#i almost started crying when typing this man and idk its just a website and i feel kind of stupid
hwanswerland · 7 months
tumblr just isn't fun for me anymore. when i joined atinyblr almost 2.5 years ago it was...different. the sense of community i felt here was different. now almost everyone i used to know or talk to has left, and tbh it's been making me sad. most of the time i don't get joy from being here and interacting with people anymore, and while i still enjoy giffing it's not the same as before. i'm also not in the best place mentally so even thinking about the effort it would take to get to know and feel comfortable around 'new' people is overwhelming. i loved being on here, it was a part of my life for a good while, but i think it's time to accept that those days are over. i went from feeling like an imposter all the time to being welcome and confident in (most of) my gifmaking, and to me that really meant a lot. i made real friends here and i can't express how grateful i am for them.
idk yet if i'm going to be around or not. maybe seonghwa will do something again that will make me run to my laptop and start giffing without even thinking about it. so, for now, thank you for having me atinyblr <3 thank you everyone who's ever left nice (or funny, or kinda deranged) tags on my gifs or sent me asks or just made me feel welcome and made my experience here worthwhile
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hijohshiki-roc · 5 years
life just gets sadder and sadder. according to google mom is in her last weeks of life. like i know google has some bs on it but i read a few ‘what to expect from late stage cancer patients’ pages from cancer society websites and honestly its extremely sad. 
shes extremely weak and sleeps almost all day. when she wakes up shes only awake for minutes at a time 15 being the most in a single time frame. her voice is super weak and slurred to the point where you cant hear what shes saying unless you sit right next to her. she has like no idea whats going on at all and her eyes look so sunken and dead. when you can get her to talk its all nonsense bc shes extremely delirious and she can barely eat.
 cancer absolutely fucked her up man and it was very sudden one day she was talking to us and aware of her surroundings (yes she was sleeping alot but she could stay awake for a couple of hours at a time) and then literally the next she became like this. 
we brought her to see her doctor last week (a few days after the late stage symptoms accord) and her doctor almost started crying after seeing her bc the week prior she was joking and actually walking on her own instead of in a wheelchair and barely responding to questions. 
shes gonna die soon (honestly it seems like she has a couple of weeks tops) and i think the rest of the family has started to realize that except my dad. hes so hopeful she’ll get better and idk how to break the news to him.
 god i can barely even walk into moms room without holding back the urge to cry and if she is awake it gets even harder. at least if shes asleep i can pretend things are a bit alright, it hurts man it really does i wish i could help her feel better it sucks being helpless in this situation. 
a lot of her siblings (and parents too) have stopped by to visit and i wonder if they realize that it might be the last time they see her. (one of the last ones that didnt visit yet is coming next week and i hope mom can last that long) 
 anyways i just needed to type this out sadjlakdjal im a pathetic person that sobbing while typing it but i needed to get it out. anyways thanks for reading it if any of yall did i appreciate it.  
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Hiya! What about the boys with an online friend/crush/s.o. who suddenly stops talking and just dissapears for around a month before coming back and admitting that they had tried to commit suicide? (Sorry for such a dark topic aha,,)
Tumblr media
Ah, how I love this prompt! I put my all into it, so I apologise if it’s a little long, heh. Although I’m not sure what you meant by ‘the boys’, I’m assuming the V3 boys. If you wanted a different cast, please feel free to request again and I will rewrite it for you. Apologies.
Ask is under the cut, due to being long and potentially triggering. Dark topics, reader beware.
Saihara Shuuichi✎
He didn’t usually go on the internet.
It was strange, why did these people all talk like they knew each other?
Of course, some may actually be planning to meet but… he found it all a bit surreal.
Then, you contacted him.
He was very wary at first, he knew you could be anyone.
Then, you started getting closer and he started trusting you.
Then, it got to the point where you were FaceTiming almost daily.
You were the only person that made him laugh every day and feel happy being himself.
Then, you stopped existing in his life.
He kept messaging, calling… messaging again, calling again.
Always, ALWAYS the beep and the voicemail.
A response text never came.
You never came online.
Though what he found odd was that you hadn’t blocked him.
He was starting to become desperate and that’s when he realised he had a crush on you and boy, what a bad time to realise.
That only made it hurt more.
Then, he saw you typing one day.
He’d almost forgotten about you, it had been 3 weeks since your last message.
You stop typing and just before he gives up hope, you video call him.
You’re… in a hospital?
He’s crying and he doesn’t know why.
He cannot stop crying.
You’re crying too and people are crowding around you, asking why.
Then he realises… you’re in hospital.
The absence, the lack of communication… the hospital… people asking why you were upset… your expression.
You had… you had tried, hadn’t you?!
He could ALWAYS tell there was something else to you.
Occasionally, you would just… show signs.
He hangs up the call, texts ‘I’m coming’. 
Within the next day, he’s there with you.
Amami Rantaro❂
He is kind of a very big deal on the internet.
After all, he has an Instagram account that is often mistaken for a modelling account.
He often has business offers because of how attractive he is and he always has to explain ….. that he’s not a professional model???
One day, he got a completely normal PM from you.
You were absolutely stunning.
WAY better looking than him.
He IMMEDIATELY asked if you were getting the pesky PMS from businesses too.
He was surprised when you said no, you had never heard of such a thing.
You’re actually the best-looking person he’s ever seen?
He has full trust in you immediately.
You talk for a few weeks, constantly.
It’s always you, he ignores all the other messages.
You’ve helped him grow as a person.
But then you’re gone.
It’s been weeks.
Nearly a month, actually.
He’s gone back to being a lot more… boring.
He was extravagant before but now…
But now, he’s just back to normal.
He’s stopped posting.
If you can’t see it, there’s nobody else he cares enough about…
Then, you message him again!
You say that things happened and you… may or may not have tried to kill yourself.
He’s shocked, why would YOU of all people?
You were a literal ray of sunshine…
He does his best to help but he can’t help the hurt.
He… does not know what he’s doing.
All the buttons don’t make sense and websites keep asking him to ‘prove he’s not a robot’.
He’s honestly a little offended.
When he visits websites, he does NOT sign up for them to instantly be shamed.
He thinks there should be more robot pride around the internet…
So, he just resorts to posting a message saying…
“Could somebody please help with the internet, I do not understand anything.”
So, you DM him, complimenting his ‘shitpost’.
He gets a little bit huffy at this.
“Are you saying my post is bad? I genuinely do not understand… are you robophobic?”
You’re a bit concerned.
Is this person you’re talking to actually okay-
Are they robotkin or-
You ask him to send a picture of himself, just casually.
He doesn’t find it strange, so he does. 
He’s… holy shit.
He’s a robot.
You’re so excited and start asking a million questions, not realising you’re offending him.
Then, a beautiful friendship starts… and then more.
Kiibo makes an awful attempt at asking you out.
He says that a long distance relationship would a struggle, but he’s a robot so he can deal with it!
You say yes, and that’s the last time you log in.
He’s always checking on you, thinking you’ve ditched him because he’s a robot.
He accepts it eventually and forgets about you.
When you come back online and tell him what had happened, he’s shocked.
So that’s why… 
He tries to comfort you in any way possible and ends up asking his professor to let him see you.
The professor pays for your tickets and gets you down to him as soon as possible.
You’re overjoyed and the happiest you’d been for years.
Kaito Momota✯
You had met on Tumblr.
Kaito had a space blog and one day, you messaged him saying you loved the content.
You started talking more from there, though it annoyed you how OBSESSED with space he was.
You started to like him and then, you asked him out.
Then, you two gained a reputation around Tumblr.
The LITERAL star-crossed lovers.
Actually star-crossed because you know, space blog.
Then, you change your blogs to match each other.
It’s the sappiest thing ever but it’s what happiness feels like.
Then, you end up getting too overexcited.
You accidentally tell your parents about dating Kaito and they treat you awfully for it.
They go on about online dating and its dangers for months and it makes you consider.
What if Kaito isn’t who he says he is?
Meanwhile, on his side, he has NO idea about any of this.
So when you mysteriously disappear, your entire fanbase and ESPECIALLY him are distraught.
Eventually, your fame falls dead but Kaito still remembers.
Then, one day you come back.
All the fame is gone, everything has mellowed down.
You explain everything to him and he feels awful for not realising, though he couldn’t have known.
Your Tumblr fame is never as big as it was before, but it comes back.
Though it’s less crazy this time and you’re content.
You two both love each other very much and that’s all that matters.
Gonta Gokuhara✿
How do use internet-
He’s very confused and doesn’t know where to BEGIN.
Though, he knows how to search on google.
First, he searches where he can talk to people about bugs. 
He finds a chatroom for people who like bugs.
He is then SPAMMED with messages asking rather… inappropriate questions.
It was one of those sites, where anyone could message anything.
He then found a different website.
It was much better!
Good for a gentleman!
Then, he met you…
You were amazing!
You told Gonta everything he needed to know about the internet and listened to him when he ranted about bugs!
Though, you thought his caveman-esque speech was text talk…
Oh no, when you video called, you were a little thrown back by his voice.
AND his appearance.
You were expected a meek, nerdy bug boy.
Instead, you got an oddly handsome, muscular giant man.
So, he wasn’t mucking about with his speech then.
You ask why, a little insensitively, but you were confused.
He tells you his story and he’s honestly the coolest guy you’ve ever met.
Then, you’re gone after a few weeks of talking.
Gonta takes this the worst out of any of the guys…
He’s distraught.
He actually CRIES over this.
Real life tears… for hours.
Then, he kind of forgets about you, though he still hurts.
You were better than any real-life person Gonta had met and now you were gone.
Maybe, you didn’t like him… and nope, you’re back now.
You explain EVERYTHING, knowing Gonta wouldn’t guess by himself.
He’s shocked??
But then he starts breaking down, asking why, over and over.
Didn’t you want to live for him?
If not, BUGS, at least?!
Or just live for the sakes of living and finding a better way to live life??
You can’t get it through to him and contact gets less and less.
Then, you talk about monthly.
It’s still nice to talk to him occasionally, though…
It still hurts. 
You’re both always crying over the same cause, yet you don’t know why.
Ouma Kokichi♕
Just about anyone can guess where you picked this one up.
Of course, on Reddit.
Why was he still on Reddit in this day and age?
“idk why i’m still here but boy i’m living it hmu with good shit”
Immediately, you thought he was a keeper.
Though, he pissed you off at times.
You find it amusing to imagine the number of people over on Tumblr have made callout posts on him.
Like actual legitimate ones.
You were a little shy to approach him at first…
He kinda seemed out of your league.
You know, the feeling when you want to fit in with someone who’s also a memelord, like you, but you feel like you’re too low-level meme for them?
Yeah, that kinda thing.
It took you weeks but you eventually hit send on that DM.
His first intention was to mess you up but then he kinda started to like you.
He opened up to you and you two switched from Reddit boards to Tumblr DMS and then to texting and FaceTiming.
It was like an actual relationship… but friends.
Then, he asked you out.
He meant it, too.
You said yes, thrilled to be going out with someone like him.
Automatically, your online reputation went to rock bottom.
People tried SO HARD to get you to break up with him.
Then one day, he called you, crying.
Not fake crying, like the usual, either.
Actually crying.
He’s sick of everyone wanting to ruin his life, he just likes having a bit of fun.
He says he wouldn’t be surprised if you left one day due to some ‘abuse’ callout post.
You try to comfort him but nothing works.
He mutters goodnight and then hangs up.
He doesn’t speak for months.
Then, you leave too.
He comes back and sees you’re gone.
Of course.. gone.
You come back a month later and you both admit the same thing.
You had both tried to commit suicide.
You don’t know how to comfort each other, so you just leave it.
You book some plane tickets and you take a picture and show him.
Now he’s crying again because he’s so happy.
He tries to cover it up by saying it was fake but you can tell, it wasn’t.
Korekiyo Shinguuji✞
He’s on a literary site, of course.
Then, he contacts you.
He admires your work and he messages you, praising your work.
You’re thrilled, but you don’t personally talk for another few weeks.
Then, you suggest talking more.
He agrees, he was hoping you’d come forward anyway.
He tells you about his anthropology job and you admit that you don’t do anything.
It’s mostly small talk, but he develops feelings for you.
You’re such an elegant person, in the way you pen your work and in the way you converse with him.
You two have audio called a few times, your voice is deep, monotoned and has a slight… characteristic to it that he can’t put his finger on. 
It’s kind of a snobby tone, but… not with snobby intent?
He talks to you more after those calls… he even tries opening up a little, though very vaguely.
It’s hard for him to talk to you openly.
You’re way above him.
He doesn’t even regularly release works.
It’s you he looks up to and he knows you see him as an underling.
You’re way more mature than he is, despite how he makes himself out to be.
You’re the wise one, he’s just… there.
He notices that you stop coming on one day.
Days pass, no sign.
So much for daily updates on your creations, hm?
Then weeks.
This is getting odd, maybe time to message you.
He asks if you’re alright, but again, subtly.
He does not want to seem clingy towards his literary elder.
Then… a month.
He’s really getting concerned now.
He starts letting loose a little bit.
He starts writing more, maybe in the hopes, you’ll come back.
Maybe it was his lack of work that drove you away from the site…
Perhaps you had moved sites.
He looked for you everywhere.
On every possible site, even the… lower class social media platforms.
No, nothing active.
A few accounts from years ago…
It was heartbreaking, actually. 
Pictures of you as a child…
You always had this elegant aura about you… but before then, just a normal child.
Cute, innocent and wanting the most out of the world.
Yes, tears… they were there.
When you came back, he barely reacted.
You told him about everything but…
And, he wanted to be there for you in such a time of need….
But he was so numb.
Those he loved always left and let his emotions die out.
Then, he deactivated his account.
He never told you how he felt.
He didn’t care anyway…
Hoshi Ryoma☯
You two both meet on an anonymous chat site.
It’s short and simple.
You two become good friends over some time.
You always seem to find each other by asking ‘Is this S/O?’ or “Is this Hoshi?”
Then, you moved platforms.
Multiple times actually.
Many times.
As the internet kept updating, so did your contact.
Anon chats.
More anon chats.
Not-so anon chats.
Snapchat and Instagram.
You two talked all the time.
He vented to you, all the time.
You vented to him, all the time.
You relied on each other for emotional support and that was it…
But you didn’t feel the spark.
He had mentioned he wouldn’t mind dating you but… you didn't feel it.
Then, the talk of dating became more and he tried making moves on you…
Though, he swiftly apologised after each time.
He knew he wasn’t worth someone like you.
Then, you kind of doubted his identity.
He seemed too… desperate, for a depressive teenager.
Was he really one of those internet predators…?
You asked about it and he broke down.
He explained that life has been really bad and he isn’t sure how to handle everything.
He’s a little desperate for emotional support and you feel terrible.
When you say a little… you’re lying.
Then, you log off for the night.
The next night turns into a week…
then a month…. and you try to.
Real life things have gotten in the way… so you try to end it all.
Then, it fails.
You wake up.
You’re in the hospital.
So… it didn’t work.
Well, you might as well tell Ryoma… nothing left to do, anyway.
You came back to a message from, saying that he knew what you’d done and that he’d done the same.
Only he knew how to succeed.
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vigilent-yaksha · 7 years
tagged by: @aggy-the-which <3 
Last drink: som agua 
Last phone call: gamestop bc they wanted an interview 
Last text message: me gf abt job stuffs and THE FUTURE
Last song you listened to: fuckin uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh why do i cry by remote girl??? its so fucin good 
Last time i cried: i dont remember, probably over smthn dumb tho 
Dated someone twice: nooooooooooo...?
Kissed someone and regretted it: naw son, all keeses good keeses
Been cheated on: gosh i hope not 
Lost someone special: no
Been depressed: hell yea biihhh B) 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: nop! j
Fave colours: lilac, ruddy pink, basically bright neon rainbows,black, and cyan blue! 
In the last year have i…
Made new friends: a bunch!
Fallen out of love:no :0 
Laughed until you cried: lmao all the time
Found out someone was talking about you: no p 
Meet someone who changed you: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMM 
not rlly? im just a nasty boy aint nithin changin me
Found out who your friends are: lmao, none of my friends have been snakes, YET
How many facebook friends do you know irl: most except like.... 2
Do you have any pets: my dog napoleon! hes a fuck! 
Do you want to change your name: yea boiiii, idk if i wanna change my last names tho.
What did you do for your last birthday: nothing! 
What time did you wake up today: like 11:30 and i was almost late to my interview ;w;
What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing and watchin some movies
What is something you can’t wait for: hanging w my gf, uuuhh thE SUMMER.
What are you listening to right now: som good ol’ gamley grump
Have you ever spoken to a person named tom: ....n...no?? idk man everyone i know is latino/ not white, i maybe met a tom once.
Something that’s getting on your nerves: i dont wanna say it, its too mean ;w;
Most visited website: uh, dA and youtube really? im mostly on mobile tumblr sooooo
Hair colour: black! 
might dye it but, im looking for a job so //SHRUGS
Long or short hair: short and choppy! i cut my own hair so i keep it shaggy 
Do you have a crush on someone: im very gay for rami malek and mads mikkelson, also my girlfriend i guess shes cool too ;) 
What do you like about yourself: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh my HAIR 
god i love my hair i think its the most unique part of me, and my eyes, theyre small and cute, also my moles.
Want any piercings: hmm i wanna get a nose one but ima baby so ill probably wear fake ones,
Blood type: idk man 
Nicknames: bec, guts, pissboy, teddy bear, and more probably
Relationship status: me and my gf thottin around
Zodiac: gemini
Pronouns: he/him
Fave tv shows: madok magic, drago maido, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh
mobbu psycho.............uh.....
Tattoos: none, but i wanna get a witches kiss frm madok on my bod somewhere 
Right or left handed. right
Ever had surgery: yeeee
twice i think 
Piercings: ears and my lip used 2 be pierced but i just let it close 
Sport: naw but i like to dabble
Vacation: hmm.... anywhere as long as i can road trip there, deffs japan, 
More general.
Eating: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cant ever stop me from gobbling everything up, my fav foods are dumplings/potstickers, fried rice,tortilla soup, and.. alot ok i love alot  
Drinking: i hate soda except apple sodas and sangria, ( w the occasional grape), uhh.... i guess i sorta drink the alcohols, nut much, just socially if im w the boys 
I’m about to watch: nothin, still watchin gamley gramps
Waiting for: me to stop being lazy 2 get some food 
Want:  M O N E Y 
Get married: Maybe! idk it depends in how it works out! i certaily hope so !
Career: idk man fuckin,,,, 
Which is better
Hugs or kisses:huggus
Lips or eyes: lippies
Shorter or taller: im tall, i like being tall, but my gf is a teeny tiny baby, so both 
Older or younger: older!
Arms or stomach: tum!
Hook up or relationship: ....uh.. neither?? 
Troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLE
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger: Ye, twice
Drank hard liquor: is drinking straight fireball like.. hard liquor?
Lost glasses: no but i break em all the time, 
Turned someone down: not... explicitly, they just told me they liked me, said some sexual things, and then never responded when i said i was uncomfortable, then i got together w my gf a day later! 
Sex on the first date: naw homie, i am a civilized boy 
Broken someone’s heart: //SHRUGS, all of my exes excpet one have broken up with me, exept one, but they had someone new a few days later so, i doubt they missed me 
Had your heart broken: meh
Been arrested: probably
Cried when someone died: well yea.
Fallen for a friend: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Do you believe in
Yourself: HELL YEA
Miracles:i belive in good karma, so i suppose.
Love at first sight: MMMMM. it depends, bc you can start having feelings for someone as you see them, but those feelings should be explored before realizing you really want to be with them, is your humor compatible? is your way of speaking and acting compatible?
Santa claus: bih im latino we partied all night santa was never a thing for us 
Angels: the angle in my heart is my darling gremlin 
Best friends name: i have alot ok, so many friends i love
Eye colour: dark dark DARK brown.
Favourite movie: uh, this is hard, i guess i alwasy go back to watch the rebellion movie, uuuhh.... fuckin,,,, //SHRUGS
Fave actor: rAM I M A L E K              
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transfagged · 7 years
all 92 😘
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?no way man she’d probably dom the fuck out of me
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity?n o p e
4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?like in terms of romantic??? no. like in terms of ���we have a really weird relationship and idfk how i feel @ you”? yeah.
6. What are you excited for?april 19th!!! my friend and i are going to go see phoebe bridgers in madison!!!!
7. What happened tonight?its 10am so ill roll with last night: i played nv and got killed in a beautiful cacophony of deathclaws and the legion :) and then my game crashed.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?no bc id be right there with them
9. Is confidence cute?very
10. What is the last beverage you had?i think some water? okay not the last but: hot water is so good with wildflower honey pls just drink some its good for your soul okay???
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?opposite is bullshit but i guess like,, 3? half my friends are nonbinary so counting EVERYONE regardless of gender and shit id say 6 people
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?im a proud supporter of boys in skinny jeans and i own 2 or 3 pairs
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?my main ho @thebonerfoy is coming up to visit me and were probably gonna pack all my shit in her car and play cards against humanity
14. What are you going to spend money on next? lmao probably my student loans. unless i can get the hours i asked for at work or a sugar daddy, then im gonna buy a proper lid for my fishtank bc my poor kid has a piece of cardboard rn.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?no
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?yeah. even in a state of stagnation were changing somehow.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?probably amanda, but im working on trying to be better with everyone
18. The last time you felt broken?my dude, im broken right now. its okay though. like i said, im working on it. were all fckn broken somehow.
19. Have you had sex today?not unless a ghost and i got in on in my sleep. which would be pretty cool ngl
20. Are you starting to realize anything?on a deep level: i deserve respect and a lot of my issues relate directly to my upbringing, including my inability to receive praise or speak well of myselfon a not-deep level: kinda hungry.
21. Are you in a good mood?i think i just heard fedex or ups outside so my mood just skyrocketed
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?maybe like. nurse sharks. theyre really cute.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?yeah
24. What do you want right this second?to take a day to go into the city with all my friends that i cant see on a regular basis
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?probably be upset unless we discussed it beforehand. then id be fckn cheering for them like you go get some!!!! do it man!!!! in general tho: if i wasnt with them and they didnt show interest in me and showed interest in someone else id just move tf on.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?half of it is bc my roots are growing out
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?no. too boring.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?okay so i went to renew my library books and one of my favorite youtubers is on the library website dressed as one of his characters and i completely flipped because i watch his gaming channel and now hes interviewing authors for my library??? he doesnt even live in my town!! hes in madison!!
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?no? im enjoying my solitude atm
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?depends on the person
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?no! hes my friend and gives really good advice!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?i think so. i mean, were kind of a thing.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?yeah.
34. Listening to?killer - phoebe bridgers
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?only if im doing a rough journal spread, which i dont normally do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?hes probably in class right now. 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?love at first sight? no. some sort of mutual infatuation/attraction? yes.
38. Who did you last call?my mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?dancing with as in both dancing at the same time? probably amanda or my mom.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?we were dating and he was cute lmao
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? a couple months ago? 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?no bc she leaves for work before i wake up
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?constantly.
44. Do you tan in the nude?lmao no.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?no. as previously stated, i liked the guy and he was cute. why would i take that back?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?yeah
47. Who was the last person to call you?my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower?sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?yEAH
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes i love my bow :’) its so good and wow i love archery
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?picture day junior year of highschool, and if that doesnt count: my mother took me in at jcp to have pictures taken when i graduated 8th grade and theyre awful bc my hair is so long and its so not me
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?excuse me, how dare you,, in this house we ask for war and peace for christmas because npgc1812 is so good and then get addicted to ghost quartet (@ anyone reading this: pls listen to ghost quartet it is so so so good)
53. Is Christmas stressful?depends on the year, but i hope in the future i can spend it with my friends :)
54. Ever eat a pierogi?i just had some last night for dinner and im probably going to eat the leftovers in a couple minutes. also, my mother is polish and we see her family for holidays, so yeah. lots of pierogi in this house.
update: i got the leftovers
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?idk??? apple? im basic okay i dont eat pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?1. teacher2. ballerina3. both 1 & 2, simultaneously4. paleontologist5. archaeologist6. both 4 & 5, simultaneously7. librarian8. game designer9. author/illustrator
57. Do you believe in ghosts?yeah
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?almost daily
59. Take a vitamin daily?im supposed to ;) vitamin d deficiency like a real champ
60. Wear slippers?real talk i never liked slippers but then i bought these cute pig slippers @ walmart for $10 and i love them so much i tried wearing them to sleep last night. also im wearing them rn theyre so cute
61. Wear a bath robe?i live in a dorm, so yeah. to the bathroom and back when i take a shower. sometimes im lazy and i just run around in a towel but so do half the people on my side of the hall lmao were all lazy and dead inside
62. What do you wear to bed?fluffy pajama pants or sweats, tshirt or hoodie, socks, sometimes slippers.. once i fell asleep with a beanie on. when im being an Adult i wear my actual pajamas!!! like a legit shirt and pants that match
63. First concert?none that i was old enough to remember :’) apparently my mom took me to the rodeo when we lived in texas and saw some country group but i was like 2 so idfk
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?TARGET I AM A CERTIFIED TARGET GAY
65. Nike or Adidas?adidas bc my feet are too wide to fit in nikes
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?yall real talk i used to love cheetos but i think im allergic to them now? last time i had them my throat got all swollen and hurt for like 3 days so im gonna have to say fritos. plus theyre really good if you put them in chili
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?sunflower seeds bc im a slut for anything i can have a spitting contest with
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?lmao i used to like her when i was like. 11. not my scene anymore
69. Ever take dance lessons?i dont think so?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?anything that makes them happy, but also something fun!!!! like wedding photographer or a baker or maybe zookeeper?
71. Can you curl your tongue?idk??? kinda????? i can tie a cherry stem so i want to say yes.
72. Ever won a spelling bee?no i always got out bc my anxiety made me stutter/rush and miss letters, so i never even got past the classroom levels to the real thing
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?a lot!!! i laugh so hard i cry and get a stomach ache more than id like to admit
74. What is your favorite book?eleanor & park by rainbow rowell :) OR alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis caroll
75. Do you study better with or without music?depends on if i can get into hyperfocus mode or not. if not, then i pick one song and put it on loop and blast it until it fades and is just loud background noise, but if i can focus then silence is best
76. Regularly burn incense?i used to but no burning anything in the dorms :( then i came home for break and it started giving me a headache
77. Ever been in love?i think so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?kesha, against me!, my chemical romance (rip), bigbang (also rip)
79. What was the last concert you saw?the one i mentioned earlier @ a rodeo
80. Hot tea or cold tea?hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?i live on coffee but i love tea too so both
82. Favorite type of cookie?mmm snickerdoodle. or just sugar cookies. chocolate chip is good when theyre hot and melty but not as good when theyre cold
83. Can you swim well?yeah! i love swimming!
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yeah?
85. Are you patient?hahahahahahhahahahhahahhaa
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?oo. oooooo. okay so dj would have more variety of music but im a sucker for live music??? idk i feel like a band would be more memorable, but what if they fuck up your favorite song??? but what if they make it more special???????
87. Ever won a contest?yeah! i won an art contest once and got my drawing printed on christmas cards for a nonprofit that did things for cancer patients!
88. Ever have plastic surgery?im 17 i dont have that kind of money
89. Which are better black or green olives?depends on what theyre in?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?good. live your life fuck the rules
91. Best room for a fireplace?bedroom!!! i love fireplaces in bedrooms its such a Look
92. Do you want to get married?idk. if it happens then it happens. im not planning on it though.
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uwugenides · 7 years
⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️When I was little I dropped a can in the garbage on accident and my brother made me crawl in the trash can to get it back out and put it in the right thing.⭐️I have right duane's syndrome. It's a birth defect that makes it so I can't turn my right eye outwards, it stops in the middle and I see double when I try to do it.⭐️I once fell through bleachers from the very top, falling straight down, twenty(20) ft, and I hit five cross bars on my way to the ground. My life did flash before my eyes.⭐️Growing up I wanted to be the first female president. Now I'm a trans man and I hate the government.⭐️I always wanted a husky (I was a wolf and tiger kid) and I got one two years ago and I love her. Her name is Ember.⭐️uhhhhh,,,,,,,, I'm autistic, well specifically I have aspergers⭐️I think you gave me too many stars ⭐️I love space but if I think about the laws of time and space I get too existential and dissociate for hours⭐️I'm having trouble thinking up new facts. F u my friend⭐️I've never been in a play or musical where I didn't have a speaking part⭐️In theatre I played this kid who is two feet taller than me and has non-stop freckled' older brother, so that was fun⭐️How am I supposed to do this without feeling self-centered??? Is that a fact?⭐️I always start writing stories and never finish them.⭐️I have some fucked yo dreams that I will never tell to a single person⭐️Moana is my favorite animated movie, only second to Road to El Dorado⭐️I type like this n lke this n vvvv much like this,,,⭐️I'm watching America's Got Talent right now and it always manages to restore my faith in humanity⭐️also the dancing pumpkin man from that old meme is on America's Got Talent and I love him⭐️I feel so small and then I feel so big and it is weird⭐️I love anyone who messages me, any message or ask. Even hate stuff, like thamknyoi, you took the time to think about me, even if its death wishes, you thought about me⭐️I love doing scary makeup⭐️fucked up shit and horror is my thing, but I can't watch horror movies alone⭐️I used to be really into werewolves and stuff when I first got on the internet and I guess you couldve considered me a furry⭐️I'm in love with my boyfriend⭐️did I mention I love my boyfriend⭐️that doctor who band that was called like Chameleon something??? Idk but they made really good songs. Check them out you guys⭐️COMEDY IS GREAT, FUNNY PEOPLE CAN FUCK ME UP⭐️I'm into dark comedy, but not insensitive comedy. Your racist jokes aren't funny, Barbara.⭐️I love tamale pie. If you haven't had tamale pie you need to have it.⭐️tamale pie and cornbread are the best⭐️sushi is really good⭐️my old choir teacher sang opera and was professionally trained in it.⭐️we had a karaoke day once and he sang karaoke opera for everyone. I'm p sure it was Italian too⭐️we had three foreign exchange students last year at my old school, one from South Korea, one from Finland, and one from Switzerland.⭐️a kid from my school spent part of her year as a foreign exchange student in Spain and when she came back she brought three girls from Spain with her and they cursed a lot⭐️I feel guilty about practically everything I've ever done in my life⭐️SO MANY STARS⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️the Ghostbusters reboot is a very good movie⭐️I want to go to COS (college of the siskiyous) and then transfer to SOU (Southern Oregon University) so hey, hit me up⭐️one is the loneliest number that you ever did see⭐️I'm sad 24/7 but sometimes that sadness comes across as comedy and that the only reason people like me⭐️I'm a minor⭐️I'm hot as fuck, get on my level twunk⭐️I hate terfs⭐️I want to be so rich that if I wanted to I could pay for everyone in the entire North America and South America to have enough food for three square meals a day⭐️i own a hat that says "black lives matter" and I've gotten ripped off my head more than once while riding my bus home⭐️I have a slight hitchhikers thumb⭐️I was born with brown hair but by the time I was two months old my hair was white⭐️I have owned four(4) rats, two(2) rabbits, seven(7) cats, two(2) guinea pigs, five(5) dogs, and one(1) hamster named Eddie.⭐️I am a self-taught horse-rider⭐️I have been to two(2) rodeos.⭐️I have asthma⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️so I love my boyfriend⭐️I chew on ice⭐️I order snow cones without any flavoring⭐️snow cones without any flavoring are cheaper⭐️SO MANY STARS⭐️I could've gotten more asks by now and I wouldn't know because I'm answering your stars⭐️I cry too easily⭐️I pass surprisingly well for being a trans guy who has not started T⭐️my family once sat at the dinner table on thanksgiving talking about how my mom had the right to hit me and I would not be allowed to defend myself⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I didn't know my dad was alive for the first twelve years of my life aside from the fact that we got the occasional eleven(11) dollar child support⭐️I love dogs⭐️I love cats ⭐️I love birds⭐️I love lizards⭐️I love snakes⭐️I love rats⭐️I love mice⭐️I love fish⭐️that guy on YouTube, Coyote Peterson is my goals as a person. If I could just live as a guy who goes around and finds wildlife I would never ask for another thing in my life⭐️I've recently started playing Pokémon Go again. It's fun⭐️my first Pokémon was a pikachu⭐️I've already traded my first Pokémon for more candies because I'm vain and want to be the very best⭐️I used to be a compulsive liars and would spend hours at night crying because I thought I was a horrible person for it. I was seven(7) at the time.⭐️I'm a trans⭐️koala bears are actively not helping themselves stay alive, not a fact about me, just a fact I like.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I just got a new kitten named Periwinkle Blue⭐️if I die before I travel to at least one(1) foreign country I will have died a sad man⭐️my great grandpa was Jewish and I carry a lot of that culture and its traditions down with me, despite not actually considering myself part of the religion.⭐️I'm a descendant of the Karuk tribe which is located in Northern California. I speak very little Karuk but it's a very pretty language!⭐️I'm also Irish, German, and as mentioned above (or alluded to at least) Hebrew.⭐️I'm white passing as far as my Native American roots go, and trust me, it is awkward being the whitest person at the tribal meetings.⭐️my birthname was the same name my great grandmother had, but is spelt in the newer form, not the Hebrew translated English form.⭐️I live in a very country oriented town. Everyone owns a cow. Or a pig. I almost owned a pig once.⭐️a lot of people say I'm not actually a trans guy because I was too much of an outstanding girl⭐️my insurance won't cover my top surgery⭐️I work as a dishwasher and it sucks ass⭐️I want to quit my job⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I went vegetarian for two weeks and then caved for a bag of salami someone left on the counter⭐️I drink at least one(1) Pepsi zero a day⭐️the first website I ever roleplayed on was QuoteV.com⭐️my mom just brought me a Fitbit that she got for me. What does this mean?⭐️I'm technically overweight yet look like the average "healthy" body.⭐️I have Mono⭐️I had lice in second(2) grade and lost many of my beloved stuffed animals because of that⭐️because of trauma I regress on occasion and my YouTube watch history is always interesting when that happens.⭐️I have extremely bad anxiety and don't even realize it half the time⭐️Jimmy Fallon is better than Jimmy Kimmel⭐️I once played a union soldier in a civil war reenactment held by a traveling group of reenactors and trust me, they do not mess around. If you've ever been in something like that you know that they are practically in character 24/7⭐️I love little kids but feel like I'm horrible with babies⭐️I fear I'll be a horrible parent and make my child feel the way my mom makes me feel⭐️I tried to get myself emancipated once and sadly failed as I'd gone through with a Or of the process before someone told me I wasn't old enough yet.⭐️stars are dying balls of gas⭐️I love my boyfriend ⭐️ SO MANY FUCKING STARS JESUS HAROLD CHRIST⭐️The H in Jesus H Christ stands for Harold, I looked it up once.⭐️I don't kinkshame but people should be a bit more conscious of what they do in general public access places.⭐️I've been in two(2) abusive relationships⭐️I take a lot of meds⭐️I might start T this year or next year⭐️I want top surgery before I graduate high school or the summer before I go to college⭐️I relate to Tony Stark as a person way to much⭐️I hate when the Hulk is only Hulk and never Bruce Banner⭐️I'm pretty self-confident most the time⭐️I've brought a blanket with me to school on more than one(1) occasion.⭐️I'm naturally a night owl and sleep better when sleeping during the day⭐️I take commissions for my art and you should commission me.⭐️currently I own three(3) dogs and two(2) cats. Mattie, the German shorthair mix, Ember the Alaskan/Siberian husky mix, and Memphis the purebred Doberman pinscher. One(1) adult cat named Freckles and one(1) kitten named Periwinkle Blue.⭐️I love video games.⭐️I love theories. Let's talk theories all day. Any theory, let's talk.⭐️I love talking about sociology and social expectations that aren't realized.⭐️I love collecting odd knick-knacks. I have many weird artifacts around my room, gathered by me or my yard-sale enthusiast grandpa.⭐️I hate Donald Drumpf.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I hope my boyfriend loves me⭐️the best animated characters to ever exist are Jesse, James, and Meowth from Pokemon.⭐️I'm taking PE independently at my new school⭐️I love singing and acting but I worry that I'm the person that is really bad at it and no one will tell me⭐️I also love doing special effects makeup⭐️sculpting is great fun⭐️I'll be going to the San Francisco comic con this September so if you're there come see me⭐️I'm going to be Dipper for comic con and my boyfriend is going to be Bill Cipher⭐️Arya from Game of Thrones is the best young actress I've ever seen⭐️then again she's not actually that young⭐️I once got stung by a scorpion while being inside my own home on my own bed⭐️till I was like seven(7) I had to share a room with my mom because we didn't have a house big enough for me to sleep anywhere else⭐️my dog Mattie's fullname is Calamity Anastasia Strelow⭐️at the school I used to attend a kid dressed up as a "tr*nny" for Halloween and wasn't told to take off his costume till someone who wasn't trans and out at the school complained and that took me begging my friend.⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I'm Bigfoot and my boyfriend is Mothman⭐️Atomic Blond looks like a really good movie⭐️my first(1) two(2) rats were named Loulou and Pepper⭐️my rabbits were Midnight and Petals.⭐️my hamster was a Russian dwarf hamster and he ended up being eaten by my cat Bobby Joe who was eaten by a mountain lion from the local area⭐️a bear has been seen on my old elementary school's campus five(5) times in my lifetime⭐️wolves were once seen by the only starbucks in my town which was only opened up last year⭐️I live in a major gold mining area and I5 runs right through the town next to mine which is practically where I live⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I've had a full body massage once(1) in my life and let me tell you, you haven't lived till you've had your butt massaged⭐️I've taken like three(3) different classes for martial arts and never really followed through with any of them⭐️I've only been bitten by one dog in my entire life and it was completely my fault⭐️this post is too long Jesus fuck⭐️why⭐️the emoji movie doesn't actually look that bad in my opinion⭐️Despicable Me3(three) was actually a really good movie.⭐️I hate bad acting but I respect the effort⭐️every sibling I have is a half-sibling⭐️I'm a horrible person⭐️but I'm also the only good person alive aside from my friends and boyfriend so I'm conflicted ⭐️The Gay and Wondrous Life of Caleb Gallo is a must see by anyone who considers them self part of the LGBTQ+ community⭐️I don't consider queer a slur personally but I understand the history of it and I never have and never will use it to describe someone or a group of people without their explicit permission⭐️before I came out as a trans guy I thought I was gebderfluid⭐️Chase Ross is an awesome guy⭐️I feel like I look like Ronan from The Raven Cycle with my new haircut, but I always pictured him with a darker complexion so idk⭐️I hate Caitlin Jenner as a person, but not for her gender identity in and of itself.⭐️my phone is getting very warm⭐️these stars are horribly shaded⭐️I love being trans and don't regret it at all⭐️my husky is probably my favorite dog so far⭐️TOO MANY STARS⭐️I don't know anythinh⭐️I'm actually a robot and this is all a lie⭐️I want to be a popular blogger or like a YouTube or something but hhhhnnnnnggg⭐️I'm really into literature and English and history and everything about all of that⭐️I made my signature while scribbling and realized a particular scribble looked like my initials⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I watch too many shows ⭐️I want to be a teacher kind of⭐️I want a better job⭐️I want to be who I see in the mirror when I've got all thecright clothes on and I'm feeling confident ⭐️I want to be a better person⭐️I want to be amazing⭐️I want to be a good human being⭐️I want to be special⭐️I want to be good enough⭐️I want to be happy⭐️I want to be healthy⭐️I want to be happy with who I am⭐️I want to be me⭐️I want to be cool⭐️I want to realize that I can be all this things if I just let myself⭐️I want to kiss John Boyega⭐️I want to hug Chris Pratt⭐️I want to smile the way I smile when I see my boyfriend⭐️I love my boyfriend⭐️I want more scars⭐️I want to be more adventurous⭐️I want to be a great person⭐️I want to live a good life⭐️I want Drumpf to resign⭐️I want to be famous⭐️I want to be immortal for all the good and bad it brings⭐️I want to be good⭐️I want to be happy⭐️I want this to end⭐️I love my boyfriend
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imagine-ikebukuro · 7 years
tagged in a few things
more under the cut!
92 truths meme
Tagged by: @glitzcake​ thank u!
[1] Drink: orange juice
[2] Phone call: a friend of mine, annika
[3]Text message: my brother
[4] Song you listened to: this remix, i’m obsessed with it lately!
[5] Time you cried: aw shit, a few days ago? last weekend? idk man
[6] Dated someone twice: no
[7] Been cheated on: nope
[8] Kissed someone and regretted it: yup
[9] Lost someone special: kind of? but… more in a sense of drifting apart rather than someone passing away
[10] Been depressed: not diagnosed, but i’m pretty sure my mental health is not at its best at all
[11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: lmao yes and not only once either
[12] grey!
[13] turquoise!
[14] burgundy!
[16] fallen out of love: nah
[17] laughed until you cried: pretty sure
[18] found out someone was talking about you: people be talking shit 24/7 and all i gotta say about it: I DON’T CARE AS LONG AS IT’S ABOUT ME
[19] met someone who changed you: mhhhh, no not really
[20] found out who your true friends are: definitely!
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: yeeeaaah? could’ve been in 2015, my sense of time is terrible Dx
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 90% of people, 5% others are friends i’ve known for several months or years over the internet and 5% are random people or some “celebrities” i found lmao
[23] do you have any pets: no, sadly not ;;
[24] do you want to change your name: i’m fine with my name, tbh!
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: i went to the museum and ate sushi with my family and a few weeks later had a party with my friends
[26] what time did you wake up: today? 8am
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: watching youtube videos
[28] name something you cannot wait for: to finally be accepted to college and not being nervous about applying for university and everything, but have it all sorted out
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: she’s sitting in the same room as me right now
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: if i could go back in time, i would do anything to have my father and i get along properly today
[31] what are you listening to right now: a zelda remix playlist
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: actually, yes, i had a huge crush on someone named tom, he was two classes above me during middle school
[33] something that is getting you nervous: the thought of me getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, ugh. also, general organization and planning shit, like applying for college, moving out of my hometown, living on my own very soon, being forced to meet new people, all that jazz.
[34] most visited website: i guess tumblr? even though, lately, it’s probably youtube
[35] elementary: 2004 - 2008
[36] high school: graduated last year
[37] college: i can apply for my first semester next week. if i’m accepted, i’ll start going there in fall this year.
[38] hair color: i’m a ginger, so red-brown
[39] long or short hair: short! i cut it into an undercut like almost 2 years ago
[40] do you have a crush on someone: no, i avoid that shit
[41] what do you like about yourself: my eye color?
[42] piercings: i literally got zero piercings, not even on my ears, but i wish i had an industrial piercing and i used to really want flesh tunnels, maybe i’ll get there eventually
[43] blood type: i actually don’t know :^)
[44] nickname: some people call me lilly, some call me li. the villagers in my animal crossing town call me ukeprince, wot
[45] relationship status: married to the neighbour’s cat which i saw from my window and went out for just to pet it about 500 times by now
[46] zodiac sign: virgo!
[47] pronouns: they/them, she/her, he/him
[48] fav tv show: at the moment i’m watching PLL (but i don’t like it at all so rip) my favorite’s gotta be buffy the vampire slayer!
[49] tattoos: none yet
[50] right or left hand: right handed
[51] surgery: i had surgery in my mouth last year and like mentioned above, i’m getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, if that counts
[52] piercing: none
[53] best friend: she’s not even active on tumblr anymore, rip, her name’s lydia though IF YOU READ THIS, THEN HELLO MY BRO
[54] sport: i’m planning to swim regularly again after recovering and healing up from surgery
[55] vacation: if it counts, my first ever “vacation” was the music festival Rock im Park 2013 with my father and a good friend of mine
[56] pair of trainers: no clue
[57] eating: nothing
[58] drinking: orange juice
[59] i’m about to: maybe get to playing some loz: botw
[60] listening to: still the loz remix playlist
[61] waiting for: anxious feelings to pass
[62] want: a huge cup of coffee
[63] get married: nopedy nope, i don’t fixate myself on wishing to get married. if it happens, it happens and i’ll be happy about it, but if not, then that’s cool on my terms, too!
[64] career: i’m working on becoming a teacher (i want to teach german, english and ethics in high schools)
[65] hugs or kisses: honestly, it depends, but generally, i’d say hugs
[66] lips or eyes: eyessss
[67] shorter or taller: i don’t care, both is nice
[68] older or younger: as long as it’s pretty close to my age, i don’t mind
[69] romantic or spontaneous: neither LMAO if i had to chose, romantic, bc i’m as spontaneous as a potato, i gotta plan ahead, bruh
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: stomach! and by that i mean any kind of stomach! ripped af or soft, i’m weak.
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: a nice balance between the two would be cool. let’s be real though, troublemakers always catch my eye, even though i’m quickly annoyed by them just as well wtf is wrong with me
[74] kissed a stranger?: no
[75] drank hard liquor?: yes
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses?: no wtf i’d be walking around half blind
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date?: no
[79] broken someone’s heart?: apparently so
[80] had your own heart broken?: at the time i think i would’ve called it that, but honestly, it wasn’t that horrible, so nah?
[81] been arrested?: no
[82] cried when someone died?: yeah
[83] fallen for a friend?: do lowkey crushes count in which you gush over how amazing someone is? platonic crushes? it’s a thing.
[84] yourself?: i used not to, but lately i’m more confident i think!
[85] miracles?: not really
[86] love at first sight?: no
[87] Santa Claus?: no
[88] kiss on the first date?: sure
[89] angels?: no
[90] current best friend’s name: Lydia
[91] eye color: greyish-green (if i cry or sometimes late at night they’re really GREEN!)
[92] favorite movie: nightmare before christmas!
10 questions ask game.
tagged by @peacefuldesires​ thx!
What things make you smile and all warm-fuzzy inside? CATS no seriously, i can have the worst day, but when i walk home and get to pet a cat on the way, i instantly better. i remember coming home after my last final exam all upset and a cat meowing at me and purring and wanting to cuddle with me and i couldn’t help but smile!
What things make you feel a bit sad (don’t push yourself to answer this one)? my current family situation, there’s a bit of drama and fights going on.
What things inspire you to grow? anything and everything, to be honest. there’s new things you experience and learn every single day. things you conquer and master just fine and mistakes you make and all of them shape you into knowing what to do next time a bit more.
The last song(s) that you couldn’t stop listening to? i can’t really think of anything right now, uhhhh, i’ve been listening to the trust me durarara!! ending lately again haha
5. Are you an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? What kind (are you a shy extrovert, super confident introvert, or perhaps a really confused ambivert :0)?: i’m an introvert through and through. i wouldn’t say i’m exceptionally shy nor super confident. i’m somewhere in between. it really depends, around my friends i’m outgoing and cheering and with certain strangers, especially if i know i have to talk with them for literally no longer than 3 minutes right now (i.e. a cashier or someone you walk past) then i’m polite and rather talkative. i just feel exhausted even after spending a lot of time with friends, though the time was enjoyable, but i need my alone time for sure.
What calms you down? the triangle breath! it’s my favorite method to use whenever i feel anxious, upset, angry, or just need to stop and pause for a few minutes. you picture a triangle in your mind (you can even trace it with your finger, or if you can draw it on a piece of paper). you take a breath in through your nose, tracing one side of the triangle. then you breathe out through your mouth, tracing the second and third side of it. other than that, listening to music, taking a nap, petting a cat, watching videos of cats or other cute stuff, sometimes playing a video game.
A character that you really relate to (perhaps you have similar personalities, or maybe you came from similar backgrounds)?: this is gonna sound trashy, but saeyoung choi from mystic messenger and there’s a story behind it too. my friends were playing it way before me and told me “there’s this character that looks just like you, you know nerd glasses, messy red hair, always wearing a baggy black hoodie. he even acts like you, making puns and using memes ALL THE TIME!” and it’s true lmao. also, kaneki ken to some extent? like i really resonate with his personality, the choices he makes, his thoughts speak to me, he’s pretty harsh on himself and goes through ways that are self destructive if he can help others with it.
One thing you love learning? language, it’s just fascinating to me.
If you punch yourself, does that mean you’re strong or does that mean you’re weak? neither and a little bit of both at the same time. let’s go deep in on this one and take the “punch” as emotional self loathing. bashing yourself down definitely doesn’t mean you’re strong, it doesn’t make you tough at all, it only means you’re harsh on yourself. it doesn’t make you weak either. you’re making yourself believe you are weak, but the fact that you endure that and still have the power to do so, means you’re tougher than you’re think.
Now that spring’s here, what’s your favorite thing about this season and what do you not like about it?
What’s your spirit animal? Literally. Which animal do you think resembles your inner self and why? (maybe your Patronus, if you know it?
What’s your go-to order at a café?
Do you consider yourself to be creative?
If you could go back in time and change something, would you? If so, what? If not, why?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years from now?
Home sweet home, what makes you feel comfortable in your own home? What’s the overall aesthetic of your room, any colors, textures, an atmosphere, do you maybe keep many stuffed animals or posters or plants?
What do you think is most important when it comes to friendship?
What’s something you improved in since last year?
Werewolves or Vampires, which are cooler?
I tag: @imagine-your-party-hosts​ || @obsessivefujoshi​ || @dotaccino​ || @mollyxmousey​ || anyone who wants to do this
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elfsteak · 5 years
not a dream i think but idk anymore because i was awake and driving home
ok  im really freaked out right now and i know no one is going to see this and thats kind of what im hoping before because i have 0 followers and this is just a sideblog but i just need to tell something even if its just a dumbass website run by fools (and i cant tell my psychologist because she’ll have me committed)  but i am losING IT RIGHT NOW. and if this is seen by someone pls just. dont like or reblog or even comment like please fuck off i feel like im losing it for real (read if you want but like. dont say anything cos i know this is whack and weird and probably didnt happen at all, but im not even sure at this point,)
anyway I was driving home tonight from woollies around 6-30 pm i think, cos i left at 6-15 and its a 20 minute drive home and was coming down the backroad to get to my place and I had this really weird ominous feeling and like the road already creeps me out because theres this weird hill on the way down the road that dips into almost the bank of river and that river is creepy as shit. you know how you go to dangerous place and the hairs on your arms sort of tingle and you feel like youre in danger? its that kind of place. Anyway tonight it felt especially bad and I was going to turn the car around and get back on the main road (i live in a semi-isolated place aka traffic in the day but by 5pm theres nothing at all happening, and there’s long stretches between houses). Only I didn’t. Normally when I go down this road I go wayyy under the speed limit since it’s dangerous fucking road man and sometimes when i’m panicky about it I kinda chant to myself dont crash dont crash dont crash like a mantra. But this time I felt so fucking bad, like I was actually dying I thought to myself shit man I always knew this road was going to kill me so my usual mantra turned to please dont kill me please dont kill me . And this is where I’m starting think i had a fever dream in the car because this fucking voice in my ear says “and why shouldnt you die here?” and i slam my breaks on, or at least i tried. car kept going and I nearly cried i was like wtf is going on. and i looked around me and sitting in the seat beside was like a fucking shadow or something but it had a form like a human but very clearly not and yet i could not for the life of me focus on it. Like a black misty kind of but with a vague humanoid outline but no features and it was like my eyes blurred it out like my mind was trying to censor it or something anyway i could feel myself literally almost crying like my tears were there but not falling and this thing beside just asked me why shouldnt i die on this fucking road and i just reply i think something about not killing me because life is looking good for the first time in history for me (its true, for the first in 3 years and over 260 resumes handed in I finally got accepted somewhere and hopefully this means that poverty will no longer ruin me). But anyway after i said that it was like the thing telelported in front of me (while im still drving) and i couldnt see in front of me but i guess it didnt matter because i wasnt even steering but the car was still moving around the bend and towards that fucking dip/hill and i was gripping that wheel tighter than anything, my hand kind of hurts now from it too. at this point i thought shit has my whole day been a dream? getting that job interview? dream? idk man. but it cant ahve been because im typing this on the same day and im not even in bed yet. anyway this thing is in front of me and im just trying to stare at it but i cant because my eyes wont let me and then at that point im like shit maybe im NOT dreaming after all because its hand on my fucking face feels pretty fucking real to me but the whack thing is that it says to me something like  ‘Periventure’ or some fucking shit  that idk what it means !!! but then it like touches my lips or something and for a second im like wait wtf that feels like lips but im like no probably not i cant see any lips or really fuckin anything at all of this shadow mist thing that seems to actually be physically there and all i really know is it’s black as night and i cant see through it but it looks like mist that i cant focus on. and then like it never happened the thing was gone and i was nearly at my house and im like wtfffff did i just ahve some kind schizophrenic vision or something (which i considered possible because my dad has schizophrenia so im like hmm maybe) but what really nailed it home in my head that it might have been for real is that when i checked my phone after mindlessly parking and maybe a bit dazed is that the time read 9:23 pm. the whole woollies trip should only have taken an hour or less. 20 minutes there- 10 minutes in the shop- 20 minutes back roughly. again, I left woolworths at like 6-15 or maybe 6-10. 20 minute trip back it should have been and somehow im home at 9 something? at that point I nod to myself and think alright im nuts. maybe i just didnt read the time properly when i left. so i was gonna put it all behind and just pretend i had a weird stroke. so i went inside and my brothers like where tf were you did you get my pizza? how long does it take for chips and pizza? and im just stare at him and say how long was i gone for and he’s just like shit dude you were gone for hours and woolworths is not that fucking far. then im like oh shit. it happened i think. but it. is too weird for me so i like to think it didnt happen. it’s 10:25 on the dot as i write this sentence here and im thinking about just not even posting this since ive written it down but i feel like if i dont it wont be here when i wake up and i really will think im just having a nuts dream but like. that job dude. i really hope this isnt a dream. i need that job.
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moisok20 · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 other blogs to answer as well.
1. Last drink: Water with lemon
2. Last phone call: my little brother 
3. Last text message: to Kennedy. They said they were about to get laid again and i said, “GODSPEED!”
4. Last song you listened to: Baby Be Mine by Michael Jackson
5. Time you cried: cried myself to sleep last night
6. Dated someone twice?: never dated
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? nope
8. Been cheated on? no
9. Lost someone special? no
10. Been depressed? currently. im working on it
11. gotten drunk and thrown up? nope
favorite colors
12. Purple
13. Maroon
14. Red
in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends? yeah
16. Fallen out of love? No
17. Laughed until you cried? yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you? yes
19. Met someone who changed you? yes
20. Found out who your friends are?: i guess
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list?: no
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl? i dont use Facebook anymore
23. Do you have any pets? Yeah my Pomeranian “Pax”
24. Do you want to change your name? You know i did for a while. I disliked the name Mohammad because as a kid i thought no animation company would hire me because of it and because im not muslim. i still dont like the name but i go by Moe now and ive decided not to legally change it because fuck the white man,
25. What did you do for your last birthday? i dont remember 
26. What time did you wake up today? 2;00 am (i couldnt stay asleep)
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? crying in my room
28. What is something you cant wait for? All the new movies and shows coming out this year, Particularly Wreck it Ralph 2, Black Panther, and Infinity War
30. What are you listening to right now? My art teachers instrumentals he’s playing on Pandora 
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom? Yeah
32. Something that gets on your nerves? White men
33. Most visited website: Instagram, Snap, and Tumblr 
34. Hair color: black people hair color 
35. Long or short hair: shlong
36. Do you have a crush on someone: im working on not
37. What do you like about yourself: im the funniest person i've ever met, im kind, i have a beautiful soul, im loving and caring, im overall just a good person and i deserve so much more than i have (if this sounds conceited im sorry. im working on talking positive about myself because i almost always criticize myself) 
38. Want any piercings? diamond earing on one of my ears, hopefully someday
39. Blood type: O Negative 
40. Nicknames: Moe, Momo, The Star Spangled Clitoris, Mr Proper, Dr Octogonapus, A Midsummer’s Wet Dream, Tony,
41. Relationship status: single
42. Zodiac: Scorpio Master Race
43. Pronouns: he/him but you can call me anything as long as you dont call me late for dinner 
44. fave tv shows: Steven Universe, Sym Bionic Titan, Dragon Ball, Big Mouth, many many many more
45. Tattoos: none, but id probably get one some day. Im thinking of getting “Let it go, let live again” tatted on me somewhere, someday. its a quote that helps me deal with all the negative stuff thats happened in my life. mostly my moms abuse and my dad’s absence and hate for me.
46. Right or left handed: Alt Right 
47. Ever had surgery: when i broke my thumb, yeah
48. Piercings: you just asked me that. This is bad writing Dan 
49. Sport: swimming. i used to play soccer but my mom made me quit because i was terrible and it embarrassed her 
50. Vacation: away
51. Trainers: on and off again
more general
52. Eating: havent eaten in two days. kinda happy, kinda scared. im usually always hungry 
54. Im about to watch: porn
55. Waiting for: Superman by Daughtry is a great song
56. Want: to leave Ohio and start my life over on the west coast
57. Get married: i used to fantasize about having a wife and 5 kids...
then i said “forget kids. i just want to be married”
then i realized im not a catch and i just wanted someone to notice me
now i just wanna be happy being by myself. 
58. career: wanted to be an animator since i was little and i still do. i want to own a company that specializes specifally in diversifying animation someday and i want to be able to hire many disenfranchised groups of people who wouldnt have the 
59. Hugs or kisses: depends on who they’re coming from but preferably brief eye contact
60. Lips or eyes: idk eyes?
61. Shorter or taller: taller, I wish I was tall. If we’re talking dating I don’t care though
62. Older or younger: uhhh I don’t really care I guess I lean towards slightly older
63. Nice arms or stomach: this is the weirdest decision I’ve made. Idk arms?
64. Hookup or relationship: depends on what mood I’m in but I guess relationship in the long run
65. Hesitant or troublemaker: both, it’s hell Other 66. Kissed a stranger: no
67. Drank hard liquor: yep
68. Lost glasses: yeah that was terrible
69. Turned someone down: yeah
70. Sex on first date: idk probably not but it depends on a lot of factors
71. Broken someones heart: lol no
72. Had your heart broken: not like broken, more like…scratched
73.Been arrested: almost but no
74. Cried when someone died: yeah
75. Fallen for a friend: aghhhhhh yes
76. Yourself: complicated relationship. Would fight but apologize the whole time
77. Miracles: idk if I believe in them. What constitutes as a miracle?
78. Love at first sight: no
79. Santa claus: I am an entire adult,,;
80. Kiss on a first date: yeah maybe
81. Angels: they not real bitch
82. Best friend’s name: hmmmmmmmm Sarah I guess, but like what classifies someone as “best friend” exactly?
83. Eye colour: blue
84. Fave movies (right now): Hellboy 1 & 2, Kill Bill
85. Fave actor: that’s a good fuckin question
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brianmaysbread · 7 years
I got tagged by @ure-gonna-loveme-when-u-seeme and ily thank you <3
Rules: Answer the 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: idk my mom or sister
3. Text message: me group of friens
4. Song: God save the queen by Sex Pistols
5. Time you cried: idk yesterday considering i cry everyday i dont count man
6. Dated someone twice: nah
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i d ont even kiss people.
8. Been cheated on: huh
9. Lost someone special: probably
10. Been depressed: boi!
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah son
12. baby/sky blue (their almost tthe same arent they)
13. black
14. orange
15. Made new friends: yes
16. Fallen out of love: probably
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah and ily @ anyone who did that
18. Found out someone was talking about you: yeah - nice deets m8 👌
19. Met someone who changed you: idek probably did but doesn't notice
20. Found out who your friends are: probably but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
21. Kissed someone on you Facebook list: no.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life?: half of the list.
23. Do you have any pets?: a few fishes and 2 dead turtles(yall forever in my hearts)
24. Do you want to change your name?: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dont want to deal with people calling my deadname but if i could i would like my name with a v instead tho.
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: additional mathematics examination <3
26. What time did you wake up?: 11:30 am lol
27. What were you doing at midnight last night?: coming home from prom  💅 💅 💅 💅
28. Name something you can’t wait for: idk to go to uk and punch me sister ??lmAO
29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: 10-20 minutes ago?
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life? wish i wouldnt think of death in every single inconvenience
31. What are you listening to right now: 聖結石Saint feat.聖嫂Dodo - 真的不想嘴 (i l e git just pasted this from my youtube i Cant type chINESE)
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: o-levels
34. Most visited website: tumblr ; facebook ; youtube
35. Mole/s: knee and arm
36. Mark/s: i mean theres those scars
37. Childhood dream: teacher aww
38. Haircolor: black
39. Long or short hair: sort of in the middle tbvh
40. Do you have a crush on someone: unless dead people/old rockstars dont count- pretty much no.
41. What do you like about yourself?: thats a hard one i need to think about for years hmmmmm.
42. Piercings: no
43. Bloodtype: O or A
44: Nicknames: vini/vinny (anyone who calls me this i will love you forever) ; win-win (??) ; pablo( the greatest name ) ; idk theres the rest are insult names and shizzles lol
45. Relationship status: in relationship with sadness
46. Zodiac: scorpio
47. Pronouns: she/them/her/they
48. Favorite TV show: rick and morty is mood
49. Tattoos: someday
50. Right or Left hand?: right
51: Surgery: no
52. Hair dyed a different color: nah
53. Sport: tracks is fun i guess
54. Vacation: here there everywhere
55. Pair of trainers: um, , ,, i still wished to undestarnd what this mean but like yes. 4. i dont know.
56. Eating: instant noodles
57. Drinking:
59. I’m about to: i really want to draw me OCs digitally for absolutely no reason.
61. Waiting for: the time ill start studying ( ◞・౪・)
62. Want: move out someday
63. Get married: to 3 different cats at once.
64. Career: is there a crying shrugging emoji cause if there is thats the answer for this question cause i dotn fucking know man the future stresses me out oh wait hang on ¯\_(; ◡ ;)_/¯ 
65. Hugs or kisses: both are cute.
66. Lips or eyes: lips ?
67. Shorter or taller: idk man but im always shorter than everyone so taller
68. Older or younger: both ??
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach ? what is nice arms mean like do they mean as in biceps ? ? ? (but even so stomachs i guess have a nice digestion system too )
71. Sensitive or loud: loud cs im the sensitive one.
72. Hookup or relationship: both
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker but knows when to hesitate/knows their limit etc idk
74. Kissed a stranger: no
75. Drank hard liquor: no
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: lowkey yes but idk i got them back again anyway
77. Turned someone down: yeah indirectly,
78. Sex on the first date: cool
79. Broken someone’s heart: yeah probably and i higkey want to apologize but i never did unblocked them so great,.
80. Had your heart broken: probably.
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yeah but dude faked their death and ,, ???
83. Fallen for a friend:  at some point i probbaly did but everything never works in my life so
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
84. Yourself: trying me best.
85. Miracles: sure. i hope that miracle of me getting good grades in add maths come someday so in the meantime i hope yes.
86. Love at first sight: cool.
87. Santa Clause: boy i wis h
88. Kiss on the first date: sure
89. Angels: hnhnhjjj nah.
90. Current best friend’s name: idk i dont consider people best friends but i consider them favourite friends which are the same thing but idk pat,sarmilla,hhhhhhhhh, i dont know i love my friends.
91. Eye color: dark brown
92. Favorite movie: nothing comes up in the moment other than a huge list of harold lloyd movies. oh wait shit man uh yeah i pretty much like nowhere boy (even fuck if it isnt a john lenon bopic its actually still decent)
idk im too tired to tag anyone have have fun reading ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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