#i also just want whistler to be mean again and everyone to be like wait u guys Like whistler???
halforcdad · 2 years
Seems unlikely considering how In-the-Promo Whistler is, but it would be funny if the Pearl Team was like "ok we need FBI, call Whistler" and FBI were like "Well, Whistler is off today but we got other agents to help you out if you want" and they were like "but...Whistler is Our Liasion :(" and got Lucy to find her and drag her into this chaos anyway
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littlesolo · 3 years
Kate and Lucy Reveal Idea
I know that we've mostly been thinking of Kate reacting when Lucy is hurt, but what if it's KATE that's hurt and Lucy finds out.
There's a team meeting in the war room at NCIS. As Lucy enters, she looks around for Kate, who is supposed to be joining them. Everyone else is there but Jane and Kate.
Jane enters a moment later saying that Whistler was injured in the field. Lucy blinks and says something like "That's not possible, she doesn't go into the field." Well, Kate does, just not very often.
Jane gives a brief explanation before trying to move on.
"I don't have all the details other than she was hit by a car." Jane had looked up while explaining and noted how pale Lucy suddenly got. Exchanging a look with Jesse, Jane then suggests that Lucy go check in with DIA and see if they're sending an agent to cover for Whistler for the time being or not. With a quick nod, Lucy takes off, leaving the rest of them to the case.
Lucy does check in with DIA and they refuse to give her any details about what happened. That has Lucy, who was already in her car, heading towards the hospital.
It took flashing her badge and some carefully worded vagueness in terms of explaining her connection to Whistler, but Lucy gets a nurse to take her to the curtained area where her DIA agent is waiting.
Only once she actually sees her is Lucy able to relax. She can't help smiling at the fact that Kate seems to be glaring at her injuries.
"You okay?" she asks softly. Kate's head snaps up to look at her. Too fast, based on the pained look on her face. Lucy walks closer and cups Kate's chin. Her cheek is red and the skin looks like it was scraped. Kate's forearm and shins are also scraped up and looks like her leg had been bleeding a little. Kate seems to be still stunned at her showing up.
"What are you doing here?" asks Kate softly. Lucy swallows hard.
"Heard you were hit by a car." She shrugs, but it comes off awkward since she's still trying to calm herself down from a panic. "Had to be sure you were okay." Sitting on the small table next to the bed is Kate's phone. It hadn't occurred to her to try calling. Her attention is back on Kate when the blonde rolls her eyes.
"It was a love tap at best." Lucy raises an eyebrow at her. "Okay, a little more than a love tap." Kate shrugs, but then winces slightly. "I was approached by someone we'd been talking to." Lucy narrows her eyes. That kind of thing isn't supposed to happen. It means the person had probably been watching Kate. Kate give Lucy's hand a squeeze. "I said I couldn't help him, but if he wanted to follow me back to the office... He panicked and took off. I called the office to let them know before going to my car to head back. Didn't notice his car or how fast he was backing out until it was too late."
"Want me to return the favor?" Lucy's only half joking, but it get a smirk out of Kate.
"That'll be hard since they caught up to him twenty minutes ago. The others are probably questioning him now. I need to get back, but they haven't come back with my discharge papers yet." Lucy's about to say something else when a nurse approaches them with Kate's papers.
"Am I releasing her to you?" asks the nurse. Lucy steals a glance at Kate before trying to come up with something to say. "We can't let her leave on her own due to the concussion risk." That has Lucy looking at Kate again with her eyebrows raised.
"I hit my head on the curb when I fell. Just a bit of a headache" says Kate.
"She needs to be monitored for the next few hours in case she does have a concussion and brought back here if she starts showing any signs." Lucy nods and signs Kate out.
Before taking Kate back to her apartment, Lucy stops by her own place for a change of clothes and then by the office. She updates Jane on what happened and Jane lets her work from home for the rest of the day. Grabbing her work laptop, Lucy heads out.
Kate tries to argue that she's fine and that Lucy doesn't have to stay, but Lucy isn't hearing it. They make themselves comfortable in bed, Kate with a book that she might read and Lucy with her laptop and six months of the victim's emails to go through. Lucy tells Kate not to worry, just to rest, since she's familiar with concussions from her cheerleading days. That has Kate sitting up a bit and giving her a look.
"We are coming back to your cheerleading days later." Lucy smiles at her as Kate settles back in.
"Whatever you want, just rest up for a while first."
Might make this into an actual one shot at some point. Just a little more detail I guess, since it sort of is already.
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booasaur · 3 years
Did you see the new ncis hawaii episode? Actually I didn't expect to see Whistler back since last time we had to wait 3/4 episodes for her to reappear, so it was a good surprise! Not saying anything more since maybe you didn't see it yet or not gif it, so i don't wanna spoiler you! Now we have to wait 3 weeks for next episode!😭
And another anon:
have you gotten a chance to watch ncis 1x07 yet? a lot of kate x lucy content relatively speaking
I did! Thanks for not including spoilers!
I wasn't fully sure we'd see Kate this ep, given the gap you mentioned, but I also wasn't surprised, last week's ending implied we'd see more of her around.
It was a lot of content relatively! Lol at this show giving us, one ep into their relationship, what we'd been wanting for Leyren since last season, having someone else noticing them and the flirting and teasing them about it. It's just...it makes it exist more, you know? Not just being in its own space but including other characters.
Again, the last scene didn't go where I expected it to. I thought Kate would agree to be a bit more open OR that Lucy'd say she didn't want to date like this. I'm not opposed to this middle ground, if they're actually making the secrecy a Thing, I'm expecting a bigger deal to be made when everyone else finds out.
The one thing I wish we could have seen a bit more of, past the straw, was Kate being more solicitous about such a banged and beaten up Lucy, just a little softness. I mean, just to feed my hurt/comfort wish, not that I think Kate was ignoring it or being callous. Maybe next time, there's a whole series ahead!
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beatleszeppelin · 4 years
Airport- Hippo Campus
Chapter 3
Summary:  Hippo Campus, flying to London, if they can get on the plane. There’s old ladies, peeing, anxiety, milkshakes, and hand holding. So buckle up, we have lift off.
Warnings: Anxiety attack, crying, Planes, Gropy old ladies, Drinking, Boner Jokes, Non-Graphic M*sturbation
Word Count: 1.6k
That night, after opening for Modest Mouse, they sluggishly packed up their things and hopped in the van to go back to the hotel. GPS helped them find their way, and they went up to the room to get ready to go out. 
Zach walked out of the bathroom wearing a button up shirt… on top of a button up shirt. And Whistler decided to stay home, to try and get some sleep or whatever. 
It was Friday night, and loads of people were walking the streets, everyone was going in different directions, like that crosswalk in Japan. The three of them walked for about 5 to 10 minutes before they hit the the pub they were supposed to meet Jake's “new friend” at. 
The pub was small on the inside, but a decent amount of people were there; tables lined the walls and were almost filled, and the back corner was open, and playing music to dance to. The three boys went in and sat at the bar that was initially hidden due to people surrounding it. A girl, from the sanctuary that is behind the bar, walked over and asked, “ Hey Sweetheart, can I get you and your friends anything to start off with?” 
Jake and Zach both looked at eachother, and then at her, pointed at themselves, and asked “Me?”, but she just shook her head and ran her finger along the collar of Nathan’s shirt. His face turned red, and he immediately tried to tug at his shirt to loosen his collar so he could breathe. 
“... I’ll take a whiskey, neat.” 
“Vodka soda.” Jake nodded in.
“One beer please.” Zach added in. 
“ You boys don’t mind if I card you? You barely look 17.”
Zach elbowed Jake, he’d said that they wouldn’t card here.
Nathan handed the lady his ID, after scrambling to find it.
“21!?” she asked, surprised, “And American, I haven’t seen too many American boys here.”
Jake’s hand wiggled it’s way into his pocket, fighting against his tight jeans. He opened the trifold, and showed the woman his license. She passed him his drink the second he got his wallet back in his pocket.
“And what about you?” She said sliding over to Zach.
“I don’t… I must have forgotten; I’m sorry.” He said, hands still fumbling in his pockets, frustrated, like a child brushing their hair before school.
“Hey, it’s okay darling, I can get you a water or something, if you’d like. And I might have to ask you to stay away from the bar, just in case the boss comes back.”
Zach looked to Nathan to answer for him, how a mother must answer for her children at the doctor’s. 
“Yeah, he can take a water, and we’ll sit over there,” Nathan said, pointing toward the booths.
Zach looked at Nathan, smiled, then looked at his feet, which were barely touching the ground, due to the stools height. The woman slid a water with ice and a cute little umbrella in it, over to Zach. And in return, she received a genuine smile.
They all walked over to one of the only empty booths available; sitting right next to a trash can, with an ashtray on top. Jake cornered Zach into one side of the table, Nathan on the other. 
“Hey I think the bartender’s into you” Jake said to Nathan.
“No, where did you even get that from?”
“She kept touching you, and she liked that she made you nervous.”
“She did not make me nervous,” Nathan retorted.
“Yes she did, but that doesn’t mean you wanna fuck or anything. It only means that she’s a pretty girl that anybody would be attracted to.”
Zach sat and sipped on his tiny glass of water, while listening to this conversation go on for another couple minutes, until he piped up “I finished my water”. 
Nathan downed his second drink and stood up, ”I think I’m going to head back to the hotel, it’s too loud in here to talk.”
“Can I come with?” Zach asked, shoving Jake off the bench.
“Sure, Jake, are you gonna stick it out?” Nathan asked, not wanting to leave his young, drunk friend alone in a bar waiting for a strange man.
“Yeah, I’ll give it til 10.”
“M’kay, give one of us a call if they are secret sex trafficers, wanting to sell you to a dominatrix in the middle east or something.”
“Will do.”
Nathan walked back over to the bar, set their empty cups on the counter, and started pushing their way through the crowd. Zach subtly grabbed the edge of Nathan’s long tee-shirt, so he wouldn’t get lost. When Nathan got through the door, he learned just how much alcohol he had previously consumed. He was slightly buzzed. I mean what would you expect from a boy, who never drank at home, who was 5 ft 6, with shoes on, and weighed on the lesser side of a hundred and fucking something pounds. The ground moved with his steps, and his hands felt really warm. So, Zach hailed a cab.
They sat in the back of the cab, talking louder than they should have been, whether it was due to hearing loss from the pub or Nathan being a little drunk will never be known.
“Hey can we get off here,” Nathan yelled to the cab driver.
“It’ll be 7 pound 50.”
“Thanks,” he said, passing the money forward.
“Why did we get out here?” Zach asked.
“Liquor store… you’re too young to drink-back home, and you couldn’t-drink here, so…” 
“So, you’re gonna get me drunk?”
“Me and Whis.”
“Whis and I,” Zach mumbled.
“If I dare him to do it, he won’t turn it down.”
They got out onto the street, a cool air hit their faces, sobering them from the stuffy cab. Zach stepped up the steep curb, holding out a hand to assist Nathan up. The contrast of light in the liquor store was a shock, it felt like the opening lines of the book The Outsiders. The fluorescent lights shone off the bottles that lined the shelves. A display with barrels and fancy looking bottles sat in the middle of the store, but the outer edges were what they were drawn to. The bell attached to the door rang as they walked in. They strolled in; Zach walked in as if someone had told him to act natural, cause his crush was near, and Nathan walked with poor posture that perfectly matched his drunken, slurring speech.
“Do you even know what to get?” Zach asked, looking over his shoulder, at the man behind the counter.
“I’ll get a decent whiskey, and a cheap wine for Whis.” He said, scanning the labels.
Zach kept checking his phone, maybe for something to do, or he could have been checking the time. He does that a lot.
Nathan picked the plucked bottles off the shelf, and took them over to the cash register. The man’s name was Robert. He scanned their bottles, and asked them for an ID for the second time that night. This time though Zach was not stricken with anxiety, but rather with excitement that they were actually going to get away with this, but then again he could possibly get drunk for the first time in the coming hour.
Robert had a pin on his shirt, a Hamilton pin, right there on the collar. He looked like an overgrown theatre kid, who hadn’t slept in days, but hey… maybe he hasn’t. 
“That’ll be 42.27” 
Nathan paid, and they took the paper bags out to the street. The bag was heavy. It made Nathan lean to the side with the weight of it.
“We should get to the hotel in 8 mins, if you want me to shoot Whistler a text to make sure he’s awake, and ya’ know not naked.”
“Nah, I like excitement in my life,” Nathan said with a slight laugh. “Speaking of, have you seen Whistler shirtless recently?”
“No, I can’t say I have.”
“That fucker is jacked!”
“No shit?” Zach asked, giving in to Nathan’s bad habit of swearing.
Nathan laughed. “Hey, remember this morning with the whole Jake thing.”
“Oh my gosh, don’t remind me.”
“Um… Jake’s uh, dick isn’t…”
“Oh it’s huge if that’s what you’re asking.” Zach said.
“Thank Jesus!”
“Why were you asking?” Zach asked, with serious curiosity.
“Well this morning, I saw him… when you guys rolled over, then I asked Whistler, he didn’t seem to think that… you know, that Jake was like seriously packing. And he had told me at breakfast, that like 6 inches is like… like normal, but I didn’t believe him, but I also didn’t want to google it.” 
Zach pulled out his phone. And three seconds later, he said “3.5 inches”.
“Average is three and a half inches,” “Oh, okay.” Nathan said, and his shoulders relaxed all tension that was being held from the previous conversation.
“And I think the average might even be lower, but Jake is an outlier.”
Nathan smiled, like a full smile, with teeth.
As they turned the corner, Zach said “You never had sleepovers with Jake in middle school.” “Huh, what does that have to do with anything?”
“Well like I was a year younger,”
“You still are.”
“But it was more noticeable when your friends are your brothers' friends, and they are 13 or 14, and you are 11. And I was like 4ft 9 with shoes on, and they had to shave and stuff. When we were like 11, and 12 I was tiny, and Jake looked like he could have been my father. It was… an interesting time.”
They got to the elevator, Nathan set down the bag, and shook out his hand. The handles had made indentions in his hand, so Zach took the bags for the last stretch of their journey. They knocked before entering the hotel room, put the key in, heard the click, and entered.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
Marvel Movie Night: Blade 2
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So, um, I guess that was better than the first one? 
Well, let’s start with the fact that Guillermo del Toro directed this.  Which means, artistically, it’s a step up.  I mean, while still not great, the CGI, special effects, and fight choreography is much better.  And I have to hand it to del Toro for character/monster design -- it’s really good in an incredibly grotesque way.  It’s really a shame that the script to this film is terrible. 
Like so many action films around this era, there’s such a focus on all the neat special effect/stunt things going on that I think the story gets lost a bit.  I think there’s a really neat idea for a horror film in here, you can tell del Toro wants to almost do more with that angle, but I don’t know if the studio or limitations or what prevented him from doing it.  There are a lot of interesting action sequences, too, early on in the film there’s a sword fight that is really pretty awesome.  
That said, even despite the bad script, some of the action sequences do drag, especially in the last third of the movie, where the film just seems tired and I’ll admit I got super bored.  The last sequence is incredibly anti-climatic since most of the interesting action sequences happened earlier in the film.  
Also, I just have to throw it in there that you can tell The Matrix happened between this and the first film.  Everyone is wearing black trench-coats and leather and sunglasses.  I wouldn’t say they were ripping off Matrix style, but I could see the influence. 
So - let’s talk about the story! 
So - our favorite vampire hunter Blade is hunting vampires.  The vampires are getting hunted by super vampire/weird creature hybrids.  So the vampires want Blade to stop the super vampires.  And then twist, the vampire lord actually is creating the super vampires because bloodlines.  So Blade kills all the vampires and super vampires.  Actually.. they mostly take out each other, Blade is just kinda there to progress the plot. And literally, Blade is the only character (besides one - get to that in a second) to make it out of this film alive.  And that’s it! Yeah, I told you, the script is terrible.  
Breaking it down just a tad more... 
Blade is back, and Wesley Snipes is again all in.  However, Blade gets nearly nothing to do except look cool.  Not every character needs an arc, but he literally is doing nothing this entire film.  Things happen, he swings his silver sword, that’s kind of it.  At least Snipes seems like he enjoys the role. 
Meanwhile, Kris Kristofferson is back as Whistler.  Wait, didn’t he die via a bullet in the head last time? Yup! But in true comic book fashion - the vampires kept him alive so he can come back and be Blade’s friend.  At least he’s the only other character who makes it through this time.  
As for the rest of the characters? Well, don’t get to attached because they’re all going to die in spectacular fashion.  There’s the main Vampire lord - who has two children.  One is his daughter, who is a semi-love interest for Blade, and the last good person to die, she kinda sacrifices herself there.  And the son of the vampire lord, who is the first super vampire, cause Vampire lord turned him into one, so now he’s out for revenge.  Fun, right? 
And then there’s the band of Vampires out to kill the super vampires lead by Ron Perlman! Ron Perlman looks like he’s having the most delightful time in this rather stupid role.  Good for him! The rest of them... don’t really matter that much. 
And then there’s Scud, by far my favorite of these new characters.  He’s this 20-something smartass, weed smoking, powderpuff girl loving, genius, who starts out working for Blade, but then we find out he was working for Vampire lord the entire time.  He gets by far the best (and funniest) death when he literally blows to pieces.  
It’s amazing - when I think about it, everyone with speaking lines except Blade and Whistler get it before the end.  There’s even a lawyer for Vampire lord who gets blown to pieces.  Because, why not? He does have the best line in the film... 
Blade:You’re human? Lawyer: Barely, I’m a lawyer.
And lastly, two smaller thoughts.  A) This film uses obscenities in incredibly creative ways.  B) The ending is kinda funny, bringing back something from the beginning of the film that you’ve completely forgotten about and wrapping up everything to bring Blade back right to where he started. 
Rating: 3/5 pieces of garlic.  There’s a lot of innovative and interesting action going on that could have been folded into something far more interesting than it is.  The plot is dull and uninspired, and while completely watchable, don’t expect much more than elongated vampire hunting sequences.  
Next up: Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider-man can!
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Exploring the abyss
S p o i l e r s - Go watch the anime and read the manga. This part assumes you have done so. Else spoilers.
Made in Abyss is brilliant. That is the only way I can think of, to start this (whatever this is).
The world here is so deep, so ethereal, and the characters really are one with it all. Here, I'm mainly going to talk about those elements of the world and the characters. No plot, only the thoughts these elements invoke.
The Abyss
The Abyss will come up repeatedly because it is the centre of the story, literally. Still, I want to give a sort of introduction on it.
The abyss is a deep chasm that seems to go on forever. To delve into the abyss is a dangerous task and it does have little mysterious effects on the people around it. Even so, many humans settled around the abyss and made a sort of village. The world is obviously different from what is intuitive to us, and I'm talking about the characters now, but it hardly takes any time to connect with them.
Anyway, back to the abyss. If I were to compare the abyss with something in the real world, I'd say it's space (though I prefer saying everything beyond Earth). Obviously, space is much more dangerous and enigmatic, but the abyss is something where you can easily go and do not need rockets and such advanced equipment and thus, it piques more interest for people to go in there themselves, despite knowing the dangers of it. The deeper you delve in... nothing will happen. But once you begin to ascend you face horrible consequences (from a simple headache to nausea to bleeding from your eyes) and yet people go there, searching and searching and searching. Everything, for the mere sake of curiosity.
It is later that we know that there is a force field responsible for the effects, though there are no known counter-measures. And still they keep delving in. Riko is looking for her mother but she is fascinated by the abyss. Reg's origins lie somewhere in the abyss and he feels his sole duty is to protect Riko. They dive and they suffer so much and thus you suffer, because you're attached to them
I'm changing topics so much. Maybe I shouldn't talk about the abyss. But in short, the abyss is this ethereal, enigmatic and crazy place with its own ecosystem... yeah let's go into that.
The creatures in the abyss
These are known as predators. These alien creatures that hold such a frightening aura around themselves. However, they are a part of the abyss. It is their habitat and humans are diving into it. Uninvited guests. Let's go eat them, why not.
These creatures are all quite majestic (they are designed very thoughtfully and go so well with the abyss). The true danger of the abyss is the abyss itself, but these creatures cause one to be at caution at every step. That is why what Ozen did was justified, however harsh it may be (not that I like it).
But anyway, they have their own ecosystem and live by their own instincts and perhaps have something similar to 'the survival of the fittest'. Not only that, the danger each creature poses is so different and so dark, I suppose.
The more dangerous these creatures, the less in number they are (again, ecosystem). But going back to the point I'm beating around... they are creatures of the abyss. That means they understand the abyss better than anyone else and the deeper they go, the more the know. It's the same for us humans, we do form a connection with nature on the fundamental level (we are a part of nature). However those creatures aren't intelligent; they simply survive. Looking for preys, living by themselves, just going on but living indeed. Then there are us humans who are so curious about everything (because of our 'intelligence'), we delve deeper and deeper into their habitat. For example, the orb piercer understands the force field around it (even though it's only at the 4th level) and yes it has its weakness, but in its habitat other than a few white whistlers, no one can defeat it. The white whistlers are those humans with the most determination and perhaps the most curious minds (in regards to the abyss). This makes me wonder, what is intelligence? Is it really something that helps for survival? Is it the impulse behind curiosity and learning? Is it just, thoughts? Is it really what makes us more advanced than animals if it say, dulls our instincts (like the survival of danger instinct)? Is it mean to find the true meaning of life? Even though humans are a puny part of the universe? Is it just something to acquire knowledge, and knowledge and wisdom is the true aim of living beings? When the first humans came, the Earth was as abstruse as the abyss is. Perhaps then, with the abyss being a part of the Earth, something of the humans originate from there? Some sort of connection resulting in that abundant curiosity?
And just what is intelligence?
Let's get psychological
Whom should I start with... obviously Ozen. The mentor of Lyza, the one who will probably help Riko and Reg. And she does help them in a way that is best for the situation of the abyss, even if it's not morally good.
Every driver began because of their curiosity (mostly). These intense delvers like Ozen were obsessed with the abyss's mysteries, not caring for their body for even the slightest second as they went in deeper and deeper. She is also known for her immeasurable strength (Ozen the immovable) and how she developed an intuition for the abyss. She's been alive for so long but it's impossible to tell what her age is, and she now lives in the abyss as she studies it.
Anyway, let's talk about the Curse-Warding box and Riko. She was a stillborn when she was put in the box and was thought to be dead. However that box (most probably) caused her to move and Ozen even confirmed this by experimenting on a 'monster'. Essentially, Riko is a child of the abyss. It is in her instincts to reach the bottom of the abyss and has also inherited her mother's curiosity of the abyss.
Ozen tests this child and her companion just as she tests everyone - creepy face and scary time. She attempted to even convince Lyza to not go delving, but her stubborn nature was the first think Ozen liked about her.
Ozen's creepy face (manga)
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Even though she is mostly testing them to understand if they are capable are not, spending so much time in and with the abyss causes her to find it amusing. She's conducting sorts of psychological experiments on children (Riko, Reg, Lyza, Marulk) as she explores the abyss.
Now, let's get to Bondrewd.
This guy did anything  to obtain funds for his research into the Abyss, selling drugs made through human experiments on the black market, selling artefacts and relics illegally, and many other questionable acts. Some time ago he managed to steal the special-grade artefact the and used it to spread his consciousness on multiple bodies, creating the Umbra Hands (Bondrewd's group of delvers). When he became a White Whistle, he used his original body as the material for the Life Reverberating Stone necessary to make the whistle, becoming his very own whistle himself. Since then, Bondrewd became nothing but a soul moving between bodies with the use of the Zoaholic. (yes is copied from wikia. Yes I'm lazy).
The guy began to test the effects of the abyss and what not on children, completely abandoned his morality and soul and gave in to his curiosity by conducting literal vicious experiments. He even transformed his adoptive daughter, Prushka, into a cartridge for his soul transfer thing (though her sense of adventure let her go with Riko and the others.)
Bondrewd definitely conducted successful experiments, but they were horrible. So many children survived the 6th layer's curse and the became a narehate (or 'hollow') (I'll talk about the narehates later).
Now the thing about all of this is that Bondrewd and Ozen are white-whistlers. They are respected deeply by the people on the surface. They are respected for their research, but these are the people who are ready to dispose of their bodies, suffer trauma, make others suffer trauma, destroy souls and consciousness for the sake of 'knowledge'. How are they better than the creatures of the abyss who aren't intelligent and have knowledge, but are even less 'monstrous'? What good is such knowledge?
In these kinds of themes the anime gets dark, not the 'gory' scenes. If a person really thinks aout it seriously, the themes in the story can make you question yourself. What physical body, what physical existence? What mind and what instincts? What is the essence, the need?
Narehate - 'nare no hate' - 'the shadow of one's former self'
There's a lot of things to say here but I'll address (what I think are) the main points. We've got two types of narehates known - the ones from Idofront (Bondrewd's experiment) and the ones in the Ilblu village.
Mitty is a narehate from Idofront. As seen from Riko's perspective, her soul was trapped in the narehate body. She could feel but she couldn't express. She was alive, but couldn't live and couldn't die (she's even 'resurrected' by Bondrewd. That guy...). She was one of the children who wanted to really explore the abyss but became a shadow of her former self. Suffering for eternity.
This sort of tells us how important expression is. Keeping your thoughts and emotions buried inside will begin to destroy your humanity. You want death but you cannot die and you shouldn't die, waiting for the right time. The abyss basically dulled all senses and created a soul within an empty mind that somehow still felt, but could probably not really register anything. Existing like that is a scary notion.
The narehates at Ilblu are very diverse, with some even being intelligent. Once they become a part of it they cannot leave the village. They have this value system where if they want something they have to trade it with something of 'equal' value, and the values of things aren't necessarily predefined but mostly vary from person to person. It is clearly shown that the value of a human anything is very large as well as immortality (Mitty, here), and it shows how much these narehates desire humanity, how much they wish to return to their former self. It makes sense, of course, but what's really interesting is that we see the same behaviour in the 'non-intelligent' species. Perhaps their human instincts remain and similarly, because Riko is a child of the abyss (my assumption), her connection with the abyss and those instincts remain. Really, everything in this world is connected.
The last thing: The Three Sages (who created Ilblu). We do not know much about the, as they came during the ending of the manga, but they are now narehates and they are crazy, honestly. They used to be together, had this sort of bond as they searched the abyss but now they have lost absolute humanity. All that remains is the whole thing with value, (like when Belafu buys Mitty from Bondrewd and Nanachi sells herself to buy Mitty, but now Belafu has both Mitty and Nanachi). These three sages only come out when the village is in absolute danger and it's kind of sad to see them not care about much after seeing them in Vueko's flashbacks (ahh Vueko).
The concept surrounding value really makes you think what is valuable and what isn't, and in the end you realise two things - value depends from person to person and they all really don't matter to the universe, but nevertheless it matters so deeply to each individual. How does anything matter? It matters to us personally, and that is enough. But it is important to understand the essence of these values because we often might be wasting our time or are desperate about something we love, like when Nanachi sold herself even when there probably was a better solution.
That's it for now. When the manga update comes I'll probably talk (talk? More like rant) about the cradle of greed.
TL;DR: Made in abyss is brilliant.
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tatlmaslany · 7 years
The first time Helen Shaver saw Tatiana Maslany on screen, she knew she wanted to work with her.
“I was asked to sit on the jury of the Whistler Film Festival about five years ago,” Shaver recalls. “I was adjudicating films, and there was a small Canadian film called Picture Day that was one of the films that we were looking at. That was the first time I’d ever been conscious of Tatiana, and I watched this movie, and my mouth just dropped, like ‘Who is that?'”
Months later, Shaver was flipping through TV channels in the middle of the night and stumbled upon a first season episode of a new sci-fi series starring a familiar face. She was enthralled. “The next day, I called my agent and said, ‘I want to do Orphan Black,'” she says. “‘It’s a fabulous show, and it has that young woman, Tatiana. I want to direct her.'”
Not only did Shaver’s phone call manifest her wish, but it led to one of her best creative experiences in a 20-year directing career that includes gigs on such TV shows as Judging Amy, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Person of Interest, Vikings and Anne. “I love Orphan Black,” she says, phoning from Los Angeles. “I loved my experience there. For me, as an artist and a collaborator and filmmaker, it really became a creative home.”
Shaver directed only three episodes of the Space hit—which is currently airing its fifth and final season—but she has lensed some of the most memorable scenes of the series: Helena watching Rachel and Paul have sex through her sniper scope, Alison and Donnie twerking and Paul’s death.
And then there are the Cosima and Delphine scenes.
In portraying Orphan Black‘s main romantic couple—coined Cophine by fans—Maslany and co-star Evelyne Brochu have screen-melting chemistry on their own, but Shaver’s direction managed to kick it up a notch, expertly excavating the conflicting motivations pulsing beneath the characters’ tortured scientist/experiment love affair. For example, there is no scene that captures the essence of Cophine’s complicated history more succinctly than in Season 2’s “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est,” where shots of a fearful Cosima receiving an injection are intercut with images of Delphine comforting her.
The same goes for Season 5’s “Ease For Idle Millionaires,” when the couple finally chooses to stop fighting each other and accept the complex dynamics of their relationship, the camera swirling around past and present versions of them as they build up to a kiss. After the episode aired two weeks ago, Cophine fans swarmed Twitter to post their appreciation of Shaver’s work.
So what is Shaver’s secret to directing such emotionally effective scenes?
“There are many, many elements to the director’s job, but the primary one to me is that the director is the container, the safe room in which actors are willing to speak their personal truths through the mouthpiece of the character,” she explains. “My willingness to be present, it creates a safe space, a womb some might say, where the actors can expose themselves through the characters to each other—and as you see with these two women on screen, it’s compelling beyond belief.”
And Shaver has another directing superpower.
“I’m not afraid of actors,” she says. “I don’t feel the need to minimize that. I truly respect actors.”
While that may seem like a given for someone working in the TV industry, Shaver learned that not everyone shares her view when she crossed over from acting to directing in the 1990s. During her first-ever production prep meeting, someone made a comment that she never forgot. “We were talking and I said, ‘Oh, the actor will need blah, blah blah,’ and somebody—a writer—said, ‘Oh, it’s just a f–king actor,'” she recalls. “And ‘f–king’ was not the important adjective; the important adjective was ‘just.’ The thing is, most people have no concept what acting is, what the internal process of acting is, what the vulnerability, what the exposure, what the trust is, the waiting for an hour while they set up the lights, and now there’s only 10 minutes left and now do your close-up. It’s 7 o’clock in the morning and you’ve been up all night talking to your mother because your father is sick, you still gotta do your close-up. It doesn’t matter. And because most people don’t have a concept of what that is, many people feel like they are held captive by the actor. You need them, but, damn it, there they are with all their humanity and foibles and all the things that you can’t control, and so they are afraid of the actor—and fear is the antidote to creativity.”
“The other thing that happens is kind of a sycophant approach of talking to an actor as if they are a child,” Shaver adds. “Or some emotionally disturbed adolescent who’s going to tear the place down and run screaming from the room or something.”
Obviously, that’s not the environment fostered on Orphan Black, a show that depends on the gifts of its lead actor more than perhaps any other TV show in history, and a show whose lead actor is known nearly as much for her tireless work ethic as she is for her mind-boggling abilities.
“[Tatiana] is just an extraordinary talent,” Shaver says. “Just the breadth of her gift, her willingness, her gift, her intellect, her spirit, her no fuss, no muss [attitude]. And with the extraordinary amount of work that that woman did, there was never a complaint. Just exemplary.”
Shaver also credits Orphan Black co-creators and showrunners Graeme Manson and John Fawcett with giving her the freedom to get the most out of every scene. “The line between writing and directing is not this hard line like some showrunners have, you know, ‘I say she picked up the teacup on this word, so that’s when the teacup gets picked up.’ That’s a sort of thing that exists certainly in some productions, but from the get-go, I was really offered the opportunity to take the material and direct it as a little movie the way I saw.”
That approach allowed Shaver to choreograph the pivotal scene in “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” where Rachel sexually dominates Paul in a chair. “The original script, for example, was that Rachel pushes Paul onto the bed and climbs on top of him,” she says. “So I looked at the script and said, ‘OK, Graeme, so we’re looking for female dominated sex, right?’ And he says, ‘Yes.’ So I go, ‘OK, let me think about this.’ During the course of prep, I conceived this whole thing where it was out in the living area of the space, and I thought Rachel is not doing anything for his pleasure. He is there for her. And all of that was not just allowed but encouraged and embraced in the environment that was there.”
Shaver also switched up Cosima and Delphine’s flashback scene in “Ease For Idle Millionaires,” animating a formerly staid scene with all the emotion the situation demanded. “The scene in the flashback was written that they’re sitting on the couch and that’s how it played out in the first rehearsal of it, and it was quite quiet and passive in a sense,” she recalls. “It was a little conversation, and I said, ‘No, wait. Hold on. Let’s go to the beginning of this moment. What is the beginning of this moment?’ There’s this huge betrayal that Cosima is recognizing and also this recognition that she is property. All these things, the pain, the tearing away, the outrage, the betrayal, how can you even stay sitting on the couch beside [Delphine]? And bang, Tatiana was up and then Evelyne was up, and we shot that a number of times, allowing it to evolve in its own way each time. And then in the cutting, once they got into an embrace, using bits from multiple takes so that it builds that kind of cacophony of emotion, which is true to what happens to a human being, not just on the outside but on the inside when such a moment is going on.”
Shaver gives props to Maslany and Brochu for forming a “circuit of energy” with her in order to better understand—and ultimately elevate—the scene. “That’s a complex moment, and these women, as they have each time, completely gave themselves to the moment, to me. And I take it quite personally. I feel like I’m being given an enormous gift. I mean what is greater than to be trusted?”
And while the Cophine scenes will always have a special place in Shaver’s heart—”To me, love is love, and love is the only thing that is real,” she shares—she has a few other favourite Orphan Black memories as well. “I’d say the delirium in Episode 306 [“Certain Agony of the Battlefield”] that begins with Sarah in Mexico going into her dream state through the tunnel into the kitchen with Beth. I’m extraordinarily proud of that on every level. I think it’s exquisite performances—or performance,” she corrects herself, laughing. “It’s all her! I think visually, in terms of my work with the camera, that’s a beautiful piece of work. And the sequence with Helena, Paul and Rachel, I love that very much.”
Most of all, Shaver says she will always remember her relationship with Maslany—who drew her to Orphan Black in the first place, and with whom she will team up with again in early 2018 to film Pamela Sinha’s Happy Place.
“Happy Place explores the lives of seven women aged 23 to 60 who are residents of an in-patient care facility: a microcosm for the world outside its walls. What is it to live inside the suffering of these women...addressing the idea that we are not so different from each other, though our circumstances may be? Each woman must try to find a way to fit into a world that can't respond to or redress a pain that is unseeable. But they are also the ones who can teach one another how to live with what happened to them as no one else ever could. Even if they can't always do it for themselves.” (source)
“I remember the day that Tatiana and I met,” she says. “Even though I’m certainly old enough to be her mother, we recognized each other immediately. It’s as if our souls are the same age, or as if we live in the same … whatever. We exist with the same sort of principles.”
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Can you do a one shot on how Lexington finds out that Kara is supergirl?
Alright, so I’ve had several requests for this one, and I’ve had it planned out in my head for a while, but I finally got around to writing it this weekend.
Honestly, my head is still spinning from finale spoilers, so I hope it’s at least decent! As always your comments are my life!!
Also, this chapter delves a little bit more into Autistic Lexi, and even though I’ve known I’m autistic for a while, I’m still learning more everyday and I’m always excited to hear y’alls thoughts!!
Read it on AO3 - http://archiveofourown.org/works/10189040/chapters/24418878
The day starts out like any other.
They have a routine down, one that makes things a little easier on everyone, especially Lexi.
They wake up without a fuss, to puppy kisses and sleep tousled hair.  They eat breakfast, (oatmeal, because it’s the only relatively healthy thing that both Kara and Lexi will eat in the mornings). They get dressed, Lena in her most intimidating power suit, because some of the board members seem to think she’s gone soft since becoming a mother and that is simply not the case; and Kara and Lexi in almost matching oxford sweaters. Their braids are even matching today, and Lena forces them into a mini photoshoot that’s quickly texted out to Alex and J’onn.  Purses and a miniature Supergirl backpack are distributed and the dogs are put on leashes and then Luthor-Danvers clan is out the door.
The walk to school is always one of Lena’s favorite parts of the day, with Lexi usually skipping along, stopping to ask questions occasionally about various objects - “Mama, what’s in that building?”, “What kind of tree is that?”, “Why can Supergirl fly?”; she’s heard mothers complain about their children asking constant questions, but it’s taken so long for Lexi to feel comfortable enough to talk to them, that Lena isn’t about to stop her now.
Today, however, is a silent day, with Kara holding Lexi as they walk so she can stare up at the skyscrapers without having to stumble along. At first Lena had tried to protest them carrying Lexi still, because all the parenting books had said things about ‘impeding development’ and ‘coddling’; but Kara had insisted because “Lee, she’s tiny, it’s not like she’s heavy! Besides, we’re making up for all the cuddling she didn’t get at the orphanage!” And who is Lena to argue with that? Because the thought of their little girl sitting at the orphanage all alone makes her tear up a little bit, even now; and the feeling of Lexi’s warmth hugged tight makes her feel like she’s being the mother she never had, (she can’t remember Lillian ever holding her. So Lena doesn’t do anything but smile when Kara catches the little girl up mid-stride, it’s adorable, and it will make Lexi’s day a little easier.  
When they finally reach the school, Lexi heads into the classroom with two hugs and barely a word, leaving Lena with a worried feeling.
“You think she’ll be okay?”
“The city is a little loud today.” Kara offers, passing Lena’s free hand through the crook of her elbow. “She’s probably just a little overwhelmed. But the school is pretty soundproof.”
Lena cocks her head, trying to listen.
Traffic is a little heavy, and if she strains, she can hear the sound of construction work in the distance. She wonders briefly what it must sound like to Lexi with her tendency to have sensory overload, or Kara, with her super hearing; but then the sound of a siren breaks through her thoughts.
Kara tenses up beside her, and she knows her wife is judging the situation.
“Go,” she nudges softly, “Don’t forget school lets out thirty minutes early today.”
“I won’t, I’ll try to bring lunch by if Cat doesn’t insist on completely changing layouts last minute again.”
She starts to make some quip about how she hopes ‘The Queen’ is in a good mood today when soft lips press against hers and all hope of coherent thought is lost. Soft hands cup her cheeks and fingers loosely thread in her hair. It’s quick, and chaste, but it still leaves her a little breathless as she opens her eyes to watch Kara power walk towards the nearest alley.
She stares until she sees the blur of color shoot towards the sky, ignoring the people bustling around her. She swells with pride, and tugs the dogs toward L-Corp.
If she were a whistler, she would definitely be whistling a happy tune today.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Her morning is full of meetings, one right after the other - spaced only by Jess’ mini-briefings. It’s a little overwhelming, and she desperately wishes for a few minutes to herself, but it’s the only way she can make it home by six, and making it home by six is definitely worth it.
Her eleven o’clock appointment is a skeevy old man who reminds her of some of Lionel’s old business partners - she makes a note to have Jess buy up his stock under an alias, the last thing she needs is to have her company associated with the likes of him. Once again, she’s grateful for Mac’s presence, people tended to stay in line with an intimidating looking Doberman snoring in the corner.
Mr. Conner is in the middle of a rant about why he thinks L-Corp should invest in petroleum energy versus solar energy when the door to her office opens. She half expects it to be Kara, coming to rescue her from this horrible meeting, but instead it’s Jess, a concerned look on her face.
“Mrs. Luthor-Danvers, I’m sorry to interrupt, but Lexington’s school is on the phone. They insist that they need to speak with you right away.”
The urge to sigh with relief over having an excuse to end this meeting early is outweighed by the sudden panic rising in her throat. She turns to her guest.
“I’m apologize for cutting our meeting short, but I have to take this.“
Mr. Conner looks like he’s about to say something derogatory when Mac lets out a soft growl. She swears that dog has a sixth sense for these things.
“Very well, I trust that you’ll take what we’ve spoken about into consideration.”
It’s only years of training that enables her to keep a tight lipped smile.
“Of course.” She nods politely, waiting for him to leave the office before reaching for the phone on her desk.
“This is Lena Luthor-Danvers speaking.”
“Mrs. Luthor-Danvers, there’s a bit of a problem.”
“What kind of problem?” She asks tersely, and she can hear the phone creak under her grip.
“Lexington has disappeared.”
Her heart catches in her throat.
“What do you mean, disappeared?”
“There was a short blackout, and when the power was restored, Lexington was unaccounted for.”
Every alarm bell in her head goes off, just as she looks up to see several intruders in black tactical gear and masks enter the room behind Jess. One of them slams a gun into her secretary’s head, sending her sprawling and another one steps toward Lena.
“Hang up the phone.”
She hesitates.
“Now, now,” A low voice threatens. “If you don’t want anything to happen to your daughter, you’ll come without a fight.”
The whole thing has Lillian Luthor written all over it, and she feels a swell of hate towards her adoptive mother.
Of course things had been going too smoothly.
“I’ll come willingly, just promise you won’t hurt her.” she reasons, dropping the handset back into its cradle.
The intruder laughs.
“This is too easy, Lillian was right about the kid. ”
Her heart clenches at the mention of Lexi, and she wants nothing more than to lash out at these idiots, but she swallows down her fury, knowing it will get her nowhere. She debates hitting the hidden panic switch on her bracelet but thinks better of it. If Kara shows up then she’ll take the kidnappers out, sure, but then they’ll have no link to Lexi.
Her captors step forward and she extends her hands slowly, bracing for the cuffs. Really she’s been kidnapped so many times that at this point she almost has a routine.
Only this time it’s different.
This time they have Lexi.
This time there’s more at stake than just her life, or even Kara’s life. Kara is practically invulnerable, Kara is a superhero, a savior; but Lexi…
Her mind flashes back a few hours to when Lexi was staring at her latest Supergirl book over breakfast, sleep-cowlicked hair sticking straight up - oatmeal dribbling onto her pajamas.
She remembers the wonder on Lexi’s face as she gazed up at National City’s skyscrapers, chin bouncing against Kara’s shoulder as they walked along.
She remembers the fierce hug, the tiny arms tight around her neck as Lexi bid her goodbye at school.
 “I love you, Mama.”
 “I love you too, Ma Chroi, be good.”
She never thought the day would end up like this, and she’ll be damned if something bad happens to Lexi because of her family name. She feels the adrenaline pound in her chest, and she feels like she could rip apart mountains if protecting Lexi called for it.
Only there are no mountains, and now is not the the time.
So instead she forces herself to remember all the important things that Alex has taught her over the years.
 Deep breaths, steady hands, look at everything, remember everything - you never know when it might be important.
The zip-tie cuffs are too tight around her wrists, digging painfully into her skin, but she has little time to focus on that because there’s the sound of a helicopter outside her window and she’s being pushed towards the balcony door. She’s pulled up inside the chopper, and she feels a wave of relief when they drop a dark bag over her head. It’s a good sign, hopefully one that means they don’t intend to kill her or they wouldn’t care if she saw where she was going or not.
It’s still suffocating and claustrophobic though, and she feels a wave of nausea wash over her. She fights it down, trying to focus on what will happen once they get where they’re going.
Lexi could already be dead.
The thought slams into her from out of nowhere, and she feels the panic rise anew.
There’s no real reason for Lillian to keep her daughter alive, to her, Lexington is no doubt even more expendable than Lena.  
But there’s also no reason for Lillian to kill her, and surely she must realize that killing Lena and Kara’s daughter will only serve to bring down the wrath of the entire DEO - something she surely does not want.
That calms her, because Lillian is evil, but she is a calculating sort of evil and she doubts the repercussions of killing Supergirl’s daughter are worth the gain.
It’s a short ride, and she supposes there’s no need for them to fly around in circles to throw her off, because she has no idea where they’re headed anyway. It’s too loud and the turbulence is too shaky, and she finds herself wondering if they took Lexi in a helicopter as well, and if so, how the little girl fared.
She finds herself being dragged, stumbling out of the chopper and onto steady ground, her legs still wobbly from the flight. The darkness covering her eyes does nothing to calm her, but she forces herself to focus her other senses. She smells salt, and rotten fish past the stale of the bag, and she thinks they must be at the docks, or at least the west side of town. She runs through all of the DEO camera access points, wondering if Winn can see her right now. She wonders if anyone even knows she’s missing, and she hopes desperately that they won’t rush into anything if they do - at least for Lexi’s sake.
There’s the sound of metal clanging and creaking and she can feel the air change as she shoved along. They’re inside now, probably a shipping container or an office building - the ground feels solid, so she doesn’t think it’s a ship; although she can be certain since she doesn’t really have her land legs back.
Her captors are silent, only the stern hand on her shoulder guiding her along. Eventually they come to a stop, and the bag is yanked roughly from her head; leaving her blinking into the sudden light.
Lexi is the first thing she notices and she stifles a sob at the sight of the little girl sitting in a folding chair. She doesn’t look any the worse for wear, from what Lena can tell-  chewing nervously on one of the stim keychains Winn had made for her, fingers flitting over the Supergirl book in front of her. She’s grateful that Lexi seems completely absorbed, she doesn’t want this to be any more traumatic than it has to be. Everything inside of her screams at her to move closer, but her wrists are still bond, and she doesn’t want to risk Lillian’s wrath.
“Now, now, what kind of family reunion is this if she’s all tied up, I thought I told you to release her cuffs when you got here. She’s not going anywhere, she’s too much a sap to leave without this one.” Lillian’s hand flicks towards Lexi and Lena fights the urge to say something sharp and biting because this is about more than just her now.
There’s a moment of fumbling and wrists are yanked tight before there’s a low pop and she’s free, blood rushing painfully back to her fingertips.
“Speaking of my granddaughter …” Lillian glides over to where Lexi is sitting, brushing a hand over her hair.
“She’s not your granddaughter.”
Lillian just laughs, and the sound sends a tremor down Lena’s spine.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“If you hurt her …” She can’t bring herself to finish the sentence, because she does’t know exactly what she’ll do if Lexi is hurt, doesn’t really want to think about it.
“Oh, don’t worry, you and … Lexington? Is it? Are just bait. You’ll be released just as soon as I get what I want.”
Lena grits her teeth.
“Which is?”
Lillian smirks in that awful way she always had when Lena just wasn’t quite good enough to live up to her standards.
“Really, haven’t we been over this before? I thought even you would realize that I will not rest until I have rid this planet of it’s Kryptonian menace.”
“Oh I’m well aware, I just would have thought you might have moved on to more achievable goals.” Lena tilts her chin in defiance.
“Things are different now, this time … “ Lillian trails off, fingers reaching out for Lexi’s braid.
“Don’t touch her.” Her voice is low and threatening, and even Lillian must hear it, because she backs away.
“Nevertheless. It will all be over soon.”
“She doesn’t even know where I am.” She’s fishing, digging, and Lena hopes desperately it pays off.
“A bottom layer of inter-connected shipping containers, lead-lined, of course, so no pesky Super heroes can see inside. No on notices that these containers never leave the dock, and those who are easily coerced into looking the other way, it’s amazing what money can do, really.”
“Then let me call her, you know she’ll come.”
“Ohh, and risk you two having some sort of secret code? You may not be Lex, but surely even your smart enough to think of that?”
She steps closer and Lena makes a a conscious effort to stay put, even as Lillian reaches out for her hand. Slowly, her wrist is pulled up to eye level as Lillian studies her bracelet.
“Now, where … is it?” Lillian’s fingers trail along her wrist, and she feels the hair on the back of her neck prickle. “Ah, this should do it.”
There’s no sound, nothing changes, but Lena knows without a doubt that Kara and the entire DEO know her exact location. Lillian drops her wrist and steps past her to the door.
“All that’s left now is to wait. Hopefully it won’t take long, and you can still make it home for dinner.”
Bile rises in Lena’s throat and her only hope is that Alex is able to hold Kara back from rushing in head first. Not a good chance, all things considered.
“Make yourself at home.” is Lillian’s parting jab, and then she’s gone, dragging her goons with her.
She’s alone with Lexi now, and she rushes over, kneeling down beside Lexi’s chair.
“Are you alright?” Lena whispers softly, trying not to startle her.
Lexi looks up at her slowly, eyes red-rimmed and and her face blotchy from crying.
“Hey, come here, do you want a hug?” Touching usually isn’t an issue, but it’s best to ask, especially after the drama of the day
Lexi nods carefully before sliding off the chair and into Lena’s lap. She isn’t sure how long they stay like that before she realizes that her own cheeks are wet and Lexi has finally stopped shaking in her arms. She presses a kiss to Lexi’s temple and holds her back to look her over.
“Are you hurt?”
Lexi shakes her head before throwing herself back into Lena’s arms.
“Jus’ loud.”
“Aww, I know, Ma Chroi, it’s alright. It’s alright.” She stands up as carefully as she can, Lexi still clinging to her - though the sniffles have stopped.
A quick observation of the room tells her exactly what she was afraid of, no windows, and only one door.
There’s no way out except the way they came in.  
She stares at the walls, thinking longingly of all the prototypes sitting in her R&D lab that would be so useful right now. But instead she has nothing, no weapons, no tech, hell she doesn’t even have any bobby pins. The room itself is practically empty - a table, some chairs, a few water bottles - nothing of any use. Lexi’s backpack is on the table but she know there’s nothing in it besides its bulletproof lining, a pack of peanut butter crackers, a few books, and a GPS transponder.
She grits her teeth. There has to be a way out of this.
The sound of the door opening behind her makes her jump, and Lexi shifts to look with her. It’s one of Lillian’s lackeys and she feels her stomach set on edge when he motions her forward.
“Follow me.”
“Why should I?”
“Do you have a choice?”
He has a point, and she reaches for Lexi’s backpack before motioning towards the hallway.
“Lead the way.”
He doesn’t much, well anything really, as he leads her down a deserted corridor, taking several twists and turns before they come to a stop. They haven’t seen a single soul and she feels a gnawing feeling in her gut.
“Your brother says hello.” He says, reaching back his fist, and she braces for impact only to have him slam it in the wall. A door pops open, and sunlight floods in, washing the dingy shipping container in a warm yellow glow.
She stares confusedly.
“Lex sent-“
“There’s really no time Ms. Luthor, I suggest you and your daughter get to safety. This whole place is rigged to blow in about forty seconds.”
She doesn’t ask how he knows that - couldn’t even if she wanted to, because he disappears as soon he finishes his sentence. Instead, she readjusts Lexi as best she can and takes off, running clumsily towards the end of the row of containers. The sunlight is beating down, glancing off the pavement and straight into her eyes and she can’t even see what she’s running towards. There’s a blur of people, and she desperately hopes they’re dock workers and not Lillian’s people.
It’s a voice that makes her want to fall to her knees in relief, but she can’t stop running because ‘rigged to blow’ can mean any number of things, and she isn’t sure what the blast radius is because she doesn’t know if they used C-4, or dynamite, or gasoline. She can feel the explosion as it begins shaking the ground behind her and she stumbles, only to have strong arms catch her up and Kara’s cape wrap around them.
She feels the shockwaves as they ripple through Kara’s body and she clutches Lexi tightly to her chest. The heat of the flames likes the air around them and she’s grateful first hand for the heat proofing work she and Winn had put into the latest version of the suit.
She doesn’t realize that Kara is moving them until her feet touch back down on the ground. She’s shaking like a leaf, and Kara gently pries Lexi from her arms, settling the little girl on one shoulder and pulling Lena into the other.
“Hey, you’re safe, you’re safe.”
Agents and police bustle around them but they stay still until Lena’s heart rate is back to normal and her legs aren’t shaking. She pulls back slowly, taking in the worry in Kara’s eyes and the way Lexi’s fists are clenched in a death grip on Supergirl’s cape.
Not the ideal way to meet one’s hero to be sure.
And she’s sure Kara is glad to be here, but she can see that she wants to be here as Lexi’s mother and not just the resident Superhero, and there is still a shipping container on fire behind them.
She reaches out a hand to Lexi’s back.
“Come here, Ma Chroi, Supergirl has more people to save.”
Kara makes to to hand the little girl over to Lena but Lexi only clutches her tighter.
Lexi’s voice is muffled in Kara’s shoulder, and Lena’s ears are ringing from the explosion.
She almost doesn’t catch it.
“No! Mommy, don’t go!”
She’s sure the look of shock on Kara’s face matches her own.
Kara tugs Lexi back gently, pain filling her eyes as she takes in Lexi’s tear streaked face.
“Nothing gets past you, huh, little one?”
Lexi shakes her head, fingers reaching down to trace the House of El crest.
“This has to be our little secret, okay? You can’t tell anyone.”
“Not even Aunt Alex?”
Lena cant help but laugh through her tears, of course Lexi’s first concern is sharing with her favorite aunt.
“Nah, kiddo, I know all the good secrets already.” A voice sounds behind them and Lexi turns, the most excited she’s seemed all day.
“Aunt Alex!”
“Hey, kiddo, let’s let your mom go put out this fire while we go play with some cool scanners, okay?”
Lexi thinks about it for a moment before turning back to Kara.
“Promise you’ll come back?”
“Faster than a speeding bullet.” Kara promises solemnly, and that seems to satisfy Lexi because she leans into Alex’s arms.
“Come on, Brainiac, you need to get checked out too.” Alex insists, leading her towards one of the DEO ambulances as Kara shoots off.
Alex has barely gotten started with her scans when Lena catches sight of Kara speed walking up in the clothes she had been wearing that morning, press badge dangling from her neck.
She catches Lena up in a tight hug before leaning over Alex to press a kiss to Lexi’s forehead. Once they’re satisfied that Lexi is more than happy to help Alex with her checkup, Kara pulls her off to the side.
“So what was that, exactly? I got a call from Lexi’s school saying she had disappeared and then not five minutes later your alarm signal goes off? And then we track you here and you’re running from an explosion?”
“Lillian. She captured us to get to you; only Lex let us out, and I’m assuming he was behind the explosion.”
“Lex?” Kara’s eyes dart around the dock, “Is he here?”
“No, I don’t think so, it was one of his soldiers.”
“How do you know?”
“He broke us out and led me to the outside and said ‘You’re brother says hello’.”
“What do you think it means?”
“I don’t know.” Lena shakes her head. “But to be fair, my brain is a little fried.”
“Well, you’re safe now, that’s all that matter, we can figure out the rest later.”
“Is Lillian … “ She gestures towards the smoldering pile of rubble where Lillian’s outpost had once been.
“I couldn’t tell, there was too much debris, it’ll probably be a few days before we can sort everything out.”
Lena shivers, and Kara’s arm wraps around her shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. I was scared, for Lexi, and whatever trap they were setting for you… “
“You know what will make you feel better?”
“Finding Nemo and hot chocolate.”
“Oh yeah, proven cure for all bad days.” Kara says confidently and Lena can’t help but laugh, tugging her wife around the ambulance just in time to see Lexi talking Alex in a Lollipop AND a sticker.
“Everything checks out,” Alex reassures them, setting Lexi down on the ground and waving Lena up. “You’re next!”
“I’m fine!”
“Lee!” Kara starts and she immediately acquiesces because she knows that tone; it’s one she’s used a hundred different times on Kara after battles.  
She sits back and lets Alex poke and prod her until she’s satisfied there’s no permanent damage.
“Do you want a sticker, or a lollipop?”
“So she gets both and I have to pick?”
Kara and Lexi giggle at that, and Alex groans before passing Lena a lollipop and pressing a brightly colored smiley face onto her shoulder.
“Ecstatic!” She winks at Lexi and clambers out of the ambulance, groaning as she takes in the sight of dozens of reporters lingering around the police perimeter.
“Maureen should be here any minute with the car.” Kara reassures her, “And Jess already arranged for James come and pick up the dogs and take them home.”
“Jess!” She suddenly remembers the sight of her unconscious assistant.
“Is fine, a minor concussion and a nasty bruise.”
She feels some of the tension ease from her shoulders, making a mental note to give Jess another raise.
Tomorrow, there will be questions from reporters and phone calls from worried investors, and a long talk with Lexi about Supergirl; not to mention the  hours spent tinkering with security systems; but for now, she’s alive and Lexi’s alive, Kara’s safe.
For tonight, that’s enough.
And if she drinks two cups of hot chocolate and cries when Marlin finds Nemo?
Well, no one but Kara is awake to notice anyway.
62 notes · View notes
ankyouweek · 7 years
Second Time Around
7 - A Different Future
Most people never got to go to space, yet here he was, second time before he was thirty. He wasn’t looking forward to possible bone damage later in life, but it was still pretty cool seeing Earth from so far away, watching the stars sparkle and be up so high, away from everything and above it all. The trip was quiet, he and Nagisa having dropped the formalities, but Nagisa still a little bitter and hurt that Karma, someone he considered a long time friend, hadn’t sided with him, was quieter than normal. Karma couldn’t find it in himself to care, using the down time to figure out the final details on destroying Yanagisawa’s life’s work. 
The ‘space date’ (“You two are super bromantic, y’know?” “If I hear anyone say that again, I’ll kick their ass too.”) went well, smoother than the first time around. The data retrieval and the results stayed the same.
“The chance of Koro Sensei actually exploding at the end of March is less than 1%.”
The red team reminded everyone that they’d made their choice. “1% isn’t 0%. Do you want any chance of the world ending?”
A few people tried to protest (“1% is negligible!” “We can save him! We can save the world, I’m sure of it!”) but Karma and the other’s stood firm. The teachers took their side. They agreed on the war being the deciding factor, whether to save or kill, so that’s what they had to do. 
“To do things half-heartedly, to not be loyal to the path you make, isn’t a good way to live.”
Karma wondered if he’d made the right decision. Personally, he wanted Sensei to live. But if he lived, he would be hunted for the rest of his days. It wasn’t fair to sentence someone to that type of fate, even if the person was essentially a mass murderer. 
The choice to kill him hadn’t been easy. Okuda and Takebayashi were looking for a way to reverse Yanagisawa’s research. Itona had already said Yangisawa was working on that, purely for knowledges sake, not because he was kind, and Karma knew that if he hadn’t figured it out, two middle schoolers wouldn’t be able to crack the code anytime soon. By killing Sensei, they were missing out on a future with him, a future that was possibly good, where he may not be hunted.
But Karma needed to think of the biggest picture. The world was hell and any research or ideas of monsters could keep the world following that path time and time again. He didn’t want Sensei to die, but he didn’t want Okuda and Takebayashi to end up dead either. 
He wondered if Koro Sensei dying made much of a difference, or if was just the research and public reveal. He hoped his actions up until now had been enough to change things, but he doubted it. The research could be taken care of easily, provided there were few copies (Itona was adamant there were no copies - most information was purely for Yanagisawa’s team, since the man seemed to remember everything with ease, and viewed back ups as a security risk). But he had no plans to stop the reveal - Karasuma’s influence wasn’t strong enough to stop the government from interfering.
So we have to kill him before then. Not wait until the last minute, like last time. 
The thought left him uncomfortable. It was easy to throw leadership to Isogai, who suited it like a second skin, but this was something he thought best to lead himself. Just get through tomorrow, then plan it. One step at a time.
The forest was quiet. Dark, cold, dank. It was perfect for a creep like Yanagisawa, and Karma was glad Itona was leading the way. He prayed they weren’t separated on their way out, because his chances of getting back home out of this maze of trees were slim to none. The group had donned their defence gear and had left early in the morning. It had taken them the better half a day to reach the area where Yanagisawa kept his base. A quick stop for lunch and a final look over them plan had been the last thing they did before Itona led them into the forest.
They’d stopped in front of the building. Someone gave a low whistle before being pinched. “Shut up.” Hazama didn’t talk much, but when she did, you listened. Karma had to agree with the whistler; the building was huge, much more than what Itona made it out to be. 
“Are we going to have enough stuff to bring it to the ground?”
Itona grinned, showing his own backpack full of extras. Everything the team had was government issued. Karma had spun a story to Karasuma, essentially stealing Yanagisawa’s earlier idea of getting Sensei waterlogged. He’d said they needed to bring down parts of the mountain, and grenades and the like were the fastest way to do it. Karasuma had agreed and the government supplied them with a good amount of weaponry. 
Itona, on the other hand, had gone the home made method. The group was slightly weary, since his ideas didn’t always go as well as planned, but they needed the ammo and he had it. “As long as it works, huh?”
“You mean as long as we don’t die, right?” Muramatsu had a slight tremble in his voice, like he couldn’t believe what he was doing. Neither could Karma (he was into fighting, not real crime - he had standards, damnit!), though Itona and Terasaka seemed to have no issue with committing arson, and Hazama seemed rather calm herself.
“That too.” Golden eyes closed as he muttered back. Deep breaths. In, out, in, out. Just another thing to check off on the to do list. Nothing special. Normal everyday stuff here. Opening his eyes again, he motioned to the group.
“Let’s go save the world.”
To make the most of their weaponry, they’d had to infiltrate the lab, which ended up with Hazama sporting a nasty wound to her eye courtesy of a security guard. Itona had said they only had stun guns, but apparently that was outdated information. Still, that was the worst of their problems. 
Well, as a group. Nobody said it out loud, but Hazama’s eye was bad. They’d patched it up sloppily, hoping it was enough. Karma wasn’t convinced it would go back to normal. “I’ll get Bitch Sensei to check it later. She’ll know someone who can fix it without alerting the wrong people.”
Terasaka grunted at them to hurry up, on the look out for more trouble. It was the only option they had, though Karma felt guilty, knowing she may lose the use of an eye. So they moved on, camouflaging to the best of their ability and leaving explosives in as many vital points as possible. Yoshida also left small traces of highly flammable liquids. 
“The longer it takes to go up, the longer they have to snuff it out.”
Before they lit things up, Karma infiltrated some type of research room. He plugged Ritsu in and she downloaded as much as she could. 2 minutes later and heavy footsteps could be heard. Grabbing his phone, he followed the team out. Hazama and Itona had already left through the vents, adding more liquid and explosives in their wake. They were halfway out, security still hot on their tail, when the building rocked.
“Hurry up!”
Nobody needed Terasaka’s warning. They sprinted faster than Karma thought possible. More blasts rocked the lab, and Karma wondered if they’d been accidentally set off or if Itona and Hazama had had no other choice. Or maybe it’s just Itona’s explosives with a life of their own. 
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. It didn’t matter what it was though, since they were getting lost in the labyrinth, Ritsu finding it hard to get their location and match it to the map, walls collapsing, fire licking at their heels, making escape much harder than they’d planned. 
Karma heard screaming. Minutes later he realised they were no longer being followed. The others looked pale, having understood. Huffing, trying not to inhale the smoke and dust, they exited. It was only when they were outside that they realised they were on the wrong side of the building, in the opposite direction of the meeting spot. 
“All the staff are exiting through the main exit, we have to go alone!”
“We’re just going to have to find the way out without them!”
They were right, of course, but that didn’t sit well with him. But he had to believe in them. Itona and Hazama were smart. Hazama blended in to the darkness well, and Itona knew this area better than anyone. All he could do was hope that he’d placed his bets right.
His group took the long way around, dashing through the forest, tripping more than once. Yoshida broke his ankle when he lost his footing and tumbled down a hill. But he soldiered on, grimacing all the while, like a good assassin would.
Like a good hero would. 
Night had fallen by the time they left the forest. Able to get decent reception now they were out of the trees, Ritsu was able to pinpoint the others. Karma had never been happier to see such dead pan people. Terasaka was laughing like a mad man, grabbing them and shaking them like they were dolls. 
“We did it! We burnt it down! Nothin’ to it!”
Karma was more grateful than he could say. He’d spilled the beans to Itona, while the others had portions of the truth. To agree to commit a major crime based on that… 
A lump formed in his throat. He often missed the original versions of his classmates, but these ones were just as devoted. Just as much of his family as the others were. 
I owe it to them to be honest.
It had taken a while for them to get back home, since all public transport had stopped for the evening. Once they were far enough away from the lab, they changed into normal clothes and caught a cab. Hazama had been smart enough to bring deodorant and perfume. “We smell like oil and smoke. Nobody would let us get in a cab like that. Or be able to look the other way when smelling us and seeing a smoking mountain behind us.”
Dawn rose as they entered Kunugigaoka and the group entered class late, exhausted and dirty, but successful.
They spent most of the day sleeping at their desks whenever Sensei wasn’t yelling at them to stay awake, ignoring the Valentine’s fuss going on around them. Hazama had been taken away by Irina, who claimed ‘womanly trouble’ as the issue, and Hazama looked ill enough with her pale, sleep deprived expression and hair messily splayed everywhere to hide her eye for Sensei to believe it. (It didn’t occur to him for a few days, but the perfume she’d poured on would have been enough to stop Sensei smelling blood or any grime on them. Karma made a note to thank her for her thinking later on.)
Eventually Sensei gave up at yelling at them. They didn’t have exams and were mostly focussing on assassination drills, techniques and ideas. The final bell sounded, rousing Karma from his dreams of dust and fights and tentacles coming ever closer. He woke up with a dry throat, having to peel his cheek from the desk. A small box sat on top of his bag. 
“Thank you for your hard work!”
It wasn’t hard to see that it was Okuda’s writing. He smiled. This was probably just about helping her, or helping the class study, but he’d take it as a gift to thank him for yesterday’s work. Karasuma glared at him as he left, probably having heard of a mysterious blaze, but Karma kept walking. He was doing what he thought right. It was the only thing he could do. It was what Sensei wanted. And he certainly wouldn’t let his current good mood be ruined by someone who couldn’t even cook for himself.
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buffster · 8 years
Becoming Part 1 (BTVS 2.21)
This is part of my ongoing Buffy Project, where I write notes/meta for every episode in an attempt to better understand the characters and themes of the show. You can find the full list here. Gifs are not mine.
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Whistler: Here’s the thing. There’s moments in your life that make you. That set the course of who you’re gonna be. Sometimes they’re little, subtle moments. Sometimes they’re not. I’ll show you what I mean.
There’s a lot of time spend on Angel’s backstory in this episode, which I love. It was about time. It begins in Galway, 1753, with a young Liam drunkenly exiting a bar. He tells his friend they’re going to come back with some of his father’s silver. Then he spies Darla.
Liam: My lady, you will find that, with the exception of an honest day’s work, there is no challenge I am not prepared to face. 
He is excited by her proposal to see the world and she turns him. We return to present day where Buffy has decided she is taking the fight to Angel. Apparently she was hoping he’d attack and force her into what she has to do, but she’s tired of waiting it out. She assures her friends she is ready.
After a vision from Drusilla, Angelus decides to steal a relic from the local museum. It is Acathla, a demon who came forth to swallow the world. It was killed by a knight and turned to stone, as demons sometimes do (well, ok?). It was buried where no demon would look until some people decided to build on it. Angelus wants to be the worthy one to pull out the sword and send the whole world into hell. Giles says that only non-demon life will suffer there, but when Angel is sent there he suffers. This might be explained later but I don’t remember it.
The next flashback is London, 1860. Drusilla is praying and goes to confess. Unbeknownst to her Angelus is in the other side drinking the priest’s blood. She confesses to him that she is having visions and her mother says she is cursed. This is when she drew Angelus in: she wanted to do good and not give in to the devil. He can’t resist turning light into darkness.
Drusilla: No...I want to be good...I want to be pure.
Angelus: We all do, at first. The world doesn’t work that way.
Willow is tutoring Buffy for finals. She has no patience for Buffy calling herself a moron and tells her not to waste her time if she’s not going to try. Buffy says she really is a good teacher (kind of surprised Willow didn’t end up in this profession?). Buffy’s prophetic abilities are used again when she is able to locate Ms. Calendar’s missing disc after experiencing deja vu. 
The next flashback is in Rumanian Woods, 1898. There’s a glimpse of the body of the gypsy girl being grieved over and the old woman saying the spell to restore Angel’s soul. It’s returned to him and he begins to feel what he’s done. Just like with Spike in season seven, it overwhelms him. 
Back at the school Buffy and Willow are telling Cordelia, Xander, and Giles about their findings. Giles doesn’t think he can perform the ritual because he doesn’t have the required knowledge of the black arts, but Willow nervously admits she has been studying enough that she thinks she does. 
Giles: Willow, performing this kind of ritual--channeling such potent magicks through yourself--it will open a door you may not be able to close. 
They are continuing to argue (with Willow being the most passionately pro-ritual) when Xander jumps in with one of his worst moments of the series. He’s got Issue Face (as in, I’ve got personal issues here that are making me Non-Objective guy). Sorry, but I’m going to note the entire conversation for my future reference:
Xander: This spell might restore Angel’s humanity? Well, here’s an interesting angle: who cares?
Buffy: I care.
Xander: Is that right?
Giles: Xander, let’s not lose perspective here--
Xander: I’m perspective guy. Angel is a killer.
Willow: Xander--
Buffy: It’s not that simple.
Xander: What, come back home, all is forgiven? I can’t believe you people.
Cordelia: Xander has a point--
Xander: You know, just once I wish you would support me and I realize now that you were and I’m embarrassed so I’m gonna get back to the point which is that Angel needs to die. 
Giles: Curing Angel was apparently Jenny’s last wish...
Xander: Yeah, well, Jenny’s dead.
Giles: Don’t you speak of her in that insolent--
Xander: Can’t you see what I’m saying--
Buffy: Alright, stop it!
Willow: (to Buffy) What do you want to do?
Buffy: I don’t know...what happened to Angel wasn’t his fault...
Xander: What happened to Ms. Calendar is. You can paint this however you want. Way I see it you want to forget all about Ms. Calendar’s murder so you can get your boyfriend back. 
Cordelia: Wow. Even I know that was insensitive.
Xander: Am I wrong?
I think his issue here is multi-faceted. One is that he doesn’t see any distinction between Angel and Angelus. It’s almost as if he views Angel as a muzzled dog that’s too dangerous to let live. Which, to be honest, is a fair point. Angelus will always be a possibility that’s pretty dangerous for the world. I also don’t think some critics are wrong that there’s a part of this that’s about jealousy over Buffy. My third view is that he has seen Angel as That Guy from the beginning--the guy that’s a total jerk but the pretty girl and everyone else can’t see it. The kind of guy that probably bullied Xander a lot. I think he’s been looking forward to Angel’s death for awhile now and he doesn’t want to let that go. My least favorite part of this scene is that he accuses Buffy of not caring about what Angelus did to Ms. Calendar. We know that’s not true and how much the guilt weighs on her. Xander’s character is a bit uncompromising and very black and white.
Buffy and Willow later talk on the phone, where Willow condemns Xander with some strong language. Buffy isn’t sure what she wants but then finds her Claddagh ring at the bottom of her drawer. 
Kendra returns to help them fight. She brings a sword blessed by the knight who first slew the demon. There’s another crazy moment where a vampire bursts into flames in the middle of a classroom delivering a message to Buffy. These kinds of events lead to all the students helping in Graduation. Buffy decides to meet Angel while Kendra guards everyone else. 
We go to Manhattan, 1996. Whistler approaches Angel (sent by the Powers that Be?), who looks horrible and is feeding on rats. He tells him to stop feeling sorry for himself and shows him Buffy, who has just become the slayer. I love flashback Buffy even more than flashback Angel. She is very much season one Cordelia, sucking on a lollipop and talking about boys with her friends (she’s clearly the ringleader). Her clothes are very different; she’s dressed in bright neon colors. Her first Watcher, Merrick, approaches her. Buffy barely manages to kill her first vampire as Angel watches.
Back in present day Buffy goes to fight Angelus. While she’s there the Scoobies are attacked. Willow is knocked down by a shelf, Xander is injured fighting, Giles is taken, Cordelia flees, and Kendra is killed by Drusilla. I’ve read before that her obedient nature is what made her susceptible to Dru’s hypnosis, which I think is pretty interesting. Buffy returns to find chaos and Kendra’s dead body. She is approached by a policewoman.
Whistler: Bottom line is even if you see em coming, you’re not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really, but it does. So, what, are we helpless? Puppets? No. The big moments are gonna come, can’t help that. It’s what you do afterwards that counts. That’s when you find out who you are.
As Angel performs the ritual to bring forth Acathla, he says, “As I ascend, as I become”. He also says he wants to become someone to Whistler (there’s our title). 
Character Notes:
Cordelia Chase: Cordelia actually compliments Willow and her dedication to teaching and tutoring. 
Principal Snyder: He is upset about Cordelia and Xander and Willow and Oz’s PDA. He also tells Buffy she should just give him a reason to kick her out.
Rupert Giles: Giles is the best authority on obscure relics in Sunnydale and a professor refers him to the museum curator. 
Hank and Joyce Summers: The original script had a scene where Joyce tells Buffy that her and Hank are agnostic. In the actual show there is a flashback where they argue because Hank wants to be tougher on Buffy.
Whistler: Whistler is the one who gives Angel the information to find blood at the butcher’s. He says his real name is hard to pronounce unless you’re a dolphin. 
Buffy Summers: She mentions she has stolen lipstick when Merrick approaches her. Possibly something she did for her parent’s attention like Dawn in later seasons?
Kendra Young: She gives Buffy her lucky stake, Mr. Pointy. 
23 notes · View notes
wfitvacations · 4 years
Digital detox retreats don’t work, but here’s why you should hike unplugged
Escaping digital life isn’t healthy, research says
While it seems like the healthiest of ideas to unplug from electronics for a week or more, the reality is, it’s pretty stressful. Time goes faster than ever these days, and you’ve got obligations and stuff to reply to. Right?
Hi, I’m Cat, I’m the owner of West Coast Fitness Vacations, a wellness retreat in B.C., Canada that specializes in outdoor fitness and weight loss. Our health retreat is modern, results focused and setup for today’s woman whose juggling 97 things at the same time.
In this article: 
Why digital detoxes are stupid
What the heck is a digital cleanse?
The better solution for digital detox retreats
Finding the unplugged balance
Some apps to help you be healthier with usage
Being without your phone is a luxury these days, which is why, as a luxury fitness retreat, we invite our guests to do just that – but only during program hours. As we disconnect digitally, we reconnect with our self, people, nature, and the world in front of us.
Whistler Fitness Vacations takes guests on this gorgeous hiking trail, Half Note on Whistler Mountain.
Life Hacker agrees – unplugging simply doesn’t work.
In this awesome article they say:
During the food/juice type of detox, the allure is that you’ll feel so great you won’t even miss the junk food; you’ll eat cucumbers for breakfast every day for the rest of your life now that you’ve pushed the reset button. But there’s no equivalent way to return from a digital detox. You can turn off most of your notifications, and get in the habit of putting your phone down more often, but it’s not like you can actually live a phone-free life.
QUICK NOTE: 1/ The title of this blog says to hike unplugged, but definitely bring your phone on hikes for safety. Oh, and hike within the cell range, always. There’s nothing glamorous about falling down a hill onto a logging road, only to discover you’ve sprained your ankle really badly (and can’t call anyone to pick you up). 2/ The research that says digital detoxes aren’t healthy is here and here 🙂 
Digital detoxes are as stupid as juice fasts
I firmly believe that going completely offline is nothing less than anxiety inducing.
My program is setup to be a part-time digital detox that supports participants in developing a healthier relationship with their mobile devices. Phones are not the enemy, and just like yo-yo dieting, extreme rules from other wellness retreats to ‘unplug to reconnect’ is, in my opinion, promoting extreme behavior.
READ: Digital detoxing is the tech equivalent of a juice cleanse—and neither of them work
I’m proud to promote balance. Balance and harmony without the extremes… that’s how I roll. Just like I won’t tell a weight loss retreat client to ‘never eat chocolate’ I wouldn’t enforce a ‘never have your phone’ policy in Whistler. It just doesn’t make sense, and frankly, I don’t know what the digital detox retreats all over the internet are thinking.
Promoting all or nothing behavior is setting up for an unsustainable relationship with technology. And this is likely to trickle over into all-or-nothing diet or exercise mentality. I’m not buying the benefits of digital detox retreats, bottom line.
How our fitness vacations unplug in Whistler
Many of our customers choose a weight loss retreat with us partly because of the digital detox component during scheduled program hours. It’s nice to go on a hike where the other participants aren’t ‘on the scroll’ while walking over rocks, or chatting on their phone. Sometimes you can feel like you’re between everyones conversation with other people on group travel, and it’s hard to find the right moment to jump in and get to know them.
Besides the anti-social factor, it’s also a safety precaution that we request customers not to use ear buds for any reason – even for music. This is because the guides might need to shout out to them at anytime, whether it be wildlife, fallen rocks, or a crew of fast bikers coming in less than 2 seconds.
How it works is from the morning start (9am) until lunchtime (11.30am) your phones are on flight mode, unless you’ve got an emergency that you’re monitoring. I mean let’s face it, if you’re waiting for news from your fathers oncologist, you’re not going to enjoy the hike being blocked from the news.
At lunch you can – of course – session on your phone, and then from 12-2pm it’s digital detox time again. Then from 2pm onwards, it’s all yours to do as you please. You are, after all, an adult.
So what about photos?
We’re one of the few weight loss retreats in Canada where the fitness guides leading your day also double up as photographers. I provide staff with iphones for this task. Nearly all the images on this site were taken by our guides. They’re not professional grade, but definitely good enough for you to leave the photos to us.
We airdrop every week, or everyday if you want – it’s nice to have group photos of the best view points from your day. Of course, if there’s a special photo or view that you’d like to take with your own phone, you can – but only occasionally.
There’s also no cameras allowed during program hours because we’re a fitness retreat and the guided cardio adventures are required to keep a training pace. If we stop infrequently throughout the trails for various guests to take photos of choosing, then it turns more into a leisurely tourism tour. Can’t have that!
My phone was on flight mode while traveling through Bolivia. I didn’t pay data, and could connect whenever there was wifi for facetime etc.
I’ve been unplugged on my travels, and it really bugged me.
I’m not addicted to my phone, but I do enjoy being a good daughter, partner, friend and human. If someone wants to get hold of me, its 2020 and they damn well should be able to, no matter where I am in the world. I want to be that person for them. After a while when people drop off the response game, the out-reacher stops outreaching. I don’t want ‘my people’ to wonder if I’ll be there for them.
Unplug from technology and swap virtual tweets for the sound of real birdsong – even for one hike. You’ll find a restored sense of wellness.
With many of us spending the majority of our day scrolling down our smart phones or responding to emails, it is difficult to fully switch off and relax. This over-exposure to technology can leave us feeling disconnected to the present. This can lead to feeling stressed and overwhelmed; affecting sleep, focus and even our relationships with others.
I think that telling someone not to do something is a surefire way to make them want to do the opposite. I’ve always found the straight up digital detox retreats quite limiting, especially if you’re there for a few weeks.
Finding your highlight reel
Giving yourself the gift of an outdoor fitness vacation is saying YES to reconnecting with your healthier, happier self. Whistler Fitness Vacations is one of the many personal coaching retreats with outdoor fitness activity that’s also supported with personal development. Our life coach led workshops guide you towards clearing your mind and thinking more holistically.
You’re surrounded by incredible scenery – why not put your phone down and look up? Be in the moment, rather than watching others instagram stories and highlight reel. Embrace your own highlight reel and you’ll return home not only fitter, but also rejuvenated mentally. Experiencing the world at a slower pace, leaving behind the virtual, is nothing short of liberating!
What is a digital cleanse?
A digital cleanse helps us detox bad tech habits that infringe on our lives so we can regain more presence. Did you know that Americans spend up to 11 hours a day looking at screens and gadgets like the computer, cell phone, TV and video games? – Ashley Stern
Fit getaways are the perfect time to move your focus towards your fitness, away from your phone. Schedule unplugging – you don’t need to go completely off grid. Just give yourself a few boundaries, start slow such as going to the bathroom without your phone, or a workout. Log-off 60 minutes before bed, buy an old school battery powered alarm clock so you can go tech free in the bedroom.
Minimize social media, finish the conversations you’re having on various threads and don’t post any new ones before you step away. If you post and ghost, there’ll be more pull drawing you back into the phone before you’re ready. It’s refreshing to interact with the world around you in real time, which is basically the draw of digital detox retreats.
Not a phone in sight! Whistler Fitness Vacations strength training sessions, with full focus 🙂
Unplug for an afternoon, to experience a slower pace
Get back to nature with a hike through the landscape or explore the coast by kayak on excursions that will surely thrill your senses. Whistler Fitness Vacations is a restorative trip that includes all kinds of outdoor activity; hiking, biking, kayaking and fitness classes.
You’ll become a great cook, and have soulful discussions with the other guests – if you’re open to it. But not if you’re on your cell phone, without letting an email or text pass you by, always having half conversations until the next ping.
Giving yourself permission to switch off and be unavailable for 6-8 hours per day is a challenge for some, but so worth it. It’s such a gift to give yourself, the ability to switch off so that your mind can be calm.
Letting go of your digital addiction will infinitely support healing from adrenal burnout, and poor sleep. When switching off, you’ll get into the pattern of improved emotional balance. You might also reevaluate your relationship with digital phones, ipads and computers.
Get to know the other guests at Whistler Fitness Vacations – we unplug only during program hours.
Digital detox retreats make you want to binge
Binge on your phone that is. Going without your phone cold turkey is equivalent in human behaviour to going on a nasty juice fast. As soon as you leave the unplugged retreat, you’re overwhelmed with 200+ messages and notifications, with even more pressure to catch up.
Fad dieting and fasts don’t create life long change, and nor does abstinence from your phone. That’s why Whistler Fitness Vacations is so different with the space we create for our guests.
They have the freedom to use their phone before 8am and after 2pm… and at noon. In turn, they gain deepened sense of self without the pressures of digital life.
For those addicted to social media, they’re reminded how likeable they are in person, not just online. Social skills are also boosted, and insight is gained on how to stay grounded with your phone usage.
As the owner of West Coast Fitness Vacations, I’m reachable pretty much anytime. Click here to get in touch!
Plugging into life
Your phone is toxic to your relationships. You should put it down. Turn it off often. Agreed? So how come you haven’t done it? Yeah. Me neither. – Denise Brodey
At one point, not too long ago, I’d catch every.single.notification. I felt owned by pings, and judged by silence. One by one as they rolled in, jumping to (pretty much obey my phone) like a dog not wanting to miss a cookie opportunity. 
And in my quiet times I noticed that this world of screen everything, human experiences in my day were starting to feel like a luxury. (I think there’s a lot of us who feel that way).
Balance is the goal, not abstinence – digital detox retreats can teach us that, if setup the right way.
In the end, it’s all about human connection. Digital and physical, they’re both important.
Career goals include real words, human handshakes, your business network saying your name on the phone, a customer call that ends in gratitude.
We don’t need to join digital detox retreats to find a healthy relationship with technology.
We have powerful influencers like Thrive Global (engaging us through the screen ironically) to have less screen time. They promote a life less digital in a fresh and cool way.
Research is conclusive that phone addition is really a thing. People are taking note of that. Here are 7 scary things you didn’t know about cell phone addiction.
It’s becoming socially unacceptable to be on your phone when face-to-face with someone who is talking with you. Need help? There’s an app for that.
Everyone knows not to sleep with your phone, or have that dreaded neon light in bed. Here’s what the studies say.
Today’s a great day to go for a hike in the forest, with your phone turned off until you need it. If you feel like you’re on your phone too much, activate screen time. That’s a tracker that lets you know how much time you spend each day. Strive to find balanced, healthy ways to manage your technology, similar to what you do with your diet and exercise.
The post Digital detox retreats don’t work, but here’s why you should hike unplugged appeared first on West Coast Fitness Vacations.
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businessliveme · 5 years
How to Never Be Stranded After a Canceled Flight
(Bloomberg) –At Bloomberg Pursuits, we love to travel. And we always want to make sure we’re doing it right. So we’re talking to globe-trotters in all of our luxury fields—food, fashion, cars, real estate—to learn about their high-end hacks, tips, and off-the-wall experiences. These are the Distinguished Travel Hackers.
Jen Rubio is co-founder and chief brand officer of Away. After stints working for Warby Parker and London-based All Saints, she launched Away in February 2016, focusing on hard-shell suitcases with lifetime guarantees. Their candy-colored silhouettes became staples at airports around the world at warp speed. At a recent Series D funding round, Away was valued at $1.4 billion.
The company now produces a range of bags and accessories, including recently introduced carry-on suitcases with built-in front pockets for items like laptops, giving travelers easy access to them.
Read: Cellphones a Flight Danger? Could Be on Some Boeing Jets
Rubio lives between New York and San Francisco, averaging about 200,000 miles a year—at least—in the air. Once a Delta Air Lines loyalist, reaching its Million Miler status, she now uses a variety of carriers. “American Airlines first class is hands-down the best transcon, with great seats and really good food,” she says.
She doesn’t rely on melatonin or Ambien to beat jet lag—this gizmo is much more effective.
I never travel without a small, USB-powered white noise machine from Aurola, whether it’s to drown out a hotel neighbor’s snores through paper-thin walls, or to add some sound texture to the deafening silence of a country retreat. I discovered it when we were first starting Away and I was traveling to China. I was booked in an Airbnb in Hong Kong on a very busy street. I live in Manhattan, so I’m fine with noise, but I could distinctly hear someone’s conversation outside, and I couldn’t stop eavesdropping. But that Airbnb had a white noise machine on the nightstand. I clicked “play” and slept so well that I went online and bought one the next day. It’s become my trigger for sleeping. There’s a Pavlovian quality to it: No matter where in the world I am or what kind of room I’m in, the machine turns on, and my brain instantly relaxes.
Duty-free shopping can save serious cash—if you know what you’re doing.
I’m the queen of duty-free. People think airport shopping is completely accidental, but you can strategize it to save a lot of money. If you’re looking at a pair of Gucci loafers, the difference between buying them in New York and at Gucci at London Heathrow can be $200 to $300. It’s as much as 35% off—insane! They’re not something you need urgently, so you can always wait.
READ: These Secret Ingredients May Be Why Your Restaurant Bill Is So High
I use the Heathrow personal shopping program. You book it ahead of time, and tell them what stores you want to go to and how much time you have. Then the personal shopper meets you after security and takes you from terminal to terminal to get the stuff you need. I like it for Christmas shopping. I only found out about it because I noticed a bunch of Chinese tourists at Heathrow Terminal 3 with someone in an airport uniform. I went up to them and asked them what was going on, and they told me about it.
And this is how you really maximize those duty-free savings.
If you know you’re flying through an airport like Heathrow more than once, get a business card from any of the associates at high-end boutiques like Gucci or Chanel. Those airport boutiques have a limited selection because they don’t have a ton of space, but they can order things from any other boutique to be transferred there and hold it for you. Call or email them, then they will hold it for you and you can buy it—duty-free—the next time you fly from there. I did it when I was going back and forth between London and New York a lot.
Download this one app, and you’ll never be caught off guard by flight delays again.
Flighty is expensive for an app, like $50 per year, but somehow it knows when I’m going to get delayed before they make any announcements. If I board a flight, I might get a notification from Flighty it’s going to be 15 minutes delayed—and then five minutes later, the pilot will say the same thing.
READ: Six Tourist Spots in Saudi Arabia That Will Surprise You
How never to be stranded after a canceled flight.
Remember the Three-Hour Rule: If you’re stuck on the tarmac for three hours, they have to go back to the gate and let everyone off. It will take 30 to 45 minutes to get everyone off, then maybe they’ll let you back on or they might cancel it if the crew times out. There’s uproar when that happens, but if you’re three steps ahead of everyone else, it makes everything much more decent. If you think a flight is going to be canceled, call the airline and ask them to protect you on a seat on a later flight, too. I’ve done that, where I was basically on both flights until one of them got canceled. Or you can go online while you’re sitting in your seat and book a ticket on the next flight as a backup. If your first flight is canceled, you can ask for a refund. And if you don’t need the second seat, you can cancel that for free because you booked it within 24 hours.
Image courtesy: Pixabay
Global Entry has counterparts across the world.
For places you travel to often, check to see if there’s an expedited entry program. Doing that has cut down my time in the immigration line by 90% sometimes. Hong Kong has a program where if you visit more than a certain number of times a year, you can sign up for the Frequent Visitor e-Channel. They actually have automated kiosks for immigration when you arrive and when you depart. They approve you for it, you get a sticker in your passport, and you bypass basically all of the manual checkpoints on arrival and departure.
The best in-flight amenity kit is the one you make yourself.
I’ve become very particular as I travel more. On every business-class flight, there’s an amenity kit, but I wish the products were better. So now I pack my own, full of a bunch of stuff I’ll need in-flight. It means I don’t spend the whole flight getting up, rummaging through my bags, and disturbing everyone. I pack silicone earplugs from Savears. I learned about them when I was sitting next to someone who was a sound technician. He was wearing the same earplugs on the plane that he used backstage at concerts. He said they were perfect, and now I use them for everything. I also pack rinse-free hand wash from Byredo instead of Purell hand sanitizer; it smells really good and is less drying. And I put on Barbara Sturm antipollution serum before flights. Air travel is not great for your skin, so if you can keep it clean and moisturized, you’re good to go.
READ: Scared to Travel to ‘Dangerous’ Places? Don’t Be – Tyler Cowen
She loves this tiny Canadian surf town so much that she just bought a house there.
British Columbia is known for Whistler, but I love Tofino, a tiny surf town on the westernmost coast of Vancouver Island. It’s where my fiance [Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield] proposed to me. It’s hard to get to, but that’s kinda why I like it. Anyone who bothers making the effort to go, they’ll really appreciate it. You fly to Vancouver, and then there’s a scheduled floatplane service [to] Tofino Harbor. Once they started offering that, I bought a house there. The population is probably a couple thousand year-round. The climate is temperate rainforest, so it’s within the same 10 degrees always. There’s a beach, mountains, and it’s become a place for surfers, too. There’s also an amazing farm-to-table, or sea-to-table, foodie culture. I love Wolf in the Fog.
Make friends wherever you go by doing this every time you check into a hotel.
When I land somewhere, I go to the ATM and get money out. Then when I get to the hotel, at check-in I ask them to change around $40 into small bills. When you’re traveling, the ability to tip everyone you encounter when it’s called for, even in nontipping countries, goes such a long way.
The post How to Never Be Stranded After a Canceled Flight appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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kevingbakeruk · 6 years
The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations
The promise of fresh powder. The thrill of swooping down snow-covered slopes. The refreshing taste of a well-deserved apres-ski beer. What’s not to love about ski season?
That’s why we’ve rounded up the best alternatives to some of the most well-known ski resorts in North America, so you know exactly where to go to make the most of the snow. These winter wonderlands boast affordable lift tickets, fewer crowds and a seemingly endless array of trails to choose from, without compromising on quality.
Find cozy cabins, ski-in/ski-out condos and affordable vacation homes right here on FlipKey.
Love Jackson Hole? Try Grand Targhee Ski Resort.
Tucked into the Teton Range, Grand Targhee is renowned for its deep powder and frequent snowfall. Unlike the ritzy vibe of Jackson Hole Mountain, this ski resort is ideal for those looking for a low-key ski trip. After a day on the slopes, retreat to a rental in Alta and rest up for another day of world-class skiing.
What travelers are saying: “A hidden gem in the Tetons. Great off trail skiing as well as groomers for all levels of skiing. This is one of my new favorite places to ski.”
See all Alta, Wyoming rentals!
Love Sugarloaf Mountain? Try Sunday River.
Sunday River boasts more than 125 open trails spanning nearly 800 acres of skiable terrain. Although it’s a bit smaller than Sugarloaf Mountain, it’s more manageable for amateur skiers and ideal for a leisurely day on the slopes. Once your skis are off, indulge in an apres-ski drink at Sunday River or continue the fun in the nearby mountain town of Bethel.
What travelers are saying: “This is a winter wonderland. Skiing is fabulous with many peaks and all levels of skiing. Lots of snowmobile trails and winter adventures.”
See all Newry, Maine rentals!
Love Stowe Mountain? Try Killington Ski Resort.
Killington Ski Resort is the largest ski area in the eastern United States extending across seven mountains. Skiers of all abilities flock to this New England spot for its wide-open slopes, steep moguls and tree-lined trails. Whether you’re admiring the view from the summit or you’re gliding past snow-covered branches, the area’s natural beauty will steal your breath away. Lift tickets are typically more affordable than Stowe’s when you buy online, so there’s no excuse not to spend a day at Killington.
What travelers are saying: “The mountain remains the beast of the east. Huge variety of terrain for all abilities. The experience and smiles from the family were priceless.”
See all Killington, Vermont rentals!
Love Gore Mountain? Try Peek’n Peak Resort.
Pack up the car and head to Peek’n Peak Resort for winter fun in the foothills of Clymer. Situated in the southwestern corner of New York, this resort is an easy drive from major cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and a more convenient choice than Gore Mountain for many travelers. Enjoy a bit of everything here: Alpine and Nordic skiing, terrain parks, snow tubing and more. It’s the perfect place for a worry-free weekend with your family.
What travelers are saying: “Our family was able to rent equipment and get on the slopes and in for a lesson right away. The kids, ages 9 and 12, went from apprehensive to confident within the 1-hour timeframe – our instructor was wonderful! I have recommended Peek’n Peak to others already.”
See all Clymer, New York rentals!
Love Mammoth Mountain? Try Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows.
Over 6,000 skiable acres make up the snowy wonderland of Squaw Valley Alpine Meadow in North Lake Tahoe. With an average of 300 sunny days per year and no shortage of snowfall, this destination offers a longer ski season than most, typically lasting well into the spring months. Although it has fewer trails than Mammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows shouldn’t be underestimated because it has countless hidden ski areas to discover and spectacular head-turning views of Lake Tahoe.
What travelers are saying: “The best ski resort out in Tahoe as far as I know. Love the trail runs and I love that there’s plenty of Ski Patrol scattered around! Very decent place and the village is pretty nice!”
See all Olympic Valley, California rentals!
Love Waterville Valley Resort? Try Loon Mountain Resort.
Often overlooked because of its proximity to Waterville Valley Resort, Loon Mountain Resort is an ideal alternative for travelers planning a New Hampshire ski vacation. It features over 300 skiable acres within the White Mountain National Forest, so there’s always a new run to conquer. Save money by purchasing a lift ticket in advance and you’ll save money that you can put toward an extra apres-ski beer at the lodge.
What travelers are saying: “The trails were well-groomed and the staff were very friendly and helpful. The indoor areas were clean and they have free wifi. Helpful tip: plan to ski early if you want to avoid the rush of kids.”
See all Lincoln, New Hampshire rentals!
Love Aspen? Try Silverton Mountain.
Known for being a high-end ski resort, there’s no denying Aspen’s prestige. But large crowds and exorbitant prices can mean this popular ski destination is out of reach for many. Enter Silverton Mountain. Just a few hours south, this ski spot offers untouched trails, thrilling ski excursions and a true mountain experience. Explore Silverton Mountain at your own pace or choose a guided adventure around the area.
What travelers are saying: “What a special place. The town is small and charming, and we found both comfy accommodations and food. The one lift takes you up the mountain, and the different groups go different places. We booked a guide in advance, and he took us all over the mountain. Great skiing and terrific scenery!”
See all Silverton, Colorado rentals!
Love Crystal Mountain? Try Mission Ridge
For fifty years, Mission Ridge has offered the runs, trails, chutes, screamers and bowls of big mountain terrain while maintaining a small mountain vibe. Light, dry powder carpets the ground here, making it more manageable than the deep powder at Crystal Mountain. Visitors to Mission Ridge can also count on abundant sunshine, amazing views and affordable lift tickets at this jewel in the Cascade Mountains.
What travelers are saying: “Mission Ridge earns praise as an old-fashioned, family-oriented ski area, while also offering some great runs for advanced and expert skiers, modern snow-making and slope grooming, and easy access from Wenatchee.”
See all Wenatchee, Washington rentals!
Love Alta Ski Area? Try Deer Valley.
Like Alta Ski Area, Deer Valley is one of only a handful of resorts open exclusively to skiers. Nestled within Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, Deer Valley offers “The Greatest Snow on Earth” and thrilling adventures spread out across six mountains. If you’re new to the sport, take a ski lesson at the mountain’s ski school. If you’re an expert, challenge yourself on a black diamond or try one of the very runs skied by Olympians at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Whether your group splits up or sticks together, there’s a trail for all abilities at Deer Valley.
What travelers are saying: “Luxury skiing, great service, great lodges, great foods. Ski rails were groomed to perfection, consistent champagne-snow, very little to no line, and just overall amazing skiing.”
See all Park City, Utah rentals!
Love Whistler Blackcomb? Try Big White Ski Resort.
Skiers are often quick to look to Whister Blackcomb when planning a winter trip to Canada, but families ought to consider Big White Ski Resort instead. Simply known as Big White to most, this ski resort is situated in British Columbia’s breathtaking Okanagan Valley and is blanketed by snow all winter long. Choose an Alpine or Nordic trail, hop on a lift and explore Big White Mountain. In addition to skiing, Big White offers an array of family-friendly activities such as dog sledding, snow tubing and horse-drawn sleigh rides.
What travelers are saying: “This was our second Christmas ski trip to Big White and we loved it again. The resort is fantastic for families with great runs, amazing snow, really kid-friendly ski school staff and awesome accommodations to choose from.”
See all Kelowna, British Columbia rentals!
Love Wachusett Mountain? Try Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort.
Open year-round, Jiminy Peak is particularly popular among families during the winter months. The resort offers several children’s programs designed to teach children how to ski and feel confident on the slopes. Children ages 5 and under ski for free on Toddler Lower Mountain, and lighted twilight skiing extends the family fun well into the evening. In addition to its scenic Berkshire setting, friendly and helpful staff make Jiminy Peak one of the best mid-sized ski resorts in southern New England.
What travelers are saying: “Great base lodge area. Loved the fast lift ticket scanning system they have in place. In all my runs did not have to wait more than 5 mins to get on the lift. Nice wide trails.”
See all Hancock, Massachusetts rentals!
Love Whitefish Mountain? Try Big Sky Resort.
With 30 lifts and more than 250 runs, Big Sky Resort is a skier’s dream. This ski destination offers access to more skiing than most resorts in the U.S., including a variety of beginner, intermediate and advanced terrain so, everyone in the family can participate. When it’s time to call it quits on the slopes, families can take a free shuttle to the nearby Meadow Village for more dining, shopping and entertainment options.
What travelers are saying: “One of those ‘last, best’ places. Our renewal of familiarity at Big Sky at Christmas was a reminder of how monstrously huge this place is, how singular the downhills, and lack of congestion in the lifts. There are places to ski for all experience levels and if you leave here without a shriek of delight it will be a surprise.”
See all Big Sky, Montana rentals!
The post The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/01/10/12-alternative-ski-destinations/
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janetchavezcom · 6 years
The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations
The promise of fresh powder. The thrill of swooping down snow-covered slopes. The refreshing taste of a well-deserved apres-ski beer. What’s not to love about ski season?
That’s why we’ve rounded up the best alternatives to some of the most well-known ski resorts in North America, so you know exactly where to go to make the most of the snow. These winter wonderlands boast affordable lift tickets, fewer crowds and a seemingly endless array of trails to choose from, without compromising on quality.
Find cozy cabins, ski-in/ski-out condos and affordable vacation homes right here on FlipKey.
Love Jackson Hole? Try Grand Targhee Ski Resort.
Tucked into the Teton Range, Grand Targhee is renowned for its deep powder and frequent snowfall. Unlike the ritzy vibe of Jackson Hole Mountain, this ski resort is ideal for those looking for a low-key ski trip. After a day on the slopes, retreat to a rental in Alta and rest up for another day of world-class skiing.
What travelers are saying: “A hidden gem in the Tetons. Great off trail skiing as well as groomers for all levels of skiing. This is one of my new favorite places to ski.”
See all Alta, Wyoming rentals!
Love Sugarloaf Mountain? Try Sunday River.
Sunday River boasts more than 125 open trails spanning nearly 800 acres of skiable terrain. Although it’s a bit smaller than Sugarloaf Mountain, it’s more manageable for amateur skiers and ideal for a leisurely day on the slopes. Once your skis are off, indulge in an apres-ski drink at Sunday River or continue the fun in the nearby mountain town of Bethel.
What travelers are saying: “This is a winter wonderland. Skiing is fabulous with many peaks and all levels of skiing. Lots of snowmobile trails and winter adventures.”
See all Newry, Maine rentals!
Love Stowe Mountain? Try Killington Ski Resort.
Killington Ski Resort is the largest ski area in the eastern United States extending across seven mountains. Skiers of all abilities flock to this New England spot for its wide-open slopes, steep moguls and tree-lined trails. Whether you’re admiring the view from the summit or you’re gliding past snow-covered branches, the area’s natural beauty will steal your breath away. Lift tickets are typically more affordable than Stowe’s when you buy online, so there’s no excuse not to spend a day at Killington.
What travelers are saying: “The mountain remains the beast of the east. Huge variety of terrain for all abilities. The experience and smiles from the family were priceless.”
See all Killington, Vermont rentals!
Love Gore Mountain? Try Peek’n Peak Resort.
Pack up the car and head to Peek’n Peak Resort for winter fun in the foothills of Clymer. Situated in the southwestern corner of New York, this resort is an easy drive from major cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and a more convenient choice than Gore Mountain for many travelers. Enjoy a bit of everything here: Alpine and Nordic skiing, terrain parks, snow tubing and more. It’s the perfect place for a worry-free weekend with your family.
What travelers are saying: “Our family was able to rent equipment and get on the slopes and in for a lesson right away. The kids, ages 9 and 12, went from apprehensive to confident within the 1-hour timeframe – our instructor was wonderful! I have recommended Peek’n Peak to others already.”
See all Clymer, New York rentals!
Love Mammoth Mountain? Try Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows.
Over 6,000 skiable acres make up the snowy wonderland of Squaw Valley Alpine Meadow in North Lake Tahoe. With an average of 300 sunny days per year and no shortage of snowfall, this destination offers a longer ski season than most, typically lasting well into the spring months. Although it has fewer trails than Mammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows shouldn’t be underestimated because it has countless hidden ski areas to discover and spectacular head-turning views of Lake Tahoe.
What travelers are saying: “The best ski resort out in Tahoe as far as I know. Love the trail runs and I love that there’s plenty of Ski Patrol scattered around! Very decent place and the village is pretty nice!”
See all Olympic Valley, California rentals!
Love Waterville Valley Resort? Try Loon Mountain Resort.
Often overlooked because of its proximity to Waterville Valley Resort, Loon Mountain Resort is an ideal alternative for travelers planning a New Hampshire ski vacation. It features over 300 skiable acres within the White Mountain National Forest, so there’s always a new run to conquer. Save money by purchasing a lift ticket in advance and you’ll save money that you can put toward an extra apres-ski beer at the lodge.
What travelers are saying: “The trails were well-groomed and the staff were very friendly and helpful. The indoor areas were clean and they have free wifi. Helpful tip: plan to ski early if you want to avoid the rush of kids.”
See all Lincoln, New Hampshire rentals!
Love Aspen? Try Silverton Mountain.
Known for being a high-end ski resort, there’s no denying Aspen’s prestige. But large crowds and exorbitant prices can mean this popular ski destination is out of reach for many. Enter Silverton Mountain. Just a few hours south, this ski spot offers untouched trails, thrilling ski excursions and a true mountain experience. Explore Silverton Mountain at your own pace or choose a guided adventure around the area.
What travelers are saying: “What a special place. The town is small and charming, and we found both comfy accommodations and food. The one lift takes you up the mountain, and the different groups go different places. We booked a guide in advance, and he took us all over the mountain. Great skiing and terrific scenery!”
See all Silverton, Colorado rentals!
Love Crystal Mountain? Try Mission Ridge
For fifty years, Mission Ridge has offered the runs, trails, chutes, screamers and bowls of big mountain terrain while maintaining a small mountain vibe. Light, dry powder carpets the ground here, making it more manageable than the deep powder at Crystal Mountain. Visitors to Mission Ridge can also count on abundant sunshine, amazing views and affordable lift tickets at this jewel in the Cascade Mountains.
What travelers are saying: “Mission Ridge earns praise as an old-fashioned, family-oriented ski area, while also offering some great runs for advanced and expert skiers, modern snow-making and slope grooming, and easy access from Wenatchee.”
See all Wenatchee, Washington rentals!
Love Alta Ski Area? Try Deer Valley.
Like Alta Ski Area, Deer Valley is one of only a handful of resorts open exclusively to skiers. Nestled within Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, Deer Valley offers “The Greatest Snow on Earth” and thrilling adventures spread out across six mountains. If you’re new to the sport, take a ski lesson at the mountain’s ski school. If you’re an expert, challenge yourself on a black diamond or try one of the very runs skied by Olympians at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Whether your group splits up or sticks together, there’s a trail for all abilities at Deer Valley.
What travelers are saying: “Luxury skiing, great service, great lodges, great foods. Ski rails were groomed to perfection, consistent champagne-snow, very little to no line, and just overall amazing skiing.”
See all Park City, Utah rentals!
Love Whistler Blackcomb? Try Big White Ski Resort.
Skiers are often quick to look to Whister Blackcomb when planning a winter trip to Canada, but families ought to consider Big White Ski Resort instead. Simply known as Big White to most, this ski resort is situated in British Columbia’s breathtaking Okanagan Valley and is blanketed by snow all winter long. Choose an Alpine or Nordic trail, hop on a lift and explore Big White Mountain. In addition to skiing, Big White offers an array of family-friendly activities such as dog sledding, snow tubing and horse-drawn sleigh rides.
What travelers are saying: “This was our second Christmas ski trip to Big White and we loved it again. The resort is fantastic for families with great runs, amazing snow, really kid-friendly ski school staff and awesome accommodations to choose from.”
See all Kelowna, British Columbia rentals!
Love Wachusett Mountain? Try Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort.
Open year-round, Jiminy Peak is particularly popular among families during the winter months. The resort offers several children’s programs designed to teach children how to ski and feel confident on the slopes. Children ages 5 and under ski for free on Toddler Lower Mountain, and lighted twilight skiing extends the family fun well into the evening. In addition to its scenic Berkshire setting, friendly and helpful staff make Jiminy Peak one of the best mid-sized ski resorts in southern New England.
What travelers are saying: “Great base lodge area. Loved the fast lift ticket scanning system they have in place. In all my runs did not have to wait more than 5 mins to get on the lift. Nice wide trails.”
See all Hancock, Massachusetts rentals!
Love Whitefish Mountain? Try Big Sky Resort.
With 30 lifts and more than 250 runs, Big Sky Resort is a skier’s dream. This ski destination offers access to more skiing than most resorts in the U.S., including a variety of beginner, intermediate and advanced terrain so, everyone in the family can participate. When it’s time to call it quits on the slopes, families can take a free shuttle to the nearby Meadow Village for more dining, shopping and entertainment options.
What travelers are saying: “One of those ‘last, best’ places. Our renewal of familiarity at Big Sky at Christmas was a reminder of how monstrously huge this place is, how singular the downhills, and lack of congestion in the lifts. There are places to ski for all experience levels and if you leave here without a shriek of delight it will be a surprise.”
See all Big Sky, Montana rentals!
The post The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/01/10/12-alternative-ski-destinations/
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mrrolandtfranco · 6 years
The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations
The promise of fresh powder. The thrill of swooping down snow-covered slopes. The refreshing taste of a well-deserved apres-ski beer. What’s not to love about ski season?
That’s why we’ve rounded up the best alternatives to some of the most well-known ski resorts in North America, so you know exactly where to go to make the most of the snow. These winter wonderlands boast affordable lift tickets, fewer crowds and a seemingly endless array of trails to choose from, without compromising on quality.
Find cozy cabins, ski-in/ski-out condos and affordable vacation homes right here on FlipKey.
Love Jackson Hole? Try Grand Targhee Ski Resort.
Tucked into the Teton Range, Grand Targhee is renowned for its deep powder and frequent snowfall. Unlike the ritzy vibe of Jackson Hole Mountain, this ski resort is ideal for those looking for a low-key ski trip. After a day on the slopes, retreat to a rental in Alta and rest up for another day of world-class skiing.
What travelers are saying: “A hidden gem in the Tetons. Great off trail skiing as well as groomers for all levels of skiing. This is one of my new favorite places to ski.”
See all Alta, Wyoming rentals!
Love Sugarloaf Mountain? Try Sunday River.
Sunday River boasts more than 125 open trails spanning nearly 800 acres of skiable terrain. Although it’s a bit smaller than Sugarloaf Mountain, it’s more manageable for amateur skiers and ideal for a leisurely day on the slopes. Once your skis are off, indulge in an apres-ski drink at Sunday River or continue the fun in the nearby mountain town of Bethel.
What travelers are saying: “This is a winter wonderland. Skiing is fabulous with many peaks and all levels of skiing. Lots of snowmobile trails and winter adventures.”
See all Newry, Maine rentals!
Love Stowe Mountain? Try Killington Ski Resort.
Killington Ski Resort is the largest ski area in the eastern United States extending across seven mountains. Skiers of all abilities flock to this New England spot for its wide-open slopes, steep moguls and tree-lined trails. Whether you’re admiring the view from the summit or you’re gliding past snow-covered branches, the area’s natural beauty will steal your breath away. Lift tickets are typically more affordable than Stowe’s when you buy online, so there’s no excuse not to spend a day at Killington.
What travelers are saying: “The mountain remains the beast of the east. Huge variety of terrain for all abilities. The experience and smiles from the family were priceless.”
See all Killington, Vermont rentals!
Love Gore Mountain? Try Peek’n Peak Resort.
Pack up the car and head to Peek’n Peak Resort for winter fun in the foothills of Clymer. Situated in the southwestern corner of New York, this resort is an easy drive from major cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and a more convenient choice than Gore Mountain for many travelers. Enjoy a bit of everything here: Alpine and Nordic skiing, terrain parks, snow tubing and more. It’s the perfect place for a worry-free weekend with your family.
What travelers are saying: “Our family was able to rent equipment and get on the slopes and in for a lesson right away. The kids, ages 9 and 12, went from apprehensive to confident within the 1-hour timeframe – our instructor was wonderful! I have recommended Peek’n Peak to others already.”
See all Clymer, New York rentals!
Love Mammoth Mountain? Try Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows.
Over 6,000 skiable acres make up the snowy wonderland of Squaw Valley Alpine Meadow in North Lake Tahoe. With an average of 300 sunny days per year and no shortage of snowfall, this destination offers a longer ski season than most, typically lasting well into the spring months. Although it has fewer trails than Mammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows shouldn’t be underestimated because it has countless hidden ski areas to discover and spectacular head-turning views of Lake Tahoe.
What travelers are saying: “The best ski resort out in Tahoe as far as I know. Love the trail runs and I love that there’s plenty of Ski Patrol scattered around! Very decent place and the village is pretty nice!”
See all Olympic Valley, California rentals!
Love Waterville Valley Resort? Try Loon Mountain Resort.
Often overlooked because of its proximity to Waterville Valley Resort, Loon Mountain Resort is an ideal alternative for travelers planning a New Hampshire ski vacation. It features over 300 skiable acres within the White Mountain National Forest, so there’s always a new run to conquer. Save money by purchasing a lift ticket in advance and you’ll save money that you can put toward an extra apres-ski beer at the lodge.
What travelers are saying: “The trails were well-groomed and the staff were very friendly and helpful. The indoor areas were clean and they have free wifi. Helpful tip: plan to ski early if you want to avoid the rush of kids.”
See all Lincoln, New Hampshire rentals!
Love Aspen? Try Silverton Mountain.
Known for being a high-end ski resort, there’s no denying Aspen’s prestige. But large crowds and exorbitant prices can mean this popular ski destination is out of reach for many. Enter Silverton Mountain. Just a few hours south, this ski spot offers untouched trails, thrilling ski excursions and a true mountain experience. Explore Silverton Mountain at your own pace or choose a guided adventure around the area.
What travelers are saying: “What a special place. The town is small and charming, and we found both comfy accommodations and food. The one lift takes you up the mountain, and the different groups go different places. We booked a guide in advance, and he took us all over the mountain. Great skiing and terrific scenery!”
See all Silverton, Colorado rentals!
Love Crystal Mountain? Try Mission Ridge
For fifty years, Mission Ridge has offered the runs, trails, chutes, screamers and bowls of big mountain terrain while maintaining a small mountain vibe. Light, dry powder carpets the ground here, making it more manageable than the deep powder at Crystal Mountain. Visitors to Mission Ridge can also count on abundant sunshine, amazing views and affordable lift tickets at this jewel in the Cascade Mountains.
What travelers are saying: “Mission Ridge earns praise as an old-fashioned, family-oriented ski area, while also offering some great runs for advanced and expert skiers, modern snow-making and slope grooming, and easy access from Wenatchee.”
See all Wenatchee, Washington rentals!
Love Alta Ski Area? Try Deer Valley.
Like Alta Ski Area, Deer Valley is one of only a handful of resorts open exclusively to skiers. Nestled within Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, Deer Valley offers “The Greatest Snow on Earth” and thrilling adventures spread out across six mountains. If you’re new to the sport, take a ski lesson at the mountain’s ski school. If you’re an expert, challenge yourself on a black diamond or try one of the very runs skied by Olympians at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Whether your group splits up or sticks together, there’s a trail for all abilities at Deer Valley.
What travelers are saying: “Luxury skiing, great service, great lodges, great foods. Ski rails were groomed to perfection, consistent champagne-snow, very little to no line, and just overall amazing skiing.”
See all Park City, Utah rentals!
Love Whistler Blackcomb? Try Big White Ski Resort.
Skiers are often quick to look to Whister Blackcomb when planning a winter trip to Canada, but families ought to consider Big White Ski Resort instead. Simply known as Big White to most, this ski resort is situated in British Columbia’s breathtaking Okanagan Valley and is blanketed by snow all winter long. Choose an Alpine or Nordic trail, hop on a lift and explore Big White Mountain. In addition to skiing, Big White offers an array of family-friendly activities such as dog sledding, snow tubing and horse-drawn sleigh rides.
What travelers are saying: “This was our second Christmas ski trip to Big White and we loved it again. The resort is fantastic for families with great runs, amazing snow, really kid-friendly ski school staff and awesome accommodations to choose from.”
See all Kelowna, British Columbia rentals!
Love Wachusett Mountain? Try Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort.
Open year-round, Jiminy Peak is particularly popular among families during the winter months. The resort offers several children’s programs designed to teach children how to ski and feel confident on the slopes. Children ages 5 and under ski for free on Toddler Lower Mountain, and lighted twilight skiing extends the family fun well into the evening. In addition to its scenic Berkshire setting, friendly and helpful staff make Jiminy Peak one of the best mid-sized ski resorts in southern New England.
What travelers are saying: “Great base lodge area. Loved the fast lift ticket scanning system they have in place. In all my runs did not have to wait more than 5 mins to get on the lift. Nice wide trails.”
See all Hancock, Massachusetts rentals!
Love Whitefish Mountain? Try Big Sky Resort.
With 30 lifts and more than 250 runs, Big Sky Resort is a skier’s dream. This ski destination offers access to more skiing than most resorts in the U.S., including a variety of beginner, intermediate and advanced terrain so, everyone in the family can participate. When it’s time to call it quits on the slopes, families can take a free shuttle to the nearby Meadow Village for more dining, shopping and entertainment options.
What travelers are saying: “One of those ‘last, best’ places. Our renewal of familiarity at Big Sky at Christmas was a reminder of how monstrously huge this place is, how singular the downhills, and lack of congestion in the lifts. There are places to ski for all experience levels and if you leave here without a shriek of delight it will be a surprise.”
See all Big Sky, Montana rentals!
The post The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://bit.ly/2SYucMs
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marymperezga · 6 years
The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations
The promise of fresh powder. The thrill of swooping down snow-covered slopes. The refreshing taste of a well-deserved apres-ski beer. What’s not to love about ski season?
That’s why we’ve rounded up the best alternatives to some of the most well-known ski resorts in North America, so you know exactly where to go to make the most of the snow. These winter wonderlands boast affordable lift tickets, fewer crowds and a seemingly endless array of trails to choose from, without compromising on quality.
Find cozy cabins, ski-in/ski-out condos and affordable vacation homes right here on FlipKey.
Love Jackson Hole? Try Grand Targhee Ski Resort.
Tucked into the Teton Range, Grand Targhee is renowned for its deep powder and frequent snowfall. Unlike the ritzy vibe of Jackson Hole Mountain, this ski resort is ideal for those looking for a low-key ski trip. After a day on the slopes, retreat to a rental in Alta and rest up for another day of world-class skiing.
What travelers are saying: “A hidden gem in the Tetons. Great off trail skiing as well as groomers for all levels of skiing. This is one of my new favorite places to ski.”
See all Alta, Wyoming rentals!
Love Sugarloaf Mountain? Try Sunday River.
Sunday River boasts more than 125 open trails spanning nearly 800 acres of skiable terrain. Although it’s a bit smaller than Sugarloaf Mountain, it’s more manageable for amateur skiers and ideal for a leisurely day on the slopes. Once your skis are off, indulge in an apres-ski drink at Sunday River or continue the fun in the nearby mountain town of Bethel.
What travelers are saying: “This is a winter wonderland. Skiing is fabulous with many peaks and all levels of skiing. Lots of snowmobile trails and winter adventures.”
See all Newry, Maine rentals!
Love Stowe Mountain? Try Killington Ski Resort.
Killington Ski Resort is the largest ski area in the eastern United States extending across seven mountains. Skiers of all abilities flock to this New England spot for its wide-open slopes, steep moguls and tree-lined trails. Whether you’re admiring the view from the summit or you’re gliding past snow-covered branches, the area’s natural beauty will steal your breath away. Lift tickets are typically more affordable than Stowe’s when you buy online, so there’s no excuse not to spend a day at Killington.
What travelers are saying: “The mountain remains the beast of the east. Huge variety of terrain for all abilities. The experience and smiles from the family were priceless.”
See all Killington, Vermont rentals!
Love Gore Mountain? Try Peek’n Peak Resort.
Pack up the car and head to Peek’n Peak Resort for winter fun in the foothills of Clymer. Situated in the southwestern corner of New York, this resort is an easy drive from major cities like Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh, and a more convenient choice than Gore Mountain for many travelers. Enjoy a bit of everything here: Alpine and Nordic skiing, terrain parks, snow tubing and more. It’s the perfect place for a worry-free weekend with your family.
What travelers are saying: “Our family was able to rent equipment and get on the slopes and in for a lesson right away. The kids, ages 9 and 12, went from apprehensive to confident within the 1-hour timeframe – our instructor was wonderful! I have recommended Peek’n Peak to others already.”
See all Clymer, New York rentals!
Love Mammoth Mountain? Try Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows.
Over 6,000 skiable acres make up the snowy wonderland of Squaw Valley Alpine Meadow in North Lake Tahoe. With an average of 300 sunny days per year and no shortage of snowfall, this destination offers a longer ski season than most, typically lasting well into the spring months. Although it has fewer trails than Mammoth Mountain, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows shouldn’t be underestimated because it has countless hidden ski areas to discover and spectacular head-turning views of Lake Tahoe.
What travelers are saying: “The best ski resort out in Tahoe as far as I know. Love the trail runs and I love that there’s plenty of Ski Patrol scattered around! Very decent place and the village is pretty nice!”
See all Olympic Valley, California rentals!
Love Waterville Valley Resort? Try Loon Mountain Resort.
Often overlooked because of its proximity to Waterville Valley Resort, Loon Mountain Resort is an ideal alternative for travelers planning a New Hampshire ski vacation. It features over 300 skiable acres within the White Mountain National Forest, so there’s always a new run to conquer. Save money by purchasing a lift ticket in advance and you’ll save money that you can put toward an extra apres-ski beer at the lodge.
What travelers are saying: “The trails were well-groomed and the staff were very friendly and helpful. The indoor areas were clean and they have free wifi. Helpful tip: plan to ski early if you want to avoid the rush of kids.”
See all Lincoln, New Hampshire rentals!
Love Aspen? Try Silverton Mountain.
Known for being a high-end ski resort, there’s no denying Aspen’s prestige. But large crowds and exorbitant prices can mean this popular ski destination is out of reach for many. Enter Silverton Mountain. Just a few hours south, this ski spot offers untouched trails, thrilling ski excursions and a true mountain experience. Explore Silverton Mountain at your own pace or choose a guided adventure around the area.
What travelers are saying: “What a special place. The town is small and charming, and we found both comfy accommodations and food. The one lift takes you up the mountain, and the different groups go different places. We booked a guide in advance, and he took us all over the mountain. Great skiing and terrific scenery!”
See all Silverton, Colorado rentals!
Love Crystal Mountain? Try Mission Ridge
For fifty years, Mission Ridge has offered the runs, trails, chutes, screamers and bowls of big mountain terrain while maintaining a small mountain vibe. Light, dry powder carpets the ground here, making it more manageable than the deep powder at Crystal Mountain. Visitors to Mission Ridge can also count on abundant sunshine, amazing views and affordable lift tickets at this jewel in the Cascade Mountains.
What travelers are saying: “Mission Ridge earns praise as an old-fashioned, family-oriented ski area, while also offering some great runs for advanced and expert skiers, modern snow-making and slope grooming, and easy access from Wenatchee.”
See all Wenatchee, Washington rentals!
Love Alta Ski Area? Try Deer Valley.
Like Alta Ski Area, Deer Valley is one of only a handful of resorts open exclusively to skiers. Nestled within Utah’s Wasatch Mountains, Deer Valley offers “The Greatest Snow on Earth” and thrilling adventures spread out across six mountains. If you’re new to the sport, take a ski lesson at the mountain’s ski school. If you’re an expert, challenge yourself on a black diamond or try one of the very runs skied by Olympians at the 2002 Winter Olympics. Whether your group splits up or sticks together, there’s a trail for all abilities at Deer Valley.
What travelers are saying: “Luxury skiing, great service, great lodges, great foods. Ski rails were groomed to perfection, consistent champagne-snow, very little to no line, and just overall amazing skiing.”
See all Park City, Utah rentals!
Love Whistler Blackcomb? Try Big White Ski Resort.
Skiers are often quick to look to Whister Blackcomb when planning a winter trip to Canada, but families ought to consider Big White Ski Resort instead. Simply known as Big White to most, this ski resort is situated in British Columbia’s breathtaking Okanagan Valley and is blanketed by snow all winter long. Choose an Alpine or Nordic trail, hop on a lift and explore Big White Mountain. In addition to skiing, Big White offers an array of family-friendly activities such as dog sledding, snow tubing and horse-drawn sleigh rides.
What travelers are saying: “This was our second Christmas ski trip to Big White and we loved it again. The resort is fantastic for families with great runs, amazing snow, really kid-friendly ski school staff and awesome accommodations to choose from.”
See all Kelowna, British Columbia rentals!
Love Wachusett Mountain? Try Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort.
Open year-round, Jiminy Peak is particularly popular among families during the winter months. The resort offers several children’s programs designed to teach children how to ski and feel confident on the slopes. Children ages 5 and under ski for free on Toddler Lower Mountain, and lighted twilight skiing extends the family fun well into the evening. In addition to its scenic Berkshire setting, friendly and helpful staff make Jiminy Peak one of the best mid-sized ski resorts in southern New England.
What travelers are saying: “Great base lodge area. Loved the fast lift ticket scanning system they have in place. In all my runs did not have to wait more than 5 mins to get on the lift. Nice wide trails.”
See all Hancock, Massachusetts rentals!
Love Whitefish Mountain? Try Big Sky Resort.
With 30 lifts and more than 250 runs, Big Sky Resort is a skier’s dream. This ski destination offers access to more skiing than most resorts in the U.S., including a variety of beginner, intermediate and advanced terrain so, everyone in the family can participate. When it’s time to call it quits on the slopes, families can take a free shuttle to the nearby Meadow Village for more dining, shopping and entertainment options.
What travelers are saying: “One of those ‘last, best’ places. Our renewal of familiarity at Big Sky at Christmas was a reminder of how monstrously huge this place is, how singular the downhills, and lack of congestion in the lifts. There are places to ski for all experience levels and if you leave here without a shriek of delight it will be a surprise.”
See all Big Sky, Montana rentals!
The post The 12 Best Alternative Ski Destinations appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2019/01/10/12-alternative-ski-destinations/
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