#i love the characters a lot
elviriel · 5 years
I love how much Lucifer goes for the shippy tropes without the slightest restraint or irony i'm rly grateful
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captainsaltypear · 2 years
this is it, this is the entire invincible II crew
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aspiring-wildfire · 2 years
“jason todd is the angry robin” nope incorrect dick “snuck out of his new foster home in the middle of the night to track down and hopefully murder his parents’ killer” grayson is the angry robin who worked very very hard to turn himself into the symbol of hope and good that robin became and saying it’s jason is a disservice to both jason “robin gives me magic!! :D” todd and dick “i want to save the soul of gotham” grayson
“damian wayne is the scary robin” wrong again! tim “figured out batman and robin’s identity at 9 years old outstubborned batman to become robin beat ras al ghul and the league of assassins and is canonically the smartest member of effectively the smartest family on earth” drake is a terror with a mean streak that most of the robins don’t have and that is much much scarier for being calm and calculating and damian wayne deserves to have his enormous fucking heart recognized
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remosdeerica · 2 years
Broke: The Angry One is soft for the Sunshine One.
Woke: The Sunshine One is feral for the Angry One
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carlosinnightvale · 2 years
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logicpng · 2 years
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I have uh
dipped my toes into the funny celestial robot pit
honestly I absolutely loathe how their source deals with them, I wanna steal them for myself
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The psychic damage aloy inflicted with two sentences
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Now that I've finished the whole show, enjoy this very incomplete list of favourite Jon quotes:
"Fine, fine, I'll be more lovely. Now, can I get back to work?" MAG17
"I will record and add that part when it is found, either by myself or, given the scale of the Archive's mismanagement, by my successor when I pass away from old age." MAG19
"I'm not entirely made out of stone" MAG27
"Mh...more meat. Interesting." MAG30
"Well, this pompous ass has some very urgent work to do " MAG76
Very snarkily "Yes, I know what a meme is." MAG76
"It is remarkably easy to get an axe in central London" MAG78
"What, I could be on drugs." MAG83
"I suppose that leaves skulking around the periphery, which is what I was already doing!" MAG85
"Thays not fair! Sometimes I was kidnapped." MAG114
"Every other Avatar gets to have their feelings burned right out of them, but me? I’ve just got to sit in mine." MAG139
"I am not, nor have I ever been, “adorable.”" MAG164
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mstrchu · 2 years
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recently learned that i am not immune to instagram ads ☠
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mipexch · 3 years
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i feel ghost is very inept in having familial bonds with anyone - especially after being more or less alone for most of their life, they’d be unsure how to feel finally being apart of a family. moreover receiving any form of gift from another as they’ve only ever gotten items through buying them or taking them from someone else, the concept of having something sentimental given specifically to and for them from someone special is very foreign - they would be confused yet cherish the item all the same
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shouty-y · 3 years
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The fisherwoman and the mermaid 😳💚
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herrmitton · 2 years
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akito protection and care squad!!!!!
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khytal · 2 years
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elements or something (turnabout powers au part 3)
character info (minor spoilers):
godot: -he can intensify/diminish the different colors of light perceived by someone--it’s like suddenly wearing glasses with a colored lens -this only works on one person at a time because he’s essentially forcing them to see absorbed light
klavier: -his power lets him freely manipulate any metal. natural metals are easier to control than alloys -all of his accessories are silver, the metal he’s most comfortable with (he made them himself) -he can draw material out of the ground as long as he’s close enough. the amount of metal and his proximity factor into whether or not this is possible (more metal = stronger pull)
mia: -like sholmes her body becomes intangible, but unlike sholmes her form can’t disperse (it’s shadow) -she doesn’t survive redd white’s attack because he blinds her before she activates her power
larry: -he actually just turns into air, making him completely invisible and untouchable, but this can’t be sustained for more than a few seconds so it seems like he can teleport a short distance away -he does need to rest a little bit between every use of his power
kristoph: -magma’s kinda like him and the way he holds a grudge: slow and patient and destructive under the surface -it’s always there.
fulbright: -....pretty self-explanatory -this isn’t the same as using the wind to fly, because he has less/no control over direction and speed while in the air
gregson: -he can mute the sounds other people make, but this is limited to 2-3 people at a time -it puts targets in a pocket of air that blocks out sound
badd: -there’s literally an aura of dense air that surrounds him, which can expand to cover an area approximately 20ft in diameter -it’s enough to stop someone from moving and/or bring them to their knees
nahyuta: -with white fire his flames burn hotter than phoenix’s -inherited from dhurke -claims they’re “purified”, proof that what he’s doing as prosecutor is just--and apollo calls bullshit, because he’s here in khura’in trying to save his brother (“ga’ran’s orders aren’t justified by your white flames. they’re the burning spirit of your father, nahyuta, you can’t have forgotten that!!”)
maria: -base water is her power but she prefers ice and uses it almost exclusively -dr. sithe doesn’t have a power, so it was inherited from her father -the ice scalpels and other tools are for show. they’re still dangerous as weapons but they’re not useful for operations
gina: -uses air to grab things (it looks like telekinesis) -the heavier an object, like karuma, the more difficult it is to move
lang: -it’s basically advanced hearing, but technically he’s using the wind to carry sound waves to him, which lets him eavesdrop on conversations from a really safe distance -if a target is outside and lang is inside (or vice versa), he can still listen in as long as there’s an open window
lamiroir: -her preferred use of her power is to create special light effects during her performances -it’s more of a feeling, since she can’t see, but the lights are always gentle and warm
lana: -normal fire, like apollo -she rarely displays her power, especially after she becomes chief prosecutor. kind of like the weight of guilt extinguished her flames.
stronghart: -he uses gravity to force people down. there’s not much more to it than that x)
clay: -clay’s control over gravity only affects parts of his body rather than all of it (so he can’t float). unlike fulbright he’s able to increase gravity -he can make his limbs feel heavier/lighter, which makes his punches really hurt -he’s near impossible to knock over when he increases the gravity on his legs/feet
iris wilson: -her power is the same as gumshoe’s but it’s much stronger to the point that it allows her to manipulate plants too -she treats her plants like friends, thanking them for grabbing things for her, apologizing for having them reach so far, and so on -inherited from her mother
klint: -while barok’s power is specialized air, klint’s is an air/dark fusion -it repels/attracts metallic objects much more easily, but it does work on non-metallic things (it’s just less forceful)
ema: -humidity control is a specialized water power -affects things within a 7ft radius of her. if something leaves the AoE while her power is active, the humidity will return to whatever it is outside the zone -she doesn’t actually need to throw a snackoo at someone to use her power. it’s just klavier
gregory: -miles inherited his power from his father, who taught him how to control it at an early age -he models out his thoughts with water, a habit his son picked up -he’d only just started showing miles how to create ice before DL-6 happened, at which point von karma took over as instructor despite not having the same power (something that’s seen as inadvisable, because of how different elements are from each other)
manfred: -the other reason edgeworth relives the same nightmare for 15 years -he frequently uses his power for intimidation. it eventually causes edgeworth to lock away his water-manipulating abilities in favor of ice, which, without a real foundation, drains his energy more than it should (and he does it anyway, because the consequences for less-than-perfect results are far worse) -franziska also develops trauma from earthquakes. she and edgeworth silently comfort each other away from the source of the tremors, franziska unknowingly using her power to stop their tears from alerting her father. it’s not much, but there’s no one else.
morgan, dahlia, and pearl: -allows them to control someone via their shadow -pearl finds the power she’s inherited uncomfortable but. for her mother, she learns. -they can’t use their power on each other -they can’t force someone else to use their powers; it only controls movement (but the person being controlled can still activate their power. it just won’t be useful, because they can’t direct it while their body is being manipulated) -in death, a spirit loses their power so dahlia is unable to use hers while she’s being channeled. she also doesn’t have access to the power of the medium channeling her -after bridge to the turnabout, pearl stops using her power and dedicates her efforts into her spirit medium training
iris: -mirage is an air/water fusion power inherited from her dad -she can create an illusion of something, or hide an object from view -her mirages are either one large object, or multiple smaller ones (with a limit). -she’s able to form a clone of herself, which looks convincing enough from a distance
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redstonebug · 2 years
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Some random Stuffed Bird doodles from February and March.
(If you haven’t read This Is About A Stuffed Bird you totally should)
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astriiformes · 2 years
I also have thoughts about the fact that Lilith is a 40-something year-old woman who crashed and burned hard in her demanding career and is now living back at home with her parents and figuring herself out and working a very low-level position in a field she loves and everyone important in her life sees this as a good and healthy change and is happy for her. More of that in stories please.
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beartusks · 2 years
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battinson meets ten year old barbara gordon ^_^ i was gonna finish the story but no more space on this post >_< but i will draw more if you like it ^_^
going off of the “dick was fucking 8″ original canon, babs would be about 10 in the batman 2022. bruce is 28 in the film (bc he canonically starts being batman at 26 and the movie takes place two years later) and he canonically gets robin at 29. and babs is a little older than dick so there u go. also mixed barbara ftw ftw ftw
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