantly, chasing your lips as you pulled away. 
“Please, Y/n. Kiss me,” he said, sitting up to allow easier access. You sat up as well, criss-crossing your legs in front of you to match Spencer. You lean forward, grabbing ahold of his thighs to keep yourself from face planting into him. He doesn’t waste a second before he’s pressing his lips onto yours. You taste his tears with every opening of your mouth. He still has morning breath, you know you do too, but that taste belongs to what you call home. This boy, this bed, this room, this apartment; it's your home.
next chapter: M is for Merry Christmas
other parts: Spencer Reid A-Z Masterlist
view the masterlist in a calendar version! 
a/n: hi! long time no see... i'm really sorry for my unannounced absence :( i got really busy with school and work and just had a major burnout. i'm really gonna try to push some stories out for you guys as i really do enjoy writing them and seeing your guys' reaction to them. thank you guys for sticking with me
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taglist: @justlivinginadaydream @dij-ology @navs-bhat @sammy-4103 @ada--44 @moongirl27
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lexie-ram · 2 years
Having to choose between a ticket for an open bar on nye or an annual check up…
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