#i also need to negotiate salary with my boss
okay I slept nine hours again last night but it’s fine I’m telling myself that I’m just aggressively resting up now in case the coming semester is super stressful. 11 business days and counting with no reply from the foundation (not even an out of office reply??) which is driving me insane because I have such a limited window of time to do all this fall semester planning if we do indeed move forward with recruiting a new cohort. I am loath to waste these last couple weeks of break revamping the whole syllabus and prepping training materials for a new hire if we’re just going to get a no from the foundation, but I also don’t want september to be a living hell for me if I don’t do the work now while I have the time. agh! I think I’m going to try to use syllabus replanning as a chance to concretely apply what I’m learning from this learning & development research book. that way I can tell myself I’m prepping for my new job by practicing with a real world example, and I can get at least a chunk of the initial work done for the program. okay okay. I can do this.
here’s what I’ve done so far this morning:
I rewrote my learning objectives based on the book’s advice to set aside separately defined abstract goals and focus instead on the practical real world skills that I’ve noticed students need to successfully complete their projects. then I subdivided those complex bundled skills into different sub-skills I’ll need to explicitly teach them + made notes on what type of instruction would be most effective for each one. I have started loosely using that list to plan specific seminars but I am leaving that a bit more open for now… that’s going to be more sustained work.
since we are probably going to have to start a couple weeks behind schedule, I think I’m going to require them to attend a paid one-day weekend retreat where we can do some intensive cohort bonding and lay a foundation for the semester in a more deliberate way. I mapped out a rough schedule for that event.
I downloaded some templates for Asana and Notion to experiment with. I’m going to need to use more structured project management tools this year since I’ll be supervising a grad student employee, so I need to teach myself how to use them + also create replicable templates tailored to our program.
to save time for faculty and to get better recs I think we’re going to use a recommendation form instead requiring a rec letter. I sketched out a very rough version of that form though again will put off actually creating it until we have more info.
I mapped out a calendar of deadlines for august and sent it to my boss, then nudged her to nudge the dean about reaching out to the foundation again today.
I am going to pause program work for a bit and get back to reading my L&D book. I have 70 pages left so I might try to finish it in the next hour or so, depending on how dense the last sections are. then I will take a break and do podcast editing for a bit, as I find it soothing. I think a good strategy for this week is to spend 2-3 focused hours each morning on course prep then firmly set that work aside. that way I can feel like I’m making solid progress but I’m not wholly giving over my last precious weeks of vacation time to work that might not even turn out to be necessary.
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malinkonija · 2 years
no one told me applying to jobs would be this nerve-wrecking
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bluecollarmcandtf · 2 months
Cash Slave, reporting in...
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Good morning, master. State Trooper Hernandez reporting!
I hope you're doing well since the last time we saw each other. Again, I can't apologize enough for pulling you over on the highway. I had no idea you were such an amazing hypnotist. Thank you again for letting me get off easy and only making me taze myself twice! I was paralyzed in that muddy ditch for awhile, but you could've given me a helluva worse punishment!
Your instructions aren't negotiable, so I made sure to snap a photo before I started my shift today. As you suggested, I've been eating a box of donuts every morning, and I've packed on a hefty 30 lbs since I've started. My wife has complained, but I know you want me to look more like a cliche of law enforcement!
I'll stop by your house to drop off my paycheck tonight after work. I won't forget to pick up some pizza for you and your friends on the way: extra sausage, just like you said!
See you tonight, master!
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Hello sir.
It's been a week since you came into my shop, and I've followed everything you said. I didn't agree with it at first, but you convinced me with that little pendant.
You were right! I really am beneath powerful men like you. Filthy blue-collar workers aren't worthy to lick the dirt off your shoes. You were right to point that out, and you were right to tell me to embrace it. When the world looks at me, they shouldn't see a man. They should see a grease monkey at the bottom of society.
That's why I haven't showered or changed in seven days. My BO is uncomfortable to work in, but I know it's just a reminder of what I am. I used to be proud of my job. Ha! I used to look down on suits like you, but I'm nothing in comparison; just a tool at your disposal.
Anyways, I cleaned and waxed your old car as fast as I could. I know I lent you my convertible, but you're welcome to keep it. I put a lot of sweat and blood in fixing her up, but like you said, fancy cars are meant for you to drive and me to maintain.
Stop back in my garage anytime. White-collar men like you get free service here! It's not the place of any lowly laborer to get in the way of what you want.
Thank you again, sir.
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Hello boss.
Just started another long day of window washing! It's another hot one, but I'll keep my head down and sweat through it like usual.
I've gotta say, it's days like this that make me miss the comforts of my old corporate desk job. I'd kill for some AC right now, but I remember how much you made me realize I hated that career. Like you said, I'm much better suited to a life of mindless cleaning.
It turns out you're the real one with a knack for business strategy because all of your advice has been genius! The income is dependent on the hours I put in, and since I'm working for half the price of all competitors, I've gotten a monopoly on the market! I've fully booked all seven days for the next five or so weeks, so I'll be washing windows non-stop!
The business is already booming! I've been billing customers to your bank account, so you should already see all the profit in there!
Later today, I'll make a note of the minimum I need to replenish the cleaning supplies I'm running through. I'd also be grateful if you loaned me a bit for personal use, but it's understandable if you can't spare any! We agreed that I wasn't working for a salary, and I'm fine with that! I've been sleeping in the company van the last few weeks and it's more than good enough for me!
Don't worry, boss. I'll get back to work!
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Tell my wife hello for me, master!
Working on a rig has been isolating. The job is brutal, the days are long, and every night I head back to our bunks covered in oil. I thought I'd at least get to bond with the other guys, but most of us are too tired to do anything but eat and sleep after our shift.
The only thing that's getting me through it is thinking about you. I know I also have a girl at home, but you were the one that gave my life purpose. I was never going to make money as an actor, and you helped me see that! You were the one that convinced me to go for this ridiculous job in the middle of the ocean, and now I'm making a ton of money!
You deserve it all.
I wouldn't have seen any of this cash if I hadn't stuck around after your stage hypnosis show. I still remember the wild look in your eyes when you came up with this idea for me. I also remember that hungry look you had when you saw my wife. It was impossible to say no.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my wife company while I'm gone. A man like you deserves her attention more than I do. Like you said, I doubt I was pleasing her to begin with. The only thing I'm good for is earning money, and I hope you're enjoying it because it sure isn't easy to earn!
I gotta get back, but I wanted to let you know that I signed up for another six months like you suggested. It's lonely, but I'm happy to do it, master!
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Son, or should I still call you 'sir'?
I'm not sure if I your new title applies through text as well? Being your dad and your servant can be a bit confusing, but I don't mean disrespect you! Just let me know.
My workout is done and I'm headed back to your house. I signed the deed over to you this morning, so you officially own it now! Like usual, I'll clean the place from top to bottom. I've got all the mops and cleaning supplies in my van and ready to go. Since it's Friday, I'll start on the weekly yard work; mowing, weeding, etc... I don't want to bore you with the details, but it'll take the majority of the day to keep your place in tip top shape!
As I understand it, you are having friends over tonight, so I'll prepare a three course meal for eight. I ironed my apron this morning so I should look like a more presentable waiter than last night when I served your food!
As always, please let me know if there's any other way I can be of service today or tonight.
I'll be awaiting your return, sir.
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Hey little bro,
I just finished my workout at the gym with dad. We're both hitting PRs and we're really starting to see some results! Still can't believe you hypnotized his dumb ass to think he's your butler! That man looks so stupid changing from gym clothes into a bowtie and gloves. He's constantly calling you 'sir' too, even when you're not around.
He's such an idiot.
Anyways, I'm all dressed and ready for my new job. You were totally right. I'm going to be so much happier as a clown instead of a wrestler. I'm about to head out to my first gig; a ten year old's birthday party. I think he's the kid of someone I used to compete with. It might be a little awkward, but it won't affect my routine. I've got an afternoon of pies in the face and self-deprecating humor ahead of me.
I made sure to tell the guy who hired me that I'm willing to stay after and clean up. Kids make a huge mess after all. I just hope he won't be too weird about me being a clown at his son's party. We may have been rivals in the past, but that was back when I wrestled. Now I'm just a joke for hire. He's technically my boss for the day, so I'll have to get used to taking orders from him.
Wish me luck, bro. I'll give you the money after the dad dismisses me. Let's hope I make a good clown!
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kosher-toasty · 2 months
Got a job as a legal assistant at a boutique (like, less than ten employees total) at a Trusts and Estates law firm. Signed a 1099 and W4 and everything. The job was advertised as perm from the start but I was told on day 1 that it was actually going to be temp-to-perm, but I was fine with this, as both my wife and I were out of work at the time, and it was a job in a field I want to work with in the long run. (It also turns out that I was making $1000 less than the lower limit of the advertised salary, but again I was fine with this, because I figured that if I got brought on perm I could negotiate up to the salary band from the hourly I was on).
The only training I get is that I get asked to come in on my predecessor's last day to learn some of the ropes from her - otherwise, this job was a trial by fire. A lot is thrown at me, but I weather it, thinking that I'm gonna get the hang of things as I get settled into the office. It's also entirely in person but again, I'm OK with this (I like working in the office, I like having the separation between where I work and where I live).
Boss took me into a conference room yesterday afternoon, not ten days after I started. It's not working out, she says. It's a fast paced firm with a lot of moving parts and I'm just not working fast enough to meet pace with the lawyers. She says that I clearly know what I'm doing, I just can't do it fast enough and she just needs someone who can. I ask if there's anything I can do to assuage her that I can keep up if I acclimate more to the office. She says no. I'll be paid for my time there and she'll give me a reference if asked, but that's my last moment in the office.
I'm of two minds. One, good riddance to them, she was a nice enough person but not a great boss. Can't even let a new hire in for two weeks before cutting them loose. On the other, I genuinely liked the work I was doing, now I have to start from scratch with only two weeks of a new job on my resume, and while I can put "temp" on there I know that's gonna be another red flag to recruiters who are gonna wonder why this idiot was let go not even a month into a job.
Sigh. Back to LinkedIn I go. Any advice or commiserating would be appreciated.
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itsbenedict · 6 months
Last year, rather than pick a new years' resolution, I made over a dozen new years' resolutions and tried to get them all done. I paced myself with the objective of fitting them all into the year, but... ran into an unexpected obstacle where I kind of didn't have an October, November, or December due to my company abruptly getting sold and my life turning into a nonstop living hell. With that in mind... how'd I do?
get star seeker sequel adventure thing up and running and through the first case
Didn't finish this one! I did start it in September, and I was making good progress and probably would've had it done by the end of the year if I'd had three months to work on it.
get datasouls combat toy complete up to the first miniboss combat
Did it! Tutorial section combat toy is playable on the site.
catch up on TFJ recap logs
Didn't do it! There were a lot of them, and I kind of got bottlenecked on one where I wanted to wait for an art commission to come in that got put off for most of the year. I got sixteen of them done, but more sessions than that happened during the year, so overall I'm behind. Womp womp.
become an accredited AWS Certified Solutions Architect and get that raise my boss has been talking about for ages
Ha ha ha ha did it technically. I did get certified, and I did get the raise, but the raise was more a product of aggressive salary negotiation when the company got sold and my boss got fired. Also accomplishing the second part of that one resulted in me losing a quarter of my year to nightmarish IT bullshit. Oops.
get an adjustable standing desk and under-desk elliptical thingy, and otherwise get an ergonomic workstation set up
Kinda did it. I did, technically, get both things, but the elliptical I got turns out isn't rated for standing use, so I couldn't combine them into a standing workflow the way I wanted. Gotta get a new one and actually put this into practice.
fix the light situation in the bathroom
Yeah just had to call an electrician. Did it no problem.
get through The Sekimeiya and really go to town on that mystery until it’s solved
Nope! Again, probably would've managed it if I'd had time, but I put it off till last since I figured it'd be an easy thing I could fit in around the busy holidays, and it turned out there was a lot worse than just the holidays going on at that time.
also finally play Disco Elysium
This one though- did it, that game is fucking phenomenal.
finish TFTBN character portraits
Did it! Proud of how those turned out.
get a beatrice portrait for my poster wall
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run some TPIVW games
Didn't do it, mainly because of an awkward social situation with one of the server participants involving my role as a mod on a different server. Still working that one out. It's rough.
badger the condo association landlady until she does something about the junk clogging up that basement storage room i’m supposed to own, and clean unused bulky stuff out of my house
Did it! Mostly. Still need to get rid of this huge elliptical- it's not selling on craigslist for some reason.
clearly this waitlist thing isn’t working out so take some steps to see an actual doctor for the first time in like three years (and maybe get a cancer screening, or do something about that closed sinus)
Did it! Didn't get the cancer screening mainly because my doctor insisted it'd be unnecessary until I was at least 40, which sounds fake but I don't know enough about cancer to dispute it. I tried various nasal sprays for the sinus thing but I'm pretty sure mucus overproduction is not the issue and I'm gonna need to get surgery, which I didn't get yet. But I did see a doctor finally!
get through the remaining 7 WaniKani levels
Did it! Still need to finish off the remainder of the reviews and do a practice pass and get back on the horse with grammar, but I'm pretty happy about that accomplishment.
Overall, despite a weak finish due to factors mainly outside of my control, I think I did pretty well, and I think having the big list meant I had a much more productive 2023 than I would've had otherwise. Probably gonna make this a recurring thing!
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bunnygirl678 · 28 days
Anxiety posting under the cut feel free to ignore lol
So we have annual reviews coming up and they’re like super high anxiety for me.
My boss is the type to always list something to improve which is a good thing I know but I just get so hung up on it…
We used to do these quarterly but now we do them once a year but ughhhhh
And like this one is one that we’re doing salary type stuff which is even more stressful and it’s worse because I know the financial health of the company so I don’t always feel comfortable negotiating especially when I know other people can’t get raises
But then the way I try to get myself ready for them is to assume I’m going to get an absolutely horrible review, like I’m mentally preparing to be crushed which is dumb cause my boss did a pre review a few weeks back where he was like you’re doing great and I want to move you up
But my brain is still like no you need to assume this is terrible and you’re probably about to get fired…
Like originally it was hmm I wonder how much my raise is gonna be, then getting kinda excited but then stepping back and like no don’t expect a big one which turned into the cost of living we are giving people which would mean like a very tiny raise, and then that snowballed into you’re gonna be lucky to get anything then you’re gonna get fired
Like this is the only work related thing I just can’t handle lol
Anyway all this to say im freaking the fuck out and will be taking a sleeping tablet for the night LOL
It’s funny too because last year he was like… do you actually like this job because your self assessment is much worse than what I said, and I’m like you don’t understanddddddd, but when we did the pre review he was like do not freak out this is not a bad review, and I was still like ima puke my guts out omgggg
That and he always says something really sweet and I get uncomfortable cause it’s always a thing for me with like authority figures and honestly I think this is cause my parents suck… WAIT hold on I think I just worked out why I’m like this
My mother had a parent teacher conference when I was like 5th grade and apparently the teacher said something about wanting to hold me back a year because I was so mature and a good role model (honestly red flag if a kid is overly mature there’s prolly something wrong lol) and my mother decided to play a joke on me and tell me the teacher wanted to hold me back, and I remember being in the car and like sobbing??? Thinking my life was over, which is dumb but literally my entire self worth as a kid was around being smart and being successful,
Anyway I’m going to read I’m glad my mother died at some point haha
As an adult I don’t base my self worth on success of careers or anything like that but I still get super anxious with reviews— also I got a really shitty review at a company once buttt I was very poorly trained and my boss didn’t want to help me with anything?? Anddddd I was pregnant and I’m going to be honest my brain was not smart when I was pregnant, my IQ must have dropped 50 points lol apparently that’s common tho anyway they couldn’t fire me cause I told them I was pregnant that next day and I ended up quitting instead of coming back after maternity
So between that job and my mother I think that’s the core to my current reaction. My boss is already like ‘please don’t freak out and I’m not firing you’ so at least he knows me lmao
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i feel well within my rights to be a disgruntled millennial right now. after 19 months with the same firm i got a small salary increase that basically amounted to just an inflation increase, not keeping pace with the market rates, with no negotiation. and my employer also decided to crack down and make new rules about remote work, requiring more formal approvals and limiting the number of days people could work from home, when nobody had been abusing remote work at all. everyone got mad because it just felt very disrespectful. i actually wrote to my boss and ops director to express my concerns with the policy and offer some suggestions for compromise and keeping morale up (allowing people to take half-days off - which we’re not allowed to do!!! - or being more generous with overtime pay - our support staff barely gets any overtime pay despite working overtime on an ongoing basis because of the layers of approvals required) and they were just like “yeah we hear you but the policy stands.” and then my coworker who just came back from maternity leave said that she’s upset because she was told she’d be able to stay remote longer and now is unexpectedly being told to come back in person (not only does she have a baby but also a long and not-so-straightforward commute, so i would be mad, too).
i’m annoyed because it’s like... guys. hello? are you trying to incentivize people to stay or what? i like my team. i even have a good relationship with my boss, which i’m lucky to be able to say. but i feel like we’re being taken for granted. i overheard a group talking in a coffee shop the other day about similar situations with jobs where the attitude of the higher-ups is like “they care so much, they’ll stay.” and i think that’s an easy trap to fall into when you’re in a “do-gooder” field like i’m in right now. thinking employees will stay just because they love their clients or whatever. and one of the people i was listening to said “humans don’t work that way.” and it’s true. we are all human after all and have a need for respect and appreciation and when we suspect that we’re not getting it, we might just go looking for it somewhere else. 
i definitely don’t plan to be a jerk, though. i am supposed to have a quarterly review with my boss next week and i do plan to bring up my recent exploration of remote opportunities to facilitate me moving to a place where i can have better access to mountains and forests. i want to at least give him a chance to say “hey that’s cool - if you do move next year, we’ll make it work” or even “how can i incentivize you to stay longer?” i also would absolutely not leave with less than a full month’s notice, and would not leave during or immediately before a busy season (at the end of june and end of august) for the sake of our clients. but i am going to make it clear that i need more incentives to stay long-term. 
sooo that’s my drama.
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
so the recruiter got back to me today from the one job i’ve been interviewing for, the one with the commute that’d be longer bc of traffic, and i really did not think i’d be the first one out of my group of co-workers to get one and possibly leave. he said that they’re looking to get an offer to me soon, and i’m sure it’ll be this week.
and honestly, the more i think about it, the more i feel like i should consider it. the senior who worked with us before (who left and is now at another place), told me to try to negotiate if i can. see if i really need to be in office completely, or if hybrid is something i can work up to at some point after getting through training and the new environment.
or she also said to try to negotiate a little bit more in my salary and use the argument of having that pay for tolls (which would be faster and beat some of the traffic). or ask if they have any flexibility with me coming in later to skip traffic.
after monday’s bullshit at work with my boss, i feel like i can deal with 6 months of a commute at a new place before looking for somewhere else to go. and even in 6 months time, i’d be ready to move bc of my lease and significantly cut down on driving time.
but mentally speaking, i literally do not know how much longer i can stay. i’ve realized i do not care about working anymore. i literally don’t even have it in me to do my job because i’m so done. today i had to force myself just to get maybe 3hrs work in because i literally just do not care. i’ve gotten to the point of being completely apathetic about it all.
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I am driving everyone around me crazy right now with my endless job dithering, but: dear tumblr friends can I drive you crazy too? if you were me, which of these things would you choose?
my priorities in making this decision:
I want to have a baby or adopt in the next 2-3 years. I have very little in savings so one of my top priorities needs to be putting away a big chunk of money.
my sister is in residency in Seattle for four years and I want to be there for as much of that time as possible. I also promised her I would get there soon!!!!
I can make some compromises on type of work but also I don’t want to have a soulless job that makes me :-///
OPTION A: remain in current role until May (nine months), then move to Seattle.
I just negotiated a big title promotion which I hope will make me a lot more competitive next time I apply for jobs
my boss approved a $11k raise (still pending dean’s approval but she thinks it’s possible)
the work itself is immensely rewarding/fun and I believe deeply in it
I have an insanely cheap lease (for my city) and the cost of living is significantly lower here so I could put away about $20k in savings. I also wouldn’t have to pay thousands to break the lease early
the job is very familiar and I’ve already built most of the structures that keep it running smoothly, which means I could likely take on a college consulting job or something and make up to $10k extra to boost savings
scheduling is insanely flexible apart from my teaching day meaning I could travel freely to seattle/bay area/wherever. so I could spend a lot of time on the west coast this year with family/friends
I’d get to move in may so: best of texas winter + a full seattle summer
I could have access to university $ to develop some relevant skills/get some certifications
I miss out on nine months of sister time
the job does allow me to coast a little bit, although I could make myself not coast by taking on more responsibilities or setting professional development goals for myself
life is giving me a chance to move on and I wonder if I am making a mistake in looking backwards/trying to stay in one place
the south is getting kinda scary :-///
OPTION B: move to seattle now and take job tbd
I really really want to be near family
I promised my sister!
I want to get out of this state
I could take a higher paying job in the private or government sector (like, $30k more)
I could get relevant experience that is legible to people outside of higher ed, which would likely make it easier for me to transition to different jobs if I didn’t love the first one
rent + cost of living is significantly higher and the salary ranges I’m looking at might not be enough to finance the move and save
if I don’t take this L&D job I don’t have other leads apart from an Amazon connection that I am a bit on the fence about. there’s a strong chance I’d end up living at home with my parents for a while as I search for jobs
breaking the lease is gonna be expensive. at least $2.5-3k but they also have me on the hook for the full lease if they can’t relet it, so it’s possible that could be like $5-8k on top of paying a new lease. I’m afraid this move is going to drain my paltry savings and then I’ll be stuck in a job I don’t like because I’m trying to build them back up
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fruitgoat · 2 years
I'm actually really happy for both My Boss and New Boss. I think this New Adventure is going to be really good for both of them. But I also kinda felt the need to passive-aggressively tell an anecdote to New Boss today about how heavily I've been screwed over by mergers and partnerships gone wrong. (Scuttlebutt from both of them is that they ARE going to form a Partnership, but each will maintain separate S-Corps. Actually, a really Solid Plan.) Which entity I'm going to be working for next year has not yet been decided/considered. This aspect terrifies me only a lot. The Good News (for me) is that they are both Actually Nice People. Luckily, neither wants to get rid me. They've both expressed a worry of overworking me. (Gods forbid I should play dragon-based games on my phone for less than an hour a day while on the clock in the summer!) If all goes well, I'll get out of this with maybe not a raise (I make enough for me; might try to negotiate a salaried position), but a great benefits package - including really good health insurance, a four day work week, extremely flexible hours, highly optional seasonal overtime, loads of paid vacation (off season of course), and the authority to tell clients/anyone else to FUCK OFF.
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benefits1986 · 1 year
1 or 2 out of 3
One of my dreams is to have a tea, coffee and wine spot near Tags where introverts come together and come through.  2024 is a very curious year that is coming very, very soon. Let me unearth this talk from Susan Cain that I watched 11 years ago. I used to be socially awkward especially when I don’t really appreciate small talks. I abhor starting conversations because I thought it was a waste of energy and effort. I also shut down eye contact whenever I enter any space.  Perhaps it’s because I’ve experienced both extremes of the so-called psychology of height. I used to be one of the tallest and biggest girls in class. Later, I found myself very near the smallest girl which started around Grade 5 or 6. This also came with too many stretch marks especially around my hips, which mother dragon explained, I grew up too fast. HAHAHAHA. It was a literal and figurative fleshing out which I tried to grasp. I remember that when I was one of the tallest, I tried to blend better because I usually stand out, literally. It felt so painful. When I was seated in the front row in class, teachers usually pick a tribute from this row, too.  And then, I came to the world where negotiation is the staple. While I really had my fair and unfair share of failed negotiations, I had to push myself because one decent negotiation meant a conversion. This happens through intentional conversation. More importantly, walang personalan. Forda bills lang talaga and the life after bills. This is why I hate marketing. This is why I hate mother dragon’s forced choice for me because of her dream that she wanted to pass onto to me.  Mom used to be a pambato sa sales slanted to hotels and restaurants back in the 80s. She trained the staff to make use of their cleansing and disinfecting solutions. She also spent most of her days and afternoons wiggling signed purchase orders to the big bosses of A-list hotels in Manila. Her salary was thrice as much as my dad. HAHAHAHAHAHA. No shame, truth lang. But, she had to give that up because dad is utterly traditional. However, mom also has delicate pregnancies. Her first ended up with a miscarriage. They tried for two years which back then was like eternity and damnation. They had me. LOL. Then, when mom got pregnant with my brother three years after, she had to be on bed rest due to bleeding even at 7 months. UGH.  See? Giving birth may be anti-feminist. LOL.  And so, we go back to the power of introversion. I learned and am still learning that deep work needs deep focus. Introverts usually take a step or two miles back to see the big picture. LOL naman sa two miles, but true. We usually see talks as dangers, as vulnerable grounds; but, we come with an insight that is based on people watching and trend deep dive. We may appear too weird, outlandish and even polarizing; but, we are more than that.  To be clear, I’ve been an ambivert for a good numbers of years because we need and want to pay the bills and live a life beyond the bills. But, trust me when I say that my best days and nights are spent with my alone time, people-watching, reading a book, listening to a podcast; somewhere sedated, somewhere isolated.  Hence, I’ve been dreaming of a spot near Tags where introverts come together and come through. ‘Yung legit a. Much like a library, a curation, a tiny art gallery, a hub, a community. HIHIHIHIHIHIHI. Funds and focus na lang ang kailangan. LOL. Bawal maingay pero, pustahan, ‘pag nagkwentuhan ang mga introverts, kagulo ‘yan. Walang uwian! Walang bitawan. 
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obld-erau · 2 years
OBLD 633-Week 1
When I began this MS-Leadership program at ERAU, I was unsure of what to expect or how it would change my way of thinking. At the time prior to my first course, I came from a long career in the police world where toxic leaders run amuck. My idea of leadership and leaders was not a positive one. At one time, I was labeled a “boss fighter”, which is a northeast police slang term for a borderline insubordinate cop. This program has changed my entire perspective on leaders. While I still believe that law enforcement are the most toxic leaders around, I have a greater understanding of their decisions and why those decisions were most likely made. I also have changed the type of leader I wish to emulate. While I still deeply respect BGen Robin Olds, USAF, and his very hands-on style of servant leadership, I also find value in behind-the-scenes styled leaders such as the CIA Director of Counter Terrorism J. Cofer Black.
Black is a highly respected, yet reserved leader who was the bedrock for a winning strategy for waging war against terrorists responsible for the attacks on 9/11/2001. The changing trend I have noticed in myself compared to my parents when it comes to attitude towards leaders is in line with generational changes. My parents are of the baby boomer generation and believe in working long hours, company loyalty, and being happy to be gainfully employed. Not really causing “waves”. My generation of the millennials or “Xennials” as I am born in 1982, so I demonstrate characteristics from both Gen X and millennials tend to see leaders very differently and treat our employment differently. We do not live to work but work to live. A work-life balance is paramount to us. We feel comfortable challenging norms, and decisions made by management if we have a more efficient solution that is viable.
Just this past week, I rejected a job offer, as it paid me $20K more annually, but would require me to work an hour away from my residence and odd hours. I wasn’t willing to give up the freedom I currently have in my current job, as I create my own schedule and can adjust it as needed. That is priceless to me as I have young children who participate in activities such as travel lacrosse and a spouse that also travels for work on occasion and isn’t as flexible as me with her schedule. That would be unheard of for my parents in so many ways. From accepting less money, to being the male in a marriage that is the caretaker and not the breadwinner of the home and being a leader in a different type of role. I observe the ongoing “great resignation”, or “great reshuffle” and I must congratulate Generation Z for spearheading their valiant effort on not wavering their standard of work and salary expectations. They have set the new standard for remote work options, salary and work benefit packages, and work-life balance.
For the first time in modern history, the employee wields significant bargaining power and can demand these concessions prior to accepting or negotiating their job offer. Even with all the information of leadership and its practices located in the palm of one’s hand, there is still a certain level of disconnect. There is still a quality control issue in the production of leaders. I do not see a tangible solution to this problem, as leaders are made and not born, contrary to many peoples’ beliefs.
I look back at my days at my undergraduate education at Norwich University-Military College of Vermont. It is marketed as a “leadership laboratory” as the Corps of Cadets allows you the student to take several leadership roles over the years, and hone other roles within your ROTC commands, but looking back, how are we really learning leadership, when the people we are learning from have only really used their leadership skills in theory and not in the field? They are not commissioned officers yet, and very few of them were enlisted soldiers or “Mustangs” as in enlisted to officer roles. Our instructors were Senior NCOs and Senior officers, many with combat experience; but they can only show us so much, as it was up to us to carry out the decision-making process. It still has perplexed me to this day.
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This comment on a LinkedIn post:
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Just, YES. I know to each their own, but personally this is how we get standardized pay scales (this metric met means this pay increase, etc) and reduce discrimination.
I support my family with my pay, so I will swing my proverbial dick when needed to negotiate my salary with my bosses. I have also supported other co-workers in doing the same. We were very thankful we put in the uncomfortable effort to do so as we discovered shortly after new male employees (fresh out of college) were being offered over the initial raise we were offered as females who have been with the company over three years.
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random2908 · 6 years
My coworker and I have decided to call griping about work “union meetings.”
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kingjaffejoffer · 2 years
King. I remember you said that you were the highest paid in your office because of your negotiating skills and it created some resentment.
How did you learn how to negotiate? I'd appreciate any tools and resources you could share?. Of course I'm also making my research online too.
Small Correction: I had a the highest salary in my department (including my boss) because of how I negotiated. Not the highest in the entire office.
I can't link you to anything because I didn't learn from it reading, I learned from doing it over and over (and failing).
Successful negotiations start WAY before you actually start negotiating. Successful negotiations start by you not needing them or their money.
If you absolutely need a job because you're broke or in a bad spot, 70% of your bargaining leverage is gone because you're thirsty. So with that said:
1. Job hunt when you're already employed. If you wait until you have no job you've already hurt your bargaining power bc it's hard to say no and stand your ground when you're making zero and bleeding cash.
2. Use data to show what you're worth. I use Glassdoor to see what the average salary is of ppl who do my job in my region (Glassdoor is tech heavy so you're in a different industry you may have to find a different site that has the same info).
3. Have your qualifications and accomplishments memorized. These are your justification for asking for the money. I've also had cost of living data for where I live as justification for asking for a more money too. Be eloquent and don't be pushy.
4. Be willing to walk away. That's a very important part. And this is the chief reason you should make sure you already have a job.
If after you've laid out a well reasoned argument with data ezplaining why you need the amount you asked for and they still say no... WALK AWAY. Turn the job down. Let them underpay someone else, they will not underpay you.
I've done it plenty of times before.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Be mine — Roman Godfrey
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Requests: “Helloo, I would like to request an imagine of roman Godfrey with smut prompt 28”
“Hii, omg I lover your work!! Can you do fluff prompts 45 and 59 and smut prompts 32 whit Roman Godfrey? Thank you, love💖”
Fluff prompts:
45. “where have you been all my life?”
59. “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
Smut prompts:
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
32. “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.”
A/N: I was excited about these request for Roman, I loved it. I hope you guys like.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Couple: Roman Godfrey/ Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Swearing, explicit smut, NSFW, degradation, dirty talk and also fluff too.
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The big white and airy room tried to show a soothing and safe energy, the light tones contrasted with the golden rays of the sun outside and could even try to show a lyrical vibe. Could, if not for everything else.
It was hard to pinpoint the source that messed up that whole idea of ​​peace that the colors on the walls had, but maybe it was because Godfrey Industries was... oblique, mysterious, sinister. There was something in the air, a dark breeze that echoed all the floors of that gigantic building, bringing the feeling that something was out of place. It was, at times, disconcerting. Like looking at a perfect painting but knowing that something is out of place. Or to witness the seconds of frightening calm before a major disaster. But as the months went by, you had to get used to it and adapt to it. Your daydreams wandered far away. You wondered what you were doing there, in that country town that also had that sinister energy.
Why you left Los Angles? Okay, did you know why. After finishing college, you sent out resumes to as many companies as you could. Its from that time when you realize that adult life has knocked on the door and that the cost of living in California was too high. The plan, when you left home to pursue your dream and go to college in another state, was to get a job as soon as possible. But some things got out of your control, and when you realized it, you had graduated and you didn't have enough money to come up with second plans.
So, when the multinational Godfrey Industries called you after an interview and gave you the job, you didn't hesitate. The salary was too good for a international negotiations assistant, and after a while you could breathe easier, and be able to straighten out your financial life and have a better resume to be able to get back to a big city.
It was a good plan, a rational plan. You were proud of that. But it was logical that too much confidence was accompanied by some ruin.
And its ruin came under the name of Roman Godfrey.
Roman was swallowed all the air in any the room when he entered, as if its imposing presence subdued any environment. Everything about him exuded the same objective: to conquer, to possess, to win. He was the Trojan army. But the worst and the most dangerous was not his difficult personality, but how you felt close to him. How his presence caused side effects on you.
He was absolutely gorgeous. It should be considered illegal for someone to have that appearance, that voice, that sinisterly penetrating look. You felt that Roman Godfrey had the aura of intense and exciting music, like the song of danger.
He was the personification of sin, and you were being tested by the universe.
The trinity of what could be a gigantic disaster was completed when, a few months ago, Roman started testing you, joining the universe in what appeared to be a plan to slaughter your sanity.
It was your first meeting with the Company a few weeks after you was hired. Adam, the director of the international negotiations sector, for whom you are an assistant, asked you to bring all the documents of the process and remain in the meeting. It was about an international multi who wanted to buy some equipment from Godfrey Industries, but who were working hard to try to close deals at a lower price.
As you handed a copy of the negotiation to each sector director in that room, you felt a pair of eyes burning the back of your neck the whole time, like your shadow. The caustic sensation ruffled all the hair on the back of your neck, snaking from head to toe and made you search the environment behind the author.
That's when you finding him.
Roman had the green irises stuck to you like a tattoo on your skin. As if unraveling all your secrets, your sins, virtues and all your thoughts. It was intense, magnetic... dangerous.
You felt the white walls of that room were embraced by a black and dark shadow, and the air became thin. Then he smiled. A smug and arrogant little smile. The kind who won a battle.
It had been the beginning of a sequence of events. Roman began to request and make sure that you were present at all meetings, negotiations, cases, even when your presence added much more to your professional knowledge than to contribute to the resolution of company problems. At that time the order was still not directed at you, Adam just told you that Godfrey wanted you at meetings.
It was strange, atypical, almost surreal. You used to go into the conference room and look directly at Roman, frowning in silent questioning at him. But he never gave you an answer. He just gave that smug smile and turned his attention to the big screen in the living room.
This happened five times before Roman sent to tell you that he wanted to see you in his office.
“But why?!" You frowned at Adam.
The man looked at you for a second before shrugging.
“Your work has been impeccable, I think he just wants to give you more things to do.” Adam kept his eyes on the documents themselves.
"But you are my boss.” Sometimes you had a habit of saying what you thought without considering the consequences.
Your mother and your friends said that you had a total inability to hide what you felt, to be someone reserved or shy. You were almost always the person who said everything you felt.
Adam laughed softly, already used to your personality and turned his eyes to you.
“And he is my boss."
You restrained yourself from rolling your eyes. The truth was, you didn't want to find him. Roman puzzled you, messed with your system. And after those 5 meetings without explaining why you were there, you started to want to avoid his presence.
But apparently the universe was not on your side this time.
You got up and excused yourself, listening to your own heels echoing down the hall before entering the elevator and pressing the last button. Going to Godfrey's office.
Anxiety coursed through your veins like overwhelming electricity, making you sway on your heels and stir your fingers.
What did he want with you? Had you done something? Was he crazy?
You sucked in the air hard, shrugging your shoulders to relax when the door opened up. You walked for a while before stopping at Roman's office and knocking on the door with your finger.
“Come in." The voice made your heart skip a few beats.
You walked in, closing the door behind you and laying your eyes on the tall, slender figure who was sitting behind the table, dressed in black pieces and a small smile.
“Did you want to see me, Mr.Godfrey ?"
Maybe it was your imagination or your nervousness that was seeing things in between lines, but you could have sworn that Roman breathed harder after you said his last name.
You stopped in front of his desk, too agitated to sit on the chair.
“Yes, Darling.” He stood up, getting much bigger than you, even though your feet were in a 10 cm heel.
Roman fished a file on the table itself, bypassing the table and coming menacingly close to you. He stood in front of you again, his hip against the table and leaning there, holding out the file for you. You took seconds longer than you would like to pick up the papers, Roman's left leg was dangerously close to yours, the knee almost brushing your thigh covered by the black skirt.
“I need it ready by night."
That's when you came out of the trance, picking up the folder and staring at the amount of stuff there. It was a process about an agreement with a company in Asia, and it was so bureaucratic that it would take up your entire time. And you already had a million things for do.
“But...” You were about to start talking, but Roman moved away from the edge of the table, his chest hovering over yours.
You have never felt so small, so fragile and so vulnerable in your life. You had to lift your chin to face him straight.
“You are going to be a good girl and bring me this tonight.” It was not a request. “You will, right?”
Your common sense or decorum had gone somewhere. Maybe was lost in your own stupidity. The oxygen evaporated from your lungs. And before you could think of something diplomatic and good to say. Because you were not dumb. You heard yourself say:
“Yes, Mr. Godfrey.”
Fucking hell!
“Great.” He gave you a rewarding smile.
From that moment on events like this became routine. In fact, you tried to mask that you liked it, that it wasn't extremely unprofessional, that he was not only your boss, but also the owner of the entire company. Over time you learned to deal with him too, Roman was never brazen or touched you, he would drop some ‘Dear’ or ‘Pretty’ over and over here for you, but, truth be told, you didn’t get uncomfortable.
Perhaps it was your feminine vanity. You didn't want to be selfish, but having a man like Roman Godfrey praise you did wonders for your feminine vanity. You felt absurdly beautiful. He made you feel like the personification of the Female Fatal, and you liked that. So you would roll your eyes at him and give him some jokes smiles in his direction whenever these things happened.
You did not deny it, but you also do not return any praise.
Over the months you had practically become more of an assistant to Roman than to Adam. He kept you getting bogged down with things to do and telling Adam to pass on your old duties to any other goddamn person.
“They accept to close if they have had 30% of the profits.” You put your cell phone down to talk to Roman, who had his hip against the desk work and an open file in his hands.
“They must be stupid” he rolled his eyes “10% and I will still be being generous.”
You went back to your call, your eyes fixed on the top view of the city as you settled the deal.
“I can get them to close by 15% if we send the equipment by tomorrow.” You said to Roman again, plugging the cell phone microphone with your other hand “But it has to be send until the morning. Not next.”
Roman smiled broadly and satisfied, nodding his head in ‘Yes’ as you turned your attention to the city view and finished the negotiation. You were getting the details right when you felt a presence behind you, the heat radiating for your back and making you lose your breath for a second. You swallowed and tried to ignore something vibrating in your core, disconnecting the call as soon as you closed the deal.
“What would I do without you?” Roman's voice blew at the top of your ear, his ghostly touch fanning your skin.
You laughed to try to hide how much your core pulsed, turning around enough to face his completely.
"I don't know, you would have already lost four contracts.” You tried to joke, but he was absurdly close.
The scent of a man and an expensive cologne swallowed you like a wave and dragged you into the sea, drowning you. The emerald green eyes were fixed on you, as if they swallowed you.
“You could work for me.” Godfrey let go, taking another step closer to you.
Instinctively, you took a step back, your back finding the cold glass behind you and trapping you between the cold sensation and the absurd warmth of the man.
"I already work for you.” You said it as if it were obvious, letting out a nervous laugh and trying to clean up how much your uterus vibrated now.
“No, you work more with Adam.” He rolled his eyes, his hand now resting on your hip, rising to your waist like a snake “I speak of you being my assistant, being here when I arrive, spending the all days with me.”
Your heart screamed, your pussy throbbed so hard that if Roman hadn't paid attention to you, you would have bitten your lip.
“Are you flirting with me?”
"You finally noticed?"
There was no way to deny to yourself that you had already reached your share of perverted dreams with Roman Godfrey. He was like an addiction! It was unbearable how present he was always in your head, playing with your sanity, making you think of how those absurdly long fingers would fuck you so well, how those impeccable clothes hid a maddening body.
And that was exactly why you couldn't be him assistant.
If it was already overwhelmingly difficult to occasionally remain in him presence without diverting your thoughts, every day would be impossible. All the time. You would end up having to resign your job after, because any involvement between you would not result in a happy ending. Aside from being extremely unethical, it would end up destroying your heart, and God, you needed the job!
"M-Mr Godfrey." You tried to speak, touching his chest with the palm of your hand with the intention of gently pushing him away.
But the shot backfired. He was cold. Absurdly cold. Cold that makes you want to warm up, an addictive, that intoxicates you. Suddenly, you are already wondering if other parts of it would be cold too.
Would the kiss contain the beauty and temperature of the snow? When Roman entered you, would he be consumed by the heat of your needy walls? He Would it stick to you like a private sun?
“Pretty.” Godfrey sighed against your cheek, dangerously lowering his lips in your direction. “Why not stay with me? Where can I fuck you every day? ”
This time you moaned, a low moan that gave up all of your game. It lit a dangerous, vital fire in Roman's eyes, and him hand, which once touched you softly, now snaked into your waist, pulling you close.
“Do you like to hear that? That I want to fuck you until you scream?” You closed your fingers on him black dress shirt, closing your lip between your teeth to contain a groan.
Roman's mouth went to your neck, pouring wet, surprisingly hot kisses onto your skin.
"Would you like to know that I have imagined fucking you hard for a long time?” His hands went to the hem of your skirt. “That I want to tag you with my cum until you're just mine?"
“Mr.Go-Godfrey!” You moaned loudly, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting your head go back and lean against the glass wall.
“Tell me, Pretty.” He lifted his lips to hover over yours “Tell me you want this as much as I do.”
You frantically ascended your head, letting a 'Yes' leave with a low sob.
Thereafter Roman wasted no time. He pulled you onto his lap by your thighs, placing you under his desk and throwing all objects on the table with one arm. He kissed you. Furiously. He kissed you as if you were his property, as if you were the answer to all his prayers, his divinity. Your mouth opened to get air and Roman took the opportunity to invade with his tongue, hunting you.
You groaned, or he, or both.
"I'm going to show you what a real fucking is." Roman snarled against your mouth, not considering any consequences before popping all the buttons on your shirt with a two-handed tug, making you gasp.
That seemed to bring you back to Earth.
You pulled your chest away from him, and Roman looked up at you with a questioning expression.
“Ro-Roman, this is wrong.” you said.
“You have no idea how much I don’t give a fuck.” He leaned over to kiss you again, extremely excited by the sight of you in a lacy bra, but you averted your face by placing your hands on him chest.
You said. “I'm going to have to resign this job later if I do it, and I need the job.”
Romam snorted, straightening up again.
“Who says you need to resign? Did you forget that I am the owner of this crap?” He brought his lips to your neck once more, and you sighed softly “Be mine. Be mine."
“I don’t know.”
Romam held your face in his hands, in a gentle touch, which clashed absurdly with the lush fire in his eyes.
“I don't want to fuck you because you work here, but because I think you're fucking beautiful.” He said “Be mine, and if you don't want anything to do with me afterwards, that's okay, let's keep working normally.” Roman moved closer, his voice hitting your mouth “Let me fuck this hot pussy, I'm sure you'll want more later. And I will give you everything you want.”
So you gave in. You kissed him fiercely, spreading your legs wider and settling them between them, letting the skirt roll to pile on your hips and exposing lace panties. Roman reaching down to your back and removing your bra, dropping your mouth over your left breast when it was exposed.
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back, curling your fingers in his hair and sighing when Godfrey moved his fingers down the middle of your legs. You whimpered, rummaging around in his hand for some friction, needy and needy.
Roman laughed arrogantly against your breast: “Such a needy little thing, aren't you?” He took a bite out of your left beak as he walked away to remove his belt.
You groaned, your eyes on fire, your body hot and needy. And that's when Roman looked at you. A hot fucking woman half naked at his table, so beautiful and perfect that it was almost a sin. He wanted to be able to record that scene forever. You were perfect. He thought you were extraordinarily perfect.
Then he rushed ferociously at you again, his hands wrapped around your hot body as he moaned on your lips: "Where have you been all my life?"
You gasped, finishing the job of his belt and pants, fighting a battle with his tongue.
“Waiting for this moment.” You provoked it with a sensual chuckle, nibbling on his lower lip.
Roman shared your sly smile, tearing at your panties and holding his own dick in your direction. You moaned louder this time, in need, lowering your hands to his hips and rolling around his waist, trying to get closer.
Roman laughed, sinking his mouth into yours and also plunging his dick into yours smooth folds.
You screamed out loud, clasping your body to his while Roman put an arm around your waist, gluing your body to his and hitting the stick at the end of the well, drawing out a loud groan from both of you. The environment was filled with moaning and pornographic sounds, the table rattling beneath you as the things that were left on top now fell completely. You wrapped your arms around his neck, clenching your nails at the back of your neck as you wrapped your legs around Roman's hips, pulling him further into you and swallowing him completely.
“Holy fuck!” He snarled, lowering his mouth to meet your neck and shoulder, closing his teeth there as he demanded more force in his movements.
Godfrey beat without mercy, without pause, conquering and proclaiming his every piece of your body as his own. You could no longer control your moans, all the sensations exploded inside you like nuclear bombs and pleasure and pain curved all your lines of reasoning. You laid your back on the table, your breasts jumping with the speed and strength of him movements, while Roman clasped his hands on your waist and set a brighter pace as he pulled you onto his dick and propelled your hips at you.
“So fuck hot slut!” He growled, never stopping the pace.
You shouted something that looked like him name, and threw your head back when the orgasm invaded your system, shaking your legs and pulling him deeper. Roman moaned loudly, squeezing your flesh so tightly that it would leave marks tomorrow, while he cum inside you, spilling all the hot liquid on your barriers.
You were sweaty and panting, but Roman didn't give you a second to breathe and process the situation until he leaned over to you, still inside your core, and kissed your right breast, dropping one:
“Dinner at my place tomorrow?”
You laughed, still very airy, and agreed, overcome by tiredness.
“Okay, Godfrey.” Roman gave you another lunge of teasing, making your laugh mix with a groan.
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