#i WILL have time to rly marinate in it soon
hertwood · 5 months
anyway provisional top 4
The Black Dog
Down Bad
But Daddy, I Love Him
So Long, London
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mayghosts · 3 months
Little Gold Top: (6) Kate Martin x Reader
(Previous) (TOC) (Next)
Summary: morning after
Warnings: tears, this is so unhealthy y'all I'm sorry, honestly rly struggled with this chapter and you can tell
AN: me vs ending this, how many more chapters do we want? I promise its going to get cute and fluffy after this
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The rising sun cast pinks and oranges over the living room. Your tea had gone cold hours ago as you shivered on the couch. You would've gotten up and gone to bed, in fact in another universe you probably would’ve taken the sleeping body on the opposite end with you. At least Kate was warm with that blanket.
You know you should just leave her on the couch, go to the 8AM you had every Tuesday morning, but you refused to let her sleep and dash. Especially not after last night. Quietly you slipped into the kitchen, getting yourself a fresh cup of tea, dumping the cold mug from last night down the drain. Walking back into the living room you were met with a pair of blue eyes.
Her face was still a bit puffy and red and her hair was a mess. Kate was still the prettiest girl you had ever seen. You paused, the mug burning your hand as she quickly looked away. You hadn’t really figured out what would happen when she woke up. I mean you tried to, it was all you could think about last night, but your brain seemed unable to give you a solution. You gently sat on your end of the couch, as if any sudden motions might send her running off.
The silence was deafening. You glanced up at the blonde as she quickly diverted her gaze again. Picking at her nails she spoke “I meant it.” Slowly you peeked over at her. “Every word I said last night I meant it-”
Silence fell again as you tried to find the word to express whatever the strange, consuming, overwhelming emotion you harbored towards the blonde. Feeling the tears well in your eyes you blinked rapidly, looking towards the window, the TV, the paintings on the far wall from team bonding. “You can’t just say that, that's not fair” Kate looked at you confused, you could see the hurt in her eyes. She almost looked like a sad lost puppy. You went back to listing items in the room, window, TV, paintings, table, lamp over and over. Wall, door knob, Gabbie. Oh fuck, its Gabbie.
“Uhh hey, good morning guys… everything okay out here…?” You had no idea how long Gabbie had been standing there. The look of absolutely panic, guilt and embarrassment that washed over Kates face would be funny in any other situation. You turned around to face your roommate again, trying to pull yourself together,“Yep! All good out here! Have fun at Class!” Standing up you ushered her out the door into the hallway, closing the door behind her. Leaning back against the door you felt the overwhelming sense of dread return.
You shuffeled back into the living room, coming face to face with a standing, six foot, Kate Marin. “So what, you're just gonna leave now? Like you always do?” You wanted to take it back as soon as you said it, partially because your voice cracked, and partially because you felt bad.
“I'm not leaving…” she stepped closer to you “I am serious I meant every word. I am not giving up on this.” This statement only seemed to worsen your predicament as you found yourself crying harder. God this was embarrassing. Attempting to pull yourself together, you wipe your face with your hoodie sleeves. Looking her dead in the eyes you say what you've been thinking this whole time.
“I don't believe you.”
You knew it hurt her to hear, but Kate was tough, and she had hurt you so much more, if anything, it canceled out. “I don’t believe that you are going to stay because you never have. We barely interact outside of hookups and I don’t trust you to..” Your words faded out at the end, the tears taking over your ability to talk. “Say it.” she gently tucked a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
Clearing your throat you tried again. “You would kiss me and tell me you loved me and that I'm beautiful and fuck me in your car- and then you would leave. And we wouldn't talk about it, and you would fuck some other girl the next night and it happened over and over. Kate I'm so tired I can’t keep doing this!” you looked up into her glassy blue eyes “I mean I thought you said we were done! I'm trying so hard to be done!” The pool of yucky emotions in your stomach only grew as you watched her try not to cry. You could see how hard she way trying to appear strong, to keep it together. In that moment you wanted nothing more than to grab her and hold her and tell her you loved her and never let go. Because she said she loves you! However there was still that part of your brain just knew said she didn’t really mean it. You felt like a video game character, trying to make a game changing decision about which person to save from the zombie apocalypse. Except, you don’t get any do-overs and this wasn’t a game. In this reality, you would save Kate over yourself, every time. And you knew it.
Kate looked beyond tired, red eyes now brimming with tears again as she searched for the words to try and fix this.
Gently you traced your hand over her shoulder. Savoring the way she slightly leaned into your touch and the way her skin felt. You pulled her into a hug, “We will figure this out I promise.” She pulled you closer, holding you like you were going to disintegrate, “I can’t loose you, please don’t leave.” You could feel her tears on your neck as her fingers curled into your sweatshirt. Her body trembled in your arms. “I’m so scared I'm sorry.” You were both silent for a minute, your could feel your brain screaming at you to get her out, push her away, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let her go. “It was always you, I've only ever wanted you.” Carefully you peeled away, holding her arms. “Then prove it, make me believe you.”
because I really really want to
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ahundredtimesover · 2 years
Hi my Mimi🤗 how are you now? Feeling a little less bleh and burnt out? How is work? Your mental health? You in general?
Did you watch the concert today? I skipped out of work early to watch Run BTS performance and guess what I missed it 😭😂😅
I've been marinating in my own sadness? To read and review my favourites and I felt really guilty because I was supposed to send this feedback ask way before you went to Melbourne 🥺 but the concert today has me in a purple chokehold so i thought I would try to clear my head and re read the epilogue and tell you which parts I loved the most (this is not out of any obligation but out of appreciation and respect I have for you as a creator) I'm sending another ask because I want this feedback to actually reach you.
HIIII I’m so late to this ☹️ oddly enough I crave for feedback but I can’t find words when it’s given ajsbbzjqajs but your asks have made my week 😍
As for the concert - OH GOD where do I start! Another jhope FIT FOR THE BOOKS; joon getting off the entire time; Yoongi and that hair (guess who’s being bias wrecked); forehead jin in LEATHER PANTS help; Tae being so hot and a menace; Jimin being so ethereal (did I ever mention he’s my fave performer); and jk PLSSS the long-haired biker look is killing me. 🥵🥵🥵 so much going on with the tannies but I love and support them, that’s it.
As for me. I’m generally ok. In a weird spot thinking of all I’ll be leaving behind in 3 months. I think that’s also why I’ve been in such a reading and writing slump. I wanna write so badly but my mind’s been hazy. SO YES your feedback on TLODS has been much appreciated. I’ll get to them soon but I just rly want to thank you. It’s meant a lot given these odd couple of weeks. Sending you love and hugs always 🤗🤗🤗💕💕 I hope you’re doing well!
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
hey venus, i hope you are doing well! if not, i hope things get better for you soon, and my messages are open if you need to talk. remember to eat something, hydrate, and take any meds you need to!
honestly, a number of characters in danganronpa Grind My Gears, but. i was watching someone stream v3 earlier and my god. i nearly forgot how much i Despise tsumugi. like i'm sorry to anyone who likes her but. ever since i first finished v3 she just makes me feel Primal Anger. i applaud shuichi and the other survivors for restraining themselves bc idk if i would've been able to last in that courtroom before just jumping over the podium and slugging her.
it's just. she has Zero Personality for 80% of the game, because she is so boring that she has to steal other characters' personalities via cosplay. and then in the last chapter she's just so taunting and vicious, going from 0 to 100 in the worst way possible. ugh.
i am so sorry for ranting in your inbox again, i promise i'll send you more light-hearted stuff skskfjs
take care of yourself, vee. you've come so far, and i'm very proud of you. <:)
-☀️ sunshine
tsumugi is so GODDAMN annoying i like keeping her around in sleep awake to make silly little jojo references and that is IT. shes probably the character who appears the least in my fic and its because for most of the other characters i can think of some layer of emotional depth i can give them to relate to the reader, or at least have an emotional connective moment. like. but tsumugi is just so much nothing.
i really like the CONCEPT of tsumugi, and i see what they were TRYING to do it just. really feels like it missed the mark a lot. i know u know my thoughts on v3's ending as a whole but ive never rly touched on tsumugi's involvement with it because the truth is there is just not much thought i can put into her. like im gonna have to read a lot of meta from tsumugi fans or people who have actually dedicated time to analysing her (stronger than the marines btw) to prepare myself for the sixth chapter of the fic because holy shit i truly have nO IDEA what im doing with her right now.
ur always welcome to rant in my inbox rei!! especially because ur always correct abt everything and we share the same brain. idk if ur also going thru a heatwave where u are, but if u are remember to drink water and stay in the shade!! take care of urself my lovely <333
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jamaisjoons · 4 years
intro: her mini #6 ⤑ knj | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff 
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: none really, reader n joon r incredibly sappy and i both hate n love them, there's some kissing but rly this is just soft fluffiness uwu
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: i lowkey hate half of this but yolo it is what it is
⏤ beta read by my girlfriend @peekaboongi​ // commissioned in exchange for blm donations
⇥ Main Series Masterlist
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On Hoseok’s birthday, you find yourself on a private yacht in order to celebrate. As usual, you’re surrounded by Namjoon, his sons, as well as Yoongi, Seokjin and, of course, Hoseok himself - who wanted a quiet dinner in order to celebrate. Though, realistically, a quiet dinner with three children isn’t exactly possible. Ship coasting on the gentle waters of the Han River, you enjoy the mellow, lightly chilled, breeze wafting through your hair. Despite being at the end of winter, thanks to the space heaters littered around the deck, you barely feel the cold wind.
“Noona can you help me with this?” Jungkook asks from his seat beside you - his sweet voice pulling you out of your reverie. Shifting your gaze to him, you note the way he’s pointing at the large prawn sitting on his plate - the crustacean marinated in garlic butter as it glistens under the waning sunlight.
With a kind smile, “Sure, Gukkie,” you reply before reaching over. Easily, you break off the head of the prawn before squeezing the meat out the shell and placing it onto his plate.
“You did that awfully easily, ____” Hoseok comments as he swallows down the morsels of lobster he’s chewing on. Gaze shifting to him momentarily, you casually shrug your shoulders before turning to help Jungkook deshell the rest of his prawns.
“Me too, Noona! I can’t eat my clams,” Taehyung pipes in from beside Namjoon. And shortly after him, “And my crab!” Jimin calls out from next to his twin.
Angling your head to both of them, you frown slightly - a little confused by their requests. “Have you never eaten seafood before?” you question, a small, puzzled frown marring your lips. Taking pity on the twins, you watch as Yoongi and Seokjin pull their plates besides them - helping them clean their seafood. Simultaneously, Seokjin lets out a little snort before turning his attention to you.
“Are you kidding? With Namjoon as their father?” Seokjin playfully teases, sending a pointed glance towards your boyfriend. For a moment you frown, not really understanding his words, and then, it dawns on you; your lips forming a perfect ‘o’. Namjoon doesn’t like eating seafood. Nonetheless, from your right side, you hear your boyfriend huff.
“It’s not my fault I don’t like eating seafood,” he mumbles under his breath, his lips pursing into a small pout.
“But that doesn’t mean you can’t feed your sons seafood - there’s no reason they should miss out on it,” Yoongi butts in, and though your concentration is firmly on Jungkook’s food, you can clearly hear the playfulness in Yoongi’s voice.
“Yeah, Namjoonie, you may not like seafood, but your sons do,” Hoseok chimes in with a snicker. Done with deshelling Jungkook’s food, you turn your attention back to the adults, only to notice the slight tinge on Namjoon’s cheeks and the amused smiles on Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin’s faces.
“You don’t know if they like seafood or not, they’ve barely eaten it,” Namjoon tries to argue, and you shake your head slightly, already knowing he’s fallen into their trap. As soon as those words escape your boyfriend’s lips, you watch as identical, wry grins creep onto their faces.
“Oh really?” Hoseok questions, an impish twinkle in his eyes. Brown eyes alighting with mirth, he directs his attention to the boys, “Jiminie, Taehyungie, Jungkookie, do you like seafood?” Hoseok questions. Finally catching on to where this is going, a look of exasperation colours Namjoon’s face as he sullenly takes another bite of his steak.
Hearing Hoseok’s question, the boys immediately beam with bright smiles before nodding ecstatically. “It’s Hobi-hyung’s favourite so I like it lots!” Jimin replies, his cheeks puffing up as his eyelids form little crescent shapes.
Instantly, Hoseok begins cooing at the oldest twin, “That’s a good boy. Here you go, you can have a piece of my lobster,” he says while picking up some of the meat and passing it onto Jimin’s plate. Seeing the large chunk of meat, Taehyung and Jungkook immediately perk up.
“Hobi-hyung! I like seafood too!” Taehyung and Jungkook call out at once, causing Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin all to guffaw at once. From beside you, however, Namjoon lets out a defeated sigh with another shake of his head.
“I can’t believe my own sons have betrayed my like this,” he dramatically mutters under his breath. An inkling of pity runs through you, and reaching your hand out, you comfortingly pat Namjoon’s thigh.
“Not only your sons, but your girlfriend too,” Seokjin says while pointing his knife towards your plate, where small, empty oyster shells sit on the edge of it.
Pout deepening, “I can’t believe you too, babe,” Namjoon laments, causing you to quirk an eyebrow.
“And why is that?” you question, the corners of your lips twitching in amusement.
“Because! You’re a marine veterinarian! How can you work with them and then also eat them… especially when they’re so cute,” Namjoon replies, and though you want to laugh, the soft look on his face - from his adorable pout to the way his cheeks are tinged in embarrassment - prevents you from doing so.
“You know I mainly work with marine mammals right, Joon?” you gently point out, then after a brief pause, “Besides, I just like seafood,” you continue while patting his strong thigh.
“Maybe you should try some, Namjoon. Here, I’ll even give you my prawn,” Seokjin says while holding out the large crustacean towards your boyfriend. Immediately, a look of horror crosses Namjoon’s face as he baulks. Rolling your eyes, you chuck your cloth napkin at Seokjin in playful ire.
“Okay, okay, that’s enough, let Namjoon eat his steak in peace,” you say. Turning his attention to you, Seokjin levels his best puppy dog eyes at you; but you simply roll your eyes and send him a pointed glare, causing him to give in with a chuckle.
“Thanks, ____. You’re the only one who supports me here,” Namjoon sighs dramatically before leaning over and pressing a kiss to your temple. Angling your head, you smile brightly at him, and instinctively, you move to press a kiss onto his lips. However, immediately, Namjoon jerks back before his nose crinkles in mock distaste. “Absolutely not, you’ve been eating seafood,” he teases, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
The moment the words fall from his lips, your jaw drops open as you gape at his - surprise written all over your face at his rejection. When you hear Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin begin snickering from opposite you, you quickly shut your mouth before lightly smacking Namjoon’s thigh. Bottom lip jutting out, you huff, “That’s the last time I defend you,” you mumble under your breath. With a light chuckle, Namjoon leans in before pressing a kiss to the corner of your lip.
“I was only joking, Angel. You know I love kissing you no matter what,” he says, his voice low as his breath fans your lips.
Face softening at his words, you roll your eyes before acquiescing to him. “Yeah, yeah. Just eat your stupid steak,” you reply, causing Namjoon to grin and smack a wet kiss onto your cheek.
The rest of the dinner passes smoothly - the boys taking over the conversation as they ask a hundred and one questions about everything and anything under the sun. Eventually, however, the conversation pauses, in order to sing Hoseok a happy birthday while he cuts the cake before the eight of you share your dessert. As you continue enjoying the evening, the sun slowly fades behind the horizon, the sky darkening as night falls over, which brings you to now.
You’re currently standing at the edge of the deck - leaning on the railing while you look out at the landscape. Indolently, the yacht moves over the water, the large skyscraper buildings that make up the metropolitan of Seoul gently flitting by. The sun has completely set now, and the dark of the night only draws attention to the bright neon lights that pass you. A fresh breeze blows through the air, causing goosebumps to prickle at your skin. It’s cooler now, the crisp night air wafting over your skin as a shiver runs down your spine. Instinctively, you nestle further into Namjoon’s coat, relishing in both the scent and warmth of the large woollen jacket.
Idle chatter murmurs through the air as the conversation continues between the adults, though, you barely participate - more than happy to simply watch the landscape pass and soak it all in. Somewhere along the deck, you can hear the twins and Jungkook running around; playing a game of tag as they try to entertain themselves. Closing your eyes, you take in a deep breath - smelling the fresh air around you - before exhaling deeply. Suddenly, however, you’re broken out of your thoughts, when you feel someone tug at the hem of your dress.
“Are you okay, Noona?” Jimin asks as he looks up at you in worry. Heart clenching at the concern etched onto his delicate features, you grace him with a smile before nodding.
“I’m alright, Puppy,” you reply. Jimin frowns for a moment, his head tilting to the side - almost as if he doesn’t believe you. However, after a couple of moments, he relents with a nod. Instead, he raises his arm for you to pick him up. Bending over, you easily lift him into your arms, the small boy tucking his head under your chin as he directs his gaze out to the river.
“Noona? Are there dolphins in the Han River?” he questions, as he points out at the large body of water, and you can’t help but chuckle at the curiosity in his tone.
“No, Puppy. Han River is made up of freshwater, and while there are a few freshwater dolphins, most of the species live in saltwater,” you reply easily.
Jimin nods under your chin, but before he can open his mouth again, “Noona!” twin cries echo across the night, and the two of you are joined by his siblings. Taehyung and Jungkook come up to either side of you, Jungkook looking up with a small pout as he notices his older brother in your arms. However, rather than saying anything, he simply shrugs it off after a few moments, and turns his attention to the river.
“What about sharks? Do you think sharks live in the Han River?” Taehyung asks.
“Or maybe stingrays?” Jungkook pipes in with his own, and you laugh lowly at their questions. Clearly, they must have overheard your conversation with Jimin. Nonetheless, before you can reply, you’re joined by the rest of the party.
“How about orcas?” Seokjin questions with a squeaky laugh as he joins you.
“Hmmm, no, but maybe seals?” comes Hoseok’s playful addition.
“I’d like to think giant tortoises live in the Han River myself,” Yoongi says with a sage nod. You know all their additions are completely whimsical, yet you can’t shake your head at their teasing antics.
“Hmmm, what about whales, ____?” Namjoons asks as he comes up behind you, and with his question, you let out a deep sigh of fond exasperation, causing all of them to chuckle. Within your arms, Jimin begins fidgeting, making you bend over and put him back on the desk.
With Jimin out of your arms, Namjoon uses the opportunity to wrap his own arms around your waist before pulling you into his chest. Warmth encasing your back, you exhale deeply and nestle further into his frame. Silence falls over the atmosphere, with only the gentle whirring of the yacht’s engine and the soft sound of water rippling breaking the calmness. The eight of you stare out at the open river as the ship begins making its way back to the marina.
“It’s really pretty out here, isn’t it?” you ask quietly, your words barely audible. In fact, your voice is so low, that only your boyfriend hears you. Bending his head, he nuzzles his nose into your hair before taking a deep breath.
“Not as pretty as you,” comes his reply. Despite the cheesiness of his words, you can’t stop the grin that creeps onto your lips. Twisting in his hold, you wind your arms around his thin waist while looking up at him through the thick of your eyelashes.
“I could say the same about you, you know,” you teasingly backfire. The corners of his lips twitching, Namjoon bends his head and drags the tip of his nose against yours, causing your eyes to flutter at the ministration.
“Are you saying I’m pretty?” he asks, the deep timbre of his voice tremoring through the air as his warm breath washes over your face.
“I am, indeed. In fact, I think you’re the prettiest,” you respond, making Namjoon snort in amusement. Puckering his lips, his peppers your mouth in soft kisses, making you sigh in contentment.
“I think we’ll have to agree to disagree then, because I think you’re the prettiest,” he replies, each of his words broken up by even more of his gentle pecks. Once he’s done speaking, Namjoon places his lips fully onto yours, the thick petals of his mouth slotting perfectly against yours. Tongue flicking out, he licks the seam of your lips in a bid for entrance, but rather than giving it, you pull away. Namjoon frowns at your actions, his eyebrow quirking in question as you grace him with a lop-sided, mischievous grin.
“I thought you didn’t want to kiss me because I taste like seafood,” you remind him. The moment the words fall out your lips, Namjoon’s frown morphs into a playful smirk.
“Hmmm, but you taste like wine now,” he says, before once again dropping his lips onto yours. This time, you’re unable to resist him, and immediately, your mouth parts open in access. Using the opportunity, Namjoon’s tongue slips between your teeth; the silken appendage sliding along yours tantalisingly.
Your kiss only lasts a couple of moments, before suddenly, “Ew, Daddy! Noona! Gross,” and, “Honestly, can you both go two minutes without eating each other’s faces?” echoes through the dark night. Face flushing with heat, the two of you instantly break apart. Reflexively, you bury your face into Namjoon’s chest: in an attempt to hide your mortification, while your boyfriend simply holds you tighter in comfort.
“Hey, ____?” Hoseok calls, and hearing the faux innocence in his voice, your eyes narrow. Turning your head from Namjoon’s chest, you look over at him with a quirked eyebrow. “It’s my birthday you know… So I think if anyone deserves a kiss, it should be me,” he continues with waggling eyebrows. With a blank stare, you gaze at him, your brain slowly processing his words. It only takes you a few short moments, but once you do, you can’t help but snort.
“Sure Hoseok, why not,” you sarcastically remark - already knowing he’s only teasing you. Waggling his eyebrows harder, Hoseok puckers his lips dramatically before making kissy faces at you. However, this time, before you can say anything, you find your boyfriend huffing.
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, he levels a small glare at Hoseok before tilting your body away from his best friend. “Yeah, birthday or not, I don’t think so.”
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a/n: ᵘʷᵘ thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it! please lemme know what you thought if you did 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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eiiidetica · 3 years
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one of the biggest moments would be any time her brothers and dad came home from a deployment completely unharmed. you better believe they have surprised her coming home early or coming home without her knowing (like the videos please you know the ONES) multiple times but really any time they came home unharmed and safe.
meeting jacob @indizien because (i'm making this canon bye), he was her first friend while traveling around the world with her family as her dad got moved to different marine bases across the country. she had made friends before meeting him, but he was the first person to actually understand her, etc.
when her mom got her first book deal. emily was in her second year of college and working a retail job while she was there, so she used the money that she had been saving to treat her to a fancy dinner in her college town. her dad and brothers were gone, so it was one of the hundreds of times that emily had her mom spent a big day together (birthdays, even break ups, etc) but she was so excited to be able to treat her mom to something because her parents were usually the ones paying for things for her.
the day she got into stanford!! it was one of the first times that she had made a big decision to do something on her own and to know that she got to go to stanford all because of her own accomplishments and not because of anyone elses or because her dad was so famous in the military, etc that it was a huge moment for her rly.
ok but i feel like her brother jack used to take her to get ice cream on a regular basis, mostly before he would get deployed but it would be just a time for both of them to hang out on their own. emily rarely got to hang out with one brother at a time, so he'd pick her up from school or from work or wherever it was and they'd go to the local small ice cream shop (i feel like if they were in a city, it was outside of the city? like real mom & pop) and they'd always get the same ice cream orders and they'd be able to just talk and jack would ask her to catch him up on everything in her life and they'd just hang for a lil while and mentally emily always knew that meant that he'd be leaving soon but hanging out with him one on one is probably still to this day one of the most exciting and happiest times for her bye
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Okay okay let's see here aaaaa
Howdy, I just turned 23, Nonbinary (He/She/They), and I'm 5'2". I have brown & coppery colored medium length cuuuurly hair (like holy shit dats cuuurly). I also have warm dark brown eyes. Also I'm Hispanic (but only know basic Spanish/Tex Mex slang ;3;). And I'm also on the paler side + freckles. I'm not really feminine, but I'm also not really masculine either in looks wise,, But all I know is that I can deadlift alot weight!
My interests are more in the arts/crafts, engineering, helping the community kind of work/volunteering, and nature. Also raised with alot of Hispanic/ native beliefs. I love alota stuff involving mechanical or robotics (I enjoy anything robot related either scientifically or existential story telling related); but I also have a fascination with anything aquatics, birds, and anything floral. I'm pretty goofy/cheesy, awkward, but also colorful (I love dressing in colorful clothing). Steampunk and solarpunk is so cool, and I think horror is such a great medium to express ideas.
Honestly, if we were to go on a date or even just to hang out, I would like to go on an adventure with you. To explore around the woods and forage for wild berries and plants. To take you to the beach near here and look at the colors of where the sky meets the sea. Maybe even show you the big botanical gardens to admire the native flowers in full bloom, or maybe you'd much prefer seeing an aquarium to watch the colorful tropical fish swim by. I've been to a place where you can kayak to a destination and be able to watercolor paint there while having a chance to see and even pet the wild dolphins. If anything, I would just enjoy the beauty of life in your presence ~
Also, I may be quiet (but thats because I'm reeeaaally shy) but I don't mind us just sitting together, just enjoying eachothers company ~ ♡
I'm so sorry that this is aloooott
>://0 u r shorter than me...... and strong............ got me by my weaknesses there..... fucking nice DOYA THINK U COULD LIFT ME? ouabshsk. Either way- YEAH!!!! U SEEM HELLA CHILL!!! U seem so explorative & like somrone who I wouldn't mind studying the world w :'0
I fullllon wanna hang out now. I'm especially interested in the mechanical stuff now :'00 i love the idea of robots they bring me sm joy i love the idea that were just like them but also not at all in a way that might help humans expand their minds if we just take our time to understand it & that there is more beings that could soon witness the beauty of this world iM RLY HAPPY FOR THEM
U already hella gave me the coolest hangouts/dates but YEAH, one for u too: old books store/thrift shopping books!!! I don't knlw why bu I just get the "really 80s books w faded photos of marine animals" vibes from u. Maybe we can buy some cheap animal encynclopedias and make really weird art collages 2gether :>
Describe yourself on anon and I'll say if I'd date you
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conelly · 4 years
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( luke hemmings, twenty-two, cismale, he/him ) did you see BYRON CONELLY walking down main street earlier?  you know who i’m talking about, they’re a DECKHAND.  everybody in town says that they’re SANGUINE & NONJUDGEMENTAL, but have a tendency to be IMPRESSIONABLE & VOLATILE too.  BYRON has been in town for ONE AND A BIT years. c'mon, they’re always requesting SWEET CAROLINE by NEIL DIAMOND at karaoke nights.  well, i’m sure you’ll see them soon! ( ooc: sunny, 22, she/her, est )
hi thanks for tuning in, SUNNY here to tell you all a lil bit about westmere’s very own new nd improved favorite loser below. sorry for this summary being all over the place, it’s kinda how my brain works heh which is kinda perfect bc byron will for SURE be all over the place too ( u can rly tell at a certain point i was like ok i give up + i’m posting mf ). let me know if u have any questions about ‘em and most importantly, lmk if you would like to plot a lil connect or sumn 😙
born 14 years after the elder conelly ( wanted brother connect !!! ) entered this word to two parents who didn’t seem to read the job description, it was clear that byron wasn’t planned. and down the line, he’d soon realize through the tumultuous household he was brought up in - perhaps never even wanted.
byron’s parents had one constant - and that was fighting. over anything, all the time. there just wasn’t any love between the two and they stayed together for whatever meaningless reasons until byron hit middle school. ( there might’ve been a super short lull in toxicity once byron was born, but it had to be short as his first memories are nothing shy of toxic. )  it was a messy separation ( they never paid the full legal fees for a full divorce ) - his father moving to the coast of nj & his mother moving to a smaller apartment nearby her own mother ( which, due to the negative relationship among his mother + grandmother, also called for more tension ). he’d often be dropped off @ his grandmother’s house for baby-sitting or when he was ‘ becoming too much to handle. ’ eventually his grandmother moved into his cousin’s house ( MONROE ) and although grateful he made a practically new brother, similar tendencies of feeling unwanted occurred when byron noticed their grandmother praising and coddling and favoriting monroe just a bit more.
( his mother was a struggling addict ( and had been her whole life ), but the loneliness, newfound pressures and whatever excuse she was able to name caused her drinking to spiral worse than byron remembered ( even at his young age ) before. )
( his father was rarely in his life, but when he was, he was THE coolest. always played good cop in any situation regarding his mother, despite choosing not to have an active role in byron’s life. byron looked up to him like no other. when he WAS around, he taught byron how to surf, skateboard, play sports, they’d play video games, they’d eat junk food - honestly anything that byron wanted to do. his dad was an adrenaline junkie and created the stepping stones for byron to be one too. he was a marine biologist & pretty successful at that. passionate,  intelligent, but seemingly finding his newfound life a lot better than his previous - which is why he never wanted byron to stay too long, the boy reminded him of her, of the past. )
( his older brother moved out of the house when byron was just a lil kid, they’re not very close and don’t have much in common ... or so it seems. he lives in nyc and they only talk here and there on holidays. he was never a huge part of his life, but it does bum him out to think what could’ve been / could be. )
due to never receiving the attention he craved from his family members, he made up for it tenfold in school. he was always talking to everyone, loud, boisterous, gregarious, life of the party; he wanted people to like him and they did. he become a total people pleaser, molding himself to make sure everyone was content and stayed around. impressionable, adaptable. he felt less this way towards adults and had a bit of a rebellious phase, hanging with the wrong crowd & getting into things he probably wouldn’t do otherwise. old habits die hard and he still tries his best to make everyone crack a smile, to remember him - since he believes he won’t be remembered for much else.
after he just barely skated by in high school ( his grades were never as good as his cousin’s and never lived up to his father’s expectations ), byron felt a bit lost. a lot of people had plans, were heading off to college - but already under the assumption he couldn’t reach any expectation in that realm ( a lil self fulfilling prophecy am i right pals ), he stayed in town - caring for his mother who hardly had anything together, his uncle who got sick very quickly & passed, spending time with his grandmother, while he himself fell into a rut. most of his days meant he drove out towards his dad’s place ( dad hardly there now, out and about with his new family ), surfing, smoking, and grabbing some cash doing odd jobs any way he could. he lost any purpose he once had ( but yall would never know it bc who wants to be in someone’s life who’s a buzzkill ? all smiles, baby, all smiles. )
when his cousin offered the opportunity to travel cross-country in his van, byron had nothing to lose. always adventurous in spirit, he immediately said yes - deciding to ignore that ‘obligation,’ that feeling to make sure they were a-ok that he felt towards his parents. he needed an out and this was it. 
after landing in the small connecticut town for the night, the two fell for it - especially since when they got there along the water, it was a summer night + everything landed into place. they decided to stay there a bit longer ... and that eventually turned into more than a year. still antsy to keep traveling and to move around, byron has been ready to head out ... but stays for a few reasons - and them all being people ( bc lbh the surf is not even on point here ok )
his current job is a deckhand ( on a bunch of boats, ppl prob hired him as word of mouth got around that he knew what he was doing ). prob got that knowledge from being by his dad’s on the water when younger ( he’s ... obsessed with the water ) ! and also he’s just a quick learner ok ( ps: if your charrie has a boat pls let’s make somethin happen )
TO KNOW [ headcanons + more ]
his fav karaoke song is sweet caroline bc he knows everyone will be able to sing nd party along. he does it for the ppl, ppl.
he never saw too many baby / kid pics of himself which was kind of a bummer bc he really only remembers negative times - somehow they overpowered ( i bet lil byron was cute as fuck too fml )
he’s super into drugs, hallucinogenics, honestly you name it. it started off w/ him being impressionable, then bored, and now he just enjoys it. despite his mother’s addiction running through his blood, he still continues to do his thang.  
longboards around town so watch your toes
uses 🤙🤙 all the time and not ironically 
has an existential crisis on the daily about purpose but keeps that to himself most times 
someone pls give me a sugar mama idc how we plot it out they don’t have to hook up they can idk idc i just want someone giving him money or expensive things it can be so much fun ok ,, pool boy ? idk sign me up
pls if your muse has a boat, let him be the deckhand ok it will also be so fun and potentially angsty if he fucks something up
a fling 100% - even multiple ? idc listen he is currently sharing a tiny VAN with his COUSIN he needs a place - like an actual bed - to crash on at night
can he save someone who was potentially drowning pls??? he used to be a lifeguard, it can be a cool/fun thread to write out
omg off of that can he teach someone how to swim 
look if anyone is into marine bio, can they somehow know byron’s father ?? i feel like that could make room for a cool plot
also i have an older brother connect on the w/c’s page lmk lmk
give me a good influence that will somehow have him open up + tell him that it’s weird to be so sunshiny all the time. maybe someone who witnesses him at his worst + stays, ya know ??
a bad influence plot where y/c takes this impressionable young lad and puts him through the ringer tbh ( srrsly he’d do a lot for ppl, so ask him to do something illegal for them it’ll be fun )
party pals, smoking pals, on the water 24/7 pals, 
co-worker, other ppl that work on the water ( fishermen?? more deckhands?? captains??)
gimmie someone he accidentally bumped into while longboarding ( he’s a large human it might’ve done damage ok )
i want and need enemies ok i know he’s chill as fuck and wants everyone to like him but there’s always a way to find enemies >:o. anything angsty for REAL.
unrequited thing? where he led someone on?? i’m sure he does this constantly
don’t ruin the friendship thing omg plsssss always so fun
look i’m open for it ALL. every plot u have in mind so lay it on me
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alanncs · 5 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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stvrwalker · 6 years
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               ( female ) haven’t seen AMELIE “AMI” WALKER around in a while. the TAISSA FARMIGA lookalike has been known to be (+) HUMBLE & (+) INTELLIGENT, but SHE can also be (-) INSECURE & (-) SHY. The 21 year old is a SOPHOMORE majoring in ASTRONOMY. I believe they’re living in AUDAX but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door.
                         okay no joke this is probably my last character bc i don’t Think i can handle four but voila okay !! so this is ami. i love her. v good girl but as always , when ur done reading like to plot and i’ll def message u for it !! let’s get started.
Okay so to start - she’s a v old OC but normally I don’t write her in non-supernatural settings so this is the v first time I’m doin that and I’M RLY HAPPY W/ WHAT I CAME UP WITH she’s a telepath who can’t turn off her telepathy in my own lores but that’s not what we’re focusing on here
Bisexual bby who loves the stars and sea. As a child she grew rly fascinated w/ space and the like and her name . . . is not actually Amelie. No her first name is Amidala but she doesn’t tell ppl that bc she’s embarrassed about it. Her dad picked it out.
Grew up with both parents until she hit the age of thirteen and her dad passed away - and then she was taken in by her grandparents. Now they were very very religious and they sent Ami to church camp. That’s where she met Theo who’d be the love of her life for the next five years. And honestly she never rly liked church camp bc she was so shy but he absolutely brightened her experience there. He helped her get out of her shell.
Needles to say though , Ami is painfully sweet but even more so shy. She can easily come off as a recluse because she’s scared of rejection and scared of people not liking her for reasons she doesn’t really know. But when you talk to her , she’s awfully polite and will do her best to make u happy in any way she can !!!
Photograph memory and WICKED smart. She likes to people watch, studying people and just observing them especially when... she thinks they’re cool n’ can’t work up the courage to tlak to them. Not at all.
Once again as a child she was really into space and the ocean - both because they were both vastly unknown and discovery and learning... was her favorite thing. Yes she actually likes her classes bc new information is always welcome information.
And for that reason too she’s a major bookworm !! Reading is perhaps her favorite thing to do, immersing herself in woven words of a world that’s not her own. Fantasy, history, anything honestly she’ll take it. Prefers fiction over non-fiction , though. But again , she’ll read anything.
Probably spends most of her time in the library for this reason.
Also very into brainteasers, puzzles, and stuff ?? Like she’s the type of person who can do two rubiks cubes in ninety seconds. Probably has a backpack full of them. 
Also for NO REASON AT ALL wants to learn how to draw maps and does that... in her free time. Mainly celestial maps, though.
OKAY OKAY OKAY so again she always wanted to travel and after her breakup with Theo ( which was bc she was so scared of changing into someone bad for him or that he didn’t like ) she took a gap year in college to see the world. She’s been to nearly every corner of Europe, and then Russia, Japan, China, and Korea - all with the money she saved up from working + her grandparents’ money since they spoiled her the best they could. And Ami never asked for anything. 
Knows how to fluently speak Italian too bc that was the language she took in high school and also just... likes learning languages.
When Tatiana died she was absolutely devastated and it was so soon after she came back to school she just. Didn’t know how to deal with it. She’d bought Tatiana shoes from Milan to gift to her and she didn’t even get a chance to wear them : ‘ (
So now she’s in Lockwood again to pursue a career in Astronomy. Whatever that may be. She also wants to study Marine Biology because she loves the creatures of the sea and wouldn’t mind working in an aquarium or something. Or a planetarium. Or a museum. The dream is to work in any of those fields tbh but Ami’s starting with Astronomy since she has a slight lean towards space.
sb she sorta met while traveling and befriended and DIDN’T KNOW they also attended Lockwood?? that would have been p cool
someone who also takes an interest in astronomy or oceanography just so they can geek out w/ Ami abt it bc omg SHE LOVES TO LEARN STUFF
someone more... outgoing who furthermore tries to grab Ami out of her shell but it’s.... in the more. Direct ways. Like taking her to parties and not telling her where they’re going. AMI WILL FREAK.
Someone Ami’s friends with who’s kind of a bad influence but instead of goin along with them Ami’s just there to take care of the damage when it’s done and over with.
Studying rivals ?? Maybe sb with the same dreams aspirations as Ami and also incredibly smart like her but they don’t see eye to eye and argue instead of working together and getting along
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hundredsunny · 7 years
op oc #3: APRIL
im baaaaaaack
u are about to read about my prime DAUGHTER april. the rogue princess. a real pokemon! hahahhahaha she nabbed herself the AURA AURA FRUIT yo this is wild so get ready to learn about ol’ blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!
NAME: april (i dont have a surname for her i cant think of anything and ive had her for 8 years im sorry) EPITHET: “aura shooter” ooOOoOOoOoo AGE: 18 (pre) 20 (post) BIRTHDAY: april (incredible would u have ever guessed) 5th!!!  BIRTHPLACE: nimbasa island in the south blue SEX: female HEIGHT: 5′6″ WEIGHT: 122lbs HAIR COLOR: sandy brown EYE COLOR: blue APPEARANCE: before she escaped her home, she wore an icy blue dress underneath a navy blue cloak and her hair down with a CROWN of course but she hated wearing it a lot. her hair when worn down reaches the middle of her biceps. after she escaped she ONLY wore her hair in a ponytail and she always wore a red bandanna with a white arch atop her head at all times!! it was a gift from her mamma the QUEEN herself. she also wore a white t-shirt with red triangles bordering the collar and the ends of her sleeves. does that make sense? i sure hope. she wore a red sash around her waist and then she popped on some black pants and boots. real piratey. also some of her hair kinda pops out in the front so theres a good chunk that sometimes covers her left side. look at u go princess. AFTER the timeskip she cut her hair so it reaches just above her shoulders, and instead of wearing her hair up and with the bandanna, she wears it down but with a black headband. her bandanna is tied around her left bicep (fashion inspo: zoro). she wears a green sleeveless crop top, and theres a scar that reaches from the back of her shoulder to the end of her collarbone. she earned that shit from her wild timeskip training. oof. shes ok. she wears light-washed pants and some addidas-lookin shoes lmao she also wears a rly loose belt too. also she has gold earrings and thas about it. her eyes are round and just v pretty and blue. her nose turns up at the end just a tad bit and it’s so cute she’s so cute. she has a dimple on the right side of her mouth. her mommas face :’) shes fairly skinny but after the timeskip she gained some muscles made 4 punching douchecanoes  REPRESENTATIVE SMELL: vanilla FAVE FOOD: pasta FAVE DRINK: lemonade  FAVE SEASON: fall REPRESENTATIVE NATIONALITY: australian BOUNTY: initial bounty was 60,000,000 (for being runaway royalty) but after dressrosa she SKRTED up to 155,000,000 DEVIL FRUIT: aura aura fruit a paramecia type. the fruit allows the user to manipulate their energy. with the aura aura fruit, users are able to detect the aura of others, repel the aura of others, and project their own. the power of aura is mood-sensitive and can change a lot. can u believe april is lucario 6 forms of aura: red is physical nature, orange is intelligence, yellow is sheer willpower, green is healing, blue is emotion, vioilet(i THINK) is mental communication. i forgot what i wrote down for the aura types lmaoooo the biggest drawback of this fruit is that the user can only use a limited amount at one time. another drawback is that they cant manipulate other people’s aura??? it’s rly hard to explain this but trust me it makes sense when it’s put into action i promise SKILLS SET: most of her attacks are used with red aura since it relates to physical nature. wild. “aura bullet” is just shootin aura goodbye. i love pokemon. lmao. uh “aura detect” is when she can see what someone else’s aura looks like, so basically she can determine if someone is a bastard or not before they even open their mouth. “aura clone” clones herself with aura and that takes a LOT of effort to pull this one off especially when she wants to use multiple clones. “aura bomb” yo this one is wild she uses it for diversions and escaping since it kinda acts as a smoke bomb but when she uses this thing in battle OOOOH BOY. “starstorm” ok this is like the “im going to die after i do this move” kinda thing. it combines all the damn types of aura and it just RAINS down on ppl. goodbye april. anyways there are more basic moves but i dont rly wanna get too into that rn im sorry PROFESSION: runaway princess lol CREW: straw hat pirates  PERSONALITY: an easygoing girl. v mellow for the most part but there are times where she can get pretty goofy (thanks jack). if the wrong buttons are pushed, she becomes a HURRICANE. she does have confidence issues but since she met luffy, she’s really started to overcome them. shes got a horrible habit of being sarcastic and also she asks a LOT of questions holy SHIT honey. she is TERRIFIED of heights so when franky lays down a good ol coup de burst, her soul leaves her body. g o o d b y e. she was very cold when she first met luffy and the gang bc she lived with the person who killed her mom AND jack left sooooo she was a little bitter. eventually she learned to rly live with the mugiwaras. when she first joined the crew, she was very shy and timid and tried hard to fit in. she was SO intimidated by zoro like he genuinely scared the fuck out of her so she always tried hard to not be a Fool around him but once she got comfortable with everyone she just had a good ol time. “hey grassy ass!! :))” “can u fucking not call me that”. she has the CUTEST laugh oh me oh my. honestly just a rly passionate gal, she just wants to be strong and be able to protect her pals. refuses outside help. bros out with luffy and usopp and chopper sometimes but also judges them from afar like nami does. it all just depends on the day. truly. i once wrote a series of one-shots where each one was an adventure that april had with one other straw hat. luffy was the first one, and THAT was wild. zoro’s was fucking baller. so on and so forth. rly shows off her dynamic with each member. april? shes honestly just a good person and im proud of her bc she works so hard  LIKES: training, traveling, every single animal ever, reading DISLIKES: heights, the marines, the heat, people who walk horrifically slow in crowded places WEAPON(S): aside from her devil fruit shes got a dagger she sometimes uses. jack gave one to her right before he left HISTORY: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO king jed and queen serena had a baby girl. APRIL. that made her the princess. anyways she grew up as any princess would--spoiled. however the spoiling never got to her head bc serena was so good about teaching her things like that. serena was a goddess i love her pls come back. serena was wildly popular with the citizens of the kingdom bc of her caring and friendly personality. she would always take april into the kingdom every day and pay visits to the citizens. out of all the citizens they paid visits to, the most common faces she saw were those of the solo family. cain was jed’s most talented and trusted knight. he and his wife celeste had 2 kids: jack and sho YO. jack was 7 yrs older than sho and 3 yrs older than april. april and jack became fast friends and often explored the kingdom together. regular kid stuff u know. jack’s mom was always like “jack NO u CANNOT take the PRINCESS to the farms thats FILTY” hahahah but they went anyway.  jed? a dark man. idk who hurt him or what made him so murderous. but. he was tired of serena treating the citizens like equals. he believed that royalty should be viewed as gods.  when april was 8 jed killed serena oh god there it is theres the tragic anime mom death. as soon as serena died, the dynamic of the kingdom instantly changed. soon after jed took total control, people began leaving the island. eventually, the island became so empty that only a handful of families remained. jed did not allow april to leave the castle at all, and with that rule, it damaged the friendship that she and jack had. ofc around that time jack’s dad ran off as well so he stopped tryin to visit her for a bit. but then once he got back into his groove hed sneak all about, avoiding the night patrols, and hed just sit outside of april’s window and talk to her.  when april was 11 she discovered a devil fruit hidden away in the trashed artifacts that belonged to her mother. she ate the devil fruit and was like “now im strong, fight me JED” but lol she got her ass whooped poor bby when april was 16 jack left the island, leaving her completely and utterly alone. the exposure to such loneliness began to change april into a more reserved, bitter person.  2 yrs later the STRAW HATS stumbled upon the island. at that time april had started a habit of sneaking out of the castle to roam the empty streets of nimbasa, but during one of her strolls, she encountered robin, franky, and brook. she ended up knocking them unconscious bc she felt threatened. the second group she met consisted of zoro, chopper, and sanji. they had been captured by guards and were brought into the throne room to be interrogated by jed. april was required to be there as well so she kinda sat in her throne and looked mad the entire time. sanji was like “NO WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO MAD SHE NEEDS TO BE HAPPY” and zoro was like “ive never seen someone so happy to see my face” and chopper was just having a crisis bc they were abt to be tossed into the shadow realm at the hands of the king. zoro got mouthy and jed didnt have none of that shit so he told april to kill zoro but she just knocked him out instead. that pissed jed off. THE NEXT person she met was luffy. she only met luffy bc he infiltrated a banquet thing by sitting underneath a cart. classic luffy. she didnt meet nami and usopp until WAAAAY later. yadda yadda yadda shit goes down (i wrote a whole arc for this. it’s called the princess and the pirates lmao original but yes i wrote an entire arc for her recruitment and it’s A Lot) ANYWAYS luffy asked her to join the crew but she declined at first bc she thought pirates were just like her father: power-hungry and murderous. however that obv changed when she was exposed to the straw hats more when luffy defeated jed who ate the ___ ___ fruit (tbh i forgot what fruit he ate im sorry) she KNEW she belonged with the straw hats. :’) she still be sailin with the legends. shes had some wild times obv. her arc comes a bit after thriller bark. woopie!!!!!!! like always, lemme know if u wanna know more about her!!!
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v-le · 7 years
Kdrama: Tomorrow With You Review
Forewarning: There are moments within this review in which I sort of abandon any sense of professionalism, oops. Enjoy! *images to be added soon.
Same age in real life omg I've never seen a pair so perfect.
NO SECOND LEADS. I absolutely love it when the focus is only on the mains, with no pointless distractions or love triangles that go no where. I love it. i rly do
cute cute cute cute times a million
They honestly looked like a legitimate couple, I feel like I could spot several moments when they even broke through their actual characters and ad-libbed it out or something
Many people were also complaining about how slow (I assume they meant relationship progression???) it was, and got annoyed over their "back-and-forth-ness"?? honest to god, yes they were so beautiful that I barely noticed it. But also, it was so logical to me, the process they went through in which they lied to each other & then failed to communicate until later. Like, it didn’t piss me off because it made sense...? I didn’t see anything wrong with it? It went a little like: 
Yoo So-joon hits on her because he knows how they’re connected by death.
He tries to shake her off, but realizes who she really is (a fellow survivor).
He becomes interested again.
He obvi don’t love her fully, but she’s already heads over heels
She feels suspicious af and he doesn’t tell her stuff (that even his friends know). And he gets angry easily while he tries to protect his ppl, but keeps his secret hidden.
She got sick and he pulls off his romantic but materialistic resolution.
He opens up to her a little bit more and they cry it out.
He makes a wrong move again and then is basically forced to reveal his secret.
She’s like what the actual fuck is wrong with you, but comes to terms with it.
They get closer, but she feels empty because she rly don’t know much about him and he is as careless as ever.
Her heart breaks over the reality of him disappearing so easily.
So-joon is slowly realizing the future that’s in store for them.
Tries to call it quits and play noble idiot, but she won’t take his fake, snarky ass.
So they make up and he really really really realizes that he must change the future, no matter what. He has nothing left for her him but her.
He tries hard. but doesn’t try hard enough.
By the time he disappears & she waits for two years, they are basically one heart.
By the time they reunite they are the cutest couple in the world.
I think a big issue people had with So-joon’s character was that "he didn’t love her" when they got married, but I think that wording is extremely misleading and not entirely accurate. Yes, I don’t think that at that point he could say "I love you" to her with sincerity, but it’s not like he flat out was disgusted by her or hated her…?? It was more like, he was not fully aware of what he was getting himself into, by getting married. Not just to her, but the concept of marriage and the commitments that come with it in the first place. That was what he was not on board with, which is how he may have come off as indifferent. But we all knew that Song Ma-rin would change him for the better because the ones with flawed intuition always get taught a good lesson or two from their loved ones.
DO U KNOW how MaNY times he was shirtless WITh HEr?????
I swear I think I counted properly, but they kissed like 9+ times and probably hugged like 15+ times like omfg I’m pretty sure that is a record
Can I also just mention that for me, when a couple wipes each other's tears, like when one of them actually takes their fingers and smushes the falling teardrops, that is just game set. To me, that solidifies their relationship as one where 1) they aren’t embarrassed to cry in front of each other 2) they care enough to show tender affection for each other 3) they sympathize together. And that is exactly what they did. MORE THAN ONCE excuse me.
The Plot
A lot of people complained about the various flaws within the actions of the characters and the mechanics of time-travelling. Honestly… like I mentioned earlier, since the OTP was so convincing to me, the holes in logic kinda flew past my head. Like, I didn’t dissect them too deeply because I was so distracted, or I just didn’t bother
Don’t you see that their progression only felt natural?? You start out with one side that is overconfident about the commitment as if he’s strolling through a park while the other is lovestruck, but always smart enough to know when bullshit is going on, and is never afraid to call the other out for it. It only took a matter of time for them to find real and genuine appreciation for each other, and it was worth it.
"WTF were you thinking moments" & justification:
So-joon letting Song Ma-rin go home by herself while Kim Young-jin was still lurking. Ok I have no solution to this like you honestly....DID YOU NOT LEARN FROM AHJUSSHI THAT YOU BASICALLY GOTTA STICK TO THE PERSON LIKE GUM IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE SAFE?? U HAVE TO HAVE THEM IN UR SIGHTS AT ALL TIMES.
So-joon getting onto subway and ultimately getting stabbed. Ok, he even said himself that he wanted to catch him with his own hands because if he doesn’t now, he'll get away and who knows how much more havoc he could wreak? The police would do no good being there blatantly, and so he had to hold out since he was the bait anyway. He just should’ve been smarter with defense, like c’mon man let’s not get cocky with your fighting skills now.
So-joon letting her run onto the street. Ok yes, he def should’ve reacted faster and realized what kinda danger she would be in after being aware of it for like 2 years aiya. But I assume it was a spur-of-the-moment, blinded happiness kinda thing. They were cute af and they were happy and like who really thinks that hard y’know???
So-joon just bracing himself and Ma-rin for the car crash. He was facing their deaths, I assume. Yes, they could’ve just jumped out of the way, but at the same time, he had already mentioned that he just wanted to enjoy the small moments they have together, instead of always trying to cheat and change fate. If they were meant to die in that moment, he was going to take it as is. (which is lightweight greedy bc wb marin???? but whateves lol).
I really do think that the story-line was extremely tightly woven to begin with. Even up until episode 16, we saw scenes from episode 1, and vice versa; everything fell into place perfectly and the details were down to each minute of their lives. Everything was very clearly thought out and i felt like they picked and pulled at certain pieces at the proper times and revealed others at the most crucial of times, too. Props to the writing team for creating such a complex & dynamic web of characters and events that spanned nearly 3 decades.
The Cinematography
Stunnnningggggg. Especially that iconic moment in episode 1 when he pulled her out of the path of an oncoming truck and talked to her for the first time, like the way the sunlight was hitting the camera, it was just something else I swear.
Overall, the colors were warm and fluffy, but the future def always looked more bleak and dry and dark.  Beautiful dualism with a strong impact.
Also can I just mention that when So-joon disappears, it’s also very mystifying, the fast wisps are quite a touch.
Also ngl the couple themself was extremely aesthetic; like they are both very attractive people & when attractive people cuddle a part of you kinda just dies inside, y’know??
The Emotions
Ok I admit that my reactions were probably overboard because I was so attached
but straight up this is the kind of drama my heart was searching for.
I always love it so so so so much, (although realistically speaking, it’s only fantasy ones that can pull this off w/o it being some noble idiocy shit) when the force that is keeping a couple apart is a force that is greater than themselves. It’s more than them just choosing to not be together. It’s them wanting so desperately to be together, but circumstances, in the best kind, life and death ones, prevent them from doing so. The reason I like these kind of situations so much is seriously because that’s where all the love comes out. The pain of love.
It was so so so soooooo excruciatingly painful to watch So-joon and Ma-rin's future unfold the exact way he saw it would. It tore me to pieces because I could feel Ki-doong's hopelessness from losing his best friend to a murderer, Ma-rin's deathly painful heartbreak from simply NOT knowing what in the world is going on or what will happen (and for her dad to tell her to move on), but just having to wait, and So-joon's very own inability to fix it all. Oh dear lord watching him visit her grave in the future where she no longer exists, that shattered my sanity because it hurt so much.
I literally cried in the smallest of moments. When he disappeared in front of her eyes, I burst into tears along with her because her crying was so beautiful (yes, actually tho), but at the same time, I felt it deep down inside. It felt trivial, to cry over that one moment, but it also meant so much more than that. It represented a real fear of losing your loved one, and o dear lord i can’t.
Like I said, the heartbreak was everything I’ve been wanting. It felt so raw. In those moments where even he cried because he was so scared for the future (after eating in the tent with ahjusshi, calling ahjusshi on the phone in the cafe, reading her letters sent to him from her past self), knowing how much was on the line, and how much he just wanted it to be okay, it hurt so much because I had so much hope along with him. I honestly didn’t expect them to allow their future to play out the exact way he saw it; I rly thought that they’d pull some plot twists because that’s what dramas do......... and so when everything really did unfold painfully, my heart was unprepared and it tore apart. Even though I knew that they would be together in the end no matter what, I didn’t know how, and everything still hurt like fking crazy.
I know a drama does it right when I can feel the pain physically in my own chest. When it suddenly feels so heavy and ache-y that I kinda wanna give up in life a little bit. That's when a drama pulled the right strings & carved a good-sized void in my heart.
The Special Connections
I, tbh only decided to watch this because I found out that Kim Feel, my eternally favorite musician, sang an OST for it, and I was feeling extra down from his military enlistment. What a beautiful gem he brought me to. When his voice played at the still frames in the ends of some episodes, my heart filled with this indescribable sort of happiness and longing.
The "seoul station" that So-joon refers to is actually called Si-cheong station, one I manage to catch a geofilter for back when I was in Korea!!!!!!!!!!! It was an exciting discovery, to find out that the exact route So-joon takes back and forth is one that I have traveled on myself.
Idk if this really has to do with anything, but the director also directed Oh My Ghostess and King of High School, so everyone kept saying that this drama would be a rom com BUT BOY WAS THAT SHIT DARK AS F*CK IDK WHAT Y’ALL HAD IN MIND BUT like, no no, no, that was nowhere close to the other 2 dramas he made. It was a beautiful change of atmosphere nonetheless.
The Message
The fact that Ma-rin is a photographer speaks volumes. For a man who is infatuated with the future and has lost focus of the present, just one photograph can speak volumes. A photograph captures the present and instills a moment in time. For Marin, this is what her life's work depended on; this is what she lived by. Capturing the present and cherishing individual seconds in time. And for So-joon, this is exactly the kind of person he needed to save him from himself and his future selves. So so so beautifully laid out.
Even just the ending line: "today". Like akjfkjdagkahkgdhlanjak, if you don’t get the message from this then you are just... idk wtf you’ve been watching LOL. Granted, the drama is called "Tomorrow With You", but clearly that is not what they are tryna get at. That was the theme throughout the entirety of the drama with So-joon being an apprehensive wuss, but the reality of it is to face the present, and live for a today with you. Love love love <3
Favorite Moments
When he asks "So... do you like me?" and she replies "Was there ever a time when I didn't????" LIKE IDK something about the trivial-ness of both statements yet how deep they hit home.... like obviously, they like each other or else they wouldn’t have gotten so far. But the fact that he had a need to reiterate that, and the fact that she was like "dude have I not made myself clear how much I like u" like that is just so adorably cute and squishy goals to me omggg.
When she sniffs him as they walk home from dinner and giggles and says "Hehehe husband smell" OMG WHY R THEY SO FREAKING CUTE I JUST--.
When he disappeared right before her eyes, it shattered everything in me.
When he grabbed her and saved her from the accident, it was one 2-sec move that altered entire lifetimes, for better or for worse. It was beautifully shot, despite it being an extremely cliche move. It’s okay. It was gorgeous and it’s def my favorite wrist grab to date LOL.
When he started crying because he saw the car accident on the news and he legit was dropping tears, but she laughed it off and hugged him and her smile was so sweet and innocent but he’s legit in agony and it was just so cute and heartbreaking at the same time LIKE HONESTLY that phrase is what describes this drama in a nutshell. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
Despite its flaws, this drama was honestly what I’ve been looking for so so so long. It’s definitely not my number 1 because there were things it could’ve done better, and each episode did not stand out like a number 1 drama should have, but it definitely tore me to pieces, out of joy AND despair. I loved it to bits and I will never forget this gorgeous couple and their journey that transcended time.
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uniformbravo · 7 years
bloop heres a post abt my 3-day trip to san diego B)
this was just gonna be a list of highlights but i ended up talking about a lot so it’s more like a Kind Of The Highlights But I Got A Little Carried Away list
it was a 2 hr drive so i put on some tunes & forced everyone in the car to listen to my thousands of anime ops and piano covers it was *fire emoji* (im not on mobile)
at the end jaelin said she couldn’t hear it the whole time rip
made myself carsick looking at mob psycho memes while we looked for a parking spot at the museum for 20 minutes (it was worth it they were good memes)
the museum we went to had a whole gaming thing going on where they just had a shitload of games out for ppl to play & one of them was just dance projected onto like an entire wall basically & i mean i didnt play but it was fun watching my mom try her best 
she played against two of my sisters who both beat her by more than double her score hgdhgksd bye mom
got a nauseating headache in the science museum & took the opportunity to sit down & look at more mob psycho memes for 35 minutes while the advil kicked in
felt better by the time we went to see this fuckin movie about national parks in the us but idk it was like. the whole reason my mom wanted to go to san diego was to see this movie bc they were getting rid of it soon & after seeing it i can see why they’re taking it out kjgkdjgksd like!!! it would’ve been cool if it told u shit about the parks like fauna and flora shit but it had this dumb little narrative abt these three campers traveling to each park & fucking around & i looked over at jaelin at one point & she was asleep & i was like same
im being too hard on it, it was kind of interesting to watch and had some cool visuals but the acting was pretty embarrassing & unnecessary, i wish it would’ve tried to be a documentary instead of entertaining. that’s my Professional Review of this random movie they’re removing forever soon, hope u enjoyed
realized i had more free time at the hotel than i thought i would & v heavily regretted not bringing my tablet to draw aaaaaahhhhh it was ok tho bc i brought my big sketchbook so i just drew in there B)
i’ve been drawing a lot of terukis i think i accidentally discovered a hidden love for him on the midnight shores of the san diego bay
(what i actually discovered is that he’s v easy to project a rly specific part of myself onto hgkdgksdjkgjsdk)
rented bikes to ride by the bay & it was super fun bc i havent ridden a bike in a long time but like. the second half started getting really hard for me & i thought i was just weak shit bc i literally never exercise but then i realized my back tire had gone flat hfdjghsd my legs were..... so sore
also the seat was shaped weird so my ass was sore for the rest of the trip. it’s still sore tbh. i have a bruised ass
went to a model train museum which was pretty cool bc the little towns had little people & jaelin and i were making up stories for them (my favorite recurring joke was pointing out ppl that had fallen over & calling them dead)
after the trains we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stay a third day to see more museum shit bc why not so we managed to grab a room at a new hotel and #Locked In our decision
on the way to the second hotel we got a flat tire so i was like convinced i was cursed bc wtf it was literally on the same day???
while we waited for the tire repair i got a pink lemonade from taco bell and it was amazing i can’t believe i ever thought piece of shit sprite was worth even looking at over this
ok so i need to talk about the second hotel we stayed at because it was... literally the fanciest hotel i have ever stayed at in my entire 22 year old life
it was a mariott?? but a fuckin Fancy Mariott ok first of all we were on the 19th floor which just..... what the fuck
floor level was the 6th floor, this bitch went underground (though that might have just been the parking garage idk)
the lobby bathroom was like. jesus christ. to flush the toilet u wave ur hand over a sensor??? what’s wrong with just automatic toilets???? why are these toilets so extra????? i couldn’t even get it to work for so long jgkjdkgsd i hate technology
also there were moist towelettes sitting in a neatly folded pile by the sinks like what even. i thought it was paper towels but then it was wet
the lobby also had this fancy-ass bar/lounge where they served starbucks but u had to have a room key to get in i think
in the elevators to get to the rooms you can’t even enter the floor level until you hold your key card against a sensor like what the fuck..... we had to get some strangers to tell us how to do it gjdks i bet if we hadn’t been able to figure it out the elevator wouldve just dropped us 12 floors to our death like Access Denied, Assholes
the room itself was super fucking cramped tho which makes sense like if im gonna be able to afford anything at a place like this u better believe it’s gonna be the size of a damn peanut. it was the fanciest peanut ive ever seen in my life tho
the view was uhh we were directly across from some tall office building so at night u could like see into all the rooms it was kinda cool but also weird
there was a jar of hershey’s kisses on the coffee table when we got there but it was dark chocolate so like get the fuck outta here with that shit how dare you assault Mine Eyes (i ate like 4)
it rly was a tiny room tho and it didnt help that there were 5 of us rip... like there was a main room and a bedroom and a bathroom and already that’s making it sound bigger than it was hgkdjgskd 
but even tho it was small it had a lot like.. there was a kitchenette that was big enough for like 1 person to stand there but it had a fridge/freezer, sink, dishwasher, toaster, microwave, cupboards & coffeemaker like there was so much shit crammed in there, this wasn’t no minimalist living space it was just. a lot crammed into one tiny floor plan
anyway yeah it was really bizarre for me to be in a place like that & i just constantly felt like i didn’t belong there but that was mostly my anxiety lol i really dont like being in fancy places in general idk. it was still kinda fun tho
the natural history museum was cool, they had a bunch of animal skulls & taxidermy which i thought was pretty neat. all their dinosaur stuff was in the basement tho which u had to pay extra to see which like. bye
they did have some cool movies tho, they were like nature documentaries, one on marine biology around baja california and the other on animals of the galapagos & those were pretty neat, way better than that national parks shit we saw at the science center jgkdjkskdkdjg 
ok so this one’s more of a buildup over the 3 days so im gonna give a lil 3-part summary
day 1: we went to panda express for dinner & i had leftovers so i was like “sweet im saving these for when we get home” (bc the hotel had a fridge right)
day 2: got a rly good burger from a vegan place, my brother got the same one but didnt want his second half so i was like “cool more leftovers im gonna have so much good food when we get home this is perfect”
day 3: fucKIGN LEFT BOTH CONTAINERS IN THE FRIDGE ACCIDENTALLY WHEN WE CHECKED OUT HKDJFLSKDG i was literally so good about it the first two days like when we switched hotels i made sure not to forget them and i held onto them & everything & then halfway through the third day i was like “SHIT”
it’s ok tho bc for dinner that 3rd day we did panda again & i got the same thing so i have the same leftovers again hehehehehe
ok i think that’s basically everything & im not just saying that bc it’s 1:45 am and ive been working on this for like an hour and a half at this point.,.,. overall it was pretty fun, i think i liked the bikes & those animal movies the best... also the drive out bc i got to play my music lmfao (i love sharing my music ok)
anyway the end thank u
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earthling-liya-blog · 5 years
little things we can do for the environment
a/n ok before anything GURL there are a lot of links tagged bc i didn’t rly expect this to be a long post and some will be further explained in a separate post ! maglilink naman aq pag nagawa na may edit button naman HAHAHAHA but ya this is a bit taglish but mostly english kase conyo tayo chz but yaaaaa
i would say disregard any grammatical errors or flaws but i like comments and criticisms. this isnt formal writing at all kase this was rushed kase naexcite ako,,,,, ayun ok i shld stop talking leTS GET DIS BREAD
nowadays, a lot of people have been inventing machines that help in saving the planet but the easiest and most simple thing that have a huge impact on our environment is following the 3R’s.
here is a list of things on what you should reduce
1.      single-use plastic consumption
this is the most obvious material we should refrain from buying. i know it’s tempting but don’t buy that candy, or that water bottle. as they say:
 if you don’t buy crap from companies they’ll stop making crap.
 think about it, that candy you’ll buy comes with a plastic food packaging. that plastic’s purpose is to cover the candy from anything that can contaminate it, but once the candy is opened he plastic no longer has purpose and will be thrown away on the trash can. that piece of plastic was used once but will LAST FOR DECADES, and in those decades the plastic will go through a lot of.. things. y’know like…
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other than plastic interrupting the food chain, we can literally kill all animals with the plastic bags choking them or filling up their stomachs with plastic. we’ve all seen the turtle with a straw stuck inside its nose.
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truly heartbreaking. this video started a petition to ban straws, but please STRAWS ARE NOT THE ONLY PLASTIC PRODUCT HARMING MARINE LIFE.
 here are videos that prove so:
Plastic Ocean | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju_2NuK5O-E
Plastic is killing marine wildlife | #OceanRescue | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhksqkC6WV0
See How It Feels to Be an Ocean Animal Stuck in a Plastic Bag | National Geographic |  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaDx-WJAsaE
 now you can say “I don’t litter so how am I harming these animals? I throw my trash properly.” but no, buying from companies that produce plastic makes YOU part of the problem. 
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the plastic you throw away “properly” adds into the landfill. as i’ve mentioned before, plastic lasts for decades. if we don’t reduce our plastic consumption, we will soon have a mountain of plastics. less plastic u buy, less plastic is produced.
 next time you buy from the mall, don’t tempt yourself from buying beverages and/or foods that come with plastic food packaging. if possible, bring your own food containers and a reusable tote bag or don’t buy at all. quit saying “it’s just one time” a lot of people say that everyday and see what problem we’re facing now? overproduction and overconsumption of plastic asshole. say no to single-use plastic !
2.      printing
this one’s new to me and im sure most of you are as shocked as i am. i always thought it was only because we were wasting so much paper by printing documents and other things that don’t really mean anything (tama na pagprint ng pix ng kras niyo mga burnok), but we keep buying cartridges.
here’s a tip: use recycled paper and reuse toner cartridges. I got that here https://www.colorado.edu/ecenter/zero-waste/reduce/paper-and-printer-waste. it says here that it costs wayyy less money cause duh reusing and reducing??? lam mo na yan mag-isip ka chz
 3.      electronics/appliances anything that consumes electricity
this one. this is something that’s hard for many of us to reduce and i admit im one of those who have a hard time letting go of their phone and uses the light the whole night.
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 PHONE: for iphone users like me (weird flex but ok), apple produces a new model every now and then and it makes a lot of apple users buy the newest model. don’t be like them no matter how much money u have that u want to flex (money cant help you survive when earth is dying sis) also, iphones don’t really last a looong time for many users since it’s kinda breakable and well it slows down after a while lmao
my tip is buy what you think will last for a long time (coming from me eh) for you and if you want, try buying secondhand phones. for phones you broke that you piled up in a box (yep i do that), you can replace some parts of it that broke it or give it to recycling centers. According to the University of Colorado Boulder, phones have metals that can still be “reused and salvaged such as aluminum, gold, silver, copper and iron.” NEVER THROW AWAY PHONES OR ANYTHING ALIKE ! “The circuit boards contain arsenic, lead, mercury, and other toxins. The batteries contain heavy metals that are lethal to the land. Many of the chemicals in cell phones have the potential to be released into the air when burned and can create air pollution.” (Second Wave Recycling, 2013) This means that the phone you’ll throw away will intoxicate the landfill. just think about insects flying around and possibly animals eating garbage 
4.      water
do i even have to explain myself? hm maybe.
shower with a partner shower together
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jk but seriously, save water. take shorter showers and please refrain from using the heater. here’s an article to further elaborate https://slate.com/technology/2009/10/exactly-how-bad-should-i-feel-about-taking-hot-showers.html
5.      fast fashion
oh you have no idea how much shopping can affect the environment. i didn’t know before either. but not only is the environment affected but also who work for companies that sell fast fashion.
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a.      people have been treating clothes as disposables. clothes that don’t fit the trend nowadays either get thrown away or just stay in the corner of a cabinet.
b.      theyre cheap. and by cheap, i mean CHEAP. most of fast fashion clothing don’t last long that they end up in the landfill. even if you donate/sell it, chances are they’ll be rejected due to poor quality.
c.      “. . most garments (especially fast fashion ones) are made with inexpensive, petroleum-based fibers that don’t easily decompose (such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic), they’re going to be taking up landfill space for decades to come.” (Wood, K.) As Cline points out;
“people generally recycle plastic bottles or avoid buying them in the first place, but people are pretty okay with buying lots of plastic clothing”
next time you think of buying from forever 21 or zara, think about it. they are simply made NOT to last. think about the exploited workers, the products you could’ve gotten for a cheaper price if they were made locally, and the effect on the environment. do you really want to support companies that only gives a fuck about their sales?
read more in these articles: 8 Reasons to Rethink Fast Fashion| https://www.lifehack.org/articles/money/8-reasons-rethink-fast-fashion.html
Fast Fashion Is the Second Dirtiest Industry in the World, Next to Big Oil | https://www.ecowatch.com/fast-fashion-is-the-second-dirtiest-industry-in-the-world-next-to-big--1882083445.html
6.      meat and dairy
as a meat-lover myself, this was the hardest thing to do. im basically a carnivore since i hate veggies but i do eat a lotta ass fruits so no need to judge sis. but yeah this is so important yet so hard.
if you can, only buy products that are vegan. it doesn’t necessarily have to be food if it’s too difficult for you to let go. you can also have a #meatlessmonday or not eat meat 1-2 days a week.
this post is long enough so here’s an article to help u: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/31/avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth
7.      waste
all in all, reduce waste. avoid throwing away literally anything. aim for a zero waste lifestyle and i can give tips in my next post on how you can reduce waste.
this is soooo hard to do. trust me, i would know BUT it is doable by an average person so shut the f*ck up and use that ugly reusable water bottle your aunt gave you. i don’t care how rich you are and how you can afford a lot more, but what does it matter if they wont be used much and be thrown away when it gets old?
avoid throwing things away and think about how it can still be useful to you or someone else. not everything useless to you is useless to everyone. let someone else find purpose for it or repurpose it yourself.
donate, not discard. choose reusable, not disposable.
1.      plastic
this is the most important thing we have to do now especially with plastic. now note that not all plastic can be recycled. it’s important to know what type of plastic can be recycled and what shouldn’t
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 so as it states, 1&2 are recyclable which is what you would see on a water bottle. it means you should throw your plastic bottles in the recycling bin. here are things you should avoid and things you should recycle
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bottles that still have the label on are considered trash and are thrown away instead of being recycled. if u ask “why don’t they just take off the label? it takes a few seconds as u said” well dipshit they have more bottles to worry about so if i were you i wouldn’t be lazy piece of shit and take off the label.
bottles that contained sugar drinks should have a quick rinse & make sure there is no left over ! not rinsed = trash. do i have to go scientific and geeky as to why they should be rinsed? i think not lmao
for the plastic i find that can no longer be recycled (ex. shopping bags, food packaging, small pieces of plastic i see lying on the ground), i put them in an ecobrick which i will explain in my next post.
2.      paper
paper can also be recycled. collect all those newspapers, cardboard, cereal boxes, failed quiz papers, rejected thesis papers and notes from your ex-boyfriend. all of them. don’t throw them away, or worse burn them. papers can still be given another chance at life by being remade. all of the papers should not be mixed with any plastic or wax coating.
TRIVIA: Recycling one ton of old paper saves 17 trees; 2 barrels of oil (enough to run an average car for 1,260 miles); 4,100 kilowatts of energy (enough power for the average home for 6 months); 3.2 cubic yards of landfill space; 7,000 gallons of wate; and 60 pounds of air pollution. 
 3.      glass materials
products that are packed in glass glass jars and bottles like RC or your local nata de coco jar are recyclable as well although i’d prefer to reuse them.  
TRIVIA: Recycling one glass bottle saves enough electricity to light a 60-watt bulb for four hours. 
4. books
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no. i don’t mean sell it to the junkshop but if u want to, go for it. although there are a lot of people who’d rather secondhand books than new ones so sell/donate your old books to those in need !
5. clothes
i’ve mentioned this before already but i’ll say it again. buy secondhand clothes. theyre not gross and you wont look like those typical katip pipol that all wear the same shoes and/or polo shirts charet. you’ll even help save the planet.
  *note: it is still better to reduce than recycle so still avoid buying plastic and lessen use of paper. but, you do gain money from selling paper and plastic so start collecting your friends’ and family’s junk.
by doing the 3R’s, you can save energy and natural resources and help prevent environmental issues coming from the landfill and pollution. not only are you helping save the environment but you’re also saving money by reducing your purchase, reusing what you already have and promoting recycling.
a/n ulet this is my first post and i’ll be sure to post more tips and help raise awareness. my writing may have flaws and i accept any criticisms to improve ! help me be better and to save the environment:)
 check out another article related to this one:
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sleepyfoodtruck · 3 years
Back in the day (part 1 maybe?)
HNNGGGGG i'm sorry i keep dumping about my oc's but i'm just rly excited lmao. like, i haven't actually made an oc in a long LONG time
so i'm gonna go off about how they actually met lol
The day had started just like any other first day of school. A warm spring day, clear skies and allergies in the air; nothing too out of the ordinary. People, students and teachers alike, gathering into small groups to make small talk before the usual ceremonies. There was a general buzz in the crowd, as is usual for such events; first day jitters and all that. The small yard was a bit too crowded for her taste, but Snowhill decided she could just hang around the back and people watch.
As usual, her hair covered most of her face and her thick sweater did the rest. Her very tired eyes scanned the crowd, noticing a few new faces but, once again, nothing too out of the ordinary. An ogre stuck on the front door, a small group of fairies flying around and shapeshifters playing pranks on one another.
"Students!", called the principal, "Please gather around and form orderly lines, the ceremony will begin soon!"
Snowhill knew "soon" would actually be "we'll start in 30 minutes as soon as we can find the microphone". She'd seen a witch perform an invisibility spell in order to steal it, clearly doing the lord's work. As such, she snuggled deeper into her sweater and sat down very carefully. She didn't want to sit on gum again, it took forever to get out of fur.
"Who wants to stand around for an hour for a dumb speech anyways", she mumbled.
"Oh yeah, sounds stupid!", another voice exclaimed rather loudly.
She turned so fast, her horns hit the wall behind her with a loud sound. And then looked up. And...up, and then some more. What the fuck?
"What the fuck, who are you and why are you here?"
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you! I though you looked a bit lonely so I was like "that won't do" and came by. Now, I realize that might be a bit rude so--"
The stranger continued to babble and Snowhill continued to stare. This girl was tall, very tall; easily a good head taller than her, even when sitting down (not like it was hard). She quickly took notice of her fins, very sharp claws and even sharper teeth. Even though she wore the standard school uniform, she could still see her gills peaking out from under the collar.
"Ah, a marine monster," she though, relaxing a bit "makes sense she wouldn't know about surface boundaries". And why she was so chatty.
"--then I ran into a minotaur, a minotaur! I'd never seen one of those, so I asked him if he'd like to hang out. And he said yes! So then--"
"Look, uh, whatever your name is--"
"Oh, so sorry! I'm Coral and this is my first day on the surface! It's so nice to meet you!"
And she hugged her.
The goat's eyes popped wide open, a small bleat escaping her.
Though her first instinct was to just ram her horns into this girl's head, she took a deep breath and managed to barely hold herself back. Instead, she went for the more rational option.
To stomp on her foot, full force behind her hoof.
"OW!! WHAT THE HELL?!" Coral promptly dropped her on the ground, jumping on one leg and clutching her other (very likely) broken foot.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you jus' go around touching people without their permission?! Is that fuckin' normal for ya, huh?!"
"Look, I didn't mean to--"
"I don't give a SHIT what you meant to do!", Snowhill huffed, her nostrils flared and pointed her horns towards the other girl "Touch me again and you'll get the end of these, don't fuckin' test me".
Coral was about to apologize again, but the goat left before she could even open her mouth. A small crowd had gathered around them and some teachers helped her walk to the infirmary. Everyone kept reassuring her that no, it wasn't your fault, don't be silly! She was absolutely out of line and she will get punished for it. She nodded, mostly because she wasn't listening, still carefully watching the grumpy goat climb up the wall to the third floor of the school.
Her foot still hurt, but she couldn't quite focus on that. Rather, she kept thinking back to the hug. She wasn't sure why she'd do it, this girl was a complete stranger and yet she just...couldn't hold back. Something felt right, it felt normal to reach out and hug her. She'd even though of resting her head between Snowhill's horns, it just...was normal? No, not normal.
"Familiar," she thought, listening to the nurse complain, "it felt familiar".
"Oh shit, shit, fuck me, shit, what the hell is wrong with me?!"
Snowhill paced and paced, twisting a strand of her hair nervously. What the ever loving fuck happened?! One moment she's holding a normal conversation, the first civil conversation she had with a classmate in years. Next, she's stomping on the girl's foot like a goddamn asshole. But, like, was she really to blame though? The mermaid had just hugged her without warning, knowing very well she didn't like to be touched--
"Wait," she stopped abruptly, "why would she know? It's not like we've met before..."
But it did feel like that. The small conversation felt normal, listening to Coral go on and on about this minotaur dude also felt normal. Fuck, the hug felt so nice. She wasn't touch starved by any means, her family was rather physically affectionate. But there was something about Coral, specifically Coral, hugging her that felt so, so...so what?
"...so familiar..."
"There you are! Young lady, you're in huge trouble!"
A gargoyle, the History teacher actually, landed on the roof. He seemed upsted, it took her a minute to realize exactly why he was there.
"Aw, sir, look I didn't mean to--"
"I do NOT want to hear it. I'm rather disappointed in you! You've never behaved like this and yet, on the very first day, you almost break the new student's foot! Do you realize how much trouble you're getting us into?!"
It was her first day? God, another reason to feel like an asshole.
"I-I know, I know and I'm sorry! She just caught me by surprise, s-she hugged me and you know I hate people touching me, and I panicked and I just--"
"No excuses! You're coming with me to properly apologize, we'll be calling your parents. You better hope her foot's not actually broken or you'll be facing suspension!"
The teacher did warn her he would be flying them down, probably trying to avoid the same fate. Once on the ground, she was escorted to the infirmary and instructed to "apologize like an adult, and you better mean it!"
Her palms were sweating, her forehead was sweating and she was pretty sure her fur was completely damp at this point. The sense of dread pooling in her stomach made her sick, her legs were shaking and god, she really didn't want to be there.
"C'mon, on with it!" the teacher opened the door and gave her a gentle shove, quickly closing it again.
And then, they were alone.
Coral was sitting on the one good chair the infirmary had available, her foot propped up on the bed. She seemed surprised, clearly not expecting to see her again so soon. The mermaid held a steaming cup on her hands, the smell of mint slowly filling the room. Snowhill stood still against the door, her face reflecting the "deer in the headlights" look perfectly."
"...Hi.", said Coral, slowly putting down the mug on the desk, "How's it going?"
Don't fuck it up, this is your one chance to apologize.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? What are you, stupid?" mumbled Snowhill.
"Well, sure, but I don't think you will".
"Ughhh...fuck, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an asshole".
"It's okay! I mean, you do sound like an asshole, but it's cool!"
Snowhill rised an eyebrow, "What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you actually this nice to all people?"
"Naw, just to the people that break my foot in three places!"
She said this so cheerfully, it couldn't possibly be a lie. The goat panicked, letting out another small "bleat", and started rummaging around the infirmary.
"I'm so, SO sorry oh my god. This was your first day, I broke your foot, I'm such an asshole oh GOD. I swear I'll make it up to you, I'll carry you everywhere! I-I'll pay for the cast or whatever and--"
And Coral burst out laughing.
Snowhill stared at her, holding a strip of bandages and some antiseptic cream. She was pale, still sweaty and shaking a bit; she'd even rolled up the sleeves of her sweater to help her put on bandages. Meanwhile, Coral kept laughing loudly, clearly having the time of her life.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" at last she seemed to calm down, wiping tears from her face "But like, it's the least you deserved. I mean, you didn't break my foot, but it does hurt a lot".
"...Alright, that's fair" the goat took a deep breath and, slowly, approached the chair "I, uh, can help you with that. I-If you'll let me, that is".
Coral rised an eyebrow, a skeptic smile on her face; she gestured to her leg, regardless.
"Go right ahead".
The goat nodded and took a small pouch out of her sleeve. Coral watched perplexed as she took out some leaves, placing them gingerly on her foot. She looked at her, silently asking for permission; once again and still curious as to where this was going, Coral nodded. Then, Snowhill softly placed her hands on her foot.
"Ah. There it is again" tought Coral, surprised.
"Fuck" thought Snowhill, still panicking.
The room was still for a moment, an air of anticipation building up. Almost too suddenly, the leaves started to glow a soft green; Snowhill muttered an incantation, though it was too quiet to even hear. Coral watched in amazement as the leaves actually went into her skin, feeling a bit of discomfort at witnessing something so weird. She felt pain, white-hot pain and she gasped.
"It's okay, don't worry" Snowhill took her hand, wincing briefly at how hard she squeezed "it's supossed to hurt, it'll be just a moment".
Her words were not the least comforting, it actually sounded like a practiced speech. Yet, somehow, it had actually calmed her down. Holding her hand, Coral took notice of how small it was compared to her own, a warm feeling rising in her chest.
"Why is it so familiar?"
As suddenly as the pain came, it faded away. Her foot no longer hurt, though she was still a bit sore; she noticed she was still clutching the goat's small hand. She didn't want to let go, but based on past experiences it was probably the best course of action. Slowly, she let go of her hand and tried to stand.
"Whoa! Don't, uh, go standing up so fast".
"Oh my gosh, what did you do?! It's so--so...I dunno! But it doesn't hurt, it's never felt so good! I can already walk and run and--"
"Okay, take a chill pill and sit your ass back down. The spell needs a moment to actually take effect".
Coral nodded, still shaking with excitment and smiling from ear to ear. She looked at the goat, noticing how sweaty and shaky she looked. Wordlessly, she scooted a bit on the chair and pat the free space with her hand, an even wider smile stretching across her face. Snowhill looked apprehensive, clearly uncomfortable at the prospect of sharing close quarters with her. She must've been exhausted, as she just sighed and sat down...or, as much as she could fit, it really was a small chair.
They sat in silence for a moment. Voices could be heard from outside the door, but they didn't pay them much attention. Snowhill kept looking at her hand, the one she'd offered the mermaid to hold on to. It was a bit clammy and cold, but she couldn't quite tell whose fault that was. After a few calm moments, she took a deep breath and spoke up.
"Look, I'm actually really sorry about stepping on your foot. You, uh, freaked me out a bit".
"It's okay, I mean it this time! I know you don't like being touched so I shouldn't have done that, it's just...you were the first person who was actually nice to me"
"...Sorry, uh, how'd y'know I don't like being touched?"
"Oh, I just assumed!"
"Uh-huh...anyway, sorry again. It sucks I was the one person to be nice to you, you seem like a nice...nice, uh"
"Undine! I'm an undine, you're a goat?"
"Yeah, sure, a goat"
They lapsed into another comfortable silence. Coral was actually surprised, she usually didn't like to stay quiet for so long, especially on her very first day on the surface. She tried to think of any conversation topics, but anything seemed too personal to ask. Like, why say you're a goat when I can tell you're from the sea? You smell like sea, why is that? Have we met before or--oh!
"Say, I don't think I caught your name!" Coral stood up, testing her foot by leaning her weight into it.
"Your name! What with the stomping, and the nurse, and then you sweating all over the place"
"Ugh, please shut up" the goat covered her face with her hands, clearly embarassed
"Aw shit, I messed up" Coral tugged on her ear-fins nervously "S-Sorry, that was a bit mean".
"...It's Snowhill"
"Snowhill. My, uh, my name".
"Oh...oh!!! I-I'm Coral, nice to meet you!"
Snowhill chuckled "Yeah, I remember".
She looked at her hand again, no longer cold nor sweaty. She took a deep breath and also stood up; with dismay, she noticed Coral was still a good head taller than her. Regardless, she stretched out her hand, tucking some hair behind her ears and with a small smile on her face she said,
"Hello, Coral. It's nice to meet you...uh, officially I mean".
The undine looked from her hand to her face, her mouth wide open. Then, she smiled, sharp teeth brightly shining in the dark room. She grabbed the small hand in both of hers, shaking it vigorously.
"Thank you!!!! It's so nice to meet you Snowhill!!!!"
And, in unison, they couldn't help but think,
"Huh, still feels familiar
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15.10.17 hello there today i woke up late AGAIIIIIN (shitty) n i didnt go to any lectures cus 1 was grad skills n the other was biodiv n weve had all our actual lectures altho i kinda wish i went cus it was an intro to evolutionary n comparative psychology which is a unit im thinkin of takin next yr but oh well i woke up too late for that shit i went into town pretty soon after waking i bought some spaghetti n found that the body shop does my colour foundation n that i wanna buy the nyx san paulo lipstick as a treat for myself if i do something rly good i bumped into ano n this weird dude he met at church who i meant to shake his hand but he kinda just held it n looked at me rly intensely n i came back n then i napped (naughty) n then at like 7 i woke up n i tidied my room n i was like ohhh fuck ive wasted the day cus it was like 9 but then i went to the communual center n did the next bit of my lab report n finished the other half of the marine n terr lecture joe was there which was chill n ive noticed hes got VERY KEEN EYES he sees everything which isnt surprising for a film student so idk y im shocked but ya also idk if veronica likes me or not i said hi to her when she came in today tbh i dont really care n she prob doesnt either i just worry that i come across as cold or something also my hair looks cute in a bun and i lost at pool against alex (jb haircut) but i learned HE WENT TO CHELMO COLLEGE TOO but the princes rd campus spooky af bro tomorrow is my lab exam (screams) so ima sleep at a reasonable time well at least try to so ya mayb ill read a lil also im over the gary crush but i still get a heart attack whenever i hear or am near him its annoying lol i have issues and i need to work em out but idk how i dont want a relationship rn or ever probs or sex but i only think that cus of the past nurture not nature amirite mayb i shld try n find a gf lol queer girls wya ok gnight!!!!
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