#i am on ritalin still bc i love her
soggypotatoes · 2 years
anyone wanna tell me about their experiences with antidepressants
I'm gonna have to figure out what to do soon, I went off mine recently bc my depression was very bad when I was on them. but going off them landed me in a suicide attempt. Ive been on various different meds for nearly 9 years now and have found them all to be a little bit helpful until they're not. I'm trying to decide whether I should just try raw dogging it for a while (I'm in intensive therapy so not untreated at all) or if I should keep trying :/
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As more time passes since I listened to Preachers daughter for the first time, I just keep getting more impressed. Idk how she did it but hayden must have somehow dumped Ritalin throughout the entirety of Preachers Daughter bc never before in my life has my ADHD ass been able to start an album from track 1 and just listen to every song play in order. Multiple times. I cant even watch my favorite movies more than once or twice before I get bored.
Not only is she just that fucking good of a songwriter that there's not a single skip on the whole damn thing, she is able to captivate her audience over and over again in such a unique way and I can't figure out what it is about her music that does that.
Like I said, the whole things a masterpiece, but one thing that sticks out to me as a songwriter myself is her impeccable use of repetition. The repetition is so fucking important to me you have no idea how much I eat that shit up omfg
American Teenager - "For me, for me..."
House in Nebraska - "I feel so alone, I feel so alone out here..."
Hard Times - "good guys get to be happy, im not happy. I am.. unhappy"
and my personal fav, also in Hard Times - "I'm tired of you still tied to me. Too tired to move, too tired to leave". That line brings me to my knees every time I hear it.
Ethel fixated on those specific phrases, some of which are more obscure than others and as the listener you don't always understand why or what it means but it breaks your heart anyway. THAT is good songwriting. Also, it's easy to look at Ethel's character and kind of shake your head and think maybe she should have known better. But if you pay attention to the repeated phrases, it makes sense why she does the things she does and you feel for her so much more.
And not even to mention August Underground and Televangelism????? I'm not usually a fan of instrumentals, I don't listen to songs with no lyrics unless I'm going to sleep but those two songs?? Hayden said "only bangers" and she god damn fucking meant it. I can feel my soul transcending through time and space when Televangelism comes on.
I listen to music constantly, always finding new artists/genres that I like. But I've never heard an album that punched me in the fucking gut like this one has. It has actually altered my life and probably my brain chemistry. Hayden, you are truly gifted and I'm just grateful you shared it with us. I am aggressively in love with you and your songwriting
I'm sorry for the long post but I could go into rants like this for every song on that album
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I don't mean to be invasive - but I just wanted to say I *LOVE* your comic! So so so much because this is how I feel too; and its really relieving to see that I am not alone in this feeling. I was actually wondering if you'd gotten your diagnosis test results back and how you feel about them now? And how difficult was the process of getting a diagnosis if you don't mind me asking? If I am being too forward please dont be afraid to tell me! <3 Well wishes to you!
[warning: this will get long, i’m so sorry...]
Hello! I haven’t yet... I just finished taking the tests yesterday, so it might take a little while for the psychiatrist to “grade” them because there are a LOT of tests.
If I am ADHD, I suspect I am at the innatentive part of the spectrum - which made me a daydreaming, homework-forgetting child but not a loud or disruptive one at school. Being a woman also makes it more difficult to get diagnosed.
But the signs, GOSH the signs. They were everywhere. I was too shy and didn’t talk to anyone - unless to my family and close friends, whom I left exhausted because I talked too much. I kept forgetting my homework. I didn’t write down anything in class bc I was either doodling, daydreaming or sleeping - ADHDers have a different circadian rhythm, so at 7am my brain was still lethargic.
The green coat in the comic? I rescued it from my school’s lost and found box about three times every month bc I kept forgetting it in the classroom. In college, it was my flash drive filled with the entire semester’s assignment. I get lost very easily. I have a cold cup of tea next to me right now - I forgot to drink it while it was hot, about two hours ago.
I could continue listing my many many many symptoms here, but I guess you get the gist of it. Needless to say, I hated school. They wanted me to understand math when all I wanted was to learn topics of my own interests. So I had terrible grades and a confusing paradox: bad grades meant i was dumb. But I was learning basic japanese and two fictional languages and their structures as a hobby. I liked studying how to conjugate verbs in lord of the rings’ elvish for fun. My classmates were struggling with basic english while I was already at intermediate level just because I really wanted to understand the plot of my favorite video games, which were all in english.
I was twelve, juggling four languages in my brain for fun just because words fascinated me, and in spite of that, the adults at my school and the grades on my report said i was dumb. I could already make out song lyrics in english by ear, I had memorized the hiragana alphabet in japanese and I could even hold a small conversation in elvish with a fellow nerd.
But I was dumb to the world, and obviously to myself as well because you internalize that shit when they say it over and over. I perceived my entire worth as my grades, and since they were quite low... yeah.
I’m 30. I only started thinking about the possibility of me not being lazy and having terrible time management skills and just not caring about anything at all around 2-3 years ago, tops. I spent nearly my entire life thinking that I’m just... defective, because everyone else around me seemed to be doing fine.
Still, I consider myself lucky because I live in the age of the internet. I stumbled upon a few posts about dealing with constant disorganization, executive dysfunction, rejection sensitive dysphoria, etc. and it just blew my mind - “other people are dealing with that? other people are suffering with that? and it has a name?? and this condition can be treated/understood/improved???”
About what led me to finally getting my diagnosis - I have this super cool psychiatrist that was helping me with my anxiety (which, haha, might be a symptom of my untreated adhd), and when I told her about my suspicions she said “hey, I wouldn’t suggest this if you were a kid, or a younger person but since you’re a full grown adult, I can prescribe you some ritalin and you take like, half of the smallest dose, just to try and see if it helps you focus.” And it did. So I was like “oh. oh, I need to look deeper into this.”
Now I’m waiting for the results and... trying not to freak out, haha.
If you can, try to find a good therapist - not only therapy might be highly positive to you as it is to me, but your therapist can also point you to the right direction. They’ll be glad to refer you to a professional that can have you tested for any disorder you might have, and will also help you find ways to cope with your shortcomings (for example, to help me stop procrastinating, my therapist made a deal with me to show her at least one new page of my current project on every session ^^”)
Sorry for this being so messy, half-personal confession, half-advice. I hope I didn’t ramble too much. Good luck, dear! I hope you find your happiness soon! <3
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sureivy · 5 years
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is that HALSEY? no, that’s just IVY CALDER. SHE is TWENTY-FOUR years old and is an EMPLOYEE AT DON’T FRET & PAWS 4 LOVE. rumor has it they’ve been in town for FOUR MONTHS / TEN YEARS. on a good day, they’re CREATIVE & VERSATILE. but watch out! they can also be IRRESPONSIBLE & VOLATILE. TRIGGER BANG BY LILY ALLEN (FT. GIGGS) plays in my head whenever i think of them. can’t wait to see them around springhill!
hello my pals ! i’m amy ( 20 // est // she/her ) and i am super excited to be here! we also over here bringing back a fairly old muse (i,, apparently,, play her during election years,,) with a couple of tweaks, so we love that for me! also! pls forgive me if this is lowkey disorganized, we’ve been in and out of airports all day! can’t wait to contract that sexy corona!
full name: ivy rose calder
date of birth: may 2, 1995
*does not perfectly reflect the below big three zodiac chart because that’s too much math
zodiac big three: taurus sun, pisces moon, aquarius rising
gender & pronouns: cis woman & she/her
sexual orientation: bisexual ( preference for women bc we luv that for her but we also luv leaving things open to chemistry )
education: high school diploma
enneagram: 7w8?
mbti: enfp
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
positive traits: creative, versatile, passionate, compassionate
negative traits: irresponsible, volatile, impressionable, hedonistic
triggers: brief implied sexual abuse, suicide, a lot of death talk?, drug abuse ( desoxyn ), overdose
ivy lived the first eight years of her life in newark, nj. she had a mere family of three – her mother, a model-turned-stay-at-home-mom, her father, a politician, and herself. she was much closer to her mother, but she and her father were close at night.
when her mother finally found out about this, she wasted no time in taking ivy’s father’s side. what a good mom! instead, ya girl was already getting in touch with cps herself... but wow... it was gonna ruin his career in politics :\
“Now, one thing I lerned from Storys is, when something big is about to okur, a riter will go: Then it hapened! This tells the reeder: Get Reddy. Here I go: Then it hapened!” - fox 8
then it happened!
humiliated, clearly never getting a platform back, and absolutely bitter, ivy’s father killed himself before being sent to prison. 
Very Tragique™
ok. so. to distance themselves from the poor memories, but to save money, ivy and her mother moved to springhill, temporarily sharing ivy’s aunt’s apartment while her mother began collecting enough money to buy an apartment of their own and keep it.
during this time, ivy was seeing a lot of people and she didn’t know why! they asked questions about her mental health, but she didn’t know why! i mean, totally not traumatic, right?
yes. instead of managing communication well, she became very fascinated by the concept of death. she had many questions about it, she, a youth, had some extended conversations with clergymen about it –– she never killed any animals, god forbid, but she was absolutely fascinated when she ran across them.
ok, i’m gonna skip ahead a little. now in teen years and still fascinated by death, but in a healthier way!, and no longer in therapy because... like... that costs a lot of money!
she dealt with it the best she could. became enamored with music... because why wouldn’t she? some covers here and there, some originals here and there, living that youtube lyf, but not expecting anything to come of it. just liked validation! mood!
she also dealt with it the worst she could! became enamored with drugs! naturally, it started out small. some weed, some lsd, some molly –– you know, just drugs that you don’t typically think of as addictive. although her grades suffered, it was harmless enough...
upon graduating high school, she figured... no college. instead, with barely any money to her name, she was like “i... will go to new york... and i will become famous.”
and she did! she did go to new york! she found a few sketchy places that didn’t charge much for a few nights as she began networking - both socially and “i would like to be known for music” (i literally just forgot the word for networking like..... employment wise.... y’all i’m so dumb). when she’d made some friends, she began crashing on couches that were not quite as sketchy! 
but :\ she did meet these friends in sketchy places :\ and they were like “ok here r some new and more addictive drugs for u to try!”
what she wound up abusing using the most was desoxyn. it kept her awake, it kept her focused, it even shed a few pounds to create an excellent figure! what wasn’t to love! 
i mean it’s literally a prescription methamphetamine,,, when abused,,, literally almost exact same effects as meth,,, but when meth mouth, skin lesions, acne, etc aren’t occurring as a side effect? who was she to care!
20, she released an actual ep with the help of a super cool friend who made everyone call him puppy mills! wow! things were excellent! it wasn’t necessarily seeing mainstream traction, but there was a decent enough following! enough to release an album at 22!
perfect timing, btw! desoxyn was starting to become too expensive for puppy to afford and trying to fake having such a severe form of adhd that desoxyn would be prescribed as opposed to something like ritalin or adderal when it’s literally illegal to prescribe in some countries now?? too hard :\ but the money from the album helped her and puppy!
*olaf vc* puppy died. *end vc*
she was there for it too. she thought it was just a freak-out, took a LITTLE too much, but not OVERDOSE worthy... then he l i t e r a l l y died. and it was a painful death!
“oh wow! maybe prescription meth isn’t super cool after all! shucks!” but that was also an opening?? to visit death herself?? like... she didn’t necessarily want to die (sort of), but she wanted... an answer to the question that had plagued her her entire life... so she was like “ok hope i die then someone revives me but if i die then :\ i guess i die!”
did not die. but also did not get a satisfying answer to her question. the only way it would’ve been truly satisfying? if she had been dead for longer than a minute - then it would’ve given a definite answer! because the answer she received was just nothingness which, while peaceful... is it true?
she tried to detox alone, what because rehab is a business, and it... only... sort of worked. she would be clean for a few weeks, then fall back in, then clean for a few weeks, then fall back in. whenever she wasn’t just naturally focused and awake, or whenever what she was focused on was the past, she would fall back in.
i mean, a side effect is memory loss, so win/win!
she made the semi-wise decision to move back to springhill. wisest would’ve been to just move to a town/city she had absolutely no memories in, but better than moving back to newark!
so... without much to show, and with an unreliable streak, she knew she wouldn’t be able to start looking for much of an occupation – but she still needed money! so she began working at don’t fret out of a love for music, then began working at the animal shelter after completing training.
the main training was, of course, for putting animals to sleep.
ah yes. how she pretends it’s healthy... even tho there are studies and statistics relating suicide to veterinarians and shelter workers who euthanize animals... ah yes.
has been back for four months now. love that. do not know how to finish this.
TL ; DR:
born in newark. moved to springhill at 8. childhood trauma that she is still carrying causes fascination with death. “i love music.” moved to ny at 18 because realistic. childhood trauma also causes dependency on desoxyn. releases an ep and an album. does not become famous, but they both have decent traction. moves back after an overdose. relapses... often. now sells records and puts animals to sleep. miss american dream since she was 17, amirite?
one person one week, a totally different person the next.
wants to please people, but also wants to be her own person? it’s a whole deal!
in spite of her slight icarian incident, she still hopes to maybe one day become a real musician and performer. until then, we selling records and saying ‘goodbye’ to sweet animals!
can truly flip like a switch in interactions! does love ruining things for herself! almost always feels bad after bc :\ damn :\ alright :\
i’m very bad at these sections i really hate that i always include them!
is still avoiding healthy coping mechanisms. love that for her.
favorite movie is, unironically, the bee movie. favorite horror movie is cats.
SO GOOD at memorizing random lines or trivia. could probably recite literally all of who’s afraid of virginia woolf? other than that?? her memory is so bad. hate drugs for that :\
she uses her hair to express herself! (that sounds really boring.) ...she uses her hair to express herself!
but no. seriously. wears the black shag weave the most, followed by the blue/yellow combo ( we stan the badlands aesthetic ). occasionally forays into other colors and styles when money permits, but it’s usually gonna be one of those two!!
was an envy on the coast stan in high school which makes an inappropriate amount of sense.
will go out and steal the dumbest shit when she’s drunk. has a history of stealing chickens.
once again: hate that i always include these!! feel free 2 j consult the personality parts in the quick facts!!
ok we gonna list some general ones for right now! all are open to multiple people unless there’s an asterisk by it!
close friends –– moonie, teagan,
ride or die
childhood friends –– moonie,
bad influence ( mutual or her on them ) –– veronica ( mutual ),
good influence ( them on her ) –– presley, hayden, gabrielle,
exes ( can be from high school or something like that if based in springhill, can be from 20s in new york if based in new york )
fwb –– trent,
will they, won’t they –– presley,
someone who knew her music ( can be neutral, a fan of it, or hate it afhkjsl ) –– presley, moonie, teagan, indiana, 
will also possibly be sending in some wanted connections for things that are! more specific!
truly anything!! also up to brainstorm and/or look at yours if you have them!!
UPDATE: i have created a wc page so we luv that for me.
OK. like this or hmu if you’d like to plot!
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alabama insurance questionnaire
"alabama insurance questionnaire
alabama insurance questionnaire
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""I totaled my car, do i need gap insurance for them to pay off the vehicle?
i have totaled my car and i have full coverage. will my insurance company pay off my vehicle?
How much would car insurance in North Carolina be for an 18 year old?
I was wondering how much car insurance would be for someone my age? I've been told by a bunch of other people my age that their car insurance is $140 a month....Thanks for any help:]
How much will my insurance go up with getting 4 points on my license?
I live in Pennsylvania. I got a speeding ticket today going 17 miles over the speed limit. I looked it up online, and I think this will put 4 points on my license. I have Nationwide insurance, and I'm 24 years old. How much will this most likely raise my insurance and for how long? This is my first time getting any points on my license. I have gotten 2 previous speeding tickets without acquiring points. One was 5 years ago and the other was 2 years ago out of state (in New Jersey). I don't remember how much over the speed limit I went on those occasions. Thanks for any help!""
What is the cheapest ADD/ADHD medication for the uninsured?
I take 20mg Vyvanse now, but they cost so much money (300 plus for 60 pills). I am working but wont get health insurance for another 2 months... Is there a substitute drug that is a bit cheaper? Ritalin? Aderol? Concerta? Does anyone know where I could see a pricing chart.""
How much will my car insurance be im 17?
im going to be on with my parents insurance they have state farm and im getting a 2000 mustang v6 how much will insurance be i also live in florida
Cheap auto insurance? Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance?
Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad.""
Should I really get insurance for my car?
I am thinking about getting a cheaper and older car just for going to and from work. Should I really get insurance for it?
Insurance on a Firebird?
looking for cars with the lowest insurance rates but idk anything about that... i know sports cars are more expensive. age, location, record and all that too.. but are firebirds generally expensive to insure?? and bc its older will it be less expensive?""
""First time car buyer interest rates & insurance, please help!?""
I'm a first time buyer with a cosigner & a $2600 down payment. Can anyone give me an estimate on what my interest rate might be on a $15,000/$16,000 car? (I live in Nevada & sales tax here is 8.1% if that also helps) & also, if my mom cosigns for my car, can she insure it under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? I'm 18 years old & still live at home with her. Please & thank you for all the help!""
What's a good life insurance?
My stepdad smokes a pack a day, and drives a truck for a living and I was wondering what would be a good life insurance for my mom should anything happen to him since he seems like high risk? They are middle class family in the burbs.""
What would car insurance cost in Florida for a 16-year old male with a 2006 Ford Mustang GT?
I am currently 15 years old and I plan on getting my first car next year for my junior year in high school. One car I have just fell in love with is the 2006 Ford Mustang GT that I plan to buy used from a used car dealer. My curiosity has led me to ask what would it cost for car insurance under my circumstances and desires. I only plan to drive to school everyday and sometimes in the weekends. Of course I would need to sign my insurance under my mother's since I'm a minor. How much would this cost for me?
How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
Do I sign the certificate of title when selling the car to the insurance company?
My vehicle was determined to be a total loss and I have decided to give up my car to the insurance company. They have asked me to send the certificate of title and the DMV form (Vehicle transfer and reassignment form). The odd thing is that the insurance company asked that I do not sign the title document, but asked that I sign the DMV form. Should I sign both documents, or just sign the DMV form (will that be enough to successfully transfer the vehicle?) What will happen if I end up signing the certificate of title, even when the insurance company told me not to??""
""In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
In California...If i drive an insured car, do i need my own personel insurance?""
Repayment of my health insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail a week ago, and can't locate it now. It was explaining as to how there is a government program in place to reinburse for health insurance premiums paid if someone in your household gets NC Medicaid? Anyone know about this as for the life of me I can't put my hands on the letter. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.""
Is it cheaper on insurance to make payments on a car or buy it straight out?
Is it cheaper on insurance to make payments on a car or buy it straight out?
How much is motorcylce insurance?
Does the price vary from different insurance companies, and if so would it be cheaper then car insurance?""
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
What kind of car would be cheapest to insure for a teenage driver?
Im 17 yrs old, and about to move out.. My mother is not to happy with this so she is keeping my car. Now I have to buy my own car and pay the insurance as well, what kind of cars should I start looking at? Used of course, but what types of cars would be cheapest to insure?""
""With the new Obamacare, how do I get insurance if I am 19?""
I was looking at the calculator for the new Obamacare (google Obamacare calculator) and I noticed that there is not an option for someone under 19 getting insurance for themselves...and I am still considered a child. My family does not have insurance but I despereately need it, and was just wondering how some like me, a full time student and 19 years old with a part time job, gets insurance...or am I not allowed to have insurance because I am 19? I have never been able to afford insurance before, but now will it be more affordable? Sorry, this Obamcare thing confuses me but if this is a chance for me to get insurance I want to know all I can about it! Bt so far all i can gather is you have to be 21 or over to get your own insurance. And please don't tell me to get a full time job and get company provided health care...someone has told me that on an answer before and I stuggle just having a part time job and going to school full time...a full time job is just not plausible right now and NO I am NOT LAZY thank you very much.""
Typically whats the cheapest insurance company?
my rates are pritty high.. im thinkin about changin
Where do insurance proceeds go on a 1041 estate tax return?
Lady died in a tornado. House was destroyed and personal belongings. She got 200K in insurance proceeds, which will be distributed to her 2 kids equally. Where does this $ go on the 1041 estate tax return? Secondly
Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?
i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance""
Is car insurance policy number confidential?
brother is applying for his own car insurance to A. A asks if anyone else has drivers license, and requesting policy number from other family members and their respective insurance providers.. Is that necessary?""
Proof of insurance in Texas?
I know this may sound irresponsible, but I have recieved two tickets in the past month in two seperate locations within Texas. The first ticket I received was for not coming to a complete stop and having my old insurance card because I left the new one which was sitting at home. I sent this ticket to my attorney to take care of. Then two weeks late I get a speeding ticket in a small district which I took care of myself right away and now taking a defensive driving course to clear it from my record. I now get news that the first ticket I obtained couldnt be cleared by my attorney and that I have to do defensive driving for the stop sign which I cant because I am already taking it and do deffered ajudification for my insurance which I had even though it was not present at the time. The question I have is, will my insurance ticket be dismissed if I show proof that I indeed had it at the time and would I be able to do deffered ajudification for the stop sign fine instead? These are the first two tickets I have ever received and I am pretty clueless on how the process works. Any help would be great.""
alabama insurance questionnaire
alabama insurance questionnaire
How do I get full coverage and liability insurance for 2 weeks in the US?
I have been in Thailand for a year so I canceled all my auto insurance, a now I am going to be back for 2 weeks using a rental car, and I need coverage for that 2 weeks""
Can you have Oklahoma auto insurance in Texas?
A friend of mine lives in Texas. Her dad just bought her an SUV and is going to pay the insurance. He lives in Oklahoma. Can her car have his insurance or does it have to be from Texas?
I'm turning 16 this year and i was wondering about insurance prices on a few cars?
I recently found a 1994 misubishi 3000gt, and a 1997 pontiac trans am. Like i said I'm turning 16 this summer and I want to know what car is better on insurance for a kid like me? I would also like to know which would be better for the winters in Idaho? An estimate will be perfictly fine. Thank you very much.""
Can a financial advisor from AXA sell you New York life insurance?
I'd like to know if a financial advisor that works for AXA Advisors offer clients New York Life insurance products. Thanks in advance! I'm in CA by the way.
Can I get one day car insurance?
Hello, I have a car that has a problem and need to take it to my mechanic but I got a new car so have no insurance on it anymore. I have State Farm and was wondering if I can get a one day insurance to drive it to the mechanic and about how much that would be, it's an oldie '91 but I will not risk driving it without insurance....thank you.....""
HELP! I need an insurance company for my 50cc moped?!?
Hey Im 16 and have just bought an 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, I need to get insurance but most places are quoting me around 500! Im not one of these chavs that races around don't worry! Does anyone here recommend any insurance companies or have a good deal on there insurance? Thanks in advance. =]""
Help need car insurance I am 21 and dont want the black box :( help please?
anyone knows where i can get cheap car insurance from like 150 to 200 a month let me know am desperate please.......
How do i get car insurance without a license..?
I'm 20 years old and just bought my first car, but in order to get my license i need to have insurance on the car, but in order to get insurance i need my license, can anyone help me out with this catch 22 please.. thank you so much!""
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Car insurance for married couple!?
Hey there! My wife and I both used to have our own car insurances until a few months ago when we decided to drop hers and add her to my policy to save some money. She got into an accident the other day; everyone's okay and it hasn't been determined who was at fault yet. I was wondering if this is going to affect MY driving record as well considering that we are sharing a car insurance policy? I realize that our premium might go up but I guess I want to know if the premium would go up even if we decided to get her off of this policy and find her a separate one with another insurance company. Do insurance companies look at which driver and which vehicle (we each have our own car) was involved in the accident or does it all just go by the policy number?
Is AAA a car insurance?
is AAA a car insurance? and how much a year?
If you can't afford health insurance for your family and the government says you make too much...?
then what do you suggest? What if your family has too much income according to the government for your kids to even qualify for Medicaid or the low cost options (CHIP)? My husband makes $48,000 a year before taxes are taken out. While that does pay the bills and keep food on the table, we can't do a $800 monthly insurance policy and our kids are denied Medicaid and CHIP (we make $300 too much per month, of all things). We pay the necessities. We don't over spend and we don't go out and spend money on entertainment more than a few times yearly and even then it's cheap entertainment. We do what we can, but health insurance just isn't going to happen for us unless one of two things happens: 1- my husband gets a major pay raise or 2- the government changes their income requirements (don't see that happening). So what do you suggest for my family? We do what we can. We use our tax returns each year for medical expenses and bill pay offs. If a major medical expense comes up, we pay it down little by little. We do use the public health department when we can. But bottom line is that we can't afford insurance. Period. So, for all of you who think this is completely unacceptable, what do you suggest we do?""
Car insurance and accident investigations?
My Gf was driving on the freeway going home from school. While driving about 10 car lengths ahead she saw that car were swerving out of the way. There was a stalled car in the number 2 lane. She had enough time to slow down and change to the number 1 lane without any incident when she was suddenly rear ended on her back right bumper. That force sent her into the ceneter median aand hit her front driver side hard enough that it spun her around and faced the opposite direction (facing traffic). Long story short she has severe front and back end damage on a Brand New 2008 Civic that she is leasing. After speaking with the appraiser of the he mentioned that it is likely a totaled loss. Ahe has full coverage insurance with AAA but don't think that she has GAp insurance. How is this going to affect her lease that she just entered a month ago. She was not at fault and the accident report hasn't been finalized. Will this affcet her in getting a new car and insurance?
No insurance and Pregnant in Florida?
Hey everyone.. im 19 and i just found out last night that there is a good chance of me being pregnant. I took two tests last night and they both came out with a faint pink line and a dark pink line. Now i dont have medical insurance, but im a part time student and i work full-time but my job doesnt offer any insurance coverage. Everyone keeps telling me that i need to go to the docot but i dont know what do do next if i dont have insurance. I' m in Orlando Florida so if anyone can help give me advice on what i should do next id realllllyy appreciate it. Thanks!""
Life insurance?
Say if you have taken out life insurance for yourself for 20 years and you dont die.... I know it sounds horrible.... what happens to the money you have payed in?
Can I cancel my motorcycle insurance?
Do I have to have insurance on my motorcycle (in IL) during the winter when I don't even ride it? Can't I just cancel it for the Winter and then start it up again in the Spring?
LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?
WHATS up with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...
Is Arizona's new law racial profiling against persons without driver's licenses and automobile insurance?
Is Arizona's new law racial profiling against persons without driver's licenses and automobile insurance?
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
Car Insurance Renewal?
Dear Mates I have been driving for a year,The car that I have got is Micra 1 litre. Just received a letter from my current Insurance Provider. Letter says that my car insurance is 1807 for this year, if I pays Monthly. Which is about 300 more than last year. Even this year, I have got 1 year No Claim Bonus. What you guys think, is that OK or is it too much on this car? How much do you pays at the moment? Many Thanks""
Fellowship in insurance?
what is the scope for fellowship in life insurance and general insurance in india to start a career in insurance.
Would it be a good idea for insurers to give a % of income they give out in claims?
We all look for the cheapest premium, but we have no idea how they would perform if you had to claim. I heard somewhere that car insurers give out much more that household insurance (or vice versa) and can't understand why.""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
How much is car insurance for a 19yr old N driv er in BC?
I am nearly 19 about to buy a cheap car and insure it for the bare legal minimum how much approx will that cost me
Teen car insurance questions/advice?
I got my license in June and im obviously am going to be on my parents insurance and will have to pay my share. I know its gonna be costly but can any ither peoPle who got cars/car insurance when they were a teen with a teen type job payed for it all? Any advice? From online quotes ive done its roughly 200$ a month with a large 1st payment and it will be shared but its still alot on top of other car expenses. Any help or advice will be loved
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alabama insurance questionnaire
Whats the best insurance for my 2 month old Maltese/Yorkshire terrier puppy?
hes about 2.5 months old and hes half maltese have yorkshire terrier ...does anyone have any idea on what would be the best insurance suited for him?>
Where can I find health insurance as an 18 year old and I'm peregnant?
I'm an 18 year old, I live in Florida, I have a job as a CNA, I'm pregnant and married. I was woundering where can I go to get affordable health insurance and if it's likely that I'll get coverage. I would also like to know an average of what it would cost.""
""If someone gets a ticket in my car, will it have any effect on my insurance?""
My boyfriend got a speeding ticket in my car, and the ticket has my tag number and registration number on it. Will it effect my insurance?""
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
What cars has cheap insurance?
i no the tato nano is gonna be cheap but that is not in Europe yet so any suggestions
Auto insurance in florida?
okay heard a rumor that as of october 2007 NO auto insurance is required in the state of florida.... anyone else heard of this ?
Can i pay for a car and insurance together monthly?
Like on finance or something? so i pay the insurance and the car price on a newish car both at the same time each month?
Where do I find florida health insurance ?
I am looking for a health insurance quote for florida health insurance. I am looking for cheap florida health insurance.
Where can I find a CAR RENTER'S INSURANCE that I could use for a week?
Found a cheap rental car- but they require insurance. Need a short short term insurance for renting car- HELP?
Third party fire and theft? car insurance?
hi im currently searching for car insurance and ive been quoted 2800 for comprehensive insurance and when i gave third party fire and theft it came out to 1700 the car is a corsa 998c 2006 what is the difference between them both? thanks
""Young Driver Car Insurance, Price help?""
I'm 18, 19 this year and passed my driving test in August but couldn't afford to run a car because i was jobless, i now have a job as kitchen staff, now i could only be doing 10 hours a week but since i got a job insurance has come down which is good, but with only working 10 hours could it be possible to run a car? I know it's different for everyone I'm just after an opinion and if anyone else affords to run a car despite not earning a lot. Also if someone could give me an indication of how much they spend running a car in a week or month etc.. so i can get a rough idea. I did save up some money from a previous job i have about 2400 which will ideally be used to buy a car and possibly pay the insurance for the year... or possibly use it to pay monthly.""
""Does term life insurance fall under Obamacare and if not, what IS available to provide for my family?""
I have a potentially fatal disease and want to buy term insurance to leave something for my family. I'm hoping this pre-existing condition will not cause me to be denied, but if it would, is there another type I can buy under Obamacare? Thank you.""
Who do you contact if you know somebody commiting fraud on there car insurance?
given someone elses address for cheaper insurance
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
What affordable dental insurance covers ortho? Can you suggest any?
I am looking for affordable dental insurance that covers ortho. I'm 29 yrs old and interested in getting one. I do have dental insurance - HMO, (BLue Cross) does this cover ortho?""
Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
I just would like to know. Is it possible? Thanks.
Do I need insurance to take my drivers test?
I want to get my licence and all I have to do is take the driving part. The car I am going to take my test in is insured in another persons name but since I'm not a registered driver on the car, am I still able to drive it just to take my test? I've tried getting on the policy but they will not insure me until I have a valid license, duh lol. So how exactly does this work?""
How much is your car insurance if your a male teen?
im looking to get car insurance for my car and i dont know how much it cost i dont want a quote because all they do is send crap in the mail but if your a male teen how much are you paying a month for your car insurance? and what type of car do you have.
How much will my Car insurance go up?
I hit a car in Los Angeles and I have State Farm. The guy I hit drives a range rover and all I did was scratch his driver's side door. The body shop wants $1200 to repaint the door, which I think is insane. I would pay cash, but $1200 is a lot of money. Does State Farm have accident forgiveness, or will my premium go up if I claim this on my insurance?""
Is this coverd by allstate car insurance?
I am wondering if this is covered by all state car insurance? My boyfriend has been letting our friend without a license drive a car that is owned by my boyfriend, and is insured by my boyfriend, and my boyfriend has said that allstate covers all drivers that drive our cars. But his friend doesn't have a license! I was wondering if this is true, or if we're setting ourselves up for big financial problems if this friend get's in a car accident?""
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
Car insurance question?
my car broke down so i took it off my insurance policy, i joined my brothers policy as Just a driver because in the state of ky every licensed driver has to be insured, not to mention my insurance is very high on my own policy. if i were to fix my car, would i have to put it on the policy as well? or can i just drive it? i only have liability so its not like my car is covered in the event of an accident anyway.""
""Car insurance, 16 year old, oh no.?""
I'm 16, I have a 92 Nissan 300zx Twin Turbo, what can i expect to pay for insurance on state minimum?""
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
Is it legal in the state of Kentucky to own a car without auto insurance if I don't drive?
Is Aetna Health Insurance any good?
I am healthy, but if something happens I want to be sure I am covered. Have you had any good or bad experience with this company. I currently have Humana, and they don't want to pay for a minor office visit, so I am changing. Anything you could offer would be great. Thanks.""
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alabama insurance questionnaire
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
I am learning to drive and want to buy a car. What should I buy and what will the insurance be like?
Would you get heath insurance and if so who through?
Me and my husband married young, when we married I had insurance through my job which was great but now, since I went back to school we are without insurance. I am in school ft and he also works but is two hours under what he has to be working to get insurance a week. We are 21 now and are wondering if you view health insurance as something someone our age needs and if so how to shop for it, what type to get and where to get a quote. We are both EMTS and have ran rescue before and we have seen lots of people without insurance but we want to make a well informed decision regarding this health insurance. Might I add that we are generally healthy, have a general practitioner at the moment that we rarely use, and during our marriage of two years have never been to an ER for any reason... Any insite that you have into this situation would be great! Thanks and God Bless""
Need help! ASAP! What will the insurance company say?
My boyfriend and I were at a stop light the light turned green. We started to go (this area is under contraction so the lanes are all messed up). The car in front of stops then hits their braks so did my boyfriend but it was to late we hit her. The car started to coast back and hit us again. Then we tryed to pull of to the side. We realized that it was a chain reaction. Car #1 was hit by car #2, car #3 hit car # 2 and we hit car #3 in that order. We did not launch all the cars together. I did call the police and we got the stupidest officer there was that pretty much wrote the story up wrong. At the sence everyone was agreeing what happend. The woman we hit was a 77 year old lady. The first thing she when she got out of the car was she couldn't get her car in gear. (I don't know why it was out of gear but ok) Car #1 and Car #2 said they weren't going to do anything about their cars insurance company wise. Car #2 I'm sure will be going after the older woman in Car #3. The older woman said since it was likely the bumper would just buff out it was ok for my boyfriend to do that for her. But he said he would not touch the front of her car. (After talking to the insurace company they said my boyfriend fixxing it is a bad idea) My boyfriends car is the worse out of all of them it smashed in hood in, and broke the radatior brakets. (His car sat higher then hers and thats why it smashed it) The cop did try to write my boyfriend a ticket but the woman said it wasn't his fault the other cars hit before he hit Car #3. How will the insurance company handle this? What will happen to our car? We have Geico inusrance will no colistion insurance. It seems like his inusrance company is trying to say it was all his fault.""
What companies dont have age limit on driving any car with third party car insurance?
I have heard that there are still some companies that give car insurance fully comp and cover you third party on any car without an age limit. I know most are 25 and over but there must be someone out there who knows a company that doesn't have an age limit may have a car restriction but you know...
Where is the cheapest Motorcycle insurance for a Honda CBR500R in Vancouver?
I'm a new rider buying my first bike. I am not really sure which options are available for insurance. I know ICBC has mandatory liability that has to be paid to them, however I'd like to know where the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a CBR500R is. Any help or info would be appreciated - Brad""
Do you have health insurance?
If you dont then why ?
How do i get insurance?
ok i saw one i like what should i do next ? should i call them ? and i want to pay monthly, and how soon do you think my insurance can be started? and can i start today?""
How much is insurance for an old mercedez?
About how much is insurance going to cost for a 2001 mercedes s500?
Can I purchase auto insurance without car registration?
Hello guys and gals, I need your helps here, I live in California and I currently own two cars (A and B), car A which I am planning to sell has not been driven in a year (2011-2012), also I did not buy the car insurance for car A since I don't drive it anymore, in this year (2012) after I paid for the car registration renewal fee for car A, I received a letter from California DMW, stated that they were unable to send me a registration card unless I can provide them with evidences of auto insurance for car A, and unfortunately, I lost all the previous registration cards of car A during moves, so in this case, will I be able to purchase auto insurance for car A without showing registration card to the insurance agent but only with Drive's License, VIN number, etc.? Or alternatively, can I use the insurance of car B to complete registration renewal for car A? Thank you in advance.""
Young driver insurance quote?
Hi guys I was checking insurance for myself for when I passed my test in December and I have been quoted 3500. Now that was with my mum on insurance as a second driver. On my own it was 3600 on an Reno Clio 2000 1.2L. I'm 18 and only live with my mom. We're not made from money so I won't be able to pay that much for insurance. Is it this'd high because I'm from Poland (been in UK for 7 years) or is it because I got it from one of the comparison websites (compare the market, go compare). All answers are appreciated and thanks for reading. Jake""
How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
Am I able to drive my -just bought- car without insurance?
I just bought my car one day ago and i only have the contract but not the title, am i able to drive the car at all or is there a law that lets me drive the car within a certain amount of time without insurance on it in minnesota?""
I got a quote on a Citron c2 it's. A 1.1lt and. The quote I got was 3rd party under my dad insurance my best quote was 6000 and that was direct to Adrian flux so I need advise ...show more
How does car insurance work?
I got a quote for a BMW 325XI. It was going to cost 1390$ for 6 months. Now, does that mean I pay for the 6 months and then get the other 6 months of the year off? Or does it mean that I pay 1390+1390 for a total of 2780$ per YEAR?""
How can I make the price to insure a classic car cost less?
1974 Ford Maverick.. my car isn't even worth much and each quote I get, it seems like people are just assuming, it's in perfect condition. It has descent gas mileage (considering it's age) it's always been reliable and I haven't had any accidents I also want to include my teen (who's learning to drive) in the coverage.""
Can anybody Reccomend a good online insurance company for a Cagiva Mito 125?
I have been looking around for a low insurance rate for my Cagiva Mito 125 Motorbike, does any Mito owners know of a good insurer for that bike and how much did you pay?""
Car insurance for a new driver.?
How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore.
Insurance for 250 Ninja?
I will be buying a new 2011 Kawasaki Ninja 250. I'm 18 yrs old. We will pay the bike in full..... How much will be my insurance on this bike? thanks
Cheap car insurance for 28 yr old?
I have a 2003 Grand Am. I've had it for a year. Until recently I had it in my mothers insurance policy. But hers has expired now and I would like to have it put under my own policy. I've had my license since I was 20. I've never had any violations, not even a speeding ticket. What are some cheap car insurance for my situation. I live in Kentucky.""
""If my dad's car is insured and im under the same address, do i need insurance or can i drive the car ?
same address and the car is insured and teenage insurnce costs a lot if i get pulled over will a police officer saying anythign since the car is insured?
Could I file a lawsuit even if I didn't have car insurance?
I got into an automobile accident and i didn't have insurance. I was 7 months pregnant, and the accident cause me to have an emergency C-section. My daughter was born weighing 2lbs and 13 ounces. Do I have a case?""
Do i need liabilty insurance?
I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law?
""How do you purchase a car without insurance, and how do you get insuracnce with out a car?""
I left my insurace expire, and noe I need to get insurance, but I don't know what car i'm going to get, so which comes first, the insurance or the car?""
Why do some insurance agencies consider the subaru impreza wrx sti a 4 door family car and others a sports car?
ive seen multiple people saying in reviews on the 2004 subaru impreza wrx sti that there insurance company considers it a 4 door family car so there insurance is alot cheaper and others whos insurance company considers it a sports car and they pay more.
Long term car insurance abroad?
I need to leave UK for 3-4 months and I need car insurance for my car. Currently I have Elephant insurance but they only offer 30 consecutive days for driving abroad but I need longer than that. Is there other company which can insure for longer than 90 days? Or what do you usually do? Can I insure car with local insurance companies if I have UK registration? Thank you
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alabama insurance questionnaire
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