#i am a tad obsessed with his butt to be honest
thewilddoghaunts · 6 months
Bill had to explain to me what a "badonkadonk" is, but he is correct: he does indeed have a badonkadonk
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Morose Mononokean II 1 | Mob Psycho 100 II 1 | Meiji Tokyo Renka 1 | My Roommate is a Cat 1 | Promised Neverland 1
I think I’ve got too many cute fluffy creatures this season...
Mononokean II 1
For some reason, before I started watching this I kept reminding myself of Tomodachi Metre and fearing the new OP (because there’s almost always a new OP when dealing with a second season) would be faster-paced…the song is faster-paced, but not in the way I thought it would be (I thought it was going to be hard rock kind of pace, but it’s at least a tad slower than that).
Utakuni is such a fluffy kitty!
Ah, Moja Moja is best moja, indeed. Gossamers from As Miss Beelzebub Likes just don’t compare, y’know?
The Legislator is practically the king of “You mad, bro?”. (LOL)
Okay-dokay, lemme explain. There are 3 arms of government (known as the separation of powers, in order to have a series of checks and balances) – the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary, meaning we’re missing that final one at the moment…
I never knew Morose Mononokean was so obsessed with comedy…or maybe I’m just noticing it now that I have experience with comedy I get bored at…
Abeno’s face of disgust really sold that moment with Moja, LOL.
Well, by virtue of being a sequel to something I watched previously, it’s more likely to get coverage, but you can never say for certain until the first episodes are over and done. On to the next thing – Mob Psycho!
Mob Psycho 100 II 1
Alright, all these “II 1”s are going to make me confused someday, aren’t they…?
I think the dude’s Suisho simply means “water crystal”. But I’m only guessing as to what kanji are being used here, so I could be wrong.
The pixel art bit was good. More like that, please!
“Your life is your own” – is that Mob Psycho’s slogan, in the same way Symphogear has that thing about “holding courage to fist” and whatnot?
Unlike Mononokean, which you only need to know the very basics (which are in turn explained in the episode itself), it seems Mob Psycho is playing hardball in that department – if you don’t remember that time Kamuro started kicking his lackeys around, you’re going to have to watch it again. (Either that, or you watch the Reigen recap.)
Hmm…”[something to help Mob] grow” sounds a bit odd, but that’s a correct translation. That’s what seichou suru means.
Oh great…you know how I said I was cleaning out the house lately? Someone found an old copy of this book called Inventing Elliot, which I despised studying about (because it got me some of the lowest grades in my school life, aside from outright failures and close scrapes with failure). The problem is, I’m getting Inventing Elliot vibes from this particular plotline…and since that’s Mean Girls in a boys’ private school + Mob Psycho is all about the abuse of power, that’s completely a storyline the show would go with. *gulp*
Hey, they have actual eyecatches now! Hooray!
A certain kanji for “Emi” (with a mi in hiragana, IIRC) is “smile” in English, so I find it interesting they paired Mob up with a girl like her. (Then again, if it were a hiragana/kanji mix, that’s not a name.)
Oh yeah, the hitode (starfish) shirt.
Rinshi! Ekoda-chan 1
Why am I covering an R18+ series? It’s a long story…
The jokes are, as of this segment with the old lady, only about 50% hits. That seems to be a pretty bad track record. The thing about Ekoda being identified as 3 years older than what she really is is also relatable, since I don’t think I’ve grown much past a certain age.
Note there’s a Japanese store called JUSCO. There was one in Hong Kong, which was full of cool stationery.
Wait…that’s it? So why’s it 26 minutes??? Documentary…okay, I’m getting the heck out of here.
Meiji Tokyo Renka 1
I heard Ume was here…? More bishies and more Ume for me!
What’s up with the Haikara-san ga Tooru outfit, anyway?
Who dis boy? He kinda looks like Mikoshiba from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun…Update: That’s Ougai.
At least the jazz music is cool. Also, the episode title should be “Suddenly, under a Strawberry Moon…” or something, since it went totsuzen ni.
*Mei checks her phone* - This is why you don’t text and walk across the road, kids!
Ougai…y’mean, Mori Ougai? The loli dude from Bungou Stray Dogs is this redhead?! EHHHHHHHHHHHH?
Oh great. Amnesia plotline…
Hishida Shunso…a painter.
Okay…that’s a really obvious point where you’d be able to insert your own name if you were a gal (or if you wante to play as a gal).
The age of the Rokumeikan seems to pin the timeline down to “after 1883”. For some reason, it sounded familiar, but I wasn’t familiar with why - so maybe I’ll learn about it someday.
“Little Squirrel”?(!) (lowkey laughs for all the wrong reasons) And here I thought “Little Flower” (from Magic-kyun’s Louis and Dame x Pri’s Vino) was awkward-sounding but still endearing.
Okay, second redhead. When I saw him in the OP, I swore he was Ancient Magus’ Bride’s Chise…
So the germophobe redhead is Izumi Kyoka…but I’m not sure who this Kawakami is…
I don’t know how anyone could make a germophobe endearing, much less make him romanceable…
Otojiro Kawakami. Comedian and actor.
Lafcadio…wuh? Update: (Patrick) Lafcadio Hearn, Greek dude with a Japanese penname. He seems to have written stuff on Japan as well as other places.
“…that collection of ghost stories…”
Everyone seems to have forgotten about the roast beef but the animators…LOL…oh, spoke too soon. Kawakami just walked it back to the table.
Wowwwwwwwwwwww, Mei is so easily distracted by roast beef and pretty boys who, to be honest, aren’t that pretty…I’m just waiting for the long-haired dude and/or Ume and I’ll kick my butt out of here.
I thought Fujita was voiced by a familiar voice and turns out I was right – it’s Fukuyama Jun.
Well, that was mildly unsatisfying. I think I spent more time watching Mei getting blushy at dudes and not feeling an attraction myself. Fujita was the only one I wanted and he didn’t even do much but swing a sword. Seriously, though, what the heck was Charlie doing turning off the lights all of a sudden?
My Roommate is a Cat 1
Well, it’s either that title or Dokyounin wa Hiza, Tokidoki Atame no Ue. …which is a lot to write in one shot.
Why’s the cat on Subaru’s…junk?
The cat appears to be typing out the Dancing Men from Sherlock Holmes…except they’re cats. The Dancing Men are basically what made me think I had a career in computer security in the first place, come to think of it…but I’ve abandoned that kind of thinking now. Modulos are way too hard for me.
Them spoilers! I know that feel.
Koguma = small bear, in a story about a small cat. LOL.
Hiroto…I thought about this during the funeral scene, but…why does he look like Suzaku from Code Geass???
Hmm, yeah. I can see why Hiroto isn’t all that convinced – I’m a similar kind of person, with only a small pool of pursuits that keep me going for a long, long time. *looks at rabbit outside and remembers when I saw it in the darkness about 3 years ago*
Oh, so Subaru was so absorbed in his manuscript he forgot to eat, huh?
Kitty show too cute! Ehehehee… <- (ecstatic about having a new weekly dose of cuteness)
Promised Neverland 1
I’ve read the first volume of this. I’m not 100% in love with it, but if I can have bragging rights over finding the next big hit, why not?
Noitamina…now that’s a name I haven’t seen in a few years…*grumbles at Amazon*
For some reason Norman (white-haired boy) has this “betrayer” vibe written all over him. It’s because I know in BnHA and Ao no Exorcist, there are betrayals by certain people.
The aesthetic of this thing is like a fairytale and not like a typical anime. That’s probably one thing that convinced people to give it a shot.
LOL, there’s a Detective Conan door..well, it kind of looks like one.
The word for “tag” in Japanese is onigokko and “It” is an oni. That gives a whole new meaning to “playing tag with monsters”, doesn’t it?
Update: I can sort of feel my “this is popular, so I won’t like it” radar going off...so I’ll put it on hold until I get over that feeling.
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coffeebooksorme · 6 years
LIFEL1K3 by Jay Kristoff review
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GOODREADS SYNOPSIS:  On a floating junkyard beneath a radiation sky, a deadly secret lies buried in the scrap.
Eve isn’t looking for secrets—she’s too busy looking over her shoulder. The robot gladiator she’s just spent six months building has been reduced to a smoking wreck, and the only thing keeping her Grandpa from the grave was the fistful of credits she just lost to the bookies. To top it off, she’s discovered she can destroy electronics with the power of her mind, and the puritanical Brotherhood are building a coffin her size. If she’s ever had a worse day, Eve can’t remember it.
But when Eve discovers the ruins of an android boy named Ezekiel in the scrap pile she calls home, her entire world comes crashing down. With her best friend Lemon Fresh and her robotic conscience, Cricket, in tow, she and Ezekiel will trek across deserts of irradiated glass, infiltrate towering megacities and scour the graveyard of humanity’s greatest folly to save the ones Eve loves, and learn the dark secrets of her past.
Even if those secrets were better off staying buried.
I was given an eARC by RandonHouse via NetGalley for an honest review.
This book is just...this book is amazing. I quite literally have to force myself to not fill this with flailing gifs and incoherent keysmashes of joy to explain the amazingness that is this book. I love Jay Kristoff’s writing and this book has only solidified him as my favorite author. 
Lifel1k3 has been compared to Mad Max, Romeo & Juliet, XMEN, and various other fandoms throughout media but this story has a whole life (heh) of it’s own, lemme tell ya. From the setting to the world building to the characters to the vernacular spoken, this book is wholly original and absolutely fizzy to the utmost fizziness.
I went into this story not really knowing a whole lot other than it was a new book by Jay, it had robots, and it was set in a post-apocalyptic world. Considering I’d read most of his Lotus Wars series, Nevernight, and the Illuminae chronicles, I was excited to see what Jay would do with a sci-fi infused post-apocalyptic setting and he did not disappoint.
The Mad Max comparisons are on point because the Yousay is a totally broken wasteland of a world filled with desolation, despair, radiation, and cities that are ruled by corporations rather than government. It’s dirty, it’s filthy, it’s wholly unhygienic, and it is glorious. We go from the remnants of a literal trash heap floating in an ‘ocean’ that is nothing but sludge, plastic, and detriment of the old world to a desert town littered with ships, containers, and a hodgepodge of anything that can be scrapped together to make a building only to end up at the post-apocalyptic version of Babel that was once a shiny beacon of hope only to be brought down to nothing. The world in this book is choice and I loved it almost as much as I loved the characters.
Eve, Cricket, Lemon Fresh, and Ezekiel are our main cast and they are absolutely wonderful. Each one has their own distinct personalities that shine throughout the book. You will laugh, you will cry, you will scream, and you will stare gobsmacked at the book as you travel with them throughout this story. 
Cricket is by far my bestest little robot but don’t you dare tell him I called him little. He’s the sidekick to Eve’s main character but he was such a joy to read about. Every time he spoke on the page I was smiling and laughing at the bits of snarky sarcasm that he threw in. 
Lemon Fresh is the humor of this book and quite possibly the most badass bestie any fictional girl could have. She had her very own arc in the book that didn’t involve Eve which I really enjoyed because most of the time the side characters are only there as fluff for the MC but that wasn’t the case with Lemon. She had her own history, her own arc, her own very distinct and very awesome personality, and I cannot wait to see more of her.
Ezekiel is our lifelike of the story and love interest. I really enjoyed his character but he isn’t the swoon worthy HEA that I was expecting him to be as I was reading. Sure, he said some pretty words and did some pretty heroic things but I wasn’t all LE SIGH about him as I have been about other HEA’s. 
Eve is our MC who’s living a life filled with lies. I definitely got some Anastasia feels about her as the story progressed. She’s totally badass, sarcastic to a fault, a bit tempestuous, and sooooo much fun to read. She loves her Grandpa Silas to a fault, she’s super protective of her robotic puppy Kaiser, is super close with her bestie Lemon Fresh, and an absolute hilarious companion to Cricket’s mother henning. She’s a wonderful MC who went through an absolute roller coaster of a ride and I am chomping at the bit to read more of her considering how Jay completely ripped my heart out with the ending!
Kristoff is known for his twisted mind and twisty ends to books. Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out he flips you on your butt, grabs the story, and twists it in such a masterfully done way that all you can do is stare at the words and wonder what the heck just happened. It’s heart breaking, it’s maddening, and it’s absolutely freaking wonderful. In the wise words of Ron Weasley...
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I do have a few qualms with the story that kind of irked me a bit. 
The addition of the Preacher just felt unnecessary. He’s a hired assasin sent by one of the corporations to capture Eve either alive or dead. He’s a one dimensional, Western inspired type of bounty hunter and while he did keep our cast on their toes for a good majority of the book, he just felt...blah. Yes, he spurred our cast to travel to Babel but I just didn’t really like him a lot. He’s very eye rolly.
Eve/Cricket kept calling Ezekiel Brain Trauma and Stumpy, respectively, in reference to some injuries that Ezekiel suffered in the book. To me, those ‘nicknames’ felt very degrading and insensitive and just a tad bit ableist to me. Jay could have left those out and the story would’ve been just fine. Also, when Eve and Lemon Fresh first find Ezekiel, who they assume is OOC, Lemon Fresh tries to take a peek into his shorts to look at his man bits and yeah, not cool. Robot or not, OOC or not, that left me with a really skeeved out feeling. Lemon’s quite obsessed with ogling at Ezekiel in the book and has no shame about objectifying him at all but actively trying to look in his pants when he’s the robotic version of passed out is not a good look.
Those few bothersome things aside, this book is amazing and I loved it. I laughed, I cried, I screamed (honest to goodness, I did), and I was completely thrown for a loop at the end. The book isn’t even officially released and I already want the sequel. 
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dancingalone21 · 7 years
Single - Part 3 (Final)
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Summary: Dean tries to plan a camping trip for his son and the reader doesn’t make it easy for him.
Pairing: Daddy!Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,929
Part 1 Part 2
Dean sets his sparkling hazel eyes on your curvaceous form as you move across the grass in his backyard. He watches you interrupt Mikey and Drew's game of catch to see if the boys want something to drink.
Even though it's a totally mundane task, the older Winchester can't help but be mesmerized by it. How do you manage to make even the simplest things look sexy as hell?
"Dude." Sam's amused tone catches his brother's attention. "If you keep drooling like that you'll need a bib."
"What?" Dean immediately wipes his mouth with his forearm, now feeling self conscious and it makes Sam howl.
"Get it together, man. Y/N's a good one. Don't close the door before you even open it, ya know?"
"Huh?" Dean unwillingly peels his eyes away from you.
"Don't fuck it up." Sam stresses resisting the urge to slap some sense into him.
"Obviously. This will be a piece of pie."
"It's a piece of cake, dork." Sam jeers, standing up to run inside and grab a handful of napkins.
"Not in my world, Sammy. Not in my world." Dean mutters under his breath as you wander back over to him.
"So Y/N...did you change your mind about letting Mikey go camping? I think it's pretty clear that my brother and I are awesome."
You shift in your seat towards Dean once you're settled at the patio table, "The jury's still out."
"You're a tough cookie." He replies slyly. "It's a good thing I like cookies."
"Wow. I..."
"I left you alone for like ten seconds and you're already using lame pickup lines, Dean?" Sam butts into the conversation, giving his long hair a shake as he settles back down into his seat.
"Bite me." Dean counters coolly, then switches his full attention back to you.
"You could always just come with us. You said you're not the camping type but I think you'd like it." Dean finishes with a hopeful expression.
"I doubt it." You sweep your hair up into a makeshift ponytail because the scorching sun is getting to you. Or maybe it's the delicious man who keeps licking his damn lips like he's about to devour you.
"I prefer electricity. TV, refrigerator, microwave...ya know stuff like that. I'm partial to my comfy mattress as well." You laugh softly.
“You’d probably do better glamping.” Sam speaks up earning himself a repulsed look from Dean.
“What’s that?” You ask intrigued.
“I think it stands for glamorous camping. It’s basically…”
“You are such a chick.” Dean snorts loudly taking a swig of his frosty beer.
“Jess told me about it, dickweed.”
“Sure, asswipe.”
“Settle down, children.” You jokingly reprimand the two handsome brothers.
“Are you gonna punish me?” Dean playfully growls at you.
“Dude.” Sam let’s out an uncomfortable groan over his brother’s forwardness.
“Oh definitely, Dean.” Your sultry tone catching them both by surprise.
“I’d focus the most on your dick if I was being honest.”
“I…uh…l…” Dean’s cockiness suddenly vanishes as he becomes tongue tied over your words.
“Do you think you’d enjoy that?” You gnaw at your bottom lip, holding in a giggle after he whines faintly at your question.
“Yup…I…yup.” Dean nods profusely at your confession.
“I bet. I’m sure Spike would too.”
“Yeah…wait what? Spike?” The perplexed man whips his head over to the large Rottweiler lounging in the shade.
“Uh huh. I bet he’d be thrilled.” You quip deviously.
“When I cut your dick off and feed it to him as a chew toy.” You smirk wickedly. Sam’s entertained expression now matches your own while Dean looks stunned and horrified.
“I knew I liked you, Y/N!” Sam erupts into laughter, slapping his brother hard on the back as he doubles over in his chair.
“The gorgeous ones are always batshit crazy.” Dean huffs eyeing you.
"Oh you have no idea, sweetheart." You purr, making Dean's heart speed up in a way that he's never experienced.
Realizing quick that he misjudged you, Dean now knows that he's no longer in over his head. Hell no. That would be welcome at this point because at the moment he's fucking drowning.
"Play nice, Y/N." Sam simpers with a wide smile.
"Me? Of course." You dismiss him with a wave of your hand.
"So back to glamping..." Sam begins the conversation again.
"Stop talking crazy, Sammy. I refuse to even say that stupid word."
Dean's stubborn reaction makes you roll your eyes and you decide to just google it for yourself. At this rate, you're never going to find out the fucking definition of glamping.
"How about a trial run, Y/N? That could help...maybe...I mean..." Dean starts rambling on, his deep voice distracting you from reading.
"What are you mumbling about?" You interrupt him, pulling your attention away from your iPhone. Dean looks a little flustered by your response and it makes Sam chuckle to himself.
"Um...a trial...run." Dean breathes out waiting for your reaction.
"What do you mean?"
"We could camp out here in the backyard and you'll get a taste of what it's like. Could be fun..."
"Do you like s'mores? And hot dogs?" Dean's body stiffens, noticing the half eaten hot dog sitting on your plate.
"Clearly you like hot dogs." He gestures with a strained smile.
"Good observation." You smirk back, picking the hot dog up to finish it off.
"I just...um..."
"Is he always like this?" You direct with a chuckle towards Sam who's throughly enjoying the bumbling idiot to his right. His eyes land on his brother and it's clear Dean's debating making a run for it.
"I'm gonna go get dessert." Dean blurts out lifting himself out of his seat and sprinting inside.
"You're doing great, Y/N." Sam compliments with a thumbs up.
"What do you mean?"
"Giving Dean a hard time so it's not so easy on him."
"I'm not even doing that. This is just how I am." You explain puzzled and it makes Sam burst out laughing.
"Oh shit. This is so much fun." He rubs his hands together wickedly.
You give him a quizzical look but decide to just go with the flow, "The Winchester brothers are something else."
Before Sam can respond, Dean strides proudly back to the table holding a delicious looking apple pie. Your mouth automatically starts to water and you're suddenly very annoyed that you can't enjoy any.
"This is from the bakery down the street." Dean announces happily. "Their pies are the best. How big of a slice do you want, Y/N?"
"Um...no thanks. I'm not a fan." You answer almost hesitantly, wondering what his reaction will be.
Apparently Sam is just as interested because he's watching his brother like a hawk right now. You can see that he's trying to hide a smirk but it's threatening to show at any second.
Dean's mouth falls open, he tilts his head at you with a deer in headlights expression. You officially have no idea what the fuck is up with this god damn pie but you're dying to know.
"Oh." Dean swallows thickly, his brain not fully processing what you just said. He doesn't understand what would possess you to say such an upsetting statement. But at the same time, he oddly doesn't have the desire to freak out on you.
"Uh...well...what about some chocolate ice cream?"
"Sure why not." You respond a little relieved.
Sam waits for his brother to race back inside before turning himself to you, "Wow he really likes you, Y/N." He says surprised.
"You wanna tell me why I had to pass on the pie? It looks so good." You whine leaning back in your seat with a pout.
"Dean's obsessed with pie. Like it's unhealthy. And the fact that you said you don't like it and you're still here speaks volumes."
"It does?"
"Hell yeah. He ended a date early once because the girl said pie should only be eaten at Thanksgiving."
"Well that's normal."
"That's my brother." Sam adds lightly, fully aware of the ridiculousness.
"So are you gonna do it, Y/N?"
"Do what?"
"The trial run out here."
"Dean was being serious?" You quirk an eyebrow.
"Oh definitely." Sam affirms. "I'm pretty sure he just wants to spend more time with you."
"Are you...um...are you sure he doesn't just like the challenge?" You ask carefully, holding your breath for the answer.
"Trust me." Sam assures you. "I know my brother and there's no way in hell that he'd put in all of this effort if that was the case."
Sam delivers a warm smile and surprisingly you believe him, there's special about him and his brother that draws you in. He disappears seconds later, mumbling about making a phone call to his wife Jess.
You're having an inner battle with yourself over how to interact with Dean. At first, he was nothing short of obnoxious and his immediate charm drove you crazy. Now here you are hours later and the man still gets under your skin.
Although Dean's behavior doesn't hinder the undeniable attraction you feel towards him. It both intimates you and excites you. You've always put up this hard exterior around men that you like and of course it's never benefited you.
That's why it's so easy to talk to Sam, you don't see him as anything else other than a friend. And that's why Dean is only getting the wise ass side of you right now. You're like the five year old girl on the playground who punches the boy that she likes. It's never worked in your favor but you've never cared until now. You need to let your guard down just a tad if you want to give Dean a chance. A real chance.
Dean disrupts your train of thought when he walks back outside and places the bowl of ice cream in front of you,“Here ya go, sweetheart." 
"Thanks, Dean." You tell him with a smile. "Actually I think I'll try some some of the pie after all." 
"Really?" The way his beautiful face lights up makes your day.
"If it's as good as you said then maybe I'll like it." You shrug shyly, tearing your eyes away from his. Dean's taken by surprise at the sudden change in you but he's definitely not complaining. He quickly cuts you a piece before you can change your mind and eagerly hands it to you.
"Damn. This is tasty pie." You moan between bites, completely oblivious that Dean is beaming with joy.
"So were you serious about doing a trial run in your backyard?"
"Yes, ma'am." The genuine tone in Dean’s voice grabs you and it’s clear that this man is already stripping away some of your harsh layers. And you have no fucking clue how but you’re actually ok with it.
"I'll agree to it but only under two conditions."
"Ok lay it on me.”
"First...there are no kids.” You say making Dean raise his eyebrows.
“And second...we share a tent." The grin that breaks out on his face makes you giggle.
"Done and done, sweetheart.” Dean promises with a wink.
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