#i actually DO have a question about our latest hw
angels-sinning · 1 year
looord i have not been able to get my professor off my mind all day… he is like a PLAGUE
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monstaxeurope · 5 years
Monsta X interview for Nylon Japan
Nylon Japan with Monsta X
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Monsta X is a 7-member boy group from South Korea. They're about to release the Japanese version of their latest song "Alligator", which grew popular in Korea and tore onto KPOP scene. We're sure you will be charmed by both their perfect looks and skills. On NYLON.JP, we reveal these parts of the interview that didn't appear in the magazine!
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Jooheon & I.M
Q: Please tell us what made you start rapping.
I.M: I liked rap, but I was also attracted to possibility of expressing hidden thoughts through it, so I started learning rap. I think in rap I can honestly express things that usually aren't shown in music, my story and feelings. JH: When I was a kid I liked moving my body to the music. Sometimes I would listen to rap, and instead of having soft lyrics over a soft melody, it had dynamic sounds over a soft melody, and one could deliver their message through it, and I found it cool. What's more, there were a lot of rapper friends around me, so we started rapping together.
Q: Please say what is a charming point of the other person. I.M: Jooheon has a mole over his left eye, it's sexy and cute! JH: I.M's charm is his cool aura!
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Q: Is there any secret of your partner, that only you know about? I.M: Jooheon set his voice as his alarm clock, and wakes up to this sound (laugh). JH: I.M actually has many songs for fans ready!
Q: When do you do them? I.M: The job keeps me busy, instead of working on them during working hours, I make them in my free time.
Q. In that case, do you have any private time? I.M: We have some leisure time when we're together, we can relax anywhere, last time we had schedules in Japan I was dancing to the NARUTO soundtrack in a hotel room.
Q. If you were to give your partner a 1st place [in a ranking], what would this be in? I.M: I think fans know that, but Jooheon thinks about fans a lot, so "1st place in thinking about fans". He tries to represent it through the lyrics. From my point of view, it's impressive. JH: I.M thinks about others, so "1st place in having a warm heart".
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Q: Your styles are different, what do you respect in this? JH: In rap, voice tone is important. If I were to compare, I.M is like a jeep or an off-road car, and I'm like a sports car. My raps are fast and include many words, and I.M makes a good use of his voice's power. I.M: We're like ying and yang. When we perform on stage, Jooheon wears clothes with yellow, tiger patterns, and I wear black-based, leopard-patterned outfits. The contrast between us is expressed not only by music but also by clothes.
Q. You're rappers, but what are you conscious about during the performance? I.M: I think we're in charge of visuals in the team, in a way. Of course not in terms of face (laugh)! We express Monsta X's color via our rap, so in this way, we are the visuals.
Q. You surely are visuals! IM & JH: Of course! (laugh) JH: How can we not!?
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Wonho, Minhyuk & Hyungwon
Q: Please say what is a charming point of the other person. WH: Minhyuk has a beautiful smile. MH: Hyungwon has a big body. HW: Wonho has a lean body. WH: You're saying the opposite of the reality (laugh).
Q: So is there any secret of the other person, that only you know about? MH: Hyungwon can easily live a day without saying a word. HW: That's not true (laugh). Minhyuk has a better body than it seems. WH: Minhyuk cherishes everything Monbebe say about him. MH: I love you <3 WH: Hyungwon's secret... there's none (laugh). MH: There are barely any secrets about Hyungwon.
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Q: What are your positions in the group? MH: Before the debut, during the survival show "NO MERCY", we were in charge of visuals. HW: It's been 5 years already? MH: Also, the 3 of us would walk out at nights during trainee days (laugh). I don't remember where we were going, was it a chicken place?
Q: What are the other people best at [no. 1], something that fans don't know? HW: Fans may know this, but Minhyuk is really good at taking selfies. MH: Wonho has 1st place in terms of friendliness. WH: Hyungwon has the longest legs. I'm jealous (laugh)!
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Q: As mentioned earlier, you were a visual team, please tell us about each other's charms. MH: I've said it earlier, but Wonho is really kind. And Hyungwon is very delicate. HW: Minyuk is funny. Wonho's charm is his muscle (laugh). I think it's the coolest muscle among idols. The best. WH: Minhyuk has a broad back and Hyungwon has a big mouth (laugh). HW: Ey-! WH: But I think it's a charm everybody likes.
Q: Then if you were to give each other a role? WH: Personally, when I introduce myself in Japanese, I always say I'm in charge of fair skin. I'm fair-skinned like a bunny, but fans say I'm a baby (laugh). MH: I'm the prince of charms, Minhyuk! HW: I'm in charge of being tall, right. But I think Wonho is in charge of ordering whenever we order food. He knows what's delicious. You can leave it to him. WH: Hyungwon is like a paper doll. His body is thin so he looks flimsy and shaky like paper (laugh).
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Shownu & Kihyun
Q: Please tell us the charms of each other.
SN: I can't tell he isn't handsome (laugh). Seriously, I think he's a member who still gives fans a refreshing vibe. KH: Shownu is always honest, he works hard on everything. I think it's his charm to do well in everything he does.
Q: Then, are there any secrets only you know about? SN: Lately, we're very busy, and Kihyun sleeps whenever he has a bit of free time (laugh). Thanks to that he seems to be in a good condition. I'm not good at getting rest in a short period of time, but Kihyun finds time for rest, even the shortest while, and rests well to keep a good health. Am I right? KH: Exactly. I try to sleep even if it's only for 5 minutes. Shownu is an opposite of me, whenever he has some time, he tries to do something. Even when we finish a day of schedules and return to the dorm, he stays in the practice room alone at night to practice dance. I'm sure the fans don't know it, so I say it here.
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Q: A situation between only 2 of you? KH: We usually spend time with all members, so a situation of only 2 of us... SN: A few days ago Kihyun asked me to go with him to an escape room, but I refused (laugh). KH: Lately, me and Minhyuk are addicted to escape rooms, we often go there. That's why I asked (laugh). SN: You said it's recent, but you've been there 2-3 times? KH: We've been there 5-6 times. I've heard there are escape rooms in Japan, so I want to go there one day. I think Japanese escape rooms are done with great thought about details, so I can't wait.
Q: If you were to give your partner a 1st place [in a ranking], what would that be? KH: Shownu is a physical no. 1. It's not only about big muscles, but also about good overall balance. SN: Kihyun is the main vocalist, so it's obvious he is good at singing, and I think he loves the fans the most. Of course all members love the fans deeply, but Kihyun stays in touch with them the most via events and SNS. I think I should learn from him. I love our fans too!
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Q: Shownu is said to be a good dancer and Kihyun is the main vocalist, are you sometimes envious of each other's skills? SN: I'm really envious of the singing skills, especially during live performances. KH: I'm not going to mention dance, but in terms of vocal we have various sensitivity, I think my vocal has a rock vibe and Shownu's has more R&B feel. I'm envious of that.
Q: I see. I have a question to Kihyun, how do you think, what is the role of Shownu as a leader? KH: I think it's an important and difficult role. It may be a small word, but it's a weight Shownu holds and I feel he supports the team well.
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dancingqueen707 · 6 years
IAL #36 My VLD S6 review + My Predictions for S7
Hey hello guys welcome to another Sunday and so it’s been a week since s6 of voltron dropped and literally the fandom is dead. If you are from my writing blog my author name is Tidus S. Queen but on my personal account I am Kat. I am going to be telling my opinions about this season and how good and amazing it was
Disclaimer: these are just are my options please respect them if you don't care just dont read the post and have a nice day. I am also giving 0 hate to ships this is just my views/take on the latest season.
Because I am way to obsessed for this show I rewatched S3 to S5 before the season dropped so I knew everything for this season.
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My thoughts on Lotor:
S5 cliffhanger was Lotor and Allura going to the Altean world called Oriande to learn more about altean alchemy. Then we learned about lort how he is literally a space indiana jones and zarkon was a prick as a father to him and you feel bad for him. I’m gonna state right now I NEVER TRUSTED NO MATTER HOW HOT HE IS. The first time we meet the prince lotor is in S3 when he literally was teasing the paladins and to see if they can become voltron, but they can't because we lost shiro in the astral plane and he died in the s2 finale. So yeah thanks dreamworks for hurting me in the feels.
One more thing I wanted to point out Dos Santos one of the co-executive producer said that lotor was gonna be like a “justice league villain” in an article and as someone who loves superhero and villains I knew lotor was going in to help voltron with a bigger ulterior motive and once he got it the quintessence he literally played himself because he actually had real feelings for allura but we then learn this season that he killed f the alteans hw saved to get more enriched quintessence. Do i Feel he is not dead? Nope we saw no body therefore there is a total possibility we are going to see lotor in future seasons . Do we think he get a redemption arc like zuko? Maybe there are a lot of possibilities
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My thoughts on Allura and Lance :
Another character I want to talk about is Allura guys I felt for A llura for this season so much because she literally got played by lotor all allura wants to do is see her people and altea again. We know that Allura loves her people and her dad and she lost her planet to the galra since the very beginning of this show. The question I have been seeing non-stop is that do you think Allura is using Lance as a rebound ? NO NO NO Allura will never do that to Lance ,and Lance respects her too much to be a douche to her he cares about her he is protective friend ( i don’t blame him} . lance did get friendzone this season yes but he is not gonna be a douche to Allura because he got friendzone. Lance has manners and respect Allura. I love their platonic friendship in my views. If you ship them romantically I respect you
A lot of people are hating on dreamworks for pushing Lance over this season. Hello hi people who are thinking that that is how the vld staff and created story tell the characters arcs in this show. Do I want lance to be happy? hell yess. But Lance can’t just get random happiness as a writer and creator of any story you have to make characters suffer in order to make them grow in a story. I know personally think they are setting up Lance's arc for that reason .In my eyes lance and allura friendship are going to get stronger as the seasons progress.
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My thoughts on Keith: FINALLY FINALLY WE GET THE ORIGIN STORY OF KEITH’S PARENTS AND HIM AHH IM SO HAPPY THANK THANK YOU DREAMWORKS. Also keith has matured so much found his mom and probably bonded with we the two years that him and his mom were on space dolphins. I think that Keith need the 2 year gap with his mom. He probably learned stuff for her and he now understands his origin. Keith becoming the black paladin he is now the leader that shiro wanted him to be reference in s2 when they were going to the BOM headquarters. Keith also got a pokemon wolf when everyone else was playing dnd space version. Keith go shiro back and his mom and he has definitely grown since season 1. His fighting scene with shiro was so heartbreaking to watch but he knew how to handle the clone and respect kuro. Shiro is Keith father figure form what we saw in the flashbacks with keith dad wearing Shiro’s outfit from season 1 -2 and their bond is so deep I love them so much. I do believe that Shiro did save Keith and I love their brotherly love I really do. You ship them relatively good for you I am not hating on the ship this is just my opinion on their bond.
My thoughts on Romelle: I love this pretty altean conspiracy theorist who literally busted lotor. I love romelle I hope we see her in future seasons.
Thought on Hunk,Pidge, and Coran : they did amazing the whole season hunk defeated galra with galran policitiscs. Pidge our wonderful pidge saved the universe.. Coran has muscles he looked amazing and did great this season.
My opinions on the 7 eps:
Ep1: Omega Shield
We meet lotors nanny. (she reminds me of space yazma from the emperor's new groove lol”
Hunk learning galra politics are schooling the galrans to stop fighting (im so proud our diplomatic boy )
Ep2 : Razor Edge (more like keith and his mom bonduing ep and I’m all for that”
I love krolia, i love we get keith’s origin about his mom and dad how they met, how she got there
Texas kogane saving keith name from being yorak (lol)
They she protected keith from the blast (ahh my heart the feels)
How keith and shiro met (finally i have been waiting since s1)
How keith acted in the garrison (poor boy he fought someone )
Keith gets a pokemon who loves and it is very valid to be (also what's it’s name yorak or keith dad’s name?)
Ep 3:Monsters and Mania
The chilliest ep for the paladins
The dnd ep is my fav. I love dnd i got all their jokes about dnd
Kuro being a literal nerd yass
Lance is an adorable dork and i love him
Pidge growing to defeat coran
Allura looking like a queen being amazing with a bow and arrow
Hunk rocks every look i love how his va tyler labine made him talk man oh and punk friendship is just beautiful
Ep 4:The colony
Romelle losing her brother over quintessence
Her not believing in lotor
The ep allura threw lotor and he deserved and it was right after they kissed
Romelle being a literal badass
Ep 5: The Black Paladins
Keith and Kuro fight was so beautiful and emotional
Keith being the black paladin and has matured so well
I loved this episode too it was amazing the animation everything the soundtrack is beautiful too
Ep: 6: All Good Things
The ep that allura dragged lotor when they were fighting between the dark voltron vs good voltron
I called that lotor was gonna make a bad voltron
Allura summing the blazing sword
Coran needs to wear more muscle tees and show of his muscles more
Ep 7: Defender of all universes
The actual ship that matters the castle of lions has to be destroyed to close off the quintessence field
And the montage yeah that gave me all the feels
Looking amazing with white hair he is now a silver fox and he gets to rest FINALLY
Allura doing her own version of avatar state to put shiro essence into the clone body
The ending and the parallels . ALL THE PARALLELS THIS SEASON
My favorite episode was ep 3 because I love dnd and everyone got to just chill and play game.
My thoughts on season 7
Road Trip season i heard it's going to be from the co executive said in a recent articles
I want keith to play dnd so badly I want him to hang out more with the paladins and be super goofy
Shiro actually seeing matt again
I want to see hunk’s and lance’s galaxy garrison stories
Lance arc might happen
What’s keith pokemon wolf name?
And his dad name?
Hagger is gonna be the new villian along with sendak
I have no idea what else is gonna happen next season but i’m already hyped for it
If you have read through this whole review thank you for reading it sorry it is full of rambles but this is just what I think of this season. I loved it. I hope you are having a nice day, night or ,afternoon and what are your thoughts on this season? Did it make it or break it for you? What do you think is gonna happen in s7 or future seasons? Please like or reblog and follow my main or my writing blog I post these IAL every sunday at 9EST. And again thank you for reading my review.
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beetlemancy · 6 years
So not doing this the right way cuz none of my followers do this stuff, but the Wife tagged me, so I’ll answer the questions at least. :P
1. What’s the latest new thing you got obsessed with?      NEW thing? Huh. What is it? I guess the WoW community on Tumblr is new to me, but its an old obsession. It just never occurred to me til recently that I could, like, follow blogs and such in the fandom here. It was like removed from my tumblr experience somehow and now its not, so most of my dash is WoW related at the moment.
2. Someone is coming to visit and you need to serve some kind of treat. What to you make/go buy?      If i have to bake it, it’ll probably be apple-related or kind of Wintery in general. OR fruit pizza, cuz I can make those. Buying something... I dunno, quick drive to Safeway, find the thing in the bakery that looks tastiest. Voila.
3. Do you have a trip planned, and if so where are you going?      I’m trying to sort of plan/ish SF, but not like... what to do or go when we’re there, more like just ‘how to get there without dying’. :D 
4. What do you reckon is the oldest thing you’ve ever touched?      Probably something in a museum. But on the regular, that’d be our son, one of my more recent-ish doll acquisitions. He’s from the 1920s. 
5. What song is currently playing on repeat?      NSP cover of Africa. God I love it so much.
6. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be and where? (for those of you who might already have some: what would the next one be?)      Nuclear bomb in a field of flowers. On the arm, probably.
7. If you could dye your hair any colour and not have to worry about upkeep or it damaging your hair, what colour would you choose?      Honestly? I wouldn’t. I don’t like to commit to a hair color for longer than like a month. If even. That’s why spray is so nice! 
8. You have the equivalent of $50.000 to spend in one hour in one single physical store, where would you go?      So I’m not sure if this is $50 or $50k cuz that’s a period not a comma but my answer is the same regardless - there’s this antique warehouse in Exeter (genuinely can’t remember the name) and honestly I would buy the entire god damn place if I could.
9. What’s your favourite type of candy?      Horehound. 
10. What’s your favourite clothing brand?      Knox Rose, actually, I have a shit ton of their stuff. They are Very Comfy for my fucked up senses.
11. What are you currently procrastinating?      Doing this still film project, some other HW, and also seeing a doctor probably.
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harlowinters-blog · 7 years
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entertainment tonight’s amanda lau was able to get this exclusive interview with HARLOW WINTERS ! we got to learn a whole new side of them while talking about their latest project THE SILENT GAME -- a coming-of-age film by renowned independent film director simon petrov. it tells the story of emma walker a small town girl who’s life is changed after a tragic car accident, leading to the death of her best friend, who was in the passenger seat. the movie follows emma’s path to finding herself again after so much was lost.
amanda lau: so you were actually born in los angeles yes ?
harlow winters: yup !! i’m a born and raised california girl. 
al: and what was it like growing up there ?
hw: what’s there not to love about la ? i’m so proud to call this city my home. there’s nowhere else in the world i’d rather live. growing up here, in the shadow of hollywood -- it’s what i think really inspired me to really pursue acting as a career.
al: wow so you’ve always been as captivating as you are now. so did you always want to be a model & actress then ? or what gave you that idea ?
hw: modeling was something i sort of just fell into, you know ? i got scouted really young & did it for a while. it was fun, but i wasn’t passionate about it. acting though -- that i’m passionate about. it’s something i always had in the back of my mind, but i didn’t have the courage to pursue it until about a year ago. 
al: so tell me about this latest project then ! your fans seem to be very excited about it. our twitter was flooded with notifications when we mentioned bringing you on the show.
hw: the silent game is a movie that i’m immensely proud to call my first. the role of emma was challenging in a way that truly excites me. there’s so much depth and emotion that’s required for the role & being able to tackle that as my very first is an honor. i still can’t believe how well it was received over at sundance & i’m so excited for the rest of the world to get to see our little film. 
al: well we all can’t wait to see more from you, harlow. now we just have a few questions from our twitter to ask you.
al: @winteretic asked: who is your biggest inspiration ?
hw: angelina jolie is all kinds of #goals to me. she’s made such smart career moves, played some absolutely incredible roles, and is an all around kick-ass human being. if i can be even a tenth of the woman she is, i’d say i’m doing pretty good. 
al: @phoenixharlows asked: who is your celebrity crush ?
hw: i know the answer you’re all looking for -- but i think i’ll keep this one to myself !
al: @harlowbby22 asked: what’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you ?
hw: after my last time walking in paris fashion week, i was leaving the chanel show & there was a group of teenage girls waiting outside with mcdonalds for me, all because i tweeted that i was craving a burger & fries. wild, right ?! 
al: @legendwinters asked: if you weren’t acting what would you be doing right now?
hw: i’d probably be in college, maybe studying drama there. i think i’d find my way back to acting no matter what situation i was in. it’s what im truly passionate about. 
al: well i think that’s about all the time we have ! it was great meeting you, harlow and to everyone watching, be sure to check out harlow’s latest project the silent game !
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dalrynne · 7 years
1, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 32, 33, 37, 28, 39, 40
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.
omg idek which movie i would consider my favorite movie... but i think i have this reoccurring feeling of “OMG that was the best movie ever!” whenever i have a new fav movie hahahaha
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.
hmm i guess i’d say my fashion sense? i’ve worked quite hard for a long time to get where i am now (i think my style is pretty good now) and tbh it’s one of my fav compliments to receive! i’m still working on expanding my wardrobe and  building on it; there’s always room for improvement~
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
i think i would have to say the one where i met my ultimate fav celebrity/singer, kyuhyun cho from super junior! in my dream he even touched me and i remember even feeling the warmth of his touch... it was such a vivid dream LOL i still remember it even tho its been so long?
14: Talk about a vacation.
the vacation that lasts the most in my mind is probs the most recent one. i went to greece during spring break with a friend this year! tbh it wasn’t as fun as it could have been bc the weather was cold and bc it was easter, everything was closed for several days and at night it was really scary bc there were all these men hanging around outside, smoking and staring us down. but it was also really fun bc i got to see the beautiful ocean. the best part was going horse-back riding for the first time!! omg it was such a great experience bc i’ve loved horses ever since i was young but i had never been able to ride one (besides this one time when i was like 5 at a petting zoo or something). shoutout to kayli for making that happen omggg
oh man, now i want to talk about my trip to paris with a different friend and met a couple of my internet friends, but i guess that’s a different story hehe (if you wanna hear about it, hmu tho!)
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.
oh shit LOL have i Ever been fully content in my life ahaha... i honestly can’t really remember? probably when i was younger...? or perhaps now??? idk man.
17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.
tbh lately, i’ve been feeling kinda antisocial... i don’t really have a desire to make new friends or get closer to some friends/acquaintances bc i feel so drained? i feel this way especially towards internet friends tbh bc i feel like we’re never going to meet anyway so why put in so much effort. ugh, i know thats horrible and i don’t want to feel this way but :’) alas. maybe its bc i’ve been feeling kinda insecure lately too? LOL idk. but i do want to befriend my crush tho... bc if i befriend him, maybe it’ll develop into something more~
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.
oh wow, hmm. i’ve been told that i’m stylish and have a good sense of humor, which are some of my fav compliments hehe. like when someone actually thinks/says that i’m funny, i’m really happy! i can’t really remember anything else atm but haha i’m sure there were some other things?
28: Talk about your fetishes.
LMAOO OMG AJDKAHSDASD i ummm... idek what qualifies as a fetish, like is it just a kink? are those the same things?? do i even have those????? i guess i’m kinda into bondage tho, probs light hahaha
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.
i grew up in indiana and i had really fond memories of it. i moved to nyc in the middle of 3rd grade and it was really hard adjusting at first. but now i’m a new yorker so LOL. i remember indiana being almost this enchanted place bc i felt so free there. i could ride my bike with my friends until the sun went down (that was like 8pm in the summer) and i barely got any hw which was lit. (stranger things makes me feel really nostalgic bc its supposed to be set in indiana and i used to bike around with my friends all the time too hehe)
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.
hmm, this is a very good question bc i honestly hardly know what to do with myself when i’m sad and i just feel like i wanna die a lot of the time tbh HAHA. but i’ve been trying to find healthier coping mechanisms to do when i’m sad... like i usually try to distract myself by listening/watching shows or movies or whatever. or try to hang out with my friends. or sometimes i just go to bed early by getting myself very very sad by listening to sad songs and thinking of things to upset myself further and then cry myself to sleep. that actually works quite well bc i wake up and feel refreshed most of the time? haha
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.
huh. was i ever really truly in love tho LMAO... i suppose the closest thing to that was with my latest ex. our relationship was so short-lived and hes lowkey kinda psycho so um Yikes. i’m glad i didn’t get back with him bc hes obviously not good for me. there were some red flags but i just ignored them OTL. but well, he was sweet and it was nice while it lasted but hmm, Yikesss. 
39: Talk about things you wish you'd known earlier.
omggg ok i wish i knew sooner that you need to play an active role in your life or else you’re going to be very unhappy and feel really hopeless. listen, you are in charge of a good portion of your life; your decisions and efforts are important. if you want something, go get it!! you can’t cry and complain about things yet never try to do something about it. but on the other hand, there are some things in life that you can’t change. somethings just happen and the best you can do is deal with them to the utmost of your abilities. there’s this delicate balance of determinism and free-will. but its always better to try and fail than never try and regret it.
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.
the end of high school was really nice i think. i was really excited for freshman year of uni in london bc i had never been out of the country before and i’ve been interested in britain since i was really young! i was hopeful for the new people i’d meet and the cool new things i’d experience. it was kinda disappointing but it was still a great experience i think haha. i definitely grew and matured as a person, which i’m really happy about.
thank you to the anon who sent me this ask!! i’m sorry again about the late reply ;;;
if you’d like to send me more, here is the post!
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workrockin · 5 years
Understanding ROG G20AJ ‘s wireless capabilities
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Asus went for a console like design for its prebuilt gaming PC
At workrock we’re always looking at hardware from the perspective of wireless networking. Whether its phones, desktop computers, laptops , smart watches or embedded chips, we want to know how they communicate with the rest of the world. What wireless protocols do they support?
We are by no means experts on hardware and often in our quest we come across machines that surprise us with their capabilities. We make sure to share our discoveries with you and hope that you’re as excited to read about them as we were when we first made the discovery.
ASUS ROG G20AJ is a gaming CPU released a few years ago. It is a prebuilt CPU with an impressive customizable exterior. What brought it to our attention was a post on reddit in which a member was seeking some help to upgrade his RAM
I have a ROG G20AJ, a prebuilt desktop PC made with laptop components (it even uses two laptop chargers as a power supply).
Trying to upgrade it is a pain in the ass. When I upgraded the GPU from GTX750 to GTX1060 6GB I had to even cut a metal box that contains the GPU so I could fit the 1060 on it and fans could push air out.
Now I am trying to upgrade the RAM from 8GB (1x8GB SODIMM) to 24GB (1x16GB SODIMM 1600mhz+ 8GB SODIMM) but the manual and any info I can find online says that the max amount of memory I can install in this PC is 16GB (total, not per slot) example.
I have never seen such a strange limitation. I would find it normal if it was 32GB or 64GB or even 16GB/slot but I don’t know any motherboard that caps at 16GB.
I thought it might be because 16GB SODIMM modules did not exists when I bought the computer (hence the max memory you could fit there was 2X8GB) but I might be wrong.
Is there any way I can check the actual RAM capacity of this PC?
Our response
My first guess was that the limitations on the total RAM might be to preserve power. Since you mentioned that the PC is built with laptop components a cap on the max ram would mean a better battery design with accurate calculations on how long a charge can last.But it seems that it does not have much effect :-
In Linux there’s a command called dmidecode that gives you the max supported RAM by a board.
Dmidecode simply produces a human readabale output from SMBIOS
Windows has wmi that does the same thing.
But since you’re using cpu-z you should be seeing the max supported RAM in the memory tab. If not try hw info (another free program that does the same thing) Under the hood both HWinfo and cpu-z should be querying from SMBIOS [1]. So it might be worth it to cross check by querying yourself directly (use dmidecode for Linux and wmi for windows)
Aside from that if the motherboard has set a limit in max memory there is little else you can do. If you try to exceed the limit computer might not boot or if it does it can access the extra RAM. Here’s more information on what might happen if your try to go over that limit
Diving deeper into the the hardware
The overall design and the packaging by ASUS impressed me and therefore I decided to look a bit deeper into the hardware. It is built on the intel H97 chipsets . The intel chipsets are marked at $32 when purchased in quantities of 1000 or more. With a dual storage storage support the machine comes with a 32 GB SSD and a 1TB HDD.
Noticeably the CPU only contained 1 ethernet port. For complex wired LAN networking scenarios you’ll need an external switch with multiple ports. A lot more could have been achieved without buying an external switch if only there were a couple more Ethernet ports. Especially since the PC had an impressive Intel® Ethernet Connection I218 network processor. However since networking is not the primary goal of a gaming CPU it is not right for us to dwell on it.
Still what I was most interested in was the networking hardware of the machine. So I continued to look for more.
While the intel core i7–4790 processor is now discontinued it supported Intel’s my wifi technology. In case you didn’t know intel my wifi technology allows you to create a wireless personal area network. With this ad-hoc network you can connect wirelessly to other wifi enabled devices like TV, phones and share your photos, videos, music etc with these devices.
I was curious to know what kind of hardware support Intel provides to use this technology but it proved to be difficult. Supposedly intel had a page dedicated to my wifi technology which they took down
However I got lucky on way back machine to find the original contents of the page.
The latest snapshot of the page was in 2017. After that the page seems to have been redirected. But I din’t want the latest. I just wanted the infor corresponding to g20’s release somewhere in 2014. Undeterred I tried again.
Success. I got a match for Dec 17 2013.
The information I was looking for was in the footnotes
IntelĀ® My WiFi Dashboard is an optional feature and requires additional software and an IntelĀ® CentrinoĀ® wireless adapter.
Intel Centrino Advanced-N 6205 62205ANH had an fcc page that had been updated as recently as 2016. While the fcc documentation was a good read I found out later that it was not the chip actually being used in G20AJ. In an old forum post I discovered that the CPU used a realtek wifi chip instead.
A new question.
Can intel My Wifi technology work without intel wireless cards?
The answer is no it seems.
Which leaves us with Realtek 8821AE. Features:-
It is an integrated wireless chip with support for both bluetooth and wifi.
802.11b/g/n/ac are supported. With a max channel width of 80MHZ it can achieve speeds of 433mbps. A youtube video demonstrates ~ 433mbps successfully. Just how fast is this? HD video streaming recommends a speed of 25 mbps. Which makes it 17 times faster than the recommended speed.
The chip has a power saving mode that conserves power during idle time. There is built in hardware support for encryption including WPA2-PSK.
As you can see from the FCC document the wifi chip is certified for class B operations. A class B FCC certification means that the wireless chip can be used in homes and business environment.
It is important to note here that the wireless chip manufacturer is responsible for obtaining these certifications. Since ASUS simply assembled the PC they bought chips for home usage and hence won’t need to obtain a separate licence. This is how most electronic devices with wireless capabilities are sold these days.
Components that require wireless certifications are treated differently from the rest of the equipment. Once a certification for a component has been obtained it can be installed in as many devices as you want.
That’s about it. G20AJ is a beast of a machine. Even 5 years after its original release. With a powerful wireless and wired networking stack we’re confident that it would prove to be a proficient platform for multimedia streaming as well as wireless mutliplayer LAN parties.
Need someone to help you with you wireless gaming setup? Looking for custom built gaming routers? Email us on
write to us on our tumblr page
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Happy networking!
[1] The information from SMBIOS is not reliable. It is supposed to be but it’s not. This information is prefilled and not calculated.
I was once burned by relying on it when I bought an additional mem stick based on the info only to find that my laptop had just one soldered ram and no additional slots!
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iitsqii · 6 years
IAL #36 My VLD S6 review + My Predictions for S7
Hey hello guys welcome to another Sunday and so it’s been a week since s6 of voltron dropped and literally the fandom is dead. If you are from my writing blog my author name is Tidus S. Queen but on my personal account I am Kat. I am going to be telling my opinions about this season and how good and amazing it was
Disclaimer: these are just are my options please respect them if you don't care just dont read the post and have a nice day. I am also giving 0 hate to ships this is just my views/take on the latest season.
Because I am way to obsessed for this show I rewatched S3 to S5 before the season dropped so I knew everything for this season.
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My thoughts on Lotor:
S5 cliffhanger was Lotor and Allura going to the Altean world called Oriande to learn more about altean alchemy. Then we learned about lort how he is literally a space indiana jones and zarkon was a prick as a father to him and you feel bad for him. I’m gonna state right now I NEVER TRUSTED NO MATTER HOW HOT HE IS. The first time we meet the prince lotor is in S3 when he literally was teasing the paladins and to see if they can become voltron, but they can't because we lost shiro in the astral plane and he died in the s2 finale. So yeah thanks dreamworks for hurting me in the feels.
One more thing I wanted to point out Dos Santos one of the co-executive producer said that lotor was gonna be like a “justice league villain” in an article and as someone who loves superhero and villains I knew lotor was going in to help voltron with a bigger ulterior motive and once he got it the quintessence he literally played himself because he actually had real feelings for allura but we then learn this season that he killed f the alteans hw saved to get more enriched quintessence. Do i Feel he is not dead? Nope we saw no body therefore there is a total possibility we are going to see lotor in future seasons . Do we think he get a redemption arc like zuko? Maybe there are a lot of possibilities
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My thoughts on Allura and Lance :
Another character I want to talk about is Allura guys I felt for A llura for this season so much because she literally got played by lotor all allura wants to do is see her people and altea again. We know that Allura loves her people and her dad and she lost her planet to the galra since the very beginning of this show. The question I have been seeing non-stop is that do you think Allura is using Lance as a rebound ? NO NO NO Allura will never do that to Lance ,and Lance respects her too much to be a douche to her he cares about her he is protective friend ( i don’t blame him} . lance did get friendzone this season yes but he is not gonna be a douche to Allura because he got friendzone. Lance has manners and respect Allura. I love their platonic friendship in my views. If you ship them romantically I respect you
A lot of people are hating on dreamworks for pushing Lance over this season. Hello hi people who are thinking that that is how the vld staff and created story tell the characters arcs in this show. Do I want lance to be happy? hell yess. But Lance can’t just get random happiness as a writer and creator of any story you have to make characters suffer in order to make them grow in a story. I know personally think they are setting up Lance's arc for that reason .In my eyes lance and allura friendship are going to get stronger as the seasons progress.
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My thoughts on Keith: FINALLY FINALLY WE GET THE ORIGIN STORY OF KEITH’S PARENTS AND HIM AHH IM SO HAPPY THANK THANK YOU DREAMWORKS. Also keith has matured so much found his mom and probably bonded with we the two years that him and his mom were on space dolphins. I think that Keith need the 2 year gap with his mom. He probably learned stuff for her and he now understands his origin. Keith becoming the black paladin he is now the leader that shiro wanted him to be reference in s2 when they were going to the BOM headquarters. Keith also got a pokemon wolf when everyone else was playing dnd space version. Keith go shiro back and his mom and he has definitely grown since season 1. His fighting scene with shiro was so heartbreaking to watch but he knew how to handle the clone and respect kuro. Shiro is Keith father figure form what we saw in the flashbacks with keith dad wearing Shiro’s outfit from season 1 -2 and their bond is so deep I love them so much. I do believe that Shiro did save Keith and I love their brotherly love I really do. You ship them relatively good for you I am not hating on the ship this is just my opinion on their bond.
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My thoughts on Romelle: I love this pretty altean conspiracy theorist who literally busted lotor. I love romelle I hope we see her in future seasons.
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Thought on Hunk,Pidge, and Coran : they did amazing the whole season hunk defeated galra with galran policitiscs. Pidge our wonderful pidge saved the universe.. Coran has muscles he looked amazing and did great this season.
My opinions on the 7 eps:
Ep1: Omega Shield
We meet lotors nanny. (she reminds me of space yazma from the emperor's new groove lol”
Hunk learning galra politics are schooling the galrans to stop fighting (im so proud our diplomatic boy )
Ep2 : Razor Edge (more like keith and his mom bonduing ep and I’m all for that”
I love krolia, i love we get keith’s origin about his mom and dad how they met, how she got there
Texas kogane saving keith name from being yorak (lol)
They she protected keith from the blast (ahh my heart the feels)
How keith and shiro met (finally i have been waiting since s1)
How keith acted in the garrison (poor boy he fought someone )
Keith gets a pokemon who loves and it is very valid to be (also what's it’s name yorak or keith dad’s name?)
Ep 3:Monsters and Mania
The chilliest ep for the paladins
The dnd ep is my fav. I love dnd i got all their jokes about dnd
Kuro being a literal nerd yass
Lance is an adorable dork and i love him
Pidge growing to defeat coran
Allura looking like a queen being amazing with a bow and arrow
Hunk rocks every look i love how his va tyler labine made him talk man oh and punk friendship is just beautiful
Ep 4:The colony
Romelle losing her brother over quintessence
Her not believing in lotor
The ep allura threw lotor and he deserved and it was right after they kissed
Romelle being a literal badass
Ep 5: The Black Paladins
Keith and Kuro fight was so beautiful and emotional
Keith being the black paladin and has matured so well
I loved this episode too it was amazing the animation everything the soundtrack is beautiful too
Ep: 6: All Good Things
The ep that allura dragged lotor when they were fighting between the dark voltron vs good voltron
I called that lotor was gonna make a bad voltron
Allura summing the blazing sword
Coran needs to wear more muscle tees and show of his muscles more
Ep 7: Defender of all universes
The actual ship that matters the castle of lions has to be destroyed to close off the quintessence field
And the montage yeah that gave me all the feels
Looking amazing with white hair he is now a silver fox and he gets to rest FINALLY
Allura doing her own version of avatar state to put shiro essence into the clone body
The ending and the parallels . ALL THE PARALLELS THIS SEASON
My favorite episode was ep 3 because I love dnd and everyone got to just chill and play game.
My thoughts on season 7
Road Trip season i heard it's going to be from the co executive said in a recent articles
I want keith to play dnd so badly I want him to hang out more with the paladins and be super goofy
Shiro actually seeing matt again
I want to see hunk’s and lance’s galaxy garrison stories
Lance arc might happen
What’s keith pokemon wolf name?
And his dad name?
Hagger is gonna be the new villian along with sendak
I have no idea what else is gonna happen next season but i’m already hyped for it
If you have read through this whole review thank you for reading it sorry it is full of rambles but this is just what I think of this season. I loved it. I hope you are having a nice day, night or ,afternoon and what are your thoughts on this season? Did it make it or break it for you? What do you think is gonna happen in s7 or future seasons? Please like or reblog and follow my main or my writing blog I post these IAL every sunday at 9EST. And again thank you for reading my review.
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jerusalism · 6 years
Haim Watzman interviewed by Josh Friedlander
JF: You're a quintessentially Israeli writer. You've lived here for decades.
HW: Almost 40 years.
JF: Your books are set here, and it's been said that your dialogue sounds like Hebrew speech. Yet you have always written in English. (Am I right?) Are you able to straddle that divide? Do Israelis read your writing?
HW: I actually tried writing in Hebrew and set that as a goal, but the market forces, and the whole issue of literary language made it too hard. I'm a freelance writer and I need to make a living, so financially it was too hard.
JF: Do you write privately in Hebrew?
HW: I do expository writing sometimes. There was a period some thirty years ago when I made an effort to become a Hebrew writer, but again, it required more time and effort than I had, at a time when larger markets were presenting themselves.
JF: You translated Yuval Noah Harari. Did you do his latest book?
HW: He actually translated it himself -- his English is very good -- but he asked me to edit it.
JF: And David Grossman.
HW: Some years ago I translated his two non-fiction books. I haven't worked with him for a while.
JF: So, slightly related to David Grossman, I want to talk about politics a bit...In addition to your writing, you keep up a blog with Gershom Gorenberg on "Israel, Judaism, Culture, Politics, and Literature", and you've worked as a journalist. How important are political issues in your writing? Are they relevant?
HW: Of course. We started it as a real blog, writing every day. We hoped to find some sort of angel who'd provide the money to enable to keep updating it every day. That didn't work out, and both of us are freelancers, so it's just become a hobby.
JF: I don't think anyone makes money off blogging these days!
HW: Or if they do, they write faster than us...But yeah, the fiction often touches on social and political issues. I don't think fiction needs to be polemical, but it can often point out a paradox, or show that something, which maybe seems like a clear value, is more complicated, or show the many-sidedness of a situation. Often when I sit down to write my monthly story I look into my gut and see what's bothering me. Sometimes it's personal but sometimes it's a public issue.
JF: Often you can hide the political ramifications in the subtext; on the surface, it's totally personal...
HW: Yeah. For example in the book, there's a story called ‘Sin Offering’ which is about soldiers apprehending refugees on the Egyptian border, which is one of the issues that still bothers me very greatly. It's personal because my daughter served there with Caracal, and she told me some stories. And that came together with a sugya from the Talmud that I was studying at the same time, which became a template for the story, and used the content of what my daughter told me. It made for this really surreal atmosphere.
JF: So does your observance, your Torah study, often figure in your creative process?
HW: I'll often use a template from the Bible or the Talmud. It throws out a story or a set of characters, or a paradox I want to explore. But not always. I'm not being polemical. Often those things come together in an intuitive way.
JF: Finally -- and this is a little loaded, you don't have to answer if you don't like -- do you think Israel is becoming a less hospitable place to artists and writers who question its consensus, its sacred cows? It seems like there's some hostility towards that on the part of the government, and a lot of the people.
HW: I think there's an effort, but we have a very vibrant literary community and political discourse, so I don't think that right now it's an issue. Lots of writers, our best writers, are always questioning assumptions and opposing government actions. Grossman is obviously one example. Most of the country's major writers are actually doing that, so I don't see that as a problem for writers now. But we do worry about the government's efforts to restrict discussion and take control of the media, things that right now are threats, not things that have actually happened.
JF: So back to our event...you're currently promoting your collection 'Necessary Stories', and you'll be reading from it on Wednesday.
HW: It'll actually be a performance. I started out my writing career as a playwright, in college, so when I began writing prose, I still tend to always see my characters on stage. Then a friend of mine, a high quality amateur actress, came up to me early last year and said with regard to one of my stories, this really needs to be performed as a piece of theatre. I said that's really interesting because that's how I thought of it when I wrote it. So with her encouragement we brought in another actress and we put together a show last year with some of the stories, and it was very successful. Now this is an entirely new edition called Through Woman's Eyes which is a new set of stories, three stories that are told through female narrators. It's a lot of fun to see the stories on stage.
JF: Looking forward to seeing it
HW: Thanks!
This interview was conducted in preparation for the Jerusalism event, Necessary Stories: a performance, hosted at the Barbur Gallery, on Wednesday January 24th.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/how-roger-ailes-and-fox-news-changed-the-world/
How Roger Ailes and Fox News changed the world
To some quantity, all of us live in the world News that Roger Ailes bequeathed us whilst he died in Palm Beach, Florida, on Thursday, bleeding onto his mind after a fall.
It is a world of shiny color and actuality of view, of countless risk and hyper-vigilance. The world wherein true and evil is delineated by using presenters with lustrous hair and wonderful teeth and wherein lubricated catheters, gold cash and reverse mortgages are hawked via lively retirees.
Ailes, as an awful lot of any other unmarried man or woman
No longer simplest created the political environment that allowed Donald Trump to emerge as president, however an information and political model that has swept the western international, such as Australia.
Ailes turned into the writer of Fox News, the tough right cable news channel that got here to dominate American politics and that made Rupert Murdoch one of the maximum effective guys on earth.
Last 12 months, as Murdoch started the painful procedure of passing manage of his empire to the following technology, his sons Lachlan and James compelled Ailes to renounce due to an unpleasant sexual harassment scandal. This 12 months they sacked Ailes’s largest star, Bill O’Reilly for the equal cause. A Washington Post columnist tweeted that to mark Ailes’s death “Skirts at Fox might be reduced to half of-mast.”
Ailes became loathed as a whole lot as he turned into love, but no longer even his most trenchant critics ever doubted his genius for the medium he formed.
Ailes learned politics as a younger guy as a media representative to Richard Nixon and went directly to recommend Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush.
Murdoch employed him to release Fox News in 1996 and it without delay prominent itself with its shiny hues and clarity of vision. It did not begin to surge in scores until the September 11 assaults (while it has become the first information outlet to consist of a ticker across the bottom of the screen) and the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Drenched in muscular patriotism it became to grow to be the maximum profitable arm of Murdoch’s worldwide empire.
Roger Clemens Workout
Roger Clemens exercising has executed legendary fame. Not most effective have Roger Clemens controlled to live in shape and in shape for over 15 years, he also has stayed harm unfastened for the most part. See it wasn’t long ago that he turned into skinny and small and regardless of the drug problems surrounding his training, there is nonetheless lots that we are able to analyze from Roger Clemens exercising.
Most people have visible the clips performed again and again of Roger and his teacher appearing crunches, smith machine squats, and agility drills but I guess that there has been a lot greater involved than simply the ones few movements. I’d be inclined to be that Roger Clemens workout targeted on some principles inclusive of the rotator cuff and shoulder health, upper body power and lower body explosive power and agility. So what would possibly Roger have completed?
Well for starters he could greater than probably have squatted or lifeless lifted quite often due to the fact that the one’s movements are absolutely the satisfactory for growing lower frame explosive power. Any pitcher could be smart to pick one of those lifts and teach at least twice in step with the week on the way to enhance those regions. They simply have to be the base of any lower body software. You can lunge and do unmarried leg movements all that you need however without a squat or a dead carry your decrease body training goes to be lagging at the back of others.
The Roger Clemens exercise also ought to consist of a few heavy upper frame movement.
Too many human beings suppose that pitching is all about decrease body power and that is incorrect. While the decrease body is crucial without each top frame strength and versatility then you’re done. Pitching comes down to shoulder fitness so if Roger performed a unique lower frame exercise then tried to throw together with his legs the ball could have gotten hit out of the park every time.
His top body ordinary ought to of consisted of each chest urgent and cable urgent and chopping actions. This way he can paintings in each an electricity and functional manner. Having him rely upon one or the alternative does wouldn’t always get him stronger sufficient. Another essential thing inside the Roger Clemons exercise is rotator cuff health. He needs to of warmed up with numerous shoulder outside rotation movements and mid back strengthening sports like rows and single arm rows.
There ought to have additionally been a good buy of a shoulder, higher percent, neck and again stretching involved as nicely. Pitching the manner Roger did could surely have tightened those regions up as a way to maintain him healthful all of these additives need to have been part of the Roger Clemons exercise.
Summer Fuel Prices: The Latest News
What to anticipate this summer season – will gas fees move up?
Spring is almost right here, but anyone is looking forward to what will occur this summer time in phrases of gas charges. Projections from experts abound on what to expect when it comes to car gasoline costs, with much of the effect relying on the course of the new Trump management as it relates to market dynamics. Here is an outlook from Alan Levine and Brian Milne on crude, gas, diesel (heating oil), propane and natural gas as pronounced by using Fuel Marketer News (FMN).
This is one area wherein there’s lots of delivering but weak demand. At the second maximum on record, there is already too much gasoline flooding the marketplace. In reality, retail costs are better by 50 cents now than the equal time remaining year. The summer should inject a bit of a lift into the economy, as employment is at the upward push with extra task profits occurring.
Also, thanks to the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards, mileage enhancements are keeping excessive demand at bay. In Mexico, fuel exports are on the rise, as their demand grows because of a more potent economic system. Gasoline charges are predicted to remain stable for the summer time when an increase is possible to occur. The average price of $2.39/gal in 2017 is anticipated.
Propane should lead exports, as it’s a totally strong product in the interim. If you are going to buy propane, now could be the time to do not forget. Its fee is seeking to be 10 to twelve cents inexpensive in 12 months, as it emerges as an opportunity fuel in industries like road creation and landscape work.
At among $50 and $55 in keeping with the barrel, for the time being, crude is experiencing an abundant deliver no longer simplest inside the United States but at some stage in the arena too. Many elements may stabilize crude expenses within the coming months, especially OPEC’s current production cuts which might be currently propping expenses up.
Also at the upward push are claims of excessive levels of compliance by way of distant places producers, especially from Saudi Arabia, which says they would be open to deeper cuts in manufacturing if dishonest increases all over again. As an aside, shale oil technology is an effective shape of fuel 12 months over 12 months, however, it is nevertheless more high-priced than conventional oil.
Natural Gas
Natural fuel is growing in demand, outpacing deliver in Dec. 2016 for the first time inside the U.S. Mild weather this iciness is guilty, as is the impact of LNG exports on charges and call for of herbal gasoline. The new trade coverage of the Trump management may also keep guiding this.
Also known as a commercial gas, diesel has been strong with high demand for distillates. The best place where this isn’t authentic is with No. 2 heating oil. Again, hotter-than-ordinary January and February temperatures are responsible. Distillate consumption became at the 1/3-lowest level inside the last 15 years.
If you have more questions about what gas fees will seem like this summer and all 12 months round, touch Taylor Oil name today or go to Fuel Marketer News (FMN)
Taylor Oil Company keeps America transferring. The most useful issue of on-website online fueling services to construction crews, contractors, boats and marinas along the East Coast and past, Taylor Oil offers the very best exceptional fuel, diesel fuel and other petroleum merchandise 24 hours and afternoon, seven days every week. Our gadget is synchronized in your agenda, assuring your potential to maintain machinery running and projects profitable.
World Championship Rings
World Series jewelry is awards given to every participant in Major League baseball who has received the World Series. Started inside the 1922 World Series when jewelry was given to the participants of the triumphing team, the New York Giants, courtesy agencies like Tiffany& Co or Balfour, they have grown in stature and length. They flaunt the group’s brand in treasured stones like diamonds and rubies and are set in 14 karats white gold. Teams buying their very own individuals have a system of the type with the grandest jewelry for their top games and watered down versions for players decrease down the rank and group employees. While the first jewelry had multiple diamonds, the modern-day version has over two hundred diamonds!
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