#i always have re6 leon on my brain oops
farcry5 · 3 years
hellllo darling, may you make leon Kennedy x fem reader in which leon is her bodyguard, has feelings for her and act distant, when she gets tired of it she asks him why he is like that and he ends up telling her his feelings? 🥺
oh this is soft, i live for this thank you. kinda did my own little take on it, hope it’s not too much lol
Leon S. Kennedy.
He’s been your bodyguard for a few months now, assigned to protect you under your boss’ orders, and you were sure things were going well. Those gentle smiles, sweet laughs, and careful touches; things had to be going well. Or maybe you were reading too much into it- it was his job and he was just trying to get through the day just as you were. 
Yet, lately there’s been this distance growing between the two of you and at first you brushed it off. Some days were just harder than others and that was okay, you understood that. But it never stopped growing and you started to worry about the lonely feeling festering in your heart. 
His back always seemed to be farther away as he stood in front of you and walking behind him felt foreign and unnatural. A few weeks ago, he would be sticking close to you and now that almost felt like a fever dream. 
“Ma’am.” Leon spoke softly behind you, his hand warm against your arm as he started leading you away, down a dark hallway. “This way.” 
A frown pulls your lips, looking down at the end of the hall to see a couple of men standing there and then stumbling as Leon pulls you into another hallway. “Leon?” You question, pausing at another turn and feeling his chest pressed against your back. 
He shushes you for a moment, finger to his lips as he moves around you to take a look and check if it was safe. That’s when you notice the gun in his other hand that he attempts to shield away from you, but you see it and you are quick to stay quiet the rest of the way. 
It takes several minutes of wandering through the building until you are safely out and into the dark street, but it felt like hours. You’re tired and he’s escorting you to the car and you almost forget about the situation between you and Leon until you smile at him and he looks away. It stung, but you tried not to let it show, turning to the open backseat door and sliding in. 
When Leon closes the door behind you, panic sets in and you're rolling the window down, calling out to him. “Wait, where are you going?”
“I’m going to find out who those men were. Go home, ma’am.” He tries to leave again but you stop him. 
Your voice must reveal the state you are in, because his expression softens. “No, stay with me. Leon, I don’t want to be alone.”
He steps closer to the door and it takes everything in you not to reach out for him. To not open the door and pull him in or to just jump out and cling to him tightly, imagining him holding you in his arms. “My job is to protect you.”
“No, your job is to stay with me! You can’t protect me if you aren’t here.” 
A small smile pulls the corners of his lips and your heart flips in your chest. He pulls the door open and slides in beside you, speaking into the mic in his shirt for another guard to search the building. You move to the other end of the car, silent as you sit there, staring at the seat in front of you. 
Leon is quiet as well, looking out his window and you turn your head slightly, watching as his fingers tap against his thigh. The distance is there again. You feel it like an overwhelming presence that threatens to suffocate anyone in range. And you felt like you were suffocating. Did Leon feel it too?
“Where are you?” 
He looks up at your words, replying in confusion, “I’m here.” 
You shake your head and relax into your seat. “No, you aren’t. You were, but now, I don’t know anymore.” When he doesn’t answer and only gives you a questioning look, you sigh. “Why have you been so cold to me? It feels… difficult to talk to you.” 
Leon stares for a few seconds and then sighs, running his fingers through his hair and leaning his elbow against the door. “Was it that obvious?”
“You did it on purpose? Why?” Your voice shakes in disbelief and his other hand reaches out for you, soft and delicate as he holds your wrist. 
The distance you felt before has vanished and he feels close once again as you gaze at him and the tenderness in his eyes. The amount of love that they hold leaves you breathless. “I care about you. More than I should.” 
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing.” You mumble, pulling away from him, but his grip tightens, only slightly, just enough to stop you. 
Leon moves his hand to take yours and he leans forward, smiling softly as he pulls your hand to his mouth, ghosting his lips against the back. “It’s not, but this job will end and when it does-” He doesn’t continue, a sadness in his gaze. 
You’re hesitant, moving closer and resting your head against his chest, waiting for him to tell you to move or push you away, but he doesn’t. His hand lays against your side and you let out a sigh of relief as you close your eyes, hoping the car ride home last forever.
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