#i am currently in the process of restocking them but if anyone on tumblr is interested i'll link the store here sometime
kettitrium · 2 years
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some monkey charms I made :]
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yukipri · 7 years
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Hi guys! I’ve started Patreon!
After years of stalling, I’m finally at the point where I think I’m ready to try this. I love creating and posting free content for you guys, but some of you have expressed interest in supporting me in the past, for which I am infinitely grateful.
I’ve been drawing pretty much full time for over a year now, often spending 10+ hours a day working on art content with rarely a single day of no drawing. I’ve been free loading at home and living off my savings from my previous job, and those savings have about run out. I wish I could just keep drawing and improving my content, but I’m at the point now where I either cut down on drawing time to make money, or find a way to at least partially support myself on art.
I want to keep the majority of my art public and continue posting as I have, and this is by no means an obligation. If viewing, sharing, commenting and supporting me is all you can do right now, I am more than immensely grateful to you. At the same time, if even less than 1% of my followers pledged $1 a month, I’d be able to continue drawing without worrying about money. While again, most of my art will be public, I’ve added additional perks as thank yous to those of you who do decide to support me.
FIRST OFF: What is Patreon? - Patreon is a platform where creators of all sorts can get support from their fans to help continue creating their content. It’s a means of turning art into livable income. The supporters, called patrons, pledge to pay a certain amount every month, and the amount you pledge can vary.
For me, you can pledge as little as $1 a month, and it will help so much because it can really add up! Each “Tier” of pledges, which are determined by the amount of support you give me, come with different perks (they all build up, so you get all lower tier perks too!), my way of saying thank you for supporting me. Think of these less as you’re buying this content, and more as you like my art and want to support me, and these are bonuses. You may of course upgrade, downgrade, or stop pledging the next month.
I’m new to this platform and am still learning how to use it, and for now I’ve put some sample content on there. I have a ton queued and it’ll be updating faster than any of my other social media because I have a lot of content queued up. I have a surprising amount of content that I haven’t shared and never planned on posting publicly, and this is definitely a place to dump all of that (including nsfw LOL).
I don’t want to be a financial burden on anyone, but if anyone would be interested in supporting my work and seeing me continue to produce art, I would appreciate your support so much. Please check it out! ^ ^
A more detailed description of all of my Tiers and their perks listed below the cut, but also viewable on my Patreon itself.
More detailed descriptions of tier rewards
Thanks so much for considering becoming my patron! I tried to be as descriptive as possible while remaining concise in describing the rewards for the tiers, but here's a more detailed rundown.
I'm still learning how to use Patreon myself, so apologies for any mistakes I may make! I'll do my best to make sure any changes to rewards will be clearly communicated in advance.
$1 - Bronze medal Tier
Thank you so much for supporting my work! You have my sincerest gratitude.
View WIPs, abandoned work, sketches, and unposted content not currently publicly available but may be at a later date.
View higher resolution less watermarked versions of some content, including Patron requests.
There will be 2-3 posts of the above types of content weekly.
NSFW illustrations, at least once every other week on Friday. These will be explicit NSFW and will never be available to the public.
Have access to my private patreon community.
Be able to view some of my publicly available art on a better platform. Because let's admit it, Tumblr is oftentimes NOT the best image viewing platform...
All art will be low-resolution + with my url.
$5 - Silver medal Tier
NSFW Comics - Some explicit NSFW, but with some short story for context! Almost all of these will be set in my Future!Verse ABO AU, though many will be vague enough to imagine out of context. Will be posted at least once every other week on Friday.
Be able to vote on polls, limited only to patrons this tier and above. Types of polls may include choosing what I draw, or general opinion polls that will influence upcoming content!
Be able to submit one request per month. I will choose one of the submitted requests from the pool to draw!
Art process/tutorials! This includes being able to see my sketches, lineart, and flats prior to their completed versions, and possible step by steps and explanations of specific techniques I use. I'll explain my art process to you in depth! ^ ^
$20 - Gold medal Tier
Advance pages of my Inferno Yuri No Ice AU comic. I will be posting these to this Tier as I finish drawing them. While they'll be low resolution and watermarked, these pages will not be available to the public until I'm done with the entire chapter. The goal is at least one page per week!
Story spoilers! Length text headcanons of untold story for my AUs which will only be available to the public and lower tiers when I make them into comics, which may not be for a very long time!
Access to my much higher resolution, less watermarked versions of my comics.They will still have my url on the side, but it will no longer obscure the images. As you may or may not know, I've had a LOT of problems with art theft and am especially protective of my comics I hope to one day sell hard copies of. I trust you to protect my work, and grant you advance access to these HQ images. They'll be sent to you in a link at the beginning of the following month.
Early access to unreleased concept art of my AUs such as costume designs and world building for the Inferno AU and Future!Verse ABO AU. These may or may not ever be available to the public, but either way you'll be able to view them way in advance!
Submit as many requests as you want to the monthly request pool to up your chances of yours being chosen!
Get first notification when new merchandise is available in my store. Many of these items will be available in EXTREMELY limited quantities (single digits) and will likely take a long time to restock if they ever do at all. Get your hands on them before they're available to the public! They'll be available to lower Tiers in order after this Tier.
$50 - Legend Tier
...Seriously????? ;A; I, I just...thank you.
This tier is primarily just for people with excess $$ who want to support me and my art, and I can't think of much else to offer but my sincerest thanks ;A;
A monthly physical postcard of my art sent to your address with a personal hand written thank you note from me....
May include some surprise freebies! ;D
$100 - What is wrong with you Tier
I highly doubt anyone will choose this, but just so the option's there...but seriously, while I can't express how grateful I am that you're helping me live through just my art, I genuinely don't think I'm worth it. >.<; Thank you so much for your support, and I'll do my best not to let you down.
This tier is primarily just for people with excess $$ who want to support me and my art, and I can't think of much else to offer but my sincerest thanks ;A;
The monthly postcard will be sent in an envelope!
I will also send a hand-drawn sketch of a character of your choice!
May include some surprise freebies! ;D
Thank you again for supporting me, and please let me know if you have any questions!
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