#i also just thought that if she knows felicity then felicity would have spoken highly of hyuk and his skills to annie
ofgentleresolve · 1 year
@jeoseungsaja ♡’d for a starter!
She hardly goes out. 
Between the fake beach by the Han River and her aunt’s convenience store, Annie doesn’t like to stray from her schedule. It’s easier that way- the less surprises she has to expect, the less she has to anticipate and therefore, the safer she gets to be.
But as she regards the detective- no, that woman, Felicity, said he wasn’t a detective anymore, not at least for the Gangnam Police Station- from across his desk, she knows if she leaves now, she’ll never get what she wants. What she needs.
( When she got the call from police that the RINGLEADER of that cruel, cruel game had escaped and made his way to Seoul of all places, she didn’t leave her room for a week. Probably wouldn’t have eaten for a week straight either if not for her aunt’s insistence. ) 
Hands quiver as she wrings them together. Looking at the detective is like looking at a mirror- a wilted vessel, complete with a glossed over look. Almost like he’s barely able to keep himself afloat. Annie knows how that feels- the terror that comes with disorientation. Never knowing when she'll be back in that hospital, back in that river, back in that ward-
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“I…I want-” She takes a deep breath. Breathe, Annie. Breathe. “I need you to find someone for me.” She opens her bag and sets a manila folder on the desk between them. Pictures of the escaped convict. “Will you…can you help me?”
0 notes
I'm sorry you had a shit day 😭😭😭🖤🖤🖤 questions 4 (fic: Air Catcher) & 17 for the ask game!
Questions for fic writers
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of? The flippant answer is that I'm really proud of Louis getting to do a that's what she said joke LMAO I think people sleep on Louis' humor but I'm not even mad about it because that's what makes it so great when he finally does get a really good joke in. Like, that's the same Louis who called vampire myths "bullshit" in his interview with Daniel. He's fucking funny! Even when he's mentally spiraling, he sees the chance to catch Lestat off-guard and make him laugh, and he takes it!
The serious answer is the detail included in the very first sentence that I wrote for the entire fic, which I ended up using as the summary: "Louis had read about it, too, in those little yellow books back in San Francisco." The little yellow book in question is The Joy of Gay Sex by Charles Silverstein and Felice Picano. I imagine this would've been something Louis had read when it was first published in the late 70's. Even though I've spoken a lot on my thoughts about Louis observing the gay scene in SF, it was much easier for him to read about it in books like this one. The way it's written is very straight-forward and informative, but also non-judgmental so I like to think Louis really did find it worth studying as like his own urban dictionary. That was actually kind of the jumping-off point for most of the fic, actually; this idea that in moments of high emotion Louis tends to try and lean on his analytical side, so he's constantly trying to sift through the catalogue of gay sex life readings in his head to figure out what the hell is wrong with him asdgfhjefbc ANYWAY yeah Louis definitely has a copy of The Joy of Gay Sex on his bookshelf.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? asdfghjsbekfkndc GOD I'm sorry to give a boring answer but I really don't deal much in au's!! I love reading everyone else's au verses but idk man my brain isn't that imaginative lmfao I have a really hard time seeing the characters outside of canon.
I will say, very predictably, I've fallen back into the world of 70s punk (thanks spider-verse) and I've always loved the idea of Lestat somehow finding his way back to his music, and Louis getting to accompany him on the drums :) this may or may not also be influenced by måneskin's black haired drummer, Ethan Torchio. I just think it'd be a great Rage Outlet for him (lord knows he needs it) and it'd be perfect because he wouldn't really be too involved, he'd just sit in the back by his drum kit and look hot lmfao I think that would be fun
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hope-for-olicity · 4 years
Hope for the Holidays 4/6
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I hope you are all still up for my holiday story in January! I’d like to dedicate this story to all those who have taken the time to read my stories - I’m so grateful!  I hope you enjoy this AU where Felicity and Oliver meet over the holidays when they find love right next door. Thanks so much to @mel-loves-all​​ for the lovely edit. Also available on AO3. 4. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
The Queen Consolidated Holiday Party was considered the social event of the season in Star City. Oliver couldn’t deny he was happy to be home to attend. He’d hosted holiday parties in London but it was never the same.
He rushed home from work to change into his tuxedo. Oliver knew his parents would not be impressed that he was late his first year back in town. He did one more double-take in the mirror to make sure there wasn’t a hair out of place before heading out. 
He shuffled in front of the elevator impatiently waiting for it to arrive. He really should have brought his tux to work this morning. The party would be well underway by the time he made it back across the city.
Oliver’s ears perked at the sound to his left. He turned to see Felicity’s door open. She stepped into the hallway wearing a bring red gown that hugged her body in all the right places. Oliver’s mouth went dry. Lucky for him, Felicity was looking down, yet to notice him. He took his precious time to truly admire the lovely woman before him. He started at her feet and worked his way up. She truly was stunning. 
“There,” Felicity spoke out loud herself as she locked the door. Oliver watched as she turned to face him. 
“Oh, Oliver. I didn’t know you were there.” Felicity pulled a deep green cape over her shoulders. “I’m running late, I’m afraid.”
“As am I.” Oliver smiled. “You look lovely, Felicity.”
“Thank you. You look handsome as well. I’m sure all the ladies will be vying for your attention tonight.” Felicity smiled.
“Thank you.” Oliver wanted to say the only lady’s attention was her’s but he worried it might be too forward.
The elevator dinged upon arrival and they both stepped inside.
“I have a car waiting for me downstairs if you’d like to share?” Oliver began to rub his index finger and thumb together an old habit he still fell back on when he was nervous.
“That would be great. Caitlin texted, she and Ronnie are already there.”
“Great!” Oliver smiled.
When they stepped off the elevator, Oliver nodded to the town car outside. Oliver opened the door Felicity then made his way to other side for himself. He felt better now that they were on their way. 
“Oh, I can’t believe I forgot! Thank you so much for the latkes. They were amazing. Where did you get them? I’d like to buy some.”
“So they were still warm when you got them?” Oliver made the latkes for Felicity intending on bring them over to share on the third night of Hanukkah but his father called him out for drinks with clients when he was about to deliver them.
“Oh yes, I checked my door as soon as you texted they were there! They were the best I’ve ever tasted.” 
Oliver blushed, “I made them myself. I found the recipe online and thought I’d give it a shot.”
Felicity’s mouth formed an “O”. “Oh my, you aren’t joking are you?”
“Oliver, I am impressed. My Mom tried to make them once and it turned into a disaster.”
“Well, I’m really glad you enjoyed them.”
“I did.” Felicity leaned over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, it meant a lot.”
“So food really is the way to a woman’s heart.” Oliver joked.
“To this woman’s.” Felicity smiled before looking out the window.
They drove in silence for a while. Felicity loved that she and Oliver could sit in silence and she didn’t feel like something was wrong. 
Felicity turned to face the dapper man beside her, “do you have any Christmas plans? It must be nice to be at home.”
Oliver chuckled. “It is nice to be home. I wouldn’t say I have plans as much as Thea has plans for me. She wants to recreate all the traditions of our youth. She says there will be skating, building a gingerbread house and our personal favourite, who can eat a candy cane the quickest.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun.” Felicity looked down at her dress. It really did sound like fun, she’d never done any of those things.
“It will be something. Hey, look we are here.”
Oliver’s door opened and Felicity noticed the flashes from cameras. Oh no, she hadn’t thought this through and she doubted he had either. They were arriving at the party together. The press would think they were together, together. As if he’d be interested in her. She stayed sat in her seat. Maybe she could get the driver to let her out away from the cameras.  
Oliver leaned back inside the car. “Are you coming?”
“Oliver, I didn’t realize. I don’t want to give the wrong impression. People might think I’m your date. I know this wasn’t a date. You just gave me a ride. But then people won’t listen and it will become a thing and you’ve been so nice - I just don’t want to ruin things for you.” Felicity felt like such a fool. She squeezed her hands tightly together. She was not this insecure person.
She felt rather than saw Oliver get back in the car and shut the door. His hand came to cover hers. “Hey, it’s okay. We don’t have to go to the party.”
Felicity looked up with confusion. “Oh no, you need to go to the party. I just don’t want to you know, cause confusion. You getting back in the car, probably caused confusion, sorry.” She looked up at Oliver.
“Okay, I’m going to put it all on the line here.” Felicity could see he was nervous. “Can you answer a question for me, truthfully? There is no wrong answer.”
“Would it be the worse thing if the reporters thought you were my date? I mean, I’d be honoured if you would be my date but you don’t have to be. I want you to know that I have no problem getting out and introducing you as my date or getting out and introducing you as my friend. But I also have no problem, getting out and letting the car drop you off separately. It’s completely up to you. What would you like to do?”
Felicity thought about it for a moment. Took a deep breath. “I want to get out of the car with you right now as your date.” Now that she’d made her decision, she felt confident. She gave him a beaming smile.
“Alright, then Ms. Smoak let’s get going.” Oliver knocked on the door and it was opened for him again, he got out and extended his hand to Felicity. 
Felicity looked up at Oliver and knew she’d made the right choice. As she stepped out of the car she felt the flashes from the cameras accelerated.
Oliver walked into a crowded ballroom with Felicity by his side. He loved having her there. Despite her impressive heels, she was still a good bit shorter, meaning he had to look down a little.  “I guess I’d better find my parents. Do you mind if I take your hand so I don’t lose you in the crowd?”
“Of course,” Felicity offered her hand to Oliver.
Oliver guided Felicity carefully through the room, Felicity seemed fine on those high heels but no need to rush her. He scanned the room for his parents. 
Oliver turned to see Thea rushing toward them. “Oliver, thank goodness you are here! I’ve been telling Mom and Dad we were texting and you were stuck in traffic but I’m not sure they were buying it.” Thea suddenly turned to Felicity. “So nice to see you too, Felicity.” Thea looked down, noticing their joined hands. “OH MY GOD!” She smacked Oliver on the arm. “How could you not tell ME?!”
Oliver chuckled. “There was nothing to tell this is our first date.”
“Well, I approve!” Thea hugged them both. “Now, you better find our parents. They over in the corner near the bar.”
“That will be our next stop.” Oliver began to walk away, he and Felicity weaving their way through the crowd and servers. Oliver noticed Felicity looking at the trays. “As soon as we say hi to my parents, I promise food and drinks next.” Felicity smiled.
“Oliver, how nice of you to attend, I just about to…” Moira Queen stopped her criticism when she noticed their audience. 
“Mom, Dad, this is Felicity Smoak, CEO of Smoak Tech and my date. We are sorry we are late, I texted Thea, we were stuck in traffic.”
“Of course, Felicity your reputation proceeds you. Lovely to meet you.” Oliver was impressed. Moira never acted this way toward his previous dates. He knew Felicity was amazing and he was glad to see his parents saw that too.
“Ms. Smoak, I’m Robert Queen. I’ve been looking forward to meeting with you. Our daughter Thea has told us marvellous things. 
“Please call me Felicity, it’s nice to meet you as well. Both Oliver and Thea have spoken very highly of you. So glad our companies can work together.”
Oliver beamed at his amazing date. She really did make the world a better place.
“Felicity and I better go mingle. Lovely party.” Oliver nodded to his parents before turning them back toward the crowd.
Felicity took a breath. “I think that went well, right?” She couldn’t help but seek reassurance.
“Felicity, they loved you. I think they were happier to see you than me. You totally wowed them. Might I say it’s an honour to escorting the most impressive woman in the room.”
Why did he have to say things like that? Felicity was already crushing on Oliver hard, how could she not? There was no future here and while she would enjoy tonight she couldn’t let herself get too attached. But when he said things like that, she felt the walls protecting her heart crumbling.
“Felicity! You made it!!!” Caitlin rushed toward her and Oliver taking her out of her bubble.
Felicity hugged Caitlin. “Yeah, sorry, I was running late. Caitlin, this is Oliver Queen, my date.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you in person, Oliver. I’m Caitlin, Felicity’s partner at Smoak Tech and BEST FRIEND. Felicity has said nothing but good things about you but she failed to mention she was bringing you as her date. Just so you know, I approve.”
Felicity was going to kill her. She was sure she turned every shade of red possible. She kept willing Oliver not to look at her.
“Caitlin, it’s nice to meet you.” Oliver shook Caitlin’s hand. “Felicity has also spoken highly of you. You will have to forgive Felicity for not mentioning the date, it was a little unexpected but I recognize how lucky I am.”
“You better.” Caitlin smiled but it was clearly a warning.
“Hi, I’m Ronnie, Caitlin’s husband.” Ronnie extended his hand to Oliver.
Felicity was relieved to see Ronnie trying to defuse the situation. 
“It was nice to meet you all. We will be back shortly, right now, I promised Felicity drinks and food and I must deliver.”
Oliver began to escort her away. “Sorry about that, Caitlin is just a little protective.”
“No need to apologize. I’m really glad you have someone like that in your corner. She has nothing to worry about with me.”
Having been to a number of these events since childhood Oliver knew the best way to grab a snack. He nabbed a large plate from one of the servers. “Okay, so here’s the plan. You grab two glasses of wine for us when you see them, otherwise point to the food you want and I’ll put a couple on our plate. Then we can stake out a corner in this busy room and fest.”
“Wow. You really know what you are doing!”
“Not my first rodeo.” Oliver loved that she loved the idea.
“Okay, I’ll try anything - but no pork or nuts please.”
“Got it. Why don’t you grab the wine from the server over there and I’ll meet you in the far left-hand corner with the food.”
Felicity looked up at him with glee. “Did you ever know that you’re my hero? You heard my stomach growling didn’t you?”
“No and no...but I am off to make your dreams a reality!” Oliver walked away, hearing Felicity’s chuckle behind him.
“Okay, that was the best food EVER. Thank you so much for feeding me, Oliver.” 
“Your wish is my command.” Oliver pretended to bow.
“Well, if that’s the case. How about a dance?” Felicity felt a little nervous asking but he was her date.
“Okay, but not here. The dance floor is too crowded here.” Oliver took her hand, leading her out to an enclosed sunroom that had been decorated with twinkle lights. She could see the moon and stars above through the glass.
“Oh Oliver, this is lovely.”
“Not too cold? It’s not heated out here.” He quickly took off his suit jacket, placing it over her shoulders.
“No, it’s perfect. Nice to have a breath of fresh air.” Felicity put her arms of the sleeves of the too big coat. She felt enveloped by Oliver. She looked up at him as the song “It Came Upon a Midnight Clear,” began to play inside.
Oliver took her in his arms and the two began to sway. “I’m really glad you agreed to be my date,” he spoke against her hair.
“I’m really glad to be your date.”  She leaned in closer and lost herself in the dance.
Thanks so much for reading! More to come soon!!
I’m tagging people who might be interested. Let me know if you’d like to be tagged or untagged: @memcjo​ @stephswims​ @julieofrandomfandoms​ @mel-loves-all​ @cruzrogue​ @laurabelle2930​ @lucyyh​ @green-arrows-of-karamel​ @oliverfel4​ @tdgal1​ @tangled23works​ @lageniuswannabe​ @swordandarrow​ @it-was-a-red-heeler​ @olicitytropes
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geneshaven · 6 years
610 Overview (what matters most)
So now that all the married Olicity goodness from 609 is behind us and they are locked in for the duration of the series, I guess it’s time to move ahead into the rest of the story arcs ready to unfold in the next 13 episodes.
Here is a head cannon---if the Newbies are adamant about starting up their own team, maybe they should take their act to another city. Star City is already spoken for. It won’t do to have another vigilante group save a city that has already been saved. Their objective is not original. If feels like NTA is rebelling through anger and animosity, as if they are teenagers being told they’re grounded but sneak out to the party anyway. They can never follow in Oliver’s footsteps. They haven’t shed enough blood and tears and loss to take those strides. They haven’t gone over the edge and come back stronger the way Oliver has.
A couple words about NTA, if I may.
Up first is Dinah. I’m sorry, but the ex-lover/partner vigilante story arc just isn’t working for me. I don’t feel that Vince has any chance  at redeeming himself, not like Oliver did. Dinah doesn’t appear to have the same temperament and belief that Felicity had when she took a broken Oliver Queen into her life and helped reshape his soul.  
Vince is not Oliver.  He does not have it within himself to let his sins go. And Dinah is not Felicity. She is filled with rage and violence. Together, Vince and Dinah are a highly volatile couple. I don’t see a happy union  for them any time soon.
Next up is Curtis. Except for those early episodes in 4A when he was still appealing, I haven’t really seen much character growth in him. It’s as if the writers are still trying to figure out what to do with him. So, he’s pissed at OTA, for not trusting him and spying. Okay, but is it any different keeping from Paul the vigilante life he chose? Is it any different that he lied multiple times to his husband every time he donned his lame superhero outfit and took a nightly ass beating?  Curtis, ask Oliver and he’ll tell you. Lying to that one person in your life who gives it meaning is not a good idea. Ask Felicity. Ask Paul.
Maybe they should make Curtis exclusively Felicity’s business partner. Except for his T-Spheres, Curtis really doesn’t bring much to the action-packed table out in the field. Would it be feasible for him to not only help Felicity develop new tech that will benefit the world, but also crime fighting gadgets to help keep the Team and the city safe?
Who could they replace him with when and if he does hang up his Mr. Terrific suit? Someone with more (and better) fighting skills?  Someone who has basically sacrificed his life to have the backs of those he trusts and loves and believes in? Someone who loves Oliver’s sister with the same intensity Oliver  does Felicity? Someone who’s name  starts with R-O-Y?
And finally, we get to Rene. I was really liking Rene. To me, he was another comic relief (funnier that Curtis) on the show. He had skills as a fighter. He was finding his niche in the Mayor’s office. And I almost felt an emotional attachment when they brought in the Zoe story. Okay, I understand Rene tragically lost his wife, and that hurts in a way that can completely define one’s heart and how they see the world in the aftermath.
All of that evaporated for me when Rene wimped out and threw Oliver under the bus by letting himself be manipulated, by having Watson push his vulnerability buttons. Again, it was a trust issue for Wild Dog, or a lack of trust. When are these rookies going to realize that Oliver let go of his own demons and decided to trust them by bringing them into the fold?
So NTA? I don’t think that’s going to work out for them. I think having them out there trying to defend the city without guidance or any kind of grounded direction is not a good idea.  I think that the real fight on their hands will be with themselves.
So  what is the answer? OTA. I cut my teeth on this show with Original Team Arrow. Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak and John Diggle.  Try as they might, the writers have looked for ways to shake these characters up throughout the series. They used separation. They used lying and betrayal and a great big pile of BMD. John killed his brother and spiraled out of control. Oliver killed Felicity’s not-boyfriend and sent her down a dark rabbit hole. An entire island was blown up in a feeble attempt to make the fanbase worried. They gave John an injury he hid from everyone and then put him in the Green Arrow  suit and had him lead the Team. When Oliver found out, more trust issues and disappointment came between two brothers.
It all felt  like a writing experiment to  me.  It went against the grain of established character development. Is there a rhyme? Is there a reason?  One of the most disappointing things for me as an Arrow fan (and there have been a few over the past 6+ years) is getting my expectations ramped up, usually after waiting for summer hiatus to end and again at the mid-season break. Then those expectations fizzle out as I’m taken on a tepid journey of bullshit love interests, of WTF magic villains and promising connections that turn into ambiguous annoyance.
Still, despite those misfires, and with some kick ass fight scenes thrown in, OTA is what makes the show stronger. It brings continuity and familiarity. It gives me something to root for as a fan. It gives me, at the end of each episode and each season, belief and hope that no matter what happens, OTA will  save the day. They are at the forefront and whatever else comes about on the show, it will be shaped around our heroes.
As it should be.
Olicity. Well, they’re married. They have completed one another. They’re love  and strength and endgame. All their scenes in 610 epitomized this. They exude a natural essence of love and trust and peace. There is no more, ‘does she love me like I love her,’ or ‘I think you’re missing something.’ There is no more hiding unexpressed feelings, no more out of control angst or uncrossable distances. They are a team in every sense of the word. They know what the other is thinking just by a look. They feel an infusion whenever they touch each other. One breathes in; the other breathes out.
All of this makes a difference whenever danger looms. There are no longer any bad guys or girls out there who can disrupt their flow. Losing one another is no longer an option for them. Each would die for the other. Oliver is a better person, a better hero and husband and father because of the grace Felicity brings to his life. And Felicity’s life has found a balance between conquering her fears and letting love triumph in their place. She is not broken, as she thought for so many years. She is wanted and loved. And neither one will ever be alone again.
Cayden James and his cabal of evil cannot win out in the end. Trying to defeat the power of love and trust is like trying to swallow fire. It will only burn on the way down. That’s the thing with villains. They are always overreaching their goals of mayhem and conquest.  They think that nothing or no one out there can ever stop them. It’s a game, one they make the rules for, determining who is allowed to win and  who will  lose.
The only problem is---they always underestimate the other  players, the ones who the game  is rigged against.
Oliver, Felicity and John will always win. Why? Because they will always have each other’s backs.  So bring on 6B. Let our heroes continue to make a difference. OTA is the real momentum that keeps the city safe. NTA will do well to remember that. They very well could be run down in its wake. They need to come along instead of fight against the inevitable.
@it-was-a-red-heeler @memcjo @almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @flowerandsunshine @dmichellewrites @mortallock @vaelisamaza @cruzrogue @ruwithmeguys @louiseblue1
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angelfireeast · 7 years
Leadership - Iris, Sara, & Jax
This anti-Iris as leader thing is based on “well other characters are smarter” and “more qualified” and “work in STEM field so” but as @gowheretheskymeetsthesea pointed out all smart people on team Flash were smart enough to make Iris their leader and look what a successful and correct choice that was.
Let's think about Legends for a minute another show went through this same thing but without this big blowback. In season one Rip needed an engineer for the Waverider. There stood Ray Palmer revolutionary tech scientist and successful multimillion businessmen who pioneered nanotech inventing the atom suit and there stood Jax, a very smart young man with only a high school education and worked as an auto mechanic. Because he couldn’t afford university he had grades to get into. Who you do think would get the job? Who seemed more qualified? Who on the outside talks about how smart he is? Who wanted Martin to remember him as the standout student in his class full of genius. But who ended with the job? Oh yeah, that’s right that would Jax. Jefferson Jackson who spends his first days on Waverider reading the manual so he could learn how to run and repair the show which no else bothered to do. Jax who was serious and dedicated and intelligent and should be the list of genius with Cisco, Ray, Felicity, Curtis, Winn and Lena and others. Jax the self-taught aerospace engineer. Jax became so skilled and knowledgeable that coming back to 2017 and going to university and working towards his masters in engineering felt boring and let down. It wasn’t challenging to him. The perfect choice wasn’t the highly educated genius science who seemed more qualified. It was the youngest member of the team who is a genius in his own right.
Let's also think back to Legends when the matter of who would be Captin after Rip disappeared. The sexist 1950 JSA thought that old white man Martin Stien was the leader because he was an older respectable white man. He agreed and everyone but Jax did too. After all, he has a highly educated, respected, professor and most senior member of the team. Mature, intelligent and wise right? Till things hit the fan and it showed he didn’t have the temperament to be a leader but Sara Lance did. Jax had few words with Martin trying to make him see that being leader was a bad idea before he finally saw the light. That’s worth noting too because he could see and feel via the psych bond that it wasn’t a good idea. Martin whole heartily stood up and said how Sara Lance was best choice and a natural leader.
Skip ahead to and Sara needs someone to turn to as support and co-leader of the team. It’s not Martin or Ray or Mick, and certainly not Nate. It’s Jax. He’s person she names as Captain in her place. He’s the one she turns to talk things out with. When things need doing it’s the two of them doing it together. They don’t get sidelined by immature crap or goofing off. They both rose to challenge and became leaders. The youngest member of the team. Not the highly educated ‘genius’. Of course, I don’t know if it needs saying but Amaya is on the list of people who are experienced, mature, intelligent who Sara turns to as well much like Iris turning to Cisco. Actually Sara/Jax/Amaya=Iris/Barry/Cisco in terms of leaders turning to people and such like.
This ‘anyone but Iris’ thing is really just shipper antis who want ‘anyone but Iris with Barry’. There is a lot of racism behind this. It’s anyone but Iris, not It should be Wally, not Iris or Cisco it’s ANYONE. Wally name is being thrown around, mildly, in the same manner, James Olsen’s name was thrown around in s2 of Supergirl in ship wars between Supercorp fans and karamel fans. James Olsen was a nice name to drop to sound like you had the moral high ground against racism but the proof is in the pudding now with those same supercorp fans going nuts because James is breathing the same air as Lena Luthor. You can tell a fake ally and fake fan and fake ‘concerned on behave of that character because of racism’ but you not really concerned for them at all. You are just using their name and it’s happening now. But not throwing Wally name around even in a strong way since I see so many ‘anyone but Iris’ which likely hoping Harry will come back and take over the team. I love Harry to death but lord knows he would NOT make a good leader of the team. He’s like Martin sounds good on paper (well sorta) but would be a wrong choice as leader. But he’s white, a man, and he’s Wells so that’s good enough for these people.
You want to know the other way it’s racism behind this just compare of the reaction to Sara becoming Captain of the Waverider to Iris becoming a leader of Team Flash. People go with LoA must have prepared Sara for leadership well no it didn’t. Being an assassin doesn’t equal a captain and being Captain of Waverider has many moral issues and things of LoA never prepared Sara for. We saw how she struggled with leadership in the beginning and her beautiful journey as she grew into a confident captain. People cheer on that story for Sara as the natural leader but the idea of Iris being a natural leader? Suddenly it’s anyone but Iris! 
We watched her grow as the steady hand and the beating heart of the team. She is the proper person to lead the term. Those were words spoken about Sara but don’t they apply to Iris West exactly the same way? I sure think they do. Iris, Jax, and Sara all face same three ‘but there are more qualified people around them”. And the whole ‘I only rate characters on Felicity Smoak STEM scale of intelligent. I’m not told an IQ point then the character then they aren’t as intelligent and can’t be better ANYTHING then many *insert character with science background* is because their IQ is *insert number*”. Well, guess what Iris, Sara, and Jax make awesome leaders without STEM degrees or they're intelligent ranked on a scale. Those highly educated people with high IQs and lots of qualifications all looked Iris, Jax, and Sara and agreed they made damn good leaders. So maybe shut the fuck up and sit your racist narrow-minded ass down Because Iris Ann West isn’t going anywhere.
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ccficwithapic · 7 years
Daydream Believer
This is going with a pic done by the amazing juliakaze! Our story is about Sara coming to terms with Leonard’s death, or not so much.
It can also be read on A03, right here: 
“Just do it.”
The words were still ringing in Sara’s head even hours after they had been spoken. She knew, of course, when she kissed him that it would be the only chance she would ever get. That’s why she did it. There had been so much that she wanted to tell him, so much that she should’ve said earlier when he came to her room with a half-ass apology for pulling his gun on her and, to get off the topic, tried to get to her trash talk about Rip’s plan. When that didn’t work he had approached her, leaning down against her bed and avoiding her eyes until he got to the words “me and you” and then it was like he needed to look at her. She had remained stoic. She didn’t let him know that her heart at had sped up from the moment he started talking about the future, how she had felt where the conversation might be heading. Her heart jumped when he mentioned “me and you” but she had never let him see. It hadn’t been the right time. They still had a mission to complete, an Oculus to destroy, and a warlord to kill. After all that was done then they would be able to think about their futures, both separately and together.
Only now they can’t.
“Sara, please report to the bridge.” Rip’s voice came through on the comm in her ear like a knife, cutting through the heavy air of her dark bedroom.
She sniffled and wiped a hand over her eyes, brushing away the last of her tears before she reached up and tapped her finger against her earpiece.
“Coming,” she responded, and she knew that her voice wasn’t as steady as it could be, but if Rip noticed he didn’t say anything.
In truth, she was the first one to leave. The Waverider was flying away, and yeah, she was as pissed as anyone that Rip lied to them, again, and brought them back five months later than he promised he would. But you know what? She didn’t care. She wasn’t exactly in the mood to fight another losing battle, which every battle of the team’s seems to be. So she was the first to walk out of the empty lot, pulling out her phone not even halfway across and calling Laurel.
No answer.
She growled at the phone and sent a text, telling her sister that she’s back and asking where she was. She then called Ollie, her dad, Thea, Dig, Felicity, and still came up with a whole lot of nothing. Laurel still hadn’t answered her text either, and she didn’t want to text bomb everybody because then she would just get a lot of angry responses. So she went to Laurel’s apartment and knocked on the door, no answer.
“Laurel?” She called, knocking again, but still nothing. She tried turning the knob then, only to find that it wouldn’t turn and the door was locked. “Laurel where are you?” She muttered as she turned away from the door, off to try the one place where she could almost always find someone.
It wasn’t a long walk to the bunker, but it felt like it took her forever. As she boarded the secret elevator and punched the cracked button that any more normal person would believe to be broken, Sara found herself anxiously rocking her weight from her heels to her toes. She needed somebody to be down there, anybody.
“Hello?” She called when the doors opened to an empty looking bunker, “Hello?” There was still no answer, but walking further into the room she caught a sight of movement out of the corner of her eye, and a smile lit up her face when she saw her father staring at her from the monitors in surprise. “Dad,” she breathed it like a sigh of relief, utterly happy to see him, and for the first time in over twelve hours images of Leonard’s regretful eyes weren’t flashing at the forefront of her mind. She ran up and hugged her father, explaining that she had just returned and already searched for everyone else only to come up empty.
But the way he was looking at her, his eyes holding a mix of relief and sadness, it made her gut twist.
“It’s uh Damian Darhk, he’s causing problems.” He told her, which seemed about right.
“Oh, good to know nothing’s changed in five months.” It was just an observation, a casual comment, but her father was still looking at her with his lips parted and his whole body stiff. “Dad?” she asked and he looked away, “What’s wrong? You ok?”
He looked at her again, breathing heavy like he was fighting off tears and his eyes warning her that he, somehow, was about to break her heart.
“No baby,” he said it firmly, like he was forcing himself to start the hardest conversation he would ever have in his life.
“You’re starting to scare me,” she said it with a smile, almost a laugh, because damn it her heart has already been broken once in the past twenty-four hours and she’s not sure what she’ll do if her own father manages to somehow shatter it again.
His breathing got heavier, tears threatening to spill out his eyes and it knocked the warning, denial-filled smile, right off her face.
“Damian Darhk was in prison and he escaped, and everyone tried to… stop him. But… your sister… honey she um…” He didn’t look like he could finish, but he didn’t have to. Sara was already shaking her head, tears glassing over her red eyes as her heart sunk into her stomach.
“No,” she said, “Dad no.” She was in denial, she knew it, but what he was saying just couldn’t be true. She lost Leonard just last night. She never got to tell him that how much she loved him, they never got to talk about that future. The universe has never been her friend, but to rip Laurel from her only mere hours after Leonard? It sure felt like the Time Masters were still in control.
“I’m sorry baby,” her father whispered.
“No,” she denied again, he tried to hug her and at first she shoved him off. “No!” “No, you don’t understand!” Her mind screamed as her body lost its battle and succumbed to the embrace of her father, fat tears soaking through his stiff shirt. “No I… I need her! Leonard’s dead! I loved him and now he’s gone and… and I don’t know how to do this without Laurel!”
She let out a loud, almost feral cry at her thoughts, thoughts that she could never say aloud to her father. He held her tighter, whispering to her that he had her and that he was sorry and that he misses her too.
At the end of the day, when Savage was dead three times over and the timeline needed somebody to keep protecting it, Sara got back onto the Waverider.
She couldn’t save Leonard, and she couldn’t save Laurel, but she could honor both their memories by being the hero they had both known she could be.
Rex Tyler showed up that first night that they got back on the ship and warned them to never go to New York 1942, less they all had a death wish, so they decided to avoid that time and place. They had other matters to attend to anyway, constantly, so unless something seriously wrong showed up in New York 1942 they weren’t risking their necks. Instead they traveled all over history fixing aberration after aberration, keeping the timeline as intact as possible.
It was a good distraction for Sara. Everywhere she went she wore Laurel’s necklace
and Leonard’s ring, something Mick had given to her not long after he died, claiming “he had a thing for you Blondie, and besides, I’ve got his gun. He would’ve wanted you to have something.” She didn’t protest after that, something about the broken look in Mick’s half-guarded eyes keeping her from doing anything more than nodding mutely.
Every night when she went to bed she thought about them, Leonard and Laurel. For weeks she would cry for them and she would dream about them returning. It was mostly Leonard who she dreamed of, because as much as she missed Laurel her sister at least had a grave. She never wanted them coming back in the way that she did, even if the pit weren’t destroyed, and so that combined with the injuries she had heard about made Laurel’s death a little bit easier to accept.
But Leonard was another story.
She would walk the halls of the ship daydreaming, her mind playing out scenarios where he rounded the corner just ahead of her with that snarky smirk on his face, a deck of cards shuffling between his hands, and that drawl asking if she’s missed him. Sometimes, when she was running behind the others with getting changed for battle, she half-expected to hear a knock on her door followed by “you coming, assassin?”
She knew it was delusional, or at the very least wishful thinking, but Laurel was stabbed to death; their friends and family buried her. But Leonard? He died in a time bomb, no body recovered. She knows it’s all a desperate hope, but the timeline is a very tricky thing, after all, so a deep and very desperate part of her holds onto these fantasies, to the hope that Leonard isn’t really gone.
As the months go on, that hope grows harder to hold on to.
They go everywhere from San Francisco 2121 to Venice 1401, and in each stop they make Sara keeps an eye or an ear out for the sight of his black jacket, or the sound of his drawling voice. Her mind tells her that it’s impossible, that Leonard Snart is dead and he can never come back.
Her scars tell a different story.
The three red blobs lined in a perfect vertical row on her chest serve as a permanent reminder that nothing is impossible, no matter how many days pass proving her mind right. Then the day finally comes when they need to travel to New York 1942, and Rex was right, it’s a complete disaster. So they’re literally putting themselves in front of a nuclear bomb ready to die when Rip has one last trick up his sleeve and when Sara opens her eyes she’s standing knee deep in a pile of snow seeping through the fabric of her pants. Perfect.
She eventually realizes that she’s in Salem 1693, because Rip just loves stranding her in times and places where she does not fit in. The people give her strange looks from the start, because apparently it’s highly unusual here for a woman to show up alone and wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt. However the local innkeeper took pity on her since she was soaked from head to toe thanks to the snow and let her warm up by the fire, while his wife found her some dry clothes. She decided to stick around for a while because maybe, just maybe, Rip was coming back for her and he probably wouldn’t appreciate having to go all the way to Nanda Parbat again. She didn’t feel much like going through League training for a third time, anyway. So one night she found herself in the tavern, sitting at the bar nursing her drink and trying to ignore the woman sitting next to her, who had come in nearly two hours ago with a husband that has long abandoned her in favor of drunkenly trading stories with his friends at a nearby table.
“You are brave,” the woman finally squeaked just as Sara took a sip of her drink, which isn’t half bad for the 17th century. “Very few ladies come to these places without a husband, and many who I know only take a drink when at home.”
“Well I don’t have a husband,” She said, turning on her stool and when she did she saw the woman’s eyes flick embarrassingly from her breasts to meet her eyes, and she smirked; this could be fun. “And I’m working here in exchange for a room, not alcohol, so I don’t have much of a choice now do I?” She said, “Besides,” she gestured over to the table of drunken men, who seemed to have started an arm wrestling tournament. “I’m not afraid of these jokers.” The woman looked an odd mix of concerned and impressed at the statement, with some hesitance added in when Sara held out her hand. “I’m Sara,” she introduced herself.
The woman continued to look at her offered hand as if she were poisonous for a moment, before finally accepting it.
“I’m Daisy.”
She and Daisy ended up talking for the better part of an hour, and every time that Sara caught her new friend looking at her in a way that a woman in this century was not supposed to look at another, she smiled to herself. It didn’t help any that Daisy’s husband and his friends left the tavern without her, promising they’d be back but it was beyond obvious that they wouldn’t. So there was Daisy, terrified to walk the streets alone at night to return home and Sara living right upstairs and with maybe just enough alcohol in her system to make her realize how long it’s been since she had a good fling. She was polite, of course, and asked Daisy at least three times over if she were sure about staying the night, and three times over again when staying the night very quickly turned into something other than sleeping.
She saw Daisy once more after that, but after the second time Daisy began to fear that her husband was getting suspicious and she wanted to break it off. Sara didn’t necessarily agree with the idea, but she respected it. She let the dark haired woman know that if she ever changed her mind, she would know where to find her. As the weeks went on and winter began turning to spring, a very familiar sense of Rip’s not coming back began to settle over Sara and she began to feel that she might end up permanently stuck here; not that she was going to officially make that call until more than two years went by. Anyway, she slept with three more women in the time that she was waiting for Rip. She wasn’t deaf to the whispers about her starting to fly around town, and she certainly felt it when some asshole threw a rock at her when her back was turned.
It should also be noted that the asshole certainly felt it when she whipped around and broke his nose.
It probably didn’t help her reputation that she never slept with a man. A woman in this time who slept around was known as a lot of things, but nothing would ever be done with her if she slept with men. But Sara never found a man with whom she wanted to sleep, and to be honest, every time even a good looking and respectful one looked her way all she could hear ringing in her head was echoes of “me and you.”
Actually, it wasn’t just when the men flirted with her that she thought of Leonard. She would be going about her housekeeping job at the inn, daydreaming the entire time about possibly opening a door to find him waiting for her. She would walk through the local market place and envision him leaning casually against one of the stalls, here to collect her for Rip. Every time that a fight broke out in the bar she would listen to the bartender explain what he saw, hoping that the instigator might be a stranger from the future gorgeous blue eyes and an unmistakable drawl.
To be blunt, Sara missed Leonard and she was sleeping with women to try and forget it.
Eventually she was arrested under suspicion of witchcraft, thrown in jail where she may or may not have hooked up with her cellmate, and marched out to be hanged. She wasn’t scared, since fighting her way out of this was going to be easier than the 1975 rent-a-thugs. All this meant was that it was time to move on from Salem.
Everything in her escape was going perfect, better than expected even, when she heard her name from behind her and took the stranger down.
Only to find herself looking at Ray, Mick, and some new guy groaning in pain on the ground.
They brought her back to the Waverider, and in light of discovering that everyone had been time scattered a part of her almost really believed that she might find Leonard waiting at the entrance, arms folded over his chest with false judgment while the proud smirk tugging at his lips would betray it. When she boarded the ship she found Jax and Stein, but no Leonard, and no Rip.
They went back to 1942 and quickly realized that without Rip they need a new Captain. So now they’re being led by Martin, who really has no idea what he’s doing, and their new teammate is a guy who has worked in an office all his life yet is asking her where he could find a gun and insisting he can take care of himself.
“Not out here you can’t.” She tells him; doubtful he could take care of himself anywhere. “Out here, even the strongest and the bravest of us die.”
“Like Captain Hunter,” he says, it’s not a question to him, and so she doesn’t tell him no. She can’t bring herself to say it out loud, to say the words “Leonard Snart died,” so she doesn’t.
At the end of the day she becomes the Captain.
It’s another distraction from her daydreams; a responsibility to keep the team alive. She learns pretty quickly what that means, just HOW often they are all ready to make the ultimate sacrifice should the need ever arise and that it’s her job to make sure it never does. She takes to it well, she thinks. Even when she’s up late at night in the library doing research and her mind begins to wander, imagining a certain crook sneaking up behind her and whispering in her ear that she should get some sleep. She still watches for him with every landing, still hopes that the Oculus could’ve launched him out of the time stream into some random place that they’ll eventually come across.
He’s not the one they run into.
It’s normal mission tracking the Legion, until they come across Rip. He has no idea who they are, thinks his name is Phil and that he’s a film student, and it’s a reality check for Sara. As he stands in the office of the ship with her, not remembering anything about it at all, it’s enough for her to want to tear her hair out. It’s enough that she wants to scream, to throw things, to lose control. What if Leonard is alive somewhere? What if they find him and he’s like this? What if by the time they get to him he has no idea who they are? For the first time it really starts to it her that it’s been close to a year since the Oculus, at least, and though each passing day only enforces the idea that he’s dead, what if he really isn’t? Whenever he is he’ll have given into time drift by now. They could find him and he’d have forgotten all of them. He wouldn’t remember her. Who’s to say he hasn’t met someone else by now and started that future he had once offered her? The thought is enough to make her stomach turn.
The day only gets worse when the Legion takes Rip.
Sara goes down into the cargo hold and sits down on a crate, what they have of the spear in her hands. Her chest feels heavy with grief, with guilt, but she can’t bring herself to cry. This used to be Snart’s hideaway, the place where he would come to think. Briefly she envisions him propped up against the wall opposite her, bouncing his little toy ball against her crate asking how long she plans on sulking in self-pity. When she hears footsteps she almost thinks her daydreams have driven her crazy, but it’s only Jax.
“You couldn’t have got him, you know that right?” He asks her.
“Yeah,” she knows he’s right, and that’s what hurts. She couldn’t have gotten Rip. She couldn’t do anything. She was there but her hands were tied and there was nothing she could do.
Just like Leonard.
They got Rip back eventually, after he killed her and Stein and Gideon just barely managed to bring her back. His return came with intel; he knew the Legion’s home base.
The Vanishing Point.
Traveling through time is something that Sara does on a daily basis, but returning to The Oculus chamber was the first instance when she felt she was truly stepping back in time. Everything was dark, broken, and so much eerier than it had seemed the first time they were here. Damaged pipes and pieces of walls lay scattered on the ground, wires dangled from the ceiling with the occasional sparks flying out of a still blinking light. Then there’s The Oculus, the actual bomb that took Leonard from them. It’s gone, whatever is left buried under a pile of concrete rubble. Mick momentarily abandons his post as look out to stand before it and Sara can’t blame him, in fact it takes nearly all her self control to keep herself from running up the ramp and shoving the rubble to the side in search of a body. Now more than ever, her mind is lost in a haze of dreams. A part of her actually begins to believe that maybe, just maybe, Snart will emerge from the shadows and ask them why they took so damn long coming back. But as the seconds ticked by Sara’s hope faded, and her brain reminded her that even in this place such dreams simply aren’t logical. So she pulls Mick away, because they have a mission to complete, and she can’t stand to be in this room anymore.
“Do you think this is what Snart wants?” She yelled at him, probably a little harsher than she should have. “You waiting around so that you get caught?” Yeah, she was definitely harsher than she should’ve been. But she can’t help it, his words are echoing through her ears.
“Get him out of here!” He gave her one job, get Mick out of here, and even if it’s already done she’s going to do it again
As they leave, her following Mick, she wipes at the moisture in her eyes when he isn’t looking and can’t help but turn her head back at the chamber one last time, scanning again for any sight of him.
“Leonard,” She wonders desperately, “Where are you?”
It doesn’t hit her right away when the answer to her question come in the form of his past self showing up with the Legion. She had a lot going on, after all, like The Spear of Destiny and a whole other version of the team showing up from a future where they failed. This was all followed by Rip leaving and time literally breaking, so yeah, she was decently distracted. But that first night that she went to sleep in broken LA the aftershock of seeing his past self hit her.
He had been there. His past self had been there and they didn’t do anything to stop his future from happening. They just returned him to the timeline and wiped his memories; no warning that he should bring a clamp or something with him the day of The Oculus or anything. They were just letting time play out the way it was intended and Sara wanted to scream. It wasn’t fair. They should’ve warned him, they could’ve saved him, but they didn’t.
The days in LA passed eventfully to say the least, and soon those days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months. It was always in the back of her mind to keep her senses peeled for Leonard, an instinct at this point. Every time they ran into new people she would look among them for a lost crook, but of course he was never there. A part of her almost wanted to accept his death at this point, but at the end of each day she just couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Finally, after nearly five months in LA, a tree came down on the Waverider in the middle of the night. The damage wasn’t bad, the ship has certainly taken much worse, but it still needed to be dealt with so she joined Jax, Mick, Ray, and Amaya up on the roof the next morning. They cut up the tree into pieces and bit-by-bit they were shoving it off the roof. They were making slow progress, but it was coming along. They had dismantled most of the tree by now and were just trying to figure out how to get some of the heavier pieces down without them damaging the Waverider any more in the process.
“You guys need a hand?”
Sara froze at the sound of the voice.
“No,” she thought to herself, it just couldn’t be. She wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted to look, but she had to, especially when she saw the others all looking at the ground with open jaws.
He was there.
Dark jeans and matching jacket, exactly what he had been wearing when the Oculus blew.
“Snart?” Ray whispered.
“Is it really him?” Amaya asked skeptically, voicing what they were all thinking.
It was him.
The group of them climbed down from the roof and after talking to him they realized that it really was their Leonard, and not just some grandiose illusion. From what they figured he had been stranded in the time stream after The Oculus and when time broke he crashed here with everything else. Sara just couldn’t believe it, that she had actually been right. All this time, he was alive somewhere.
“Hey,” his voice brought her away from her charts and maps in the library that night, after everyone else had gone to bed, and she looked up to see a sight she had only imagined so many times in the past year.
“Hey,” she smiled and he came into the room, stopping just behind her and glancing briefly at her current map before his eyes flicked back to her.
“I’ve missed a lot.” He stated it simply; she nodded.
“If it’s any consolation, we’ve missed you.” She said and a small grin crossed his features.
He was closer to her now, leaning down until he was just a lips distance away and Sara didn’t stop stretching her body up until she felt the familiar taste of him on her mouth. He kissed her back, hands settling on her waist to turn her to face him properly, her arms winding their way up and around his neck when he did. They didn’t pull apart until the need for air started to become a serious issue, and even with the lip contact broken they still rested their heads together, smiling at each other like teenagers.
“So… do you want to see about that future?” He asked and she actually giggled at the question before pulling him back to her for another kiss.
“Of course.”
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PRINCESS SHEA  by Arican KURTAY It was a warm spring afternoon. Deren was home alone watching his favorite episode of Space Traders for the three hundredth and sixty seventh time on his I-pad with the same enthusiasm as he had watched it for the first time. His school was closed for spring break and he did not expect his parents to come before dark so he had the whole house for himself. He could eat his snacks without anyone telling him to eat proper food instead of these. It was Saturday tomorrow and he had a very important match to play. His coach had told him and all his teammates that they should take the day off before the game, running for three miles in the morning and resting in the afternoon and that was what he was doing. Then he heard someone knocking on the door. He wasn't expecting anyone so he thought that it was the cargo guy bringing another package for his dad. The knocking continued so he finally decided to open the door. He opened the door and who does he see, Princess Shea, his favorite character from Space Traders, standing just in front of him. He got so excited that his whole system got into the breakdown mode. His vision blurred, his pulse jumped from seventy to one hundred and seventy, his jaw almost fell down and his brain started giving strange signals. It took him a couple of minutes to get back to his factory settings. A girl, a life size model of his favorite princess  Shea was standing in front of him. She was almost the same age as him, had black hair and was looking at him with her dark eyes. She had not spoken nor moved since the door was opened. “Hi Deren “ she said with a slight smile. Deren finally gathered himself and, “Sorry, I was not expecting anyone and you look so much like princess Shea that I was shocked so I may have acted a bit strangely” he said. “I wish I was princess Shea, whoever she is but my name is Sue. I am a friend of Amy, your classmate. She spoke very highly of you”. “Amy, of course, she is a very nice girl and good friend of mine. I can do anything for her. Why don't you come inside, I can offer you something cold to drink, it's rather hot outside”. Deren said as he was being himself again. Sue sat down on the sofa. She was wearing a white T shirt with the picture of a black witch riding on her broom. She sure is a witch Deren thought, but a nice one. “I hope you can one day tell me who this princess of yours is because I really wish I was her” Sue said smiling. Deren was surprised, how could anyone not know anything about Space Traders, but she was a girl and they watched their own stuff. Deren went to the kitchen, looked at himself in the mirror, shaped his hair and came back with two bottles of soft drink. “What can I do for you”, he asked. “Well it is a bit of a long story and you may find it silly but  promise me to listen to it to the end and not laugh at me when its finished. I am very embarrassed to come to you but Amy told me that you were a very clever kid and if anyone could help me, it would be you”. Deren was very flattered by these words, “Of course I can do anything for you and Amy, just tell me your story”, he replied. “Do you know anything about witches “, she asked Deren. “Just what I have read in story books or seen in some movies “. “Well that is not exactly like what you know. The witches are also like normal people and live among them. A normal person cannot identify a witch but the witches immediately recognize someone of their kind. I used to live in Chicago but when my dad had to change his job, we moved over here. I had to go to a new school, have new friends and there I met Janet. I immediately understood that she was a witch, Oh by the way did I forget to tell you that I am also a witch.” Deren was so surprised that he did not know what to say. He remembered what he thought of her when he first saw her, but that was just a silly idea at that time and he never thought it would be true. “I belong to the ‘purple violet’ family but Janet is a member of the ‘black dragon’ family and they are the most evil group of witches. They even kidnap babies to raise them as witches,”  Sue continued. “I am just a second grade witch and have a lot to learn, so after school I have to study witchcraft. It is really a very difficult subject, so I keep a diary where I write the things I learn during my studies. My diary has a hidden section where I keep the key for my invisible safe box. My magic wand is in this safe as well as other stuff required for my magic. I always keep my diary in my bag and my bag is always where I can see it. Janet saw me put the diary in my bag and sent someone to steal it. I did not notice that it was missing until yesterday evening. Then I told my supervisor, Aunt Felicity what had happened and asked her what I should do about it. She told me that my diary was in the room of the mother witch of the black dragon family, and that the mother witch would try to learn the secrets of our family by reading this diary. “We have to take it back, but only someone who is not a witch could enter that room, otherwise they will be noticed”, Aunt Felicity said. I am new in this city and don't know many people so I asked Amy for help and without hesitation she told me that only Deren could do this. So Deren, this is where you come in. Are you going to help me?” Deren had listened very carefully to what Sue had said but could not figure out how he could be of any help “What can I do” he asked, “I don’t even know where the castle of the black dragons is or what I can do if I ever find it”. “Don't worry, Aunt Felicity will come to you at midnight and will give you some magic powers then take you to the castle. I will also be there and we will wait for you near the main entrance of the castle. The castle is guarded by black dragons of different kinds. I hope you can get inside without being seen. Once you are inside it is rather easy because the witches have a meeting at midnight where the mother witch will give them a lecture about witchcraft. All of them will be in the cellars of the castle. There will be only one dragon in the room of the mother witch which you will have to slay”. “And one more thing” Sue said, “ Once you bring back the diary to us, all your magic powers will be gone and you will not remember anything about the castle with the dragons”. After that Sue got up, said goodbye and left. Deren was alone again. Everything had happened so quickly that he did not have enough time to think about it. All he could do now was to wait for Aunt Felicity to come at midnight. His mom and dad came in the evening. They were tired from work and wanted to have an early dinner. Deren helped them prepare the table and while they were eating, they talked about their day. “Didn't you get bored at home all day watching your I-pad”, his mother asked him. “No, not exactly,” Deren replied. His mother had to write a report and his father had some more work to do so Deren got up to his room and started to wait for Aunt Felicity. He was almost falling asleep when someone touched his shoulder. He looked up and saw Aunt Felicity standing beside his bed. She was much younger than he expected and was wearing a purple dress. “Time has come,” she said. “Now we are leaving”. She held Deren’s hand and they passed right through the wall and started flying towards the clouds. Then suddenly they came to a forest and Sue was waiting for them over there. “From here on you are by yourself” they said, and Deren started walking towards the castle. He had already made a plan. Since he had magic powers, he was going to sound the Space Traders alarm and ask for help. He did not have to wait long, Captain Forlan and Princess Shea arrived immediately. They knew that Deren was a great fan of their’s and they told him that they would do everything in their power to help. Deren told them about his plan. They made some slight changes but found the plan perfect. All Deren needed now was some equipment and that was no problem. They gave Deren a magneto shield and Spectrum laser gun which was powerful enough to kill a dragon. Their plan was simple but it needed a lot of skill and courage. Captain Forlan and Princess Shea would attack the main gate of the castle with their magneto-mobile and try to lure the flying dragons towards the forest. In the meantime Deren, with his magic skills would enter the castle from the roof. Everything started as planned. The flying dragons guarding the castle went after the magneto-mobile and tried to destroy it with flames from their mouths. Captain Forlan and princess Shea were fighting back with their Spectrum laser cannons. It was a very fierce fight. When Deren saw that all of the dragons were going after his friends, he flew to the roof and entered the castle through the attic window. He was trying not to make any noise as he approached the room of the mother witch. He slightly opened the door and saw the guardian dragon looking out of the window, trying to figure out what was going on outside. He saw the diary laying on the table, just as Sue had described it. He took a step towards the table but suddenly the dragon turned towards him. He could see its huge red eyes and sharp teeth even in the dark. The dragon threw a flame ball towards him, but Deren was able to stop it with his magneto shield. However, the force of the flame ball made him fall down just as another flame ball passed right over his head. He quickly drew his spectrum laser gun and shot at the dragon. The dragon fell down with a great noise. Deren picked up the diary from the table and was out of the room in a flash. He ran to the attic as he heard the dragon running after him. He flew back to the forest and sent a message to Captain Forlan and princess Shea that the mission was over and they could get back to their duties in space. Sue and Aunt Felicity were waiting for him. When Deren gave Sue her diary, she became so happy that she started  crying with joy. Aunt Felicity hugged Deren and told him that they were very proud of what he had done and would never forget it. “Now is the time for you to go back to bed and forget about the castle”, Aunt Felicity said. Next morning Deren woke up very early but he felt very strong and relaxed. He had never felt like this for a long time. Anyway, today was match day and he had to prepare himself. There was a great crowd at the stadium. People were cheering for both teams. The players were trying their best to win the game. Last minutes were being played and both sides had not been able to score a goal. The defense player kicked the ball forward and it landed just between Deren and the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper was much closer to the ball but Deren was fast, very fast indeed. He reached the ball before the goalkeeper and kicked it to the goal. The goalkeeper touched it at the last second and changed the direction of the ball. It was going out. Suddenly the ball stopped in mid air, changed direction and went directly to the goal. His team had won the match at the last minute of the game. Every one was cheering like crazy, all of his team mates were around Deren, hugging him. Deren was very happy indeed, he had been able to score a victory goal for his team. Then he raised his head and saw Sue, standing behind the goal. She winked at him then smiled, holding the magic wand in her hand.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Unfinished Business
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This story was inspired by the season 7 sizzle reel but is definitely AU. I brought some people back from the dead - so not spec in any way (I’m kind of anti-spec). Oliver's in prison, Felicity and William are at a safe house.
This is my entry for Olicity Hiatus Fic-a-thon organized by @thebookjumper  - Prompt: Unfinished. Also available on AO3.
It was both sad and very useful how quickly Oliver was able to revert back to the man he was on the island. Trust no one. Think of everyone as the enemy.
Oliver knew in prison he was enemy number one.  He kept himself strong to defend, not to fight. He’d gotten good at ignoring the taunts of the other prisoners. He knew he’d make no friends here.
At night he’d lie in bed thinking about Felicity and William. Diggle managed to get him a photo of them. They looked so happy. He missed them more than he could ever express.
The moment the cell door closed he knew he’d made the wrong decision. He should have talked to Felicity. She would have found another way. He hadn’t spoken to Felicity since he started his sentence five months ago. He was sure she was still mad. She had every right to be. What he’d give to hear her loud voice again.
Prisoner 4587, that is what the guards called him but he would always be Felicity’s husband and William’s Dad. He would hold onto that sliver of identity.
“Morning 4587, breakfast time.” The guard opened the cell door. Oliver shuffled to the mess hall. He did his best not to make eye contact but he heard the catcalls from the other cells.
He got in line, took his tray of state paid for food, sat at the end of a table alone. Maybe it would have been smart to make friends in here but nobody was willing to be friends with the Green Arrow.
Oliver looked up when he felt the table shake as someone put their tray down across from him. It was Cooper Seldon. If there was someone who could tempt him into a fight it was this guy. He hurt Felicity.
“Oliver Queen, how the mighty fall. Felicity sure knows how to pick them. I’m sure we have a lot to talk about. She always was a whiny bitch. Wanting to do good...seems she got over that. What did you have to do to turn her to the dark side?”
“Go away,” Oliver growled. He really didn’t want to get sent back to the solitary confinement, especially not for someone as useless as Seldon.
But Seldon kept talking. “Oh, am I bothering you? Too bad. You have no power here. Besides, I was just reminiscing. Perhaps we could trade some stories. I can let you know what Felicity liked in bed…”
It took but a moment, the food trays were gone, the table overturned. Oliver pinned Seldon to the wall. The other prisoners cheered at the idea of a fight.
Oliver held him up against the wall by his prison shirt. “She is my WIFE. You do not get to speak that way about her. Your past actions against her are reason enough for me to kill you while you sleep. You dare to taunt me? Maybe I should crack your neck right now?”
Seldon seemed to be realizing he may have overstepped, sweat began pouring down his face. “Look, I was just trying to friendly. We both know Felicity. Common interest, you know? You didn’t need to get all bent out of shape.”
“You have no idea who you are dealing with. I’m not bent out of shape but if you ever so much as speak my wife’s name again, I will bend you until you break.” Oliver slammed him against the wall again. “Do you understand?”
Seldon began to nod as the prison guards arrived “4587 hands behind your head!”
Oliver lay on the bed in his cell. He knew he was lucky not to get sent to solitary. But no blood had been drawn, that seemed to be the deciding factor. He should not have let Seldon get under his skin.
Felicity might be mad at him but she loved him. She chose him. Seldon was irrelevant. He tried to think what she might say in this situation. He frequently thought of what Felicity would recommend. She was so much smarter than him. Oliver knew he didn’t always get it right but he was trying.
He also knew his wife wasn’t perfect. He chuckled to himself. Given how to feels about Seldon now she might not be against Oliver pinning him to a wall to protect her honour.
“Prison 4587, Warden wants to see you.” Oliver rose from his bed as the heavy clank of the cell door opening echoed through the cell block.
Oliver had yet to meet the Warden, so he had no idea what he was walking into. He suspected it wouldn’t be good.
Oliver shuffled down two long corridors, down one set of stairs, both his hands and feet cuffed, they made it to their destination. The warden’s office was a small room, it kind of reminded Oliver of a principal’s office. The guard told him to stand in front of the desk and wait.
Oliver stood for a few minutes before he heard the clicking of high heels. He stood facing the desk as he had been told.  He didn’t get to see the woman’s face for a moment. But she always did know how to make an entrance. Amanda Waller.
Oliver was shocked. “I thought you were dead.”
Waller grinned. “Rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated.”
“You were shot in the head. That generally does the trick. How? I mean how did you survive? You’re the warden?” Oliver was flabbergasted.
“Of course, I’m not the warden.” She said with disgust. “How I survived, I am not at liberty to say. What I am here to discuss is you Mr. Queen. Such a valuable asset locked up due to the incompetence of Samanda Watson. That woman really has no clue.”
Oliver nodded. He really didn’t know what to do. He was still shocked Waller was standing before him but then she always did have a habit of showing up. “What do you want, Amanda?”
“What I want is world peace and a vacation. We know both of those things are highly unlikely in my case. I’m working on a plan to get you out of here. Your city needs you. I will be in contact with your people as I understand your city is in trouble and not just due to this Diaz character. Really, Oliver, I can’t believe you didn’t take him down.” Waller narrowed her eyes at him.
Oliver shrugged. If he was being honest with himself, he couldn’t believe it either. “So what do you want me to do?”
“Stay alive. No more petty fights. Be the bigger person. Ignore these..” Waller waved her hand. “These criminals, you are better than them. Act like it.”
“So you are going to get me out? You know about the deal Watson had me sign?” Oliver tried to keep the hope out his voice.
“Oliver, that document has already been destroyed. Your city needs you. Star City has a tendency to attract the world’s worst criminals, something about their shoddy police force. Anyway, I don’t have time to deal with Star City’s problems, I’m a busy woman. I need you to handle them. I don’t know what Watson was thinking. We saw what happened to Starling when Ras killed you, why would she want a repeat? Amateur. I will be in touch.” Waller began to walk away.
“Wait. Does Lyla know? I mean, does she know that you are alive?”
Waller raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?” Then walked away.
Knowing that Waller was working to get him out of prison gave Oliver knew motivation to stay out of trouble. For the next weeks, he was able to keep ignoring the taunts, jeers and pushing from other inmates.
He couldn’t lie knowing that Waller recognized that Star City needed the Arrow was quite the boost to his confidence. He had survived worse than prison, he would survive this, as it meant getting back to Felicity and William.
Oliver was lucky his shower time was later when there were fewer people around. He could handle one or two inmates but if a group decided to gang up on him things could get messy. Waller did not like messy.
He stood in the shower letting the cold water run over him. Oliver missed his family and friends. He was reflecting on happier times when he felt the air move behind him. Felicity always said he had ninja skills, he turned around to block his attacker, of course, it was Seldon.
Oliver continued to block his punches as he moved out of the shower stall. “Didn’t you agree to leave me alone? I’m three times the man you are! Do you want to feel pain?”
Seldon continued to attack Oliver. “You don’t deserve her, you know. She’s mine.”
Clearly, Seldon was delusional. “Seldon, go away!” Oliver really didn’t want to break his word to Waller.
“No! You think you are better than me?” He sneered.
Oliver knew there was no choice but to end this. Where were the guards when you needed them. With one swift kick, he put Seldon through a brick barrier knocking him unconscious.
Of course, this is when the guards rushed in. “Prisoner 4587 on the ground now! Hands behind your head!”
Felicity never missed Oliver more than now knowing Diaz might come for their son. Sure she was mad as hell at him but protecting William alone was hard.
Luckily, she and William agreed to be a team. William was a good kid, never causing her an undue worry. They created ways to let the other know there was trouble.
Digg moved them to a gated community in the midwest. The house was like a large cottage with a wooded area behind. The people in town were friendly but Felicity mainly stayed out of their way.
For the first few months, they spent their time grieving the loss of Oliver, watching Netflix and eating pizza. School started again, William began making friends so Felicity was on her own more. She missed her husband. She missed the team and her job. Basically, she missed her life.
She broke protocol, contacting Digg.
Subject: Help
I need to help you. My son has returned to school and I’m left with nothing but time. I want to help. All I have is a tablet but I can make that work...unless you want to throw in a computer. I want to come home.
Please approve for my mental health
Miss you lots and lots
She created a new email account just for the email. She so hoped the ARGUS server would let it through.
Subject: Re: Help
I miss you too. You can help. Put up some protection and stay in contact. Let me know if you find anything useful. No computer.
Squee!! Felicity quickly got to work putting some feelers out.
A few weeks went by, she was feeling like a failure. How did a thug like Diaz manage to hide so well?
She was putting away groceries when she heard the knock on her door. William was at a friend’s place. She wasn’t expecting anyone. She slowly made her way to the door.
“It’s John,” John called out as he knocked.
She swung open the door, falling into his arms. “John, it’s so good to see you! I wasn’t expecting…” She turned to see the woman walking in behind him. “Amanda Waller, nice to see you too. I hope.”
Waller’s eyes narrowed, “Ms. Smoak, you don’t seem surprised to see me alive.”
“Let’s just say, I never really believed you were gone.” Felicity withdrew from John’s hug, turning to Waller. “What are you doing here? Did you catch Diaz?”
“No, Diaz has proven elusive for reasons I’ll never understand.” Waller looked at Felicity and Diggle cooly. “But Diaz is just one of many problems facing Star City without the Arrow. I’ve come to tell you, I’m bringing him back.”
“You’re going to get my husband out of prison?” Felicity smiled for the first time in months. Oliver was coming home.
“Yes, Watson was wrong to make that deal. She will be punished accordingly. Oliver is far more useful to me as the Green Arrow. It was either that or sending in a drone strike.” Waller quirked her lips.
“Does Oliver know?” Diggle couldn’t help asking.
“Yes, for now, it’s just the paperwork to settle. As long as he stays out of trouble he’ll be out shortly. I hope that his team will be ready to act about his release.” Waller smiled.
“We are ready to act but there is one problem, this anti-vigilante law. Or have you fixed that too?” Felicity looked at Waller wondering if this was where she slipped up.
“The law is currently being repealed. Star City needs the Green Arrow and the Green Arrow it shall have.”
Oliver’s release was delayed according to John, no details as to why. Still, he was coming home, that was all that mattered.
Felicity put off telling William in case the release fell through but she knew now she had to tell him. She was bursting with happy.
She pulled into their cottage thinking William should be home from school by now. She knew something was wrong the moment she got to the front door, it was ajar. She hesitantly pushed it open to see toppled chairs, books and magazines. Clearly, there had been a struggle. She also saw the green cloth William had thrown - forest. William was in the forest!
She ran out back looking for the ARGUS agents that protected their home. Sadly, they were both dead, bullet holes to the head.
She called the emergency number she for Digg as she ran towards the woods, she had to save William.
“Felicity?” Diggle answered immediately.
“Diaz! Diaz is here. He has William! I’m heading for the woods. The agents are dead!” Felicity was out of breath as she was running and talking at the same time.
“Felicity! Wait! Don’t go in the woods. Wait for backup. That’s an order.” Diggle spoke sternly.
“I don’t take orders from you. I’m going to save my son. Send backup.” Felicity hung up so she could focus on finding William. She ran to the clearing where they agreed to meet if something happened.
She skidded to a halt still disguised by the bushes, Diaz had a gun pointed at William. Felicity didn’t think. She began to run again. “Don’t you dare hurt my son!”
She ran at Diaz tackling him, sending them both to the ground, Diaz lost his grip on his gun. Diaz flipped them over, wrapping his fingers around her throat. “I planned on killing Oliver’s son but his wife will also work.” He sneered.
Felicity tried to push him off but his grip was getting tighter. She was starting to lose consciousness when she heard the gunshot. The next thing she knew Diaz was gone.
Felicity struggled to get up, William rushed forward to help her, gun still in hand. “William, baby, did you shoot Diaz?”
William nodded, he dropped the gun, fell into Felicity’s arms and began to cry.
Felicity soothed him rubbing his back, pressing kisses to his face. “It’s okay. You did the right thing. You saved my life. Your dad would be so proud of you.”
William pulled back to look at Felicity’s face.“But I didn’t kill him. I just shot him in the arm and he ran away. Are you sure you are okay?”
“Yeah, baby.” Felicity held William as he cried. A little while later she heard the backup arrive.
Oliver spent the next three weeks in solidarity. There was a lot of time to think about how he screwed up. But no matter what way he looked at it, he had to defend himself from Seldon. He could only hope he still was a chance he’d be released.
“Times up 4587!” The guard shouted at him waking him up.
Oliver wanted to ask what the guard meant but he knew he’d get no answer. The guard led him out of his temporary cell, down a dark hallway with a flickering overhead light.
As they kept walking it became clear that they were not headed back to Oliver’s original cell block.  Soon it became clear that he was being led back to the Warden’s office. He shuffled in the room to see Waller behind the desk.
“Mr. Queen, I thought I told you to avoid trouble.” Waller pursed her lips.
Oliver shrugged his shoulders. “I really did try. It was self-defence.” He hoped Waller would believe him.
“You put a man through a brick wall,” Waller said gravely. “I saw the video, you had no choice.”
Oliver was stunned. “Video? I was in the shower.”
“I know.” Waller gave him a smile letting him know she saw it all. “Your little stunt has left Star City more vulnerable than ever. Ms. Smoak has returned to help your team after she and your son were attacked at the safe house. They have leads but need you to take down Diaz. I STILL can’t figure out why he’s so hard to handle. Let me know if you need a drone strike to deal with this.”
“So, I’m getting out? Don’t tease me, Waller.” Oliver really couldn’t wait anymore especially know that he knew Diaz attacked his family.
Waller nodded to the guard. They came in, removed his cuffs. “Your personal effects are in the bathroom, get changed. I believe Ms. Smoak and Mr. Diggle are here to retrieve you. Oliver, your city needs the Green Arrow. You have unfinished business there so don’t even think of retiring.”
Oliver rushed to the washroom to change as quickly as possible. His clothes were a little looser than when he arrived and there were still bruises on his face but he was ready. He left the prison uniform on the floor.
Oliver followed Waller down the hall at a normal pace. So nice to walk without shackles.
Waller stopped in front of a closed door. “This is where I leave you. Handle Diaz and whatever comes your way.” She turned her back, walked away.
Oliver opened the door to find Felicity and Diggle on the other side. Felicity rushed forward, throwing herself into his arms. She began to cry. He could hear her murmuring “You’re coming home, you’re coming home.”
When Felicity finally pulled back a little he cupped her face, gave her a gentle kiss. “You have no idea how much I missed you.”
He kept his arms around his wife, nodded to John. “So good to see you again.”
Oliver looked down at Felicity. “Come on let’s go home. I hear we have a city to save.”
As they walked out of the prison, Oliver shook his head. “I still can’t believe Wallers alive.”
“I know! You think Lyla would have mentioned it.” John shook his head.
“I can’t believe you both didn’t know!” Felicity chuckled.
Oliver’s eyes widened. “You knew?”
“Not officially, but let’s just say I wasn’t surprised.” Felicity smiled at her men. “Come on as Waller told us we have unfinished business to address! Oh and Oliver don’t think I didn’t hear about that shower fight, I need details, lots of details.”
Thanks so much for reading!
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