#i aint conplaining tho
i-have-one-braincell · 5 months
If I were to write that ABO story with alpha buffem!Peter, I would make her unable to differentiate omegas from betas/alphas since she would have a set idea on what an omega is – bloodthirsty, ruthless, violent and merciless – due to past experiences with them (three times the pattern, and she has met more than three omegas like this). At first, she thought Harry was an alpha (Norman's expectation) but it wasn't until months later that she is corrected.
Penny: You're an omega???
Harry: Surprised?
Penny: Well, yeah. You don't act like an omega.
Harry, irked: And what's an omega supposed to act like?
Penny, oblivious: Certainly not how you act. You're nice, kind and funny. You make me want to spend time with you. I honestly thought you were an alpha.
Harry, confused but touched: You just described an omega.
Penny, confused: I can assure you, I did not.
She gets buff after the spiderbite, but she already had some muscles because of all escapades she has had growing up. She quite likes the freaky tongue (great party trick), deadly claws (good for fighting and climbing) and her alpha fangs have gotten big enough to be a problem when revealed – she can’t properly close her mouth nor talk – but manages to grow into them somewhat – has a lisp and still can't close her mouth entirely but has figured out how to bring them back in so that there's an illusion that they fit.
LMAOOO I love the idea of fem!Peter seeing omegas as the opposite of how they’re usually portrayed😭😭
Would her fangs pop out during heat/rut? Like imagine them just popping up and crawling on infested walls covered in webbing and just being overall freaky and nightmare fuel💀💀
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