#hydrothermal veins
Monday's Mineral: Igneous Quartz
Quartz is an interesting mineral that forms both in igneous and sedimentary settings. Today, we will look into the igneous side of things in a bit more detail.
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Quartz is a major component of silica-rich igneous rocks also known as felsic rocks. In granite, quartz can make up to 25% of the composition (feldspar makes up the majority).
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Quartz is a large component of pegmatites as well. Pegmatites are a type of intrusive igneous rock with a similar composition to granite but on a smaller scale and far less homogenous. Pegmatites are the last part of a magma body to crystallize. This final fluid fraction is high in volatile and trace elements.
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Quartz can also form in hydrothermal veins. Hydrothermal veins are a combination of two ways minerals form: heat and precipitation from water. Magma is not just molten rock. It also contains water and because it is underground and under a ton of pressure, that water stays a liquid. At the temperatures that hydrothermal water reaches, it can dissolve a lot of minerals, including silicon dioxide (chemical formula for quartz). As the magma cools, the last part that is still water contains quartz and it can seep into cracks in rocks where it eventually precipitates out.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
A new stupid Ted Lasso drabble? Oh worm? 👀
“Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
It was too early for this shit.
Roy turned to find Ted staring intently at his computer screen, with Twitter—no fucking wonder he was losing his mind at 7:00am— encroaching on the Richmond desktop. Across from him Beard licked his thumb and deftly flipped a page of The Secret Garden. Had they planned this?
“Yes,” Beard said, not bothering to look up. Ted let out an explosive breath and smiled, like Beard’s promise of worm devotion meant fuck all when they had actual shit to do. Keeley was still waiting on a statement. Rebecca had a small library for them to sign. Higgins— Roy shuddered—wanted to talk finances in half an hour.
Which meant that instead of prepping for any of that in any way, Ted’s gaze crept towards him.
“Fuck no,” Roy barked.
Ted pouted. No, no, if Phoebe couldn’t sway him with doe-eyes at the tender age of six then Ted Bloody Lasso wasn’t going to do it around a fucking mustache. Roy set his teeth against the sliver of an apology trying to force its way out. “You’re a worm,” he said, as if that explained it all. Because dammit, it did.
“What kind of worm?”
Head jerking, Roy schooled his look of betrayal at Trent taking this seriously. He had his glasses off and everything, tap-tap-taping against his mouth as he stared contemplatively up at the ceiling.
“Uhhh...” Ted consulted the digital hellfire, but apparently no answers were offered up. Figures. “I don’t know. Just a worm? Are there a lot of ‘em?”
“Oh yes. Well over twenty-thousand last I checked.”
Roy twitted involuntarily. Twenty-fucking-thousand? And how the hell did Trent know that? Was he the goddamn worm whisperer? Made sense, given what a spineless pest he was.
Not anymore a voice whispered, sounding suspiciously like Ted. Yeah. Fine. He’d changed or what-fucking-ever. Roy growled and resigned himself to a worm lecture as penance.
“Worms are as varied as any species,” Trent was saying, curdling Roy’s stomach with every word. He took his pen out, mindlessly twirling it as he gathered his thoughts. “Silkworms, tapeworms, the humble earthworm. They seem quite simple on the surface and yet they’re a vital part of our ecosystem. Forget the bees; remove the worm and you risk a near total collapse of our agriculture. Ah, and did you know that the leech is a worm? Certainly they’ve been invaluable to the medical community as a natural anticoagulant. Science will always advance, but sometimes all you need is a good old-fashioned blood sucker—”
“Stop,” Roy groaned, fingers digging into the fabric of his shirt. Trent glanced over, one eyebrow raised.
“The point—sorry, my editor is always on my case for ‘overly verbose prose.’ As if she’s one to talk with those emails—the point is that if you were a worm, Ted, you would remain just as valuable a member of society as you are now. Of course we'd still love you. And why shouldn't you remain a part of our lives? I would determine your species and then set about finding a suitable environment for you. One that, hopefully, we would all be able to visit with frequency. However, if you’re a tube-worm I’m afraid you’re, well, shit out of luck, if I’m allowed to be crass. None of us are going anywhere near a hydrothermal vent and that’s even if I knew how to swim. Most land-living species would be doable though.” Trent bit his lower lip, considering. “If you were a worm I’d research everything I could about your nutrition, enrichment, life cycle. Given the magical nature of these events—I assume in this hypothetical you weren’t always a worm, yes?—I would take steps to ensure you were well looked after, should your life extend past mine. Luckily, Amelia already had a fondness for all things creepy and crawly, so I’m sure she’d be thrilled to receive you in the will. In the same vein, I’d use whatever contacts I still possess to connect with the leading researchers in Nematology and Helminthology, see if we couldn't find some way to communicate with you. I have no qualms about you being a worm, Ted, but I would miss our chats.” Trent smiled, a little wistfully, and then shook himself like a man coming out of a dream. “Why do you ask?”
“Jesus Fucking Christ,” Roy said, thunking his head down on the keyboard. Whatever these two nerds had going on he needed to bottle it and sell the shit. He'd make a fortune.
Ted let out a strangled noise. “No reason,” he said, clearing his throat. “That’s a mighty kind offer of yours, Trent, and I do appreciate it. Yes, ma'am, I do. I suppose you could say I—”
“Don’t,” Roy growled.
“—wormed my way into your heart?”
And he was done. Nearly tripping himself in his haste to leave the office, Roy unfortunately still saw the high-five Beard gave Ted—complete with a “Booya!”—and the heart eyes Trent was sending his way, fierce as fucking laser beams. Honestly, they were disgusting, the lot of them.
Still, that question was going to haunt him now...
“Wonder if Keeley and Jamie would love me if I was a worm,” Roy muttered, ignoring the look Higgins cast him and the question of where he was off to with their meeting on the horizon. Fuck finances. Worms didn't care about finances.
Roy took a right towards the exit, towards KJPR, and hopefully an answer half as romantic as the dork's.
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aut2imagineart · 2 months
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After my Oceans of Europa piece, I wanted to showcase the lifeforms shown in said piece including the ones too small to be seen. Here's what they are in descending order.
Bacterial mites: These soft bodied organisms are the primary grazers of the bacterial colonies that grow around the hydrothermal vents. They are remarkably heat resistant and often move near the mouth of the vents to avoid predators.
Vein swimmers: the primary predators of Bacterial mites, these squid-like organisms live in large colones that construct vein-like structures around hydrothermal vents for protection and insulation. Not as tolerant to extreme heat, the Vein Swimmers construct parts of their veins as far as they can within bacterial colonies then use their grasping tentacles to catch any mites within range. To avoid inbreeding, some pregnant individuals will intentionally get eaten by predators so their eggs will get carried to different vents and either join for form new veins.
Spear slug: despite their name, spear slugs are more similar to lancelets having simple vertebrates. They are the primary predators of Vein swimmers, using their six head appendages to pierce the vein structures in hopes of catching swimmers.
Europan Leviathan: Growing up to 66 cm in total length, Europan Leviathans are not only the largest organisms swimming in Europa's oceans but also the apex predators of their environment. As ambush predators, they generally are slow moving to conserve energy and only move quick enough to catch prey with the aid of their retractable mouth appendages.
A detail to note is that none of these organisms have eyesight and the dark spots you see on them are actually heat sensing organs.
As always, comments and critiques are welcome.
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Mineral Swag Round 1: Stripey
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More under the cut!
About chevron amethyst from one submitter: Its a mixture of amethyst & white quartz. the white quartz makes stripey/chevron patterns & its found in Russia, Brazil, and India
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Rainbow or banded fluorite is a fluorite formation that has several layers of different colors. Typically these colors are purple, green, blue, yellow, and pink. According to one submitter: I heard it has a kind of "grain" to it? Like with wood working, cutting it a certain way will make it break apart a lot easier. I'm not an expert and I'm going off of over a year-old memory for this. That would make sense to me, as I’ll explain in a moment!
Both quartz and fluorite form in veins between rocks where hot water (with all kinds of material in solution, dissolved in the water) runs through the cracks, and minerals can crystalize. If you’ve ever put a string in a cup of salt water and waited for the salt crystals to form (because the salt, the stuff in the water solution, crystallizes out of the water and sticks to the string), this is kind of how these minerals form from hydrothermal activity.
In the specific case of these layered varieties, I assume that these minerals form layer by layer in veins or cavities in the rocks and the changing colors are due to changes in the conditions or composition of the hydrothermal solution running through the veins in the rocks.
This is typically why minerals have multiple colors, although with the well-defined lines that separate these multicolored layers, I would also add that a layer forms, then there is a pause in growth, then another layer forms, and so on.
Because I am assuming there are pauses between growth phases, it wouldn’t surprise me if these layers are more likely to break between layers instead of across them, if that makes sense.
I wasn’t able to find specific information about why and how these formations, well, form, but this is my assumption based on knowledge of other, similar mineral samples that have different colors or shades of the same mineral. I’m not super confident about this explanation because quartz can form from solution but also often forms out of magmas, so I could’ve totally missed the mark on this one. However, if someone came into the mineral museum and asked me, this is the explanation I would’ve given them (with this disclaimer). If anyone knows more about the formation conditions for these types of quartz and fluorite, I’d love to hear it!
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Zonaite Inspo
While playing through the tutorial of Tears of the Kingdom, Zonaite seems to play a pretty large role in the games mechanics, although I haven't played far enough to truly know I guess...
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Anyway, while Zonaite isn't a real mineral found in the real world like the other minerals you can find in the game, in design it does seem to be inspired in part by malachite, but in practice the only minerals that could truly create energy would be uranium bearing minerals like Torbernite and Coffinite. Another thing to note is that uranium bearing minerals do tend to glow in Ultraviolet light which this ore appears to be doing, but the only light source is the Brightblooms, which brings me to my next ridiculous argument, which is that Brightblooms must emit UV light.
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Malachite is a copper ore that is green and typically found in veins from hydrothermal fluid moving through a rock that is commonly mafic or dark in composition. Because it is a copper bearing ore it would not be totally out of the question to have native copper appear with it as this rock appears to have metal veins moving through it. The other minerals could also be Torbernite or some other Uranium-Bearing mineral (I just chose Torbernite because it is also a copper bearing mineral and Coffinite because it is a black uranium bearing mineral which could be the dark rock itself and it is also created in hydrothermal environments).
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The game mentions that Zonaite itself has energy and it also has the ability to power machines. So, if I was trying to make this ore a real rock, I would make it a copper (conductive mineral) and Uranium (energy) bearing ore that during the smelting process is separated and then made into some crazy battery. Anywho, thank you for reading my ridiculous rant that kept me occupied from doing my actual grad research. **Disclaimer, I am a geology grad student, but I do not study uranium deposits so my knowledge about them is about as much as anyone who got a degree in general geology.
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meret118 · 10 months
Most recently, aquanauts on board a vessel from the Schmidt Ocean Institute used an underwater robot to turn over slabs of volcanic crust in the deep, dark Pacific.
Underneath the seafloor of this well-studied site, the international team of researchers found veins of subsurface fluids swimming with life that has never been seen before.
It's a whole new world we didn't know existed.
"On land we have long known of animals living in cavities underground, and in the ocean of animals living in sand and mud, but for the first time, scientists have looked for animals beneath hydrothermal vents," says the institute's executive director, Jyotika Virmani.
"This truly remarkable discovery of a new ecosystem, hidden beneath another ecosystem, provides fresh evidence that life exists in incredible places."
More at the link.
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ardentguilt · 9 months
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Stibnite with Quartz
Antimony Sulphide, the principal ore of Antimony.
Initially Silvery-grey but can develop an iridescent black tarnish upon exposure to light.
Usually occurs as elongated crystals in a radiating, needle-like structure.
Stibnite forms in Hydrothermal Veins and Hot Spring deposits at low temperatures up to 200 degrees C and is often associated with Galena, Cinnabar, Realgar, Orpiment, Pyrite and Quartz.
Stibnite is used to manufacture matches, fireworks and percussion caps for firearms.
Historically Stibnite was crushed to a powder and used as an eye cosmetic called Kohl.
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loverboy-ish-fr · 9 months
hiii skins and accents for offferrrrrrrrrr :3
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i'm putting skins/accents i don't want up for offer - red X'd out are Not for sale, orange question marks are Maybe if it's a very good offer (i may find use for them myself/will be using them in different times of the year but i may be persuaded for the right price), all unmarked are free for offers (in treasure, prefereably, but i won't necessarily say no to gems). i am also putting this in the items for sale forums. will also have examples of how the accents/skins look on there (not this post tho sowwy).
edit! blue asterisks mean they've been sold :3
accents + skins names under the cut feel free to rb ok thank u. <3
Accent: Research Notes - Coatl F Pose
Accent: Maren Warrior - Mirror M Pose, x 2
Accent: Bogsmog - Bogsneak M Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2017
Skin: Snappy Conductor - Snapper F Pose, Thundercrack Carnivale 2018
Skin: Ancestor - Snapper M Pose, Rockbreaker's Ceremony 2018, full-body/hides wings
Skin: Sweater Weather - Mirror F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2019
Skin: Ancient Heritage - Tundra M Pose, Crystalline Gala 2019, full-body/hides wings
Accent: Hydrothermal Vent - Ridgeback M Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2019
Accent: Solarium - Coatl M Pose, Brightshine Jubilee 2019
Skin: Reign of Fire - Imperial F Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2019, full-body
Accent: Curse of the Slain - Ridgeback M Pose, Riot of Rot 2020
Accent: Glacial Veins - Mirror F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2021
Accent: Moonstone Queen - Guardian F Pose, Trickmurk Circus 2021
Accent: Marinated Rot - Gaoler M Pose, Riot of Rot 2021
Accent: Cinderslag Railway - Snapper F Pose, Flameforger's Festival 2022 SOLD!
Accent: Winterbloom - Fae M Pose, Crystalline Gala 2023
Accent: Frosted Roses - Nocturne F Pose, Crystalline Gala 2023
Accent: Midnight Jester - Nocturne F Pose, Trickmurk Circus 2023
Accent: Little Sea Slugger - Fae M Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2023
Accent: King of the Forest - Obelisk M Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2023
QUESTION-MARKED SKINS/ACCENTS, ORDER OF APPEARANCE, includes reasons why I may keep them instead:
Accent: Death by Flower - Imperial F Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2019 - very pretty, very pink, I like pink
Skin: Spirit Boon - Coatl F Pose, Brightshine Jubilee 2019 - I like the Light Emblem on it
Accent: Storm Thrower - Ridgeback M Pose, Thundercrack Carinvale 2019 - may fit/compliment my Lightning Ridgeback
Accent: Sea Nettle Symbiote - Bogsneak F Pose, Wavecrest Saturnalia 2022 - I think it looks neat :)
Accent: Bunch of Lilies - Aberration M Pose, Greenskeeper Gathering 2023 - may use for one of my Aberrations and its cute :)
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ir0n-angel · 1 year
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I posted 17,622 times in 2022
That's 2,641 more posts than 2021!
104 posts created (1%)
17,518 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10,640 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#minerals - 1,851 posts
#hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha - 1,066 posts
#i'm hungry - 873 posts
#awesome art - 685 posts
#gaming dice - 496 posts
#sound on - 406 posts
#this - 249 posts
#but also - 241 posts
#cute art - 237 posts
#for reference - 179 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#can you imagine what the world would be like if our governments weren't run by people with fortunes tied to harmful environmental practices?
My Top Posts in 2022:
Please use punctuation.
Please use punctuation, especially if you’re making a long post. I don’t care if it’s the wrong one. It can be all commas all the time. Or periods. Or be radical and use a semicolon. It’s hard enough to read walls of text. It’s impossible to read them when there’s nothing to break up the sentences.
This message brought to you by one of the millions of users with dyslexia.
18 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
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A present for you.
21 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
*skin crawls* *hits the block button*
Okay, because there seems to be a little bit of miscommunication here, please take note of the following:
I’m a bi/pan-romantic demisexual, ADHD sufferer, and I have a tenuous acquaintanceship with gender at best. I’m an atheist omnivore that believes black lives matter, trans men are men, trans women are women, nonbinaries are awesome, children are real people and not property, love is love, vaccines save lives, climate crisis is a real problem, platonic love is just as important as romantic love, abortion should be safe and legal and none of your damn business, social media is bad for your health, no one should own assault weapons, and diet culture and capitalism and cult of celebrity should die in a fire.
We got that? Good. I’m not interested in having a debate with y’all over this. I don’t care to hear your point of view and I don’t dance with devil’s advocates. I’m here for rocks, recipes, and the occasional awful pun. If it ain’t enough for you to sit quietly and enjoy the pretty pictures, get blocked. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Good riddance.
29 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
If you have the spoons (& willingness), I am curious & would love it if you could tell me why so many pretty minerals look like red lyrium.
Manganese! Also traces of iron, magnesium and/or calcium. But mostly manganese! Manganese gives you red!
I assume we're talking about this bad boy right here:
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Also known as manganese carbonate (MnCO3), it occurs as a hydrothermal vein mineral along with other manganese minerals in low temperature ore deposits such as silver. In its purest form, it creates beautiful crystals like the one pictured above. However, calcium (and sometimes magnesium and zinc) frequently replaces the manganese in the structure, leading to shades of pink, the most common color encountered:
See the full post
31 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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💙Back again for the third year in a row, with new prompts!💙
FLUFF-uary is a creation celebration designed to display all your sweetness and light for the whole month of February. There will be a prompt for each day and you can do as many as you like, in any combination or order.
Feel free to write, draw, edit photos/videos...whatever you're inspired to create. Have fun, it's not a contest. You can join in for the whole month, do one or two, or even come up with your own. Do it at your own pace, even after February is over. There's no word or size limits or restrictions other than to keep it sweet (no whump, please – we're all about the comfort zone here).
When uploading your fluffs, please tag properly with the prompt, the tag fluffuary2022, and any other applicable tags (like genre, characters, any content warnings if you decide to go NSFW etc.) Any questions can be directed @ir0n-angel​ and @crackinglamb.   As always, we hope everyone has a good time.
(reader-friendly plain text under the cut)
1. Holding Hands
2. Long Conversations
3. Trust
4. Being Silly
5. Moral Support
6. Shopping Together
7. Love Letters
8. Taking a nap together
9. Caretaking
10. Cooking Together
11. Compliments
12. First 'I love you'
13. Night Out
14. Mutual Pining
15. Love Bites
16. Flower Crowns/Putting Flowers In Their Hair
17. 'This Made Me Think of You'
18. Domestic Intimacy
19. Spooning
20. Acts of Devotion
21. Trying Something New
22. Bearhugs
23. Reminiscing
24. Wearing/Stealing Each Other's Clothes
25. Adopting a plant/pet
See the full post
358 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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twinblasphemies · 2 years
THE GOAT IS NOT JUST A GOAT YKNOW??? SHES SO MUCH More shess. Shes in the ofean qs well as on land shes Life shes Eveyrthing shes in our veins our cells shes like the hydrothermal vent of the world ahes the source of all life and i am. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
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Science Sunday
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Quartz comes in a wide variety of colors but what causes this? In it's purest form, quartz is colorless and transparent. Colors are caused by different impurities within the mineral.
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Milky quartz is created by minute fluid inclusions (either liquid or gas or even both) trapped within the crystal during its formation.
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Rose quartz gets its color from trace amounts titanium, iron, or manganese. It is often found in pegmatites and sometimes hydrothermal veins.
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Amethyst gets it's color from trace amounts of iron. The more iron in the crystal, the darker the color.
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Smoky quartz gets its color from natural radiation of aluminum impurities in the crystal.
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Citrine gets its color from trace amounts of iron or aluminum as well. Natural citrine is rare...most that people see is heat-treated amethyst or even smoky quartz.
These are the most prominent versions of macrocrystalline quartz. There are many other microcrystalline varieties but we will discuss those in a later post.
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elencopper · 30 days
How To Guide For Buying Rhodochrosite Jewelry
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If you're a romantic soul or want to become one, then this manganese carbonate mineral should be your first pick. Being known as the raspberry spar, Rhodochrosite Jewelry is appreciated for its appealing tones. They belong to the carbonate and nitrate mineral group and are found in stalactitic, botryoidal modular, and granular states. This lovey-dovey stone forms in hydrothermal veins of copper, silver, and lead mines. Also, structures within layers of manganese oxide. The splendid reddish-pink hues are admired within shades of brown, yellow, white, and orange.
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chemicalsectorupdates · 3 months
Ilmenite Market Exploration: Unraveling Market Segmentation and Demographics
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Ilmenite: A Primary Source of Titanium Dioxide Formation and Deposits Ilmenite, also known as manaccanite, is a titanium-iron oxide mineral with the formula FeTiO3. It is a weakly magnetic black or steel-gray solid. Ilmenite forms in igneous and metamorphic rocks as a primary mineral. It crystallizes in the trigonal-hexagonal system and most often occurs in a massive, granular or lamellar forms. Ilmenite forms as a volcanic and hypabyssal rock-forming mineral. Hydrothermal solutions also deposit ilmenite in veins and breccia zones. Major ilmenite deposits are found in Australia, South Africa, Canada, Ukraine and India. The largest deposits are located near Beach Lake in Ontario, Canada and near Prairie Lake in Australia. Chemical Composition and Properties Chemically, ilmenite is an iron(II) titanium oxide. It typically contains 50-52% TiO2 and 32-38% FeO. Ilmenite also contains small amounts of MgO, MnO and calcium contaminants. The mineral is black to steel-gray colored with a submetallic to dull luster. It has a hardness of 5-6.5 on the Mohs scale and a moderate specific gravity ranging from 4.7-5 g/cm3. Ilmenite is weakly magnetic due to its iron content. It tends to alter to leucoxene, pseudobrookite and rutile under weathering conditions near the Earth's surface. When heated in air, ilmenite oxidizes to a mixture of iron oxide and titanium dioxide. Economic Significance and Uses Ilmenite is the primary industrial source of titanium dioxide, which is also known as titanium white. Titanium dioxide has a variety of applications due to its brightness and very high refractive index. It is widely used as a pigment in paints, plastics, paper, inks, foods and other materials. Titanium dioxide imparts a brilliant white color and opacity to products while remaining non-toxic. As a pigment, it is valued for its hiding power and tinting strength. Globally, titanium dioxide demand exceeds 6 million metric tons per year. The paint and plastics industries combined account for approximately 90% of titanium dioxide usage. Mining and Refining Processes Mining ilmenite deposits involves open pit or underground methods based on the deposit type and economics. At the mining site, overburden rock is first removed to access the ilmenite orebody. The run of mine ore is dug out using heavy earthmoving equipment like hydraulic excavators and trucks. The ore is hauled to a processing facility where it undergoes size reduction using crushers and grinders. Magnetic separation is employed to concentrate the ilmenite content. This separates the weakly magnetic ilmenite from non-magnetic gangue minerals like silicates, quartz and iron sulfides. Outlook and Sustainability Issues Global ilmenite reserves are sufficient to meet demand for many decades at current production levels. Major producers like Rio Tinto, Vale, Chemours and others are engaged in exploration to discover new reserves and expand mining operations. Efforts are also on to produce titanium metal and alloys from ilmenite. Recycling of titanium scrap helps manage resources and reduce mining impacts. However, issues like land use, emissions, water usage and waste generation during mining and processing require ongoing attention. Industry-wide programs focus on environmental stewardship and sustainability performance. Minimizing energy consumption through efficient processes also benefits producers. On the whole, ilmenite will continue supplying the titanium needs of various industries into the foreseeable future.
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giricollections · 4 months
What are Natural Emeralds and their Benefits?
Natural emeralds are gemstones that belong to the beryl mineral family, known for their rich green color. They are formed when beryllium, aluminum, silicon, and oxygen combine under specific geological conditions, typically in hydrothermal veins or metamorphic environments. The green color of emeralds comes from trace amounts of chromium, vanadium, or iron within the crystal structure.
Emeralds are prized for their intense, vivid green hues, which can vary from light to dark shades. The most valuable emeralds possess a deep, vibrant green color with high clarity and transparency. However, it's common for natural emeralds to contain inclusions, or internal flaws, which can affect their clarity.
These gemstones have been valued and used in jewelry and decorative objects for centuries, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Today, emeralds are still highly sought after and are often set in various types of jewelry, including rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Colombia is historically renowned for producing some of the finest natural emeralds, although they can also be found in other countries such as Brazil, Zambia, and Afghanistan.
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sacredcrystals · 4 months
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✨Crystal of the week Day 2✨ Lets jump into the world of Rose Quartz ! Rose Quartz beautiful rainbows with its mesmerizing pink hue makes it a captivating stone ! With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, Rose Quartz is awesome choice for jewelry . This symbol of love is found mainly found in brazil but can also be found in India, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Lets dive a little more into this captivating crystal! Rose Quartz Physical Characteristics Color: Rose Quartz is known for its Striking Pink hue that sometimes reflects a purplish-Lavender color! Geological Formation: Rose Quartz has a few ways it can be found ! Most rose quartz is formed through the process of magma crystallization but can also be found in hydrothermal veins ! We now have Valentines day heart tins ! For just 5.95 Each heart tin comes with a cute stuffed animal and a limited edition red heart tin. our tins make any crystal into an amazing valentines day gift! Crystal sold separately.
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angelandgypsy · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sphalerite Druzy Natural Crystal Geode Tower Gemstone.
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