#i also feel like people would describe his outfit as 'grandpa clothes'-
pressurebrew · 2 years
I know that espresso has suits made out of corduroy fabric-
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I just can't get enough it seems, time to start the next Baki the Grappler book!
It seems that this one will take on the saga i saw on the anime (at least by the end) so that's exciting
Chapter 1
First off quality is SHIT lmao
Yesss i remember this. I still think that shit about everyone trembling is a lil... Mmmm bullshit.
Baki be like <:] but in a smug way
Look at Tokugawa my man
This feels so random
Oh right the synchronicity shit
Baki is so -_- in this manga
Look at the old timer go
Chapter 2
Epic grandpa
Mf really swam thru the Pacific ocean
Chapter 3
Huh i thought he was Scottish
This random guy was pretty interesting looking, the one executing Doyle
Fucked up shit how they still do this stuff
King, i can somehow still remember his voice in particular fsr
Also since no one reads this i will say it: Doyle does NOT look white ahagdbafhsdbc
I like that he didn't bother killing the doctor
Is that Strydum? 🥺👉👈
Chapter 4
Shagddjd i was going to say that, this dude could have easily taken a different path from violence
I mean it's fair, Sirkosky uses weapons, but man, Garland... :'/
This all hits so different once you know the characters :]]]
Chapter 5
That pic is still so brutal
What an absolute troll shsshwgxgd
Also fun fact when i watched the anime i didn't pay much attention at first so I assumed the Russian was Spec (i didn't even know Sirkosky's name)
I love how that was unnecessary shagdhsr
ADAGDFAGAFAD this guy was also great
Spec was fucking insane man aggsggahsfg
I love he's full of tattoos
The absolutely king
OH RIGHT Spec is sus *laugh track*
Chapter 6
Oh hell yeah, grandpa's ex
Baki tf you doing there in the cover you madlad
...bottom storage.
He's my size btw
Was there a motive for him to be naked or was he just a freak btw?
I love the shape of his eyes ngl
I love how scared the guards are while he just calmly rambles
I don't wanna call yanagi my grandpa because i think yanagi can get it and it would be like calling him daddy but the Gilf™ is Dorian man life is so hard when you are me
I love Yanagi's face lol he's handsome
Chapter 7
Poor Baki lmao he just got better from the maximum tournament and now this
Lmao Baki has a point
Unnecessary, Doyle
Chapter 8
I love how they were recruiting dangerous mfs to beat up this random guy bc his vibes are fucked up
This guy looked a lot like jack
You gotta be brave to shove a knife that sharp into your pants
I love how Baki literally did nothing to em
Baki's face just looks wrong this isn't my beloved child
Imagine you are about to fight this mf and he just shoves his hand inside his pants
Chapter 9
This dude really looks like, fully japanese jack hanma
I love how Spec just showed up dressed up as a fucking monk or something
Chapter 10
You guys know, Dorian reminds me of my now dead great grandfather, with the moustache look even more.
Not impressed, 15 yo Hanayama did the same when throwing a tantrum
He's so insane i luv him
Okay but look at the cut of that outfit look at how well it hugs his chest and waist but flows bellow... Spec my dude you could have been a mad good model 😐 he's even giving me gender envy! 🥺
I love how Baki used both his hands for the handshake
Chapter 11
Ho, speak of the devil, i was just talking of this fucker with Blood
Mf got so old
I like how there was no motive for him to be naked he literally is just Like That
Also it's from here that he got that wasp waist lmao
Mf just flexing at this point lmao
Yanagi got cake
That's so unnecessary rude, obsessed. Also, as if you weren't old Yanagi. I see why they broke up now ;/
Chapter 12
11 and 12 are the same fsr
Chapter 13
I honestly wonder where these prisoners got their clothes, like, aside from Doyle that one time everyone else is never shown shopping or even owning money
Also i love the fact that on a daily basis i dress the same as Spec, that definitely says something bout me jagsjsgwhwfwg 😭
To be honest, considering the size of Spec's body, they should definitely feed him more
He didn't wash his hands 😢
Dick and balls too strong ajgshsgsg
I love how fucking, polite he is.
Oh i see, i thought he might have stolen a wallet or something but nah
Btw i genuinely don't remember shit JAGSKSGWJGS even if it watched the anime i forgot most of this
Chapter 14
GOD the way the anime butchered Katsumi, he's so handsome in the manga in comparison 😐
Also i like how they aren't explaining this like, Katsumi was the one who lost, did he wait until Retsu was okay to fight again in HIS ("") dojo?!
Okay he actually explained, oddly nice of Retsu to accept tho
Hoho this scene hits different now that i know and like Katsumi
Also I'm not even gonna question where Doppo is, dude is never just around skdgksgd
Chapter 15
I love this genre of cover
I love that retsu is just watching, he's still an asshole QJGSJSGWH
If i didn't know Katsumi I would say he died
I did actually think he had died when watching the anime
Retsu still has his thicc ass i see
Chapter 16
See all this makes sense now that i know retsu and the shit he has seen and been thru!
Angry lad, lucky his hair didn't burn
Chapter 17
Ahegao in the cover
I'm looking at the pages and I'm obsessed with Doppo being described as a "bold, badass karate master", it's so accurate <3
Also Igari being called eccentric, and the mention he defeated Mount Toba!! <3
Baki is slowly looking more like Baki
"my mother is dying"
Tasks keep failing successfully
Chapter 18
mAh boy...
That happens and it's the worst
Musashi you good boy 🥺
Chapter 19
Igari <33
That's insane
Chapter 20
I love that Igari looks legitimately worried and sad, not sweating tho
I love how he didn't have any serious damage until the punches like, okay.
Poor Igari tho
Was anybody going to tell me is Sikorsky and not Sirkosky?
Also i love how legitimately scared Tokugawa is, probably more than when Yujiro picked him up
Chapter 21
The heights are so off in this saga
Oh my fucking god i didn't know Spec was 221
Either heights are all over the place or Yanagi is not 160
GAFSFWEAD Tokugawa like "i own this place 😐"
Doyle is still the most decent one of the bunch
I googled how big Andreas from the tournament was and like, 2.40 😦
I see Hanayama descended into alcoholism after losing in the tournament. Also tf is with that bag? Was he hiking or something?
Jsgsjsgd Shibukawa is so excited too
I think this is chronically the first time Doppo appears with fully casual clothes, usually he either was in a suit or in his karate uniform
I'm straight up simping to the public now sgsjsgwhw
Chapter 22
They all look so upset about that information
Looking at them drives me insane i developed such a bond with all these fighters
I haven't seen Doppo this excited since last time his wife showed up
How did Tokugawa grab Baki's shoulder?
Don't worry Baki y'all will, Tokyo is not that big it seems
Shibukawa swearing 😨
"Imagine being mid but and Spec pulls up on you" "imagine having sex and she takes the mask and it's fucking Spec"
To be fair i would fuck a 2.21 muscular lady without going "hmmm this doesn't seem like a good idea..." in any moment
Chapter 23
I love how Dorian is just looking up
ACTUALLY ALL THEIR STANCES, Yanagi making dead eye contact with Gouki, Sikorsky with a firm pose just as Hanayama, Doyle with hiss chest up but eyes down giving a sense of pride, and, well, then there's Spec being Spec.
I like seeing Sikorsky having fun
I love Spec he played so smart SGSGSGS
😳 love wins!
Oh i had already forgotten about the dojo
Old man Dorian just has that effect on people
Threesome i see /j
He really was just fucking hiking i would love if they ever explained that ough 🥺
Did his facial hair just disappear?? STSGSFSD
Such a good kick tho
The relationship these men can have is so oddly nice like not Doppo and Retsu specifically but all of the fighters in general. Like many of them barely know each other, but they all know their fighting styles and respect each other, plus have no reason to be in bad terms with one another and specially not now that they are all fighting for the same cause. It's just so nice to see em idk JAGSHS
Hey Igari.
Chapter 24
Thank God Doppo went <3 again it had been so long
Babe are you okay? You hadn't put a lil heart in your speech bubble for a while...
King really punched the fire
I will chose to believe that's true bc it's impressive 😍
You know it's funny like, Katsumi is mad good but he doesn't has as much experience as his dad and that leaves him in disvantage
Hehe i remember that guy
The manga is so much better than the anime ffs
I love that he didn't even realize
Chapter 25
Manga i don't think that's science
Also Baki just chilling with some doves lmao
I'm looking thru old messages see how my og reaction to this was
Huh i found nothing, that's odd. Well my reaction would have probably been like NOOOOO anyway so, y'all can imagine it
You left my dilf handless you fucking asshole good thing he has a wife
Imagine this dude cuts your hand and then just flexes his knowledge about science or whatever
Illiterate king <3
A guy did this to me once btw!!! Obviously in way smaller scale but he just touched something and the bleeding soon stopped!!!!
Honestly that's the most huge dick energy thing Doppo has ever done
Pfff I'm starting to remember why i liked Doppo so much 🥴
Bitches confused over him running away, tf was he supposed to do? He played it smart since there are no rules
Though yeah an eye and NOW a hand, insane
Chapter 26
Sjshhdhsn tanuki?
Oh, fox, he was calling him slick
Manga is pretty faster than the anime
Chapter 27
Where's your honor, Igari...
He is right sadly enough 😔
Oh i keep forgetting Igari's nature, he was probably trying to pull his silly little tricks again
This is just brutal honestly
Hehe this time i didn't get scared ☺️
I like that at least I'm not the only one who needs their mind off the gutter
Chapter 28
Love seeing em datin <3
He's so aggressive accidentally i love these dorks sm 😍🥺💞
Chapter 29
Hanayama is such a real bro man
To think i will still love hanayama but for entirely different reasons 😌
Chapter 30
Kaoru looks different but idk how
What the fuck is Spec even saying?
The fact that that makes no sense, i still love it a lot tho.
Okay Spec really has a point it really is beautiful
But it's beautiful in the sense like, look how built he is! Look at all those scars!!! It IS beautiful it's a masterpiece!!!!!!!
"i choose to believe this is how hanayama always undresses" KSHSKDGSJ THE AMOUNT OF SUITS THIS MAN DESTROYS.. OBSESSED
Though yeah Hanayama in general is also beautiful isn't he?
Chapter 31
I would sob man look at him. Look at Shiba.
I really don't get why he's letting himself get hit, is he just flexing?
I cannot way to see him do his Technique ™
Chapter 32
Manga is so much superior to the anime, like, i haven't complained about Spec even once bc he isn't annoying anyone, in the anime he was so infuriating!!
I love when they just steal their standing poses sjsgjssgsh
That distortion effect so good
Chapter 33
I still think it's weird they used humans and not machines, though it was effective
I love how Spec managed to punch that statue without calling the attention of much people that's impressive
And i love that he keeps saying man he sounds like me with bro
Hanayama my beloved
Chapter 34
Yeah I'm not reading all that 😐
Oh this explains the holes in his clothes
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 70 Rundown
Code Geass: So Lelouch is gonna go join Nunally’s ‘let’s all hold hands and get along’ area but literally no one wants to go after Euphy murdered everyone last time. You’d think there’d be at least one dumbass like “Maybe it won’t be a massacre.” But yeah Zero’s like “Oh well I just happen to have a million people I can give to the zone if you exile me and let me go scott free” and everyone’s like “that’s a super shitty thing to do but okay” so then Zero tells Suzaku that culture is stored in the titty and all the one million people do their I am Spartacus thing and wear Zero’s costume which had to be a logistical nightmare, like Zero’s outfit already is pretty expensive with the fancy clothes and the helmet and shit and some of them are randomly customized even though that defeats the purpose like how do you do this on a terrorist budget in a few days without anyone in the government finding out. Like “we received an order for a million pounds of the thing used in Zero’s helmet on the black market” seems like it’d stand out. But yeah, the million Zeros get away, partially because of the “dogs playing basketball” rule that they’re all Zero because their culture of being Zero is stored in their titty which wouldn’t hold up in court but also because if they just kill a million people who’re just trying to leave that’d be bad for the government, not that they’re not used to genocide and being hated as Imperialists but Suzaku specifically doesn’t want that on his and Nunally’s hands while they’re trying to actually do shit for Japan for once. Feel like there’s probably a good cause for peaceful detainment and not letting them just walk out but it’s not like they’d find Lelouch or whoever the supposed second Zero was anyway even if they strip-searched everyone since he was never there and if it isn’t Lelouch the only thing that makes him Zero sight-wise is the mask.
Inuyasha: So yeah we get the conclusion of Shiori’s story for Inuyasha and I just can’t help thinking about how nice it is that she went on to help a lot of other half-demons in Yashahime because of an act of kindness that Inuyasha showed her right here, really good ripple effect shit. But yeah Shiori gets pissed that her grandpa killed her dad and Kekkaishi YEETs him and his followers out of the barrier so Inuyasha can backlash wave the lot of them. We still got fifteen minutes left though so even after Inuyasha says he’s not going to murder a little girl for a powerup that’ll get power crept in a few seasons, Shiori offers him the blood coral crystal to break to give him the powerup instead as thanks for not fucking murdering her. We can’t have the climax of the episode just be Inuyasha smacking a crystal ball though so Taigokumaru’s spirit yeets itself out of the crystal and fights with Inuyasha and attacks Shiori but her dad makes a barrier to bounce him off of so Inuyasha can kill him a second time and get the Red Tessaiga. There’s some navelgazing about how life as a half demon is rough but how Inuyasha thinks that hardship will be good for Shiori and he’s rooting for her in his own way and in Yashahime we see he’s right and all in all that’s pretty nice. Anyway next time we have the Panther Demon filler arc which is honestly probably one of my favorite filler arcs in Inuyasha so that’ll be fun.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yusuke continues his fight with Suzaku and Suzaku splits himself into seven, which this doesn’t seem to be the Multi-Form or Shadow Clones deal where it divides his energy, each one seems as strong as the original so that’s just kind of broken. Keiko pulls a bait and switch on the zombies which neither Suzaku nor Yusuke see coming despite watching the whole thing on Spirit TV, guess Suzaku had the camera point at the door instead of on Keiko for some reason even though the point is to make Yusuke watch her die. Anyway Yusuke flashes back to Genkai telling him he’s a little bitch that always doubts himself and splits his energy across multiple plans instead of having the confidence to go for something with everything he has and make it work instead of holding back in case it doesn’t. This and remembering his mom crying over his death and all the relationships he’s formed makes him go Super Saiyan in what I can only describe as a Fully Body Shotgun which I don’t think ever comes up again. He knocks down all the Suzakus but it’s just time to start the real fight since Yusuke’s lifted his limiter again like he does in every fight.
Fate Zero: So the clusterfuck in the middle of Saber and Lancer’s battle continues to grow as Iskandar just fucking dares everyone to come at him and five of the seven servants actually do. Gilgamesh is all like “Ugh, why do I have to do this shit, breathing sucks, I’m a king, someone breathe for me.” And tries to murder everyone with spears and shit but turns out Berserker is Darth Vader this time around and uses the force to steal his stolen weapons until Rin’s dad is all like “Dude you’re showing the whole world our fucking moveset, get the fuck out of there. Which given that Gilgamesh is an archer which are supposed to be independent and he’s a fucking snobby asshole, even with a Command Seal I’m surprised that worked. Also Waver’s racist teacher is all “hah wow, I was supposed to have Rider and the token teenager character stole it from me” and Iskandar’s like “I like this kid that’s ride or die with me even though he cries all the time way more than someone who doesn’t even step onto the battlefield you stuck up prick” and then Lancer and Berserker double-team Saber (giggity) and Lancer’s not happy about it because he was fighting Saber first and doesn’t wanna just jump her with Darth Vader but more Command Seals are thrown around until Iskander runs over Darth Vader with his fucking Lightning Chariot and that’s kind of shitty because Racist Teacher man wasted a Command Seal to have Lancer attack Saber for like five seconds before making him retreat. Bug Dude is also kinda freaked out that Berserker just kinda went for Saber meaning she must be pretty pissed at Saber about something anyway so basically everyone runs away and nothing is really accomplished, we didn’t even really need Kiritsugu’s sniper shit or Assassins’s Ninja Bullshit for this everyone’s just had enough and goes home. Also Caster is a creepy yandere simp for Saber but really who isn’t in this series.
Konosuba: So Aqua’s ready to sit in a lake for a few hours to make some money but for the first time in her live her divine booty is not enough to solve this problem. She gets traumatized by getting attacked by demon alligators and Kazuma and co. are honestly uncharacteristically worried about her and ready to try and help her. Meanwhile generic isekai protagonist has a crush on Aqua despite already having his own harem of bland girls and wants to steal Aqua back but basically the whole group is so totally anti-White Knight they can see right through his shit and turn him down. Kazuma beats him up in the most Kazuma way possible and steals his magic sword, proving that not only is he not doing anything to defeat the devil king but he’s actively sabotaging those that are. Aqua fucking decks the guy and blackmails him so she’s rich now and Kazuma’s rich from selling his OP Isekai Cheat Sword. Also the Dullahan dude is back for revenge about bombing his castle and Kazuma’s like “Wait were we still doing that? Thought we stopped, oh well everyone in this world’s problems are our fault somehow so it sounds about right.”
Sailor Moon Crystal: So this time we get Makoto’s story who’s probably my favorite thus far because her job is punching shit and making sure Usagi doesn’t die from the hundreds of things ready to hit her on a daily basis. I have sort of found a redeeming trait for Usaig in that she’s willing to reach out to anyone and everyone, like she’s not what I would call traditionally ‘nice’ but she is friendly and that ability to pull disparate people together does kind of make more sense for why she’d be the leader rather than the other girls who have useful but more specific talents. But yeah continuing with the trend of things teen girls like trying to destroy the world, haunted bridal shop that also reveals Makoto’s tragic backstory of being a more believable version of Tall Girl. Makoto transforms and beats up the Bride lady with a combination of Zenbonzakura Kageyoshi and Azula’s lightning bending, no fair that she gets two powers but I guess she is the tough one so it make sense. Now we’ve basically got the whole crew except for the one that we already know is active but hasn’t joined the group yet so we’ll see how this goes.
Durarara!!: So Mikado’s in deep shit after stealing the girl away that half the town is looking for, all because he has it hammered into his head that whenever a girl asks for his help he has to give it. There’s a bit of discussion about the nature of the Dollars that I’m sure won’t be important later but both Izaya and Celty show up outside Mikado’s school and he’s kind of in an awkward position since there’s nowhere he can really go but home and lead them to the girl. So he decides to find out about them, or at least Celty, Izaya’s just kinda along for the ride. He gets Celty’s backstory and agrees to take her to the other girl only to get jumped by Yagiri thugs and pull out some Death Note animation internet shit that has even Izaya stunned, Mikado about to actually become the main character of this anime for a bit.
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diobrando · 4 years
I have brain rot.
I have been thinking about this on and off for years because I love Disney (unfortunately) and Disney’s Pixie Hollow. Anyways, I’m just going to list Bleach characters and a few talents I thought they would likely be classified under if they were fairies. It’s only a few characters because I didn’t want it to get too complicated especially if they’re all supposed to coexist.
Ichigo Kurosaki - Light, Protecting
The protecting one is obvious. In all honesty, I figured that Ichigo would have the same talents as his mother so I’ve gone ahead and made them overlap. Protecting because he is the one who protects. Light because he would have some of her radiating charisma (even if it’s not obvious from a quick glance). And ngl the orange hair along with an ability to bend and brighten light is so fun to me. Also light talent fairies derive strength from the phases of the moon and I think it’s a neat way of tying the rain to his ability.
Karin Kurosaki - Scouting, Rare-Item Finding
Karin would be suited for something more exciting. She could also fall under the protecting category, but scouting seems more fitting. She would have the more dangerous task of protecting against immediate threats. She is brave and always on the lookout in case danger is looming nearby. As for the rare-item finding talent, I thought she would have a great time with her other friends just flying off and discovering the existence of new items.
Yuzu Kurosaki - Kitchen
In the series Yuzu is forced to grow up quick and take on a lot of the domestic work but for this, she would have a keen passion for cooking, baking and all other kitchen related tasks. She would take pride in her work and pour all her love into the food she makes for everyone.
Isshin Kurosaki - Performing, Protecting
He is still a dad that seems to care about his daughters safety so protecting is a generous talent that I don’t necessarily want to give him. Performing is more up his alley since he’s always putting on a show for his kids in order to cheer them up. Performance and lying go hand in hand so this dad has it in the bag. 
Masaki Kurosaki - Light, Protecting
I put protecting because she was willing to sacrifice herself for others. She died protecting her son and would do the same for any of her children or for those she loved. I think light fits her better because of the way Isshin describes her as the center of their universe. She shines bright for her family and she would shine brightly for everyone else, too. Light talent fairies are also honest and like to be the center of attention and she would definitely shine brighter in the eyes of others with this talent.
Orihime Inoue - Healing, Dust
Our healer with the healing talent. Very original. But still, she would gently tend to the injuries of her fellow fairies and everyone would leave feeling a million times better. The dust talent fairies must package, ration, and deliver pixie dust to all fairies, an extremely important and essential item for all fairies to function properly. I can see Orihime delivering pixie dust to everyone and bringing immediate smiles and relief. One of the most important jobs in all of Pixie Hollow and you can’t convince me she wouldn’t do a terrific job.
Tatsuki Arisawa - Protecting, Dust
I do not like to separate Tatsuki and Orihime so the dust talent would be the one they share. An important job which Tatsuki would also be efficient at carrying out. She would be more serious about making her rounds while Orihime would be more relaxed. The protecting talent is because I NEED Tatsuki to also protect her friends. Remember how she vowed to protect Orihime? The princess and the dragon will get their moment here. Tatsuki along with Ichigo and Chad as a group of protecting fairies that make sure their close friends and family are never in danger. Tatsuki offering Ichigo and Orihime dating advice because she’s known for years that Orihime has had a huge crush on him. Tatsuki tells Orihime stories about how Ichigo screws up when they’re doing a task. Tatsuki just being included more because I NEED IT.
Yasutora Sado - Animal, Protecting
What did his grandpa say? Something along the lines of that strong body of yours is meant to protect not hurt others... He has a kind heart so he’d like to protect his friends. If Ichigo has the same talent.. c’mon!!! They must not be separated! AND since he is very kind hearted and depicted as loving cute things, he would also likely be able to speak with animals. Remember how he went through all those hurdles to protect Yuichi Shibata. Damn, just going harder to reinforce that he would def have a protecting talent with that...
Uryu Ishida - Sewing, Scribe
My man Uryuu would be so happy to just sew for days. Did you see him in the series just silently begging everyone to compliment him when he made clothes? He’s too proud to admit it but he’d be so happy to make cute clothes for everyone. The scribe one is an afterthought tied to the fact that he is ranked #1 in his class. I wanted to put healing too since he does become a doctor but the sewing one is such a fun talent for him to have. Get that boy some fabric and some thimbles he’s got some dresses to make.
Rukia Kuchiki - Glacier, Snowflake, Ice
Rukia in all honesty just has to have an ice related talent because her entire character is kinda centered on the beauty of her zanpakutou. Sode no Shirayuki is ice so she gets ice too. I would have put art because she seems to enjoy it, but it is a running joke that her art sucks. Then again, art is subjective so it really doesn’t matter all that much.
Renji Abarai - Fire, Protecting
Renji is similar to Ichigo where he wants to protect those he cares about the most. I also decided on fire as a joke. He is terrible with kido but can handle the explosive blast of his own attacks during his fight against Szayel Aporro so I figured it would be funny to have him actually control fire. The fire is also me making fun of his hair.
Rangiku Matsumoto - Storytelling, Singing
She would be talented with her words. There is something soothing about her singing voice or something so extremely captivating when she decides to share a story with everyone. She’ll probably sing for you if you offer to take her and her friends out for drinks.
Hisagi Shuhei - Scribe, Scouting
Hisagi would be the type to put himself in danger to protect those around him (he also puts himself in danger just to look cool with those explosives on his arms and neck). He’d be quick to act and would not panic at the sight of a threat. He would look so cool in the scouting outfits, but he’d still be a pushover when Rangiku is around.
Yoruichi Shihoin - Fast Flying
She is so fast. She wouldn’t be antisocial like Vidia, but people would still get a little annoyed at her when she flies by super fast and almost knocks their stuff over.
Sorry. This is long but I have ideas that no one wanted to know about which is why it’s under a read more. Literally no one is expected to read this so if you do hit that mf like button or reply with a funny joke.
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castielgurl · 5 years
What Is And What Should Never Be Chapter 3
Natasha Painting by Steve Rogers
Tumblr media
Art by: Javiartrealistic
Vormir 2014
James felt a little awkward with Uncle Bucky. Even though they both had the same name. He doesn`t really know Bucky. He just heard stories from his father before. He was his father best friend.
"Did your parents named you after me?" Bucky suddenly broke the silence. They climb a steep mountain. Vormir a dark and cold, No wonder why Clint didn`t want to return to this place again.
"Yeah, my dad often told me about Uncle," James answered. Mountain climbing is not a problem for James neither Bucky.
"Jeez, punks don`t call me Uncle I'm not that old." Bucky feels uncomfortable
"Aren`t you like hundred years old? Do you want me to call you grandpa?" James sarcastically
"You are just like your mother." Bucky chuckle
They arrived at the top of the mountain. But there's nothing there. No one, they didn`t see the red floating guys as what Clint told them before. James looked down to the bottom of the cliff. He now saw where his mother dies. He was horrified and sad when he remembers how her mother died below. What was in her mind when she fell? She must be scared. She probably was hurt so much. Her bone might be broken. With that James squeeze, he fist. This is not how things should end for her.
"James, it looks like the red guy is gone, the stone is gone, and your mother is gone," Bucky said, patting James's shoulder
"How do you know?" James asked
"Look at that" Bucky shows a portrait placed between the stone. The portrait is a beautiful woman, it was Natasha. He recognized the painting; the details all are similar to his father signature sketch. It must have been painted by his father. James took the painting. Behind is was written the note
"When I got here, I really thought I could save Natasha, but when I got to the top, there was nothing, no one, I tried to drop the rock down the cliff, but nothing happened, the stone back in my hands I don`t even know what I'm doing - I finally confess my defeat - I cannot get Natasha back, I leave this portrait here, so that the next person comes here, who came here for the stone, unfortunately, the stone you looking for is gone. I do this for Natasha. So no one else will sacrifice someone they care about. Natasha was the last; I believe that's what she wants me to do.
Natasha, we love you. You are always in our hearts.'
I love you.”
James makes a mistake. He thought his father didn`t care about his mother.
"It seems like we need to go elsewhere James" Bucky said as he patted the young man shoulders.
Brooklyn 1950
Steve was sitting and looking at the yard. His son and daughter are playing together. Steve never dreamed of having a family. Steve has gone through a lot of things when he managed to restore all of Infinity Stones he finally made the choice to return to 1940 to return to Peggy. She was initially shocked and disbelieved. Steve then told everything about where he came from.
Steve's daughter is five years old; his son is three years old. Steve has been married to Peggy for 6 years. Steve was very happy. Now he didn`t use Steve’s name anymore to avoid confusion with Steve who is in the ice. He is now Jack Monroe, but he still has the soul of a warrior. He runs a mission to eliminate HYDRA and Nazi before it develops within SHIELD. Nevertheless, Steve's priority now is his children. Captain America persona is now changing into Nomad.
Peggy set up SHIELD with Howard Stark. Nomad works secretly under SHIELD. He is a mysterious superhero. No one knows his identity except Peggy and Howard. Steve feels he's finally back home. Everything is very familiar and comfortable. Steve also tried to track Bucky before he turned into a cruel assassin. He succeeded and now Bucky works beside him as a sidekick to Nomad. But they had to use Super Soldier Serum to recover him from injuries due to the Bucky incident that fell from the train during the war with Red Skull. Steve has everything; he's together with the love of his life and his best friend also alive and becomes a hero as it should be.
But sometimes Steve is remembering his life in modern times. He sometimes misses fast food as in modern times and how everyone treats equally regardless of race or skin color. He misses his Avengers friends. Sam, Wanda, Thor, Bruce, or even Tony who was passing away and of course Natasha. Steve paints pictures of his friends. He worries if he will forget their faces. All his paintings are stored in his house.
Steve painted one of Natasha's portraits. It is very valuable to him. Peggy once asked who the woman was, the painting looked very personal and the way he described the woman in the painting as she was very meaningful in Steve's life. Steve takes the longest time to complete the women portrait. Steve never answered Peggy's questions. Sometimes Steve wept while painting her portrait. But Steve still refused to tell who and what happened to that woman. Peggy always remembered that she knew her husband but in fact many things she didn`t know about Steve.
Meanwhile James Rogers and James Barnes go to Brooklyn in 1951. They stole some outfits so they seemed like fit that era. James felt uncomfortable with his clothes. Everyone looked at James suspiciously. James's hair color and hairstyle would definitely steal the attention of the people around him.
He was fortunate enough to bring with him a hundred-year-old fossil. Bucky knows all the way there and he knows where Steve will be. Bucky brings James to the bar that was often where Bucky and Steve always hang out. They met someone very familiar.
Bucky greeted the man who was trying to charm a blonde woman.
"Hey, you Casanova! We need to talk for a moment" Bucky shows a gesture to chat in a quieter place. The young man, who was initially harsh, began to change when he turned and looked at Bucky's face.
"Sorry, beautiful, I'll be back in a moment," said the dark-haired man.
James was also surprised to see the young man's face. Although the man is without a beard, he knows the man. Bucky and the man looked at each other. How can be another Bucky in this timeline?
“Who are you?” The young Bucky ask as he pointed at his older self
“I am you but better” Bearded Bucky answers it with a smug on his face
“Where is Captain Steve Rogers?” James asking
“Who is this kid?” young Bucky asks
“Answer our question first,” Bucky tells
“Not going tell mine, unless you tell me yours,” young Bucky said as he lifts his eyebrows
James and James tell their story about time travel. The young Bucky didn`t look surprised. Because he had seen Steve from the future and save him from becoming Hydra Assassin. The older Bucky didn`t surprise that Steve will try to pull him out from the miserable life that happens in the future.
“Why do guys need to see Steve for?” Young Bucky asks while driving them to the Steve home far from Brooklyn town.
"We believe he has something we want to look for, or he'll know where the stone is." The old Bucky replied
"So this is all because of a stone? Like Tesseract?" Young Bucky knows about a stone with unlimited power. "Steve has such a stone? He never told me about it, here he is not known as Steve, and he is now called Jack Monroe"
They arrive at a classic 50s home, it's not big and luxurious but it's a beautiful and quiet home.
"Steve? Someone wants to see you" Peggy calls Steve who is sitting
Steve entered the living room of his home and was surprised to see the bearded Bucky sitting on his couch.
"Bucky? You're from the future? Hey punk what are you doing here?" Steve came to embrace his friend.
“You jerk look at you. You are a daddy now old man? It fits you” Bucky said as he laughs
Although he is with Bucky in every mission he still misses a friend from his modern world. Steve sat down with Bucky on the sofa before looking at a young man sat beside Bucky.
"Sorry we have not met, I'm Steve." he reached out to shake hands
James's reaction is very difficult to describe. He took a long time before he shakes his father's hand. He used to see the older and mature version of Steve who old fashion and protective. Seeing his younger father reminds him of the time when he was a child. He literally shaking.
"Um ..me James Ro ... You can call me James" James said before shaking Steve's hands
"Oh hey, Bucky who is he?" Steve wondered because he didn`t know who this young man was
"James, you just tell him who you are," Bucky told James
"Umm I want to talk about that stone; we know you know where the Soul Stone is. We went to Vormir and we have read your notes and your painting, I know who she is" James tried to avoid telling Steve because he didn`t want to shock him. Especially Peggy was there too.
"Natasha? You know her?" Steve was astonished as to how this young man knows Natasha
"The Black Widow, she's very important to me, she is my mother," James responded
"What do you mean, you are Natasha son? I didn`t know Nat has a son, and I know she couldn`t have a child. But are you one of Natasha's orphanages?" Steve knew about Natasha having opened a nursing home for children that lost parents after Thanos.
"No, actually it was completely different stories. I am not from this world. I am from another universe. In my universe where I live in, The Avengers are living a different life. It's the same as they call the Parallel Universe. In my universe, Natasha is the mother who gave birth to me, and my dad is you” James finally reveal who he was.
“What?” Steve reaction is priceless.
Next Chapter : James angry conversation with his father.
You can read in AO3 Here https://archiveofourown.org/works/18920308/chapters/44991490
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adateur · 6 years
What role does this character play?(Storybased): dimitri plays a very anti-hero role for the most part, when he’s not struggling against the virus that keeps him wanting to devour flesh on a daily basis. depending on the types of interactions between others, his role is bound to change up.
What inspired you to create this character?: i first made a blog for dimitri back in 2015 because i loved the concept of the hunter still retaining some of his humanity and dealing with his much more primal urges such as what the virus was making him become. since it’s always changing, so is dimitri and with that comes a ton of new opportunities to explore a viral infected person who’s finding himself in a war with who he is and what he’s becoming.
Faceclaim?: leon kennedy from the resident evil franchise, preferably his vendetta appearance for dimitri since it was that look that inspired a revamp and use of his face.
What goals do you have for this character?: i hope to see him flourish in the community and other fandoms, along with the character development between him and other muses that he interacts with. and since he’s a very special muse of mine, i’m hoping to write him for a very long time.
Full Name: dimitrious moreau.
Nickname(s): dimitri.
Do they enjoy these/this nickname(s)?: he extremely enjoys having his name cut short, due to it being a mouthful according to a lot of people he met growing up.
History behind nickname(s): his parents started it first, then it really started to stick once his younger brother was born and wore his name out. even now, when he’s introducing himself to someone new, he uses dimitri over his full first name.
Alias(es): hoodie freak, infected, hunter. Hoodie, Jumper, Crazy Legs, Leaper, Punk-ass, Pouncing one, Hoodie dude, Sweatshirt-wearing wuss, Scrawny little bitch.
Sex: male.
Race/species: human / special infected. ( hunter. )
Ethnicity: caucasian.
Age: forty-two.
How old they appear: early thirties.
Mental age: a grandpa.
Orientation/Sexual preference: demisexual / undisclosed.
Any history behind their sexual orientation?: dimitri isn’t very into sleeping around, even much so now with what has happened to him infection route.
Birth date: december 19th.
Birth place: french quarter, new orleans.
Height: 5'11.
Weight: 165.
Are they overweight/underweight?: healthy and lean with muscle.
Blood type: a.
Can they bleed?: yes.
What color is their blood?: extremely dark red, almost looks black.
Defining physical characteristics/general appearance: the animalistic growling and roars, walking on all fours with ease, very acrobatic. gives the illusion that he’s a normal human and not an infected.
Eye color(s): blue. ( human side. ) silver. ( infection takes over and dark areas. )
Is this eye color uncommon?: his eye color is only uncommon in dark areas or when he loses himself to the virus.
Are their eyes good?: his eyes are extremely sensitive to bright light, usually making him claw them out and seek the nearest dark spot until his eyes heal again.
If something about their face is different than the norm of their realm, do they get grief/disapproval for it?: it can be a very scary sight to behold when dimitri changes over and while his appearance doesn’t alter drastically, those around him will not wish to see him look that way or fear him.
Body build(slim, muscular, etc.): athletic / slim.
Posture(slouched, correct, etc.): correct.
Describe how they walk(Fast, slow, weak step, etc.): predatory-like sauntering and calculated.
Why do they walk this way?: because the virus made dimitri an apex predator ( among other special infected ) there’s a lot more than just random moving. and since he was a parkour specialist, everything heightened and thus, made him a hunter who not only chased down his prey, but stalked and challenged. it also aids in his survival.
Do they limp?: no.
Complexion: fair / slightly grey.
Big hands/small hands/something else?: medium size hands.
Long fingered/short fingered hands?: long fingered with sharp claw-like nails.
What kind of teeth do they have?(Vampiric, all fangy, etc.): his teeth look normal aside from the very large and noticeable canines. he’s gotten the vampire jokes before, until the all familiar growling starts.
Do they take care of their teeth?: of course.
Why/why not?: just because he’s an infected, doesn’t mean he should let his personal hygiene go.
Describe their voice(What range is it for one thing? Alto, tenor, bass, etc.?): for dimitri, Matthew Mercer is his chosen voice because of obvious reasons.
Speech mannerisms(Do they pause a lot, a stutter?: dimitri has difficulty speaking when the virus mutates and changes, causing him to lose that part of him that can form words. instead of speaking, he either responds with growls, snarls, purring ( only when he’s feeling docile ) or if a person is nearby, through texting until the phase passes. often times, he’s not really into speaking upon first meeting a person since they can often tell he’s a hunter if they catch glimpses of his skin.
Describe an outfit they would wear: anything casual and sometimes classy like dress shirt, pants and dress shoes.
Why do they have this clothing preference?: when the outbreak first occurred, dimitri “died” wearing his hoodie and pants, an outfit he stayed in during the first few weeks of infection. his attire isn’t something he worries about, but leather jackets are at the top of every list.
Best traits of their personality: honest, often loyal to those who he can trust, can be caring, protective, trustworthy.
Worst traits of their personality: aggression, stubbornness, lack of empathy at times and detached.
Jung personality test: INFP.
Enneagram: type 5.
First impression usually given: too serious and broody.
Zodiac: sagittarius.
Alignment(Good/evil/bystander/etc.): he’s neither good nor evil but neutral to both.
Emotional trauma(if any, and why): killed his younger brother when he turned.
How do they respond when the trauma issue is talked about/touched on?: it’s a topic dimitri would try to avoid at all costs and if he does decide to talk about it, he’s probably only willing to share it with someone he knows well.
Does this trauma effect their day to day life?: it’s an every second of the day regret for him.
Would you say that they effect the environment around them, or that their environment around them effects them more?: it’s a little bit of both since he’s known for killing more survivors than helping them get out alive. but with CEDA and other survivors getting smarter with their tactics, the environment around him affects him too.
Where they’re from: french quarter, new orleans.
Current residence: french quarter, new orleans.
Do they live at their current residence by will?: not exactly. when the bombing happened and the bridge was destroyed, dimitri had no other way to get out ( unknown to him ) and any other methods were too dangerous for him to attempt. so he remains in the quarter with all the other infected and whatever humans that may lurk.
Backstory: there’s not much to say about his early life and childhood experiences. it’s the part where the green flu hit and CEDA infected the population with false shots that were supposed to keep them from contracting the virus in the first place. among these believers were dimitri and his brother, elijah, whom were caught in the middle of the zombies initial outbreak. unable to do anything to distance his brother from him, the virus caused dimitri to turn and slaughter elijah, devouring him until not much was left of him when he returned to his senses.
the next few weeks were spent with the virus changing and mutating constantly, washing his humanity away and placing it with something primal and animalistic. it took nearly three months for the virus to partially bond with him and return his humanity and control back, but still left him with physical evidence of the change. with his pieces of humanity back, dimitri was able to remember who and brought the sickness to them, leading him on the hunt to uncover why and if the attacks were global. despite his flick of a switch side effects, he’s always craving human flesh and that makes him highly unpredictable and dangerous.
Abilities(As in powers): The Hunter is the least visibly mutated Special Infected and superficially resembles a Common Infected. It has yet to be explained how the Hunter’s mutations onset, whether it be genetic, biochemical, or a Hunter-specific strain of the virus, but the mutations seem to be sex-linked as only male Hunters have been observed. The Hunter’s reaction to the Infection has granted him an increase in lower-body strength.
While not creating massive muscle growth like the Tank, this added strength has given the Hunter the ability to repeatedly jump and pounce from long distances and rapidly scale the sides of buildings with ease, as well as toughened his legs in order to withstand the great distances and heights he can achieve. Decreased pain response visible in all sufferers of the Infection also results in the Hunter not suffering from perpetual lactic acid build up from muscle overexertion or impact damage after experiencing a large fall.
At the same time, there seems to be some sort of muscle delay after an initial attack where the Hunter is not able to move as swiftly.
The extent of damage to the Hunter’s sight suggests his other senses are far more developed than those of typical Infected, allowing him to hunt with far greater efficiency. It is possible that the screeching noises he makes and the growling are his own echolocation method. Hunters also appear to be the only Infected with a self-defense reflex: when shot at a distance and knowing they cannot pounce, the Hunter will sometimes jump away into safety.
They serve as the “strong-arm” of the Infected, being very adept at finishing off Survivors. By coordinating with other Infected, the Hunter becomes a valuable ally, and a deadly foe.
Rate their power on a scale of 1 - 10, 10 being most powerful in all the universe they’re in: 8.
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noditchablepromdate · 7 years
A consideration of the muse via TV Tropes
//Mun comments: these are based on my interpretation of and headcanons for the muse, not just canon events.
American Accents - though Bobby himself is from South Dakota, his accent definitely hints towards a more typically southern redneck. Badass Beard - one of his most distinctive features.  Blue Eyes - sometimes Icy Blue Eyes. Generally when he’s getting particularly enraged. Nice Hat - Bobby is almost never seen without one of his beloved trucker caps.  Older Than They Look - Bobby is in his late fifties when the Winchester boys show up asking for help, and by the Apocalypse he’s sixty. He’s grizzled and clearly not in his prime any more, but is still younger-looking, tougher and much more physically capable than a guy his age would usually be. Seriously Scruffy - Bobby’s usual outfit is heavily worn and frayed clothes - usually jeans, t-shirts and flannel - that he’s owned for a very long time.
Personality Traits
A Friend In Need / The Reliable One - One of Bobby’s defining traits is that no matter what, if someone calls on him for help, he will do whatever it takes to give that help. Even if he’s freaking DEAD. Badass Grandpa - Bobby’s out there fighting evil well into his sixties. Brutal Honesty - He doesn’t really do sugar-coating very well, so if he’s presented with something and asked his opinion he will often be very blunt about what he thinks of it. Catch Phrase - His go-to swearword is “Balls!” and he often expresses his annoyance (or affection) by calling someone an “idjit”.  Character Alignment - Chaotic Good. Bobby gives absolutely zero fucks about legal or illegal, but he’s absolutely committed to helping the fight against evil and is basically a decent and kind person. Combat Pragmatist - He doesn’t fight in a bid to impress anybody, he just aims to take his opponent down and make them stop fighting back as fast as possible, and has no qualms about fighting dirty to get the result. Crazy-Prepared / Properly Paranoid - Bobby regularly doses visitors with holy water, keeps guns to fire several different types of monster-slaying ammunition, and has built a panic room in his basement, made of solid iron coated with salt, that is demon- and spirit-proof. He has also made several copies of all his priceless books and stashed them in safehouses around the country, just in case something happens to the collection in his house. And he does it all because he knows it could happen. He’s even described himself as a “paranoid bastard”. Deadpan Snarker - A fundamental aspect of his personality. No matter what situation, he usually manages to come up with a sarcastic or snarky quip. This can lead to Snark-To-Snark Combat breaking out, especially if it’s Crowley he’s talking to. Determinator - He just will not lie down and die. Even when a bullet to the head puts him in a coma, he spends the entire time evading and holding off the Reaper coming after him so he can warn Sam and Dean about the Leviathans’ plans. Encyclopaedic Knowledge - He’s done so much studying that he’s able to reel off facts about rare monsters, cast spells and recite exorcisms, and draw a number of sigils from memory.  Forgets To Eat / Must Have Caffeine - Bobby regularly stays up pulling all-nighters in order to do research for a fellow hunter, and in such cases will often subsist on strong coffee and/or caffeine pills. This has left him with a reliance on coffee that’s almost as bad as his drinking problem. Genius Bruiser - He looks and often acts like a typical dumb redneck, but spends most of his time at home with his books, doing research for others; when called on to join the fight directly, Bobby proves himself as capable of kicking ass as hunters half his age. Good Is Not Dumb - He might be on the side of the good guys, but Bobby sure as hell is not stupid. Good Is Not Soft / Good Is Not Nice - While he has dedicated his life to helping others and saving lives, and is gentle and caring to those in need, Bobby is also a cranky, short-tempered alcoholic who lives on his own and gives everyone, including the law, angels, and Satan himself an attitude. He’s also not likely to spare enemies out of the goodness of his heart, either - the few antagonists who manage to escape his retribution are usually the ones who talk the quickest and convince him they’re worth sparing. Otherwise he’ll finish them off without blinking. Grumpy Old Man - Has definite shades of this, though often as not he’s just playing it up, for the sake of a cover or to amuse people. Gut Feeling - Bobby’s instincts are usually spot on and he’s learned to rely on them reasonably heavily, to the point where he can usually guess within seconds if someone he knows is possessed by a demon or otherwise not actually themself. Of course, being paranoid, he’ll generally follow his guess up with a test to see how right he is. Handicapped Badass - During the year he spends wheelchair-bound; although he’s no longer able to actively hunt, his mind is as quick as ever and he’s still a crack shot. Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Famously bad-tempered, antisocial, yells at people who ask him for help and calls them stupid, regularly gets arrested and has no respect for... pretty much anyone. Also one of the key players in the attempt to head off the Apocalypse, who loves the weird little family he’s got with all his heart and will do anything for them. Knight In Sour Armor - Yeah, the world sucks and pretty much everything is horrible apart from a few little warm spots... but he’ll step up to fight for its right to exist time and time again, because that’s the right thing to do. Mr. Fixit - As well as earning his living as a mechanic and salvage yard owner, Bobby is able to turn his hand to a number of other practical skills; he’s successfully modified several guns to fire specialised ammunition, and built the panic room in his basement himself, during “a weekend off”. He’s also proven to be very capable when it comes to installing booby traps and surprises around his house, including a trapdoor outside the hall closet that drops straight into the basement and a specially strengthened basement door to keep whoever got dropped in from getting back out.  Nerves Of Steel - He’s faced down dozens, maybe hundreds, of monsters over the years, armed with a few weapons and his wits and, if he was really lucky, someone competent running backup. He’s even intervened in a showdown between the archangels Michael and Lucifer, though that didn’t go terribly well for him. Not much fazes him now. Old Master - Bobby has likely fought, researched and warded off more monsters than Sam and Dean put together, and is known to be THE person to go to if you need help tackling something you don’t recognise. Omniglot - He speaks several languages, including Japanese and Latin, and is able to decipher and translate a huge number of written languages. Only Sane Man - He often feels like this, especially after dealing with hunters who have managed to completely fail at displaying common sense. Physical Scars, Psychological Scars - Bobby has picked up scars from all sorts of monster encounters over the years, many of them reminders of what went wrong on the hunt. He also still has some old scars from his childhood, as his father used to beat him with a belt. Self-Surgery - Given he prefers to avoid the authorities unless it’s really serious, Bobby will generally patch himself up with needle, thread and a bottle of Jack Daniels. Street Smart - Studious as he can be, Bobby is also a capable survivalist and very savvy at bluffing his way into situations - or out of them. Taught By Experience / Seen It All - Bobby’s one of the best in the hunting community simply because he’s made it his business to be. He’s encountered monsters very few others have, he’s studied countless texts to find weaknesses nobody else knew about... and he’s closely linked to the Winchesters, who seem to get targeted by all the weirdest things out there. Which he takes as a learning opportunity. It’s not often he actually gets startled by something. Talented But Trained - He’s a very smart man, that’s absolutely certain, but many of his skills are what he’s picked up over a long, rough life, and he’s honed them till they’re sharp as a razor. The Alcoholic / Drowning My Sorrows - He’s turned to alcohol to cope with the horrific things he’s dealt with, from an abusive childhood to killing his possessed wife to the deaths caused because he wasn’t quite quick enough to take down the monster he was hunting. The Kirk - Usually plays this role between cool, logical Sam and hot-headed emotional Dean. Undying Loyalty - Literally, in his case; he takes lethal injuries several times, at least one of which was deliberately self-inflicted, and still keeps trying to help his boys in any way he can. Workaholic - He doesn’t often take a break from working, at least not for very long. Wouldn’t Hurt A Child / Friend To All Children - One of his more likeable traits - after the horrendous upbringing he had, Bobby will go above and beyond to make sure any kids he spends time around feel as safe as possible. He’s gentle, affectionate, and respectful of their thoughts and feelings, especially if their own parents are harsh.
Personal History
Abusive Parents / Alcoholic Parent - Bobby’s father Ed was a drunk who thought nothing of being verbally and physically abusive, punching his wife and regularly taking his belt to his son. By the time Bobby hit his teens, his mother was also blaming him for his dad’s violence. Back From The Dead - Bobby was killed by Lucifer while trying to help buy time for Sam to regain control of his own body. Castiel, newly resurrected himself, brought him back minutes later after the crisis was over. Bobby will occasionally refer to it as “that time I died” or something along those lines. Calling The Old Man Out - He finally snaps and intervenes with a rifle when his father begins beating his mother, demanding Ed leave her alone. When Ed taunts him and threatens to deal with him, Bobby pulls the trigger. Later in life, trapped in a coma, Bobby sees his father again in the memory and confronts him, fiercely claiming to be far better than Ed told him he was. Dead Partner - This applies to a number of Bobby’s old hunting friends who have died over the years, most notably John Winchester, Ellen Harvelle and Rufus Turner, all of whom he had a particular bond with. Deal With The Devil - Technicaly a deal with a demon, but the same principle. When Lucifer is on the verge of triumphing in the bid to start the Apocalypse, Bobby sells - or, technically, pawns - his soul to Crowley for the final key piece of information that gives them a fighting chance. He also regains the ability to walk, though that was more of a generous freebie on Crowley’s part. (Naturally, Crowley does not keep his side of the agreement, and later has to be threatened about it.) Fighting From The Inside - When possessed by a demon trying to kill Dean, Bobby manages to put up enough of a fight to turn the blade on himself. Hero Secret Service - Technically the hunting community could count as this. Although they are not organised and have no authority figures, Bobby is a major persona within the ranks. Only Child Syndrome - With no siblings around, Bobby took the full brunt of his parents’ abuse; he never really understood why, but his mother once hinted that he was too much hard work on his own for them to handle having another kid on top. Survivor Guilt - Regarding pretty much everyone he knows who gets killed. His attitude is always I should have done better.
Romance & Family
Badass Family - Adoptive version; anyone who spends a while around Bobby will absorb some of his personal badassness, even if they are already damn awesome themselves. First Love - Karen, the first woman he ever really loved, and whom he holds a torch for long after her death. Happily Married - With Karen. Until she finds out he doesn’t want to be a father... at which point they have a fight that never gets resolved, because she’s dead three days later. Honorary Uncle - To Sam and Dean as kids, and to most other hunters’ kids he spends any real time around, he was always “Uncle Bobby”. Ho Yay / Foe Yay - He and Crowley clash repeatedly, but all that snark-laden verbal fencing, long looks, moments of real vulnerability around each other... yeah, there’s definitely something going on there. Incompatible Orientation - One of Bobby’s main attempted defences against the attentions of a certain king of Hell. Like A Son To Me / Happily Adopted - Sam and Dean, who he played a large part in raising until their teens. Also counts for any of the other younger people he takes in and becomes a father figure to. Papa Wolf - Don’t mess with his kids. Just don’t. He will hurt you. Parental Substitute - To many of the young people he takes in or keeps an eye out for, particularly those who have had poor experiences with their childhood. He absolutely relishes being able to be a positive figure for a kid who needs it. Stalker With A Crush - This is how he tends to treat Crowley a lot of the time, especially when the demon’s being particularly flirtatious or overly attentive. Team Dad - To... well, pretty much everyone with the age or life experience to be considered a kid in his eyes. This includes the Winchesters, Jo Harvelle, several other hunters around their age, a freaking Vampire Slayer, and Castiel, an actual angel with the social savvy of a very sheltered gerbil.
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liliannacloud · 7 years
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?- Provably more milk than cereal because I always have leftover milk
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?- No but i like the warm air from a heater on my cheeks on a wintery day.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?- I use old clothing tags
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?- I don't. I dont like either.
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?- Absolutely
6: do you keep plants?- If i did they'd probably die
7: do you name your plants? No considering I dont have any
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Crying
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? On occasion
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Always side or stomach
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? All black cats are baby henry
12: what's your favorite planet? Earth is pretty cool. Ive never been anywhere else
13: what's something that made you smile today? Cereal
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? It'd be in downtown denver with big windows and stainless steal appliences and decorated with a neutral color scheme
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! -99% of our solar system mass is the sun
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?- I love me some fettuccine Alfredo and also some spagoot
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? Probably light blue next but who knows because this red will be hard to get out.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.- I was good at stealing eyeliner for a while
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?- no but i have a sketchbook
20: what's your favorite eye color?- green and i have green eyes so that's cool
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.- Favorite bag? My aunt and uncle got me this super cool leather purse with a skull thing on it that's super cool that I use a lot.
22: are you a morning person? Depends. If its a morning i have to get up then no but on my days off I'm up way too early.
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?- YouTube and CrosS Stitch
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?I trust my boyfriend and best friends.
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? - Ive never broken into anywhere?
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?I just got some new boots that I wear with everything.
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?- spearmint
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? Jada is such a mom and its cute as heck. And asha is an actual mom who is funny and expressive and amazing.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? Oh yeah dude a few times. When my aunt and uncle fist fought in front of me and my cousin in a hotel and when my brother was home alone and thought someone was trying to break in. Or when my mom was out on a first date and had to be home before midnight becausw we were leaving early in the morning and she wasnt answering her phone and was still gone at 5 am and I thought she was murdered.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. Socks dont matter to me as long as theyre comfy and I only wear them when I'm wearing shoes
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - nothing crazy I'm never awake.
33: what's your fave pastry? Love me some cinnamon rolls.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? -His name was trusty and he was a stuffed horse I had. One day I got a new stuffed caterpillar that i started to favor and once I realized that I beat it up and told it id never love it as much as Trusty
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? -I love me a nice fine tip pen for drawing and i love gel pens for writing or coloring.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? -Bon Iver
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?- messy in a clothes sort of way but not a trash and food and stuff kind of way.
38: tell us about your pet peeves! - The sound of chewing makes me want to die and having to pick up after people makes me upset.
39: what color do you wear the most?- black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?- I have a necklace i got in elementary school that my grandpa made for me. He carved I himself and beaded the string. Ill never get rid of it.
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?- I need to read more.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!- nope i don't like coffee
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?- My boyfriend.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?- About a year ago when everything felt normal and sane.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?- I think so
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.- no.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?- too many foods. Mushrooms, cottage cheese, lettuce, green beans, gravy, mayo, etc
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?- Losing people i love, and yes.
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? I think the last CD I bought was my irontom CD
50: what's an odd thing you collect?- I dont collect anything lol.
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slaivetanaka · 8 years
slaive character chart (it long)
Character Chart Character’s full name: Slaive Tanaka Reason or meaning of name: uh when i was 13 i made him and he was born into slavery so he just rolled with it when he broke out the storys dumb i gotta redo it lmao// or change his name Character’s nickname: Kitten Reason for nickname: bc hes a catboy what do you want from me.... Birth date: January 13th Physical appearance Age: 20 How old do they appear: 20 Weight: variable, current story hes a shape shifter so it depends on his mood but hes like never skinny. id say 140 pounds ish? at least. hes usually got a lil chub Height: 5 feet Body build: pear shaped, nice hips, thighs n booty Shape of face: quite round with it getting more pointed towards his chin but not by much Eye color: his right eye is always colored but his left eye is a slightly dark red Glasses or contacts: he wears glasses to be cute sometimes lol Skin tone: pale, like almost grossly pale Distinguishing marks: a mole under his left eye, stretch marks on the back of his thighs and his butt and his hips, and patchy scars on the back of his neck Predominant features: he has really sultry and soft lips so he has a nice smile. his skin is also super soft and squishy Hair color: black Type of hair: silky and only slightly thick. not very textured but he mooses the back to make it spike slightly like sasuke hair Hairstyle: bangs cover his right eye, behind where his ears would be is mused to be fluffier and slightly spiked Voice: very very sweet, but not childish or naiive sounding. feminine, relatively normal, maybe a little high pitched. intonation is slightly motherly, cracks when he gets nervous/excited Overall attractiveness: hes hot lets face it. hes pretty attractive! Physical disabilities: i mean hes a clumsy ditz but nothing like a disability besides his right eye going slowly blind being behind his hair Usual fashion of dress: at home - off the shoulder shirts/dresses, never wears pants at home. out n about casual - flowy dresses, stockings, cute socks, bibs (those are like the shorts overalls). out n about tryin too hard - he wears lolita sometimes lmao so like sweet lolita with lots of accessories and hair clips and ribbons
Favorite outfit: off the shoulder sweater dress with noooo pants and cute thigh highs Jewelry or accessories: he wears a red fleece collar with a gold tag with an S on it Personality Good personality traits: Kind, Generous, Perceptive, Motherly, Loyal, Determined, Studious. Bad personality traits: Overly generous, Naiive, Stubborn, Ditzy, Overzealous, Blunt Mood character is most often in: Peppy! Sense of humor: jyushimatsu makes him laugh... and things like shitty tumblr memes... Character’s greatest joy in life: his dead mom :) Character’s greatest fear: losing his little brother Why? why?????? uh because thats his lil baby brother hes 8 years younger than him he loves him�� What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? uh losing his brother lmao hes all he lives for Character is most at ease when: he’s in the bath with hot cocoa and candles lit Most ill at ease when: he’s forced into new situations with no warning Enraged when: someone harasses someone else or his baby brother is hurt Depressed or sad when: he thinks about his mom or on just bad days Priorities: taking care of his brother and gaining enough money to live without worry Life philosophy: Do unto others as you want done unto you If granted one wish, it would be: To be filthy stinkin’ rich Why? He would want his mom back, but knows she passed because she was sick, so he wants to focus on keeping his brother and himself safe and well taken care of Character’s soft spot: his broooother, animals Is this soft spot obvious to others? oh yeah aaaabsolutely Greatest strength: his determination, physical strength, and flexibility Greatest vulnerability or weakness: being deceived, pretty people, kids (he cant be mean to ppl hes attracted to or that remind him of his brother lol) Biggest regret: not spending more time with his mom Minor regret: not knowing what to do about his brother was being bullied Biggest accomplishment: getting an apartment for his brother and himself Minor accomplishment: getting hired at a maid cafe lmao Past failures they would be embarrassed to have people know about: when he was little he couldnt understand why his bits were different from his moms and he cried about it, when he failed baking, when he went to a garden and tried to feed the ducks and was surrounded by them and had to be rescued by a group of strangers Why? uh bc its embarrassing lmao Character’s darkest secret: shhh thats private its a secret Does anyone else know? nope not a soul Goals Drives and motivations: mainly his brother Immediate goals: keeping he and his brother fed Long term goals: moving up in an art industry and becoming famous How the character plans to accomplish these goals: he has a few friends who are in college courses for art so he talks to them about it a lot to improve himself How other characters will be affected: he and his brother will be better off! Past Hometown: super countryside japan Type of childhood: difficult but happy Pets: none but he wants tons of pets First memory: smelling his moms pancakes early in the morning Most important childhood memory: learning to make those pancakes with his mom Why: he eats em all the time and it reminds him of her Childhood hero: his mommmmm Dream job: being an artist Education: none Religion: none Finances: self sufficient farm life lol Present Current location: outskirts of kyoto city Currently living with: his brother Pets: none Religion: none Occupation: maid cafe worker/chef Finances: uh i dont know what this means hha Family Mother: Karen Relationship with her: he loves her so much Father: none Relationship with him: none Siblings: Karin Relationship with them: he adores him, he was adopted and named after his mom Spouse: none :c Relationship with them: none Children: none Relationship with them: none Other important family members: Grandpa, Karen’s mom, who was like his dad but too old to do much.  Favorites Color: Red Least favorite color: None, but if he had to choose then green Music: J-pop, happy music, kikuo Food: mom’s pancakes, hearty soups and pastas, chocolate Literature: ehhh none Form of entertainment: drawing Expressions: Never give up, Do unto others as you want done unto you Mode of transportation: Biking Most prized possession: His collar Habits Hobbies: Drawing, singing, cooking/baking, biking around town Plays a musical instrument? Flute, piano, violin Plays a sport? nope How he/she would spend a rainy day: Huddled under a kotatsu with Karin drinking warm drinks Spending habits: junk food and clothes Smokes: No Drinks: Rarely Other drugs: No What do they do too much of? eat.. junk,... food.... What do they do too little of? socialize Extremely skilled at: baking Extremely unskilled at: sports Nervous tics: biting his lips, his ears lowering, tail twitching, shaking his leg Usual body posture: slouched and tired at home, but straight and hands together in public, arms are relaxed around friends tho but he stands very straight Mannerisms: playing with the bangs on the left side of his head, rubbing his arm with the other hand, blinking a bit too often, rocking on his feet or when he sits Peculiarities: uhhh i have no idea Traits Optimist or pessimist? Optimist Introvert or extrovert? Introvert Daredevil or cautious? Cautious Logical or emotional? Emotional Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical and neat Prefers working or relaxing? relaxing Confident or unsure of themself? Unsure Animal lover? ABSOLUTELY Self-perception How he/she feels about himself/herself: “Needs to be better, better, better” One word the character would use to describe self: “Cute!” One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: PARAGRAPH UGH “About me? Well, I’m pretty hard working, and I like to think I’m nice! But you can always be nicer, yknow? I’m happy to meet new people and try new things but only when I have help doing so, haha. I work at a maid cafe with a lot of cute, sweet girls, they’re really nice! Oh, but I’m supposed to describe myself, um... I like sweets? I’m very flexible! And I love spending time with my brother! Nice to meet you!”
What does the character consider their best personality trait? “Perceptiveness!” What does the character consider their worst personality trait? “Stubbornness...” What does the character consider their best physical characteristic? “My thighs or my lips!” What does the character consider their worst physical characteristic? “My stretch marks, they make my skin feel uneven...” How does the character think others perceive them: “A weirdo probably~” What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: “I want to be stronger!” Relationships with others Opinion of other people in general: Anxious but optimistic Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? Not if they’re friends, but if they’re coworkers or strangers he might Person character most hates: his birth parents Best friend(s): Karin! Love interest(s): n/a Person character goes to for advice: :’) he prays Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Karin!! Person character feels shy or awkward around: anyone he finds attractive Person character openly admires: Karin~ Person character secretly admires: n/a Most important person in character’s life before story starts: uh his mom After story starts: Karin
HOLY SHIT THAT TOOK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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