#i am not beating the sam girl allegations
scrunkly-scribe · 5 months
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Birthday boy
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8catsinatrenchcoat · 5 months
I haven't done one of these in so long so thank you @again-please!! this was fun!
throwing the ball to @amoremagnificentbastard and @lyzelky if you want!
last song: cartwell - lucy dacus (never beating the sad girl allegations)
favourite colour: hmmmm I'm partial to navy blue and sage green.
currently watching: hacks, rewatching veep, rewatching buffy for the who knows number of times, everything on dropout.tv
sweet/savoury/spicy: why is salty not an option. savory I guess.
relationship status: married!
current obsession: toss up between bg3 and helluva boss. look. I saw that trailer and know that stupid bird and stupid imp are going to Wreck Me. throw dropout in that mix too because I love watching sam reich psychologically torment his friends.
last thing you googled: my answer is extremely boring because it was someone's home address for a work thing, which I am not going to post here for what I hope are obvious reasons lmao
(the real and more embarrassing answer is "what was the last thing I googled")
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rebellconquerer · 3 years
“It’s really not that complicated.”
For Sarah and Sam
Another prompt fill. Will be crossposted to AO3. And to the anon that sent in the request today, yes! My inbox is still and always open for more.
Sarah sighs to herself, digging even further into the bottom of her bag. She knows she has it somewhere. It lives in her handbag during the summer for just this reason.
“Hey mom, can we go into Crescent City Comic? Please?” AJ asks from somewhere along her right side.
She knows the damn fan is in there. Lipstick, chapstick, book, ah! She pulls her hand out and gives a frustrated huff. Old papers, still not the fan.
“Huh? Um, yeah, sure. Don’t wander off from there though, you hear me? You either stay there or come right back,” she’s all but yelling at his retreating back as he runs the half block towards the store, holding his brother’s hand and dodging in between the crowd of people on the streets.
Sarah shakes her head smiling to herself as her hand finally, mercifully brushes against her fan. She lets out a small sound of success as she pulls it out of the bag, unhooks it and starts fanning herself. The gentle wind, even if it is as muggy as the rest of the mid morning heat, is a welcome reprieve. She turns back to the vendors lining the street, fanning herself slowly as she surveys the various bits of jewelry on display, in the market for a new set of earrings perhaps.
She’d all but dragged the lot of them out to the La Gente music and street festival in the Lower Garden this morning. Sam and Bucky had come back from their last trek to DC almost a day ago in a foul mood. She isn’t exactly sure what happened but from what she has gathered they had a mission go bad, monumentally so, and when they came back there had been insinuations that it was because Jame- Bucky was leaking information, like a double agent or whatever. Utterly ridiculous. Sam said Bucky responded very calmly to the allegation. Sam had not.
It had kind of surprised her that Bucky had come back with Sam in the first place. She’s gotten more used to him being around but it tends to be for a specific event or before they go out for work, not after. But even with her limited knowledge of him, just looking at him when they arrived Sarah could tell he was… upset. Something about the calmness and stillness he carried in his frame that was just… not right. Her brother had done the right thing bringing him home and she’s kinda glad Bucky had let himself be brought back to Louisiana.
She shakes her head, moving away from the stall, she should probably not have him on her mind as much as she does but… there is just something about him, something behind his eyes that tells you there is so much more going on than just what you see.
‘And there is a lot to see’ a voice that sounds suspiciously like her best friend’s whispers in the back of her head, so of course, that’s when she notices him across the street.
He’s standing by three ancient-looking old men and one very smitten looking teenager. Sarah laughs, she can’t blame the teen. James wears henleys very well and this dark grey one is no exception. Plus he has the buttons around the neck unbuttoned just enough so that you can see a glint of his dog tags when he moves… yeah, Sarah pities the poor girl.
Sarah very deliberately does not go to him (she’s an adult, she does not get crushes on her big brother’s friends anymore) and heads to the fruit stall next to where he’s standing. She catches a little snippet of the conversation before the band starts up and has to ignore the little flip her heart does because he’s speaking fluent Spanish to his old people group and the words sound mouth-watering on his tongue.
She shakes her head a little violently, returning her focus to picking out ripe fruits. She is not interested.
Guajira, I love you too much
Guajira, I love you too much
“What you up to, sis?” Sam asks, out of nowhere. Only years of being a mother to tiny humans with quiet steps keep her from jumping.
“What does it look like, smart ass?” she replies, yelling just a bit to be heard over the band.
Sam frowns as he watches her pick out mangoes. “I don’t like mangoes,” he tells her like she doesn’t already know.
“These aren’t for you. AJ loves them, as does Cass. And I cook with them sometimes.” she says, picking out four and twirling the bag closed, the beat of the music is infectious as she begins to sway.
“Then why not get more?” Sam asks, poking at the nearest, clearly unripe mango. He’s such a child.
“They are almost 5 dollars for one. Too expensive.”
Sam scoffs. “Everything is negotiable.”
Sarah rolls her eyes. Her brother always thinks he knows best. This wasn’t a pop-up. She knew this stand. “Mr Gonzalez would negotiate, but his daughter, Benita, is a hard ass. I’ve never gotten her to sell anything for a cent less than advertised.” Sarah finishes pointing at the woman in question.
Oye Guajira, so nice to meet ya
Next time I see ya, we gon’ roll some reefer
Sam does a little salsa two-step and a spin, grabbing her bag of mangoes from her hand. “Let’s see shall we?” he says, plastering on a ridiculous smile and walking into the store.
Sarah huffs out a laugh crossing her arms as she watches Sam sidle up to Benita.
“Why does he look like he’s up to something?” Jam- Bucky asks from beside her. She doesn’t look over at him.
“That’s how he always looks, his face has been stuck like that since we were kids. I told him it would happen,” she mutters mostly to get a laugh out of James. It works, the sound sending a pleasant warmth rolling down her spine.
She risks a glance over at him, and with the smile on his face, it’s dangerous.
“You left your friends behind? Are they all actually your age?” she asks, gesturing to his little old people group still standing a ways behind them with her chin.
He glances over his shoulder at them. “Hey it’s not my fault no one in the younger age group seems to know anything about baseball,” he replies. “Gotta take good conversation where I can get it.”
“Oh it must be so hard for you, poor baby.” she teases.
His eyes meet hers with a small smirk “Easier when I’m with you.” he replies lightly.
Sarah’s grin widens as she tries not to let him get to her head.
“Quite the silver tongue James- sorry. I mean Bucky!” She corrects almost immediately, feeling her face heat up. God, she can’t even get his name right, she clearly shouldn’t be flirting with him.
But he only laughs.
“You always seem to prefer James,” he states with a hint of question in his tone.
She shrugs, the embarrassment still making her feel a little off-kilter. “It’s a nice name, but I know you prefer Bucky.”
His smile gets real. “No one’s really called me James outside of my family, and that was a long time ago,” he says, eyes going distant and unfocused for a minute before he looks back over at her. “But if you like James, you should call me that.”
She has never been more grateful for her dark complexion and inability to turn red as she is at this moment. “No- no I couldn’t. You prefer Bu-”
“It sounds good coming from you. I like it,” he says with finality, that life-altering, heart-stopping smirk back on his face and honestly what can she do but smile back at him?
Brother, it’s true, no doubt she’s flawless
Her love’s a drug, she was getting me yo
“I told you, I’d get it done. Does your big brother keep his promises or what?” Sam says, interrupting their gazing and their smiling.
She looks over to him, pushing the dazed smile off her face.
“4 mangoes for ten dollars, a permanent 10% off produce for the restaurant and-” Sam says, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket with a flourish. “Her number.”
Sarah stares in astonishment. “How the hell did you do that, Sam?”
He shrugs, lips twitching as he fights the smile forcing its way onto his face. “It’s really not that complicated, Sarah. I am very good looking,” he says, finally giving in to that gap-toothed smile.
Both her and James groan dramatically, turning to walk away from him.
“Great, he’ll be insufferable now.” James whispers, ducking in close to her, his proximity dizzying.
She laughs as Sam overtakes them, salsa-ing ridiculously by himself as he walks in front of them and singing along with the band.
“Guajira, I love you too much”
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makbarnes · 3 years
Number 11
A/N: a huge thank you to @awesomerextyphoon for beat-reading and for the idea. I really had zero idea what do to woth this and she heloed bunches. Thanks love 😘💘
You tightened your hair around the curler and winced as you accidentally touched the hot iron.
“Why is Tony even throwing this party? Steve would be much happier with a simple private dinner.” You groaned as you fluffed your hair and laid out your makeup over the counter.
“Now now, don’t worry. I have a feeling I want to use a coupon tonight.” Bucky leaned against the doorway with his tie loosely hanging around his neck.
“Better not be another toy for me to wear. I don't know if I can keep a straight face for the press.” You smiled as Bucky leaned down to your ear and kissed softly.
“Might be a gift for the birthday boy.” You grabbed his chin down towards you and teased his bottom lip with your tongue before pushing him back to finish getting ready. You winked as Bucky left the room and you finished getting ready. Bucky knocked on Steve’s door and brought him in for a hug in the hallway. “Ready for your present?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Come on. I have a plan.” Bucky led Steve down to the lab and smiled as he opened the undercover equipment. “Take this and put this one.”
“Look at you catching on. My take on it. Remember when Nat tricked Pierce and disguised herself as one of the board members?”
“Her best trick yet, if I say so myself.”
“We are switching roles for the night. Put one of the masks on, I’m putting one on myself.”
“Buck, are you sure this is the best thing to be doing the night of a party?”
“Want your gift or not Birthday boy?” Bucky chuckled as he slipped the mesh over Steve’s face. Bucky clicked a button on the side of the mask and Steve’s face changed to match Bucky’s. “Now you’re handsome.”
“Shut Up Punk.”
“Now you shouldn’t call people names. Especially people who are letting you sleep with their wife, Jerk.” Bucky slipped one over his face and instantly turned into Steve. They shared a sly smile before walking upstairs to spot you already at the bar mixing drinks for everyone. You threw a wink across the room to the two men as you switched places with the hired bartender.
“Nothing against Tony, but he should really hire someone with a heavy hand. The Avengers like it strong.” You straightened up to peck a quick kiss onto ‘Bucky’s’ cheek and smiled as the two men led you in front of the press. Better to get the questions over with now then later when you couldn’t see straight. You adjusted your dress as you locked arms with both men and posed as the lights flashed. You smiled and hugged closer to ‘Bucky’ as you laid a hand on his chest. ‘Steve’s’ hand dropped lower to give a gentle squeeze to your ass that made you freeze in place.
“{Y/N}!? {Y/N}?! What do you have to say about Sharon’s allegations of you sleeping with both men out of time?!”
“Sharon is envious of what I clearly can get. I am neither confirming or denying the fact let’s just say they may be from the past but they BOTH still have moves.” You winked for the cameras and laughed as you looked up to ‘Bucky’.
“Steve!? Have you had your eye on the director position ever since Maria resigned?”
“No, I’d prefer to be out in the field doing the work that really matters.”
“But if you were offered?”
“Even if they begged and pleaded. I like being out there first hand and saving the people that really matter.”
“What about you James? Director?”
“Haha! I highly doubt they would put me in charge. HYDRA’s ex fist? Not a good look. If I had to nominate anyone it would be Stark or {Y/N}.” You rolled your eyes at your ‘husband’s’ comment and laced your fingers with his own.
“Last question for all of you. The mayor has been quoted as saying that the American Trio has been using stolen government weapons to aid them in their battles. Is this true? If so, what are your next steps?”
“If you want to be technical about it then yes, the government did make the serum that courses through our veins, they also made Steve’s shield and my own daggers. However, since we travel the world and do the job their military won’t, I think we will be keeping the ‘weapons’ and using them so they can keep their positions.” You chided back with no hesitation.
“The new mayor has always had an issue with all of us ever since he’s been elected. He is making false promises and I can say for sure that nobody on this team ever wanted him in office. I got this serum in 1950, after Erskine and Howard Stark’s energy chamber made me who I am today. What is he going to do to extract it from my blood?” ‘Steve’ chimed up behind you.
“HYDRA forcefully flooded it into my system as well as my wife’s, so technically the only serum that is stolen here is Steve’s and even the government back then pumped it into him. I am sure that the new mayor will respect the fact that we are saving this world and making it a better place. The Military isn’t going to do the things we do, they don’t care about the families and the small children growing up in this world. All they see is a threat to eliminate.” ‘Bucky’s’ hand tightened over your hand and you could feel his anger growing.
“What about the red letters in {Y/N}’s file that he released to the public this afternoon?”
“What…” Your face dropped in worry and the cameras took the opportunity to snap a few pictures. You looked between the men with worry and they moved in front of you to block you from the cameras. You rushed over to Tony and Pepper and they took you downstairs to figure something out.
“Looks like we caught her off guard huh?” The reporter smirked to herself as she held up her mic to the men. The two men shared a look before they each took a deep breath.
“I think that’s enough for tonight.” ‘Steve’ chimed in as ‘Bucky’ grabbed his shoulder assuringly. As they both walked downstairs ‘Steve’ stopped ‘Bucky’ and they agreed to take off the mesh until later. Bucky handed his to Steve and made his way down to the bottom level that you had disappeared to.
“Doll? Where are you?”
“Here. I can’t believe they would do that?! So what I have red in my ledger. EVERYONE DOES!”
“Hey, it’s not that bad. It’ll go away in a week. The new mayor just wants people on his side.” Bucky brought you in for a tight hug and kissed the top of your head.
“Tony’s kicking them out.”
“Good.” Bucky calmed you down as he rubbed your back and you focused yourself on his breathing. “So uhm, I had a plan for tonight.”
“With your coupon, I know.”
“Are you still okay with me using it?”
“If anything, use it now. I need to blow off some steam.” You easily moved to straddle Bucky and tilted his head up to connect your own lips with his. Your fingers played in his hair as his hand slid down to cup your ass. You smiled against him as you ran your tongue over his bottom lip and he let you take control. Slipping over every inch of his mouth you moaned as his free hand came up and held the side of your throat. You slid his hand up the bottom side of your dress and tried to lower yourself against his growing area. Bucky stopped you and winked as he pulled away.
“Mind if I stick to my plan?” You let out a heavy sigh as Bucky readjusted your dress. “Don’t worry Doll. You will have plenty of stress relief tonight.” He kissed behind your ear before you stood up and pulled him back upstairs with you. Bucky stopped just before walking around the corner and pulled you against him. “Whatever happens I love you. Don’t let the press get you down. Just enjoy the party and don’t forget to give the birthday boy a dance.” You hugged him tightly before making your way to the bar to grab another drink. Steve waved Bucky over and easily slipped the mesh mask back onto his face.
“I’m gonna warn you now, she is on a rampage tonight. You only get one round. Still gotta take care of my girl.” Bucky switched his face to Steve’s and carted himself off to the bar. You smiled as Natasha handed you a very strong Lemon Drop and gave you a quaint smile.
“It’s okay, Dear. When my files got leaked it was hard at first but at least it’s only a little red.” Natasha joked trying to cheer you up but you could only think about blowing off this worry with Bucky. ‘Steve’ came over to lay a hand on the small of your back and give you a soft kiss on your temple.
“Hey Steve, Can you not grab my ass in front of the press?”
“Can’t help it, D-Angel.”
“Mhm.” You gave him a smirk and winked over at ‘Bucky’ who was busy at the pool table with Thor and Sam. “How ‘bout that dance Birthday Boy?” ‘Steve’ took the drink from your hand and placed it next to his own that he was just drinking for the fun of it. A slow song from the ‘40’s, which was no doubt Steve’s choice, began playing as everyone found a partner. You noticed ‘Bucky’ had whisked Wanda to the floor and smiled as Vision quickly inserted himself between the two. You sent a pouty face over to ‘Bucky’ as ‘Steve’ turned you in a circle. ‘Bucky’ took a drink from his bottle as you danced. You smiled as ‘Steve’ told jokes and you felt this hand creeping downwards.
“It may be your birthday but you have to clear that with my husband.” You looked up at him in question as your hand went over his left sleeve. “Uhm, Steve? Why does it feel like you have Bucky’s arm?”
“Must be imagining it Angel.”
“Oh and I must have “imagined” you almost calling me Doll earlier too?” ‘Steve’ let out a sigh and moved you to the back corner of the dance floor. He reached up under his hairline and turned the mesh off and Bucky smiled at you wickedly. “I KNEW IT! What about downstairs? Please tell me I didn’t do that to Steve.” Bucky covered your mouth and glanced through the crowd to see himself leaning against the bar.
“No, that was me. It’s Steve’s present. Number 11. Roleplay. Please go along with it?”
“Lucky you are both hot.” You kissed him quickly and reset his dial as he turned back into Steve. You smiled as you led him over to ‘Bucky’ and switched their spots. “It’s my Husband’s turn.” Flashing a wink to ‘Steve’ you dragged ‘Bucky’ to the floor and began swaying with him. You angled his hand down to the curve of your ass and locked your fingers around his neck. ‘Bucky’ teased a kiss near your ear and you watched as ‘Steve’ locked his eyes onto the two of you.
“I think your best friend is jealous, Honey.”
“He is just impatient. Think we teased him too much.”
“Oh, that poor baby.” You tucked your face against his chest and instantly knew it was Steve. Your hand locked over his hips, You pulled his pelvis against your own. “Can we blow off some steam now?” ‘Bucky’ gulped heavily as you led him back over to grab a refill on your drink to take to your room. As you waited for the very slow bartender the two men pulled to the side and you couldn’t help but smile.
“She wants to go back to the room.” ‘Bucky’ looked nervous and watched ‘Steve’s’ eye for approval.
“Better enjoy it then. I’ll be right outside, Guarding.” ‘Steve’ laughed as you came behind ‘Bucky’.
“Ready baby?” You hooked arms with him and winked over to ‘Steve’. “Coming Stevie?”
“What?” ‘Steve’s’ eyes blew wide and you held back your laughter, having your own trick up your sleeve.
“It’s your birthday.” Smirking back to ‘Steve’ he quickly followed and let the men lead you to your room. You stretched your arms as you bended in front of ‘Steve’ and smiled as ‘Bucky’ shut the door.
“Okay, masks off.”
“What do you mean Doll?” ‘Bucky’ moved ‘Steve’ back and watched you reach for your zipper.
“Husband want to help me here?” You glanced back to see ‘Bucky’ approaching and you stopped him before he even got close. “I said my husband Stevie.”
“I am your husband.”
“No, you aren’t” You reached up under his hairline and pressed to turn off the mask. “Told you. I know my husband.”
“He told you didn’t he?”
“Maybe, still I would have figured it out myself. Don’t worry you can still use the coupon.” You reached into Steve’s pocket and took the coupon away from him. You picked up the small stack Bucky had left and tucked Number 16 in his pocket. You wrote a date on the back and kissed his cheek. “That’s your present, Gonna have to be put on hold however.”
“That’s no fair. Buck told me I could.”
“Well I want my husband tonight after that shit show with the press. I promise, I’ll rock your world later.” You opened the door and laughed as Steve walked out with a frown on his face. You smiled at Bucky and ripped the coupon in front of him. “Put the mask on.”
“You heard me, put the mask back on, you want a roleplay? Let’s roleplay. See how well you can be Steve.” You walked over and began undoing his buttons on his shirt, You kissed his clavicle a few times before you reached up and clicked the mesh back to Steve and brought him down for a kiss.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Positive.” You sank down to your knees and ripped off his belt. You looked up at him as Steve and sucked in your bottom lip. “Want this Stevie? You wanna fuck my mouth?”
“That’s not what Steve calls me.”
“Angel.” You smiled as you licked up his shaft and he groaned as you slipped him into your mouth. Bucky’s metal fingers balled up your hair as he quickly took control and pushed his full length in without warning. You switched your breathing and let him chase his needed finish from the night. You moaned around him and felt tears prick your eyes, You held yourself against his hips and felt your slick coating your thighs. “Buck’s right about this mouth. Shit.”
“Language Stevie.” You pulled yourself back a bit and smiled up at him as you wiped your lips.
“Fuck the language.” He pulled your back against his cock and you took in a deep breath as you swirled your tongue around his shaft and felt his grip tighten in your hair. He held himself deep into your mouth and quickly pulled out of your mouth. Picking you up easily he moved you onto the bed and hovered over you.
“Rough Stevie, I like it.”
“Yeah?” Bucky brought up his metal hand to cup your throat. “Is Buck this rough with you.”
“Even worse, Captain.” You smiled as he pulled your lips together and roughly pressed against your soaking core.
“Stevie, get you this hot baby? You like when the Captain uses you?” You stayed silent as you watched his eyes trace over your body.
“Come on baby, please? Fuck me Stevie, my husband’s gotta get some of me tonight.”
“Oh he will Angel, I promise.” ‘Steve’ winked at you, before he pressed wet kisses over your chest. You arched your back against him as you twirled your legs around his hips. You pulled him against you and tried to lace a hand down to him. He brought your hands back up and held them with his metal hand above your head. “Better behave Angel. Don’t make me tell your husband now?” Bucky smiled, as he easily ripped your underwear off and pushed his hand against you. Rutted your hips against his hand you let out a wanting whine for more.
“Want more baby?”
“Yes. Please.” You brought a hand out and reached up to rip off the mesh mask and threw it to the floor. “Enough play. Fuck me Daddy.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Bucky easily flipped you over and pushed your hips up as he pushed himself deep inside of you. You gasped into the pillow as your hands gripped the headboard above you. Your lip dug into your bottom lip as the sound of skin filled the room, Bucky reached up and pulled your lip out of your mouth and teased your tongue with them. Bucky warped his fingers around and pressed rough circles against your clit. Your walls teased him with a finish and he held your hips with force to keep you still.
“Oh! Yes! Shit, right there. Don’t stop baby. Please.” Bucky picked up his speed and angled your back up for him to hit your spot perfectly. Your fingers gripped the sheets while he plowed into you from behind and you felt a white heat growing up your spine. Bucky easily flipped you over, tucked his face against you.
“God , you’re so perfect Doll. I love you.”
“I love you too. Fuck I’m gonna cum.” Your nails dug into his back as white blinded your vision and you pressed a kiss against his neck. Bucky easily finished as your walls squeezed him and he relaxed next to you. “Coupon...well...spent.”
“I feel bad about Steve.”
“Don’t worry, I gave him our tape for the last one. It should hold him.” You and Bucky shared a laugh as he peppered kisses over your chest.
“Round 2?”
“Always.” You rolled over to straddle his hips with a smile.
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Rumour has it
Takes place after chapter 2, mc (I called mines Josie) confronts Sam about being engaged) 
pairings: mc (Josie) x f! sam 
tags: @cloud9in
word count: 1.6k 
The night after your encounter with Sam, if you wanna call making out with your boss on your first day on the job an encounter, you wake up feeling uneasy. The feel of Sam’s plush lips still linger on your lips, the heat of her body and how it molded perfectly against your own. The way she tangled her tongue with yours, and how her moans set your entire body alight. But after the kiss was abruptly interrupted by Sam’s alleged fiancee, you couldn’t help but be curious about Sofia. 
After your talk with the boys last night, it was obvious that Sam was in some sort of relationship with Sofia, but you can’t help but wonder why it was so easy for her to lose control around you. How easy it felt being her arms. How your kisses felt like something you’ve done thousands of times. You remember the feeling of your heart shattering when Jenny found the Star Gossip article, which reported Sam’s unofficial announcement of her engagement. But you can’t shake the feeling that there must be more to the relationship since Mickey and Mason confessed that they’ve never even caught the pair kissing. 
All you know is that you need to talk to Sam, no matter how much you may be dreading it. 
You leave your bedroom determined to find Sam so you can arbitrate any feelings or concerns about what happened last night. The house is weirdly quiet considering two 7 year old boys live here but you feel a little dejected when you find a note from Sam attached to the fridge, ‘Took the boys to the park, enjoy your day off, Sam’. 
‘Well that saves me a couple of hours from an awkward conversation’. You decide to text the only person who could give you some advice, so you pull up Jenny’s contact info and facetime her. 
‘Jenny I told you to not to freak out’ you balance the phone in your hand holding it up to show your frowning face while Jenny is totally freaking out, her face moving in and out of the frame as she frantically waves her arms around screaming. 
‘Jenny! Please! Just help me. What do I even say?’ 
Jenny hears your pleading tone and calms down a little, but she struggles to hide her ardor as her smile beams brightly at you. ‘Okay fine but I want the details about the kiss once I’m done helping you’ 
You exasperatingly roll your eyes as you reluctantly agree to give Jenny the full details of your kiss and you eagerly await for her advice. 
‘Why don’t you just ask her for the truth?’ 
You throw your hands up in the air, ‘gee, why didn’t I think of that, come on Jenny be serious’
‘I am okay? Just listen’ her voice is unusually commanding as she settles down on her bed and looks at you dead in the eye as she continues,’ look, judging by everything you’ve told me, I really think you should just be straight up with Sam. She seems like she’s a straight to the point no BS kinda girl, and you’re never gonna get the answers you want if you play it carefully. Don’t beat around the bush, just deadass ask her, are you engaged and see what she says’ 
As you contemplate Jenny’s words you realise that she does have a point, honestly is the best policy after all. After indulging in Jenny’s pleas and giving a full detailed report on the kiss as well as some casual small talk, you relax in the living room with the tv on, your thoughts drifting to the inevitable conversation you will have with Sam once she gets home and you mentally prepare yourself for any outcome, though you’re hoping that it ends with a happy ending for you. You suddenly hear the elevator doors ding and Mickey and Mason’s voices echo throughout the apartment. 
You look up to see two very sweaty boys running towards the bathroom and as you get up to go to the kitchen, Sam creeps up behind the counter, her soft voice startling you. Your mind flashes back to the night before, recalling that same tone, how low and husky her voice was, as she spoke about how much she wanted you, how she couldn’t stand to be so close to you without feeling like an animal. Now as you stand within the same vicinity, the energy is different, like everything has changed. 
Sam raises her eyebrows a little, and you shake out of your reverie, and give Sam a small smile, ‘hey Sam can we uh’ you’re cut off as Mason and Mickey enter the kitchen and run towards the pizza boxes on the counter. 
‘Hey Josie guess what? Mason jumps excitedly in his spot and you give him a huge smile, ‘what?’ 
‘Mickey and I went to the park today and I totally beat him in tag’ 
‘No you didn’t, I told you you only tagged me because my shoe laces came off’ 
The boys continue to squabble as Sam briskly claps her hands together, ‘Come on boys enough, you were at least too fast for me huh? I think you guys cheated a little when I was it’
‘No way!! You’re just too slow mom’, Sam ruffles Mickey’s hair and they all settle on the stools getting ready to eat. 
‘Josie we weren’t sure what you like so we got you a pepperoni pizza’ 
You gratefully take the box from Sam, your fingers brushing together slightly and you feel electricity coursing through your body. You’ve barely touched Sam but you feel the heat rising to your cheeks and judging by Sam’s clenching jaw, you know you’re not the only one who feels it. 
After eating and engaging in some enlightening conversation with the boys about the newest game craze, you stay behind to clean up while Sam gets the boys ready for bed. 
You ball up your hands, knuckles turning white as you try to remember Jenny’s advice to ask for the truth, no matter how devastating the answer may be. You’re pulled out of your thoughts as Sam ambles into the kitchen, her expression looking bleak as she clears her throat. 
‘Sorry, I just wanted some water before I head to bed’ she moves towards the sink, her back to you but you mentally steel yourself before blurting out, ‘can we talk?’ 
Sam freezes in place, you can’t see her face, but you can only imagine the tormented look on her face as she bows her head slightly down and speaks out, ‘if it’s about the boys taking the subway, it’s fine Josie, just don’t do it again’. 
You can’t help but feel a little bit hurt but angry as she attempts to dismiss what happened last night so you walk towards her and grab her wrist to spin her around. The contact of your hand touching her thrills you, so you quickly let go of her arm and take an abrupt step back trying to control your heartbeat as it thumps in your ears. 
‘That’s not what I meant and you know it Sam, please I just need to know’ 
Sam’s face looks conflicted as her brows furrow and her lips are curled down but she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and stares directly into your eyes, her face looks emotionless, her eyes blank. ‘What did you want to know?’ her voice is devastatingly monotone but her jaw flinches a little indicating that she might already know what you’re about to ask.
‘Are the rumours true? About you and Sofia being engaged?’ You bite the inside of your cheek as you anticipate Sam’s answer. 
Sam looks dumbfounded, her expression crestfallen as she struggles to answer your question.
‘Come on Sam, I deserve an answer, are you or are you not engaged it’s not a difficult question’
‘Yes?’ No matter how much mental preparation you took beforehand, the familiar anguish you once felt when you found out about Sam’s engagement returns and your stomach begins to flip as you try to control your emotions, grappling to keep a stoic expression so Sam doesn’t see how much her answer hurts you. 
‘It’s not like that Josie, okay? It’s complicated, last night i-’ 
You slice your hand through the air cutting her off, anger quickly filling up inside of you, ‘you’re engaged Sam, that’s it. I know I crossed a line when I kissed you but you should’ve stopped me’ 
‘I couldn’t’ her voice cracking as she shakily breathes in and out, ‘Josie there’s so much you don’t know’ she reaches out to you but stops, her hands hover near yours but she pulls back at the last second. 
‘Sam, I can’t. I really need this job and I don’t want one stupid mistake to ruin that’ 
‘So it was a mistake to you?’ 
You ignore the dulling ache of your heart as you swallow and answer, ‘yes, it was unprofessional and won’t happen again’ 
You swear that Sam’s face completely falls for a second before the weight of your words settle and her face returns to that same emotionless one, ‘I agree. I apologize Josie, I should’ve never indulged in it. I just hope we can move forward from this since you seem to be the perfect fit for the boys’ 
You nod, unable to find the words as your heart only hurts more, and with that you turn and retreat back to your room. As you lay on your bed you wonder if staying is the right decision, but you know that you need this job and your mind can’t help but wonder what did Sam mean by it being complicated.
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angrykpoprants · 5 years
Bts paved the way for kpop idc what anyone says no one cared about kpop until BTS
I beg to differ, maybe for the late 2010′s and performing at award shows but not for kpop as a whole. However, this is always going to be a topic that always going to be two sided. And I full on respect your opinion, because I can see where its coming from. 
I’ve always felt like kpop was just a sub genre like a lot of other music, while its not mainstream and US artist will always have the upperhand in their home country kpop has a large enough following in the US, its just like that time were J-rock and J-pop was huge… btw does anyone remember Puffy AmiYumi?
I think the reason as to why it really looks like they were the ones who paved the way for kpop is because of the social media and fandom culture we have now, from 2005-2014 social media culture wasn’t like what it is today, I’m not even talking about fan interaction either, because I feel like there was way more fan interaction on twitter from the B.A.P members. 
Lets see the timeline of kpop/korean artist making headlines in America 
Rain made headlines for being the first ever Korean artist to perform outside of Asia. He was also the first Korean artist to perform in the US, and let alone do a 2 hour concert. It’s one of the biggest Korean concert that was held in NYC. It even featured Pi Diddy, Omarion, and JoJo Levesque. This was the initial foot print that the hallyu wave had outside of Asia 
Rain made headlines for because Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, to that Stephen Colbert invited him on his show and they did a parody of Way to Avoid the sun. 
The year that MTV made a special channel on American TV soley for kpop called MTVk
Rain also again gained more american attention for being listed in People’s most beautiful people in the world
Bi Rain and Joon Park both were in Speed Racer, that was a big achievement for Korean Singers… just simply being able to graze the big screen. Rain more so than Joon got a good amount of attention, he even got some American interviews 
Rain and Lee Joon were in Ninja Assassin. Rain made major headlines for again not only being in an American movie but this time actually staring in the movie and about how much training he did just for the movie. 
This was also the same year Korean actor Lee Byun hyun had his US debut 
GD at the time also got some attention after the alleged plagiarism between Heartbreaker and Right Round when Flo Rida performed with him
Wonder Girls made their American debut 
Wonder Girls were the opening act for the Jonas Brothers making the Jonas brothers one of the first American artist to work with a kpop group
BoA’s eat you up was released and played everywhere 
Rain again made American attention by not only being nominated for an American award show but also winning MTV’s Movie Awards Biggest Badass Star beating Angelina Jolie, Chris Pine, Channing Tatum, and Sam Worthington 
Will.I.Am started to work with 2ne1 
Bigbang gain global attention and celebrity clout after being the first kpop group nominated, attending and winning Best Global act at the MTV EMA’s beating Britney Spears in the process 
Fantastic Baby went viral, reaction videos were popping up left and right. Fantastic Baby even played in some stores and I believe some radio stations 
Fantastic Baby was featured Glee 
SNSD had their American debut 
Wonder Girls made a American movie and JYP was featured in it (i know.. its cheesy)
This is the year of B.A.P’s debut where their debut album made it into the the World Album Chart at number 10 which was extremely rare at the time considering they didn’t even have a kpop section yet. 
Bigbang was on the Grammy’s front page twice 
Bigbang’s Alive world tour was the only full on sold out Kpop concert at the time, selling out not only in NA but SA and Europe, and were forced to add extra dates because the demand was extremely high, not to mention celebrities were showing up left and right to their tour stops 
This year was also Psy’s year which did bring attention to kpop and YG ent… regardless if Gangnam Style is a joke or not
The first Kcon was created 
GD also got international attention by showing up at PFW12
B.A.P and Psy were featured on Grammy’s “Best of 2012″ making B.A.P the only kpop group on that page 
B.A.P’s first world tour for their US dates sold out in about an hour
Little Mix decided to join in on the Hallyu wave by doing a Korean version of Wings 
Will and Jaden smith met up with YG fam and Jay Park which brought attention to kpop beings that Jay wrote a song for their movie 
Will.I.Am and 2ne1′s collab was released
Anna Kendrick also wanted to get in on the Hallyu wave action by meeting up with f(x)
B.A.P performed in time square generating so much attention 
The year that Billboard gave themselves a kpop section because of the major Hallyu wave giving credit to B.A.P, 2ne1, and Bigbang for helping that chart exists 
Justin Bieber asked GD to feature at his concert in Seoul and proceed to tweet and IG about him 
Paris Hilton talked about GD being her favorite Korean artist
Paris Hilton tweeted about hanging out with GD 
Barbara Palvin talked about GD 
Choi Siwon went to the Met Gala 
Super Junior was invited to Oxford to talk about how they helped start the hallyu wave and the kpop attention in the US 
Skrilex released his song featuring CL and GD 
B.A.P did a nickelodeon shout out 
I think this was the year that Exo got a lot of American attention too, but im not sure because im not an Exo-L
GD got attention just for showing up at Coachella 
CL signed with School Boy 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial 
Emma Stone professed her love for kpop on American TV 
Fantastic Baby was featured in the Pitch Perfect trailer 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hyukoh’s Come and Goes gained international attention
Far East Movement worked with Chanyeol and Loco
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD being is inspiration
Baauer released a song featuring GD  
Lil Yachty did his Bigbang tribute and has been know to be a fanboy of bigbang for a while
Epik High was the first Kpop group to perform at Coachella 
CL performed on James Corden 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hello Bitches was in a T-Moble commercial 
GD got international attention for being chosen as Channels ambassador 
President Obama talked about the Hallyu wave and gave credit to shinee 
Tablo, Rain, and Kim Taehee were invited to the Grammys 
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD’s album 
Jay Park signed with Roc Nation 
DNCE talked about wanting to work with GD 
GD got international attention for is world tour 
I am the Best was featured in a Kia commercial 
Hyukoh’s Citizen Cane was chosen to be in the Animoji comercial 
Hyukoh x Beats by Dre
Hyukoh was interviewed by Beats1
Taeyang got international attention for just getting married 
I would go more into detail by just tweeting about kpop but thats too much work to look for, kpop is a fad and it comes and goes. I kind of like what Hyukoh said about the whole Hallyu Wave/BTS thing they said “I think it’s really interesting and it’s fun to watch. Because of it, I think in some aspects were are benefitting from it, that’s really great. But nothing is forever, there will be some point when K-pop won’t be as popular. But because we’re not K-pop, I hope we stay popular even when K-pop is not.“
BTS did not start the hallyu wave, nor did they pave they way. They were just the first to walk on that new path which then inspired more to do the same and they were the first to win fandom based awards.
No matter what this will always be a topic is where some OG and new kpop fans clash, so yes, BTS is helping the Hallyu wave but they didn’t create the fad. I think the real Hallyu wave starter is Rain
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buildingadult402 · 2 years
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Horrifying footage emerges of female cop being 'gang raped by.
Female prison guard 'was sexually assaulted by 17 inmates' in Florida.
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Cop Punished For Refusing To Help Cover Up Shooting Of Autistic Teen.
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Horrifying footage emerges of female cop being 'gang raped by.
A COP from California has been sentenced for having sex with the 16-year-old son of one of her colleagues after the boy's parents alleged that she "groomed" him. Shauna Bishop, 44, pleaded guilty to having sex with the boy while working as a Sacramento County sheriff’s deputy, and was sentenced Wednesday. Watch A husband comes home early to find his wife cheating with another man. His reaction breaks my heart. - Magic's here on Dailymotion.
Female prison guard 'was sexually assaulted by 17 inmates' in Florida.
The woman, who has not been identified, was on duty in December at the Miami-Dade correctional facility in south Florida when she was attacked A prison gate was left open, allowing male inmates to.
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Mohamed Noor. Former Somali-American Minneapolis Police Officer Mohamed Noor was on Tuesday found guilty of third-degree murder and manslaughter by a jury for shooting and killing a white woman. Should parents allow their teens to have sex in the home?. Wellington, July 2 A suspected 15-year-old female shoplifter in Papua New Guinea has claimed that she was forced to pay for her crime with sex. The young girl has told police that security.
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September 28, 2012, 7:33 AM. Live. Sept. 28, 2012 -- Four teenage girls caught on videotape laughingly beating a defenseless woman are remorseless and defiant even as they are about to be.
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Bruno Kelzer. Shoplifting—stealing items from a store without paying for them—is often considered a stunt of sorts. Some of them steal food from supermarkets because they do not have money, while many others steal just because it feels good and cool to do so. The latter are often either unaware of the consequences of their actions or simply. A 28-year-old man who invited a 9-year-old girl and her family to live with him and then recorded himself spanking her bare buttocks was sentenced to 17 years in prison Monday. It was the latest.
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Check out the teaser trailer for Avatar: The Way of Water, the upcoming movie starring Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Cliff Curtis, Joel David Moore, CCH Pounder. You’d think the experience of being a teen mom would make me want to keep all boys at least 10 feet away from my daughter, or at least ban boys from her room. Certainly, I don’t want her to go.
Video shows white cops gun down fleeing black teen.
A teenage girl forced a man to bend down and kiss her shoe as a way of apology after he reportedly harassed her in the street. She also hit the man repeatedly with her shoe as the pair stood in. 6. Sweet Sugar (1972) Sugar (Phyllis Davis) is a prostitute who is framed by a corrupt politician for drug charges. She agrees to work in a sugar-cane plantation for two years, verses serving jail time. Sugar and a new inmate, Simone, encounter a brutal guard and the plantation's owner, the deranged Dr. John. Garfield Morgan, 54, and his 36 year old accomplice friend Kim Gorton are both career burglars, having stolen from hundreds of homes in their lives. But it's unlikely they'll go back to crime.
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A video posted on social media shows a white man being pummeled inside a department store after he allegedly used the N-word. The footage, shot inside a store in Flint, Michigan, shows a white man.
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“The first charge relates to a group of marines being forced to (perform a sex act) to gay porn, which was shown to them on a laptop. “When one of them told Foster ‘I ain’t doing it.
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dark-and-twisty-01 · 6 years
David Richard Berkowitz (Son of Sam)
New Yorkers are accustomed to reports of violent death in every form, from mundane to the bizarre. They take it all in stride, accepting civic carnage as a price of living in the largest, richest city in America. But residents were unprepared for the commencement of an all out reign of terror in July 1976. For 13 months, New York would be a city under siege, its female citizens afraid to venture out by night while an apparent homicidal maniac was waiting, seeking prey. 
The terror came with darkness on July 29th, 1976. Two young women, Donna Lauria and Jody Valenti, had parked their car on Buhre Avenue in Queens, remaining in the vehicle and passing time in conversation. If they saw the solitary male pedestrian at all, they didn’t take note of him. In any case, they never saw the pistol that he raised to pump five shots through the windshield. Donna Lauria was killed immediately; her companion survived and got off “easy,” with a bullet in one thigh. The shooting was a tragic incident, but in itself was not unusual for New York City. There was scattered sympathy but no alarm among the residents of New York’s urban combat zone...until the next attack.
On October 23rd, Carl Denaro and Rosemary Keenan parked outside a bar in Flushing, Queens. Again, the gunman went unnoticed as he crouched to fire a single bullet through the car’s window. Wounded, Carl Denaro survived. A 44-caliber bullet was found on the floor of the car, and detectives matched it to slugs from the Lauria murder. Just over one month later, on November 26, Donna DeMasi and Joanne Lomino were sitting together on the stoop of a house in the Floral Park section of Queens. A man approached them from the sidewalk, asking for directions, but before he could complete the question he had drawn a pistol, blasting at the startled women. Both were wounded, Joanne paralyzed forever with a bullet in her spine.
Again the slugs were readily identified, and now detectives knew they had a random killer on their hands. The gunman seemed to favour girls with long, dark hair, and there was speculation that the shooting of Denaro in October may have been an “accident.” The young man’s hair was shoulder length; a gunman closing on him from behind might have mistaken Carl Denaro for a woman in the darkness. Christmas season passed without another shooting, but the gunman had not given up his hunt. On January 30, 1977, John Diel and Christine Freund were parked and necking in the Ridgewood section of New York, when bullets hammered out their windshield. Freund was killed on impact, while her date was physically unscathed. 
Virginia Voskerichian, an Armenian exchange student, was walking toward her home in Forest Hills on March 8, when a man approached and shot her in the face, killing her instantly, Detectives noted that she had been slain within 300 yards of the January murder scene. On April 17, Alexander Esau and his date, Valentina Suriani, were parked in the Bronx, a few blocks from the site of the Lauria-Valenti shooting. Caught up in each other, they may not have seen the gunman coming; certainly they had no time to dodge the fusillade of bullets that killed them both immediately, fired from point-blank range. 
Detectives found clearly a crudely printed letter in the middle of the street, near Esau’s car. Addressed to the captain in charge of New York’s hottest manhunt, the note contained a chilling message. 
I am deeply hurt by your calling me a weman-hater [sic]. I am not. But I am a monster. I am the Son of Sam....I love to hunt. Prowling the streets looking for fair game - tasty meat/ The weman [sic] of Queens are the prettyest [sic] of all....
The note described “sam” as a drunken bute who beat members of his family and sent his son out hunting “tasty meat” compelling him to kill. There would be other letters from the gunman, some addressed to newsman Jimmy Breslin, hinting at more crimes to come and fueling the hysteria that had already gripped New York. The writer was apparently irrational but no less dangerous for that, and homicide investigators had no clue to his identity. On June 26, Salvatore Lupo and girlfriend Judy Placido were parked in Bayside, Queens, when four shots pierced the windshield of their car. Both were wounded; both survived.
On July 31, Robert Violante and Stacy Moskowitz parked near the Brooklyn shore. The killer found them there and squeezed off four shots at their huddled silhouettes, striking both young people in the head. Stacy died instantly; her date survived, but damage from his wounds left Violante blind for life. It was the last attack, but homicide detectives didn’t know that yet. A woman walking near the final murder scene recalled two traffic officers writing a ticket for a car parked close to a hydrant; moments later, she had seen a man approach the car, climb in, and pull away with squealing tires. A check of parking ticket records traced the old Ford Galaxy belonging to one David Berkowitz, of Pine street, Yonkers. Staking out the address, officers discovered that the car was parked outside, a semiautomatic rifle lay in the “Son of Sam’s” distinctive, awkward style. When Berkowitz emerged from his apartment he was instantly arrested and confessed his role in New York’s reign of terror.
The story told by Berkowitz seemed tailor-made for an Insanity Defense in court. The “Sam” referred to in his letters was a neighbour, one Sam Carr, whose Labrador retriever was allegedly possessed by ancient demons, beaming out commands for Berkowitz to kill and kill again. One one occasion he had tried to kill the dog, but it was useless; demons spoiled his aim, and when the dog recovered from its wounds, the nightly torment had redoubled in the intensity. A number of psychiatrists described the suspect as a paranoid schizophrenic, suffering from delusions and therefore incompetent to stand trial. The lone exception was Dr. David Abrahamson, who found that Berkowitz was sane and capable of understanding that his actions had been criminal. The court agreed with Abrahamson and ordered Berkowitz to trial. The gunman soon pled guilty and was sentenced to 365 years in prison. 
Ironically, Berkowitz seemed grateful to Dr. Abrahamson for his sanity ruling and later agreed to a series of interviews that Abrahamson published in his book Confessions of Son of Sam (1985). The interviews revealed that Berkowitz had tried to kill two women during 1975, attacking them with knives, but he turned squeamish when they tried to fight him off. (”I didn’t want to hurt them,” he explained, confused. “I only wanted to kill them.”) A virgin at the time of his arrest, Berkowitz was prone to fabricate elaborate lies about his bedroom prowess, all the while intent upon revenge against the women who habitually rejected him. When not engaged in stalking female victims, Berkowitz reportedly was an accomplished arsonist: a secret journal listed details of 300 fires for which he was allegedly responsible around New York. In his conclusion, Dr. Abrahamson described his subject as a homicidal exhibitionist who meant his crimes to be a public spectacle and harbored fantasies of “dying for a cause”.
There is another side of David Berkowitz, however, and it surfaced shortly after his arrest, with allegations of his membership in a satanic cult. In letters mailed from prison, Berkowitz described participation in a New York cult affiliated with the lethal “Four P Movement,” based in California. He revealed persuasive inside knowledge of a California homicide, unsolved since 1974, and wrote that “There are other Sams out there - God help the world.”
According to the story told by Berkowitz in prison, two of neighbour Sam Carr’s sons were also members of the killer cult that specialized in skinning dogs alive and gunning victims down on darkened streets. One suspect John Charles Carr, was said to be the same “John Wheaties” mentioned in a letter penned by Berkowitz, containing other clues that point to cult involvement in the random murders. Calling themselves “The Children,” the cultists operated from a base in Untermeyer Park, where mutilated dogs were found from time to time. Cult members represented the “Twenty-two Disciples of Hell” mentioned in another “Son of Sam” letter. Suspect John Carr fled New York in February 1979 and “committed suicide” under mysterious circumstances in Minot, North Dakota, two days later. Brother Michael Carr died in a single-car crash in October 1979, and New York authorities reopened the “Sam” case after his death.
Newsman Maury Terry, after six years on the case, believes there at least five different gunmen in the “Son of Sam” attacks, including Berkowitz, John Carr, and several suspects one a woman who have yet to be indicted. Terry also notes that six of the seven shootings fell in close proximity to recognised occult holidays, the March 8 Voskerichian attack emerging as the sole exception to the pattern. In the journalist’s opinion, Berkowitz was chosen as a scapegoat by the other cultists, who then defaced his apartment with weird graffiti, whipping up a bogus “arson ledger” which includes peculiar, out-of-order entries to support a plea of innocent by insanity. 
Berkowitz himself confirmed the occult connection in conversations with fellow inmates and letters mailed from prison. One such, posted in October 1979 reads:
I really don’t know how to begin this letter, but at one time I was a member of an occult group. Being sworn to secrecy or face death I cannot reveal the name of the group nor do I wish to. This group contained a mixture of satanic practices which included the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Eliphaz [sic] Lebi. It was (still is) totally blood oriented and I am certain you know just what I mean. The Coven’s doctrine are a blend of Druidism, the teachings of the Secret Order of the Golden Dawn, Black Magick and a host of other unlawful and obnoxious practices. 
As I said, I have no interest in revealing the Coven, especially because I have almost met sudden death on several occasions (once by half an inch) and several others have already perished under mysterious circumstances. These people will stop at nothing, including murder. They have no fear of man-made laws or the Ten Commandments.
The latest near-death experience for Berkowitz had been a July 10th prison assault that left his throat slashed, requiring fifty-six stitches to close the wound. Less talkative following his narrow escape, Berkowitz still agreed to a January 1982 meeting with attorney Harry Lipsig. In that Conversation, he referred to the killer cult as follows: 
Q: You had some connection with the church of Scientology, did you not? 
A: It wasn’t exactly that. But I can’t go into it. I really can’t.  
Q: Were you connected in any way or an adherent or covert of the Church of Scientology?
A: No, not that way. It was an offshoot, fringe-type thing.
Q: Were John and Michael [Carr] with the Church of Scientology? 
A: Well, not really that church. But something along that line. A very devious group. 
Q: Did this devious group have a name?
A: I can’t disclose it.
Q: Roughly, how large would you say it’s membership was?
A: Twenty. 
Q: Were they all residents of New York metropolitan area?
A: No.
Q: Were they spread across the nation?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they meet on occasion? 
A: Yes, but I really can’t say more without counsel. 
As Maury Terry noted, both satanic Process Church of Final Judgement and it’s spin-off successor, the “Four P” cult, were “offshoot, fringe-type” movements spawned by Scientology. Both groups were also linked to the Charles Manson Family in California as was convicted killer William Mentzerm named by Berkowitz in prison interviews as the triggerman in the January 1977 shooting of John Diel and Christine Freund. Investigation of the alleged cult continues, supported by testimony from convicted cannibal-killer Stanley Dean Baker, but no further indictments have been filed to date.
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coppicefics · 3 years
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Masked Omens: Week Eight, Part One
[Image Description: Image 1 - A simple rendition of the Masked Singer UK logo, a golden mask with colourful fragments flying off of it. The mask has a golden halo and a golden devil tail protruding from either side. Below, gold text reads ‘Masked Omens’.
Image 2 - A page from the Celebrity section of the Capital Herald, dated 13th February 2021. Full image description and transcript below the cut. End ID.]
Read the fic here!
The Capital Herald - Saturday, 13th February 2021 Celebrity section, page 18
Top: “Informants come to me”: Carmine Zugiber on front-line successes Tips, troubles and truths about writing headlines abroad - and now making headlines at home When working in a war zone, most people wear camouflage and try to keep their heads down – but not Carmine Zugiber. The successful war correspondent is one of the most recognisable journalists in the world, and that's even more true after her recent unmasking on The Masked Singer UK. I sat down with her to discuss her work, her brand partnerships, her passions and her fears – if, indeed, she knows the meaning of the word 'fear'. “I don't, really,” she laughs, “people have said that about me ever since I was a little girl. My mother absolutely despaired – she always wanted me to be safe at home playing with my dollies, and there I was climbing trees and falling out of them. I was always in the middle of fights, even then. So I suppose it was only natural that I'd drift towards war reporting.” But not everybody encouraged Zugiber to follow her dreams. “When I told my tutor at uni that I wanted to work on that side of things, he tried pretty hard to steer me back towards something a little safer. The politics beat, or entertainment, or fashion. I've actually been covering politics for the last month or so, as a colleague is on leave, and I have to say, that can feel pretty cut-throat! But I knew I wanted to see the world and get right to the heart of the action, and I'd like to think I've achieved that.” Zugiber has certainly made her mark on the headlines, covering conflicts in countries including Eden and, more recently, Celestan. “I just think it's important to take as unbiased an approach as possible and really tell the stories that are coming out of – well, especially a situation like Celestan. It's a complicated sort of conflict, and you never know how things are going to pan out. And sometimes being a journalist can feel like having a target painted on your back.” And Zugiber's signature red hair must stand out somewhat – does that make her more of a target? “I make it work for me, honestly. Informants come to me of their own accord, which is handy when everybody else is frantically chasing leads! Having done my share of broadcast journalism, people all over the place recognise me and there's a sort of built-in trust. It's flattering, really, and it's just a matter of making sure that trust is justified.” Zugiber has long been an ambassador for the Vibrant brand of hair dye – leading some to question her objectivity as a reporter. “Yes, I've heard that, but unless Vibrant starts a war, I don't think it's an issue. Clearly my editors and the press watchdog agree, because I've had no complaints from on high. And it's a product I genuinely believe in and use all the time, so why not?” Zugiber's most recent departure from the newsroom was even less likely to conflict with her usual work. What drew her to The Masked Singer UK? “I was asked if I wanted to take part in the show at about the same time that a colleague announced that she'd be taking some leave around now, and my editor suggested that I might like to take over her post for a while to get a broader range of experience. It seemed like perfect serendipity. I didn't want to be bored, hanging around in London for months – I'm used to travelling a lot – and the show sounded like a lot of fun. I jumped at the chance to make people smile for a change. Unfortunately, as a war correspondent, that's not something I often get to do.” Zugiber admits that she had mixed feelings as she got on the plane back to the UK. “Oh, yeah, definitely, it was a hard decision. With the situation unfolding in Celestan, which is becoming more complex by the minute, a big part of me felt like I should stay and keep working on the story there. But funnily enough, that story has followed me right into the Politics section, and it's looking increasingly likely that some sort of diplomatic solution might be reached. And the break has been really good for me – I needed to remember how to lighten up and be silly, and The Masked Singer is definitely silly! So ultimately it was the right decision for me.” And now, with The Masked Singer UK behind her, what's next for Carmine Zugiber? “The Masked Singer was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed it. And the response from the audience has been overwhelmingly positive. I loved the secrecy, but it's a relief that the truth is out now! I'll be staying in the UK, covering for Uriel [Scrolle, News World Weekly's Political Correspondent], for a little bit longer, and then in a couple of months I should be back out on assignment. No rest for the wicked!” BOGDAN PIGTON [Image Description: A picture of Carmine Zugiber’s face, in her motorbike helmet, with part of the village of Tadfield visible in the background. End ID.] [Caption] ROCK AND ROLL: Carmine Zugiber, pictured here outside a Labour party campaign meeting in Lower Tadfield, Oxfordshire, often uses her motorbike to keep up with subjects on the move. Her iconic scarlet look has led to her gathering something of a cult appeal among her viewers and readers. Photo: QuiteUnlikely.net
Centre left: ConStellation boots web star Wytchfynder host removed from astrology event Popular YouTuber Sergeant Shadwell was thrown out of the Greater Dyvyn Conference Centre last Sunday after trying to attend ConStellation. ConStellation has been the UK's largest convention for astrologers ever since its foundation in 1994. In 1999, the convention expanded to include practitioners of other divination techniques such as cartomancy (tarot card reading) and tasseomancy (tea leaf reading). The convention has been dogged by controversy throughout its history, with critics claiming that the 'con' of the name stands for more than 'convention'. Sergeant Shadwell, through his Wytchfynder channel, has long been committed to investigating the claims of fortune-tellers and paranormal practitioners such as those who attend ConStellation each year, and in several cases he has denounced claims of psychic ability as completely and demonstrably fraudulent. It is, then, perhaps not surprising that he is completely banned from ConStellation, which according to its website is 'intended as a safe and welcoming place for practitioners and interested parties to share their appreciation for, and knowledge of, the unknowable'. Sergeant Shadwell himself, however, does not seem to have been aware of the blanket ban. Witnesses to the scene on Sunday reported that the YouTuber could be heard arguing with security all the way to the doors of the building. When reached for comment, the organisers of ConStellation issued the following statement: 'A man was removed from the ConStellation event on Sunday morning after attendees expressed concern that he might be attempting to create an 'exposé’ on their work by manipulating footage of the convention. The man in question is known to the convention organisers, and a decision was made to ask him to leave. Calls for the man to be searched for recording devices were not enforced, and the man eventually departed with minimal fuss. The convention otherwise proceeded without incident.' Sergeant Shadwell was not available for comment, but a video on the Wytchfynder channel on Tuesday mentioned the incident in passing. 'All right, I just want to say thanks for all your comments, you don't need to be worrying about me. I did go to a convention this weekend, but not for anything to do with the channel, I was just planning to meet up with a friend. Well. We've been exchanging texts, I thought it might be nice to meet in person. And we did, after the convention, so. Not a total waste. Anyway, about this haunted castle-' Speculation is rife about the identity of Sergeant Shadwell's alleged friend, with some The Masked Singer UK fans pointing out that fellow The Masked Singer contestant Marjorie Potts - better known as TV's Madame Tracy - was one of the key speakers at Sunday's event. Shadwell is far from the first person to be escorted out of the Greater Dyvyn Conference Centre by security; earlier this year, three women were removed from a panel at DivaCon after starting a food fight. Several other attendees had their weekend passes revoked and were allowed to leave under their own power. But whether Sergeant Shadwell was there this weekend to meet a friend or conduct an investigation, it's probably best that he choose another venue; he's unlikely to be welcome at ConStellation any time soon. SCUZZ FISHER
Centre- and lower- right, advertisement: [Image description: A microphone on a stand, against an orange background. A pair of Union Jack printed Converse hi-top shoes cover the lower half of the image. The microphone/background image is credited to Jon Tyson on Unsplash, while the shoe image is credited to Nick Fewings on Unsplash. End ID.] The British Inquisition Book now www.brianthames.co.uk/british-inquisition Brian Thames “Nobody expected this!” [4 stars] The Capital Herald.
Bottom left: Masked Cat out of the bag? Did a Pam & Sam guest let the big secret slip? Did Rose Montgomery really just admit to being the contestant known as Black Cat in the current series of The Masked Singer UK? It seems almost impossible; surely a contestant would be more careful when taking part in a show like Pam & Sam AM. But people do make mistakes, and Pam & Sam does air live. Let's look at the evidence. Appearing on the show to advertise her upcoming show, Notes and Measures – which promises to be part cooking show, part mixology class, and part vineyard tour - the celebrity chef was asked if the rumours surrounding her participation in the competition had any truth to them. “Well, naturally, I can't tell you that,” Montgomery told her hosts with a knowing smile, “there are all sorts of NDAs involved.” I don't want to jump to conclusions, but several of the previous weeks' clues seem to have hinted at Montgomery's involvement. For example, in week five of the competition, Black Cat's clue package included “if they take note of my performance, they'll finally get the true measure of me” (emphasis mine) – while Montgomery's show Notes and Measures was still just a distant speck on the TV scheduling horizon. And in week six, Black Cat was shown on CCTV with a daisy – and Daisy, like Rose, is a popular flower name. Is Rose Montgomery Black Cat? We'll find out tonight. GRESHAM PENDER
[End of transcript]
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scrunkly-scribe · 6 months
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I miss s1 Sam and his stupid boy kisser haircut
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catmandavegray · 4 years
Since 2004, over 20 members of the Church, mostly family members, have left the church and the Phelps family.[256]
Mark Phelps, estranged son of the church's founder, Fred Phelps, left Westboro Baptist Church in 1973 and began "formal healing therapy in 1988 and worked toward healing and restoration, overcoming the horrible pain and fear from the 19 years of living with" his father. Mark Phelps, who was baptized in another local church in 1994, further states: "If I had to take my family to court and convict them of being followers of Christ, I am not sure where I would find the evidence."[257]
Nathan Phelps
became a vocal
rights and
Nathan Phelps, another estranged son who left Westboro at his 18th birthday (1976), claims he never had a relationship with his abusive father when he was growing up and that the Westboro Baptist Church is an organization for his father to "vent his rage and anger."[258] He alleges that, in addition to hurting others, his father used to physically abuse his wife and children by beating them with his fists and with the handle of a mattock to the point of bleeding.[258][259] Phelps' brother Mark has supported and repeated Nathan's claims of physical abuse by their father.[260]
In March 2014, Nathan posted on Facebook that his father was in a hospice in Topeka and was near death. Furthermore, Nathan also stated that he learned that Fred was excommunicated from the Westboro Baptist Church in August 2013, for reasons that are unclear.[261][262] These assertions were later reaffirmed by Mark Phelps.[263] Nathan has previously predicted the Westboro Baptist Church may fall into a leadership crisis and theological crisis when Fred dies, because he is the binding figure and because their beliefs hold that they are immortal, which will be disproved with the death of a member.[264] WBC spokesperson Steve Drain denied that Fred Sr. was on the verge of death and refused to confirm the reported excommunication.[265] Fred Sr. died three days later.
Lauren Drain, another former member of the Westboro Baptist Church who was excommunicated in 2008, released an autobiography titled Banished in March 2013. She characterizes children, like herself, as being brainwashed into their belief system and describes consequences of questioning their belief system, such as her banishment.[266]
Libby Phelps-Alvarez, a granddaughter of the late Fred Phelps and daughter of Fred Phelps Jr. left the church in 2009. In 2017, she released a book entitled Girl on a Wire: Walking the Line Between Faith and Freedom. The book documents her years in the church and what lead up to her decision to leave and eventual departure. Phelps-Alvarez is now an advocate for gay equality.
Megan Phelps-Roper, a grandchild of Fred Phelps, left the church in 2012 together with her sister Grace, and explained her reasons and experiences in a TED talk.[267] In 2015, Sam Harris published an interview with her.[268] She has written a book and has been making a film about her experiences and notes that three of her siblings have also left the church.[269]
Zach Phelps-Roper is the grandson of Fred Phelps and the fourth sibling of the Phelps-Roper family to leave the Westboro Baptist Church (besides Megan and Grace mentioned above, sibling Joshua has also left). After attempting to leave the Church five times previously, he finally left in 2014 after his views began to change. He now preaches about a life of empathy and unconditional love.[270]
Responses to website
The Westboro Baptist Church website is blocked by major ISPs in the United Kingdom under the category "Weapons, Violence, Gore and Hate".[271]
Vincent Flanders (notable for his critique of Mystery meat navigation) was disturbed by the good design of the Westboro Baptist Church website, saying "I'm afraid that more and more of these types of sites are going to disguise themselves within a cloak of good web design" and concluding "Earlier, I said I wished that all websites look good and are successful. More proof that you should be careful what you wish for."[272]
0 notes
This Week Within Our Colleges: Part 14
A Princeton student believes that the radical progressive groups Antifa and Black Lives Matter are merely “organizations that stand for equality” who “bravely face off” against Neo-Nazis. Writing in The Daily Princetonian, Cox alleges President Trump intentionally endorsed Nazis, and openly supported fascism. “Institutions like Princeton should be expected to be functioning parts of The Resistance... White silence is white support for the wrong side. If one who is white remains silent, then they give the KKK a non-vocal stamp of approval... To my fellow white students and peers, we are not forced to walk amongst statues that glorify individuals who killed our ancestors. We are in a position of privilege regardless of how we look at it and remaining complicit at times like these only puts us in a position of support. This is not the time to remain neutral.” 
A woman’s studies professor at Clark University, attending a baseball game at Fenway Park declined to clap as a veteran was honored, cringed when the American flag was unfurled, and would not stand when the rest of the crowd did so to sing “America the Beautiful.” This was her personal way of protesting the patriarchy and what she calls “militarized, masculinity-heroism patriotism.” Trust me, it gets worse. Cynthia Enloe goes on to claim that these displays of honoring our service men and women, or as Enloe puts it, "militarized, masculinity-heroism patriotism,” only exists to remind women in the audience that they are inferior. “Women are popularly expected to be grateful to men and to the masculinized state for offering them militarized protection. Sentimentality, entertainment, appreciation and gratitude, each are routinely gendered to the extent that all four can be mobilized to serve masculinized militarized patriotism and patriarchy will be perpetuated.”
The University of Texas-Austin removed statues of three Confederate figures in the middle of the night as their continued presence would run “counter to the university’s core values,” UT President Greg Fenves said he was excited to show off his statue-free accomplishment to the incoming students, providing them with an “open, positive and inclusive learning environment.”
A University of Michigan fraternity announced that it canceled a “Nile”-themed party after a student from the school’s Egyptian Student Association criticized them for cultural appropriation. The event’s facebook page said students could come to the party as a mummy, Cleopatra or King Tut. ESA president Yasmeen Afifi lambasted the fraternity, repeatedly signaling them out for their skin color. “I am the president of the Egyptian student association and these whites don’t know what they got themselves into,” she said. “I will not allow my culture to be appropriated for your entertainment. White people have invaded, stolen, erased, and defaced numerous ancient Egyptian symbols and temples in attempt to claim one of the greatest civilizations as their own. This is much larger than just a party, it is the privilege that led them to think it was remotely okay.” Subsequently the fraternity released a statement apologizing, “We sincerely apologize to anyone who was hurt by the theme choice. We have learned our lesson and will take more precaution in the future when deciding themes for events.” 
A group of female high school students wearing “Make America Great Again” hats were repeatedly harassed and threatened with violence while visiting Howard University. The students were on a class trip to Washington D.C, and decided to stop at Howard University for lunch along the way. Howard students quickly took to social media to shame the high schoolers and alert other students of their presence, saying, “who told these lil yt girls they could come to the HU like it was about to be some joke.” In response, another student suggested asking the visitors to “meet you behind south” so she could “beat the f*ck out of them.” The university itself released a statement warning students that “there were visitors on our campus who were wearing paraphernalia that showcased their political support.” Multiple organizations affiliated with the university eventually responded to the incident, though only to soothe and reassure students that the female high schoolers had left campus. “We will take any action necessary to ensure that HU students feel safe and comfortable. This group is no longer on campus.” Meanwhile, the university’s NAACP chapter harshly rebuked the two high schoolers, writing that “Howard University students have no time for white supremacists and neo-nazi sympathizers on campus.”
A dean at George Washington University has a clear message, “Either you challenge the president’s blatant racism, or you are an accomplice to his repugnant views and a detriment to your own sense of personal honor.” “Events in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville have made this abundantly clear. For the first time in our history, a Nazi sympathizer occupies the Oval Office,” says dean Reuben Brigety. “If anyone continues to serve Trump without denouncing him, he or she will “have to explain why you chose to silently serve America’s first Nazi-in-chief.”
Students at the University of Pennsylvania have published an open letter calling upon the university to adopt numerous measures to combat “hate speech” on campus. “We are not satisfied that all reasonable preventative action has been taken to protect the wellbeing and physical safety of students at Penn who are not white,” reads the letter. The outrage stemmed from a op-ed co-authored by University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax, who made the reasonable argument that single parenthood, antisocial habits, thug culture and anti-assimilation ideas - prevalent in all races - shouldn’t be embraced in a first world, 21st-century environment. The students replied with numerous demands for the university to censor this “hate speech,” saying if the university does not comply, they will be held responsible for “harming” and “dehumanizing” its “vulnerable students.” 
Brown University has announced it will be the recipient of a $30,000 grant from the Association of American Colleges and Universities to address “racial justice.” Two of the initiatives the university is planning are discussion groups for female Muslim students and another for black students. The latter will focus on - wait for it - “issues of colorism.” Well that’s a new one. Initiative leader Janet Cooper Nelson said she hoped to create an “intimate setting” which would provide Muslim women “hospitality, healing and empathy” and holding a dinner for black females will allow participating students to “discuss issues of identity, race, gender and colorism within communities of color.” 
Sam Houston State University will offer a course this semester called “Understanding Whiteness” to help students understand “white privilege” and develop “white racial literacy.” “How might white people better understand white privilege and their potential role in dismantling systemic racism?” the description asks. “What is white privilege and how does it apply to you?” ... Let me guess, if you’re white, it applies to you? The many topics the course aims to cover includes “the role of race in one’s life; examination of white racial identity; how whiteness operates within institutional structures; systemic privilege and oppression; key historic events advancing white privilege (global colonization, holocaust); and current dialogues about whiteness in the US.” The course pledges to students that by the end, they will be better white allies, having “developed white racial literacy in acting upon systemic racism.”
Yale University censored a stone work of art on campus depicting an armed Native American and Puritan side by side. The stone carving was edited to cover up the Puritan’s musket, while the Native American’s bow was left as is to spare the students from being exposed to a “hostile environment.” The censorship of the school’s historic stone carving marks one of the first major accomplishments of the newly elected art committee and a win for their “A More Inclusive Yale” campaign. It is unclear why officials decided to cover the musket while leaving the bow untouched, or why they deemed the artwork inappropriate in the first place as there’s been no recorded student complaints.
A Clemson University professor went on quite a rant to voice his contempt for Trump supporters and Republicans. “All trump supporters, nay, all Republicans, are racist scum,” Assistant Professor of Human-Centered Computing Bart Knijnenburg wrote. “This society is aggressively structured to make cis white males succeed, at the expense of minorities.” Additionally, Knijnenburg explicitly endorses the Antifa slogan of ‘punching Nazis,’ “I admire anyone who stands up against white supremacy. Violent or non-violent. This needs to stop, by any means necessary. #PunchNazis”
Students at Stanford University can join a “Disrupting Whiteness” club in an effort to end the “white liberal apathy” and “white privilege” of their peers. “White students must step up to educate themselves and those around them,” the club description states, adding that “white students can and should do a lot more than we currently do in when it comes to race education and anti-racist action.” The group recently attracted attention after they published a document following the Charlottesville riots in which they sought to teach white people how they can “step up,” and to give money “to actual black, brown, and Jewish people.” Micaela Suminski, the group’s leader, says that “every white person can do things to disrupt whiteness and work against these skewed systems,” such as “talking with coworkers, relatives, and friends about implicit bias or the dangers of white supremacy; buying from POC-owned businesses; or donating money.”
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Tuesday protested against a confederate statue on campus known as Silent Sam, chanting “tear it down” and holding signs reading “White People-We Must Own Our Racism.” At one point the event became heated when a male protester was detained by police, prompting the crowd to chant “cops and Klan go hand in hand.” Protesters then surrounded the police van the man was held in, chanting “let him go” repeatedly. As the protest continued into the night, it migrated to streets near campus, and the loonies chanted: “Hey hey, ho ho, this racist statue has got to go.” They finally gave up, not before vandalizing the statue first, of course. 
San Francisco State University plans to launch a “Black Unity Center” this fall to provide black students with an “intersectional, afrocentric environment.”  The creation of the center stemmed from student protesters who “were feeling unsupported on campus,” according to the director of the center. Black students protested and accused the school of “failing to address their needs” and ultimately listed a set of demands, one of them was creating a Black Student Center. As a result the administration along with faculty did as they were told, now the demands have been met, the university’s president, Les Wong, proudly affirms a “commitment to diversity and social justice.”
Two professors, one from Purdue University and the other from Stanford University, are assembling a "Campus Antifascist Network" (CAN) to serve as a “big tent” for “anyone committed to fighting fascism” with the goal of confronting groups it considers fascist and “driving racists off campuses.” “Since Trump’s election, fascists, neo-fascists, and their allies have used blatantly Islamophobic, anti-semitic, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, and ableist messaging and iconography to recruit to their ranks and intimidate students, faculty, and staff,” the professors write, adding that CAN will “build large, unified demonstrations against fascists on campuses.” “The time to take action is now.” 
A professor at the University of Massachusetts-Boston wants business professors to engage in more “intellectual activism” to promote “social justice.” Alessia Contu urges business professors to join the fight by adopting an activist stance in the classroom, which she calls a “form of political work” inspired by “black, feminist, critical race scholars.” This activism, she explains, calls upon professors to fight against “white supremacy, hetero-normative patriarchy and environmental exploitation.” While she acknowledges that business schools aren’t exactly known as a hotbed of progressive politics, Contu argues that there are still opportunities for professors to engage in this activism while on the job, such as infusing “intersectionality” into syllabi and asking “radical questions.” 
A professor at the University of Minnesota states the concerns of people over illegal immigration’s impact on the U.S are rooted in “racist nativism.” According to Bic Ngo, “As these immigrants are positioned as outsiders and scapegoats for the disorders of US society, whites are constructed as the native population with a legitimate place in the country.” Ngo then takes her argument a step further, claiming Trump’s proposal to build a wall along America’s southern border and improved vetting of visitors from terror-riddled countries, apparently shows Trump “aims to revive the American Dream through an instantiation of whiteness and global isolation.”
Students at the University of Virginia have issued a list of demands that includes racial quotas and mandatory “education” about Thomas Jefferson’s connection to white supremacy. The ultimatum was issued Monday during a rally to “send a message to the university that we demand more from them.” The list begins with a demand that UVA remove Confederate plaques and change the plaque on a Jefferson statue to refer to him as an emblem of white supremacy. They also insist that buildings “named after prominent white supremacists or slaveholders should be renamed after people of marginalized groups.” Other items on the list demand explicit racial quotas for both the faculty and the student body and here’s the funniest one of them all: They demand that the school spends $13,000 on minority students, because - wait for it - one hundred years ago, the KKK gave the school $1000, which would be $13,000 today, so to prove that the school is sorry for its racist history, it must spend the KKK money on its non-white students. 
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Dirty Work Part 3
Series Summary: After joining the BMoL with Sam and Dean, the reader and Ketch are paired to track down the vampires who attacked the British bunker.
A/N: Thank you guys for being patient while I worked on the third installment. It's also given me a chance to outline and write a good portion of part 4 done, so that'll be coming soon. Also thanks to @room-with-a-cat for an idea for a Ketch-related insult. And anyone who wants to can still add to the taglist(which is below the cut) for part 4. Enjoy.
Pairing: Arthur Ketch x Reader
Word Count: 2514
Part 1, Part 2
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"I'm glad to hear it."
The short phrase coaxed over in your mind. You struggled for any differentiating meaning for the five words other than the obvious; that Ketch liked that you were single. Which meant, he was developing some version of feelings towards you.
It was the most authentic conversation either of you'd had with one another. You were both equally equipped with wit and ability to ridicule the other. But was Arthur Ketch truly able to show sincerity?
Your doubt made you retract yourself, instantly allowing the vehicle to overflow with awkward silence the second Ketch alluded to having an interest in you. Ketch too resorted to silence, having felt he'd said too much. As the car filled with tension, the weather turned. Dark clouds replaced the clear morning sky, illuminating rain to come as though to emphasize on what had occurred.
"Did the forecast predict rain?" Ketch muttered behind the wheel, squinting up at the sky curiously.
Your lips didn't part for a reply. You didn't know what to say for the remaining time in the car. You couldn't help but internally dispute Ketch's statement because for the time you'd know him, he'd always had a wisecrack. And just days ago Ketch was the enemy.
But he was the man who'd carried you out of the vampire liar in his arms while you were injured and unconscious. He'd rushed you to the hospital, only changing course because you requested so, then insisted on bandages up the holes that had turned to deep tears in your skin. Now you were stuck in a car debating truth to his alleged affections.
With this angle in mind, you felt Ketch's statement was authentic. But, you didn't want him to like you because you were a damsel in distress. And you declined any reciprocating feelings, for your own sake. Mentally squashing down any romantic appeals you saw in Ketch. Maybe he was willing to become vulnerable, but you weren't. You weren't going to swoon because you felt he liked you for all the wrong reasons.
The ball was in your court, and you very much wanted to toss it out the window. It was a tug and pull with Ketch, neither of you ever showing vulnerability. Masking emotions over with sarcasm and wit. Nothing expositorily real. But his statement threw you for a loop and all you could think about was getting out of this car.
The remainder of the driver mirrored that moment, minus Ketch's occasional frustration bursts against drivers on the road. Claiming, under his breath, how driving on the other side of the road was more efficient, and that American drivers couldn't properly drive. You knew better thatn to make additional comments.
After what felt like many more hours, Ketch parked the Mustang out front of the bunker, but the rain began to pour down, pelting the paved path to the building. You fought a sigh of relief, hoping to put much distance between yourself and the Brit.
Before you opened the door to run out to the bunker, Ketch stopped you. "Wait here."
Ketch hurried out of his seat, swiftly opening the back to grab your duffle bag and an umbrella before walking around to your door, popping open the black umbrella in his grip. He held it over the door as you helped yourself out, keeping you completely dry.
"Thanks," you muttered, keeping any teasing thoughts to yourself as you huddle close to Ketch to remain underneath the umbrella.
"It'd be ill-advised to get your bandage wet," he provided, feeling the need to give an excuse to be a gentleman. "How is your neck feeling?"
You blinked a couple of times, wondering if Ketch wasn’t mad. "It's better, thank you."
When Ketch led you indoors, you quickly detached yourself from the Brit, attempting to make way to your room.
"Oh good, you're back," Mick called out from the other end of the hallway, abandoning what he was doing to meet up with you and Ketch. "Ketch, I was just about to call you."
Ketch frowned, instantly suspicious of his superior's involvement. "I already texted you that it was a successful mission."
"With a minor complication," Mick went on, eyes draping over you. "Are you quite alright? Ketch mentioned something about a bite." You watched his eyes drift over your neck, straining for a peek underneath your hair.
"I'm almost as good as new," you stretched the truth, trying to ignore the exhaustion, though, from the corner of your eye, you saw Ketch give you almost what could be considered a concerned glance. "I just need some rest, and I should be good by morning."
"Well," Mick began, "If that's true, I could use someone to check out a shapeshifter lead in Omaha."
Ketch was quick to step in. "I can handle that," Ketch assured, taking a step closure to Mick as though to block you from Mick. "I'm sure Y/N here would appreciate at least a day's rest after the events of last night."
You squinted in annoyance, feeling a complex of bottled up emotions from the day surface. "I don't need time off, and I really don't need some guy who I've worked one mission with deciding what I can and can't handle. No matter what you feel Ketch, I'm not your claim!" You turned to Mick, ignoring Ketch, "Text me the details. I'll go first thing in the morning," you led off, turning down the hallway toward your room for some well-deserved sleep.
Mick eyed Ketch curiously, "Eventful mission?"  
Ketch watched you storm down the hall until you were out of his view before he glowering down at Mick. "The girl almost died, and you're sending her into another case-"
"She's a professional, Ketch. And might I add, maybe you should act as one too."
"What is that suppose to mean?"
Mick gave Ketch a knowing look. "Don't go falling in love with the girl, like you had with Toni. Makes for messy business, but you know that better than anyone."
Ketch's frown remained on his face. "What does that have to do with your irrational decision?"
"If it were you in her shoes, would you wait a day to go onto another hunt? Especially if the opposite sex told you not to?"
Ketch threw a nasty scowl at Mick, before turning down the opposite direction of the hallway. Ketch knew Mick had a point, but felt another thought lingering in his throat. Ketch stopped abruptly, turning his head in Mick's direction. "She's not Toni," before continuing down the hall.  
The moment your head connected to your pillow, you were fast asleep, disregarding the need to replace your bandage. Sleeping through the remainder of that day, you beat the sun the following morning, perfect for beginning a new hunt. The blood loss put a damper on your sleeping schedule but allowed you ample ability to leave first thing.
Walking down the bunker hall, you carried the same duffle bag from the last hunt, filled with the remainder of your clean clothes, heading toward your Mustang where Ketch parked it the previous day. You felt well enough to complete the mission, but maybe that was pure stubbornness to prove to Ketch that you didn't always need help.
Met with an unfavored sight when you stepped out the bunker entrance, you felt your blood begin to boil. Ketch leaned against the driver's door of your car, decked out in a rich black suit, matching the car and the early morning sky.
"Sleep well?" Ketch asked as you confrontationally approached him.
"Did you and my car coordinate or was it a spur of the moment thing?" You sneered.
"How's your neck?" Ketch ignored your sarcasm, holding tightly onto his sincerity.
You, however, felt none. "What's your damage, Ketchup?"
His head shook of slight astonishment. "What did you call me?"
"You just don't get it. There's another hunt, another creature out there hurting people. I don't have time for this. Now get your shepherd's pie eating ass off my car!"
"I am not stopping you.” His tone began to change into the monotone one he used as a cover. "I am merely offering my services-"
You snorted. "This isn't a sperm bank, none of your services are needed. I'm not looking for a British baby daddy."
Ketch rose from his semi-relaxed position against the door, peeling himself from the vehicle. He glowered down at you with what you believed was disdain. "I fail to see a reason for your aggression towards me. What could have I possibly done to offend you while saving your ass twice now? Is this about me defending you yesterday because I was trying to protect you?" He sneered.
"No. Look, I know you made your feeling obvious, but I can't think about that right now, there's a case. So, if you could move I would very much appreciate it."
Ketch's eyes fell with disappointment, but quickly he covered the emotion with more anger. "I thought what I'd said maybe changed how you thought of me, how foolish of me to believe that you could consider me as anything other than a thorn in your side, despite the number of times I've come to your rescue. Forget I ever said anything."
"Ketch," you began, realizing you'd offended him, but Ketch raised a hand, motioning you to stop before turning back and disappearing inside the bunker.
But you knew you were right about one thing, you needed to get out on the road.
You hit an invisible roadblock during your second hour of driving. The sun had finished breaking dawn, and you had time to contemplate the events of the last thirty-six hours. And after everything you and Ketch had been through together, you realized you needed to formally apologize. After stewing for two hours, it sunk in how cruel you'd been. If it'd been one of the Winchesters in his position, you'd carve out the girl's heart.
Not to mention, you were growing weary, a slight side-effect from the previous blood loss and the constant ache in your neck.
You pulled off the highway and into a diner parking lot, figuring you could kill two birds with one stone. Seated at a booth, you gripped your phone in your hands for a solid minute, working up the courage to admit defeat.
Maybe he did want to help, or maybe he genuinely wanted to spend time with you. Sure the overprotectiveness had pissed you off yesterday, but you were trying to understand that Ketch meant well. And that the arrogant man actually had feelings.
You felt stumped over what to say. 'Hey, Ketch. Sorry, I was such a bitch, I'm just not used to men trying to tell me what I should do. Or handing me my ass.'
But that wasn't entirely true. Usually, if something had gone wrong on a hunt with the Winchesters, they'd force you to stay at their bunker far longer than you needed to make sure you were all healed before the next hunt. You just didn't like it when it was Ketch telling you what to do.
But you didn't consider Ketch family. He was just a man, a strange one at that. One who openly enjoyed the kill, and worked for a not-so-secret organization that was basically a rogue Hogwarts. But you realized that this man was more than his cold exterior; he had genuine feelings towards you. And he seemed to semi-care about your well-being. That scared you. But you couldn't tell Ketch that because that would render you completely vulnerable.
"Can't say I'm surprised." His voice reverberated through the phone.
"Sarcasm aside," you swallowed your pride. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was harsh. And look, I'm already a little tired, so I don't know how my stamina will be with the hunt, so would you mind?"
"Mind what?" You heard the smirk through the phone.
You took a deep breath, finding the irony that when you wanted to have a serious conversation, it's Ketch's turn to tease. "Don't make me say it."
"Well, since you mentioned it, a formal beg may be in order."
You rolled your eyes, wishing Ketch could see your annoyance in hopes that he'd stop. "Ketch, I could use your help on this case. Will you please drive up?"
The call ended, and you glared down at the device. "Asshole."
"You wouldn't want me to drive back now, would you?" Ketch's voice came from the side. Your eyes snapped up to see Ketch walking a prideful stride to your booth.
"Seriously, you tailed me?"
"I knew you'd come to your senses," he answered, sliding into the booth while eyeing you keenly, "besides, I'm wondering what the third time saving your rear will earn me."
You bite back your tongue for both of your sakes as the waitress came to take your order.
You drove separately the rest of the way to Omaha. Ketch had driven up on his motorcycle since you already carried enough equipment in the back of your vehicle. Even though shapeshifters were difficult to exterminate, luckily they only needed one thing to put them down. Silver.
When approaching the Nebraskan city, Ketch sped up ahead of you, leading you to a hotel he'd previously booked.
"Hey," you greeted in the parking lot. "If the hunt's going to be as simple as you say, then why are we getting hotel rooms?"
Ketch shrugged. "Safety net in case this takes longer than expected. Besides, it doesn't hurt to splurge a bit, since it's all included with the gig. Though, it is a shame we'll be in separate rooms," he winked before carrying both of your bags towards the lobby, leaving you behind to soak in his flirtation. You could only deny the butterflies in your stomach for so long.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-29 07 TV now
Cord Cutters
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mymoviesnob · 6 years
A Movie Snob Predicts the Oscars – 2019 Edition
Hello fellow movie lovers! It’s been another busy award season. There were 121 nominations and I got to see all but 9 of the films this year.  Not too shabby, all things considered.  
This season, like the ones before it, was full of pleasant surprises, a few hours I can’t get back and films shining a bright light on topics which were painful to watch.  
Now, for the four of you who still read this each year, let’s get to the movies! J
 Best Picture:
·         Black Panther – The first Marvel movie to be nominated for Best Picture. I don’t see this as the winner.
·         BlacKkKlansman – Based on a true story, about a black cop, impersonating a white cop, to infiltrate the KKK.
·         Bohemian Rhapsody – I loved this movie. I love Queen. I wish Freddie Mercury had been able to grace us with his presence for more than we were lucky enough to receive.  I would love to see this beat Roma but unfortunately, the Director’s alleged shenanigans will get in the way.
·         The Favourite – Dark and witty, full of strong performances. This however, was not my favorite. (Yes, pun intended…I know, I’m hilarious)
·         Green Book – Another based on a true story, about a black performer in need of a driver/ body guard as he tours the deep South and how their friendship was formed.  I really enjoyed this film. Mahershala and Viggo were both fantastic. I kept wondering how I had never heard of these men before watching this.
·         Roma – While I can’t call this my personal favorite film in the bunch, I do think it will take the top prize this year. It’s been so lovingly received by critics while others on this list have been subject to controversy moving Roma to the top of the pile.I did enjoy it, just not as much as others here. 
·         A Star Is Born – I loved this too and when I saw it, I thought it would be a lock for Best Picture… until I saw the competition. I was equally surprised by Lady Gaga’s acting and by Cooper’s singing. I’ve seen the previous versions of this film and while I typically dislike remakes, this was well done. Cooper should have received a Director nod here.
·         Vice – Based on the life and career of the notoriously private Dick Cheney.  Something tells me he will never endorse this one, or confirm any of its story line. If you like Cheney, you will hate this movie. And if you hate him, it will make you question just how awfully distasteful you can find another human being to be.
 Lead Actor:
·         Christian Bale – Vice –When I first read that Bale was going to play Dick Cheney in a movie, I thought Central Casting was delusional. Then I saw it. If anyone is going to give Malek competition, it’s Bale. You literally forget it’s him buried behind the makeup.  
·         Bradley Cooper – A Star Is Born – Cooper will get his Oscar one day and I thought he was fantastic in this movie, but this is not his time.
·         Willem Dafoe – At Eternity’s Gate – He’s always great, this time as Vincent van Gogh
·         Rami Malek – Bohemian Rhapsody – Malek became Freddie Mercury. Every detail of his iconic performances, recreated to the letter. He must have studied Mercury’s every move. The commitment to getting that right is stunning and I think this win will be well deserved.
·         Viggo Mortensen – Green Book – Another great performance by an actor who seems to be able to play anyone.
 Lead Actress:
·         Yalitza Aparicio – Roma
·         Glenn Close – The Wife – I didn’t want to like this one. I don’t care for her, ever since she boiled a bunny back in the day, but she was amazing.
·         Olivia Colman – The Favourite – I have a sneaking suspicion that we’ll be seeing much more of her.
·         Lady Gaga – A Star Is Born – She was surprisingly great in this movie, but it wasn’t really much of a stretch… playing a singer and all. Don’t get me wrong. She’s an incredible talent and deserving of this nomination, but I’m curious to see how her film career progresses playing roles outside of the scope of her ‘day job”.
·         Melissa McCarthy – Can You Ever Forgive Me? – Another true story and another surprise. McCarthy in a serious role as the caustic (not to mention desperate) author, Lee Israel, as she resorts to forging letters for profit. If you haven’t seen this one, watch it. And someone please sign her up for more roles outside of the comedic space!
 Supporting Actor:
·         Mahershala Ali – Green Book – Everything I’ve seen him in has been excellent. This was no exception.
·         Adam Driver – BlacKkKlansman – I love, love, love Driver.
·         Sam Elliott – A Star Is Born – About time you nominated him, Academy!
·         Richard E. Grant – Can You Ever Forgive Me? – I’m not sure I’ve seen him before but watching him here made me want to find everything else he’s ever done. I don’t think he will beat Ali, but if he did, I wouldn’t be disappointed.
·         Sam Rockwell – Vice – Another consistently consistent character actor, this time as a weirdly convincing G.W. Bush. I love it when the Indy guys get the attention they deserve!
 Supporting Actress:
·         Amy Adams – Vice – We get it… the Academy adores Amy Adams. She did not blow me away in this movie.
·         Marina de Tavira – Roma
·         Regina King – If Beale Street Could Talk – I must confess that this was one of the films I was not able to see. It left the theater too soon, and as you may know, I won’t use bootlegs on this journey each year. I’ve chosen her for a few reasons… one, she’s won virtually every other award known to man for this performance. And two, this has been a long time coming. She’s always great!
·         Emma Stone – The Favourite – Stone and Weisz here a glorious team.  
·         Rachel Weisz – The Favourite  - She’s married to Daniel Craig so she’s basically already won at life.
·         Spike Lee – BlacKkKlansman - Spike Lee is finally nominated here! I do believe he will take home a statue one day but I don’t think it will be this year.  
·         Pawel Pawlikowski – Cold War
·         Yorgos Lanthimos – The Favourite
·         Alfonso Cuaron – Roma
·         Adam McKay – Vice
 Animated Feature:
·         Incredibles 2 - this gets my kid’s vote, just for the record. 
·         Isle of Dogs – Another year where I have the opportunity to declare my love for Wes Anderson. Another year where he will go home empty handed.
·         Mirai
·         Ralph Breaks the Internet
·         Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse – I can’t believe I’m choosing a non-Disney / Pixar for the win, but I am. It’s visually stunning.
 Animated Short:
·         Animal Behaviour
·         Bao – Pixar for the (predictable) win. Every one of the films in this category is a gem! Watch them all!!
·         Late Afternoon
·         One Small Step
·         Weekends
 Adapted Screenplay:
·         The Ballad of Buster Scruggs – I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would recommend it.
·         BlacKkKlansman – This category is tough. I think this may be where Lee picks up a win, but…
·         Can You Ever Forgive Me? – … I really loved how this was written… and I think it can bump Lee out of the top spot.
·         If Beale Street Could Talk
·         A Star Is Born
 Original Screenplay:
·         The Favourite – The quick witted dialogue may push this one over the top to win.
·         First Reformed – I want my two hours back
·         Green Book – The Favourite is the favorite in this category, but I think the story line in our current climate will give this screenplay well warranted votes
·         Roma
·         Vice – Another film where the writing definitely shined!
·         Cold War
·         The Favourite
·         Never Look Away
·         Roma - There is just something about the way this movie was shot which immediately grabbed me at the opening scene. The very things I loved about it are things that others found to be a turn off, but the crisp black and white, tight, artsy shots were mesmerizing. Maybe it’s my love of photography, particularly B&W, but this film made it easy to see the beauty in the mundane.
·         A Star Is Born
 Best Documentary Feature:
·         Free Solo – Will probably win, but…
·         Hale County This Morning, This Evening – A film about regular people doing regular things. I hope the point is not lost on those who see it.
·         Minding the Gap - This is an interesting narrative on the leap into adulthood and just how hard that is to navigate.
·         Of Fathers and Sons – Watching this literally made me feel physically ill. If you question whether or not hatred can be taught, this confirms it.
·         RBG - … I’m rooting for RBG, tonight and every single day for every single reason! Someone please put this woman in a bubble and preserve her for all of eternity... or at least until the next administration.
 Best Documentary Short:
·         Black Sheep - The Shorts this year were difficult to watch. This is about a young black man and his experiences growing up in a suburban white British town.
·         End Game –This film is about the painful process of helping a loved one through the last days of their life and the humanity of the doctors and nurses who are walking alongside them. This is my vote.  
·         Lifeboat –About refugees fleeing their war torn home in the hope of a better life. 
·         A Night at the Garden – Actual footage of a 1939 Nazi rally at “The World’s Most Famous Arena”. The fact that this actually happened in this country, and so long ago, hurts my heart.
·         Period. End of Sentence – About young women in India just trying to survive being a girl in a culture that demonizes something which is utterly (and biologically) out of their control.
 Best Live Action Short Film:
·         Detainment – A reenactment of the interrogation of two ten year old boys in Ireland, accused of murdering a toddler. Terrifying. And true.
·         Fauve  - this won at Sundance, but…
·         Marguerite – my pick to win
·         Mother – As a parent of a 6 year old boy, this one kept me up at night.
·         Skin
 Best Foreign Language Film:
·         Capernaum
·         Cold War
·         Never Look Away
·         Roma – If this doesn’t win I’ll be shocked, but since it’s a likely winner in other categories, voters may spread the love and throw Cold War a bone.
·         Shoplifters – I really liked this one, about an unlikely group of outcasts in Japan, trying to survive on stolen items while flying under the radar.
 Film Editing:
·         BlacKkKlansman
·         Bohemian Rhapsody
·         Green Book
·         The Favourite
·         Vice
 Sound Editing:
·         Black Panther
·         Bohemian Rhapsody
·         First Man
·         A Quiet Place – I’m selecting this because of how profoundly important sound was to the entire concept of the film. I know I’m probably wrong... it will probably be Black Panther
·         Roma
 Sound Mixing:
·         Black Panther
·         Bohemian Rhapsody – Because of the music
·         First Man
·         Roma
·         A Star Is Born
 Production Design:
·         Black Panther
·         First Man
·         The Favourite – Period piece + Castle = Win
·         Mary Poppins Returns
·         Roma
 Original Score:
·         BlacKkKlansman
·         Black Panther
·         If Beale Street Could Talk
·         Isle of Dogs
·         Mary Poppins Returns
 Original Song:
·         All The Stars
·         I’ll Fight
·         The Place Where Lost Things Go
·         Shallow – if there is one certainty about tonight, this is it.
·         When A Cowboy Trades His Spurs For Wings
 Makeup and Hair:
·         Border
·         Mary Queen of Scots
·         Vice – Because I forgot Christian Bale was in there….
 Costume Design:
·         The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
·         Black Panther – This is hard because any one of these could take it, but this is my gut feeling
·         The Favourite
·         Mary Poppins Returns
·         Mary Queen of Scots
 Visual Effects:
·         Avengers: Infinity War
·         Christopher Robin
·         First Man
·         Ready Player One
·         Solo: A Star Wars Story
  I’m sad to see this season come to an end as the summer blockbusters approach. Here’s hoping there are some hidden gems among the moneymakers this summer to keep me company! 
Thanks for sticking with me to the end, all four of you. :) 
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mystlnewsonline · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://www.stl.news/kristen-bell-kicks-off-female-led-sag-awards/71583/
Kristen Bell kicks off female-led SAG Awards
LOS ANGELES/January 21, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) —  The Screen Actors Guild Awards will make their mark on this year’s Oscars race on Sunday, but it will be the treatment of women in Hollywood and beyond that will remain at the forefront.
The show features a roster of almost all female presenters, Kristen Bell as its inaugural host. It opened with actresses Allison Janney, Tracee Ellis Ross and Millie Bobby Brown speaking about their craft.
Bell kicked off the show riffing on the “I am an actor” stories that the SAG Awards always begin with, saying, “I am Kristen Bell and I am a narcissist. I’m sorry, and I’m an actor.”
Her monologue stayed light, with one slight dig against the Tea Party.
“The cast from ‘Get Out’ is here serving as a walking reminder that if you say yes to the Tea Party you’re immediately on your way to the sunken place,” Bell said.
“We are living in a watershed moment,” she added. “Let’s make sure that we’re leading the charge with empathy and diligence. Because fear and anger never win the race.”
Early wins included Julia Louis-Dreyfus for actress in a comedy series for “Veep,” which also won outstanding ensemble in a comedy, and William H. Macy for actor in a comedy series for “Shameless.” Macy beat out Aziz Ansari in the category and the show avoided a potentially fraught moment in his loss.
Ansari was accused anonymously by a woman of aggressive sexual behavior in an account that has prompted some to question whether the encounter as described constitutes misconduct or a bad date. He accepted a Golden Globe two weeks ago while wearing a Time’s Up pin.
Producers say the female-forward approach was inspired by last year’s Women’s March, but the show arrives at a time when some of the industry’s biggest names are leading the Time’s Up and Me Too movements to address gender inequality, sexual misconduct, pay disparities and other issues.
The brisk show comes two weeks after a black-dress protest at the Golden Globe Awards, and several stars including Meryl Streep, Emma Stone and Michelle Williams bringing activists to the show. The SAG red carpet saw the return of colorful frocks and far fewer Time’s Up pins — although some actors, like Kumail Nanjiani and Gina Rodriguez, were still sporting theirs.
With many prominent men in Hollywood facing accusations of sexual misconduct, virtually every aspect of awards season has been impacted by the scandal. The SAG Awards are no different, with best film actor nominee James Franco having been accused of sexual misconduct in the days after winning best comedy actor at the Globes.
As the red carpet kicked off Sunday, E! host Giuliana Rancic wasted no time getting to the heart of some of the elephants in the room, asking “Glow” actress Alison Brie about recent allegations of misconduct against her brother-in-law James Franco (Brie is married to actor Dave Franco.)
“I think that above all what we’ve always said is it remains vital that anyone who remains victimized should have the right to speak out and come forward,” Brie said, adding that in the case of Franco, “Not everything that has come forward is fully accurate.”
Brie said that she supports her family and that they are waiting to get all the information.
“Now is the time for listening and that’s what we’re trying to do,” Brie said.
Franco has also called some of the accusations inaccurate, but after two days of facing questions about the claims on late-night television, “The Disaster Artist” star has kept a lower profile. He did not attend last week’s Critics’ Choice Awards, where he also won an acting honor.
The Globes were the first major awards show forced to confront the sexual misconduct scandal since it exploded in October with dozens of women accusing Harvey Weinstein of harassment and in some instances, rape. (Weinstein has denied all allegations of non-consensual sex.) Globes host Seth Meyers made several jokes about the scandal in his opening monologue, but the night was carried by Oprah Winfrey, who declared, “I want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon.”
Allison Janney, nominated for her role in “I, Tonya” managed expectations of her own potential speech if she wins for her supporting performance as Tonya Harding’s mother.
“I don’t know what’s going to come out of my mouth if I get up there, but it’s not going to be Oprah,” Janney told The Associated Press on the red carpet.
The SAG Awards are a reliable predictor of the winner for the best actor and actress Academy Awards; this year’s show comes two days before Oscar nominations are announced.
“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” leads all nominees with four bids: ensemble, actress for star Frances McDormand, and supporting actor nominations for Sam Rockwell and Woody Harrelson.
The SAG Awards have no best picture category, but rather ensemble awards that recognize a film or TV show’s entire cast. Besides “Three Billboards,” the nominees for outstanding cast in a motion picture are “The Big Sick,” ”Get Out,” ”Lady Bird” and “Mudbound.”
For television, the drama series ensemble nominees are “The Crown,” ”Game of Thrones,” ”The Handmaid’s Tale,” ”Stranger Things” and “This Is Us.” The day’s first awards went to “Game of Thrones” and “Wonder Woman,” which were honored for best stunt ensemble honors handed out on the red carpet.
The leading television nominee is HBO’s “Big Little Lies,” with actresses Nicole Kidman, Laura Dern and Reese Witherspoon all competing in the best actress in a miniseries or movie category.
One of the evening’s highlights will be the presentation of a lifetime achievement award to Morgan Freeman.
The show will air on TBS and TNT beginning at 8 p.m. Eastern.
By LINDSEY BAHR, AP Film Writer, by Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (Z.S)
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