#i also want to point out that i rewatch the show regularly. im on my... uh.. 7th proper rewatch? with my boyfriend
linaharutaka · 6 months
gen question but isnt dedegoon or dedesuka or whatevr a proship? ive seen some ppl calling it a proship cuz its abusive but your bio says proship dni so idk if its ok to ship or what (sorry im new to this)
hiya! thank you for your ask! it isnt and heres why
first of all i am /Not/ proship. i am not anti-anti or whatever either. what drives me to ship them is the fact theyre friends who like to be in each other's company. i like their sweet moments together. they bond over scamming an innocent population and bullying children. they're partners in crime. theyre besties who talk shit about others as a hobby.
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i also don't think theyre already dating. i look at their relationship and im like. you guys have some kind of weird crush on each other and you're also selfish assholes. they're in the world's worst situationship.
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"but dedede whacks escargoon a lot!" not only does escargoon get physical towards him too (the dynamic starts shifting in the dentist episode) but his "punishments" are often for a reason. escargoon is often very mean to dedede. in almost every episode he calls him hopeless or stupid or ugly or anything like that. and that gets him a whack. if i were dedede i'd do that too! it'd piss me off! having my lackey who i pay and who i consider my best friend insult me so overtly over and over LOL. but does escargoon ever try and stop him his evil doing? hell no! the guy helps him and gives him advice and ideas! he is NOT a good guy either. he loves being mean! he literally says it!
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of course escargoon cares a loy about him. pretty sure everyone is aware. i don't even need to compile all the times he runs after him or worries about his well being. one time he "left" after he realised he'd have to do all the waddle dee's chores and didn't want to do his job. guess who's shown tearing up when seeing what poor state dedede is in after being left all on his own. he's always protecting him and defending him (sometimes backhandedly) from other people. he holds dedede dear. it's obvious he does. he's an old man, he's not being manipulated into liking dedede. he genuinely cares about the guy.
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there are episodes where they bicker a lot but end up getting along, episodes where they're the best of friends and episodes focused on their resentment against one another. the show kind of yoyos with their relationship. it's not really anything to take seriously. if you get offended from their interactions you'd get a heart attack from watching looney tunes. the back and forth of their dynamic is part of the fun!
I *highly* recommend watching the original version of the show as the dub often replaces sweet lines they share with jokes that don't really hit the mark. it's a shame. (however i will give the dub some credit on occasion)
Actually, i have a [post] that compiles a lot of sweet screenshots of them together. it doesnt include the times where they hold on to each other in the cannons or in the whispy woods episode or when esxargoon said "isnt this strange? can't you feel we're striving apart?" and dedede says "what! that's ridiculous!" in a lighthearted voice. or when escargoon makes a joke about a late night drive being romantic and dedede just? laughs in agreement? there's a scene where they call each other stupid in the most friendly way ever. i actually have a handy twitter of fun scenes where escargoon gets away with some things (doesn't include when escargoon yells at him in the fireworks episode or orders him in episode 69), like saying *he's* actually the one in power because dedede isn't competent enough to reign. or dedede understanding escargoon's concerns of him becoming dumber than he is already.
they're just villains who are attached to each other and are a team no matter what.
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escargoon protects dedede a lot, and he cares about him more than what his job entails, but people tend to forget he's got a special place in dedede's heart too.
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dedede keeps an album of pictures they took together. he never threatens to fire him and, as far as i know, never even cuts his salary and is the only one in the castle to even have a bonus. he shares the food he keeps from the waddle dees with him in episode 93. he clarifies he doesnt want knuckle joe's monsters to attack either of them. he's fine spending large amounts of money on him. twice? he never calls him ugly somehow. he even thanks him for having put up with him for so long and serving him well when the world is about to end. and then he clings unto him because he's scared of dying alone. his way of showing affection is not the "im crying because i think you're in danger" type of way that escargoon shows a lot but it's there.
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Of course i don't think they're perfect gay rep. that's literally so stupid. you think im gonna look at two dumbasses who are bitter towards one another from what, a parodic, satirical children's anime from the early 2000s, and go "hmm yes this is what every queer couple should aspire to be this is peak lgbt rep"
If we're gonna talk about them how about we talk about some issues this show has that no one ever addresses. the colorism of the uv episode that is not put into question, not even by tiff, the moral compass. the rising sun imagery that is very much intentional as dedede is a caricature. the fatphobia? the fact kirby calls kawasaki and nagoya homos??? straight up???
people often blame episode 88, and yeah, it's not my favorite episode either. everyone's weird in that episode, not just dedede! yabui is far from empathetic, even the ebrums are disrespectful, and escargoon taunts dedede into chasing him for laughs and teases him about his old age. even at the end he teases him. i think it's one of those episodes that you just have to blame on the writers kinda like 89 (for example this one has got the right message but the execution is painful to watch. poor tiff.)
now, if 88 had changed their relationship it'd be a different matter. there are some sweet moments they share outside of their general "partners in crime" dynamic past episode 88 in my post actually! my favorite is the one where dedede has his arm around escargoon who's curled up like a cat while they're sleeping and the waddle dees are tucking them in from episode 91. it makes me so happy.
i could probably talk so, so much more about them. they're a huge comfort to me. however i don't trust just anyone with them. i am very much aware some people like them for the wrong reasons. but if you have a brain you can see where i'm coming from.
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the show makes fun of them because they're evil, self-centered cowards. not because they're "gay" or anything like that. i saw someone call them queerbait one time and i had to log off for a minute.
anyway, to answer your question, people who do not recognize their genuine attachment to one another are bound to have a twisted view of them. i don't like dedegoon because they're "toxic" or awful to each other. but because they're each other's best friends. that's all. it's fine if you don't ship them, too. i just hope i can prove to people that they do matter to each other and that they're friends :)
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six months on (albeit, a bit late) part 1/3
part one | part two | epilogue (at some point)
hello would you like a stupid-length run down of the final fifteen?
idk about anyone else, but i kinda find myself regularly in a position where i don't know what to think about the final fifteen. i flit from one explanation or opinion to another; there have been so many facets of this sequence discussed that ive even found myself turned around on what i actually think was going on... was aziraphale threatened? did he do a complete 180 on his character development throughout both seasons? does he genuinely buy what metatron is telling him? how does he take crowley's rejection to return to heaven with him?
so back to basics, and because im itching to stretch the meta-writing legs that isn't solely an ask response or a purely batshit speculation - and because throughout writing this, i anticipate that i might surprise myself on how, overall, i interpret the whole scene... going back to basics and simply rewatching the scene (and making copious notes) is in order! just don't expect this to be anything you've necessarily not seen before - there are no revelations in this post.
please also note that this is an incredibly long, winding, and abhorrently lengthy post. no im not actually sorry about it, i needed to write it all out for my own bloody sanity
shall we begin?
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so first thing's first: metatron saying his first line as he did indicates that aziraphale has expressed some hesitation. might be his body language, or possibly he's even said as such - something along the lines of, 'id need to discuss it with crowley', or something as simple as, 'im not sure, i need to think'. either way, aziraphale certainly responds to the metatron in a way that would suggest he is excited... but definitely incredulous and nervous.
and as for the metatron terming it as 'good news'; he seems to think that he and aziraphale are on the same page, that they hold the same opinion on whatever they've talked about. given what he later says about crowley, however - plus the borderline-disparaging remarks about going his own way, the Evil Glare™, and how quickly he just accepts that crowley isn't going - suggest that he a) doesn't want crowley in heaven, and b) that he anticipates that crowley will, in fact, consider the offer to return to heaven as very much Bad News Bears, and summarily reject it.
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aziraphale starts making his way back to the bookshop, and boy do those expressions tell a story. that is not a happy angel. as soon as he steps off the pavement, his face falls, and his brow tightens in nerves, worry, and possibly even confusion; that to me is a, 'how the fuck am i going to explain this, how am i even going to word it?'. there's a quick, fortifying breath, and he's squaring the shoulders just as he moves out of frame. getting fanciful, that is an angel that is practically steeling himself to do battle; he knows crowley isn't going to like this, knows that it's going to be a hard sell. but what is key is that he does all of this walking away from the metatron, where he can't see - if nothing else, it's a very different expression to the 'excitement' he showed just seconds earlier.
but then he gets into the bookshop, and that expression is gone. for whatever reason, he doesn't want crowley to see it either. he doesn't want crowley to see anything less than joy, confidence, or excitement - he doesn't want to let crowley see that something is wrong/amiss. we then see the metatron, after establishing that muriel might be an adequate replacement to look after the bookshop, look across the street and presumably have a clear view of the two of them in the shop itself.
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now, let's talk about crowley for a sec. crowley is equally nervous, and we can presume that it stems from the conversation with nina and maggie - that he needs to start opening communication with aziraphale, especially if anything is to move forward... and the best place to start, we presume (because, ultimately, we don't know for certain what he was going to say or how he was going to word it in this moment) is to propose that he and aziraphale - if nothing else - truly become an 'us'. maybe there's a love confession in there, maybe not. regardless, he's fidgety, but resolute; he even swipes off his glasses to show how committed he is to diving headfirst into this vulnerability that he otherwise keeps under wraps.
aziraphale, whilst crowley is word-vomiting, is immediately starting off with hand movements to get him to slow down, to quieten down, or stop talking altogether. as he does so, he's looking right back out of the shop window, as if he's aware of metatron's reciprocal gaze in. he's doing so with a pretty sincere smile on his face, and that to me is saying a couple of things:
aziraphale, i think, from the moment he set foot in the shop and saw nina and maggie coming back out, possibly already knew where crowley was going with the conversation. he's just watched as crowley practically offered up alpha centauri to gabriel and beelzebub as a refuge, somewhere he's already expressed that he and aziraphale could go to escape the apocalypse. so; to aziraphale's mind, in crowley doing so, a) crowley has chosen to remain on earth come what may - otherwise he'd have kept his chosen prospective bolthole quiet, and b) in the context where crowley offers it to them, as a safe place for two hereditary enemies just like them to love each other in peace, aziraphale recognises that that might have been what crowley wanted for them too. ergo, to my mind, crowley's confession is not necessarily a surprise to aziraphale - i daresay he likely saw it coming
aziraphale does not jump in straight away to interrupt crowley, and nor does he do it with any harsh or abrupt language. he wants to revisit this conversation - literally the meaning of 'hold that thought' - but what he has to say takes precedence. and to be fair, depending on how we interpret the preceding scene with the metatron (and what is revealed in the flashback conversation), it is arguably a more pressing matter to discuss, especially if it concerns their respective safeties... but it's a conversation he wants to return to
that being said, if aziraphale does know that the confession is inbound, the fact that he would treat it as somewhat of a joking matter - especially given how uncomfortable and fervent crowley's own demeanour is - is a bit... nasty? aziraphale has definitely, on previous occasions, expressed flashes of superiority over crowley, but i don't think this is a situation where he does feel superior... not at all. instead, again, considering how he quickly cheers up his expression when he enters the shop, this to me is aziraphale trying to mask his own discomfort, panic, and worry. he's keeping this whole thing as light and airy as he possibly can.
we then move on to aziraphale telling crowley he has some "incredibly good news" to give him... which, okay, sure, it might be that aziraphale is anticipating it to be good news. but again, the expression outside the shop? if he was that confident that crowley would be jumping for joy at the merest suggestion of returning to heaven, the conflicted expressions of worry and trepidation would, presumably, not have happened. so, i once again can only take this line to be aziraphale trying to dress it up with excitement. and i say dress it up because... we've seen aziraphale beside himself with excitement, right? and this is not it. this (first two snips) is aziraphale being giddy with excitement, or at least a job well done, not the latter clip:
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aziraphale is barely able to get the words out properly after this point, he's nigh incoherent, and his hand movements indicate he's practically frantic... someone who normally, even when nervous or uncomfortable, keeps his hands quite close to his body, clasped comfortingly in front of him or stiff at his sides. we then furthermore have what he seems to mouth in the midst of this flurry of movement and mumbling, which, yes, is speculation but i rather much stand by it so far... and as such, seems to match his expression outside of the bookshop of, 'what the fuck am i going to say'.
also worth noting, to his credit, that crowley is being remarkably patient throughout all of this - i think he potentially does recognise that something is amiss? the 'somethings wrong' voice? recognises that despite himself being interrupted from something really quite important, aziraphale is evidently... not himself.
what intrigues me however, before we get into the meat of aziraphale and metatron's conversation, is how aziraphale words this particular bit:
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because aziraphale catches himself before he says something potentially rather offensive, and then turns it back on himself. for example: "i don't think he's as bad a fellow as he came across", or "-as we thought he was", compared to aziraphale then backtracking and owning that it was his fault, "i think i might have misjudged him!".
what does it matter if he calls out the metatron for having been an arse in s1? it was a perfectly fair assessment to make, by all accounts, and presumably one that he and crowley had a laugh/bitch over post-s1... why would he recount that particular line? it wouldn't change the sentiment, ultimately - that aziraphale is trying to convey to crowley that the metatron 'is actually kind of alright!' - and it's not like crowley would be offended either way... so, are we to assume that even if the metatron can't hear what he's saying (although i have further speculation on this too, by the by, but this is a little more tentative) aziraphale perhaps fears that he can? in much the same way that he only let his expression truly slip once his back was turned, out on the street?
but then we move onto the offer itself, and the conversation between him and the metatron. aziraphale starts getting into his stride, probably because now he's just simply recounting what actually happened, all supported by the flashbacks we get. aziraphale isn't having to lie, as far as we can tell - he's simply going over the conversation he had. let's break that down:
aziraphale initially seems quite relaxed to be sat opposite metatron, insomuch that he doesnt look overly tense. frankly, he just looks bored, wanting to get this over and done with, likely so he can head back to the bookshop and be left in peace. as he said before they left; he has made his position clear, he wants nothing to do with heaven (at least as it currently is), and this is just a courtesy, to hear out whatever the voice of god has to say. of course, metatron then blindsides aziraphale by saying that - of course - the only option to replace gabriel must be aziraphale.
what is noteworthy is how aziraphale says, "and i said... "me?!"... and he said-". because when we cut back to the flashback, aziraphale's expression has not changed at all. there's no excitement, but more just bafflement and shock... and not one that indicates he's in any way enthusiastic about the idea. the fact that aziraphale chooses to recount that particular 'me?!' the way he does to crowley suggests that he's, quite possibly, putting it on, playing the part, and deliberately overstating his initial reaction - almost like he's trying to hype crowley up in turn. furthermore - aside from all the handwaving and nervous huffs of laughter - aziraphale does not even blink throughout this whole spiel to crowley. just an observation.
metatron gives his bullshit rationalisation for choosing aziraphale - and i say bullshit because from their last interaction in s1, aziraphale arguably did not display much of the qualities that metatron purports he has... if any at all - and aziraphale visibly starts to subtly panic. there's the glance away, his shoulders stiffen, he swallows nervously, breathes heavily. when aziraphale does speak, it's immediately to declare that he doesn't want the position, doesn't want to go back to heaven full stop (very reminiscent of his reaction to the promotion offer in the cut 1800 scene), and gives the excuse of the coffee.
metatron then brings out Les Big Guns. before the metatron says anything else, and without so much as a hint from aziraphale, metatron oh so casually remarks that aziraphale would have the final say on who he works with. he already anticipates that aziraphale's hang-up about going back to heaven may not be in fact the coffee, and tbh may not in fact be anything to do with earth itself, but everything to do with crowley remaining on earth. crowley is however a demon, and in his current form would not be able to go to heaven (which in turn begs another observation - does metatron not know that crowley infiltrated heavily pretty easily earlier in the episode?... hmm).
as such, the obvious solution for the metatron is to drop the fact that he probably knows a lot more about aziraphale and crowley's historic dealings with each other than would otherwise be anticipated. he mentions that he has had the chance to peruse over... recordings? reports? photos? that show the span of aziraphale's relationship with crowley - and unspokenly suggests that he knows everything. and then he offers a very neat, tidy solution to that small 'hes a demon' snag. he tells aziraphale he would have the authority to restore crowley, so he could come with him.
aziraphale, whilst metatron is revealing the scope of his intelligence gathering, looks like he's about to burst into tears. to me? that is horror, and fear - like a frightened animal being suddenly backed into a corner. his eyes start darting everywhere, his face - especially his jaw - tenses, and he looks like he's about to leg it out of his chair at any given moment. and namely, once metatron tells him he could restore crowley to being an angel, we don't see aziraphale's resultant expression at all. it immediately cuts back to the bookshop.
why would aziraphale fear metatron knowing everything about him and crowley? this isn't clear. it may simply be residue fear, muscle memory, from years gone by where their association has had to exist in utmost secret. alternatively, it might be that aziraphale is not comfortable in the knowledge that not only does metatron want something from him (to return to heaven), but that metatron has very accurately landed on aziraphale's pressure point (crowley). this is what i mean when i say, as i have in previous posts, that i don't think there's a missing, overt threat from the metatron that we've not been shown, but that aziraphale feels threatened.
compare this to nearly every spy movie you've ever seen - you want someone to do something for you, but they're resistant? just casually drop that you know that their partner has just had a new haircut, or that their child looked happy going into school that morning, or that their parent is struggling to pay for their medical bills... it's sufficient information enough to instill a sense of peril without being an unclassy, hamfisted, overt threat.
my last thought on the flashbacks; as was said brilliantly in this post (@fearandhatred), i don't think the flashbacks were disingenuous, and i don't believe that there are gaps missing that will be revealed in s3. but i do think that there are some key things that aziraphale might not have actually told crowley in his recount of the conversation. crowley responds in his next line specifically to the offer of restoration... so, did aziraphale even tell him about the metatron knowing all about them? their "de facto partnership", their "previous exploits"? because personally, i don't think he did. once again - the narrative irony that we as the audience have the full story, but crowley potentially does not.
but anyway; back to the bookshop.
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...okay, aziraphale. right. i mean, first of all, crowley is just as taken aback, shocked, and incredulous as aziraphale seems to have been during the flashbacks. but aziraphale? everything has slowed down, almost calmed, like the eye of the storm has passed over. he almost looks less manic, less (frankly) deranged, and seems to actually be settling in the fact that the offer itself might actually be a good thing - something that crowley might in fact want. it's still not quite right, he's still not quite acting in a way that makes me think aziraphale's being entirely forthcoming with crowley.
the way he says that crowley could "come back" is soft and gentle, as if he's granting the most amazing, positively astounding opportunity - that heaven is doing something that it has never (as far as we or aziraphale, presumably, is aware) done before, and welcoming crowley back... like it's equal parts forgiveness towards crowley for having done whatever he did (im deliberately trying to keep this concept very vague and objective), and apology to crowley for a punishment that far outweighed any possible 'crime' he could have committed... like heaven is attempting to make reparations for what they did to him in the fall.
putting this outside the main body because it's another slight tangent. we know that crowley being good, nice, and/or kind is not necessarily indicative that crowley should or ought to be an angel. there are shades of grey. however, i do think aziraphale... still has issues with that. still has issues with aligning what he thinks good is, how intrinsically important being good is to him, and then where crowley sits in the midst of all of it - almost like aziraphale accepts that he himself may be in the grey, accepts his shortcomings, but where crowley is concerned aziraphale readily glosses over a number of his... not-so-nice bits. this might stem from aziraphale believing that it's more palatable to love crowley if he believes him to essentially be an angel in all but name, but i don't think it's quite that. more that aziraphale maybe thinks that 'good' is the ideal to hold, that heaven is the place that was meant to be good, and that crowley himself is good... so... well, isn't it the logical conclusion that crowley would want to return to heaven?
so going back to this bit of the scene: i don't think aziraphale ever wanted crowley to revert back to factory settings, never even considered the notion, nor necessarily thought that crowley would be better as an angel... but instead perhaps that being an angel again is what crowley would want. that it would be nothing more, really, than a rubber stamp in his personnel file. i think aziraphale was simply remembering the angel that was joyful in creating, surrounded himself in the exaltation of imagining new and wonderful things, bringing them to life; why wouldn't, in its most basic essence, aziraphale want that for crowley again? for crowley to be back where - as far as aziraphale likely remembers - he was at his happiest? and if he has the power to give it, like the metatron said, isn't that the greatest gift aziraphale could ever bestow upon him?
if we accept, as the whole final fifteen scene is intimating pretty strongly thus far, that aziraphale is trying to keep his panic and fear about the whole situation under wraps from crowley, it simultaneously makes sense that he would offer this to crowley as if he's saying:
'here's a wonderful thing that im pretty certain you've always wanted; please, just this once, don't ask questions about anything else, please just concentrate on this, i can handle everything else. just please say yes to coming back with me, i need you to come back. you can be happy, and i can sort out heaven, so that one day we can just simply walk away and never have to look over our shoulders. i'm scared, but i don't really have a choice, and tbh im even more scared what might happen if i leave you behind.'
but as metatron, i think, clearly anticipates, and as i think aziraphale truthfully does too as he first heads into the bookshop, this was never going to be something that crowley would accept. it's not something crowley wants. crowley - for whatever reason (again, in the absence of knowing anything concrete about the fall, keeping this deliberately vague) - was rejected by heaven in the most literal sense possible. slapping him with an angel stamp and dressing him in a white suit means nothing of value to him, and is the furthest from what he wants; in fact, actually, if anything, it's the biggest insult he could be afforded. because what has suddenly made him redeemable, palatable, 'forgiveable', in the eyes of heaven? nothing; just that he's a pawn in whatever bargain the metatron is trying to strike with aziraphale... and from crowley's pov, aziraphale has agreed to using him as a game piece. it doesn't confer value onto crowley, if anything it reduces it; in this equation, even if he were to accept the offer, he'd essentially be nothing more than a negotiated benefit for aziraphale to take the job.
(and that's all assuming that restoration would in fact mean crowley gets to continue being him, albeit in fancy white clothes - when there's the very real possibility that, if restoration as a concept even exists at all, heaven would just wipe him and set him off from ground zero all over again. aziraphale seems to have taken the metatron's word for it; that restoration even exists, that aziraphale would have the power to do it, and that it would mean he gets to keep crowley exactly as he is).
at which point... crowley knows that aziraphale didn't turn down the offer in the metaphorical room - "and you told him just where he could stick it, then?"... he's hopeful, possibly, but his expression suggests that he fully anticipates that aziraphale has bought into the crock of shit that metatron has spun him. that aziraphale took the job on the provision that crowley could join him, which crowley points out to be beneath the both of them, "oh, we're better than that- you're better than that, angel!".
aziraphale however, as explained above, sees it as being the best, safest, most opportune option for them both to take; "not at all", said with the tone of surprise that it is, suggests that aziraphale didn't ever consider the possibility of saying no, maybe because he feels that he can't, and never thought that crowley would say no, either. along with the surprise tone however, he says it with a very tense expression - the smile has frozen, and his tense are gritted. it might be that he genuinely thought that crowley would say yes, or because - again, if he's in fear of being overheard - he's worried about the implications of what crowley has just said.
crowley goes on to rant that he turned down hell when beelzebub made a very similar offer to crowley in ep1 (which, by the by, he... didn't. for whatever reason, crowley did not say no, nor any variant of a refusal, to beelzebub), and aziraphale remarks that that's a given, as "you're the bad guys".
now... i wince at this particular line every time i watch the final fifteen, as im sure everyone else does, but i don't think it's - at all - meant in the way that crowley likely receives it. certainly not in the way that the majority of the audience seems to have received it.
im not set to diminish or invalidate, on crowley's part, how it must feel to hear aziraphale still consider him a 'bad guy', simply because he's a demon. but from aziraphale's perspective, crowley is a demon, and demons are of hell. hell are not the good guys, as a collective - as has been proven time and time again - and, well, if heaven are meant to be the good guys, hell are by process of elimination the bad guys. once again, aziraphale arrives a rather binary conclusion of good vs. evil.
but equally consider that this is also the aziraphale that regularly compliments crowley on his niceness and his good deeds. that same aziraphale does not think of crowley as 'a bad guy'. he is blunt that crowley is of hell, who are the collective bad guys, because hell is the bad side to the heaven that was meant to be the good side. and as said above - crowley is good! he's a good person! he might be a demon, of hell, but he belongs on the side of good! which leads to this lovely little number:
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throughout this whole part of their discussion, aziraphale has presented as more and more sure, less panicky and nervous - because i think this is something that he absolutely believes. he might have initially not wanted anything to do with heaven, but now? with the possibility that crowley could join him? suddenly then it's viable... lucrative, even - that he could fix heaven, that crowley could help him do it, they'd be together, and they'd get their happy, safe ending. his expression on "good" would suggest his confusion that crowley doesn't appear to share the same opinion - sure, heaven is shit now, but it was always meant to be good, right?* doesn't crowley see that?
crowley, however, justifiably illustrates that, the way he sees it (and has been demonstrated by the narrative), both sides are as flawed and redundant as each other; aziraphale can be as optimistic as he likes that heaven is redeemable, is fixable, but all crowley can see is that both are so inherently awful, so rotten to the very foundation, that there is no saving them... heaven least of all, for being the side that purports itself to be good. hell, at least, is aware of its very nature; heaven is insidious, and doesn't even have the good grace to acknowledge it, instead chalking it up to being god's will, and therefore whatever they do must be good.
and with that, i think crowley simultaneously starts to really panic - knowing that he's losing aziraphale - and yet hopes against all hope that he's gotten through to him, changed his mind, and begins pleading with him to tell him the exact thing he wants to hear; 'this is a bad idea, please don't do this, please-'
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aziraphale is visibly struggling to even collect his thoughts, to even find the words to summarise why he's going to do this. simultaneously, aziraphale is dumbfounded. i think part of that is because he recognises the truth in what crowley is saying, but i also think that he's now in a position where his plan to get crowley to come with him has failed, and he's at a loss for what to do - what to say - next. he looks from crowley, looks out the window, his mouth is working to try and say something, even looks down at his feet, before coming up with the best way he can to explain why he's doing this. "if im in charge... i can make a difference."
*because once again (i'll die on this hill), i don't think aziraphale thinks that heaven as it currently is, is something that is good, light, or truth... but that heaven's intended purpose was to be those things, and is what heaven in essence stands for... irrespective of whoever is in charge. aziraphale has no allegiance to heaven as it currently is. michael, uriel, sandalphon, gabriel when he was supreme archangel - all of them have corrupted heaven to be something that it was never meant to be. but aziraphale has to believe that heaven itself is redeemable, has to believe that there is something salvageable; if it weren't, does that mean that aziraphale in turn is not either of those things too? does that mean that aziraphale is not good? heaven is capable of great things, that could benefit everyone involved; so couldn't aziraphale, from all of the experience he's gained, do something to make heaven exactly that?
it doesn't mean that aziraphale is any more correct for this more nuanced assumption, but i think it poses there is a very fine line in aziraphale's thinking. to my mind, aziraphale is not backtracking on the entirety of what he's learnt since the beginning, he's not suddenly heaven's man again - but instead is recognising that heaven is broken as it currently is... and that he could potentially fix it. if anything, that recognition that what he thought was faultless actually needs fixing, and that he may be able to do it, because it's the right thing to do... is exactly the character development i was expecting? an angel who has himself been rejected time and time again for being who he is, without even the finality of falling, could actually be the key to making heaven something worthy of the name.
he has to take that opportunity, to be that change, but he doesn't want to leave crowley to do so. not only because, of course, he simply loves crowley and wants both, but if he does leave crowley, what could happen to crowley without aziraphale being in a position to protect him? what, for me, it all boils down to is that aziraphale thinks going to heaven is the right thing to do, but only entertained it seriously when a) crowley's name, and their relationship, was casually mentioned in a way that felt like metatron would use it as leverage, and b) crowley could potentially come with him. ultimately, the fact remains that crowley more important to him than heaven is.
let's return to the specific wording of 'make a difference'. it's... fairly neutral, right? make a difference for whom? what kind of difference? the difference that metatron was talking about, or the difference that, in the most idealistic scenario possible, aziraphale and crowley both would probably want to happen? it's carefully worded - and coupled with eeeeverything that i've said about how aziraphale acts with the metatron, how he was hiding his expression as he entered the shop, and then how aziraphale seems to backtrack on bitch-talking the metatron... look, i don't necessarily buy that aziraphale is trying to speak in a riddle or code that he knows crowley would understand, but i do wonder if he's now hoping that crowley will read between the lines. he can't outright tell crowley his suspicions, and was possibly trying to get crowley to come with him in a way that wouldn't alert crowley to anything amiss whatsoever... but now? now that crowley is resisting? he has to edge slightly closer towards transparency.
in the hypothetical scenario that aziraphale is fearful that they may be overheard, or observed, aziraphale has to be careful. he has to word whatever he says in such a way that he appears to be heaven's man, that he genuinely wants to take the opportunity to run heaven and the 'enormous projects' that are in planning, in a way that doesn't disclose to the metatron that aziraphale is in any way suspicious of him. to crowley, however, he has to convey that he isn't heaven's man, that he wants to change things that would mean that it be for the better, and do all of that whilst not alerting crowley that there may be danger. 'make a difference' suddenly has a double-meaning, because for whose benefit does aziraphale truly want to change things?
crowley then, bless his heart, bravely launches into his confession that he tried to start at the beginning, and i think he does so in an effort to be completely transparent on why he needs aziraphale to stay - an effort to convince him to remain with crowley for no other reason than that he wants to be with him... and now? now he's not even sure it'll work. he's tried demonstrating where heaven isn't worth the effort, to no avail, so now he's going for full vulnerability mode. honestly, what a trooper, he was so so brave
aziraphale throughout the confession is practically motionless. the manic energy has disappeared, and from the subtle flickers in his expression, i think he saw this coming - saw it coming from the moment that he saw crowley offer up alpha centauri to gabriel and beelzebub, and saw nina and maggie very surreptitiously leave the bookshop. i think to some degree, aziraphale knew at least the nature of what crowley was going to say, and as a result, he gets very nervous:
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at the sheer mention of "group", aziraphale pointedly (to me, anyway) looks out of the window. generally, he looks shifty - avoiding eye contact, eyes flickering, heavy breathing - but it's so deliberate that he looks out of the window where, we can surmise, is the general environs of where the metatron is still waiting. again - the metatron saying "de facto partnership", and all of his allusions to knowing the true nature and extent of aziraphale's association with crowley, seems all the more sinister if this line - "a team- a group!" - is specifically when aziraphale's eyes betray his concern. i don't think he's necessarily scared that the metatron will overhear this bit, because ultimately the metatron has intimated that he already knows this, but crowley is, potentially, and very much unknowingly, placing them in even more danger by vocalising the exact nature of what he and aziraphale feel for each other.
i also want to remark on aziraphale's look of confusion when crowley says, "spent our existence pretending that we aren't". ive had many a thought on why aziraphale would look so perplexed, and only one kind of makes sense to me - that actually, within the last few years, aziraphale... wasn't pretending at all. crowley told him that they were on their own side in tadfield, something that may have taken a while, but ultimately aziraphale in the "so did i" demonstrates that he was fully on board with, and he's now spent a good portion of s2 trying to make 'their side' all the more meaningful... crowley was no longer going too fast for him, but instead he was trying to show crowley that he had caught up - felt free enough to match his speed.
that, for me, would make sense with crowley's next line, where he himself clarifies that actually, no - the last couple of years they weren't pretending like they were before. something changed after armageddon, and that was that they both were removed enough from heaven and hell that they could finally explore what 'us' might mean for them. crowley is consistently taken aback by what aziraphale intended to be overtures of closeness and adoration - the frequent touching, the bentley, the ball - because aziraphale was trying to demonstrate it with actions, rather than words. crowley previously showed aziraphale how he felt about him - the rescues, the dinners, the books - and aziraphale was trying to speak to him in a language that he thought crowley would understand.
but crowley then plays the card that he played before, and that even under better circumstances aziraphale would never accept; "if gabriel and beelzebub can do it, go off together, then we can!". aziraphale didn't accept it - however much he might have selfishly, privately wanted to - in s1 under threat of armageddon, and it's certainly not an option now when the metatron is literally outside the door. again, if we accept that aziraphale has read the conversation he had with the metatron as some kind of subtle threat, legging it is absolutely not an option he can take. on one hand, he might not want to; aziraphale typically chooses, when his back is against the wall, to fight his way out, to push back. on the other... it's the same as the bandstand; where could they possibly go where heaven won't find them? if they even got that far, how long would they have to keep running? they would constantly have to look over their shoulders, and exist together as if it's something that should be hidden out of fear, and guilt, and shame.
it then makes sense that aziraphale suddenly finds movement as crowley in turn grows more frantic in them being "an 'us'!"; aziraphale starts quickly shaking his head, tearing up, at what crowley is saying. crowley tries stoicly to cajole aziraphale into agreeing, because surely this time he will. aziraphale however strides right up to him, and counters again that he and crowley can be together, can be an 'us', but why can't it be in heaven? neither of them are denying what they want from the other. aziraphale then goes on to lay out exactly how it could work, that he could "run it, [crowley'll] be [his] second-in-command".
i know that a lot of people take issue with this line, because it suggests that aziraphale is claiming superiority, and relegating crowley to the oh-so-lowly deputy position... but tbh, i just can't see it like that. i have no doubt that crowley might see it like that (re: what i said above about crowley potentially seeing the restoration as an insult, because it's only offered not in recognition of crowley himself, but instead as a consolatory benefit of aziraphale taking the offer) but i just simply cannot fathom that aziraphale would ever mean it like that. because look - they haven't even gotten out the door, and already aziraphale has it all planned out. he'd bypass the other archangels not only to take the top position himself, at the metatron's behest, but he'd immediately use that power to install crowley right by his side. he's not offering crowley to just return to his lab/office cubicle as an angel, and once-in-a-blue-moon see aziraphale when he maybe had the time; he's already scheming to give crowley one of the most powerful positions he possibly can. he wants to place crowley in a position not only where aziraphale can always protect him, but it also shows that he trusts crowley more implicitly than any other being, and is frankly offering to fix heaven to be one that crowley would want to see. that crowley could have direct input in building. one that is good enough to have him.
aziraphale solidifies this with "we can make a difference". note the pronoun shift from before? and how he half-whispers it to crowley, fervent and desperate for crowley to see exactly what they could do together? notice how aziraphale isn't scanning around him at the windows anymore? to me, this is the real motivation, right here. metatron is giving both of them an opportunity for them to play their own game; aziraphale is prepared to take it, but wants crowley by side - as a team - when he does... why wouldn't crowley?
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okay im going to cheat here slightly and direct you to this, because my thoughts on this are pretty much still the same. it's apt that this is the nail in the coffin as far as this conversation goes, because for me it's the main (only?) instance in which the two of them are both entirely candid in what they're saying, hoping the other understands, and yet the two meanings miss each other completely. everything else has been a conflict in beliefs or ideals, but this? this is The miscommunication.
crowley is saying: 'this bookshop means so much to you, and it means so much to me too. you even said it was ours, not just yours; it represents where we both felt most safe, where we could be entirely ourselves and not fear or worry about anything going on outside it. you gave me a home in this place, with you - you can't just leave it like it's nothing, you can't just leave 'us' like it's nothing, you can't just leave me like im nothing.'
aziraphale is saying: 'this bookshop means so much to me, it's true, but in a thousand years - even maybe a hundred years - it will be little more than rubble. it represents what i used to treasure more than anything, because it was what i took pleasure in, and i could be myself. it was ours, but really all it is, is little more than paper, glass, and brick. you are my home, and you are more important than a building with windows and a creaky front door. being together, being safe, is all i want, and is all that matters.'
all of that is summed up nicely in crowley just... letting all the fight drain out of his body. tilts his head back, in that famous nod of, 'oh right okay, i see what you're saying'. wills the tears not to fall; to him, aziraphale has just rejected everything that crowley thought aziraphale held dear - including himself. nothing lasts forever, including them... when what aziraphale is saying is that nothing lasts forever, but they could.
crowley puts his shield back on, the sunglasses back in their usual place. aziraphale sees him do so, and has the faintest, hopeful smile on his face; because he thinks that crowley has finally gotten what aziraphale was trying to convey to him - and so, now, they're going to leave the shop together, go to heaven together, and work together to fix heaven into what it always should have been... and along the way, grant them the freedom to do whatever the hell they want to do, and do it in peace. crowley however shatters that; he steps out from around aziraphale, and wishes him luck... and aziraphale realises that they are not in fact on the same page, and actually now whatever was holding on by a thread might have finally snapped.
okay look if you've made it this far - first of all how and why, you madman, this was stupidly long and convoluted... but also many kisses of gratitude unto you for sticking it out this long. i'm planning (if the dopamine gods remain with me) on doing a part 2 where i look at the last bit of the domestic, and the kiss, again - to see what i unearth there too, but thoughts so far:
aziraphale feels under threat from the metatron, and has to prioritise acquiescing to his request on pain of [redacted]
but he also knows that if the metatron knows that crowley is his pressure point, his only option is to try to a) convince the metatron that he (aziraphale) is completely on board, and docile, and b) convince crowley to come back with him, not only for his safety but also so they can be together, and because actually, to aziraphale's mind, the offer is a good thing, possibly something crowley has always secretly wanted, and crowley deserves it
alongside feeling threatened, aziraphale is wary that the metatron may be able to observe/hear their conversation. he therefore cannot say anything that would antagonise the metatron, cannot say anything that would suggest that aziraphale knows that the metatron is a Big Bad, and cannot let crowley in on the truth because crowley would question it too hard and endanger them both
aziraphale knows that crowley is about to confess his feelings, or something of a similar sentiment. aziraphale wants to hear it, but only when he can be sure that crowley will come back to heaven with him, where he can be safe in a position of power, right by aziraphale's side
when crowley begins to resist the idea, and battles back with a plan of this own for them to be together, aziraphale a) has to impress upon him that going back to heaven, and potentially fixing it in their image (lmao god complex much, aziraphale?) is the right thing to do, especially if they are to have any kind of future together, and b) has to do so, again, in a way that won't alert crowley that something more nefarious might be going on. regardless, they both operate on the understanding that they want to be together
however. the one major miscommunication in the entire part of the first sequence is "nothing lasts forever" - this particular part is practically the repeat of the different exactlies from episode 1
ok bye
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Okay... this is gonna sound like blasphemy, but istg if I dont get this out into the world for people who care to read about Im literally going to go insane, so here it goes. I think Felonyglob is kind of boring. Don't get me wrong they're still a really cute couple! I just. Don't find their relationship all that interesting. Like there isn't all that much to explore in their dynamic.
I think most of the problem lies in Felony Carl not really being all that interesting on his own? Like, he isn't meant to be his own character. He has no depth. Which is okay! Not every character needs to be fully thought out or layered, but typically, the better thought out a character is, the more interesting their relationships are. Felony Carl, right down to his NAME, is really just a joke character. The joke being the juxtaposition between his appearance as a big strong criminal biker guy vs his emotional maturity and comfortability in who he is. He's kind of a cardboard cutout of a man. And instead of his relationship with Globby adding anything to his character, he ends up falling victim to the age old trope of "token love interest to motivate the main character". Like, the Princess Peach to Globby's Mario(it was the first example that came to mind don't @ me andnfnsmsm), minus the damsel in destress stuff. Granted Mario isn't all that interesting of a character either but yOU GET THE POINT RIGHT- Felony Carl just kind of falls flat. I was initially gonna drive this point home even further by comparing him to a really similar, and much more interesting, character, Brock from the Unikitty show, but this paragraph is getting long so I'm just gonna leave it at that. He's also really hard to ADD depth to because we just don't get that much info on his backstory outside of how he used to be named Misdemeanor Carl and that he has a good enough relationship with his father to willingly attend his birthday, which really isn't much! There's nothing interesting about this man to latch onto and expand upon without teetering dangerously close to OC territory!
Now, like I said before, having flat characters is fine. It's kind of a necessity, actually. If every single character in every single show got their backstories fully explained to us then there would never be time for any kind of. Plot. Ever. And, for normal viewers of BH6tS, Felony Carl being flat is perfectly okay, because he really had nothing to do with the main cast. But for ME, a weird little freak who likes to pretend BH6tS is actually The Globby Show(the amount of times I've rewatched literally only the episodes with him in them is evidence enough), Felony Carl is a lot more prominent because, to my eyes, he's technically the main love interest of the show. And he's just. So boring. Funny, but SO BORING.
Now, I am ABSOLUTELY not saying you can't still enjoy this pairing. Literally doesn't fuckin matter. I get the appeal, hell I've made stuff for the ship and have plans to make more! I just think it would be fun to explore Globby's potential dynamics with less one-note characters, y'know? Like, there's an ABUNDANCE of interesting adult characters in BH6tS and the only other Globby-related pairing(bcuz remember I only ever pay attentioj to Globby related stuff) I ever see is Globby x Honey Lemon. Which is a fine pairing, and they do have an interesting dynamic(and before you say that pairing is problematic it fucking isn't Honey Lemon is 21 and when your a consenting adult a 20 year age gap is literally fine omfg), but I think we should get more CREATIVE with it!!! And by we I mean people who. Like to think about Globby and put him in Situations. Actually maybe I'm the only person who really cares about this there's only like one other person on here that posts about him regularly... downsides of having super obscure interests, I guess.
But yeah if anybody wants to like... build up some fun cool ship dynamics between Globby and other characters my dms are always open hehe. This post was actually just a really longwinded and dressed up way for me to ask if anybody wants to talk about Globby ships with me. Sorry not sorry I just want more excuses to talk about this man-
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ncko-art · 2 years
a few of my thoughts abt sekaiichi hatsukoi that nobody asked for lolol
sih was one of the first bl anime i watched as a young teen and i have fond memories of it. recently, i watched an episode just for fun and got caught up in rewatching all of it (except for the episodes focusing on the two side couples bc i wasn't as invested this time around lolol) there's stuff that i like and stuff that i don't like now that im older and im just gonna leave my two cents on what i think in general.
takano and onodera was my fav couple back then and its what drew me back in this time around, however yokozawa and kirishima have claimed that spot now lmao. yokozawa really grew on me as a character after he was rejected by takano and the movie only cemented him as my fav character. his relationship with kirishima and his daughter hiyori is really sweet and the progression felt natural. i also loved how yokozawa and takano are able to stay friends and talk like how they used to.
progression is a good word for something i feel is missing from takano and onodera's relationship. while an-chan and yokozawa are giving up on their unrequited love and doing better as a result, takano and onodera's relationship feels incredibly stagnant considering how many chapters they've had to progress in.
it always goes like this: onodera shies away from being alone with takano or spending time with him, takano forcefully tries to spend more time with onodera, onodera says no, takano says yes, onodera then later slightly admits to being into/interested in takano, takano glomps him, onodera gets swept away, they have sex, one last gag at the end for onodera to go "this isn't love!!!!1" while the author goes 🏳️‍🌈🤔? and rinse and repeat. honestly, it's tiring to read at this point.
i get that it's a slowburn but maybe you shouldn't have your characters sleep with each other near the end of every chapter then lolol i feel like we're at a point where a confession from onodera. . .isn't really gonna deliver that much of a payoff.
when onodera collapsed from his poor eating habits and overworking himself and takano decided they would eat a meal together, i thought that was a great oppertunity for them to get more domestic. like yeah onodera would object at first but after a while, eating together could become routine (especially since takano is a good cook.) onodera would come over more regularly without realizing how natural it's become, he then gets a spare key to takano's place, etc. but as it stands currently, onodera doesn't want to eat with takano and im just 🗿
what's worse is, takano has always forced himself on onodera and ignored his boundries and personal space, but with the appearance of nao and haitani, takano has honestly just become so unlikable and jealous. like yeah, maybe his jealousy is justified because there are other men who are threatening to take onodera away from him but i don't think the solution is to grab onodera, bring him to his place and rail him into his bed every time that happens, like. i was reading chapter 28 right before i wrote this and ngl i cant even root for them anymore. this manga feels so dragged out because i see no actual progression with this couple, like they can't have a single deep conversation about anything before takano gets horny and onodera has to deal with it.
so yeah, i need more yokozawa and kirishima or isaka and asahina centric chapters asjhdajskhkal. nevertheless, i still like this show and maybe in the near future, i'll go back and watch the episodes about the other couples.
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ankhisms · 8 months
gobus rewatch ep 6 thoughts
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ive mentioned many times before that i adore the way the mecha and mecha fights are set up in gobusters, theyre genuinely my favorite mecha set up in any sentai ive watched. i remember in the behind the making of the first ep video the fight choreo director talked about how he wanted each fight to be dynamic and to not be boring, which they honestly achieved really well. ill be honest im one of those toku fans who will zone out during the mecha fight portion of episodes (if the show has a mecha fight) but gobusters was never like that for me. similarly to wizard and blazar i always felt engaged in its fights and they were never boring to me, including the mecha fights. this is in part to the world building and the writing of the show, where the mecha have to undergo a lot of maintenance and we see those mecha workers regularly. the show takes pains to make sure we as the audience are aware that the fight could not be possible with just one person, it takes a whole large team of people working together to be able to fight.
with that in mind i also really love how the trio arent just able to form their combined mecha super easily, we see the three of them going through training simulations and theyve failed over 20 times according to nick. i love the little details in the pilot cockpit, the keypad and controls and codes they have to press in order to perform certain actions, along with them having to take their fuel usage into account. from a character and dynamic perspective, this is good early on because we get the sense that while hiromu has joined the team and hes getting to know youko & ryuuji and we see that theyre generally getting along, hiromu is still not entirely in sync with his teammates. hes frustrated and stubborn, hes gone through these simulations and training sequences with nick presumably hundreds of times before meeting up with the other two at the beginning of the show. he KNOWS hes capable, so whats going on? he did fine when he did it on his own.
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i enjoyed ryuuji and hiromus dynamic in this episode. ryuuji, unsuprisingly, very easily slips into a brotherly mentor role to hiromu- but its clearly a different kind of mentorship than how ryuuji would approach guiding youko through something. this episode really highlights just how stubborn hiromu is, he focuses on something and doesnt give up until he solves it and isnt very receptive to being given advice on doing a task differently. and ryuuji, having spent so many years raising another stubborn and strong willed person (youko) is able to percieve this about hiromu and knows that he cant just flat out tell hiromu what hes doing wrong. hes got to be able to work it out himself. but he still is gently nudging hiromu towards the answer while supporting him. we get a sense early on in the episode that hiromu feels a bit tense about ryuuji calling off their training session, as if hes wondering if ryuuji thinks that hiromu just isnt capable enough- but thats not the case at all. ryuuji has probably seen youko get frustrated to the point of needing to walk away from something, and as the eldest of the team he decides to step in before either of the younger two get too frustrated or end up burnt out.
also a note. i dont plan on sacrificing myself for you. oh the early show late show forshadowing irony
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the crux of the issue is that hiromu has been training all by himself for 13 years, whereas youko and ryuuji have always trained with each other. hiromu still believes he has to do everything by himself, and subconciously believes that he can only fully trust himself. because of this he hasnt been allowing ryuuji and youko to take the lead and do their parts while he stands back for a moment, he hasnt allowed himself to trust them enough for there to be a proper give and take in their team. and thats not because hiromu doesnt like youko and ryuuji, its just something that he hasnt thought of this entire time. when youve worked and trained alone for your entire life, its jarring to realize that you have people you can rely on and trust.
in the end its another sweet moment and good building of the team, they have to work hard to achieve their goal and they each have different strengths and weaknesses, and hiromu has to realize that he needs to trust his teammates just as they trust him in order for them to survive.
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gogtopia · 1 year
let's talk: canon events! how'd you get into the dream team? what brought you to dtblr?
i've given the story in some capacity before so here's the full version. all of the jules lore if you will im gonna make it long so here we go
so it's november 2020 (for some reason interests i get into around my bday often end up long term??) and i go home from college for thanksgiving break. bc it's covid, the rest of my sem is online so like i'm staying home. i got super into dnd the past few years and d20 specifically the summer before but bc i was an ra that sem i got too busy to watch long form content and eventually it lingered out of hyperfix territory. but like i wanted the rush of being super into something again and i knew that when i was going home so i actually planned to get into mcyt funnily enough, but my plan was to rewatch old vids from the people i watched in 2013 (actually i just wanted to get back into steve s.uptic in general too). but my brother was like bro. you have GOT to get into this dream smp thing, which he and my sister, then in hs, had both been watching for a while (my sister was actually a long term q viewer. skull). so the two of them sat me and my other sister down and we watched the sadist animatics, some of wilbur and tommy's lore vids, and weirdly enough a mr beast gaming video?? he also showed me a manhunt at some point but dsmp was rlly my point of entry because i'd come from a rp heavy fandom
so around the time i joined was exile which was obviously like so investing... love it or hate it like it did slay. and also el rapids was around that time. which like if you've known me longer than six months like i used to rewatch that entire arc regularly and write long meta about it. i latched pretty quickly to karlnapity and qnf (skull emoji). i thought dream was funny but i didn't get as invested in him specifically until full jackbox era bc he was less active then.
on the tumblr side, i made a blog right as i got into it but i wasn't super active. i mostly interacted with ppl in dsmpblr that did image descriptions at first (i did them up until like early 2022 when i just kinda gor burnt out w writing them) and like to be clear i was consistently blogging abt dtqk since nov 2020, but i didn't really get "accepted" into that side of tumblr until nov 2021. partially on me because i didn't follow a ton of ppl at first but also old dtblr was kinda weird abt accepting ppl into the mutual circle. whatever who cares eventually i got in with some cool ppl and then i met my friend areeba deedis around that time and she helped me spread my wings and meet a ton of ppl! also i think i started writing fic jan 2021 but didnt make my second ao3 until april but ive been writing consistently for this fandom since
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
ive been doing a s1 rewatch and honestly im appreciating the whole show sooo much more now that im in my 20s and was like 15? when it came out. like firstly the effects and story are great, the story was super fresh at the time and fairly unique in terms of other media coming out, and the child actors are so much better than what had been being used on a lot of other shows w kid characters-like these kids were great at like 11. and not just that but looking back the release was literally the catalyst in such a change in terms of streaming and streaming services developing their OWN shows like once this dropped every studio started scrambling and it really shows looking at the media from the past few years and all the new streaming services. plus idk if its just me but the individual episode arcs in s1 also seem a lot different than traditional episode arcs in like tv shows? like the van flip scene happens within the first 10/15 mins of episode six and it strikes me as something most other shows wouldve placed as an ending scene in an episode rather than one of the openers. i have like a whole new appreciation for this show especially considering i didnt Love s3 but im excited to rewatch it and see how my opinion on it will have changed!
ahhhhh yes omg!!!! this is so fun for u i LOVE rewatching st!!!! you're right, stranger things really is exceptional for a variety of reasons, and so many little structural things (like the van flip!!) really set it apart from other television shows.
st has such a cinematic approach to the episodic format that it honestly sometimes feels disingenuous (to me at least) to describe it as a tv show. like you pointed out, st really helped pave the way for streaming service exclusives and especially big-budget streaming service exclusives. i think that so much of what made st such a milestone show is the fact that they had this cinematic approach. television is traditionally serialized, and streaming sorta... shifts that definition. like, "serialized" means that something is delivered in regular installments. st isn't! whole seasons premier at once, and those seasons aren't delivered regularly. but stranger things is built with this in mind. each season is somewhere around 8-9 hours long, yet the episodes flow into each other perfectly, the entire structure optimized for bingeing. you can watch a full season of stranger things in one day if you want to, and it Feels much like watching an extremely long film, as opposed to watching a season of television, as episodes don't typically (looking at u lost sister) have self-contained arcs or plots. this, combined with st's thematic influence (classic eighties films) means that the narrative's structure takes full advantage of the show's means of delivery!! stranger things carved out a space for media somewhere between film and television, a space that had been widening ever since, and i think that's very neat.
idk sorry i went off on a tangent but ANYWAY i love the observations you've made and i hope you enjoy the rest of your rewatch!! pls share any more thoughts you have, i'd love to hear them :)
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garrothromeave · 4 years
the hell is mystreet season 6??
(warning, long post ahead)
ok so before i start this
1) ive never posted shiiiit on tumblr before so watch me suffer, im just here to talk about stuff that my friends who dont know anything about aphmau have to listen to me rant about for hours on end
2) i havent seen mystreet in like years (except season 3, i watch that frequently since im laurance and shadow knight deprived) so please bear with me because i might be completely wrong on this lol. it’s just like, pointing out things i remember
3) im sure someones already talked about this but who cares
4) im gonna do this stupid thing where i just explain myself a bit at first, if you dont want to read that just skip to the part where you see “the actual thingy:” in bold and italics 
5) mild disclaimer; i am completely aware that jessica is not a professional writer. i know that she did her best to appeal to her fans, and honestly, respect for that. while this post will come off as aggressive and probably look like hate, that’s not my intention in the slightest. it’s just... intense criticism. im sure y’all probably already know that, but yeah, just stating that anyways. i do believe that jess is doing her best, and in no way do i want to dismiss any hard work she’s done. that being said; prepare for a very strongly opinionated post.
haha watch there be 10000+ typos in this making me look like a complete dumbass
ok here we go 
one of the main reasons i stopped watching aphmau back in 2017 was the mess that was season 4. like, in the first few episodes of the emerald secret, i thought “woah!! this is kinda cool, im a sucker for mystery!” because of course i was, it was something new and something exciting. the only problem i had with it at the time was kim, but that’s just because i always found her annoying and out of place. i just didn’t understand why garroth dragged her along and honestly i still don’t to this day BUT, moving on.
anyways, as the season progressed, 13 year old me was of course just “:0!!” the entire time--that is, up until the reveal of the main villain. i remember watching the episode, seeing the reveal of ein, and then stopping. like, just for a quick break, but i was still just overwhelmingly disappointed. like, and this was the time when pdh was airing and ein just got made alpha (i think?) and i had really really liked eins character in pdh. either way, that really sucked and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things.
one of the main things bein’ the fact that this was supposed to be a slice of life kinda series that decided to take a turn to a more edgy kinda approach. which, i guess i regularly wouldnt mind? but seeing as mcd was kinda bein neglected at the time it just didnt sit right with me. BUT WHATEVER, point is i stopped watching mystreet all together at the end of season 4.
like, a whole year later my brother tells me that shit’s getting intense in season 5 + 6 of mystreet, and my brilliant self decided to give it a shot--but i refused to watch all of season 5, so i only stepped in when ein made an appearance. so whenever that was, that’s where i picked up because i didnt care enough to see 
and y’know--i honestly didn’t hate it at first. in fact, i found it oddly cool. it wasn’t enough to get me into aphmau again, but it was enough to where i was intrigued. i dont know why, but i never watched the finale, so i didnt see the ending until just a few weeks ago--but back then, i thought it was neat. looking back on it however... im just so confused. 
side note: only got back into aphmau this time around because of mcd. mainly because like, i adore the first season and the first half of the second season. and being nearly 18 now, im a lot more appreciative of plot and well-written characters n junk. 
the actual thingy:
ok back on track. imma stop spilling out my story of how i got back into aphmau, and lets just skip to what rewatching mcd made me realize of season 6′s plot and shit:
-emmalyn. how the fuck does ghost even remotely exist? if she’s emmalyn as claimed, then why have we already seen emmalyn in the mystreet universe alive? look i get that creators can do whatever they want with their stories but at the same time please provide some sort of explanation good god. and maybe they did and i just havent seen it, so if there is one--let me know. but until that day imma just sit here confused as fuck
-ok so imma just be real, the whole ‘ultima’ thing is just... not great. in my opinion, anyways. like... i saw someone mention this in another post, but if this ultima stuff was like, a really big deal, why isnt it mentioned in mcd? though i suppose since its a curse of sorts, it could be later on past the time period in which mcd takes place--but even then, how did it manage to make its way into aaron’s family bloodline? 
-WHY IS EVERYONE AT STARLIGHT ITS JUST SO CONVINIENT like what happened to this place being the most expensive shit on the planet or whatever, and how the gang happens to run into like, the werewolf trio and blaze and kai and guy and nate all of these people like god damn life doesnt WORK LIKE THAT 
-im sorry but turning people into relics? thats... thats the best you could come up with? plus, like, how does that even work? in mcd it’s established that relics are separate entitles that choose their wielder, based on a ‘personal’ connection (being a descendent of a previous wielder) or if they’re a good match personality and (i think?) moral wise. so the whole turning-people-into-relics doesnt make much sense to be honest. 
-irene really over here using her god powers to only keep her friends alive like god damn not a great god if you ask me 
-can i talk about how incredibly predictable aphmaus death was? like i just kinda sat there waiting for it to happen and when it did i literally went “haha! wonder when she’ll be revived” because god forbid we actually kill off characters 
-when aphmau + demon warlock fought in the irene dimension there was no passage of time whatsoever in the real world whiiiiiiiiich really bothers me because they fought in there for at least a few minutes
-speaking of aphmau and the demon warlocks fight does it bother anyone else that it had to be aaron who took over the fight?? like we get it hes the big protector blah blah blah but god damn it wouldve been cooler if aphmau had fought this battle as her. aaron fighting this battle was so underwhelming
-...love. like, thats the only thing thats needed to break out of a forever potion? love? LIKE YEAH, GOOD GUYS GOTTA WIN SOMEHOW, but its just so cliche and overdoneeee
-oh yeah and also when travis went bonkers and became the demon warlock or whatever, why’d he only take over katelyn and garroth?? like, zane had been influenced by the potions in the past as well? DONT GET ME WRONG--i do love some good brother edge, but uh, the demon warlock was just bein kinda a dumbass by not possessing zane too just sayin’
-can aaron please go to fucking jail for mass murder now like holy shit, he just got sent home on a fuckin boat. also why did blaze forgive him for killing him thats not even remotely realistic. then again, nothing in mystreet has ever been realistic when it comes to characters and motives and personalities, (cough katelyn being actually abusive and travis being an actual pervert) but yknow whatever
-katelyn and kawaii chan literally added nothing to the plot whatsoever. like lets be real, katelyn lost her personality the moment season 5 started and kawaii chan just kinda sits there :I
-ok im sorry this was bound to come up but cmon guys imagine laurances potential if he was in season 6 like god damn this is beyond maddening. AND YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY REALLY COOL PARRALLEL?? IF IT WAS LAURANCE WHO SNAPPED GARROTH OUT OF HIS MIND CONTROL THING, because it would mimic laurance’s speech to get garroth to snap out of his rage in season 1, episode 100 of minecraft diaries. like how fuckin rad would that have been? missed opportunity 
-also?? why does kim/ghost know magicks?? like, if i remember correctly, emmalyn is a scholar--not someone who knew magicks. i mean, i guess research? study?? but its been established that knowing how magicks works =/= being able to use magicks. i dunno, just doesnt seem right i guess. maybe its explained, i wouldnt know (yes i know that makes me look like a dick leave me alone)
-melissa should have stayed dead. LIKE, NO, ITS NOT AS SIMPLE AS “haha it takes more than a few bullets to kill me”??? look ive got nothing wrong with melissa (cough lie cough) but yknow it would have just been cool a character... stay dead? for once? its just too fuckin cliche that shes alive god damn
-can i also just say the only good thing that came out of season 6 was travis’ dads sacrifice like damn that made me actually sad
-howww was lucinda turned into a relic. or yknow, anyone else? like im sure they explain it better in the actual show i just dont remember, but its just that easy? turning anyone into a relic? granted, a normal person wouldnt be able to produce a good relic, but idk man. IM JUST SAYING; that the only really powerful relics that aphmau should have been able to wield is the one that aaron + zane produced because shad relic and esmund relic moment. lucinda isnt even like, connected to a divine warrior. ALSO, another point, if its seriously that powerful of a relic getting one from just a magic user like lucinda, why go through the trouble? i mean i guess ofc youd want the “all powerful” one that the ultima produces but i mean damn whats the point
-ok this is just going to bother me but in one of the episodes (i think might have been in season 5 actually) where that like, guardian dude was chasing aphmau and zane and at one point they split up and the dude just chuckles at zane diverting paths and goes under his breath “youre not the important one here”, suggesting that aphmau somehow is? first of all, id argue that any ro’meave is significantly more important than aphmau was, especially not knowing much about her other than that shes with aaron. i might be missing some bits an pieces, but if i was that dude id forget about aphmau and go after zane 
-killing off derek for shock factor sucked, and i know the moment was supposed to be really sad because like “oh :( aarons dad is sacrificing himself for his son” but lets be real dereks still was a shitty father and i dont think his reasons for doing what he did was very good at all
-less about plot or more like: why the absolute fuck did the gang bring kim along instead of, oh i dont know, a life-long friend? like, laurance or dante maybe?? im sure its explained, i never saw aphmaus year or most of season 5, but god DAMN id hate to be apart of this friend group AND GOD LIKE, imagine reconnecting with an old friend who ends up getting closer to your best friends and taking priority in their lives over you (cough laurance) like god damn lol
-im just going to preface this one with: i dont remember everything that’s happened, so if im wrong i apologize in advance--but (you actually can correct me if im wrong and please do) didnt like, irene reincarnate her friends in order to give them better lives? I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE, ITS JUST WHAT I REMEMBER--however, if im correct, then:
a. why the hell would she bring back someone like zane, or gene, or ivy, etc.
b. why the hell do they all have the same exact names? first and last? again, im aware that the whole mystreet+mcd tie wasn’t originally supposed to be there, but i dont think that means such a coincidence can be excused? its just a bit much if you ask me.
c. why the hell is the fact that (as much as i literally hate this) aaron is a decedent of shad being ignored? like, you’d think that something like this would be something thats actually important, or something the demon warlock couldve taken advantage of. or are we completely erasing every other connections to divine warriors besides aphmau + irene? because even if irene did reincarnate them or do whatever it is she did, does she even have the power to sever the connections between them and their ancestors? my guess is, no.
d. speaking of irene why on earth was aphmau able to talk to/see irene, they’re literally the same person are they not? did she like, fuckin reincarnate herself without actually doing it?? BUT--i will give it to them, the demon warlock did refer to aphmau as something along the lines of being “one of the 3 parts of her broken soul” or something like that. however, my point still remains. also what are the other two did i miss that or is it never explained
now; if irene in fact did not ‘reincarnate’ her friends then please ignore that little bit right there :)
but yes, those are a few of the problems i have with season 6 off the top of my head. i would go into like, season 4 and 5 more as well, but i honestly didnt feel like it. at some point i might go into other things, like how important laurance could have been to the plot of these later seasons, or HELL, even dante. i might also go into what could have made season 4, 5, and 6 actually good--maybe... a rewrite? perhaps? but im getting too far ahead of myself, so i just leave you with this for now.
and i know that as soon as i post this 15 more things are just going to pop into my head BUT im going to try and not edit this post because why stress myself with that even more
anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk 
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ellitx · 3 years
It stuck out to me that Dain specified that "the gods descended and destroyed Khaenri'ah" cuz Barbatos and Morax were never in Celestia (I can't remember if Barbatos briefly went with Venessa but even then he was for what ten minutes lol) ANNNNND the only power we see in the destruction of it (in that one trailer) is the Sustainer's. I highly doubt the god of freedom (and love) and a god who knows when to let humanity do its own thing were even remotely part of that destruction- I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
My guess is Dain is assuming all gods are the same, but they're very much not. Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad... meanwhile Baal is over there blocking off her entire region and taking away Visions and no one (in canon) says a single word against that. How is Venti always talked about like he's some huge problem when Baal and even Tsaritsa are right there being actual menaces (from what we understand so far)... it makes no sense. Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
Dain even contradicts himself multiple times and kept the fact he knows the sibling a secret... for what??? Why is he so sketchy?? Frankly I don't trust him, especially if this theory holds any merit
All this being said, if Venti is actually evil somehow I'll take it I love villains😅😂 But it could also be true that Khaenri'ah was not as great as Dain made it sound... coulda been evil or plotting smth terrible for all we know. He was cursed after all (if I'm understanding right), and literally no one else that we're aware of has been cursed. If Visions are divine blessings then curses are divine punishments... Visions are given to extraordinary ppl and/or those who have suffered greatly; they're given to help ppl. Curses tho... you gotta really fuck up to be cursed I assume.
Last thing before I'm done rambling I am so so sorry I just have a lot of thoughts about all this: in the chapter outline video Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me". And isn't changing the world what Tsaritsa and the Fatui (and the Abyss Order??) are doing... Dain why are you against the gods who seemingly have the same goal as you
Okay I'm sorry that's so long but I'm done now BYE GIDHWHGEJFJE
-🌧 anon
I'm quite sure the gods Dain spoke of were the Celestial gods, not the ones in Teyvat. And if you think about it, Khaenri'ah being destroyed could be why the majority of the Archons we know about oppose/don't care about Celestia
Yep yep, as ive said before i havent thought the gods dain had mentioned can also be referred to the gods of celestia so it’s my fault for not understanding it well. And iirc venti isnt really fond of celestia which is why he gave his gnosis to the tsaritsa who is going against them
Also, while I'm at it I wanna point out that ppl in game insist on calling Venti useless and lazy or even imply he's bad...
Ppl are so mean to Venti even if he's not around and for what... what has the god who's always fought for humanity's freedom and happiness done to hurt anyone I just do not understand, I cannot see Venti doing anything of what Dain said. That goes against his entire being...
This really saddens me a lot that they view venti as an irresponsible archon when in fact he has done lots of things to keep his nation safe
Rebelling against the aristocracy to stop it during the time of Vennessa, waking up when he heard the cries of his people when Durin was attacking Mond, and even helping out in stopping Dvalin’s corruption
When they say Venti's "irresponsible" it's.. scary
He was given responsibility for the whole nation and was brave enough to accept it. He worked hard for years,sacrificed his power for people's freedom. He still risks his life regularly
source: @/Genshin_Kineli
Venti has more to it than meets the eye and it just needs a better understanding of him yet they keep looking on his current state. Like how often he goes to the tavern for a drink or laze around. Venti’s done lots of things okay T^T even during the Windblume, he helped us out in assisting his students from afar.
Dain literally tells us to 'defeat him and command him to step aside' after saying "we (humanity) will defy this world with a power from beyond". Idk about anyone else but that kinda sounds like "sure I wanna destroy the world, but you can stop me".
Now this is something that piqued my interest as i was reading theories in the subreddit.
In his outro, it seems that the Traveller will be forced to fight him in the future, to save the Traveller's Sibling--"Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her.
Then, the threads of all fate will be yours to re-weave." It's unclear who the hero or the villain is in this situation. Is it Dainsleif, holding the Traveller's Sibling hostage? Or is it the Traveller's Sibling, who is about to set the world into ruin with Dainsleif wanting to stop them?
Only time will tell but if anything's for certain, things are not as black and white as it may seem.
source: u/hrcmstrbl
Dainsleif really be suspicious and acting mysterious. His dislikeness towards the gods is what got my interest so much. There must be a reason why he doesn’t like them. Even towards the archons of Teyvat, Dain doesn’t seem to be so fond of them and we can see that when were about to go the Favonius Church to ask Barbara
Anyways— my brain is still processing all of these informations and im just reading all the lores i can find LMAO for now i still have to rewatch all cutscenes then go back to these theories and continue to dig some more
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wastrelwoods · 5 years
hhhh fuck im gonna. just do a liveshow post? in the tradition of my liveblogs. its spoilers, so if you wanna just wait and see the taped version and be surprised by new exciting things instead take note!!
-starting with a murderous mask recap to bring the audience up to speed and also get everyone psyched out of our MINDS just watching peter nureyev dance around going crazy going stupid was a GOOD move
-duke rose had a bright gold sequined jacket oh FUCK yes!! oh FUCK YES. moist von lipwig hours
-nureyev BIG knife cat energy...you know you can really HEAR that specific toothy grin that noah does in his voice but its so much fun to SEE it also
-juno threw a crumpled-up note at peter’s FACE and said “explain THIS” and i watched it bounce off noah simes and hit the floor and just about died right there, been thinking about it all day
-okay miasma got a LOT more attention in this version exploring the way the martian artifacts she was gathering made her more and more powerful and explaining more in depth what she could do and how unstoppable she was and it was CHILLING and GREAT. FUCK yeah kate jones and her mouth of sauron makeup and her lace veil and her Key and Throne and Mask powers...deadly silent and all-knowing and inevitable..FUCK yes
-shoutout to every audience volunteer but also the person who played samy cartwright our saturday night show they fucking brought the HEAT. played off of noah simes like it was NOTHING and it was just so fun to watch
-so in THIS one juno was already aware that he could read minds sometimes but couldn’t control it at all so miasma was just regularly appearing in his head to say ‘you’re ugly, you’re disgusting, i’m gonna kill you, give me $200’ which i LOVED
-pete actually discovering that juno ate the fucking lessoniana capsule in media res was SO great. real he/him bimbo hours for mr steel. real morosexual hours for peter,, 
-at one point peter joined one of juno’s recap monologues and juno was so shocked and upset at the intrusion...the fleabag of it all, as sarah and emma put it
-SPEAKING of the forth wall, note for rewatching this liveshow: every time nureyev says something that makes juno go weak in the knees and the spotlight hits and joshua turns towards the audience with this slightly deer-in-headlights expression like ‘alas...still bisexual’ you have to take a shot its the rules. it can be a big sip of water but i personally went for rum
-cool okay lets TALK about melissa dejesus as the RUBY7...BRIGHT green holographic dress, rhinestone necklace with the license plate #, a kazoo to make beeping noises with....a surreal and unparalleled portrayal 
-i got my VALENCIA LORE i got to learn more about what VALENCIA WAS DOING and WHY SHE WAS THERE in a cool and unexpected way and also i just got to watch kristie norris blow imaginary smoke in juno’s face all night
-joshua just fucking full-out collapsing on the floor when he’s playing dead during the train robbery...you love to see it. hope he’s ok
-m sutherland w that cool eyeliner, playing brock engstrom up as one of those tabletop guys who will insist on setting up a d&d game for you just to neg you the entire time about not getting the mechanics and not min-maxing your character build right and also shows you his Gygax Shrine, but in a self-important way
-i....you know there are two specific pre-existing moments in pt 2 of this episode where peter and juno pull a ‘if you want him you have to go through ME’ and  the dialogue was. rewritten just SLIGHTLY so that they were explicit parallels and it changed the WHOLE energy for me just to see that like. oh my god. oh my god they would die for each other...its about trust...the queer drama of it all
-that fucking...last scene in the RUBY7....holding hands and refusing to give up hope as they disappear into the mouth of the martian ruins....you KNOW it to be a real doozy in audio form but to WATCH those emotions play out....oh FUCK y’all
im SURE there’s more but that’s what i have right now? also could do a WHOLE separate post about the experience of being there unrelated to any of the content of the show bc it was a LOT and it was FUN 
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natural-singularity · 4 years
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes? 🍇 - Favorite fruits? 📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?
deb!!! tysm!! <3 <3 <3
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes? (im realizing now that this emoji has two different questions/messages, so anon if you’re reading this and you wanted my top 5 celebrity crushes, im sorry) - this was so challenging idk why!!! i guess i am regularly thinking about: oliver stark, jameela jamil, dylan o’brien, sophia bush, aaaand shane madej
🍇 - Favorite fruits? - i did answer this already (strawberries & bananas) but i’m gonna add that the runner-up is definitely blueberries - oh oh and the blueberry-lemon combo?? fuck me up tbh
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows? - this is really hard tbh im assuming this is ‘all time’ but also i have a hard time separating out my current interests from those big-time heavy-hitter ~lifetime~ interests. and i also watch waaay more youtube shit than tv at the moment. so i’m gonna say what i like to rewatch and please don’t come for me: 911, supernatural, bbc merlin, schitt’s creek, gilmore girls
*author’s note: teen wolf does not make the top 5 because at this point i don’t enjoy rewatching the actual show ashsgjkdhj i would much rather read fanfic - especially a rewrite of the show, such as this one  😇
Send me emojis!
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true-autistic-tales · 3 years
hiya again and welcome back to reviewing and ranking my slowly dying hyperfixation, ive left a link to my previous post on this incase this is your first time seeing this but anyway onto the rest of season 2 under da cut :D
Tumblr media
super sunday
sue applies for square dancing with the stars with brad, mike tries making brick a sport dude by reading and frankie takes ehlert to the ass doctor. the banjo cover of eye of the tiger part was really funny and caught me so off guard when i first watched it. yet another person gets jealous because of brick and it's still humorous. this episode was really fun, above a birthday story.
valentine's day 2
sue seeks that boy whom she kissed on halloween, axl attempts to get his hot date a gift but ends up bonding with frankie instead while brick crushes on autumn. the only thing i really hate about this episode is how frankie hanging out with axl is set up like they're on a date, even mike comments about it, it's so gross but besides that, good episode, below a simple christmas.
"how did you ever land mom? you know nothing about women."
friends, lies and videotape
brick tries to make a friend, sue and carly sneak into a r-rated movie and axl and the ax-men try to go some footage of their pretty teacher for their music video. this is the episode where we get the greatest song of all time "run to me" which i regularly annoy my friends with, i absolutely love axl and the ax-men, im their biggest fan. i love sue, she can never handle doing one wrong thing because she'll feel so unbelievably guilty about it and end up punishing herself, she's such a great kid. after constantly hearing frankie talk about skipping, mike skips for 2 seconds and it's the funniest shit ever. this is such a great episode, i love it, above the big chill.
hecks on a plane
sue wins a trip to new york for four. i absolutely adore sue's dance and squeal, to the point where ive tried dancing like that and her squeals have become my happy stim, im not joking. i relate a lot to mike with planes, they're just so scary to me, i hate them. poor dude in the first class area having to deal with all if the hecks, by the end he looked like he wanted to jump out of the plane. i love this episode a lot, it's so hilarious, above the big chill.
"mom says it's my turn to be rich now."
the math class
brick gets a d on his math homework which accidentally makes frankie and mike join the parent class while sue tries to find aunt edie's time capsule for her. this is the second time one of the hecks genuinely thought aunt edie had died and it's still very humorous. i really enjoyed this one, above super sunday.
"aunt edie! you're alive!"
"i am?"
spring cleaning
after a misunderstanding with nancy donahue, the hecks realize how much pigs there are and start spring cleaning. this episode deals a lot with compulsive hoarding disorder which is something im undiagnosed but most likely have too. i LOVE how brick starts up his "information" business, it's happens to seamlessly. axl messing with sue is hilarious, i also really enjoyed when frankie found mike's "pro-con" lists, proves my point that he's autistic since as someone with autism i can say that at least most of us do indeed love making lists, probably. this episode was fun, above a birthday story.
"word in the park says you can answer any question."
"i was headed to lunch, but i got 30 seconds. what's your question?"
"why are my parents getting a divorce?"
the legacy
brick gets his cousin's ridiculous hand-me-downs clothes, axl and mike have a sock fight, and sue gets picked for cross-country mvp most punctual. i love brick's really stupid clothes from his cousin, especially his "bikini inspector" shirt, it reminds me of the "female body inspector" shirt. also this is the start of romance between sue and derrick, rewatching this episode for this it surprised me how long they've foreshadowed their romance, i kinda enjoy it to be honest. good episode, above the quarry.
"i think what you meant was: hee-hee."
the royal wedding
frankie gets hyped for the royal wedding, sue tries out for her school anchor, and due to budget cuts, there's no more pretzels at the quarry. i like how being sick makes brick more neurotypical but unfortunately that's where my compliments for this episode ends. i don't want to get too political but i fucking hate royal weddings and just the royals as a whole, especially how the other royals treat other royals for not wanting to fuck their siblings and "not keeping the bloodline pure", it's actually so disgusting. this episode was okay but i just really disliked it at the end, seeing frankie so realistically distraught about something she cares about while others around just make fun of her isn't funny, it's sad, it remains me too much of my depressing self. below errand boy, i hate to use this language but this one sucks ass.
mother's day 2
chris cut his hair for this episode and it's very noticeable. speaking of chris, bob has such an awful family and it must be so much more worse for him constantly it's revealed a few episodes after that he still lives with them, i feel so bad for my sweet boy. anyway, for her mother's day present, frankie spends the entire sunday alone while the rest of the hecks go to a fair thing and of course, she ends up hating it. i love how sue suggests it because she remembers last year, aka last mother's day episode, where frankie screamed that to pat. i love how fake frankie accidentally hitting the volleyball into tree looks and how she just jumps out of the ferris wheel after it was implied that mike said "you know what? [frick] YOU". good episode, below a simple christmas.
the prom
last episode axl accidentally texted weird ashley to prom so desperately tries to get out of it, brick and arlo start doing plays, and sue crushes on samantha and tries to sit with her and the cool kids. i don't understand why axl doesn't like ashley wyman, she's so lovely, i would gladly take her to prom. reverend timtom makes a surprised appearance for axl, i absolutely love axl's and timtom's talk with each other about the prom and how they just start playing guitar. i also really love brick's and mike's talk too, brick is such a smart kid, too smart even. good episode, above the quarry.
the bridge
brick attempts to overcome his irrational fear of a scary bridge, axl tries out for a lifeguard job, and sue goes through another one of her moody days. as someone with some really dumb irrational fears, i relate a lot to brick, and i mean a lot, especially when brick fully explains his fear to frankie and how brick got this fear, in his young childhood. i love how brick scares the shit out of frankie, it's both relatable and funny. bob appears in this for a bit, also trying out for the lifeguard job cuz apparently his new hobby, raising carrier pigeons, costs a lot. i frickin LOVE when sue is ranting to frankie about her swimsuits, you can see mike walk down the hall and then make a big u turn as soon as he overhears sue, it's so unbelievable hilarious, i love it. great episode, above super sunday.
"look how nervous he is. there's more relaxed people in electric chairs."
back to summer
brick and axl didn't do their assessment so they may have a chance of not graduating to next grade while sue tries to get her perfect attendance award for her graduation. i love the talk with axl and mike in their car, it's very sweet. also this was the first time they used clip show/scene, just wanted to point that out. this episode was sweet and lovely, above taking back the house.
"they're forcing me to help people against my will. doesn't that seem like communism or something?"
full season 2 ranking
before i get to the ranking i just want to mention something i forgot to talk about on my first post for this, the gag reels for the first few box sets for this show, it's just so fun, everyone seemed like they had such a fun time, i adore it. anyway, this season was good, the only real shit episode was all thanks to the ending, so if you do really want to watch the royal wedding just watch it until frankie gets up at 3am for the wedding then you can turn it off.
24. the royal wedding
23. errand boy
22. back to school
21. foreign exchange
20. valentine's day 2
19. mother's day 2
18. a simple christmas
17. taking back the house
16. back to summer
15. the quarry
14. the prom
13. the legacy
12. a birthday story
11. spring cleaning
10. super sunday
9. the bridge
8. the math class
7. the big chill
6. hecks on a plane
5. friends, lies and videotape
4. the diaper incident
3. thanksgiving 2
2. homecoming
1. halloween
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