#hxh embark
peevishpants · 2 years
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And it's lights out and away we go, folks, right here from Whale Island!
Drawn as a location spread for @hxhtravelzine! Aftersales are open if you'd like to grab something from the project ^v^
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hxhtravelzine · 2 years
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We’re excited to announce that after sales are open! There’s limited stock available, open whilst stock lasts. Grab your copy now! 
Introducing individual merch available to be purchased and a new merch only Airport bundle for anyone who is interested in just the merch! 😍 
🛫Store: bitly.com/AsteriskZines
Embark is a Hunter x Hunter zine themed around travel, memories and the journey of the HxH characters and the fun they had exploring the world! 🌎
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I was scrolling through the hunter x hunter tag and came across your post about Gon's morality and character. I really enjoyed it! It definitely gave me a new perspective to consider as I embark on the journey of watching 99.
Aw, thank you for letting me know! It feels like I wrote that ages ago. If I’m thinking of the right post, I gave it a reread bc of you and I think it holds up pretty well! To be honest I haven’t rewatched hxh in awhile so I can’t speak to a more current opinion on that essay, but I do think the way people interact with fiction and morality is constantly evolving, especially in fandom discourse. Hxh is one of the greats because it’s one of those works you can keep coming back to and getting something new out of it every time!
When a character like Gon is introduced as the moral paragon of the work - again, like Naruto, and Goku (though Goku’s case is very interesting because he actually does fuck up in his own narrative and to this day gets hate for it despite that moment significantly humanizing him; ironically similar to what happened to Gon) - it usually functions as an indicator that this is who the audience is supposed to root for. So when eventually we realize that Gon is no longer that person we met at the start of the story - is in fact almost unrecognizable - there’s a natural sense of betrayal. Sort of like, “Hey, did I ever really know you at all?” And when that feeling of audience betrayal stems from the protagonist, well, there’s probably going to be strong reactions. I think that sudden sense of disconnect and moral discomfort is what causes many to suddenly decide that Gon was a horrible person all along - e.g. he’s a user, he never thinks about Killua, etc - instead of taking a step back to see the ways in which he was changed by the narrative and setting itself. Gon’s character is probably uncomfortably familiar to many of us: we start out young and kind and idealistic, until, at some point in our lives, that sort of optimism fades and eventually we make a choice - any choice, just one we regret - that makes us realize we’re a different person than we thought we were.
Gon is super fascinating as a protagonist, so I think it’s a bit silly when people try to categorize him (and other characters in hxh) as purely good guys or bad guys when Togashi clearly put so much work into humanizing them. Almost everyone in hxh has an ever-changing set of values and goals, and Gon is no exception. It’s just rare that we see a character arc go in such a negative direction, especially one as slow (and then later explosive) as Gon’s downward spiral. Started from the top, now we’re here.
On another note, if you haven’t seen Dragon Ball, I’d encourage you to check it out! The ways in which HxH draws from and subverts DB (especially the first tournament of DB as well as Goku’s character itself) is super fascinating. Whenever I catch something it’s always sort of an ‘ah-ha!’ moment, and heightens my enjoyment of both shows :)
Okay, this reply is probably way too long. Anyway, thank you for getting me to talk about hxh again! Please enjoy the wonderful adaptation that is 1999 😊
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mysandwichranaway · 2 years
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branav · 1 month
I don't know how I came up with this, or how many other people came up with this, but I realized that Departure (the opening theme for Hunter x Hunter) actually matches up perfectly with the themes and events in The Owl House.
Here's the translation (courtesy of animelyrics.com) and some color commentary:
"You're awakening as you tread the earth. Lead us out with an angelic smile!"
Luz steps into a new world, infecting everyone she meets with her positivity.
"Even when you're alone, you're not on your own. Your birth definitely has significance."
She makes friends and finds her worth on the Boiling Isles.
"Thank you, Earth, Brimming with gentleness."
"Earth" here being the Titan, always being there to lend Luz a hand (or glyph). This line is only in the full version of the song by Masatoshi Ono, but it fit so well I just had to include it.
"You can smile again. Bask in the sun. You can fly away. The world is waiting for you to shine."
The world is definitely waiting for Luz to shine. She turns out to be the key to saving the isles from Belos.
"You're awakening as you tread the earth. Lead us out with an angelic smile! (You can smile!)"
Just the refrain again, nothing to see here.
"It's never too late to start. Get up again and again!"
Luz coming to the isles was a sort of 'restart' not just for her, as she embarked on her character arc, but also for everyone she met along the way. In the end, it was never to late for any of them to start on their journey.
Even the second verse lines up surprisingly well:
"We won't give up till the very end. Continuing on definitely has significance."
Season 2 of the Owl House is where the plot thickens significantly. It marks the point where Luz's determination is tested harder than ever before.
"You just try again. Escape the darkness. You just go away. The future is always waiting for us."
Mirrors the transition to season 3 almost uncannily
"Dash through the heavens and cross the oceans. Catch the angel's air kiss! (You can try!) Tomorrow, let's fly out to a world That nobody has seen yet."
Between S2 E1 with the Selkiedomus and the Titan trapper island and even S3 E1, this line fits pretty well too.
"You're awakening as you tread the earth. Lead us out with an angelic smile."
Just the refrain again.
"Let's set out on a never-ending adventure. As long as we want, wherever we want."
This one admittedly doesn't fit with many of the themes of the story if you're comparing them chronologically (as I am), but I guess it fits with Luz's desire to go on a neverending adventure at the beginning of the series? I dunno.
"You're turning the tears running down your cheeks into courage. Spread your angelic wings and soar! (You can fly!) Wrap up your sadness and pain, And get stronger tomorrow."
The alternate chorus that was used in version 2 of the HxH intro. Moving past her sadness and pain and becoming stronger in order to finally save the day is really Luz's story in season 3 (or I'm misreading it entirely, which is possible for the reason of I am dumb).
"You're awakening as you tread the earth. Lead us out with an angelic smile! (You can smile!) It's never too late to start. Again and again! (You can try!) Again and again! (You can try!) Get up again and again!"
And with one final refrain, the song ends, having unconsciously summarized the themes of a completely unrelated show from a different country that would not air for another nine years.
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arclascl · 2 years
Download hunter x hunter 2011 all episodes
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Sometimes, these shifts in tone occur after an arc ends though other times, it even occurs mid-arc.
Not only that, the series is also able to undergo significant tonal shifts with ease (light to dark and vice versa). HxH successfully dabbles in several genres in six story arcs tackling survival, fighting tournaments, crime thriller, virtual realities, war and politics. The amount of variety that is packed into HxH's story is also very impressive. Hunter x Hunter (2011) boasts one of the finest writing in the world of shonen the depth and flow of the story, enthralling characterizations, strong dialogue and impressive world-building are all crafted into a fascinating tale that can absorb viewers into lengthy marathons. HxH is made up of several arcs that are all extremely well-written, which brings me to the best part of the series, the writing. Although a story of finding one's father is simple, it is the path that is taken towards this end that makes the series truly special. After learning that his father left him at a young age to become a Hunter, Gon decides to follow in his footsteps not only to find him, but also to see what was so special about the profession that made his father choose it over him. Named Gon who embarks on a journey to find his father. If a show this good is still flying under your radar or if you are discouraged from watching this because of its "childish appearance" then reading this review is a must. I decided to write this review to do the show justice. Neither has it been successful in garnering a fan base similar to that of SNK or SAO. For an anime that seems to do everything right, it isn't talked about a lot at a popular level. The lack of popularity surrounding Hunter x Hunter (2011) has always confused me, especially after catching up to it six months ago.
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a-o-t-season4 · 2 years
Watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) English Subbed
Watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) with English Subtitles online. Watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) episodes for free. Download the Anime (Hunter x Hunter 2011) episodes in high quality at NM Anime.
The Story Of Hunter x Hunter (2011): Gon Freecss wishes to be a Hunter, a special being capable of greatness. He seeks out his father, who abandoned him when he was younger, with the help of his friends and his potential.
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Synopsis of Hunter x Hunter (2011) English Subbed
Hunters devote their lives to dangerous tasks such as exploring uncharted territories and tracking down rare items and monsters. Before becoming a Hunter, one must pass the Hunter Examination, a high-risk selection process in which the majority of applicants become disabled or, worse, die. Participants who are ambitious enough to take the infamous exam do so for their own reasons. Finding Ging, his father and a Hunter himself, is what drives 12-year-old Gon Freecss. Gon takes the first step toward becoming a Hunter, believing that by doing so, he will meet his father. Gon befriends medical student Leorio Paladiknight, the vindictive Kurapika, and ex-assassin Killua Zoldyck during the Hunter Examination. While their motivations are vastly different, they band together for a common goal and embark on a perilous journey.
Summary of the anime
Original Title: Hunter x Hunter (2011)
English Title: Hunter x Hunter
Japanese title: HUNTER×HUNTER(ハンター×ハンター)
Theme: -
Demographic: Shounen
Other Names: HxH (2011)
0 notes
softinkshadows · 3 years
Hot spring tales (Hisoka x female reader)
A Hisoka x female reader one-shot, with a sprinkle of Chrollo.
Situated in the HxH universe with canon timeline.
Disclaimer: nsfw, contains smut and explicit sex (but we know you're here for that)
Word count: 5000++ (wow did i just write 5000 words of smutty smut)
Pale, slender fingers tap against the phone screen. He finds the contact he is looking for and dials the number, raising the phone to his ear. Around him, dusk settles over the ragged terrain of the Gordeau desert. The wind gains in strength, almost pushing his combed black hair free.  The phone rings for a few seconds before the person on the other end picks up.
“Did you figure it out already?”
“Probably,” he says, his grey eyes catching the last wisps of fading light to the west. “The nen exorcist may very well be on Greed Island, which is East of York New. It seems you will need to enter the game as well.”
“Shall I procure one of Battera’s? He did buy all of the ones auctioned this time round.”
“No, that risks complicating things. What we need is a game privately owned by someone who is easily contactable, allows us to stay untraceable, preferably one who we wouldn’t have to kill and is reasonable towards helping…” he trails off, realizing that there is indeed someone who matches the conditions, someone who he would very much like to avoid for the time being… The irony of fate, he thinks, grimacing in irritation.
“It seems we will need to pay a visit to her.”
“I will send the address over to you. It’ll take me at least a day to get there, so you should start moving first. It would be better if you were the one handling negotiations this time round. And avoid mentioning my name, or the troupe’s.”
“Oh?” the voice on the other end piques with curiosity.
“We have… history. I’ll trust that you can strike a deal by the time I’m there?”
“Of course. After all, the chance to fight you is on the line.” He can almost hear the other man smirking gleefully through the phone.
“It’ll be dangerous, so try your best to be good, or our deal is off. Consider this a warning, Hisoka.”
You find yourself back at your quarters after dinner, alone in the large dressing room. Looking in the mirror, you arrange your hair neatly around your bun, making sure to tidy it for the next wave of customers tonight.
The underground auction has recently ended, and more people are flocking to your establishment. Kurohasu Onsen (Black Lotus Onsen) is renowned as the gathering-place for anybody who is somebody: a bathhouse that functions as neutral ground for politicians, powerful members of the mafia and hunters who have ties to the underworld to carry out business negotiations. A safe haven for murderers and thieves. All are welcome, although at a hefty price. The exorbitant entry fee is itself a gatekeeper of accessibility, and many have brought treasures and precious artefacts in the hope of gaining your favour. As weapons are allowed for protection, fights inevitably break out, but rarely do they erupt into something serious. All staff at the onsen are strong nen-users who pay close watch to customer behaviour. They have nen-restrainers on hand to subdue feisty ability users, and if not, there’s you, whose mysterious yet formidable presence is enough to elicit compliance. It is not uncommon to see off customers with missing limbs and near-fatal injuries, a warning punishment for breaking the establishment’s regulations. Furthermore, it is the iron-clad rule that the onsen is the one place where truce is enforced, upheld, respected. And you, the infamous proprietor, the black lotus of Kurohasu Onsen, are not someone to be crossed. Your customers are well aware of this.
You get up, ready to leave, when you turn to look at the mirror again. Your black onyx hairpin fits in and across your bun, easily reachable within seconds. Your eyes travel down to look at the black shimmering contours of your silk robe with its ornate floral embroidery, opening at two slits that end above the knee, the garment tied fittingly at the waist with a scarlet obi sash. Presentable, you hum in approval, before walking out the door.
Your secretary Esa is already waiting. “Give me updates,” You demand.
She follows you briskly down the corridor as you make your rounds to greet notable clients. Esa does this every three hours, reciting the list of new guests checked in since the last report, the rooms they booked, the meetings they have arrived for, and the fees paid. You remember everything, noting the ones who offer presents not entirely up to standard, or troublesome ones with a sketchy behavioural record.
“A while ago, a Hisoka Morow checked into the deluxe room. 50,000 Jenny a night for 2 nights, with a possible extension.”
The name catches you slightly off guard. You have never met the man, but from your intel he’s one of the most sought-after fighters at Heaven’s Arena. And a dangerous murderer too. But as far as you know, the man works alone and doesn’t get involved with politics. Why would someone like him be here?
“He has a meeting?” you turn to Esa.
“If he had, he did not say. Most likely for leisure, though. The onsen is famous for its baths too,” replied your attendant matter-of-factly.
You pause for a while to think, before calling over a male security staff with a wave of a finger. “Keep tabs on Hisoka. Let me know if he’s up to anything.” The staff bows and immediately embarks on fulfilling your order. You return to your duties for now, but the seed of suspicion and uneasiness does not go away.
“Ahh… now this is not bad,” Hisoka smiles to himself as he climbs into the water. He rests his head against the smooth stone edge of the outdoor bath, watching the steam lift gently from the softly rippling surface. When Chrollo told him about this place, he expected it to be dim and grimy, trawling with underworld scum. Instead, what greeted him was the pure luxury of mineral-rich baths, large clean rooms and 1000 thread-count sheets. He could get used to this. Not to mention…
His eyes wander over the bath, taking stock of the situation. Being quite late at night, most guests have retired to respective meeting rooms for drinks and negotiations, with only a smattering of visitors, mostly individuals or pairs, left lounging in the outdoor section. The only other people are the ever-present security staff, including one particularly persistent male staff standing at the private viewing balcony above. At least the nen users here are stronger than usual. A slight tremor of pleasure runs through his body, and he runs his fingers through his wet hair to shake the feeling before it builds into bloodlust. It’s been a while since he killed. He is still riled up from two days ago, thanks to the blond runt. And Chrollo, that damn bastard.
He observes the nen-users with half-closed eyes. 75… 80… 85… He evaluates. Not too shabby. Then he senses it. 97!! He feels the sudden presence, an impeccable zetsu with a tinge of icy smoothness and fiery calm toiling beneath its surface. It is enough for him to widen his eyes and sit up straight, a hot tingling sensation travelling down his spine, pleasure surging into his body for a split second, almost goading him into a fight right there and then. Well, what do we have here? He looks to the source of this pressure, golden eyes flashing and meeting yours, as you look down at him from the balcony above.
One look and you know he clearly lives up to his reputation. He is suppressing his power by default, but his presence leaves a slight prickling static in the air which only stronger nen users can detect. He also seems to have noticed you, judging by the slight shift his posture, the electrifying gaze beneath his damp red hair and the sudden tension in the air with his nen flaring, almost breaking its zetsu. Despite the distance, both of you lock eyes for a moment, each one feeling out the other, gauging abilities, locating motives. What the hell is his aim? You face the sheer intensity of his gaze with your own cold, calculating glare, both of you guarding your intentions yet attempting to penetrate through the other’s guise, staring each other down as if in a challenge. No one relents. But you can’t help but feel a rising irritation, that the man sitting naked in the outdoor bath three floors beneath you is getting under your skin, and a distracting kind of warmth creeps in... You look away. You nod to the staff to continue strict monitoring and return to your room.
Hisoka watches you leave, and instinctively his fingers run through his hair again, this time harder than the last. Oh, Chrollo… Don’t tell me that’s her? A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Oh, you were right. This is going to be dangerous.
You don’t hear any more concerning updates on Hisoka until later the next day. Besides using the baths for extended periods of time, and mild complaints from other guests of his lengthy and uncomfortable stares, he hasn’t caused any trouble. He hasn’t physically contacted anyone either.
“Come again?” you stop abruptly, mid-way through scanning the paper records of this month’s taxes and bills, glancing up at your secretary.
Esa clears her throat and speaks again. “Madam, Hisoka Morow has requested for a meeting with you today.”
Hmph. You scoff a little, your eyes narrowing to ponder the next course of action. You had expected something like this. There is no way someone like him would travel all the way here just to use the baths, let alone without engaging anyone. If his aim is to negotiate matters with you, it must be something quite serious, given that neither of you have gone out of your way to meet with each other previously.
“Shall I cancel?” Esa asks, ready to deliver the order and reject the fool that had the nerve to request a meeting with you on such short notice.
“No. Make it tonight at eleven, after I complete my usual rounds.”
It is night, and the onsen quietens for the day. Only the soft rushes of spring water from the outdoor baths and the muffled sounds of late-night negotiations drift by. You find yourself finally seated across from him in one of your private meeting rooms, both of you silent but never once taking your eyes off each other, quietly assessing one another.
Now up close and clothed in a blue yukata, accentuating the red hair that falls close to his shoulders, you can’t help but find him just a little more attractive than you imagined. His golden eyes are calm, steady, even confident, a rarity for anyone for finds them in a room alone with you. Most people would have bowed their head in submission long ago. You keep your own icy composure. But the force of his nen suppressed under zetsu, his incredibly toned body beneath his yukata and that arrogant way he looks at you make your body feel warmer than usual.
When he sees you for the first time that night, seated on the far end of the room, he feels it again. That powerful presence that keeps goading him, that sends electrifying jolts through his body. You’re seated comfortably on the floor, almost reclining, yet the hard, murderous edge of your gaze shows you are constantly on guard. Simply exquisite. He almost licks his lips but controls himself. A fine opponent… to kill? No, no, much too soon… that would be a waste. Chrollo comes first.
The meeting hall is much too large for two people, spanning over 24 tatami in size. On both sides, paper screen doors open out into an elegant view of the autumn trees in the estate, shedding its red delicately in the wind. A long, low black lacquer table in the center of the room separates you and him, each of you seated on either end. Silence continues to hang in the air. A staff gracefully pours a luxurious blend of sencha into the cups, before she places the tea pot and tray on the floor, bows, and takes her leave quickly. You notice Esa hovering by the doorway to the room.
“Esa, you may go.”
“But Madam-” your secretary protests but stops as you give her a glare. She of all people would understand you’re probably the last person in the establishment who needs any form of protection. As her footsteps recede down the hallway outside, you turn back to the man in front of you.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you today?”
“It has come to my knowledge,” Hisoka finally speaks, and the slow, sly curl of his tone lights another fire in you, “that you are in possession of one of the most sought-after items in the world of late. I have a pressing need for it and would like to negotiate a deal.”
“I’m a collector of the rarest treasures, so you’re going to have to be more specific,” you scoff, taking a sip of your tea.
“I’m talking about a certain game.”
“Ah, Greed Island,” you retort indifferently, although inwardly puzzled. Why would he go to such lengths just for a game? Didn’t seem like the type. “What makes you think I’ll agree to your request? What is in it for me?”
Hisoka pauses, contemplating something before pushing onwards with a slight smirk. “I’m not sure if you know of a certain man by the name of… Chrollo Lucilfer?”
He waits for the intended effect and sure enough, you react. Immediately, at the mention of the name you’re hit with an unpleasant sensation that makes you grit your teeth, and your eyes blaze with a hint of fury. Without realizing, a cracking sound fills the room as the cast iron tea pot on the floor dents with the force of your nen.
Hisoka looks at the pot quietly before he smiles, lifting the tea cup to his lips, his eyes only growing darker as he trains his gaze on you. Interesting. “May I know, if it’s not too much to ask, the reason for your disdain of the man?”
“I’ve known him for a long time. He tried to kill me twice, once on purpose and the second time by accident. Clearly, he did not succeed,” you say, finishing your tea.
Beautifully exquisite. Another thrill runs through his spine, almost making him tremble with excitement. Perhaps it would be safe to suggest…
“I’m looking for Chrollo. He’s been running from me for a while now, and last I heard he has been spotted hiding out in the game. I would very much like to settle our score soon. Of course, perhaps to your advantage I fully intend on killing him, with pleasure,” Hisoka continues, waving his hand in the air with dismissive complacency.
“If only it were so simple,” you retort, knowing the full potential of Chrollo’s abilities. “And how can I take you for your word?”
“You can’t.”
You look up in mild distaste at Hisoka. What a bastard. You could slit his throat right now, with that cocky expression of his. And yet, your body feels a little hot when he’s looking at you, his gaze ruthlessly penetrating and his nen just on the edge of flaring.
“Name your offer, Hisoka.” You say his name for the first time, aware of how his gaze hardens when you do so, and your body burns with a strange desire which you suppress under the guise of irritation.
“I’m not offering.”
“Allow me to use the game, or I will go on to kill everyone in this establishment, including your precious secretary and all your guests. It’s been a while since I had fun and I won’t stop when I do.”
The audacity. You slam your cup on the table and glare at him, your nen bristling beneath the surface. It was a mistake to let him into the bathhouse. And the worst part is that he is right. He could take out everyone except you here with ease, and you’d lose your manpower, your reputation, your business. Everything you worked hard for since leaving meteor city years ago. Perhaps it’ll be wise to dispose of him right here, right now.
In a split second, you draw the long onyx pin from your hair, leaping across the length of the table with such grace and speed that the tea in Hisoka’s cup barely ripples, as you aim for this throat, slicing the air in front of you. He dodges at the last moment, his eyes wild with a feral look as you nick of a few strands of his hair and the sharp edge of your hairpin draws a faint red line along his throat. He grins. He’s clearly enjoying this. He moves to land a counter-attack but you jump away. You’ve put distance between the two of you again; you grip your hair pin, calm and poised for another strike, while he similarly crouches, one hand reaching to stroke the mark you made on his throat.
“Now you’re just getting me excited,” his voice drops to a low purr.
Here you are, seconds after nearly killing him, and you feel your body reacting to his voice and his unapologetic desire. You know you have the power to end him, yet a tingling sensation creeps over the lower half of your body. You can feel sweat starting to gather around your stomach, while another warm wetness pools further below, between your legs. It’s been so long since anyone made you feel this way. Not since… Your thoughts are interrupted as he appears behind you, aiming for your head.
“Pay attention, darling.”
There’s barely any sound in the meeting room as you and Hisoka continue to spar in near complete zetsu, restraining nen to avoid alerting the attention of other guests and the security staff. His eyes gleam more with your every strike, his moves maintain its strength but do not get more forceful, and neither do yours. You feel the exhilaration of the near-misses, of your bodies brushing against one another before pulling away, the light friction of fabric against fabric, as if locked in a graceful dance that neither of you want to end. Moonlight cascades through the open balcony, and there’s a glint in Hisoka’s eyes.
“Let’s stop pretending we’re serious about killing each other, shall we?” he quips with a smirk.
His words register, and you halt. You weren’t noticing it before, but he is right. You weren't trying. You falter for a moment too long. Then he rushes you, pinning your body down onto the floor with his own weight, brute force mixed with excitement to the point that his nails dig into the straw of the tatami below, ripping it slightly. He raises a hand, about to spill your blood, when your control slips. Before, your brief exchanges saw your body feeling hotter, winding tighter as it did more cautious. But now, with him pressing down onto you from above, not pulling away, gripping with a strength that few possess and with a wicked look in his eyes, you can’t keep it down anymore. You let out a throaty moan as his holds you hard, feeling your underwear getting more soaked with every passing second. His eyes widen in surprise, and he pauses. You and him remain quiet like this for a while, the wind from outside gently caressing both your bodies, teasing out an answer.
Then, as if on instinct, both your mouths crash together. Neither of you are ashamed at the pure lust that erupts between the two of you, bloodlust still not completely abating which spurs you and him on even more. His tongue slips into you mouth, determined on stealing your breath, your hand clasped around your hair pin still trapped within his, his ferocious strength barely just surpassing your own as you do not back down, struggling against the restraint. It is still a fight, after all. Yet his other free hand trails down your silk robe, slithering between the open slits to your thighs before raising one of your legs to wrap around his torso. You moan into his kiss and move against his clothed body, desperate for friction.
"Patience, my dear." He pauses, giving you a sadistic grin.
You’re not going to let him keep staying in control. In a surge of strength you topple and roll over him in a flash, slamming him to the floor and stabbing the pin right into the tatami next to his head, at which Hisoka lets out a loud groan. You press and rub yourself against him, leaving small bites along his neck, your hair starting to come loose and fall to the side of your face from the exertion. The warmth between your legs grows, and it’s not just you. Hisoka is only wearing underwear beneath the yukata, and you feel his erection, hot and hard beneath your rolling hips. You feel your own slick starting to run down your inner thigh, and you ache to be filled.
You pull away and gaze down at Hisoka, who’s just starting to get a little breathless with desire, his eyes clouded with lust. You pull the hairpin from the floor and aim it at his throat. You command, your voice cold and edged with arrogance.
“Stop wasting my time and just fuck me already.”
At this, Hisoka lets out a low growl, flipping you on your back, almost tearing the obi around your waist to shreds with his hands. His mouth latches onto your neck and you cry out, as his hands reach under your bra to free your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers, alternating between gentle strokes and forceful pinches. Your body shakes with pleasure and you grind against him, your hands fumbling to move his yukata out of the way. You cover your palm over his bulge, which is already straining hard against his underwear. He bites a little harder on your skin as you do, goading you on. You reach beneath the fabric, stroking his most sensitive spot, and you feel him shudder against you. Oh, to have such a powerful man like him at your mercy.
Before you have time to think, your pleasure increases ten-fold, white-hot and surging through your body as his fingers find their way to your slit, obscenely slick with your honey.
“Oh? This wet for me already?” he murmurs into your ear, sending shivers down your arms and making you moan.
He sits back a little, his piercing gaze boring into you as he lifts his fingers to his lips, licking it clean. “So sweet,” he whispers, his eyes never leaving you, almost taunting your state of helplessness before him, and you twitch with pleasure.
“Shut u-” you demand, stopping short with a intake of breath as his tongue circles your nipple and he thrusts two fingers into your aching slit, expertly thrusting, stroking, caressing, hitting all the right spots as you can’t help but moan and fist his soft, red locks. His thumb finds your bud and rubs, with increasing pressure, matching the circling motions of his tongue. Hisoka pulls away and looks down at you, panting and wriggling beneath his touch, your words incoherent but eyes still fierce with power and control, and he finds himself growing harder, unbearably hungry. You feel his desire through his nen, bristling with lust, fingers coaxing you to bliss and eyes ravishing you unabashedly for everything you are and you feel yourself pushed nearer to the edge.
“I’m close,” you gasp, and you see Hisoka smirk dangerously as he pulls his fingers out of you. The pleasure that builds now cuts short, tapering off.
“Kisama,” you mutter in annoyance as you ram his body against the side of the lacquer dining table, pushing him into an upright, sitting position. He chuckles at your urgency and vexation yet remains turned on as you clutch your hairpin over his throat as a warning. His golden eyes are glazed over and quivering, a sign he is properly riled up, his hair now a mess, and his breathing is slightly heavier than before. You pull his large erection free from his underwear.
“You bastard. I’m not going to give you any time.” You growl, and his eyes grow more piercing.
You lower your soaking, aching pussy onto him. The stretch makes both of you groan in unison, and you almost come immediately from his entrance. He is huge in both girth and length, and it takes a while before you’re accustomed to his size. It was so long since you had proper sex with anyone. After he is buried in you to the hilt, you pause, glaring at him with a look aggressive with lust and a need for control. He moans in pleasure and you feel his grip on you tighten considerably. Then you move, slowly first, then quickening your pace, rolling and rubbing against him so his cock enters you at the best angles. His hands reach up to grab your hips, steadying you while he snaps up into you, pounding with such speed it makes your mind go blank with pleasure.
“Ahh-h—h!” you moan, louder this time, shaking with the mounting pleasure as he enters you fast, viciously, more than you can keep up with. You get wetter with each of his thrusts, squelching and slapping sounds filling empty room as he pulls out and fills you completely again with each punishing stroke. You feel yourself nearing your climax, your body swaying and jiggling with the rhythm as your bounce on Hisoka's cock, pressing your fingers harder around his body.
He senses it too, and growls, refusing to take his eyes from yours. You feel his nails rake your hips, grabbing your ass, pain and pleasure intermingling as your near your end. Waves of white-hot pleasure wash over you as you moan into your orgasm, your eyes closed in bliss as you tremble violently, clenching tightly around Hisoka, muttering curses as you come completely undone.
Before you have time to come down from your high, Hisoka pulls out, his rock-hard cock dripping with your honey, before grabbing you and laying you down on the table, towering over you once more. Then he fully sheaths himself inside you in one go, making you cry out at the jolt of oversensitivity as he pushes towards his own end. Using the slick from your orgasm, he goes even faster now, relentless, his hands holding your legs wide apart so he can have unfettered access to you while he slams into you without restraint.
"You like this, don't you? You like being punished like this?" He purrs with forcefulness, a sign he is close, lustful gaze boring into yours while he pummels into you.
You can't help but shudder at his words, but you spit out through gritted teeth. "Don't get cocky. And don't you dare finish inside, or I'll kill you before you are even done."
His control snaps. You feel his cock twitch inside of you. Then he pulls out and comes, moaning with deep satisfaction in your ear, his warm load spilling onto your stomach. After he finishes, you both gaze as each other for a while, barely out of breath, sweat glistening against skin. Your clothes are both in a mess and disarray, his hands are still spreading you wide and bare torso pressed against you as you both bask in the afterglow, sharing a moment to take in the surreal pleasure of what was an extremely unplanned but steaming hot round of sex.
"So with this, do we have a deal?" He breaks the silence with a devious smile.
"I'm not that cheap if you think once is enough." You retort as you clean up, pulling your clothes back on. "At least three more times, with an additional fee of 300,000 Jenny."
"Aren't you a greedy one," Hisoka smirks, tying his yukata back in place. "Alright. It's a deal, not like I'm complaining. I might deliver more than you ask for." His golden eyes travel across your body once more before meeting yours, and you can still see a faint glimmer of lust, ready to be reignited.
"Enjoying yourself?" An icy voice comes from the darkened doorway.
You don't even need to look to know who it is, recognizing the voice immediately. Cold grey eyes gaze at you from a figure leaning against the entryway.
"Chrollo," you almost spit out.
"Ah," says Hisoka naturally, "you're finally here."
You turn to scowl at Hisoka, realizing his blatant lie from earlier. You wonder for a moment how Chrollo even got in to the onsen without your notice, given that him and the troupe remain high up on your guest blacklist. Then you sense his nen, or rather his lack of it, a blur void except for the vague tinge of someone else’s foreign nen around his chest. A contract, then. He's harmless now.
Chrollo steps into the room, dressed elegantly in a black yukata, his hair let down comfortably. "Seems like you taste in men hasn't changed. I took a gamble on that." His steely grey gaze, piercing, calculating and formidable in confidence, still make you tremble a little, despite knowing him for years.
You take a while to understand and chuckle, looking from Chrollo to Hisoka. "Seems like we both got played."
The latter narrows his eyes at Chrollo before running his hand through his hair, sighing. "Well, as expected of him. Again, not like I'm complaining."
"Hisoka, leave us for a moment," you order.
"As you wish." You feel him step out but loiter along the corridor, waiting to pick up on the following conversation. Now it's just you and Chrollo left in the room. He doesn't move closer to you.
"It's been long. Too... long." Chrollo speaks, his voice calm but you detect a tinge of nostalgia, affection, regret and caution all entangled in one.
You know what he means. You can even see it now, the times he drove you wild, nearly killing you with nen. You can see all the times his lips met yours, growing a steady fire with a kiss, his fingers grazing your skin and making you moan and whimper while you grasp his hair tight in your hands, your mind blanking and feeling the universe come apart and stitch right back together...
"You won't be able to handle me now, in your current state. I would break you. It wont be pleasurable for any of us," you reply coolly. You catch the sound of a stifled laugh from the hallway outside. "Once you get your nen back, I just might reconsider."
You stand up, letting your silk robes fall gracefully past your knees once more. You arrange your bun and slip the onyx pin back into your hair.
"You can use the game tomorrow. I'll have it prepared. Tonight, I'll be busy receiving my payment. In full." You pause a little next to him, giving him one last, long look, before walking out the room and towards your quarters, Hisoka trailing behind.
Alone, Chrollo's eyes are deep and unreadable. Unconsciously, his hands are balled into tight fists by his sides. Then he breathes deeply, chuckling to himself.
What a woman. "Hisoka, you'd better get the job done. Fast."
Notes: omg this took way longer than i expected to!!! I’m quite proud of this one ;) I got inspired by a mobage card of hisoka, chrollo and the phantom troupe at an onsen and decided to do this imagine piece! Hope you enjoyed my fellow hisoka simps, it was so fun to write ;)
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tokaritoo · 2 years
my hxh embark zine arrived, i may cry
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Omg I just your blog and I am amazed about how much you put everything into analyse. Neon is one od my favourite characters and I am so happy someone noticed her for what she is. Sorry for my bad english.
Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And it's okay, your English is fine, I do not think it's bad at all! You're doing great.
I never really looked at Neon at first, but then I realised that there's so much to explore about her character. I love everything about her, she's so different from the usual female model character.
I also want to take this opportunity to show what I want to with analyses that is slightly different:
1. Explore the Japanese (or East Asian, or at least real-world) perspectives to the text. This is because, at the end of the day, Togashi is a Japanese man. A lot of times, what bothers me is that the theories are often seen from the audience's non-Japanese perspective. It's not wrong but I think it's important to look at it from the writer's angle, or the source he had referred to.
If he's using other non-Japanese cultures/phenomena such as the Italian-American mafia, I want to research and find out where he got the ideas from. In fact, I had long wanted to find where he got the idea of the Kurta clan, but alas, I cannot find it. The closest was the Sami people but I'm not entirely convinced it was the Sami people.
2. I don't want it to just be my own "gut feeling" or "what I like to happen" or "my interpretation". It creates a lot of biasness and a lot of times, I see a lot of reasonings driven by emotion and what we prefer to happen/see.
Yes, I love Kuraneo and Neon Nostrade but at the end of the day, I have to stick to actual evidence. While there is evidence that Kurapika had stayed to help Neon and Light rebuild the mafia family + Kurapika's parallel ties with Neon is interesting, I need to keep in mind that there is very little portrayal of how they actually interact with one another. He did stay with the Nostrade family from the YorkNew City arc all the way before he embarked on the journey to the Dark Continent... but we don't see how his relationship with her developed and of what nature.
Though... that's not necessarily a bad thing because a lot is left to the imagination and interpretation which makes the fanfics of this pairing really versatile.
However, even if I create fanfics, I genuinely think it's important to separate what is a headcanon and canon (or self-insert), which I find prevalent.
3. Connect the HxH ideas to his previous works. When you look at books/journal articles (not just manga or fiction), the same writer often has a pattern. It's no secret that Togashi's ideas in HxH are similar to his previous works, mainly Yu Yu Hakusho. In fact, his ideas are so similar that I even see some fighting moves being re-fined in HxH. An example that I saw was Hiei vs Bui in YYH, and the same stone-throwing moves were used in Gon vs Hisoka, only slightly different.
I want to make connections as much as possible with this when exploring theories because I believe there is a higher likelihood in Togashi repeating (and modifying) his previous ideas into HxH.
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hamliet · 3 years
Hello I’d like to ask something :)) ok so a friend told me that apparently Sasuke is loosely based in Kurapika, and I see it since they have gone through similar situations (murdering of clan, etc) so I’d like to ask what are their mmh differences and similarities? I’ve seen both and I think Kurapika is better fleshed out than Sasuke in general but maybe I’m biased cause I love him lol and you’re very eloquent and well articulated with your thoughts so I’d like to know what you think about them
Hi! I think it’s pretty surface level, actually, more like inspired from than based on. They both belong to clans with special eyes and are the only survivor from their clan, and embark then on a quest for revenge that is ultimately more self-destructive than anything else. However, Sasuke becomes a full antagonist, while Kurapika isn’t ever (and probably won’t ever be) framed that way.
The stories are very different, too: Naruto is kind of a typical shonen (not a knock against it; it’s very enjoyable!) that plays its tropes straight (tropes exist because they work and appeal to many people; it’s not flat writing inherently) while Hunter x Hunter is more into exploring what’s underneath the tropes and subverting them in ways that are thematically satisfying. HxH is much more gray and into exploring, with the journey as the answer, while Naruto is more into giving answers and converting everyone to the light.
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jyuanka · 7 years
I really wanna go back to writing my leorio-centric post-dark continent mission failure but I just feel like nobody’s ever gonna be interested in reading it. it can come off as anti-leopika sometimes and also has a strong emphasis on Leorio/Cheadle relationship and that’s like nobody’s cup of tea (except mine lmfao). tumblr is full of posts encouraging fic writers to go out with their ideas and write whatever the fuck they want regardless of reception, but it’s very hard in practice; I’ve written more than 40k words for this fic and some parts of I’m really proud of, but just... what’s the point if nobody’s ever gonna read it? and from what I’ve noticed, it’s very difficult to sell anything in the hxh fandom that isn’t killugon or leopika or hisoka or the phantom troupe. Naruto was full of interesting pairings of characters who had never interacted and a good part of the fandom was receptive to them, but here on hxh I have no fucking idea. going forward with this project (and it isn’t a small project; chapters generally range from 8k words to 12k) seems counterproductive.
I wanna write it but I don’t want it to end up in the gutter with two reviews and five hits. maybe it’s silly to say this but such reception (or lack of it) will break my fucking heart. I poured so much of myself into this story and I know I sound pathetic but honestly sometimes I go back to those word documents and I read what I’ve written in it and I feel so demotivated and frustrated but also incredibly happy; some of my best writing is poured in there, and one of the main reasons that got me to write this fic is my fucking thirst for good Leorio content that doesn’t involve Kurapika, and I thought if none is gonna give me it then I might as well do it myself, and here I am now, whining about it. 
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mysandwichranaway · 1 year
hi !! just wondering if ur hxh embark zine aftersale was ever shipped out and if it was when u bought it. I've been waiting for mine for a month and getting a little worried bc they aren't responding 😭
i've been waiting for info on the shipping for three weeks!! i figured it was because it's coming from really far away, or they have a lot of orders. I'm not worried yet, but it is a little weird. I know nothing about these kinds of things on the technical side of shipping stuff, so i didn't want to jump to conclusions haha
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myanime2go · 4 years
Top 25 Best Action Anime of All Time for Action Fans
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When I say action, I mean ACTION! Maybe it's human beings need to pursue something greater than ourselves or of being much stronger, action anime offers something that brings us closer to our fantasy with sometimes illogical action sequences, the fate of the world, nation, city, or just the protagonist in the balance. Hello fellow anime fans and lovers to the top 25 best action anime of all time for action fans. Action anime is about conflict, thrilling confrontations, car chases and epic battles. It's heart-pumping action, nail-biting suspense, trigger happy characters and a love to hate or hate to love villain. You asked and we delivered. A list focused on action, explosions, eye-candy visuals, intensity of plot, characters, battles or stunts that should bring you a lot of hype and excitement. So lets get started;
25. Kill la Kill
Episodes 24 + OVA| Aired Fall 2013 | Produced by Trigger
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From the creators of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann comes, Kill la Kill an anime with epic battles, eye-popping art style and astonishing moves. After the murder of her father, Ryuuko Matoi has been wandering the land in search of his killer. Following her only lead—the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade—she arrives at the prestigious Honnouji Academy, a high school unlike any other. The academy is ruled by the imposing and cold-hearted student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin alongside her powerful underlings, the Elite Four. In the school's brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called "Goku Uniforms," which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities.Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient "Kamui," or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko's blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father's murder once and for all –MAL Revenge is the story of the game in Kill la Kill, it starts up with a simple plot but becomes more complex and deeper than it appears with each episode, becoming much more than just an anime filled with fan-service and amazing fight scenes. I have been made a fan of Trigger and I honestly look forward to whatever future creative work they release. https://youtu.be/B98NY8Hfo7I
24. Hunter x Hunter (2011) (HxH 2011)
Episodes 148 + OVA| Aired Fall 2011 | Produced by Madhouse
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Hunter x Hunter is a well animated and thought out anime with plenty of action, with highly anticipated battles. Hunter x Hunter is set in a world where Hunters exist to perform all manner of dangerous tasks like capturing criminals and bravely searching for lost treasures in uncharted territories. Twelve-year-old Gon Freecss is determined to become the best Hunter possible in hopes of finding his father, who was a Hunter himself and had long ago abandoned his young son. However, Gon soon realizes the path to achieving his goals is far more challenging than he could have ever imagined.Along the way to becoming an official Hunter, Gon befriends the lively doctor-in-training Leorio, vengeful Kurapika, and rebellious ex-assassin Killua. To attain their own goals and desires, together the four of them take the Hunter Exam, notorious for its low success rate and high probability of death. Throughout their journey, Gon and his friends embark on an adventure that puts them through many hardships and struggles. They will meet a plethora of monsters, creatures, and characters—all while learning what being a Hunter truly means –MAL Hunter x Hunter is an amazing action anime with a fantastic story, excellent characters with deep having their own goals and desires some simple while others complex. It's one of those rear unicorns in the action genre that those a lot of things well. You will be glad you watched it. https://youtu.be/d6kBeJjTGnY
23. One Punch Man
Episodes 24 + OVA| Aired Fall 2015 | Produced by Madhouse
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One Punch Man is the story of Satima, a hero who is a hero just for fun and the strongest man in his universe that can defeat any opponent with a single punch. Based on Yusuke Murata's manga remake of ONE's original webcomic. The seemingly ordinary and unimpressive Saitama has a rather unique hobby: being a hero. In order to pursue his childhood dream, he trained relentlessly for three years—and lost all of his hair in the process. Now, Saitama is incredibly powerful, so much so that no enemy is able to defeat him in battle. In fact, all it takes to defeat evildoers with just one punch has led to an unexpected problem—he is no longer able to enjoy the thrill of battling and has become quite bored.This all changes with the arrival of Genos, a 19-year-old cyborg, who wishes to be Saitama's disciple after seeing what he is capable of. Genos proposes that the two join the Hero Association in order to become certified heroes that will be recognized for their positive contributions to society, and Saitama, shocked that no one knows who he is, quickly agrees. And thus begins the story of One Punch Man, an action-comedy that follows an eccentric individual who longs to fight strong enemies that can hopefully give him the excitement he once felt and just maybe, he'll become popular in the process –MAL One Punch Man is quite different from other action anime, as rather than watch our protagonist struggle to become stronger, our hero has already reached his goals. The series takes this plot and shows us the emptiness that follows achieving a lifelong goal. Showing us the journey to one's goal is more fulfilling than actually reaching our goal. https://youtu.be/tMblzsXwAKo
22. Terra Fromer (Terraformars)
Episodes 26 + OVA| Aired Fall 2014 | Produced by LINDENFILMS
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Terra Formars is a show that is short, violent and an action anime that is simple to understand. During the 21st century, humanity attempted to colonize Mars by sending two species which could endure the harsh environment of the planet to terraform it—algae and cockroaches. However, they did not anticipate the species' remarkable ability to adapt. Now in the 26th century, a lethal disease known as the Alien Engine Virus has arrived on Earth, and the cure is suspected to be found only on Mars. The problem is, Mars in the present is overrun by creatures known as "Terraformars," incredibly powerful and intelligent humanoid cockroaches that mutated from those originally sent to the planet.The Annex I team, consisting of a hundred men and women genetically enhanced with characteristics of powerful organisms from earth, has been sent to Mars on a mission to find the cause of the Alien Engine Virus and to help cure humanity—signalling the start of the crew's fight for survival –MAL Terra Formars is an action sci-fi horror anime that deals with humanity fighting insects much like the films and series "Starship Troopers". Plot-wise it's not the best cause they try to add so much into it, but for action, it is pretty good. https://youtu.be/KVx9GrpN5lU
21. Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (Reborn!)
Episodes 203 + OVA| Aired Fall 2006 | Produced by Artland
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn is definitely a well-made anime for its comedy and action. There is no putting it lightly—Tsunayoshi Sawada is just no good. He is clumsy, talentless, and desperately in love with the school idol Kyouko Sasagawa, a girl so completely out of his league. Dubbed "Loser Tsuna" by his classmates, he seems to be the very personification of failure in the guise of a middle-schooler.Tsuna's boring life takes an extraordinary twist when he encounters the mysterious Reborn, who happens to be a hitman... and shockingly, a baby! Sent from the strongest Mafia family in Italy, Reborn is assigned the daunting mission of preparing the dull middle schooler to succeed the ninth boss of the notorious Vongola family, who is on the brink of retirement. The dull boy has a gruelling road ahead, but with the help of his new criminal affiliates and his peculiar home tutor, perhaps even Loser Tsuna can achieve greatness –MAL Katekyo Hitman Reborn plot builds up slowly, with the first 20 episodes comedy-heavy. We will watch Tsuna change from being a clumsy weakling, to slowly growing up and become more dependable. It's a show that will definitely keep you at the edge of your seat. https://youtu.be/40pfu7XqWok
20. Kuro no Keiyakusha (Darker than Black)
Episodes 37 + OVA| Aired Spring 2007 | Produced by Bones
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Darker than Black is definitely an anime that takes you on a journey with unique characters and an unusual style of story telling. It has been 10 years since Heaven's Gate appeared in South America and Hell's Gate appeared in Japan, veiling the once familiar night sky with an oppressive skyscape. Their purposes unknown, these Gates are spaces in which the very laws of physics are ignored. With the appearance of the Gates emerged Contractors, who, in exchange for their humanity, are granted supernatural abilities.In the Japanese city surrounding Hell’s Gate, Section 4 Chief Misaki Kirihara finds herself at odds with an infamous Contractor codenamed Hei. Called "Black Reaper" in the underground world, Hei, like his associates, undertakes missions for the mysterious and ruthless Syndicate while slowly peeling back the dark layers covering a nefarious plot that threatens the very existence of Contractors.From the mind of Tensai Okamura comes a sci-fi thriller taking the form of a subtle exposé on a war in which political positions and justice have no sway—a war waged exclusively in the shadows –MAL If you like shows about people with supernatural powers and action, I think you should definitely watch this series. It's a show that doesn't give too much away in the beginning but as the story progresses you can piece the whole plot together. The characters are also brilliantly done especially the contractors that are supposed to be void of human emotions. https://youtu.be/goYEIQT5m8U
19. JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Episodes 152 + OVA| Aired Fall 2012 | Produced by David Production Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is definitely an anime that takes you on an adventure. It's a series that just keeps getting better and better. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure follows the stories of a different generation of the JoJo family, whose members have unique powers that they use to fight supernatural enemies.Kujo Jotaro is a normal, popular Japanese high-schooler, until he thinks that he is possessed by a spirit, and locks himself in prison. After seeing his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul, Jotaro learns that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form. Later, his mother gains a Stand, and becomes sick. Jotaro learns that it is because the vampire Dio Brando has been revived 100 years after his defeat to Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather. Jotaro decides to join Joseph and Abdul in a trip to Egypt to defeat Dio once and for all –MAL I personally like the way the story follows a different member of the Joestar family? It's an anime that lives up to the hype that surrounds it. Though it's an anime that requires a bit of getting used to, it sometimes doesn't take itself seriously but when it does, it keeps you at the edge of your seat. https://youtu.be/EO08vMz73YY
18. Naruto/Naruto: Shippuden
Episodes 720 + OVA| Aired Fall 2002 | Produced by Studio Pierrot
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Naruto/Naruto: Shippuden is one of the longest-running and most famous international shounen. That has a special place in most anime enthusiast. Moments prior to Naruto Uzumaki's birth, a huge demon known as the Kyuubi, the Nine-Tailed Fox, attacked Konohagakure, the Hidden Leaf Village, and wreaked havoc. In order to put an end to the Kyuubi's rampage, the leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage, sacrificed his life and sealed the monstrous beast inside the newborn Naruto.Now, Naruto is a hyperactive and knuckle-headed ninja still living in Konohagakure. Shunned because of the Kyuubi inside him, Naruto struggles to find his place in the village, while his burning desire to become the Hokage of Konohagakure leads him not only to some great new friends, but also some deadly foes –MAL Naruto/Naruto: Shippuden is an anime with a lot of characters, and there is definitely one you will feel you can relate to and you will cheer on for as the story progresses. And this feels like where the anime shines the most the ability to make us feel for certain characters. And all the while it takes us on an adrenaline-filled journey. https://youtu.be/j2hiC9BmJlQ
17. Megalo Box (MEGALOBOX)
Episodes 13| Aired Spring 2018 | Produced by TMS Entertainment
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If you are a Rocky and Ashita no Joe fan, you will love Megalo Box a sports action anime that's violent and entertaining with a futuristic setting. "To be quiet and do as you're told, that's the cowardly choice." These are the words of Junk Dog, an underground fighter of Megalo Box, an evolution of boxing that utilizes mechanical limbs known as Gear to enhance the speed and power of its users. Despite the young man's brimming potential as a boxer, the illegal nature of his participation forces him to make a living off of throwing matches as dictated by his boss Gansaku Nanbu. However, this all changes when the Megalo Box champion Yuuri enters his shabby ring under the guise of just another challenger. Taken out in a single round, Junk Dog is left with a challenge: "If you're serious about fighting me again, then fight your way up to me and my ring."Filled with overwhelming excitement and backed by the criminal syndicate responsible for his thrown matches, Junk Dog enters Megalonia: a world-spanning tournament that will decide the strongest Megalo Boxer of them all. Having no name of his own, he takes on the moniker of "Joe" as he begins his climb from the very bottom of the ranked list of fighters. With only three months left to qualify, Joe must face off against opponents the likes of which he has never fought in order to meet the challenge of his rival –MAL Megalo Box is a great anime that really asks a big question of how much pain, time and energy one is willing to give and endure while chasing their dreams. And that resonates with me a lot. https://youtu.be/-j8sX95vkfc
16. Deadman Wonderland
Episodes 12 + OVA| Aired Spring 2011 | Produced by Manglobe
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Deadman Wonderland was one of those shows that had everyone who saw it wanting more. It looked like it would be a normal day for Ganta Igarashi and his classmates—they were preparing to go on a class field trip to a certain prison amusement park called Deadman Wonderland, where the convicts perform dangerous acts for the onlookers' amusement. However, Ganta's life is quickly turned upside down when his whole class gets massacred by a mysterious man in red. Framed for the incident and sentenced to death, Ganta is sent to the very jail he was supposed to visit.But Ganta's nightmare is only just beginning.The young protagonist is thrown into a world of sadistic inmates and enigmatic powers, to live in constant fear of the lethal collar placed around his neck that is slowed only by winning in the prison's deathly games. Ganta must bet his life to survive in a ruthless place where it isn't always easy to tell friend from foe, all while trying to find the mysterious "Red Man" and clear his name, in Deadman Wonderland –MAL Deadman Wonderland is a well-written engaging anime with plenty of horrifying scenes, deaths and amazing visuals. It's one of those animes that made me take an interest in the manga, wanting to find out the secrets that lie beneath Deadman Wonderland when I finished watching the anime. https://youtu.be/WUTFRxi5RXM
Episodes 41| Aired Fall 2012 | Produced by Production I.G
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Psycho-pass takes place in a futuristic setting, with interesting characters and weapons, where you are constantly being monitored. Justice, and the enforcement of it, has changed. In the 22nd century, Japan enforces the Sibyl System, an objective means of determining the threat level of each citizen by examining their mental state for signs of criminal intent, known as their Psycho-Pass. Inspectors uphold the law by subjugating, often with lethal force, anyone harbouring the slightest ill-will; alongside them are Enforcers, jaded Inspectors that have become latent criminals, granted relative freedom in exchange for carrying out the Inspectors' dirty work.Into this world steps Akane Tsunemori, a young woman with an honest desire to uphold justice. However, as she works alongside veteran Enforcer Shinya Kougami, she soon learns that the Sibyl System's judgments are not as perfect as her fellow Inspectors assume. With everything she has known turned on its head, Akane wrestles with the question of what justice truly is, and whether it can be upheld through the use of a system that may already be corrupt –MAL Psycho-Pass is an amazing action anime that shouldn't be missed. It's thought-provoking showing how sanity does not always equal morality. https://youtu.be/DgDBzAHg4wU
14. Black Lagoon
Episodes 24 + OVA| Aired Spring 2006 | Produced by Madhouse
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Black Lagoon an action anime with a lot of mayhem featuring modern-day pirates, outrageously amazing action scenes and interesting characters. Within Thailand is Roanapur, a depraved, crime-ridden city where not even the authorities or churches are untouched by the claws of corruption. A haven for convicts and degenerates alike, the city is notorious for being the centre of illegal activities and operations, often fueled by local crime syndicates.Enter Rokurou Okajima, an average Japanese businessman who has been living a dull and monotonous life, when he finally gets his chance for a change of pace with a delivery trip to Southeast Asia. His business trip swiftly goes downhill as Rokurou is captured by a mercenary group operating in Roanapur, called Black Lagoon. The group plans to use him as a bargaining chip in negotiations which ultimately failed. Now abandoned and betrayed by his former employer, Rokurou decides to join Black Lagoon. In order to survive, he must quickly adapt to his new environment and prepare himself for the bloodshed and tribulation to come.A non-stop, high-octane thriller, Black Lagoon delves into the depths of human morality and virtue. Witness Rokurou struggling to keep his values and philosophies intact as he slowly transforms from businessman to ruthless mercenary –MAL Black Lagoon an amazing anime that can't be mentioned without our trigger-happy Revy, who truly helps bring the series together. It's a story with a lot of ups and downs that tries to tackle themes like existentialism -what are we here for? what's our purpose? and morality - what is really wrong or right? Plus it has gun-wielding nuns, sociopath maids and the awesome Revy. https://youtu.be/d4EbGC7fKnQ
13. Vinland Saga
Episodes 24| Aired Summer 2019 | Produced by Wit Studio
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If you ever wondered what watching an angry Sasuke after he left the hidden Leaf village would be like, I give you Vinland Saga. Young Thorfinn grew up listening to the stories of old sailors that had travelled the ocean and reached the place of legend, Vinland. It's said to be warm and fertile, a place where there would be no need for fighting—not at all like the frozen village in Iceland where he was born, and certainly not like his current life as a mercenary. War is his home now. Though his father once told him, "You have no enemies, nobody does. There is nobody who it's okay to hurt," as he grew, Thorfinn knew that nothing was further from the truth.The war between England and the Danes grows worse with each passing year. Death has become commonplace, and the Viking mercenaries are loving every moment of it. Allying with either side will cause a massive swing in the balance of power, and the Vikings are happy to make names for themselves and take any spoils they earn along the way. Among the chaos, Thorfinn must take his revenge and kill the man who murdered his father, Askeladd. The only paradise for the Vikings, it seems, is the era of war and death that rages on –MAL Vinland Saga is the Berserk Adaptation we deserved. With stunning artwork, consistent and solid animation and characters you will connect with. It's definitely one of the best anime of 2019. https://youtu.be/b7ptrklt1sc
12. Samurai Champloo
Episodes 26| Aired Spring 2004 | Produced by Manglobe
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Samurai Champloo is one of the most unconventional, thrilling action anime about samurai. Fuu Kasumi is a young and clumsy waitress who spends her days peacefully working in a small teahouse. That is, until she accidentally spills a drink all over one of her customers! With a group of samurai now incessantly harassing her, Fuu desperately calls upon another samurai in the shop, Mugen, who quickly defeats them with his wild fighting technique, utilizing movements reminiscent to that of breakdancing. Unfortunately, Mugen decides to pick a fight with the unwilling ronin Jin, who wields a more precise and traditional style of sword fighting, and the latter proves to be a formidable opponent. The only problem is, they end up destroying the entire shop as well as accidentally killing the local magistrate's son.For their crime, the two samurai are captured and set to be executed. However, they are rescued by Fuu, who hires the duo as her bodyguards. Though she no longer has a place to return to, the former waitress wishes to find a certain samurai who smells of sunflowers and enlists the help of the now exonerated pair to do so. Despite initially disapproving of this idea, the two eventually agree to assist the girl in her quest; thus, the trio embarks upon an adventure to find this mysterious warrior—that is, if Fuu can keep Mugen and Jin from killing each other.Set in an alternate Edo Period of Japan, Samurai Champloo follows the journey of these three eccentric individuals in an epic quest full of action, comedy, and dynamic sword fighting, all set to the beat of a unique hip-hop infused soundtrack –MAL It's a series that takes the usual "power of love and friendship" plot most animes takes and throws it out the window. Throwing a trio of mismatch characters together and forming an unlikely team, we will all be sad to see part ways at the end of their journey together. I'm still hoping for a second season. https://youtu.be/MV9sMJau674
11. Tokyo Ghoul
Episodes 48 + OVA| Aired Summer 2014 | Produced by Studio Pierrot
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Tokyo Ghoul is an anime I looked forward to watching after reading the plot, that I immediately started reading the manga. Tokyo has become a cruel and merciless city—a place where vicious creatures called “ghouls” exist alongside humans. The citizens of this once great metropolis live in constant fear of these bloodthirsty savages and their thirst for human flesh. However, the greatest threat these ghouls pose is their dangerous ability to masquerade as humans and blend in with society.Based on the best-selling supernatural horror manga by Sui Ishida, Tokyo Ghoul follows Ken Kaneki, a shy, bookish college student, who is instantly drawn to Rize Kamishiro, an avid reader like himself. However, Rize is not exactly who she seems, and this unfortunate meeting pushes Kaneki into the dark depths of the ghouls' inhuman world. In a twist of fate, Kaneki is saved by the enigmatic waitress Touka Kirishima, and thus begins his new, secret life as a half-ghoul/half-human who must find a way to integrate into both societies –MAL Tokyo Ghoul was quite enjoyable even though I felt there was room for more improvement. It's an anime that's not for everyone either being a swing or a miss. https://youtu.be/vGuQeQsoRgU Honorable Mentions
Dimension W
Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
Akame ga Kill!
Hai to Gensou no Grimgar (Grimgar: Ashes and Illusions)
10. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Gurren Lagann)
Episodes 27| Aired Spring 2007 | Produced by Gainax
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Gurren Lagann is a popular action anime that pushed the boundaries of action anime and is an anime that has a special place in everyone's heart that has seen this anime. Simon and Kamina were born and raised in a deep, underground village, hidden from the fabled surface. Kamina is a free-spirited loose cannon bent on making a name for himself, while Simon is a timid young boy with no real aspirations. One day while excavating the earth, Simon stumbles upon a mysterious object that turns out to be the ignition key to an ancient artefact of war, which the duo dubs Lagann. Using their new weapon, Simon and Kamina fend off a surprise attack from the surface with the help of Yoko Littner, a hot-blooded redhead wielding a massive gun who wanders the world above.In the aftermath of the battle, the sky is now in plain view, prompting Simon and Kamina to set off on a journey alongside Yoko to explore the wastelands of the surface. Soon, they join the fight against the "Beastmen," humanoid creatures that terrorize the remnants of humanity in powerful robots called "Gunmen." Although they face some challenges and setbacks, the trio bravely fights these new enemies alongside other survivors to reclaim the surface, while slowly unravelling a galaxy-sized mystery –MAL Gurren Lagann is a classic, vibrant, heroic and outspoken anime. That's an absolutely must-watch. https://youtu.be/rAQylCHv8Cw
9. Mob Psycho 100
Episodes 25 + OVA| Aired Summer 2016 | Produced by Bones
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From ONE the creator of One Punch Man comes another fascinating anime Mob Psycho 100. Eighth-grader Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama has tapped into his inner wellspring of psychic prowess at a young age. But the power quickly proves to be a liability when he realizes the potential danger in his skills. Choosing to suppress his power, Mob's only present use for his ability is to impress his longtime crush, Tsubomi, who soon grows bored of the same tricks.In order to effectuate control on his skills, Mob enlists himself under the wing of Arataka Reigen, a con artist claiming to be a psychic, who exploits Mob's powers for pocket change. Now, exorcising evil spirits on command has become a part of Mob's daily, monotonous life. However, the psychic energy he exerts is barely the tip of the iceberg; if his vast potential and unrestrained emotions run berserk, a cataclysmic event that would render him completely unrecognizable will be triggered. The progression toward Mob's explosion is rising and attempting to stop it is futile –MAL Mob Psycho 100 is definitely a one of a kind series from its unique art style, well-developed characters that are very relatable, to the out of this world actions scenes. It is a true gem, that proves the saying "never judge a book by its cover" or in this case art style. A definite must-watch for an action lovers time. https://youtu.be/mV39saBlBLI
8. Afro Samurai
Episodes 6| Aired Spring 2007 | Produced by Gonzo
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Afro Samurai an anime about revenge and katanas, filled with a lot of action right off from the beginning of the story. When he was a young boy, Afro witnessed his father be cut down in a duel at the hands of a man known only as Justice. After taking the life of Afro's father, Justice cast aside his Number Two headband and took the Number One to claim its godly powers as his own.Years later, having obtained the Number Two headband which grants him the right to challenge the Number One, Afro moves forward in his hunt for revenge on the man who murdered his father. There is just one thing that stands in his way—everyone else in the world! Though the Number One can only be challenged by the Number Two, the Number Two can be challenged by anyone. As his enemies gather to try and take the title of Number Two, Afro must fight through a myriad of foes and obstacles if he hopes to reach the Number One and claim vengeance once and for all –MAL Afro Samurai is actually 5 episodes but I made it 6 cause of the movie, which I'm 80% sure you will want to see if you watch the series. https://youtu.be/yB8_cdvEGZM
7. One Piece
Episodes 912+ | Aired Fall 1999 | Produced by Toei Animation
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One piece is one of the most popular action anime series from its first air till date and still growing strong. Gol D. Roger was known as the "Pirate King," the strongest and most infamous being to have sailed the Grand Line. The capture and execution of Roger by the World Government brought a change throughout the world. His last words before his death revealed the existence of the greatest treasure in the world, One Piece. It was this revelation that brought about the Grand Age of Pirates, men who dreamed of finding One Piece—which promises an unlimited amount of riches and fame—and quite possibly the pinnacle of glory and the title of the Pirate King.Enter Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy who defies your standard definition of a pirate. Rather than the popular persona of a wicked, hardened, toothless pirate ransacking villages for fun, Luffy’s reason for being a pirate is one of pure wonder: the thought of an exciting adventure that leads him to intriguing people and ultimately, the promised treasure. Following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Luffy and his crew travel across the Grand Line, experiencing crazy adventures, unveiling dark mysteries and battling strong enemies, all in order to reach the most coveted of all fortunes—One Piece –MAL One Piece is an anime with a lot to offer from supernatural powers, amazing fights scenes, well developed and lovable characters and voyages to new and exciting places. It's definitely an anime that ticks a lot of people boxes on what they want in an action anime. https://youtu.be/-tviZNY6CSw
6. Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Sword of the Stranger)
Episodes 1| Aired September 2007 | Produced by Bones
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Sword of the Stranger is a really great movie with a lot of amazing action scenes. In the Sengoku period of Japan, a young orphan named Kotarou and his dog Tobimaru steals from unsuspecting villagers in order to make ends meet. However, Kotarou is forced to remain on the run when he finds himself being hunted down by assassins sent by China's Ming Dynasty for mysterious reasons not involving his petty crimes.Fortunately, the duo runs into Nanashi, a ronin who has taken refuge in a small temple, when Kotarou is attacked and Tobimaru poisoned. Although the samurai saves the helpless pair from their pursuers, he feels that there is no need to help them further; but when offered a gem in exchange for his services as a bodyguard, he reluctantly accepts Kotarou's offer of employment—just until Tobimaru is healed and the two reach their destination. As the three set out on a perilous journey, it soon becomes evident that their path is riddled with danger, as the Ming Dynasty has now sent a terrifying swordsman after them to capture Kotarou and fulfil a certain prophecy –MAL If you love historical settings that's another reason to give Sword of the Stranger a chance. It won't disappoint with its relatable characters, amazing action sequences, beautiful art style and just the brotherly love that is shown between the two main characters has the story progresses. https://youtu.be/dYGpmgxKpNs
5. Dragon Ball Z
Episodes 291| Aired Spring 1989 | Produced by Toei Animation
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Dragon Ball Z is like a fine wine that only seems to get better with the years. Five years after winning the World Martial Arts tournament, Gokuu is now living a peaceful life with his wife and son. This changes, however, with the arrival of a mysterious enemy named Raditz who presents himself as Gokuu's long-lost brother. He reveals that Gokuu is a warrior from the once powerful but now virtually extinct Saiyan race, whose homeworld was completely annihilated. When he was sent to Earth as a baby, Gokuu's sole purpose was to conquer and destroy the planet; but after suffering amnesia from a head injury, his violent and savage nature changed, and instead was raised as a kind and well-mannered boy, now fighting to protect others.With his failed attempt at forcibly recruiting Gokuu as an ally, Raditz warns Gokuu's friends of a new threat that's rapidly approaching Earth—one that could plunge Earth into an intergalactic conflict and cause the heavens themselves to shake. A war will be fought over the seven mystical dragon balls, and only the strongest will survive in Dragon Ball Z –MAL Dragon Ball Z is one of the anime series that helped spread the love of anime around the world. It's thrilling, pulse-pounding and delightful to watch. https://youtu.be/E6CYI3Xb1tQ
4. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Episodes 64 + OVA| Aired Spring 2009 | Produced by Bones
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is an anime with an amazing plot, engaging action, lovable characters, comedy, drama and beautiful music. "In order for something to be obtained, something of equal value must be lost."Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. They pay a terrible price for their transgression—Edward loses his left leg, Alphonse his physical body. It is only by the desperate sacrifice of Edward's right arm that he is able to affix Alphonse's soul to a suit of armour. Devastated and alone, it is the hope that they would both eventually return to their original bodies that give Edward the inspiration to obtain metal limbs called "automail" and become a state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist.Three years of searching later, the brothers seek the Philosopher's Stone, a mythical relic that allows an alchemist to overcome the Law of Equivalent Exchange. Even with military allies Colonel Roy Mustang, Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, and Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes on their side, the brothers find themselves caught up in a nationwide conspiracy that leads them not only to the true nature of the elusive Philosopher's Stone but their country's murky history as well. In between finding a serial killer and racing against time, Edward and Alphonse must ask themselves if what they are doing will make them human again... or take away their humanity –MAL  A must watch anime series for anime fans alike. I really like how it showed how as humans how far we are willing to go for the ones we love. https://youtu.be/kKtNiPpJy0A
3. Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)
Episodes 59 + OVA| Aired Spring 2013 | Produced by Wit Studio
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Attack On Titan is an extremely action-packed story with cliff-hangers, amazing characters and interesting battle equipment. Centuries ago, mankind was slaughtered to near extinction by monstrous humanoid creatures called titans, forcing humans to hide in fear behind enormous concentric walls. What makes these giants truly terrifying is that their taste for human flesh is not born out of hunger but what appears to be out of pleasure. To ensure their survival, the remnants of humanity began living within defensive barriers, resulting in one hundred years without a single titan encounter. However, that fragile calm is soon shattered when a colossal titan manages to breach the supposedly impregnable outer wall, reigniting the fight for survival against the man-eating abominations. After witnessing a horrific personal loss at the hands of the invading creatures, Eren Yeager dedicates his life to their eradication by enlisting into the Survey Corps, an elite military unit that combats the merciless humanoids outside the protection of the walls. Based on Hajime Isayama's award-winning manga, Shingeki no Kyojin follows Eren, along with his adopted sister Mikasa Ackerman and his childhood friend Armin Arlert, as they join the brutal war against the titans and race to discover a way of defeating them before the last walls are breached –MAL It's one of the best anime series of its year. With amazing visuals and soundtracks. It an anime that really questions the morality of humans and our resilience. https://youtu.be/KKzmOh4SuBc
2. Kenpuu Denki Berserk (Berserk)
Episodes 49| Aired Fall 1997 | Produced by OLM / Millepensee, GEMBA
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The story centres on Guts, a lone mercenary and Griffiths, a leader of the mercenary band -Band of the Hawk. You think Sasuke and Naruto rivalry was something, Griffith and Guts take it to a whole new level.  Born from the corpse of his mother, a young mercenary known only as Guts, embraces the battlefield as his only means of survival. Day in and day out, putting his life on the line just to make enough to get by, he moves from one bloodshed to the next.After a run-in with the Band of the Hawk, a formidable troop of mercenaries, Guts is recruited by their charismatic leader Griffith, nicknamed the "White Hawk." As he quickly climbed the ranks in order to become the head of the offensive faction, Guts proves to be a mighty addition to Griffith's force, taking Midland by storm. However, while the band's quest for recognition continues, Guts slowly realizes that the world is not as black-and-white as he once assumed.Set in the medieval era, Kenpuu Denki Berserk is a dark, gritty tale that follows one man's struggle to find his own path, while supporting another's lust for power, and the unimaginable tragedy that begins to turn the wheels of fate –MAL It's a series that is based on realism, at least when we look at human nature. Showing the good and evil, we humans are capable of and how society as become and so much more. https://youtu.be/_M1suLCbz-w
1. Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)
Episodes 88 + OVA| Aired Spring 2016 | Produced by Bones
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My Hero Academia has been praised as one of the newest big three of its time. The appearance of "quirks," newly discovered superpowers, has been steadily increasing over the years, with 80 per cent of humanity possessing various abilities from manipulation of elements to shapeshifting. This leaves the remainder of the world completely powerless, and Izuku Midoriya is one such individual.Since he was a child, the ambitious middle schooler has wanted nothing more than to be a hero. Izuku's unfair fate leaves him admiring heroes and taking notes on them whenever he can. But it seems that his persistence has borne some fruit: Izuku meets the number one hero and his personal idol, All Might. All Might's quirk is a unique ability that can be inherited, and he has chosen Izuku to be his successor!Enduring many months of gruelling training, Izuku enrols in UA High, a prestigious high school famous for its excellent hero training program, and this year's freshmen look especially promising. With his bizarre but talented classmates and the looming threat of a villainous organization, Izuku will soon learn what it really means to be a hero –MAL It's a superhero genre that has been done right, very realistic with lovable and relatable characters. Showing how hard work and skill go hand-in-hand to being good at something. https://youtu.be/-jBRnSVaGmI So that's all amazing guys and gals, hope you loved my recommendations if you have an anime you think deserves to be on this list, hit me up in the comment section below I would love to hear from you. And check out all our other amazing content or our MyAnime2go merch store for anime, manga and gaming treats and gifts. Till next time have an action-filled adrenaline-pumping day.......
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animetalkies · 5 years
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This one was our escape to the anime.⁣ It may seem childish and goofy in the beginning but just wait for the dark storyline to set in. ⁣ Togashi Yushihiro did a marvellous job with "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "IMO" but he excelled himself with this one.⁣ ⁣ Gon Freecs embarks on a journey to find his father who left him at a very young age to become a Hunter. Gon decides to follow his footsteps not only to find him but also to see what was so special about the profession that made his father chose over him. Amidst the journey, he makes friends and foes and all the typical shounen stuff.⁣ Although the story looks quite simple, it's the path’s taken by the main characters to achieve their goals that are incredibly creative and unpredictable, every arc offers new topics and even new genres, which couldn’t be attached any better.⁣ ⁣ The reason it stands out from other shounen anime is the amount of variety the story packs. ⁣ HxH successfully dabbles in several genres in six arcs; survival, fighting tournaments, crime thriller, virtual realities, war and politics. And not only that the series is also able to undergo tonal shifts (i.e from light to dark and vice a versa). The connection and of all the arcs creates a natural transition that highlights what the series really is, a journey.⁣ ⁣ Although the core of HxH lies in its writing, its characters come pretty close. Most of our favorite characters are from this anime itself. The characters and their development are something which 'Madhouse Studios' can be proud of. ⁣ Not one character is underdeveloped or one dimensional. Lots and lots of hours have been spent in developing each of them and making them unique and memorable in their own skin.⁣ ⁣ Talking about art and sound, both of them are amazing. And as the show progresses, the art gets even better, especially in the action sequences. ⁣ The OPs and EDs are also quite great.⁣ As for the soundtracks we can say they were epic, especially in moments of tension or mystery. ⁣ ⁣ Long review short, ⁣ A must watch !⁣ ⁣ ⁣ 9.5/10⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #anime #animereview #hxh #hxhedit #animetalkies (at Ahmedabad, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4hoSSsFxsP/?igshid=4nflg09uox4v
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Hepburn: Hanta Hanta HxH Hunter x Hunter Men's Black T-Shirt Imagine finding out that your father that you were told was dead is alive and a world renowned hunter. A young boy named Gon Freecss discovers this one day and embarks on a journey to find his dad and follow in his footsteps. Centered on this tee are Gon & Kurapika, Hunter x Hunter, or HxH. This Hunter x Hunter inspired men's black shirt is made from 100% pre-shrunk soft spun cotton, which is extremely comfortable. ?Sizes: S - XXL http://nemb.it/p/B_3MEuJBJH5
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