fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Obsessive Tendencies
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A/N: The next chapter in the collab with @tephi101. She actually helped write the scene with Ivar because I didn't want to hijack her plot line. She wrote Ivar's parts. Catch up on chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Warnings: Cussing, verbal abuse, sibling rivalry, morbidity, hint of abuse
Chapter 9
Hvitserk's POV:
I sat in the kitchen at the table surrounded by my brothers and father. Of course, being the sarcastic ass he was, Sigurd suggested we all wear party hats. I looked like a doofus. I heard Ivar's car pull up and I immediately beelined for the door to hide behind it.
When he walked through the door i shoved a party hat under his chin and on to his head and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Really? A fucking K? That's all your little bitch ass is going to give me? I should have asked mom to adopt you to another family and asked for a little brother who is grateful for my Godly existence.” I teased.
He laughed and tried to knock me off of him. “Get the fuck off of me Hvitty. I knew it would annoy you so I typed k. Also by the way I am the best brother that you have ever had. For one I put up with your bitch ass and two I am the only one that will play videogames with you.”
I shrugged busted a party popper in his face. “I've traded you in for a newer model. His name...is...Sigurd.”
“Don't bring me into your dumbshit.” Sigurd said, typing on his phone. I looked at Ivar and made a mocking face at him, making fun of Sigurd.
“Do not bring his stupid ass into our conversation. This is between you and me Hvitserk. You could never trade me in even if you wanted to. Not only are we brothers but we are best friends. We have the strongest bond ever. You will never break that” he protested.
I held my hands up in defeat and Ubbe jumped up. “Mom is here. Everyone act natural.”
“Yeah. All of her sons in one room and still breathing. That's totally natural.” I said, rolling my eyes. Ivar and I were literally the only two that got along the majority of the time. I sat down on a stool and popped a noise maker into my mouth. Dad killed the lights and when the door opened he quickly turned the lights back on. We all yelled the stereotypical ‘'SURPRISE” and she stood there shocked as I blew into the noise maker.
“My sons. My husband...how did you plan this without me knowing?” She asked.
“We didn't tell big mouth one and big mouth two about it until today.” Ubbe said motioning towards Ivar and myself. Dick.
“Wow Ubbe what a way to ruin the getting along thing we had going. This is why Hvitty and I are the closest. Anyway happy birthday mommy dearest. I hope you have had a good day because you deserve it. We love you and we will try not kill each other today only for your sake.” Ivar stated almost numbly.
I watched as my dad pulled a pot roast from the oven and my mouth watered. I had to admit, his cooking was way better than mother's bland food. I went to grab the carving knife and fork and my hand was swatted away. “The fuck?” I demanded at my younger brother.
“Mom gets the first piece.” Sigurd snapped.
I set my jaw. “It's not a fucking cake, Sigurd. It's dinner.”
“And it's mom's birthday. She gets…”
“Shut your ass up. You self entitled little piece of shit.” I snapped.
“Hvitserk.” My father demanded. I immediately sat down in my chair. If I learned one thing from my childhood and the belt around his waist, it's that you do NOT piss off Ragnar Lothbrok.
I bit my lip and looked down at my empty plate. “I fucking hate this family.” I muttered. I jumped when my father's fist hit the table. Ivar looked up and locked eyes with me.
I shook my head, subtly at him. I waited until everyone filled their plates before grabbing a small slice of meat and a couple potatoes. I went to take a bite and Sigurd knocked my fork onto the floor.
“Sigurd. Leave your brother alone.” Ragnar said, not looking up from his food. I reached down to grab my fork and he stomped on my hand. I shot up out of my chair, holding my hand. I stormed upstairs and slammed my bedroom door.
“Fucking dick!” I seethed. I opened up my closet door and grabbed Harlow's bloody blanket from it. I pressed it to my nose again and inhaled her scent, breathing out almost orgasmically.
I did not hear the door open at all or even notice that someone else was in the room with me until Ivar spoke.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Why are you sniffing a bloody blanket and seeming like you are getting off from it? That is totally not weird at all”, he says as he steps into the room.
I dropped the blanket and looked at Ivar. “Um...my...girlfriend started her period and I have a fetish?” I asked, making a face. Then I sighed. I couldn't lie to him. I stood up and heard the family laughing downstairs so I shut my door quietly. “I erm...well...kind of was but wasn't lying. I have a girlfriend. Of sorts. Remember the old hunting cabin? I reinforced it and now I have a girl in there...trapped...against her will…” I explained as quietly as I could, hoping he wouldn't judge me. “I love her.”
It is quiet for a moment before Ivar speaks. “That is not what I was expecting you to say but I can understand that. You want to know why? I also have fallen in love with a beautiful girl and have her trapped in that one cave with the vault door. It seems we really are connected and have a lot in common brother. What a coincidence or better yet maybe it is fated that this has happened”, he said with a smug look on his face.
I looked at him with a hateful glare. “What. The. Fuck. Ivar? I have felt guilty for keeping this from you and then you go and hit me with this shit? The fuck is wrong with you?” I demanded.
“Oh Hvitserk do not be such a drama queen. You think I have not felt the same guilt as you. I could not tell you because I thought you would look at me differently. Now look how the situation has done a full turn around. We now know that we both are psychopaths. Now we can tell each other everything and maybe help each other out. It will be fun”, he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.
I smirked at him. “What do you have in mind little brother?”
Tag List: @tephi101 @jacksonroth @unic0rn-world @supernaturalvikingwhore @misskalonthelady @two-unbeatable-beaters @captstefanbrandt @lol-haha-joke @filthyshieldmaiden
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Obsessive Tendencies
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Chapter one in the collaboration with the amazing @tephi101 who also worked her wonderful magic on this moodboard. Hope you love it.
Warnings: Torturous scenes, cussing, dark!hvitserk, abuse, kidnapping
Words: 573
Chapter 1
I woke up to cold water hitting me. Immediately I knew I wasn't at home. I felt rope digging into my ankles and wrists. I was sitting upright in what felt like a wooden chair. I wasn't wearing the clothes I went out in. I was in my bra and panties.
I had a splitting headache and felt nauseous. “Help.” I rasped.
“Oh, sweetheart, the exact opposite of help is here.” Came a voice as a light got switched on. I closed my eyes and looked away from the offending light.
“Who are you?” I asked, opening my eyes to peek at the man standing in front of a large, metal door.
“You're not really in any position to be asking questions, princess.” He said, smugly, stroking his chin scruff.
“How did I get here?” I asked.
He sighed, slightly angry. “Please...don't make me repeat myself. I hate that.”
I bit my lip, resulting in a growl from him. He crouched down in front of me. “Name.”
“Wh-what?” I stammered.
“Are you a fucking idiot?” He demanded, squeezing my face in one hand. “I asked for your goddamned name, so tell it to me.”
“Har-low. Harlow.” I said, uneasy at first but more confident the second time. “Please tell me your name as well so I know what to call you.”
He rolled his eyes and stood up rather quickly. He pulled something from the back of his jeans but before I could get a good look I felt a shock in my side. Then I flew backwards, head hitting the concrete floor, my vision going white.
I felt a weight on my stomach and tried my best to focus on this beautiful monster's face. “What do you want?” I pleaded.
“I want you, Harlow. You're mine now. You will be mine forever. Say hello to your new home. When you've earned the right to certain privileges you will be allowed to decorate it and I may even let you outside for short periods of time. But I have to trust you and right now, I do not.” He explained.
I looked at him, defiantly. “I DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! JUST LET ME GO!” I screamed and got a backhand to the face.
Another shock tensed my body up. I yelped out in pain. The weight from my body and the chair were starting to kill my arms and I couldn't bear it. “Please let me up.” I begged, quietly. “It hurts.”
“That's not my problem is it. You have to work for rewards. What are you going to do for me if I let you up?”
There it was. Stereotypical movie scene where it was kill or be killed. I bit my lip and he growled darkly. “Please.” I said, quietly.
I felt a shock on my side again and cried out in pain. “Wrong answer.” He snapped.
He stood up and took two long strides which led to the door. “When you are ready to cooperate, let me know.” He said, opening the door.
“No. Please! Please!” I screamed as he shut off the one dim light in the place. “PLEASE!” I begged as he shut the door behind himself. I shut my eyes, the concrete cold on my bare arms as the chair and rope dug into my skin. I was stuck here. And I would have to play along.
@tephi101 @grungyblonde @filthyshieldmaiden
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Obsessive Tendencies
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A/N: My next chapter in my collab with @tephi101. Sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. But i need Tephi to help with the next one. :) surprise guys. Enjoy.
Catch up here. Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5, chapter 6
Warnings: Sadistic sexual thoughts, mentions of blood lust, cursing, masturbation
Chapter 7
Hvitserk's POV
“Hey Hvit. I haven't seen much of you lately.” My brother Ubbe stated coming into my room. I was laying on my bed, video game controller in one hand, the other resting on the plate laying on my stomach.
“I've been seeing someone.” I stated, not letting my eyes leave the screen.
“Oh?” Ubbe asked, coming to sit beside me. “Maybe she will get your face off this screen.” If he only knew. “We are having a surprise birthday dinner for mom. Have you seen Ivar?”
Come to think of it...I hadn't seen him recently either. “No. I will text him.” I said, pausing my game and pulling out my phone.
<ivar. Surprise birthday dinner for mom>
I laid my phone beside me and took a bite of my turkey and swiss sandwich. I smiled broadly, thinking about how hungry Harlow probably was by now. I hadn't been out to see her in two days. I would go tomorrow and take her some of the scraps from tonight. Get her a jug of water to last her the week.
“What are you smiling about?” Ubbe asked, curiously, shoving me in the leg. I forgot he was still in here.
“Just thinking about my girlfriend. I'm going to see her tomorrow.” I said, taking another bite and savoring the taste. I needed to come up with something to do with her. She got sick and I had to take it easy on her. I didn't want her to die from pneumonia or an infection.
“Why don't you bring her to mom's dinner?” My heart began to race. I should've never mentioned her. He would ask all kinds of questions now.
“No. We aren't ready to become public yet. You are the only one who knows. Don't say anything to anyone yet.” I said.
“Okay. Your secret is safe with me.” Ubbe said, standing up. “I'm going to the store to get stuff for dinner. Want to come?”
“Nah. I'm on a roll here.” I said, unpausing my game and clicking the buttons effortlessly.
“I will never understand you.” he said, leaving.
I wouldn't want him to. I had to keep up appearances as the dweebish brother he has always seen me as. I turned off my game with an annoyed sigh and put my plate on the bedside table.
I got up and went to my closet where I kept the blankets I let Harlow use. I put them up to my nose and inhaled deeply. I growled out in arousal. She smelled, heavenly. I felt my dick twitch in my pants. I didn't know how much longer I could play the waiting game. I wanted her badly. I had just unzipped my pants when my phone went off. I flew to my bed and picked it up.
<k> from Ivar. Wow. Really? I waited that long for a Goddamned k? I rolled my eyes and tossed the phone on the bed.
I got up and picked up the blankets to shove back into the closet when I noticed something. Her blood...was all over the blanket. My heart raced in excitement. I knew exactly what I was going to do with her the next time I visited. The thought, brought me pure joy. I just had to get through this dinner for mom first.I hated family dinners. It usually ended up with Bjorn, Ubbe, and Sigurd talking about all their achievements while Ivar and I just sat quietly, talking to one another with our looks. I wondered how he would feel about his brother being a sadist. I considered that an accomplishment...probably not one that would be safe to talk about at a dinner for ones mother though.
I hesitantly shoved the blanket in the very back of my closet and shut the door. I grabbed some decent looking clean clothes and headed to the bathroom to get ready for this stupid dinner. As soon as I felt the water hit my naked skin, I pressed my forearm to the tile and leaned my head against it. I wrapped my other hand around my dick and started thinking about the blood on the blanket, Harlow's pained face, and what exactly I had in store for her tomorrow so she would know that I wasn't as nice as she thought I was. I thought about all the blood that would be shed tomorrow. I released myself on the tile wall and bit my lip trying to silence the moan that followed. I bit down until I tasted blood. After I was sure the shower wall was rinsed off, I shut off the water and wrapped myself in a towel. I wiped the condensation from the mirror and grinned at myself. Harlow, you better brace yourself. Because you are literally going to have to fight for your life tomorrow. I thought before putting on my clothes.
Tag list: @tephi101 @grungyblonde @lol-haha-joke @supernaturalvikingwhore @captstefanbrandt @jacksonroth @two-unbeatable-beaters @misskalonthelady @unic0rn-world @filthyshieldmaiden
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Obsessive Tendencies
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A/N: My third part to the fic i am collaborating with the wonderful @tephi101 who also did this amazing moodboard. You can read chapter one here and chapter two here.
Warnings: slight gore, cursing, abusive themes, torture
Chapter 3
How long have I been here? Hours? Days? My arms were so numb. The ground was freezing, as was my body. My teeth started chattering and I was shivering. I had no voice left due to screaming for help. I had no idea, not the slightest inkling of where I was, who my captor was, when he'd be back, or what day or time it was.
I was exhausted but couldn't sleep. I tried to scan my eyes around the dark room but I couldn't see anything but total and absolute darkness.
There was a click from outside and I heard the door start sliding before I seen anything. “Good morning, Harlow.”
I tried to reply but started coughing. My throat was raw and dry and I couldn't breathe from my nose but it hurt to breathe from my mouth. He flipped the light on and came quickly to me. He pulled the chair up and immediately began to untie me.
My brows furrowed in confusion but I noticed he left the door open so I stayed still for a bit. “Are you sick?” He asked, looking and sounding genuinely concerned. I answered him with trying to breathe from nose but it coming out as a cough. He put his hands on my face. “You're burning up.” He stated. He helped me up out of the chair and I immediately kneed him in the nuts.
He dropped to his knees and I beelined for the door. I slid through and turned left. I had no idea where I was going but I knew eventually I'd make it out. “Help!” I tried to scream but came out a whisper. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, my arms were dangling uselessly beside me, completely dead.
Just then I felt cold, metal teeth clamp into my ankle and I dropped to the ground. I couldn't scream but I tried to. Tears streamed down my face. I had no idea what I had done to piss off the Gods and deserve this but apparently I had done something awful. I tried to open the trap but there was too much weight behind it for someone who was hungry and dehydrated.
I looked up when I heard leaves crunch. It was him. I looked down in defeat as he approached me slowly. “That was NOT very nice of you, was it?” He demanded, putting his hands on the trap. I shook my head and sniffled. “Looks like you need my help. Are you going to be good and do as I say from now on?”
“Fuck you.” I whispered weakly.
“Wrong answer.” He growled out, kicking the trap, sending a jolt of pain around my ankle and up my leg. I threw myself back in agony as tears streamed down my face, my mouth agape in another attempt at screaming.
He opened the trap and swooped me up in his arms, carrying me back to...oh. It was a cabin. But the inside was completely reinforced with metal. No lights. No windows. No way out, except for a door with a padlock on the outside.
“I couldn't find you a decent bed but I brought you a couple blankets and a pillow.” He said, emotionless. I could tell he was upset with me. “Now I have to go back into town and get medical supplies. I will probably stay with you for the night too. To make sure your fever doesn't spike.” He sniffed, sat you down on the cold ground and went out the door for a split second and popped his head back in. “I'm getting the blankets. You try anything funny and I will let the wolves have at you.” I nodded and poked at my ankle. I hissed in pain. I studied it for a moment, noticing that the cut was deep enough to reveal bone. I threw my head to the side and started retching.
My captor came running back in. He put one hand on my back and started holding my hair with the other. What the hell was going on? Why was he being so nice today?
I wiped my mouth on my arm and he stood to throw blankets on the floor. “Lie down.” He didn't have to tell me twice. I laid on the blankets he covered me up. “I'm running to get some first aid supplies. I'll be back, okay?” I nodded, and he took off out the door as I fell into a deep sleep.
I was woken up some time later. “Hey. You okay?” My captor asked, concerned. I shook my head no and he was immediately uncovering me. He looked into my eyes. His we're beautiful when he was being scary. Now that they were full of worry, seemingly for my well being, they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. “One issue at a time, okay?” He said, as he took hold of my ankle. I whimpered and dug my nails into his arm. “Hey, it's okay. I'm just fixing you up, okay?” I nodded and watched as he poured water and witch hazel into a bowl and dipped a cloth in it. He looked at me and smiled a half smile. “This may burn, okay?” I nodded and kicked out with my other foot as soon as the burning contact was made. It ended up hitting him in the stomach and I flinched thinking I would be hit. The hit never came and I looked at him from under my lashes. “I'm sorry it hurts. I will go as fast as I can, okay?” I looked at him in confusion but nodded. I didn't know what his game was, but I didn't want any part of it. I just wanted to go home.
Tag List: @tephi101 @grungyblonde @filthyshieldmaiden @lol-haha-joke @supernaturalvikingwhore @jacksonroth @two-unbeatable-beaters @misskalonthelady @unic0rn-world @leslydeanna826
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Obsessive Tendencies
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A/N: Here is Chapter 5 of the collab fic i am doing with the amazing and wonderful and talented (i could continue on all day) @tephi101 enjoy my loves.
Warnings: torture, non consensual touching, cursing, angst, despair, mind games, mentions of stalking
Chapter 5
I sat up slowly on my makeshift pallet that my captor made for me. He was snoring softly and I glanced over at him. How could someone who looked so peaceful be such a monster? I slid away from him slowly, not wanting to be near him. My ankle burned and my throat was raw but my headache was gone. I used a tiny counter to get to my feet and almost dropped as the shooting pain went to my ankle. I bit my lip to keep from yelping out in pain.
I limped my way around the room looking for anything I could use as a weapon. There was nothing. I glanced at the door for a second and noticed...a cattle prod. He left it there. If I could only make it. I turned to look at him. He had rolled over and was facing the wall. I dropped to my hands and knees and crawled quickly over to it. I picked it up and crawled over to him, as silently as I could. As soon as it made contact with his body he grabbed ahold of it and jerked it from my hand. He sighed in anger and shot to his feet. His eyes bloodshot from just waking up. I fell to my ass and scooted backwards towards the door as he sauntered slowly in my direction.
“Well, well...we seemed to have failed that test now...haven't we?” He asked, a dark smirk appearing on his face. How could I have been so stupid? Of course he left it there on purpose. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?” He said in a demanding yet fearfully calm tone.
I felt the door against my back and knew there was nowhere else to go. My bottom lip quivered and I looked him in the eyes. “DO YOU?!” He yelled out, making me jump.
“I'm sorry.” I croaked out quickly.
He knelt down and licked his bottom lip. “Oh no. That's not going to fly this time. You're not sorry for betraying my trust. That was a pathetic attempt at getting out of your punishment. I know that. You know that. What do you REALLY have to say for yourself?”
I glared at him and mustered up enough bravery to say exactly what was on my mind. “You are a piece of shit. I'm not scared of you. You are a weak, little boy who gets his rocks off on hurting those smaller than him. What is it that you want? Huh? What do you get from all this?” My voice was cracking and shaky. I could probably play it off as my sore throat since it hadn't fully restored yet. It was still a bit whispery and I knew I sounded less than confident from that fact alone. He put a hand on my leg and started caressing it softly.
He was smiling as it traveled too far up for my liking, just enough to make me nervous and then back down. “Honesty. I like it. And you pretty much have me pegged don't you. Except for one thing. You were right about me getting off on your pain and the fact that you are a fighter. I will admit that. You know what else I get off on? The fact that one day, before this is all over, you'll be begging for me. I'm going to break you. I will be the only thing social in your life. You have nobody else. No friends. No family. Just me. And eventually...you are going to crave my company. Plead for it. And when that day comes it will be music to my ears.” I cocked my head to the side.
“Keep dreaming psycho.” I stated, watching his hand move.
“Oh, I almost forgot. I've been watching you for some time now. That little fire escape beside your bedroom window. I've been on that thing so many times. I have seen you with numerous lovers. So I know gentle touches like this, get you going. I also know that you like…” he grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked my head to the side before placing his mouth on my neck and kissing it softly. My skin started to tingle against my will and I jerked away. He laughed in my face and I glared at him. I felt like my privacy and myself had been violated. “Oh, and what you were wrong about.” He whispered in my ear. He started moving his hand up and down my leg again. “You may think me weak but who has the upper hand here?” He asked, as his hand traveled to my wounded ankle and pressed down with what I think was all his strength.
I opened my mouth to scream but no sound came out. Tears filled my eyes and then spilled over as I kicked back with my other leg, missing him completely. He stood, snatched me by my hair and drug me over to the pile of blankets on the floor. “Think about what you have said and done after I took care of you. You can't be trusted so I guess you will be okay for a couple days without me.” He said, smirking. He picked up all the medical supplies he brought and pulled all but one blanket out from under me. “Try to stay warm. It's supposed to get chilly these next few nights.”
I shook my head. “Please.”
“Please what?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I have no clothes. Please leave the blankets.” I sobbed. He looked at me and his features softened.
“I'm sorry but bad girls get punished. I'll see you in a couple days.” He said and started walking towards the door. I dropped my head and started crying, expecting him to just disappear out the door. He didn't. “Harlow?” I looked up, my eyes and cheeks wet with tears. “My name...is Hvitserk.” And with that he was out the door. I heard the lock click on the outside and his truck start. I wrapped the blanket around me and listened to the sound of it fade away. I was alone again. And he was right. I was already craving his company. I never was good at being alone. It made me anxious. What was I supposed to do now?
Tag list: @tephi101 @jacksonroth @unic0rn-world @captstefanbrandt @filthyshieldmaiden @supernaturalvikingwhore @lol-haha-joke @misskalonthelady @two-unbeatable-beaters @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 5 years
Collaboration Fic Announcement
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Hey my beautiful followers. The amazing @tephi101 and I are working on a collaboration fic about Modern Hvitserk and Ivar and I am very excited to start this adventure with her. The wonderful moodboard for this fic was made by her as well. Now without further ado:
Synopsis: Hvitserk and Ivar both kidnap two separate women named Harlow and Ella. They keep them separated and neither of the brother’s know that they each are sadistic and devious or what the other has done.
I will be writing chapter one and she will do chapter two and we will take turns after that. We will let you know who writes which and have links for the previous and following chapters on each new chapter. I hope you all enjoy this baby of ours. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
They Say You Only Get One Life
CollabxCrossover with @jacksonroth
She also made this beautiful mood board. Warnings: none this chapter
Read Ivar's POV here
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Chapter 2
Hvitserk's POV
Hvitserk woke up to an empty bed. He felt around for Ygritte for a moment before propping himself up on his elbows and looked around the room. He slowly stood, yesterday's battle practice weighing on his shoulders.
He walked into the kitchen, in only his trousers, resting loosely over his hips. He looked around. Breakfast was sitting on the table so he sat to eat. He picked up the dried fruit and took a bite, savoring it. Thank the Gods for Ygritte. She had left him some honey to dip it in and to put on his bread if he wanted to. There was a bowl of buttermilk on the table and he smiled as he plopped his sweetened bread down in it, letting it get soggy. He shoveled it into his mouth and then drank the milk down, wiping his mouth on his hand and rubbing it on his trousers.
He headed back to Ygritte's room and inhaled. She loved flowers, so the scent of them lingered around him. She was around them so much that she herself smelled like them, most of the time.
He slid his light tunic over his head followed by his leather vest and he sat on the edge of the bed to slip his sheepskin boots over his feet.
He headed outside and looked around Kattegat for his love.
He ran into his brother, Ivar on the way to the meadow that she often visited to pick flowers and fruit. He was sitting by the doorway of the Great Hall, finishing off a piece of salted pork and adjusting his braces.
“Have you seen Ygritte?” He asked him.
“She and her sister are training with Torvi. They want to be ready for when Ragnar goes to England.” Ivar explained, standing again and going to his brother's side. “Are you still going with Bjorn?” He asked.
Hvitserk sighed and leaned against the side of the great Hall. “I would love to see new things, yes. I also would love even more not to leave her side as she goes on this raid. She is a great shield maiden, yes. I still do not think she is ready to be without me to protect her.” He explained, crossing his arms over his chest.
In the distance he could hear the clang of metal against metal. He grabbed Ivar's neck and touched his forehead to his own.
Walking towards the sounds of battle practice he thought long and hard about what he wanted to do.
He enjoyed the scenery as he walked to the grounds where the shield maidens were practicing so he took his time. He noticed a beautiful patch of wildflowers and decided to pick a couple. He smelled all of them and chose two with the strongest aroma.
He smiled as he carried them and stopped to watch Ygritte fight. She and her sister were very good. Dodging blows, making great contact. Torvi came up from behind only to be stopped by the blade of her sword.
Torvi pointed in his direction and he immediately shoved the flowers behind his back. Ygritte smiled and walked up to him with the greatest of confidence.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, not able to hide her smile.
“I wanted to see you.” He said, holding the flowers out for her to inspect. They were both purple in color. The brightest purple she had ever seen. She looked at him with a smile. “Do you li…” She cut him off with her lips against his and her arms around his neck. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “They are the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!” She said, excitedly.
“They are pretty, yes. But you are the only beautiful thing I see here.” He stated.
She blushed and looked down at the flowers again. “Will you take them home and put them up for me?” She asked, delicately touching the petals.
“I will. I need something first.” He said, leaning down to kiss her again, this time a bit more passionately. “I love you with my whole heart, Ygritte.”
“I love you too, Hvitserk. I have loved you for so long I cannot picture my life without you in it.” She replied, putting the flowers to her nose.
“I will love you until my heart stops beating. Even then, it will still be yours. I will never leave your side. In this life or the next. Wherever we end up. Valhalla or Hel. I will be next to you. I am going on this raid to England with Ragnar. I do not wish to go with Bjorn anymore because you are not going. When we get back, I would love nothing more than for you to be my wife and start a family, immediately.” Ygritte's eyes welled up with tears as she looked at his face.
She stood on her toes to reach his face and kissed him again. She put a flower behind each of his ears and smiled. “Do you really mean that? Wanting to be with me as my husband?”
“More than anything else. You are my life. My heart beats for you.” He said, not being able to hide the fact that his eyes were starting to mist over as well.
“Then I will be here beside you, as your wife. For as long as we breathe, we will be together.” She said. She grabbed his hand and started pulling him away from the field and towards the direction he came. “Let us go home. I think they can handle this without me for one day.”
A flash of light brought Hvitserk to the dining hall where he sat across from Ivar and Sigurd, and beside Ubbe. It was him but he was very much younger.
Sigurd and Ivar were bickering back and forth. Ivar mocking him for his love of the Oud and Sigurd defending it and making jokes about Ivar's legs. Of course making Ivar so mad he just glared after that. Ubbe was talking to their mother who was of course at the head of the table. He was more interested in that conversation than his little brothers’ arguing.
“When is father coming home?” Ubbe asked.
His mother rubbed her temples and rolled her eyes. “I do not know, Ubbe. Eat your supper.”
Hvitserk stopped mid bite. “Mother, have you stopped loving father?” He asked, resulting in a kick under the table from Ubbe.
“Hvitserk, please just be quiet and finish your supper.” Aslaug snapped.
He took a sip of his weak beer. “I was only asking.” “Do you think father will want to know about Harbard?” Sigurd asked, with a hateful smile.
Aslaug stood and walked gracefully over to him. “You will learn to do as I say and be quiet and finish eating.” She said, squeezing his cheeks in one hand. She let him go and turned as he started rubbing his face where she had grabbed. Ivar smirked and stuck his tongue out at him. Aslaug walked into her bedroom to retire for the evening.
“Where are you going?” Ubbe asked Hvitserk as he stood up.
“Ivar and I are going for a walk.” Hvitserk said with a smile. “You coming with us?”
“It is too late for Ivar to be out. It will be winter soon and you know how his legs get in the cold. They get sore.” Sigurd taunted, in Ivar's direction.
“I want to go.” Ivar said, glaring into his brother’s eyes, shoving him out of his chair.
Sigurd got up with a huff and sulked off to his own room.
Hvitserk looked at Ivar with a mischievous smile. “What would you like to do?” He asked, sneaking the last couple sips of mead from Aslaug's cup.
Ubbe shook his head. “Sigurd is right. It is getting too cold for Ivar. Why not just stay in and play Hnefatafl?”
Ivar looked at Ubbe like he had grown another head. “I do not want to play Hnefatafl. I want to go with Hvitserk to play battle.” He growled out, hatefully.
Hvitserk could tell that his brothers treating the youngest like a cripple was getting to him. He grabbed his older brother by the arm band pulled him away from Ivar. “Ubbe, come with us. It is not too cold yet. I will put his furs on him.”
Ubbe shook his head. “Mother will be mad if you let him outside. The first solstice for winter has started.”
Hvitserk looked up at Ivar whose blue orbs glowed bright. He had a hopeful gleam in them.
“I am not going to continue to treat him as less than he is. You all can treat him like a cripple. I for one, am not.” He snapped, and pulled Ivar's wagon over to him. He threw a fur to line the bottom and then sat Ivar on top of it. He wrapped another one around him and went to the corner of the room to retrieve a little wooden sword for him to play with. It was old but still served its purpose. “Come on, Ivar.” He said, dragging the wagon towards the door.
Tagging: @tephi101 @grungyblonde @badwolf-in-the-impala @filthyshieldmaiden
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
I for some reason cannot add my moodboard or pictures or gifs to this chapter so I hope it is fine without visuals.
Warnings: Blood. Death. Torture. Angst.
Chapter 10: The Final Countdown
Ivar's POV:
The whole ride with Bjorn was silent and uncomfortable. He kept glancing at me in the rearview mirror. I had finally had enough and rolled over to go to sleep.
I woke up to him carrying me to bed and gently laying me down. I was very confused but too tired to care. I settled down into my bed and crashed again.
I don't know how long I slept or even how he got me here, but I woke up in our childhood hunting cabin. He had me strapped by my wrists to the table. My shirt was off and I had just my sweatpants on.
I lifted my head up to check out my wrists a little better and fought against them. I soon got dizzy and had to drop my head and close my eyes.
I woke up again to cold water splashing on me. I jumped and looked around, dazed.
"Oh. Good. You're awake." Bjorn teased.
I shot him a death glare. "Why are you doing this?"
"Because you killed Sigurd."
"No. There is more to it than that. You were never around to get to know us well. Always running off for months with your mommy." He punched me with that comment. "You say you got close with him after Porunn went crazy and killed Siggy but I do not believe you. That is no reason to kill your own brother." I stated.
He laughed dryly. "Then please, Ivar, tell me exactly the proper reason to kill your brother is. You know, since you are an expert." He seethed, pulling out a hatchet from his belt loop.
My eyes widened. "He treated me like a dog. He made fun of me, he bullied me, he went out of his way constantly to make sure I broke a bone. I fought back this time."
Bjorn's features softened for half a second and then I felt the skin of my forearm burning. I glanced down to see him filleting the meat off of my arm like he would a fish.
I pressed my lips together and refused to make any noise that might give him satisfaction. Until he got down closer to the bone. I let out a grunt. "Fuck you, Bjorn."
"Do you want to know why I'm doing this, Ivar? When you killed Sigurd, you killed my son." He said, through gritted teeth, peeling away at my arm meat.
I furrowed my brows in both pain and confusion. "WHAT?”
"Torvi cannot bear children. We asked Sigurd's girlfriend, Margrethe, to carry one for us. She and Sigurd both agreed. She was five months pregnant with MY CHILD WHEN SHE KILLED HERSELF DUE TO GRIEF!" He was screaming just centimeters away from my face. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT THAT DOES TO A MAN? LOSING BOTH KIDS?"
I flinched away a bit. "No."
"No." I said on the brink of tears.
"I didn't think so." He stated and held up all the meat he got from my forearm. "Good luck crawling around now." He mocked.
"IVAR!" I heard Hvitserk's voice yell as Bjorn was about to take the hatchet to my good arm.
He growled and smacked the hatchet into the table right beside my now dying arm. "I'll be right back." He said.
Hvitserk's POV:
I told Floki and Helga to stay in the car when we got to the cabin. I knew he would bring him here. We hadn't been here in years so nobody would suspect.
I opened the back door and crept in. I was still having a hard time breathing and I was limping bad but this needed to end.
I heard Bjorn yelling from the kitchen so I walked in that direction. I peeked around the corner to see Ivar strapped down, forearm covered in blood and Bjorn waving something in his face. When I realized what it was I had to run outside and puke. I wiped my mouth on my arm, spit and walked back to the door.
I put my hands around my mouth. "IVAR!"
I gasped and held my side. Fuck it hurt. I looked up to see Bjorn standing in the doorway, arms folded over his chest with a smirk on his face that said I was about to get fucked up.
I turned to run off of the porch. Then the pounding of feet behind me. Then the head in the spine. Then...the inevitable hard fall to the ground. Once my ribs made contact with the earth I started wheezing, trying to catch my breath.
All the weight suddenly was off of me as Bjorn toppled over beside me. "Goodnight." I heard Floki say with a giggle.
He hauled me up, brushed me off, and said, "Go get your brother and come on. That was a light dose." He said, pointing to a needle in Bjorn's neck.
Ivar's POV:
I moved my left arm, trying to get it lose when I heard footsteps coming my way. Fuck. I lifted my head up and started fighting against my restraints.
Gods give me strength to fight through this and live.
I saw Hvitserk fumble into the kitchen and drop to his knees. He was wheezing and he had old and new blood covering his mouth and hands. "Hvit?"
"I'm...kay." He gasped out. He used the counter to pull himself up and fumbled over to me. "Let's...get...y-you...h-ome."
He fought with my restraints for what seemed like an eternity. He got my right arm free and started to walk over to the left one.
"I-I c-can't let you d-do this Hvit-s-serk." My head shot up to see a beautiful, blonde, weeping woman pointing a gun at my brother.
Bjorn's POV:
I woke up on the ground outside of the cabin. Unexpected. But I could make it work. I looked around out of the corners of my eyes. There was a man and a woman standing a few feet away from me, whispering.
I bit my lip and silently stood up. I crept up behind the mysterious man and tapped his shoulder. When he turned around I head-butted him. He dropped and when the woman tried to flee I grabbed her by the hair and knocked her to the ground. I reached to the back of my pants and pulled out my pistol aiming it at who I am assuming was her boyfriend. I squatted over her legs and grabbed her cheeks roughly with my hand.
"Now...which one of you is going to retrieve Hvitserk for me?" I asked, laughing maniacally.
"I...I w-will."
"Helga no it's..."
"Floki...this was my idea. I will do it. And then I am going to laugh at this man when Hvitserk tears his head off."
Hvitserk's POV:
I let Helga keep the gun aimed at me. "I'm going to finish cutting Ivar free and then you and I are heading outside. I know he has Floki because that is the only reason you would do this after risking so much." She nodded.
I took the hatchet and got his left arm free. His legs were untied, probably due to him not being able to move them very well.
"I'm going to stall him as long as I can. Get out of here. Find Helga and Floki. They will be waiting for you."
"What about..." He started.
I put my forehead to my little brother's. "I'm not getting out of this alive. I've made peace with that. Now go."
I pulled away and put my hands up. As I was walking in front of Helga I heard a small "Hvit" and it reminded me so much of when we were kids.
We walked out and seen Bjorn sitting atop Floki's back with a gun pointed to his head.
"Well, hello little brother." He said, smirking and all but skipping up to me.
"Let them go. They aren't a part of this."
"On the contrary. You made them a part of this." He said, scratching his temple with the gun.
My face hardened. "Let them go, Bjorn." I demanded.
He sighed. "You really are no fun. Fine." He looked over me to Helga. " You heard him. Go. Before I change my mind."
Helga threw her gun down and ran to Floki. She ushered him up and into the car, stopping to look at me. "Go." She nodded and ran to the driver's side.
I didn't watch as they left. Just looked into Bjorn's eyes. "Put the gun down. We are finishing this the right way."
He smiled, dropped the gun and ran towards me. I limped at him and took the first punch. Then it turned into a drag out. Two brothers. Beating, scrapping, kicking and screaming.
Ivar's POV:
I dragged myself across the dusty cabin floor. I wrapped my arm as well as I could in a musty, old dish towel. It did nothing for the pain.
I had the hatchet in my belt loop and I was dead set on killing Bjorn. Hopefully, before he killed Hvitserk. I went unnoticed on the porch as I pulled myself up.
Ever so slowly, I grabbed the hatchet from my pants and took careful aim. I had a clear shot of Bjorn and I took it.
I threw the hatchet full force and smirked as I heard the sickening crunch as it lodged in his back. He stilled and I was no longer smirking.
Last minute, Bjorn had shifted himself and put Hvitserk right in the line of fire.
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" The Gods had to have heard me. They had to.
Syrus's POV:
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed, waking up from another vision.
I scrambled for my phone. I had to warn Ragnar. Of course, I couldn't find it. I felt around my whole nightstand. Nothing. I sat down, cradling my head in my hands and wept.
Hvitserk's POV:
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Bjorn demanded from the doorway.
@tephi101 @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Moodboard was made by tephi101 and for once all the pictures of an actual prison i do own. The rest i do not own but it'd be a lot cooler if i did.
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Warnings: Angst, depression, mentions of Alzheimer's
Chapter 4: Why?
Hvitserk's POV
Another day down. I sat up and blinked into the sunlight that the uncovered windows allowed to blind me every morning. I slipped my muscle shirt over my head and stood by the door that would be unlocked to send us to breakfast.
I heard a loud buzz and watched all the doors in C Block open. I don't know why I even bothered.
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An inmate, who they all called Horik, took my food almost every day. Except for egg day. Had it only been him, his neck would be broken and I'd eat right next to his body. But he had buddies. Really big buddies.
I made my way down the chained alley, and down the spiral staircase, also fenced in. We all shuffled single file to the cafeteria.
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I grabbed my tray and headed for my usual table. As always, breakfast was yesterday's dinner ground up and baked into a sickly looking loaf. I guess I should be thanking Horik for saving my taste buds and stomach. Although the one day a week we got eggs was just as gruesome. I'm fairly certain they started off as a powder and were mixed very well with outdated milk.
"LOAF!" Horik yelled, snagging the slice from my tray. 'Have at it buddy.' I thought, while trying not to gag when he chewed with his mouth open.
"LOTHBROK!" A guard yelled, coming my way, cuffs in hand.
I stood up. "Sir?" I asked, confusion covering my face. I hadn't done anything since my arguement with Halfdan and that was a month ago.
"You have visitors." He explained. "Place your wrists at your waist." I did as I was told and he slapped the cuffs on me, a bit too tight. "Follow me."
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We walked out of the cafeteria and down a long corridor until we got to some double doors. "These visits will be monitored from all angles. If they hand you anything, we will intercept. They are not to touch or hug you. An officer will be present but you will be allowed privacy. He will not listen to your conversation or interrupt you at any time, unless it gets out of hand. Do you understand these rules?" I nodded and he sighed, pointing to his shirt pocket. There was a voice recorder there. "Do you understand the rules, Mr. Lothbrok?"
With that he let me in and I immediately seen Ivar waving shyly. I smiled and ran to him with arms open, only to be stopped by an officer's arm. "No touching or hugging." I dropped my arms in defeat.
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We walked to a table and sat down. "Where's Ubbe?" I asked. "The guard said brothers."
"Oh. No. Bjorn is here. He wanted to visit with Halfdan for a few minutes."
I stiffened at his name but I played it cool in front of my brother. He never particularly liked Halfdan but he was close to his brother Harald. "How's things at home?"
"Father has been working more. Mother stays in her room, crying all day. Ubbe got married and moved out and Bjorn... Is... Different now. Oh. Uncle Syrus' Alzheimer's and hallucinations are getting worse, so he has moved into your old room."
I leaned back in my chair. "When was this?" I asked.
"Shortly after you got... Erm... Left." he reiterated.
I nodded. "Poor old man. Blind from birth and now he's losing the only thing he has left."
Just then the door opened and a guard brought Bjorn in. "Brother... Hvitserk." he said my name like it left a bad taste in his mouth.
I smirked. "Halfdan spoke to you about our friendly talk, I assume." I taunted.
Bjorn shot his head to Ivar, eyes blazing with fury. "Ivar," he said, trying to keep his cool. "Can you please leave us?"
"But... I..."
"NOW, BONELESS!" Bjorn shouted, inches from his face. Ivar had flinched away but the look in his eyes was nothing short of hatred.
"Bye, Hvit. I'll see you again, SOON." he made sure to enunciate as he slowly got up and edged his way to the door.
"So, Hvitserk, you think you can just threaten Halfdan and get away with it?" he asked me, once Ivar had closed the door behind him with a small click.
"Is that why you are here, Bjorn? To make sure your dog doesn't get put down?" I asked, making eye contact for the first time since he walked in on me hovering over Sigurd's lifeless body.
He set his jaw and I knew I had definitely struck a nerve.
"Why did you kill him?" He asked, breathing heavily, trying to remain calm.
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"Why do you care so much? Huh? You hardly knew us. You always ran off after father. Why after everything has Sigurd's death offended you so?"
"BECAUSE I'M SICK OF BETRAYAL! FIRST PORUNN GETS SICK AND KILLED MY DAUGHTER, PRECIOUS SIGGY! THEN SHE RUNS OFF! SIGURD TALKED ME INTO CALMING DOWN SO I WOULDN'T HURT MYSELF OR ANYONE ELSE! AND NOW... YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME TOO! MY BROTHER!" he shouted, on the brink of crying. I noticed the tears pooling in his eyes. I wanted so badly to be there for him. But, I knew as well as he, that I was still the villain here.
"I know he was there for you through your worst times. This is going to come as a major shock to you... But he deserved everything he got and then some. He was a piece of shit and only one of us kn..."
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I was cut off by a fist to the jaw and then guards started grabbing us quickly and pulling us away from one another.
The last thing I heard before the doors shut behind me was, "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE, HVIT! I FUCKING PROMISE YOU THAT!"
@tephi101 @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Mood board made by my beauty @tephi101 and pictures and gifs are not mine.
Chapter 9: The Truth
A/N: Hvitserk telling the story will be a flashback scene so I can go into better detail.
I woke up to yelling. Yelling like I had never heard before. I jumped up, not bothering to toss clothes on and immediately followed the sound. It was coming from Ivar's room.
I ran in to see what the commotion was about. Ivar was laying on the floor, red with rage. I'd never seen him that mad before. Sigurd was hovering over him, holding his crutches above his head and mocking him.
"Mother should see her little favorite now. Rolling on the floor like the little bitch he is. Margrethe told all of us that you are not a man. But a little boy." He laughed.
Ubbe stood in the corner not knowing what to say.
"Sigurd!" I yelled.
I clenched and unclenched my fists. "Put his crutches down and give him a chance to fair fight you. The only pussy I see here is you." I snapped.
He looked over at me, eyes rolling dramatically. "Stop babying him, Hvit. He needs to learn how to be a man and stick up for himself. Mommy's wittle baby."
Sigurd smirked and with full power, threw the crutches at Ivar's legs. He let out an agonized yell and I lunged towards Sigurd.
"Piece of shit!" I yelled. I drew back my fist and Ubbe grabbed it, shaking his head.
I shot him a glare and he dropped my hand, backing away, arms up. I stood and stalked towards him, staring him down.
I heard the scuffle behind me and then seen Ubbe's eyes go wide in panic. "Ivar...IVAR!"
I bit my lip and crawled over to my little brother, gingerly placing my hand on the knife. "Ivar. He is dead. Stop." I whispered.
He started crying and put his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry. I couldn't control it anymore."
I turned to see Ivar plunging a knife into Sigurd's sternum. My mouth dropped and so did I, to my knees. Ivar repeatedly stabbed him in the torso while screaming his head off in anger. Blood splashing his face.
I shushed him and put the knife beside me. "Go get in the shower. Change clothes. When everyone sleeps, burn these." I said, pulling him into a hug.
"Go Ivar. Ubbe, carry him to the bathroom so he doesn't drag blood across the floor. Change your clothes too."
Ubbe nodded numbly and grabbed Ivar and took him away.
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"Shit. Shit. Shit." I muttered. I pressed myself against Sigurd's lifeless body, covering myself in his blood. I wiped my hands down my face and stood up slowly.
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"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" Bjorn demanded from the doorway.
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My lip quivered as I turned around to face him. As a murderer. "What needed to be done."
@tephi101 @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Moodboard made by my beautiful friend @tephi101. Gifs/pictures are not mine.
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Warnings: Angst, man tears
Chapter 7: Escape Plan
Hvitserk's POV
After Bjorn left, forcefully taking my baby brother with him, I knew I had to get out of this place to save him.
Like a Valkryte from Valhalla came a beautiful blonde woman into my room.
"Hello." she said with a smile. "I'm Helga and I am your nurse. I'm glad to see you are awake this time."
"Helga... I need your help." I pleaded. "Please, he's going to kill him." I started ripping the wires from my chest, signalling a flatline.
"What are you talking about?" she asked, concern in her eyes and her hand flying to her pocket.
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My eyes followed her hand and watched as she slowly pulled out a syringe. "No! I don't need drugs!" I yelled, running at her and pinning her to the wall by her wrists. "My oldest brother, Bjorn. He has found out. He is going to kill my brother. Now please just help me get out of this hell hole! I need to get home!"
"Pl-please c-calm down." She stammered, petrified.
Just then a balding man with a very angry look in his eyes came in. "Get your hands off of my wife." he demanded. I jumped back immediately. "Helga? What's going on?"
"Please, sir I n..."
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"Was I talking to you, boy?" he snapped? He turned back to Helga. "Helga?"
"Floki, this young man needs our help." she explained. "He seems emotionally distraught and is worried for his brother's safety. Everything else was a mess but he needs our help getting home."
The man, Floki, turned to me quickly, startling me. "Tell me what's happened."
"Please, sir, if you get me out of here, I promise to tell you the whole story on the hour ride home. I promise. Please, just help me save my brother." I felt tears stinging the back of my eyes.
"Okay." he said after what seemed like hours. "But...do not lie to me. And do not do anything stupid. Helga trusts you. This means I trust you. Do NOT make me regret it." he said somewhat threatening. I nodded rapidly.
"How are we to get him out of here? They will not transport him unless it is life or death and then it has to be in an ambulance."
Floki looked at me with a huge grin and let out a goofy giggle. He exaggerated hand movements quite a bit and I only just noticed. "I know exactly what we are going to do."
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"I'm listening..." I said.
@tephi101 @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Moodboard made by the lovely @tephi101. Pictures/gifs used are not mine.
Warnings: Angst
A/N: it's been a while I know and I'm sorry. I've had a few things happen and I took a break for a bit but here is chapter 6 and thank you for your patience.
Chapter 6: It's Time To Go
Ivar's POV
I jumped to my father yelling at me whilst shaking me. I rubbed my red rimmed eyes. "What has happened?" I demanded, throwing on a shirt.
"Ivar! Ivar, wake up! There has been an accident."
"There was a fire. Hvitserk..." his voice broke. "We are all going to see him. Come on."
My heart dropped to my stomach. My brother...was he going to make it?
I threw my arms into my crutches and made it out of my room faster than I ever had. Sigurd would have been proud.
"Uncle Syrus, would you like to visit Hvitserk with us?" Father asked, with a hand on his shoulder.
"Hvitserk? Hvitserk is innocent."
I bit my lip. "No, Uncle Syrus. Hvitserk is hurt." I mumbled.
Something in him snapped. "INNOCENT! INNOCENT! INNOCENT!" he screamed, smacking the table.
Ubbe smacked me in the head. "Quit arguing with the old fool." he stated.
Father came out of the sitting room shaking his head. "Your mother isn't going. She can stay with Uncle Syrus."
Bjorn came out of the bathroom smirking. "I'll drive then." he said. Ubbe flung me onto his back as if I weighed nothing and walked out to the car. He tossed me into the back and got in beside me.
"Say nothing. Pretend to sleep. I know you feel guilty but this would be you and you'd probably be dead had he not taken your place." Ubbe demanded, before falling silent when Bjorn and father got in.
An hour later we pulled into the prison's parking lot. It looked eerie in the dark. Haunted even.
I slowly followed behind our group, dread filling me full. I couldn't imagine the shape my brother was in and it was eating at my conscience.
We signed in and followed the guard to the infirmary. Only one of us at a time were allowed. Father, Bjorn, Ubbe and then I, as always, was last.
"Ivar?" I heard my brother rasp out.
I walked in and gasped. His right arm donned a bandage, he had oxygen on, his heart monitor was beeping in the horrible silence. I limped to his bed, my crutches clicking loudly. I sat in the chair and dropped my head on Hvitserk's bed beside him. I broke down. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
My head shot up. "Hvit? Hvit, are you okay?"
"I-I'm going to die in here, Ivar." he said matter-of-factly, accepting his fate.
"No you aren't. Don't talk like that. I'm going to tell the truth. I should be laying here. Not you. This is wrong. All wrong."
"Don't. Don't you do that to yourself. Sigurd...he got what was coming to him. Yes he was our brother but...dammit he was a dick. You are not going to throw your life away to rot in prison. Halfdan would have you in a minute. I'm not going to allow that."
"But you..."
"But I'm nothing. I've accepted the responsibility as a big brother should. You just go. Go to school like you wanted."
He laughed and started to cough. Bad. I got up and poured him a glass of water. He took it with a shaky hand and took a couple sips.
"Who did this, Hvitserk?" I asked.
I let out a dry laugh. "Yeah pursue a job in Criminology now." I said, sarcastically.
"It does not matter. What matters is..."
He was cut off by Bjorn clearing his throat. All the blood left my face. How long had he been standing there? What all did he hear?
Hvitserk caught on. "Bjorn... Bjorn... Please." he pleaded.
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"Ivar...it's time to go." His eyes were lifeless and I knew that he had double meaning to his words.
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"Shut the fuck up, Hvitserk. You'll get yours for sure. I'll make sure of that." he said, coming in to grab my arm and drag me out of the room.
@grungyblonde @tephi101
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Moodboard made by tephi101. One or two pictures are mine. The rest are not.
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Warnings: much angst, graphic character death, torture, lots of cussing
A/N: I put in earlier warnings about a suicidal character. This was the chapter but i have gone another way with it. This chapter is loosely based on true events.
Chapter 5: Athelstan
Recreation time. The one or two hours a day we are allowed outside. I sat on a bench alone and enjoyed a breeze while reading a book. A shadow was cast down and I looked up.
"Nice bruise." A man I have never seen before said.
"It doesn't feel nice. Who are you?" I asked him, suspiciously. I looked around and noticed Halfdan looking our way before he looked up and away.
"I'm Athelstan."
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"Oh." I said, going back to my book. He sat down next to me and I closed my book with a sigh. "How can I help you Athelstan?" I asked, sarcastically.
"Well..." he said and paused.
It took me a minute to realize he wanted my name. "Hvitserk."
"Well, Hvitserk. I have been in solitary confinement for quite some time and I wanted some social interaction." he explained.
I gave a slight chuckle. "Well, you are barking up the wrong tree buddy. I'm not a very social person. I killed my brother, you know." I told him bluntly, hoping he'd go away.
"What did he do to deserve it?"
The question had taken me aback. Nobody had asked if he deserved it. Only why I did it. And I couldn't tell them without throwing Ivar under the bus.
"It's a long story." I muttered. "Why were you in solitay confinement?"
He smiled. "It's a long story."
"Athelstan! Parole meeting! Let's go!" A guard shouted.
"Well, Hvitserk, it's been nice chatting with you. I hope I never see you in this shithole again." he said.
I waved at him. He just got out of solitary. Something told me the board was not letting him out just yet. I opened my book again and continued on.
When the bell rang to head back inside, I was knocked to the ground, back first, knocking all the air from my lungs. I opened my eyes and was immediately met with a shoe to my cheek. I covered my face with my arms to protect myself. Then I curled up in the fetal position as i felt multiple feet hit me. Ribs. Head. Back. Stomach. Six feet. Three people. I braced myself to scramble up but a shoe met my spine and I dropped back down with a groan.
After what seemed like an eternity they either grew bored or tired and left me laying there. I stayes there for a few minutes before a guard hauled me to my feet. It was the same one who let Halfdan into my cell. I swished blood around and spit it, along with a molar onto the ground. "Thank you officer." I said, sarcastically with a salute.
"Shut up, boy. At least you're alive." he snapped.
"Halle-fucking-lujah!" I groaned, putting an arm around my stomach and left side.
"I'm taking you to the infirmary and..."
"No. Just take me to my cell. And bring my dinner there. I won't want to get up once I lay down." I told him.
"You need..."
"Oh fuck off with what I need. You don't give two shits about me or you would've done your job instead of letting Halfabrain jump me with his groupies." I was starting to get brave here. Back home I was submissive to all authority. Here, that would get me killed.
"You're right. I could give two shits." He said, shoving me back to the ground, roughly. He pressed his boot to my throat and I clawed at his ankle aa he applied more weight to it. "I'm going to give him the key to your cell at night and watch him make you his bitch if you EVER talk like that to me again, you little shit." He spit on my face and lifted his boot, kicking me before he headed back into the building.
Dinner time rolled around and I was laying on my stomach in bed. Everyone else had gone but I was trying to get my aching body to relax and hopefully catch some sleep, but anytime I moved it stung and I hissed in pain.
I heard something slide across my floor and lifted my head a little. My dinner. A bologna sandwich and a bottle of water. The guard turned quickly and headed away whistling. I sat up ever so slowly and bent down to grab my food when I heard what sounded like water splashing. After a couple seconds I heard a whoosh. After that, silence for roughly twenty seconds. Then came the blood curdling scream.
"Help me!" That was Athelstan. I only talked to him for a moment but he had a distinct voice.
"Please!" He screamed again.
I smelled the smoke before I seen it. "Oh shit! Oh shit! Athelstan!"
"Hvitserk! Help me! Please! My cell!" I ran to the bars as a guard strolled past.
I grabbed his sleeve and pulled on him. "Are you fucking blind? Help him! Let him out!" I pleaded.
I looked over when I spotted movement out of the corner of my eye. Athelstan's arms shot out of the bars, trying to grasp anything to help him.
A sadistic laugh came from the mouth of the guard. A laugh that made my blood run cold. He jerked out of my grip and turned his head to face me. Halfdan's crazy gleam and beeming smile greeted me. "N-no!" I choked out.
"As I walk...AAAAGH" Athelstan started before he started screaming and choking on the smoke that was burning my eyes. He started screaming again and I wanted cover my ears. I had never heard a sound that sickening before. The smell of burning flesh assaulted my noae and I started heaving.
I regained my composure and ran my arms through the bars to hit Halfdan. "Sick fuck!" I screamed. He grabbed me and smiled wickedly. He looked at Athelstan who was gasping for air. He couldn't even scream anymore. Faster than I could react, he put my arm against the hot metal of the burning cell. He pulled it as far as it would go, popping it out of socket, and running it over the bars, immediately scalding my forearm. I cried out in pain. "Fuck! Halfdan! Please! Stop it!"
I'd never felt pain like this before. My body was completely flush with my door. The skin on my arm melting to the metal of Athelstan's. "FUCK YOU!" I cried out. Smoke burnt my nose, throat, and lungs and i was breathing heavily.
Athelstan had long stopped breathing by the time Halfdan let my arm go. I dropped to the floor, crying.
"Remember young Lothbrok. Remember this moment the next time you try to make friends in this place." He laughed and turned to leave.
Athelstan wasn't even my friend. I didn't even know him but I do know he didn't deserve to die this way. I screamed at the top of my burning lungs. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU HALFDAN BLACK!"
He turned to look at me over his shoulder. "It's Halfdan THE Black." He stated and walked out of my sight.
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I scampered to the back of my cell and cradled my arm, coughing. Guards ran seemingly in slow motion while I sat there consumed in guilt. The last thing I remember before my world went dark was rocking myself back and forth muttering Athelstan's name.
@tephi101 @grungyblonde
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
You're Lucky I'm So Nice
Warnings: Grown woman shit, daddy kink, spanking, orgasm denial, cussing
This was requested by my babe @filthyshieldmaiden I hope you love it dear. 😘😘 (Picture is not mine but oh how I wish it was.)
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"Come on, Hvitserk!" You begged. "All you ever want to do anymore is play that damn game!" You whined, plopping on the couch beside him.
"Babe, we have a serious kill streak going on right now and I don't want to lose it." He said. "Yeah! Ivar going in with the sneak attack!"
You glared at him for ignoring you when your mind hit you with an idea and you smirked. You casually got up and walked past him stopping at the TV to pull all the plugs from the wall. You ran down the hallway to the bathroom and locked yourself in. Holding up three fingers and slowly putting them down, he came pounding on the door after the third one.
"Y/N! OPEN THE DOOR!" You mocked at him.
"I'm serious!"
"I'm serious!" You giggled.
"You're being such a brat!"
That got another giggle from you.
"Do you know what brats get?"
"Yes, Hvitserk. I do. All too well." Knowing that'd get a rise out of him. You bit your lip with a smile, knowing that you had won.
"Unlock this door!"
He grunted in frustration. "Fine! Then I'm taking the door down!"
"You're bluffing!"
He let out a chuckle and then you heard his footsteps walk away so you open the door and peaked down the hallway and tiptoed to your bedroom.
He grabbed you from behind the door and held you close. "I can't believe you fell for that." He whispered, licking the shell of your ear.
You shuddered and he started walking his way to the bed, dragging you along with him with ease.
Sitting down he bent you over his knees. "What do brats get?"
"S-spanked." You stammered, not being able to hide your arousal.
He slid your shorts down and spanked you hard and rapidly twice.
"Mmm." You let out.
"What do brats get?" He asked, rubbing a hand where he had struck you.
"Spanked, daddy."
"That's better. Now you are going to take this punishment and then I'm going to fuck that bratty, little mouth of yours. Do you understand?"
"Yes daddy."
He smacked you on the ass, rotating cheeks five times before he felt your arousal through his sweatpants.
"Look at me." He said, softly. Your eyes met his and he leaned down to kiss you softly and smacked you one last time. You moaned against his lips and he pulled away.
He pulled his dick from his sweatpants and grabbed a fistful of your hair, guiding you to it.
You immediately sucked him down, hollowing out your cheeks, making sure to moan around him.
He reached back with his free hand and slid two fingers into your slick folds and pumped quickly, resulting in you to pop off of him to let out a moan. Sighing he pulled his fingers from you. "I didn't say that you could stop did I?" He asked, before sucking on his fingers.
Your lip quivered and you shook your head. You put him back in your mouth, swirling around the head of him, licking up all the precum.
He threw his head back and gripped your hair tighter. He thrusted into your mouth, making you gag. He stopped, holding position for a moment longer and then moved your head up to breathe.
"Shit." He hissed out, when you immediately started back up and let your teeth scrape against his shaft. You hummed against him and he moaned as he shot his seed down your throat, holding position again until you swallowed it all.
He let you go and fell back onto the bed spent while you sat beside him, fidgeting. He knew you wanted a release to so he slid to the floor on his knees in front of you, tucking himself into his pants.
"I suppose you think you deserve to cum." Hvitserk said, rubbing your clit and kissing your inner thigh lightly.
"Y-yes, d-d-daddy." You said, throwing back your head.
"Mmhm. And how bad do you want it?"
"Please. Badly. I need it. Please." You begged him.
"Are you sorry for being a brat and shutting my game off?"
"Yes, daddy. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've never been more sorry for anything in my whole life."
He chuckled and removed his hand, making you whimper and stick out your bottom lip. "I don't think you deserve it." He said, standing up and heading for the door.
"Hvitserk!" You whined out, sticking out your bottom lip.
Hvitserk whirled around and smirked in the doorway. "By the way, I was watching a YouTube video just to see how long it would take you to pull your inner brat out. You beat the time I thought. Now, be a good little girl and get yourself off for me. I'm going to make you dinner. I love you and you're lucky I'm so nice." And with that, he left the room leaving you to your own devices.
"Son of a bitch." You muttered while rummaging in your side table for your vibrator.
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Moodboard made by my love @tephi101 and as always I do not own the gifs/pictures.
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A/N: I orginally planned to make this strictly Hvitserk's POV but I changed my mind to make the story more sensible.
Chapter 3: Back Home
Ivar's POV
Another sleepless night. Hvitserk had been locked up for a month now and it still wasn't any easier. Nobody would take me to see him. It's like they had all given up on his existence. I finally understood why he took my place. He didn't want me to be treated any worse than I already was. Hell, I was already a cripple. Imagine a psycho one. Who knows what they would do to me if they had known that I and I alone, killed Sigurd. Loved by only my mother and Hvitserk. Ubbe only kept quiet for him.
I slid my legs slowly off my bed, grabbed my crutches, and hobbled my way out of my room. What would have taken a normal man no time to get down the hallway, through the kitchen, and out to the porch; took me approximately seventeen minutes and forty-five seconds. I know because of Sigurd and his Goddamned stop watch.
"What's taking you so long, cripple? Imagine mummy's tits at the end. Bet you'd run for some breastmilk, wouldn't you?" I heard him taunting in my head.
The exertion from moving my dead legs, slowly, towards the door was starting to make me sweat. "Shut up!" I yelled to nobody.
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"You are at the fourteen mimute marker! Go, Boneless, go!"
"SHUT UP!" I yelled and whirled around too quickly. I fell to the floor with a groan. I gritted my teeth and crawled the rest of the way out.
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"Who're you yelling at?" Bjorn asked, watching the cherry of a cigarette slowly burn.
I licked my lips nervously. "I see we had the same idea." I said, grabbing up and pulling myself up on the railing. "May I have one?"
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Bjorn looked at me with an arched brow, wondering if I was serious, no doubt. I held out my hand and nodded so he put his pack on my palm.
"So," I asked, lighting one up. "What are you doing out here at three a.m.?"
My older brother sighed. "Thinking."
I rolled my eyes. "Would you miss any of us like you miss him?"
"I am your big brother. Of course I would." He said, taking a short puff to keep from being hateful.
"And if Sigurd had killed me?" I took a long drag.
"He wouldn't do that. He was too soft. Not a mean bone in his body to do such things to his brothers. But I, of course, thought Hvitserk was also kind. The question is, Boneless..."
I cringed at the nickname given to me at birth that I thought would have followed Sigurd to his grave.
"Are you ready?" He finished, throwing his butt out into the yard.
"Ready for what?" I asked, taking a final drag before doing the same.
"Ready to go see our brother." Something was off. I could tell.
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@grungyblonde @tephi101
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fucktgisshitok-blog · 6 years
Guilty Until Proven Innocent (Hvitserk!AU)
Moodboard was made by the incredible @tephi101 and I couldn't have asked for a better one to go with this story. Thank you and i love you. (also the gifs and pictures in story i got from google)
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Warnings: angst, character death, depression and a suicidal character later on.
Chapter 1: Guilty
"I hereby declare the defendant, guilty for the murder of Sigurd Lothbrok. Sentenced to twelve and a half years at the Attica Correctional Facility for first offense voluntary manslaughter."
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I nodded to the judge. Guilty. I knew it would happen. That's how I pled. I turned to look at my family one last time before exiting. I winked at Ivar who immediately looked down at his shoes. As I followed the bailiff all that ran through my mind was their faces. My mom, crying because she lost two sons in the past month. My father had a look of both fear and disappointment adorning his face. Ubbe looked sick. He knew the truth. He knew who should really be up here. I knew I had a duty to protect my kid brother. Ivar looking down so nobody would see him cry is how I left him. But Bjorn, the closest to Sigurd... He was fuming. I knew that his friend Halfdan was still serving time at Rikers Island... Where I was to serve my first five months of my sentence. I also knew that my life was going to be Hell for that five months. Bjorn didn't know or even need to know the truth.
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I was put in the back of a transport van and my ankle cuffs were shackled to a hook on the floor. What I wouldn't do for a cigarette right now. I chuckled sadistically to myself. I guess I shouldn't think that right before I head to prison.
An old man sat diagonally from me. Shades on. Hand on his gun. He had a hard look about him. Probably because we were on two opposite sides here. The law... And the criminal. I slouched and looked at my feet. His intense gaze made me nervous.
"What's your name, son?" He asked after a long and heavy silence.
I looked up with my head cocked to the left. "Hvitserk Lothbrok." I stated simply.
"That's a weird name where I am from. I'm Alan." he retorted, tapping his finger on his gun, drawing my eyes to his hip, nervously.
I had no idea why he was wasting time talking to me. I'd never see him again after this day. "Well, Alan is a weird name where I am from, sir." I stated matter of factly.
"Touché." He removed his shades and stared at me intently. "So, Hvitserk Lothbrok...are you guilty?"
A simple yes or no answer would have sufficed but I didn't answer. At least not right away. I fixed my pants, leaned against the cold metal wall of the van and closed my eyes. "That's how i pled, sir." I said, before clamming up the rest of the ride.
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@grungyblonde @tephi101
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