#the horrific kind of freaky
i-have-one-braincell · 5 months
If I were to write that ABO story with alpha buffem!Peter, I would make her unable to differentiate omegas from betas/alphas since she would have a set idea on what an omega is – bloodthirsty, ruthless, violent and merciless – due to past experiences with them (three times the pattern, and she has met more than three omegas like this). At first, she thought Harry was an alpha (Norman's expectation) but it wasn't until months later that she is corrected.
Penny: You're an omega???
Harry: Surprised?
Penny: Well, yeah. You don't act like an omega.
Harry, irked: And what's an omega supposed to act like?
Penny, oblivious: Certainly not how you act. You're nice, kind and funny. You make me want to spend time with you. I honestly thought you were an alpha.
Harry, confused but touched: You just described an omega.
Penny, confused: I can assure you, I did not.
She gets buff after the spiderbite, but she already had some muscles because of all escapades she has had growing up. She quite likes the freaky tongue (great party trick), deadly claws (good for fighting and climbing) and her alpha fangs have gotten big enough to be a problem when revealed – she can’t properly close her mouth nor talk – but manages to grow into them somewhat – has a lisp and still can't close her mouth entirely but has figured out how to bring them back in so that there's an illusion that they fit.
LMAOOO I love the idea of fem!Peter seeing omegas as the opposite of how they’re usually portrayed😭😭
Would her fangs pop out during heat/rut? Like imagine them just popping up and crawling on infested walls covered in webbing and just being overall freaky and nightmare fuel💀💀
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catb-sh · 13 days
𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Sah this 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 Sah that when will we get other 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 elders. open your minds people
I'm literally always saying this
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prince-liest · 4 months
i think it’d be super cute and funny if angel signed alastor up for some pole dancings lessons and alastor ACTUALLY went JFJDJDJD
HAH - I can actually imagine that if the current hotel residents got to make any customizations to their rooms during the rebuild of the hotel, that Angel Dust would 100% be the kind of person to just have a pole installed in his room for practice and working out.
I feel like if they got tipsy and competitive enough (because Alastor would definitely out-dance Angel when it comes to his preferred forms of dance), Alastor would end up dragged upstairs to Angel's room for Angel to prove to him that he can dance, actually, thank you very much!! Could someone that can't dance do THIS?!
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If he ends up shoving a drunk Alastor at the pole at any point, I'm 100% imagining Alastor as the type of person who is not even remotely flexible enough for the kind of coordination pole requires, but that also has enough freaky demonic super strength and also the ability to, like, break his own bones and do things like rotate his head 180 degrees or tilt it sideways at a right angle, and so just brute forces his way through any of the beginner moves that Angel shows him in the most horrific, uncanny way possible.
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sardonicdoll · 9 months
able-bodied artists (or artists who don't have the relevant disabilities even if they are physically disabled in some way) really need to start checking themselves because i have seen more than enough ableist garbage on my TL recently. i don't get any traction on twitter though so i'm posting this here instead.
1. i'm not giving my thoughts on "AI art" because i do not have the patience and energy but bringing up physically disabled artists with limb differences, motor impairments, etc. (the ones that able-bodied people put on a pedestal because inspiration porn, anyway) as a gotcha is just as bad as the "AI art" bros you're arguing with who aren't disabled themselves (or disabled in these ways) but also tokenize these forms of disability. we're not ammunition in online discourse, i bet 10-1 that you people never uplift and empower and give a platform to disabled artists w/ limb differences/motor impairments/etc. in your online art spaces otherwise, and any logic that amounts to "this disabled person can do [x] so you're just not trying hard enough/what's your excuse?" is always always ALWAYS ableist no matter how you try to spin it, sorry.
if you don't have these conditions and consider yourself an ally to us then you do not have any business speaking with any kind of authority in conversations involving limb differences, motor impairments, etc. and art-making, or bringing artists with these conditions up when people are talking art-making and accessibility. full-stop. speaking from experience, being an artist with coordination and motor skill impairments when i'm surrounded by artists who aren't hindered by those things (even if physically disabled) really takes a mental toll on you and being all "oh this guy learned to draw with his teeth, so" does not help that whatsoever.
2. speaking as a horror artist/author - critically examine what you consider monstrous or horrific and the overlap between that and visible physical disability. not only have i had the above nonsense shoved in my face but then semi-popular art account posted a few photos (from online assumedly) that they called "monster eyes" when one of those images was leukocoria and another looked something like tonic pupil and/or coloboma (the pupil looked atypically large and out of place.) structrual eye conditions that cause visible differences aren't "monstrous." one of the images had crystals growing out of the eye, which, yeah! do more with that. but consider that images of "freaky" eyes you find on the internet are in fact eye conditions that real people have and what you're doing is associating how their bodies look with "monstrosity."
people have talked about this quite a bit with limb differences, bodily proportions, gait differences, motor impairments, etc. but i've never seen it talked about nearly as much with eye conditions. stop associating aspects of visible bodily differences with horror and monstrosity. even if it's unintentional that's purely due to your ignorance of the wealth of conditions that cause disability. exploration of disability and bodily difference within the context of horror and monstrosity can and honestly should be explored but that should be left to to those of us who actually understand what that is like rather than those who only have an outside perspective.
generally i'm very tired of able-bodied artists and then any physically disabled ones who lack respect for those of different experience to their situation.
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markeronacomputer · 4 months
Body Horror and Transformation Writing Prompt List For All You Freaks-But-Not-Sexual-Freaks
As a certified body horror fan, I wholeheartedly believe that there’s a horrific lack of body horror/transformation-but-not-in-a-kinky-way fics on AO3, so I made this to set things straight.
We got all kinds of possibilities: body horror for all you horrible freaks out there, and simple non-painful or disgusting transformations for all you significantly less freaky weirdos out there!
You can choose which to write by yourself if you’d like or maybe just use a random number generator.
Reblogs are much appreciated, and inspired fics even more! (I can’t promise that I’ll know anything about whatever fandom you decide to write for obviously but I’ll likely give it a shot as long as it was made using this list (and isn’t smut))
Body Horror Prompts
Wingfic (The good, old-fashioned, non-kinky transformation fic tag.)
Gothic (Werewolf, vampire, etc… you get the drill.)
Animal (Another good old-fashioned classic.)
Cyborg/Robot (Not as fleshy as the others but it is body horror still.)
Fantasy (This one’s pretty good because “fantasy” is actually just a really big umbrella term for absolutely anything as long as it’s not an animal that exists. “Fantasy” ain’t just dragons and unicorns.)
Alien/Eldritch Anatomy (Let’s say your character got abducted by aliens while they were asleep last night and they’ve come out all fucked up. Like that.)
Mutilated by a crazy person Human Centipede-style (Of course, though, this could result in a number of things. Please don’t make me read your own retelling of Human Centipede.)
Really fucked disease (This is fun because if it’s contagious it means potentially more than one character could be affected.
Mutilated by power (You know that one scene from Akira? Yeah, that. A character gets exposed to more weird magic than their body can handle and it starts to change them. Like how the Fantastic Four got their powers, depending on the adaptation.)
Transformation into species from one of your other fandoms (PLEASE someone make it Pokemon, the body horror potential there is impeccable)
Angelic/Demonic transformation (Which one is up to you… or maybe just flip a coin.)
AMOGUS (or something similar like changelings or such. Excuse me, I just left this here because I was out of ideas.)
Body Horror extra flavour spices for you to add if bored:
Mass Transformation (The same except whatever the prompt is happens to more characters than just one or two.)
Partial Transformation (They transform except not much.)
Slow Transformation (In case you feel like writing something a bit longer.)
Voluntary (Voluntary body horror sounds like something really fun, honestly.)
Involuntary but temporary (Like a werewolf, y’know?)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
Transformation (aka the same thing but with no body horror) Prompts
Animal (like the above but instantaneous/oblivious/painless.)
Body Swap (Very fun, especially when different species are added to the mix.)
Gender Swap (If you’d like an idea of a nice twist to add to this, I’d suggest swapping sexual preference as well as gender. Straight men are still straight as women, and gay men are now lesbians. Very fun if only a select few characters have been affected.)
Ghost (May lean into body horror slightly depending on the method of death. Speaking of which, I’m a big fan of when ghosts get unique appearances/powers depending on the method of death, so maybe you could add that to spice it up?)
Trapped in a computer/other kind of machine (I think I read a creepypasta about this once. It was really fun.)
Reincarnated as a Different Species (That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime, So I’m A Spider So What?… I think there was this one anime where the main character got reincarnated as a vending machine. That’s how versatile this prompt is.)
Isekai into Another Fandom (Overlaps with the above heavily, but more specific.)
Video Game Logic World (You know the Jumanji sequels? That.)
Emergency Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmergencyTransformation)
Karmic Transformation (Like the TvTrope: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmicTransformation)
Two+ Characters, One Body (I REALLY love this trope because that baby can fit so many shenanigans in depending on how it’s taken.)
Empathic Transformation (This wasn’t worded really well but basically what if a character is transformed into what they see themselves as/transformed by another character into what the transformer sees them as. This could also cross over into body horror depending on how you take it.)
Transformation Extra Flavour Spices For If You’re Bored:
Mass Transformation (self-explanatory)
Involuntary but temporary (Again, like a werewolf)
Partial Transformation (Of course, this only works with about half of the listed prompts but it’s still good.)
Roll more than once (Self-explanatory.)
Roll again on the opposite table
And that’s all! I’ll try my best to read anything you guys may make with this list (that’s not smut, kinky or a retelling of Human Centipede) so go out and spread the word! (oh god people are definitely going to accuse this of being my fetish aren’t they)
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royalblanket · 5 months
oh no its daddy
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some au ramblings under the cut ig since this design was the foundation to my entire kingdom story
so sir dadadoo was originally designed by the kindergarten to be a baronet, hence the sir, but while the employees were still brainstorming a design for the king the queen ended up falling for him. less work for them so whatever, they didnt care and went along with dadadoo wanting more heart-themed things in his wardrobe to match his gf. in turn she probably has diamonds on her aswell since i decided to to give them a couple themed things around the kingdom and them, so dadadoo is a deep blue purple while bouncelia is a pink and scarlet purple, shes hearts and hes diamonds, and i might make him lilies while shes roses or something
the underground kingdom really was like a full on kingdom, with plenty of mascots just for that section alone, and since all the mascots ended up being fully sentient, this ended up in them essentially creating an actual government, a small country of clay mutants laying beneath what appeared to be a small one-story kindergarten. and the higher-ups of said kindergarten werent even sure whether or not to keep the damn things, because sure, they spent a lot of money playing god and bringing beings to life with potentially illegal chemicals only they know about, but also, that freaky (but well dressed) leech seems to be planning a rebellion against us for our crimes against humanity and horrific torturous experiments against innocent creatures, brought to life in a painful existence that was never intended to be
but the scientists had already seen bouncelias pouches capabilities to hold measures far larger than it appears, and even the ability to keep in what wanted out. bouncelia was on board with the plan just like dadadoo, but she was easier to threaten. and the moment dadadoo wasnt looking they did so, telling her to either lock up her partner and children or have them and her killed, along with anyone else in the kingdom that was on board with it
she and her subjects just had to be silent about any such rebellion from now on, and to ignore the absence of what was once a prominent figure within their hierarchy. it was unlikely theyd bother with a king after all the uncooperative subjects, and chances were slim the kingdom could be moved upstairs no matter if the remaining mascots played nice or not. but whatever, corporate can just deal with it after bring a friend day and nothing will go wrong between now and then.
when the crash happened, everyone in the kingdom either snapped and attacked everyone around them, or was chased off by the former. the jester had been going downhill for ages now, and had to be sent off by queen herself for thoughts of treason. and then some lady comes in from the surface and is suddenly faced with a bunch of royal drama shes not involved in at all
i kinda want to make the contrast more blatant in the au, like yes deep underneath the kindergarten theres some knockoff shakespeare shit going on that this mom is NOT involved with and she knows shes not involved with it and dadadoo doesnt even care but this is one of the things shes got to go through to get her damn kid. whatever dilf leech its another tuesday ig
bouncelia and dadadoos relationship kinda zigzags, as theyre very close up until she has to lock him away (which is either a stasis or a vague eternity where he has lots of time to simmer and brew in angst, jurys still out on which is cooler/more plot relevant) and then bouncelia spends a lot of time without him, during which she kind of drifts away from the rebellion and realizes how dangerous it is. but once dadadoo is free again she suddenly has to come to terms with a lot of different emotions, and dadadoo is quite the charmer, he'll have no problem getting his heartbroken ex back on his side -- both because he really does love her, and because shes a direct gateway to power. whether or not the rebellion or kingdom even matters anymore now that everyones dead doesnt matter to dadadoo, hes oblivious to it thanks to his time in the pouch. just an egotistical man fighting over old grudges to become the king he was once betrothed to be
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 11 days
What the hell is going on with those eyes, huh? (A hc359 update)
Confused? Find the Masterpost here, and read the first four installments in the series before this one! In this installment, I try my best to make Grian's life as miserable as possible!
CW: discussions of death, surgery, medical equipment, body horror, mild dehumanisation (accidental(?))
So, despite Cub doing research and experiments on that fun little wall with eyes in the Hermethus' hidden storage, Grian is the only one who actually touched those eyes when he discovered them. He just relayed the fact that it gave her an electric shock to the others so they avoided touching it.
Several weeks have passed since Grian talked to mission command, and those several weeks have been... painful. The crew is being unfriendly and uncooperative, barely keeping the place together as they drift further into deep space. Worst of all, Grian's arm has been hurting like hell, and she just can't figure out why.
Not that she talks to Scar or Cub about it, or asks Mumbo for any medical information or any scans. She is quite content to never talk to them again, actually. They probably all hate her for keeping secrets from them.
And then, one day, Grian wakes up to find small raised bumps across her arm, barely visible but as uncomfortable as ever. It's weird, but he assumes it's some kind of allergic reaction or a side effect of being in space for too long. Something that will go away. But, pressing on the little bumps and feeling the skin of her arm, she notices how solid the raised areas are. Kind of squishy, but solid.
It's not itchy, more like growing pains mixed with pins and needles. And the feeling goes deep, into the muscle and bones. Like something is latching itself into him, taking root.
(That is exactly what's happening, but Grian does not know this, and so she says nothing)
Eventually, the bumps across his arm start to form cracks on the skin, which look like faint scars at first but then become deeper, clear indications of eyelids. These developments happen so fast Grian barely has time to contemplate telling someone. She even hides it from Mumbo's camera-eyes.
Then, the eyes begin to open, and Grian thinks maybe he messed up.
It's not like she can see out of them... most of the time. But it's freaky. And what if more start spawning? What if they are, under the skin where he can't see? Hundreds of eyes growing inside her? She's scared the crew will mutiny, or something, because of the obvious alien infection, but he can't stay quiet now. He has to tell them...
She hides it, still, for a few more days, wrapping her arm with bandages. The fabric feels horrific against the freshly-sprouted eyes, especially because she can't control when they open or close. It makes her nauseous just looking at them. She can only tolerate it for so long.
A crew meeting is called. Grian just rips off the proverbial band-aid all at once and hopes for the best, absolutely terrified that the crew will turn against him even further.
The first reaction is a sort of general shock. But then, surprisingly fast, the crew go straight into Science Mode. Scar is a biologist, Cub has been running experiments on the wall-eyes, Mumbo... well, he's still kind of mad at Grian, actually, but he's also an AI with access to all the knowledge of humanity (sort of) so he starts searching for similar cases in old medical files.
Scar is very curious in a practical kind of way. He asks if the eyes can see, if they're connected to anything, if they have their own nervous systems, etc. Cub really wants to run some tests. and Grian feels more like a specimen than a person at that point, so she agrees and lets Cub take him to the lab. Scar wants to tag along but Cub doesn't let him, telling him to stay put and let them know if the ship starts exploding or anything crazy.
It's... not too long before Cub grabs a scalpel and tries prying one of the eyes out. No warning or anything. Grian screams and slaps him in the face. Serves him right.
They have some painkillers stocked up, so Cub offers those to Grian because he... really wants to do a bit of a vivisection, to be honest. Really wants to get under the skin and see what's happening. He just momentarily forgot that Grian can feel pain. Silly mistake to make, of course.
It takes some convincing, but Grian hesitantly agrees to a short operation. She's still awake during the procedure, though he's drowsy and her arm is numb. There's a little bed surface to lay down on, so she doesn't fall over or anything. Cub is relatively careful, making an incision on the skin and looking inside with a mini camera - taking scans as he does so - before sewing the wound up and moving on to an eye. It will be easier to analyse in isolation, as well as better to see whether it dies or not when separated from Grian's body.
The eye is cut away cleanly, and in an instant Grian is shocked with pain, riveting up her arm like fire. She lashes out with no control, hitting Cub in the side of the head. Something inside her, something that isn't her, screams in pain and anger.
His vision flashes between normal sight and the shattered dozen perspectives of the eyes... including the one so neatly cut from her flesh. In the moment, he feels like he's dying. Life draining away, slowly but still too fast.
Later, he realises the feeling came from the severed eye, as it was dying. But even knowing this, inside her something is broken. Missing. Dead.
Grian relays that she might be, uh, innately connected to the eyes now. He's like 'bad news i think cub killed a part of me' (and Mumbo gets to make a sassy remark about being dead) and thus things are more complicated.
They dont know whether the eyes are malicious, or invasive, or symbiotic. Scar wants to do some research into that. He specialises in animal behavioural phenomenons and is really interested in what kind of relationship the eyes have to Grian- are they like fish or barnacles attaching themselves to sharks? Are they more like parasitic worms? Are they trying to feed on Grian and eat away her body? Trying to become one with her?
This is all really interesting to Scar. I mean, he also wants Grian to be safe, and they need to know whether they should remove the rest of the eyes or not, but... it's a bit of excitement in an otherwise particularly doomed trip.
Overall, Grian feels like her very obvious depressive cycle might be about to get worse, but at least the crew are talking to her. Even if it's just because she's a new thing to experiment on...
Remember when she used to have authority? Yeah, she doesn't really miss it either.
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Trying to work out if it would be funnier for Alastor to do a weird bodyswap with Angel Dust or Vox
On the one hand, vox waking up in an old timey body and accidentally blasting everyone with a dozen stations and on the ither side of town alastor wakes up next to valentino and accidentally blacks out the town, while trying to strangle the moth that touched him...
The CHAOS... can you IMAGINE
"VOX!!!" the door blows off its hinges as all the phones in the room explode.
"Uh, is he... is he announcing himself, or.like what?" Angel whispers to Husk, as charlie freezes mid stride and vaggie whips out a concealed weapon from the nearby coatrack.
The mist horrifically distorted static garbles a statement as a very dishevelled and distressed looking Alastor falls out if a neeby shadow.
"How in the everloving FUCK do you control these fucking shadows you old timey prick?!" The overlord snarls at a vix whose screen is flickering between his face and an array of u pleasantly gorey murder scenes.
"H000w doyou get this damn internet to st##00pp making such a RaCk3t all the time? I have seen far too many portraits of nude sinners whizzing past this last hour alone to last a lifeTiiim3." Glitches the other, furious and maing e lights flicker.
"Well if you ever listened when i told you about it, you anachronistic fucker, you'd know what a spam filter was. And, wait is that... did you fucking kill Valentino?"
"He tr13333d to put his tongue in my mouth fiiiiir5t thing in the mo000rni11ng, how uncouth."
"Yeah, cause he thought it was mine you dick, how could you?! Ugh he's going to be such a fucking pain when he regenerates."
'Vox' is narrowing his eyes at the half coporeal half shadow flicker of Alastor, the dials chittering on and off unevenly. "What. Did. You. Do. To. Me?!" He growls.
"Oh fucking sue me. As if the first thing you did wasnt to check out the competition... and how many decades were you waiting to tell me you had a tail, You smug bastard?! Its fucking adorable!"
"You WHAT?!"
And then lucifer and half th hotel has to drag the pair of badly transformed overlords apart as they try to kill each other. Freaky friday in hell.
Also it could be interesting to see if angel would transfer to another overlord on vals death.
On the other hand, the innuendos. And the banter... of those two would be killer.
"I knew you wanted in my pants, smiles but this is a bit too kinky even for me..."
"speaking of pants, would you mind ceasing your explorations in mine?"
"And miss a golden opportunity to see if that cane was compensatin for somethin'? Heh, you gotta be kiddin' m- YOU GOTTA TAIL?????"
"Why am i feeling like i want to eat you but not in a cannibalistic way?"
"Its called being horny, smiles, and i think it might just kill you if you dont calm down."
"Is there anything that will make it stop so i can think?"
"Im taking your extended silence as deep pondering of the situation. In which you wont offer me a solution for which i will need to kill myself... ergo, you."
"Huh? Oh i uh, got caught up in the thought about how hot itd be to watch that and i kinda blacked out fer a minute. Wait, does thinking about watching my body get off make me a narcissist?"
"Technically no, but i think we need to invent a new kind of sin for whatever you were just thinking right now."
"Ugh, why am i so hungry? I saw you have some pancakes an hour ago..."
"You know i am a cannibal, my envenomed associate, which means that it is not a matter of what i eat... but who. And soon, unless you want to experience bloodlust and perhaps eat someone here, hmm?"
"Wait, ya sayin i just gotta eat some ass and it'll be fine?"
"...i would suggest a meatier part of the sinner, but i supposed the gluteals can be sauteed to something acceptable if that is your preference..."
Angel automatically making flirty statements in alastors body and absentmindedly flirting with husk. The catwould need the stiffest of drinks.
Would the radio filter work or would it flicker in and out? Could he accidentally turn on a naughty radio station and not know how to turn it off?
Could it be stuck on his emotional bandwidth and play songs matching his emotions? Even if hes pretending to be fun and flirty when crumbling inside?
Accidentslly changing into iverlord form and needing to be talked down from the sudden rush, the pain and rage and fear of having Such Power.
Not realising how to use the shadows and falling through some accidentally.
Being caught by vox because he doesnt know how to use the scramble filter properly. Being targeted as an overlord for his power due to perceived weakness.
Oooh, what if he was still i jured post fight with adam and the angelic.light caused the switch somehow, which is immediately discovered by Angel.
Alastor trying to manage the extra height and limbs. Trying to be menacing and succeeding in some ways but not how he intended.
The pig co stantly following him around.
Learning to see through 8 eyes would also be a challenge, and the terrifying sneer smile he wears would come off a little odd onagels lovely face.
Accidentally being unable to let things go until angel tells him how to relax 3nough to, spiderman style.
Would he need to consume substances like angel does, given the dependence?
Discovering angel has venom could be fun. Accidental fun that could go very wrong
Would they try to put their regular attire on or go with the others clothes? Because opening closets in either room could be horrifying.
"Whyve you got a fuckin head in ya dressor?"
"My deer fellow, given the alarming size and shape and indeed angry vibrating some of the items i your own boudouir made as i searched for actual pants, i would hasten to request you cease judging my own rooms. Besides, the majority is in the fridge, so simply avoid looking i there too long and it will all work out in the wash."
"Fine but uh... didja see anythin you liked in my room? Im always happy ta share, smiles..."
"Angel i already died once and several of those items seemed designed to shatter your bones from the inside. So i must decline your courteous offer. You may of course snack on anysinner meat i the fridge as you see fit. But leave the portion of angel wing... rosie and i intend to cook it properly whe this is resolved."he gestures to all of him.
"Pfft, sure okay. But i got a few beginner items that you might like to tr-"
"Not now, thank you."
"S'not a no..." he mumbles, witha lavicious wink that is wildly out of place on alastors face.
He laughs as all 8 of his own eyes roll in exasperation.
Also, to upset angel enough to transform properly into overlord form, alastor looks him dead in the eyes and snaps spaghetti in half. The hotel varely survives the ensuing explosion.
Angel hearing the background radiation of the universe (static) qould be weird and maybe soothing. Also i have wondered if alastor and vox can sense one another given they both work on the same wavelengths, that could make a fun and weird diversion.
It also raises questions on... the contract.
Would alsstors body or consciousness retain his souls and their links?
What about angel? Does his contract remain locked to his body, or would valentino drag the chain to find alastors body on the end to his sadistic delight?
Oooh, what about the secret chains? The one we think is from lillith or eve... do you think angel would notice? Hes worn a chain for a while.
Actually isnt there a poledancing clause in his contract?
This could be a disaster until its fixed.
I have. Many thoughts. And just one little phone to share them on.
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catgirl-catboy · 6 months
I genuinely want to know what the thought process is with all of the antis who gleefully engage with and consume fiction that has all of the hallmark "proship" themes - incest, underage/age gaps, noncon/dubcon, etc - and why they're so happy to consume these things in official media while condemning fan creators for doing the same things. Like, I'm in a fandom where the source material has LOADS of incest. There's a bunch of brothers and the canon material is not in the least bit shy about all the incesty themes and incesty humour. One brother actively hits on his other brothers and offers them sex all the time. Another brother is a weeb/otaku who's favorite character in-universe is a loli. The oldest brother has a freaky BDSM thing going on with the second oldest brother. Oh theres also a shota character with canon shotacon subtext. And so on, and so forth, etc. And yet the fandom for this media with ALL of these very canon official things is FULL of antis. Antis who will go on harassment campaigns on anybody who ships the brothers together (from the series that explicitly shows us that they are very incesty brothers) or anybody who "lewds the shota" (from the series with canon shotacon content)
It boggles my mind. And you see it everywhere, in every fandom. I really want to know what kind of mental gymnastics antis are doing where they can excuse themselves for consuming problematic media but then go and send death threats to anyone else who does the exact same thing.
I'd say I'm worse than reading people than average (I have a disorder about it, actually!) but here is my personal 2 cents.
Antis almost invariably hear proshippers disguised as pedophillic boogeyman, and thus everything we do is framed in that lense to them.
Sad thing is, when you think somebody is a horrible person, evidence is cherrypicked to support your conclusion. (and vice versa, I, along w every human on the planet, am guilty of this)
When I write a horrific dead dove piece about sibling incest, its not because I wanted to see more of the squicky dynamic we got in canon bc of how disgusting it is, but because I want to groom my (non-existent) little sister.
And when I tell them that, they either think I'm lying, or trying to trick my followers into doing that.
Its a solid case of confirmation bias, with a side of a superiority complex of being the only one capable of original thought.
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starrbar · 1 year
Alright, I was encouraged by the smol family of HeroKel shippers on here, so now that I have my ass in order, here's the Headspace Abuse AU I spawned out of some horny energy last month. xD
CONTENT WARNINGS: Physical abuse, neglect, gaslighting(?), spiders, brocon/incest if you choose to see it ;3 Also spoilers for Omori!
If you stumble across this post as someone who despises this kind of content, I sincerely apologize for that. I don't intend to main-tag this, but I'm not 100% positive how tagging works on Tumblr anymore. The Read More should cover that though. Have a nice day!
In one of the playthroughs of Omori I really like, they have this ongoing joke where Kel is just bullied all the time, especially by Hero and Aubrey.  Every time Kel says anything, Hero says stuff like, "Kel, I'm going to BEAT YOU when we get home" or "Ohh Keeeel, I'm getting the BELT!!" and it's just met with Kel screaming, "NOOOO NOT AGAIN PLEASE!" and everyone's laughing about it and stuff.  And man, I'm REALLY not usually into any kind of incest kinks (just personally not my thing), but I'd lowkey be fine with an rp/fic where Hero just abuses Kel all the time and has him basically trained to obey and cower out of fear. x'D
Adding onto that, I also had so much fun with the Basil deaths in Black Space, so now I just imagine like Basil is the Kenny of the group, and he just dies horrible deaths all the time and comes back later, and no one even bats an eye beyond giggling or saying, "Oh wow, he's gonna feel that in the morning, tee hee!"
And then when Basil goes missing, Hero and Aubrey start putting Kel through a lot more shit because even they they don't really notice it, Basil's constant deaths and pained screaming do keep them pretty entertained.
Omori isn't phased by any of it ofc, since he's kiiiind of the one pulling the strings here.
I'm not sure how Mari would respond to everything.  Maybe it would be funny if she just acted like she always does and almost as if the stuff happening is just silly goofy bickering or stubbed toes, and she'll say stuff like, "Awww, don't worry, Basil!  All you have to do for a spider bite is (I don't even know, but like generic advice for a single, non-venonous spider bite)!"  And Basil is just like, "-gross sobbing- O-okay...!" while being devoured alive by a billion spiders or chomped in half by a giant one ahahaha.
Then she'll tell Kel, "Aww, Hero got mad at you?  Well... you did step on his foot after all.  But just apologize and talk it over and I'm sure he'll come around in no time! ^u^" and this is like, what you tell someone if all the angry person did was snap at them or get upset and leave for a bit.  But Hero literally broke a branch off the nearest tree and beat Kel with it until it broke lmao.
It's like... ultra horrific tbh?  But I kind of love soaking in more of that type of freaky shit.  It's almost appealing BECAUSE it's the absolute last thing that should ever be happening??
Kel is an absolute sweetie and deserves the world, Hero is a kind and patient big brother who immediately apologized and improved himself the one time he was ever really mean to Kel, and Aubrey is honestly a very good person despite putting on an edgy face when she got older and trying to push people away.  She's never out to truly hurt anyone.
So it's kinda fun to twist them up in this awful way, especially since the game itself kind of already did most of the work for me and all I did was enjoy that and also take a meme from a video series and run with it.
I mean holy shit, there's legit a whole scene in Black Space where Basil's DW friends all beat him to death and then act like everything is normal and fun. It's CANON, and everything I wrote here is of a similar caliber, just with the invitation to view it as abusive shipping if the reader desires.
Basically I'm roleplaying with myself and enjoying the sadistic story I end up with x'D
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spookberry · 2 years
I'm not sure if there is any lore in MH for this, but what's the difference between being born a ghost and dying to become a ghost? Is it sad for people or is it brushed off? Just been thinkin' 'bout Danny with that.
I mean, much like with Danny Phantom, Monster High is a franchise that plays a lot with death but never really says the words. It's a franchise aimed at kids and tweens they're going to make it all as family friendly and sugar coated as they can. The real angsty backstory stuff is only ever mentioned a time or two in the diaries of more obscure dolls, it's not out on full display most the time.
So we just don't really know any of the backstories behind why the ghosts at MH are ghosts most the time. Spectra's is a known mystery, and the only ghosts I know of who are canonically born a ghost are also potentially only Part, ghost? such as Sirena or Operetta.
My personal headcanon/understanding of how death is perceived within in MH is that death is obvi a sad and often traumatizing experience, but its also something that a LOT of monsters, not just ghosts, have experienced. And pretending the real life reasons for why death is never explored aren't there, and instead leaning into the known lore that Monsters tend to hide or attempt to assimilate into human society... I kind of like the idea that death is just something they don't talk about beyond a surface level.
Some monsters are pro talking about it, of course, but that's just not the pop culture presentation of it. Instead much like how none of Veronica Von Bat's movies accurately portray the experience of being part of the Vampire Court,,, the experience of having died and continuing on in some new undead way isn't really explored beyond a surface level message of "embrace you're freaky flaws!"
And to that I'd extrapolate that born ghosts, like Sirena(if she wasnt half mer), or Operetta do experience a sense of otherness from their undead ghost peers.
There's often a push for this sense of unity at Monster High, regardless of one's monster scaritage, you will be accepted. Howerver outside of Monster High...? That's not really how it works.
In terms of Danny's accident though, I think all of the ghouls would be pretty upset on his behalf. But like,,, Ghoulia, Cleo, or Draculaura they'll sympathize, but its not something to dwell on. They've been there too, ya know? Frankie I think flat out would not understand, almost entirely cuz of their age(extra wouldn't understand cuz all that energy and voltage is what brought them To Life, how that would be painful and traumatizing to Danny just... wouldn't compute for them). Monsters like Clawdeen or Abbey? Ya know ones, that aren't immortal or undead in some way, they would see that as pretty horrific.
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Mothman's Buffy Rewatch, Season 3, episodes 9 and 10, "The Wish" and "Amends"
The Wish
It's nice to see the main three together alone again
"Your logic does not resemble our earth logic"
Cordelia doing weird witchy stuff...
IS THIS THE ANYA INTRODUCTION EPISODE?? I THOUGHT SHE CAME IN LATER? But I can't think of another time Cordelia was doing witchcraft
In my defense my parents didn't let me watch this my first time around
Damn they're bullying Cordelia hard, this is like when the other mean girls turned on Regina
Also poor guy though like he's being used as a cruel joke 😭😭
"The reason you want to talk is so that you can feel better about yourself, and that's not my problem" I love Willow but he's right
Anya and Cordy bonding hell yeah
Willow 🤝 me: constant guilt (except I never cheated on anyone womp womp Willow)
Oof poor Cordy I would literally never get over being tossed in the dumpster but to be fair I have contamination ocd
If you take the Buffy out of Sunnydale everyone would be fucking dead 😭😭
Monthly memorial?
"The Bronze isn't cool in this reality" bro she is not subtle
I just realized Cordelia kind of looks like my grade 12 English teacher
Vampire Xander sjsjdjejsj isn't he also one in those AU comics?
Oz, Giles and another woman team up? OH THERES ANOTHER MAN TOO
I do not like vamp Willow and her clinginess to Xander in this episode
Cordelia is not explaing the alternate reality thing she just expects Giles to figure it out
"So you're a Watcher right? Watch this" LMAO
Oof rip Nancy
What is the puppy. Im afraid
"Bored now" she keeps saying the thing
This isn't going to make me feel bad for Angel I refuse
Ok maybe a little bit but only because Willow is making me very uncomfortable
Xander is freaky as well ok
Giles gets bonked
Oh she's got a nice lip scar
Grumpy less fun Buffy
I don't really have a lot to say about this part besides the fact that it is horrific
Oh my gosh that's so horrifying what the fuck
Xander gets crossbowed
Oz finally kills a vampire!!! Only took an alternate universe
"Your only power lies in wishing" Anya fucking chokes him I'm crying
Buffy has this constant pinned mouth expression this whole episode. She's bitter-er in this reality
Buffy fucking dies what the fuck
I can't believe Cordelia said kill all men
Ok this episode was great but also really hard to watch
Angel with the Irish accent and mustache this is so wrong
Buffy Christmas episode??
Her hair sucks I'm sorry Buffy
Haunted by the spirit of the Irish guy
"I thought you slept outside to avoid your family's drunken fights" "I told you that in confidence" well she thought in confidence that you wouldn't cheat on her so womp womp lmao
Oz and Willow talk it out? Good for them, it's probably healthier than letting it linger
Oz wants her back? I kind of think he deserves better but whatever it's his life I guess
It's sweet that Joyce thinks of inviting Faith but it does make me think of how she kind of treats Faith better than Buffy
Poor Faith :( she's trying to act cool in front of Buffy
Sorry to bother you is crazy
Jenny appeared at the perfect time
He's using the treatment of women at the time to force his victim to not "make a scene" when hes hurting her, absolutely awful
I do feel bad that Jenny can never have the life she wanted but again. It's not Angel's fault he's literally a different guy
Yeah Angelus is so much worse than the average vampire. They've said this in the show, I like that they're showing his victims now
Angel as a person sexually harassed woman. This is not surprising to me
The "Mr. Giles" stocking 🥺
Buffy and Willow are eepy
It's just Buffy and Angel having sex for like half a minute ok
Imagine if this was actually Jenny's ghost lmao
The slayer walks in and all the vampires leave I'm crying
Willy encouraging Xander is kind of wholesome in a weird way
Willow's trying to be sexy but she's so awkward 😭 Alyson Hannigan can do both sexy and unsexy Willow well
"You don't have to prove anything to be" I mean she does but not through sex
Faith showed up yippee!!!!
Having people whispering in your ear telling you to do horrible things is kind of like ocd. Fuck why am I relating to Angel.
I like the designs of the eyeless guys
I do not care if Angel kills himself I'm ngl
Chekov's gun moment or whatever
It's funny that she just starts hitting the ground but it's funnier that it works
Buffy taking a few seconds to think up that quip
"You have no idea what you're dealing with" "let me guess. Is it evil?"
David Boreanez if he was a good actor
He hits, grabs, and shakes Buffy... yeah ok go fuck yourself
Yeah ok I hate Angel but this is not the right stuff to be saying to someone who is suicidal
It's snowing merry Christmas
Oof Xander sleeping outside is rough :(
They never. Solved the evil problem. What
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squllbaq · 7 months
dude… so im writing this dystopian novel and its meant to be really disturbing. the whole point im writing it is to make people realize that the government can and will make immoral, disgusting decisions to control people but like… im so weirded out i get distracted from writing it😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
the entire issue stems from this:
post-war society needs to grow its population so the govt enforces strict policies about families and family making. human pop is small and very remote so some people end up paired with distant relatives (eg second/third cousins)
anyways the whole conflict stems from a guy being paired with his daughter. i was like, damn! that would be horrific! perfect conflict! but now im like… what the fuck… thats horrific… im gonna lose sleep thinking about this…
i thought maybe id switch her to like his step daughter to make them being paired more plausible and slightly less creepy seeming but like… idk what to do. just to clarify, he never actually gets with her. him defying the govt is part of the conflict.
i never intended to write any kind of freaky incest/fet!sh type shit. i feel like his role as an almost father figure to her adds to the drama of the situation and i think i might make it an adoption type situation cos that might add more to the idea of govt ignoring the social/emotional needs/behaviors of people but uh…. what do you guys think??
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godwoken · 2 months
That thing about if a pawn loses their master they get sent to forever rift jail; I keep thinking about it in the context that Colette DID get sent to rift jail after her original Arisen died. But I am adding my own interpretation that pawns like those still get to be used, although they are horrifically seen as slave material or seen in a sorrowful light by other pawns because they don't have a place to ever return to. An Arisen to call home. And I'd say even it is believed it's impossible to ever become bond to another Arisen - so Colette would fall into this category.
Expect Polaris pulled her out of pawn jail. At first, when she was summoned, I imagine her heart was both broken and set alight. Broken because she thought it was her first Arisen who had magically come back, and it wasn't. The height didn't match, and where she remembered kind, soft eyes, she was met with a gaze so much more intense. Her heart would feel ardent like she had just seen fate - something she never experienced with her former master.
She'd also be confused because she had never met anyone like her - who had ever found another true master. And she'd believe it a mistake. This is where her obsession with getting killed by Polaris comes from - it starts with wanting to get slain in battle to see if her master can summon her again. And she is so fully sure it won't work. But then bam. She's back again with Polaris. She tries this a few other times, and Polaris starts noticing a pattern; a pattern that irritates her. She thinks Colette doesn't like her and it kinda creates a weird rift between them, at least for the first part of the game.
Colette basically threw away what she always wanted - a master who connected so well with her because she was insecure. When she realizes it, she desperately tries to win Polaris back, but it's hard. Enough it brings her to tears. She knows it's her fault for misbehaving as a pawn swore to an Arisen. Funnily enough, Polaris just put distance between them because she didn't understand her behavior and it made her extremely bitter.
Eventually Colette does tell her what happened and why it has been fucking with her head so bad and this where Polaris offers her to be the one to "kill her". Kind of like a pact - that everytime she dies by her master's hand, she will come back to her. Again and again. Forever, forever, forever. And it excites Colette a great freaky amount considering she was left cold and alone for so long. They get the most bizarre, freaky relationship. Amen 🙏🏻
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strangeangel22 · 2 months
leo ✮ he/him ✮ audhd+phys disabled ✮ writing/art/music/fandom/disability n queer convos
ok this originally wasn’t an intro post but it’s lowkey turning into one. atleast an info post… photos and art r under #photography #art if u wanna see my stuff. @oldpoet22 is my sims account and @cosmichero22 holds all my creative post reblogs for easy access and maybe ill drop some writing there eventually… also unlimited art access over on my ig!! @/pyreflyforest22 i just kind of yap on there yk. #me #mine #text #writing? r other pictures or things i have to say if you are ever interested. i tag my fandoms but also rb from random stuff if its untagged i haven’t seen it sorry if its secretly the worst piece of media ever… i also rb random ship art so sorry if it was accidentally the worst ship in the world… feel free to tag me in stuff of ask me stuff i only bite a little but in the fun way!!! im horrifically socially stunted and shy tho so sorry if im freaky in response… but i’m open to chatting nonetheless!! thank you for reading ill make something fr soon enough
csh song for your troubles ty and goodnight!!!
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the-whispers-of-death · 3 months
pls tell me if im annoying you and i'll stop but
more "fun" facts about my ocs:
Romanas has a habit of telling people some of the horrific shit the group or himself have gone through in a very nonchalant/dissmisive way (has 100% accidentally told Kali that his commander skinned him as a punishment and then went "haha anyway"). is covered in bitemarks from Dartboard and Vaccine and Selga. he's the only one Selga is allowed to bite and he's trying to teach Selga how to play fight without fearing an actual confrontation
Vaccine is called Vaccine because when he first joined the group he had not a single shot that was required so he had to catch up
Dartboard got his name in a not very good way because he was going through an addiction so... y'know needles darts, poking a surface yeah
Selga has a second row of teeth on his bottom jaw and his tongue is split like a snakes
Voids eyes are a very dark red
Johan is double jointed in his elbows so he can do some freaky shit with that
Void scitters like a bug sometimes, man has insane parkour skills and climbing skills, he's in the vents man you can't get him
Romanas has eaten glass before. remember when i sent that ask where i talked about the groups food issues and mentioned that Romanas would refuse food? :) well that still happens sometimes and on multiple occassions Johan put him on bed rest on one of them drips. Hazzard would be less kind and straight up force feed him (he cares he really does but he lowkey panics and does the first thing that comes to mind)
Hazzards eyes used to be a dark green before the radiation and after they turned into a very vivid bright green. he also has to wear some kind of sunglasses due to light sensitivity he developed
certain members of the group take it upon themselves to try and teach Selga to speak. Dartboard and Vaccine try teaching him to say swearwords because they thought it would be funny if his first real word in several years was a curseword.
Stone says things nonchalantly too, so if Romanas does it to Kali, Kali would just be used to it. He wouldn't even blink at the horrifying shit Romanas tells him.
Hazzards' eyes turning into a brighter green after the radiation??? Oh my god. He and Nala can just chill wearing their sunglasses (Nala wears sunglasses to try and hide the huge scar going down his left eye).
I just realized that Vaccine and Dartboard's nicknames/callsigns are very similar. Both deal with needles. Fitting, considering they're twins.
Selga having two rows of teeth on his bottom jaw?? No wonder Feral!Stone thinks of him as a threat, Feral!Stone only has one row of teeth both up and down. I wonder how eating food works with having two rows of teeth on his bottom jaw.
I'm really starting love Void and I love the fact that he hides in the vents.
Johan managed to get creepier with his double-jointed elbows, mhm.
Not Romanas having eaten glass before. Poor man.
I agree with Vaccine and Dartboard, it would be funny if Selga's first word was a swearword.
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