#i am just not an edaurent guy unfortunately
greatpawtender · 1 year
can you imagine post case 4 laurent calling up makoto and being like "Hey Do You Want To Do A Con Again" only for makoto to turn him down so completely that it kind of forces him to reassess his own goals and priorities and what he wants out of life now that his grudges have been settled.
because he just kind of Assumed that his way of living would work for makoto and that working with team confidence would set him down that same path for life (see: the parallels between the way he and makoto are treated by team confidence when they first join), because why Wouldn't it? and he probably thought makoto's genuine desire to be a good person and make an honest living was a result of conformity more than anything. (and it's not even like an honest life is Inherently Better, more that laurent, as someone who was never really able to lead that sort of existence, can't really understand its value beyond it being Safer)
the difference is that makoto doesn't enjoy hurting people, even if it's for a good cause, while laurent (imo) has a very "the end justifies the means" approach and is, I would argue, a lot more childish and petty.
with hindsight and the context of his own treatment, the way makoto is treated by team confidence starts feeling like projection on laurent's behalf. "I saw people fake die in front of me, so it's fine" "I wasn't told anything, so it's fine" "I suffered, but because it's all fake it's fine". tbh it feels like laurent never allowed himself to properly process any of his trauma besides the stuff that was "real" (and even in that case, he only really processed dororthy's death after the score had been settled), so he just expects that makoto will do the same thing and be fine, which is. not how it should go
I just think laurent should be given the chance to kind of. Think about team confidence more critically upon witnessing makoto's post case 4 depression that's all. I think he should go bug makoto at his new job and when makoto doesn't react at all and makes it very clear that he wants laurent Gone, laurent has to confront the fact that this sort of stuff really can fuck people up, and maybe he's a little less okay than he thought. and then he goes and whines to oz about it and then they make out idk
hi op. hi. hey . can i make out with you? no? okay sorry
AOUFUGHHF YOURE SO RIGHT YOURE SO RIGHT OG MY GOD this has been my EXACT thoughts regarding makoto and laurent too god they are so insane
i swear to god its like generational trauma between them 😭 its like the children dealing with what the parents dealt with when they were younger LMAOOO
god i am a sucker for post-case 4 cause there is no way everyone, at least makoto, will be okay after that. i agree so hard with makoto just not reacting At All instead of the comical GRAHHH NOOO YOU CAN'T ROPE ME INTO THIS AGAIN!!! but only in my hc i feel like makoto would just comply because hes so Tired
anyway id love to talk more aboit this but i am stupid but thank u op youre so smart and correct and hot
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