#i also usually dont care much about legendary pokemon but this game makes you so attached to miraidon and koraidon
itsmewahoo · 6 months
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im going through the dlc rn but i genuinely think the base scarlet and violet game has sky rocketed as one of my favorite pokemon games now
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hello, professor! If I may, what was your first encounter with a legendary pokemon like? I dont know how often you've been to Sinnoh, but we don't tend to really believe in legendary pokemon out here unless you live somewhere rural like Solaceon Town (a personal favorite break room game for my office in Jubilife City is a blurry picture of a Fire-Type Pokemon called "Moltres or Rapidash?" that we all take votes on every month. Its just sort of the vibe here). But recently when I was travelling for work, I spotted emergency news coverage of the Eternatus Incident in the Galar region. There it was, clear as day on screen! I've never seen anything like it in my life, and even just that video footage left me pretty shaken (and humbled. I've been thinking of going to the church in Hearthome on my day off and saying a prayer there...just in case).
I remembered you mentioning that you sometimes recieve the odd legendary on Dotaku Island, and I guess I was just wondering what it's like to have one in front of you? How does it feel?
I have not once received a legendary to care for on the island, I don't know where you read that. I may have worded a post badly perhaps, which is entirely my bad. I do not in any way want to, or care for legendaries. They're too much for people to handle, and don't belong on this island, this isn't their home, and they have important jobs elsewhere.
I have briefly field studied Shaymin from afar (not handled, not interacted, just observed for notes), they're pretty docile, one of the calmer ones or so i'm told. they exude no immense pressure or power, and other than being incredibly skittish to sounds, act as any normal pokemon would. The only other interaction i've had is one singular run in with one Raikou very briefly in my ranger days, that on occasion I think returns to the island to look around, before disappearing for another year or so. Back when we crossed paths I can safely say that thing was MAD. I was chasing poachers, they joined in, we both just took off after them in a blind rage. The electricity that thing put out made it hard to breathe, maybe it was the voltage, maybe it was the pokemons intensity, it fried electrical devices, rattled the earth with every step, and made my whole team VERY uneasy, something thats quite difficult to do, even back then. I have never felt such fear, coupled with intense motivation in all my life since. Makes your chest tight, like you could die right there, but also, it's on your side? Its not going to come after you??? You hope! It vanished, I was left to clean up the mess, and now we see it on very rare occasion once or twice in a year, at great distance, usually observing the pokemon around the area, or our staff at work. Pretty sure it hops along the waves, saw it head out once, and it did jump across the water back towards the mainland.
This job breaks your sense of wonder at times. I look at the legends as any other pokemon, they're really cool, but if presented with one to care for, you do your job, get the pokemon well again, and release it promptly. I love that folks study and track these myths to learn and bask in their wonder, hypothesise on their natures their habits, LOVE IT, but me personally-I have little to no interest in any of them, and would do just about anything to avoid working with them. There are no medical books, no references for their care, how do you heal something no ones got a good look at before? Where are their organs? What tolerance do they have to modern medicines? Risk is too high for me personally. Luckily they are mega rare, and I never have to handle that haha.
No doubt a disappointing answer, but it's the honest truth. Hopefully you spot that Moltres for real one day, it's said that if you lay eyes on one in real life, you're filled with a burning energy for weeks after.
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