#i also didnt even know there was a zooble i want zooble too
daiwild · 5 months
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ive only known him for two hours etc etc
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ghastigiggles · 11 months
danse macabre
so uh. uhm. hi. i kept forgetting to post this and i feel really bad about it. i'm so sorry tadc nation here's some food for you
npc oc because i didnt feel comfortable writing anyone as a ler - not yet, anyway. but pomni needed to get wrecked so bad. she's so cute. i get cuteness aggression every time she's on screen
usual disclaimer; sfw tickling fic, very soft and fluffy, even a little goofy and silly.
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"Given that our last adventure took an exciting turn, I thought doing a rerun would be a better idea today!"
A rippling groan passed through the veteran players that Caine seemed to entirely ignore, turning his attention to Pomni with an exaggerated movement.
"Something a little more calm, I'd say! Should help bring you down from any thoughts of the Void from the other day!"
"Ahh… I don't –"
"You'll love it," He interrupted, swooping back into the air with an extravagant gesture; "It's a fan favourite! Everyone knows it, everyone loves it, it's… 'Where in the World is Sir Wigglesburg?'!"
Pomni, of course, didn't miss the way everyone else in the room tensed up – though she didn't catch the way Gangle actually perked instead, immediately shooting sideways glances at everyone else before poorly mirroring their tension. 
"... You're kiddin'," Jax muttered, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. Caine simply continued as though he didn't hear the rabbit while Bubble floated nearby with an empty look in her eyes.
"Sir Wigglesburg is one of our most esteemed citizens –"
"Not an actual player," Ragatha helpfully cut in with a glance to Pomni, trying to give her context.
" – with a terrible habit of wandering off! His dear wife has, once again, asked us – rather, you – to lend a helping hand and bring him home safe! The first to lead Sir Wigglesburg back to the stage shall win a prize! (To be determined, prize may or may not meet or exceed expectations.) Good luck!"
And, with no further context or instruction, their ringmaster and his companion entirely disappeared. There was a brief silence before Zooble grunted, already walking away.
"... Right. I'm going back to my room, then."
"Aww, somebody too chicken to help the poor guy?"
Jax sneered in their direction, and they shot him a searing glare; "Well, if you want a repeat of last time, be my guest. I don't."
"I will also take my leave," Kinger muttered in a hurried fashion, looking askance; "The last time we did this, it was before… Mngh…"
Ragatha offered him a sympathetic smile, nodding as the other two softened just slightly. 
"It's alright, Kinger. We understand."
"Thank you… If you do take on the quest, give Sir my best." 
With that, both Zooble and Kinger headed towards the living quarters, leaving Pomni to finally pipe up again, looking between Ragatha and Jax.
"... So, um… W-what's so upsetting about the rerun, anyway? Is it, um, bad…?"
"Oh – no, not – not per se," The ragdoll replied quickly, tapping her chin; "I mean, Caine wasn't lying… This is one of the calmer adventures."
"Yeah. You should do it, newbie."
Both sets of eyes snapped to Jax, who simply grinned passively. Ragatha squinted.
"... And I don't suppose you'd be coming along?"
"I will, actually. Could be funny. What about you, Rags?"
Though she grimaced, Ragatha sighed in resignation, turning a little to give Pomni a small smile.
"Well, I'm not gonna let her go it alone… Again."
That much, at least, gave Pomni heart, and she almost smiled back – until she realized one of their party wasn't accounted for, and her brow furrowed.
"Uh… Where's Gangle?"
The other two also seemed to only just notice Gangle's absence, and the three of them glanced around briefly before their search was cut short by a distant shriek from the player in question.
"That sounded like her…!"
"Is she getting hurt?! W-what if someone else abstracted?!" Pomni shot them a panicked glance; "Sh-should we –"
"Let's go investigate before anything else," Jax interrupted calmly, barely keeping the amusement from his face as he gestured for Pomni to take the lead. When Ragatha shot him a glare, he simply shrugged, following after her with the ragdoll shortly behind.
They had little more than a vague direction, down a corridor and two left turns that seemed to dim the further along they went; Gangle made no further sounds, giving them little in the way of direction, and eventually Pomni sighed haplessly, squinting into the darkness.
"... It's no use… Should – should we go find Caine again…?"
She was met with silence, and turned around – only to find Ragatha and Jax were nowhere to be seen, and her stomach dropped with dread.
"... Guys…?"
"Ooh? Who is this…? A face I've yet to see and greet?"
At a new voice, Pomni yelped, whipping around – and coming face-to-face with what appeared to be some kind of massive, cartoonish caterpillar. His body appeared to be covered in green fur, disappearing into the darkness past his neck – or so Pomni assumed at first glance, anyway. His face and what could only be described as underbelly were covered in white fur that parted around his features, such as a long purple nose and big black eyes – one of which sported a golden monocle. And, of course, his hands had the same cartoon glove sort of thing that Kinger had going on, though this time with black noodle arms seemingly attached.
In her shock, she entirely lost her voice, merely stammering wordlessly – and earning a chuckle from the caterpillar looming over her. 
"Such a small thing, you are! 'Tis a pleasure, indeed!" 
Smiling, he extended one of his hands for a shake, a gesture that finally managed to pull Pomni from her stupor.
"I am Sir Wigglesburg! And you, my gentile jester, would be…?"
"A-ahhh…" Though hesitant, she extended her own hand, despite it being barely half the size of his own, "P-Pomni – woah –!"
The moment their palms yet, Wigglesburg pulled her closer, twirling her around so suddenly that her eyes spun in alternating directions – and as she was steadied again, pulled along by his sudden movements, she was abruptly made aware of his overwhelming amount of hands, with a second dominant one taking her free hand to hold her steady while two more settled on her back and hip, respectively.
"Pomni, Pomni! A wondrously adorable and charming name! Please, indulge me with a dance – 'tis a formal greeting between my people!"
"I – I'm actually – ah!"
The hand on her hip pinched her side unexpectedly, making her jerk in an attempt to escape – yet Wigglesburg easily moved with her reflexive maneuver like it was a step in her dance.  
"I'm actually – ehh! – l-looking for s – hey! – some – sohome –"
The hand squeezed again, and again, and again; and every time, she tried to sidestep or wiggle away – and every time, it just encouraged their "dance", with Wigglesburg's gentle but firm grip keeping her upright despite the giggles bubbling in her chest and the involuntary smile that had been pulling at her lips. 
"My dear Pomni," Wigglesburg crooned as though she wasn't struggling to articulate a sentence; "You are a wonderful dancer!"
" – Ghhh, thank you…? But I – ah!! – would you plehease –"
She squeaked again as she was suddenly pulled into a dip, very nearly panicking before she realized Wigglesburg was still supporting her gently. His wide smile was kind and sweet, but undercut by the mischief in his eyes as he looked down at her.
"... That said, you are giggling quite a lot! I didn't think dancing with a wyrm would be that much fun for you!"
"I-It's not the dancing – GyaAH –"
"Is it not?" 
Pomni couldn't manage a reply, stuck in a fit of uncontrollable giggles caused by the fingers wiggling at both sides, forcing her to squirm back and forth with no true escape from the unexpected and overwhelming sensation. Wigglesburg hummed, tilting his head with an adoring expression.
"I say, I was under the impression that it was the jester who caused nobles to laugh, not the other way around! Yet, here you are, practically beside yourself…"
For a mercy, he did release her hands, and she immediately brought her arms in – not that they did much, proportionately, to protect her. 
"Aheheh, I can't – I cahahan't –"
"Oh, my poor dear, does it tickle? Are we feeling a little sensitive?"
She hiccuped through her laughter at that, shaking her head and ducking down; it felt like the teasing sent a shot through her nerves, which only made it worse when he started scratching experimentally at her ribs, prompting a few snorts to escape her as well.
"Ngh – nahahaa, not th - thehehere…!"
"What? Here? Or here – oh, dear me."
His hands shot to Pomni's underarms for just a few seconds, but it was enough to prompt a shriek from her, wriggling and kicking fruitlessly with even more vigour than before.
"NnnoOHOHO – gh – $%^@# – I cahAAHAAN'T –!"
"Yes, I can see that! 'Twould seem that 'tis an especially sensitive spot."
She threw back her head with a loud cackle as Wigglesburg doubled down, every stroke of his fingers sending shocks down her arms and through her body – but she only had to endure it a moment longer before he finally laid off, lightly massaging her sides with his thumbs as she gasped for breath – an act that was more instinctual than actually necessary, given that breathing wasn't really a thing anymore – with a goofy, natural smile still stuck on her face.
"I do hope you can forgive my zeal in tormenting you," Wigglesburg offered after a moment, smiling apologetically; "I cannot help myself around the players."
"I – it's… Haah…" With a final breath, Pomni shook out the residual giggles, looking back up at Wigglesburg; "It's alright…"
"Oh, I figured! You never once asked me to stop, after all."
She stiffened at that, her eyes widening as she searched her memory – because, surely not… And yet, he was right.
She had no idea if the digital avatar could blush, but with how hot her face felt upon that realization, she really, really hoped it couldn't.
"But enough of that – you were searching for someone, yes?"
"Uh! Um. Y-yeah. You, actually, but also – Gangle, if you've seen her…"
"Oh! My dear Gangle has been here all along!"
Pomni blinked dumbly, and Wigglesburg chuckled, curling in on himself and cradling her close as his spine arched up to where she could see clearly – and, sure enough, Gangle was splayed out in the wyrm's green fur, seeming a little sleepy and out of it… Yet, content, even as she looked up and waved at Pomni.
"But… Her scream…"
"'Twas a scream of joy and laughter," Wigglesburg assured her; "Gangle is one of my favorite dancing partners – and I, hers! I admit, I went overboard this time, though… It has been too long since the last time."
A lot of things made sense, now. The way everyone had seemed tense and awkward when Wigglesburg's name came up; Gangle's quiet disappearance in the wake of the adventure's start. The little comments everyone was making towards each other… 
"Pomni! Are you alright?!"
Ragatha's voice pulled Pomni from her thoughts, and she looked down to see the ragdoll standing below, looking up with faint relief… And heavy amusement. Shortly behind her stood Jax, smug as ever – yet, notably, keeping a good generous distance between himself and the wyrm.
"Uh. Yeah," Pomni replied; "I found Gangle? And… And Sir Wigglesburg."
"We know. We heard you," Jax chuckled, easily side-stepping to avoid a tiny kick from Ragatha. For her part, the doll smiled.
"That's great! Let's head back to the stage and wrap up this adventure, then!"
Sir Wigglesburg, however, pouted a little, looking down at her.
"Oh, are you sure I can't convince you to share just one dance with me…?"
"Ahh… Maybe next time?"
Ragatha offered him a nervous smile, and Wigglesburg sighed dramatically – but he didn't object, simply setting Pomni on his back near Gangle before he began to crawl along on the path back to the stage. Distantly, Jax grumbled about not being offered a ride as he and Ragatha followed on foot.
In the softness of his fur, Pomni felt a tempting urge to "nod off", partially encouraged by the dance she'd just been through – but Gangle's voice, just barely loud enough to be heard – kept her in the waking world.
"... I'm glad you like his game. I've been the only one for awhile… Knowing someone else likes it makes me feel less weird."
And, with a small nod in response, Pomni hid her smile in the wyrm's fur.
Maybe not every part of the digital circus was terrible or terrifying.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
can you make headcanons for all the tadc cast with a reckless reader?
also, have a good day :)
TADC cast x reckless! reader!
last post for this batch! ill get right back to answering stuff soon! my cinnamon roll dough is almost done with its first rise and ill have to shape them soon! also gotta make the frosting..! short post since the base of one of my thumbs is getting a lil sore idk if its because ive been typing so much these past few days or if i just slept on my hand wrong; maybe both
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youre in luck reader! you cant really get hurt in the digital world...! well, not... traditionally.. you can definitely still feel pain, thats for sure, but i dont think your digital body has any bones to break or skin to scrape..! so hey at least you can kind of be as reckless as you want without consequence...! except, there are consequences. caine is not at all happy at your recklessness.. i mean sure yeah some of his IHAs can be more... intense, i mean zooble almost got turned into a gloink, but..! i think he tones down his adventures just so you wont throw yourself into the danger
tries to stop you but her words fall short as you run in yelling into whatever the threat is without a second thought. "i- wait- er..." and youre gone, leaving pomni to hurry and try to catch up with you. she probably has to drag you to safety, assuming this isnt a case where you got all glitched up by an abstracted circus member.. shes gonna have to work herself up to get you to chill out; perhaps ending in a whole emotional thing where she just. explodes? perhaps
just because you cant get hurt doesnt mean shes not going to fuss over you. if there were a need for it i think she would keep a pack of Band-Aids on her. however, because you guys cant get hurt in that way, she tries to keep you in bed when you inevitably get knocked a little too hard and need to rest it off. dont even think about trying to get up out of bed, shes going to give you this stern look that only a few percentage of people can muster.
you know the look
the stern one
scolds you too if you get caught up in something real dangerous
only really softens up if you threw yourself in danger for the sake of another person, because i think ragatha would do the same
"bet you cant make that jump"
"bet i <> can!"
que you absolutely eating shit after you fail to make that jump, comically flipping over yourself and face planting. you probably have cartoon birds circling around your head. jax laughs at you before eventually coming over to help you up. he will not let you live this kind of stuff, down
he gets so so scared when youre not in his sight, i think if he knew you were willingly throwing yourself into harms way? this man would have a heart attack! like really, or he would if he still had his organs and stuff...if he could he would keep you in his pillow fort with him forever... but he cant, so he has to settle with following you around with meek attempts to try to stop you
zooble would do similar stuff as jax, but when you actually. go to do the dangerous thing they just pull you back. "dude. i wasnt being serious"
bro has to keep you on one of those kid leashes because your first instinct someone says "bet" or "no balls" or anything in that vein, you need to prove yourself
her comedy mask probably falls off from the sheer shock from how easily you just. launch yourself into things. on one hand she worries for you, but on the other hand she cant help but feel a little jealous; i mean shes just ribbon and a mask, shes not really... tough... strong.. durable... she wants to be able to run around and do the things you do but theres that fear of being immediately broken down or overpowered, you know? didnt mean to get silly there; anyways i think she would try to keep in you bed to sleep off the soreness, like ragatha
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vvickydisc · 1 month
I would love to hear about your three AUs! (Entangled, Springlock and Ribbons Attached)
All of them have gorgeous designs!!!
tysm!!! honestly i wish i did a little more with the springlock designs but didnt know what more i could do xd let me try my best explaining these aus haha, feel free to ask for elaboration!
Entangled AU
Is about Jax being stuck in a dating simulator with the hostess being, Ringleader Gangle!
cos it rhymes with gangle :)
In this AU, Gangle is a AI whos aware shes not real. So she tries to not be too attached to whoever plays, its hard since shes programmed to love em' throughout them playing the game correctly, because if they win they wont play again
She used to miss/yearn for the player(s) return but fucked around with coding to get rid of this feeling by deleting some saved data, ensuring Gangle won't even remember them if they 'won' and left the game
How to win is basically romancing Gangle and confessing your love to her, allowing you to leave the game. Which is why Jax is stuck here because he can't/won't "win the game" (Theres no reason for this, hes just being a stubborn asshole)
Despite Jax not playing the 'dating' part of the simulator or earning her affection in the correct way, Gangle falls in love with Jax oddly enough. The reasons as to why will be explored in the future!
couple of notes!
* Within this AU it's just them! The others won't be in this AU xd but im willing to explore some designs of how they mightve looked like
* Shoutout to the person who thought this was a Balan Wonderworld AU because Gangle was totally based off Balan with Jax being based off NiGHTS
Ribbons Attached AU
Springlock AU
like 'strings attached' and jax being the puppeter of gangle *wave off hand* you get it
If you like the asshole aspect of Jax and want him to be worse while liking Ribbun this may be the AU for you!
In this AU! Jax is actually a dead person stuck haunting this game as the Ringleader, no i won't explained how he died and how hes in the game just listen to cabinet man by lemon demon
It's quite a simple AU though, Jax makes torturous adventures based off the others fear. Gangle's prevalent fear in this AU is claustrophobia.
His main goal is to make the cast abstract for a laugh and possibly to not feel lonely? Since if they did abstract, its not like they can leave.
It's why his favorite is Gangle! He'd hate for her to leave somehow.
couple of notes!
* All the cast has some sort of clown names, Gangle being Jingle because of her bells.
* I like to think each "Ringleader!Character" has their gimmick. With Caine having "all seeing eyes" I like to imagine Jax has many expendable and extendable hands/arms? not like a spider!! think of floating gloves/hands
cos... gangle has springs and.. jax is a dead guy whos trapped as a rabbit.... you can only understand if you know about fnaf
In this AU, it's also kinda simple. I've been bouncing between the idea if I should keep Gangle as a AI and Jax as a human or just make them both human or both AI but its basically: Jax is Caine and Gangle is Bubble
Its a bit blaaand at the moment but hopefully I can come up with some ideas for this one..
The cast includes: Pomni, Kafumo, Queenie, Ragatha, Zooble and Kinger :) thanks for reading!! and sorry for answering this late :c
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wirtsroom · 11 months
a digital circus review but its kind of long and complainy lmfao
tldr: i wish it was good but i didnt like it, may hold hope for the future episodes
okay so. ive been semi following digital circus for a while cuz like. i like gooseworx' stuff! shes got a good flow, sense of style, yadda yadda. and same goes for kevins stuff too!! when they released the mini trailers i was intrigued!
but like. the pilot is. okay how do i start this
the plot: i know its just the pilot, but its really showing its cards way too early and completely unsubtle. its supposed to be all "ahhh ur in the pc scary!" but its so hamfisted in its existential delivery we cant even begin to immerse in the world. like. we have an interesting premise of being in an environment akin to early pc games for kids! theres a whole fun circus! but rarely in the episode do we go for a romp in those ideas, rather we are all just "oh no were all crazy here. mwahahahah" and thats BORINGGGGG. the pacing feels also way to fast for us to truly be unsettled. bam, youre here, the clowns evil, youre in the backrooms or whatever, done. it goes too fast and shows too many ideas at once to be honest.
the characters: theyre standard as far as 00s inspired characters go. they all fit a certain trope in modern psychological horror and nothing is left to the imagination really. jax is your bitchboy tumblr fave, pomni is the fish out of water, ragatha has to be the Nice One, zooble is. well she was there. the fucking chess piece guy was there to allude to viewers the horrors or whatevr and then the comedy face character is just for comic relief. while again this IS a pilot, i have no idea how these characters will be you know. interesting to the plot. like jax is going to just be the depressed self aware guy i can see that but is there anything else he can give? do we have interesting connections to these characters? will any of them have thematic pieces for their designs? I dont know i want them to hit but they feel kind of surface level with little allusion.
the aesthetic: sorry im kind of a cunt for this THEY ARE NOOOT USING THE SETTING TO ITS MAXIMUM POTENTIAL!!!!! THE WHOLE PC GAME THING IS JUST SET DRESSING AND LITTLE ELSE!!!! LIKE "OHHH ARENT YOU SCARED BC THIS IS THE HAPPY PLACE WHEN ITS EVIL?" LIKE COME ON!!! WHERES THE JANK! WHERES THE WEIRD PUZZLE GAMES! DOES NOBODY HERE ASIDE FROM THE RINGMASTER DO ANYTHING? WHY IS IT SO HUGE? and also the animation is. kind of now clashing witht the style. Like not really- obviously all the directors on the animation aspect ARE talented, have industry level experience, but its smooth and modern approach sort of makes the setting even less connected. and in some cases the intentional breakage can be really good!!! but it feels too polished, too clean for its chosen period.
an aside?: i dont know see cuz it has a good idea! horror set within my moms old pc, but it doesnt want to even test out a twist or anything. Everyone here is trapped, everyone is crazy, theres liminal spaces, its all stuff i come to expect with an analog themed horror series, and its horror is very minimal. it has no grip on anything, it just wnats to make you feel sad for pomni and go Oh no isnt it scary? Awww nooo scary void wahh! Like it feels almost on the nose, too empty and too big to really utilize it. also im salty theyre selling 40 dollar tshirts for a pilot like. come on
but yeah i didnt. i dont know as i try to remember it now i cant think of anything that stood out. sure it was pretty looking but nothing horrific is staying with me at all. and AGAIN it IS just a pilot!!!!! things can change!!! i might be wrong!!!! but i dont see any horror in the stuff they are providing me bc it feels too safe
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Telling them you love them for the first time (Zooble, Jax, Kinger, Pomni)
woooo im almost done with my tycoon, i think this might be the last post of the night since im!!!! sleeeeeepy!! so uhuh yeah might make a part 2 of this with the rest of the cast, would do all of them in this but im too tired to think
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i think she would stare at you for a second, before it sinks in what you said. you didnt even make a big show of it, you just said it casually in the conversation... she tugs the ends of her hat before asking for you to repeat what you said... and you say it again.. i think a smile would spread across her face before she repeats what you said back... because its her truth, she loves you too... in fact this might very well be her first time saying it to you, too... so you both get to do it together, figuratively holding one another hand in this next step
i think he would ask you to repeat yourself, too.... but pomni was unsure of what you said at first, jax heard you loud and clear the first time.. he just wants to hear you say it again.. kind of has this smug little look on his face.. i dont think at this point in time he said he loved you, i mean yeah its in his body language and actions that he does like you, but he hasnt actually said it flat out yet... and i think it might be a while before he does... his whole.. being vulnerable thing really kicks in for stuff like that... probably keeps asking you to repeat it before you decide to stop humoring him... all in lighthearted fun, though
this is going to be huge for him, considering that he never thought he would get into another relationship after... his previous one... so hearing you say it brings a lot of feelings in him. love, because he really does love you... guilt, because even though hes a widow, he still also loves his queen... but also... he cant help but feel that this can be a chance to heal, and to let himself be happy just this once.. and to feel at peace.. i think... while he wont say he loves you back just yet, at least no those three words... he does say something akin to it, he just cant bring himself to say those three words. baby steps, for him.. but know that hes going to think about what you said for the next few days
their antennae stiffen before 'drooping' a little and readjusting themselves. they try to pretend you didnt just say that, but they absolutely did... i think they would mumble an i love you back... though it comes out muddled but hey theres something there! another one thats going to need some time to say it loud and clear, but zooble generally doesnt know how to articulate their feelings, both due to not having the words for it but also because they dont have the nerve. a big chunk of their attitude stems from them simply accepting things as they are in order to keep from abstracting... or rather from going nuts, since i think they were already like this before getting stuck in the digital world... but... that aside... they are better at showing you they care
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I’ve got one more request in my brain and then I’ll stop for a while…maybe
So this one is an solo? I.H.A where y/n is doing stand up! Halfway through Jax is egging on reader and going “boo get off the stage” which causes y/n to stop and rail into Jax in the vein of “that’s why yo mama dead” this goes on for 10 minuets, everyone shocked and Caine’s jaw in the earth. Then y/n drops the mic and walks off. If it’s possible could I also add the others reaction to this? Thanks! ❤️❤️ ps your writing is great
Stand up Comedy where you get back at a rude audience member
wasnt too sure what to name this since its not exactly a shipping thing, maybe, i think... i dunno!! this post may be a little short, may not be, we shall see! erm!! warning i do not have good humor i think, like i am unfunny finally getting to requests for today; took me a little longer than usual since i went out to go get some breakfast and i threw together some dough for cinnamon rolls today also gentle reminder ! currently requests are closed so i can catch up on my inbox and take a short break! i dont have a set time for them to open again, but i aim to reopen in a few days! any new requests sent in will be void; its nothing against you my inbox is just flooded rn and i need to empty it out </3
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caine thought it would be a good idea for you guys to do a little comedy night; be it for bonding or for entertainment you werent sure
however throughout the night, jax was calling out to whoever was on stage and trying to either steal their show or simply being mean
so far, pomni had gone (who froze up on stage the second the lights were on her), gangle (poor girl was bullied off stage by jax), kinger (who just rambled about cool bug facts)
needless to say so far the night was a bit of a disaster
currently, zooble was up on stage, not even making an attempt to do jokes. any jokes they did make were a bit on the darker side; and of course, jax was loudly cutting in
"you know what? <> this!" zooble drops the prop mic and storms off the stage, the air being a tense afterwards
you feel caine nudging your side, alerting you that you were up next
you internally sighed, you really didnt want to do this, in fact it seemed like just about everyone didnt want to do this
jax immediately started on his bullshit before you even had a chance to open your mouth, already booing. from on the stage you could see ragatha giving him a look
you tried to begin again, before jax made a comment on how quiet you were
"oh course you'd know about sound, seriously have you seen how big your feet are? you slap the floor instead of stomping"
zooble lets out a choked laugh, and you can see caine jerk forward as he tried to contain a surprised laugh
jax narrows his eyes, and he opened he mouth
"hang on wait when was the last time you brushed your teeth? i mean come on man, youre teeth are yellow. maybe the reason no ones been laughing is because theyre choking from how bad your breath smells"
gangle holds her hands over her mouth, seemingly in shock. kingers eyes darted between you and jax, and pomni held a similar expression to gangle... jax, of course, was fuming, trying to rattle off a come back, ultimately failing and stammering that his teeth are meant to be that color
you had to admit, it was odd seeing jax finally being knocked down a peg, but it was satisfying in its own way
you kind of ragged on him for another minute before seeing yourself off stage
the entire room was silent
caine pulled his lower jaw off the floor, and regained himself, before letting jax know it was his turn up next
tonight was going to be a long night...
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