#i also just really want kimcom to be happy
walmart-miku · 8 months
Mob psycho but its orv characters. Is this anything?
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localapparently · 10 months
/ orv main story ending spoilers , mentions of kdj's suicidal mindset
mindless rambling
my friend who just finished orv asked me why kdj couldn't just split like 2% off of himself into an od avatar and leave that in the train while he joined kimcom, and while my initial reaction was "there's no way he could just do that" I remembered i thought a similar thing when I first read through orv too? and maybe it got explained down the line but I forget things real easy (which is why i'm rereading orv) and so I'm just trying to make sense of it using my existing knowledge
There's this bit in epilogue here:
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Sangah's words "protecting the world by dividing himself in half, one becomes the reader, one becomes the character". the first being 51 and the second being 49,
I think there are layers to it. Right after being shaken by the OD ordeal, kdj's mindset that he's to blame for the whole world is reinforced stronger than ever before in his head, because he had just witnessed living proof of it. And that's not something he can overcome just because sp and 999 gang took od away to take care of him. Even then, kdj was confused why they weren't angry.
There's also the persisting mindset kdj has that he's twsa's reader and not a proper part of kimcom, and he probably felt like he should bear the burden of consciously continuing to read the world until the very end. He managed to see himself as part of kimcom over the course of the story but od's appearance sort of undoes all that progress he's ever made, and its sad but its pretty common for self hate mindsets to spiral like that,
He probably felt like he deserved it, yet him wanting that extra 2% difference to prove he knew and loved kimcom more than his avatar. Him regretting splitting in half right after the avatar left and he saw them all walking away. He knows what he wants and in the end he can't bring himself to think that he deserves it
And honestly I don't really know why the way singshong writes kdj's self hate and suicidal tendencies get me so badly, I mean I do, kind of, the feeling is there, but it's incredible how long the set up was and how real it feels when you see it all go downhill.
i think od reveal truly truly fucked up kdj to no repair. like if you read the passages, its fucking heartbreaking.
"My own tragedy couldn't even compare to their pain. The sin of creating an even bigger tragedy because of my own should not be forgiven." "Something was wrong. A blade… I, I needed to find a blade."
and the thing that gets to me is how easily anyone who has had self loathing thoughts can empathise with him. The want to disappear for inconveniencing things that would've been perfectly fine and pretty and happy had you not come into contact with it, the idea that you are a disgusting monster and its easier to shut yourself off than do any more damage. and its Fine if youre in pain because They will be happy and theyll will be happier without you.
It fascinates me how a portion of readers of orv who self blame or self doubt love kdj so much, because the act of loving him is also some form of self reassurance that they can be loved as well, because if someone like kdj can be forgiven, then surely they can, for all their small or big mistakes that are definitely not on the scale of plunging the universe into a space apocalypse. or something.
but i might be assuming so. don't take my word for any of this.
tldr he doesnt split out a small avatar to take the place of od because he thinks he deserves it. which is quite obvious if you take a look at the big picture, and i dont really know why i rambled so long. maybe ill reread orv and theres gona be a small bit that's like "ohh well actually if it was too small of a percentage that became od the universe wont hold up" and i will be like Ah yes i just missed that part. and this ramble will be void. uhh yes. have a nice day
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Omniscient Reader Fic recs:
Kimcom time travels force feed Kim Dokja love:
This is that one fic that will make you cry and smile at the same time. It is one of the crackiest angst I have ever read. It is a fic that made me so happy, yet so terribly sad. But all in all, this is a fic that will make you laugh. And make you remember/ fall in love with the characters all over again. It's a wip sadly, but each chapter is so damn lovely, that I just keep going back and read over and over again.
This is a soft, soft fic, it's also the fic that made me fall in love with damn premise of Kim Dokja getting love before the apocalypse. It is a fic about dokja realizing that he is loved. It is a fic that I wish to see completed one day — but I doubt it would be 😭 but the chapters that are out are again, very satisfying. And I loved it.
“You are loved,” said Yoo Jonghyuk. “This is a threat,” said Yoo Jonghyuk.
This is a fic that is already really popular but this is a fic I'd recommend people to read after finishing the epilogue. Because it is gives you those soft fuzzy feelings, it sews back the torn heart that is caused by the actual book and it makes you believe in everything that is good in the world. This is fic where everyone is happy and Dokja is with them. And basically everything I ever wanted.
(these are sadly the only fics I remember reading with the premise of kimcom going back to the past 😭 but yeah they made an impression on me and I don't think I can recover.)
Moving on to the fics I'd recommend after the reading the novel as in post-epilogue:
Post-epilogue fics to heal your heart:
This is a fic I would recommend a 100 times over to anyone who would listen. This is the first fic I ever bookmarked, even after having an ao3 for YEARS, first fic I ever commented and in general one of my most favorite fic to ever written. This is a fic that healed me, that made me remember everything about I loved omniscient reader, that made me so happy that I have no words. To me, this fic is the epilogue they all got, the happy ending they deserved and it will always be canon to my mind. The way the writer wrote all of them made me cry and I'd always forever be grateful that this fic was written.
This fic is also every healing, and it hurts so damn good. The way the author build up the emotions, kimcom bonding and literally everything. The way the author writes their relationship and the way Dokja perceives them. This fic deserves so much more recognition. It is beautiful and it's also very healing. And soft with harsh edges that is soothed as you keep reading. It's basically Kim Dokja getting to learn love without his memories, it's about baby dokja healing and it is about kimcom being desperate to teach dokja that he isn't alone.
This is just soft, soft and soft. This is just fluffy, this is just what they all deserve. This is another fic that deserves so much more. This is just another dose of happiness, to read when you're having a bad day. The way the author writes the relationship between each characters, the slow healing, the love that comes so easy between them because they went through the end of the world together is fucking beautiful.
I bookmarked this on September 2022 and I still cry when I re-read it. This is a beautiful piece of how healing takes time, and how hard learning to love yourself can be and how beautiful this fic is and how I'd always hold it close to my heart no matter what. This piece also deserves so much more. This is a fic about how even after reaching the end, healing can seem out of reach. It is a fic about patience and love and just beautiul.
This is again another fic that deserves so much. This is such a beautiful depictions how healing hurts. How it is a long damn road and sometimes you might stumble and it is hard. It might be a long road but when you finally begin healing and when you learn to finally trust — isn't that the most beautiful thing ever?
I'm surprised this fic isn't more popular honestly. This is one of the fics that depicts how ugly healing. And how it is so painful painful painful when the person you love more than the world itself doesn't realize their worth and they still try. And also joonghyuk has a garden????!!!! This fic is wrapped up so beautifully and leaves on such a hopeful note. It's written really well, and the characters are so beautiful, so damn real.
(ANYWAYS I'll just rec these one's for now LMAO I mostly tried to rec underrated ones bc they are hidden gems, and they deserve love too. I'll make a separate post for orv Isekai/alternate world/modern world fics that needs more love because there's A LOT underrated gems. This post is mostly dedicated to @rozz-eokkk @cielelyse ; since they asked for it and I'm so sorry it took so long 😭 )
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harley-style · 8 months
imagine 999th regression being the canon beginning of orv. imagine yjh dying. and then regressing. but kim dokja and the rest of the others are there. technically speaking, they CAN clear the scenarios without yjh, but kim dokja is least happy about it.
but what can he do? 999!yjh is as sacrificial as he is. so of course, he dies, bc dokja's too slow.
so what happens is everyone moves on. the world moves on. kdj has to also, because life has always been particularly shitty to him. life on earth was hell but twsa was his silver lining. in this brand new universe worldline, his light dies, but he still has his family.
losing yjh takes a toll on them. kdj is their heart, but yjh is equally so. they grow weary, tired. they keep going, most of all kdj, because he doesn't have yjh's "second chances"
and oh, does kdj begin to hate that word. hate yjh's stigma. his sponsor.
through his grief, kdj becomes a lot less happy. he resembles his mother a lot more, in temperament. he sheds the white coat and dons yjh's black coat. he gets stronger. all of them do, because yjh isn't there to cover their asses anymore.
hsy, donning the white coat, the only one of them who remains optimistic about their chances (in her special hsy way), finds a way to break the narrative.
they become outer gods, much to SP's displeasure bc somehow he's lost control of everything and gdi kim dokja can you sit still for five minutes)
999!kimcom travels the worldlines to find their yjh and like. look. they find him. but they also find the most ancient dream.
yjh and kdj fight and my god its a beautiful disaster. hsy takes advantage of their monkey brains and steals MAD away, kdj is not pleased. yjh insists they let MAD live because he doesnt want kdj to die.
bitterly, kdj responds "you should have thought of that before you went and left us," with a wry smile, the fucking hypocrite. but well, its not like he's sacrificed himself in a while.
i dont really have anything more to add here this was just a "what if yjh succeeds regressing but the worldline is still intact bc kdj exists"
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orviposition · 9 months
How jdj is the side story. I know that LHH is the protag there and most focus is probably on him and his companions. But I just wanted ask for your opinion?
consulted my wife friend about this list so that i wouldn't miss the important moments. a little heads up this post will have side story spoilers
when hsy opens the door at the end of chapter 551, kimcom are sent to a snowfield with two doors in it. in one of them theres a happy ending. kdj woke up and is waving at them. in the 2nd door, kdj didn't wake up. yjh was the first one to enter the 2nd door, Unnoticed by anyone might i add. he's the one who opens the door and says "if it was him, i knew he'd pull something like this"
when we get 49 kdj's pov at the end of season 1 of the side story there's a small scene of yjh bringing 49 food. the scene is not described with full details however we learn that 49 has forgotten most things about yjh, to the point he doesn't even rmbr if yjh has cooked rice for him before. yjh then says this line to him "You don't need to be anything. All that matters is what you want to be" next morning 49 decides to go to the 1865th regression turn in order to help kimcom get back 51.
yjh comes back from a second journey of searching for kdj fragments together with biyoo. he notices that hsy has failed to stop the 41st round, and ignoring lsh's warnings that he's too strong to descend into the 41st worldline bcs the probability will kill him and destroy the worldline immediately once he descends. he says that hsy and ysa need to create conditions for him to descend because "Kim Dokja is mine to bring back" kr fans have noticed that this sentence has two major tones to it. 1, possessive and 2, arrogant. "kdj is mine to bring back since you (hsy) couldn't"
season 3 of the side story has a lot of focus on dkos kdj. he's now lhh's sponsor and talks to him thru midday tryst. and he brings up yjh So Often that even lhh is bored/baffled. not to mention he refers to yjh with a lot of affectionate terms "joonghyuk-ah this, joonghyukie that" recently even selena kim and christina page were all "????" when kdj called yjh "joonghyukie" in front of them
in the beginning of season 3, yjh noticed a source of light enter the "curtain of the 41st worldline" (listen mtl is hard please bear with me) and he immediately slams himself into it, trying to follow after the light. seeing as the curtain is burning him and "grilling him like fish" jaehwan (aka the mc of the world after the fall) has to forcefully pull him back as he shouts "are you crazy" at yjh. spoiler alert, yes he is crazy
not exactly an explicit moment per se, but every time lhh incites himself as kdj or yjh his first thought will always be of the other
in order to subdue an overpowered 41yjh hsy decides to give him happy memories. those memories included a scene where yjh was cooking for kimcom and hsy described it as "yoo joonghyuk was dying from happiness." then the scene quickly puts kdj in the center where he comments about how good yjh's food tastes and that next time they come here (a picnic) they should bring more beef. she succeeds in subduing 41 even though he has never actually met kdj before. later on we learn that 41 also got the memory of the rooftop conversation between kdj and yjh. and like. dare i say. he really sounded a little jealous/sulky abt it. not to call him sp or anything..............
there's a small flashback of a (not written in orv) scene set during 1865th turn. it's about lost memories. yjh tells hsy that he forgets lots of memories whenever he regresses but it's okay because even if he forgets that guy (kdj) will remember them for him.
recent addition: ORV: yjh: you bought a useless skill (preserve humidity) / lsh: but dokja-ssi also has this skill / yjh: kdj has this skill?? *contemplates buying it* |||| SIDE STORY: lhh: this guy (kdj) actually purchased a useless item? (neck pillow) / kdj: but yjh also has this neck pillow / lhh: yjh has this pillow? *after learning its advantages thinks it's a good item* (also kr fans speculate that it was kdj himself the one who bought a neck pillow for yjh)
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ekanatsume · 1 year
I just dislike how the orv fandom is always making the ending of orv (the last scene where they open the door) and making it always like yjh gets the spotlight in being so much happy over kdj returning. And if you think about it, the only reason why hsy is the one whos mentioned the most in the last chapters of orv is bc yjh wrote it (other than the fact that she was the one whos in the last few chaps bc she was trying to tell the story of kimcom trying to cope with kdj's 'death'). Hsy is the type who never talks about her feelings, and she is the one who always felt like she wasnt that important of a person to kdj than yjh. But the thing is, to kdj, both of them were important. One was the protagonist who made him not give up and the other was the writer who kept him alive with the story (even if he didnt know that, she still was the only one person who could understand kdj and give him the feeling of reassurance bc she was the plagiarist who read wos, the same story as kdj, and could easily communicate with kdj, a bookworm who never had friends). To hsy, she probably doesn't think kdj might think of her as important (recall the "will you read my story?" question? She didn't even think kdj would think about reading it) and thats why most of orv has the relationship of kdj and yjh (bc its the story he loves with his life, and yjh is the protagonist) we never see hsy expressing that much of her feelings unless they are in important plot points and even if she does, it's always for the plot points or "kimcom loves kdj more than anything, hsy is also a part of kimcom so she loves him too".
Ive always felt like the last scene of orv where hsy runs in crying and smiling to the door felt a bit out of character, like she isnt the type to cry easily according to her scenes in orv (and i understand that shes only a human that struggled for so long to get kdj back, crying is only natural). But like the last few scenes were extremely hsy focused and that makes sense bc yjh was the one who wrote those scenes. And the fact that yjh wrote those scenes of hsy expressing her feelings and being desperate so much tells you how hsy didnt include her actual feelings in orv. And the fact that yjh wrote the "this story is only for that one reader" from hsy's viewpoint says a lot (yes i understand that its from kimcom's perspective but then again the writer was hsy). So its only natural that hsy rushed in to get that door bc (if youve read sidestories, SPOILER you just know how desperate hsy is to get back kdj) hsy has always been the one who get back kdj, whether it be destroying worlds or dooming everyone. So to see that the focus is always on yjh and kdj (as the ship) i mean i get it, its the popular ship but then again, how can you really just toss away hsy? She literally went through hell and back in every lifetime to save kdj. Not even yjh was this meticulous about kdj at first. It should be both of them being happy at getting kdj back in those fanart scenes. I just dont like it that everyone just thinks of hsy as the "bestie". Like literally both of them are besties to kdj (if i had to term it like that) it doesnt even make sense that only yjh is on it. They both went through hell and back in the last half of orv (and SPOILER in the sidestories too) along with kimcom to get back kdj. I really dont like how hsy is just thrown away bc shes the "bestie" and she shouldnt "interrupt" on the "lovers reunion" fanarts. Damn it. Yes im rambling. I could just pretend to not see it but the reason im rambling is bc there isnt enough "hsy finally getting her reader back that she desperately wanted to save for her whole life" fanarts.
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Okay but you have to understand how READY I am to get a live action ORV film series. Quick disclaimer that I honestly know really little about film/visual media (and even less about East Asian media), but...
On a story level, it simply sounds like a Bad Idea. I mean, how do you translate a story about stories told through the medium of words into live action? How do you translate the way it makes sure to tell you that this story works as reality because you can't see it, because there concepts that you can really only visualise in your head through the written word?
But then again, they could go the direction of using the medium of film itself as Dokja's fourth wall. Make it seem like a cool but generic live action with subtle hints here and there that it's more than it seems. Have Dokja be hot rather than his plain and average...have fight scenes and choose which thoughts or not we get to hear. I mean, seriously...the film doesn't have to be cohesive or accurate to the book. It could literally just be the way Dokja wants you to experience his story and his narration - the film could be a depiction of his unreliable narrative. And as he and the walls begin to crack, so does the story...and maybe we'll get to see those thoughts and cracks in the beginning of the story through flashbacks rather than real time (could make the inner speech filters sound nicer but idk).
Or if it's truly just Bad(tm), it's still fun because yeah...guess who took on the role of the Star Stream and forced a story and its characters into a tale to pander to audiences simply for capital gain? (Or what if they really do make big changes to the ORV story so as to accommodate the medium of film as story? Make it so that the film itself is the Star Stream?)
And also, a last slightly less ironic and overenthusiastic observation....just that, yeah, I do wish ORV was animated instead of live action. But given that their animation industry is somewhat small, currently, and that means they might have to rely on Japanese studios, I prefer they just stick to live action. There's no telling how Japanese studios will localise Korean names/settings/history, as they've done with Solo Levelling and Raelina. Again, I have NO idea if this is a right assumption to make, so if someone knows more about it, I'm happy to be corrected.
The point is, though, that ORV live action has the potential to be spectacularly bad or good - either or. I don't think it's possible for it to be just mediocre or average and I wouldn't want it to. It's either KimCom definitely made this movie post-Dokja return to make money off their leader's stupidity or the studios will capture the essence of how stories and humans are fatefully intertwined but through the medium of film.
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blorbou · 1 year
oooo what are your thoughts on lgy
LITERALLY JUST A LITTLE GUY! LITTLE BUG FREAK. BUG EYED FREAKAZOID.So lovable. and sad little creachure. he is very important to me because not only is he cute but i just really love these self sacrificing characters who deny their vulnerability. and how it is their downfall in a way. i cant cite anything rn but at least through subtext and even some lines its obvious how much he Loves, how much he cares and how he also wants simple happiness in this ruined world (makes me sick) (get me oute)
and this isnt gonna be phrased well cos im nervous as fark.But honestly im jusr Generally frustrated at how lgy is very important to ORV and especially KDJs character, he is like a mirror or a foil to him similar to knw (for example his "lack of empathy" and how he thinks of it all as just a game, also showing a desperate attachment to an Idealized Guy in an unhealthy way, but this gets handled well in. like A way with the whole OG kimcom first 100 chapters arcs ETC ETC) and without even truly having his character bloom,,,He judt gets..Sidelined??? like i dont really wanna attack SYS' characters cos i think it was all amazing i cant complain. but like he literally gets so little personal screen time. while Sure, orv is very purposeful with its pacing and structure in general. his relationship with everyone else and even KDJ after sys is just so underdeveloped and UNDERUTILIZED. and There is something soooo important and its his sponsor and WHY he chose him in the first place??? its just dealt and done with so suddenly we just never even get to Feel anything for it.HELL!!!! SOME PPL DONT EVEN KNOW AB IT EVEN THO THEYVE REREAD IT! and its genuinely something reslly really sad to me because that part of the plot was literally. Heart wrenching to me. significant. This child desperate to save everyone he loved was willing to go with the oldest evil.But yeah whatever nobody gaf Pass tge joongdok yaoi
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
before the last chapter for this season comes out, i just want to say that i am very grateful to see you obsessing over lee hakhyun and his gang’s antics and apologise for spamming you over it (even if you did say it’s fine, before!) there’s something special about them
been thinking about the discontinued star writer in the context of orv’s outer gods again,,,,, an abandoned tale brought back into the fold, but what happened to the them before the side stories?
lee hakhyun is already missing memories of why he became a writer at all, and you’ve suggested a long time before that the avatar skill is already in play, so what if everything that actually made lee hakhyun a writer literally went to the version outside the scenarios? it’s a neat, handy explanation for why this lee hakhyun apparently can’t use the avatar skill himself, as han sooyoung says; for this story to be written, the side story needs a writer - so impart an avatar of yourself to be the ‘character’ and keep writing on yourself,,,,, you’ve already treaded this bit before, i believe
but like, if avatar/character lee hakhyun literally can’t remember why he became a writer because of this, because that part went to writer lee hakhyun, what else does the writer remember that the character can’t? hey, what was star writer supposed to be about anyway?
my suggestion; writer lee hakhyun remembers exactly what he wrote in star writer (which was about himself) and he remembers exactly what characters were supposed to be in there; whose story was thus forgotten along with lee hakhyun’s own. avatar lee hakhyun can’t, because to him this is his first time meeting them, but writer lee hakhyun remembers star writer and the characters he met IN star writer, and is thus using the side story to extract his friends from the fate of being left behind as outer gods.
or something like that, anyway
ooh. really cool theory!!
i literally had a dream of my own (it also caused me to oversleep. i set my alarm 1 hour later on accident) about what the next chapter would be. i cannot remember it anymore it broke my heart but i don't think i couldve thought up something as evil as what actually happened i swear to god i need to read fanfiction of lee hakhyun being happy. i know he didn't want anything to do with kimcom but jung heewon can be there too
i will not refer to lhh as '49' more than i have to. he wished to be anyone else, and i will accept him as that
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directorofnight · 3 years
3. [ORV] Dokja x Kimcom
Maybe, this is Love.
I opened my eyes in the morning and smelled the familiar smell of cooking. Listening to the faint sounds of noisy childrens who wanting to go to school and A woman's voice telling them to hurry.
It must be Yoo Sangah and Lee Jihye who was lazy to move from her bed Or maybe It was Gilyoung-ee who was still sleepy from staying up late playing PC games.
I stare at the window that emits light until someone knocks on my door. "Hey, lazy. Get out of bed and wash your ugly face. Yoo Joonghyuk will be angry if you skip breakfast again."
I just answered with a mutter without intending to look at her. Han Sooyoung pulled my blanket and patted my cheek before pinching me. "Hey..."
Maybe, this is Love.
"Can you carry me?"
"Ha?" Han Sooyoung put on an annoyed face and furrowed her brows. "Ah, Looks like you forgot I've had a hard time getting the Avatar out."
"you can carry me without Avatar, Right?"
Han Sooyoung hit my head. "Get down now, or I'll take Jung Heewon to push you out with her sword." The girl walked out towards the door, I still didn't move.
She glanced once before opening her mouth, "You're not sick, are you?" This time I saw a worried look from her. What a rare sight.
I shook my head, "I'll wake up. I'd be happy if Yoo Joonghyuk added Omelette."
She sighed lazily and slammed the door.
Maybe, this is Love.
I smiled at the Omelette in front of me and at the people who were having breakfast with me.
"Dokja-Ssi, Have you taken your medicine?" Lee Seolwa asked.
"I will, after breakfast." Yoo Joonghyuk looked at me with sharp eyes. "I promise." I added hastily.
"Dokja-ssi, I will have an assignment in America starting tomorrow for 1 month. Do you have any souvenirs you want?" Lee Hyunsung asked.
I thought, "Maybe a classic fable?"
Lee Jihye raised her hand. "Oppa, I want a pretty scabbard!"
"How about me, Hyung! I want a board games!" Lee Gilyoung shouted.
Lee Hyunsung smiled at the childrens. "Does Yoosung-ee want something?"
Shin Yoosung Smiling at the soldier in front of her. "I'm good with Oppa back safely."
Ah... As I expected from my Incarnation.
"Are you also going Heewon-ssi?" I asked the silent Jung Heewon, her face looked gloomy.
"You think I don't have a job, huh?" She sneered.
Han Sooyoung looked at the woman with a mischievous expression. "Wow.. what if our soldiers are seduced by other women~ I'm sure There are many women will be attracted by his muscles~"
Jung Heewon replied with a murderous look, then sighed. "And I'm sure not all women are attracted to muscular men." She glanced at me playfully.
"You!" Han Sooyoung was about to jump in before Yoo Sangah cut into the fight.
"Stop, stop, ok?"
I laughed, just laughed. Makes people look at me like I'm crazy.
Yoo Joonghyuk gave me a weird look, and I answered him right away even though he didn't say anything. "I'm fine."
"Lee Seolwa, Are you sure you gave Kim Dokja the right medicine?" Ask Han Sooyoung.
I waved my hand. "I'm just... Fine." I looked at them one by one, I really love them.
And surely this is love.
"Thank you." I mumble. If it's a normal person they shouldn't be able to hear My low voice.
But because this is them, my companions I'm sure my words can reach.
I'm loved.
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