#hws nyo liechtenstein
eveistdiepommes · 7 months
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I doodled him in the outfit I’m wearing today! Another outfit doodle yes :)
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billowingangel · 3 months
Hetalia Characters as Ways People Failed Job Interviews
I watched Matt Rose's video "How to Blow a Job Interview" - All screenshots are from that YouTube video
23 more characters below the cut (and 1 is repeated twice)
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I thought this was a bit funny ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also watch Matt Rose he's funny
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nalidyne · 1 year
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Rough Cardverse concepts,,,,
I had these planned out for so long but never got around to actually put everything on paper 🫠
I’ll eventually make full illustrations but I needed to get these out of my mind now—
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hetalvetia · 11 months
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the girls !!
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temnayajija · 1 year
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askcardsuits · 1 year
Who is married married and who is politically married?
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hetalia-club · 2 months
Targaryen Family Tree
This is only immediate family.
House Targaryen
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Quick Relationships Rundown
You will noticed the bastard down at the bottom. That's like this whole thing.... I'll tell you about it in the Stark tree.
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rosenmadchen · 5 months
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little art dump
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taubenlord · 3 months
Nyo! Neutral Siblings💕
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satwsweden · 1 year
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these stupid rich kids stuck in my brain
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kitratre · 1 year
Nyo!Liechtenstein x Czech please
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They're on a date night.
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cherukukila · 2 months
My Hetalia Ships
As I am having a small writer's block, I thought why not clear up my thoughts by sharing some of my personal favorite Hetalia ships!!
My favorite ship currently is EngFin (England x Nyo! Finland, specifically). I don't know how it came to be my favorite, but I really enjoy the dynamics of this ship!
2. My second favorite is PortPan. It was my favorite for a while, and I still like it in any setting or any kind of relationship, even if it's a brotherly one. I just really like the history and dynamic!
3. ItaBela (North Italy x Belarus to be exact) has always held a special place in my heart. It's what got my friend into the fandom when we started roleplaying together.
4. BelaPan (Belarus x Japan) was my first every Hetalia ship, so it will always hold a place in my heart.
5. FinIre (Finland x Ireland) is another ship I really like! Of course, I ship Finland with my Ireland OC, but I still like it.
6. PanLiech (Japan x Liechtenstein) was my second Hetalia ship I roleplayed with, and I really adored this ship for a long time! I still really like it and I hope one day to roleplay it again!
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my-hetalia-academia · 11 months
Oct. 28 Prompt: poisoned | coughing up blood | bleeding out
Character(s): Portugal (Amaro Vincente/Poisono), 2P Liechtenstein (Idda Vogel/Biola), Nyo Denmark (Matilde Winther)
Amaro Vincente. Portuguese villain who happens to have a gas quirk. Last thing he’d needed at the moment was for a knife to be held to his neck. Green eyes glance down to see a smaller woman with short black hair and deep blue eyes. Well, isn’t this great. It’s villainess Biola, real name Idda Vogel.
“Biola,” Amaro said. “Poisono,” Idda said. “You owe me something that you haven’t quite returned yet.” “I don’t recall,” Amaro said. The knife was pressed into his skin, a tiny bit of blood making it onto the weapon. “Don’t make me use my quirk on you. You know what I can do,” Idda said. “And you know what mine is,” Amaro countered. “What is it you want? Money? You can get that yourself, you know. What with that brother of yours.” “No. I need a distraction,” Idda said. “My target is one of the hero students. I’m not going to find them without it. No way in hell am I asking the lightning horse duo.” Amaro huffed. “Fine. But you better let me know when you’ve taken care of them.”
Yet here Amaro is, hidden in the school after him and Idda somehow managed to sneak into Fortuna Academy. A gas seemed to seep out from his body. One that would put others to sleep and keep them that way until the toxin is treated. Unless someone were to have, say, a gas mask or something protecting their face. Which is how he ended up with a first year student standing there staring at him. She seems to have something covering her mouth and nose. Are those plants? He didn’t quite see what she looked like before a couple roots launched themselves at his shoulders and forehead.
The last thing Amaro felt before passing out was what felt like arms wrapping around him.
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mustela28nivalis · 6 months
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yosefcandraw · 1 year
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Some of the Hetalia girls and my headcannoned names for them!!
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Which character would you like to see the playlist for next?
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