#i also need him to show up on a quest for longer than five minutes. 3.8 NEEDS to give us the hangout event
kaeyapilled · 1 year
i miss kaeya
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nathantheauthor · 2 months
With Toby already done, and Ann on her way... I present at least one change from each of the members of the main branch of Ripper Inc, I'll see the original characters from when I get to their entries.
She has two major changes from the source material that I'll discuss here, one of them is he design change, I'm sure a lot of people might be mixed on. I've completely ditched her iconic Green jacket, replacing it with a dyed green and torn straight jacket. The very one she wore when held captive by the asylum.
The other change is her being a proper superhuman, between physical enhanced and across the board, I've also given her low level chronokinetic abilities, the watch eye is no longer just for show. Natalie is able to see up to five minutes into the future, as well as rewind and fast forward up to 10 seconds, sometimes a minute if she pushes herself. The clock moves through time with her! It shows the time she traveled to last.
Eyeless Jack.
Probably the biggest change I've done to him is his physical journey, I very much early on decided that my approach for his physicality was going to be starting out like the fandom depiction, but the longer he is what he is... The longer his body contains Chernabog... The more monstrous and malformed his body becomes, resembling more of a creature than a man.
Jane Richardson.
The two major things I've kind of done for her are that she has not and will not kill Jane Arkensaw as she feels somewhat responsible for her existence.
The other is streamlining her career, because of her from government agent... Her original Creator just kinda shoved and made her do countless things. So, yeah, she's got a lot of hobbies still, but I've significantly cut down her actual work.
Nina Hopkins.
Two SIGNIFICANT changes. Due to the new back story and character concept I refuse to call her Nina The Killer, instead throughout her hometown she was dubbed The Ashton Slasher. The town's first serial killer in over a decade.
Secondly, she's a recovering multiple, with what was the Nina alter being a form of protection from the trauma regarding Jeffrey Forester and the death of her family. Nina is not evil, she's a personality without a grasp of consequences, a goofier side that's lashing out without understanding. Her original legal name was Bethany Gent.
I'm fully leaning into the idea of her being a Tulpa, a creature given Life by our own will and imagination.. and she's fully taken over Alice's body, stranding the girls somewhere deep within her subconscious much like Alice had to done to her. She's a cautionary tale, a lesson in not playing with forces beyond our control.
Homicidal Liu.
His quest to stop his brother is no longer a revenge story, I'm very much depicting it as more an elder brother feeling responsible for not being there to prevent it, so Liu Woods has taken it upon himself to bring his brother to judgment, to end the reign of Jeffrey Woods. An older brother needs to look after his younger brother, and this is the only path left he can find. The monster is his responsibility, a Woods must end the cycle brought on by another Woods.
Korbyn JumpingEagle.
I honestly haven't changed too much of her core character, it's more her story that's completely changed, as in this version of events Slender was too late to send an operative to get her, with Jack Revver sending Toby to come and bring her to his offices. She was officially secured and placed under the protection of Ripper Inc, with Ripper Inc employing her full time to train her as The Seer.
I've been giving a lot of work in general, and one of the major things I've been working on is furthering the concept for her brought on by The Seer webcomic, and that's tackling her guilt and the situation she's trapped in. Everything prior to Ripper Inc for her is a tragedy, a horror story where the monster is sympathetic.
Sally Williams.
It goes without saying I've completely changed the structure of her story, and one of the things I can say early is that... Uncle Johnny got what he deserved, and we can thank The Rake for it. Sally's death happened a LOT earlier on, and way before the detestable and fetishized stuff the author wrote could EVER occur. We don't fuck with that in this household.
Zalgoids ARE demons. She's a half demon. And there's going to be no weird sudden agent now, I'm going to actually see the progression of her life.
Jeffrey Hodek.
Well, to be put it out there... He's such a different character, in fact the present day depiction of him starts out as literally a washed serial killer living in a rundown apartment with his two dogs, watching stuff from the 80s and 90s as he doesn't care for many modern shows. He's a man in his 50s who just wanted to be left alone.
I haven't done too much with her yet, cuz conceptually she's fine, but I haven't even heard a unique thing that's not among other proxies... She's got her senses heightened all across the board, and she's got something akin to a spider-sense, but for tracking. She can detect potential prey and is incapable of losing a target.
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w2beastars · 1 year
W2′s thought on “Bota Bota” AKA “Drip Drip” (part 2)
As the story goes on, Mako get’s... creative in her quest for sex and love.
In chapter 2, we see how Mako handles money. That is to say, she handles them not exactly well.
Again, be warned that some very adult stuff will be mentioned here.
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Whenever she gets her paycheck, she withdraws all of her money at once and then gets home and starts washing them due to how extremely dirty they are. She doesn’t even count them at the bank as she has no wish of opening the envelope they are in before she can get home. And then she tries to figure out a way to spend her money as quickly as possible so she doesn’t have to be with them for longer than what’s necessary... which is extra hard since she got a raise for her hard work, meaning she has in yen what equals 20.000 dollars.
And again, I think it is obvious that these money are dirty in more than one way for Mako.
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After washing her cash and getting a bloody nose again, Mako gets a surprise visit. It the guy who works at the bank she uses, he noticed she had left her personal seal behind. In case you did not know, a personal seal is a stamp that Japanese citizens use instead of signing something. It can be used when you have been in contact with the police or if you have been at the bank.
Anyways, the cashier from the bank came to give Mako her seal back. She sees it as a sign from the universe since this dude works with cash. That if she could “love and be loved” by such a person, it might make it easier for her to be near money. Also, he made an effort to look up her address just so he could personally return her seal, so that makes him seem like a pretty decent guy.
... At least more decent that Mr. douche-canoe from the last chapter. But then again, that’s setting the bar pretty low XD
And then we get THIS ridicules panel :P
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Mako decides to spend her money on a limousine for her date with the bank clerk. That way she can burn her recently earned money in a hurry as well as set the mood for the date.
Everything about this panel screams trying too hard XD I love hw the bank dude looks partly impressed and partly creeped out. Him still being in his work attire shows that they are doing this more or less five minutes after having met, even though Mako put on a sexy dress that I wonder if she just bought in for operation Be-Broke-Fast :P
It might just be me, but there is this little thing called “charity.” Heard about it, Mako?! XD
Anyways, the bank teller tells Mako that he was moved by her blind trust as she told him she didn’t need to count the money he had just given her (20.000 dollars!) and it’s nice to know that the world is not completely cold and cynically. Mako feels a tiny bit embarrassed since she just wanted to avoid touching the bills and therefor lied about trusting him.
And then they jump to the sex.
This is basically like the toilet and trash can experiment. She spends money in a very “dirty” way on unneeded luxury and is (trying to) have sex in an expensive car with a bank teller, a person with a “dirty” job. She is doing a lot of “dirty” things in a very enjoyable way.
But her mother’s wisdom words about how filthy money are rings in her head as she is undressing. And her nose once against taints her skin with her own blood as the bank teller caress her body. He notices and the mood is ruined. Sad thing is that he is nicer than the mofo from last chapter.
Mako is furious over the situation as she notices that the bank dude no longer has an erection.
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In desperation, she throws around the money she still has, trying to pay him to get an erection again so they can have sex. But the sad thing is that money can’t give her what she desperately wants.
The driver of the limo notice all the blood and freaks out, crashing the car. No one gets hurt and Mako gives the driver the rest of her money. So she at least got rid of her dirty cash.
... What even IS this manga?
Next chapter, Mako tries to one again find someone she can trust enough that her germaphobia won’t bother her as... wait, one sec.
Right. She needs to find someone she can trust enough to share bodily fluid with!
XD What the hell?! XD
So she will try something new. Mako then share some interesting insight in action movie romances that I will show you instead of explain:
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I think Mako is on to something. American action movies often have a hero and heroin only end up together after a mummy tried to kill them or something, so it feels like they have been though enough stuff that them hooking up doesn’t feel like they are JUST hooking up. That way, the young who might watch the movie won’t be inspired to randomly make out with people. They should ONLY do so after they have been in a stressful situation and the adrenaline is pumping like crazy and making them more impulsive compared to being in a calm situation where they can think an extra time before making a huge mistake.
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Anyways, Mako wants to go through this gauntlet so to say. So she masterminds a disaster.
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Mako makes an old building collapse around her when a poor schmuck drops by an area without much traffic, a construction site. And its during a weekend where the crew who works there wont come till Monday, meaning they will be trapped for two days. She seen the weather forecast that promise rain, meaning water for them to drink will fall from the sky so they wont die of thirst. And as the dot above the i, she steals the dude’s cellphone while he is panicking over the building falling around them and trap them.
... WHAT THE FUCK, MAKO?!?!?!?!
The name of guy who is unlucky enough to be the co-star of Mako’s little action movie is Yuta. After screaming and panicking, he manage to calm down as he realize that even if their situation sucks, then they are not gonna die. Mako is surprised by how surprisingly well Yuta handles being trapped. They even start talking and bond.
And that’s what makes Mako feel guilty... I would say she should have felt guilt as she thought up this whole scheme, but that’s just me:P
As Yuta gets closer to Mako for comfort since he is rather scared, Mako realize that this plan was doomed to failed from the start since the whole thing is fake. She set up the disaster, it’s not like the action movies where two people are in a chaos situation because of bad luck.
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So this time, Mako has found a guy who is not dirty at all. And he even likes her. But she is the problem now. Her mom’s words once again rings in her head where her mom claims she would be a dirty slut if she was with anyone but her true soul mate... WHAT THE FUCK, MRS. HIGARI?! HARSH MUCH?!
As Yuta kiss Mako, the collapsed house collapse even more. Because METAPHORE!!!
Someone luckily finds them the next day and gets them out. They are naked, Yuta passed out and Mako is carrying his unconscious ass while she is covered in her own blood once again and still very much a virgin.
Next time, we will wrap up “Drip Drip” and it will be revealed what makes this a very feminist-like manga.
I’m Waezi2, and thanks for wasting time with me.
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