About me🤍💜
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A little about me and this account:
I'm Miriam (she/her), 23, and from Spain.
I've had this account for a few years, but I've been too distracted with work and finishing my degree to post anything. Now I plan to stay around for a while!
I mostly work with Microsoft Power Platform and I'm also trying to get some certifications in this area.
I don't know where life will take me, but the things I love the most at the moment are AI and automatization.
I am also interested in art, physics, mythology, etc. I love learning about everything and anything in my free time.
I like to draw and paint to destress, and I write frequently. Also, I've been getting into gaming lately.
I'll be using this account to force myself to be productive and to romanticize my life a bit :)
I would also love to make some beautiful friendships!
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latekapitalismus · 1 year
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… Hyperautomated digital workers whose real wages will continue to stagnate while all the profits from increased productivity stay at the top.
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routeget · 2 days
The Impact of Hyperautomation on the Workforce, Job Roles, and Skills for Future Employment
Hyperautomation, a term referring to the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), robotic process automation (RPA), and other digital tools to automate complex tasks, is reshaping industries across the globe. This paper explores the impact of hyperautomation on the workforce, job roles, and the skills required for future employment. The study…
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sk1998-itdigest · 4 months
What is Hyperautomation and How Can It Revolutionize Business Operations?
As a business owner, you're well-acquainted with the complexities of managing operations. With the advent of automation tools such as no-code/low-code software, AI, and machine learning, the necessity of hiring personnel for every role is diminishing. If you’re questioning the need for extensive staffing, the answer is a resounding no.
Hyperautomation offers a solution by automating routine tasks, and it's a rapidly growing field projected to reach $31.95 billion by 2029. This guide delves into how businesses can efficiently automate operations, highlighting best practices and common pitfalls to avoid.
What Is Hyperautomation?
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Hyperautomation involves automating all possible processes within an organization using AI, robotic process automation (RPA), and other advanced technologies. It combines multiple tools to streamline operations, continuously identifying new automation opportunities with minimal human intervention.
The goal is to enhance business processes by automating as many tasks and workflows as possible, increasing efficiency, reducing errors, and freeing employees from repetitive tasks.
How is Hyperautomation Different From Traditional Automation?
While both automation and hyperautomation aim to reduce manual intervention, they differ significantly. Traditional automation focuses on individual tasks, executing repetitive functions on a limited scale. In contrast, hyperautomation utilizes a variety of advanced tools, including machine learning and RPA, to achieve intelligent, scalable automation across the organization.
Steps to Implement Hyperautomation in Your Business
Analyze Processes and Workflows: Use process mining techniques to investigate existing processes, identify inefficiencies, and find opportunities for automation. Creating digital twins can offer deeper insights into operations.
Determine Data Requirements: Identify both structured and unstructured data necessary for effective automation. Comprehensive data identification ensures smooth operation and accurate outcomes.
Predict Outcomes and ROI: Forecast the efficiencies and ROI from automation initiatives to measure success and effectiveness.
Select Appropriate Technologies: Choose automation platforms and technologies that align with your organizational needs. Consider RPA, OCR, AI, and machine learning for designing automated solutions.
Automate Complex Processes: Implement solutions to streamline and optimize complex business processes, achieving greater efficiencies and continuous cost reductions.
Leverage AI and Low-Code/No-Code Platforms: Use AI-powered tools and low-code or no-code platforms to enhance automation capabilities, enabling faster deployment with minimal technical expertise.
Benefits of Hyperautomation
Operational Efficiency: Streamlines operations, reduces processing time, and increases productivity.
Cost Savings: Reduces the need for manual labor, optimizing resource allocation and improving cost-effectiveness.
Improved Accuracy: Minimizes human errors, enhancing the quality of work.
Enhanced Customer Experience: Enables faster response times and personalized interactions, improving customer satisfaction.
Agility and Scalability: Allows quick adaptation to changing business needs and scalable automation efforts.
Data-Driven Insights: Generates valuable data for analyzing and optimizing processes, leading to continuous improvement.
How Hyperautomation Works
Identify Automation Opportunities: Analyze workflows to identify tasks that can be automated.
Evaluate and Select Technologies: Choose appropriate technologies based on organizational needs.
Design and Develop Automation Artifacts: Create bots, scripts, and workflows using selected technologies.
Implement and Integrate Automation: Integrate automation artifacts into existing systems.
Monitor and Optimize: Continuously track performance and make improvements.
Scale and Expand Automation: Extend automation efforts across different departments for greater efficiency.
Examples of Hyperautomation
Billing Cycles: Automate billing processes for efficiency.
Customer Communication: Enhance patient communication and automate collections.
Patient Record Management: Streamline data collection and analysis for accurate treatment plans.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure adherence to healthcare regulations.
Inventory Management: Automate drug inventory checks and procurement.
Staff Scheduling: Optimize staff and resource scheduling.
Supply Chain Management:
Inventory Checks: Use RPA for continuous inventory monitoring.
Procurement Automation: Streamline procurement, pricing, and billing processes.
Quote Requests: Automate quote requests and follow-ups.
Data Input: Remove manual intervention to increase speed and accuracy.
Hyperautomation leverages AI, machine learning, RPA, and other technologies to automate and optimize business processes. By identifying automation opportunities, selecting the right technologies, and continuously monitoring performance, businesses can achieve operational efficiency, cost savings, improved customer experience, agility, and data-driven insights. This transformative approach enhances productivity and competitiveness in the digital age.
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otiskeene · 4 months
Ivanti Named A Leader In 2024 GigaOm Radar Report For IT Asset Management
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Ivanti, a really cool tech company that focuses on combining IT and security, just got recognized as a top leader in the 2024 GigaOm Radar for IT Asset Management (ITAM). This report helps businesses choose the best vendors for their needs. Ivanti was evaluated along with 17 other ITAM solutions, and they came out on top!
Ivanti's recognition in the Innovation/Feature Play quadrant of the Radar is because they have some awesome features and plans for the future. They've been using AI in their solutions for the past three years, which is super futuristic. They also have big plans to make ITAM more sustainable. Ivanti has been growing by acquiring other companies and making everything work together smoothly. This might mean they'll become a Platform Play in the future.
Ivanti Neurons for ITAM is a really cool solution that helps people manage their IT assets from start to finish. It does lots of things like keeping track of costs, managing contracts, and making sure everything follows the rules. It's really flexible too, so you can customize it to fit your needs or use the pre-made processes. It's easy to use and fits right into your existing IT setup.
Dr. Srinivas Mukkamala, who is the big boss of Ivanti's products, is super excited about the recognition. He says that ITAM is really important for a safe and efficient digital workplace. It helps businesses get the most out of their IT stuff while following the rules and avoiding risks. Ivanti is always working on new ideas and making their solutions even better for their customers. They want to help their customers succeed in a big way!
Read More - https://www.techdogs.com/tech-news/business-wire/ivanti-named-a-leader-in-2024-gigaom-radar-report-for-it-asset-management
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riyanharris · 6 months
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techauto · 7 months
The Role of Hyperautomation in Insurance: Reshaping the Industry Future
Imagine yourself as an insurance worker. Your inbox overflows with 55+ new claim submissions daily. Each requires meticulous data entry: names, dates, and policy numbers, meticulously transcribed and verified. Time-consuming? Stressful? Absolutely. But what if that reality could be dramatically different? Enter hyperautomation, the game-changer poised to revolutionize the insurance industry.
Beyond Routine Automation:
Automation has long aided insurance companies, streamlining tasks and boosting efficiency. However, hyperautomation transcends automation's boundaries. It's a symphony of technologies, including: • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Recognizes patterns, learns from data, and even automates decision-making. • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Software "robots" mimic human actions, tackling repetitive tasks with tireless accuracy. • Machine Learning (ML): Analyzes data and identifies trends, enabling predictive insights and proactive actions. • Intelligent Document Processing: Identifies, categorizes, and processes different document formats with the help of Optical Character Recognition, AI, and ML
Why is Hyperautomation Crucial for Insurance?
The answer lies in its transformative potential:
Beyond Faster Claims: Imagine claims processing not just fast, but predictive. AI anticipates customer needs, guides them through the process, and even initiates claims automatically based on sensor data from smart homes or vehicles. This creates a seamless and proactive experience, not just faster resolution.
2. From Accuracy to Trust: Instead of simply eliminating errors, hyperautomation builds trust and transparency. Blockchain technology ensures data immutability, while explainable AI reveals the reasoning behind decisions, fostering customer confidence and loyalty. It's not just accurate, it's understandable and reliable.
3. From Customers to Partners: Personalized communication transcends mere satisfaction. Imagine AI assistants learning customer preferences and risk profiles, becoming proactive partners. They suggest preventive measures, recommend products based on evolving needs, and create a collaborative risk management journey.
4. Optimizing, not just Reducing: Cost reduction is good, but resource optimization is transformative. Imagine a workforce freed from routine tasks, empowered with data-driven insights. They can innovate new products, personalize interactions, and anticipate future risks, creating a competitive edge beyond simple cost savings.
5. Data-Driven, not just Data-Rich: Data analysis isn't just about insights; it's about actionable intelligence. Hyperautomation weaves these insights into every decision, from dynamic pricing and underwriting to preventative risk management, not just reporting what happened, but shaping what will happen.
Hyperautomation isn't just about doing things faster or better; it's about creating a fundamentally different insurance experience. It transforms insurers from reactive service providers to proactive partners, building trust, fostering innovation, and shaping a future where risk is managed, not just reacted to. It's not just an upgrade, it's a metamorphosis. Hyperautomation in Action: Let's revisit our scenario. Hyperautomation steps in: • AI bots extract data from claim forms, eliminating manual entry and potential errors. • Machine learning algorithms verify information and assess claims validity, speeding up the process. • Automated workflows route approved claims for swift payment, minimizing delays and frustrations.
Benefits Beyond Efficiency:
Personalized offerings: • Hyperautomation unlocks this benefit by enabling insurers to: o Analyze vast amounts of customer data: Including demographics, risk factors, claims history, and even online behavior. o Identify individual needs and preferences: This creates a deeper understanding of each customer, allowing insurers to personalize insurance plans, pricing, and risk management solutions. o Deliver targeted recommendations: Proactively suggest solutions like additional coverage or safety measures based on individual risk profiles.
2. Combat fraud: • Hyperautomation tackles fraud through: o Advanced AI algorithms: These can analyze massive data sets to detect patterns and anomalies indicative of fraudulent claims. o Real-time risk assessment: Continuous analysis helps identify suspicious activity in real-time, preventing fraudulent claims from being processed. o Automated investigation and response: AI can flag suspicious claims for further investigation and even automate initial responses, freeing up human resources for complex cases.
3. Unlock innovation: • Hyperautomation frees up workforce potential for innovation by: o Eliminating repetitive tasks: This allows employees to focus on creative endeavors like developing new insurance products, services, and risk management solutions. o Generating data-driven insights: Hyperautomation provides valuable data on customer needs, industry trends, and risk factors, fueling innovative strategies. o Streamlining internal processes: This creates a more agile and responsive environment, supporting rapid prototyping and testing of new ideas.
Additionally, hyperautomation can provide insurance companies with: • Enhanced decision-making: By providing data-driven insights, hyperautomation supports informed underwriting, claims assessment, and overall business strategy. • Improved regulatory compliance: Automated processes ensure adherence to complex regulations, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage. • Streamlined customer service: Chatbots and AI-powered assistants can answer common questions and resolve simple issues, improving customer experience and reducing workload on human agents.
The Future of Insurance is Automated:
Hyperautomation isn't just a trend; it's the future of insurance. By embracing this transformative technology, insurers can achieve unprecedented efficiency and innovation through insurance automation. • Operational excellence: Streamlined processes, reduced costs, and increased profitability. • Superior customer experience: Faster claims processing, personalized interactions, and improved satisfaction. • Proactive risk management: Data-driven insights for better decision-making and risk mitigation.
In this dynamic landscape, hyperautomation is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. By joining the automation revolution, insurers can unlock a future of agility, efficiency, and customer-centric excellence. Ready to transform your insurance company's journey? Embrace the power of hyperautomation today.
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business901-blog · 7 months
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Interdependence is a concept that challenges the traditional notion of individualism. It is the idea that we are all interconnected and rely on each other for support, connection, and a sense of purpose. Our relationships with others shape who we are and how we see ourselves, and this interconnectedness is essential to creating a sense of coherence in our lives. https://business901.com/blog1/breaking-the-mold-how-interdependence-shapes-identity-and-coherence/
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christyrdiaz · 7 months
Over the last few years, the buzz about Hyperautomation continues to grow, and Hyperautomation solutions have emerged as one of the most promising advancements. Many businesses hesitated to adopt automation when technology initially emerged because they feared change, costs, and loss of employment.
A step-leading automation, hyper-automation is a potential growth opportunity for businesses seeking to keep pace with the growing market and get a competitive edge. Many tech leaders are optimistic that it is the future of work, and to a business, it’s not just a potential opportunity but rather an unavoidable change.
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aiqod · 9 months
Five Senses & Hyper-Automation
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Hyper-Automation is the automation of activities that were done by humans and exactly the way we would expect humans to do it. When we look at automation of activities it is primarily driven by the 5 human senses and humans have tried to mimic those in the real world and to elevate human life.
From driverless cars to smart virtual assistants, from biometric sensors to connected devices, from smart cities to connected homes; the use of technology has become widespread. Many activities that we used to do physically are already automated, it has become a new norm for all of us and the future would be even more interesting with some amazing technologies shaping our lives in the coming years.
Similarly Automation has become one of the biggest needs for enterprises to improve efficiency, save cost, and also to speed up their operations. Automation empowers organizations by helping them embrace these new technologies with ease and reap the benefits of the technology through different platforms which gives that edge to the enterprises.
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Hyper Intelligence
Let’s try to draw an analogy between our senses and Automation :
Sense of Touch: Touch refers to the human ability to use our fingers/surface of the skin in ways that allow us to identify our surroundings. In organizations, there are a lot and lots of people who are actually doing touch-based activities that help them to make appropriate decisions. For example, Invoice Data-Entry is such a process, wherein an organization that receives vendors’ invoices on the generation of purchase orders while purchasing/ordering some equipment/service. These invoices are actually punched into Accounting/ERP systems by individuals in the accounts department. This task is time-consuming, prone to manual errors, and a cumbersome task to deal with.
Technology like RPA has been there in this segment, a few examples of those would be Accounts Payable Automation, Accounts Receivable Automation, etc. These technologies help to make the whole process automated by fetching documents from multiple sources, sorting them, and extracting details of required fields; these details are then reconciled/matched with other documents and finally punched into Accounting/ERP systems without much human intervention except in the case of exceptions.
2. Sense of Hearing: Sense of Hearing helps us to communicate with our surroundings by experiencing the vibrations created by sound. Let’s take an example, we are all familiar with Call centers, you need to call the helpline number of a firm, in case you need to reach out to them. Someone would pick up the call and answer your queries.
Now, this physical process is automated using Chatbots, IVRs, etc. So as soon as you open the website a chatbot appears welcoming you and straightaway asking you for your queries, you just need to type your question, and most of the time you get responses from the chatbot itself, in a faster and aligned response equivalent to your expectation.
3. Sense of Sight: One of the most powerful senses of humans that makes us see the world as it is, guides us and helps us in clear processing and understanding of things around us through proper visualization and interpretation.
Let’s understand the technology equivalent for the same
A. OCR(Optical Character Recognition)
OCR is an older technology that is in existence for the past but over time has been advanced using modern technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc to enhance the processing capability similar to lenses and spectacles we use to improve our eye’s visibility.
From the organization’s perspective, if we talk about document processing of invoices, usually the accounting personnel looks at the invoice, reads it and interprets the data, and then punches it into the ERP system. This process of manual processing under workload conditions is prone to issues like manual typing errors, skipping of fields, misplacing of documents, wrong entries,etc
This has been replaced with the OCR technology which actually scans through the documents and extracts the information corresponding to different fields and accurately copies the data to the ERP/Accounting system without any errors and that also in a quick and efficient manner.
B. Face Detection:
This is one of the peculiar features of our eyes which helps us in recognizing individuals, places, and things to interpret, visualize and process information related to them.
Similarly, in the organizations this activity was usually done by the security guard standing at a gate where the person is actually verifying his/her ID card, verifying the person who’s actually getting into a building for security checks.
This manual process now gets replaced by the technology of Face Detection & Recognition, the software recognizes faces and then lets the individual in through the security checks. This technology is employed for multiple scenarios like attendance management, fraud management in insurance organizations, and video KYC in Banking & Insurance, surveillance & threat management at airports and other such locations, etc.
4. Sense of Speech:
The power to converse between individuals is also a key differentiator between humans and machines that helps them to express their feelings, share their thoughts and speak out their views.
We are all aware of modern technologies which all of us might have used or encountered like Alexa, Siri, Google Home, etc. in our day-to-day lives. Now we believe that in the future this technology is going to get into our professional lives as well where most of the operations could be executed using the power of speech, where instructions taken by machines will help us get things done.
5. Sense of Smell :
The sense of smell is another important sense that humans possess to help us detect desirable foods, hazards, etc in our surroundings.
On the technology side, there are bots that are built to smell odors. For example, E-nose, these bots are used in very hazardous environments like chemical factories to detect the smell and identify leakages, etc,. These can also be employed at places where human lives cannot be risked and after-effects of the leak, explosion, bombing, etc have to be sensed for the viability of existence.
So in a nutshell, for activities that are manual and repetitive in nature, Hyper-automation can be used to bridge the gap to help grow in a more efficient and faster manner. Technology and its innovation are for the empowerment of humans and not for their replacement, they will help us to excel, innovate and focus on more strategic activities.
For more insights on how to ” Enable the Digital Enterprise of the Future using Hyper-Automation & RPA“ view our webinar.
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dbenjamin · 10 months
Embark on a transformative journey with our video, "The 5 Steps to a Seamless Transition to Hyperautomation in RCM." Explore the convergence of hyperautomation in revenue cycle management and healthcare. Dive into the realm of automated digital healthcare solutions from top healthcare solution providers, unveiling the power of healthcare data transformation enabled solutions and analytics. Witness how these strategic steps redefine efficiency, accuracy, and success in healthcare operations. Don't miss this guide to a seamlessly automated future in revenue cycle management.
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shubhamresearch · 1 year
RPA and Hyperautomation in Banking Market is expected to reach USD 4980.65 Million by 2029
Maximize Market Research presents a detail analysis of the status of the financial industry with the integration of RPA and Hyperautomation in banking sector to provide information on market snapshots and latest developments by the major players operating in the market. The market report includes the dynamics that includes major drivers, constraints to growth, lucrative opportunities and challenges to market growth. Data used for the analysis is collected through primary and secondary research methods.
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routeget · 4 days
Case Studies of Successful Hyperautomation Implementations
Hyperautomation has rapidly emerged as a transformative force in various industries, driving significant improvements in efficiency, cost reduction, and strategic agility. Below are comprehensive case studies of successful hyperautomation implementations across different sectors. These examples highlight how organizations have leveraged hyperautomation to achieve substantial business…
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wns-vuram · 1 year
The Rise of Hyperautomation: What Makes It the Top Technology Trend of 2022?
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The year is 2022; automation is no longer a far-fetched vision and is witnessing rapid adoption across several industries, right from healthcare to manufacturing. Technologies like RPA and AI are making intelligent automation a reality where bots can now perform tasks without the need for complex codes, thanks to the pandemic that has accelerated the rate of digital transformation across industries.
Automation has taken over mundane, repetitive tasks and has made employees’ lives easier while boosting productivity significantly. Automation has now found its foothold everywhere. But there’s more to come!
Technological evolution has now ushered in a new era of automation – one that focuses on not just mimicking and augmenting human capabilities but one that can bring about superhuman capabilities. According to a leading industry analyst firm, there will be significant disruption and opportunity brought in over the next five to ten years – and leading that change will be hyperautomation. Interestingly, hyperautomation has been ranked among the top 10 strategic technology trends of 2022 by leading industry research and advisory firms. As the name suggests, Hyperautomation takes typical automation a step ahead.
Why has this suddenly been hogging the limelight in tech circles? Let’s find out.
Read More : https://www.vuram.com/blog/the-rise-of-hyperautomation-what-makes-it-the-top-technology-trend-of-2020/
➤ Next best reads for you:
Top 10 Benefits Of Hyperautomation And How It Will Help Enterprises
Appian in Action: 5 Real-world Examples of Transformation across Industries
10 Reasons Why Low-Code Is The Future Of Application Development
Accelerating Digital Transformation With Hyperautomation
Driving Digital Transformation Powered By Passionate People
Embracing A Sustainable Approach For People And Operations
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otiskeene · 4 months
FPT Software And Forthcode Join Forces To Revolutionize Inflight Operations
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FPT Software, a leading global provider of technology and IT services, has recently announced a strategic collaboration with Forthcode, a SaaS provider specializing in inflight digital solutions. This partnership further solidifies FPT Software's position in the aviation industry, particularly in the realm of inflight management.
The primary objective of this partnership is to enhance Forthcode's flagship product, nGO, which serves as a digital automation solution for various inflight operations such as vendor management, inventory, procurement, loyalty programs, promotions, payments, crew management, and inflight sales and services. By combining the unique features of nGO with FPT Software's extensive global network, this collaboration is expected to expand Forthcode's geographical reach and bolster FPT Software's service offerings, ultimately helping airlines streamline their operations and maximize ancillary revenue.
Furthermore, leveraging FPT Software's expertise in digital transformation, software engineering, and IT resources, both companies have ambitious plans to explore new initiatives that will drive disruptive transformation within the aviation industry.
Frank Bignone, Vice President and Director of Digital Transformation at FPT Software, expressed great confidence in this partnership, emphasizing that it perfectly aligns with FPT Software's vision of delivering comprehensive solutions with cutting-edge technologies to optimize operations, reduce costs, and enhance passenger experiences. Bignone firmly believes that this collaboration will enable FPT Software to introduce even more innovative solutions to airlines worldwide.
Read More - https://www.techdogs.com/tech-news/business-wire/fpt-software-and-forthcode-join-forces-to-revolutionize-inflight-operations
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riyanharris · 1 year
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