#but thank you again :)
antiendovents · 6 months
I’ll grovel at your feet for you and call you a god and make sure that you have the best birthday ever
You’re fucking PERFECT
It’s me the supply anon. I want to be known lmao
aah!! Yippe!! Hello!! Thank you!! ^_^ I'm gonna buy so many things with my birthday money!!! Thank you again! And hello again! :33
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basketobread · 10 months
How's the new playthrough going? (Love your art btw it makes me explode)
IT... HAS NOT BEEN GOING DIFUHFDSIU i still havent left the ravaged beach and shadowheart is still lying on the floor </3
i really need to start properly playing but ive been in such a huge drawing mood lately that it's hard to balance both of these at once 😭💔
ALSO THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!! you are gonna make ME explode anon!!! youre so sweet!!! ❤❤❤
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shadow0-1 · 7 months
Every time I see your works, I always think to myself, 'This person is an amazing and wonderful artist'. Truth be told, I can't beat that at all.
But I feel bad for artists who had their works reposted and the artists not getting any credit at all. I've been keeping an eye out and reporting people who never gave credit and just flat out claim the art as their own.
Every time, every day, I come by your blog and I'm always wondering what you're creating, even if you're taking time off to tale a break.
Keep it up and I love your art! ❤️🎨
Oh my god?? This is so sweet, thank you so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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pynkhues · 2 months
I've been obsessed with "to your beacon in the gloom" (definitely one of the five most beautiful, hottest, vivid, and psychologically acute fics I've ever read), and I am a truly insane amount of happy that you're writing a fic where they have the magnus discussion and apparently do lots of other things, I truly cannot wait--I want more of Louis and Lestat from you, always. But I also wanted to say how amazing Hold Me Close and Hold Me Fast is. You're genuinely an incredible writer, you're one of those writers where I feel like, this prose is as fantastic and insightful and vivid as a lot of acclaimed novels I read. This fic is so creative and sure-handed, the way you move back and forth through different versions of Lestat in Louis' imagination -- it's just such a high level of skill, I'm in awe. And then how devastating it is to read the way you capture Louis' love for Lestat, his lust for him and the ache for his beauty, and above all his desperation to be close to him and these futile efforts to dig deeper and find out more about the person he loves so much, when that's impossible now. This passage particularly gutted me: 
“What did Magnus do to you?”
It’s instant, the way all impishness vanishes from Lestat’s face, and he’s not wounded like he was before, but his eyes are glassy, his mouth a little open, like he has to leave it that way to remember how to breathe.
“What do you think he did to me?”
And Louis remembers that night when he told them the little details, the scraps of something bigger. Remembers the room and the dead boys just like him and the tower and the week in the maw of a monster, and there are too many gaps and Louis needs to know every way Magnus ever touched him almost as much as he needs to never, ever know.
In front of him, Lestat’s hand trembles, as he raises a hand, touches his lips, but - - Lestat didn’t tremble, not like that, and it’s quick, the picture. Claudia, touching her lipstick up in the mirror, her hand shaking.
I'm so glad you're writing about Lestat and Louis dealing with Magnus. I need that. This passage is just unbearably wrenching, and "Louis needs to know every way Magnus ever touched him almost as much as he needs to never, ever know" captures something so visceral about dealing with this kind of pain and trauma. And connecting the Lestat-hallucination's trembling hand to Claudia (which was such a devastating moment in the show)...brilliant. 
Anon! This is such a beautiful ask to receive, thank you. I feel like that first fic in a new fandom is always so tricky, because in so many ways you're learning how to write the characters, and I was probably a bit ambitious with that one given the place Louis and Lestat are, so to know that you liked it so much is just - - yes, a bit magic. Thank you again.
And yeah! It's been interesting to try and get into both their heads for a conversation about Magnus given the way information about Lestat's past has typically had to be provoked out of him in the show - particularly Paul and Lestat's confrontation about Lestat's relationship with God and his father in the pilot and, of course, the in-show conversation about Magnus only being had as a part of the deal to move back home. I'm hoping it'll feel built to in a way that's pretty authentic in the fic and not something just plunged into (I finished editing the first scene last night, and I'm a little worried it's a bit long and people are going to be like 'what?' haha, as it's Louis at a gallery and doesn't involve Lestat at all, but I hope it feels it feeds into everything that happens afterwards). We'll see though!
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aphblr-shipfessions · 9 months
sort of not a confession but ngl this is the only aphblr confession account i actually like
aw tysm!! I quite like the other accounts though (aside from the Aarmau asks, they scare me) I find it interesting to see what people are willing to say when they know it can’t be tied back to them. Plus they seem like nice people 0u0
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cyberllfe · 1 year
Hi. I'm the ghost that likes to read your stuff. I just read Made For Me, and it was quite the fun ride. I unfortunately cannot leave you a quality review, as I am no wordsmith, but you did inspire me to dust off this fic I was working on:
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Like I said, writing isn't my forte. In theory, I can discern what divides quality smut from an attempt that has room for growth. In practice it's a bit harder to demonstrate (laughs). My writing reeks of amateur, but just maybe, you can have an iota of fun like I did reading your stuff.
ashdksuds YELLING
thank you!! I’m so pleased you enjoyed tailor nines, but not only that, you brought me a SNIPPET? you have my curiosity and my attention. I LOVE the vibe of this. The tension! The immediacy! His commanding presence 😏 sounds to me like someone’s caused a little trouble and is about to find out the consequences ✨
thank you, again, bc it’s lovely to receive this sort of thing. it always means a lot to have a work enjoyed, but to inspire another writer is even better. no such thing as too many filthy hot fics 😌
just one thing: I think you’re selling yourself pretty short, honestly. being an amateur isn’t the same as being a Bad Writer™, and besides “good” writing is so subjective (especially within fandom) that it’s not the most useful label. I think what we as part of a fandom look for is the heart you find in fic, and that comes from an author pouring part of themselves into it in a way you don’t always get with the source material. write what you want, what you enjoy, and it’ll reach other people who’ll enjoy it too.
you should count me among them 👀
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Going absolutely feral reading your blog. I love it.
thank you so much <33 messages like this mean the world to me
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frances-limon07 · 1 year
Pink and TOSE
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Thank you 😊
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
Hi Didi! I just now realized I wasn't following you somehow? Anyway bless you for your Alfred content, you probably see me in your activity tracker all the time lol. I watched The Lodger a few nights ago because of your Chandler content! Anyway thanks for being you and also making me laugh with your tags, sometimes they mirror what I'm thinking about Alfred myself! I know I saw it somewhere but I forgot where I saw it, what's your Ao3 name? Im wondering if I've read all your fic yet!
Hello! Nice to meet you! 😄
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I have seen you in my activity tracker a couple of times. 😁 Welcome to my little piece of heaven (where simping for sexy, dorky, old men ain't easy)! 😏
Thanks for reaching out! I love meeting new people who love the same old men I love! Honestly, this is the best Fandom I've been a part of in my many years of being on Tumblr. Everyone is so nice and accommodating. I love that!
And I really appreciate your kind words.☺️ I still think I'm much funnier than I actually am. 🤣 (I suffer from terminal main-character syndrome due to being raised by the TV). But I'm glad you like my tags...happy they give you something to laugh at.
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Lastly, to answer your question, my name on AO3 is AriesJones. I have a masterlist pinned to this blog too, if that makes it easier for you to navigate. 😉
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damn-daemon · 2 years
No THANK YOU for the giveaway! ❤️❤️❤️
Aw you're welcome!
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commissionsdarian · 2 years
That's definitely something to come back online to? People thinking I'm dead, and a copypasta in my asks from a Norman Osborn telling me I'm beautiful? Great way to start the day, though
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ginnyw-potter · 2 months
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Feel free to use, or message me for more banners
yes, I'm self-aware thank you
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to00fu · 1 month
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radiation · 7 months
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canisalbus · 4 months
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✦ Freshly ordained ✦
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alisdairvalentine · 3 months
Honey- Honey, are you alright over here? Like- are you okay? I know you said you're just fuming over a piece of shit, but I still felt like checking up on you. Also, take this as a reminder to take care of yourself, Honey <3
Im not right now, but im sure ill calm down with time. Thanks for caring about me, it really means a lot 🫶
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