#i am certifiably INSANE over them btw
diazisms · 4 months
the way buck and eddie are each other's person never fails to make me a little crazy. eddie would've kept spiraling in this lie, but a gentle question from buck, a quiet i'm worried about you, and he's coming clean. eddie has only ever let himself fall apart in front of buck, because he knows buck knows how to put him back together. which piece of him goes where. where his scars are meant to go. (eddie, in return, knows exactly how buck's heart's supposed to beat.) eddie gets buck down to the hurt, down to the bone, and he always will because it's buck. everyone buck loves shows up to take care of him after the lightning strike, but it's eddie he opens up to in the end. quiet moments in eddie's kitchen. these words spoken between the two of them that are so soft out loud but so loud where they echo in their chests like. there's no one they trust more. they're best friends before anything else. they're the only ones who reach the fleshy, wounded core they both try so damn hard to protect. because no one wants to deal with the fallout, no one wants to deal with the mess, but time and time again they reassure each other otherwise. a "you don't have to deal with this. it's too much." that's never been met with anything other than "i will anyway. you're the lightest weight i've ever carried."
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frozenjokes · 4 months
waking up to so much activity on the whiteboard was so delightful… I will definitely have to do this again (and start at a better time for American time zones KDNDJJDJDJSM)
I wanted to share some of the art because it is DELIGHTFUL though I only know some of the artists so please if you see this green who finished hermitgang I am looking directly at you. Also if you didn’t intend on any of it being shared I will remove your work from this post just say the word
Purble - @blondeboybattle
Light Blue - @sucreboy-blog
(I don’t know who did the group pony drawing but I WILL be drawing them also because you’re goated)
Green - i do not know reveal yourself
Yellow - I haven’t posted any of your art but I just want you to know I hope you have fun with your TMA brain rot it’s a good time (my favorite episode is 81) another goated technoblade fan
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as a certified furry and absolutely a past brony grian would probably lose his mind about the ponysona btw. He would fucking love it. He would be insane about it. I said this already but I’m drawing the fuck out of these. Their shapes too… ough
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I’m losing it over your doc he is SO CUTE I want to GRAGSRSGRAGAGAG you know
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your ren. he is so good. The little burrito grian… wuagh. You’re in my brain. All of this is canon (also hGsggdgdgdgdgdh tysm for all the au art??????
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you shared some of your art before but I could not let these go unseen. he’s slaying your honor!!!!!!
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(my art) guy obsessed with being carried finally gets to be carried by tiny husband (way in the fucking future. and also because grian would power trip over throwing scar around)
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applejongho · 9 months
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2023 has come to a close so that means it's time for my year in review! i've been a gif maker on tumblr for more than two years now and this account keeps growing and getting so much love. im so grateful for all of my (jong)homies and mutuals that have let me get to this point and have fun along with it. like, i hit 1k and 2k followers in the same year! thats fucking rad!
i giffed a lot more this year than last and i think it's because i was finally able to get ps and vapoursynth near the end of 2022. my confidence soared as a result. not to get mushy, but this year on tumblr has been amazing because of that. :( this was the first full year i felt like a "real" and "competent" gif maker because i finally was using the tools that everyone else was using and i knew how to use them. thats a big thing for me, because for so long i struggled with figuring out how to download vs (and ps) (on mac btw) and i felt jealous that everyone else could do it so "easily." ps and vs are also really unintuitive if you dont know what youre doing so to basically brute force my way to success is something i want to pat myself on the back for. i did this. im insane. and now ive been properly expressing my insanity via gifs for over a year now that ive been so proud of! yippie!!!! as a result of my Trials and Tribulations, ive been thinking about creating tutorials for how to download ps, vs, and how to properly use ps to make gifs for those that dont even know where to begin now that i am a Seasoned user. bc i fucking get it. let me lend a hand.
but anyway.
some highights of this year that are worth mentioning:
i hit 1k followers in january! heres my 1k followers event posts
i hit 2k followers (!!!!!) in november!!!!!! heres my 2k followers event posts (so far)
i dabbled in combining ateez x (usually) alt/metal/rock songs now that i am a Confident and Certified Alternative Lady. here are those gif sets
still insane for jongho. also happy one year to biasing hongjoong. also happy almost three years of being an atiny.
i learned some new coloring tricks. i learned some new sharpening tricks. slayage all around!
below the cut are my most popular and my personal fav posts from each month this year as well as the total number of gif posts made each month!
tagging mutuals to view and to also do their own 2023 year in review (only if u want! absolutely no pressure ❤️): @yunwooz @hwanswerland @miinsang @booskwan @wifehwa
most popular: hongjoong doing a handstand
my favorite: short hair jjongie comp set
total posts made: 39
most popular: guerrilla era hong comp set
my favorite: also guerrilla era hong comp set!
total posts made: 13
most popular: cruella hair hong comp set
my favorite: red hair jjongie
total posts made: 23
most popular: driver yunho
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie just standing there
total posts made: 31
most popular: barefaced ot8 (top post of the year!)
my favorite: gorgeous brown-red long hair jjongie pt 2
total posts made: 35
most popular: hong says fuck
my favorite: sparkly jjong
total posts made: 37
most popular: bouncy relay dance ot8
my favorite: guerrilla one year anniversary post
total posts made: 32
most popular: thanxx woo
my favorite: hala hala jjong
total posts made: 19
most popular: gorgeous blond hong
my favorite: dune yeo
total posts made: 22
most popular: one day at a time san
my favorite: jjong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 12
most popular: hong according to the tags birthday post!
my favorite: also hong according to the tags birthday post!
total posts made: 10
most popular: hong smirking and giggling
my favorite: halazia yeo comp set
total posts made: 20
i hope that 2024 brings a lot of new opportunities for me. i'll be graduating from uni in this spring and will hopefully obtain a Big Girl Job. thanks for sticking with me, jonghomies. have a happy new year!
-- anne 🍎🐻
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I'm sure you're entirely sick of talking about this bc that initial anon was... dumb as hell and I too would like to forget about it if I were you lol, so feel free to ignore this ask!! but I just wanted to throw in my two cents as a fellow non-white non-American fantasy writer. cause fantasy as a genre is so insanely whitewashed, and even in settings like TES that have multiple different fantasy-cultures that are meant to draw inspiration from lots of different real-world-cultures, they tend to be shallow and lacking and let's be real, TES isn't getting any awards for being politically correct. I for one always get insanely hyped when I see more diverse takes on fantasy, whether thats in original fiction or fanfiction, cause 1) it just vastly improves the quality of the world building and 2) it creates more welcoming spaces for other bipoc to create more cool stuff. and also, it's just fun as hell to project your own culture into dope fantasy settings. I do it all the time and I fuckin love when other people do it.
I feel like that anon was just looking for a fight and intentionally trying to interpret your comment in the most bad faith way possible (classic tesblr behavior ngl). and like I get it, orientalism sucks ass, but I've followed you for a couple years now and I've only ever known you to be a super chill, super respectful person who (like I said before) creates a welcoming space for other bipoc in the fandom.
tldr: anon is a clown, representation is fun, your blog slaps
❤ from @reachfolk
Yes yes YES I could hug you! Inclusivity and breaking away from whitewashed fantasy is one of my main goals with this blog! My recipes and worldbuilding have me neck deep in exploring global cuisine and culture, but as soon as it's a picture then people go off about cultural insensitivity. Because reading comprehension is low here so most people barely glance at the worldbuilding posts.
Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, as far as Asian actors in Hollywood went, you had Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan. There was that show about Imperial Chinese cats called Sagwa (傻瓜 shagua literally means "dumb melon" which is what you call a certified idiot). Mulan (forever my favourite). Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? But that's it. Seeing Michelle Yeoh winning everything recently makes me feel proud to be Asian. I cried when I saw Over the Moon.
If just ONE person looks at this blog and goes "cool, I learned something" or "cool, my culture is being recognised and represented as a form of inspiration", then I have done something right. Other Chinese/East Asian people in the past have applauded me for bucking the western "Asian" stereotype, simply because I express my love for my culture differently.
I'm no less Chinese for being fluent in English (which is actually my mother tongue btw thanks colonialism), or being a goth, or an author who happens to be atrocious at math. I just am. And I want everyone to just be too. To embrace their otherness, to rejoice in the diversity of the human experience, and to learn to live together. And most of all, I wanna see more awareness in writing (especially fantasy) about non-Global North cultures and the people who represent them. I'm sick of being a media cliché.
If you're a POC and you're looking for your sign to delve into fantasy worldbuilding, this is it. Go write. Create. Destroy. Build the world you've always wanted to see through the lens of your heritage, use your history as a lesson, use your language as a weapon. ~Tal
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leafcabbage · 4 months
If you want to talk more about clingy duo and how they love each other,,, im very much willing to listen,,,, (also if you want to talk about drdi phil im also very interested, was looking at that recent drdi phil post like 👀)
im always happy to talk about BOTH and am preemptively putting a keep reading because i feel this may get long....
drdi clingyduo makes me more insane than i already am. and baybee im diagnosed. anyway... oh man what to say about them. i think one of the things that really gets me about them is that they were separated for like 4(? idk my own fic) years and when they were finally reunited and living together again they both decided they should just like.,.. pretend none of that happened and so they never got around to talking about the time they spent apart? like they straight up dont know things about each other from that time because theyve been pretending it doesn't exist. the healthiest way to handle things, really. tubbo was literally getting frantic payphone calls from tommy who was like actively in crisis and then he comes home and cries so hard about it he throws up and then theyre like "Awesome well tahts Over so we never have to talk about it yippee!!" (until sssd of course but thats only the start.)
like MAN they love each other so much but also neither of them entirely know how to go about things productively and healthily and they both feel like it should be enough that they are together again... and its NOT because they have to actually talk about things!!! makes me crazy.
as for drdi phil. man theres a lot there i havent figured out but i do know that he had his own rough shit in his childhood and he saw techno and went "i can like. do something here. i can help." and then he did. and he did a little blackmailing and maybe some insurance fraud to get the job done, but he did it. also he didn't mean to end up with wilbur in his care. that wasnt on purpose he wasnt ready to to any of that but he kind of stumbled into it due to circumstances. like my man is not foster care certified or anything. im gonna avoid saying more on that until im certain im not contradicting facts i laid out in past chapters, but also if wilbur said something out loud, he might have been lying at any given moment.
anyway all that to say. phil is like... really good at seeming like he has everything figured out when in reality hes constantly pretty sure hes two seconds from like spontaneously combusting. also hes a gamer btw. thats how he knows sneeg they are internet friends. i havent given enough weight to internet friends yet in this story so i will say that now. phil goes through a crazy day of teaching at a university he barely feels qualified to work at and comes home to a house he got for extra cheap rent because a guy died there and has dinner usually with his kid who he never planned to end up with and then puts on some headphones and plays fucking halo or something for five hours before going to bed and repeating it all the next day. what a hero
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nanjokei · 1 year
what are your fave mobile games??
to be honest i don't really play that many at the same time but ill talk historically, it makes the most sense anyway. btw this got really long
OG show by rock - one of the most fun mobage rhythm games EVER, the portait orientation 3 button setup looked deceptively easy but it has some of the most evil, vile beatmaps ive ever seen in a mobile game. AND THAT'S CRAZY!!! never gonna forgive sanrio for killing it and making its successor a shitty bandori clone (og sb69 was bound to die anyway bc it had insane rarity creep, but the cheap seeming bandori clone successor that didn't even have half the original bands at the time of EoS two years into launch was a huge slap to the face). the art in the cards was so much more charming than the ones in the new game, they weren't bad but you, me, her, he, them, everyone, we all KNOW what had more soul. i think the only thing the new game had over the old one is the interactive aspect via the homescreen live2d. also cause yasu was in it
fate/grand order - still my forever game, its a game where i dont feel pressure to do anything, you can use anyone you love. i can stop playing for weeks and come back and not feel an insane sense of FOMO which is an issue with a lot of newer mobage. i think a lot of people outsource their opinion on fgo exclusively from negative opinions which makes me kinda sad. the story is great, you can pick up the game at any time, and to those who find that kind of thing important: farming gems is easy. i say give it a shot yourself. ofc there are questionable things given the original source and its origins, not to mention the premise. but i do believe that despite its flaws i think people should reevaluate it fairly and not base it on the time they downloaded NA for 10 minutes and didn't roll an ssr right away after 20 rolls.
mahoutsukai no yakusoku - i'll be honest i have chosen not to play the game properly until an english version comes out bc i do not want to play a clicker in a language i am not very proficient in. HOWEVER. unironically one of the best stories i've read in mobage history, characters are great, i think it has wide appeal and the devs seem to understand that "joseimuke" paradoxically is something that can be enjoyed by all kinds of people (also it is a series that is kind to both fujoshi and yumejoshi. coexisting peacefully afaik). super recommend the story if you like magic, worldbuilding and interesting characters!!! bunta is a great writer. im a fan of idolish7 as well so i can vouch (also you can select your protag's gender which isn't crazy but in a game like this, i super appreciate it)
#compass - horrible game don't play this
love live school idol festival - i want you idol twitter and adjacent cunts to put respect to her name. RESPECT. SIF has never gotten her flowers from any of you facetious little slimeballs and you can deny it all you want but not only was this the blueprint but it also was probably what got you into the things you like in the first place. in a world where every other rhythm game is a bandori clone, i smile knowing SIF2 will keep the spirit of SIF alive (hopefully). the cards were cute, mu's discography is certified classic and anyone denying it in 2023 hates fun, and despite how archaic it was and its MANY flaws, i believe firmly that it deserves respect not only as an idol game but as a mobage in general. it really broke ground being localized when it was.
nikke - definitely top 10 most shocking things of the century that i played this and am still playing. its uh, very flawed, the wall sucks and once you hit that plateau in power level the struggle to catch up to content power walls is kinda depressing, but it has a lot of heart that keeps me logging in and talking to my girls. it's still unabashedly horny (though its a trick actually, a lot of the characters are more covered up than expected and it REALLY pisses a lot of the game's fanbase off), but i'm really enjoying the story. i think my pleasant surprise is so insanely high that it deserves a spot on here-- i think if you let it cook it mostly won't disappoint you. i love most of the characters :) korean kamige
argonavis AAside - i miss you. argonavis still lives, so i do not mourn what is living, but dabues was a special little game because it did not contain the evils of bandori. the gacha was fair, the spark ceiling was 100 rolls(!), but it was mismanaged from the start, fuck dena. im sad the new game will be a clicker but i will be there for argonavis no matter what. was pretty much what garupa should strive to be in terms of A GAME but unfortunately such days do not come to pass.
honorable mention cause its EOSing soon probably and im too bitter to talk about it positively rn given the current shitshow the jp version is in (ily global): vanguard zero, also megido72 because i only started playing it in december but im enjoying it a lot so far. i guess dream!ing also gets a mention. i will not elaborate
this is a postscript but i've played a lot of kusoge for tapjoy rewards and let me tell you. people playing regular well known japanese/korean/chinese mobage do not know the shit and crap that comes from the dregs of the play/app store. you do not know what a kusoge is until you've grinded earnestly and faithfully in shit like state of survival for an entire month. after those experiences i have Truly learned what it means to be a shit game
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sennaverstappendiary · 7 months
bahrain pre-season testing ✩ 23.02.2024
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oh my god. my first ever pre-season testing... aah‼️‼️‼️ i'm both nervous and excited, to be honest. it's a lot of feelings. i have missed f1 very very dearly, like, very dearly 🥺🥺🥺 but i think i'll always be a bit of a nervous mess when it comes to sport... but!!! new season resolution!! be less scared!! we will see how it goes 🥰💕
the off-season was fucking insane btw. broke up w my partner of over four years. became a certified [job title]. LEWIS HAMILTON GOT HORSE DISEASE 💔🐴🐎 charles signed and renewed his horse disease 💔💔💔💔💔 whatever... we ball...
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day one went really well!! i decided not to watch to be honest, because, i didn't want to be nervous LMDJHGD 😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀🍹🍹🍹 woke up at 9 am and saw boy car sliding like HELL NAW 😵😵😵😵😵 but then we cooked so its okay!!! gps evil smile!!! after that killer lap!!! aaarghhh 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷 I LOVE YOU GAY PEOPLE ☀️✨😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 nah for real i know testing doesn't mean shit but god... does it feel good. no drug better than autism special interest i swear i have not felt seratonin like this since 26.11.2023 and i'm being extremely serious. my fucking mom asked me if i'm this happy bc of "mr verstappen" dfgkjhdg 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 SMACK CAM!!!!
day two went... well?! i think??? again, didn't watch, but yeah checo was in the car all day after that red flag 🥺🥺🥺 so boy wasn't spotted... but it still looked good!! the ferrari looks like it's finally okay with regards to deg, which is... good for them‼️‼️‼️✨✨✨ i was quite satisfied!!
day three... we didn't get p1 so i'm exploding... KIDDING. 😭😭😭💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️ i didn't watch or even look at the timing sheets, so it was really a surprise, that day. hey, i'm not mad - WE GOT NEGATIVE DEEGGGG 💀💀💀💀💀💀 SMACK CAMMMM 😭😭😭😭😭😭☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️✨🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 nah max happy = me happy... to be honest i just wished it was race day already.... i am impatient!!! hehe!!!
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✩ song of the "race": gemist - de jeugd van tegenwoordig
heb je gemist... als een bitch....
✩ photodump:
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krizaland · 4 years
Caught in the Spider’s Web Chapter 2
First Chapter
Heyo! Here’s chapter 2 of my Zimvoid alternate ending! Be warned: Angst ahead!
Here’s the song I used btw
“Surprise! The ‘ultimate Zim’ is actually, me, The ultimate Dib!” Zib sang as he hopped out of his suit.
“W-WHAT?! HOW THE-“ You tried to continue speaking but your world faded into incoherent gibberish.
“I know, I know. This is all a little overwhelming. So allow me to explain everything!” Zib reassured as he patted your head.
“Computer! Pull up the slideshow I prepared!” Zib chirped as he pulled out a long metal pointer.
A large blue monitor dropped from the ceiling and crackled to life.
“It all started when I defeated my Zim and saved my Earth! I discovered the Dimensional Nexus and soon realized that there were countless other timelines that were trapped under the Irken Empire’s tyranny! Thus, I decided to dedicate my life to liberating the rest of the multiverse!” Zib explained as he flipped through the slides.
“W-Wait, you killed your Zim?!” You spluttered as a few tears formed in your eyes.
“Well yeah! How else would I be able to ensure his alien evil would be gone for good?” Zib scoffed as he twirled his wrist.
“Well you could’ve just-”
“Anyway! I started tinkering with weapons in Zim’s lab as well as his PAK!” Zib turned around and gestured to the large PAK fused to the back of his head.
You yelped in horror as you suppressed the urge to vomit.
The PAK throbbed like a parasite feeding from its host. You could practically count the veins pulsing around it.
“Impressed? Thanks to this PAK, I’m a master at both Human and Irken tech! Throw in my superior intellect and you’ve got yourself a certified super-genius!” Zib boasted as he turned back to face you.
You clamped a hand over your mouth and tried to regain your composure.
“Anyhow, after months of tireless work, all my plans will soon be operational! Everything was going perfectly but….something still felt missing…. I felt this void in my heart that just refused to be filled no matter what I did,” Zib’s voice quivered as he spoke, “I spent countless weeks trying to determine the cause! And soon, I realized what I’ve been missing. Do you know what that is?”
You simply shook your head as you continued to stare in horror.
“You, Y/N. You were the one thing I’ve been missing this entire time!” Zib exclaimed as he snapped a finger in your face.
You finally regained your composure and managed to find your voice.
“Wait, don’t you have a Y/N of your own?”
Zib’s face fell as a few fake tears started to form in his eyes.
“My evil, horrible Zim! He….He killed them in cold blood!”
“What?! Why would he-”
“Because he was evil, Y/N! All Zims are! They aren’t capable of love! All they know is hatred and manipulation!” Zib interjected, soaking the ground with drool as he spoke.
You shielded yourself from the storm of drool fired in your direction.
“That’s why I had to save you, Y/N! I couldn’t let you get tricked by all of these horrible Zims!” Zib gently took your hands in his.
“But these Zims weren’t trying to trick me! They just wanted to help me get home and-”
“Argh! How could you be so blind?! They’re just using you for their own sick, twisted games! Don’t let them trick you! I know what I’m talking about!” Drool fired in your direction as Zib ranted.
You turned your head away in a poor attempt to shield your self from Zib’s drool.
“Y/N, I know you have a good heart but you have to listen to me! All Zims are evil! Not a single one could possibly care about you! They’re just trying to take advantage of you! That’s why I had to marry you! To make sure those horrible Zims would back off…Also because I love you and stuff.” Zib chuckled as he gazed into your eyes.
You wanted to protest but you decided against it.  It was obvious this Zib man was beyond reason. Plus you didn’t want to get any of his drool in your mouth.
“Trust me, this…all of this…is for the greater good! Once my plans come into fruition, the multiverse will be saved! We’ll be setting countless timelines free from the oppressive fists of the Irken Empire!” Zib pulled you closer as he spoke.
As much as you didn’t want to get drool in your mouth, you simply had to ask
“Hold up! ‘We’? How am I gonna help you with any of this?”
Zib simply chuckled as he pinched your cheek.
“Isn’t it obvious? You’re going to rule by my side!”
“What!? Rule?! I thought you were just liberating the multiverse! Who said anything about ruling it?!” You snapped as you rubbed your cheek.
“Well, you see the Irken Empire has caused so much damage that the planets they conquered will need a new government structure, sooo who better to help clean up the mess the Irken Empire made than us?! You and I! With your compassion and my incredible brains! We’ll be an unstoppable team!” Zib threw an arm around your shoulder.
“Woah, woah, woah! I don’t want to rule over anything!” You snapped as you peeled Zib’s arm off of you.
“Why not? Don’t you want to make all of your enemies bow before you? To rise up and change the multiverse for the better? To make everyone who’s wronged you suffer? Don’t you want any of that?!” Zib asked as he grabbed your shoulders.
“No! No I don’t! I just want to get me and all the Zims back home! That’s it!” You snapped as you brushed his hands off of you.
“Oh ho, silly Y/N. This is your home now! And as for those Zims, they will suffer for everything they've done! I refuse to let them terrorize the multiverse anymore!” Zib ranted as he pointed to the ceiling.
You opened your mouth to speak but got cut off by Zib pulled you into a tight hug.
“Y/N, I love you too much! I can’t let you keep playing a part in these Zims’ twisted games!” Zib whispered as he kissed your cheek.
Your eye twitched as you pushed Zib off of you and ran screaming out of the room.
“Y/N! COME BACK!!” Zib wailed as he chased after you.
You ran and ran until you ran out of breath.
You hid behind a pillar as you took a moment to catch your breath.
You slid to the ground and let out a sigh.
“I thought I had them in my grasp…. I thought I was up to the task…I thought I was in control but I failed, I tried.” You sang as you slowly got up.
“I tried to give them all my time,” You kept walking down the halls, “I should have never crossed the line. But I made the wrong choice and I don’t want them to go….”
Zib had overhead your song and chimed in from afar.
“I don’t know what to say. Want to take your friends away. Just want us to be together! Forever and ever and ever and ever!”
“Did what I had to do! So I could be with you! Just want us to be together! Forever and ever and ever and ever!” Zib sang as he finally caught up to you.
You let out a startled squeak before whipping around to face him.
“You say it’s just a game but you want to take my friends away. I’ve been through all of this pain! What you’ve done is insane!” You sang as you gestured to yourself.
Zib drew closer but you jumped away from him.
“I’ve found all your clues! Now I know what’s inside you! Nothing but regret and pain! This is more…More than just a game! Why are you so deranged?! Now my life will never be the same! What did you expect to gain?! When you’re covered in his bloodstains?!” Tears formed in your eyes as you shot Zib a fiery glare.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for what you’ve seen! Don’t hate me! Don’t hate me! I am more than I seem! You’re truly, You’re truly, truly the light in my world! I need you! I need you! I need you here forever!!!” Zib sang as he grabbed your wrists.
You let out a shriek but Zib kept singing.
“I’m sorry for what you had to see but I’ve stuck with no love for me! A Zim could never love you but I truly do love you!”
You wriggled out of Zib’s grip and snapped a finger in his direction.
“You can’t erase past! My memories will last!” You pointed back to yourself, “They will be with me forever!”
“Oh but you’re the one for me! Oh!!” Zib sang his lungs out as you turned to leave.
“Oh you’re a mystery!” You sang as you stormed away.
Your and Zib’s voices melted together as a storm of emotions flooded the halls.
“You say it’s just a game but you want to take my friends away. I’ve been through all of this pain! What you’ve done is insane!” You sang as you started to run.
Zib gave chase as he continued to sing after you.
Soon, you had reached a dead end.
You gasped as Zib closed in on you with real tears in his eyes.
“You say it’s just a game but you want to take my friends away. I’ve been through all of this pain! What you’ve done is insane!” You sang as you snapped a finger in Zib’s direction.
“I’m sorry…I’m sorry…Please don’t don’t leave me…I’m sorry,” Zib’s breathing grew shaky as his tears poured down his cheeks,“I’m sorry…I’m sorry. Please! Please don’t leave me!”
Before you could react, Zib threw has arms around you and clung to you for dear life.
“Please don’t leave me…”
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