#i also added more Dog content bc dogs are adorable and really good at comforting
bluelolblue · 4 months
In Sickness and In Health
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Sumarry: Santino got hurt, has a bullet wound, and John, as his husband, is doing everything for him. Helping him with the wound, taking care of him, making him dinner, and breakfast in bed. Being the best husband. And Dog is there for Santino, too.
Rating: Mature/teen, hurt/comfort, fluff, just them being loving husbands
Relationship: Santino D'Antonio/John Wick
Note: I had to write something and post it, I HAD TO I can't take it anymore! I finally finished this (it's the WIP whenever), and there is NO smut for the first time!! This is actually wholesome, not horny :]. And Dog is there, too. Loving husbands Santino and John and I will write more about them being married. Oh and I made a little list of fics I want to write a while ago and this was there "Married John and Santino" but I can't find that post rn but it's here somewhere lol. I decided to post this here and on ao3. I hope yall will enjoy this! <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The last few weeks have been extremely exhausting for both of them. Santino had a meeting after meeting, in different cities and even had to fly back to Italy for few days. While they were just meetings and business talk, there were few times when a squad was sent to kill them.
So, John had to take over. He succeeded in protecting Santino every time. Until this one time when Santino actually got hit, however it was just a flesh wound on his left arm, the bullet brushed off, luckily it wasn't anything serious.
But the wound cleaning still hurt.
"Take it easy... I told you to focus on breathing, okay?" John said as he cleaned the small bullet wound on Santino's arm. Santino was pale, unconsciously breathing a bit heavier from the pain and exhaustion. "I am. It's not like I got shot at." Santino huffed, glancing from his wound to John. "You're pale." John noticed, analyzing Santino's expressions. He can read his body language easily, Santino can't fool him.
"I'm tired and it hurts. Of course I'm gonna be pale." Santino rolled his eyes in annoyance. John thought it was cute. When Santino gets needy and bitchy with him, he doesn't mind it. He really tries to comfort him when he's like this, and his success in that depends on Santino's mood.
John hummed in a soft tone and pressed a kiss on his forhead. "I'm sorry it hurts." He murmured. Santino sighed, not in his usually annoyed way, but in a tired way this time. It breaks John's heart to see him like this, every time he's like this John tries to make him feel better by doing whatever Santino wants.
Not only Santino was exhausted from everything, he got a high temperature. A result of all this. John knew that could happen, he experienced it himself many times. He takes some painkillers and he's good for few hours. Now he has to see if that will work for Santino.
He just finished with wrapping a bandage over the wound when he felt Santino's forhead. "You got a fever, too." John pointed out. "Do you want me to bring you pills-" as John was about to offer some more, Santino cut him off. "I don't need anything. It'll pass just like always." He winced as he stood up so sudden, his arm still ached.
"Santino. I promised to take care of you. I vowed it. Remember?" Of course at their wedding they both vowed to protect and take care of each other till death tears them apart. It's such a beautiful memory. Of their wedding.
Santino's expression seemed to soften, he's aware that John just wants best for him and he is kinda, still, pushing that help away. He's not used to someone caring for him in that way, to be loved like this.
He's still learning. Trying to allow himself to be finally loved.
"Of course I remember." Santino murmured, "I remember it very well." He didn't look at him, too embarrassed because of his moody behavior. "Then let me take care of you." John said, getting in front of him and gently holding his shoulders.
Santino can't reject his husband. He's just too sweet and caring.
"Fine." Santino sighed, looking down before John gently pulled his chin up so they look at each other. "That's what I wanted to hear." John kissed his forhead, but he got quickly nudged down by his tie so Santino can kiss him.
"And I'd like a painkiller." Santino murmured. "Of course, darling." John smiled.
He loves this about John. His loyalty. It's beautiful. How are people even capable of being this loyal?
Assassin and a Crime lord. Bogeyman and Camorra prince.
Santino's gonna need something more than just one painkiller since he's not used to this. His body isn't. It's not even a big wound but it still hurt and felt uncomfortable.
John offered another pill that can help get the fever down, but he knows that won't be enough. It's been already twenty minutes since he finished treating Santino's arm and he's not looking like he got any better.
"Are the pills gonna start working soon or?" Santino asked as he leaned against the recliner and sighed heavily. "They will, just give it some more time. Do you need anything else? Hungry or do you need more water?" John asked, gently rubbing Santino's thigh in a comforting way.
"No..." Santino replied, closing his eyes. "You have to eat, though. Surely, there has to be something you'd like to eat now?" If he wants to regain some of his strength, he's gonna have to eat something. As far as John remembers, Santino only had coffee in the morning. That's it.
"I feel nauseous... I'll just shower and try to fall asleep." Santino was about to stand up when Dog trotted to him and wagged his tail as he whined at him. Santino smiled tiredly at him and patted his head, Dog leaned his head against his palm even more, looking right at him in a sympathizing way.
"Well... I think even Dog agrees that you should eat. You only had coffee in the morning, I don't understand how you can go through the whole day on just that. That's not good for you, for your health."
They had this talk before, "You can't live on one cup of coffee." The talk.
And he can't. Santino is aware of that. But, it's like he's refusing to help himself. So, John tries to do that for him. Try to let him know that he has to help himself and that it's okay to ask for help. Ask his husband for help.
"John, please, I just want to rest already-" However, John had to cut him off there. "I forgot to mention that I can smell cigarettes on you. As much as you try to cover it with mint or extra cologne, it's still there, the smell of smoke." Ah, so John caught him after all.
Stress awakens some unhealthy cravings in Santino. Smoking and drinking an extra glass of wine or whatever they have. However, smoking is the overpowering craving. Even before their marriage, Santino admitted that he wants to stop. And it was the first time he asked John for help.
The progress they made with that was pretty good. Yes, he was restless and in a horrible mood all the time because he needed it, but with John's help he managed to get that craving under control. John also praised him every time, "Good job. I'm proud of you." Followed by a kiss on his lips, cheek or forhead.
And now... that progress went backwards.
"I..." Santino started but couldn't find the words so quickly. He couldn't look at John. Couldn't look at his puppy eyes, his empathic eyes. He was too ashamed.
"I just had few. I needed to calm down after all those stupid meetings and calls with those old fuckers who think they can control everything when they want to..." just as Santino was talking about this, he himself probably didn't notice that his voice was getting more and more shaky and that he was slightly trembling.
"Hey, hey, darling... it's okay, don't upset yourself- I'm sorry I brought it up." John cupped his face, making Santino, finally, look at him. He could see how Santino's eyes were watery and it hurts him every time he sees tears in his eyes. Santino doesn't have to cry, doesn't have to let his tears fall, but he can have that exhausted, sad, fighting back tears look.
Santino took a deep breath in and exhaled heavily, placing his one hand on top of John's. "You don't have to apologize, mio caro. I'm sorry. All the progress we made... I ruined it all." Santino was keeping eye contact with him, meaning he really trusts him. To see him this vulnerable.
"I just wanted to feel better- ah..." Santino wanted to reach out for him with his wounded arm but because of a sudden movement, it hurt him and he winced. "I know, darling, I know." John murmured softly, pulling him into a gentle hug, avoiding his hurt arm and letting Santino cling onto his shirt.
"Take it easy. Our progress isn't ruined. You still want to stop, right?" John asked softly against his ear. Santino nodded slowly against his shoulder, "Yes. I want to stop." Santino whispered. "Good. I'm proud of you. Thank you for telling me." He went over Santino's hair with his fingers. That's something that Santino adores.
It feels so good to him, it relaxes him.
Santino pulled back enough to kiss him, as in saying "Thank you."
Dog jumped on the couch next to Santino, lied down and rested his head on his thigh. "Oh, bello..." Santino chuckled softly at him, patting his head and seeing how Dog wagged his tail. "Sei così carino, proprio come il tuo papà (you're so cute, just like your daddy)."
John had to chuckle at that, Santino often talks to Dog like that. Calling John and sometimes himself, "dad" or "daddy".
To be fair, this is literally Dog's family. Santino and John.
John pressed a kiss on Santino's head, making him laugh a little. It's a beautiful noise to John. To hear Santino laugh. He wants to make him happy.
"So... will you eat something for me and Dog? I can make whatever you want." John asked that again, caressing Santino's head, going over his fluffy hair.
Santino hummed softly before answering, "I can't say no to you two." Finally. He wants to help himself. That earned him two more kisses on his cheek.
Santino remembered how John makes perfect waffles. It's like John's specialty. "Can you make few waffles?" Santino asked, and he sounded so shy and innocent. "Of course I can. Anything for you, darling." John said.
It was getting a bit late, but no matter how late it gets, John will make those waffles for him.
While he was making them, he glanced at Santino and Dog, seeing g how Santino was patting, snuggling and murmuring something in Italian to Dog. It was cute to see them like that.
"Here you go, love." John said as he placed the plate with freshly warm waffles. "Thank you." Ah, they smell amazing and it was then when Santino realized that he's actually hungry. Of course, Dog started whining, begging just like always whenever they're eating. And it's John's fault he got used to it since he always secretly gives him a little piece of anything he's eating that's not sweet.
Santino's arm hurt each time he moved it, nerve and muscle damage most likely, and John offered to cut the waffles for him. It was a bit silly to Santino but he accepted his help. Watching TV and keeping Dog next to himself as Santino was finishing, he would glance from time to time at Santino and smile.
"You got a little bit of syrup on your face." John said. "Huh, where?" Santino asked, already trying to wipe it off with his thumb. "Let me." John leaned to kiss off the syrup that was on the edge of his mouth. "Here and..." another kiss but on lips, tasting the sweet maple syrup. "Here."
Santino could feel himself blushing, that was absolutely hot and cute at the same time. "Fuck..." Santino breathed out, looking down as he tried not to make it obvious how he was blushing. "You taste sweet like this." John winked playfully. "You're the reason I like maple syrup..." Santino said shyly. "I know." John said proudly. When John first time made pancakes with maple syrup, Santino was positivity suprised how good they tasted.
"I wanna shower now." Santino said as John went to put the plate into the sink. "Alright. Do you need help?" John asked.
"I, um... no, I think I'll be fine." Santino replied, sitting up and feeling his shoulder from his wounded arm. "Okay. If you need anything, I'll be in our bedroom."
And so John waited in the bedroom while Santino showered. Or tried to shower. The water getting over his wound was making it burn and since he still had a high fever, the water felt cold. "Cazzo." he would groan from time to time and what freaked him out was a little bit of blood mixed with water dripping down his arm.
"John. I think I need some help." He called out and just like a dog called to heel, John rushed to the bathroom. "Yes, darling?"
"It burns when the water gets on it..." Santino said, looking at his wound. "Alright, let me help you." John knows how to do this. "Shower with me, so you don't have to later." Santino smirked a little, whenever he gets a chance to flirt even just a little bit, he takes his chance. "Do you really need my help or you just want to see me naked?" John chuckled, already taking off his shirt. "Both." Santino replied, glancing him, his body. They both worship each other.
John was avoiding the wound as he carefully poured water over Santino's shoulders. Trying his best to not get much water on it. He's gonna have to disinfect the wound again, anyway. "Thank you, bello." Santino told him after few minutes. "Always, darling." John could feel how Santino's body was warm, hear him how he whimpered from time to time because his whole body was aching.
He's gonna give him a massage tomorrow, his body needs rest now.
After the shower, John helped him dry around the wound area, "I have to clean the wound again. Just a little, okay?" John said softly, watching how his husband tensed at that. "Okay."
Santino was patient, mostly because he's really tired and was ready to pass out in the bed. "Good job. You're handling this better and better." John praised him as he wrapped a new bandage over it. "Yeah. I'm just tired." John could tell just by his voice how exhausted he must be. "Alright. You need lots of rest." John said and pressed a soft kiss on his neck.
It took some time for Santino to fall asleep because he couldn't get comfortable. He would usually sleep on his left side so he faces John and now he couldn't. Dog also joined them, sleeping by their feet, mostly now on Santino's side as if he could feel that Santino wasn't doing the best.
John caressed Santino's waist, his hips as he tried to relaxe him as much as possible. And it worked. Santino finally fell asleep and John could relax now, too.
However, during night Santino would often sigh or whimper whenever he tried to move in his sleep. John would make soothing noises each time and kiss his head, "Shhh, you're okay, love." And it seemed to calm him down.
It was a little bit of a restless night, but when they have each other, everything seems easier.
John was the first one to wake up, just like always, but he was just chilling next to him, browsing on his phone as he waited for Santino to wake up.
An hour passed and Santino sighed as he switched to lie on his back. "Good morning, darling." John greeted with a kiss. "Morning." Santino replied tiredly, caressing John face and wanting more kisses.
"How are you feeling?" John asked. "Still tired. I think I don't have a fever anymore." He was right, when John felt his forhead, he wasn't warm like yesterday. "Yeah, it's gone. One problem less." He chuckled and held his hand in comfort. "You can still rest if you want to, honey." John offered. "No... I have to get up, I have a lot to do." Santino said and started to get up but John had other plans.
"No, I'll do everything you need. You still need rest." There was no point to argue because John wouldn't give up and it feels nice to not sit by the table and make calls and do contracts all day. "If you insist." Santino smiled tiredly. "I do." John replied.
Santino pulled him into a long kiss, cupping his face. He really needs rest and he has John who can help him with that.
"I love you." Santino said softly, gently stroking John's face and looking into his eyes. "I love you, too." John kissed him again, both humming softly into the kiss.
"Coffee like usual?" John asked after the kiss. "Yes, please." Santino smiled. Coffee is a must in the morning. "Any wishes for breakfast?" John asked. "Pancakes. But Europe ones." European style pancakes are his favorite for breakfast. "Of course."
John actually likes to serve him. So, this isn't a problem for him. Any chance he gets to do anything for him, he's doing it.
And now it was Dog and Santino again. Santino smiled and patted a spot next to him for Dog to come and he happily did. Snuggling against him, wagging his tail and licking his hand. "I know, bello, you're the cutest." Santino murmured to him, rubbing his chest as Dog lied on his back. Santino chuckled and continued to scratch Dog's belly and chest and Dog was loving it, panting happily and his tail never stopped wagging.
And then the face kisses Dog wanted to give him, "No, bello, we talked about this." Santino chuckled and tried to hold him off, but he managed to get licked a little. "My arm still hurts, you know." He smiled at him, scratching his head as Dog finally calmed down and was looking at him.
Dog whined and licked his hand as if in apology.
"Ah, so you two are cuddling, hm?" John brought breakfast to Santino in bed, this isn't the first time he has done it, and Santino loves it every time. "Yes, we are." Santino glanced from Dog to him. "Ah, they smell lovely. With chocolate spread?" Santino asked with a smile. "Your favorite." John replied.
He called Dog off the bed to give Santino peace while eating. "I love you so much, I thought we ran out of it." Santino said as John placed the platter in front of him. "I always make sure we have it." John ruffled through Santino's hair. "And coffee, of course, let me bring it."
He brought their coffee, placing one cup on the night stand next to Santino's side. "I could get used to this." Santino said as he took a bite of a pancake. "I don't have a problem with that." John said and sat next to him, enjoying his coffee. "How's your arm?" John asked softly, looking at the bandage and it seemed that the wound stopped bleeding. "Still hurts. But a little less than yesterday." Santino replied. "That's good. It'll pass eventually." John rubbed his thigh, seeing how Santino smiled at him.
He loves seeing him smile. He would kill anyone if it would make Santino smile.
Dog peeked over the bed and whined. "Ah, what did I do to deserve you two?" Santino smiled softly at Dog and John. "Do I deserve this?" Santino asked. "You deserve everything, darling. Everything." John said gently, kissing his cheek in comfort. "Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Because they will end up with a bullet in their head."
That got Santino laughing a little, which made John smile.
"I would kill for you. You know that." He means that every time he says it. "Yes, I know. And I would kill for you, too."
They are really ready to do anything for each other. Married, they are unstoppable.
Everyone will know about Santino and John Wick D'Antonio.
Note: Thank you all so much for the support! It means a lot, and I appreciate it! I love you all! 💙
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gekimayu · 6 years
some (mostly kakashi) headcanons i like
-kakashi’s mom was an inuzuka. would explain his heightened sense of smell and his affinity to dogs. also why kiba came to him for help in that one filler ep (this headcanon has been making the rounds some years ago and i found content here and here and i actually ended up real disappointed when he didnt end up having either fangs or facemarkings tbh)
-kakashi being trans isnt that much of a hc to me anymore tbh, because i consider it canon due to overwhelming evidence so the headcanon is: the only people who know kakashi is trans are sakumo (bc hes his dad and was also NOTHING BUT supportive), gai (bc hes his husband), sakura, tsunade and probably shizune, rin and other healers (bc they have used healing jutsu on him before), minato and tenzo. 
-tenzo knows because he is trans himself (long hair as a child, changed his name a few times, wears a mask a lot,...) and came out to kakashi who then came out in return and helped tenzo and thats why tenzo adores him so much
-gai is faceblind (thats a hc that has been established before and ive seen posts about it here here and lots of other times i cant find rn) and thats why he recognised kakashi as sukea, bc he didnt concentrate on the face, but his body and the way he moved. also why he has no problem fighting a sharingan user, bc he has no reason to look at their faces anyway.
-gai however DOES act up his faceblindness occasionally to piss off his opponents. (fight with young obito or his 2nd and 3rd encounter with kisame)
-kakashi isnt necessarily ace, but is sex repulsed/has a low sex drive due to trauma (and possibly dysphoria or simply not wanting people to know he’s trans), but there is this very persistent rumour among civilians and people who dont know him well and that kakashi is either not aware of or manages to ignore very well. people think he’s a sex god who gets laid all the time and is probably all dommy and suave and really good at dirty talk and shit, but everyone who has spent a little time with him (which is, admittedly, not that huge a number of people) knows he is a recluse and also a weird nerd who probably reads his trashy porn books for the PLOT and almost combusts when he is forced to read lines from it out loud, who loses a fight because hes afraid of spoilers, who has a seriously weird sense of humour and who gets roasted by his genin team all the time. seriously, the only person close to kakashi who thinks he is even remotely cool is gai and thats only because hes dumb in love with him and probably thinks he barfs rainbows. (heres another post along those lines)
-the only time kakashi is ever anything close to ~charming~ is when hes sweet talking tenzo. and even then its half hero worship and the other half is probably pity or reluctant fondness or something.
-i feel like the uzumaki’s affinity towards seals and sealing jutsu is a tragically underused trope in both canon and fanworks, so i like imagining naruto pick up sealing and having a almost inherent understanding of seals bc of his heritage
-after the war sai finally comes up with a nickname for lee and its ‘kemushi’ (caterpillar bc of his eyebrows) and lee thinks its the absolute best thing ever
-after retiring from active duty kakashi exclusively wears either yukatas or the ninja equivalent of an adidas tracksuit
-kakashi had a onesided crush on his straight friend obito and because he was emotionally stunted and had no idea what to do about it his crush translated into condescending behaviour. his death added to his intimacy issues and was also the reason why he wasnt comfortable with or didnt feel worthy of starting a relationship with gai even though he absolutely did return his feelings. seeing that obito had been alive that entire time messed him up pretty badly bc he ofc started to blame himself for EVERYTHING that had happened including minato and kushina’s deaths, the uchiha massacre and the entire 4th shinobi war. so after that is over and done with he is not well™, but he and gai work through their stuff together, have a few breakdowns, heal and start a serious relationship soon after.
so far so good. will probably add more eventually.
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month9books · 7 years
Riverdale Recap and Review - Season 1 - Chapter 8 - The Outsiders by Andrew Buckley
There quite literally is not one happy marriage happening in Riverdale. Maybe it’s the water, maybe it’s the maple syrup, maybe it’s the disturbing amount of redheads . . . but relationships are not meant to survive in that town. Tensions ran high in this episode with double crosses and back alley deals happening all over the place. Riverdale is a dangerous place to live. But they do have Skeet Ulrich, so there’s that. Let’s get to it . . .
How many times can you reference abortion without actually saying the word ‘abortion’? I counted five times, but I may have missed one. I’m assuming it’s a CW censorship thing, but I was surprised they had to avoid the word as it’s absence made it all the more obvious, but I suppose that was the point. This week, Mr. Cooper became oh so much darker than just some guy who breaks into the Sheriff’s house to steal his murder wall. He’s harboring such a hatred for the Blossoms that he actually wanted his daughter to abort the baby. The guy is certainly carrying enough hate to push him over to the darkside, but his banishment from the Cooper household says a lot more about Alice Cooper (the blonde chick, not the guy who used to bite heads off chickens on stage) than it does about him. Mrs. Cooper has always seemed so controlled in her insanity, however we certainly saw some cracks as she tries to deal with the Blossom family now trying to steal her daughter, while also revealing her own shadowy past, also at the hands of her husband. There goes another Riverdale marriage.
Polly herself is still severely lacking as a character and I think it’s partly due to us not really knowing her. The reason we care so much about who killed Jason, and not about Jason himself is because we never got a chance to know him. All we really know is he had terribly fake-looking red hair and apparently he was a mute. The same almost goes for Polly. We met her at the mental asylum where she was hysterical and she hasn’t really calmed down since. Okay, so the father of her child was murdered, her dad tried to have her abort her baby, the father’s family want to keep the baby, her parents sent her to a mental asylum, and now she’s back, there’s a power struggle over this child who will undoubtedly have fake-looking red hair. Okay, fine. She has every right to be hysterical. Unfortunately, her lack of grounding as a character is making it really hard to sympathize with her. Maybe that’ll change now she’s a member of the Blossom household. By making the choice to join the Blossoms, she’s effectively shunning her own family. And who can blame her?
Speaking of the Blossoms, let’s take a moment to appreciate just how awesome Granny Blossom is. Come on, that crazy old lady is great. Part horror story cliche, part gypsy, part crypt keeper. She keeps getting better and better.
Fred Andrews and his business woes seeped throughout most of the story this episode. With the Blossoms wanting to buy the old movie theatre land, and Mr. Lodge being the secret buyer, and Hermione knowing this but not telling Fred, we can clearly see another relationship is about to go down the toilet. It all makes for interesting TV though, so who cares? Fred confronting Clifford Blossom was a nice scene but it felt a little empty with Fred not really having a good threat to come back with. Too bad he doesn’t have a biker gang working for him . . . oh wait.
It was a touching moment when Archie and his pals came out to work for his dad, even more so when Fred and Archie have their heart to heart in the kitchen later. While I didn’t love this episode as much as past ones, I did love this scene. And it wasn’t just Luke Perry’s sincere delivery, it was the balancing out of Fred and Archie’s relationship. While Archie’s legacy speech was a bit on the flawed side, the messaging was still solid and the Andrews boys still represent a united front that doesn’t appear to exist anywhere else in town. This is of course after Fred tries to solve the problems he’s experiencing himself, and Archie walks into a biker bar. We’ve yet to see Mary Andrews but we know she’s coming (bring it on Molly Ringwald), so we’ll likely see that balanced father/son relationship shaken again very soon.
Skeet freakin Ulrich as Jughead’s dad is fast becoming one of my favourite characters. After we saw all his misgivings in the last episode, it was nice to see him find a bit of redemption here. His volunteering information to Jughead and Betty regarding Jason and then rounding up a crew to help out Fred proves that Mr. Jones isn’t all that bad of a guy. Well, except for him having Jason’s jacket, and that he uses teenagers to sell drugs, oh and he’s the leader of a violent biker gang, and that he has Joaquin (who I’m still saying is Jason’s murderer) cozy up to the delightful Kevin . . . so yeah, never mind, he’s a bad guy.
STORY FLAW ALERT! - Mr. Jones tells Hermione that it was likely Mr. Lodge who had people disrupt the construction site and beat up Moose. He blames it on Hermione getting frisky with Fred and someone ratted her out (Veronica, clearly Veronica) and that the incident was part of a jealous attack? On property he owns? Disrupting the building of his weird hipster community housing? Where he stands to make a lot of money? And didn’t Clifford Blossom all but admit to being the culprit in order to bleed the owner of the land dry? Something isn’t adding up there but maybe it’s all a bunch of red herrings. Or trout. Or whatever fish happens to be native to Riverdale.
This was a setup episode, inserted so we can get from here to there. The Jason story got moved along with Mr. Jones and Joaquin (the murderer) hiding the jacket. Polly moving in with the Addams family effectively destroys the ‘Stepford Family’ archetype that the Coopers had been trying to project. Fred and Mr. Jones getting the band back together means it’s being setup to be broken apart again later. And the looming threat of Mr. Lodge stretched its shadowy tendrils a little bit further.
Next week sees the return of Ethel (finally!), though it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting an answer to the burning question on everyone’s mind: Where is Hotdog?
Until next week . . .
- Valerie was there, but . . . not really there? True, there wasn’t much room for development of Varchie? Valerchie? Archerie? (we’ll need to work on that) Hopefully we’ll be able to see more of that relationship over the coming weeks.
- Same goes for Bughead. Not the best way to start a relationship, amid a murder investigation and a crazy pregnant sister, though we’d still like to see some development happening here. And more than just ‘yeah, my Dad’s a biker’.
- Sheriff Keller - Absolutely terrible at his job. Fortunately for him, he appears to be the only law enforcement agent in all of Riverdale so he’s got great job security.
- Was anyone else hoping that Moose would lay some smack down on those two guys? I mean, c’mon, he’s Moose!
- Archie and Jughead’s ‘bro moment’ was underwhelmed by the lack of conflict. Archie got a little angry, Jughead got a little sad, and then all was well again.
- I kinda love how much Kevin loves the Lodges. From his awe over Veronica’s party invites to complementing Hermione’s shoes. Yeah he’s a walking gay stereotype, but he’s adorable.
About Andrew: 
Andrew Buckley attended the Vancouver Film School’s Writing for Film and Television program. After pitching and developing several screenplay projects for film and television, he worked in marketing and public relations, before becoming a professional copy and content writer. During this time Andrew began writing his first adult novel, DEATH, THE DEVIL AND THE GOLDFISH, followed closely by his second novel, STILTSKIN. He works as an editor for Curiosity Quills Press.
Andrew also co-hosts a geek movie podcast, is working on his next novel, and has a stunning amount of other ideas. He now lives happily in the Okanagan Valley, BC with three kids, one cat, one needy dog, one beautiful wife, and a multitude of characters that live comfortably inside of his mind.
Andrew is represented by Mark Gottlieb at the Trident Media Group.
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