#hyde (servamp)
steel-dragon-art · 2 days
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YA'LL are not ready for this conversation (You are, the conversation just has not started yet.)
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tsunekami · 1 year
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[Servamp] Licht x Hyde
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chaossauceart · 8 months
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Servamp has taken over my brain for the past few weeks ahhhhhhhhhhh
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blvcklizard · 2 months
Hyde never bothered to tell his Eves a lot about the details of how a contract worked, let alone things about himself. It wasn't like he was keeping secrets, but what did it matter? They'd be dead soon anyway, they didn’t need all that info. It was no different with Licht, in the beginning anyway, and some things just never came up later, you know?
Now, Hyde knows some German, naturally; not that it mattered, he'd understand Licht anyway, and Licht usually doesn't talk to him in German either. He only seems to when he's stressed and not paying attention; the first time was when they were running late to a concert, a half-hearted insult about hurrying up, and Hyde didn't bother to respond. Licht, however, seemed to have expected a reaction, or at least drew the conclusion that Hyde doesn't understand German, because he started voicing minor frustrations in German more frequently, obviously not expecting Hyde to react. And Hyde being Hyde thought it'd be hilarious to see how long he can fool Licht.
Except that over time... things change a bit. What Licht says gets softer, contains less and less insults, all while the way Licht acts towards him or the things he tells him in English or Japanese don't change in the slightest. Hyde was able to brush it off long enough (acknowledging your emotions and dealing with them in a healthy way? never heard of her), but the stuff Licht mutters under his breath is getting... more intense, and it may only be a matter of time until he confesses his love to him or something. And Hyde is once again stuck in a situation where he absolutely missed the point to tell Licht the truth, and gets to use his full acting skills to keep up this charade.
Guil decided it was better not to tell Crantz about the translator. It's enough that one of them has to watch this disaster.
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radioactivesweet · 2 months
Hi Hi! I was hoping to request a platonic Lawless & Kuro (seperate) x reader! Like what it would be like to be their Eve :) Feel free to ignore have a good day! <3
Have a good day too^^ it's been a while (again) since I've practised writing in English, so I'm sorry if it's a bit rusty!
Btw I'm assuming this being pre-Licht Lawless, so he isn't going to be very pleasant!
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Being Lawless' Eve would be difficult. Demanding, even. You can see from the moment you are bound together, that what he cares about isn't you, but how you can entertain him. Whether you are an actor, a singer, or anything else, he wants you to never lose focus or you'll lose his interest. You never asked him what happened to his previous Eves, you didn't need to. There was a glimpse into his eyes you could perceive whenever you were performing, something almost threatening behind his pair of glasses. You tried to ignore the feeling that maybe being his Eve wasn't that good of an idea.
You ignore that gaze and keep on working towards your goals, striving for perfection... and that's actuallyu how you managed to get close to him! You wouldn't exactly call him a friend, but you managed to find a common ground. It's not an easy task - spending most of your time around him, you've come to realize that behind his silly demeanor, Lawless seems to be harboring some kind of shadow you don't ask him about - boundaries are what allow you survive being his Eve. He is difficult to deal with, capricious, exhausting, but, day after day, step after step, he doesn't just seem to find a mere plaything to throw away when he gets bored. Guildestern and Cratz too had noticed a subtle shift in his behaviour - they had started making bets on how long you'd last as his Eve, and were quite surprised with how Lawless almost seemed to enjoy your company. Behind all the teasing and quarrels, it was obvious to anyone but the two of you: friendship was born!
From then on sharing your life with Lawless became easier. You could even think he respected you - and you respected him. Neither of you shown it, but you functioned well together.
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Let's be serious: the only reason why you ended up making a contract with was by complete accident (just like what happened with Mahiru). There's no way for Sleepy Ash to be willing to get an Eve - and you want don't want anything to do with this lazy hikkimori you welcomed in your home, fooled by his cute cat appearance. Somehow you ended up sharing your home with him and there was nothing you could do to change the state things were.
It was frustrating to say the least - everyday you'd come back home, the little black cat reverting to his human form, and while you were busy doing chores after a tiring day, Sleepy Ash would be doing nothing but eating junk food and playing video games. He wasn't the best roommate... but not the worst neither; it took you some time (a lot, to be honest) before finally starting to get to know him - how he preffered one snack you bought him over another, or how he told you you reminded him of one of his siblings. Day after, despite being always quite uninterested and quiet, Sleepy Ash would start opening up. Sometimes he'd even smile too. He'd crack a joke or two. Sleepy Ash had many flaws - it would take you aget to count them all - but you learnt how to appreciate them a anyway.
Coming home after a tiring day, Sleepy Ash became someone familiar, a part of your everyday life, an important piece of your routine. He'd make himself comfortable on the sofa, while you'd tell him about your day. He pretends not to be listening - too focused on the latest game you had gifted him - but he actually values every word you say.
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laderniereluciole · 6 months
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— lawlicht cover & icon ♡
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
For the Disney day of the event, I definitely spread the beloved topic around to all my fandoms! For Servamp, I decided to write about what the Servamp’s favourite Disney treats from specifically the Disney World park would be and I hope you’ll all enjoy the weirdly specific, but hopefully interesting, headcanons!
The Servamp’s favourite Disney Parks treats:
Kuro can’t pass up the popcorn carts and really loves Mickey pretzels. However, his absolute favourite treat exists in Disney Springs. He’s a huge cola fan so it’s no surprise that he definitely considers the ‘Tastes Around the World’ international tray from the Coca-Cola Store Rooftop Beverage Bar a must during every Disney trip.
Hugh is actually a really huge fan of pineapple flavours so he can’t help loving Dole Whip. While just the Dole Whip is fine, his favourite treat are the Dole Whip floats, especially when they have the specialty orange flavoured ones since orange soda is his favourite among the soda types and to have it topped with delicious Dole Whip? Heavenly.
Jeje’s favourite Disney treat is only available seasonally, around the autumn and Halloween season. He’s a bit of a basic bitch in how much he enjoys pumpkin anything and especially pumpkin spice anything. Rosie’s All-American Café in Hollywood Studios does a pumpkin bread tiramisu around that time that Jeje absolutely thinks is one of the most delicious things on earth.
Freya has grown to really love the taste of apples, and while there’s a lot of delicious foods available at the parks, her favourite treat is a drink. She really love LeFou’s Brew, especially in the souvenir glasses. She definitely has multiples of those cups.  For those unaware, LeFou’s Brew is just a frozen apple slushie with marshmallow flavoring and a passion fruit-mango foam.
Lawless likes a lot of the Disney treats. Most of them are served in some over-the-top presentation and that really appeals to him. In terms of taste though, he’s a big fan of the Cheeseburger Pods served at Satu’li Canteen in the Animal Kingdom.
Ildio can really get behind those massive turkey legs served at all the Disney parks. It’s a little disturbing just how many of them he can eat in a row. His siblings have clocked it and it’s sixteen. Sixteen of them in a row and he said he was still hungry, but they’d all run out of money.
Lily is a huge fan of Les Halles Boulangerie & Patisserie in EPCOT. It’s a must on any trip to Disney. He always gets coffee as a drink and likes to try out the different bakery treats. His favourite from them though is their macarons, especially their Macaron Lime Raspberry.
Tsubaki likes to try all of the different treats and foods you can only get at Disney World. He finds a lot of them tasty, yeah, but he’s never been able to settle on a favourite. However, Disney World recently released a treat that he tried, and it became his favourite right away. The new Everest Cupcake from Animal Kingdom just fully won his heart over.
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carollshiro · 1 year
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Kuromahi e Lawlicht bonitinhos com as roupas dos caps 104 e 105 🤌♥️💜💜
Tive que improvisar umas cores que eu não tinha, alguém me dá de presente uma caixa de lápis com 300 cores por favor
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mahi-does-some-art · 1 month
I love when lawless and lily have beef lol
Lol they can barely stand each other unless it's a matter of coffee.
They're always bickering and throwing shade at each other unless it's the morning rush-- Then they work almost disturbingly well with each other to make every order. They work so well that they have time to make pretty art on all the lattes.
They both are very particular about good coffee and that's the only thing they get along with lol. Lily often prepared coffee when he and Misono still lived at the manor starting when he was a teen with the luxury of only ever having a fancy espresso machine.
Hyde saved up for a fancy espresso machine a couple years before he started working at the bakery and ever since he's been learning how to make the best cups of any type of coffee drink ever and is a very annoying coffee snob.
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weatherholds · 1 year
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Idc if it's 05.30am in the morning, i HAVE to do this.
And i might continue this. But, i don't know who's next-
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Apparently we would see them beat up each other more 🥰💀💀💀💀💀
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Misono if he is in a Shoujo manga
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"That's my dad."
Normalize blaming everything on Thomas Astruc.
Guys I think I miss Servamp, idk maybe just a little . . . I see them everwhere . . . In every . . .
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sereves · 10 months
My thoughts on Ophelia
Bare with me, this is long.
Okayyy so I might get a lot of hate for this and this is my very first post so here we go.
I’m really sick of the fandom shipping Lawless x Ophelia, and it seems no one really touches on the gravity of their relationship and just blindly ships it because it's cute and matches the princess x knight aesthetic. I’ll be the first one to say it, although I love Ophelia’s character I really hated her relationship with Lawless. 
First off, she treated Lawless like shit. No one ever mentions this, but she only used him whenever she wanted to. Lawless being a servamp and all that, and not to mention it is heavily implied that Ophelia knew of Lawless’s feelings towards her which makes it extra hurtful. I mean, just look at this panel:
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Is no one really going to say anything about this panel? Lawless even canonically says he felt used in their situation, and he’s not wrong to feel this way. Granted, again I love Ophelia’s character being based on Hamlet and her ambitions to keep peace within her kingdom, but man…She really used Lawless whenever she felt fit. 
Another thing I’d like to note is that whenever a character is talking about someone they love dearly, Strike intentionally makes the surrounding background of the character shine like they are an angel. Misano’s mom is an example of this. Seriously the fandom-loving Misano’s mom who intentionally homewrecked was weird and now that we’ve gotten her real backstory it feels as if Strike who made Misano’s mom look angelic and innocent has been shattered. It’s the same way how I feel about Lawless looking at Ophelia. It’s almost like rose-tinted glasses are being put on whenever the guys see someone they care for deeply. They cannot see their flaws.
Moving on, here is another panel I want to talk about.
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Yall, I am upset with this panel a lot, and again, no one ever seemed to talk about it, but here Ophelia literally tells him not to cry and calls him a fool. AND she says he has no dignity as a servamp?? Guys, do you not see the toxic masculinity here 😭 No wonder Lawless is such a crybaby in the future, Ophelia literally told him to stop crying in the past and basically called him a big baby, when she is literally going to die. Like Lawless, is literally having a full-blown panic attack right now and Ophelia literally tells him to stop crying- I- WH Y- YOU ARE ABOUT TO DIE. HE LOVES YOU. YOU KNOW THAT. AND YOU TELL HIM TO STOP CRYING AND SAYS HE HAS NO DIGNITY. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to be too emotional but this panel really had me upset, because it really does explain later why Lawless cries so much when he lost djinn later on, and is noted as a “cry baby”. Gee, I wonder why, maybe cause in the past the person he loved used him, emotionally abused him, and told him to stop crying 💀
Moving on, theres this,
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yALL, SHE CUCKED HIM FOR REAL 💀 😭Like my mans did not deserve this 😭I get it she had to do it for peace for her country but damn, did she really brush off Lawless when she KNEW he had feelings for her. When she said she was getting married she and during the actual marriage she fr had that smile on her face as if she wasnt breaking Lawless’ heart into a million pieces 💀
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She. Was. A. Child. When thye met. Guys, please tell me I’m not insane for not shipping them, but Lawless met Ophelia as a child and basically raised her. I cannot get over it, it’s weird??? Bro basically prordered her 💀I love Lawless, I really do. He’s been my favorite character for the past like 6 years, but the Ophelia x Lawless ship really gives off weird vibes. Like I really dislike how they met when Lawless was a full on adult and Ophelia was literally like 10 in this panel, and then she grew up. Like thank god they didn’t get together cause that’s basically gr00ming since he kinda raised her💀I’m going to move on from this, and let you guys process this, but yeah…
Alright those are my main points for now, sorry if this is rushed, I’ve been having these thoughts ever since I met Ophelia not gonna lie and this is way overdue, but I’ve had my suspicions for awhile that Strike frames loved ones in rose-tinted glasses for a reason, and then later on reveals who they are actually. Not saying this matches with Ophelia, but after seeing the reveal on Misano’s mom being a whole hoe I figured I’d finally get the balls to make this post. I know I’m going to get chastised for this, but honestly, someone needs to say it. Happy Thanksgiving yall, and my inbox is open if you wanna talk about this, but please be gentle, I’m not here to fight anyone, just give my opinions.
(Edited: typos and grammar)
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chaossauceart · 4 months
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An idea for licht’s eve tattoo that I drew, and the temp tattoo I made to test it out! I am thinking of getting it tattooed for real when I have the money!
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blvcklizard · 9 months
"You can't hear pictures" okay explain this then
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shiirotas · 2 years
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Local man realizes he’s been dating his boyfriend for a full year and never noticed it til his twitter followers called him fruity. 
Real LawLicht confession I don’t accept criticism. 
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