#i actually enjoyed coming up with kerstes' singing talent
20, 21, 29 and 32 (Some OC questions)?
Yay, answering in less than a week! Jokes aside, thank you!
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
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One of my side characters from Silver Claw crew (hey, haven't mentioned them in a long while), Rykeer, casually plays an instrument (something like a seven-string hallikset that was in Fallen Order, or a xantha) and sings. Not professionally, but he took enough lessons to be able to perform for himself and sometimes in public places, his workshop, and later in Lorri's cantina. Mostly he plays and sings popular or folk songs.
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When it came to class characters, I had a struggle figuring out who would be singing more than just in refresher or at karaoke. And then my brain decides that Kerstes would. Her parents noticed her love for singing and decided that this shouldn't be wasted (definitely not inspired by Jadus and his daughter), at least until she would be sent to Korriban for final Sith trials. And so Kerstes was a singer in a choir, sometimes getting solo parts. She would often perform traditional Sith music, orchestral music, and participate in musicals. The voice actress for female sith warrior is perfect for Kerstes, so if there are any clips of her singing (I didn't find them, but I probably didn't search good enough), that what Kerstes' singing would sound like.
Because she was forced to sing by parents, she hated it, so for quite at some point she quit. But, as I say, "once a musician, always a musician", so after the trials on Korriban Kerstes starts singing again (mostly songs that she already knew, or some traditional songs of twi'leks, which Vette was very excited about). She wouldn't be able to do that a lot bc life as Darth Baras' apprentice doesn't have time for this, but she would still love every moment of it. Unfortunately (since I'm very nice to my characters), she won't be able to follow this newfound passion for long - after Draahg's attempt to kill her on Quesh, her throat was badly damaged, including vocal cords, which meant Kerstes wouldn't be able to sing again. The inability to bond and express emotions through music pained her, but also deepened her hatred towards Draahg and Baras (which she used against them).
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Also, while I was looking for screenshots for this post, found this one (this is on Belsavis orbital station, when Draahg tries to kill the main character again). "I'll tear that lie from your throat!" - man, this line hits different now.
21. Your most artistic OC
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A little confused by the semantics, so if we go with "the best artist", then it's Alaine (trooper), one of those characters I never talk about bc my brain tends to push her to the sidelines. She went to art school in childhood and teenage years, and continued to improve her skills after graduation. After singing up for military service, duty always has to come first, but in her free time Alaine enjoys painting. In fact, sometimes she uses art as a form of activism - she witnesses a lot of things in her line of work that she thinks the public should know about, so art becomes a statement, an instrument of getting public's attention about certain problems. And, of course, there is a lot of joke-y and cute drawings with the Havoc Squad.
If it means "most expressive and creative in their activity", then there is a bunch of my characters (Rykeer, Kerstes and Alaine included), and I don't exactly have the energy to mention them all, so I'll go with one.
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Iressa is quite creative - after all, lightsaber duels can be a form of art. She'll study her opponent during a duel, calculate a way to defeat them, and she'll add probably unnecessary moves to make it look more like a deadly dance while still being efficient (she's not above some flexing). Also wood carving, she goes creative with it as well.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
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Auletta for sure - she likes exploring, and doing it alone reduces the chance of someone else peaking into her plans.
Colishan (DS!consular - another character I never talk about, but that's bc he's hella difficult to figure out) - especially if it's a building that the Jedi would advise avoiding. He's constantly exploring and learning, but doesn't like other Jedi knowing about it bc they've nagged him about it a lot.
There are probably other characters, but I'm a bit lazy, so for now that's it (plus don't want to take more time to answer).
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Honestly, I don't know enough about horror games (and I'm a bit tired), so I'll have to skip this one, sorry!
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