#hyune seal
ggthydrangea · 2 years
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Hyune seal for @juiceofmoons!
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jcpostsobsessions · 1 month
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Everything about this is so flirty. Hyunwoo’s amusement and Haein’s subtlety.
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vigil4nted · 2 years
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Smash or Pass + Ji-Woon
@idolkills​ | hyun-su cha
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     “ IF HE... WANTED to. I wouldn’t say no. ”
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astraystayyh · 6 months
hyunjin x reader. childhood friends to lovers. implied soulmates. hyune's pov.
this is the prequel & sequel to you're in the wind, i'm in the water. you need to read the prev fic first to understand how hyunjin and mc confessed to one another!!
this is very self indulgent but it's also my bd gift so i get a pass hehe also a tribute to one of my fav love languages which is peeling an orange for someone :')
based on Chemtrails Over the Country Club by Lana Del Rey,, so highly recommend listening to it while reading :)) feedback is appreciated as always <333
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i'm on the run with you my sweet love
The beige sand warms the soles of your feet as you and Hyunjin run along the shore. His parents sit by a towel, watching you with idle curiosity as you’re propelled forth by the brisk winds; and a sense of feedom only found in the tender hearts of children.
Hyunjin doesn’t know where you’re taking him. He didn’t question you when you entwined your fingers with his before running away, your footprints etched upon the sandy canvas. His sole attention was on your clammy hand, tightly clasping his.
Hyunjin didn’t yet understand what it meant to crave the hand of someone in yours, for it to feel natural for fingers to hold one another. He was only seven. What does one really know at this age?
But he knew that he was drawn to grand things. The beauty of fireworks as they unfold in the sky, dazzling colors rivaling the hues of sunsets. To the towering sunflowers his mother takes him to see, so tall their petals almost seem to be reaching for the sun’s embrace. To the full moon and the way it hangs close to earth, as if yearning to enter our horizon, to sink into the soil and rest.
But in that moment, as he watched your gleeful smile, the blush tinting your cheeks as you tugged him along, a different amazement grew within his soul. It was quiet, it was soft, it didn't overwhelm his seven-years-old heart. It was enough.
You finally stop by a rock, settling in the sand with your hair fanning around you like a halo. Hyunjin hovers over you, his tentative gaze tracing your features, trying to pinpoint what had made that peculiar feeling pour over his body, like candle wax finally meeting its destined mold.
He doesn't find an answer, only your kind smile as you tap the place near you. You were giddy, as if you had run far when his parents remained mere meters away.
Hyunjin had noticed this urge in you to flee, to wander, always. He didn't know what it means. He thought that perhaps you didn't know either. He wondered if you'd ever run away from him. The question burned the tip of his tongue.
"Will we always run together?" Hyunjin suddenly asks, kneeling to meet your eyes.
"If you want to," you shrug. "Will you run away with me when we're older?"
"Where to?" he asks, a note of apprehension coloring his tone.
"I don't know. We'll know later."
"You pinky promise?"
"I do," Hyunjin entwines his pinky with yours, before leaning down to press a chaste kiss on your thumb pad. He avoids your eyes as a dusty blush cascades on his cheeks, akin to the fading pink of a sunken sunset. You giggle, reciprocating the kiss before pressing your thumbs together.
"Sealed forever," you grin, eyes disappearing into moon crescents. Your contagious happiness mirrors instantly on Hyunjin's face, his nose scrunching up in delight.
He wants to keep this smile on your face, he thinks, this intricate joy that dawns upon your features, brightening up your face, making your pinky in his feel lighter, warmer.
So, he takes out an orange from his pocket.
"Where did you get this?" you chuckle, eyes widening in delight as if presented with the world's most treasured jewel.
"A vendor gave it to me," he shrugs, handing it to you.
Your thumb punctures the tangerine's thick skin, making the fruit’s juice drip down your hands. You attempt to peel it but the skin breaks instantly, falling into the sand.
"Here, let me," Hyunjin offers, taking the orange from your hands, peeling it for you.
A strange warmth slowly spreads through his being, akin to tree roots anchoring onto the soil, to the unfurling of petals on the first day of spring. It feels good, for some reason, to do this mundane task for you.
This newfound feeling only solidifies when you smile brightly at him, breaking the fruit into two halves and handing one part to Hyunjin.
You no longer look like you want to run. You look content here, simply sharing an orange with him.
Hyunjin suddenly wants to buy you a whole crate of tangerines. Maybe even a farm of it- just trees upon trees that he can plant for you. He chases the thought away, he's only seven, he doesn't have money, where would he even store the oranges?
Hyunjin didn't have the answer to this question, nor the million ones swirling in his mind. But he knew your smile, the kindness in your eyes, the lingering scent of oranges on his fingers, even after washing his hands. And the word that sat heavy on his soul, from that night forth.
Hyunjin knew he loved you when he was seven years old.
there is nothing wrong contemplating God; under the chemtrails over the country club
"Found you," Hyunjin whispers, reclining on the rooftop near you.
"Wasn't hiding from you," you respond just as softly, your gaze fixed on the turquoise sky overhead. Your words cause Hyunjin's heart to swell within his chest, growing, expanding, pushing against his ribs, yearning to escape and splatter at your feet.
His emotions were always so grand- his happiness consuming his entire being, the sadness, the loneliness rattling his bones with an invincible cold. Then the love for you, not in dependence, the way the planets orbit around the sun. But with choice, because he wants to, craves being near.
"What are you doing?" he asks after a while, his voice slightly hoarse.
"Watching the chemtrails," you point out a tiny plane leaving a white trail in the sky.
"It looks so far away," he whispers in wonder, and you hum with a melancholic expression. Hyunjin curls his hand into a fist, resisting the urge to smooth the delicate frown etched on your brows.
"Didn't you like your birthday celebration?" he finally asks. He knows the answer before you quietly say, 'yes.' You were never one for the chic attire, the fine china and polished silverware reflecting the guests fake smiles. You only ever came to the country club for Hyunjin.
"I just... these people are here for me, supposedly. And yet, I feel so invisible downstairs. I bet no one even noticed my absence."
"I did," he replies instantly, contradicting you vehemently, wanting to dispel the shadows that cloud your mind. "And... I brought you an orange," he adds, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. It grows when you beam at him, the chemtrails momentarily forgotten.
"Did you?"
"Mm, here," he swiftly peels the fruit for you, instinctively breaking it into two halves.
"I'm sixteen and I don't know how to peel a tangerine because of you," you giggle, biting into one part eagerly. Water dribbles down the side of your mouth, and Hyunjin delicately wipes it away, his hand cradling your jaw gently.
His heart beats wildly, drowning out the country club's orchestra. He's never been this close to you, noses nearly bumping into one another.
"Don't learn how to," he whispers, licking his lips nervously. He hopes you can't feel the tremor in his hand as it slides down your cheek.
"Then you won't need me anymore," he says honestly, and your eyes widen at his words. Say it, his heart pleads, I can't contain this love anymore. Hyunjin shakes his head, silencing his own thoughts. He'll make room for it; his heart will expand, even if it means bursting at the seams. He can't face your rejection.
"Can I ask you something?" you say after a while, still as close to him.
"Do you ever feel like you don't belong anywhere? You have friends and family, but you feel like..."
"Nobody's son?" he suggests.
"Yeah, nobody's daughter."
"Maybe we're not meant to belong to anyone else but ourselves."
"Isn't that sad?" you ask, bringing an orange wedge to Hyunjin's mouth. "What if I don't always have myself?"
"Well, you'll always have me."
"Do you promise me?" you ask eagerly, eyes wide, tone almost desperate.
"I promise." The fog dissipates, light spilling over your face once again.
"Even though you're so sought after?" you giggle.
"I'm not!"
"You are! Everybody wanted to talk to you downstairs. You're always the man of the hour," you wink, lying down on the floor once again.
"Really? I didn't notice," he says, settling next to you.
"Mm, you never notice anything," you sigh, resting your cheek atop his shoulder.
It's quiet again, save for the tranquil sound of your breaths. Your eyes are trained on the sky, following the path of each plane.
"They look really tiny."
"Maybe we're the small ones," you muse.
Hyunjin doesn't agree. Not when his love for you feels almost ancient, drawn from the depths of the very first fountain of love. It has stayed with him for nine years, intermingled with the very molecules of his being. You can't be small when what he feels for you is grander than the world.
"Maybe we are," he says as he slides an arm underneath your back, pulling you closer to his chest.
"Hyune," you call out softly.
"Mm?" he hums in reply.
"What do you think you're made for?"
I'm here to love you, he wants to say, achingly, fully, on your grand days and your small ones. To fall apart at the altar of your soul and to rise anew, by you, for you. To be yours.
"I'm here to peel you oranges." He whispers instead, his confession, for now.
"And I'm here to eat them, then."
we laugh about nothing as the summer gets cool; it's beautiful how this deep normality settles down over me
"Did you know you have a straight trail of moles on your back?" Hyunjin whispers, his cool breath akin to a gentle zephyr.
"It starts here," he bestows a tender kiss beneath your shoulder blade, as if marking the start of a constellation. "Then you have another one here," his lips brush against your skin, coaxing forth delicate goosebumps, like ripples on a moonlit pond. "And here," he trails down your spine, his mouth weaving a trail only he can see. "And a final one here," he lingers longer near the last mole, lips meeting your lower back delicately, akin to the tender graze of a feather.
If you had told Hyunjin that he would freely kiss your moles, hands trailing down your skin scented with chlorine and vanilla, he would have thought you were insane. But now he has you, because you want him too, against all odds. Hyunjin wasn't alone in his love; every emotion in your soul mirrored his own. Two sides of the same coin. Two halves of the same tangerine.
"And then... it wraps around your stomach," he flips you around until you face him, giddy giggles escaping your lips. "You see it? It goes right here, another straight line," he whispers in wonder, tracing over the moles on your skin as if in worship. There is so much he longs to articulate, words yearning to spill from his mouth. He realizes he can say them now, drape them over your body like a blanket knitted with love.
"Someone plucked stars and arranged them on your skin. You're a galaxy on your own, you know that right? So beautiful," he whispers, eyes wide in adulation, raking over each feature of yours, so much they're seared behind his eyelids. The only sight he sees when he goes to sleep.
"So are you," you smile, hands gently cradling his cheeks. Hands that held him at age seven, then eight, ten, thirteen, and twenty. Hands that dried his tears, patted his back, and played with his hair. Hands that are much more sacred than his own.
"No, you don't understand," he hovers over you, gently smoothing down your hair. "You're so beautiful, so much it dizzies me, consumes me. You consume me, entirely, and I-" He sucks in a deep breath as you smile lovingly, reassuringly.
"I know," you say. "I feel it too."
"I can't believe this is real," he shakes his head, thumb tracing your lower lip gently. "I didn't even plan on confessing when i brought you to this pool. And yet... it feels natural for us to be this way."
You nod, grinning. "Like we belong to one another."
"I told you I'd stay," his eyes soften, capturing you with the same tenderness as always, savoring every part of you.
"You always keep your promises," you smile, hand sliding down the nape of his neck, smoothing a stubborn tuft of hair.
Normal, that's the elusive term he was looking for. It is normal for him to hold you, to kiss you, to look into your eyes and find love swimming in your irises. It is the way it's supposed to be between you. He couldn't ever think of another outcome.
His eyes trail down to your arm, where two moles match perfectly with his, down to the placement, the space separating them both.
"Is this where we kissed each other the most in our past lives?" he trails off, knuckles brushing against your arm gently. You mirror his touch.
"So you believe we're soulmates?"
"Mm, I've always known."
"And why didn't you tell me?" you grin, tilting your head to the side.
"I peeled you tangerines."
His words seem to ignite something within you, memories of each time he peeled you oranges flooding back. Every birthday, each time you were sad, every time the fruit was near.
You stand up, straddling Hyunjin's lap, and then you kiss his eye mole, then the one on his cheek, trailing down his jaw mole, his neck, his arms.
"What are you doing?" he giggles, warm hands on your lower back.
"Making sure those moles show up in our next life too."
And at your words, Hyunjin swore that the citrusy scent of tangerines suddenly wafted in the air.
washing my hair, doing the laundry, late night TV i want you only
Your legs are comfortably propped on top of Hyunjin's, matching pairs of beige pajamas seamlessly merging into one another. The sweet scent of shampoo lingers in the air—a fragrance Hyunjin carefully massaged into your hair twenty minutes ago, his fingers still as gentle as they grazed your scalp, now at the age of twenty-six.
Nearly two decades later, Hyunjin still knows that he loves you. It is a different one from the love he felt at seven—a metamorphosis akin to the moon's phases, from crescent to full, distinct yet continuous. It clung to his being, melted into the very essence of his soul.
"Just how many white shirts do you own?" you giggle, folding another pair of Hyunjin's clothing, the melody of your laughter still rattling the insides of his heart. He smiles sheepishly, planting a tender kiss on your forehead before responding, "You wear half of them with me."
"Your clothes are mine. You agreed on this when you proposed to me," you state matter-of-factly.
"And what else did I agree on?" he smiles, placing two pairs of matching socks in the basket—yours and his.
"That you'd kiss me instead of doing the laundry," you say mischievously, and he chuckles, tilting his head back. The clothes are momentarily forgotten as he lowers your body onto the couch, one hand cradling your head.
"You know I can't say no to you," he smiles, left dimple appearing as it always does when you're near.
"I know," you grin, pulling him down by the hem of his pajamas, your lips meeting his.
Hyunjin still kisses you with the same quiet passion, slowly, as if rediscovering you all over again. His hand cradles your jaw, thumb caressing your cheek gently, as his lips find yours again and again—rosy, plump, seeking solace in your familiar warmth.
He's always been drawn to mysteries, grand things, and overwhelming emotions that defy comprehension. Things he'd never fully know, things he'd never be bored of. Yet, with you, it's different; he knows you, he's learned you, and he loves you more every day—purposefully, by choice, because he can't fathom a reality where he doesn't.
His lips press upon yours one last time before he pulls you onto his lap, burying his head in the crook of your neck. "You smell nice," he whispers.
"I smell like you."
"I know," he smiles, a gentle breeze escaping his lips and caressing your skin.
He closes his eyes, savoring the quietness, the domesticity of the scene—the folded laundry on the table, the background hum of the TV, the meal you'll cook later, waltzing under the fridge's light. You, the one love of his life—the small love and the grand one, the first love and the last one. The embodiment of it all.
Your arms drape around his shoulders as you relax in his hold, your breaths syncing into a tranquil rhythm. He's built himself a home in the ridges of your collarbones, a place for him to rest in the crook of your shoulder blade. Both of you are okay, both of you are safe.
"Do you remember when we were seven? We traveled together for the first time," you speak after a while, a weighty emotion enveloping your voice.
"I do."
"You promised me we'd run away when we grow older."
"I did."
"I don't want to run anymore. I'm content with you, right here," you whisper, and the words feel like sunflowers blooming in Hyunjin's chest. "I was so scared of growing up, of never feeling like I belong. To myself, to anyone. But I do, with you."
"Always," he pulls away, bringing your hand to his mouth, leaving sweet kisses on your ring finger.
"Thank you, my Hyune," you say, tears gathering in your eyes like morning dewdrops on leaves. "Thank you for peeling my oranges."
Your nose brushes against his, his thumb drawing circles on your palm.
"Thank you for pretending you don't know how to."
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diddybok · 7 months
what about felix getting jealous of you spending increasingly more time with hyunjinnie and he gets all pouty and in a strop?
i’d do anything to kiss a pout off of felix’s face. oh wait, i literally can because he is right next to me!
all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in any way represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: felix x gn!reader
➩genre(s): angst (soz), a little bit of fluff if you had the vision of a clinically blind person, non-idol au
➩warnings: jealousy, felix grabs reader by the waist quite harshly, but it is not with malicious intent!
➩wc: 0.7k (703)
➩author’s note: whoops. *shrug emoji*
“Hey Lix have you seen my sunglasses? I can’t find them anywhere.” You yell, your feet thumping softly on the ground as you search around your room frantically.
Felix walks into your bedroom, failing to hide the amusement in his face as he witnesses your panicked state.
“Nope. Haven’t seen them around. Where are you going?” He asks, folding his arms as he leans on the doorframe.
“Hyune and I are going to the beach and we’re gonna take some photos of the sunset.” You say, groaning as you close another drawer unsuccessful in your search for your sunglasses.
Felix’s face immediately falls. His heart starts to beat rapidly and his jaw clenches. Weird.
“Sunset? But it’s noon.” He says, trying to refrain the bite to his tone.
You rummage through your bag, not looking up to see the way his eyebrows furrow.
“Yeah we’re gonna hang out at the beach. We were talking about it for a while and the weather is finally nice so we want to make the most of it.” You say resting your hands on your hips as you close your eyes and take some deep breaths.
Felix didn’t like that. He knows that nothing will happen, you’re his partner, not Hyunjin’s. Though it doesn’t stop the nagging feeling at the back of his mind that burdens him with the question of ‘What if?’.
“Oh. Seems my company isn’t that great if the two of you are going off alone haha….” Felix tries to joke. Emphasis on tries.
The ‘joke’ made you finally turn your attention towards your boyfriend. You walk up to him, placing your hands on his chest reassuringly.
“I’ll collect pretty seashells and rocks and bring them back for you.” You smile up at him about to meet his lips halfway for a smooch, but you turn away at the last second.
Again, ouch. That hurt Felix a little, but he can surely survive on his kiss being swerved. Perhaps to him, he just thinks you’re really set on finding those sunglasses and not trying to rush out the door as soon as possible to get away from him.
That’s not what you think, right? You wouldn’t do that.
You run over to one of your jackets that hang on the back of your door. Trying your luck with the pockets, you damn near cheer as you pull out your sunglasses.
“Yes! Finally,” You place the glasses on the bridge of your nose before sliding them up menacingly. “bring on the beach.” You say lowering your voice.
Sometimes you’re funny, sometimes you aren’t. In this case, Felix would grace you with a small pity laugh to make you feel better about your impromptu serious demeanour you coined, but he can’t stop thinking about Hyunjin.
To be more specific, Hyunjin potentially taking you away from him. Felix just smiles as you chuckle softly to yourself at your antics before moving past him and getting your shoes on.
Hyunjin wouldn’t steal you from him. That’s one of his best friends. He also knows that he is one of your best friends.
“I’ll text you when I get there, when I’m leaving and I’ll send you photos and all the good stuff.” You say hurriedly, giving him a peck on the lips.
It was as if the muscle memory kicked in as Felix’s hand gripped your waist. It wasn’t a tight enough grip to hurt you per say, but it sure did keep you in place.
“You know I love you right? Me. I’m yours?” He whispers against your lips, planting a gentle kiss which acts much like a seal; like wax to an envelope. A promise of sorts.
“I know.” You say with a warm smile. Though your words are genuine, once again they feel as if you’ve wrapped your hand around his heart and squeezed.
Say it back…
But you don’t, you just give him one last kiss to his forehead before racing out the door and straight to the parked car.
It was then when he felt the bile come up at the thought. The thought that by the time you come back home. You will no longer be his.
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
general taglist: @spacegirlstuff @chengmeiauau
if you would like to be added to the general taglist, let me know in the comments, send an ask or message me!
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sweetvoidstuff · 4 months
Bittersweet II Cha Hyun Su x Reader
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Cha Hyun Su x Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of a nightmarish struggle for survival, strained bonds and lost memories characterize the heartbreaking exchange between you and Hyun Su, where a desperate attempt to bridge the gap between shared experiences unfolds, leaving a lingering sense of loss as you face an uncertain future together.
the first part, kinda ~~~~~ the next part, kinda
The last few hours unfolded as a nightmarish chapter in the ongoing struggle for survival. Your group of survivors had been taken hostage, forced to fight off scavengers seeking harm. The struggle for survival had strained your bonds, particularly the delicate balance after Ui Myeong's inclusion, triggering an unspoken personal turmoil with Hyun Su and the others but also between you two.
After your decisive move to aid the vent lizard monster, the atmosphere grew more strained. Pushing past Hyun Su, you rushed to aid the vent lizard monster, recognizing the fear it instilled in others, your determination to buy time for the creature clashed with escalating threats. Hyun Su and Ui Myeong had disappeared during the chaos, leaving you with a lingering regret of missing the chance to talk to Hyun Su once more. You had seen  his face as the others tried to kill the jelly monster.
Returning to the common area, you collaborated with fellow survivors, sealing the entrance in a desperate attempt to ward off hostile monster attacks and create a brief illusion of security for the night. The atmosphere remained charged with anxiety and uncertainty, survivors grappling with the aftermath of relentless assaults and the toll it took on their collective psyche.
Sang-wook's sudden dash with Yu-Ri on his back disrupted the makeshift sanctuary. Concern etched on your face, you inquired about the situation, opening a dialogue with Sang-wook to understand the urgency of their escape plan. His brief words revealed the desperate need for a refill of Yu-Ri's asthma spray, and with a sense of urgency, he handed you the car keys. Taking charge, you sprinted towards the abandoned vehicle, only to be abruptly blocked by a sudden force, sending you flying, disoriented, and confused as you overheard the end of their conversation.
"Does it matter? We won't be here. I will go with you," Hyun Su declared, bewildering you as you tried to pierce together the events that unfolded amidst the chaos. The urgency of the situation and the underlying tension left you grappling with the unknown.
Confusion reigned as you attempted to convey the urgency of Yu-Ri's situation, but Hyun Su's unfamiliar coldness dismissed your concerns as you came back up to your feed. The following sequence of events played out in slow motion, culminating in a moment of shock as Ui-Myeong aimed the gun at the departing duo, gunfire echoed, and Hyun Soo's anguished scream reverberated.
As Ui Myeong redirected the gun toward you, a sudden push threw you into a wall, pain radiating through your body, ultimately knocking you out. The chaos intensified with gunshots and screams, leaving the fate of Hyun Su and the others hanging in uncertainty.
Upon regaining consciousness, the landscape had changed once again. Sang-wook and Yu-Ri and even Mister Han were gone, leaving a void in the group dynamics. Hyun Su stood among the survivors, his memories wiped clean. Ui Myeong gone. The weight of the day's losses threatened to bring forth tears that remained elusive.
Stepping closer to Hyun Su, despite the heaviness that lingered in the air, you extended a hesitant hand, your fingers brushing against his arm as if seeking an anchor in the disarray that had become your reality. His eyes, a canvas of confusion, held a spark of recognition that flickered and faded like a distant star.
"You don't remember..." you began, the words caught in your throat as you gazed into the depths of his bewildered eyes. It was a plea, an attempt to bridge the gap between the shared experiences that seemed to be slipping away from him.
His expression softened, an acknowledgment of the void he couldn't fill. "Thank you for saving me again," you continued, the gratitude woven with a tinge of sorrow, sitting next to him. Every syllable carried the weight of moments that seemed destined to be forgotten.
A somber silence hung between you, punctuated only by the echoes of the distant hum of the shelter's generator. In that silence, you found the courage to address the unspoken pain that lingered between you and Hyun Su.
"I don't remember saving you. Or you," he confessed, his voice carrying the weight of an apology he couldn't fully understand.
The admission cut deep, like a wound that refused to heal. In that moment, you chose not to dwell on the fragments lost in the recesses of his mind but to weave new threads of connection. "It doesn't matter," you whispered, your voice a gentle reassurance that sought to bridge the gap. "I will always remember you."
Hyun Su's gaze faltered, self-doubt clouding his eyes. "Isn't it inconvenient for me to be here? Shouldn't you be afraid like the others?" he questioned, baring the vulnerability that lingered beneath the surface.
The words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the fractures in his memories and the trust that seemed to be slipping away. With a steadying breath, you addressed the uncertainty that loomed. "We've had this conversation before," you said, your eyes meeting his with unwavering sincerity.
You extended your hand like so many times before, a silent plea for him to hold on, to grasp the hand you were offering. His gaze didn't meet yours, the unspoken invitation hanging in the somber atmosphere. His eyes, filled with uncertainty, locked onto your hand, and you hesitated, uncertain if he would recognize the gesture.
 He didn´t. Uncreatin looking at your hand. In an act of boldness and with embarrassingly red cheeks, you gripped his hand, holding it tight. His confusion reflected in his expression, you held his gaze and, with a deep breath, spoke softly, "I trust you, Hyun Su." The words lingered in the air, a testament to the connection that surpassed the boundaries of fleeting recollections.
"With or without your memories, I trust you."
His gaze met yours, and you saw a flicker of gratitude in his eyes, as if sensing the depth of your unspoken pledge. A fleeting smile graced Hyun Su's lips, a fragile bridge between the past and the uncertain present.
In that moment, you chose to focus on the small victories, finding solace in the fragments that remained. The weight of uncertainty lingered, but the warmth of the connection you sought to rebuild offered a glimmer of hope in the aftermath of the day's turmoil.
Unbeknownst to you, this heartfelt exchange marked the last time you would speak with Hyun Su for a very long time.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 4 months
𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒊𝒕! 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 5: 𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒏
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𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙𝙨: 339
𝙖/𝙣: slightly better today ig
𝙩/𝙬: writer chooses to keep an element of surprise to the story! read at your own risk!
𝒍𝒆𝒆: hyunjin
𝙡𝙚𝙧: changbin
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @jeongins-diary @leeknowstan33 @v--143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday @inkedloveandlostpromises @lajanaa @a-wild-seungberry
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠! 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞? 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐮𝐛𝐬…🖤
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“Okay…hyung, please go easy on me!” Hyunjin begged when Changbin snickered, pulling at his legs and panicking when he found himself immobile. 
He looked at Jisung pleadingly, but the younger only grinned happily, knowing he was going to get his revenge. 
Hyune squeezed his eyes shut and sealed his lips, refusing to open them even when Changbin swirled a singular finger over his foot teasingly. 
Binnie uncapped his marker, making sure Hyunjin heard the sound before pausing, really dragging out the anticipation. 
He started writing quickly, digging into the dancer’s foot and grabbing it when the boy started to writhe crazily. 
“wo-ahaha! thahat’s reheally bahahahad!” Hyunjin shrieked, kicking the rapper by accident with his other foot. 
He muttered an apology through his giggles, trying not to lose his grip on camera, especially after seeing how well Felix fared. 
He didn’t really pay attention to what Binnie wrote, and seriously regretted it. 
So Hyune shouted out the first food he knew Changbin would write. “Um…tteokbokki?”
And he got it right, somehow. 
Changbin grabbed the cloth, and Hyunjin took a deep breath of relief. 
His turn was almost over. He didn’t have to redo anything. 
Until the fluffy cloth met his foot. 
Hyunjin screamed in surprise, the fluffy black fibers brushing ever so ticklishly down his sensitive skin. 
“HYUNG! I’ll just wash my foot, there’s no need to-HAHAHA!” Hyune cackled when the cloth scrubbed at his foot again. 
“No time for that. Just bear with me, okay?” Changbin whispered gently, scrubbing on the boy’s foot so softly that Hyunjin felt like he was going to ascend. 
“OKAHAHAY! Doho ihit quihickly, please!” Hyunjin bit his lip so hard he thought it might bleed, and tried to keep his thrashing to a minimum. 
"Trying!" Binnie giggled, sticking some of the fibres underneath the dancer's toes on accident, eliciting a wild scream of laughter.
Changbin finished up, patting Hyunjin’s leg before standing up. 
Hyunjin panted and grabbed the rapper’s hand, relieved that his turn was over. 
But it was Changbin’s next. 
Next Turn: Changbin
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maybe at the end of the series ill just combine all of these into a mega-fic 😭😭😭
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shewrotesomething · 1 year
The Day He Realized He Wanted to Marry You (Zen)
Despite his confident demeanor, Zen had plenty of insecurities about his looks. After all, years of verbal abuse won’t disappear overnight. 
No matter how many times he would tell everyone he was perfection embodied, a little snake in his head would always tell him he’s just fooling himself. That all along, his parents had been right and he was on the wrong path. 
These fears will never be voiced, especially not in front of you. 
Even on the days he would ask you, “Jagiya, isn’t your boyfriend especially beautiful today?” and you’d look at him with a delighted smile, that snake would come slithering into his head a few moments later.
There was a day, however, when that voice… Well, it wasn’t silenced completely, but at the very least, it gave him a foothold for bad days.
He still remembered that morning. It was a particularly warm day. He had rehearsals for a movie, and you were off to meet with an old classmate.
“I mean, do you really have to go?” he asked.
You were in the mirror, fixing your hair. “Hyun, it’s not a date. It’s business. He has a fiance for crying out loud!” you shouted with a chuckle.
“You can never tell until the knot is tied… and even if it is you can’t.”
You looked over to him with half a glare. “Our party is in a month and he has excellent connections. Connections that will make excellent guests.”
That was exactly why he felt uneasy about it. If he had excellent connections, he’s probably a rich businessman who’s got a way with words.
“It’s going to be an hour tops and then I’ll drop by your set. We can have dinner together.”
“Absolutely,” you said, sealing the promise with a kiss on his cheek.
And so, you two went off to your own businesses. 
It was strange though. He knew it would take you more than an hour to get to the set, but he didn’t expect you to be 3 hours late. Besides, whenever you were going to be late for anything, you never failed to update him.
The director called a wrap and so he called you. You didn't answer. He called and called and called. Each time that your phone went into voicemail, he was growing more paranoid. 
What if… you enjoyed your childhood friend company too much?
All those promises he said after the incident. That he’d protect you. That you were the most important thing to him. That he wanted nothing more than to be with you. That his biggest fear would be for you to disappear… What if that was coming true today?
Stay calm. Your phone could be faulty, out of battery, you could be at home.
He was about to rush home when one of his co-star’s personal assistant’s stopped him.
“Thank goodness I caught you.”
“I’m kind of busy, what is it?” he asked, a bit too harshly.
“The hospital called us, they said your partner was in an accident, they’ve been trying to reach you but they don’t exactly know how.”
He took a cab to the hospital immediately fearing the worst. Hating himself even more to even consider that you were off having fun with someone else.
“Ah yes. There’s no need to worry. There was a collision with a biker and resulting in a dislocated kneecap but the doctors were able to fix it with no problem. The anesthesia is wearing off so go ahead.”
And he did. There you laid on the bed talking to one of the nurses. The nurse had a smile on her face.
“All I’m saying is… like… you know like fruit? Yeah… like, if fruit takes like...like... more than 2... if it takes a lot of steps for you to do the thing, what do you do?”
“You eat it?” asked the nurse.
“Yeah yeah yeah yeah. That. If it takes more than like… yeah 2 steps to get to good stuff. Not fruit… It's bad fruit.
The nurse spotted him. “I think someone is here to see you,” she walked towards him. “Just a heads up. Anesthesia has a way of making people a bit too honest,” she warned before leaving.
“Thank goodness you're okay,” he told you with a sigh of relief.
Your eyes squinted to look at him. Your hands stretched out your hands and he held out his own, but you swept them away. Instead, you gestured for his face to come closer. 
Zen knelt down to do as you wished. With both hands cupping his face, your eyes lit up in recognition. “Ah… I know you.” 
He chuckled. “I certainly hope you do.”
You nodded to yourself. Pleased. “Uh-huh, you’re my beautiful boyfriend. My beautiful boyfriend is here.”
His heart melted at that. “I’m here.” Placing his hand over your own, he found the absence of a ring an issue to be remedied. 
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dllamarama · 23 days
Episode 3 Queen of Tears BaekHong recap
Scene: Strawberry ice cream, Hyun Woo’s grandma cardigan and promises
Hyun Woo flexing his “supermarket prince” title to Hae In (the 3rd generation chaebol) is so funny and cringe that I’d hate to be in his shoes. So this is the day that probably sealed the deal for Hae In (from her conversation with Eun Sung in episode 8). Hyun Woo promised to be by her side even if she had a lot of debt, he was ready to stay by her side through thick and thin and struggle with her. She was touched by that sweet word. Hae In was brought up in a family that does not give her the warmth that Hyun Woo provides. He loves her unconditionally and ready to struggle just for her, and that’s why his promise to be by her side forever really echoes within her. She needs that. Because she believes that no other person in her life even her family would be able to stay by her side forever. She has been fighting alone all her life.
Scene: Hyun Woo’s sexy arm muscle and shoot!
The scene changes back to the boar attack and it was actually Hae In’s memory. She remembers that fond memory where Hyun Woo promised to be by her side in the situation where she really desperately needs him by her side. This is also the turning point for Hae In to realise that her illness could really cost her lives. However, in this scene I could barely understand Hyun Woo’s feeling about it, he was really acting based on his instinct to save Hae In. Whether he IS that competent and confident to kill the boar with only one chance or he just gambled and did it to save Hae In at any cost.
Before anything else, let’s just appreciate this super ultra max finest specimen named BAEK HYUN WOO. I mean just so much perfection (with a pinch of foolishness and pathetic-ness) for Baek Hyun Woo character; SNU law school top graduate, served in the marine in a special guard team, boxing championship winner, so many other credentials that was not mentioned throughout the series . Okay! Let us get back to point of this character and couple analysis. So, he saves Hae In from the wild boar attack without even batting an eye. As what he explains with Yang Gi, he did it out of instinct and that is to protect Hae In. Yang Gi does need some slap from me for distracting Hyun Woo from realising his feelings sooner. He has only distracting Hyun Woo by denying his feelings for her to seem that he makes the right decision to fool Hae In by staying in the marriage.
It was very satisfying to see how the Queens family starts to look Hyun Woo in different light. Hae In’s father especially starting to treat him with much more respect after that. I think he would even consider changing Soobin’s surname to Baek after that lol.
Scene: Hae In with young Di Caprio (Korean version)
Hyun Woo was definitely terrified to use the same room with Hae In for reasons; he actually scared that Hae In would jump on him, he don’t want to make “mistake” with her, he just generally terrified of her. The way he flinched each time Hae In moves or said something that does not even mean anything. While Hae In is very much affected with the situation, I mean I understand her. She was attacked with broad shoulder and muscular body that shot wild boar with one bullet to save her after two years of no action and activity. I stand with you Hae In. But, their talk on the bed really makes me pity Hae In. She misses her husband!! Her husband that used to have full of love for her before their relationship strained. There was a time where their frequency and temperature match each other, they used to be deep in love where nothing can separate them. While she remembers all their good and happy memories, Hyun Woo has already forgotten about it and numb of all their happy memories totally. I feel bad for her. For someone that doesn’t wear her emotion on her sleeve, she was trying to convey her feeling to Hyun Woo which Hyun Woo ignores (I fully believe that he knows but he chose to ignore it). We can see her feeling never changed for Hyun Woo. I’d say it was easier for her to stay in love with him considering that she does not need to change her environment, while Hyun Woo has to make a lot of changes of his lifestyle to match her family. In a way, he does suffer more than Hae In and the fact that she knew about it makes it hard to understand her sometimes.
Scene: Drunk Hae In and jealous Hyun Woo with a mission
First of all, Hyun Woo is showing more of his jealous side that he didn’t even know except it was clear to us. He finally felt some sort of emotion (that he doesn’t want to admit) towards Hae In and Eun Sung. He only know and admit that he doesn’t like that guy, that’s it. We then saw Hae In vulnerable side when Hyun Woo hold her against the tree (again, she is being attack by the sexy dynamite Baek Hyun Woo). She wonders why she wasn’t confident when explaining about their love to Eun Sung. Personally at first, it didn’t felt like she wasn’t confident but it’s just Eun Sung manipulating her. Because for me she just reminiscing about their love story that transcends wealth and differences. But from another point, it could seem as such when we consider someone with her personality needed to explain the extent of their love to someone else. And sadly, she actually agrees with Eun Sung.
I really wonder how bad was it for Hyun Woo to live with Hae In’s family until he forgotten all of their wonderful and happy memories together. To what extent was he badly treated in the family for him to totally lose their memories and promises? He was definitely happy with Hae In in her memories and their honeymoon. It’s a shame that the writer chose not to show Hyun Woo’s suffering with her family in a more serious manner instead of comedic release. It seems that Hyun Woo’ s decision to divorce was shallower due to the comedic release on his sufferings. Even after knowing what happened in episode 5, it still somehow lacking in a way although I know the event or words that really pushed Hyun Woo to make such decision.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Would it be possible to see some interactions with some of the other scientists being suprised/impressed with Junkrat's engineering know-how?
Would you believe I've written interactions like this back in 2018? And 2017? I'm definitely due for an update though.
D.Va: *holding her light gun* Hold it right there, Junker!
Dae-hyun: *brandishing a wrench* Step away from Tokki! I mean it!
Junkrat: Sheeeeeesh. Talk about trust issues! I just wanted to take a little peek inside! I've been thinking of building my own mech for the scrapyard and figured I should see what makes these fancy-pants Mekas tick. T'be honest, the handling's gotta be a dream, but the propulsion's not as impressive as I thought.
D.Va: *squinting* And how do I know you're not stripping her palladium?
Junkrat: THERE'S PALLADIUM!? *quickly pivots to rush back at Tokki before getting tackled by Dae-hyun*
Moira: *working on her biotic rig*
Junkrat: *looming over her shoulder*
Moira: Unless you want to be vivisected, I suggest you take 14 steps back.
Junkrat: Y'know you'll have more control over how much piss you're shooting out if you put an iris aperture over that seal.
Moira: ...
Junkrat: You've just got the set amount of piss until you need to wait to recharge or start sucking on people, right? Like a piss vampire. A pisspire.
Moira: *slowly turning around*
Junkrat: But it's not like you need to firehose the team with piss every time.
Moira: *slowly standing up*
Junkrat: You could just install a piss aperture that--
Moira: *staring*
Junkrat: ....allows... more... control...over... the...
Moira: Call it 'piss' again. Please.
Junkrat: ...I sense a trap.
Junkrat: *staring at Mercy's wings* hmm....
Mercy: I'm not telling you the airfoil ratio.
Junkrat: Eh, I can ballpark it.
Mercy: It's not something you can 'ballpark.'
Junkrat: You say that now, but next time you see me, you'll be dealing with La Rata Alada!
Mercy: For all our sakes I hope not.
Junkrat: *wistfully* I was born to fly.
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vigil4nted · 2 years
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❝  don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.  ❞
@poisonpicked​ | hyun-su cha
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     MAYBE IT’S BECAUSE he’s not supposed to be there. Going too far outside of trial of course landed him somewhere the Survivors were allowed to go. And of course he was so easily mistaken as one of them.       It’s a painful reminder that he’s the monster, and the blond talking to him is the human. Hyun-Su keeps is hand over his nose, an attempt to stifle the bleeding. Silence it all in his mind, the jumbled thoughts that he hates so much.       “ ...because I’m not one of you. ” He barely mumbles it out. “ I shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t talk to me. ” Mumbled out again, barely audible as he slides down the wall he’s leaned against to sit on the dirty floor. Maybe the Entity should do better at keeping everyone apart. Unless this kind of agony was what She wanted. ...hell, maybe it was. For all he knows.
0 notes
tokkiheart · 1 year
Happiness Review/General Thoughts
I figured that since I enjoyed this K-Drama as much as I did, I might as well write a review about it.
Please note that this is going to be a review written by someone who doesn’t generally watch horror genre content. The closest I have ever gotten to it prior to this show was Supernatural.
As always, I will endeavor to keep this spoiler free!
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Idol Drama • Fantasy • Action • Thriller & Suspense • Drama
This show focuses primarily on Officer Yoon Sae Bom and Detective Jung Yi Hyun. Yoon Sae Bom is a special agent with quick wits and reflexes and another special quality. She earns the opportunity to move into a new apartment set aside for civil servants in a coveted apartment complex by pretending to marry high school friend Jung Yi Hyun. Yi Hyun is a police detective investigating the spread of a mysterious disease. They are trapped in their apartment building when Han Tae Seok, head of the task force to control the spread of the disease, orders the complex to be sealed off from the rest of the city.
Quarantine and disease reveal a social caste system, bringing out the best and worst of the apartment residents.
(Source: MyDramaList)
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My Review (Spoiler Free)
This drama was good. Considering the last time I had been recommended a K-Drama to watch, I was fully expecting to get a sense of things being too bleak and heavy and needing to take a break or being too grossed out by the monsters to be able to watch. Neither of those things ever happened, I wound up binge-watching this drama within 24 hours - it was that good.
Happiness has just the right balance of humor and heart to mix with the dark and foreboding nature of the show.
On top of this, their version of zombies are much less grotesque than what I’m used to seeing in media (by which I mean ads for zombie type movies, shows, games, etc. because, again, this isn’t my typical type of show). They’re not missing giant patches of skin, they also don’t have exposed bones or internal organs. They’re more human than monster, especially because they have a period where they’re sane and very very human. Which, I really liked. I liked seeing the “monsters” and those who got bitten/scratched by them as being more morally grey and dependent upon who they are as a person/individual instead of as an inherently evil monster who is irredeemable.
Even though this show doesn’t really advertise a romance, there’s a wonderful slow-burn friends to lovers storyline in this show which I absolutely adored! The lead actors really brought their A games and sold the show and the romance! If that’s not enough, the little found family they made is just so cute. 🥹💜
While I certainly can’t speak for experienced horror genre watchers, I can speak for the absolute soft fluffballs who don’t really do horror. I would recommend watching this K-Drama just as I was recommended to watch it. This show is honestly great if you want to lightly dip your toes into something a little more horror-y, without getting too uncomfortable.
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Overall, I’d say this show is highly rewatchable. In fact, I’m fighting the urge to rewatch the show right now as I’m writing this.
Considering this show has only 12 episodes, each at an hour long, it is very easy to watch and rewatch this show!
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gizkasparadise · 2 years
What are your favorite love stories from dramas? Chinese or Korean. The OTPs that slayed you?
yay! i love love!! SPOILERS below!
li zi wei / huang yu xuan, someday or one day. taiwanese drama.
boy meets girl. boy dies. girl time travels about 20 years into the past and meets boy's doppelganger, except he's older than he should be in 1998. turns out boy is ALSO a time traveler, and he waited years to be reunited with the girl in her original timeline after meeting her in 1998 😭. boy still dies. girl goes to correct the timeline again. in order for the boy and the girl's friends to survive, they have to erase the timeline where they meet, and all their memories together, and they choose to do so. it's implied the boy will still meet the girl someday, one day 😭😭😭. a follow up movie (with the same cast!) is going to be released soon, but the original drama is perfect on its own and their story hits all the best bittersweet notes.
also their theme song kills me/watch for a highlight reel:
dongfang qingcang and xiao lanhua, love between fairy and devil. chinese drama
this story is like someone took all my favorite fanfics from when i was 14 and injected it straight into my veins!! xiao lanhua is an unimportant orchid fairy who accidentally frees the leader of the moon tribe (the fairies' #1 enemy), certified big bad and girlboss dongfang qingcang, who has sealed away his emotions for a power boost. over time, the two of them grow closer and understand one another better and if you're someone who likes "i'll burn the world down for 1 person" with notes of devil/jesus or hades/persephone this is 100% absolutely your ship.
like, the way we all went absolutely feral during this scene:
do hyun soo/cha ji won, flower of evil. korean drama
idek where to begin with these two, but ugh. ugh!! ugh!!!! the way they killed me over 16 episodes! definitely an unconventional couple, do hyun soo is a suspected serial killer who's been on the run for over 15 years, and cha ji won is his wife and also a detective recently assigned to hunt him down. their story is just such a raw and lovely look at trauma's effects on people and they're so ride or die for one another and their daughter. it's wonderful to see a love story about a long-term couple, as well.
yu sifeng/chu xuanji, love and redemption. chinese drama
THE ship for you if you like inverted gender dynamics, masochism tangos, and 10 lifetimes' worth of pining and star-crossed lovers. thousands of years ago, there was a god of war who was punished to live 10 lifetimes on earth so she could unlearn her hatred at heaven. chu xuanji is her 10th and final mortal incarnation, a girl who can't understand the 6 senses and lives with her father's martial arts sect, although she can't practice martial arts or cultivation herself. sifeng is a member of a rival sect, a sect that forbids love, marriage, or children from its members. it's revealed that sifeng has loved and followed xuanji through 9 previous lifetimes that all ended violently for him, and this is their last chance to break the cycle/get their happily ever after /;3;/
what i love most about this one is that it flips the script on gender dynamics-- sifeng is a martyr for love and xuanji is the overpowered one who struggles to understand her feelings. here's one of my favorite scenes where xuanji reveals her hidden powers to save sifeng from being whipped to death
sung deok sun/choi taek, reply 1988. korean drama.
the other love stories on this list are all fantasy-based or have extraordinary circumstances, so i figured for this last one i would pick a love story that's just so wonderfully normal and grounded. a lot of people got second-lead syndrome from this series, but i am empathetically not one of them!!
deok sun and taek are childhood friends and neighbors who grew up together. it's evident early on in the series that taek loves deok sun, and he's always honest about his feelings, but it takes deok sun a little longer to realize she's in love with taek. what i love about this ship is that it's really quiet-- we see them fall in love with small moments and through their actions/behaviors vs. large, grand confessions (although we get a great confessional moment near the end of the drama too!!). there's also such a great balance between birds of a feather and being complimentary toward one another.
some other favorites:
lan tian ye/su can can, wait my youth (chinese drama)
dan oh/haru, extraordinary you (korean drama)
lee jung in/yoo ji ho, one spring night (korean drama)
yoon sae boem/jung yi hyun, happiness (korean drama)
ha moon so/lee kang do, just between lovers (korean drama)
sung shi won/yoon yoon jae, reply 1997 (korean drama)
kang dong gu/han yoon nah ft. sol, welcome to waikiki (korean drama)
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1morey · 1 year
Every known Rainbow operator past and present (and NIGHTHAVEN operators)
Adriano “Maestro” Martello (2018-Present)
Antonio Maldini (1999-2012)
Aria “Alibi” de Luca (2018-Present)
Alain DuBarry (1999-2012)
Emmanuelle “Twitch” Pichon (2015-Present)
Gilles “Montagne” Touré (2015-Present)
Gustav “Doc” Kateb (2015-Present)
Julian “Rook” Nizan (2015-Present)
Olivier “Lion” Flament (2018-Present)
1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais
Alejandro Noronha (1999-2012)
Spetzgruppa “A”
Aleksandr “Tachanka” Senaviev (2015-Present)
Genedy Filatov (1999-2012)
Lera “Finka” Melnikova (2018-2022 (defected to NIGHTHAVEN), rejoined in or before 2025)
Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda (2015-Present)
Shuhrat “Fuze” Kessikbayev (2015-Present)
Timur “Glaz” Glazkov (2015-Present)
Ana “Solis” Valentina Díaz (2022-Present) 
Special Air Service
Andrew Burke (1999-2012)
Eddie Price (1999-2012)
Geoff Bates (1999-2012)
James “Smoke” Porter (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Mark R. “Mute” Chandar (2015-Present)
Michael Walter (2008-2012)
Mike “Thatcher” Baker (2015-Present)
Paddy Connelly (1999-2012)
Peter Covington (1999-2012)
Scotty McTyler (1999-2012)
Seamus “Sledge” Cowden (2015-Present)
Steve Lincoln (1999-2012)
National Task Force
Annika Lofquist (1999-2012) (Under ONI)
Anja Katarina “Osa” Janković (2021-2022)
Apha “Aruni” Tawanroong (2020-2022)
Charlie Tho Keng “Grim” Boon (2022-Present) (NIGHTHAVEN only)
Håvard “Ace” Haugland (2020-2022)
Jaimini Kalimohan “Kali” Shah (2019-2022)
Ngũgĩ Muchoki “Wamai” Furaha (2019-Present)
Belarusian Ground Forces
Arkadi Novikov (2001-2012)
Ayana Yacoby (1999-2012)
David Peled (1999-2012)
Sharon Judd (2010-2012)
Azucena Rocío “Amaru” Quispe (2019-Present)
United States Army Rangers
“Bishop” (Unknown-2012)
United States Navy SEALs
Brian Armstrong (Unknown-2012)
Craig “Blackbeard” Jensen (2016-Present)
Meghan J. “Valkyrie” Castellano (2016-Present)
Miguel “Mike” Chin (1999-2012)
Garda Emergency Response Unit
Brianna “Thorn” Skehan (2021-Present)
César Ruiz “Goyo” Hernández (2019-Present)
707th Special Mission Group
Choi Byoung-Ryang (2003-2012)
Choi Jae-Hoon (2003-2012)
Choi Youn-Suk (2003-2012)
Chul “Vigil” Kyung Hwa (2017-Present)
Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam (2017-Present)
Hong Min-Hyun (2003-2012)
Jung Park (2009-2012)
Jung Sang-Yub (2003-2012)
Kim Jae-Ho (2003-2012)
Kim Sung-Gun (2003-2012)
Kim Yu-Jin (2003-2012)
Lee Won-Ho (2003-2012)
Lee Youn-Jung (2003-2012)
Pak Suo-Won (2001-2012)
Seo Young-Lan (2003-2012)
United States Secret Service
Collinn “Warden” McKinley (2019-Present)
FBI Hostage Rescue Team
Daniel Bogart (1999-2012)
United States Marine Corps
Daniel "Bear" Malloy (1999-2012)
Dieter Weber (2001-2012)
Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier (2015-Present)
Elias “Blitz” Kötz (2015-Present)
Jorg Walther (1999-2012)
Marius “Jäger” Streicher (2015-Present)
Monika “IQ” Weiss (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (1999-2012)
John Clark (1999-2000 (as operator))
Einar Petersen (2001-2012)
Elena María “Mira” Álvarez (2017-Present)
Ryad Ramírez “Jackal” Al-Hassar (2017-Present)
Eliza “Ash” Cohen (2015-Present)
Jack “Pulse” Estrada (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Jordan “Thermite” Trace (2015-Present)
Miles “Castle” Campbell (2015-Present)
Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak (2017-2022)  (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Kazimiera Rakuzanka (1999-2012)
Zofia Bosak (2017-Present)
Delta Force
Erik “Maverick” Thorn (2018-Present)
George Tomlison (1999-2012)
Hank Patterson (1999-2012)
Homer Johnston (1999-2012)
Julio “Oso” Vega (1999-2012)
Logan Keller (2005-2012)
Mike Pierce (1999-2012)
Renee Raymond (1999-2012)
United States Army
Fred “Freddy” Franklin (1999-2012)
Mortimer “Sam” Houston (1999-2012)
Royal New Zealand Air Force
Gary Kenyon (2010-2012)
BATF International Response Team
Gerald Morris (1999-2012)
1st Special Operations Wing
Harrison (1999-2012)
Royal Air Force
Jack Nance (1999-2012)
Jalal “Kaid” El Fassi (2018-Present)
Sanaa “Nomad” El Maktoub (2018-Present)
Unit 777
Jamal Murad (2001-2012)
Joanna Torres (2010-2012)
Jaeger Corps
Karina “Nøkk” Gaarddhøje (2019-Present)
EKO Cobra
Karl Haider (1999-2012) (under GEK Cobra)
Kevin Sweeney (1999-2012)
Kure Galanos (2001-2012)
Pyrotechno GmbH
Lars Breckenbauer (1999-2012)
Special Duties Unit
Liu “Lesion” Tze Long (2017-Present)
Siu “Ying” Mei Ling (2017-Present)
Louis Loiselle (2001-2012)
Special Assault Team
Masaru “Echo” Enatsu (2016-Present)
Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa (2016-Present)
STAR-NET Aviation
Mina “Thunderbird” Sky (2021-Present)
Metropolitan Police Service
Morowa “Clash” Evans (2018-Present)
Nayara “Brava” Cardoso (2023-Present)
Neinke Meijer (2020-Present)
Special Forces Group (Belgium)
Néon “Sens” Ngoma Mutombo (2022-Present)
Joint Task Force 2
Roger McAllen (1999-2012)
Sébastien “Buck” Côté (2016-Present)
Tina “Frost” Lin Tsang (2016-Present)
Sam Bennett (1999-2012)
Fourth Echelon
Samuel Leo “Sam” Fisher (2020-Present)
Santiago Arnavisca (1999-2012)
40 Commando
Shawn Rivers (2010) (KIA)
Taina “Caveira” Pereira (2016-Present)
Vicente “Capitão” Souza (2016-Present)
Inkaba Task Force
Thandiwe “Melusi” Ndlovu (2020-Present)
Tim Noonan (1999-2012)
Paul Bellow (1999-2012)
Max “Mozzie” Goose (2019-Present)
Timothy Hanley (1999-2012)
Tori Tallyo “Gridlock” Fairous (2019-Present)
Tracy Woo (1999-2012)
William “Billy” Tawney (1999-2012)
Kana “Azami” Fujiwara (2022-Present)
Saif “Oryx” Al Hadid (2020-Present)
Santiago Miguel “Flores” Lucero (2021-Present)
Brody Lukin (2010-2012)
“Deimos” (Unknown-On or Before 2012)
Emilio Narino (2001-2012)
Gabriel Nowak (2005-2010) (Defected/KIA)
Harry (1999-2012)
Kan Akahashi (2010) (KIA)
Monroe (2005) (KIA)
John Clark (1999-2010)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (2010-2012)
Aurelia Arnot (2015-2019)
Harishva “Harry” Pandey (2019-2023) (KIA)
Unknown (2023-)
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seokka0o · 1 year
Omg please write more about cix hyunsuk <3 He’s driving me absolutely crazy rn
Maybe a kitchen scenario? 👁️👁️ But food is not the only getting eaten that night? 👁️👁️
Thank you hehe, love your writing!! xx
Hey babe, of course I can do ♡ thank you for your support.
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I think of a loving dinner. you're spending the weekend together after a long time. The fun starts from the day before which puts you in a more intimate mood since then, sex in the morning and lunchtime and you stay in shape until dinner. You're too lazy to cook so you order something for delivery, it would take a while to arrive so you move the table, organizing everything so you can eat. Hyunsuk is very clingy, he follows you wherever you go and soon he is in the kitchen, right behind you, hugging you, walking you around the kitchen space, not saying a word, just watching you with that curious rabbit face. The way he is welcoming despite his exaggerated size makes you smile at nothing and Hyunsuk just wants to make sure he has all of you before that dream is over, so he holds you tight in his arms, sighing softly, waiting for you to finish what you do to be able to sit you at the table facing him this time.
"What is that?" Hyunsuk will smile tenderly and take your lips, with short seals, which will lengthen, initiating and deepening a little intense kiss, it is a very affectionate energy that hyunsuk has to offer, firm hands on your thighs, rising snuggling caresses, you immersed in his kiss because even before you know what awaits you, so you're taking your time. Hyunsuk pushes your shirt as he caresses it, showing more of your skin, the digits decorating the soft skin, his lips bouncing from yours to your neck, to your shoulder, he lifting your clothes and lowering, now with his eyes and attention on you "no panties?" ;" always " hyunsuk gently opening your legs, long fingers running along the insides, you sighs of anticipated pleasure and take a moment to collect yourself, brace yourself on your hands and spread your legs wider as you feel his fingers leave your lips and expose your entire vulva, you weren't so wet yet, but the first contact of his tongue with your intimacy is enough for you to tremble from head to toe, moans dragging through the entire kitchen, the hot air suddenly coming out to your center showing that he had laughed at your reaction, but hyunsuk just continues what he does without caring too much "yes baby,just like that" the plea coming out Slyly the way he drags his tongue all over your region, feeling you like what he likes so much, keeping his hands firmly on your legs to keep them apart for him, your entrance burning and contracting waiting for hyunsuk to do something about it. He spends a good amount of time kissing your skin and sucking you, taking his time, stopping again and again to watch as your entrance receives his fingers, eyes bright and concentrated, as if doing it for the first time, pink lips covered by your liquid and his own his saliva and then every now and then he would be looking at you waiting to see your reactions; the way you contract, how you bite your lips to hold back your pleasure, the natural way the moans escape your lips, how you tip your head back when you feel like you can't take it anymore, everything is completely perfect in his vision.
You feel like you're going to get lost in the immensity in a moment, even when he's just testing the waters, your body already knew the pattern, with orgasms very close you were already holding his hair with a much less moderate force "Hyun... I need you inside me please" please don't need to be your utterances, he's there for you pressing himself between your legs already, you won't even notice when he puts his dick out only when he slides inside you with so much ease making you cry, calling him with a certain desperation and then he would once again let the neighborhood know his name. Keeping your body steady for him, moderate thrusts, hyunsuk with his head lying on your shoulder, moaning incoherently, sighing, taking his warm breath to your skin making you shiver, concentrated, ready to make you his one more time. Your hands wrapped in his arms and you diving into each other deeply, tasting you already for the thousandth time in the day, reaching your limits with very little time left for lunch to be delivered.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 8 months
Day 6: Chase
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𝖑𝖊𝖊: Jeongin
𝖑𝖊𝖗: Hyunjin
𝖙𝖜: none
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @someone-who-loves-kpop-saranghae @dandyboyseungmo @leeknowstan33 @vale-143 @wereallgonnadieonedaybutnottoday
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“Jeohongin! Stahp you’re gonna ruin it!” Hyunjin whined, fingers shaking as he tried not to wiggle the paintbrush.
Jeongin smiled into the back of Hyunjin’s neck as he removed his fingers, currently pressed into Hyunjin’s sides. 
“ahaha it tihihickles!” Hyunjin giggled brightly as Innie’s fingers wiggled lightly over his stomach next, and the older moved his brush away from the painting in order to save it from his shaking hands. 
“Innie STAHP it!” Hyune snapped when a well-placed jab to his ribs had him keeling over. 
“It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish…” The maknae commented, rolling his eyes.
“Oh you’re so in for it now-” Hyune retorted as he suddenly stood up. 
“You have 5 seconds to run.” Hyuna threatened, wiping his hands to free them paint stains.
Jeongin certainly didn’t waste time, bolting out of the room, the door flying shut behind him. 
The maknae screamed loudly when he heard thundering footsteps chasing him down. 
He turned corners and ran as fast as his feet would take him, breath leaving him in gasps. 
“AH!” Innie yelled when a hand grabbed at his shoulder. 
Shaking the hand off, Jeongin felt that same arm wrap around his waist. He was so toast (lol)
The chase was finally over as the maknae was pinned against the wall by an angry ferret. 
“NO! nonono please! HEAR ME OUT!” Jeongin yelled out as the fingers hovering over his stomach paused. 
“What do you want little lee~?” Hyune cooed as Innie blushed underneath him, arms outstretched completely. 
"OKAY! I'm really really sorry for almost ruining. your painting, and for t-tickling you. I was just thinking that maybe you don't have to get like this and-"
"Oh it's okay Innie. I forgave you a long time ago. BUT! I'm still gonna wreck you to prove that you’re more ticklish than me." Hyunjin said matter of factly. 
“HUH?! I'm not more ticklish than you! Wait, wait!" IN screeched when Hyune's fingers walked up his torso. 
The dancer’s fingers rested on the youngers ribcage, tapping lightly as Jeongin sealed his lips to avoid giggling.
When Hyunjin's hand suddenly darted down and scribbled his belly, Innie strained hard against the older's hold, an unwanted smile already displayed against his cherry red face.
“Seee look! You're already smiling! It won't take long ~" The dancer cooed as Innie thrashed harder, foot stamping into the ground.
"HYUN- hyunjihihin HYUNG!" Jeongin yelled as giggles bubbled out of his throat. 
"Yes, maknae bread?" Hyunjin replied cheekily, using all the the nickname commonly used by members.
"ihihit tihickles!" Innie giggled sweetly as the older's fingers continued dancing over his stomach.
"Of course it does, silly!" Hyune replied, fondness growing in his chest at the sweet maknae.
However, the dancer couldn't let Innie off so easily. He still needed revenge.
So his fingers suddenly moved upwards, digging into the vocalist's ribs with vigor.
“NOAHAHA NOHOT THEHERE! YAHAHA!" Innie choked out as he tugged on his wrists.
He shook his head back and forth, the sensations building up and leaving the maknae a cackling mess.
"Now for the grand finale!" Hyune announced, lifting up the vocalist’s arms and scribbling over his armpits.
Innie let out a loud scream, and his stamina wore down as he was plunged into silent laughter.
Hyunjin let up and ruffled Jeongin’s hair. 
“Don’t tease, ‘kay?”
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i hope you enjoyed this fic! have a spooky october! ✨🎃
i’m so sorry the ending is so rushed everything’s falling apart lately i promise to fix my entire messy damn blog tomorrow i just need some damn sleep-
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